GyzVT* ft * March 1985 ^^ -mm v

Dean Booty Resigns

The Very Rev. John E. Booty, dean and pastor to his students." He said of the School of Theology, has re- that the heavy load of administra- signed and plans to leave the dean's tive duties takes its toll on all semi- office sometime after the end of the nary deans, a condition he said he academic year. intends to change at Sewanee. Dean Booty submitted his letter Dean Booty assumed his duties at of resignation to Vice-Chancellor Sewanee in 1982. Previously he had Ayres on February 25 and then an- been professor of church history at nounced his decision to his faculty the Episcopal Divinity School in and students. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and had In his letter of resignation. Dean taught at Theological Sem- Booty said: "That I can no longer inary. His service to the Church has function effectively here does not been rich and varied. He has also negate my conviction that the written numerous books on church School of Theology has a fine future history, prayer, and spiritual life. ahead of it and presently does a While at Sewanee, Dean Booty more than good job of preparing has overseen the move of the School priests for the Episcopal Church," of Theology from St. Luke's Hall to Vice-Chancellor Ayres said he re- more modern facilities of Hamilton gretted very much Dean Booty's Hall and has been instrumental in resignation, citing the dean's "won- the increase of enrollment from derful gifts as a scholar, teacher, about sixty to eighty-two students.

Hewlett-Mellon Grant To Honor Edward McCrady Dean John E. Booty in procession.

Officials of the Andrew W. Mellon named to honor Sewanee's eleventh and the William and Flora Hewlett Vice-Chancellor, Edward McCrady, Tonya Foundations have announced a who first came to Sewanee as a Grant Memorializes grant of $150,000 to Sewanee to be teacher of biology in 1938. Mc- matched by $450,000 from the Uni- Crady's distinguished career versity Judge Frank E. Wilson over the next three years. brought him international distinc- Grant and matching funds will tion as a scientist and respect as an establish a $600,000 permanently educator and college president. The Tonya Memorial Foundation of Immediately, the grant funds a restricted endowment to be known Vice-Chancellor Ayres concluded, Chattanooga has awarded the Uni- $750,000 professorship which will versity as the Edward McCrady Presiden- "Stewardship of talent and intellect an $800,000 grant to endow bring to Sewanee a distinguished tial Discretionary Fund, income were the foremost marks of Ned the Frank W. Wilson Professorship scholar "of sound learning and ex- from which is to support institu- McCrady's abounding energy. This of Political Science. tensive life experience in the com- tional renewal, primarily in the Fund to be called by his name opens The grant will also help endow mercial world who can demonstrate form of faculty and curricular devel- a new vista on our part in the cru- student internships in political that structures of pure theory are as opment. Matching funds must be cial stewardship of enabling and en- economy. ineffective as vantages of mere ex- either new, paid-in gifts made spe- livening fine perience which lead simply back teachers and the Tonya Foundation trustees chose to cifically and permanently for the institution within they the past." In addition, the grant, which to memorialize the late Judge Presidential Discretionary Fund or work." along with $200,000 raised Frank W. Wilson of Chattanooga, by the other new contributions designated University from other sources, pro- noting that as federal judge in the as permanent endowment for this vides $250,000 to endow student in- Eastern District of Tennessee he fund by the trustees of the Univer- ternships in the field of political served the area which includes Se- sity. Individual University economy. trustees wanee, Winchester, and have already given $41,624 toward Chattanooga. Officials of both the Foundation this goal. and Sewanee are hopeful that indi- In naming the chair, Vice-Chan- Accepting the terms of the grant viduals believing in the vital impor- cellor Ayres, remarked, "The Tonya and its challenge, Sewanee's Vice- tance of these internships will make trustees believe, and Sewanee con- Chancellor and President Robert M. gifts to increase their size and effec- curs, that Judge Wilson embodied Ayres, Jr., stated, "The promise of a tiveness. Vice-president for Devel- the ideal of the large life, well lived. Presidential Discretionary Fund opment Bill Whipple stated, His manifold interests not simply opens! vistas I could never pursue — "Interested friends and alumni will the law but politics, government, with the resources currently avail- see this internship program as an and economics commend him as a able to me. The building of educa- — occasion to support practical study model for those who will chart the tion at the close of this century within the liberal arts context; we course of a professorship in political demands the readiness and the re- are most grateful to the Tonya economy at Sewanee." sources necessary to meet opportu- Foundation for its initial support." nity. This Fund will be a pledge In addition to serving the federal Concluding his remarks, Ayres toward that opportunity." bench for more than twenty years said it is his hope the professorship Establishing is an objec- the Fund before his death in 1982, Judge Wil- will provide "a bridge between the tive in $50-million Cen- Sewanee's son was active in religious, civic, study of economics and the study of tury II campaign. ThejFund is Dr. Edward McCrady and regional affairs. politics." H Ice Storm: Four Days of ^Freezing Devastation

by ( ay Scott Many students waited out the Sew. ee residents and students power outages inside and found a will ' ng remember the early morn- variety of ways to stay busy and ing hours of February 1 and the ward off cabin fever despite the wors ice storm in recent history weather. Fireplaces in Elliott Hall, that followed. Tuckaway, Johnson, Phillips, and A storm front that brought heavy elsewhere provided cozy refuges for amounts of snow to portions of west those who endured the siege. Stu- and middle Tennessee delivered dents played cards and Trivial Pur- freezing rain and sleet to southern suit around them, told ghost stories portions of the Cumberland Pla- next to them, learned to cook in teau. The storm left amounts of up them, and some even learned to to nine inches of ice on streets, build fires in them for the first trees, and utility lines, causing haz- time. ardous driving, severe property While many students passed the damage, and electric and phone out- time inside, others ventured out of ages to the majority of Sewanee and doors for entertainment. Many Monteagle. found ice skating on Trezevant Vice-Chancellor Robert M. Ayres, Lake a smooth way to while away Jr., summed up the scene on cam- the hours; some brave skaters took pus when he said, "It looked like a to the ice-covered streets around bomb had hit here." Utility lines campus. Others enjoyed sledding lay across the streets, broken limbs around the hills of the campus on littered yards, and large tree trunks inner tubes, sleds, or anything that were split and felled by the weight was flat enough to slide. Some sled- of the ice. ders claimed to have started at Can- Three days of College classes non Hall and glided to the Old were cancelled, a phenomenon that Hospital. The outdoor activities ap- many could not remember happen- parently worked up big appetities ing ever before. The Seminary and for many as the University Market Saint AndrewVSewanee School quickly sold out of '^junk" food and cancelled classes for the entire beverages soon after the storm hit. week. A lot of students took to the roads Most dormitories remained with- and migrated to Chattanooga, At- out electricity for several days; how- lanta, and the Florida Keys to flee Tree limbs bend under the weight of the ice in front of Carnegie Hall. ever, most of the residence halls the ice and the Mountain. had heat and water during the As many students tried to enjoy storm and its aftermath. The stu- the situation and make the best of Dorothy Deas, C'88, dents also stayed warm with hot the storm, area residents were and Julia Miller, C'88, meals daily prepared learning to survive without electric- enjoy a sled ride down stoves in Gailor. ity and with the help of fireplaces,

A tree rests on the roof ofJohnson Hall. —

Coleman lantern's and stoves, and firewood" and made house checks on wood heaters. According to the the elderly. Residents with four- Duck River Electric Membership wheel drive vehicles delivered gro- Corporation, which serves Sewanee, ceries and medicine to those trap- everyone was without electricity at ped by the storm. University one time or another. Some residents maintenance crews slept in dorm were without electricity until lobbies and basements to hand feed Thursday afternoon, almost six and boilers to keep students warm. The one-half days after the storm began. Sewanee Volunteer Fire Depart- During all the outages, Vice- ment made eight calls during the Chancellor Ayres invited members week-long siege of ice while being of the community to ride out the manned basically with only one storm in Fulford Hall which had crew. The Sewanee Emergency heat and water. The University also Medical Service was also busy opened its dining hall to members transporting elderly persons to of the community for hot meals, and warm places and also answering according to the food service man- calls for a number of broken bones ager, Bruce Harper, Gailor fed ap- and fractures. The fire department proximately 200 community people and EMS problems were com- each day during the worst part of pounded by near impassable roads the storm. Shelters were set up in at certain stages of the storm. Ac- Cowan and Winchester and at the cording to the Sewanee Volunteer Senior Citizens Center in the Vil- Fire Department and Sewanee lage for residents who needed heat. Emergency Medical Service mar- Area churches not only provided shal, Tim Keith-Lucas, there were shelters but also supplied wood to no serious injuries during the those who were caught short. storm. As the potential ferocity of the Sewanee residents will long re- storm became apparent, the Univer- member February 1 and the storm, sity administration initiated some but they will also remember how emergency plans of its own and sent as a community with help from early appeals for assistance. Quick friends—they survived. The walk to Fulford Hall from Walsh is blocked by fallen limbs. action to obtain a special type of generator for the water plant meant that Sewanee residents and dormi- tories were without water for less than twenty-four hours. Repair crews from other parts of Tennessee were brought in to try to restore electricity and telephone service which had been disrupted by falling limbs and trees. Thirty Army Re- servists with the 844th Engineering Battalion from Chattanooga arrived Saturday to help set up generators and assist in whatever way needed. Air National Guardsmen replaced the Army Reservists during the week and maintained services in case of further troubles. Even though people from many areas came to assist, the efforts of Sewanee residents and students were the critical factors in prevent- ing a greater disaster. Students kept many residents supplied with Limbs lie around St. Luke's Chapel.

Richard Purvey, C'88, finds the best *& : way to get around is with the help of a pair of cross country skis. Army Reservists' trucks line Georgia Ave features

Brian is from a West Coast family of six. Two older children are also attending college. Both parents work and have before-tax income of Aid in a savings and equity Student $58,000. They have no home of $34,000. Brian has $800 in savings.

Total budget: $11,635 Squeeze (includes $1,000 travel) Resources: Parents' contribution $3,066 Barbara Hall by Student's savings 280 debates on the federal defi- In this year of heated Student's summer earnings 700 the educational cit and reauthorization of Total Family Contribution 4,046 amendments in Congress, with all the resultant and dire predictions of federal media coverage Financial Need $ 7,589 budget cuts, it is entirely appropriate to look at Sewanee's financial aid program—where it has been, where it is now, and where it may be in the From Texas, Linda is one of two children, both of future. whom are in college. Both parents work and Not many years ago, the earnings on Sewa- have before-tax income of $62,000. They have nee's financial aid endowment—coupled with $46,000 in home equity and $2,500 in savings. federal funds and other outside sources—were ample. In fact, some federal funding went un- Bob is from Mississippi and is the older of two earnings were not Total budget: $11,135 used and even the endowment father's before-tax income in children. His (includes $500 travel) that is no longer the case. While depleted. But $20,200 and his mother does not work. They grow by Resources: the earnings on endowed scholarships equity about have very little home and $10,000 Parents' contribution about eight percent a year, institutional funding in the bank. Bob has $2,000 in savings. Students' savings from general college funds has quadrupled. Student's summer earnings 700 The table on this page shows the basic cost of Total budget: $10,885 Contribution 6,860 education plus the amounts and sources of fund- (includes $250 in travel) Total Family ing for need-based financial aid at Sewanee since Resources: Financial the 1982-83 academic year. Parents' contribution $570 Need $4,275 What the table illustrates is that while costs Students' savings 700 700* From Tennessee, John is one of three children. continue to rise for an education at Sewanee, in- Student's summer earnings His older brother is in college and his younger stitutional funding for financial aid is rising rap- Total Family Contribution 1,970 brother is in private school. Both his parents idly, federal funding is gradually dropping off, work and have before-tax income of $42,600. and outside sources are decreasing rapidly. Financial Need S 8,915 They have no home equity and a small savings And just who axe the recipients of need-based account. financial aid at Sewanee? They are students (**$700 in summer earnings is expected of all from families who have neither the income nor entering freshmen; $900 is expected from all Total budget: $10,735 the assets to finance the total cost of a Sewanee upperclassmen.) (includes $100 travel) education. And how do we know they cannot per- Resources: sonally finance a Sewanee education? We know Parents' contribution this because they must file a national form list- Kathie is the older of two children and lives in Student's savings ing income (taxable and non-taxable) and assets. . Both of Kathie's parents work and Student's summer earnings 700 This form is evaluated using federally estab- their before-tax income in $27,400. They have Total Family Contribution 2,395 lished formulae to determine what a family can $70,000 in home equity and $2000 in savings. contribute toward education. (A signed copy of Financial Need $ 8,340 the parental 1040 is required by Sewanee's office Total budget: $11,085 of financial aid to verify all income figures.) If (includes $450 in travel) These students have legitimate Financial the family's contribution toward education is less Resources: need—as do about 380 other students at Sewa- than the student budget (which includes tuition, Parents' contribution nee. However, the federal government is seri- fees, room, board, books, personal expenses and Student's savings ously threatening not only to cut federal student travel for the current academic year), the stu- Student's summer earnings financial assistance, but also to reallocate re- dent qualifies for financial assistance. Total Family Contribution maining aid funds to allow access (not choice) to Following are some actual examples of stu- postsecondary education by the neediest stu- dents who qualify for need-based financial aid: Financial Need dents. (Such a move would drastically cut the federal funding received by Sewanee students.) At the same time, the University cannot con- tinue to allocate an increasing percentage of its 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 budget (nine percent in 1984-85, twelve percent Direct Educational Expenses $ 8.190 $ 9,035 $ 9,845 in 1985-86) to financial aid at the expense of (tuition, fees, room & board) other programs; nor can it be expected to "pick

Gift Assistance up the slack" if the federal reallocation of funds University Scholarships 721,205 1,291,205 1,371,793 occurs. Both courses of action would be fiscally Federal Grants 285,921 303,135 322.934 unsound and imprudent. State Grants 28,170 25,484 30,620 The University of the South has a long history Outside Scholarships 54,178 95,437 64,198 of providing educational opportunities to quali- ~- fied students regardless of their families' finan- Loan Assistance cial circumstances. For many years we were University Loans 46,344 60.630 29,950 justifiably proud of saying that we are able to Federally funded Loans 835,556 850.280 827.610 fund Outside Loans 18,400 7.000 2.100 about 90 percent of the need of our stu- dents. Given increasing costs and relatively Work Assistance static family contributions, the financial need Institutionally Funded 95,443 114,470 164,419 demonstrated by our students is growing more Federally Funded 116,890 150,000 135,951 rapidly than our resources to meet those needs. Outside Work 4,210 964 1,800 In 1990, what will we be proud of saying with regard to meeting the financial need of our Other Assistance students? Veterans Administration 26,470 40,388 40,000 Social Security 40.572 13,685 Barbara Hall is director offinancial aid and ca-

t for the University. New Look for the Wilkins

by Latham Davis merit scholarships, but in fact most of the schol- ing top students. The College of Arts and Sciences began this year arship funds provided under the program are The committee's interim report noted that if to award some merit-based scholarships under need-based. The ad hoc committee recommended the merit scholarships are intended as advertis- the twenty-two-year old Wilkins Scholarship that the total budget for merit awards not exceed ing, "a few modest scholarships (sufficient in size program. The plan is something of a departure $36,000, which is a very modest amount when and number to stimulate interest) will produce a from the College's traditional practice, since for compared with many other colleges and greater return for the money than many large many years Sewanee awarded universities. financial aid to scholarships, which will suffer from diminishing Sewanee belongs academically qualified students exclusively on to the Southern Consortium returns." the basis of demonstrated need. on College Admissions (a group of twenty private Perhaps under- Some of the data being collected on the Wil- standably, therefore, the decision to a colleges and universities which includes Emory, award kins Scholarships through the admissions office small number of scholarships entirely Davidson, Washington and Lee, Rhodes, Vander- on the ba- would seem to support the effectiveness of even sis of academic ability without regard bilt, Rice, and Wake Forest). Of this group Sewa- to finan- modest merit awards. By the February deadline, cial need has not received an nee was, until last year, the only "hold out" (and unqualified the College had received a total of 235 Wilkins endorsement by the faculty or University had been for at least four years) in granting no- applications, which is about 25 percent of the to- administration. need scholarships. Sewanee's outlay for no-need tal applicant pool and considerably more than The shift in the University's position is the re- scholarships is small compared to that at Emory, had been anticipated by the admissions staff. sult largely of what has been Rhodes (formerly Southwestern at Memphis), happening to al- The average SAT composite score for the Wilkins most all colleges and universities and several other colleges. as they seek pool is about 1230, markedly higher than the av- the best students. merit-based Despite the actions of other colleges, the com- The scholarships erage for entering students this year. are designed to attract the attention mittee as a whole has not been entirely satisfied of very Ed Wilkes, director of College admissions, said highly qualified students who might other- with the evidence that is usually cited in favor of not that not enough evidence or experience is avail- wise look carefully at what merit-based scholarships. It acknowledges that Sewanee offers. able to judge the success or merits of such schol- Many of the colleges and universities no-need scholarships seem to be valuable in at with which arships, but the figures are beginning to make least two ways. Sewanee competes for students have been offer- him optimistic about the program. ing no-need scholarships for years and are pro- "In the short lifetime of this experiment, the viding far greater a number of such awards than quality and quantity of our overall admissions is Sewanee. pool has increased," he said. No matter how strongly the University is com- The ad hoc committee had already taken note mitted to the need-based aid program, no one of the overall improvement in the freshman class wishes to lose a competitive advantage in the ef- of 1984, the first year of the merit scholarship fort to attract the finest students to the Moun- program. However, Mr. O'Connor said the com- tain. Thus a modest program has begun and is mittee was not able to separate the effect of no- being watched with considerable interest. There need scholarships from other changes in admis- is no commitment to continue with the plan un- sions such as an increase in clerical staff, mail- less evidence that is being gathered supports it. ings, and activities involving alumni and Controversy surrounds the use of merit schol- friends. arships, just not at Sewanee but at many of the In his summary, Mr. O'Connor said that until nation's other leading institutions. Leaders of there is more information, the committee would these universities and colleges are asking them- leave unanswered the question of whether the selves whether merit-based scholarships attract merit-based scholarships are worth what they the very best students or whether students base cost Sewanee, both in budgetary and philosophi- their decisions more on other criteria such as the cal terms. The committee asked that alternative quality of the academic program, facilities, ex- methods of attracting top students continue to be tracurricular activities, and community. They studied and that the effectiveness of no-need wonder if merit scholarships give the best return scholarships continue to be evaluated with the on the investment. Is Sewanee willing to risk its option of eliminating them if the evidence so traditional principles by even appearing to "pur- indicates. chase" students? First, they stimulate interest among students "After all," said O'Connor, "a few schools be- Because of the issues involved, W. Brown Pat- who would otherwise assume they could not af- gan no-needs out of desperation, and they can terson, dean of the College, appointed a commit- ford a private college. Once interested, the stu- never be more than a short-term, year-by-year tee last June to study the Wilkins Scholarship dents sometimes find that Sewanee's financial solution.... The more our competitors opt for program and the problems of no-need scholar- aid packages make Sewanee affordable. short-term, high cost solutions, the better off we ships and to make recommendations. In an in- Second, the scholarships convince some top will be by taking a long-term strategy." terim report, the committee, chaired by Richard students to enter Sewanee. These students in The majority of the Wilkins Scholarships con- O'Connor, assistant professor of anthropology, turn convince other students of like academic tinue to be need-based, and the committee rec- enumerated some philosophical and practical ob- promise to explore Sewanee and to enroll regard- ommended that financial aid in this form jections to merit scholarships but gave its ap- less of whether they become Wilkins scholars. continue to take precedence over no-need schol- proval to continuing the merit scholarship plan In the committee's interim report, Professor arships. It also recommended that greater atten- at least for another year, through 1985-86. Com- O'Connor said he was afraid that Sewanee might tion be given to academic and intellectual mittee members are anxious to have solid data have to raise the value of the scholarships and, qualities in the selection process. The broad pur- before making a final judgment. therefore, increase the total amount budgeted for pose of the Wilkins Scholarships was given clear As it gathers its 1985 freshman class, the Col- merit awards to really be able to compete for stu- focus by the committee in a meeting January 19 lege is extending to approximately twenty-five dents. This possibility raised another question. of this year. The committee's report states: prospective students the opportunity to become When does the cost of these few students exceed "Our Wilkins Scholarships brochure gives Wilkins scholars for their four years at Sewanee. their value to the College? three criteria for selection: academic achieve- Recipients of the award are chosen on the basis A recent study published by Michigan State ment and intellectual promise, leadership ability of merit and will receive a minimum award of University indicates that higher and higher and potential for service, and "qualities of charac- $5,000 a year. Demonstrated financial need will scholarship awards may not be the answer. Ac- ter. Our subcommittee agreed on the importance increase the award to the full amount of such cording to the study, scholarships based on aca- of all three, but felt that we needed to clarify need, but a Wilkins scholar will receive at least demic merit are valuable in attracting and priorities. We decided that academic achieve- $5,000. rewarding highly qualified students. However, ment and intellectual promise should be given The selection process requires a scholarship once these awards are available, the students the highest priority. In particular, we felt it nec- application and an essay. Then, on April 7-9 of who qualify for them tend to make their choices essary to stress that top scholars need not also be this year, the finalists will be the guests of Sewa- based upon the strengths of the college or uni- class leaders. We should be acutely aware that nee for activities designed to help them become versity, particularly in the academic areas they candidates with special talents will not always better acquainted with programs and opportuni- wish to pursue, and upon the personal interest be well-rounded individuals precisely because of ties at Sewanee and to aid the Wilkins scholar taken in them by faculty members and officials the uniqueness of their talents." The members of selection committee in making its choices for the at the school. Barbara Hall, director of financial the committee were agreed that the University scholarship awards. aid and a member of the committee, said this should seek out future Nobel laureates as well as On its face it may appear that the Wilkins pro- study suggests that a $6,000 scholarship may be students who might become NCAA scholar- gram would require a large outlay of funds for as valuable as a $12,000 scholarship in attract- athletes. College

s the quadrangle in the The Director New Faculty

Karrin Ford, a Ph.D. graduate of Visits Israel the Conservatory of Mu- sic, is serving the semester as the Martha McCrory, director of the Se- University's choir director and or- wanee Summer Music Center, took gan master. a month-long, mid-year holiday She has replaced Robert G. Del- over the Christmas break, visiting camp, who is on leave. friends and former students. With teaching experience in pub- Combining business with pleas- lic schools in Texas and at the Uni- ure, she enjoyed, first of all, a com- versity of Kansas and the prehensive journey throughout Cincinnati Conservatory, Dr. Ford Israel, including a flight deep into has written articles published in the Sinai Peninsula, now a part of several national music publications. Egypt. A highlight of the Israeli She holds an associate degree in or- portion of her trip was meeting the gan from the American Guild of SSMC violin teacher, Yair Kless Organists. and his wife, Anat. They enjoyed a Another change in the music de- visit together in Jerusalem and partment is the semester appoint- again in the Kless home in Tel Aviv ment of Tracy D. Prentice as an with the entire Kless family, in- instructor in music. A graduate of cluding Eyall and Doran, the tal- Yale and the University of Ala- ented sons. bama, he has taught at Austin Peay Later all the students from Israel State University and the Blair who have attended the Music Cen- School of Music of Vanderbilt ter came for a visit. It was a jolly University. reunion, and she met prospective members of the Center as well. The evening included a call to Alfred and Martha Bartles in Stuttgart, Germany—the Bartles being former THE COVER: Breslin Tower stands faculty members of the Center tall, but Sewanee's trees bend low whose daughters have been stu- under the ice storm of '85. dents in the summer for a number

On another occasion at a dinner in an Arabian restaurant, one of the local guests surprised Martha by -'SewSqee Ngws saying that he had spent a year at the Sewanee Academv. He is Ass'ad Salim Dakkak, A73, a co-owner of the Dakkak Tourist Agency, which Gownsman Kristin Hutchtns, C'85, assists new gownsman Scott Ensor, Latham W. Davis, Editor has branch offices in Jerusalem, C'86, with his gown during Opening Convocation. Beeler Brush, C'68, Alumni Editor Haifa, and Dallas. The Klesses and Clay Scott, Assistant Editor Mr. Dakkak sent greetings to their Advn Edit friends in Sewanee. y

Patrick Anders , C'57 Miss McCrory concluded her holi- Grand New SSMC Season Arthur Ben Chiltv, C'35 day with two weeks in Egypt. Her Elizabeth N. Chitty hoped-for visit with Mrs. Jehan LedlieW. Conger. Jr.. C'49 son of concerts and Will Ransom, harpist Marian Shaf- Sadat had to be postponed because Joseph B. Gumming, Jr., C'47 outstanding guest appearances is fer, and composer Byron Adams. In SlarkevS. Flvthe. Jr.. C'56 Mrs. Sadat was called to America to already in the making for the addition to the resident faculty, the The Rev. William N McKeachie, C'66 accept an award. twenty-ninth Sewanee Summer Music Center will host a number of Dale E. Richardson Charles E Thomas. C'27 Music Center to be held June 22 renowned guest artists and conduc- through July 28. tors. Juilliard graduate Bruce Associated Alumni Officers Sewanee Summer Music Center Kinkins, clarinetist on the faculty Jesse L. Carroll, Jr., C'69, President students and faculty will come from of Emory University, will serve as M. Scott Ferguson, C'79, Vice-President for Admissions more than half of the fifty states the resident conductor of the Cen- Dennis M. Hall, C'69, Vice-President for and from around the world to make ter's Cumberland Orchestra. music together for the five-week The 1984 Sewanee Summer Mu- Stuart Childs, C'49, Vice-President for will camp. Students perform before sic Center was awarded, along with Regions R. Lee Glenn III, C'57, Chairman of the audiences weekly in ensembles and the National at Inter- Music Camp Alumni Fund orchestras. During the camp, more lochen, recognition for the Perform- The Rev. W. Robert Abstein n, T'65, T'78, than thirty public performances ance and Promotion of American Vice-President for the School of Theology will be given. In addition to the in- Music, an honor bestowed by the C. Beeler Brush, C'68, Executive Director strumental training offered, stu- National Federation of Music The Sewanee News iISSN 0037-30441 is pub- dents may pursue their interests in Clubs. lished qu

the Snowy Mountains of Australia. New Zealand The Blue Mountains are made of sandstone formations similar to those of the Cumberland Plateau, Sabbatical and they are covered by lush euca- lyptus forests. The Snowy Mountain range varies from dense forests to During his sabbatical leave last open alpine meadows near the top spring, George Ramseur, professor of Mount Kosciusko, the highest of biology, went to Dunedin, New peak in Australia. Zealand, to work with Dr. Alan Mark at of the University Otago. They stopped briefly in for a The mountains of Central Otago view of the wet and dry sites of Province have a tussock grassland oceanic island vegetation, the coral vegetation, which Professor Ram- reefs, and a sandy beach. Going to seur to compare with a California, they drove along Inter- unique southern Appalachian state 40 to see the changing scene of type—the grassy bald. He also vegetation across the Southern wanted an opportunity to study states. On their return, they drove of some the southern hemisphere up the coast through redwood for- plants and to see as much plant di- ests in various stages of destruction versity as he could along the way. and recovery to the Olympic Penin- One of the highlights of the visit sula. It was nice to compare the was a ten-day field trip Mr. Ram- Olympic rain forests with those at a seur and his wife, Ruth, took with similar latitude in the southern Dr. Mark's plant ecology class to hemisphere. important vegetation sites around Their last major stop to see the the enjoyed learn- South Island. He vegetation was on the western edge ing about many new plants and of the Big Horn Mountains, where seeing the wide variety of vegeta- they visited John McGough, C'71, tion from the seacoast to the gla- at Shell, Wyoming. They also vis- ciers of Mount Cook. He also ited another alumnus, Jim Wheeler, became acquainted with the stu- C'75. He is now a sculptor in Auck- dents and realized that they have land, New Zealand, but maintains a much in common with students in strong interest in botany and took Sewanee. Warren Smith, C'87, photographs friends, Monteray Stabler, C'87, Susan the Ramseurs to a Kauri forest and Steves, C'87, Evelyne Wynne, C'86, and Anne Laigle, C'86, following to see plant succession on a volcanic Opening Convocation. island near Auckland. Ideology Focus on Pastoral Care

by Scott Arnold, T'87 learn the value of by doing without. can it be fully learned from text "I'm here to be a priest to the Nor students." books. So says the Rev. William Patten, "Pastoral care is a tricky phrase," C'71, special assistant to the dean he says. "Everybody tosses it for pastoral care and development around too casually." Pastoral care, at the School of Theology. "I'm he insists, is being with someone. somebody the seminarians can talk "It's walking with somebody as a to." friend. You're not a magician, Not that the students are without you're not a mystic; you're a friend." anyone else to seek pastoral coun- Describing himself simply as an seling from, but Bill is one of the "active" person, Bill is one who few official seminary pastors in the wears many different "hats" at history of the school. present. In addition to his being as- The Dean's Column: Author, musician, pilot, artist, sistant to the dean for pastoral care, former infantryman, father of five, Bill is vicar of Christ Church in politician, home computer buff, and Alto, which is approximately forty- Theological Reflection priest for thirteen years in the Dio- five communicants strong, and is cese of Tennessee, Bill has a rich also the state representative for the background to draw upon in re- by the Very Rev. John E. Booty school under the Church's "one- per- sponding to the various responsibil- giving plan. A theological school is many things. It is a place where men and cent" ities as seminary pastor, a role he women study to learn those things necessary to the functioning of Despite his hectic schedule, Bill acquired at the beginning of the the ordained ministry of the church. It is a place where resources still takes a great deal of time to be school year. and programs are provided for the continuing education of clergy with the seminarians. When he is Not himself a faculty member nor and laity. And it is a place at which there is gathered a community not visiting with individual semi- in any way responsible for evaluat- of scholars dedicated to teaching future ordained ministers of the narians and their families at their ing students, Bill offers students church and to designing and providing resources and programs for home, Bill can often be found in or the advantage of having a pastor continuing education. But there is more to it than this. The best of around Hamilton Hall, although understands the difficulties of those teachers composing seminary communities are engaged in the- who seldom is he seen actually in his of- . confront- seminary life. ological reflection. They are scholars who read and think, fice there. Instead, he is more likely Indeed, Bill is not unfamiliar * ing the issues of our society in relation to the research and writing to be seen having a cup of coffee with students' needs and the pres- they do for their particular fields of expertise. Ideally, a theological with a group of students, helping sures and responsibilities involved school is a place where specialists in various theological disciplines Dean John Booty with some press- with attending seminary, nor is he are in daily contact with one another, sharing views, testing ideas, ing task, or just sitting quielty talk- unfamiliar with the need for a pas- generating excitement in themselves and others. Their on-going the- ing with someone—being a friend. graduate of ological reflection, research, and writing enrich their teaching and tor for seminarians. A intensely "It's really a right big commu- increase their worth as servants of the Servant Church. Sewanee, Bill says he was nity," he says. "The students, wives, Unfortunately few seminaries take seriously this latter aspect of aware of the absence of a seminary in the lives and children add up to a pretty big the theological school. By increasing the busy-ness of our teachers, pastor who could share "I thought it church." And it is that church that increasing teaching loads, multiplying committee assignments, ig- of the seminarians. training not to have Bill wishes to serve as a friend. noring the need for time for reflection, research, and writing, semi- was part of our 'It's just being a friend," he says nary administrations are weakening their ability to provide the a pastor when I was here," he says. pastoral care is again. "It's kind of nice having a job kind of learning needed by the ordained and unordained ministers According to Bill, seminarian need like that." in the last decades of the twentieth century. And faculty cannot es- not something the cape some of the blame. Too many of our teachers have ceased to do serious theological reflection, research, and writing. Too many, for fear of losing their jobs, acquiesce too easily to administrative pres- sures. Equally serious is the general lack of conversation among teachers concerning the matters that concern them most. I beg for- giveness as I mention here the penchant among teachers for gossip and the avoidance of debate. What can be done to encourage the fuller realization of seminary as the community of scholars engaged in theological reflection, re- search, and writing here at Sewanee? An important signal would be given if those providing financial support would increase the volume of funds available for sabbatical research and writing, for research grants to be used at any time, and for the doing of theological reflec- tion, research, and writing at any time, chiefly by assuring that there is an adequate faculty at work in this place. A good friend of mine, Jay Forrester, professor of management at MIT and an Episcopal layman, has criticized the church for its lack of attention to long range issues, its preoccupation with immediate concerns. "The institution," he wrote, "with the longest time horizon is in the best technical position to lead in exploring the nature of the social system; the church should establish that distant horizon. Long-term values are closely tied to what society is to be one hundred, or two hundred, or one thousand years hence. If not the church, who is to look that far ahead? But the church is in the pre- dicament of undergoing a shortening time horizon when it should be turning attention to a horizon beyond that of any other unit in the

society." I agree. But I doubt that we can do what Forrester rightly believes we should be doing, unless our seminaries are composed of communities of scholars engaged in theological reflection, research, Carter Paden, T'87, left, and Samuel Kaxuxuena, T85, discuss an as- and writing, daring to think into the future on the basis of their signment in New Testament studies during a break between morning expert knowledge of the past. classes at the School of Theology. Paden is from the ofEast Ten- nessee, and Kaxuxuena is a special student from Namibia. South Afric '

Stumping for Sewanee Among the Owners

The Rev. Canon James R. "Knox" parishes works for both "one-per- Brumby, C'48, T'51, is irrepressible, cent" funds and for Sewanee-in-the- somewhat like a snowstorm (albeit Budget funds, providing support for from Florida), so that everyone on the entire University, though the the Mountain is happy that this emphasis is on the newer "one-per- man is on Sewanee's side. Few peo- cent" program. ple are working harder for Sewanee In his way of carrying Sewanee's now than Knox Brumby. That fact message to these Southern congre- has added significance when you gations, Canon Brumby also pro- consider that he is traveling, vides a receptive ear to many of preaching, chiding, persuading, and Sewanee supporters and potential generally troubleshooting strictly supporters. What he has heard re- as a volunteer.- veals a wide variety of prejudices, Mr. Brumby is the acting director many with very deep roots, which of church relations, traveling from must be overcome. his home in Shell Point, Florida. Al- To one person, Sewanee is cen- though he has been speaking for the tered too much on the Sacramental entire University (College and Sem- life. To others there is not enough inary), much of his efforts have emphasis on renewal at the Semi- been concentrated on getting nary. Some clergymen remain of- church congregations to make their fended by University leaders who Canon Knox Brumby, right, meets during his travels with the "one-percent" contributions to the have long since left the scene. Rev. Robert Abstein, T'65, rector School of Theology. Overall, however, Mr. Brumby of St. John's Church in Tallahassee, Florida, and president the Seminary's This "one-percent" work began in said the negative feedback has been of Alumni Council. September, and in that time he has light compared to the strong posi- traveled to four and scores tive expression of support. Many of churches, not exclusively to the parishes feel close to the Seminary largest. Nor is he visiting only because they have had Sewanee Christian Vocation churches where the rectors are Se- seminarians doing field work or wanee graduates or where congre- they have had other contacts with de Beer, gations have been traditionally the University. The efforts of Dean John director of educa- with the wisdom of Scripture and supportive of Sewanee. Booty are already creating favora- tional design for the Bairnwick tradition on the call to live a Chris- "I firmly believe we should pur- ble impressions among the owning Center, and Patricia O'Connell Kil- tian life. The themes for the project sue every congregation, regardless dioceses and parishes. len, a member of the faculty at the center around a metaphor: "to be a School of Theology, of the seminary of the clergy, and Mr. Brumby is encouraged by the began a joint point of God's loving presence in the project the ask for our rightful support," verbal commitments and pledges to on theology of Christian Brumby said. "In many instances, "one-percent" and SITB, which may vocation in the fall of 1984. The project is a joint venture of ' where we get the opportunity, we not be realized until 1986 but have Comparing contemporary writing the extension and residential divi- win the support of the nontheless been numerous. on the theology of ministry with the sions of the School of Theology. It results of a study of the congregation." Knox Brumby's work for the Uni- effects of represents Dean Booty's intention the Education for Ministry program to have the "Of course, priority should be versity is a work of love for his School regularly spon- on participants, the purpose of the sor research and writing projects given in sequence to the larger par- alma mater, and it fits his personal- of project is to articulate a theology of value to the of £ ishes, but none should be omitted if ity and training almost perfectly. education

Christian vocation that correlates ans laity for mission : possible," he said. He served as full-time canon mis- and and the expertise of lay people He recalled three members of the sioner for the Diocese of South Flor- today try in the Church. clergy in the Central Gulf Coast, all ida before its division into loyal to their own seminaries, who Southeast and Southwest Florida. said they were delighted that they While chairman of the diocese's de- would be visited by someone from partment of missions and church Sewanee, especially considering extension, he started five congrega- their small congregations. tions and had a hand in starting While speaking initially to the sixteen others. In addition he rectors, vicars, or their associates, served on the ad hoc committee, Canon Brumby has sought and chaired by Bishop William Folwell, found opportunities to speak to ves- which planned the division of the tries, finance committees, adult ed- diocese. ucation classes, and even informal Mr. Brumby is also a past Uni- groups of parishioners. He has ac- versity trustee. He presented the cepted several invitations to preach resolution adopted by the Board of on Sundays, and he has addressed Trustees in 1968 authorizing the the convention of the Diocese of admission of women to the Univer- Central Florida and several clerical sity as degree-seeking students. meetings. His visits are preceded by Currently, while continuing to letters from Dean John E. Booty "supply" at parishes, missions, and and by telephone calls. Florida State University, he oper- With these groups, Mr. Brumby ates a charter service on his thirty- sought initially to convey informa- three foot sailboat. He is also a ma- tion, explaining the programs of the rine surveyor. He sold the motel he University, the exciting develop- owned for eight years and obtained ments in the School of Theology, a stockbroker's license, and he is and the plans of Dean Booty, in- about to begin training with a ma- George Mims, right, pastor of Church Music at St. George's Episcopal cluding plans to use "one percent" jor fund-raising firm in Florida. Church in and also editor of the Church Hymnal, Series funds to supplement the University Traveling, speaking, and promot- rV, leads the musical portion of a recent Wednesday Eucharist service at budget. ing come almost naturally to Knox the School of Theology. Accompanying Mims are Neal Michell, center, His appeal on the grounds that Brumby. When such work is for Se- and David Murray. Mims was at the Seminary as guest lecturer for the University is owned by these wanee, the pleasure is tripled. Church Music and Liturgies. a —

Seminary Worship: Tradition and Community by Christopher Bryan Cross itself. To be a Christian is to ancient people: yet "The peace of the Lord be always be part of an in a special way, must with you!" says the priest. seminarians, struggle with that antiquity, con- "And also with you!" we reply. Hugs and handshakes. Smiles sidering how, as priests, they are to it, and to God, in the and a few kisses. A gentle disorder, be faithful to gradually resolving and focusing on twentieth century. bread and wine, the Messiah with So, against this background and, his people, holiness reclaimed for of course, against the ongoingness space and time. Sharing the peace of life itself—local events and world and celebrating the Lord's Supper— developments, ice storms, school the former regarded by many as holidays, and nuclear threats—the very much a mark of "new" prayer seminary engages in Anglican wor- books, the latter visibly central to ship. Which means (to be exact) the the worship of the Church from her constant daily recitation of Morning earliest days: yet both, if the truth and Evening Prayer, and regular be admitted, marks of Christian ad- celebration of the Lord's Supper. Of oration from the beginning as even the Lord's Supper we have already the insults of pagans testified. In said something. To that other daily this ancient tradition, then, the recitation (the "office"—or "duty" seminary prays. as it is often called), all Anglican Of course we have said nothing so priests are committed from the mo- far that should not also be said of ment of ordination, and most take other Christian groups on the on the discipline while they are still Mountain—All Saints' and Otey, St. preparing for priesthood. By it, the Mary's and the Roman Catholic priest is obliged to be constantly, parish. And it is right to begin so, and in an orderly fashion, reading for if seminary worship were not and re-reading virtually the whole first worship as part of the Church, Bible: the Old Testament once it would be nothing—or, at least, every two years, the New Testa- nothing that could be called "Angli- ment twice, and the Psalter sixteen can" or "Christian." And yet—and times. The ordered structures of this is in no way to deny the special prayer and reading are a constant gifts and commitments of those oth- reminder that the priest never ers— and yet the seminary commu- prays alone: throughout diocese and nity has also its particularity: at province every other priest (not this time and in this place, where so being let or hindered) will be using* many are engaged in painful or joy- the same prayers and the same the Seminary chapel. (Photo: Scott ful changes of plans, lives, and am- readings on the same day. In the bition, so many are struggling with seminary chapel, certainly not all new learnings, dangers, and possi- the seminarians will be gathered seminary is enriched. may well be a while before you un- bilities, inevitably those tensions for the office on any given occasion. If one were a newcomer to Chris- derstand it. In the nature of things, and questions find their expression Sometimes there will only be a few. tianity (or to Anglicanism), I sup- perhaps none of us should ever ex- in the seminary's worship—inevita- Others will be saying the prayers pose some of the seminary worship pect to understand all of it. It is per- bly and properly, for if worship did alone or with their families. But the might be puzzling. The music (for fectly appropriate to begin by not involve and express the commu- public recitation by some is a con- there is a lot of music) is sometimes listening. One of the most ancient nity's life, it would, again, be stant reminder of the commitment strange or difficult to sing. Parts of worshipping texts in the Bible nothing. by all. the Psalms and the Scriptures are starts, in Hebrew, with just that ex- The seminary chapel itself— The seminary worship is, of hard to understand. I would advise hortation. Shema!—which means, temporary building already too course, public worship. Anyone is anyone with such difficulties simply Listen! small— is starkly modern: austere. welcome to join it, as is true of all not to worry: just to come. The Yet at its center, rich signs of a re- the Christian worship communities Church at worship does not pretend mote history and a promised future: on the Mountain. There are usually to offer to God what is easy, only t the Scriptures and the Table, re- present one or two undergraduates what is best. Remember you are en- minders of creation and covenant, from the College of Arts and Sci- tering into a conversation between Christopher Bryan is professor of judgment and salvation, the prof- ences, and other members of the Se- God and humanity that has been New Testament at the School of fered sacrifice of Isaac, and the ity. By them, the going on for thousands of years. It Theology.

