Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the in the Lune Valley Around Kirkby Lonsdale Kirkby Lonsdale December 2015/January 2016 speaks out

Around 80 people attended the November ‘think tank’ meeting at the Lunesdale Hall when the future of the town was explored. Those present were divided into smaller groups and encouraged to discuss various general areas rang- ing from heritage and the town’s appearance through to em- ployment, tourism, and facilities for young people and older people. Chaired by Jim Walker, a former SLDC officer with an interest in tourism and a working knowledge of South Lake- land, and co-hosted by the Town Council, the Chamber of Trade and the Community Interest Company, the meeting proved lively and productive. As expected, a‘ wish list’ with The Christmas Fair common themes emerged. comes to Kirkby!

Transport needs affect all sections of the community, as do 4pm – 8pm Friday, 4 December 2015 improved health services. After the six facilitators explained 10am – 6pm Saturday, 5 December 2015 how the discussions had produced various priorities, the pub- lic were asked to select their own ‘top six’ priorities and hand 10am – 4pm Sunday, 6 December 2015 them in for further analysis. That analysing process is a con- tinuing exercise over the next few weeks. If the timetable is Join us for our annual Christmas Fair Weekend with not too tight, a draft report should be ready by the end of lots happening all weekend, including a fair featuring December. From a first glance at what’s being suggested, it is the best range of local producers, crafters, artists and clear that there’s a strong feeling that we should build on gift companies. what we already have, and not have change for change’s sake. There were cases made for expansion of entertainment The traffic-free Market Square in Kirkby Lonsdale will and leisure facilities, which makes sense when the town’s be transformed for the event - including housing stock is ever increasing. 16 gorgeous chalets with a huge range of gifts to tempt you - a great way to get ahead with your Someone asked where the money will come from. At the mo- Christmas shopping at this busy time of year. ment, the aim is to produce a number of practical projects which are ‘do-able.’ These projects will attract their own Lovely seasonal treats will be on offer too helping to ‘champions’ from our community - people with skills and ex- fortify you as you enjoy the entertainments or just pertise who can help develop a business plan, identify where take in the wonderful atmosphere of our town at this funding might come from, and see the project get started. special time of year. We will be welcoming our chil- Funding may be from local authorities, national and local dren's entertainers, The Power Play bus and of course grant sources, and even private enterprise. The whole ques- we will have a very special place for Santa's grotto. tion of sponsorship has not yet been fully explored, so there may be potential there. Deadline for February AKL: Midday Friday, 15 For more news about the town’s future, pay regular visits to January. Nothing received after the deadline can be included. or pop into the Visitor Information and Gift Shop at 24 Main Street. And there’ll be an update Please email submissions to [email protected]. article in February’s AKL. For now, the organisers wish to Editorial matters: Contact the editorial team at [email protected] Advertising: For advertising thank the six facilitators who brought out so many good ideas accounts email [email protected] Payment for ad- from their groups, The Lunesdale Bakery for providing cater- verts: Mail to AKL, Lunesdale Hall, Bective Rd, Kirk- by Lonsdale, LA6 2BG. For all other advertising matters: ing on the night, and especially everyone who came along email [email protected] and gave the organisers so much to think about.

1 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley

Casterton Swimming Club Crafts and Table-Top Sale

The swimming club which uses the Sedbergh, Casterton This year's Crafts & Table Top Sale will be held in the Prep School’s 25-metre indoor pool has room for a few Lunesdale Hall on Saturday 5th December (Christmas more recreational swimmers. At present the sessions Fair weekend) from 10am-4 p.m. Local crafts and ideas are on Mondays from 9.00 to 10.00am, and include the for stocking fillers will be on offer to kick start your service of a life guard. If you would like to join the club seasonal shopping spree! Refreshments (in conjunction for the next session starting in January, and are able to with the Fairtrade Coffee Morning) will be available. All commit to a term’s swimming, please contact Enid welcome. Hastings - For more details and/or availability of tables, contact Tel: 015242 71056 or [email protected] not Ann Irving on 71027 or June Peckston on later than December 14th 72990.

THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND Mr T Herd (above, Casterton) PCC Representative: John Preston, The Old Schoolhouse, LA6 2DX 015242 72509. Rainbow Team: Team Rector: Revd. Richard Snow, The Rectory, Vicarage Lane, Kirkby Lonsdale, Carnforth, LA6 2BA (015242) 72044, Lupton: Churchwardens: Mrs Margaret Lambert, Brow Head, Cow [email protected]. Team Curate: Revd Anne Pettifor, Brow, Lupton, LA6 1PJ, 015395 67478, Mrs Grace Lewis, Middle Fell Cross House, Whittington, Carnforth LA6 2NX (015242) 71904, House, Lupton, Carnforth LA6 2QB, 015395 67406. DCC Secretary: [email protected]. Assistant Priest: Revd Deborah Pres- Mrs Eleanor Higton, Hill Crest, Cow Brow, Lupton, LA6 1PJ 015395 ton, The Old Schoolhouse, Kirkby Lonsdale, Carnforth LA6 2DX, 67521. DCC Treasurer and PCC Representative: Mr Arthur Oakden, 015242 72509, [email protected]. Lay Reader Mrs Liz Dew, Tarnside House, Lupton, LA6 2PX 015395 66945, lindseyoak- 9 Burton Park, Burton in Kendal, Carnforth LA6 1JB 01524 781645, [email protected]. 01524 781645 [email protected]. Parish Administrator: Mansergh: Churchwarden: Mrs Wendy Hadwin, Mansergh Hall Mrs Victoria Hazlett, Parish Office, 1 Bective Road, Kirkby Lonsdale, Farm, Mansergh, LA6 2EN, 015242 71397. DCC Secretary: Mrs Sue Carnforth, LA6 2BG 015242 71320 [email protected]. PCC Harrison Belle Vue Farmhouse, Mansergh, LA6 2EJ, 015242 72448, Lay Chair: Mr Merlin Hibbs, Low Fell House, Barbon, Carnforth, LA6 [email protected]. DCC Treasurer: Mrs Anne Hum- 2LJ 015242 76410, [email protected]. PCC Secretary D.Preston (As phries, The Gate House, Old Stable Yard, Rigmaden, Kirkby Lonsdale, above). PCC Treasurer: Mr Robert Cass, 17 Mitchelgate, Kirkby Lons- LA6 2E, 015242 76526, ahumphries123 dale, Carnforth, LA6 2BE 015242 71218, [email protected]. Assis- Middleton: Churchwarden, Treasurer and Secretary: Mr Peter tant Treasurer: Mrs Dilys McLaughlin, Applegarth, 3 Gallery Court, Yorke, Ellers, Middleton, LA6 2LZ, 015242 76420, [email protected]. Kirkby Lonsdale, Carnforth, LA6 2AQ 015242 71164. Preston Patrick: Churchwardens: Mr Tony Mason, Mount Pleasant, Barbon: Churchwarden: Mr Charles Howarth, 3 School Lane, Bar- Gatebeck, LA8 0FS, 015395 67353, [email protected]. Mrs Sue bon, LA2 2LP 015242 76283, [email protected]. DCC Treasurer: Mr Sanderson, The Old School, Knott Edge, Crooklands, Nr. Milnthorpe, Roger Groves, Kemps Hill, Moorthwaite Lane, Barbon, Carnforth, LA6 , LA7 7NR, 015395 66967, [email protected]. DCC 2LP 015242 76322 [email protected]. PCC Representative: Mrs Secretary and PCC Representative: DCC Representative Mrs Yvonne Lois Neal, 7 Abbotsgate, Kirkby Lonsdale 015242 72525. Lucas, 5 Eaveslea, Kirkby Lonsdale 015242 72791. PCC Representative Casterton: Secretary: Mrs Gill Sykes, The Old Manor, Casterton, Mrs Jean Fry Apartment D, 17 Windermere Road, Kendal LA9 4QJ Carnforth LA62SD, 015242 72143, [email protected]. 01539 454365, 01539 454365 [email protected]. DCC Treasur- DCC Treasurer: Mr Tom Herd, Casterton Cottage, Casterton, er: Mrs Tina Allen, Gatebeck Cottages, Gatebeck LA8 0FS, 015395 Carnforth, LA6 2SF, 015242 71203, [email protected]. 67687, [email protected]. PCC Representative: Mr Frank Livesey, 30 Ruskin Drive, Kirkby Lons- C. OF E. SCHOOL: St Mary’s Primary, Kendal Rd, Kirkby Lonsdale, LA6 dale, 015242 71772, [email protected]. 2DN, 015242 71334. St Patrick’s, Endmoor, Kendal, LA8 0HH, 015395 Hutton Roof: Churchwardens: Mrs Anne Huntington, The Post 67388. Office, Hutton Roof, LA6 2PG, 015242 71213. Mr David Read, Nanny THE METHODIST CHURCH: Rev'd Wendy Thornton, Kendal Method- Hall, Hutton Roof, Carnforth, LA6 2PG, 015242 71631, rrea- ist Circuit, (015242) 62758 or mobile 07788 653 000, [email protected]. DCC Treasurer: Mrs Alison Newton, Low [email protected]. ST JOSEPH’S RC CHURCH: Back House Hutton Roof, LA6 2PG 015242 73867, alisonnew- Lane, Kirkby Lonsdale. Sunday Mass, 9am. During the week, as an- [email protected]. nounced. Parish Priest Canon Luiz Ruscillo, The Presbytery, St Mary’s Kirkby Lonsdale: Churchwarden: Churchwardens Team led by Mrs RC Church, Hornby. Tel. 015242 21246. FRIENDS’ MEETING HOUSE: Anne Foulerton, Gatelands, High Biggins, Carnforth LA6 2NP, 015242 Preston Patrick Sundays 10.30 Warden 015395 61163 and Brigflatts, 71281, [email protected]: TBA. DCC Secretary: Mrs Margaret Sundays, 10.30am. Warden, 015396 20005. Worthington, 4 Cavendish Gdns, Kirkby Lonsdale, Carnforth, LA6 VOLUNTEER DRIVER SCHEME: 07788 52 25 11. CUMBRIA POLICE: 2BW, 015242 71699 [email protected]. DCC Treasurer: See Emergency 999 Non-emergency 101