Gifts Through One Percent Lift School of Theology

Alabama Opelika—Emmanuel Episcopal Church Episcopal Church Pell City—Church of St. Simon Peter Calhoun—St. Timothy's Episcopal Church Alexander City—St. James's Episcopal The following list includes all par- Scottsboro St. Luke's Episcopal Church Cartersville Church of the Ascension Church — — ishes and missions gifts Elberton—St. Alban's Episcopal Church that made Anniston Church of St. Michael All — & Church during 1984 to the School of Theol- Gainesville—Grace Episcopal Arkansas La Grange—-St. Mark's Episcopal Church ogy through the new one-percent Auburn—Church of the Holy Trinity El Dorado St. Mary's Episcopal Church — Lawrenceville—St. Edward's Episcopal Birmingham—All Saints' Episcopal Church, program. This plan, instituted at Fort Smith—St. John's Episcopal Church Church Grace Episcopal Church Heber St. Francis's Episcopal the General Convention of 1982, Springs— Marietta—St. Catherine's Episcopal Church, Childersburg—St. Mary's Episcopal Church Church St. Peter's & St. Paul's Episcopal Church provides that churches make contri- Gadsden Church of the Holy Comforter — Magnolia St. James's Episcopal Church — Ro swell—St. David's Episcopal Church butions of one percent of their net Heflin—Church of the Messiah Pine Bluff—Grace Episcopal Church Smyrna St. Jude's Episcopal Church Huntsvi He—Church of the Nativity, St. Ste- — : to the seminary Toccoa St. Matthias's Episcopa{l Church phen's Episcopal Church —

i of their choice. Marion—St. Wilfrid's Episcopal Church Atlanta Continued on page ll Montgomery—Church of the Ascension, St. Atlanta—Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church, John's Episcopal Church St. Anne's Episcopal Church, St. Luke's Church Lexington—R E. Lee Memorial Episcopal Laurinburg—Si. David's Episcopal Church Church Trinity Episcopal Church California Littleton—Si Allan's Episcopal Church Roanoke—St John's Episcopal Church Louisburg— Si. Matthias's Episcopal Church, Staunton—Church of the Corte Madera—Church of the Holy Innocents Good Shepherd Lexington St. Paul's Episcopal Church Oxford—St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church, St. Paris—St. Peter's Episcopal Church Central Florida Stephen's Episcopal Church Tennessee Pittsboro St. Bartholomew's Bristol—Sl. Columba's Dunnellon—Holy Faith Episcopal Church — Episcopal Episcopal Church Church Chattanooga—Grace Episcopal Church, St. Orlando—Church of the Ascension, St- Mary LOS AngeJeS Raleigh—St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, St. Martin's Episcopal Church. St. Paul's of the Angels Los Angeles—St. James's Episcopal Church Michael's Episcopal Church, St. Timothy's EpiscopaUC hurch, St. Peter's Episcopal Episcopal Church Church Central Gulf Coast Rocky Mount—Church of the Good Shep- Clarksville—Trinity Episcopal Church herd, Cleveland— Apalachicota—Trinity Episcopal Church Smithsburg—St. Ann's Episcopal Church St. Andrew's Episcopal Church St. Luke's Episcopal Church Atmore—St. Anna's Episcopal Church, Trin- Rosboro—St. Mark's Episcopal Church Columbia—St. Peter's Episcopal Church ity Episcopal Church Salisbury—St. Luke's Episcopal Church, St. Copperhill—St Mark's Episcopal Church Bay Minette—Immanuel Episcopal Church Minnesota Matthew's Episcopal Church, St. Paul's Decherd—Christ Episcopal Church-Alto Dickson Bon Secour—St. Peter's Episcopal Church Edina—St. Stephens's Episcopal Church Episcopal Church —St. James's Episcopal Church- Daphne—St. Paul's Episcopal Church Scotland Neck—St. Mark's Episcopal Church Cumberland Furnace Island Francis's Southern Pines—Emmanuel Episcopal Greeneville—St. James's Episcopal Church Dauphin —St. Episcopal Missouri Mission Church KingsporV-St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Florissant—St. Barnabas's Episcopal Church St. Timothy's De Funiak Springs—St. Agatha's Episcopal Tarboro—Calvary Parish Episcopal Church Manchester St. - — Luke's Episcopal Church Thomasville—St. Paul's Knoxville—Church of the - Church Episcopal Church Good Shepherd, St. St. Clair St. James's Episcopal Church Dot ban—Church of the Nativity — Wadesboro—Calvary Episcopal Church Thomas's Episcopal Church St. Louis—St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Lookout Fairhope—St. James's Episcopal Church Wake Forest—Church of St. John the Baptist Mountain—Church of the Good Sullivan—St. John's Episcopal Church Shepherd Magnolia Springs—St. Paul's Chapel Walnut Cove—Christ Episcopal Church McMinnville—St. Matthew's Episcopal Mobile—St. John's Episcopal Church, St. Warrenton—Emmanuel Episcopal Church Church Luke's Episcopal Church Weldon—Grace Episcopal Church Nashville—Chriat Episcopal Church, St. Mississippi* Matthias's Pen6acola—-St. Christopher's Episcopal Yanceyville—St. Luke's Episcopal Church Church St. Louis—St. Thomas's Episcopal Church Church Newport—Church of the Annunciation Belzoni St. Thomas's Episcopal — Church Norris St. Francis's Valparaiso St. Jude's Episcopal Church — Episcopal Church — Biloxi Church of the Redeemer — Northwest Texas Oak Ridge—St. Stephens Episcopal Church Brandon—St. Luke's Episcopal Church, St. Borger—St. Peter's Episcopal Church Sewanee—Otey Memorial Parish Church, St. Peter's by the Lake Central New York Coleman—St. Mark's Episcopal Church James's Mission Brookhaven Episcopal Church of the Binghamton Christ Episcopal Church — Midland—St. Nicholas's Episcopal Church Sherwood—Church of the Epiphany — Redeemer Johnson City—All Saints' Episcopal Church Monahans—St. James's Episcopal Church Brooks ville —Church of the Ascension Pampa—St. Matthew's Episcopal Church Canton—Grace Episcopal Church San Angelo—Emmanuel Episcopal Church Texas Colorado Clarksdale—St. George's Episcopal Church Snyder-^St. John's Episcopal Church Killeen—St. Christopher's Episcopal Church Castle Rock—Christ Episcopal Church Clinton—Episcopal Church of the Creator Vernon—Grace Episcopal Church Kingwood—Church of the Good Shepherd Colorado Springs—Church of Our Saviour Columbia—St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Wharton—St. Thomas's Episcopal Church Columbus—Church of the Good Shepherd, St. Paul's Episcopal Church Dallas Corinth—St. Paul's Episcopal Church Put-in-Bay—St. Paul's Episcopal Church Upper South Carolina Corsicana—St. John's Episcopal Church Enterprise—St. Mary's Episcopal Church Aiken—St. Thaddeus's Episcopal Church Dallas—St. Paul's Episcopal Church, St. Greenville—St. James's Episcopal Church Cayce—All Saints' Episcopal Church Thomas's Episcopal Church Greenwood—Church of the Nativity Oklahoma Columbia—St. John's Episcopal Church, St. Richardson—Church of the Epiphany Grenada—All Saints' Episcopal Church Sand Springs—St. Matthew's Episcopal Martin s-in-the-Fields Texarkana—St. James's Episcopal Church Gulfport—St. Mark's Episcopal Church Church Woodward—St. John's Episcopal Church Hazlehurst—St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Virginia Indianola—St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Charlottesville—Church of Our Saviour Easton Inverness—All Saints' Episcopal Church Pennsylvania Colonial Beach—St. Mary's Episcopal Snow Hill—All Hallows' Parish Jackson—St. James's Episcopal Church Philadelphia—St. Paul's Episcopal Church Church Kosciusko—St. Matthew's Episcopal Church Doswell—Fork Church, St. Martin's Episco- Lexington—St. Mary's Episcopal Church East Carolina pal Church Macon—Church of the Nativity Ahoskie—St. Thomas's Episcopal Church Bio Grande* Millers Tavern—St. Paul's Episcopal Church Meridian—Church of the Mediator, St. Fayetteville—Church of the Holy Trinity Richmond St. Martin's Episcopal Church Paul's Episcopal Church — New Bern Christ Episcopal Church Warrenton—St. James's Episcopal Church — Natchez—Trinity Episcopal Church Southport—St. Philip's Episcopal Church Okolona—St. Bernard's Episcopal Church South Carolina Pascagoula—St. John's Episcopal Church Charleston—St. James's Episcopal Church, Western Louisiana Pass Christian—Trinity Episcopal Church St. Peter's Episcopal Church El Camino Real Alexandria—St. James's Episcopal Church, Philadelphia—St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Florence—Christ Episcopal Church Saratoga—St. Andrew's Episcopal Church St. Timothy's Episcopal Church Hartsville St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church — Cheneyville Trinity Episcopal Church — . Church Starkville—Church of the Resurrection Lake Charles—Church of the Good Shep- Church of the Advent Florida Sumner— herd, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Terry—Church of the Good Shepherd Chiefland—-St. Alban's Episcopal Church Lake Providence—Grace Episcopal Church Tupelo All Saints' Episcopal Church Southeast Florida Femandina Beach—St. Peter's Episcopal — Monroe—St. Thomas's Episcopal Church Big Pine Key—St. Francis in the Keys Church Vicksburg—Christ Episcopal Church, Natchitoches—Trinity Episcopal Church Boca Raton—St. Gregory's Episcopal Church Hibernia—St. Margaret's Episcopal Church Church of the Holy Trinity, St. Alban's New Iberia—Church of the Epiphany Episcopal Ft. Lauderdale—Church of the Intercession Jacksonville—St. Mark's Episcopal Church Church, St. Mary's Episcopal Pineville—St. Phillip's Episcopal Church Church Palm Beach—The Church of Bethesda-by- Orange Park—Church of the Good Ruston—Church of the Redeemer t he-Sea Samaritan West Point—Church of the Incarnation Sulphur—Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Tequesta—Church of the Good Shepherd Tallahassee—St. John's Episcopal Church Winona—Immanuel Episcopal Church Yazoo City—Trinity Episcopal Church Southern Ohio Western Massachusetts Fort South Barre—Christ Episcopal Church Worth Cincinnati—St. James's Episcopal Church, Arlington St. Alban's Episcopal Church Montana — St. Timothy's Episcopal Church Stevensville—St. Stephen's Episcopal Ft. Worth— All Saints' Episcopal Church Glendale—Christ Church Church Western Missouri Georgia Boonville—Christ Episcopal Church Southern Virginia Carthage—Grace Epicsopal Church War- Savannah—All Saints' Episcopal Church, St North Carolina Bridgetown—Hungars Parish rensburg—Christ Episcopal Church Thomas's Episcopal Church Ansonville—All Souls' Episcopal Church Eastvil le—Christ Episcopal Church Asheboro—Church of the Good Shepherd Newport News—St. Andrew's Episcopal Charlotte—All Saints' Episcopal Church, Iowa Church Western North Carolina ChriBt Episcopal Church, St. Andrew's Asheville All Souls' Episcopal Church, St. Episcopal Suffolk—Glebe-St. John's Cure — Cedar Rapids—St. John's Church Episcopal Church, St. Martin's Episcopal Yorktown—Grace Episcopal Church Luke's Episcopal Church Iowa City—Trinity Episcopal Church Church Chesapeake—St. Thomas's Episcopal Church Bat Cave—Church of the Transfiguration Concord—All Saints' Episcopal Church Crewe—Gibson Memorial Episcopal Church Brevard—St. Philip's Episcopal Church Davidson—St. Alban's Episcopal Church James's Episcopal Indiana Kenbridge—St. Paul's Episcopal Church Henderson ville—St. Durham—St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Connersville—Trinity Episcopal Church Church St. Luke's Episcopal Church, St. Titus' Highlands—Church of the Incarnation Indianapolis—Church of the Nativity Episcopal Church Church of the Messiab Lebanon—St. Peter's Episcopal Church Southwest Florida Murphy— Eden—Chruch of the Epiphany Mt. Vemon St. John's Episcopal Church Dunedin—Church of the Good Shepherd — Fuquay-Varina —Trinity Episcopal Church Ruskin St. John The Divine Episcopal New Castle—St. James's Episcopal Church — Garner—St. Christopher's Episcopal Church Church West Texas Greensboro—St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Tampa—Episcopal House of Prayer Alice—Church of the Advent the Advent St. Francis's Episcopal Church Temple Terrace—St. Catherine's Episcopal Brownsville—Church of Kentucky Hamlet—All Saints' Episcopal Church Church Del Rio—St. James's Episcopal Church Henderson Trinity Episcopal Church Louisville—St. Matthew's Episcopal Church —St. John's Episcopal Church Pharr— Iredell County—St. James's Episcopal San Antonio—Christ Episcopal Church, Church Church of the Resurrection, St. George's Louisiana Jackson—Church of the Saviour Southwest Virginia Bogalusa—St. Matthet Kernersville—St. Matthew's Episcopal Blacksbure—Christ Episcopal Church Continued on page 14 cFundraising CHURCH SUPPORT SUMMARY Seeking Diocesan Calendar Year 1984

Diocese Communicants SITB TEO 1% Other Total Chairs Alabama 18,983 $ 40,129 $ 2,699 $ 8,182 $ 927 $ 51,937 Arkansas 11,550 3,901 856 2,213 200 7,170 39,526 The Century II campaign was lifted Atlanta 30,593 14,846 741 18,839 5,100 8,591 to the $40.2-million level this win- Central Florida 26,070 5,267 1,244 1,905 175 ter thanks to some major gifts and Central Gulf Coast 15,227 20,412 11 6,266 1,250 27,939 20,407 the growing broad support of Uni- Dallas 40,055 13,211 4,940 2,256 versity alumni. East Carolina 12,870 3,920 126 1,205 2,500 7,751 General chairman Allan C. King, Florida 19,029 12,779 1,881 3,938 90 18,688 C'51, of Houston said he is confident Fort Worth 12,823 3,680 1,068 1,000 1,216 6,964 that the campaign goal of $50 mil- Georgia 12,616 7,540 1,394 813 2,100 11,847 lion can be reached by the end of Kentucky 9,138 5,266 596 439 100 6,401 1985. Lexington 7,056 5,348 31 118 500 5,997 Campaign planners are pleased Louisiana 16,441 11,432 1,866 3,873 100 17,271 with the response to efforts to raise Mississippi 16,218 11,169 342 27,802 320 39,633 $1 million to endow a chair for the Missouri 12,390 3,300 868 4,168 Alumni Distinguished University North Carolina 31,510 4,935 177 18,184 23,296 Professor. Alumni are also respond- Northwest Texas 8,941 5,054 300 2,622 7,976 ing generously to two scholarship South Carolina 19,188 4,848 692 2,380 900 8,820 funds established last year to honor Southeast Florida 29,523 4,470 300 4,400 3,150 12,320 Robert S. Lancaster, professor Southwest Florida 31,188 16,201 6,617 2,444 50 25,312 emeritus, and Lon S. Varnell, head Tennessee 21,036 45,502 1,630 9,820 1,448 58,400 basketball coach from 1948-1970, Texas 61,931 21,505 2,359 1,492 300 25,656 and another scholarship fund in Upper S.C. 19,303 7,873 2,316 385 10,574 memory of coach Shirley Inman West Tennessee 10,804 14,079 224 1,017 15,320 Majors. West Texas 22,743 4,690 271 6,226 950 12,137 Church support in the owning Western Louisiana 12,476 8,446 443 5,144 1,100 15,133 dioceses is being sought through the Western N.C. 10,065 2,707 729 4,073 400 7,909 funding of $l-million diocesan Outside Dioceses 9,894 4,264 21,085 1,766 37,009 chairs in both the School of Theol- ogy and the College of Arts and Grand Total $312,404 $30,861 $163,604 $27,283 $534,152 Sciences.

Manual on Parish Support Widespread

* St. Mary's* C artersvi 1 le—Asce nsio n Stewardship Financial support that comes to Se- Childersburg— St. John's* Columbus—Trinity wanee from parishes and missions Decatur— Demopolis—Trinity* Elberton—St. Alban's* of Episcopal Church continues the Eutaw—St. Stephen's Fort Valley—St. Andrew's* to grow and contribute significantly Florence—St. Bartholomew's, Trinity* Gainesville—Grace* to the overall health of the Gadsden—Holy Comforter* Hartwell—St. Andrew's* University. Greensboro—St. Paul's* La Grange—St. Mark's* Heftin—Messiah* Lawrenceville—St. Edward's* Congregations are able to make Huntsville—Nativity*, St. Stephen's*, St. Macon—St. James's, St. Paul's gifts to Sewanee in several ways. Thomas's* Marietta—St. Catherine's*, St. James's, St. Sewanee-in-the-Budget is the par- Marion—St. Wilfrid's* Peter & St. Paul* Congregations of the Episcopal ish giving program designed espe- Montgomery—All Saints'*, Ascension*, Holy Montezuma—St. Mary's Comforter*. St. John's Perry St. Christopher's t the Crossroads Church have begun utilizing a re- cially to provide University-wide — Mt. Meigs—Grace* Rome—St. Peter's* cently published book entitled Stew- support. new one-percent plan The Opelika Emmanuel* Roswell—St. David's* ardship Program Manual: Prepared — for theological education, adopted Pell City—St. Simon Peter* Smyrna—St, Jude's* for the Episcopal Church by Wil- by the 1982 General Convention, Scottsboro—St. Luke's* Toccoa—St. Matthias's* liam U, Whipple, the University's provides special support for the Tru6sville—Holy Cross* West Point--St. John's* Tuscaloosa Canterbury Chapel*, St. vice-president for development. School of Theology, as does the The- — Matthias's* The manual provides a compre- ological Education Offering still CENTRAL FLORIDA (D) hensive program sensitive to the made by many individual parish- Avon Park—Redeemer (D) Bartow Holy Trinity use of stewardship in fulfilling the ioners through their churches. ARKANSAS — Batesville—St. Paul's Bushnell—St. Francis* mission of the Church. As it relates The list that follows is the list of Bella Vista—St. Theodore's* Cocoa Beach—St. David's-by-the-Sea giving to Christian living it also parishes and missions that gave to El Dorado—St. Mary's* Daytona Beach—Holy Trinity-by-the-Sea makes available a complete offering Sewanee during 1984. Those Forrest City—Christ*, Good Shepherd* Dunnellon—Holy Faith* of practical material such as sample marked with an asterisk have been Fort Smith—St. Bartholomew's', St. John's* Lake Wales—Good Shepherd Heber Springs—St. Francis's* Leesburg—St. James's letters and a program for a covered designated Honor Roll Parishes, for Hope—St. Mark's Melbourne Beach—St. Sebastian's-by-the- dish supper. they have contributed a dollar or Jacksonville—St. Stephen's* Sea Mr. Whipple spent more than more per communicant. Those con- Jonesboro—St. Mark's* Merritt Island—St. Luke's* twenty years as a stewardship con- gregations are given special recog- Little Rock—St Mark's, Trinity Cathedral Mount Dora—St. Edward's* Magnolia St. James's* Mulberry St. Luke the Evangelist* sultant to parishes, dioceses, and nition by the University. — — Marianna—St. Andrew's* Orlando—Ascension*, Holy Family*, St. church-related institutions. He Newport—St. Paul's* Mary of the Angels*, St. Michael's headed his own consulting firm, ALABAMA (D) Pine Bluff—Grace* Ormond Beach—St. James's serving churches exclusively, and Van Buren Trinity* Sanford Holy Cross* Alexander City—St. James's" — — St. Cloud—St. Luke & St. Peter's* has conducted clergy stewardship Anniston—St. Michael Si All Angels* Vero Beach—Trinity conferences and many conferences Auburn—Holy Trinity* ATLANTA St. Paul's Innocents'*, St. Winter Haven— for Bessemer—Trinity* Atlanta—Atonement*, Holy laymen. Persons wishing further Winter Park—St. Richard's Birmingham—Cathedral Church of the Ad- Anne's*, St. Bartholomew's, St. Luke's*, information about the manual may vent*, All Saints', Ascension*, Grace*, St. St. Martin'a-in-the-Fields, Cathedral of St. write him directly in care of the Andrew's*, St. Luke's", St. Mary's on the Philip* Continued from page 12 ouis vi lie—Grace', St. Luke's, St. Mark's Concord—All Saints'* Ruskin—St John the Divine" St. Matthew's Davidson—St. Alban's* Sanibel—St. Michael & All Angels ladisonville—St. Mary's* Durham—St. Andrew's*. St. Luke's*, St. Sarasota—Redeemer*, St. Boniface's* Titus's* CENTRAL St. Petersburg—St. Matthew's, St. Peter's Eden—Epiphany* GULF COAST (D) Cathedral* Fuquay-Varina—Trinity* St. Petersburg Beach—St. Alban's* Apalachicola—Trinity* Garner—St. Christopher's* Tampa—House of Prayer*, St. Christophei Atmore—St. Anna's*. Trinity* LEXINGTON (D) Greensboro—Holy Trinity*, St. Andrew's*, St. Mary's Bay Minette—Immanuel*, St. Peter's* Covington—Trinity St. Francis's* Temple Terrace—St. Catherine's* Chickasaw St. Michael's* Danville—Trinity* — Hamlet—All Saints'* Coden—St. Mary's-by-the-Sea* Ft. Thomas—St. Andrew's Henderson—St. John's* Daphne—St. Paul's* Harrodsburg St. Philip's* — Huntersville—St. Mark's TENNESSEE (D) Dauphin Island St. Francis* Lexington—Christ* — Iredell County—St. James's* Athens—St. Paul's* De Funiak Springs—St. Agatha's* Middlesboro—St. Mary's Brentwood Jackson—Sav i our* —Advent* Dothan Nativity* Paris—St. Peter's* — Kernersville—St. Matthew's* Bristol—St. Columba's* Eufaula St. James's* — Laurinburg—St. David's* Chattanooga—Grace*, St. Martin's*, St. Fairhope St. James's — Littleton—St. Alban's* Paul's*. St. Peter's*, St. Thaddaeus's* Magnolia Springs—St. Paul's Chapel* LOUISIANA (D) Louisburg—St. Matthias's*, St. Paul's* C I arksville—Trinity* Baton Rouge—St. James's*, St. Margaret's, Mobile—All Saints'*, Christ, St. John's, St. Oxford—St. Cyprian's, Cleveland—St. Luke's* Trinity St. Stephen's Pittsboro St. Bartholomew's* Columbia—St. Peter's* Bogalusa—St. Matthew's — Ozark—St. Michael's Raleigh—St. Ambrose's*, St Michael's, Cookeville—St. Michael's* Covington—Christ* St. Pensacola—St. Christopher's*, St. Cyprian Timothy's* Copperhill—St. Mark's St. Francis's St. Denham Springs— Port Joe—St. James's" Rocky Mount—Good Shepherd*, St. Crossvitle—St. Raphael's* Franklin—St. Mary's* -Troy—St. Mark's Andrew's Dayton—St. Matthew's* Valparaiso Hammond—Grace Memorial —St. Jude's* Rosboro—St. Mark's* Decherd—Christ-Alto* Houma—St. Matthew's* Salisbury—St. Luke's*, St. Matthew's*. St. Dickson—St. James's* Metairie—St. Martin's* Paul's* Elizabeth ton—St. Thomas's* (D) New Orleans—Annunciation*, Holy Com- DALLAS Scotland Neck—St. Mark's* Fayetteville—St. Mary Magdalene* Coraicana St. John's* forter*, Chapel of the Holy Spirit*, St. An- — Southern Pines—Emmanuel* Dallas Christ*, Good Shepherd, Incarna- drew's, St. Paul's*, Trinity* — Tarboro—Calvary Parish tion*, St. Michael & All Angels, St. Plaquemine—Holy Communion Thomasville—St. Paul's* Paul's*, St. Thomas's Rosedale—Nativity* Wadesboro—Calvary* Mt. Pleasant—St. Mark'B* St. Francisville—Grace* Wake Forest—St. John the Baptist* Richardson Ephiphany* Theriot^-St. Andrew's — Walnut Cove—Christ* Thibodaux—St. John's Terrell—Good Shepherd Warrenton—Emmanuel* Hixson—St. Alban's' Texarkana—St. James's* * Johnson City St. John's* We 1 don—Grace — Winston-Salem—St. Paul's* Kingsport—St. Paul's", St. Timothy's* MISSISSIPPI (D) Knoxville—Ascension*, Good Samaritan*, EAST CAROLINA (D) Yanceyville—St. Luke's* Bay St. Louis—St. Thomas's* Good Shepherd*, St. Elizabeth's*, St. Ahoskie—St. Thomas's* Belzoni—St. Thomas's* James's*, St. John's*, St. Thomas's Edenton—St. Paul's* Biloxi—Redeemer* NORTHWEST TEXAS (D) Lager—St. Bernard's* Fayetteville—Holy Trinity*, St. John's* Brandon—St. Luke's*, St. Peter's by the Abilene—Heavenly Rest* Lookout Mountain—Good Shepherd* Hertford—Holy Trinity* Amarillo—St. Peter's* Loudon—Resurrection- Ler City Kinston—St. Mary's Brookhaven—Redeemer* Borger—St. Peter's* Manchester—St. Bede's* New Christ* * Bern— 1 Brooksvi 1 e—Ascension Coleman—St. Mark's* Maryville—St. Andrew's* Southport—St. Philip's* Canton—Grace* Colorado City—All Saints'* McMinn ville—St. Matthew's* Washington—St. Peter's Clarksdale-^St. George's* Lubbock—St. Paul'a-on-the-Plains Monteagle—Holy Comforter* Williamston Advent* — Clinton—Creator* Midland—Holy Trinity, St. Nicholas's* Morristown—All Saints' Wilmington St. Andrew's-Writhsville* — Columbia—St. Stephen's* Monahans—St. James's* Murfreesboro—St. Paul's" Woodville Grace* — Columbus—Good Shepherd, St. Paul's* Pampa—St. Matthew's* Nashville—Christ*, St. Andrew's*, St. Como—Holy Innocents'* Plainview—St. Mark's* St. Bartholomew's*, St. David's, St. Corinth—St. Paul's* o FLORIDA (Dl San Angel —Emmanuel, Good Shepherd* George's", St. Mark's*. St. Matthias' Crystal Springs—Holy Trinity* Snyder—St. John's* Philip's* Chiefland—St. AlbanV Enterprise—St. Mary's* Vernon—Grace * Newport—Annunciation* Crescent City—Holy Comforter* Greenville—St. James's* Norris—St. Francis's* Federal Point—St. Paul's* * Greenwood—N ati vity Oak Ridge—St. Stephen's* Fernandina Beach—St. Peter's Grenada—All Saints'* SOUTH CAROLINA (D) Old Hickory—St. John's* Hawthorne—Holy Communion Gulfport—St. Mark's Beaufort^-St. Helena's* Pulaski—Messiah* Hibernia St. Margaret's* — Hazelhurst—St. Stephen's* BennetUville—St. Paul's* Rugby—Christ* Jacksonville—All Saints', Good Shepherd*, Holly Springs—Christ Blackville—St. Alban's Sewanee—Otey*. St. James's Mission- Church of Our Savior, St. Mark's*, St. Indianola—St. Stephen's* Charleston—St. James's*, St. Michael's, St. Midway* Paul's* Inverness—All Saints'* Peter's* Shelbyvi lie—Redeemer* Live Oak—St. Luke's Jackson—St. Andrew's Cathedral, St. Cheraw—St. David's Sherwood—Epiphany* Me lro Be Tri ni ty * — James's* Florence—Christ*. St. John's Signal Mountain—St. Timothy's* Orange Park—Good Samaritan* Kosciusko—St. Matthew's* Hagood—Ascen s i on South Pittsburg—Christ* Ponte Vedra Beach Christ* — Laurel—St. John's* Hartsville—St. Bartholomew's* Spring Hill —Grace* Quincy—St. Paul's* Leland—St. John's* Hilton Head Island—St. Luke's Tracy City—Christ* Tallahassee Advent*, St. John's* — Lexington—St. Mary's* John's Island—St. John's* Winchester—Trinity* Welaka—Emmanuel Long Beach—St. Patrick's* Marion—Adven t Macon—Nativity* Moncks Corner—Holy Family FORT WORTH (D) Meridian—Mediator*, St. Paul's* Myrtle Beach—Trinity Arlington—St. Alban's, St. Mark's Natchez—Trinity* North Myrtle Beach—St. Stephen's Fort Worth—All Saints'*, St. Andrew's, St. Okolona—St. Bernard's* Orangeburg—Redeemer* Luke's in the Meadow*, St. Michael's* Oxford—St. Peter's Pinopolis—Trinity* Weatherford—All Saints'* Pascagoula—St. John's* Sumter—Holy Comforter Pass Christian—Trinity* Philadelphia—St. Francis of Assisi* (D) GEORGIA (D) Starkville—Resurrection* SOUTHEAST FLORIDA Albany—St. Mark's, St. Patrick's*, St. Sumner—Advent* Belle Glade—St. John the Apostle* Francis in the Keys* Paul's* Terry—Good Shepherd* Big Pine Key—St. Raton—St. Gregory's Augusta—Christ, Good Shepherd, St. Tunica—Epiphany* Boca Coral Gables Venerable Bede Canter- Tupelo—All Saints'* — & bury House Cochran—Trinity Vicksburg—Christ*, Holy Trinity, St. Al- Ft. Lauderdale Intercession Douglas—St. Andrew's* ban's*, St. Mary's* — Islamorada St. James the Fisherman* Harlem—Trinity* West Point—Incarnation* — Moultrie—St. John's* Winona—Immanuel* Key Biscayne—St. Christopher's-by-the-Sea'' Lake Worth Holy Redeemer, St. Andrew's Savannah— All Saints'-Tybee Island*-, Yazoo City—Trinity* — Christ*, St. Francis of the Islands*, St. Miami—St. Faith 's-Perrine Matthew's, St. Michael's*, St. Thomas's* Miami Springs—All Angels St. Mary's—Christ MISSOURI (D) Palm Beach—Bethesda-by-the-Sea* St. Simon's Island—Christ-Frederica* Florissant—St. Barnabas's* Palm Beach Gardens—St. Mark's Thomasville— All Saints'*, St. Thomas's Manchester—St. Luke's* Pompano Beach—St. Nicholas Thomson—Holy Cross* Mexico—St. Matthew's* Tequesta—Good Shepherd* (D) Tifton—St. Anne's Rol la—Christ* West Palm Beach—Holy Trinity* TEXAS Austin Good Shepherd, St. Matthew's Vajdosta—Christ St. Clair—St. James's* — Beaumont—St. Mark's*, St. Stephen's St. Louis—St. Andrew's-Northwoods* FLORIDA (D) Houston—St. John-the-Divine*. St. Mar- Sullivan—St. John's* SOUTHWEST KENTUCKY (D) Brooksville—St. John's tin's*, St. Paul's, St. Thomas's* Bowling Green—Christ* Clearwater—Good Samaritan Killeen—St. Christopher's* Fulton—Trinity* NORTH CAROLINA Dunedin—Good Shepherd* Kingwood—Good Shepherd* Gilbertsville—St. Peter's-of-the-Lakes* Ansonville—All Souls'* Englewood—St. David's* Lake Jackson—St. Timothy's* Christ Glasgow—St. Andrew's Asheboro—Good Shepherd* Fort Myers—St. Hilary's^St. Luke's Nacogdoches— Harrods Creek—St. Francis- in -the -Fields* Chapel Hill—Chapel of the Cross Indian Rocks Beach—Calvary* Tyler—Christ Henderson—St. Paul's Charlotte—All Saints', ChriBt, St. Andrew's, Largo—St. 's Hopkins ville—Grace* St. John's, St. Martin's* Port Charlotte—St. James's Continued on page 14 1

Eiistville— Christ" WEST TEXAS (D) MINNESOTA Kenbridge—St. Paul's* Parish Support Edina—St. Stephen's Alice—Advent" Newport News—St. Andrew's Continued from page 13 Bandera—St. Christopher's Petersburg—St. John's Waco—St Paul's* Brownsville—Advent Suffolk—Glebe-St. John's Cure* Si. Thomas's' Wharton— Del Rio—St. James's MONTANA Victoria—St. Andrew's* Eagle Pass—Redeemer' Sh v rid an—Christ Williamsburg—Bruton Parish Church UPPER McAllen—St. John's Slt'vensville—St. Stephen's* CAROLINA (D) Pharr—Trinity* Townsend—St. John's SOUTH San Antonio—Christ*, Resurrection", St. Aiken—St. Thaddeus's Andrew's, St. David's, St. George's*. St. Camden—Grace* SOUTHWESTERN Luke's, St. Stephen's NEBRASKA Cayce— All SainU' Norfolk—Trinity VIRGINIA San Marcos— St. Mark's* Clemson—Holy Trinity Plattsmouth—St. Luke's* Blacksburg—Christ Columbia—St. John's", St. Luke's, St. Mar- Callaway—St. Peter's* tin's-in-the-Fields, St. Mary's. Trinity Lexington—R.E. Lee Memorial* Cathedral* NON-OWNING DIOCESES NEW JERSEY Roanoke—St. John's Greenville—St. Andrew's Gladstone—St. Luke's Saltville—St. Paul's Greenwood—Resurrection Staunton—Emmanuel, Good Shepherd Ridgeway—St. Stephen's BETHLEHEM (PA) Spartanburg—Advent", St, Christopher's Allentown—Mediator NEW YORK Trenton—Church of the Ridge Palmerton—Unity New York—Trinity- VIRGINIA Union-Nativity Charlottesville—Our Saviour* Colonial Beach—St. Mary's* CALIFORNIA OHIO Doswell—Fork Church*, St. Martin's (D) Put-in-Bay—St. Paul's* WESTERN LOUISIANA Corte Madera—Holy Innocents'* McLean—St. John's Abbeville—St. Paul's* Millers Tavern—St. Paul's* Timothy's* Alexandria—St James's". St OKLAHOMA Mount Vernon—St. James's Bastrop—Christ" CENTRAL NEW YORK Richmond—St. John's, St. Martin's Sand Springs—St. Matthew's* Bossier City—St. George's' Binghamton—Christ Warrenton—St. James's Woodward—St. John's* Bunkie—Calvary* Johnson City— All Saints' Cheneyvi lie—Trinity* Lafayette—Ascension* OLYMPIA (WA) WASHINGTON [MD) (D) Lake Charles—Good Shepherd", St. CENTRAL Washington, DC—St. Alban's Parish* Centralia—St. John's Andrew's* Wheaton—St. Mary Magdalene PENNSYLVANIA Ft. Lewis—Consolidated Chaplain Fund Providence—Grace* Lake Altoona—St. Luke's Lecompte—Holy Comforter* Chambersburg—Trinity* Mansfield—Christ* Renove—Trinity WESTERN Andrew's* PENNSYLVANIA Mer Rouge—St. Tyrone—Trinity MASSACHUSETTS Huntingdon Valley—St. John's Minden—St. John's* South Barre—Christ* Monroe—St. Thomas's* Philadelphia—Holy Trinity, St. Paul's Natchitoches—Trinity* COLORADO New Iberia —Epiphany* Castle Rock—Christ* RIO GRANDE (NM) (D) WESTERN MISSOURI Pinevilie—St. Phillip's-Boyce* Colorado Springs—Our Saviour* Boon vi 1 1 e- Chr i st* Rayville—St. David's* Carthage—Grace Ruston—Redeemer* Mountain Grove—Transfiguration* Shreveport— Holv Cross, St. James's*. St. CONNECTICUT ROCHESTER (NY) Warrensburg—Christ* Bridgeport St. George's Matthias's', St. Paul's — Clifton Springs—St. John's* St Joseph—Christ* Rochester—St. Paul's Sulphur—Holy Trinity WEST VIRGINIA (D) Waterproof—Grace EASTON (MD) Charleston—St. John's* Snowhill—All Hallows' Parish* Winnsboro—St. Columba's* SAN DIEGO (CA) Ripley—St. John's Escondido—Trinity Romney—St. Stephen's* WESTERN EL CAMINO REAL (CA) San Diego—St. Andrew's-by-the-Sea White Sulphur Springs—St. Thomas's* Saratoga—St. Andrew's NORTH CAROLINA (D) WYOMING Asheville—All Soul's. St. Luke's* Lander—Trinity Bat Cave—Transfiguration* Boone-—St. Luke's* Brevard—St. Phillip's* SOUTHERN OHIO Flat Rock—St. John-in-the-Wilderness* IOWA Cincinnati—St. James's*. St. Timothy's* Henderson ville—St. James's* Glendale—Christ* Cedar Rapids—St. John's Hickory—Ascension Des Moines—St. Paul's Two Retire Highlands—Incarnation* Iowa City—Trinity Morgan ton —Grace* SPRINGFIELD (IL) Paul Waggoner retired in January Murphy—Messiah* Alton—St. Paul's after serving for twenty-four years McLeansboro—St. James's* Saluda—Transfiguration* INDIANAPOLIS (IN) with the Sewanee Police Depart- Valle Crucis—Holy Cross Fort Wayne—Trinity ment, ten of those years as chief of Wilkesboro—St. Paul's Connersvi lie—Trinity* SPOKANE (WA) police. Greencastle—St. Andrew's Pomeroy St. Peter's* — He came to Sewanee in 1960 to WEST TENNESSEE (D) Indianapolis—Nativity* Lebanon St. Peter'B* serve under Chief Hayden McBee Bolivar—St. James's* — Brighton—Ravenscroft* Mt. Vernon—St. John's* VIRGINIA & and succeeded McBee as chief in New Castle St. James's* Collierville—St. Andrew's* — SOUTHERN VIRGINIA 1974. Covington—St. Matthew's* Rushville—St. Matthias's Baskerville—St. Andrew's* At his retirement home and farm Germantown St. George's* Seymour—All Saints'* — Bon Air—St. Michael's in Winchester, Chief Waggoner re- Jackson—St. Luke's* Boydton Christ* — called how life as chief in a campus Martin—St. John's Bridgetown—Hungers Parish* St. Paul's*, Trinity* KANSAS * community is marked by both the Mason— Chatham—Emmanuel Memphis—Calvary*, Grace-St. Luke's*, Holy Overland Park—St. Thomas the Apostle Chesapeake—St. Thomas's unusual and the mundane. Never- Apostles*, Holy Communion*, Holy Trin- Crewe—Gibson Memorial* theless, "Chief was appreciated for ity*, St. John's*. St. Mary's Cathedral*. detective work that was St. Paul's, St. Philip's-Brunawick* LONG ISLAND (NY) (D) the crafty Millington—St. Anne's Floral Park—St. Elizabeth's occasionally required and his abid- PariB—Grace* One Percent ing patience, which was frequently Continued from page 1 Somerville—St. Thomas's* tested. LOS ANGELES (CA) Church, St. Stephen's Episcopal Episcopal After forty years of service to Los Angeles—St. James's Church Verdes Sewanee, Ward Goodman has Palos Estates—St. Francis's San Marcos—St. Mark's Episcopal Church retired as supervisor of grounds. West Tennessee He also served as dairy farm MARYLAND manager before being named build- Annapolis—St. Anne's Memphis—Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal ings and grounds keeper in 1959. —St. Paul's* Church, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church of in Brownsville—St. Luke's* He became supervisor grounds Smithsburg—St. Ann's* 1964. Goodman was a familiar West Virginia Mr. figure on the campus, planting and Charleston—St. John's Episcopal Church caring for trees and shrubs, but he MASSACHUSETTS Ripley—St. John's Episcopal Church Men Romney—St. Stephen's Episcopal Church remarked that one of the most tir- Acton—Good Shepherd Lander—St. Mary's Guild, Trinity Episcopal ing jobs he can remember was mov- Church ing all the books from Convocation

e-percent" Hall upon the completion of duPont Library. Sports

Sewanee swim coach Cliff Aft< > raised onto the shoulders of hit s after another Sewanee . (Photo: Lyn Hutchinson) Swimmers Stir Up Victories

The men's swim team accomplished its year with a 13-12 record and a something that had never been ac- third-place finish in the College complished before by a Sewanee Athletic Conference with a 6-4 swim team—an undefeated regular mark. season. The Tigers finished their year with a perfect 6-0 record and a The Tigers were 8-3 at home and fourth place finish in the Liberal pulled out five victories on the road, Arts Swimming and Diving Invita- including a victory over Division II tional. The women's swim team fin- Morehouse in Atlanta. In the con- ished its regular season with a 4-2 ference, the Tigers finished third mark. The women placed second in after losing to Earlham 64-59 in a the Women's Intercollegiate Ath- game that decided the second and letic Conference Championship and third place spots. fourth in the Liberal Arts Invitational. By the end of the season, forward Jim Startz, C'85, had become the The men, on their way to an un- Tiger's second career leading scorer defeated season, were winners of six with 1,461 points, only nine shy of dual meets against strong Division record holder Blane Brooks', C*83, I colleges and placed first in the 1,470. Startz led the team in scoring Centre Invitational Meet, out-dist- throughout the season with an av- ancing five other teams for the title. erage of twenty points per game, Sewanee has four men's swim team and was also the team's leading re- members who may advance to the bounder. Guard Ellis Simmons, nationals, according to coach Cliff C'86, was the team's second leading Afton. Possible nationals competi- scorer for the Tigers, averaging tors are David Lawrence in the but- thirteen points a game. According terfly, diver Taylor French, to coach Bobby Dwyer, Startz is ex- freestyle sprinter Rob Johnson, and pected to be a repeater for All-Con- Brian Hacker in the backstroke. ference and All-District honors Women's Basketball again this year. Overall, Dwyer said that the Ti- The women's basketball team fin- gers had a "pretty good year." ished the year with an overall re- cord of 13-6, and concluded its Wrestling conference schedule with a 4-2 re- cord. The Tigers' strong conference The Sewanee wrestling team fin- record left them in second place be- ished its season with a dual-meet hind Fisk in the Women's Intercol- record of 2-4, with one Sewanee legiate Athletic Conference. wrestler placing in the NCAA Divi- The women were led this year by sion m Midwest Regional sophomore Kim Valek, C'87, and Tournament. junior Susy Steele, C'86. Valek led The wrestlers also gained a the team in both scoring and re- fourth place in the Washington and bounding with an eighteen-point Lee Invitational, with strong per- average per game and an average of formances from Bartley Loftin, ten rebounds. Steele was the second C88, Brian Masters, C'86, Rob leading scorer with a seventeen- McGehee, C'86, and , point average. C'86. Women's basketball coach Nancy Ladd said she was "pretty pleased Freshman Bartley Loftin, placed with the season. Considering the third in the Division DI Midwest lack of depth, we played well Regional Tournament and finished ie stiff competition," she his first year with a 9-6 record. Lee, C'86, also made a strong showing in the tournament with a 2-2 record Basketball Men's and finished the year with a 8-6 ,„ The men's basketball team ended

CAC Spring Festival

The College Athletic Conference Spring Sports Festival will be held in Sewanee May 9-11, with competition in four varsity sports among the conference's six colleges. The six colleges in the CAC will send teams to compete in track will and field, golf, baseball, and tennis. The baseball tournament be points in a round-robin format with the other titles determined on a system. The CAC Spring Sports Festival is an annual event which is ro- ±_ tated yearly to the campuses of the conference members. is a unique op- -X "*** Bill Huyck, Sewanee athletic director, said, "This portunity for us to host such an event and to have such a great i (Photo: Forward Jim Startz, C'85, tips c against Emory. Lyn group of athletes together in one spot to compete." Tiger Track Gets Warm

The new all-weather track has been completed and according to track coach Cliff Afton, "is the best thing that could have happened for track at Sewanee." Afton has found an increased number of student-athletes eager for the upcoming season and re- newed enthusiasm among the re- turning lettermen. This new track facility includes a steeplechase pit, two long-jump runways, two pole- vault runways, a large high-jump pad, and a finish line in front of the stands for better spectator viewing. With this new facility, Afton ex- pects an exciting season for the University's track programs. Re- turning standouts from last season's teams include Mark Vandiver. C'86, an all-conference shot putter, and all-conference performer, Virginia Brown, C'87, who is hoping to re- peat her triple victory in the dis- tance events at last year's Women's Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Championships. Armando Basarrate, C'86, positions himself to pin his opponent. (Photo: Lyn Hutchinson) Pole vaulter Steve Shankle, C'87, high jumper John Lemos, C'86, and steeplechaser Robert Black, C'87, cording to Haley. Heidi Barker, return to the track this season, C'85, will continue to be the team's along with Brooks Corzine, C'87, mainstay up front throughout the who has returned from a leave of absence and is expected to take up The women's soccer team opens where he left off as one of the best its 1985 season on the road in Tus- decathletes in Division III. caloosa, Alabama, March 2-3. This year the University will host an open decat hlon/pentathlon meet March 29-30, the Sewanee Invita- Baseball tional on April 20, and the College Athletic Conference Championships The Sewanee Tigers baseball team, on May 10-11. coming from a 15-6 record and a second place finish in the confer- ence last year, is hoping to improve Women's Soccer its record and standings this spring. Losing only one starter to gradua- Women's soccer coach Peter Haley tion, the Tigers anticipate being feels that if all goes well this sea- quicker, and they will add some son, there should be no reason that new players to the experienced line- they can't improve on their season up from last year. 8-3-2 best record of of last spring. Returners like Mark Kent, C'87, "I've never been so optimistic Phil Savage, C'87 (who hit .477 last about a team or upcoming season as year), John Laurenzo, C'85, Hank I have with our women's team this Hopping, C'85, Tommy Black, C'86, spring. There hasn't been a team Bobby Morales, C'87, and Matt Wedding, C'85, will be back along program began three years ago," with a host of newcomers. said Haley. The reason for his opti- According to coach Dewey War- is returning seven mism the of ren, if the Sewanee pitching comes starters', all now sophomores, who through, the Tigers will be a much accounted for thirty of last year's stronger and more exciting ball record- breaking thirty-five goals, club. plus the return of keeper, Nancy Brim, C'86, who led the team to five shutouts, which is a school record. Men's Tennis Two freshmen, Lainey Collins, Men's C'88, imidfield) and Anne Robison, tennis coach, Norm Kalkhoff, believes that this year's C'88, (keeper), will play key roles team is stronger than this season and offer additional last year's even of strength in those two positions this though graduation took two the spring; however, Haley admits that team's top players. According to Kalkhoff, Linton it is the sophomores that are the nucleus of the team. Jennifer Boyd, Lewis, C'86, and Jonathan Woolf- son, C'87, Tucker Deaton, C'87, and C'85, will lead the list of re- Marcella Taylor, C'87, supply the turning players from last year's squad. firepower up front, and Fran Stan- Freshman Kenny Alexander, C'88, will ley, C'87, will be one of the toughest be an important contribu- and most technically skilled players tor to the team along with four on the team in the back position, ac- Continued on page 1 7 ;

Continued from page 16 joined by third-year varsity [ roster for this spring. The three new cord and had been drafted by the Susy Steele, C'86, and Laurie Key- players for the Tigers could come in Oakland Invaders of the United other freshmen. ser, C'85, and second-year varsity and make the difference for a win- States Football League. If homecourt advantage is good to player, Louise Richardson, C'86. ning season. Only time will tell. the Tigers, .Sewanee will be in ex- A talented group of freshmen is Senior Arthur Brantley, C'85, is Pack, the leading cellent shape as they play twenty- expected to contribute greatly to the expected to lead the team this wanee history, compiled a four-year three of twenty-six matches at 1985 season along with Peggy spring with Mark Rembert, C'86, total of 174 catches for 2,786 yards. home, including the College Ath- Hodgkins, C'88, a highly ranked Mark Reineke, C'87, and Steve He holds two single-game receiving letic Conference Tournament player in the state of Florida. Lisa Dickerson, C'86, supplying support. records, four single-season receiving matches in May. Rust, C'88, also brings with her an Freshman Harris Podvey, C'88, and records, and four career receiving With a stronger team than last excellent high school record, having Skip Foster, C'88, along with sopho- records. In his most successful year, year's and a definite homecourt ad- gone undefeated in her senior year. more transfer, Todd Willmore, C'87, 1982, he had fifty-six receptions for vantage throughout the season, Kathryn Heinsma, C'88, Kendall are expected to contribute to the 914 yards and seven touchdowns. Kalkhoff is confident of improving Jones, C'88, and Amy Amonette, squad. That same year, he averaged 16.3 yards a catch and was the sixth on last year's 15-16 record. C'88, will all play an important part The linksmen will begin play in leading receiver in NCAA Division Kalkhoff feels that if his players this spring. late March with the CAC Tourna- III all of this during a nine-game stay healthy and on top of their Coach Jeannie Fissinger feels ment set for May 9-11 at the Sewa- — game, they will be strong con- that even though this year's team is nee Golf and Tennis Club. tenders in the CAC and possibly ad- young, they will competitive in be His ninth-round pick in the re- vance into the NCAA-Division III the conference and Division III. cent USFL draft by the Oakland In- tournament at Washington and Lee vaders was somewhat of a surprise University in May. Golf since he had been scouted mostly by Pack Pro teams from the National Football Women's Tennis After losing four of his top five play- League. Pack was selected as a wide ers to graduation, golf coach Horace receiver with the Invaders and com- The 1985 women's tennis team will Moore is optimistic for his team in Pick peted with the likes of All-USFL return four players and add five what many are considering a re- wide receiver Anthony Carter and very talented freshmen as they try building year. David Pack, C'84, had hopes of Derrick Holloway. After a week and to improve on last year's 5-4 season. The team will still see four re- playing basketball at Sewanee a half, Pack was cut from the squad. All-conference player Adreinne turning lettermen from last year's when he arrived, but by the time he Upon his release from the Invaders, Briggs, C'86, last year's number two CAC second-place team and add left he had broken virtually every he will be a free agent and is hoping player, leads the returnees. She is three new linksmen to complete the Sewanee football pass-receiving re- to try out with a NFL team.

David Lee, C'86, takes hold of the situation during a match with Fur-

.. (Photo: Lyn Hutchinson) Alumni Affairs

Clubs Gather Steam for '85 Sewanee

The Birmingham Sewanee Club has Dinner had a couple of events lately to re- port. On November 17 we had our annual Founders' Day Banquet in Anaheim with the guest speaker being Dr. During the General Convention of Gil Gilchrist. Dr. Gilchrist stimu- the Episcopal Church which will be lated our memories of Sewanee with held in September in Anaheim, Cal- stories of what Sewanee has meant ifornia, the University will once to him and to others. Suzanne Gra- again sponsor a Sewanee dinner for ham reported on the past year's all alumni and friends. events and introduced the new offi- The dinner is scheduled for Sep- cers for 1985: Charles Mayer, C'76, tember 9 at one of the Anaheim ho- president, and Jean Oliver, C'79, tels. The exact place and time will and Cacki Sullivan, C'81, vice presi- be published and advertised by dents. On January 6 Maibeth Por- June. ter, C'76, played host to our annual prospective student party at which a large crowd of Birmingham area high school seniors were in attend- ance. Don Pippen spoke briefly about Sewanee. Other alumni pres- ent were Martin Tilson, Jr., John and Jean Oliver, John McCary, Ivey Who Alumni, Jackson, Cacki Sullivan, and Suz- friends, and parents of alumni, and people who have anne Graham. We hope all pros- simply heard pectives were positively influenced about Sewanee and took the opportunity to visit. by our efforts. John Hill, C80, leads other alumni in singing the Alma Mater at the Cheek wood Christmas party of the Nashville Sewanee Club. Singing Charles Mayer, C'76 along are Susan Glenn, Pam Morris, Joanne and Jim Wilson, and Mar- cus Barley. Atlanta The Sewanee Club of Atlanta re- the Inman Park area and, as ex- table at the next Sewanee Club what ports an active fall. It began with pected, continued as long as the election. The tenth year celebration of the the election of officers for the com- kegs did. Many club members also partici- Sewanee Summer Seminar. ing year. The "meeting" was held at The next function was the annual pated in the reception for pros- the Brandy House Pub, and those Christmas party arranged again by pective students organized by the elected (i.e. those persons away Montague L. (Cosmo), C'74, and admissions office. It was held on from the table at the time of the Laura Boyd at their home. About January 13, 1985, at St. Phillip's election) are Michael D. Payne, seventy alumni of the College and Cathedral- The turnout was excel- C'76, president; Lisa McDonough Seminary, as well as many parents lent with approximately 200 pros- where Howick, C'81, vice-president; Jesse of alumni, joined in this party pective students and parents in Among the grounds and the Baumhower, C'81, vice-president; which is increasingly becoming a attendance. Mrs. Lisa Howick buildings of the University Laurin McSwain, CT3, treasurer, favorite of local club members. The worked with Mr. Wilkes and his of the South. and Samford Mitchell, C'81, highlight of the party was a draw staff on behalf of the Club. secretary. for a $100 cash door prize which While plans for the coming year A keg party was planned by three was won by Will Lyons, C78, who, have not been finalized, the Club is of the club's more prominent bache- in the spirit of Christmas (or maybe considering a party to usher in the lors, Charles Kirkland, C'79, Jay by some other spirit), made a gift of spring, an award to a local distin- Fisher, C'79, and Scott Tully, C'79. the prize back to the Club. Will guished alumnus or alumna in rec- when July 7-12, The party was held at their home in should be careful about leaving the ognition of contributions to the 1985 University, and of course a Braves game and softball game against lo- cal Washington and Lee alumni. and

Nashville The Nashville Sewanee Club had a very exciting and successful Christ- why? mas party at Cheekwood, December

14, 1984. Our club was invited to To escape the routine— if only for participate in a joint alumni func- one vacation week—and tion with the University of North rediscover the excitement of Carolina, the University of Vir- ideas, presented and exchanged ginia, Washington and Lee Univer- in an informal setting on a variety sity, , Princeton of topics. University, and . In all, 300 alumni attended the cock- tail supper. It was a lovely event, For more information: especially since we enjoyed the Dr. Edwin Stirling "Trees of Christmas" displayed in Department of English the Botanical Gardens at Cheek- University of the South Will Lyon, C'78, left, enthusiastically returns to the club the $100 door wood. Some of the guests included Sewanee, TN 37375 prize he won at the Christmas party of the Sewanee Club ofAtlanta. (615) 598-5931, ext. 233 Michael D. Pavne C7B club president, outs a twht erio on the mnnpv Clubs tute of Chicago. The exhibit, which Continued from page 18 featured 137 works by Monet, Pi- casso, Renoir, Van Gogh, and oth- Marcus Bailey, Robin Bartusch, ers, attracted some of our local Kirby and Ann Davis, Wayne and Sewanee art appreciators such as Blair Glenn, John Hill, Joe and John Baar, Ann Vanderslice, Chris Rachel McAlister, Fred Mc- Hehmayer, Ned Moore, Paul Al- Laughlin, Tom McNeil, Pam Mor- varez, and Laurie and Marc ris, Scott Probasco, Clark and Beth Libermann. Spoden, Jill Webb, and Jim and After the exhibit the group went Joanne Wilson. Because of the suc- to the Palmer House for refresh- cess of this year's event, it is more ments and to further discuss the ex- than likely to become an annual hibit. All in all, it was a well- Christmas function for all of the re- received event, and the Sewanee spective clubs. Club of Chicago was fortunate to have been able to arrange this for the group viewing. The Club looks forward to its next get-together this winter. New Orleans Frank Turner, left, the father of a prospective student, talks with Bill The Sewanee Club of New Orleans Turner, C'60, at the Christmas party of the Pensacola Club. At right is ushered in the new year with a Ricky Hart, C'65, visiting from Jacksonville. Crawfish Boil. Despite nasty large number in attendance enjoyed weather, over sixty people showed Coastal Carolina Mobile of themselves despite the threat An enthusiastic crowd of about fifty up at the Trinity Parish Hall for the On December 16, 1984, the Sewa- Hurricane Diana, which, at the last alumni and friends properly dis- occasion. The gathering included nee Club of Mobile held a dinner at moment, decided to visit further patched about seven bushels of alumni, current students, pros- the Athelstan Club. The guest north. Bull's Bay oysters at the third an- pective students and their parents, speaker that evening was Andrew nual Oyster Roast of the Coastal and special guest, Professor Dale Lytle, who charmed the group after The party would not have been Carolina Club, meeting at Rock- Richardson. Field Gomilla, Craw- dinner with his story "Jericho, Jeri- possible without the help of the par- ville, South Carolina. New presi- fish Boiler Extra- ordinaire, pre- cho, Jericho." There 'was a big ty's sponsors, Bill Campbell, Bobby dent Tom Johnston is leading the sided over preparation of the spicy crowd which included friends of the Clarke, Kirk Finlay, George La- Charleston Club to new heights. mudbugs. Brad Jones, outgoing Mobile Sewanee club as well as faye, Hugh McAngus, Rocky president, orchestrated the affair. alumni. Menge, Robert Meriwether, Jim Jimmy Hagood, C'78 New officers for 1985 are Sylvia A reception was held at the lovely Powell, Joel Smith, Chip Stanley, Robertshaw, president; Anne Bry- home of Joy and Tom Rue on the John Walker and Julian Walker. son, vice president; and Margo evening of January 17, 1985. Pros- Middle Georgia Johnson, treasurer. pective students and their parents E. H.Stanley, Jr., C'71 The Sewanee Club of Middle Geor- were invited and a group of alumni gia has elected the Rev. Michael and current students was present to Continued on page 20 discuss life at Sewanee with them. Don Pippen of the admissions office showed a slide presentation which prospective students a feel for Nominees Jacksonville gave Seeking life on the Mountain and made The Sewanee Club of Jacksonville The purpose of the Distinguished Alumnus/a Award is to recognize alumni long to be back. held its annual Christmas party at individuals who have distinguished themselves in their vocation- The Club is talking of plans for a the Seminole Club on December 12, business, professional, or otherwise-and demonstrated concern for spring picnic on Mobile Bay. 1984. The party was well attended and service to their community. Furthermore, the Distinguished by approximately sixty alumni and Alumnus/a Award seeks to recognize individuals who have shown re- Joy Ogburn, C'82 guests. The University made avail- peated loyalty to and support of the University and whose position of able for the party a number of gifts stature and importance has brought favorable attention and recogni- suitable for Christmas, including Pensacola tion to the University of the South. Lytle publications, More than seventy-five persons at- some Andrew The recipient must be a living alumnus or alumna of the Univer- sketches, ties, and the like. Every- tended the Sewanee Club of Pensa- sity of the South (Academy or College). The recipient may not, how- most enjoyable cola's Christmas gathering one there had a ever, be an active member of the Associated Alumni Board, the Board planning of the party was December 28 at the home of Frank time. The of Trustees, or the Board of Regents and may not be a current Univer- by Ricky Hart, Peyton and Mary Bozeman here. accomplished sity employee. The recipient may not have received an honorary de- addi- their families, cur- Scheppe, and Hank Coxe, and Alumni and gree from Sewanee. tional plans were immediately be- rent and prospective students and for late winter oyster roast, parents, and friends of Sewanee gun a I present the name of Class which we hope will again be at Gar- were among those at the holiday nett Ashby's farm on the west side wines- and- foods party. This was of Jacksonville. The letter from Se- the club's first get-together in sev- wanee expressed interest in men- eral years; so there was much catch- tioning any recent elections. The ing up on Sewanee news in Please attach information, giving your reasons for making the only elections with which we were evidence. nomination. (Your nomination cannot be considered unless the proper for the event familiar were the presidential and Co-hostesses were information is enclosed.) the state-wide elections around the Mary Bozeman and Nancy country in early November. For Hodgkins. that matter, the Sewanee Club of New officers for the Pensacola Jacksonville has not, to anyone's area club include Brooks Champlin, memory, ever had an election to de- president, and John Hodgkins, vice-^ cide anything. It's too democratic. president. The new administration vows to have more frequent social Hank Coxe, C'69 events in the future.

Chicago Please send your nomination (by July 1, 1985) to: Sunday, December 2, twenty- On Distinguished Alumnus/a Committee two Sewanee alumni and friends Alumni Office braved rainy weather and Christ- Central South Carolina The University of the South mas shoppers to view "A Day in the The Sewanee Club of Central South Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 Country— Impressionism and the Carolina had a fall cookout at the French Landscape" at the Art Insti- home of Chip and Elsie Stanley. A Tidewater Chapter? The second annual meeting of the Tidewater Chapter of the Virginia betters Sewanee Club took place on the weekend of January 25-27 at the home of Kathleen Redfern, C'83. The members present included Kathleen, of course, and David "Doc" Gilbert, C'84. Minutes for the Re the December 1984 issue— "The For some unknown reason, I am previous meeting were approved in Supreme Court and Football, Ice compelled to bring the enclosed spite of the fact that they could not Cream and Willie Six," by Smith class note to your attention. I've al- be located. Hempstone. ways heard of people being married The guest speaker, Sarah Cotton, This was a delightful and entertain- to their work, but I do think Mr. C'83, was beamed in from Cleve- ing article; however, I would like to Clark has carried this a little too land, Ohio (Thanks, Scotty). The add a comment with reference to far. topic of discussion was "Purgatory Willie Six. It is true that Willie had Overall I like the format of the and Life After Sewanee: Are They never seen a touchdown scored News, and would like you to keep One and the Same?" (And we are against Sewanee. However, I hon- up the good work. not even Catholic.) estly believe he earned his place of Additional activities included a rest by his love, loyalty, and dedica- Jabe A. Breland II, conference call to the Martina Drive tion through his service to his fel- C'71 Chapter of the Atlanta Sewanee low man. God bless him, and may St. Petersburg, Florida Club, i.e. Mary Fitzgerald, C'83, Brooks Champlin, C'73, new presi- he rest in peace. Club, talks Cheryl Poppell, C'83, and Carol dent of the Pensacola One of the most descriptive sto- prospective Beers, C'83. The Class Note: George T. Clark, with fellow alumni and ries told on Willie during the 1940s Other distinguished guests who Jr., C'50, is an attorney with Clark students at the club's Christmas era was about a football player that were supposed to show up, but and Rogers in Wilmington, North party. came in with a severe "charlie- didn't, included Chris Teetor, C'83; Carolina. They have two sons. horse" after practice. Willie imme- Richard Spore, C'84; and Lee Good- (Jabe Brsland's comment was too Clubs diately started his procedure of rub- win, C'84, from their respective clever not to share, though the faux Continued from page 19 bing and hot towels. Willie's hot chapters. All in all, it was a very pas is entirely ours. The real partner Owens, T'83, club president, and his towels were really steam towels, so successful meeting. in the enterprise to which Jabe re- wife, Anne Chenoweth Owens, C'81, hot that you wondered how he held fers is George Clark's wife, Eliza- the them in his hands. The player went vice-president. Mike Cass, C'63, Sarah Cotton, C'83 | beth.—Editor) immediate past president, is secre- to sleep and woke up the next morn- tary-treasurer. ing with Willie still rubbing on his Elections were held following a leg and applying his favorite "char- barbecue supper last September 1 lie-horse" eliminator, steam towels. at the home of Duross Fitzpatrick, Willie was great, and the love in C'52, and his wife Beverly. his heart was even greater. The members talked about what they could do to help Sewanee get more students from Middle Georgia and at the same time do some other things and maybe win the Dobbins Trophy next time around (after a near victory last year) and more than coincidentally keep having good parties.

Bubber Cass, C'63

Tuscaloosa Fifteen alumni attended an organi- zational and get acquainted meet- Michael Cass, C'63, makes his final ing January 17 at the of home Pete address as president of the Sewanee Cavert, C'67. Beeler Brush, C'68, Club of Middle Georgia as the Rev. was on hand to represent the Michael Owens, T83, Kelly Mc- Tom Stoney, C'70, and Francis Powers, C'74, can be recognized working alumni office and answer questions Bride, C'83, and other struggle not over the oysters at the Bull's Bay gathering of the Coastal Carolina Sewa- about forming a club. Sewanee to laugh out loud. nee Club. Pete Cavert, Kathy Henslee, C'77, and Ann Jessup, C'85, are in- volved in additional planning. Sov/St\ee

Tampa Bay Homeconiing The first Tampa party in some time was held November 28 at the home of Linda and Tom Scarritt, C'79. 1985 About thirty alumni attended and talked with Beeler Brush, C'68, who discussed the gradual rejuvenation of the Tampa Club. The guests represented a wide October range of classes. Among them were Lewis Hill III, C'50; Andy Duncan, C'52; John B. Ellis, C'56; Charles Members of the Sewanee Club of Middle Georgia are called together for a 25-26 Mullen, A'38, C'43; and Allen Ham- family portrait by Anne Chenoweth Owens (taking photo) at an early fall barger, C'55. gathering. Class Notes ^Academy / c{$eology

Academy Facing the Critical Weology '53 Challenge in '44

Heward B. Roberts, Jr., A, C'57, and his The Rev. Roddey Reid, Jr., T, is presently wife, Peggy, have three children; Mary Ellen retired, but he is assisting the Dean of Berke- is attending Miami University; Katherine is Honduras ley Divinity School in supervising the field planning to start college next year; and Charles placement of Episcopal students and alBO as- is an eighth grader. sisting the rector of St. John's Church in New Published below is the major part of tive Indians of the same race, share Haven, Connecticut. a letter and some photographs sent the swamp. Even though a great '55 to the News by the Rt. Rev. Leo number of them are Moravian, Richard H. Foster, A, C'60, spent an ex- Frade, T'77, bishop ofHonduras. there are many that have no access citing summer as manager of service with Coca '49 to any church denomination. The Cola Bottling of Los Angeles. As manager of John S. Martin, T, went from active min- There are days when I go to some other groups actively working there service, he supervised all Olympic sites in istry to the State of Maryland Social Services of that are preparation for Coca Cola products and equip- mountain areas Honduras the Roman Catholics and the Department in 1966 and then retired from it ment at the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in remind me a lot about Sewanee. Church of God of Cleveland, all in 1982. He is enjoying much tennis, travel, Los Angeles. Even the fog covering the ground Tennessee. the arts, reading, correspondence, taking it easy, accumulating grandchildren, and roll- and moving softly through the pines At present we have twenty-four ing with the punches (years). '61 brings back memories of good times churches, three clinics, one orphan- Thomas S. Yoder, A, moved from Ohio to in the Holy Mountain. age, one technical school, one farm Texas in 1980 and is senior vice-president with At present we have begun a theo- school, four regular schools, several First Texas Savings Association of Dallas. He '50 logical education program to pre- agricultural projects, a theological was previously with the First National Bank pare about twenty-five candidates preparation refugee of Chicago at their main office, their Cleve- program, and land regional office, and their Dallas office for for Holy Orders. We were hoping to work. As a missionary bishop of a in Buffalo, New York. a total of nine years. use the EFM Sewanee program missionary diocese that barely had translated to Spanish. Sadly it was begun to function six years ago, I '66 not ready; so now we are using the have found a lot of work to be done. '57 material published a Protestant Hans K. Hudson, A, has been transferred by For many years Honduras was the The Rev. Rogers S. Harris, C'52, T, has by IBM to Lexington, Kentucky, where he is seminary in Central America. To Cinderella of the area. At one point been elected of the Diocese a programmer. coordinate this program I brought some mission officials had decided of Upper South Carolina. He will assist the Rt. Rev. William Beckham. Bishop-elect Har- down here a recent Sewanee gradu- to close it because it was not a ris has been rector of St. Christopher's Church ate, the Rev. Carmen Guerrero; she said. '67 promising area, they Soon we in Spartanburg. He has recently earned a J. M. Soaper, A, C71, married in Septem- will be responsible for the success of will surpass the work that has been D.Min. from Virginia Seminary. After his ber of last year and has two stepsons, Ed and the program that begins this com- going on in the area. election in November, he said to the delegates: "You are the people who know all warts, Eric. He is MIS manager with Citicorp Ac- ing month according to the Hondu- It was in 1979 when they conse- my ceptance Company. His wife, Carol, is man- know all my faults and failures, know all my ras calendar year. crated the first Honduran bishop ager of telemarketing services with McDonnell sins. This vote shows a great deal of love, which is still - The growth of our Church that our Church began to grow. He covers all sins tremendous. Honduras has the most lasted only five years until he had '69 successful growth rate of the Epis- to resign due to his failing health. copal Church. Most of our work has The hard work took its toll. But Dr. John R. M. Day, A, C'73, is a general '58 been taking place in rural areas, during that time the Church went and vascular surgeon in private practice in The Rev. Millard "Bill" Breyfogle, T, has several villages Boulder, Colorado. He has two sons, Luke, five, and now we have from seven congregations to twenty- become rector of St. Luke's Church in Mar- and Colin, four. throughout the country where four. At present we are opening two ianna, Florida. Previously he was the rector everyone is Episcopalian. We are more new congregations, and we of All Saints' Church in Morristown, '70 planning to increase our work in ur- have a waiting list of communities ban areas considering the great that want to have an Episcopal Robert H. B. Spencer, A, C'74, has writ- number of "campesinos" moving Church if we are able to provide ten that he has retired from the oilfields and into the cities. We are also looking them with the priest or deacon. '59 moved to Jacksonville, Florida. forward to be funded by the Presid- There is much to do. Maybe there The Very Rev. W. Robert Ineko, T, is the ing Bishop's Fund to begin work are College or Seminary students interim dean of the Episcopal Theological Seminary in Kentucky, where he has been '72 within the Honduran Mosquitia who would want to come down for a professor of church history and practical the- Marti Robert Humpidge, A, C'76, married where the Miskito Indians live. summer or a year to help us. Our ology for twenty years. Dean Insko was dean Carson 16. make their December They now That work requires a lot of special- address is: Oficina Diocesana, Apar- of the seminary from 1975 to 1980 but re- home in Jacksonville, Florida. ized support. The only way to reach tado 764, Tegucigalpa D. C, Hondu- signed that position to give more time to his ministry as rector of the Church of the Holy the area is by plane, in which you ras, Central America. Trinity. '73 land on a muddy dirt strip in the Joseph N. Bowman, A, has joined with middle of a huge swamp. Thousands Bernard Fensterwald, Jr., Bernard Fenster- of Miskito Indians, both refugees The Rt. Rev. Leopole Frade, T'77 wald HI, and Dan Alcorn to create the general from Nicaragua and Honduran na- Bishop of Honduras '64 practice law firm of Fensterwald, Alcorn and Bowman. The firm has offices at Suite 900, USA Today Building, in Arlington, Virginia. John's is the oldest church west of the Alle- gheny Mountains. He is also a commander in the Navy Reserve Chaplain Corps and serves '74 as the assistant chaplain of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing in New Orleans. He is chair- Russell Harris, A, went to West Point after graduating from SMA. He

uncle, and two cousins went to the Point. Rus- sell's father said: "SMA really made him. Be- '66 fore he entered, he was foundering. He came The Rev. Bill Caradine, T, has been ap- out ready for a great career." pointed by Bishop Stough as canon to the or- dinary on the staff for the Diocese of Alabama. '78 Anne Marsh, A, SS, is enjoying a switch '68 from the groves of academe to the world of big Rev. Ben L. Somerville, T, has been business as a legal assistant with a Houston The serving as Deputy to the Bishop of Wyoming. law firm. Last year she was a teaching assist- and his wife, Mary Anne, live in Laramie. ant in the French department at Tulane Uni- He .firmed and baptised villagers gather'around the is expecting to be in a new location with versity where, she said, she saw a lot of He new work by this summer. s

Class Notes geology / College

ville, Texas, and Holy Communion in Yoakum, '69 has accepted a call from the bishop to be city Friends of Northwest Okla- campus minister in San Antonio. He will also Lost The Rev. W. Murray Bullock, T, hiis l>i/en homo and elected Dean also been named vicar of St. be assisting at St. Francis's Church. of the rector of Si. Paul's Episcopal Church in Co- homa. He has The following list is made up ad- lumbus. Mississippi, since January of 1983. James the Just in Elk City, Oklahoma, in names of College alumni for whom dition to being vicar of St. Johns in Woodward, The Rev. William Thompson Richter, T, we do not seem to have a current churches, he notes, are writes thnl in August off his year he will have Oklahoma; the two apart. '84 address. Because we have lost track been the rector (the firsli— for eight years of seventy-five miles T, is a they are likely not the Church of the Resurrection in Starkville, The Rev. Dr. Gary W. Houston, of these alumni, serving the Mississippi He played the purl of Dr. Parsons United Methodist clergyman receiving the Sewanee News and Wheatland Avenue United Methodist Church in The Philadelphia Story put on bv the Sturk- will not see this appeal for assist- Since leaving Sewa- ville Community Theatre in February. The in Lognnsport, Indiana. his wife ance. However, you may recognize part was a one-liner with two smiles. He ad- nee, he has remarried, and he and someone's name and would be able mits thai he had with the smiles since have one child. He has also written two books. hobbies include piano, classical guitar, and they were back to back and it takes talent to His to send to us his or her address. smile twice in a row these days. Tae Kwon Do (Korean karate). Please help if you can. The Rev. Charles M. Watts, T, was ap- pointed by the Rt. Rev. James R. Moodey, '35 Bishop of Ohio, a board member of the Hunger Barlow, Sam Shipley 72 Network of Ohio, an ecumenical group of Berrien, Frank Whittelsey Methodists and Episcopalians statewide, Claiborne, Jr., Charles Robert numbering 1,500 members. College Cummings, John Turner manager for the Clay Center Dis Hancock, Edward T. patch. He nnd his wife have bought and an Lindsay, John Paul remodeling a 100-year- old Kansas farm Peagler, George M. house. Their second son, Dana, is a doctora 78 Sugg, Jr., William Earnest candidate at the University of Tulsa. The Rev. Humbert A. Thomas, T, is vicar Wallace, Hewitt W. of a mission in South Barre. Massachusetts. His congregation has grown from less than a '45 dozen to over 100. The church will be cele- 'O Quintard Joyner Baird, Jr., John H. f\ Frank Ernst 73 brating its seventy-fifth anniversary this year. £A) Sewanee, TN 37375 Clappart, Jr., Claypool, Charles The Rev. Robert W. Myers, T, is canon He and his wife of forty-five years, Dorothy, John residentiary on the staff of Chnst Church Ca- live in Barre, Massachusetts. Cole, Charles Lawrence thedral. In that capacity, he coordinates the Dillon, John Luther youth ministry program and urban concern^ Hinkle, Jack C. Hoag, Sheldon G. program. He is chairman of the youth minis- The Rev. Clarence C. Pope, Jr., tries resolution task force for the Diocese of Laycock, Robert Redmond Indianapolis. He also serves on the urban and T54, was consecrated January 5 McMullen, William Vernon Lewis social concerns committee and is active in co- as the new bishop coadjutor of Morgan, Jr., John '25 Nellans, Jr., Charles Thomas ordinating youth weekends. the Diocese of Fort Worth. As The Rev! John C. Scott, T, is curat* at St. Sylvester G. Willey, C, writes, "After ana- Redburn, MaxE. coadjutor he will succeed Bishop Paul's Church in Delray Beach. Florida. lyzing fat and fiber and ash in foods for the Rhoden, Elmer C. A. Donald Davies, H'72, when Agricultural Division of the State of Okla- Stevens, James William Davies retires next January. homa and using the deadly asbestos for acid Strang, Shorter Thorton White, Robert P. Presiding Bishop John M. Allin, and also the caustic soda, I finally retired." 74 C'43, T'45, H'62, proclaimed '55 The Rev. Arthur Dasher IV, T, is the new Pope the new Episcopal bishop Boswell, Jimmy L. rector of R.E Lee Memorial Church in Lex- Brooks, Hall S. ington. Virginia. Mr. Dasher moved from as more than 1,500 people gave '26! Clark, Edward Preston Winter Park, Florida, where he was associate a long ovation. To accommodate Cole, David Paul rector of All Saints' Church He has also served to attend, the those wishing Deleanu, John Michael as rector of St. Mark's in Cocoa, Flonda, and consecration was held at St. Fuller, Jr., Fred Paul vicar of parishes in Winter Garden, Belle '27 Helt, Sanford Lloyd Glade, and Pahokee, Flonda. He was founder Stephen Presbyterian Church in Horton-Billard, Stuart Leigh and vicar of St. David's Church in Brunswick, Fort Worth. A story in the Fort Robert P. Cooke, Jr., C, is retired, but still Mata, Jose Felipe Georgia, and Holv Nativity at St. Simon's Is- Worth Star-Telegram said the serves as director-emeritus with the Her- " McConnico, Thomas Rainey "Vhile in \ nando Bank in Hernando, Mississippi. new bishop is expected to be a Morris, Jr., William Mallory duration, L. Neil Smith, C, is retired and enjoying conservative bishop and "likely Muir, John Wallace e has been active in the Cursillo life and playing a little golf. He and his wife, Niebanck, Paul L. and Faith Alive, and he recently will carry on many of Davies' Mary Katheryn, are living in Enid, Oklahoma. Smith, George Livingston conducted workshops for the national conven- policies. Both m Steinmuller, Douglas Jones tion of the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer on to the ordination of i Viner, Alexander E. the use of the Bible for personal study. )C\QJohnR; Crawford priests but support the involve- Wilk, Robert Alan & 033 Bay View Drive ment of women in many church Portland, Maine 04103 Young, Jr., Arthur Thomas functions." Bishop Pope served '65 Ward Ritchie, C, designed an exhibit of 75 as rector of St. Luke's Church in Allen IE. Franklin Pearson The Rev. Bryan A. Hobbs, T, will soon 118 books that is on display at the California Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for Baker DX William Hodges complete seven years as rector of the Church State University Library in Sacramento, twenty-one years before being Begle, Jr., Howell Edward of the Holy Sacrament in Davie. Florida His Scripps College, and San Juan, Capistrano. Borden m. Robert R. congregation has grown to about 500 elected bishop coadjutor in Ward Ritchie, His Printing and His Books was members Costello HI, William P. in this south Florida parish that serves sev- published last fall. September. Fogg, David M. eral communities. He and his wife, Annabel, Fret well . John Bagster make therr home in Hollywood. Their daugh- Griffith, Aubrey Daniel ter Heather is now thirteen, and Wendy is ten. Guyton, Jr., John J. In the Miama Herald Bryan was quoted as '80 Gwyn III , Lewis Ruffher saying about his congregation: "We gain our The Rev. Ronny W. Dower, T, has just Dallas, Texas 75219 Hunter, John Edgar identity through our joint union in Christ, and completed his term as Dean of Ohio Valley Kelley, Dwight Mason it is that family atmosphere that gives us our Deanery of the Diocese of West Virginia. He Kesselus, Richard K. life and that which we try to take out to the was Kirkland, Holmes Sanford community." recently appointed media consultant to the Diocese of West Virginia. His two daugh- Lee, William ters, Stephanie and Erin Beth, are attending Loved, Charles Raymond Marshall University in Huntington, West Malone HJ, Roy L. 76 Virginia. William C. Gray, C, is still active as an Mead, David Goddard The Rev. William L. Smith, C'69, T, has engineering consultant. He has eleven grand- Moore, Stephen Williams become a canon of St. John's Cathedral in Al- children and two great-grandchildren. He and Morgan, Michael Walter buquerque, New Mexico. Previously he was his wife, Genevieve, live in Pleasant Ridge, Nash, Jr., John Q with St. George's Church in Clarksdale, '81 Michigan. Nash, William M. The Rev. Bradford A. Rundlett, T, is the G. Wesley Hubbeli, C, is the retired pres- Robinson, Jr., Joseph William associate rector of St. James's Episcopal ident and chairman of the board of the City Rust, Roger Stuart Church in Potomac, Maryland. His wife, Mel- Savings Bank of Bridgeport, Connecticut. He Sanders, Jack Palmer issa, is a junior at Virginia Theological and his wife, Alma, live in Stratford, Sharp, Jerald Robert 77 Connecticut. Smith, Jr., Clark Crockett The Rev. Hugh Bell, T, moved to Edmond. Trumbull, Horace Oklahoma, in September to begin a new mis- Venard, Jr., G.Haskell

sion, St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church. Weaver II , Dudley Sanders The first service for the mission was January '83 Wilder, James Henry 6 on The with for Epiphany 106 present The Rev. Ricky L. Benson, T, who I J4435 Sarong Street worship. Continued on Daee 23 Class Notes College

with his twelve handicap. He does admit that i rector of the Church of the Transfig- part was a one-liner with two smiles. He ad- he is half tied down since his wife, Beverly, i Buffalo. New York. mits that he had trouble with the smiles since Lost Friends a gift shop. has bought they were back to back and it takes talent to Continued from page 22 Richard (Dick) A. Kirchhoffer, Jr., C, re- smile twice in a row these days. tired January 1 and has moved to St. Jude's Robert R. Thomas, C, is the president of Williams, Calvin K. Naalehu, , for one year as a non- sti- the Sequatchie Concrete Service. The Se- Wright, Jr., Wilbur T. pendiary priest. After the one year in Hawaii, Wright, Derril H. quatchie Concrete Service has plants through- '75 The Rev. Moultrie Mcintosh, C, has be- come the rector of St. Paul's Church in Mur- Akalewold, Bezuwork freesboro, Tennessee. He moved from Somerset, Beam, Bradley Barbour Kentucky, where he was the vicar of St. Pa- Berlin, Ralph Edward i. Inc., Suite 1800 trick's Church. Brown, John Randal One Commerce Place Bill Nummy, C, has retired from Dow Byington, Harold V. Nashville, Tennessee 37239 Chemical Company and is now working in The Rt. Rev. John E. Hines, Cox, James M. venture capital part time. He is doing small C'30, retired Presiding Bishop Flersheim. Lisa E. Cress Fox, C, writes that all eight of his company start ups in the medical and biotech- of the Episcopal Church, cele- Fulton, Jr., Charles G. children have flown the nest with only one nology fields. He and his wife, Betsy, live in Gilliam, Robert H. brated last fall the fiftieth anni- still in college. He is still working with Ray- Midland, Michigan. Harrison, Anna Jane versary of his ordination into theon and plans to continue. His golf game is The Rev. George E. Stokes, C, will be Harvin, David Michael still manageable, but rough. retiring from the active ministry of the Epis- the priesthood and was honored Hasty, Cynthia Guin copal Church at the end of this year. As of by a host of friends. Jenkins, Willis Charles June 30, he will conclude his duties as senior Patton, John F. « The Rt. Rev. Scott Field Bai- priest of the Central Sussex Coalition of Epis- Scott, Clark Lindsay ley, T'53, of San Antonio, deliv- copal Churches and as rector of St. Paul's Turner, Lin P. Jacksonville. Florida 32201 Church in Georgetown. Delaware. After June ered the sermon at the special 30, he will be on transitional leave until the service held last October at the Cdr. Charles H. Freer, U.S. Navy, Re- end of the year and will be relocating, proba- Church of the Good Shepherd in tired, C, is living in San Diego with his wife, bly in Lewes, Delaware. Cashiers, North Carolina, near Marjorie. Since his retirement from the Navy, Bishop Hines's home in High- he has been teaching tennis at a private school. The Freers have two sons. One is a doctor and lands. Five other bishops, plus Lcdr. in the Navy, and the other is a lawyer other clergymen, including teaching at Emory School of Law, They also three of the bishop's sons, and a have a five-year-old granddaughter and an congressman were present to eighteen-month-old grandson. James R. Carden, C, pay tribute to this church Reunion Chairman: leader. Peter R. Phillips 2112 Glenhaven Blvd. Houston, Texas 77030 Thomas EPA Director ,Richard B . Doss '50W.l Indian Circle Lee M. Thomas, C'67, has been named director of the Environmental Houston, Texas 77057 confirmation the Senate with relative also works as a consultant in the fiber board Protection Agency, winning by industry. His book, Notes from the North The Rev. John L. Denny, C, is rector emeritus of Christ Episcopal Church in Tea- Country, is continuing to sell well. He and his Mr. Thomas is so respected in and out of government circles that his neck, New Jersey. wife, Evelyn, enjoy their summers in the confirmation was almost assured from the time he was nominated by Michigan woods and their winters in Myrtle Alfred K. Orr, C, and his wife, Kathy, are President Reagan in November. Even representatives of the National Beach, South Carolina. living in Casper, Wyoming. Wildlife Federation and the National Audubon Society testified in sup- John P. Walker, C, has been teaching in port of him. the Navy for the last three years helping peo- ple earn their G.E.D. He has been all over the is from family of Sewanee alumni his father, Robert W. Thomas a — world, but now has settled in Wallace, North Thomas, Sr., C'31; a brother, Robert W. Thomas, Jr., C'64, and an uncle, Carolina. Charles E. Thomas, C'27, all of South Carolina. After graduating from Sewanee, he earned a master's degree from the * Q H Augustus T. Graydon University of South Carolina. He joined the EPA in 1983 after a two- 923 Calhoun Street O I year stint as associate director of the Federal Emergency Management Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Agency. In that job he managed disaster relief efforts and was chairman Augustus T. "Gub" Graydon, C, was mar- of the president's task force on toxic waste problems at Times Beach, ried on January 10 to Miss Ann Ruggles of Missouri. Jersey after being Suffragan Bishop for eight New York City in services in the chapel of After July 1983 Thomas served as assistant administrator of EPA for years. His oldest son is an artist; his daughter Trinity Cathedral in Columbia, South Caro- works for Vogue magazine in New York City; solid waste and emergency response. He served as acting deputy admin- lina. The new bride, a graduate of Smith Col- and his youngest son is a freshman at Colby toxic lege, is a writer in the field of decorative arts. istrator of EPA for six months in 1983, and he supervised waste College. He and his wife, Elizabeth, live in Despite bis new duties, we presume that Mr. cleanup as a chief deputy of EPA administrator William Ruckelshaus. Princeton, New Jersey. Graydon will continue to occupy his Columbia In a statement after Mr. Thomas's nomination, Ruckelshaus said: W. Mac Nickey, C, is a surgical pathologist law office for at least a couple of hours a day. at St. John's Hospital. He is interested in real "Lee Thomas is one of the finest and most able public servants with The couple is at home in Laurel. estate, oil and gas leases, and art. He and his whom I've had the opportunity to work." wife, Aislin, live in Springfield, Illinois, and have two children, ages twenty-seven and thirteen. He is wondering what his other '38 after twenty-seven years with Sports Illus- classmates are doing and thinking. last sixteen years, he has served George C. Bean, C, is still inventing and trated. For the Russell (Mike) Wheeler, Jr., C, is a labo- advertising man- manufacturing chemical specialities. He and in St. Louis as the division ratory supervisor and chief medical technolo- a grand- his wife, Grace, live in Brunswick, Maine. ager for the magazine. He became gist with the CIGNA Corporation of William P. Meleney, C, has retired after fatherin 1984 with the birth of Anthony James Bloomfield, Connecticut. He visited friends in thirty-two years in veterinary practice and Carden in Seattle, Washington. He and his Israel last summer and plans to do some parasite research for the United States gov- wife, Mary Thomas, will remain in St. Louis mountain climbing in New Hampshire this ernment. Now, he is the "sole member of 'dirty- after his retirement, summer He welcomes any Sewanee friends fingernails' department ofyacht importer and coining to or through Connecticut to stop by broker." He hopes to be soon supervising oth- his home in Columbia, Connecticut. ers in yacht fitting, delivery, maintenance, and repair. He represents Europe's finest yacht ofthe Missouri Commission on Mined builders, International Sailing Center. He and member j 100 Madison Street Building Land Reclamation. He and his wife, Dorothea, his wife, , live in Arnold, Maryland. John Rison Jones, Jr., C, is giving tech- Suite 203 enjoy maintaining and cruising in their river nical assistance to insular area institutions in Tampa, Florida 33602 yacht. They are living in St. Louis. ? A CThe Rev. Roy Strainge , , and the Northern Mari-

Harris, C, T'57, I rrOi918 Funston Street anas. He, when not in the Pacific, lives in The Rev. Rogers S. of the Dioc Hollywood, Florida 33020 Washington, D.C. been elected suffragan bishop Richter, C, of Upper South Carolina. He has been ret /Trinity Episcopal Church The Rev. William Thompson have of St. Christopher's Church in Spartanbur, Lime Rock Reunion Chairman: writes that in August of this year he will for eight years of LahevilU, Connecticut 06039 Roy T. Strainge, Jr. been the rector—(the first)— 1918 Funston Street Church ofthe Resurrection in Starkville, Mis- Hollywood, Florida 33020 sissippi. He played the part of Dr. Parsons in J C Qt/am*s H. Mcintosh, Jr. The Philadelphia Story put on by the Stark- OORoute 7 Russellville, Alabama 35653 for golf The Rev. William M. Bayle, C, T'50, has ville Community Theatre in February. The . He is out looking o Class Notes College

hours with me, mostly analyzing copies of The Newspapering is, to me, the most challenging Tennessean which I brought along and spread and satisfying occupation in the free world. Speaking There are certain requirements: you should be out on the floor in a Statler hotel room. He of- inquisitive without being obnoxious and you fered me a job a $80 per week and assured me I should know good writing, whether your own or of Journalism would be making $125 in no time at all. I somebody else's. And a few other requirements accepted. That was 1932. And as everyone knows now, come to mind, like nerve. by Coleman A. Harwell, C'26 there raises then. But I got an On my way to maturity I lived a somewhat were no checkered life. At age ten, I experienced several education. distractions, such as portraying Sir Joseph Por- The little New York Telegram had been a play- hoped to develop into ter, K.C.B., in the Peabody Dem School produc- thing that Scripps- Howard tion of the English musical comedy Pinafore, something big, and it did. The World was a giant, publishing morning, evening, and Sunday from which I have not yet recovered. About the editions and considered by some to be the best same time 1 produced a neighborhood newspaper it Mr. Pu- and got ink all over myself and anybody else who paper in New York, but was broke. So would pay a nickel for a copy. litzer, the dispenser of prizes, sold it cheap. And the giant the mouse were merged. By the time I reached Sewanee, I considered and myself ajournalist, having spent more time in a To begin with I was on the lobster shift— 11 print shop editing the Peabody monthly and an- p.m. to 7 a.m.—and sat acsoss the news desk Moscow, night editor, could trim nual than I had spent in school. My first break from Irving who in ten on the Mountain came when I got the job as Se- a 500 word UP story to 50 words seconds wanee rep for the Nashville Banner. Some time and never omit anything important. He layed later I made the mistake of editing the frosh is- out every news page and rode herd on the press sue of the Sewanee Purple, a take-off on the real room. The paper grew and in a few months I thing which did not endear me to the upperclass- shared the editing and loved it. After a year Lee corner said I going to men. I matured a little with that experience. called me to his and was hours. The thing I did that seemed to impress my con- handle features and have daytime (I was temporaries most was joining John Whi taker, a happy and Ann cried that night when I told her.) classmate, in establishing The Mountain Goat, a In the course of time I worked in every news and humor magazine then. Looking back, it appears editorial department and knew every member of incongruous for John, who became a famous cor- the staff and every printer. And, oh yes, my sal- respondent of the New York Herald- Tribune, ary, though no princely thing, went up accord- covering wars in Ethiopia, Spain. Italy, China, ingly. The World-Tely was a splendid newspaper and elsewhere, to be editing jokes and silly car- and I was very fortunate in my experience there. toons. Maybe for me, too, but of course we didn't Six years after I went to New York, Scripps- realize then that they were silly. We just broke Howard tapped me to be managing editor of its out laughing with the rest when anybody read Denver paper, the Rocky Mountain News and, al- aloud a joke in the Goat. But now I don't think it most on the same day Silliman Evans, who had was funny. And I'm sure John wouldn't, either. just bought The Tennessean, offered me the posi- (John Whitaker died of a stomach ailment suf- tion of executive editor. I returned to Nashville. fered in China when he was on duty there. He is Mr. Evans, with help from me and others, took buried on home soil in Chattanooga.) the paper from bankruptcy to wide renown. I graduated from Sewanee after three years, Following Mr. Evans' death, in 1955, 1 had the having spent a summer there chasing butterflies misfortune of being involved in differences with another time a and girls, which aren't there at other times, or the middle of a run and when his sons, Silliman, Jr., and Amon Carter Evans. through the ceiling on the weren't. I should have stayed the fourth year and pig(metal) crashed I left the paper in 1959. spent it in the library, listening to Prof. Tudor publisher's desk. After that I returned to another challenging Seymour Long and Prof. Eugene Kayden, bril- By that time I had become managing editor as opportunity publishing in a small but lively city, liant teachers. But the time was not altogether Jack Nye had moved up to be editor. I felt impor- Cookeville. I bought , the Cookville Herald and wasted. I spent it studying writing at Columbia tant—my salary was $80—but I really didn't the Citizen, in 1960. U. in the daytime and night life in New York know for sure what a managing editor was sup- Not since my first job as a reporter thirty-four after dark. Very instructive. posed to do. I thought about it a while and re- years earlier, had I been free to cover the news And then I returned to Nashville to look for a membered how, when we were at Sewanee, John myself. I chose the basic assignments of City job. I called on John H. Nye, managing editor of Whitaker and I planned to work together some Hall, County Court House, and education. Com- The Tennessean, who was tall and stooped, with day in the big city. I telephoned John and shared bining all this with writing editorials and mod- a great head of white hair and few words. He my thoughts with him. He agreed. Then I ernizing the plant, I had a busy and happy life. heard me out and then said he couldn't hire me phoned Clem Randau, a New York v-p of United Although I ruffled some feathers, justifiably as because his budget was all allocated. I was suspi- Press whom I knew well from his calls on me in I saw it, I believe a great majority of Cookeville cious of what he meant and kept calling on him. Nashville. UP was owned by Scripps-Howard citizens agreed with our positions. The circula- After three weeks of my nagging him, he told me which also owned the New York World-Tele- tion showed it. 1 could come to work for free, which I did, and gram. Clem said he'd look around for me and In our first year, the Herald and Citizen won pretty soon he put me on the payroll at $35 per talk with John. more awards in the annual state-wide contests week. I had become a journalist. In less than a month, a miracle happened. Lee than any other paper in Tennessee. Ten years The work was intriguing but sometimes Wood, editor of the World-Telegram, sent word later, at 65, 1 decided to say farewell to journal- alarming, as when the old press broke down in for me to come to see him. He spent several ism. But I'm still using my Royal portable.