2 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley From the Team Ministry

Brrrrrrrr Winter is Here! As Christmas approaches (the season of excess), I am As a child I can remember cautiously pulling down the challenged to consider what I take for granted, my right covers to see whether my breath hung visibly in the air; to flick a switch, stand under a hot shower and lift a a sign of the bone chilling temperature in my bedroom. roast Turkey with all the trimmings from the oven. Per- Ice on the inside of the window was not an encouraging haps my complacency and unqualified freedom to use as sign! I would jump quickly out of bed hopping from one much energy as I want means someone else may not foot to the other on the cold lino, grab my clothes and have that same freedom. The planets resources are not get back in again to warm my underwear in the residual limitless and we face the challenge of how to manage warmth trying not to touch them until they had reached those resources and live in a sustainable way where all an acceptable temperature, I would then wriggle around the peoples of the earth can flourish. Sometimes it and get my socks, knickers and vest on whilst still under seems an impossible task, but small actions can lead to the covers. If it were especially arctic I would try and get big change, at the time of writing 206,000 people have all my clothes on before venturing out. I was a seventies responded to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s wasteno- child and I can remember the power cuts during the campaign to demand supermarkets address the strikes. I can laugh as I reminisce but for many people scandalous waste of consumable food, as consumers we today this is not a laughing matter. can affect change. The Winter Shelter is currently under- way in Kendal again this year, with churches providing a Reports indicate that 4 million households live in fuel warm place to sleep and a hot meal for people who are poverty, families fall into the fuel poverty category if homeless. they spend more than 10% of income on fuel ‘to main- tain an adequate level of warmth’ and the ability to have Maybe during this winter season we could follow the light, cook meals and use appliances. Sometimes putting example of the one, whose coming to earth Christians on another jumper just does not work, last year winter celebrate at Christmas and find small ways to reach out related deaths went up by a third. The rising cost of fuel to a neighbor or a family who is in need and perhaps also and the increasing global demand for energy means this switch off the standby button on the television, after is an issue, which is not going to go away anytime soon. watching the Vicar of Dibley Christmas special of course! With more recent benefit cuts many elderly people and families struggle to find ways to cope, the number of Rev Wendy Thornton people using food-banks has increased and the ability to Kendal Methodist Circuit pay utility bills is a constant worry.

Christmas Market Weekend Casterton music

The Friends of St Mary’s are supporting the Christmas Sing Joyfully! is a new exciting choral group, meeting Market weekend with their famous bric-a-brac stall in each Tuesday during term time, at Holy Trinity in Caster- church on Friday 4th, Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th. It will ton at 7:30pm. Come and hear them in concert for the be open from 10-4 on Friday and Saturday and from first time on Tuesday December 8th at 8pm (in Casterton 12.30pm until 4pm on Sunday. In addition, the Friends Church), where they will perform carols old and new, will have scrumptious home-made cakes with teas and purely for joy! No admission charge. There is a collection coffees available as you browse and buy the bargains. for the church and the homeless charity SHELTER at the end of the service. If you love to sing, want to improve Christmas Fair and Café your singing voice, or want to learn to sing in an ensem- ble for the first time, and have fun singing - do email Saturday 5th December 11am-4pm and Sunday 6th De- their founder and director, Anastasia Micklethwaite cember 1.30pm-4pm at the Methodist Church. There [email protected] or call 07952 601568 will be stalls selling Christmas gifts etc and a café serv- 07952 601568. She will be delighted to hear from you. ing refreshments. There will also be displays about the activities the churches offer the community in the Fairtrade News Methodist building, and the charities we support. Proceeds raised will go to these charities. Do come and We will be joining the Lunesdale Hall Christmas table top browse and refresh yourselves. You will be most sale to provide a coffee morning on Saturday 5th welcome. December. Please join us for Christmas treats

3 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley

It’s time to say thank you. Kirkby Lonsdale Civic Society

Thank you to all who came to the ‘think tank’ meeting in The 2015-16 season of talks continues on Monday 14th the Lunesdale Hall with ideas and proposals for the future December at 7.30pm in the Lunesdale Hall, New Rd. of Kirkby Lonsdale. The input is still being analysed, but it Kirkby Lonsdale. was encouraging to find that the underlying wish of most of us is that we protect what we have and build on the ‘JOHN OF GAUNT AND HIS LADY FRIENDS’ by Dr GRA- town’s character and attractiveness, which we all seem to HAM KEMP. cherish. Around 80 people attended - an excellent turn- out. John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, son of King Ed- ward 3rd and younger brother of the Black Prince, exer- Thank you to the young people who made our Remem- cised great influence over the English throne. He had brance Sunday Act of Remembrance in St Mary’s Church three spouses and numerous mistresses. Graham de- refreshingly different this year. Scouts, Guides and their scribes the life of this enigmatic and colourful character. colleagues shared the reading of our Roll of Honour with veteran George Harrison. Thank you to those who Admission £2, including refreshments. Everyone wel- worked to make it go so well. Our parish church was full come. with young and old - evidence, if evidence were needed, that under one roof we acknowledge our debt to those Monday January 11th 2016 who went to war, never to return. ‘DROVE ROADS OF THE YORKSHIRE DALES’ by DAVID Thank you to all who have contributed to the ‘footpath JOHNSON. saga.’ This is a topic which has engaged the Town Council for more than 18 months. We’ve heard the views of Before the arrival of the railways, the movement of many residents from throughout the town, from our meat on the hoof over long distances was along routes schools, several local organisations, from experts in their called ‘drove roads’. David describes their importance own field, district and county councillors and their sup- and their impact on life in the Yorkshire Dales. He is an port officers. I’m sure we all want the matter resolved. acknowledged expert on many aspects of the Dales and It’s been our version of the French tale, Clochemerle, a is well known to Society members, having tutored last classic example of not being able to please all the people year’s Civic society course on ‘Aspects of Ingleborough’. all the time. That’s what it’s like being a councillor! Admission £2, including refreshments. Everyone wel- Thank you to all who have attended our council meetings, come. either to listen or to contribute thoughts in the public participation section. We do hear you. All My Animals

Thank you to QES for encouraging two of their senior pu- All My Animals has over 20 years’ experience of caring pils to join the Town Council as Student Councillors. They for domestic pets. The local business offers a service contribute to our deliberations although they don’t have which includes walking, feeding, pet taxi, pop in and a vote. Their views are important, because they speak for check, pet/house sitting, day care, small animal board- the young people who want to have their future here. ing, training or simply just being there for play and com- panionship. All animals are catered for: dogs, cats, all Thank you to those who decided not to clutter our round- small/furry animals and even fish or chickens! abouts and roadsides with intrusive, ugly, distracting ad- vertising banners and posters. The company is a member of NARPS and has achieved the LANTRA awarded qualification in Dog Walking and Finally, may I wish everyone the happiest of times at Pet Sitting and is also a member of the Kennel Club. The Christmas, and, as a Scot, may we all have a guid New service covers Bentham, Settle and Kirby Lonsdale along Year. with their surrounding hamlets. The first meet and greet session is totally free with no obligation. Allan Muirhead, Chairman, KLTC From paws and claws to feather and fin! Early Bird Vintage and Collectables or tel: 015242 98877 mob: 07523 866791 At the Lunesdale Hall Sunday 6th Dec 10 – 4 Admission 50p (Children Free). Caterers in attendance.