'CCflotcrifi. Webb .. He and his wife, Janie, live in Bir- firm based in Nashville. DQp.O.Box883 mingham, Michigan. The Rev. George H. Quarterman, Jr., C, Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065 George S. Plattenburg, C, is a financial will be celebrating his ninth year as rector of planner with Mutual of New York in St. Louis. Trinity Church, St. Charles, this year. He Paul J. Greeley, C, is a partner in CRS Reunion Chairman- He writes that he saw Joe McGrory, C'55, writes that an addition to the parish house is Sales, Inc., located in Grand Rapids, Michi- Robert R.Webb late last year, and they agreed that they both under construction. St. CharleB County is a gan. He is a manufacturer's representative P.O. Box 883 looked the same. They also agreed to keep growing suburb of St. Louis with many young, serving the automotive, office, and furniture Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065 lying- rather transient families. Trinity has begun industries He had worked for Keeler Braes one new mission congregation. Co. for the previous thirty years. He now lives Prune is B. Avery, Jr., C, is Director of in Birmingham, for Technologies. He Michigan. Labor Relations A.T.&T. ? K r7 Howard W. Cater, Jr. William H. Savage, is the president and his wife, Betty, moved to New Jersey be- C, and O I 3756 East Fairway Drive chief executive officer of MIW Investors of fore the Bell Systems Divestiture. Birmingham, Alabama 35213 Washington. MIW Investors is a publicly-held Count Darling, C, has formed his own com- real estate investment and savings and loan pany, Count Darling Associates, which will Robert B. Adgent, C, formerly the city Heyward B. Roberts, Jr., A'53, C, and his holding company in Washington, D.C. He lives serve the automotive industry as a creative manager of Brentwood, Tennessee, has joined wife, Peggy, have three children; Mary Ellen in Alexandria, Virginia. consultant specializing in marketing commu- Jacques-Miller, Inc., a real ei iB attending Miami University; Katherine is Class Notes College

Carrie. Meg has attended the Sewanee Sum- Marsden L. Moran, C, is doing a lot of mer Music Center for the past t commuting these days between his architec- and plans to attend again lias su tural firm, Moran and Partners, in New Ha- ven, Connecticut, and his new real estate A. Shapleigh (Terry) Boyd III, C, is cur- development corporation, Moran Develop- rently the senior resident agent for the De- ment Corporation, in New Orleans. When not fense Investigative Service in St. Louis. He in the air. he, his wife, Vicki, and their two David Evett, C, is still teaching English at and his wife, Jennifer, have two children, both children live in New Haven. Cleveland State and still active in theatre as of whom are enrolled at Sewanee. Their son, Larry J. Thompson, C, and his wife, Ju- an actor. and director. He has written articles Shap, is a senior, and their daughter, Jenni- Reunion Chairman: dith Anne, are the proud parents of a snn, for a ical magazine and hn.-; .just puhlished a fer, is a sophomore. Douglas J. Milne volii tie of poem*. St rn iiftcLuups. edited by col- 2825 Eldorado Avenue !e£(.ii" Leonard Trawick, C'55. He spent last Jacksonville, Florida 32210 i , where he d deal The Rev. George L. Reynolds, of Faick Councill, C'58, nov i dean at the Jr., C'50, was elected in Janu- The Rev. John Richard Bentley, C, has University become rector of St. Dunstan's Church in >nr\DennisM.Hatl of Utah. ary the ninth bishop of the con- Houston, Texas. Since 1977 he has been rector \JZf747 Channing Drive. NW tinuing Diocese of Tennessee, of St. Peter's Church in Brenham, Texas. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 fCleary, Gottlieb, Steen, & Hamilton which has been formed from the Jim Wright, C, would like to know what One State Street Plaza three-way division of the Dio- became of Jack Gordon, C'66, of Oklahoma, The Rev. Dr. J. Robert Brown, C, is the New York, New York 10004 cese of Tennessee. The bishop- and Spencer Tomb, C'65, of Texas. Jim and associate rector of St. James's. Wilshire, Los his wife, Kathy, are living in Darien, Con- Angeles, where he works with Sewanee grad- elect has been for nine years J. S. (Jim) Mayson, C, ie living in River- :, with their c e child. uate, the Rev. Bob Oliver, T'59, rector of St. rector of St. Stephen's Church side, California, with his wife, Angela. He is James's. He is also a director of the Academy still practicing medicine and has owned a ra- in Edina, Minnesota, but he of Performing and Visual arts and a director John Day Peake, Jr. of the Community Counselling Service. He re- dio station for the past five years. He is no grew up in Lebanon, Tennessee, '66 159 Roberts Street cently visited the Anglican Province of West longer racing sailboats, but still enjoys motor- and Sewanee, and after his Mobile, Alabama 36604 Africa as president of the Cape Coast Out- cycles and airplanes. graduation from Sewanee (cum Bruce Samson, C, is the agency chairman Winton Blount III, C, president and chief of the Southwest Florida Water Management laude) and Virginia Seminary executive officer of Blount International, Ltd., District in Tampa. in 1954, he served a year as was among several business leaders whose chaplain at Military Sewanee forecasts for 1985 were published in the De- Academy. He also holds a Ph.D. cember 31 issue of U.S. News & WorldReport. from New York University. His Charlotte, North Carolina 28244 a 18103 father George R. Reynolds Reunion Chairman: The Rev. Douglas Evett, C, and wife, Deb- taught and coached at the Acad- John W. Toniesen, Jr. orah, are living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Their emy before becoming the first 1600 Charlotte Plaza son, Peter, will graduate from Sewanee this director of admissions for the Charlotte, North Carolina 28244 June and daughter, Sarah, has been accepted College of Arts and Sciences in into this year's fall class. Son, Matt, graduated 1946 and joining the faculty of from Brown University in May of 1984. Richard H. Foster, Jr., C, A'56, spent an the mathematics department. exciting summer as manager of service with Bishop-elect Reynolds has Wallace Wilson, C, is president of the Ex- Coca Cola Bottling of Los Angeles. As man- served churches in Ohio and ecutive Insurance Agency, Inc., of Chickasha, ager of service, he supervised all Olympic sites Pennsylvania and held numer- Oklahoma. He and his wife, Susan, also live in preparation for Coca Cola products and in Chickasha. equipment at the 1984 Summer Olympics in ous denominational positions Los Angeles. from the local to the interna- tional level. His wife Barbara has been teaching for the past nine years in the School of Pub- lic Health at the University of Benjamin B. Alexander, C, is one of twenty Minnesota. They have two scholars from across the country to be selected children. by the Liberty Fund of Indianapolis to partic- ipate in its national Bicentennial Program to commemorate the United States Constitution. A series of national seminars concerning the >£Q Jerry H, Summers Marine, Inc. VjQ500Limndsay Street nature of American liberty will continue Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403 through 1989 and culminate in a series of pub- Charles Wheatley, C, 1b presently an ar- chitect in the L03 Angeles office of Skidmore, C, has been ap- G. Edmondson Maddox, on the edito- Owings, and Merrill. He is also literature studies vice-principal for faculty at Choate ander teaches and Christian pointed Architect, monthly news- rial board of LA a in Hillsdale, Michigan. Hall. previously served four at Hillsdale College Rosemary He paper of architecture and design published in Henry Marshall, Ph.D., C, is expanding years as the director of summer programs at Lob Angeles. his practice in clinical psychology in Houston E. Wayne Hammett, C, has been promoted Choate Rosemary Hall. He enjoyed a fall visit and is working with children, adolescents, and to director of systems engineering for Cannon to Sewanee to interview teaching intern adults. He is also assisting his fiancee, Dr. Mills Company in Kannapolis, North Caro- candidates. Peterson Covert Rickie Moore, as they do theraputic work- lina. He joined the company in 1980 as a sen- '67;Cavert & Company shops in Europe. ior systems analyst and was promoted to Box 1280 Bradford Peabody, C, has been elected manager of manufacturing systems later that ^C^A ^ Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 C. year. He and his wife, Jean, have four daugh- OflC a national officer of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. s and reside in Rock Hill, South Carol Daniel Anderson, C, is currently the di- William A. Pickney, C, and his wife, Con- rector of computer systems with Prudential nie, have a baby daughter, Andrea Delores, Charles S. Joseph, C, is an international Insurance. About a year ago, he and his wife, born January 19. They have three other chil- customer service representative in the Textile Taber Hamilton, C, is still at the hardware Virginia, moved to New Jersey, where the wife, dren, Laura, seven; Brian, five; and Kimberly, Fibers Department for the E.I.DuPont Com- store running its tool department. His Prudential corporate office is located. He says three. Their home is in Decherd. Tennessee. pany. He and his wife, Jane, live in Wilming- Susan, is a resource teacher in Stamford, Con- that thiB has been a cold winter with a lot of J. M. Soaper, C, A'67, married in Septem ton, Delaware, with their two sons, Robert, necticut. His two children, Matthew and Em- snow in New Jersey. ber of last year and has two stepsons, Ed and eleven, and Tom, seventeen. in the middle and elementary school. William S. Lyon- Vaiden, C, is engaged to Eric. is MIS manager with Citicorp Ac- Hei: i the be married on June 22 to Lynn Davis of Bal- He wife, Carol, is man- timore, Maryland. His wife-to-be teaches ceptance Company. His ager of telemarketing services with McDonnell lember of the Norwalk PTA council. mathematics and directs a handbell choir. Allentown, Pennsylvania 18103 The Rev. Dwight E. Ogier, Jr., C, has Leslie Hobert McLean, C, is the assistant joined St. Luke's Church in Mobile, Alabama, headmaster and director of development at James R. May, C, and wife, Pat, moved to as the associate to the rector. Formerly he was Olney Friends School in Bannesville, Ohio. He Flor- ' N - Pendleton Rogers Hood River, Oregon, from Indiana this past vicar of Holy Family Church in Orlando. and his wife, Dana Lynn, have a four-year-old H July. All four of their children are in high ida. He is currently studying to complete a school. They hope to start their own business D.Min. program at Pittsburgh Theological Thomas H. Price, C, writes that he will be and are enjoying the mountains, skiing, and Seminary. He and his wife, Babs, have a son, turning forty this year with no change and all Robin, the beautiful Northwest. Tim, in the sixth grade and a daughter. is well. He and his wife, Sondra, are living in W. Scott Welch III, C, is still a partner at who lives in England. Starkville, Mississippi. Michael Cameron, bom December 31. the firm of Butler, Snow, O'Mara, Stevens and Edwin H. Taylor, C, is interested in cy- Born on November 21, 1984, Esther de- Cannada, Attorneys. He was recently (Janu- cling and rode across Iowa last summer. He is events Lancey Moser, to Ed Moser, C, and his wife, ary) elected for membership in the American planning to compete in several cycling '681 Board of Trial Advocates, an organization for Mobile. Alabama 36607 Class Notes College

Light with Foote, Care and Belding Advi Karen and daughter Katie live in London called Winnetka Robert was transferred to in Des Plaines, where he is now a solicitor, having studied taw- the Exxon Chemical's office Michael S. Ingram, C'59, has in Chester. England. Illinois So far, they, along with their three- been elected to a six-year term Lt Kathryn tBrice) Kuklish, C, recently year-old son, Ross, are enjoying Chicago. They as judge of Division F of the J„siah M.Daniel II! received a master's degree in business admin- are expecting a second child in June. 73 P.O. Box 9158 istration from l..ini|iln-ll University in North Robert Humpidge, C, A'72, married Marti Fourth Judicial District Court itlo.Tesa* 79105 Carolina. Her husband, Cpt. Thomas Kuklish, Carson on December 16. They make their home for Morehouse and Ouachita pinned on her airborne wings she earned upon in Jacksonville, Florida. Parishes in Louisiana. He took Scott Bagley, C, is currently a Judge Ad- her successful completion of the Army's basic W. Charles Mayer III, C, recently became office in January and has given vocate with the Air force Contract Law Cen- airborne course and five qualifying parachute manager of the bond department and senior ter al Wright— Patterson Air Force Base. He jumps at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. vice-president of AmSouth Bank. up his law practice in Monroe. nnd his wile, Sandra, have- one daughter, Drew, George M. Taylor III, C, has been admit- David C. Parker, C. married Susan Carol Mr. Ingram is also a member of who was born in December of 1983. ted to partnership in I he Hnrningham law firm Wheeler on November 18, 1984, in Graham the University's Board of Lt. Cmdr. Joel T. Daves, C, recently of Thomas, Taliaferro, Forman. Burr and Presbyterian Church in Albermarle, North Navy Trustees. participated in Navy Reserve exercises in Murray The firm was founded in 1889 by Carolina. The bride is a graduate of Columbia Louisiana and Florida destgni-d to lest readi- Walker Percy and James Weatherly. both Se- College in Columbia, South Carolina, and hold^ train field wanee graduates, and is one of the oldest firms a master's degree in speech pathology from ness of the Reserves and to medical Ellen (Bartusch) Massey, C, is the owner Appalachian State University David is a loan and operator of Massey Vestments and Li- Aber- officer for State Employees Credit Union in Deboruh S. Davis, C, is living in Birmingham. turgical Arts in St. Louis, Missouri. an Gastonia, North Carolina. Thev reside in deen, Mississippi, with her husband. Jerry, Tom Whitaker, Jr., C, after serving as Kenneth M. Schappert, C, and his wife, in Pinellas County, Shelby. and their two sons. Scott and Stuart. He is a assistant state attorney Lynn, C'78, enjoyed making several trips to she is partner Florida, for three years, has recently become Thomas A. Piggott, C, and his wife, Mary, United Stales Magistrate, and a Sewanee this fall from their home in Decatur, Navarro, Mills, and Davis. an associate with the firm of Peavyhoufle, have a six-month old daughter. Margaret Rose. in the law firm of Alabama. Ken is an associate with Caddell, A*69, is a general Grant, Clark, Charlton. Opp. and Martino, P.A. Also, they are now living in Humbolt, Ten- Dr. John It. M. Day, C, Shanks, Harris. Moores, & Murphree. Lynn is practice in nessee, where Tom is sales manager with Al- and vascular surgeon in private in Tampa, Florida. an associate with Blackburn & Maloney, PC. five. partner in ton Packaging Corporation. Boulder, Colorado. He has two sons, Luke, John E. Williams III, C, is a a They both stay busy with restoring their 1886 C.P.A. firm in Inverness, Mississippi. His wife, Anne (Hughes) Sayle, C, is presently and Colin, four. Second Empire home which they report is plant pa- two working on her master's degree in painting at Tom Dolan, C, is a researcher in Frances (Hardy), C'76, and he have drafty in the winter, but very pleasant in the thology at the University of California, Riv- daughters They built a house in Inverness in Memphi- Stale University. She and her hus- research have band, Robert, are living in Lake Cormorant, erside, one of the nation's leading the summer of 1983 and feel as if they Dana E. (Shepherd) Tumpowgky, C, institutions working to nun kit diseases of or- Mississippi, and enjoying their two sons, Bob, finally settled. married her husband, William, February 22. crops five, and Jim, three. chard She is the public relations director at West- Rev. Donald A. Fishburne, C, is the John Shober III, C, was married to Lucile The minster College. He is a producer of NBC af- Matthew's Church in Dar- Carter "Lucv" Glascock on February 2 at Our new rector or St filiate station KUTV in Salt Lake City. They lington, South Carolina. Previously he was Lady of the Mount Catholic Church on Look- have three dogs, and they make their home in Church in out Mountain. (he assistant rector of St. Michael's the mountains of Park City, Utah. Charleston. Wendy (Warden) Williams, C, is a project Robin (Grefe) Van Alatine, C, and her James D. Phillips, Jr., C, is a staff song- coordinator at H. B. Williams and Associates. husband Peter have their first child, Lynn Al- writer for the Combine Publishing Company She and her husband, Ed, live in St. Louis. exandra, born on December 18, 1984. They are in Nashville He is writing country- western living in Hamilton, New York. Since gradu- music for the company. He graduated from ating from Sewanee, Robin worked for two

(lie Miss 1 1 he University of Mississippi! in 1974 ' wuliam DuBose 111 years as a writer in public relations for Mid- 7 1 and haa been either a music artist or writer Uunilierland Human Resources Agency in Sam Davis Elliott, C, married Karen Marie Nashville before obtaining a master's degree Honkanen March 2. He is an associate in the in psychology from Peabodv College of Van- law firm of Gearhiser, Peters, and Horton of Larry R. Ivens, C, is teaching at Lake For- derbilt University in 1982. That same year Chattanooga. She is employed by WRCB-TV est Country Day School where he has been for she married Peter Van Alstine, a theoretical in Chattanooga. ZSouthern Natural Gas Company the past six years. He is currently head of the physicist, who was then teaching and doing The plant and flower photographs of Jona- P.O. Box 2563 advisor system and head of the science de- research in Washington, D.C. He is now teach- than Ertelt, C, have been on exhibit in the Birmingham, Alabama 3520 partment. He has entered the master's degree ing at Colgate University. Nashville area this year and have been re- program at Northwestern University and is The Rt. Rev. Roger Cilley, H, will retire in ceiving considerable acclaim. Jonathan has Denise I. Bounous, C, is in her third year hoping to graduate in the spring of 1986 with March. He had been a suffragan bishop since worked for the past six years at Cheekwood's of veterinary school at Oklahoma State Uni- a M.S. in private school administration. 197(5—based in Austin, Texas, for most of that Botanical Gardens and Fine Arts Center in versity with only one more year to go. Elizabeth Velie Leach, C, and husband, Nashville as a greenhouse specialist and bo- Marc Uberman, C, and Lauren Reck- Robert C. Clark, C, and his wife, Deborah Skip, had their first child, John Charles Leach. tanical education coordinator. nagel Uberman, C'75, are t he-proud parents R., C'77, have moved from Houston to Chi- August 31. Skip is still working for Phoenix Ruth (Rohde) Haskell, C. enjoyed some of a baby boy, Jonathan Richard, born Janu- cago where they live in a north shore village Coca-Cola and they love living in Arizona. time away from editorial duties with Flower ary 5. 1985. and Garden Magazine by spending the entire Cindy (Boatwright) Molder, C, began month of January in London with her hus- working in New Jersey as a group account band, Harry. Last year Ruth started her own supervisor for Marketing Services after QLM business as gardening consultant and garden receiving her master's degree in English from designer. In addition she and Harry do edito- Columbia University. She is a marketing con- rial and creative research for a firm in Zurich, sultant and bandies promotions for various Switzerland. companies, primarily, at this point, Johnson Saxton, C, has been promoted & Johnson. She writes that she is really en- Laurie Lou joying her work and that she and her husband, to manager of sales and technical support in Tim, really enjoyed seeing their "old chums" the brokerage services department of Liberty at homecoming. Life Insurance Company in Greenville, South Carolina. She has been with Liberty Life since Robert H. B. Spencer, C, A'70, has retired from the oilfields and moved to Jacksonville, Florida. Thomas D. Woodbery, C, has been an ad- vertising agency account executive since mid- 1983! He writes that he is adapting reasona- bly well to the Ohio winters after living in Florida for four years. He and his wife Alison, have two sons, Evan, four, and Frederick, one. Richard Aguilar, C, married Janet Figu- James It. Polk Van Zandt, C, and his wife, eroa on December 22, 1984. They are making Mary Jo. have a son, Thomas Joseph, born in their home in San Antonio, Texas. December of 1983. They are trying to revital- R. Phillip Carpenter, C, married Leslie ize the Sewanee Club of the Delta. He has just Annette Andrews in Greenville, Mississippi, finished two years duty as senior warden and on Saturday, February 9, 1985.

[a president of the Iverness Rotary Club in Peter Q. Jenks, C, is a senior at General Iverness, Mississippi. Theological Seminary and will graduate in May. He is a candidate from the Diocese of Minnesota and is married to the Rev. Laura Edwards-Jenks, who will be ordained into the / The Liberty Corporation Friends join Rob Campbell, C'80, and his bride, Dorsey Fenner, after priesthood in April. Peter hopes to have his P.O. Box 789 their wedding on December 8 in Winter Park, Florida. They were mar- ordination date set in June. Greenville. Souih Carolina 29602 Nimocks, C, began her new job as ried by theRt. Rev. Donis D. Patterson, bishop ofDallas, and the organ- Madge a financial aid officer for the Harvard Gradu- ist was Joseph Running, formerly Sewanee. The matron honor Reunion Chairman: of of was ate School of Design (architecture, landscape the bride's sister, Robert T. Coleman III Cathy Fenner Bender, C'81 , and the groomsmen were architecture, and urban design programs) in The Liberty Corporation Elliott Jones, C; Jim Rateliff, C; and Claude Barbre, C'79. The couple September of last year. She is in her fourth will Hue in Atlanta while Rob continues work on a Ph.D. in clinical psy- year of living in Boston. are late in reporting that last summer chology at Georgia State University. We Donna (Finney) Northcutt, C, was awarded Robert M. Kilpatrick, C, and his ^ the ALCPA's Elijah Watts Sells Award for her Class Notes College

performance "with high dis Craig, are the proud parents ofan C'81, Clay Yeatman, C'80, Robert Alves, Certified Public Accountant's examination. ory Drue, born C'81. Chip Tcfft, C'80. and Felton Wright, She and her husband, Mark Northcutt, C, seven pounds six ounces. and Arlington, Virginia 22203 C'79. Kim is a 1983 graduate of Cedar Crest reside in Bristol, Tennessee, where Donna is College in Allentown, Pennsylvania with a employed as a staff accountant with the firm Douglass W. McConnell II, C, is currently Cathy (Fenner) Bender, C8I, and Todd B.S. in nursing Bart is winking for Bethle- of Curtis D. Martin, CPA. enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Natural Re- Bender, C'78, became parents of a daughter, hem Steel anil Kun is working lor Lehigh Val- Diann Blakefy C, is a staff assist- Shoar, source Communications at the University of" Sara Munro, born on August 15, 1984, in ley Hospital Center. ant in the English Department at Harvard Idaho. In addition, he is a copy editor for the Nashville. BurneyT. Durham, C'78, and Cynthia B. University. Her husband, Forrest, is 1-L at a University of Idaho newspaper, the Argonaut, Scott E. Brame, C, is working as a geolo- Albrecht, C, were married on September 15, . She is to continuing write an English tutor, an Extension Forestry as- gist for Geophv-.iL> international of Dallas, 1984, in Nashville. They are making their and is presently taking a poetry workshop with sistant, and chairman of the parade commit- Texas. He is living in Norman, Oklahoma. home in Gallatin, Tennessee. Seamus Heaney. tee for the Moscow Mardi Gras, Inc. He is also Everett (Bart) DeLuca, Jr., C, married SuBan C. Glenn, C. is now working in the Bitsy Rogers Sloan, husband, C, and The the chapter advisor for the Delta Tau chapter Kim Hatesaul December 15 in Plainfield Orlando, Florida, office of A.T.&T. in their Rev. John McKee Sloan, T'81, are living in of the ATO fraternity at the University of Idaho Township, Pennsylvania. Other Sewanee computer/data center. West Point, Mississippi Her is the husband and vice-president of the fraternity's alumni graduates at the wedding were Matt PLnson, Jonathan Jones, C, is presently employed vicar of Episcopal the Church of the Incarna- organization. He and his wife, Sara, live in C'80, Mark Andrews, C'80, David Dunn- by W. Lyman Case and Co., a commercial tion and she is practicing law. Moscow, Idaho. Rankin, C'80, Bob Ross, C'80, Jim Lewis, mortgage banker, in Fort Lauderdale. He [fl Alexandra Smith, C, moved from Califor- looking forward to returning to the Mountain nia to Exeter, New Hampshire, this summer. for his fifth year reunion. George Andrew (Andy) Kcgley, Jr., C, finally talked Nan Fullerton, C'80, into mar- '80? Life on the Bench rying him. The wedding took place on October 20, 1984. New York, New York 10023 Mark W. Lawrence, C, has transferred from Chicago to Danville, Pennsylvania, as an Reunion Chairman: in-house Mediflex Systems consultant to the Janet Ann Kibler Geisinger Hospital system. He and his wife, 112 West 72nd Street, Apt.lOB Sheri, live in Danville. New York, New York 10023 Jim Lewis, C, is now working for Dow Chemical Company in the agricultural divi- SP4 Timothy P. Achuff, C, is stationed in sion in Richmond, Virginia. He' received a Fort Knox, Kentucky. master's degree in forestry in 1983 from Vir-

James (Dale) T. Berry, C, is continuing to ginia Tech. work on his M.A. in marriage and family Katherine E, McWhorter, C, is working counseling at the Reformed Theological Sem- in the office of Senator Daniel Patrick Moy- inary in Jackson, Mississippi. nihan. Moynihan is a United States senator from New York. John B. Corrin, C, graduated from the Peter M. Neil, C, is currently employed as University of Maine with a B.S. in Forestry in an assistant state attorney for the stale of 1980 and a B.A. in Computer Science in 1982. Florida. He is data processing coordinator for the Harriott K. {Greer) Silliman, C, and her Maryland Forest, Park, and Wildlife Service. husband. Troy, are renovating a newly bought Rob Campbell, C, married Dorsev Fenner, house in Wilmington, Delaware. She is teach- sister of Cathy (Fenner) Bender, C'81, on ing kindergarten and "absolutely loving it." December 8. They are living in Atlanta where Troy is a lawyer with the DuPont Company. Rob is enrolled in a Ph.D. program in clinical Richard B. Southard, Jr., C, a lieutenant psychology at Georgia State University. (junior grade) in the Navy, is stationed in Sic-

Suzanne (Sue) L. DeWalt, C, is a first year ily. He was married in February to Laurie associate at Kirkpatrick Law Firm and is Angela Hones of Alexandria, Virginia. staying busy. The firm has offered her an as- Tamara Williams, C, is living in Tampa, sortment of "exotic" business trips to Omaha Florida, with her husband, Tom. She is in her and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania She isanxious third year of law school. to get a Sewanee Club started in the Pitts- burgh-Cleveland area. She is living in 'QOCAipMonn Pittsburgh. OjUS52Arlingti Kathryn C. Larisey, C, and husband, the Rev. Frank E. Larisey, C'77, are now living in Bristol, Tennessee, with their daughter, Ken Bradford, C, is now branch chief of Rachel. He is vicar of St. Columba's Episcopal recruitment and placement at .Jefferson Prov- Church in Bristol. ing Ground in Madison, Indiana. Dawn Lopez-Drue, C, and her husband, Lucy Clements, C, is working in Duluth, Minnesota, helping people with health and

Sheryl A. (Clouser) Cody, C, graduated from Florida Stale University with a master's Eleanor Page Hull, C'81, is hos- degree in counseling in April of 1984. She and pitalized by a near-fatal acci- her husband, Jeffrey, were married at Trinity dent she suffered while on Episcopal Church in Columbus, Georgia, in year. She is presently work- active duty as a Navy officer June of this past George C. Paine II, C'67, is a true ous professional organizations and ing as a program therapist in ak'ihol and drug (lieutenant USNR) in Cali- j.g. man of the law, bankruptcy law holds offices in several of them. He abuse with the East Alabama Mental Health fornia. The injury is called a Center in Opelika, Alabama. Jeff manages a that is. He is presently serving as currently serves as the treasurer for massive cerebral anoxia, and computer center with the Tandy Corporation chiefjudge of the United States the National Conference of Bank- her chances of recovery are con- in LaGrange, Georgia, They are living in Five Bankruptcy Court for the middle ruptcy Judges and is also a member Points, Alabama. sidered very slim. district of Tennessee and also as the of the faculty of the Federal Judi- David Condon, C, is presently enrolled in designated judge for the United cial Training Center with the Ad- the London School of Economics working on an M.Sc. degree in economics. His course of Eleanor's mother has asked States Bankruptcy Court for the ministrative Office of the United study is urban and regional planning. Future for the prayers of her daughter's eastern district of Michigan. States Courts. also serves as the He plans include law school. Sewanee classmates and Judge Paine graduated from the editor for a national publication Lamar Jasper, C, works for a company in friends. She has also sent a gift University of Mississippi Law dealing with bankruptcy courts in Philadelphia which packages medical paper to the University to establish a School in 1973 after his education the United States and is on the products. Terrie (Sutton) Mathes, C, is the new di- fund for the eventual endow- was interrupted by his service in board of contributing editors for rector of public relations at St Andrew's-Se- ment of a choir stall in All Vietnam. It took little time after his another. wanee School. Her husband, Jim, is an Saints' Chapel. Mrs. Hull ex- graduation from law school to enter assistant in the development office of Webb pressed the wish that additional the legal profession. He began his He is an active member of his School in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. Lisa Peterson, C, is working for the Amer- funds be used to assist the choir. career in law as an associate with community. He is a member of the ican University in Washington, D.C., man- of Christ Church and has the firm of Schulman, McCarley, vestry aging a residence hall and finishing her At this printing, Eleanor is Hollins, and Pride until 1976 when also served as junior warden, chal- masters in counseling. hospitalized in San Antonio, be became a partner in the firm of ice bearer, and layreader. He has Erin Russell, C, is finishing her first year of Michigan's M.B.A. pro- Texas. Mrs. Hull's address in Chambers, Johnson, and Beckner served on the Board of Directors for in the University gram. She writes that it is very different from 812 High Key Apartments, for five years. In 1981, he was ap- Outlook Nashville and is presently of Directors 13012 Oak Terrace Drive, San pointed as judge in the United a member of the Board Deborah Wheeler, C, is an office manager Antonio, Texas 78233. States Bankruptcy Court. for the Duncanwood Day Care Cen- of a NCNB branch. She writes that she is sing- church choir and thinking about Judge Paine is active in numer- ter and School. ing in the Class Notes College

graduate school. She is living in Tan A Democratic Fund Raiser 9QQKttiel OQ -16391 Timothy S. Holder, C'77, has played an active part in political and gov- ernmental affairs since his graduation. From being a political consult- Vera Patricia Ayres, C, married Stuart ant on several successful Tennessee campaigns to serving as financial W. Bowen, Jr.. C'82. on December 22, 1984, director for two Presidential candidates, he has served as an important at Christ Church in San Antonio, Texas. figure in the political process. Richard Johnson, C, is attending the Uni- After receiving a master's degree in public administration from Mid- versity of Texas m Austin iind working on a dle State University, masters in secundun Kngh>h education. Tennessee he attended law school for a short time Stewart A. W. Low, C, has been spending before returning to Nashville to start his own political, governmental, a great deal of lime in Philadelphia dealing and business consulting firm, Holder Southern Company. While in wiih family matters, but as spring approaches Nashville, he and his firm assisted the successful campaigns of several he is planning to leave the NorLh for the South, Tennessee politicians. George Morgan, C, is working in the li- brary at the University of North Carolina in In November of 1982, he became the Southern finance director for Chapel Hill. Senator John Glenn's presidential campaign. As Southern finance direc- Daniel Morris, C, received a B.S. degree in tor, he was responsible for fund raising for the Senator's campaign in mechanical engineering at the University of thirteen Southern states. Missouri-Rollu in Dt'crniluT nftasl year. He is efforts presently working in the San Fernando Valley Holder's fund-raising for presidential candidates may have Los Angele stopped for the present time; however, he is helping to raise funds for Amy J. Neil, C, i irrently in graduat the University as a committee member for the University's Robert S. school at Drexel Uni in PhiladelphiE iity Lancaster Scholarship Fund. He is also raising funds for the National Pennsylvania. Democratic Committee in Washington. Brian Rogei ntly working t ward his M.B.A. degree at the University of Baltimore. He is working for a law firm in his

James C. Wiley, C, is presently in his sec- ond vear of medical school at the University of Alabama School of Medicine He is living in


tin, Texas 78705

Tim Andreae, C, is now living in Deilrum, Massachusetts, jusl outside of Boston. He is working as an engineer for the Instron Corporation.

Josephine T. S. Ashcraft, C. is attending Delta State University in Cleveland, Missis- sippi, and will graduate in August of this year with a B.A. in l>u>iness administration. She is presently working as general manager of Ash- craft Enterprises in Greenwood. Mississippi

Helen Traci Badenhausen, C, is now en Tom Dolan, C'73, left, and Ed Moser, C'72, right, "work" advertising account executive SSMC for WAKY & television commercial starring Coors WVEZ in Louisville, Kentucky. the Light Beerwolfa Sewanee Summer Music Center David Steinberg. Matt Costello, C, was listed inBoston Mag- azine as one of the twenty-five most eligible Ma.-sjchu setts' bachelors A sign of the times.

Katby Jones, C, has been working in film since returning from a sojourn in Europe. She has been helping to recruit projects for the Tennessee Film, Tape, and Music Commission and has worked as an assistant to the produc- tion coordinator of Marie, a major movie that was made in Nashville. Kathy was also in the movie as a featured extra.

John Girardeau, C, is with the Peace Corps in the hill country of Sri Lanka where he is teaching English- He says the mist in the hills h reminds him of Sewanee. 1 mmfW mm *^m John and Laura McKelvey, C, are with the Peace Corps in Babahatgnon. the Philippines. **l Malcolm Ervin McVay, C, married Eliz- nttkVHrV Ol M £ abeth Berrien Pitts Saturday, November 24 in Birmingham, Alabama. Groomsmen included Stewart Hyer Thomas, C'84, of Dallas; David Alcee Juge, C'84, of Durham, North Carolina; Jack Reed Gardner, Jr., C'84, of Mobile, Alabama; and Archibald Thomas Ei Reeves ED, C'84, of Selma, Alabama. The new Mrs. McVay is the granddaughter of Bishop Carpenter of Alabama. H^KtB Susan A. Killen, C, after graduating from the University of Mississippi with a B.A. in communicative disorders in May of this year, plans to begin work on her master's degree in August at Memphis State University.

Edward ScruggB Criddle ED, C, is attend- Nan Fullerton, C'SO, and Andy Kegley, C'81, are joined by friends in ing the University of Cincinnati pursuing a celebration after their wedding on October 20 in Hilton Head, South Car- marketing degree. olina. The couple is at home in Wytneville, Virginia.

Charles Harrison: The Contingency of Teaching

king, in his reun- (This essay by Andrew Lytle is the taken lest they be diverted from an Elizabethan, he reminds us, the as father and but ion is to Foreword to Shakespeare's Insistent their proper roles. The mere act of word natural has several meanings, with Cordelia he brought Theme, a volume of Charles Harri- setting words to print does not as- but its most important synonym is say, "As I am a man, I do believe son's essays and occasional writings sure them cogent reflection, to use ideal. This means Christian order, this lady to be my child Cordelia." cor- essayist reduces the complex to be published by the University one of Harrison's most persistent whose feudal forms were being The understanding, in no this spring. We are pleased to pub- words. rupted but still enclosed the endur- to common but lish this essay as a tribute to Dean The "Poet as Witness" and ing attitudes of communal living. way asks the reader to believe that Harrison, who died at home on Jan- "Shakespeare's Insistent Theme," The community of saints was the such is a full reading or meaning of uary 25.—editor) two of his most cogent essays, open ultimate hope, but the worldly com- poetry. As an aside he will dispose a door to the ideal classroom in ses- munity derived from the assump- of the heresy that man can create. These essays and reviews could only sion. Here or privately, wherever he tion that man is made in God's Only God does that. Man imitates be those of a great teacher. They meets the student, his instruction image (curiously the most exclusive and in this small way may give an suggest classroom lectures, except and influence derives from the same restriction put upon the divine crea- undiscovered meaning to his arti- in the reviews which require the set of principles and beliefs. This is tivity). Dante's "His Will is our facts, the puzzle left by the Creator discretion proper to the variety of his strength—giving form and di- Peace" is the ethical absolute of Me- to his creature man. Harrison's attitudes engaged. Though Charles rection to students, eagerly but dieval understanding. great learning is apparent not only Harrison's vantages on the same dazedly standing where brook and Natural and reasonable were al- in its direct use but, almost at times subject may differ, his judgment river meet. He knows that instruc- most synonyms. They affirmed the accidentally, as aside. Probably its and comparisons remain always tion carries less weight when dignity of man and its protection most stunning instance is his essay convincing. As a writer as well as a teacher does not love student. He through the hierarchies of state and on Santayana. Through ironic refer- teacher he belongs more fully to the need not indulge them, but there family. But when a prince ruled ences a profound truth presents it- Academy, insofar as his publica- are times, of course, for clarification from private appetite and will or or self, to the end that this essay may tions may enter the larger forum of or interpretation beyond the appre- a father failed to recognize the hu- be the best exposure of this gifted learning. This extension of the hension of the as yet uninformed. manity of a child, order became but difficult man. llarges formal dis- This is of the essence of reading lit- perverted. Machiavelli's The Prince But The Poet as Witness must deleting the usual discur- erature—or of any good instruction, either initiated or defined this surely be the final statement of Harrison's understanding and his ; of questions and answers for that matter. To read well is to change in Christian polity, allowing on the way to disposing of ignorance enhance and enrich life beyond the the will of the kings and fathers to capacity to deliver it. Here again this and lassitude. This is what the con- classroom, so that graduates can en- be autonomous. This is the burden the hard is made easy. To do he tingency of teaching means. ter and play a better role in society. of the action of Shakespeare's trage- evokes both Dante and Shake- is Medieval; It does not mean the plethora of We learn from his insistent theme dies and more serious plays: the pri- speare. Dante, he says, publications asked for, even de- that "Shakespeare's mind is victo- vate will against the community of Shakespeare is . He fal- manded, by administrators. Librar- rious (quoting Matthew Arnold's man. Bottom the weaver in Mid- ters a little here, but he quickly col- ies of universities groan with third- sonnet) in that it comprehends all summer Night's Dream is quoted: "I lects himself by saying the roots of and fourth-rate "scholarly" matters that we can experience on earth and am a man as other men are." Even the Renaissance are in "the Medie- whose authors could have spent the all that we know." in high estate, Richard II, after val past." He knows that any flow- time better teaching their classes. He further elaborates "...the one comparing himself to the sun and ering comes from the substance Obviously, with Charles Harrison's concern common to the whole cor- lion, just before the climax accepts upon which the root feeds. collection in mind, I do not mean pus of Shakespeare's works is the his true condition, "I live with that teachers should never be pub- meaning of social order—actual so- bread like you..." King Lear in the lished. But great care should be cial order and ideal social order." To Mount Everest of Tragedy sins both

"*^f 4r$&c "*lf™"

itu;?.UuiifAiiir.;iiiHijK 'Deaths

Dr. Lucius D. Hill, M'09, a retired San An- Medical College of South Carolina and began tonio, Texas, physician; on June 4, 1984. A practicing medicine in 1937. Only a few native of Sparta, Dr. Hill received his M.D. years after beginning his practice, he served from Vanderbilt University. in the Army during World War II for which Ed Hine, C'49, former vice-president for he received numerous awards. Among these regions and for admissions of the Associated Quintin T. Hardtner, Jr., A '23, C'27, for- awards were three Battle Stars, a Presiden- Alumni of the University, a founder of the mer president of the Urania Lumber Com- tial Unit Citation, and a Bronze Star with an Sewanee Club in Rome, Georgia, owner of pany, Ocean Coffee Company, Hardtner oak leaf cluster. Active in civic affairs, he Hine Cotton Company, a cotton merchandis- Lumber Company, Linwood Development served as a former vice president of the ing firm, subsequently an account executive Corporation, Shreve port Land Company, and Charleston chapter of the American Red for A. G. Edwards & Sons, a member of the Hardtner- Edenborn Oil Company; on Janu- Cross and on the boards of the United Fund New York Cotton Exchange and the Ameri- ary 22, 1985, in Shreveport, Louisiana. In and the Salvation Army. He was also active can Cotton Shippers Association; on Decem- addition to his successful business life, Mr. and a leader in many professional organiza- ber 2, 1984, in Rome, Georgia. A native of Hardtner was extremely active in civic and tions. A member of the Southern Medical So- Rome, he graduated from Darlington School social organizations. Some of his more nota- ciety and the American Medical Association, there and served for two years in the Navy ble services, of the many, many involve- he was also a former vice-president of the before entering Sewanee. He was an econom- ments of which he was a part, are his work South Carolina Medical Association, a for- ics major and a member of Phi Delta Theta. for the Salvation Army, of which he was a mer president of the Widows and Orphans He also attended Georgia Institute of Tech- life member and also a past chairman, his Society, and secretary on the Board of Com- nology. He was a past president of the Na- role as an advisor to the YWOA, and his missioners of Roper Hospital from 1956 to tional Cotton Council and a former director being a 32nd Degree Mason. 1973. At Sewanee he was a member of Phi of the Atlantic Cotton Shippers' Association. Delta Theta and Phi Beta Kappa, and later He was also a director of the First National Jerome C. Horner, C'25, on November 25, he became a member of Alpha Omega Alpha Bank in Rome. He was a vestryman and for- 1984, in St. Louis, Missouri. Known affec- medical honor fraternity. mer senior warden of St. Peter's Church in tionately by his friends as "Jack," he was re- Rome. He and his wife, Barbara, have five Southwestern Bell Telephone John A. Merriman, C'32, retired from tired from children, one a Sewanee graduate, Henry been a lifetime the Postal Department ten years ago; on No- Company. He had Hine, C"78. vember 14, 1984, near Sewanee. He came to Edward W. Hine this area to attend St. Andrew's School for Ronald Floyd Howell, C'49, professor of have received word of the death of Hor- BoyB and went on to study at the University We political science at Emory University; on ace M. Wadsworth, C'26, of Bossier City, of t he South. During World War II he was an Dixie Williamson Vaughn, of San An- January 15, 1985. A Fulbright scholar, he formerly of Orleans re- aerial photographer in the Army Air Corps. gelo, Texas, who was a matron of Cleveland Louisiana, New and received his doctorate from Johns Hopkins Office, tired of University Cleaners. At Sewa- While he was employed with the Post Hall in Sewanee from September 1968 until owner University and a political science degree of Theta. he made his home in New York and Califor- May 1973; on December 11, 1984. at her nee he was a member Phi Delta from the University of Strasbourg in France. nia, but after his retirement in 1975, he was home. She had also been a teacher at Sewa- As an author, his work had been published Jr., A'27. of living near Sewanee, where his sister and nee Military Academy and the Sewanee Vernon Armstrong Vail, in several political science publications. He brother also make their homes. Learning Center as well as at Clark Memo- Charlottesville, Virginia, retired Army ma- taught at Jacksonville State University, the rial and Good Shepherd schools. She was a jor; on November 22, 1984. A World War I University of Reno, and New York Univer- veteran, having served with the First Allied William S. Lea, C'33, T35, WG3, retired graduate of Peabody College and a member Airborne Army in Europe, he was a recipient priest and former president of the National of Delta Kappa Gamma, the United Daugh- Institute of Families in New York City, edi- ters of the Confederacy, and the Daughters of of the Bronze Star. After graduating from Peyton NaDe Rhodes, rT53, president tor of several church publications and au- the American Revolution. Sewanee Military Academy, Major Vail at- emeritus of Rhodes College, formerly South- thor, on October 10, 1984, in Sarasota, tended Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. Charles Trawick Harrison, dean of the Florida- He was a member of St Paul's Memorial name to honor him for his many years of College of Arts and Sri™r« f the Univer- He earned a B.A. from Davidson College in Church, the New York Athletic Club, the sity of the Sooth from 1952 to 1957. the Jesse 1932, and after receiving his Master of Di- Winchester Country Club, and the Red Land cember 1984, in Memphis. Spalding Professor of English, emeritus, at both 1, Club. vinity, he continued his education at Oxford in England and St. Andrew's in Scot- George Alfred Garratt, 11 * 57, who helped land. Mr. Lea served churches in Tennessee, Ben Hamilton Parrish, C'27, former presi- institute forestry instruction at Sewanee ing author to the Sewanee Review and other South Carolina, North Carolina, Colorado, dent of M. C. Parrish & Company and a where be taught from 1923 to 1925, going on Bcholarly publications; at his home in Sewa- and Illinois. He was dean of the Adult Con- member of Delta Tau Delta while at Sewa- to the Forestry School of Yale University to nee on January 25, 1985. Dr. Harrison came ference at Kanuaga and dean of St John's nee; on July 5, 1984, in Austin, Texas. serve as dean from 1939 to 1966; in May, to Sewanee in 1947 from the College of Wil- Cathedral in Denver. He was editor of the 1984, in Connecticut. While in Sewanee, he liam and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. Episcopal Church News, associate editor of Robert B. Chad wick, C'31, of Birmingham, served as the University forester and devel- He bad previously taught at Hobart College, the Living Church, and associate editor of Alabama; in January, 1984, after a long ill- the University of Alabama, and Boston Uni- the Anglican Theological Review, and he ness. Retired from the insurance business, he forest lands. He was president of the Society versity. He held an A.B. degree from the served on the board of the Episcopalian. He had been an active worker in local Commu- of American Foresters in 1958-59, and he University of Alabama, where he was a and raising. at Sewanee, was also the author of Is GodDead? nity Chest fund- While was the author of many professional books member of Phi Beta Kappa, and M , A . and What Is Man—A Study in Human Identity. he was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. and articles, Ph.D. degrees from Harvard University, where he was a Dexter Traveling fellow in Roy T. Crownover, C'42, public servant Katberine Anne Lytle Liggett, A'62, 1932. In addition to bis many other contribu- Bleeker Morse, A'31, of Hender6onvil1e, in Franklin County for most of his adult life; daughter of novelist Andrew Lytle; on De- tions to Sewanee as author, professor, and North Carolina; on December 11, 1984. He on December 5, 1985, at his home in Win- cember 22, 1984, in Pensscala, Florida. She dean, he was the designer of the Burwell was a graduate of Colgate University and re- chester. After serving as a lieutenant in the was a past president of the Mira PI ores Gar- Garden adjoining All Saints' Chapel. Memo- ceived his MBA from Harvard University. Navy in World War D and later transferring den Club in Pensacola and also a board rial gifts may be sent to the Harrison Publi- He served in the Navy as a lieutenant (junior to the Army Reserve as a captain, he re- member of the Junior League and the Pensa- cation Fund. (Please see related material grade) during World War n, after which he turned to Franklin County where he Berved cola Museum of Art. elsewhere in this issue—editor.) was president of Dispensers Inc. Most re- as the county's Veteran's Service Officer and cently, he was an account executive for Mc- director of Veteran's Farmer Training. For Carley Interstate Securities Corporation. twelve years he served as the Franklin County Court Clerk, after which he became Franklin County Judge in which capacity he The Rev. John Tennyson Russell, T65, served from 1966 until 1974. Further service rector of St. Mary's Church in Kinston, to the community included his work as a con- North Carolina, having served churches in sultant for the City of Winchester, coordina- Indiana, Florida, as well as North Carolina; tor of the Community Development Block on September 11. 1984. After service with Grant for the revitalization of two city neigh- the Army Air Corps in western China during borhoods, and city developer. World War II as personal top secret cryptora- pher for Generals Randall, Gilkerson, and The Rev. George Lawson Carlisle, Jr., Chennault, Mr. Russell attended Oberlin C'43, retired priest of the Diocese of Western College in Ohio. He received his M.Div. from Louisiana; on October 3, 1984, in Dallas. Seabury Western Theological Seminary and After leaving Sewanee, he attended the Uni- his S.T.M. from Sewanee in 1965. He earned versity of Texas, from which he was gradu- his Ph.D. from Indiana serving also as canon ated in 1949. He was a graduate of the at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke in Or- Episcopal Theological Seminary of the lando, Florida. He was headmaster of Christ Southwest and was ordained priest in 1955. King School in Orlando. From 1970 to the He served churches in the Dioceses of Texas he was on the faculty of Pembroke 1981, and Northwest Texas before going to serve as State University in North Carolina and for the Associate at the Church of the Redeemer two of those years was a visiting scholar at in Ruston, Louisiana. Harvard University. He had been rector of St. Mary's since 1981. Esther Newberry Bruton, widow of the first provost of the University of the South, Dr. Henry C. Robertson, Jr., C'31, for- Gaston S. Bruton, who also taught mathe- mer president of the Medical Society of South matics and chaired the department, was a only Carolina; on February 5, 1985, in Charles- tennis coach, and served as the first and 1985, Charles Harrison ton. He received Mb medical degree from the dean of administration, on January 11, CD

CD CD o ...i.V/ •• .? t

WeSe\s/Sqee ISgws

The University of the South, Sewanoe. Tenni highlights

John E. Booty steps down as dean of the Seminary.

Memories of the ice storm of 19B5 will last for a long time. Page 2

Financial aid is tight but still available for qualified students.

Page 4 .

Coleman Harwell. C'26, looks back on a rich career and his start at Sewanee. Page 24 Gy^sT" &. ^^ JUNE 1985 ^^^^ T^ ^T

Atlanta's Child Elected Nineteenth Chancellor

One ofSewanee's most loyal sons, In the Diocese of Newark, he the Rt. Rev. Charles Judson Child, served as chairman of the Commis- Jr., C'44, T'47. H'78, bishop of At- sion on Mutual Responsibility and lanta, is the nineteenth Chancellor was a member of the Board of Ex- of the University, elected May 3 by amining Chaplains. He served on the Board of Trustees. the Executive Board of the Youth Bishop Child was installed the Consultation Service and was chair- afternoon of his election in a simple man of the diocesan College Com- but moving service bv retiring mittee. He was a diocesan Chancellor Furman C. Stough in .representative to the Anglican Con- All Saints' Chapel. Bishop Child ference held in Toronto, Canada, in will serve a term of six years. 1963. The new Chancellor is a native of He chaired the House of Bishops New Jersey. He was graduated from music committee at the 1982 Gen- both the College and the School of eral Convention and helped shep- Theology and did graduate work at herd the new hymnal through the St. Augustine's College in Canter- convention. bury, England. The citation on the occasion of the After his ordination to the priest- presentation of his honorary degree hood. Bishop Child served sixteen read, in part: "For his deep commit- years as rector of St. Bartholomew's ment to the pastoral ministry of the Church in Ho Ho Kus, New Jersey. Church; for his constant concern for Commencement 1985 He was called to be the canon pas- high educational standards for the tor of the Cathedral of St. Philip in Church's priesthood; for his devo- Amidst applause and bright sun- ogy. One hundred and ninety-four Atlanta in 1967. In October of 1977, tion to the whole Anglican Com- shine the University's newest candidates received their Bachelor he was elected suffragan bishop of munion; and for his leadership in alumni processed out of All Saints' of Arts degrees with 36 receiving the Diocese of Atlanta and was con- Episcopal office, the University of Chapel May 26. following the Uni- their Bachelor of Science degrees. secrated in 1978. He was installed the South confers upon him the de- versity's U7th spring Commence- The School of Theology awarded as the bishop of Atlanta in Novem- gree of Doctor of Divinity, honoris ment for the conferring of degrees. two Doctor of Ministry degrees and ber of 1983. Many of the graduates' friends sixteen Master of Divinity degrees. and relatives unable to find seats in Four honorary degrees were also the Chapel sat in chairs on the lawn conferred during the Commence- where they could hear the proceed- ment convocation. Honorary Doctor ings through speakers. Following of'Divinilv degrees were awarded to II Volunteers the service, those outside the the Rt. Rev. Alex Dockerv Dickson, Century Chapel lined up on either side of the Jr.. T'58. bishop of West Tennessee, sidewalk and applauded the new and to the &ev. John Herbert May Have Goal in Sight graduates as they passed through. MacNaughton, rector of Christ The University conferred degrees Episcopal church in San Antonio. on 230 candidates from the College Texas, and baccalaureate speaker. A centerpiece of the later stages The Century II Campaign crossed of Arts and Sciences and eighteen Matthew Costigan, treasurer of the of campaign will be endowed ac- the $43-million mark this spring, the candidates from the School of Theol- ademic chairs, which are being and campaign leaders were talking sought through gifts from the own- optimistically of reaching the $50- ing dioceses. Details of the plan million goal by Founders' Day, Oc- were also announced at the Board of tober 7. Trustees meeting. Allan C. King, C'51, of Houston, Another crucial part of the cam- general chairman of Century II, paign is the Alumni Phase of Cen- was in Sewanee in early May, dur- tury II. The completion of this ing the meetings of the Board of Re- phase was planned during the an- gents and the Board of Trustees. He nual meeting of the Alumni Council said the campaign organization has May 4. With the leadership and aid some important individual pros- of alumni volunteers, who are con- pects in mind "but not $7 million tacting alumni, several hundred ad- worth." He called upon all ofSewa- ditional gifts are anticipated. The nee's friends to direct their atten- goal of the Alumni Phase is $1 mil- tion toward the successful completion of Century II. Earlier this year, 460 alumni In speaking of the value of Sewar pledged an average of $185 each nee, he said students can get some- during a student-led phonathon-. thing at Sewanee they cannot get The more than $85,000 exceeded anywhere else. the 1984 phonathon pledges by over $45,000. ,



National Episcopal Church, re- ceived an honorary Doctor of Civil Law degree, and an honorary Doc- tor of Letters was conferred upon Bertram Wvatt-Brown, C'53, profes- sor of historv at the University of Florida. The valedictory address was given by Roger Glenn Sisson of De- lano. Tennessee, a graduate in his- tory. Arnold Henry Frishman, Jr.. of Meridian. Mississippi, a graduate in political science, was the salutatorian. The annual baccalaureate service was held the day before graduation as graduates, parents, relatives, and friends Tilled All Saints' to hear the Rev. John Herbert Mac-

Royston , assistant professor of English . says fat Naughton deliver the address. In The Chancellor and faculty lead the graduates ft Pamela Baker, f Photo: Clay Scott} the address, he challenged the Class Saints' Chapel. well to graduate John Sims of 1985 to hecome heroes in today's world "by using the Apostles at First, live life on the best pi Pentecost as role models." you know, regardli "They possessed three traits that circumstances; second, mav be used by vnu to be heroes: do not let criticism discourage you, for anybody can be a critics; third, heroic behavior is possible thanks Cover: Newly installed Chancellor to the intervention of God. Mr. bishop Atlanta, Judson Child, of MacNaughton concluded by telling is welcomed by Bishop Stough. left, the graduates that the world needs and needs them today. «"SewSqee I^ews

JUNE 1985 Volume 51. N imber2

Latham W. Davis. Editor Beeler Brush. t"68. Alumni Editor ClaJ Scott. Assista nt Editor

Advisory Editors Patrick Anderson C'57

Arthur Ben Chill . C'35 Llu-abelh N (hit

Jo^PhB Cummi B.Jr..C*f SlarkeyS Plylhe Jr., C'56 The Rev William N McKeachic t 66 DaleE Richardso Charles E Thoma s. t"27

Assoc lated Alumn Officers

Jesse L. Carroll. r . C'69. President M. Scott Ferguson C79, Vice-President fo Admissions Dennis M. Hall, C'69. Vice-President for Bequests Stuart Child's. C49. Vice-President fo Regions R. Lee Glenn III. C'57, Chairman of the Alumni fund The Rev. W Robert Abstem II. T'65. T'78, Vice-President for the School of Theology C Beeler Brush, C 68. Executi

Dean John E. Booty, top center, is surrounded by School of Theology gradu ates. from left, kneeling. Carol Schwcnke. Bill Whtsenhtmt. John Frits- chner. Mark Jenkins, and Allan Conkltng. and standing. Stephen Paul, Russell Sherman. Clark Lowenfield. Roberta Mogensen, Bill Squire. Joe Porter. Bill Bailey. Joe Diaz, and B

abel lo the above address Nick Williams and the Sewanee Spirit

by Ward Ritchie, C*28 months. He was pledged Kappa Al- The new Nick B. Williams Chair of pha fraternity and the brothers, English Literature has been funded taking a dim view of his associates with a grant of $750,000 from the in the Inn, arranged to transfer him Harry G. Steele Foundation of Cali- to rooms in Saint Luke's. Whether fornia. Nick Williams, an honorary this improved the caliber of his Doctor of Civil Law from the Uni- companions is questionable, as he versity of the South, lives in semi- related in a letter to Trudy Mignery retirement in the seaside commu- of the library in 1978. He and a cou- nity of South Laguna Beach in Cali- ple of other students in Professor fornia with his wife Barbara Steele Gass's Greek class attempted to put Williams, the daughter of Harry G. together a monumental "snow" job Steele. From 1951 until 1971 he to impress the good professor. Their was managing editor Df the Los An- masterpiece has been preserved in geles Times. Now at the age of sev- the duPont Library together with enty-eight, he spends his days Nick's letter: puttering in the garden, watching the ever-changing character of the J am enormously (and nostalgi- whether to expect invasion from the endless ocean from a comfortable cally) indebted both to you and to east (Germany) or the west (Japan). chair by the panorama window, and your daughter for the transcript. I was living in Pasadena by then—a writing reviews of the quantities of translation, and resketchmgof'The half-hour's drive from Santa Anita. mystery novels with which the book Civilization of the Hellenes." We could have had a editor of the Times manages to fill The original sketches. I believe, time that Cleve couldgefa one-day Nick's study. were done by Cleve Williams, a fel- pass. But he did not kndw how close As the generous gift indicates, low Kappa Alpha ahd a coinhabi- to him I was, nor did I know—until Nick Williams has an abiding loy- tant las was Henry Bell Hodgkins) the report of it came across mv desk alty to the University of the South, of St. Luke's—although my own at the Times. filled with memories of those days suite-mate was George Mahoney, Our collaborator on the "Civiliza- in the mid-twenties when he was a freshman iclass '26). football cap- tion of the Hellenes," Henrv Bell student on the campus. Then, there tain, anda star (I think) thereafter. I Hodgkins, was when I knew him ad- were at most two hundred students don't now recall what or how much dicted to the plus-fours of that time in this all men's school, yet it was a Henry Bell and I contributed, but m the early twenties—a sort of very member of the powerful Southern surely something, if only the ecstat- baggy pants that buckled at the Conference in athletics, comprised ics of corn whiskey—doubtless knees and drooped below them—plus of such schools as Alabama. Tennes- hauled up from the cave and the two-toned shoes, usually tan-and- Life on our landing of Saint see, Tulane, Georgia Tech, and Se- cabin of Aunt Lizzie's Dog Tooth white but sometimes black-and- Luke's was tumultuous. Mahoney wanee's particular arch-rival, Gal. white. And of course knee-length and I once heard a frightful din in the across Vanderbilt. Not too many games Quite obviously all three of us, and sort-of-Argyll socks. But what I suite the way, a suite shared were won against these powerful and certainly I, had been negligent remember most about Henry Bell, by Cleve and Majl Ewing. a opponents, but when there was an in the usual routines of scholarship except for his enormous good humor. student of French literature, and a occasional victory, especially over in Henry Markley Gass's course on was the night in Saint Luke's when short, stocky theologian whose name iGod I recall- Vanderbilt. it erupted into a wild, Greece, and were trying, by smart- all of us were over-indulging in forgive me) cannot hysterical holiday. On one such oc- aleckness. to seem smarter than we Aunt Lizzie's infamous decoction— Reams, I think. When the screams casion even one of the college build- were. I'm not now sure about Henry Cleve. Henry Bell, Mahoney. God became excessive. Mahoney and I left ings was set afire. Bell, but I think Cleve and I were only knows who else, and me—when the crock of beer we were attempting brew (it subsequently, When Nick was hardly more than dawdlers and poseurs, pretending to Henry Bell produced from some- to failed and a baby in 1909 or 1910, his father remember more of what Dr. Gass where an enormous and ornate pis- we poured it out the window! and across and mother attended a football said than in fact we did—and thus tol, doubtless a family heirloom, and charged the landing. It seemed that Majl, using an epce, game in Birmingham in which Se- faking it, rewriting Plato, after a mock-heroic farewell pointed dueling with using a wanee was playing the University Cleve (for all that) was a legiti- it at his temple and—while we was Reams, Turkish scimitar, that of Alabama. She was especially im- mate hero, which I never was. After screamed—pulled the trigger. No and Majl pinked him. drawing a little blood pressed with the play of Frank I got to California, in 1931, 1 read blast, no blood— we thought it enor- and enraging him. Reams, much (he Alexander Juhan. Years later, as an Associated Press dispatch from (I mously comical. But Mahoney, al- smaller, then with the mon- Bishop Juhan, he visited the Wil- believe) Tacoma, or maybe Spokane, ways serious, then chided Henrv charged strous slashes the scimitar, a liamses in Fort Worth and con- reporting that Cleve, by then an As- Bell for (a) scaring the hell out of us of sight so terrifying thai Mail (led into vinced Mrs. Williams that the sociated Press bureau chief, calmly and(b) taking a chance like that. his clothes closet, slammed the door, University of the South was the and deliberately picked up a bomb "But it wasn't loaded—I knew it and clung furiously to its knob when proper choice for her son, Nick, who that had been planted in the office of wasn't loaded, it was just a spoof." Mahoney and I arrived. Reams was was by then a senior in high school. a newspaper there and walked out of said Henry Bell, and pointed it to- hacking that closed door to splinters, And so he abandoned the plains of the building with it, then tossed it ward the ceiling and pulled the blow after blow with htm scimitar. Texas for the mountain campus of from sidewalk to middle of the trigger. cutting his way through to get at Sewanee. street, where it exploded thunder- There was an enormous explosion. Majl, and in the process shredding He registered in the great book ously. And I do remember how de- When we looked up, there was a hole several ofMajf's fanciest suits, which contained the names of gen- pressed I was to read an AP report the size of a golfball in the plaster, which were hanging from hooks on erations of matriculants as the that Cleve had been killed in a and seconds later the residents of the the inside the door. Mahoney, for- 3274th entering student. His head tank—an armored vehicle—accident suite above came thundering down of ever a hero, at football or whatever, was soon shaved, as was the tradi- at what had been and later was the steps, cursing step by step—the persuaded Reams to cut it out. tion with all freshmen, and he was again to be the Santa Anita race- bullet had passed through their given a room in the old Sewanee track in Arcadia, not far from Los suite and on through the ceiling Inn, now called Elliott Hall. It was Angeles. I had not known he was above them, and they thought it was then a dormitory during the school there—this was in that first year of not funny. Neither did we, nor did terms and was transformed into an . American involvement in World Henry Bell, I suppose, for he had attractive hotel during the i War II, when we did not know fainted. Or passed out cold. Williams severely injured from exhaustion. That was his farewell to Sewanee. Trustees Fill May Meeting He was taken back to his family I later saw MajLl think, on the home in Fort Worth where he was One hundred and five members of and the Rev. William B. Trimble. beach at Santo Monica, here in bedridden for some four months. the Board of Trustees gathered on Jr., C'62. T'69. of Memphis, Tennes- Southern California, but I was too Eventually he recovered suffi- the Mountain May 2 and 3 to hear see. Prime F. Osborn III of Jackson- timid, or too engrossed With the gor- ciently to resume his education at reports on the state of the Univer- ville, Florida, was re-elected to the geous redhead who was with me, to the University of Texas from which sity, to tend to some routine busi- Board of Regents as a nominee of speak to him. I think tt was the red- school he graduated in 1929 to be- ness, and to elect a new Chancellor, the regents. head that diverted me from doing it. gin his long career in the newspa- five other members of the Board of In addition, the Rev. William W. She could have diverted me from far per field. His first job was with the Regents, and the chaplain. Millsaps was re-elected to a four- greater—and. do you knowiwhwh of Fort Worth paper where he was em- The plenary sessions of the board year term as University chaplain. course von couldn't know), I can't ployed as a copy editor and headline were preceded by more than a day The board heard reports during now even recall her name. But I re- writer. After a stint with the Nash- of orientation meetings for new the plenary sessions from C. Cald- call ail else about her. It was not the ville Tennessean he moved to Cali- trustees, who this year number al- well Marks, C'42, retiring chairman day for a Sewanee reunion. fornia in 1931, where his mother most fifty. The total number of ac- of the Board of Regents; from Vice- My wife Barbara, who is not a was then living. He was soon em- tive trustees is more than 140 and Chancellor Ayres; from Allan C. redhead and never was—she passed, ployed by the Los Angeles Times, has been increasing nearly every King, C'51, general chairman of the tells me, briefly through an in- years she which he served for forty un- year as the number of owning Century II campaign; from William but carnation as a Harlow blonde til his retirement in 1971, then dioceses has increased. U. Whipple, vice-president for de- that was before I knew her—some- being the managing editor. In attendance for the 1985 meet- velopment; and from the Rt. Rev. times yawns these days when I try to At Sewanee his literary achieve- ing were twenty-two bishops, Harold C. Gosnell, H'56, retired tell her of the greatness of Sewanee ments consisted only of a flow of eighty-three clerical and lay trust- bishop of West Texas, who pre- and my time there, and sometimes I poems, which he continued to write ees, and ten non-trustee regents. sented a plan to seek funding for yawn (behind my palm) when she for several years until he decided it As expected the highlight of the professorships from the owning tells me of her time at Vassarand was not his particular talent. He meeting was the election of the dioceses. later at Mills in Oakland. It seems writing short gradually turned to Chancellor on Friday afternoon. Chancellor Furman C. Stough, that we never quite recover from the stories considerable success. choice of trustees was the with The the bishop of Alabama, also gave his delightful and often astonishing va- sold stories to the Saturday Eve- Rt. Rev. Charles Judson Child, Jr., He annual address in All Saints' garies our springtimes, for then Post, Colliers, numerous of bishop of of ning and C'44, T'48, H78, Atlanta Chapel the day before his six-year we had the world by the tall, even the pulp magazines. At one time he 1983. the sole since He was nomi- term ended. the world was not then and has not was considering giving up his news- nee for Chancellor presented by the Mr. Marks emphasized the prog- since been totally aware of it. paper job, as he was making more nominating committee; however, ress in several areas that the Uni- But what matters is, we thought money with his writing than he was the Rt. Rev. Scott Field Bailey, versity has made in recent years, we had it that way then. getting on the paper. bishop of West Texas, was nomi- " noting the retirement of debt and x is a great pleasure to Barbara nated from the floor. Both men have Jt the accumulation of surplus funds, Nick, as he recalls, was somewhat Steele Williams that this gift could been avid supporters of the while faculty salaries have been in- chubby in his college days, but he be to the University of the University. made creasng, the University's contribu- aspired to the glory that seems to be South, honoring as it does her hus- Within two hours of his election. tion to student aid has increased, bestowed upon athletes, and also he band, Nick B. Williams. Bishop Child, who had returned and improvements in physical facil- hungered after a seat at the train- home from Canterbury. England. ities have been made. In enumerat- ing table with its special delicacies. H. Ward Ritchie, C'28, ofLaguna onlv the day before, was installed in ing the fiscal and academic In his sophomore year he went out Beach California, has helped raise a service in All Saints' Chapel. strengths of the University, Mr. for track. Not being fast enough for the standard of fine printing during The trustees selected four of their Marks said, "The University is the dashes, nor husky enough for decades of owning and operating the own to serve on the Board of Re- stronger than it has ever been." the weights, the coach designated Ward Ritchie Press in Southern gents. They are the Rt. Rev. C. The Vice-Chancellor recognized him as a miler. This was a tough as- California. He shows an artful and FitzSimons Allison, C'49, bishop of and thanked several members of signment for the pudgy young fel- pleasant style of writing as well in South Carolina; Gerald L. DeBIois, the Board of Trustees who have low, but he persisted even though this article about his friend and fel- C'63, of New Orleans; Harold Eus- made special contributions, among there were several faster men than low alumnus. Nick B. Williams. tis, C'37, of Greenville, Mississippi, he in that event. When the Vander- them retiring Chancellor Furman bilt meet came, the coach came up Stough, Mr. Marks, and Mr. King. with some brilliant strategy. He put Mr. Ayres said that academic Nick in the mile run as a pace honors continue to come to students maker, telling him to start out run- and faculty members at Sewanee. ning as fast as he could, perhaps He spoke of spiritual life and the ac- tempting the Vanderbilt milers to tivities inspired and developed follow him and wear themselves out through the work of the chaplaincy. before the finish of the race. It He said the social life is improving didn't exactly work out that way. At and is less dependent upon alcohol the half mile mark he was a good than it once was. and he mentioned two hundred yards ahead of the the improvements in the athletic field, but he was tiring fast and program. gradually was passed by all of the Mr. Ayres expressed his sorrow runners, galloping toward the fin- about the resignation of Dean John ishing line. He was so far behind E. Booty, but he was happy to be that all had finished and he was able to announce that Dean Booty alone on the track. The crowd, Se- would be returning to the campus to wanee and Vanderbilt rooters alike, teach after next year. began cheering his plucky determi- The Vice-Chancellor said he also nation to finish. He barely made it, wanted to take the opportunity to falling exhausted on the finishing thank publicly Provost Arthur M. line. That night, whether it was for Schaefer for his management and victory or defeat, there was a cele- Followed bv retired Louisiana bishop and former Chancellor Girault noted that this year will be the bration at the Phi Gamma Delta Jones, T'28. H'49, the Rt. Rev. Duncan M. Gray, Jr., T53, H'72, of Mis- eighth consecutive year that the house. During the festivities Nick sissippi, and the Rt. Rev. Willis R. Henton, H'72, of Western Louisiana University will close its books with stumbled and rolled down the hill, process to the trustees convocation. (Photo: Lyn Hutchinson) a surplus. ISgws

In his final address as Chancellor, And so, my I' what I am delivered to members of the Board of pleading for is accept tha Trustees and the University commu- free life in Chr nity in All Saints' Chapel, Bishop Our Freedom in Christ freely offered to uS and get on with Furman Stough was able to look the true business of facing crucifix- back upon the six years of his tenure ion daily, of living in true freedom with satisfaction—with pride in his and enjoying God. Let us give up University. From his experience, he else —men and women who experi- free to live by faith. If I no longer the temptation to trivialize the true also spoke of the problems and chal- ence the same laws as all, who have have to justify my life, I am free to goal and the corporate life of this lenges that Sewanee still faces. His the same desires and needs of all, live by faith. If I no longer have to University by emphasizing second- words were not those idle retire- of who have to pay taxes and work dread death, fearful that all mean- ary issues and resorting to pettiness ment, for he has made himself avail- sleep and and eat like all—men and ing terminates in my coffin, I am and jealousy to bolster our own able as a nominee for Presiding women who feel pain, suffer loss, free to live by faith. egos. Bishop at this year's Episcopal Gen- and do not always achieve impor- It is not until we are free to die Of course, we will make mistakes. eral Convention. Following are ex- tant goals. Yet, within the restric- that we are free to participate in we will suffer pain, we will fail at cerpts from Bishop Stough's May 2 tions imposed upon us all, they are the ultimate expression of God's times to achieve important goals. address: capable of doing surprising and as- freedom, resurrection.... Let us not claim to be free in Christ tonishing things. They act freely. Paul had a brilliant way with but then attempt to avoid difficult the Rt. Rev. by Furman C. They speak freely. They do not words and that gift is brilliantly situations or unpleasant people, Stough, C*51, T*55, H'71 struggle to prove freedom because used here: "Neither c ourselves being numbered among Under the mercy of God, it has been their free acts and words are the counts for anything r the latter. A mature freedom in my particular privilege and joy to very center of their being. Around sion, but a new creation." Cii Christ is not selective, it does not serve as your Chancellor these past are them hundreds of people who pick and choose, it does not ignore six years. They have been vigorous slouch through each day with no representative words in Paul's vo- the hard questions. Rather, to be years of growth development and sense of freedom. They have sub- cabulary. As such, the two words free in Christ is to embrace, is to be for the University under the superb mitted to a yoke of slavery. They represent two ways of life, both of loving and forgiving, and to be real- of leadership the Vice-Chancellor, simply react to what is required; which exhibit loss of freedom: the istic about other people and our- Robert Ayres. I would use the words they buy what glamorous models Jewish way that imposed a reli- selves as well. To be free in Christ quality and enhancement to charac- tell them to buy; they do what gious ritual on all who would live is to be gracious, to be understand- terize this period. The quality of the stronger personalities tell them to well before God and the Greek way ing, and to be an instrument of student body and the quality of aca- do; they speak in whatever cliches that wanted to be let loose to play healing. demic instruction has been en- the jargon of the day provides them. and run and pursue happiness. In- If the University is to produce hanced; the financial foundation of And yet, in spite of this, there are terestingly enough, these two ways graduates of both the College and the University has been solidified; people who live freely, who are not of life continue to be presented to the Seminary who are in fact free and the spiritual life has been bols- impressed by the crowds. us: the morally earnest person who men and women in Christ, then oh- tered. The future of this University, The fascinating thing about all of would help us to get to God by load- viously such a life must be modeled as a molder of men and women this is that the symbol that these ing us down with rules, procedures by the administration, the faculties, steeped in the liberal arts and people have chosen to represent the and advice; and the fun-loving, the trustees, the regents, and the equipped with a world view that free life is the cross—the instru- carefree spirit who would release us residents of this community. Where has the potential for reshaping soci- ment of a cruelly determined death. to fulfill our human potential in life is to be lived and God enjoyed ety into a more humane and habita- The secret of what it means to be whatever way we feel is best. fully, there is not room for wounded ble place for all people, has been free in Christ lies in the cross.... Our society is split today between pride, bruised egos, and a paranoiac insured. What God does is to resurrect. these two approaches. There are defense of one's turf. There must be Underlying all of this, I continue The cross of Jesus is empty. The people who are seriously trying to mutual support and trust among all to believe that the basic purpose of tomb is emptied. Christ dies and live out moral ideals and responsi- the various units of the University's

this University is to produce men sets us free to die. bilities and enlisting others in their life, for without it, the message of and women who are free in Christ. The freedom to die is the climax program (the circumcisedl. And the free life in Christ loses its credi- These are men and women who live of all freedom. If I no longer have to there are people who are convinced bility. And. it is not only a question their lives up to a point as everyone protect and safeguard my life, I am that their first priority is to treat of the message losing its credibility, themselves to a good time (the un- but it is also a question of the circumcised). They both argue for health and vitality of the institu- freedom, and culture seems to be a tion itself.

contest between the two. Having said all of this. I need not Paul refused both these alterna- remind you that Sewanee at this tives. While in some ways they are very moment has never been opposites, in one significant way healthier or stronger. My concern is i 'mm they are the same: they both refuse not only that it remain so. but that to deal with death. They are not it be enhanced as well. I want noth- free to die. They are desperate to ing to impede our progress toward hold on to life. The uncircumcised the goal of an ever humane institu- are desperate to snatch some happi- tion that seeks to live and model out of fleeting days: the cir- and produce graduates who are cumcised are desperate to preserve trulv free in Christ. meaning in the chaos of a corrupt To have served as the Chancellor society. They are both desperate be- of this University for the last six cause they both exclude God. They years has been for me an unparal- are not free to die because their own leled gracious honor. And, no mat- life is all they know and all thev ter what the future may bring, to really believe in. The one is anx- God be the glory in the church and »ly and compulsively moral, the in Christ Jesus from all ages unto other frantically and obsessively all ages. happy. An untight morality, a hu- Chancellor Stough and Vice-Chancellor Ayres pause after the May 2 morless happiness. Neither is trustees convocation with honorary degree recipients. They are. from left, free.... the Rt. Rev. William Beckham, bishop of Upper South Carolina; the Rt. Rev. Sam Byron Hulsey. bishop of Northwest Texas; and the Rt. Rev. Herbert Alcorn Donovan, Jr., bishop of Arkansas. (Photo: Scott Arnold) College

First Truman Scholar at Sewanee A rising junior in the College who fields in government," he said. has aspirations to enter the U.S. For this reason his sights are now Congress has become Sewanee's on a two-year graduate program at first student to win the prestigious the University of Chicago in public Harry S. Truman Scholarship. policy analysis and management. Joseph M. Wiegand of Palatine, The choice is especially good since Illinois, jowis 101 other students in Joe expects to launch his political the nation who will receive the career in Chicago. S5.000 annual award for the next The Wiegand family moved to four years—two undergraduate and Palatine (northwest of Chicago) two graduate vears of studv. from Southern California in 1981. Authorized bv Congress in 1975. On July 4 of that year, the Wie- the Truman Scholarships are gands began a tour across the coun- awarded on a merit basis each year try in a red, white, and blue trailer. to college students who show poten- They stopped in 160 cities and tial for leadership, academic ability, towns in twenty-two states and in and an outstanding potential for a the process collected messages for career in government. President Reagan. Gilbert F. Gilchrist, C'49, profes- "It was a time of rising patriot- sor of political science, said he has ism, and the messages reflected been expecting a Sewanee student that." said Joe, who did all the "ad- to win the scholarship for several vance work" by planning stops at Frank Hahn, a fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge, makes a point years. Now this year Wiegand re- special city and community events during the Sewanee Economics Symposium in April. Seated from fore- ceives the scholarship, and John D. along the way. Because of the trip, ground are Martin Weitzman of MIT: WUfred Beckerman, a fellow of Crocker, C'87, of Jackson, Tennes- the family also experienced a pa- Balliol College. Oxford, and the 1985 Kennedy Distinguished Professor see, was a semifinalist. triotic reawakening. They arrived at Sewanee; and Arthur Schaefer. professor of economics and University Wiegand has already demon- in Washington on September 17, provost. More than a dozen leading economists from the United States strated some political savvy to go Citizenship Day, and delivered the and Europe presented papers at the symposium. with his goals. This spring he was messages, although the president elected speaker of the Student As- was away on a trip. sembly. In high school he was presi- Joe's father, James Wiegand. is a dent of Palatine's Student Council, comedian and political satirist and about the same time he was whose base is now Chicago, and Joe elected governor of Boys State, was said he hopes his father will give a appointed a senator of Boys Nation, performance in Sewanee NSF Research Grant next year. and then was elected president of In his brief two years on the Ronald B. Toll, assistant professor students at primarily undergradu- Boys Nation. Mountain. Joe Wiegand has been a of biology, has recently been ate institutions. For the next two summers, he member of the varsity cross country awarded a grant from the National Large graduate and research uni- will be working for his congress- team and has held offices in his Science Foundation—$45,000 to be versities have an enormous advan- man. Rep. Philip Crane, first in his fraternity. Beta Theta Pi. In addi- used over the next three years—to tage over undergraduate colleges in state office and then in Washington. tion to being a member of the Stu- conduct additional studies of the securing their share of the The Truman Scholarship opens dent Assembly, he is a member of morphology, classification, and evo- hundreds of thousands of dollars of avenues through two years of grad- the Order of Gownsmen and is a lution of octopods. federal monies available for re- uate school, and Wiegand said he dean's list student. search annually. The new program plans to use those years to lay more He became acquaintedwith Se- The funds are provided through a is an important addition to the edu- ground for his pursuit of a career in wanee through his high school new NSF program entitled "Re- cation and research scene at institu- government and public service. counselor in California, Wayne Cra- search in Undergraduate Institu- tions such as Sewanee. "I have thought about law school, thorne, C'61, whom Joe credits with tions." Funds under this program Professor Toll said he anticipates but I also realize there are great de- influencing him to pursue a career are specifically designated to sup- that Five to eight students will be mands for knowledge of technical in public service. port faculty research with the in- involved in all phases of his re- volvement of undergraduate search during the grant period.

Turnabout The Black Student's Guide to Col- leyan (Connecticut). leges, edited by Brown University USA TODAY, a national daily Professor Barry Beckham, recently newspaper, also highlighted the rat- recognized Sewanee as one often ings in a recent article on minority predominantly white colleges offer- educational opportunities. ing the best climate for black Since the beginning of the Minor- students. ity Student* Affairs Program four Some of the other institutions sin- years ago, minority enrollment has gled out as providing outstanding grown from only two minority stu- academic opportunities for black dents in 1981 to thirty-three stu- students are Oberlin, Stanford, dents (twenty-eight blacks) this Agnes Scott, Ohio State, the service year. Some fifteen minority stu- Laurie Jarrett. C'85, ofBlacksburg. Virginia, and Jim Folds, C86, of academies, Brown, Rensselaer, St. dents are expected to be in next Chapel Hill. North Carolina, have been serving as student trustees. Joseph's (Philadelphia), and Wes- fall's entering freshman class. College

Oxford Ties Strengthened

The University and Hertford Col- Hendersonville, North Carolina, fessor of Economics. To help the students become ori- lege, Oxford, have initiated a new who will studv history and politics; "These arrangements are very ented to Hertford, the college has and very special program, which and Robert A. McKeon, C'87, of special because it is unusual for a designated a senior fellow to serve each year will allow two or three Boston, Massachusetts, who will college at Oxford to integrate a vis- as advisor. He is Geoffrey Ellis, who juniors to study a full year at the study politics, history, and philoso- iting undergraduate student into has lectured at Sewanee. . phy. Each will have tutors in major the system," said Mrs. Schaefer. Professor Schaefer said she and The Sewanee in Oxford Program and minor Fields and will attend lec- "We are also very pleased because others are working to develop more is unusual because the Sewanee tures on the advice of the tutors. in searching for candidates, we real- opportunities such as the Hertford students will have all the privileges They will eat in the commons room ized we had three excellent stu- College Program not only at the un- of matriculating undergraduates at and have other undergraduate dents, and when we submitted all dergraduate level but also at the Hertford College. The agreement al- privileges. three, all three were accepted." graduate level.

lows for the participation of two un- Details of the agreement were She said that she knows that Hertford College, which is cele- dergraduates, but this year three worked out last June during a visit Hertford has accepted only eight brating its 700th anniversary, is lo- were submitted for consideration to Hertford by Provost Arthur undergraduates from abroad and cated at the heart of Oxford next to and all three were accepted by Schaefer and Jacqueline Schaefer, that of five from the United States, the Bodleian, the principal univer- Hertford. professor of French and coordinator three are from Sewanee. The next sity library for the arts and social They are Terry Walton, C'87, of of foreign study. The way had been year Hertford will be able to accept sciences. Cultural opportunities ate Oxford, Mississippi, who will study paved by Aubrey Silverston, last only five undergraduates from close at hand. physics; Van C. Kussrow, C'87, of year's Kennedy Distinguished Pro- abroad.

First Watson Fellowships

Added only this year to the list of study and travel abroad for recent colleges whose students are eligible college graduates. Fellows are se- for the Thomas J. Watson Fellow- lected on the basis of their commit- ship, Sewanee has been honored by ment to a particular field of interest having two graduating seniors and their potential for leadership

awarded grants for study abroad. within it. The fellowship winners are Mich- The University of the South be- ele Bambling, C'85, a fine arts ma- came this year one of the only fifty jor from Easton, Maryland, and institutions nationwide that are Arnold Frishman, C'85, a political permitted to participate, and only science major from Meridian, Mis- seventy fellowships were awarded sissippi. Each will receive $10,000 for 1985. Each university or college for the year. is allowed to nominate no more Bambling will travel and study than four students a year; therefore, traditional art in Japan. She has the acceptance of two candidates previously been to Japan to study the first year is considered by the James Dauidheiser. chairman of the German department, talks with Ger- and was one of the first Sewanee faculty to be a special achievement. man students from Father Ryan High School of Nashvi/le during Frulil- students to study in an all-Japanese The Thomas J. Watson Founda- ingsfest 1985, when some 500 students of German gathered for activities university. tion, which administers the pro- and competition at Sewanee. Frishman will use his fellowship gram, is a charitable trust to study Jewish communities in Eu- established in 1961 by the late Mrs. rope and Israel. Thomas J. Watson, Sr., in memory The Thomas J. Watson Fellow- of her husband, the founder of In- ship Program is a national competi- ternational Business Machines tion which supports independent Corporation.

Rice Opens SSMC Season

Visitors to the Mountain this sum- until shortly before her appearance mer will have opportunities to at- in Sewanee. tend concerts of the Sewanee Miss Rice is the daughter of Louis Summer Music Center beginning W. Rice, Jr., C'50, a member of the with the opening "Pops Concert" on Board of Regents and a Century II June 23 and ending with the Festi- Campaign officer, and Ellen Kirby- val weekend July 25-28. Smith Rice, who also has numerous A very special guest at the open- Sewanee connections. Her brother, ing concert will be mezzo- soprano Louis W. Rice III, C'73, is the direc- Laura Brooks Rice, whose opera ca- tor of planned giving at Sewanee. reer soared after she won Metropoli- Information about the Summer the Sewa tan Opera auditions in 1981. That Music Center concert schedule may Daniel B. Rather of Atlanta presides over the spring meeting of same year she joined the San Fran- be obtained by writing to Martha nee Parents Council. More than thirty members of the council met April parents can better assist the cisco Opera Company where she has McCrory, SSMC director, Sewanee, 19 and 20 in Sewanee to discuss ways that candi- performed on numerous occasions Tennessee 37375. College with recruiting programs. The "Sewanee Experience." for and where she will be performing dates offered admission, was held the same weekend. OCTOPU* mvTHicfli monsTCR TO RESEARCH REALITY Once feared by seafarers and believed to be of proportions sufficiently gigantic to bring great sailing ships to their watery graves, octopuses are now known to be rather shy and retiring ani- mals, generally wary of man. While one species can in fact reach a size of thirty feet from arm tip feeder while shunning all other visitors to their to arm tip, the majority of the 150 species of octo- tank! puses range from only a few inches to under Perhaps their most spectacular ability is that three feet. Octopuses and their close relatives, of color change. By selectively altering the size of the squids (which can reach lengths of over sixty thousands of tiny pigment sacs with the use of feet!), are exclusively marine animals and found tiny muscles located in the skin, octopuses can abundantly in all of the world's oceans. Classi- alter their coloration from pale white to deep fied by scientists as mollusks, they are placed in chocolate brown in a matter of milliseconds. Institute of the University of Texas recently suc- this phylum along with the clams and snails. Specialized color patterns signal particular ceeded in developing a small scale (100 gallons) Representing a drastic departure from our moods and are used in courtship and territorial recirculating seawater system specially designed stereotypic conceptions of invertebrate animals displays. Similar fine muscular control can ele- for octopus maintenance and culture. Working (those without backbones), octopuses are ac- vate papillae on the skin, breaking up the along with these scientists, Dr. Toll has duplica- tually highly specialized and evolutionary ad- smooth body outline and contributing to camou- ted this system. This same research institute has vanced animals with complex nervous systems, flage. No less interesting is watching the numer- donated octopuses for research at Sewanee. sensory structures, and behavioral repertoires. ous suckers located along each of the eight arms Current octopus research at the University of Experimental laboratory culture of these fasci- as they manipulate food, sense the world as fin- the South concerns an alternative to the need for nating marine creatures has recently been begun gers might do, and allow the animal to pull him- live marine prey to suppprt proper growth and at Sewanee under the direction of Ronald B. Toll, self along the aquarium glass. development of animals in culture. The need for assistant professor of biology and a trained bio- Octopuses are highly active metabolically. such a particular diet has largely restricted the logical oceanographer, and his student assistant, They have rapid growth rates and relatively opportunities to study octopuses to coastal uni- Charles Strain of Alabama, C'87. Dr. Toll's re- short life spans. Accurate field data concerning versities and marine laboratories where suitable search concerns the rapidly expanding use of oc- these two important life history parameters are prey can be collected on a daily basis. At Sewa- topuses in a wide range of pure and applied scant but suggest octopuses become sexually ma- nee, the use of freshwater and terrestrial food research programs on neuroanatomy and physi- ture and reproduce at one to two years of age- items is being investigated as a suitable alterna- ology, vision, behavior, and pharmacology, that Under artificial conditions established in the tive diet for octopuses in culture. Thus far, the are now being conducted world-wide. Much of laboratory this process can be shortened, allow- results of Dr. Toll's research suggest that growth this research is biomedically oriented with direct ing scientists to produce several generations of of adult octopuses can be sustained on a varied application to the human condition. octopuses a year. Because of their rapid growth diet of crayfish, sunfish, salamanders, earth- The complexity of the nervous system of ce- rates and metabolism, octopuses are difficult to worms, insect larvae, and snails, all plentifully phalopods (squids and octopuses) rivals that of maintain and culture in the laboratory. The ani- available on the Domain, Professor Toll and his mammals, including man. Octopuses have been mals can quickly foul their water with an excess assistant have succeededjin keeping a Pacific oc- "taught" to recognize shapes and textures using of their own excretory waste products. Likewise, topus alive, well, and grojwing for over two the same punishment/reward methods applied to they can deplete the dissolved oxygen. Further- months with such a diet. rats and primates. Octopuses have large, paired more, their diet requires a large and continuous The octopus, known to science as Octopus bi- eyes with slit-like pupils. Their visual acuity is supply of live marine prey, principally crabs and maculoides is better knovp to Dr. Toll, his stu- good and the literature contains reports of octo- shrimps. dent assistant, and the administration, faculty, puses which recognized and approached their Scientists working at the Marine Biomedical and students of the University as Otto. Otto ar- rived at Sewanee in late February following a long and involved transcontinental journey. Col- lected in Los Angeles Bay, he first was air shipped to Galveston, Texas, where he was main- tained for several months'. Travel to Sewanee in- volved a second daylong airplane flight from Houston to Chattanooga ^ia Atlanta. The day ended with a nighttime car ride up the moun- tain. To make the journey, Otto had been placed in a triple-layered plastic bag filled with cool seawater. This was put in an insulated styro- foam cooler and finally ina corrugated shipping carton. At the present time, Ottjo is doing extremely well and gaining weight steadily. For those who work most closely with him. Otto has seemed to develop a distinct personality. He enjoys his meals at regular times and dislikes intrusions of any kind. His latest trick is to squirt a stream of water from his funnel out of his tank and aimed at anyone who would dare to disrupt his after-

i nap

Conlmufffi o Octopus Continued from fxifsp 8

Otto's culture facility is housed in a small, Dr. Toll's success with Otto, the first octopus to use as research and teaching models at inland basement room in Woods. While space is be maintained at Sewanee. is nothing short of facilities such as Sewanee by increasing the ease cramped, the room has certain advantages. phenomenal. It represents the first time any- by which they can be maintained. For example, a There are no windows, so lighting can be care- where in the world that an octopus has been neurophysiologist may now be more able to fully controlled with the use of timers. Also the maintained on a diet composed exclusively of maintain octopuses in his or her own laboratory where they are always available rather than room is in a lightly trafficked area to reduce freshwater food items for any appreciable his elaborate noise. Two students share Otto's room as a study amount of time. needing to take equipment to a coastal lab. Scientists at facilities area. Dr. Toll feels their presence is an asset to As he explains, the value of Dr. Toll's research inland who fold. First, of exclu- had wanted to use octopuses in their research the project as it provides almost constant surveil- is several development an sively freshwater and terrestrial diet for octo- but did not because of the difficulty of providing lance of the numerous pumps, hoses, filters, and | investigating wires that contribute to the maintenance of Ot- puses in culture would promote their widespread food for them might now begin maintenance. Also, universities to's specialized environment. The students are their numerous colleges could these fascinating under strict orders to call Dr. Toll at his home at and maintain animals, exposing more persons to their splen- any hour if an emergency should occur. Luckily octopuses at that has happened only twice, and in both cases dor. Finally, the cost of culturing the minor problems were immediately dealt with institutions might decrease by making a wider readilv accessible food' and rectified. varietv of more Otto's student roommates have only one com- items available. Dr. Tolls own plans call for' octopuses through their entire life cycle plaint. They find themselves fascinated by him breeding and spend precious study time watching his at Sewanee, thereby making available a steady studies develop- graceful, fluid movements and spectacular be- supply of animals for of growth, ment, and regeneration of lost body parts, and havioral displays. Rumor has it that a chemistry morphological as a part of major takes a regular nocturnal constitutional, detailed examination studies of evolution interrupting his studying to take a brief trip to his ongoing octopus and systematics. Otto's room, and then returns to the second floor. In addition to daily feeding and weekly weighing Ronald B. Toll is an assistant professor of biol- of Otto, a rigorous routine of maintenance tech- ogy in the College where he has taught for the last niques procedures is used to recreate the and two vears. Prior to joining the University, Profes- marine environment in the laboratory. natural sor foil was a postdoctoral fellow at the National involve a wide array of apparatus and a These Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian thorough knowledge of marine ecology and water Institution in Washington, DC, where he main- constantly recirculating seawater chemistry. The tains a research associateship. Mr. Toll received is artificial, prepared from a commercially itself his doctoral degree in biological oceanography mixture combined with spe- available sea salts from the Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmos- purified tap water. After each daily feed- cially pheric Science of the University of Miami in Flor- food remains must be ing period, uneaten ida and his bachelor's degree in zoology from growth of unwanted mi- removed to prevent the Rutgers University. crobial organisms. Twice weekly, a sample of water is removed from the system and chemi- cally analyzed to determine the quantity of waste products and the overall acidity. Chemical adjustments are made when necessary by the ad- dition of selected compounds. The total seawater environment is actually contained in two large (55 gallons) standard glass aquaria in direct connection by a pump and syphon return system. One tank serves as the living quarters for octopuses in culture. The other functions as the water purification tank. In the latter are located three completely different types of water purification systems, each run- ning continuously, twenty-four hours a day. An ultra-violet sterilizer bombards the water with radiation, killing unwanted protozoans (single- celled animals), bacteria, and viral and fungal agents. The growth of certain other beneficial bacteria is actually encouraged and plays a cru- cial role in the detoxification of waste products. These bacteria live and grow in a layer of crushed oyster shell located on the bottom of the water purification tank. These desirable and nec- essary microbes chemically convert highly toxic ammonia, the natural waste product of octo- puses, into less harmful nitrites and nitrates. Standard outside aquarium filters like those used by home aquarists mechanically remove particulate debris and absorb impurities. Air is constantly introduced as a stream of bubbles to replenish oxygen and carry away carbon dioxide. Finally, a heat exchanger (cooling coil) similar to those found in refrigerators helps to keep the water at a constant temperature of about 19 de- grees centigrade (66 Ft. Even with such complex procedures and equipment, routine maintenance includes removal and replacement of 25 percent of the total water volume every four to six weeks. This not only rids the system of excess wastes, but also adds a new supply of essential trace elements which would be found in natural seawater. — —