4 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley Views from the Chair This year the Hall is pleased to be hosting the ever- With the approach of the festive season, I popular Christmas Quiz on the evening of Wednesday lean back in my chair and reflect on what 16th Dec. Having out-grown its previous venues for this our Hall offers to the Town throughout the event, the move to the Hall should enable us to enjoy year and what added potential it has if the evening in less cramped conditions! As usual, this more members of our community could be encouraged light-hearted, themed quiz will test your knowledge of to volunteer their ideas, time, energy and skills towards the festive season; I'm told that if you know how long to realising its untapped diversity. Currently our small cook a turkey and the names of the reindeer you're al- working Committee sees to it that the range of weekly, ready a few points ahead of those who don't! The even- monthly or occasional activities and events are able to ing begins with a glass of wine (or soft drink) and season- make the most of the facilities on offer. I think here of al nibbles included in the £7.50 per person. Telephone our Thursday indoor market, dance groups, various fund- 71630 or look out for the posters in town about ticket raising Coffee Mornings and other charity functions, sales. Proceeds from this event will be divided between health, fitness and lifestyle groups, independent therapy the Taggarts’ 'Romania Appeal' and the Hall. services, monthly Council meetings, concerts, quizzes, gardening and Civic Society lectures. Before that though, Ann Irving is organising another Christmas Table-Top Sale, in the Hall from 10 a.m. - 4 I recently heard the expression ‘fit for purpose’ men- p.m., on Saturday 5th December (Christmas Fair week- tioned in respect of the Hall, together with ‘Kirkby needs end). Refreshments during the morning session will be in a cinema’ and ‘Kirkby needs a theatre’. We already have conjunction with the Fairtrade Coffee Morning in the an 80-seat cinema and an 80-seat theatre - right on our Bective Room. This is a great place to look for crafts and doorstep in the Hall! Last year we installed a new, bang- other stocking fillers. Tel Ann (71027) or June (72990). up-to- date digital cinema/sound system and new screen in the main hall. We are also one of the few remaining As 2015 draws to a close all that remains is to thank the community venues that has a stage, complete with new Hall Committee for its dedicated input to the day-to-day curtains, where small productions can be staged or matters of the Hall, and to say a big 'thank you' to the where entertainers and singers can perform to their au- unsung helpers whose stalwart efforts do not go unno- diences. In a nutshell, the facilities are already in place ticed. Finally my thanks go to our '100 Club' members and we just need the creative hands-on support from and to those in the town who support the Hall through the community of Kirkby Lonsdale to realise the Hall's their various activities and social events throughout the full potential. Fit for purpose? Yes it is - but only if the year. Have a very Happy Christmas everyone and all Town is prepared to make it so. If anyone has ideas for good wishes for 2016. events they would like to see initiated in the Hall, please Cllr. Geoffrey A. Buswell [Chairman, LHMC] let us know. Tel. 71630 e-mail: [email protected]

The Christmas Quiz North West Cancer Research

The Lunesdale Hall is pleased to be hosting the ever- Our thanks go to everyone who attended the Christmas popular Christmas Quiz on the evening of Wednesday Fair on November 7th and contributed to us raising al- 16th December. 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. start, in the Main most £2000 which will go directly to fund research at Hall. Whether or not you're a seasoned quizzer, this is a Lancaster and other North West Universities. Thanks also 'must' for your pre-Xmas schedule. A light-hearted, to all the people who helped on the day. We have a great themed quiz will test your knowledge of the festive sea- group who work hard every year. Thank you to all the son; if you know how many maids were a-milking, local businesses who provided raffle prizes. you're already on the score board! The evening begins with a glass of wine (or soft drink) and seasonal nibbles Freebie (included in the ticket). Why not bring a team (4 - 6 peo- ple is best), or join with others on the night if you We all have unwanted items in our homes that are new prefer. Licensed Cash Bar, Prizes and Raffle. Proceeds or in good condition which we would be happy to give from this event will be supporting Roy and Sylvia Tag- away to someone who could make use of them. In my gart's 'Romania Appeal' and the Hall. Tickets (£7.50 per case and to start the ball rolling, I have an unused Kodak person) are available, with payment, from: HT Newsa- Colour Cartridge for a Kodak Inkjet Printer. If anyone gent (Main Street), the Sweet Shop (Market Square), would like it please give me a ring. John 72468. BUT as a Geoffrey Buswell (Hall Chairman) on 71630, or from the further thought if anyone else has unwanted items, why CIC Shop at 24 Main Street. not notify them here in AKL?

5 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley Rotary Club of Lunesdale efficient, safe cooking stoves. In 2 areas a bore hole will The Rotary Club will bring Father Christmas in his sleigh be drilled to provide essential clean water. Other bene- to visit towns and villages in Lunesdale and the sur- fits include improved hygiene standards, double pit toi- rounding area on the following dates in December: lets, education learning equipment and toys plus the security and care from approx 70 adults who will be Thursday 10th – Burton-in-Lonsdale, Friday 11th – Caton, trained to give what we would term nursery education. Monday 14th – Brookhouse, Tuesday 15th – Bentham, All aspects of the project will be managed by Mary's Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th – Holme, Friday 18th Meals in Blantyre, Malawi, utilising this charity's consid- – Kirkby Lonsdale, Saturday 19th – Booths, KL, Monday erable local knowledge and expertise. The RC of Limbe, 21st – Hornby and Wray, Tuesday 22nd – Ingleton. All the Blantyre will regularly be updated about progress to en- visits start at 5.30pm sure that all building works are of the required standard and within budget. When this project is complete and up Please do come out to meet us and to give your support. and running its ripple effect will be immeasurable? All donations will benefit deserving causes within the local community. At the time of writing many Club members look forward to meeting local people outside Booths Store in Kirkby Duncan Hamlett, International Chair of this RC and Peter Lonsdale when we collect for Children In Need. Staff in- Doughty his opposite number in the RC of Kirkham and side the store also work hard to support this charity and Rural Fylde have both worked ceaselessly for almost 3 will be in fancy dress to enjoy a fun day. Booths custom- years for a Global Grant award from The Rotary Founda- ers are always generous on this occasion and Pudsey tion in America. It was recently announced that the looks forward to saying Hello once again. Amidst all this, Grant has been awarded to the value of £79,000. It will normal weekly club activities continue with meetings, help over 3,000 disadvantaged children under 6 years of trips out and a club Christmas party to look forward to age, many of them orphans, to receive pre-school educa- on 3rd Dec. tion and much more in Southern Malawi. Work can now begin on 15 ‘Under 6 Centres’, in 15 different locations, The members of The Rotary Club of Lunesdale would like to fit-out 6 of them and to refurbish 9. The children will to say a big "Thank You" for your support throughout the benefit from early learning development plus a daily past year and to wish everyone a Merry Christmas feeding programme of meals being cooked on fuel and a Happy New Year.

The Middle East comes to KL Gardening Association Casterton On Wednesday 21st October, Margaret Robinson from For one night only, so come along to Casterton Village Robinson's Seeds and Plants at Forton near Preston, Hall on Friday January 29th, 7.00 for 7.30pm. The even- gave a talk entitled 'Vegetables for Every Taste'. The ing will include: digital images and audio-visual impres- nursery started in 1860 and over the years has devel- sions of Jordan, including all the ‘famous’ sites; a 3- oped a reputation for growing and providing seeds for course meal featuring some of the flavours of that coun- large vegetables, particularly the mammoth onion. Mar- try’s cuisine, but in an English style (guaranteed no garet and her family continue the tradition of attending sheep’s eyes); licensed bar (rare in Jordan, but we will many prestigious RHS shows winning many medals. make an exception as we’re in Casterton); and a simple quiz to see who’s been paying attention To illustrate her talk Margaret brought a wide variety of vegetables, in addition to her slide show, with sugges- Admission £15, by ticket only from Jill (015242 71983) tions of vegetables to grow all year round. She gave an Enid (015242 71056) or Casterton garage. interesting insight as to how their seed is produced and the demand for the seeds throughout the world. Her Hornby Flower Club snippets of information about the celebrity gardeners she has met through her attendance at shows were both Meet on Thursday 10th December at 7.30pm in Hornby amusing and enlightening. Village Institute with Liz and Jill from The Flower Bank in Hornby. Their theme is Christmas Inspirations: a floral Forthcoming events:- tribute to the festive season with ideas on table decora- Friday 15th January AGM and Social Evening 7.30pm tions, flowers as gifts, boxing and wrapping floral ar- Bective Room rangements and much more. Cost £4.00 to include re- Wednesday 17th February Matthew Smith of Brighter freshments. Raffle. Parking available. Blooms 'Summer Flowering Bulbs' (Bulbs and seeds sale)

6 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley

Boyan Ensemble of Kiev Romania Appeal (Together We Care) Saturday 10th October (2nd instalment continued from last month) Once again St Mary's was packed to the doors for the After our adventures in Urvis, we returned to Arad to Boyan Choir's third concert in Kirkby Lonsdale, part of prepare for our next excitement. We travelled to Bran their 23rd national tour of the UK. Once again we were with Sofia and Filip, where after a surprise (for us), we treated to a breathtaking experience of the most beauti- met up with Adriana (Sofia & Filip's daughter) and her ful music, both sacred songs from the Othodox tradition, husband and son. We were able to learn a bit more Ro- and lively and engaging folk songs which brought a real manian history. A visit to Bran Castle which was the sparkle to a chilly autumn night. home of Queen Maria of Romania. was very interesting, as was the museum where the original furnishings of the The depth of the basses, for which the choir is so famous, castle are on display. We also enjoyed a visit to an old thrilled us as always, and we were especially delighted to cave, which was only discovered in1947. The highlight welcome Viktoria Zabolotska, the soprano soloist singing was a visit to a wild bear sanctuary, where brown bears with the choir for the first time – her contribution to who have been rescued from cruel situations, are able both sacred and folk-song parts of the programme was a to live in secure, but almost natural conditions.. real joy. Back in Arad we paid our last visit to Aurel Vlaicu School. The situation for the choir at home in Ukraine remains Here we met with Norbert, an eleven year old boy who extremely difficult, and we are delighted to be able to we have been supporting during his four years of treat- welcome them into our community and to have the op- ment for leukaemia. He is progressing well, and is look- portunity to hear their truly wonderful music. ing much better than previously. The family was very pleased to receive a donation from his sponsor family in Many thanks to everyone who helped to make the Bo- Kirkby Lonsdale, and £100 from our charity, to help with yan’s visit such a success: to the host families who pro- his special needs and treatment. We also gave Rodica vided hospitality, to the ‘tea team’ who provided a sus- £100 towards the cost of her mother's medical needs. taining afternoon tea for the choir before the concert, to Our last day was spent preparing for our journey back to those who distributed publicity far and wide, to the Visi- England, and receiving final visits in Arad. tor Shop and Finestra Gallery for selling tickets, to Mau- rice and Roy for managing the lighting, staging and extra Thank you once again for your interest in, and support seating at St Mary’s, and to the Rector for enabling us to of our work in Romania. Without your help, none of this use such a perfect venue for this very special event. would be possible. We can assure you that there is a good number of people over there who are happier, and Cathy Wynne (MacKenzie) most grateful for your interest and support. Biggins Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale [email protected] Thank you and God bless Sylvia & Roy Taggart

Good Neighbours? and up towards home. I don't know, and neither does An elderly local lady was recently surprised to find an she, why the concerned citizen, unknown to her, who R.S.P.C.A vehicle on her drive as she returned home. The made the report, didn't simply go to her and knock on chap explained there had been a call that had eventually her door to talk to her. Why this person made no effort landed on his desk to say a dog at her address was being to inquire of her how her dog was when they saw it. mistreated in some respect. This lady was known to my Grandmother, the teacher for over 40 years at the local I fear it speaks volumes that ‘duty’ was not married to school two doors up, for several years, and I have seen ‘respect for each other’ as it was 100 years ago when her walk that dog in all weathers until it reached the age the men of this valley went off to fight a war they little of 17 this year. She loved that dog, to the extent that understood, leaving women like this lady to plough the she had never wanted to move its veterinary care from fields and scatter. Our world is diminished each time we Garstang where she was previously resident, as she shy away from the opportunity to learn another person’s trusted the practice so much. The dog died a few days view, or even talk. later of the cancer it had, but the lady had cared for her dog right until the end, being seen by me in the week Our world is out of balance. before its death, walking past our house, past the beck Mark Coulthwaite, Barbon

7 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley Better Consumer rights – in Part-time vacancy time for Christmas! Leck St Peter's CE Primary School UK consumers spend on average a Vacancy-Part Time Welfare Assistant whopping £90 billion a month and De- cember must surely be see the biggest Our school is looking to appoint an enthusiastic, friendly spend. More than one in five people in and caring individual to join our team to ensure that the UK experience problems with goods lunchtimes are an enjoyable and safe experience for our and services. A quarter of them spend more than four children. The successful candidate will help serve meals hours trying to sort out these problems, one in ten hav- and supervise children during their midday break. The ing to take time off work to do so. The Consumer Rights vacancy is part time, term time and covers up to 3 Act came into force on 1 October 2015 and streamlines lunchtimes per week on Wednesday. Thursday and Fri- eight pieces of legislation into one. This should make life day from 11.45am to 1.15pm. The school is committed to a little easier for shoppers. safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to Most of the changes were important updates to existing share this commitment. laws. But two new areas of law were also introduced. For the first time rights on digital content have been set For more information please contact the headteacher by out in legislation. The Act gives consumers a clear right email or telephone. [email protected] to the repair or replacement of faulty digital content, 01524271538 such as online film and games, music downloads and e- books. The law here had been unclear and this change has brought us up to date with how digital products have evolved. Christmas at Barbon

There are now also new, clear rules for what should hap- Sunday 13th Dec Carol Service with our Methodist pen if a service is not provided with reasonable care and friends 2pm. skill or as agreed. For example, the business that provid- Wed.16th Dec Carol singing in the Village Hall 6.30pm. ed the service must bring it into line with what was Mary Goldie will compere, music by the Jonathon and agreed with the customer or, if this is not practical, must Pauline Bateman brass group. It will be geared for chil- give some money back. dren of all ages. Mince pies, mulled wine and soft drinks.

In addition, Alternative Dispute Resolution is now availa- Tue 22nd Dec Traditional Mewses Concert in Church ble to all businesses to help when a dispute with a con- 7.30pm. sumer cannot be settled directly. The Citizens Advice Consumer Service can give advice and information on Thurs 24th Dec Crib Service 4pm. these new laws, telephone 03454 04 05 06 helplines are open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm, or you can Christmas Day Holy Communion Service 10.30am. download a leaflet type ‘Citizens Advice know your new rights’ into your search engine for the link within our website.

Free, confidential advice and help is available from South Lakes Citizens Advice Bureau on any aspect of debt, consumer problems, benefits, housing, employ- ment and any other problems. We have various outlets across South Lakeland and can also give advice over the phone – telephone 015394 46464 for an appoint- ment and help.

Used Postage Stamps

These have a real value for the air ambulance so could you please take yours to the library. Thank you.

8 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley From Cllr Mel Mackie From Cllr Nick Cotton

The meeting at the Lunesdale Hall on Wednesday 4th The long-awaited boundary extension to the Yorkshire November chaired by Jim Walker a Director of Cumbria Dales National Park is to go ahead. The Park will extend Tourism was a revelation. The Hall was packed and after to take in the northern Howgills and the Orton Fells in an inspirational speech from Allan Muirhead and an im- the north and large parts of the Lune Valley in the south. passioned speech from Sarah Ross, the residents split The parishes of Casterton, Barbon and Middleton in their into six groups, got down to work and the ideas to im- entirety will be within the park and parts of Kirkby Lons- prove and enhance Kirkby Lonsdale flowed like Vintage dale Parish and Mansergh as well. Wine. The new National Park boundary in Kirkby Lonsdale Par- Each table under a very competent facilitator discussed ish is quite curious - Jubilee Field picnic site is in the Park each of the six topics for 10minutes before stopping for but the cricket and football pitches are not. The bounda- tea and cake. Thereafter each facilitator provided a sum- ry runs along the Riverside Path, up Radical Steps, past mary of the ideas put forward during the evening. Ruskin’s View, around the edge of the rugby ground then takes in parts of Kearstwick to the west of the Old Town What helped to make the event a success were the num- Road. For more details go to: ber of new faces keen to make their mark and as Jim Walker pointed out in his opening remarks Kirkby Lons- dale is almost equidistant from both the Lakes and York- parks-extensions-to-the-lake-district-and-yorkshire-dales shire Dales and makes it uniquely special. Allan Muir- -parks. Scroll down to ‘Yorkshire Dales : maps of con- head and the Directors of the Kirkby Lonsdale Communi- firmed boundary changes’ click on this and then click on ty Interest Company will now put together a final report, Map 12. which should be available for viewing by the end of No- vember. So what will this actually mean? The biggest change is that Planning Applications for areas that fall within the Kevin Lancaster and I would like to thank all those, who Park will no longer be dealt with by South Lakeland Dis- have supported and provided us both kindness, toler- trict Council but by the Yorkshire Dales National Park ance, and forgiven our over-exuberance during the past Authority instead. The areas within the National Park will few months. We wish all readers of AKL a very happy still be within South Lakeland and Cumbria, exactly the Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year. same as the parishes of Sedbergh, Dent and Garsdale are at present in South Lakeland and Cumbria but form part Six centuries of sacred music of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

In Holy Trinity Church, an enraptured audience heard a A change on the ground may see more work done on the beautifully structured, spiritually uplifting programme of Rights of Way network but this is still an issue for discus- choral and piano music given by much-loved singers Alle- sion between the County Council and the Park Authority. gri. Four intricate 16th century motets in Latin started with works by Palestina, and ended with the familiar and New Scottish Dance Reeling Group joyous ‘Hodie Christus Natus Est’. The same texts with music written by Poulenc were preceded by leader Owen If the sound of Scottish reels makes your feet tap it’s Davies’ skilled rendition of contrasting works by Debus- time to do more and join the new Scottish Dance group sy, demonstrating how all these works fitted into the meeting on Sunday afternoons from January 10th till progressive outlook of the French school ‘Les Six’. the end of March. You don’t need any experience – complete beginners will be welcome as will those who Owen’s group demonstrated the excellent qualities of have danced or reeled before. The class will be led by lesser known but accomplished recent composers, in- Cindy Clarke. You don’t need a partner and you don’t cluding the evocative ‘Sleep’ by Allegri’s own Eric Whita- need a kilt, just some soft shoes and a bit of toe tapping cre. Next came a lovely piano rendition of a Brahms’ in- enthusiasm. termezzo. This was an instructive way of showing how the German composer influenced anthems and other We’ll meet from 2.30-4.30pm at Preston Patrick Memo- works by Charles Villiers Stanford. Stanford was, in turn, rial Hall LA77NN on the A65 near the Crooklands Hotel. the man who taught Vaughan Williams, Arthur Bliss, Gus- Cost is £3 per person per session. Just turn up or tav Holst and other 20th Century English ‘greats’. This email [email protected] for more information. superb concert concluded to vigorous applause by a deeply satisfied and much enlightened audience.