Using an APPLE to Study an Apple by Francis X. Hart The measurement of the electrical properties of biological materials is a subject which has at- tracted considerable interest in recent years. There is, unfortunately, a tendency to regard the topic as "spooky" or "paraphysical." I would like to begin this description of my research by indi- cating what I am not doing. I am not studying any signals emitted by plants, provoked or un- provoked. I am not trying to determine whether electricity is harmful or beneficial to plants. I am merely trying to measure certain material prop- erties which plants possess in common with all Warren Coleman, C'86, discusses computer data with Profes substances. the physics laboratory. (Photo: Latham Dauis) The properties are related to the ways in which a material either stores or transmits elec- conductance with frequency is required for such storage and transport processes in these two to in cer- trical charges. If I were to connect a flashlight an understanding. biomaterials are closely related those battery to either a silicon chip or an apple, elec- My research involves the use of an APPLE mi- tain non-biological systems. Models used to ex- trical charges would tend to flow from one termi- crocomputer to measure these electrical proper- plain the electrical properties of these inorganic nal to the other. Some would be trapped or stored ties. The APPLE is used as a laboratory materials may shed light on the origin of the bio- along the way; others would successfully com- instrument to collect and store data. A machine logical effects of low level electric fields. plete the journey. The capacitance of an object is language program throws a digital switch to ap- Many students have assisted me with my re- a measure of its ability to store charge; the con- ply a voltage step to a biological material, for ex- search on this and other projects over the years: ductance, to transport charge. ample an apple. The current which flows Alan Biddle, Al Little, Roger Farrow, Ralph In addition to the direct current electricity pro- through the apple as a result is sampled every James, Steve Massey, Roy Schottenfeld, Anthony duced by batteries, we are all familiar with the fifty microseconds and stored in the microcompu- Atchley, Mark Mudano, Hope Hurlbut and alternating current electricity obtained from the ter memory. The voltages appearing at the posi- David Brumgard. Some of these students have wall outlets in our homes. The direction of this tive and negative electrodes are also measured. co-authored papers in professional journals with current flow continually changes. Sixty times Two hundred fifty-six such readings are taken me. Student participation in the research contin- every second the current flow peaks in one direc- with this time interval. The procedure is contin- ues to be important. The "handshaking" program tion. The alternating current generated for Euro- ued for time intervals of two and one-half milli- which allows me to transfer data from the AP- pean homes peaks fifty times every second. The seconds and one-eighth second. The program PLE computer to the University's Hewlett Pack- number of peaks per second is called the fre- then throws a second digital switch to discharge ard was written by a music and mathematics quency of the signal. In addition to the fifty and the material while similar sets of readings are major, Michael Winslett. Howard Jetmundsen sixty cycle signals which transmit power to taken again. The data in the APPLE memory has assisted me with computer interfacing. Of homes, many other frequencies are in common are then transferred to a floppy disc and later particular help has been Warren Coleman who use. For example, long-wave marine communica- sent to the University's 3000 Series 48 minicom- has collected and transferred most of the data on tions signals have frequencies on the order of one puter for further analysis. A mathematical pro- apples this year. I believe that an important part thousand cycles per second; AM radio, one mil- cedure known as a Fourier Transformation of the "Sewanee Experience" is the opportunity lion cycles per second; microwave ovens, one bil- converts the changes in current and voltage with for faculty and undergraduate students to work lion cycles per second. time to the desired variations of the material's together in areas of common interest. My re- The capacitance and conductance of many ma- capacitance and conductance with frequency. search project is just one example of what takes terials depend on the frequency of the electrical The statistical analysis and plotting packages in place in many other ways in Sewanee. signal applied to them. The goal of my present the Hewlett Packard make the analysis and dis- There are many handicaps to research at a research is to study the variation of these proper- play of the results convenient. small college. These are well known and I will ties with frequency for biological materials A reasonable question at this stage would be, not belabor them. I would like instead to empha- plant organs in particular. Such information is "Why plants?". Many of the experiments de- size a real advantage—the ability to consult eas- important to people who investigate the biologi- signed to determine actual dosages or study the ily with colleagues in other disciplines. I have cal effects of electromagnetic fields. basic mechanisms for the bioeffects are per- been most grateful to Larry Jones in biology, Jeff In recent years many researchers have re- formed on animals such as rats. It would seem Tassin and Ed Kirven in chemistry, John Bor- ported that low-level electric and magnetic fields that the measurement of the electrical properties dley and Clay Ross in computer science, and to may produce a wide variety of biological effects. of animal tissue would be more useful. Animal Jack Lorenz and Eric Ellis in physics for their The mechanisms responsible for these effects are systems, however, are more complicated than help and patience over the years. I would partic- not understood. National standards are being de- plant systems. Pulsating blood flow, for example, ularly like to express thanks to the one person veloped for exposure limits to these fields at ra- makes steady measurements difficult in living without whom all experimental research in dio and microwave frequencies. At much lower animal systems. In addition, a great many physi- Woods Lab would grind immediately to a halt frequencies state regulatory agencies are estab- cal parameters must be regulated to provide a Bud Sutherland, the shop manager. Finally, I lishing minimal rights of way near very high controlled environment. For these reasons re- would like to acknowledge the financial support voltage transmission line arrays to reduce expo- producibility of results has been difficult to provided to me over the years by the University sure to the accompanying electric and magnetic achieve. A schefflera or an apple is simpler than Research Grants Committee and the Research fields. An important question in this regard is a rat. Growing plants in an hydroponic environ- Corporation. how the fields produced inside a person by a ra- ment with individually controlled nutrient sup- dio transmitter or a power line array compare to ply systems has allowed me to obtain very Frank Hart, professor ofphysics, has been the levels in the surrounding air. This question reproducible" results. teaching at Sewanee since 1967. In the 1970s, he cannot be answered unless the variations of tis- At present I am investigating how the choice began experiments on plants and mathematical sue capacitance and conductance with frequency of electrode material affects the measured elec- modeling of the interaction of electrical fields are known. On a more fundamental level, a de- trical properties of apples. Many of the results with biological systems. After a sabbatical year in tailed understanding of the ways in which the may be applied to the selection of electrodes for England as a visiting research fellow at the Uni- stored and transported charge interact with the use with animal systems. I have also shown that versity ofSalford, he developed a system of using surrounding tissue seems necessary before the the variation of plant stem capacitance and con- a micro-computer to measure electrical properties mechanisms for the effects of low level fields on ductance with frequency is similar to that ob- of biological materials. In 1982 he received a biological systems can be understood. Measure- served by other researchers for bone and for grant from the Research Corporation to continue ment of the variation of tissue capacitance and inorganic fast ion conductors. Thus, the charge this study. —

Douglas Paschall of the tional English de- Endowment for the Humani- Ransom, an eminent critic and edi- all, they will enjoy the spirited and partment has served during 1984- ties, the Institute selects a group of tor as well as a significant poet, but outspoken letters Ransom wrote to 1985 as editor of a new journal, twenty to thirty teacher/scholars also on the coming of age of South- Allen Tate, who became editor of Touchstone, published by the Ten- from such disciplines as art history, ern and American literature in the the Sewanee Review in 1944. Ran- nessee Committee for the Humani- classics, comparative literature, twentieth century. som recommended Tate for this po- ties of which Paschall is a member. English, history, philosophy, and Publishers Weekly observed about sition to Vice-Chancellor Alexander journal, conceived The and designed religion to read The Dunne Comedy Ransom: "For all his insistence on Guerry in terms which suggest the by Dr. Paschall, is intended not from a variety of perspectives under clarity of thinking as a critic, he values held dear by all three: "He only to keep readers in Tennessee the guidance of leading Dante spe- was, as Young and Core insist in believes in old-fashioned educa- informed about the work of the Ten- cialists. The 1985 topic of the insti- their thoughtful introduction, a tional ideals, he is the soul of honor, nessee Committee for the Humani- tute is Dante's theory of language. man who put life before art, senti- he has the most precise scholarship ties, but also to address a wide Scholars in residence will include ment before logic." The letters to and studies without stint when he range of issues and topics in the hu- Robert Kaske, Robert Hollander, bis "almost lifelong friend," Allen comes upon the subject that he has manities which are of signif- special and John Freccero. Tate, "are chiefly notable for their not yet mastered, and he is about icance to Tennesseans. Touchstone sustained, rigorous, and often bril- the best master of written English is published three times a year and Suzi Gablik, who has twice served liant discussion of poetic theory and that we have in this country." Ran- is available to readers at no sub- as a visiting professor of fine arts at practice." Robert Phillips, in his re- som added, somewhat prophetically: scription or mailing charge from Sewanee, is the author of a provoca- view of the volume in the New York "I think he would make the Sewa- P.O. Box 24767, Nashville 37202. tive study of contemporary art enti- Times Book Review, called attention nee Review, our rival organ, flourish The issues to date have concen- tled Has Modernism Foiled? (New to the continuing interest in Ran- with a distinction second to that of trated respectively on local history, York: Thames and Hudson, 1984). som: "This is heartening, since few historic and neighborhood preserva- In Book Re- twentieth-century American liter- Other stimulating letters are to tion, humanities issues in the Third view Eugene Victor Thaw wrote ary figures were as original or in- fellow Southern writers and schol- World, and issues involving govern- that "the particular point of view fluential —not to mention ars such as Robert Penn Warren, ment and public policy. Touchstone Miss ( Jablik reiterates is the failure versatile." Cleanth Brooks, Andrew Lytle, and has published interviews with Sen- of modern art and, indeed, of mod- Alumni and friends of Sewanee Monroe K. Spears. Like Tate, both ator Albert Gore, Jr., Secretary of ern man, because of too much free- will be interested in glimpses of Lytle and Spears served, of course, Labor Bill Brock, writers Peter Tay- dom, individualism, and self- Ransom's native Middle Tennessee, as editors of the Sewanee Review. It lor, H'72, and John Egerton, and seeking." Oxford University before the first is pleasant to read Ransom's en- historic preservation expert Joseph A regular contributor to the peri- World War, Vanderbilt University couraging words to "Andy" Lytle in Herndon, C'69. Other Sewanee con- odical Art in America, Suzi Gablik between the wars, and Kenyon Col- 1942 about the latter's story "Al- tributors to Touchstone have been argues that art has become in some lege, where Ransom founded and chemy": "It's about as clean a piece

Charles Brockett (political science). wavs a victim of its own success. edited the Kenyan Review. Above of good narrative as I ever saw." Thomas Spaccarelli (Spanish), and With a "two-billion-dollar-a-year Don K. DuPree. art market in New York alone," art Professor Paschall is also editing and artists have been "breeding like a major new anthology of works by bacteria under favorable condi- living Tennessee writers, to be pub- tions." The bureaucracy of curators, lished in 1986 bv the Tennessee dealers, and foundation officials has Arts Commission and the Univer- likewise grown. Innovation in style sity of Tennessee Press to coincide and content has reached the point with celebrations of Tennessee at which the possibility of a star- Homecoming '86. Composed mainly tling breakthrough seems unlikely. of fiction and poetry, the anthology Even the work of those engaged in will feature work by some sixty-five social protest—such as the subway writers, including Andrew Lytle, "graffiti artists"—has become Peter Taylor, Shelbv Foote. Richard Tillinghast, Alan Cheuse, Wvatt In the meantime, she sees a des- Prunty, Don Keck DuPree, H. T. perate need to recover for art and Kirby-Smith, and Paul Ramsey for the general culture a sense of co- among writers with Sewanee con- herence, a usable historical tradi- nections. Editorial assistant for the tion, an adequate moral framework, project is Thomas McConnell, C'84. and a spiritual content which gives expression to the human yearning Leslie Richardson, instructor in for transcendence. An unsettling Italian, is one of nineteen teachers book—Thaw calls it a "jeremiad" of Italian in the United States se- it challenges the reader to look lected to participate in the U.S. De- more closely not only at contempo- partment of Education's 1985 rary art but at the ironies and con- Fulbright Seminar on History and tradictions of Western civilization. Culture in Italy. The seminar lasts from June 16 to July 28. The group will be based for most of that time A good deal of favorable attention in Perugia, where they will attend has been given this spring to the lectures in the morning and visit Selected Letters of John Crowe Ran- the northern Italian towns of Ve- som, edited by Thomas Daniel rona, Vicenza, Padua, Venice, Rim- Young and George Core (Baton ini, Milan, and Ferrara on Rouge: Louisiana State University weekends. At the end of the session, Press, 1985). Young, Gertrude Con- each participant will present a proj- away Vanderbilt Professor of Eng- ect to a panel of instructors. lish at Vanderbilt University, is the author of a highly regarded biog- Edward McCrady III, C'55, left, visits with his brother, J. Waring Mc- Pamela Royston, assistant professor raphy of Ransom. Core, adjunct pro- Crady, C'59, during the Board of Trustees meeting in May. Edward of English, will be a summer fellow fessor of English at the University, McCrady, a member of the faculty at the University of North Carolina, at the Dartmouth Dante Institute is the editor of the Sewanee Review. Greensboro, is a trustee from the Diocese ofNorth Carolina. Waring from June 30 through August 10. The letters, which span the years McCrady is an associate professor of French at Sewanee. (Photo: Lyn Supported by a grant from the Na- 1911-68, throw light not only on Hutchinson) Ideology

Booty Edna Evans Remains Retires Edna Evans retired this spring on Faculty after sixteen years of teaching hom- iletics, Christian education, mis- sion, and evangelism at the School Soon after the resignation of Dean of Theology. John Booty this spring, it was an- Her new home is in Port St. Lucy, nounced that he would remain on Florida. the faculty and return to Sewanee In her honor, the School of Theol- after a year of research and teach- ogy declared May 8 Edna Evans ing at the Yale Divinity School. The Day and celebrated her ministry announcement was made with en- and teaching at Sewanee in several thusiasm by Vice-Chancellor Ayres ways. to the University community and The homiletics room is to be the Board of Trustees. named in her honor, and a plaque to During the 1985-86 academic be placed in the room was presented year. Dean Booty will be a visiting to her by the students. The faculty professor of Church history and a had a dinner for her that night. In research fellow at the Divinity addition she was presented with a School of Yale University. Although St. Luke's Cross, making her an he will do some teaching, his pri- Evans, is retiring from the Seminary faculty, talks with the honorary alumna of the University. mary goal is to write. Edna who Rev. John Gremmels, T'78, rector Holy Apostles' Church in Ft. Worth, Among her activities at the Semi- He is working on two books, a bi- of nary, Edna Evans chaired the mis- ography of Stephen Bayne and a Texas, and his wife, Tracy, during a reception following the rededication sion committee, which is a primary new history of the Episcopal ofHamilton Hall. (Photo: Clay Scott) outreach of the School of Theology. Church. In addition he is compiling material for the Folger Library edi- tion of the Works ofRichard Hooker, which is being published by the Harvard University Press. Conrmittee Begins Search When he returns to Sewanee, Dean Booty will continue his re- search and writing, and he wants to for Dean establish at Sewanee an Institute of Theological Research, which he has A committee of fifteen members, Bishop Gray had already received bishop of Western North Carolina; said he considers to be a much representing a broad spectrum of the names of seventeen nominees or the Rev. Donald S. Armentrout; the needed resource for the Church. the Episcopal Church and the prospective nominees. Rev. Christopher Bryan, professor He will continue to speak at School of Theology constituency, The committee has not set a of New Testament studies at the clergy conferences and retreats and has been working this spring to- schedule of deadlines but has, in the School of Theology; the Rev. Sister to accept preaching engagements ward the selection of a new Semi- words of Tom Watson, the acting Lucy L. Shetters of the Community for the benefit of the Church and as nary dean to replace the Very Rev. Seminary administrator and com- of Saint Mary at St. Mary's Convent an aid to church relations for the John E. Booty. mittee member, "determined to and Retreat Center; the Rev. will University. He be available to Dean Booty announced his resig- move with resolve" in its search. Thomas Hill Carson, Jr., of Paw- teach in the areas of Anglican stud- nation earlier this year and has The summer will likely be spent ley's Island, South Carolina, the ex- ies. Church history, spirituality, since announced his intention to re- gathering more nominations and ecutive for stewardship for the and religion and literature, while turn to teach at Sewanee after a screening applications. The commit- Executive Council of the Episcopal counseling students, serving on year of study and teaching at Yale tee expects to narrow down the list Church; the Rev. Robert E. Ratelle, committees, and being involved Divinity School. of nominees to a group of six to ten rector of St. Michael's and All An- where needed. The search committee is an advi- persons who will be interviewed in gels' Church in Dallas, Texas, and sory committee and consists of some Atlanta, similar to the procedures former trustee and current regent of the same members who served on used three years ago. The final can- for the University; Katherine the committee that assisted in the didates, perhaps three, will then be Folbre, a member of the Board of Dedications search that brought Dean Booty to nominated to the Vice-Chancellor Trustees and a member of the ves- the Mountain in 1982. The Rt. Rev. and brought to Sewanee for inter- try of Christ Church in San Anto- During the recent trustees meeting, Duncan M. Gray, Jr., bishop of Mis- views. The Vice-Chancellor makes nio, Texas, and president of the San the University dedicated a statue sissippi, has agreed once again to be his recommendation to the Board of Antonio Area Foundation; Harry and two choir stalls in All Saints' its chairman. Regents. Griffith of Winter Park, Florida, Chapel. An initial meeting on April 9, es- The Rev. Donald S. Armentrout, president of the Anglican Fellow- A statue of the Rt. Rev. Stephen sentially an organizational meet- professor of ecclesiastical history, ship of Prayer; John W. Caldwell of Elliott, the first bishop of Georgia ing, was followed by a series of - will serve as acting dean until the Lake Wales, Florida, the executive and the third Chancellor of the Uni- meetings during the week of April new dean is able to assume his du- director of Kairos, Inc., a nation- versity, was given by the Diocese of 28. when the Seminary Alumni ties, which may be as early as Janu- wide ecumenical ministry to pris- Georgia and presented to the Uni- Council, the Board of Regents, and ary 1986 but perhaps not until the oners and a University trustee; Tom versity by the Rt. Rev. Harry W. the Board of Trustees were all in beginning of the 1986-87 academic G. Watson, acting chief administra- Shipps, bishop of Georgia. session. Meetings were also held tor of the School of Theology; Genie A choir stall in memory of John that week with members of the fac- In addition to Bishop Gray, the Hibberts, a rising middler at the Charles Stewart, C'51, and a stall ulty and with students. chairman, members of the commit- School of Theology; and Robert Du- in honor of his wife, Rachel W. Nominations are being sought in tee include the Rt. Rev. C. Fitz- vall, a rising senior and the presi- Stewart, were given by their moth- several ways: through direct com- Simons Allison, bishop of South dent of the student body of the ers and mothers-in-law and pre- munication with bishops and other Carolina; the Rt. Rev. Furman C. School of Theology for the 1985-86 sented to the University by the Rt. church leaders and advertisements Stough, bishop of Alabama and for- academic year. Rev. Rogers Harris, suffragan in the Living Church and the£pt5- mer Chancellor of the University; bishop of Upper South Carolina. copalian. At the April 9 meeting, the Rt. Rev. William G. Weinhauer, Emphasizing a Global Perspective

God the Father of our Lord Jesus riere to believe something like Although Samuel said he is dis- he hopes to maintain relationships Christ, our only Savior, the Prince of Apartheid could be in existence, es- tressed that there are no other with people he has worked with Peace: Give us grace seriously to lay pecially if one is closed off from the black students at the School of The- from the diocese but especially with to heart the great dangers we are in world." ology, nor are there any black fac- his friends here at Sewanee. "I hope by our unhappy divisions; take away According to Samuel, the Church ulty members, he said he feels he that these relations will continue all hatred and prejudice, and what- is a vehicle which can and should be has had a good experience at even when I'm away. I want to keep ever else may kinder us from godly helping to bridge the gap which ex- Sewanee. in touch." union and concord; that, as there is ists between different cultures and "The Seminary bothered me be- "Keeping in touch" is indeed an one Baptism, one God and Father of countries. It is the Church's role, he cause it is not integrated at all," he interesting phrase coming from the us all, so we may be all of one heart said, to get involved in such things said. "But, I have received much as- lips of Samuel Kaxuxuena. Those and of one soul, united in one holy as the progression of human rights sistance from friends, faculty, and who know him realize that keeping bond of truth and peace, offaith and even when those whose rights are students here and have had a in touch is exactly what he de- charity, and may with one mind and being violated live as far away as warm, friendly relationship with sires—not only for himself but for one mouth glorify thee; through Je- Namibia is from the United States. the people here at Sewanee. I hope the whole Church. sus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Prayer "I feel the Church needs to have that this will not end with me but for the Unity of the Church, Book of ministers to mobilize the Church to- will continue with everyone who Common Prayer, p. 818.) ward other situations, and we as comes here." priests and ministers must be will- Samuel said he is grateful to the by Scott Arnold, T'87 ing to embrace all those who suf- Diocese of Alabama for making it Corporate responsibility. fer—and suffer with them," he said. possible for him to be here, and that This is a challenge the Church This is what Samuel hopes to do has been calling its membersjo for in his ministry during his remain- years. And, it is a challenge that is ing few months in the United States being talcen seriously by many, not and throughout his life in Namibia. the least of whom is School of The- Although he recognizes that Se- ology student Samuel Hatulale wanee is not without problems, he Kaxuxuena. said the Seminary community here Many of those who have had a has been very supportive of him. "I chance to get to know Samuel since will look back on this year as a good his coming to Sewanee in August experience, as an educational expe- realize that this young priest from rience. The relations between the the Diocese of Namibia is genuinely people at the School of Theology are concerned not just with the role of very close, and I enjoy the < the Church in Namibia, nor just nity life here." with his responsibilities as a priest Samuel said he came to Se in a country so near (geographically for a rof and politically) to South Africa, but here because it is close to the Dio- rather with the whole state of the cese of Alabama, which is our com- Church. panion diocese, and also because my "I've found people both in my bishop (the Rt. Rev. James H. Kau- country and in the United States luma) recommended Sewanee." who don't know of the outside Bishop Kauluma requires all his world," said Samuel, pointing out priests to complete a year of theo- that he feels there are too many logical study outside Namibia and people who share little concern for South Africa following their ordina- their community, much less the tion. Samuel is the first priest from world. Namibia to attend Sewanee. "People need to be a little broader "Some African students do more in their perspective of the world," than a year, but because of my fam- he said, "and to think of the Church ily I will be leaving in early Au- as a wide community in order that gust," Samuel said, adding that his Samuel Kaxuxuena, T'85, ofNamibia talks with Joseph Monti, newly they may have a sense of what is wife, Lucia, and seven children appointed assistant professor of Christian ethics. (Photo: Scott Arnold) happening outside their (ranging in ages from eleven years surroundings." to ten months) are all anxiously Since beginning his one-year pro- awaiting his return home. gram at the School of Theojogy, While Samuel entered the School Samuel has had the opportunity to of Theology under the special stu- talk with several Americans, both dent program, he will be leaving in Sewanee and across the country; with a Master of Theological Study as a resulfhe said he feels many degree. This was made possible World Mission people in this country live sheltered through efforts at the Seminary to lives behind the walls of their own compress a two-year program into world and have difficulty trying to one year. "They have given me "That All May Have Life" is the Speakers for this year's confer- Rev. David L. understand people and events credit for work I did at Federal The- theme of the Sixth Episcopal World ence include the Rt. which are outside their realm of ological Seminary in South Africa Mission Conference June 18-21 at Leake, presiding bishop of the prov- existence. and are also allowing me to take the University. ince of the Southern Cone and Dr. Samuel said he has found this to courses under the Doctor of Divinity bishop of Northern Argentina; professor at Tufts be especially true when he discusses program as well as all of the junior The conference has been designed James Morehead, Dr. Morehead, Apartheid's role in his country's de- year courses." In addition, he has to help the Church to respond effec- Medical School; Jean public health consultant; and the velopment and what it is like to be taken several electives including tively to the growing number of executive di- a black priest in a country where liberation theology, forms of viol- poor, hungry, and dispossessed per- Rev. Samir J. Habiby, Presiding Bishop's many rights are denied the black ence, mission and evangelism, and sons in the United States and rector of the Fund for World Relief. majority. "It's difficult for a person Hebrew. throughout the world. Ideology

Alumni Council Meeting

by the Rev. Dr. W. Robert to the School of Theology at the Abstein, T'65, T'78 duPont Library. We were pleased to The Alumni Council of the School of hear that since July 1, $180,016.35 Theology met on April 30 at Hamil- has come to the Seminary through ton Hall. Those present, in addition the One Percent program. In large to myself, were the Rev. Robert G. part this is going to help the area of Certain, the Rev. Charles D. student scholarships. We also Cooper, the Rev. Harrv W. Cran- learned that the chapel is still in dall, the Rev. P. Michael Davis, the the planning stage with no date set Rev. S. Ross Jones, the Rev. John R. for groundbreaking. Throop, the Rev. Martin Robert Til- A portion of our meeting was son, vice-president. Also present spent with Beeler Brush, director of were the Rev. Canon Maurice L. alumni; William U. Whipple, vice- Goldsmith, the Rev. Bertie Pittman, president for development; and the Rev. Sister Lucy Shetters, and Walter Bryant, director of alumni Tom Watson. Due to illness, the giving, on alumni affairs. Together Very Rev. John E. Bootv. dean of we discussed this year's fall meet- the School of Theology, "was unable ing and have made some changes in to attend. the format, thus promoting more Vice-Chancellor and President time for returning alumni to enjoy Robert M. Ayres, Jr. visited with us each other's company. Mr. Bryant for the first part of our meeting and shared with us his plans for gener- made the happy announcement that ating more interest in giving to the Dean John E. Booty would be re- school, and Mr. Whipple informed turning to Sewanee in the academic us about the Episcopal seminaries' year 1986-87 after a year as visiting joint booth at General Convention. professor and research fellow at the We spent the afternoon with the Divinity School at Yale University. Search Committee for a new dean. He also spoke about plans for re- This is obviously the single most structuring the seminary and its important concern of the Alumni administration. He hopes to alle- Council. The Search Committee is viate some of the pressure on the headed by the Rt. Rev. Duncan M. new dean by having an administra- Gray, Jr. We spoke about the job de- tor working along side him. He also scription and the expectations of asked our help in identifying poten- both the dean and an administrator. ^B Pv tial givers of gifts in excess of It was a very helpful session in $25,000. which many concerns were shared Tom Watson, acting administra- as well as hopes and expectations. The Rt. Rei: William B. Sanders, T'45, H'59, bishop of East Tennessee, tor at the School of Theology, We were glad that the Search Com- talks with Bill Squire, T'85, and his wife Peg, following the rededication brought us up to date in several mittee wassoliciting our responses ofHamilton Hall. areas on which he is working very as well as those of the students, fac- closely with Dean Booty. We got a ulty, and bishops of the owning very good review from the Associa- dioceses. We commended them for tion of Theological Schools in their their good work. recent visit following the Seminar- Below is a resolution which was y's self-study. We examined the unanimously passed regarding the Strengthening Church Ties areas of strength and weakness in Very Rev. John E. Booty. We are order to help the school examine, its thankful for his work among us and As the University enters the final elected trustees have endorsed this response to these. We noted that the give thanks to him for the leader- stages of the Century II Campaign, campaign with their substance and earlier notation against the library ship that he has provided for the the Century II leaders have chal- talents. As representatives of our facilities has now been removed be- School of Theology. lenged the Episcopal dioceses to es- twenty-eight owning dioceses, they

cause of the fine facilities available tablish $l-million professorships in are the Church challenging the . the College and the School of Church to move forward in Theology. education." A strong response from the own- The hope is that the dioceses will A Resolution ing dioceses would lift the campaign undertake to endow academic We the members of the School Of Theology Alumni Council offer our beyond its $50-million goal and also chairs thaj, will carry a diocesan thanks to Almighty God for providing our Seminary with Dean John E. strengthen the emotional ties be- identity. Each chair would require a Booty for these past two and half years. During his tenure he enabled tween the University and the minimum $l-million endowment. the School to move to one of the finest Episcopal seminary facilities in Church. Each diocese would select its chair the country, increased the enrollment of the student body, continued the The plan was unveiled May 3 at and in turn secure gifts to fund it. building of a fine theological faculty, and represented the Seminary the meeting of the University's It was announced at the meeting throughout the country with impeccable credentials as a scholar, educa- Board of Trustees by Harold C. Gos- that the Diocese of West Texas, led tor, author, and caring Christian man. nell, retired bishop of West Texas, by the Rt. Rev. Scott Field Bailey, We rejoice that Dean Booty will be returning to the School of Theol- who has been the University's vol- was the first to make a commitment ogy after a year as visiting professor of church history and research unteer director of church relations to establish a chair, and four other fellow at the Divinity School of Yale University. His scholarship will for the past two years. dioceses are developing plans. The provide many with insights into our Anglican heritage. His friendship "Four-fifths of the $50 million has two dioceses in Louisiana are join- will continue to nurture us as a fellow member of the Body of Christ. been raised without any general ap- ing together to establish a fund to With heartfelt thanks for nurturing the relationship of the alumni of peal to the Church at large," said be named for the Rt. Rev. Girault the School of Theology and for his personal friendship to all who have Bishop Gosnell. "We believe now is Jones, former Chancellor and re- served with him, we offer this resolution of thanksgiving on this 30th the time for the Church to take its tired bishop of the Louisiana parent Day of April, 1985, at Hamilton Hall, Sewanee, Tennessee. rightful place in Sewanee's life and diocese. future. Our eighty-four diocesan- (^Associated Alumni

Sewanee Dinner

The traditional Sewanee Dinner at the Episcopal General Convention will be held this year on Monday, September 9 at the Anaheim Hilton and Towers near the center of the convention activities. The dinner will honor Presiding Bishop John M. Allin, C'43, T'45, H'62. All alumni and friends of the University are invited to attend. The cost of the dinner will be $30 a person. If you are interested in attending, send a post card expressing your interest to:

Beeler Brush The Alumni Office The University of the South Sewanee, Tennessee 37375

Alumni Council President Sam Carroll, C'69, center, is joined bv Scott Ferguson, C'79, uice -president for admissions, and Stuart Childs, C'49, vice-president for regions, during the spring meeting of the council. (Photo: Latham Davis)

C. Beeler Brush, C'68, director of alumni affai Council meeting about the Alumni Phase.

Homecoming '85

Friday, October 26 10:30 to 6:00 Registration/Ticket Sales, EQB Club 6:00 Social Hour; Cravens Hall 7:00 Alumni Dinner; Upper Cravens 8:10 Presentation of the Distinguished Alumnus/a Award Alumni Council members, meeting May 4 at the Sewanee Inn, include, 9:00 to 12:00 Alumni Dance; Cravens Hall from left, Tara Seeley, C'78; Scott Ferguson, C'79: Tommy Johnston, 9:00 Big Band C'78: and Billy DuBose, C'77. 1 Photo: Latham Davis) 10:00 Big Band, Rock & Roll 11:00 Rock & Roll

Saturday, October 26 8:00 Alumni Fun Run 8:30 to 1:30 Registration; EQB Club 9:30 Coffee and Doughnuts; Convocation Hall 10:00 to 10:45 Associated Alumni Meeting; Convocation Hall 11:00 to 11:45 Alumni Forum: The Drinking Issue at Sewanee, Convocation Hall Admissions: Alumni Legacies? Convocation Hall 11:15 Alumni Soccer Game 11:00 to 12:45 Lunch Under the Big Top 11:00 to 1:00 Fraternity Functions for Alumni 1:00 Formation of Alumni Parade 1:30 Alumni Parade 2:00 Football Game; Sewanee vs. W&L 4:30 Reunion Parties 6:30 Alumni Dinner Barbecue and Blue Grass Under the Big Top

Sunday, October 27, 1985 8:00 Holy Eucharist; All Saints' Chapel 10:30 Memorial Service; St. Augustine's Stone Strategy for the Century II Alumni Phase is discussed by Alumni Coun- 11:00 Holy Eucharist, All Saints' Chapel cil members, from left. Jim Cate, C'47 : Stuart Childs, C'49: John Guerry, C'49: and the Rev. Bill Richter. C'49, T'69. Sports

Fast Finish in Conference The twenty-second College Athletic year's CAC Championship team. Conference Spring Sports Festival Returning to defend that champion- was held May 9-11 in Sewanee with ship next year will be Mark Reinke, the six conference teams—Centre, C'87; Harris Podvev, C'88; Tom Earlham, Rhodes (formerly South- Jones, C'87; Steve Dickerson. C86; western of Memphis), Fisk, Rose- Ray Powell. C'86; and Mark Rem- Hulman, and Sewanee—competing bert, C'86. in baseball, golf, tennis, and track. The Spring Sports Festival week- Tennis the champions in end determined The tennis season ended on a high conference spring sports the four note with the men capturing the standings for the and finalized the CAC tournament and placing six all-sports conference's members of the team on the all-con- championship. CorZine, C'87, competes in the high hurdles during the i ference team. Brooks Tigers fared well in the The Linton Lewis, C'86; Ken Alex- decathalon. (Photo: Lyn Hutchinson) weekend's activities winning two ander, C'88; Johathan Woolfson, championships, placing second in C'86; Mike Salisbury, C'86; Steve tying for third in base- track, and Johnson, C'88; and Boyd Douglas, ball. The Tigers placed first in both C'88, were all named to the CAC finished second golf and tennis and team. track and behind Rose-Hulman in The Tigers finished their regular Rose-Hulman and third behind season with a 15-11 record, which baseball. Rhodes in included big victories over both All-Sports champion- The CAC Centre and Rhodes College. Coach Rose-Hulman with ship was won by Norm Kalkhoff termed this season 182.5 points. Sewanee placed second a success, especially with the CAC with 170 in the championship tournament win. points. The all-sports championship is determined on a points system which combines the standings for Track football, cross country, soccer, bas- Coach Cliff Afton and his 21-man ketball, golf, tennis, track, and track team, one of Sewanee's larg- baseball. Prior to the Spring Festi- est teams ever, finished the year val, Sewanee was in fiRh place in with a second-place finish in the the all-sports championship race, CAC Festival meet behind defend- but with the four strong finishes ing champion Rose-Hulman. during the weekend, the Tigers Mark Vandiver, C'86, won the Pratt Rather, C88,C'88, and Lee PncUPride, C'85, pass t ? baton during the 1600- moved into second place, fifteen shot put with a new school record of meterr relays. (Photo: Lyn Hutchinson)Hutchi, points ahead of third place Rhodes, 51 feet, 2% inches. Steve Shankle, C'87, won the pole vault; Rob Scott, C'87, won the high jump; and Paul Golf Pfefferkorn, C'86, won the 10,000 The men's golf team concluded its meter race. Springfield season by winning the CAC golf During the regular season, Rob tournament by four strokes over the Scott broke the high jump school re- second-place team from Rose-Hul- Calls Haley cord of 6 feet, 6 inches by consist- man and by fifteen strokes over de- ently jumping 6 feet, 8 inches in fending champion, Centre. Mark Sewanee soccer coach Peter Haley both practice and competition. Also Reineke. C'87, was individual med- is leaving the Mountain to accept during the regular season, Brooks alist in the tournament and team- the position as head soccer coach at Corzine, C'87, qualified for the Na- mate, Arthur Brantley, C'85, took Springfield College in Springfield. tionals in the decathlon. second-place individual honors. Massachusetts, his alma mater. In what was called a rebuilding During his four years at Sewanee, year, the linksmen went through Baseball Haley's teams compiled a record of their dual meet season with an un- The Tiger baseball team ended its 38-27-5. His 1983 team gave Sewa- blemished record of 4-0 and never season with a tie for third place in nee soccer the best record in the found themselves down to a non- the College Athletic Conference school's history, 13-5-1. This past scholarship school. round-robin tournament. The Ti- fall Sewanee's record fell to 8-10. They also achieved a successful gers tied with Centre behind Rose- Coach Haley will be replacing record in their tournament competi- Hulman and Rhodes. what he himself considers a legend, tion. They finished first in the Nine games into the season, the coach Irvin Schmid. Schmid's teams Spring Sports Carnival tournament Tigers had a 2-7 record which in- compiled a record of 283-160-49 in at Florida A & M and placed fresh- cluded a five-game losing streak. his thirty-six years. man Harris Podvey as the tourna- With stronger hitting, fewer errors, Haley, a 1977 graduate of Spring- ment individual medalist. They and better pitching, the Tigers field, will be taking over the reins placed fifth in the Lee and Kenne- turned their early hard luck around in time for the 1985 Springfield saw Invitationals and seventh in to even their record at 10-10 by NCAA Division II soccer season. Se- the Shorter Invitational. The team winning eight of eleven games. wanee athletic director, Bill Huyck, also placed seventh in the 38th an- After regaining ground that they is in hopes of having a new head nual Tennessee Intercollegiate Golf had lost at the beginning of the sea- soccer coach by mid-June. Championships held on the Sewa- son, they stayed at about .500 the "Peter is just a dandy coach," said rest of the season, ending with a re- Huyck, "We are going to miss him Senior Arthur Brantley will be cord of 18-17. Javelin thrower Travis Carpenter, very badly. Everything he does is the only golfer that Coach Horace C'88, waits his turn to compete. done well, and on top of that he's a Moore will be losing from this (Photo: Lyn Hutchinson) nice guy." Sports

Strong Finish All-American

Kim Valek, C'87, a forward for the For Soccer women's basketball team, has been named to the Fast Break Little Col- The women's soccer team won five lege All-American first team. of its last six games to finish the The team often women is pub- "season with a 7-5-1 record. In their lished by the American Women's last six games, they outscored their Sports Federation and includes 18-4 opponents on their way to the players from both NCAA Division five wins. III and NAIA schools. the season, During they won both Valek has led Sewanee in scoring the Sewanee Invitational and the and rebounding in each of her two Sewanee Spring Invitational soccer seasons on the Mountain. This past tournaments by beating such teams season, she averaged 18.5 points a as the University of Alabama, game and 10.2 rebounds. She also Rhodes College, and Georgia Tech. led the team in steals and was a led They were in scoring by Jen- double-figure .scorer in all but one nifer Boyd, C'87, with nine goals contest. As a freshman, she aver- and one assist and Laura Haas, aged 19 points and 10.2 rebounds a C'87, with six goals. Defensively, game. they were led by goalie Nancy Brim, C'86, and Tucker Deaton, \ C'87, inthebackfield. The women's soccer team will be losing four seniors, Jennifer Mur- ray, Heidi Barker, Barbara Francis, and Beth Rogers, along with coach Peter Haley who has accepted the head coaching post at his alma ma- Not a First ter, Springfield College in Spring- Jennifer Boyd, C'87, kicks on goal. Contrary to the story published in field, Massachusetts. the March issue, the 1984-85 men's swim team was not the first men's Tennis swim team to complete its season The women's tennis team closed out Track undefeated at the University of the its season with a second-place over- The women's track team finished its 1985 Grid Schedule South. all finish in the Women's Intercolle- season with a third-place finish in That honor was secured by the giate Athletic Conference tennis the Women's Intercollegiate Ath- Samford Sept. 7 team of 1958. It was coached by tournament held in Sewanee April letic Conference track meet behind At Millsaps Sept. 21 Hugh Caldwell, current professor of 26-27. teams from Fisk and Berea. Earlham Sept. 28 philosophy, and was the second Se- The team's number three doubles While the team placed third, run- At Centre Oct. 5 wanee swim team in the school's players, Susy Steele, C'86, and Amy ner Virginia Brown, C'87, improved At Rhodes Oct. 12 history, according to Caldwell. Amonette, C'86, won their division her WIAC records in the 3,000 and Maryville Oct. 19 That team compiled a perfect 11-0 and were also named to the all- 5,000-meter races, and teammate ^Washington and Lee Oct. 26 record and defeated such power- WIAC team. Elizabeth Klots, C'88, set WIAC At Rose-Hulman Nov. 2 houses as the University of Tennes- The team finished the year with records for the 800 and 1,500-meter At Hampden-Sydney Nov. 9 see, Vanderbilt, Kentucky, Georgia an overall 4-10 record which in- events. Gretchen Rehberg, C'86, Tech, and Clemson. cluded some tough losses to Divi- also outdistanced her competition in *Homecoming We regret the error and salute sion I and II schools. the discus to win the event. the team of 1958.

and the undergraduate n, C'87, waits for an opportunity to pass. (Photo: Lyn During Spring Festival Weekend, the alumni rugby teams scrum during their match which the alumni won. (Photo: Clay Scott) —

ClassNotes Academy / cQieology

'45 St. Andrew's-Sewanee Academy George C. Connor,'!', is retiring this spring after twenty-six years of teaching in the Eng- by Terri Mathes. C'82 enrollment increase and admissions lish department at the University of Tennes- They always come back. Some inquiries double. He takes great see at Chattanooga lor the past few years, Mr. Connor has been the Alexander Guerry wait years before they do; some pride in his involvement in the '27 Professor, winch seems especially appropriate never leave. But sooner or later, school's growth. "I saw an opportu- Edward W. Mellichampe. Jr., A, C'31, since he attended the University while Dr. nity to be a building It's every Sewanee alumnus comes back on team. writes, "] am retired Irom government scnin'. Guerry was Sewanee s Vice-Chancellor. (Ear- lier Guerry was president of UTC.) host of at least once, and Bill Johnson, very exciting to be part of creating living alone, and I am in reasonably good A well-wishers honored Mr. Connor with a ban- A'62, C'66, is no exception. Johnson something that's so important to health." He is living in Billing, Montana. quet this spring at the Read House in Chat- from Sewanee Mili- was graduated tanooga. Among the guests was Chattanooga tary Academy in 1962 and went on From Coach Johnson's viewpoint, '38 Mayor Gene Roberts, who announced that to spend (bur brilliant seasons with this growth means that more and friends and associates of Mr. Connor's had Currin R. Gasa, A, C'42, is now the i

raised '2d. tint i toward establishing the Sewanee Tigers. Before leaving better athletes are coming to St. ant to the president of new product develop SI a profes- sorship in his name at UTC. Despite his re- the Mountain to play a season for Andrew's-Sewanee. But it also menl in the Wayne division of Dres. said he not stop Industries in Salisbury. Maryland. He is pi tirement, Mr. Connor would the Atlanta Falcons, Johnson set means the school can attract stu- ning to retire in mid-19Sfi. He and his wile teaching. "I am a teacher. That's what I've Sewanee grid records in rushing, dents from a wide variety of back- always been and that's what I'll always lie. I'll Elizabeth, have I wo sons that are also Sewa- scoring, kickoff returns, and punt grounds and interests, and this nee graduates. Henry, C'75, and Theodore go on teaching as long as there is breath in returns. diversity has become the hallmark C'82. Both Henry and Theodore are earninf deL'r-i-s from Georgia The Rev. Arleigh W. Lassiter, T, is the In 1983, twenty years after leav- of St. Andrew's-Sewanee. As direc- engineering Tech. rector of St. Luke's in Shawnee, Kansas. He ing SMA, William T. Johnson re- tor of athletics, Johnson partici- also serves as president of the standing com- turned to become athletic director pates in establishing a curriculum '56 mittee for the Diocese of Kansas and is an at St. Andrew's-Sewanee School. He as diverse as the students it serves. alternate to the General Convention Active John M. Walton. A.C'fi2. i- a general part- in Cursillo, he has served as a spiritual direc- said he found that many of the old The afternoon activities program 'ner in Walton and Trestle Associate*, insur- tor and serves on the Secretariat. He is the landmarks had changed but the which he oversees includes twelve ance adjusters, ol Raylown. Texas The Walton current chairman for the Commission on family has been in the Houston area for the spirit, which made the Mountain interscholastic sports, plus such ac- Alcohol. past six years. Their daughter, Natalie, at- his home, still thrives. tivities as drama, computer science, The Rev. R. A. Tourigney, T, writes, tends the Univer-ily of Georgia in Athens. "The quotation on my senior page music, rock climbing, dance, canoe- "Having started this mission of St. Francis in 1951. 1 have finally seen our indebtedness paid of the yearbook reads, 'Life is a ing, horseback riding, and art. '67 off in full, thanks to an anonymous girt of song, and here I learn to sing.' And Because he so vigorously supports $65,000. Thirty-four years ago we started with Chittv, is in of I still believe that today!" he said. the idea of a diverse student body, John A. M. A, charge fund twenty-five communicants and a 55,000 lot. raising for Alive Polarity's Murrieta Hot Like many adolescents, Johnson Johnson is a strong advocate of the Today, we have 1.400 communicants and a $4- Springs m Murrieta. California. Murrieta Hot had suffered his share of growing school's liberal financial aid policy, million plant. This, of course, is only the visi- Springs is a European-style health resort lo- ble evidences of a ministry. With it has gone pains during his early teens. "I which allows many students to at- cated southeast of Los Angeles, years of ministering to a unique community really wanted to use coming to Se- tend St. Andrew's-Sewanee who are of outstanding people with all itsjoys and sor- wanee Military Academy as a way unable to pay full tuition. "It comes rows, its disappointments and rewards. It is a to start over," he said. out of the St. Andrew's tradition," great satisfaction to have started and finished one complete work!!!!" He and his wife. Helen. He found that chance in athletics said Johnson. "You can see it in our live in Palos Verdes Estate. California. where, for the first time, he re- reaction to the TSSAA ruling." Weology ceived recognition for his excellent The ruling, passed by the Tennes- '46 performance. "Having that positive see Secondary Schools Athletic As- The Rev. Arthur Freeman, T, and his wife. feedback from coaches, teachers, sociation, requires independent '31 Eugenie, celebrated their fiftieth wedding an- the helped and newspapers me to schools to register all athletes who niversary in April of last year. On April 1 of The Rev. Eldred C. Simkins, T, writes, establish myself as a human being receive financial aid. Any team last year, they celebrated the first anniver- "Unhappy about the way the < 'liurcli is going who was worth something." In time having more than specified sary of Holy Cross Church (formerly Trinity a num- rather has gone—almost everything 1 was Churchl in Hayward, California. he found himself supporting many ber of players on scholarship is taught and have taught is being or has been of the school's philosophical tenets. barred from post-season play-offs "Like the honor code," he ex- and championship competition. '48 plains. "I never had that before. With nearly 50 percent of its stu- '33 The Rev. William J. Fitzhugh, T, retired January 1, 1982 He is presently assisting part Everyone had a copy in a little dents on some type of financial aid, The Rev. Charles D. Snowden, T, C'31, time at Christ Church in Little Rock, Arkan- black frame that hung on the wall." St. Andrew's-Sewanee found most of wife, and his Pauline, own a small three-bed- sas. He is also serving as a supply priest on Thus, it is not surprising that Bill its teams exceeded the Association's room house on the waterfront in Royal Oak, Johnson found himself almost un- limitations. Maryland. He also has a boat for cruising on the Miles River. He serves as a supply priest wittingly drawn into life at St. An- "Rather than tell a student, 'You for local clergy during vacations and emergen- '49 drew's-Sewanee School, Bill where can't play,' and rather than change The Rev. Donald H. Feick, T., writes that Wade, a fellow Sewanee alumnus, our student body, we eliminated there is "nothing new." He is still hoping to had become the headmaster. "At ourselves," said Johnson. "We're the retire in the fall of this year. He and his wife. Evelyn, live in Chambersburg. Pennsylvania first I told Bill, 'My wife won't live only school in Tennessee to do '36 The Rev. John Speaks, T, retired two years in Sewanee! I don't even know if/ that." and now his health i- such that he does Rev. George J. Hall, T. ago live The C'34, H'50, want to in Sewanee again.' But Listening to Bill Johnson talk, occasional supply work. He is traveling, doing writes. "It was great to be back for the fiftieth when I got here and saw the enthu- one recalls the old saying, "It's not research on some things for which he never and to be at Chapel where I served for four had the time before, and gardening. He and siasm of the parents, board mem- whether you win or lose, it's how his wife, Martha, live in Edgewood, Kentucky. bers, and kids-—especially the you play the game," for it expresses The Rev. Dr. Emmett Moore Waits, T, is kids—for what was going on, I lost his vision of the school as a whole. '38 the director of pastoral care and medical social a lot of my skepticism." "I want us to be a community that work at Gaston Episcopal Hospital in Dallas. The Rev. Lee A. Belford, T, C'35, writes What Johnson saw is a school moves out of a tradition of Chris- Texas. that he is sorry to hear about Sewanee's tian morals in where students still learn self-re- the way it deals with weather disaster and said that "such disasters spect and integrity, where the youngsters—and their parents never occurred when Southerners voted for '50 Democrats." honor code is still alive, and where and in the way it grows. I feel called The Rev. Canon Fred J. Bush, T, has re growth is occurring on a daily basis. here. God wants me here. Some- tired after nineteen years as archdeacon and canon to the ordinary. Diocese of Mississippi As a member of the school's Ad- times I don't know why, but it's ab- '40 He also served as secretary for the Diocese of ministrative Team (affectionately solutely wonderful." The Rev. Alfred P. Chambliss, Jr., T, re- Mississippi for twenty-eight years. dubbed "the A-Team"), Johnson has tired from active ministry in 1977. He has watched SAS achieve in four short Terri (Sutton) Mathes. C'82, has been supply priest in Upper South Carolina and Western North Carolina. He has baptized '51 years what many had thought was recently become coordinator ofpub- his seven grandchildren. He is still active, as The Rev. Charles I. Penick, T, is the rec- impossible. Since his arrival in lic relations at St. Andrew's- he is the treasurer of the local parish in Sal- tor of the Church of the Good Shepherd in 1983, Johnson has seen the school's Sewanee. uda, North Carolina. Rocky Mount, North Carolina. He and his wife, ClassNotes Weology