9 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley Christmas at Casterton Police Report

On Thursday December 3rd there is an informal concert 16/10 – A domestic related incident was reported in the of Christmas music and an opportunity for community area. carol singing with pupils from Sedbergh Prep School. 25/10 – Criminal Damage was caused to a door in KL. 1 Carols that you love and carols from around the world. person was arrested. 7pm at Holy Trinity, Casterton. All are welcome. Free 29/10 – Highway disruption was reported on Main St. admission. 5/11 – Caller reported finding a distressed male in the Rd

There will be a Christingle Service on Sunday January near Kearstwick. The male was conveyed to RLI. 31st at Holy Trinity, Casterton with beautiful Christmas 8/11 – Caller reported being assaulted in KL resulting in a and Epiphany music from the Senior Chamber Choir of cut and bloodied nose. Enq still ongoing. Sedbergh Prep School. 7pm. All welcome. In the surrounding areas a trailer/pontoon and scaffold- ing has been stolen. Look out for monthly recitals at Holy Trinity with visiting professional musicians and wonderful artists and future A suspicious vehicle was reported in the surrounding upcoming musical treats. Notices at Holy Trinity itself, in area resulting in the arrest of 1 person. local press or via Sedbergh Prep School's website. Can we remind those who need to travel during the bad International Concert Pianist, Anthony Hewitt comes to weather to make sure they are prepared for their jour- Casterton on Thursday January 28th. He will give a mas- ney ie fuel, mobile phone charged, warm clothing. terclass for talented young pianists up to age 13 and also For those who do not need to travel then don’t, we have a public recital. For further details, including venue and had numerous logs over the past few days. Persons ig- time will be available nearer the time. To take part in the noring road closed signs and driving into flooded water masterclass or to attend the free recital, please email who then need rescuing by emergency services. You not Anastasia Micklethwaite [email protected]. Fur- ther updates on recital times on the Sedbergh Prep only put yourselves at risk but the lives of the emergency School website. All welcome. services. Please think ‘Do I need to travel?’

Christmas is fast approaching, can we remind those Boxes of Hope Cumbria when out shopping to make sure your purse/wallets are secure, for some its not the time for giving, it’s the time Thank you to all those who supported the shoe-box ap- for taking. peal in any way this year. The final total was 11,218 shoe -boxes, an amazing 1,000+ up on last year. The truck left Regards for Romania on 17th November and the first of two dis- PCSO 5244 Mandy Coleman tribution teams will be flying out to Bucharest in early December to give out boxes to the poorest children in Hornby Ramblers south-east Romania. The second team will go out in Jan- uary to coincide with the traditional Orthodox celebra- January 9th 9.30 a.m. Silverdale (5 miles - easy) Doug tion of Christmas in the south-west of the country. I’ll Leyland 01729 822 599 report back in February! February 13th 9.30 a.m. Kirkby to High Biggins (5 miles) Marjorie Llinares 73822 Pam Dent March 5th 9.30a.m. Sedbergh and River Rothey (5 miles) Ken Sedgwick 01524 770086 Barnardo’s New Year Coffee March 19th 9.30a.m. Abbey Village to Tockholes (7 miles Morning - easy) John Kay 07415 798243

Barnardo’s invite you to a New Year Coffee Morning on A contribution of £3 per person for the greater distances Saturday 16th January in the Methodist Hall. We are also and £2 for the shorter distances, towards fuel costs inviting anyone interested in joining our Committee to is expected for these walks. For all walks we assemble come along and learn more about this Charity and give in Hornby car park. Start time 9.30 am prompt. us some new ideas. The doors will open at with admission charge of £1.50 to include coffee and biscuits. It is expected that all walks of a 7/9 miles distance will finish no later than 5.30p.m if you have any concerns Do put the date in your diary. regarding the terrain or the time of return, please con- tact the leader before setting off.

10 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley

Lunesdale Decorative and Fine Arts Society the first time being produced and the Romans, who fol- lowed the Greeks as the dominant culture, reproduced (LADFAS) Report: Tuesday 17th November 2015 many of their great sculptures and theatres! Wherever ‘The Mediterranean – Cradle of Western Art and Cloture’ Alexander conquered, these influences can still be seen!

Hugh Ellwood wood gave an entertaining and compre- The Romans – although retaining many Greek influences hensive overview of the beginnings of Western Civilisa- in art and architecture, made many technological ad- tion to the time of the Renaissance. In about 10,000 BC vances. The Roman Arch and the invention of cement an earth-quake ripped Africa from the mainland of Eu- allowed them to build massive buildings such as the Col- rope and water rushed through the ensuing gap from the osseum and the Pantheon. This also enabled the great Atlantic to form the Mediterranean Sea. This resulted in irrigation systems using aqueducts to be built all over the a relatively tranquil sea being surrounded by many fertile empire. They also introduced portraiture into their sculp- islands. This was ideal for the dissemination of trade, tures – never done by the Greeks. ideas and human creativity and resulted in an explosion of artistic and technological advances. With the breakdown of the Roman Empire and the rise of Islam there comes a fusion of ideas and cultures. Is- Between the Tigris and the Euphrates there was an ex- lamic culture in the so called “ Dark Ages” was far ad- plosion of societies and between 4000 and 3000 and at vanced in mathematics (they introduced the concept of this time Sumerians were the first to form themselves Zero) and medicine. They also introduced calligraphy as into states, building large structures known as Ziggurats, an embellishment to architecture. This is very evident in the walls of which were covered with sophisticated carv- Spain in such places as the Al Hambra, the Alcatha and ings depicting scenes of battles which were used as prop- Cordoba. When Europe finally emerges and incorporates aganda! Abraham was said to have been born here in many ideas from Islam, there are artistic fusions – for the second millennium. The Assyrians followed with example in both Ravenna and the Hagia Sophia in Istan- their mathematical system based on 60- giving us angles bul - and we find the beginnings of a great flowering for geometrical analysis and the hours of the day. Egypt known as the Renaissance. followed and its culture continued virtually uninterrupt- ed for 3000 years. Its builders and mathematicians were The next talks will be Tuesday 15th December 2015, enormously successful but its art remained static and when Ghislane Howard BA will give a talk entitled“ The formulaic. Its sole function was to aid wealthy citizens to Art of Cuisine and the Cuisine of Art”, and Tuesday 19th the after-life January 2016, when Andrew Lowe BA will give a talk en- titled “Wrestlers, Crucks & Mullions – Traditional Lake The Phoenicians were the conduit through which many District Architecture”. The December Meeting is a Christ- of the ideas were transmitted, as they traded throughout mas Celebration, so please come a little early for free the whole region of the Mediterranean and beyond. mulled wine and mince tarts! The venue is Borwick and They pollinated the ideas from Crete and the Minoans Priest Hutton Memorial Hall. All lectures start promptly throughout the whole area influencing Greece in its rise at 2.15 pm. to become the principle force in the region. At this time we get a great leap in arts and architecture which has, Fanny Leech, some consider, never been beaten. Real three dimen- Old Manor House, sional representations of the human body are now for Kirkby Lonsdale, LA6 2AT, (telephone 015242 72009) Casterton WI

At the Annual General Meeting on 4 November the various officers gave their reports, following which President Gill Sykes thanked the committee for all their hard work and hoped that members had enjoyed the past year’s meetings. Apart from one resignation, the same committee will continue for 2016, once again led by Gill as Presi- dent. At the meeting which followed, several members reported on the WI events which they had recently attend- ed, including a play about the history of the WI. At the CWFWI Quiz at Sedbergh, Casterton came joint first with two other teams, but failed to answer the tie-break question. A display of members’ craft and hobby items was availa- ble to look at whilst members enjoyed the generous Jacob’s Join supper with a cup of tea.

The Centenary Party was a memorable event, thanks to guest of honour, Olive Clarke, OBE, whose enthusiasm for WI is an inspiration.

11 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley Kirkby Lonsdale Information & The new MyKL privilege card Gift Shop scheme

We look forward to a welcoming lots of you to the shop December/January Offers. Below you can see all the offers st in December. If last year is anything to go by then it will available to MyKL card holders from 1 December 2015. What be a busy time for us particularly as residents stock up a great way to save money whilst Christmas shopping. with Kirkby Lonsdale memorabilia and gift items to If you don’t present your card when paying then retailer can’t send to friends and family overseas for a Christmas re- honour the offer!! You can buy your MyKL card at 24 Main minder of home or a favourite place. Street from the KL Information & Gift Shop (open every day from 10am – 4.30pm - bring proof of your address with you). In January we will be closing for one week to refit and re- Cards cost £7 and last for one year or purchase at stock as we did so successfully last year. We will be Offers cannot be used in conjunc- closed from 4.30pm on Sunday 3rd January to 10am on tion with any other offer from the retailer. These offers apply Monday 11th January 2016. During that time visitors will to the card holder only – you can’t share your card around! be able to purchase town maps at Carr & Bleasdale (next door on Main Street) and the office will be open upstairs If you are just visiting the area or have guests, they can pur- as normal. chase a card for £5 which will last for two weeks.

The Card Gallery- Wednesday Special 10% off any purchase on I know it’s a little early (given the deadline for AKL falls in Wednesday when you spend over £20. the middle of November) but I would like to say a huge Shades of Green – Gifts & toys - 10% off all purchases £20+. THANK YOU to all our volunteers whose dedication and The Doby Basket – Laundry services - 20% off when you spend professionalism has allowed us to be open 7 days per over £10. (Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer) week for 2015. It takes a very adaptable person to be Isaacs Jewellers - 5% off all watches able to cope with whatever the day and weather might Carr & Bleasdale – Home furnishings, linens & accessories - bring - a packed shop full of eager visitors or on a wet, 10% off anything in the shop grey day perhaps a much less busy time! The Royal Hotel - 10% off food purchases made Mon to Fri between 12 Noon and 2.30pm. (Cannot be used in conjunc- tion with any other offer) Sarah Ross Sew What 10% off replacement zips in jeans for November Tourism & Town Manager Chocolat in Kirkby Lonsdale - Weekday Special 10% off on weekdays when you spend over £10. Happy Hour for Hot Reminder Chocolate is anytime for myKL card holders in Dec (as long as its not too busy!) This means hot chocolate reduced from The Christopher Robins £2.50 to £1.50. Charitable Trust Holly's Cakes & Bakes - Hot drink and a cupcake for the special offer price of £3 (Typical saving £1.20). One offer price bever- Registered Charity No: 1154026 age and cake per day. Registered Office: 18 Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, LA6 Lunesdale Home & Garden - 10% off Johnstone Paint when 2AG you spend over £10 in the shop. Oh La La – Fashion & accessories - Weekday special 10% off The Christopher Robins Charitable Trust is a local charity when you spend over £20. “for the benefit of local people”. As such we are happy to The crossing point cafe - Cream Tea Special - Cream Tea in- receive requests from a wide variety of worthy causes; a cluding either loose leaf tea or Americano Coffee for the spe- small example of these could be – specific clubs looking cial price of £5 per head (offer applies Mon to Friday). for help with starting up, or a particular project, repairs, Love Beauty – Beauty Salon 10% off massage and Signature renewals etc. – individuals needing help with tools for an facials on Mon, Tues and Weds. Information & Gift Shop - Free photo greetings card from apprenticeship –a resident or school pupil embarking on Courtyard Cards when you spend over £5 until end December a particular line of study that requires financial input to 2015. get started. The list is potentially interminable, the pur- pose is for personal and community development. Please support your Kirkby Lonsdale retailers and where you can SHOP LOCAL in the Festive season! If you are not yet part If you feel that the Christopher Robins Charitable Trust of the Chamber and particularly if have a retail business in the could help you or someone you know then please write town then please consider joining. You can’t be part of the- to the above address or email: new MyKL scheme unless you join. See [email protected] or call 015242 71437 for more de- tails.

12 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley Kirkby Lonsdale Chamber of Trade Members Directory Spar (Convenience store) 015242 71260 Specialist Services Please support your Kirkby Lonsdale re- Sweet Shop The Fairbank Society (Homes for the tailers and where you can SHOP LOCAL in 015242 71570 Elderly) the Festive season! If you are not yet Tails of Kirkby Lonsdale (Dog shop) 015242 71077 part of the Chamber and particularly if 015242 98890 Around Kirkby Lonsdale (AKL) you have a retail business in the town 07779 728206 then please consider joining. You can’t Food, Drink & Accommodation Athena Accounting Services be part of the new MyKL scheme unless Avanti (Restaurant & bar) 015242 71610 you join. See 015242 73500 Business Lines (Wheel Nut Safety or call 015242 71437 for more details. The Barbon Inn Products) 015242 76233 015242 71200 Shops The Blue Pig (Bed & breakfast) Community Seasonal Decorations Booths Supermarket 015242 73272 015395 67521 015242 73443 The Copper Kettle (Restaurant & guest Hackney & Leigh (Surveyors & Estate The Card Gallery (Cards & gifts) house) Agents) 015242 71237 015242 71714 015242 72111 Carr & Bleasdale (Home furnishings & The Crossing Point Café Kirkby Lonsdale Brewery fabrics) 015242 98050 015242 72221 015242 71261 Devil’s Bridge Snacks Love Beauty China Bull Emporium (Kitchenware & Tel not available 015242 73520 Gifts) The Green Room (Café) Lunesdale Hall (Community facility) 015242 71265 015242 71588 015242 71603 Chocolat (Speciality chocolates & home The Highwayman (Pub) Off The Hook (Graphic & website of the Enchanted Chocolate Mine) 015242 73338 design) 015242 72830 Lavender House 07887 958103 Dales Butchers 015242 72086 Oglethorpe, Sturton & Gillibrand 015242 71278 Mill Brow House (B & B & self catering (Solicitors) Edge Of The World (Outdoor clothing, accommodation) 015242 71388 footwear & lifestyle fashion) 015242 71615 Orchard Financial Planning 015242 71390 Number FortyFour (Café) 01524 781377 H.T. News (Newsagents) 015242 72160 Pearson & Pearson (Estate Agents) 015242 71357 The Orange Tree (Hotel, restaurant & 015242 71222 Holly’s Cakes & Bakes pub) Purestone (Natural Stone Tiles) 07966 294724 015242 71716 015242 73610 Isaacs Jewellers Plato’s (Bar, restaurant, rooms, traiteur) Smile Day Nursery 015242 72444 015242 74180 015242 73700 Kirkby Lonsdale Visitor Information & The Royal Hotel Sew What? (Sewing & embroidery) Gift Shop 015242 71966 07766 711288 015242 71437 The Sun Inn The Doby Basket (Laundry & dry K70 Ooh-La-La! (Fashion & gifts) 015242 71965 cleaning) 015242 73006 Whoop Hall Hotel 015242 71550 La Maison (Lifestyle emporium) 015242 71284 Toubas (Unisex Hair Salon) 015242 71223 015242 74333 Lunesdale Bakery Self Catering Accommodation Westmorland Vets 015242 71296 Apartment 52 015242 71221 Lunesdale Home, Garden & Hardware 015242 71740 The Wright Design (Architects) 015242 72751 Clover Cottage & High View Meadows 015242 71697 No. 9 (Ladies fashion) 07711 304113 015242 72814 Holly Tree Cottage Sports Clubs Parma Violet (Gift & homewares) 07837 244659 Kirkby Lonsdale Rugby Union Club 015242 72585 Laurel House 015242 71570 (Gym 72721) Post Office 015242 72189 015242 71233 New House Caravan Park Shades of Green (Gifts & toys) 015242 71590 015242 71588 Woodclose Caravan Park Sienna Jewellery 015242 71597 015242 72121

13 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley

Adult Ballet-Fit Beginners Cumbria Wildlife Trust

It's a New Year and time to get some exercise, build mus- Your are warmly welcomed to our interesting and varied cle tone, stand taller and walk with ease & grace. Is one winter talks. Meet in the Lunesdale Hall, Bective Room of your new year’s resolutions to get healthier? Why not in Kirkby Lonsdale which is suitable for wheelchairs and start with trying our Adult Ballet-fit classes for all ages has a hearing loop. These events are open to everyone and stages. Ballet-fit is a wonderful time of stretching and we always have complementary tea and biscuits at and strengthening through easy to follow exercises that the end. We suggest an entry donation £2.00 for will leave you standing taller, feeling healthier and confi- adults. Children are free and are most welcome. Please dent. Every Thursday evening starting on 7th January. contact Roger Neale on 015242 41155 for further infor- Kirkby Lonsdale & Leck. Contact Holly Wood for exact mation. class times and location: 07983 000450 hollydance- [email protected] Wednesday 27th January 7.30pm - 9.00pm Recent research and conservation of pine martens. John Disney Princess Christmas Show Martin will talk about his recent work with pine martens in the field of research and conservation by Danceworks Kirkby Lonsdale Kirkby Lonsdale's very own Danceworks Dance School is Wednesday 24th February 7.30pm - 9.00pm putting on their annual Christmas Show at the Lunesdale The wildlife of Ingleborough National Nature Re- Hall on Sunday 13th December. And this year’s theme is serve. Colin Newlands from Natural England will talk the magical and wonderful Disney Princesses! This show about the wildlife of the Ingleborough National Nature is sure to delight audiences of all age groups and warm Reserve hearts this Christmas Season. Tickets are on sale Now and cost £6 for adults, £4 for children 5-16yrs, £2 for chil- Wednesday 23rd March 7.30pm - 9.00pm dren 2yrs and under, £5 for OAP or a family deal includ- Life in the soil: coming to terms with worms. Trevor ing 2 adults and 2 children for only £16 but if you order Piearce will give an illustrated talk on earthworms. before 6th December you will receive 10% off of these prices. You can order tickets online or by telephone: 07983 000450or T From the Registers

Choose from: 2:00pm and 4:30pm showtimes, with a OCTOBER festive mix’n’mingle thirty minutes before. All donations from the mix’n’mingle and raffle will go to CRMI - Chil- Funerals dren of Hope Charities. Do come along and show your Mary McKinley, aged 76 years, Lancaster Crematorium, support to the hard working dance students of Kirkby 19th October, 2015 Lonsdale and enjoy a wonderful afternoon out. David Baird, St. Patrick's Church, 22nd October, 2015 Mary Leach, aged 83 years, Lancaster Crematorium, 27th October, 2015

Dentdale Christian Fellowship RNLI Sip our Soup

Beat the dark days of winter blues and bring in Light into The Kirkby Lonsdale Branch of the RNLI invite you to join your world. Dentdale Christian Fellowship invite you to th us at our annual Sip Our Soup lunch at the Lunesdale two events on Saturday 9 January at Dent Memorial Hall on Friday 29 January 2016 from 12 noon to 2pm. Hall The cost for a choice of delicious homemade soups with bread is £3 payable on the door with an additional Family Christingle : 4.45pm craft session and short ser- charge of £2 for tea or coffee and homemade biscuits. vice with Jacket potatoes supper at 5.30pm. Make a There will also be a raffle and produce stall. Christingle orange and see how it lights up in the dark- Please do join us and bring your friends. ness! Gathering of praise: meet 6.30pm for supper and gathering of Praise at 7pm: all welcome Spot On

For more information or to book the supper: phone Heidi The Rural Touring Network for Theatre, Music, Dance 015242 72611 or Sarah 015396 25212. Both events, do- The Ugly Duckling Northumberland Theatre Company, nation bucket available. Arkholme, Sun 6 Dec at 2.30pm. For more information:

14 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley Unwrapping Advent Saturday 5th December You are invited to UNWRAPPING ADVENT – a day of Ad- vent Crafts for all ages and abilities in St Mary’s Church. Just drop-in anytime between 11.00am and 3.30pm on Saturday 5th December. Admission is free – everybody is welcome – and you can stay for as little or as long as you like. Light refreshments are also available. Anyone willing to help with the craft activities or with ‘cutting-out’ and preparations in the weeks before, please contact Richard Snow (015242 72044). Thank you.