Nancy, have three children and two grand- Suffolk University); und attorney-advisor children. He has been serving at Rocky Mount Bishop the U.S. Office of Hearings and Appeals states Presiding Nominee for twenty years and that he is happy the Department of Health and Hu and healthy. Services. '52 '62 The Rev. William M. Bayle, T, has retired William Sims Brettmunn, T, C'58, with after serving as rector of the Church of the his wife, Lee, lias moved back South as the Transfiguration in Buffalo. New York, for Episnmal chaplain at North Carolina Slate twenty-one years. He is still servmn .is inter- University. He is also the director of continu- mittent chaplain at Veteran's Medical Center ing tdmatii'll for cliT^'V and laity m tile Dio- in Buffalo. cese of North Carolina." The Rev. M. A. Rohane, T, has taken med- The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas. Jr., T, C&5, ical retirement after thirty-two and une-half has recently become a member of the North years in the ministry. Carolina Society or The Cincinnati and has The Very Rev. Lewis Hodgkins, T, lust heen appointed lis chaplain He is also a tinues to serve as dean nl ihe Clearwater De- member of the Society of Colonial Wars in anery' in the Diocese of Spokane. He has shared South Carolina and the St. Andrew's Society papers on the "Baptism. Eucharist, and Min- of Upper Smiih Carolina He is a non-.slipen-


'53 lll Q -.t„„ l ,„„n-s which sunn- scholars hebeve The Rev. James T. Alves, T, C'49, is cel- will "mark the beginning of a renaissance in ebrating his thirtieth vear of ordinal ion and marriage in 1985 His son, Robert, C'81, is have long vearncd to examine, " according I" married to Polly Barclay, C'82. His daugh- Dr. John Blassingam. The Lucas's thud child, ter, Mary, C'84, is working in the Washing- Jr.. on August 17. winch will be the first wed- The Rev. Edwin C. Coleman, T, has joined ding among their four children, the staff of St. George's Church in Nashville. He recently ended a tenure of twenty years as '64 rector of St. Michael's Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The Rt. Rev. Edmond Lee Browning, bishop of Hawaii, C'52, T'54, is one The Rev. Onell A. Soto, T, is heginnine. Episcopal Church Cen- of two Sewanee graduates nominated for Presiding Bishop to be elected his eighth year at the

ter as mission informal ion officer in I he World this fall at the General Convention. '54 Mission Unit. He is publishing IV'orW Mismoii Charles Stough, C'51, T'55, Chancellor Browning, along with Furman News and Anfthcanos la new mission newslet- of the University from 1979 to 1985. are two of the four candidates se- ter in Spanish which goes to twenty-four coun- lected by the Joint Nomination Committee for the election of Presiding tries!. He travels overseas regularly and was e Cuba 'along with bis Bishop. The other two candidates are William Carl Frey, bishop of Colo- '55 rado, and John Thomas Walker, bishop of Washington. Bishop Browning served parishes in Texas prior to volunteering for an extensive visit to the Middle ICasi this ve.u The Rev. Robert F. Butehorn, T, is an Souls' in wnles, 'Lite is great and I thank

ClassNotes geology / College

The Rev. Robert D. Keirsey, T, is the rec- '84 watching the storms come rolling in on their tor of St. Andrew's bv-lhe-Sea (Pacific Beach I, way east to the desert — and eventually to cofEastCarolir San Diego, California. He and his wife, Kris, The Rev. Denny Altman, T, is the vicar of Sewanee. All our children are grown up and hove two children, a daughter, Alaska, age 5, All Saints' Church, Inverness and St. Thom- married, living in California, except my son '68 and a son. Ian, age .'), Kris is in graduate school as's, Belzoni. He lives in Inverness, Mississippi. (same name) now an LA. Times correspond- at San Diego State University. The Rev. Ralph Brown, T, was ordained ent in Bangkok. Barbara's son is an interna- The Very Rev. Chester D. F. Boynton, T. The Rev. D. Joseph Rhodes, T, is still at deacon by the Rt. Rev. Craig Anderson on Feb- tional auto racing driver. Each night we put C'53. has served us dean of ihe Elgin Deanery St. Christophers in Sumter, South Carolina. ruary 19 of this year at Christ Church in the t there in the Pacific." since 1978 and has been rector at St. James's He and his wife, Tina, have added two chil- Chamberlain, South Dakota. Church in Dundee. Illinois, for over twenty- dren to the family -ime leaving Sewanee. Sta- The Rev. Helen Ludbrook, T, was or- seven years He mul his wife, Margot, became cey Leigh was born in February of 1983 and dained in March at the Feast of the Annuncia- grandparents in November of this past year. Ansley Kay was born in March of this year. tion at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Creve '27 The Rev. Alfred Scogin, T, is currently Coeur. Missouri. rector of St. Alban's Church in Monroe, The Rev. Don Nesheim, T, was ordained Ralph Speer, Jr., C, writes that his wife, Georgia. 79 and installed as the sixth rector of St. Kath- Melanie Holt Speer, died April 1 of this year \ book written by The Rev. James M. Bar- erine's Episcopal Church in Martin. South Da- at the age of 72. Diaconate nett, T, The A Full and Equal Or- kota, on December 21 of last year by The Rt. Thomas R. Waring, C, is living in retire- '69 der, published originally in 1981 by the Rev. Craig B. Anderson, T'75, Bishop of ment after fifty years in newspaper work and The Rev. David A. Elliott, T, C'81, is the Seabury Press, is now being published by South Dakota. continues to contribute a Sunday story every Winston-Seabury and continues to be used by rector of St. James's in Greenville, Missis- The Rev. Laren R. Winter, T, is the as- week to the The News and Courier (the South 's those interested in the renewal of the diacon- sippi. He and his wife, Gay. have four chil- sistant rector at the Chapel of Our Savior in oldest daily newspaper). His health is good dren. David Elliotl IV is with Clothiers and ate in the major liturgical churches. Colorado Springs, Colorado. and his interest in Sewanee still warm, he Company in Jackson, Mississippi; Cynthia, The Rev. Edwin M. CoxPena, T, was or- C'82, will enter law school this fall; Duncan dained as a priest in October of last year at St. graduated Inun Sfwanee in May, and Michael Stephen's Church in Boise, Idaho, by the Rt. plans to enter Sewanee in 1986. Rev. David Birney He is the associate rector of St. Clare and Francis churches in Boise, and he is on the road every weekend to various '70 churches throughout the diocese. His wife, College Ann, T'82, will attend BACAM this spring to The Rev. James Cullipher, T, is present t working at Christ Church in Greenville. Smith enter the deacon training program She is fin Carolina He is the assistant to the rector in ishing work on her B.F.A. and beginning an The Rev. H. N. Tragitt, Jr. Dallas. Texas 75219 charge nl evangelism and spiritual nurture. M.S.N. 16 P.O. Box 343 He and wife, Annette, have developed a bian- Sheridan, Montana 59749 Maurice Brooks, C, has been involved in nual Chrishan-Jungian conference entitled '80 the practice of law for fifty-five years and is "Journey into Wholeness." an active member of the Bar Association in Wendy Williams-Spalty, T, married Ken- Texas and the District of Columbia. He is for- neth L. Spalty in June of last year She is in '75 mer assistant director of Airports Civil Aero- her third year at St. Paul's in Rochester, New nautics Admmi-t ration He is a former member York, as assistant for program and education ol the IV\,i- Judicial Council. ie Diocese of the Rio Grande His wife, Charlotte, is on an extended sabbatical after '81 working -even years as a psychiatric nurse in The Rev. Timm G. Engh. T, was recently Edward W. Watson '30 Srut, Tenn> <:i7:i75 appointed the rector of St. Christopher's in , Thomas E. C, reached the age The Rev. Paul D. Martin, T, and his wife, Elizabethtown, North Carolina. He will be Hargrave, T. N. E. Greville, of 85 in October ot laM year and celebrated hi.- C, Chris, have three children. Selh. 5; Silas, 3: continuing as the rector of Christ Church in reached tiilth wedding anniversary in December of last the mandatory r and Omega, 1 He is the voulh minister at St Hope Mills. North Carolina. He and his wife, University Wisconsin, year. He works everyday from 9:30 to 6:00 and of he and his wife, Flor- John'.- Episcopal Church in Charlotte. North Ann. have l wo daughter-. Saudiann, A'80, to he hopes to continue until he gel.- to thinking ence, moved Charlottesville, Virginia, near ilina. He writes. "Hobbies or snow skiing, and Tracy Winn, Tracy Winn will graduate relatives. "fuzzv!" He writes, "As agent lor the Class of Even though he has no official con- kayaking, and goll dnminale my rum-working from Pembroke Stale University in May of nection with the University 1921. it has been a real pleasure to stay in of Virginia, he is this vear. Saudiann is employed bv the Navv an "honorary" member of the Division of Par- at Cherry Point NAS. Havelock, North contact by letter and telephone with members apsychology, Department of Psychiatry and Carolina. of my class and recall the good old days at '77 has the use of an office in a university build- The Rev. John R. Throop, T, has entered ing. He adds. "The Department of Psychiatry The Rev. John H. Elledge, Jr., T, is rector a D.Min. program at Fuller Seminary in Pas- of Si Lukes in Phillipslmrg. is supported by a bequest from Chester Carl- New Jersev. adena. California, and goes to California from son, inventor of Xerox—not by state funds." The Rev. Ronald N. Johnson, T, is the his Chicago home every nine months for '22 chapjain for the First James Asa Bray Haggart, C, was recently Brigade. Fourth Infan- classes. He has also finished his first book imechanizedl. made a member of the Sons of the American He has recently which is to be published in early 1986. Alexander C. Sessums, C, received a M.A. Revolution, been selected to be promoted to major. He and as a descendant of Capt. Asa Bray degree at the University of North Carolina at his wife. Johnnie, and their children. Tanya of Westport, Connecticut, who fought in the Chapel Hill. He served as an instructor of i Rebecca, are living in Colorado Springs. '82 Burgoyne Campaign, where the Revolution- English at Johns Hopkins. He later became Colorado ary army won their first decisive victory of the Ann Adair CoxPena. T, will attend BA- arts editor at a major metropolitan paper and The Rev. Richard Staats. T, is in his fourth CAM this spring to enter the deacon training later Washington news editor in New York. year as rector of St. John's Church in Hermis- program. She is finishing work on her B.F.A. He then wrote and edited public relations ma- ton, Oregon. He and his wife, Lori. have three and beginning an MSN. She is living in Boise. terial for a PR firm in Chicago. He retired in children Stephen is in kindergarten, David is Idaho, with her husband, the Rev. Edwin M. 1970 from the Office of Planning and Devel- '31 being a typical two-year-old. and Mark cele- CoxPena, T'79. opment at Northwestern University after ten brated his first birthday on May 6. Lori has The Rev. C. Gregory Hein, T, is the rector years and then served as a librarian at "r- Norman Dumble, C, is in residential con- been bitten by the ski bug and spends one day of the Church of the Holy Cross, Stateburg, emarkable" village library in Rensselaerville, struction and writes, "You should have taught a week on the slopes. Richard is busy with the South Carolina. He has served at Stateburg New York for eight years. parish and the Diocesan Standing Committee. since November of last year. He is serving on Edward W. Mellichampe, Jr., A'27, C, The Rev. Tim E. Vann, T, his wife. and the Diocesan Committee on Evangelism and writes, "I am retired from government service, Cindy, have two daughters. Lisa, 2Vi and Renewal for the Diocese of South Carolina. living alone, and I am in reasonably good Sarah. 7 months. He writes. "One of the ad- The Rev. Mary Margaret Muelle, T, is '25 health." He is living in Hillings, Montana, vantages of serving in a diocese with a small serving as assistant rector at Christ Episcopal The Rev. Charles D. Snowden, C, T'33, number of clergy is being able to work with Church in San Antonio, Texas. Lemuel Augustus Smith, Jr., C, retired and his wife. Pauline, own a small three-bed- well as ministry. parish from the Mississippi Supreme Court in July room house on the waterfront in Royal Oak, ablet •inga '83 of 1983. He and his wife. Chesley Thorne, are Maryland. He also has a boat for cruising on berof the larger diocesan family I would note living in Jackson, Mississippi. the Mites River. He serves as a supply priest t Bishop Craig Anderson, T'75, is a great The Rev. Caryl Altizer, T, who has been for local clergy during vacat ions and emergen- et to the Diocese of South Dakota, bringing curate at the Church of the Holy Cross in cies, and he serves on one or two diocesan ny gifts for ministry to the Church." Trussville. Alabama, since her ordination last 9 nCW Porter Ware summer, became interim priest at St. Mi- £l\JSewan<\'. Tcnnr- '78 chael's Church in the Huffman section of Bir- mingham in March. Eugene W. Muckleroy, C, is eighty-two The Rev. Robert P. is Henley, T, the chap- The Rev. Rick Benson, T, is director of years old and lives by himself in Tenaha. Texas. ain at Charlotte, North Carolina, Memorial campus ministries for the Diocese of West He sends his hello to George Barker on the Hospital in their two-year residency Clinical Texas and, as such, chaplain for all San An- mountain and writes, "SAE First." Pastoral Care program. tonio area colleges and universities. Herbert T. Shippen, C, is living in Os- The Rev. James D. Beckwith, C, retired The Rev. Scott T. Holcombe, T, is the The Rev. R. Stan Runnels, T, has recently ceola, Arkansas. His wife, Marguerite Driver, as the rector of St. Michael's Church in Ra- .near of Christ Church, Kennesaw. Georgia accepted a call to serve as rector of St. Ste- died in March of this year. leigh. North Carolina, on May 30 of 1977, after •at St. Philip's m-the- phen's Parish in Indianola, Mississippi. He be- Nick B. Williams, C, writes, "We live a twenty-seven years of service. As the rector- gan his work there in May. long stone's throw from the rim of the Pacific, is helping with extra services Glass Notes College

live within one mile of their house in Lc ville. Their son, R. Hill is a 1966 We have found two dozen copies James g Armistead I. Selden, C'42, re- Cecil E. Cantrill. C, writes that he has uate from Sewanee. Since the Hills' r (soft cover) of a book written in cipient of the University's 1983 "many fond memories of the University. A they have traveled intensively to Canada, Eu- late professor of Distinguished Alumnus Award, unique and valuable education." 1931 by the rope, and Alaska. Orin Moore, C, and his wife, Dotty, are philosophy John M. S. Mc- was honored at a dedication cer- assisting wild national trust interests in the Donald. If any of his former stu- emony on April 26 in Hale

Carmel, California, area—most notably the dents would like a free copy, >QQ77n>/? e[ . ftohen W . Turner III County, Alabama, for his out- Tor House Foundation iTor House and Hawk QXJ218SW Kempson Lane please send $2 to Arthur Ben standing leadership and public Tower of Rohinson-Jeflersi In addition, he and Port Charlotte. Florida 33953 University service. At the dedication cere- his wife support activities to preserve historic Chitty in care of the buildings, serve .1- doients lor the Tor House to cover packing and postage. Edwin M. McPherson, C, is retired from mony, Warrior Lock and Dam,

Kel!\v I Company and is now a visiting as- and the Maritime Museum, and contribute to The title is Character Portrai- constructed in the early and ocean research by "Varua," a ninety -three fool sociate professor at the School of Textiles al ture in Epichamus, Sophron, mid 1950s, was renamed Armi- Bui;, inline vessel ol William Kobinson. North Carolina State University. He is devel- and Plato. stead I. Selden Lock and Dam to John Morgan Soaper, C, is retired. He oping new apparel courses and participating in mod- and his wife, Katharine Cochran, live in Har- in research on equipment and automatic as- honor Selden, a pioneer rodsburg, Kentucky. He is the senior warden sembly production systems. ern waterway development and ofSt. Philip's Episcopal Church. He serves as line, have just returned from a trip by ship to a public servant for over thirty ol Norway, Sweden, Denmark. Pol and. Gal land vice-chairman Cardinal Meadow home for years. the elderly. Hejs the director and past presi- Island, Russia, and Finland. They are plan- /Trinity Episcopal Church During Selden's tenure in dent of the Mercer County Fair and Horse ning a trip this summer to Scandanavia and Lime Rock vital role Show, the largest county fair in Kentucky He Scotland. They are both retired. Lakeville, Connecticut 06039 Congress, he played a has two sons, Henry T. Soaper II, A'65, who John A. Johnston, C, received a commem- in the development and mod- central office of Pi is living in California, and John M. Soaper, orative shingle from the ernization of three river sys- Missouri Kappa Phi fraternity, acknowledging fifty Jr., C'71, who is living in St. Louis, Skubael T. Beaslev tems. The construction of the years of membership. Willis N. Rosenthal, 2281 East Cherokee Drive I. Selden Lock and C'35, was initiated at the same time. The Woodstock. Georgia 30188 Armistead '33 Johnstons received an invitation to visit the Dam from 1954 to 1957 was the Rosenthals in Cooleemee, North Carolina, near first of many river development the time of their fiftieth reunion. Selden in- Washington Frazer, C, retired two years '411 projects in which was ago when he sold his business, Auto Parts. volved while he was a Inc., which distributed automotive and truck Congressman. parts for Rhode Island, western Connecticut, The Rev. Marshall J. Ellis, C, is serving At the dedication ceremony and eastern Massachusetts. He is still living as rector of St. John's Church in Centralia. Selden remarked, "Little did I in Providence. Washington. His son, Marsh, works for the Ewing Y. Mitchell III, C, retired three dream then that many years National Church Furnishing Company. Marsh years ago after having had a very interesting later this lock and dam would and his wife and their two sons also live in life. writes, "My years as an actor and singer He Centralia. Mr. Ellis and wife, Mary, are off to bear my name. To have a lock were something that I will value. In addition England this next summer. Their daughter. and dam located in one's home to that, I have been a successful rancher, in- Martha, will be entering Evergreen College in for one and in broker, van conversion specialist, county named — vestment Augustus T. Graydon, C, writes, "My Olvmpia, Washington, soon. general manager of G.P.M. Industry, Inc., and daughter, Raven, was married September 8; I Waller B. Stehl, C, mamed his wife, Shelby, other lesser things. I have had a full life." rence and a high honor." was married January 10; my son. Jeff, mar- in May of last year after the death of his first John E. Smith, C, is a postmaster in At- ried April 10—all in Trinity Cathedral in Co- wife. He is a realtor-broker in Hagenstown, serves as a vestryman at chison, Kansas. He lumbia, South Carolina, by Dean Banks." Maryland. He would welcome hearing from Episcopal Church and is secretary/ Trinity of 1938. Dr. Walter M. Hart, C, of Florence. South classmates is now the assist- Rotary Club. Currin R. Gass, C, A'.18, treasurer of the is still working as Carolina, is still practicing pediatrics and en- Francis H. Yerkes, C. president of new product develop- writes. "I have suf- ant to the Fred D. Whittlesey, C, engineer. and his wife, Flor- joying it as well as getting older. He writes, an electrical He division or Dresser rheumatoid arthritis since age 30 ment in the Wayne fered from spent a month in Europe this past fall to "The alternative is not very good." He and his ence, Industries in Salishurv, Maryland He is plan- this has greatly curtailed ail activity Inow 76); celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniver- wife, Jane, enjoy having their daughter. Jane, ning to retire in mid-l98r). He and his wire. years. are fortunate in Tucson, last few We 7 visited London, Paris, the Riviera, C'77, and their '^-year-old granddaughter in sary. They Eli/.aheth. have two sons that are also Sewa- particularly this winter. My interests: Re- "Iti rthei . He\ graduates, Henry, C'75, and Theodore, aganomics, international relations, and the nee Both Henry and Theodore are earning Episcopal Church." C'82. engineering degrees from ( k-orgia Tech. '38 F. Rand Morton, C, is now in the real es- R.MoreyHart tate business— selling investments and also '34 5 A CiPark H.Owen, Jr. 1428 Lemhurst Drive home designing and remodeling. He writes, Florida 32507 after thirty-nine years *±Z^Dobson & Johnson, Inc.. Suite 1800 Pensacola, James W. Hill III, C, "We love Berkeley and the Bay." with Dun and Bradstreet. Inc.. retired in 1977 One Commerce Place 37239 The Rev. George J. Hall, C, T'36, H'50, to Kentucky as district manager over Ken- Nashville, Tennessee vrites. "It was great to be back for the fiftieth tucky and Indiana. Since then and until July has spent thirty years in > A QW SperryLee ind to be at Chapel where I served for four of 1984. he was with the Louisville Chamber Frank Carter, C, with computers He *±Qp.Q Box 479 of Commerce in charge of their ride share pro- banking, mostly working Jacksonville, Florida 32201 plans to sell his: gram He and his wife, Martha Cochran, have is still renting houses but two children and five grandchildren who all properties And he is active in church work. The Rev. Edward Harrtsor, Charles P. Smith. C. is the project man '35 360 West Bramerd Street ager for Community Hospital of San Gabriel Pensacola, Florida 32501 in San Gabriel, California. The Rt. Rev. Richard M. Trelease, C, writes, "With the burgeoning growth in the Peter R. Phillips sunbelt we in the Diocese of the Rio Grande 2112 Glenhaven Blvd. are Irvine to di-cnver new wavs to involve the Houston. Texas 77030 Retired but not Finished eChu. i, both c darned and non-ordained. This is an exciting Rev. Lee A. Belford, C, T'38. writes to live and its beauty is always breath- The University of Hawaii place Sewanee's Walter L. McGoldrick, C'39, has retired from the and hap- that he is sorry to hear about taking. Jean and I are grandparents the Windward Com- weather disaster and said thai "such disaster.- system, but continues teaching drama part-time at pilv so. and we do get to see our grandchildren never occurred when Southerners voted for munity College in Kaneohe. He directed the play, Heaven Can Wait, even though they are scattered all over tht Democrats." there in December of last year. He also directed the same play in 1947 St. Paul's College in Lawrence ville. Vir- Herbert E. "Gene" Winn, C, has reliret for the Purple Masque when he was a member of the Sewanee faculty. ginia, recently announced that a scholarship as director of the City of Bartlesville, Okla at the Vicarage which opened fund has ln-tn'estahlished at the school in honor He just directed Agatha Christie's Murder homa. Public Library after thirty-one vearsoi of Arthur Ben Chitty, C. The fund has reached in late April. is the presidentofThree Bee's Drip aid of one or more $25,000. Established lor the Mr. McGoldrick is the staff commodore and board member of the Ha- students annually al St. Paul's, the fund was waii Yacht Club. He sails a twenty-six foot sloop, Kipi-Kai, which is initiated by Mr ChittVs friend. Dr. Wil- moored in Kaneohe Bay, and he is involved with the TransPac race, loughby Newton of New York City, a trustee will be greeting finishers of the college. which will take place in July of this year. He and his wife, Jimason J. Daggett, C, on behalf of the club. (,Vorev Albert Woods Marianna, Arkansas. He Louise, are living in He hopes that he can visit the mainland in late summer or early fall '442hW P,-rth Court years. is still practicing law after forty-eight 707 and would like to see Sewanee again. The last time that he made a visit Albany. Georgia 31 He writes that he is still enjoying it. too. writes, was in June of 1959. Harry L. Graham, C, and his wife, Pau- to the Mountain, he 1

Class Notes College

HoOwwFim.iliin Street Hollyuiood, Florida 33020 Lightning in a Jar

Reunion Chairman: The following article consists of ex- our horses earned $1,003,000 to put The Ren Ray T Stealage, Jr. cerpts from an address by W. Coth- us in a very select group. We have 31 ran "Cot" Campbell delivered at a sixty horses on the farm in Green- Hollywood, Florida 33020 banquet for the James Townsend ville, Georgia, and we have a staff

Dr. William H. Lawton, C, is the director Literary Award in recognition of of thirty-five. We have offices in At-

i.l hlwutnrv ,.x|M.n ( .mts ;.( Uhnrle Ishnd Col- outstanding Southern writers. Mr. lanta and fifty horses stabled at the

l, , I'rmidra.T, :i.ul w;l> nam I..' I <)8J r Campbell is president of Dogwood racetracks—either Hialeah, Bel- j^P Farm, Inc.. in Greenville, Georgia. mont Park. Monmouth Park in New,l..(S Jersey, Santa Anita in California, ..rihi-cn by W. Cothran Campbell, C'50 or in Newmarket, England. Jftw

I am flattered to have been asked to In all we manage $18,000,000

reflect on a subject 1 know about worth of horses and have 150 actual investors from Honolulu to best—me—and how I make a liv- Scot- ing—with racehorses. land. And it's a big business. Like a r Cleirland. Tennessee 3731 I grew up all over this country. lot of big businesses there are at- / Never graduated from grammar tendant dealings with bankers, law- se M. Phillips, C, was confirmed as a / school, high school, or college—but yers, tax specialists, and or of the Episcopal Church on May 5. went to them all. I made a living in accountants—a side of the business a number of ways—from driving an I find unappealing. ambulance to being the master of One similarity I have with writ- ceremonies of the Cypress Gardens ers is that I deal with and depend Water Ski Show to being a sports on character traits. Oversimplified,

writer for some insignificant daily I depend for my living—and so do there was assembled one of the newspapers. I landed in Atlanta in the other thirty-five people with year's greatest fields of middle-dis- 1950 and later co-established the Dogwood Farm—on the ability of a tance racehorses. Dogwood ran an advertising agency. Burton- large, four-legged animal to get entry—two horses. One was Cin- Campbell. from point A to point B faster than tello—brilliant, but enormously pe- Now to the horse business. I grew other large, four-legged animals. culiar. When the gate opened that

up around horses. My father had But what I am really about is a day, he didn't want to run and liter- horses, and he went into the race- quest for class la hard word to de- ally walked out of the gate. Very horse business full time in fine): Quality. Guts, Poise, Charac- embarrassing! 1940. ..about a year before war was ter—Class! And it is interesting But the other horse in the entry declared and two years before the that America's number one specta- was Dominion—who invented the President shut down most race- tor sport and one of the largest in-, word class. He laid about sixth in tracks. My father, therefore, was dustries in this country is the early running Of this large field not exactly in a growth-oriented dependent on the relativity of cour- of horses. Around the far turn he business. And he went fiat broke. age, determination, ability, and made his move, and when the At that point I was hooked on race- class of these very beautiful and no- horses turned into the stretch and QG^orge G.Clarke '/I horses and never got over it. ble animals. That's the of it. straightened out for the drive to the QOlMi Marfan Avriii.e charm Mcmplus, Tennessee 3810-1 In the late '60s, when Burton- Horses have traits just as humans wire there were five horses abreast, Campbell bad started to do some do. Some are reliable, but have lit- in perfect alignment. In the middle Wilson Searight, C, has just ret good, I bought a horse with a couple tle talent. Some are brilliant, but was that little bay horse named Do- wghteenveawasa real estate broke of friends, and then I stumbled on unreliable. Some have what we call minion. What followed was one of phis. He has remarried and he and an idea that caught fire in the "cheap speed"—a great expres- the most heart-stopping stretch world of racehorses. I conceived the sion. ..Some horses can come out of runs imaginable. Down the stretch dea of forming a syndicate or Uni- the gate, open up about five they came—Dominion, in the mid- ted partnership and selling shares lengths, have great ability, and just dle, his ears flattened and his belly JohnP Guerry •acehorse. The person who gets roll on in a relentless manner until on the ground. Inch by torturous '49: Federal Savings & Limn A nto these deals 1) inch, •ananga. Tennvsw 37402 could possibly challenged and looked in the eye by he fought his way to the lead mako some money. 2) could have another horse. Then he quits, and he won that race by three-quar- The Rev. James T. Alves, C, T'53, is eel some attractive tax benefits, and 31 throws in the towel, says, "I've had ters of a length. Yod could have ?braling his thirtieth year of ordination and would be involved in a glamorous, enough." That horse has "cheap heard me in Chicago! I'll rerun that Tiamage in 1985, His son. Robert, C'81, it exciting, colorful venture. I came up speed". How many people do you race in my mind a couple of times a narried lo Polly Barclay, C'82. His daugh with heck er. Mary. C84, is working in the Washing a of a racehorse. Her know with "cheap speed"? day for the rest of my life. It was name was Mrs. Cornwallis, and she And occasionally you find a horse important. It established Dogwood William is F. Bramc, C. in his twenty-third greatly stimulated interest as she with ability, soundness, disposition, as a quality factor once and for all vear as organ isl-thuirma^U-r of Si Marv's in was one of the best racemares of her and class.. .and when that happens in the business and sport in which I Kinston, North Carolina. He is also in his sec- ' generation. you have caught lightning in ajar! I make my living!! ond year as the southern representative i if the Petty Madden (' Organbuilders. He hat. By 1971, 1 looked around, and I caught it in 1971 when I found Mrs. But—like a writer—I'm in a plans to retire from Si Mary's in 1986 and had eighteen horses and forty-five Cornwallis and she changed my game that requires enormous resili- devote his full lime to organ building. All four investors, and I decided I either had life—put me in the horse business. ence and constant optimism. For "I hi-, bods have left home—one is married and to be in the horse business or the I've caught it a number of times. the thrilling peaks of victory another is marrying this month He and his there wife. Mary Hunter, have two grandchildren. advertising business, but not both. But on August 8, 1978, a horse and are many more dark valleys. I'm His wife is still teaching in the public school So I sold my interest in the adver- a horse race gave me the greatest willing to walk through those val- and helps him at St Mary'; tising agency, and I went into the single moment of my life. leys, but thank God there are occa- horse business. Ninety-nine percent Dogwood Stable at that time had sional peaks. My life in horse racing February, of the people in the world thought I made good progress, but our syndi- has strengthened my abhorrence of Bev R. Laws. C. and his wife Katie, are was an absolute lunatic. cation approach had not been fully the philosophy that winning is the living in Houston. He reports that nothing Today, Dogwood Farm, Inc., is accepted by some of the old guard only thing. That may have been new or exciting has happened to him since his quite successful. The stable is one of traditionalists in the sport. We were fine for Vince Lombardi and Bear last update. the strongest in the world, ranking flirting with being a factor in big- Bryant, The Rev. Ed Ostertag, C. is serving as the but they didn't race horses. rector of St. Barnabas Church in Denver, Col- in the top one-half of one percent time racing, but we weren't there Winning is not the only thing; orado Emilie, a daughter, graduated from Se- (with over 20,000 stables racing) in yet. trying to win is the only thing. the nation in money won. In 1983, At Saratoga Springs that day .

Class Notes College

'50 Richard B. Doss member of the Society of Colonial Wars in 5723 Indian Circle South Carolina mid the Si Andrew's Society Houston. Texas 77057 Hall of Leaves Upper South is Coaching ji Carolina. He non-stipen-

It. -111111111 Chairman: The captain of Sewanee's 1951 basketball team, Joe B. Hall, C'51, has Richard B. Doss retired from the most prestigious head coaching job in the country, cen- 5723 Indian Circle ter stage and hot seat at the University of Kentucky. Houston, Texas 77057 Coach Hall ended a nineteen-year college coaching career which in- George T. Clark, Jr., C. and his wife. Libby cluded a national championship in 1978, three appearances in the have two sons, George III unci Hill George III NCAA final four, one National Invitational Tournament title, and eight

graduated from the University of North Car- Dr JohnHlassingham The Unas'-, third , Inl.l SEC championships. His overall coaching record is 373-153, and his re- olina at Chapel Hill Medial School in May. Margaret, « ill marry Wavnc laawiord Lopcr, cord at Kentucky is 297-100. Bill graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in L984 Jr., on August 17. which will he the first wed- and manages a restaurant in Chapel Hill. Recruited to play basketball at Kentucky. Hall stayed two years with George, Jr., is practicing law specializing m one of Adolph Rupp's better teams before transferring to Sewanee to Claiboume W. Patty, Jr., C, has served Admiralty law, and his wife, Lihby. is selling play for Lon Varnell. While at Sewanee. he played guard and broke a the past eight years as the assistant dean and single-game scoring record with twenty-nine points. director of continuing legal education at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock School He started his coaching career at Shepherdsville (Kentucky) High of Law. He and his wile, Barbara, have two The consecration service for the School, later taking head coaching jobs at Regis College in Denver and children. Clay III, 14, and William Jordan, 9, Rev. George L. Reynolds, C'50, Central Missouri State before succeeding Rupp at Kentucky following bishop-elect of Tennessee, is the 1971-72 season. scheduled for June 15 in All Hall has been a rare success at following legendary coaches (in his Saints' Chapel, Sewanee. case Adolph Rupp). It was reported that even Kentucky's president Otis Singletary tried to persuade Hall to remain in his job. Coach Hall said he never intended to coach longer than this. Jnmes Y. Palmer, C, is the vice-president and branch manager of I'niclenliiii-Bache at their Jackson, Mississippi, office. John F. Pontius, C, is an alcoholism fam- since 1978 and has been rector of St. James's things for us in enrollment as director of ad- ily counselor at Meadows K-'un'ery Center in Church in Dundee. Illinois, for over twenty- missions. Jay's son, Albert, is a member of our The Very Rev. Allen L. Bartlett, Jr., C, Gambrills, Maryland. He was recently ap- seven years. He and his wife, Margot, became class of '85. Terry Bonner, C'75, recently writes, "This old Cathedral (oldest church in pointed to the Mayor's Advisory Council on grandparents in November of this past year. married, adds tremendous strength to our Louisville) is full of life, with a new chapel, Alcoholism for Washington, D.C., and is a William F. Low, Jr., C, is a vice-president English department." new organ, and bookstore coming in this year; member of the national Episcopal Council on and branch manager with Midlantic National The Rev. W. Gilbert Dent III, C, is the and this old Dean is still kicking, too. com- Alcohol. Bank-South of Haddonfield, New Jersey. new vicar of St. Philip's Church in Greenville. pleting a six-year term on the Executive Edwin J. Rooney, C, writes, "Elizabeth South Carolina. He previously was assistant Council and attending my seventh General continues to write good poetry. She was among to the headmaster of Chrisi Church Episcopal HmvardW Cater, Jr. Convention in Anaheim this fall." ten women featured in a book. Bright Legacy: School in Greenville, where he was in charge '57.3756 East Fairwav Drive J. McFarland, C, dropped out of the Gus Ten Outstanding Christian Women from Ser- of development. m, Alabama JI5213 independent oil lease business a number of vant Press. She also has twelve poems in a years ago. He is still fairly active and does volume entitled The Widening Light from Robert Lee Glenn III, C, writes. The counseling and is a member of the county draft Shaw Publishers. She received a lot of atten- Glenn traveling circus is moving to St. Louis, board. He just had emergency surgery with tion through the public television documen- OOP.O.BoxS Missouri. It seems one of the most -lahle ihings some complications, but is doing well at the tary, A new Underground Railroad. We are Shelbyville. Kentucky 40065 in our life has been the Mountain It's always present time. He writes, "Got big crush on my part of St. Francis House in Madison, Wiscon- great to go back and see our son. Robert, who nurse—at my age. 60—that is like being 16 sin, a sanctuary church. I bask in her reflected Reunion Chairman: is finishing his junior year." again that's good!" — glory." Robert R. Webb The Rev. Canon John T. Morrow, C, cel- Gilmer White, C, and his wife. Jo Ann, are P.O. Box 883 ebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his or- now living in Atlantic Beach, Florida. Gil is a Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065 dination in April of this year. He has served CLU and vice-president of marketing for Ben- as the rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church OJilOi efit Plans Association, a full service third party in Gladstone. New Jersey, for twenty years administrator and employee benefit consult- As president of the New Jersey Alumni Club, Tampa. Florida 33602 ing firm. Carol i he is looking for any Sewanee graduates who Frederick Fiske, C, retired in October with would be interested in getting together in the Dexheimer, C, has been active George W. his wife, Virginia, in Pittsburgh. fall. He is also looking forward to his daughter and serves in real estate for twenty-five years Sanford L. Helt, C, is the senior engineer Joan's graduation from Sewanee in May, His as vice-president of Gaslight Realtors Better at Martin Marietta Aero Space. He is living son David, graduated in 1983 He recently trustee Homes and Gardens. He served as a In Denver. Colorado. attended the fiftieth birthday parly for Nor- from the Diocese of Missouri for four terms in The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr., C, T62, man "Pard" Walsh, C'57, a Charleston sur- the 1960s and 70s. John W. Barclay, C, is at the Massanutten has recently become a member of the North geon, at hie home in Summerville, South son, Rodney, John Foster, C, says that his Military Academy in Woodstock. Virginia, and Carolina Society of The Cincinnati and has words and music and sings C'82, composed the writes. "Jay Cleveland, C'59, is doing great just been appointed its chaplain. He is also a Dr. Norman S. Walsh, C, has been a gen- the back vocal in the Pepsi Cola commercial eral surgeon practicing in the Charleston. that began airing on country-western radio South Carolina, area for over seventeen years, of this year. stations nation wide in mid-March He is active in sports, farming, reading, and The RL Rev. Rogers S. Harris, C, T*57, is spiritual commitment His wife. Marcy. is very beginning his duties as the suffragan bishop Management in Music active in the local and national Episcopal of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina. He Church. His daughter. Louisa, C'82. is a third and his wife, Anne, have recently moved to year medical student. His daughter, Anne, will J. Markham, C'56, until recently managing director of the Op- Columbia, South Carolina. Their youngest Henson marry in September of this year His son. Wil- daughter. Becky, is a sophomore at Furman era Company of Boston, has been appointed executive director of the liam, is at the University of Virginia and his Un «ty. Oakland Symphony Orchestra Association. other son. David, will enter Duke University Barrie K. Trebor-MacConnell, Comdr., Previously he worked with Beverly Sills for four years as director of in August. USN, C, and his wife, Jeanne, opened the doors finance at the York City Opera. Mr. Markham was of their new business. The Property Man- business and New City Opera, agers, in March of this year. Jeanne is presi- responsible for a major financial turn-around at New York San Francisco. He recently developed a new dent and principal broker. They manage 315 including the addition of its summer festival season. total hip called the B.D.H, Hip. He and his and res- accounts for investors in commercial Before entering the performing arts management field in 1980, he wire. Elizabeth, have five children ranging in idential real estate. from 1 to 12. had a distinguished career in music publishing. He was vice-president age The Rev. William E. Pilcher III, C, writes, worked with the "Enjoying life in North Carolina." He is work- and director of publications for Theodor Presser, and ing part-time as an Army Reserve chaplain. firms of Carl Fischer, Boosey & Hawkes, and Editions Salabert. While heart He writes, "Continuing warm spot in my in music publishing, he also worked closely with composers Aaron Cop- land pocketbook) for Sewanee." land, Lukas Foss, Vincent Persichetti, and Ned Rorem. Originally from Jacksonville, Florida, Mr. Markham graduated with Mike Veal, C, and his wife. Bonnie, h returned to the Washington, D.C.. area a ? James H. Mcintosh, Jr. honors in history from Sewanee. He has been director of the Music Pub- C Q living in San Antonio for two years. He is Route 7 lishers' Association and trustee and treasurer of the Church of St. Mary DO corporate director for service contracts Russeltvilie, Alabama 35653 the Virgin, New York. His early musical activities include piano, harp- General Dynamics and his wife. Bonnie sichord, organ, and tuba, and he has played double bass with the Jack- starting her own business in wholesale sonville Symphony. QassNotes College

C, is the senior 9f+f*Jnhn DaxPeake.Jr. >£0'>r Charles 7'. Cutlen Ravdon E. Alexander, K)^dlil Sliady Brook Lane horticulturist and assistanl manager at Mil- 0\J159 Roberts Street Alabama 36604 Princeton, New Jersey 08540 herger Landscaping and Nursery in San An- Mobile. tonio. He is staff specialist in herbaceous roses, water plants, herbs, and David K. Brooks, Jr., C, received his Ph.D. Heed Finlay, C. is the chairman of the Eng- |>erennials, rare of Georgia nf Christ School in Arden, alpines. He is also studying the poetry or in counseling from the University n Sims BrMtmann, C. T'62. i lish department the waiercolor technique in June or last year. He is now the assistant Soulh ac Noilh Cninlina He al*.. ...aches the track and Christopher Smart, , have moved back music of Richard professor of counselor education at Syracuse North Carulmi cross counlrv teams. His wife. Lucrettn, is a ol Alexander Co/ens, and the ipal chaplain al two three children. Heed. Mudge He writes that he is the "proud 'pos- University He and his wife, Bette, have I lisiihei- 'fin-, lane v He is also Ihe director of C kill. the 9. sessor of a new Violoncello." He is hoping to daughters They are all adjusting well to linn li.r CI. 16; Lucretia. 15; and Douglas. climate. This past year they have Richard Tilllnghasl, C. is leadline, at the he in Cornwall this summer. northern 104 inches of snow. There is one problem Univcrsitv of Michigan. He is presently Ihe Wallace A. "Lee" Cotten. Jr., C, has owned had .-id M. . lohnson, C, is the nr.^iil.'iil writes about; there are no Sewanee in c t he Golden Oldie- Record Shop in Sacramento, that he executive officer nf Petroleum K>|1 r nf Ih. Mf A pn.|ii-;iiii written Manlius. New York area »C„iii|>aiiv..lH«uslon.T«tBB.H Hi! titled Oar California, for twelve years. He has alums in Ihe Robert H. C, and wife, Bemie, along llnnl. s Still There (lflH-Ji. two books on Elvis Presley, Jailhouse Rock, Hood, , direclnr with Ihe Inlcrfir.l Slui.,1: four children are living in an old John M. Walton, C,A'56, s a general part- which covered bootleg records, and All with their Tros Up. which was a chronological life history. He house in Charleston. South Carolina, They are n',',1 '.'.'n'.l'l'h.- ivtmleum t'lul, „1 H. ler in Walton and of Bavlown. Texas The Walton is now working on his first series of books on operating a Bed and Breakfast in their car- le and In. wife, Sally, live in Hnusloi inceadiuslors. partner in the law firm of amity has been in the Houston area for the rock 'n roll chronology starting in 1952. nage house. He is a Sanders. C. has been Donald B. | Gihbs. and Simmons and has just been iusl sis years Their daughter. Natalie, at- Doug "Kip" Culp. C, is an attorney with' Sinkler. John.-on Attorneys He and his wile, elected president of a national legal organi- ends I be in Athens. Culpand Katby. have two children. Allen and Hamp- zation, the Association of Insurance Attorneys. ton. They live in Birmingham. Alabama. Henry A. Stokes, C, was recently ap- Dr. Robert L. Howland, Jr., C, is a phy- pointed the stale editor of the Detroit News. The Rev. Williai ?/?QJcrrv/V Summers sician in unilogic surgery in Columbus. Mis- XjOnOO Lindsay Street sissippi He and Ins wife. Rachel, are graduates Chattanaofia, Tennessee 37403 of the til I he liFM Program of the University will be celebrating their silver wife. are Soulh. They took a veor ofTin 1983-84 and r Fowler Cooper, C, and his Sanda, wedding anniversary in December of this vear Enttland. relurninc to Ihe living in Jackson, Mississippi. been They have three children; Rachel, who is a Mav of last vear He and his William W. Deupree, Jr., C, has ap- student at the University of Alabama; Re- Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 live in I.ufkin, Texas. pointed as president and duel operating offi- becca, who is a model in New York City; and cer of Morgan & Company, Inc.. an Rob. who is a senior in high school. Brittain, C, and his wife, investment brokerage subsidiary He was for- Dr. James M. George D. Johnson, Jr., C, and his wife, living in Charlotte, North Carolina. Jr merly executive vice-president and manager Jan. are •ardW Harrison, Soulh Susan Ann. are living in Spartanburg. He is practicing pediatric dentistry. He and '60 iiiSuuih 20th Street Of the Fixed Income Division. He joined Mor- Carolina. his wife have two children. Justin, 12. and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 18103 gan Keegan in 1972 from First Tennessee Bank Christopher P. Kirchen, C, has achieved Lauren, 10. in Memphis. a long-standing goal of moving to the San The Rev. William D. Evans III, C, is the Reunion Chairman G. Edmondson Maddox, C, has been Francisco Bay area about two and one-hall associate at the Church of the Mediator and Robert T Owen named vice-principal for faculty al Choate years ago. Previously, he had lived in New vicar of St. Elizabeth's in Allentown, Penn- i,s:i-l Milne Bled Rosemary Hall, a college preparatory school York since his graduation from Wharton and sylvania. He and his wife, Mary, have three Sew Orleans. Louisiana 70124 in Wallingford, Connecticut. With fifteen years spent two years m Chicago between New York children. William Dunbar Evans IV is 12; Ed- of experience as an Fnghsh teacher, dormitory and San Francisco. He was recently appointed ward Arthur is 9; and Jonathan Lee Kidd is CapL Robert B. McManis. USN, C, is adviser, dean, and coach at the school, Maddox Validec. Inc.. a start-up company twenty-five di- president of 7. He has foster-fathered about present l\ serving as commanding officer ol ihe has also served as associate director and sum- that developed a unique computerized order- children and presently has one five-year-old , '.S.S Dnhutiite (LPD-Hi. an amphibious trans- rector of the school's highly successful ing system Cor the restaurant industry. girl- port dock His wife. Sherry, and he make their mer programs. He has been instrumental in C. O. "Nick" Thompson III, C, is the man- Edward A. Francisco, C, has become a home at ihe Diihuqae'--. Immeport, San Diego. the development of new private public school aging partner of Atlaway, Thompson and As- consultant with Towers, Perrin. Forster & They have two children and both are in col- ventures, such as the Connecticut Scholars sociates, an appraisal firm. He was appointed Crosby, international management consult- lege Rob is a senior at Colorado Stale Uni- Program, which allows fifty-two public high as chief examiner for the American Institute ants. He is based in the firm's Dallas office. versity and Kulh is a freshman at California school -.Indents demonstrating a high level of of Real Estate Appraisers for 1985. Kettelhack, C, is living in Los Ange- Polvtechnical Institute. ability in mathematics and science to partici- Bob les. California, where, since May 1. 1984, he Charles A. Powell, C. is still teaching in- in five weeks of intensive -tudv al Choate served as the director of the Academy of ternational relations at the University or Rosemary Hall during the summers. In his has Performing and Visual Arts and as an admin- i will responsible Southern California < USC He chairs the Peace new position. Mr. Maddox be and instructor at UCLA. He is also Studies Section of the International Studies tor determining clas-roum dormitory, and ex- istrator the president of the Steamship Historical So- Association and is doing research on comput- tracurricular needs, selecting new teachers, of California. He writes, per- erized documentary data bases (especially and overseeing the professional development ciety Southern at Chairman: haps tongue-in-cheek, "I've given up academic Vietnam i. decision and game theory (options of the 160 faculty members. Maddox taught Reunion pursuits permanently." analysis., intelligence covert operations, and the Harvard School in Los Angeles. Califor- Douglas J. Milne and pastoral American foreign policy nia, and the Hill School of Pottstown, Penn- 2815 Eldorado Avenue was sylvania, before joining Choate Rosemary Jacksonville. Florida 32202 Dr. Samuel P. Marynick, C, recently Ralph Tompsetl Halls faculty in 1970 He and his wife. Susan, honored by being named the Professor of Medicine at Baylor University 5/?-| Robert N. Rust III a member of the school library staff, have three James B. Coursey, C, has moved to Heath. Texas He and bis wile. OX.440SKohler Drive daughters, Stephanie. 15; Jennifer, 14; and Massachusetts. He owns his own interior de- Medical Center. Dallas. children. Ashley, 8; Allentoun, Pennsylvania 18103 Tracy, 12. sign corrsulting firm. Sharon Eck, have three Murray R. Summers, C, was recently pro- William^A. C. "Zan" Furtwangler, C, is Laird, 6; and Mark, 1. William Nelson III, C, is working in the The Rev. David A. Elliott, C, T'69, is the moled to director of market research for Beck- Ihe interim county administrator of Charles- picture business in Los Angeles. He rector of St. James's in Greenville. Missis- man Instrument's molecular structure new ton County, South Carolina. He was ihe unan- motion and his wife. Jackie, have four sons. Greg, 14; sippi. He and his wife, Gay. have four chil- product development group. imous choice ol the Charleston County Council 2; Charlie, 1. Ralph "Winkie" Turner, C, is an invest- in April after the resignation oi the perma- Sean, 11; Andrew, and com- ments and insurance broker in Dallas. Texas. nent administrator. Mr. Furtwangler has William H. Steele, Jr., C, has just as president of the Kentucky C'82. will enter law school ibis fail; Duncan He is the chairman of the celebrity pro-am served Charleston County government for pleted two terms currently graduated from Sewanee in Mav; and Michael event of Ihe Byron Nelson Golf Classic which twelve years, most recently as assistant ad- Forest Industries Association. He is president of the Columbia, Ken- plans to enter Sewanee in 1986. is sponsored bv the Salesmanship Club of ministrator. He is a native of Charleston and serving as the Rotary and his wife. Sharon. Walter R. Chastain, Jr., C, is the execu- Dallas. holds a master's degree in public administra- luckv. Club. He III, and tive vice-president of Cih/ens and Southern Webb L. Wallace, C. is in real estate in- tion from the College of Charleston. have three sons, Brian. . . He is in vestment and development in the Dallas area. W. Palmer Kelly, C, has been with the U. a lieutenant vision. He His wife, Ann. is busy with numerous volun- S. Attorney's office in San Francisco, Califor- John F. Watkins III, C, is now Dental Corps. He is and his wife. Nell, have two children. Cooper. teer activities. Their son, Michael, is a fresh- nia, as an assistant U. S. Attorney on the Pres- colonel in the Air Force presently serving as base dental surgeon at age 11. and Arlington, age 9. They live in man at Duke University and I heir daughter. idential Drug Task Force since August of 1981). Mississippi. This past year he Columbia, South Carolina. Lmdslev, is a junior at Highland Park High He is hoping to be at his twentieth class re- Columbus AFH. re- John L. "Jock" McLean, C, is the area School. union this fall in Sewanee. He would like to completed the advanced clinical dentistry supervisor with TVA's office of power and en- see as many classmate- as possible return. sidency given at Elgin AFB, Florida. gineering in the Kentucky district office in G. Simms McDowell III, C, is a lawyer in Hopkinsville. He and his wife. Betty, have two Charleston, South Carolina. He and his wife. sons, Joe, a freshman in high school, and John, '64 Elsa, have two children. Jean Matthews, born '681 an E.E. major at Vanderbilt. in April of 1983. and Charlotte Cordes, born Mobile. Alabama 36607 The Rev. Grady Richardson, C,0, is chap- Bruce W. Aldrich, C, taught French at the in January of 1981. is in private prac- lain of St. Martin's-in-the-Pines ini Birmmg-Burning- Citadel from 1965-67 and fourteen years at James F. Wilson, C, and his wife Susan. Dr. Henry L. Bethea, C, Granby High School He is presently a group had their first child, a son. James Huston Wil- tice of anesthesiology at Houston Northwest Bethea. Maurice H. Unger, t completed sales representative for Peter Pan Bus Lines son, in December of last year. He writes. "After Medical Center. His wife. Dr Louise twenty-three years of naval service. He Springfield. Massachusetts. He and hi! leaving Chicago and the ratrace. I've been is in private practice of allergy and clinical have three children. Mary tired with the rank of commander. He and Ij Jeff, : busier than ever with Cushman and Wake- immunology. They wife, Eleanor, live in Virginia Beach, Virgir field in Louisville." Frances, 6; Samuel, 4; and Sarah, 3. Class Notes College

Hunter Brush In case you haven't already been told. Charles Beeler Bru C'68. and his wife. Paula, hi baby boy, Clinton Edward Hunter Brush (eight pounds, two ounces), born at seventeen

minutes after noon on March ',

iir.-ii..i Territory, (u Fairbanks, Alaska). He directed several civilian pilots with light aircraft iransporting rate official-;, mil -hers, dog toad, and vets, while the Air Flint- helicopter- and C-130's were available In case of accident to man or woman or beast mil on the Arctic trail.