Kirkby Lonsdale Open Air Nativity Toys Wanted

As is our usual custom at this time of year we are col- Saturday December 19th lecting new and nearly new toys to take to Fr Crowe at St

Chad’s, Manningham in the of . From There will be an open-air retelling of the Nativity Story there the toys will be shared between the Catholic Hous- in Kirkby Lonsdale on December 19th – starting at Naza- ing Trust working with needy families of all faiths and reth (the Market Square) and journeying to Bethlehem. traditions, and a home for women and children who Watch out for the notices and posters – it will be hap- have suffered domestic violence. The toys are always pening a few times during the day. Just turn up and join greatly appreciated and we would welcome your contin- in! If you are interested in taking part, contact Richard ued support. Snow (015242 72044) Toys can be delivered to any of the churches in Kirkby St Mary’s Crib Service Lonsdale, or any of the Rainbow Churches, in the weeks th leading up to ‘Toy Sunday’ on 6 December. (For toys 5:30pm in St Mary’s Church on Christmas Eve. that don’t manage to get to the 11am service at St th Mary’s on Sunday 6 , there is an opportunity to leave th There will be a rehearsal for any children or adults who them in St Mary’s until mid-day on Monday 7 Decem- would like to take part in this service on Christmas Eve ber). Please leave toys unwrapped – though gifts of from 10.30am to 11.30am in St Mary’s Church. There wrapping paper are also very welcome. will opportunities to narrate or act. All welcome - Just Christians Together in Lunesdale turn up.

15 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley Services for December

1 Tues St Mary’s 9.30am Ecumenical Prayer Group 21 Mon Middleton 6.30pm Carol Service 3 Thu Kirkby Lonsdale 22 Tue Kirkby Lonsdale 10.30am Holy Communion 9.30am Ecumenical Prayer Group 23 Wed Mansergh 7.30pm Carol Service 6 Sun ADVENT 2 Kirkby Lonsdale 8.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Family Communion CHRISTMAS EVE 6.30pm Advent readings and Barbon 4pm Crib Service Carols Preston Patrick 4.30pm Crib Service Preston Patrick 9.30am Family Service 11.30pm Christmas Communion Lupton 9.30am Holy Communion Kirkby Lonsdale 5.30pm Crib Service Barbon 10.30am Matins 11.30pm Christmas Communion Middleton 6.30pm Holy Communion Lupton 11.30pm Christmas Communion

7 Mon 7pm Auction Mart Carol Service 8 Tues St Mary’s 9.30am Ecumenical Prayer Group CHRISTMAS DAY 10 Thu Kirkby Lonsdale Kirkby Lonsdale 8.30am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Christmas Communion Barbon 10.30am Christmas Communion 13 Sun ADVENT 3 Casterton 10.30am Christmas Communion Kirkby Lonsdale 8.30am Holy Communion Hutton Roof 11.00am Christmas Communion 11.00am Matins Mansergh 11.00am Christmas Communion 6.30pm Evensong Preston Patrick 9.30am Holy Communion 26 Sat St Stephen 6.30pm Carols and Readings Kirkby Lonsdale 10.30am Holy Communion Barbon 2pm Carol Service Casterton 6.30pm Evening Service 27 Sun CHRISTMAS 1 Kirkby Lonsdale 8.30am Holy Communion 15 Tue St Mary’s 9.30am Ecumenical Prayer Group 11.00am Carols and Readings 10.30am Holy Communion Preston Patrick 9.30am Carols and Readings 16 Weds Hutton Roof Barbon 10.30am Carols and Readings 7.00pm Carol Service 17 Thu Kirkby Lonsdale 29 Tue Kirkby Lonsdale 10.30 Holy Communion 9.30am Ecumenical Prayer Group (check pew sheet for venue) 31 Thu Kirkby Lonsdale 10.30am Holy Communion 20 Sun ADVENT 4 5.30pm New Years Eve Service Kirkby Lonsdale 8.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Holy Communion (The type of service may change after AKL goes to print - 6.30pm Ecumenical Carol Service Please check church notice boards for up to date infor- at the Methodist Church mation) Preston Patrick 10am Bethlehem Scenes Barbon 10.30am Morning Service Lupton 2pm Nativity Service Casterton 5pm Carol Service

16 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley Services for January

3 Sun CHRISTMAS 2 Kirkby Lonsdale 8.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Family Communion 6.30pm Evensong Preston Patrick 9.30am Family Service Barbon 10.30am Covenant Service Lupton 11.00am New Year Service Middleton 6.30pm Holy Communion

5 Tue Kirkby Lonsdale 9.30am Ecumenical Prayer Group 7 Thu Kirkby Lonsdale 10.30am Holy Communion

10 Sun BAPTISM OF CHRIST Kirkby Lonsdale 8.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Matins 6.30pm Ecumenical worship at the Methodist Church Preston Patrick 9.30am Holy Communion 24 Sun EPIPHANY 3 Barbon 10.30am Plough Service Kirkby Lonsdale 8.30am Holy Communion Hutton Roof 11.00am Plough Service 10.30am Ecumenical Service Mansergh 11.00am Holy Communion for the Week of Prayer for Christian Casterton 6.30pm Evening Service Unity At the Methodist Church 6.30pm Evening Worship 12 Tue St Mary’s 9.30am Ecumenical Prayer Group Preston Patrick 9.30am Holy Communion 14 Thu Kirkby Lonsdale Barbon 10.30am Morning Service 10.30am Holy Communion Casterton 10.30am Holy Communion 16 Sat Kirkby Lonsdale Hutton Roof 11.00am Holy Communion 4.00pm Treasure Chest 26 Tue Kirkby Lonsdale 17 Sun EPIPHANY 2 9.30am Ecumenical Prayer Group Kirkby Lonsdale 8.30am Holy Communion 28 Thu Kirkby Lonsdale Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 10.30am Holy Communion (see notice Boards for details) 11am Holy Communion 31 Sun EPIPHANY 4 6.30pm Evensong Kirkby Lonsdale 8.30am Holy Communion Preston Patrick 9.30am Morning Service 11.00am Café Church Lupton 9.30am Plough Service 6.30pm Evening Service Barbon 10.30am Holy Communion Preston Patrick 9.30am Holy Communion Barbon 10.30am Holy Communion 19 Tue Kirkby Lonsdale 9.30am Ecumenical Prayer Group (The type of service may change after AKL goes to print - 21 Thu Kirkby Lonsdale Please check church notice boards for up to date infor- 10.30am Holy Communion mation).

17 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley The Rainbow Parish Barbon Trinity Church. We finally got our splendid new notice- board, which draws much favourable comment. It has There was a large congregation for the service of Re- been well worth the wait and considerable expense. membrance. Rev Deborah Preston timed the service to Look out for its rich blue background, crisp lettering and perfection, beginning in church then everyone processed elegant oak surround. to the War Memorial to join other villagers. Pauline Bateman played the trumpet, Fred Hodgson read the roll The signboard features Rainbow and diocesan logos, of honour for Middleton and Henry Martin for Middle- neatly integrated into its impressive design. A more re- ton. Sir John Kerr read the prayers. Roger Groves placed cent request for a teak garden bench has also been fa- the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council, Jennifer Mar- vourably received. Passing walkers, casual visitors and tindale on behalf of the W.I. And Russ Taylor for the those contemplating our glorious Casterton sunsets will British Legion. People adjourned to the Village Hall for benefit from our latest acquisition. coffee and biscuits. Holy Trinity representatives have been to presentations A coffee morning is held in the Village Hall every other and discussions about graveyard mapping. Our survey Friday from 10am to 12noon. Tony and Barbara Wake- brought some interesting findings. We have about 140 field hosted the last one and £150 was raised for the visible graves and memorials in and around the church. Lymphoma Association who support people with Lym- However, our substantial collection of hand-written phatic cancer. Tony and Barbara would like to thank eve- charts and records reveal well over 550 interments since ryone who came along to support them. the church opened in 1833.

Arrangements are in hand for the Christmas events. Sun- Several inspiring events take us through Advent and day 13th Dec. Carol Service with our Methodist friends Christmas. A free informal concert of Christmas music, 2pm. Wed. 16th Dec Carol singing in the Village Hall with carols from home and around the world, will be 6.30pm. Mary Goldie will compere, music by the Jona- given by pupils of Casterton, Sedbergh Preparatory thon and Pauline Bateman brass group. It will be geared School at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday 3 December. Anastasia for children of all ages. Mince pies, mulled wine and soft will also lead her ‘Sing Joyfully’ choir in a medley of drinks. Tues. 22nd Dec Traditional Mewses Concert in Christmas songs at 8.00 pm on Tuesday 8 December. Our Church 7.30pm. Thurs 24th Dec. Crib Service 4pm. usual evensong service is at 6.30 p.m. on Sunday 13 De- Christmas Day Holy Communion Service 10.30am. cember. Holy Trinity’s carol service will be in church at 5.00 p.m. on Sunday 20 December. Holy Communion is The New Year will begin with the Covenant service on at 10.30 a.m. on Christmas Day. We have no service on Jan 3rd 10.30am. Followed by Plough Sunday on Jan Sunday 27 December. 10th 10.30am.

Casterton In January 2016,our services will be: Evensong on Sunday 10 January, then Holy Communion on Sunday 24 Jan. Anne Pettifor led our Remembrance Sunday service this International pianist Anthony Hewitt is in Casterton on year, smoothly coordinating the familiar ceremonial ele- Thursday 28 January. Anthony will give a masterclass for ments and delivering a thought provoking address. We talented young pianists and also a public recital. Times are grateful to all who came to prepare the church, with and details of the day will be on the Prep School website. cleaning, leaf sweeping and highly effective displays. Ex- Finally, a Christingle service at 7.00 p.m. on Sunday 31 cellent hospitality at the Old Vicarage completed a duly January features the School’s senior chamber choir and emotive occasion. is open to all.

Despite appalling weather, a good number of dedicated and appreciative music lovers came to hear visitors Alle- gri give a superb concert of choral and piano music span- ning six centuries. The choir’s exceptional talent and commitment were evident in a wonderfully cohesive programme constructed by leader Owen Davies. Two grants from the Casterton Community Trust have helped to enhance the fabric and appearance of Holy 18 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley The Rainbow Parish Middleton Lupton

During the first weekend in November the church was Carol Singing - Monday 14th of December at 7pm meet open for visitors to view an exhibition mounted by Peter at Plough Hotel car park. Supper locally afterwards. Carol Yorke. This was in memory of those who lost their lives singing second session Thursday December 17th at 7pm and those who served in the First World War. There was meet at Lupton Church Car park. Supper afterwards. Na- a colourful and informative display of memorabilia, lots tivity Sunday December 20th 2pm Lupton Church. of poppies, literature and anecdotes of some of the men. The remembrance service was led by Liz Dew Mansergh

Hutton Roof A packed and beautifully decorated hall was transported to Africa on 6th November when local residents Brenda Christmas Carol Singing around Hutton Roof will be on Head and Margaret Wilson spoke about their contrasting Monday December 14th, meet 7pm at the Post Office. visits to Zambia and Chad. A very enjoyable evening was Collection in aid of First Responders. The annual Carol had by all. This month has also seen the annual Domino Service at St. John's Church with Kirkby Lonsdale Brass Drive at the community hall and a moving Remembrance Band will be on Wednesday 16th December at 7.30pm. Service at St Peter's when the congregation was joined Refreshments to follow afterwards in the village hall. by Colonel Janice Cook in full military uniform. Many thanks to all those involved.

Kirkby Lonsdale Methodist Church Services

December Sunday 6th 09.00 Rev Wendy Thornton, Holy Communion 10.30 Morning Service with Ian Sarginson (St Thomas’s, Lancaster) 19.00 Sunday at Seven Sunday 13th 10.30 ‘Jesus’s Birthday Bash’ (Maureen Timmis and Christine Wightman)

Especially for families and young children. 'With birthday cake!'

Join us in a party-style celebration of Jesus's birthday. 18.30 Working with God Sunday 20th 10.30 Rev Wendy Thornton, 'Great Expectations - Christmas, Carols and Reflections' 18.30 Ecumenical Candlelit Carol Service at Kirkby Lonsdale Methodist Church. Everyone is invited to sing carols and listen again to the message of the birth of Jesus. With refreshments afterwards. Christmas Day 10.30 Christmas morning service for everyone Sunday 27th 10.30 Morning Service with Brian Gray (Levens)

January Sunday 3rd 09.00 Holy Communion, Rev Wendy Thornton 10.30 Morning Service with Rev Wendy Thornton 19.00 Sunday at Seven Sunday 10th 10.30 Morning Service (Barbara Fryers) 18.30 Working with God Sunday 17th 10.30 Morning Service, Rev Richard Teal (Cumbria District Chair) Sunday 24th 10.30 Rev Wendy Thornton, Ecumenical Annual Covenant Service Sunday 31st 10.30 Morning Service (John Fox, Quernmore)

19 Monthly news and views from the Church and the Community. A Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley Dates for your Diary

(KLLH Kirkby Lonsdale Lunesdale Hall/Institute; Dec KLMH: Kirkby Lonsdale Methodist Hall; BVH Barbon Village Hall; CVH Casterton Village Hall; CSP Casterton Thu 3 Christmas music, Casterton Church 7pm School Pavilion; WOM week of the month) Fri 4-6 KL Christmas Market & Bric-a-brac in St Mary's MONDAY 1-3:15pm Playgroup – KL St Marys School Sat 5 Christmas Supper Casterton VH 7.30pm 1:30-3:30 pm Over 50s Monday Club (1st/3rd WOM) KLLH Christmas Fair, Methodist Hall 11am-4pm 4-5pm Brownies – KLMH 5.45-7pm Beavers - KLLH Unwrapping Advent, St Mary’s 11-3.30pm 5:45-7:15pm Cubs - KLLH Sun 6 Spot on Theatre. Arkholme VH 2.30pm 7-8:30pm Scouts - KLLH 7:30-9pm Bible study group - KLMH Christmas Fair, Methodist Hall 1.30-4pm 8-10pm Barbon Bowling Club (Mon & Thur) - BVH Early Bird Vintage Fair Lunesdale Hall 10am-4pm TUESDAY 9:30am Ecumenical Prayer Group – KL St Marys Church Tue 8 Timeline Event. KLLH. 10.15 - 12.00 9:30-11:30am Baby/Toddler Group (Tue & Fri) – CSP Sing Joyfully Casterton Church 8pm 10am Baby Clinic & Edward Bear Club (4th WOM) St Marys Church Thu 10 Hornby Flower Club, Hornby Institute 7.30pm 10:30-12pm Sight Advice Support Group (2nd WOM) – KLMH Sun 13 Barbon Carol Service 2pm 12:30pm Over 50s Lunch Club (3rd WOM) The Orange Tree 2:15-3pm Contemp. Julian Prayer (3rd WOM) – KL St Joseph Disney Princesses Show Lunesdale Hall 2pm/4pm Church Mon 14 KL Civic Society Lunesdale Hall 7.30pm 2-4pm Lunesdale Quilters (term time only) - BVH 2-4:30pm Barbon Bridge Club – BVH Lupton/Hutton Roof Carol Singing 5:30-7pm Police drop-in (1st WOM) – KL Library Tue 15 Timeline Event. KLLH. 10.15 - 12.00 7:30pm Scottish Dance Class – CVH 7:30pm Lindy Hopping Dance Class – Melling Institute LADFAS Borwick Memorial Hall 2.15pm 7-9pm Rainbow Guides – KL St Mary’s school Wed 16 Christmas Quiz Lunesdale Hall 7pm WEDNESDAY 10:30-12pm Hearing Aid clinic (3rd WOM) – KL surgery Hearing Aid Clinic. Lunesdale Surgery 10.30 - 12.00 12-2pm Meet to Eat – KLMH Carol singing. Barbon 6.30pm 2pm Carers Association (2nd WOM) – KLLH 3:30-6:45pm Danceworks Dance classes - KLLH Thu 17 Lupton Carol Singing 7:15pm KL Town Council Meeting (2nd WOM) - KLLH Fri 18 Rotary Club Santa Sleigh from 5.30pm 7:30pm Casterton WI (1st WOM) - CVH 7:30-9:30pm Handbell Ringers Masonic Lodge (7 Fairbank) Sat 19 KL Open Air Nativity Market Square THURSDAY Tue 22 Mewses in Concert, Barbon Church 7.30pm 9:15-11:30am See + Know meet 0-5yrs old - KLMH 10-12am Farmers’ Market (KL Square) / Country Market (KLLH) Thu 24 St Mary’s Crib Service 5.30pm st 10-12am MacMillan / Age UK drop-in (1 & 3rd WOM) Library Crib service Barbon 4pm 2pm KL Embroiderers’ Group (2nd WOM) - BVH 2-3pm SLDC Planning Surgery - KLLH Jan 3:30pm-8pm Danceworks Dance classes – BVH & Fraser Hall Mon 11 KL Civic Society Lunesdale Hall 7.30pm 7pm Bridge Club – KLLH 7pm Boxercise – CSP Fri 15 KL Gardening Assoc AGM Bective Room 7.30pm 7:30pm KLCS - KLLH Sat 16 Barnardo’s Coffee Morning Methodist Hall 10am 7:30-9:30pm KL Art Society Evening sessions - KLMH 8-10pm Barbon Bowling Club (Mon & Thu) - BVH Tue 19 LADFAS Borwick Memorial Hall 2.15pm QES Police drop-in – QES Wed 27 Cumbria Wildlife Trust Lunedale Hall 7.30pm FRIDAY 9:30-11:30am Baby/Toddler Group (Tue & Fri) – CSP Thu 28 Anthony Hewitt, Casterton 10-11am Zumba Fitness – Whittington VH Fri 29 Middle Eastern evening, Casterton VH 7pm 10:30-2pm Friendly Friday Coffee & Chat (2nd WOM) – KLMH 7:30-9:30pm Church Ringing Group – KL St Marys Church Sip Our Soup Lunesdale Hall 12-2pm SATURDAY Feb 9:45-1:30pm Danceworks Dance classes - BVH 10:30-12am Fairtrade Coffee Morning (2nd WOM) – KLLH Wed 17 KL Gardening Assoc Bective Room 7.30pm SUNDAY Wed 24 Cumbria Wildlife Trust Lunesdale Hall 7.30pm 10:30am Preston Patrick Quakers, Sunday Worship 10:30am Briggflats Quakers, Children’s Worship March Barbon Quiz (1st WOM) Wed 23 Cumbria Wildlife Trust Lunesdale Hall 7.30pm