The race last- the entire niouih i if March, Craig writes, "It's a lot of work but also a lol of fun!" Carter T. Lambeth, C, is practicing law in Wilmington. North Carolina, in the firm of Johnson and Lambeth He and his wife. .Jane, have a twelve-year-old son ;hhI an eight-voar- old daughter H. Brinton Milward, C. was recently named Direcloiot the Center tor Business and Economic Research at the University ot Ken- tucky where he is a proli'--or of management and public administration. Dr. G. W. Speck, C, and his wife, Iris, are living in Nacogdoches Texas. He is practicing

> and ; :olo| He and

.i!,- |. echlldiv Jesse L. "Sam" Carroll, Alumni Council president, accepts the Morgan Hall Cup on behalf of Doug Baker. C'69, from Walter BryanCdirector of

The Rev. Rick Stecker, C, is taking a sab- the Alumni Fund. Baker was awarded the trophy on the basis of his Lewis Samuel Agnew, C, and wife. Put, C'75, are the parents ot a daughter. Barbara batical leave from his parish and is currently class's improvement in giving and overall support of Century //. studying at the Episcopal Divinity School in Jo. born in March of last vear They also have Cambridge. Massachusetts, as a proctor fellow a son. Lewis Samuel. Jr.. who is 3 ' years old in pastoral theology. there is no better place for real estate right company has recentlv acquired two radio sta- Louis Russell Lawson 111, C, and his wile, Stephen T. Waimey, C, recently became a now than recently discovered Edisto Beach and tions—one in Rock Hill. South Carolina, and Kalhei me have two childteii. Sarah Waring, partner at Donovan, Leisure, Newton, and Ir- Island." one in Fayetteville. North Carolina. He and horn in February of 19HH and Benjamin Uiis vine in its Los Angeles office, Malcolm R. Harvey Johnston III, C, is practicing his family are relocating in Rock Hill this sell, born in April of Ibis year Louis is cur- Fooshee, C'18, is a partner in the New York law in Bowling Green, Kentucky, with the law summer. He is looking forward to his fifteenth office. Stephen writes that he and his wife. firm of Reynolds. Catron, Johnston and Hin- reunion in the fall. Resource Group, a diversified communica- Sharon, "are expecting our fourth child. Mat- ton. He and his wife, Dexter, have three chil- Dr. T. Ravenel Smith, C. and his wife, Sa. tions marketing management company in thew Robert (modern technology!!, in July, to dren, two boys and a girl. are living in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Richmond. Virginia He helped form the com- join Joanne. 8; Kate. 6; and Kristine, 4." Most Dr. Jack W. Simmons, Jr., C, finished his J. Boyd Spencer, C, was married Decem- pany in June of last year. W. C, is a partner with of his work is spent representing Porsche and residency in obstetrics and gynecology at ber 15 to Lois Clay of Old Church, Virginia. Hugh McAngus, Richardson, Plowden. Crier, and at- advising its legal and technical departments Charlotte in July of last year. He is now in in Old Church's [mmanuel Episcopal Church Houser torneys Col la Smith < on U.S. laws and regulations. private practice in Charleston, South Caro- They are residing in Jackson. Mississippi, in urn a. 'a roll na. He and lina, with interests in infertility, diabetic where Boyd is the executive director of devel- his wire. Nancy, have three children. Hugh, pregnancies, and laser surgery. He and his opment at Millsaps College; Jr., 5; Andrews. 2; and Cage, six months. his wile. Diane, have M. Hall wife, Annelise, have three children, Suzan- Christopher J. Steele. C, is a partner in a David Morse, C, and '69 landscape and interior plant-cape business two daughters. Tiivlor. age.'! 1 .-and Susannah. 747. Channing Drive, m nah. Warren, and Chilton. Georgia 30318 Rhett Taber, C, recently formed a partner- He also has a financial consulting practice He ship for the general practice of law, known as would like to hear from people in his class, Wiley C. Richardson. C. of Birmingham. ol Southern Living David Elwell Babbitt, C, has moved from Taber & Larson, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. especially V. E. Ham and A. C. Broders. Alabama, the manager Gallery for Oxmoor House, has been promoted his home in Nash\ die to Marietta, Georgia. He and his wife, Jeanne Eggleston. have two Jock Tonissen, C, is working in sales-em- to director of marketing Ominmr Hoase hooks Douglas Brian Baker, C, recent lv had a children. Dylan, age 14, and Katie, age 10. ployee benefits and retirement plan invest- have are published o\ Southern Progress Corpora- good visit with Lloyd W. Moore, C'69, at Sil- ments. He and his wife,! Anne, two tion. The Birmingham-based corporation also ver Springs, Maryland. Moore seems to be en- children. publishes Southern Living. Creative Ideas /.., joying his work in the Washington suburbs Dr. James F. Turk, C, is now working as at the Institute for ndPrc and living in his new home on Maryland's JohnW.Tonissen.Jr. director of education Balch 70 WOO Charlotte Plaza Ethnic Studies. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. ; the lari nal book and North Carolina 2*244 ntry. Before jc Ox- Charles H. Blanchard, C, has been the Charlotte. The Balch Institute is a museum and research I focuses on irnmigi at ion eth- Mr. Richardson was an officer printer for the Himalayan International In- library which and with AmSouth Bank. stitute for eleven years. His wife, Linda, is the nicity in America. JohnW.Tonissen.Jr. Mark Sandvig. C, is a national sales man- secretary for the board. They have a son. Had- 1600 Charlotte Plaza ager for J and W instruments, which manu- ley. age 4V4. Charles admits that they "live Charlotte North Cil ton equipment very simply and are quite happy." He and his wife, Lnri. have two children. Charles R. Chestnut, C, and his wife, Car- 36604 Katherine. age 2' • and Lauren, age fourteen olyn, recently had their fourth child. Cather- Mobile. Alabama Univ. months. They are living in Minnelonka. ine. Charles is practicing law in Dallas.

i. He* efor is a building contractor Henry M.Coxe III. C. received the Florida Doug Aitken, C, Greens; i published mv first book. The commercial property- Bar presidents pro bono service award for his the for both residential and Tradition: History the United estate. cur- uulstanding volunteer work a> an attorney. American A of He is also "dabbling" in real He is States, and Martha received her M.Ed in el- rently building houses in Chapel Hill and has Jasiah M Daniel III William P. Diggs III, C, and his wife, Beth, ementary education'' The Greens live with been accepted to graduate school at the Uni- 73 P.O.BoxM.nS have three children. William P. IV. born in 7'llor, their three children in Seneca. South Caro- versity Carolina this fall. with. Texas June of 1975; Lindsay Townsend. born in July of North lina, and welcome any Sewanee alumni. and his wife. Leslie of 1977; and another son. born in July of last John R. C. Bowen. C. Alleman. C. and her Ini- The Rev. Michael E. Hartney, C, is the had a daughter. Elizabeth, born March 25 ol Medora Krome girl. Phoebe Elaine, in last year. He is partner in the law firm of band. Jeff, have a bahy John D. Eaton, Jr., C, and bis wife. Maria rector of St. Matthias's Episcopal Church a Bowen, Smooi. I.atighlin. He serves as a born on December 18. Luisa. are living in Madrid, Spain. East Aurora, New York. He is also involved and regional s.ile- Guard and is the pres- George F. Archer, C, is the James {Jim) O. Kempson.C, has changed with television for the deal each month on the major in the National repie-eiitative for C, A. Perrv and Company NBC affiliate and is the diocesan stewardship ident of the Hilton Head Sertoma Club, wife. Millard C. and wife, Carol Rucker of Jacksonville. Florida. He and his Su- turv21 of Sea Islands Healtv on Edisto island. McCov, san, have two children, Susan, age 8. and wife, Celeste, and McCoy. C74, had I heir first child, Kevin Alan, South Carolina, He is handling sales ol beach John L. Keyes, C, his are living in Green- Kentucky. in February of this year. He was named for Kathenne. age 5. They and island properties. He writes. "Finally. I m theirtwo children live in Villa Hills. Mill. ml-, two brothers, who graduated from villi-. Mississippi, doing the kind of work I've wanted to do and Manning M. Kimmel IV, C, writes that his m "

Class Notes College

a woodstove and cross country is Kathleen (Hand) Helhca. C, and her hu; me. skiing. Francisco area Their address 26 Ramona Columbia University. They will be moving i land, Bill, C'73. are living in Gulfpnrt, Mit Mark D. Knight, C, is maintaining a small- Drive. Onnda, California 94563. August to Cambridge. Massachusetts, wbei town law practice under the firm name of Dr. Stack (George S.) Scoville, Jr., C, is he will assume the position of a Travis & Knight in Somerset. Kentucky. He now a staff cardiologist stationed al Scott Air lessor of English al Harvard Uni

and ) ,-ife. Pam. have two children. M:i Force Base in Illinois He and Ins wile, Nartcv dKal C73. have four children. The latest addition Carol Rucker McCov, C. and husband, to their family is a daughter. Elizabeth Gray- Millard. C"71, hod their first child. Kevin son, born in January 1984. ' Wllllan > DuBose HI Aliin. in February ul 'this year He was named John T. Whitaker, C, has recently trans- 1 H I I 1527 Idalia Drive

I brothers, lor Millard's wo who gradualed from ferred from Connecticut to Canada, where he Columbia. South Camtir* Centre College and VanderhiH and liked lo is currently director of Canadian operations brag about their football teams. "Accord- for Olan Mills. Inc. Bank ingly,' writes Carol. Kevin Alan, who weighed Perry Wright, C, gradualed as an R.N. in Anne Brakebill, C, has put the practice of nine pounds and I wo ounces at birth, hopes lo May of Ibis year He is currently working al law behind her as of August After two years Earlier this year. James D. Kennedy III. start al fullback for Sewanee in about eight- Villa Rosa Psychiatric Hospital in San Anto- with a medium -si zed law firm in Seattle, she .".was one of five finalists fur the Chattanooga nio, Texas. He is a single parent with two is now in the municipal bond underwriting lavcees annual Distinguished Service Robert (', Award. Stevenson, , "Tax s business as an assistant vice-president with Rohert L. I^owenthal, Jr.. C, is employed Seattle-First National Bank's public finance iy Key Hank in PitLsford. New York, as a vice- ..She s that i His satisfying" than her previous employ- uploved by 1 old classmates." lUlh-lnrSheltan She is still crazy about the Pacific Charlie A. Tucker III, C, is continuing to 76 1720 Grant iwest and Seattle and writes, "I expect I enjoy the soul h western litest vie alter five years nghant. Mi:hii.ui'i ie here forever." She is looking forward in Arizona He is the assistant manager of an urning lo Tennessee and visiting Sewa- E. F Hullon & Company branch He is also David F. Etzold, C. married the former ir the J'nsi time in four vears. Martha K. (Marty) Marquis, C, is sli engaged to marry Candice C Carrigan. R.N., Melinda Peak in February of last year. He vorking with horses and art. She and hut in the spring. They have planned an Hawaiian joined the firm of Kasco Ventures, Inc., as .and. are in Bouldei James, C'75. living cruise for Iheir honeymoon. marketing di reel or in the fall of lasl year and Gaylord Walker, C. is serving a fellowship re-elected was chairman of the El Paso City s that in surgical oncology al Memorial Hospital in Plan Commission in January of this year. He New York. York New and his new wife plan to attend 1 he class's ten- A. Roberts "Rob" Christian, C, is the ministrative manager for a small coal ope

i and practicing develop- Mike Graham, C. and wife, Suzanne lion in Charleston, West Virgin Weatherford, C'76, had their first child in an MBA degree in 1981 from William an jThe Liberty Corporation -January of this year Mike is working in real Mary. His wife. Victoria "Tory." is a speci: Dillon Mil ward. Int.. speciali/ini: P.O. Box 789 estale with the firm of Graham and Company education teacher on the elementary sehoi e li.r thoroughbred horses through Creeiwille. South Carolina 29M2 in Birmingham where the couple lives. level. They have one child. Ann Eli/abel niidon He his wife, laianne. and L. Rainey Gray. C, has been transferred to "Liza.'' born in May of lasl year. He write uldren. John. I. and Emilv, ."). Reunion Chairman: Ihe home office of Edward D Jones and Com- thai he is "out ol touch — when' is everybody'' Robert T. Coleman III pany, brokerage firm, in St. Louis, He writes The Liberty Corporation Caroline (Liljenwalll (rider, C, and her

P.O Box 789 Una, has awarded her mother a Ph.D.. Doctor husband. John, now have i wo daughters. Then- 9rjAMarti»R dn-i-nn/l,', South f.tmlino 2WU2 of Parenting, the hard way." second daughter. Elizabeth, was born May 1 Natural Gas Company Kevin Harper, C, is selling NIKE footwear of last year Their firs! daughter. Tncia, is 2. Box 2563 Caroline is retired from to raise appan i Okla employment spending one and a ball year- with NIKE in a voting family She is active in volunteer work Dallas. Texas He and his wife, Demse, have as well as traveling abroad lo visit grandpar- been living in Tulsa. Oklahoma, since Novem- ents and other relatives in England. ber of last year. Mark S. Gresenzo, C, and his wife, Cyn- Zachary T. Hutto II, C, was recently elected thia, have son. William Victor t'resenzo. born the president of the hoard of directors of Big a July 2 of lasl is hoard certified Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Birmingham. year. Mark a internist practicing in Sun City, Arizona. tounsel of the Liberty Corporation, a holding He and his wife, Vivian, have two children. and assertive company primarily for insurance and broad- Vivian Anne, age 4'Xi, and Zachary Taylor III. Elizabeth Watt Finch, C, and her hus- casting l^ast summer, he gave the summer age l'A. They also have two dogs, Amos and band. Sumner, had their first child, a daugh- his wife. Elizabeth (Young) Adams. C'75, commencement address al Limestone College Amanda. ter, Lindsey Cargill Finch, on January 2 of I armed W\* acres o! soybeans last vear. m Goffrey, South Carolina. His wife. Claudia, Albert Linderman. C, has been chairman this year. He completed his MBA in May. They Joel K. Blakeslee, C, has been living and leaches the hearing impaired and is working of the Deaf Cultuie Ministries Departmental will be moving to High Point. North Carolina, working and skiing in Vail. Colorado; how on her master's degree. North Central Bible College in Minneapolis where he will be involved in starting a new ever, as of May. he moved to start a private Rev. The Edward Harrison. C, and his since January of last year. He is currently upholstered furniture company. practice as a massage therapist in Los Ange- wife. Teresa, C"77, are expecting their second enrolled in the Ph.D. program in communi- les received his He massage certification in child in August Their first child. John Austin. cations a( the University ol Minnesota. Teresa S. Harrison, C, and her husband. Santa Fe. New Mexico, in 198(1 and has worked was two years old in April of this year Ed is Bruce D. McMillan, C, has been a house- Edward, C'75, are expecting their second child and studied in Boulder and Denver for the the associate rector of Trinity Episcopal Church master at All Saints' School in Vieksburg. in August. Their first child. John Austin, was in Concord. Massachusetts She is a program- Mississippi, since August of last year. He had 2 years old in April of this year She is a pro- John is al Camp, C, working in Washingtoi mer analyst at Lahey Medical Center in previously spent eight years in the banking grammer analyst Lahey Medical Center in for Fe -and ( is DC. Boston. business. He has sixteen boys in his house. Boston. He the associate rector at Trinity aing public offer Episcopal Church in Concord Massachusetts. James F. Marquis. C, is the vice-president grades 8 through 10. He writes. "Boredom is writes. "We miss our Sewanee friends in of exploration with BWR. Inc.. a small public not a consideration in my life any more." She living in Middlel.urg. Virginia, with his wife. oil and gas company based in Denver. His wife, T. Wain Miller, C. has been appointed ac- Mobile!" ("73, Martv. is still working with horses and count exetutive at Chial/Day. Inc.. San Fran- James (Jim) H. Hill, C, and wife, Bobbi, James Campbell Cantrill HI, C, gradu- art. They make their home in Boulder cisco Miller was formerly with Jim Johnston had their second child last May. They have ated from Salmon Pi 'base College of Law and Pamela Mumby, C, after returning from Advertising in New York, where he was pub- finished building their house on Ihe farm in his wife. Ethyle Noel, graduated from the Uni- the Phillipines, attended the University of licity director and senior account executive for the 'wilds of West Virginia."

versity of Kentucky - College of Law In the Tennessee Knoxville and graduated with an Reader* Digest International, Barron's, and Timothy S. Holder, C, lias been named the spring of lasl year, he opened a law office in MSN in 19H;j She also married her husband. The Amalgamated Bank of New York. director of the National Finance Council for lii-nrpelowri and his wife mined him in the Rob Lundquist. that same year. He is cur- Mandy Owen, C, is working as a physi- the Democratic National Committee. is now practice in the He fall of 19K4. He handles all or rently in seminary al Seaburv-Weslern. Sin- cian's assistant for a female family practi- living in Annapolis. the criminal matters including Maryland. the full-time is working al the University of Chicago as a tioner on Maryland's eastern shore She plays Public Advocacy contract Tor this Julian Hunt. Jr., county, and nurse practitioner in the student and em- and coaches soccer sings in a choral arts choir, G. C, and his wife. Helen, his wife handles most of the civil matters plan to move to a new house in Greenville, They ployee health clinic. runs, bikes, and is learning lo sail She invites are living in Georgetown. Kentuckv Lauren South Carolina, at the end of May. They went (Recknagel) Liherman, C, and her all of her classmates to call if I he V are ever Hank Eddy, C, is currently a "public de- husband. Marc, C*74, have a baby boy. Jon- the area. lo Aspen in March and Paradise Island and fender with the Kentucky Department of Caneel Ray in April. They are having fun Pub athan Richard, born January 1. They are at David N. Quiscnberry, C, is in the real lie Advocacy a platoon and commander in a home in Evanston. Illinois, where Marc has estate business with the Lincola Property Marine Corps Reserve company in Lexington, been pursuing a doctorate in music at North- in Company Dallas. Texas. He and his wife. Michael L. McAllister, C, is living in New Kentucky. western. Lauren ha-, been doing free lance ed- Linda, have two children, a son. Chandler, York, New York. Dr. William Ray Folger, C, is working with itorial work for a publisher of language and who is 3 years old. and a daughter, Caroline, dogs and cats at his clinic. Maibeth Porter, C, and her husband. Rob- The Cook Road literature textbooks, and she says the flexible who is five weeks old. Animal Clinic, in southwest ert D Eckinger, are living in Birmingham, Houston. His wife, hours are particularly helpful now. Allen Reddick, C, and wife. Susan Eliza- Lori. is working for an insurance Alabama. firm. Susan Griffin Phillips, C, and husband, beth, had their first child, Celia Frances Muni Kiser, C, is employed as a community Robert, welcomed their first child and son. Ro- Townsend Reddick, in March of last year. Al- Susan Carroll Unithoven, C, and her hus- n Center Sandwich, New Hamp- bin Griffin Phillips, on February 9 of this year. len received his Ph.D. in English and compar- band, Joe, have a son, Luke, born in December s feed- She would like to hear from alumni in the San ative literature in May of this year from of 1984. r

Class Notes College

irj QThomas Johnston by TVA as a forester at Land Between the Madison. Wisconsin, where he will be an as- t OP.O.Box999 Lakes, in Golden Pond. Kentucky, since Oc- sistant professor in I lie University of'Wiscon- .S.,,,1/, Cominui L"J-/iy tober of 1983. sin, math department. She will continue to John F. Riddell, Jr., C, was recently pro- write. She asks. "Any Sewanee alumni in moted from national sales manager to vice- 'Q1 Caroline Hopper president of sales He is working for Wild O J. 713/J Edison Slnvl Heerbrugg Instruments, Inc. The industry- William W. Koch. C, married Laura leading Swiss company manufactures high Avenue North in Na-hvillr She held a "Hang- (Squires! on February 17 of this year in Mar- precision instrumentation for surveying, map ing Out the Shingle" celebration on March I Mnrthn Bis ina del Rev. California 1'hev honeymooned in making, global positioning systems, and con- "Trip" Halbknt. C. has been living in As- of medicine at BanilT. Canada, for a week of skiing. struction- He was also recently named to the pen. Colorado, all winter and plans to visit Carolina She His plan- Margaret Mankin, C, has moved back to company's steering committee lor marketing California dunne. the spring future Cravton I.. Washington alter managing the Reagan-Bush in North and South America. are still indefinite. Arts degree il

(_', is temporarily campaign in Delaware. She worked on the Dr. Earlene C. Siebold, started a resi- Marv Lawrence Hicks, C, 1982 SI h

'• Valley. Arizona, while she is taking Presidential I mi nut tee and is now dency in opthalmology last July and also in Green Lurers Honovi University of Arizona in in a temporary position at the National En- bought a bouse. He is slaying busy with bis science classes at the porate trull school next fall She IRowcliffel, < dowment for the Arts. studies and fixing up bis house. He is slill preparation for nursing nursing school Sandra Louise Mitchell, C, married Dr living in Rochester. New York. is still undecided as to which mew's LpiMoj Bruce Woodward in October of last year. He Dr. James R. Shears, C, is in Charleston, she will attend. are members, commercial teaches at the inivci -Mv ol Nevada-Reno. She Jouth Carolina, doing his orthopedic Ben [, Jackson, Jr., C, is a James Lee live in Ml. officer at Marine Midland Bank in ned Kli/aheth Forbes "Lizzie" Loughlin. is a Ph.D. candidate in biology at the Univer- He and his wife, Gaylc, banking City. C'83, 16. Thev are In [ngon Lookout sity of New Mexico-Albuquerque. Pleasant. South Carolina. New York February Tennessee. C. Harris Myers, C, and his wife, Eliza- Allen and Wickie (Fort) Bridgeforth, C, Michael Lee Pittman, C, has been tempo- Mountain. graduated i.i May from beth, are expecting their first child in write lhal thev "are alive iharely' and living rarily assigned by his company to Muscat, Mark C. Clarke. C. medical school I 'baric- Suiilb Carolina, and September. tifvou can call it that) here al the edge of the Sultanate of Oman. Delta with a two-year-old named Fort and an Mark and Susan Pryor. ("HO, were blessed unnamed due in April." They are living in March 15 with the birth of a son. Wheeler Cosr Yazoo City. Mississippi. Hunt. Home is in Chamblee. Georgia. John S. Penn, C, is a faculty member of Katherine "Dale" Raulston. C, is slill the Baylor College of Medicine. He has re- working al Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Con- cently presented papers in Capri. Italy, and trol Center in i'almdale, California. She is now Alicanle. Spain Symposia (or the coming yea a fully cert died radar t rail ic control specialist, that he will be participating in will include after two and one-half years of challenging Hungary and Japan He asks that any Sewa- training In her spare lime, she rides her horse. .Reunion Chairman: nee alumni going through the Houston area Janet A. Kibler sav "hello." 112 West 72nd Street, Apt. 10B John Saclaridcs, C, is working for Cold- 10023 New York, New York well Banker Real Estate Services in apart- Nashville office. tell as at t Tara Seelev Mary Beth Foster Berry, C, will finish her ment brokerage in their He then volunteer rescue squad in Richmond. Virginia '79 1917 Adehcia Avenue master's degree in marriage and family coun- and wife, Mary B., C'81. were expecting is a third firsi of May. B. is Laurel Harkness, C, currently Nashville, Tennessee 371212 seling in August. She is also doing crisis preg- first child around the Mary medical student at Washington Univer- nancy counseling with Birthright of Jackson. a commercial lending officer in the regional year in St. Louis. Elizabeth Kuhne Arsenoff, C, and hus- Mississippi. department of Third National Bank sity ' Ruth Ann (McDonald) High, C. marnei band, Bob. became parents on March 7 with Martha Cook, C, is finishing her M.A. in L. Paige Wood, C, is a legal b her husband. Bob, in Julv of last \ r Loaf the birth of their first child. Gordon Alexander. English at Ohio State. This summer, she and Fendlev. CHI. was maid of honor. Ruth Ant Susan Hoffman Combs. C, is the manager her husband. Paul Terwilliger, will move to is the manager of Universal Travel and Tours of a travel agency. All American Tours, in Inc.. of Tallahassee, Florida She asks all o Lexington. Kentucky She and her husband. her friends to call her for their travel needs Sayre. are enjoying counlrs living and invite Jonathan Jones, C. is employed bv W la- anyone passing through io stop and visit. man Case and Company, at Fl Lauderdale Dr. Marion A. Douglass III, C, is working Florida, commercial mortgage banking firm on a book of poetry and recently completed a Katherine Elizabeth McWhorter. C, ii research paper on "Schizophrenia as Meta- currently employed by U.S. Senator Dame phor" He is joining the Air Force as a psychi- Patrick Moynihan of New York as his assist ant correspondence supervisor. Ltjg. Barry Philip Goodwin, C, is a pilot Mallorv Nimocks. C, ii on Exxon diatrlb in the Navy and is living in Brunswick. Maine. ulor in Forrest City, Arkansas Hi enjo] Addison Hosea III, C, has taken an "early hunting and fishing. He al-o like- i.. -ee Si- retirement " from K-mart and is now in insur- wanee friends from lime i ne He td ance sales. His new career contrasts nicely; it difficult, more enjoyable. His wife, is more but I. ea Helen Paul. C.I .slim Inn i Joy, C, continues to work in surgical pathol- ogy al the University of Kentucky. They are now living in Versailles Kentucky, his home- town. The only children that they have, at present, are three cats.

Ellie Scott Kirby, C, married in October of 1984. They have a farm in Grayson County. Virginia, She and her husband. Roald, are raising Christmas trees, nursery plants, and tobacco She has been making prints and paintings to sell and helps Roald on the farm.

Philip (', It bap] -Jackson HI. C,

I ol il He

After winning recognition as Junior Officer of the Year and Instructor Pilot of the Year for the Fourteenth Flying Wing. Capt. Walter D. Givhan, C'80, was named Flying Instructor of the Year for the Air Texas. Training Command in ceremonies at Randolph Air Force Base. He competed nationally against 2,300 other instructor pilots for the recognizes the instructor pilot who displays has eai award. The annual award ioulh (a She derica Wood. C, is working on her 1 the highest level of instructional ability, makes the most significant jn ACSW anc r's in forestry at North Carolina State exhibits the highest the trealmen contribution to the flying training mission, and rsily in Raleigh. level of professional officer qualities. A T-37 jet instructor pilot at Co- i MS do- lumbus Air Force Base, Mississippi, Givhan also serves as executive of- operations. nfmne^N^Tm'He has beenMmpioyed ficer to the deputy commander for -

Class Notes deaths

I he World Council of Churches and is also on '8Z the hoard on the 1'ivsidine Bishop's Fund lor With Help from Friends World Relief She admits that she is having a

Were you recently called to meet as- time commitment for Shannon, and Frank T. Sconzo, C, is in his second year of surgical residency al Si Barnabas Medical sociates or family abroad and dis- traveling between Atlanta and Center in Livingston, New Jersey. covered that your passport had Washington was routine. She called expired? You were leaving on friends and classmates in Wash- tomorrow. ington to help in making appeals to 'Q A Stewart Thomas You might have made your de- embassies and agencies. Thus the OTT202 Easl 30th. No. W Austin, Texas 7S70n parture had you known of World company was born. Lucy P. Clements. C. will be marrying Passport & Visa Service, founded by Charlotte Puckette, C'83, first Stephen Kauffman. C. in Philadelphia in the Mishoe Brennccke, C, ii June They will (hen he moving to St. Louis Shannon Jones, C'82. Her Atlanta- paying client, later became both dent at Columbia University in New York. where Stephen will In- working toward a mas- based company provides an unusual agent and account executive in At- Maria Renee diLiberti, C, is a first-year ler'sdegree in social work at Washington Uni- law student at Cumberland Law School in Bir- service in expediting passports, vi- lanta. Beth Mann, C'83, was an as- versity Lucy is hoping to leach at a private mingham. Alabama. sas, and necessary support docu- sociate with Shannon during the Burford (Bur) C. Dobbins. C, began law Roc A. Demorel, C, is working as a Struc- ments for travelors facing imminent first six months of business. To- school in January and is living in Houston. tural engineer designing bridges with the firm departures. And success has been gether they suffered the growing Elizabeth T. "Liza" Field, C, has been ad- of Howard. Needles. and Bereendoll milted to the Master of Fine Arts largely dependent upon her contacts pains of the business before Beth re- Program in 1HNTB1 in New York City. Creative Wrilmc at the University of Michi- and peers from Sewanee. located in Miami as Mrs. Stephen Scott Devanny, C, is currently employed gan under a Michigan English Teaching Ap- Shannon began the company Potter, C'80. During that time, as a sales representative liir I he orthopaedic prenticeship. The prestigious META includes division ofJohnaon and -Johnson in Charles- within a year of her graduation David Freibert, C'82, was a part- a $6,000 stipend, plus remission of tuition and ton. West Virginia. while working part-time for a travel time courier/agent, developing the fees over ten months of study. Support will Jill Galloni. C. of Jacksonville. Florida, re- continue with .i teaching asMstantship the fol- agency. Her first opportunity was a Washington network. cently leR the New York Times after a stint lowing year. In her Sewanee days. Liza twice seemingly impossible situation: April, as a governmental affair- reporter for the pa- By 1984, the business be-, won the undergraduate poetry contest. per's Fernandma Beach syndicate to become thirteen missionaries from North gan to show signs of viability. Shan- Thomas H. (Trey) Greer III, C, is working an editor and communications specialist in the Georgia en route to India asked if non contacted several other hard on a PhD in computer science at the public relations and advertising section of the their Mastercard would be all right Sewanee graduates to assist in op- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. South Central home office or Prudential. Be- He is looking forward to his marriage to instead of their Visa, not realizing erations: in New Orleans, David fore leaving the Timet, she won second place Joanne Raulerson, C'85, in June in Bartow, that an embassy-issued visa is nec- in the investigative news series category of Sherar, C'82; in Washington, John Florida, and to their honeymoon by bicycle in the 1983 Florida Press Associations Awards. essary to enter India for any pur- Hutchinson, C'84, and Scott Jamie- England. Ann Hightower. C. is working for EDS pose. After a heroic effort, including son, C'83; and in New York, Miami, and living in old town. Alexandria. Virginia. many calls to Washington for as- and Houston, several mutual She writes ihal Catherine Kcvser.C, is back sistance, she was successful in pro- in Washington, DC. after being in Taiwan. friends among Sewanee classmates. Steve Hancock. C, is a design engineer at curing all forms, photos, and Shannon reports that the com- McDonnell Douglas Aircraft working in the financial statements required. pany continues to grow at a re- deaths design of n new vertical lift jet aircraft. He is Such transactions became a full- markable pace. also pursuing a musier- degree al Wa-lunp;- ton University in St. Louis. We have received word of the death of Mildred Mandeville Inge, C, plans on Charles C. Chaffee, Jr., C'16, of Boise, moving to a house on Capitol Hill in Washing- Idaho. He was an executive for several min- ton, DC. later this month. She is still work- tory from Duke in May. In the fall, he will ing companies, and prior to 1950 he was a ing for Congress and is attending school at take his preliminary exams, and will start his member of the New York Stock Exchange,

test- i night. he program- thai -he de-ign- She writes. dissertation soon thereafter, spending the first the American Slock Exchange, and the Chi- Steve Johnson, C. has been promoted as "it is quite a challenge and not what 1 thought year at Duke and the second, he hopes, in cago Board of Trade. At Sewanee, he was a and t I'd be doin^ with my liberal arts degree!" Europe doing research. member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phradian. porate vice-president of store planning, con- Melanie Anne Strickland, C, will marry Mary G. Dillon, C, is getting ready to fin- and Sophenm. He was the manager of the struction, and maintenance for William O'Brien Renfroe on 6. is Woodward & July She ish in computer science al LSU t Louisiana 1914 football team and ihe manager of the Lolhrop. a sixteen unit department store chain looking forward lo starling their life together State University! in May. She is hoping to find Cap and Gown, and he served both as the in Washington. D.C. He will be coordinating and also (heir fourth and final year of medical a job in Austin, Atlanta. Nashville, or Wash- secretary and the vice-president of his class design of a new operations center. school at the University ol Missi-sippi M.-di ington. D.C. She writes that LSU was "not Mr. Chaffee was a lifetime Episcopalian. Holly E. Kay, C. is a candidate for a mas- cal Center. quite as much fun as Sewanee. but definitely Catherine A. Sullivan, C. is working for an enlightening experience." Charles D. Conway, C'22, of Winter George Washington I'niver-ily in Wa-hiiiL'- National Bank of Commerce in the invest- Richard E. Garbee, C, is the district sales Park, Florida: on March 5. 1985. after a long lon. DC. She is then ment department as the asset liability man- manager for Hayward Pool Products. He is illness. After graduating from Sewanee, he for the director of marketing within the b' responsible for Delaware. Maryland, West went to Chattanooga wh.-re he coached foot- Virginia. Virginia, and part of North Caro- ball at McCallie School for two years. He

Na v Heath i O'Shaughnessy. C. iving .'ille. lina. He writes "Graduation leads lo free time, thru earned ,i law degree from Chattanooga Alabama. yet no money—a job leads to money and no College of Laic and practiced law for two

, C, is still working a- Craig S. Wilson, C, is an assistant vice- time. How do you beat the system?" vears. In 1924. he went to Miami Beach to ngduri ..I the Lung- president in the Don Correspondent Banking De- Suzanne Irene Juge, C, is the curator of enter the real estate business. In 1927. he hut upon her third an partment al First National Bank in San An- an art gallery in Dallas. Texas. began a career with General Motors Export York tonio. Texas. in Ne* City she His responsibilities include Myron Willis Lokey, Jr., C, is working as Co. in New York, spending nine of the next out lending nking of tins joint and selling services and products lo a restaurant manager and is also giving flight twelve years traveling in Europe and Africa. banks located in the Texas hill country area instruction during his off time. He is living in In 1939. Mr. Conway left General Motors to He frequently gets together with Charles Jackson. Mississippi. become a distributor in Puerto Rico for Chev- Roire. C, Tom Hammond. C, and Buddy Elizabeth Forbes "Lizzie" Loughlin, C, rolet. Buick. and Cadillac When he retired Ortale. C'83. became Mrs. James Leonidas Caldwell, Jr.. from his business. Canibe Motors Corpora-

- Colctla A. Voungers, C, is living in Prin- February lb. James Leonidas Caldwell, Jr., tion, he spent winters in Puerto Rico and ceton. New Jersey is an alumnus from the class of 1981. They are summers in the State- While at Sewanee, he living on Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. played football, was captain of the team in Douglas R. Murchie. C, is working 1921, and OQ4639Edmondson for received the Porter Cup for best McDonriel Dough- Information Systems Group all-around athlete He was a member of the Dallas, Texas 75209 in Birmingham. Alabama He will be starling Order of Gown and Delta Tau Delta on his MBA in the fall of 1986. fraternity. He served lis president of his sen- A. Kathleen O'Neal. C. is living in Blow- ior class and a- student body president. Dur- ing his twelve years of traveling overseas he selor for senior high camp in August Amanda Rowcliffe Bell. C. since gradua- acquired a collection of African photographs Diane Michelle Peacher, C. received her tion, has worked primarily for the Episcopal School of Law in Macon, Georgia. and art objects which he and his wife do- D V M. degree from the College of Veterinary Church She is planning to enter New York She i- looking forward to returning to middle nated lo the University of the South. Medicine at Mississippi Stale University in University this fall to pursue a master's de- Georgia She writes that she "had the privi- May. gree in history She I married lege if i Crayton Larie of nu in Sewanee for I he great ice storm The Rev. Raymond E. MacBlain, C24, Nancy S. Pile, C. is living in Albany. New Bell in October of 1983. They are "both active in February. Lois of fun" T'27, retired priest; on February 21, 1985. in York in St Bartholomew's Episcopal Church in Ana Marie Soto, C, has returned from Eu- Apalachicola. Florida. The Rev. Mr. Mac- Tim R, Russell, C, is living in New Orleans. Manhattan Thev are also 1 members of the rope where -hi represented the Episcopal Blain served churches both in Mississippi Karen M. Seldon, C, is working for the Church of Club New York. Church in a world conference on relief assist- and North Carolina prior to Travelers becoming priest Insurance Company in Hartford. John C. Carr, C, received an M.A. in his- ance. She is part of the board of C1CA H Ws ,,, in-cbarge at Trinity Church in Apalachicola I


from 1946 until 1952 Aftei servingas ol Si Mark "> t|>- .pal Church in Starke .in. South Carolu

1 .1.. ,..,] . Si n, I , n hi- re- wilh the lurried to A|..,l. .,!,;,.. |., nifiSiintlirc m retired li

and the baskel Churcl

grand-on ru-d Mann Freri B. A'21. Mewhinney, C'25. or -:uihooj and he was ordained into the priest- in 1912; he then entered GTS as a member or official and a vestry member in his church Board of Governors from 1959 to 1962 and a hood in 19ti-l He served as the priest at Our the class of 1915 He was ordained an Episco- At Sewanee he was a member of Kappa Al-

member ol the SMA Committee of llll) More Men i hi] Savior Chinch from the lime of his pal priest in 1915 in Milledgeville, Georgia, pha and the Order of Gownsmen, recently he was instrumental in the estab- ordination until 197:1 when he retired from and he served there until 1918 when he be-

lishment of I he SMA exhibit m the Univer- gan leaching al SI Andrew's School. In the Clifton H. Morgan, C'49, retired forester sity Archives While at the Academy, he was early 1940s, Fr. Five began serving as a on April 9. 1985. in Jackson, Mississippi. chairman of the Honor Council, military edi- The Rev. James Sessions Butler, T'32, summer supply priest al St Luke's Chapel of After serving with the Armv field artillery tor ofthe SMA annual, and a member of Tau retired priest, former chaplain with the New Trinity Church in New York Cily, and ex during World- War II, he returned to a small Delta Tau. At the College he was a member York City Mission Society, and tireless cepl for four years in Wichita and one year in farming operation. Morgan did graduate of Delta Tau Delta. A son. Jim Mewhinney, worker for rural missions; on February 16, Omaha, he served there regularly until he fi- 19K.">. is a member of the Academy class of 1964. in Clinton Mi—as^ippi He earned a nally moved to New York to live in 1955. gta. and he moved up the ranks in the Mis- B.A degree at Mississippi College, and afie* During his lime at Si Andrew's he taufjhl receiving hi- Master of Divinity, he contin- and befriended a then ten-year-old boy. of his retirement when he was with the man ued his studies ,i| the University of Wiscon- James Agee. for whom Fr. Five continued lo agement department. He had served as a sin. The Rev. Mr. Butler served'ehurches in tie a friend and confidant for the rest of deacon and as the superintendent ofthe Sun Idaho New York, Louisiana, and Texas be- Agee's life, mostly by way of letters. In 1962, day school for his church. Al Sewanee. he f'nv bee it: the vicar of St Marv's Episco- after Agee's death in 1955. Lr. Five pub- was a member of the Order of Gownsmen pal Church in Bolton and St. Mark's Church lished a hook entitled Lrlt.-rs of,James Agee G. in Raymond in I960. He served as vicar of loFr. Five, a book which was to reveal the Allen Kimball. H'59. former member ofthe Regents for University these two congregations until his retirement agonies and concerns of the Pulitzer Prize Board of Ihe in 1973. An active supporter of the communi- winning author, as well as his enduring de- and chairman from 1965 lo 1967. chairman ties in which he served, he was a member of votion to and friendship with Fr. Five. tAgee of the Church Support Committee, and an al lornev with Kimball Dow law the Bolton Rotary Club. Clinton Chamber of posthumously won the Pulitzer Prize in 1958 McLeod & firm; on 3, 1985. in Charles, Commerce, Clinton Library Board, and for his novel A Dfath in !/)• Fainilv..\ Fr. March Lake Louisiana. He was a former chairman ofthe Friends ofthe Library Hi- served as director Five returned to Sewanee Mountain late in ofthe Clinton Community Christian Corpo- his life, and Si Andrew's School celebrated ration and a former secretary ofthe Rural the life of their beloved teacher-priest on the Workers Fellowship n| Ibe Episcopal Church occasion of his 100th birthday on October 17. 1984. The Rev. Hedley James Williams, C'33, T'34, retired Episcopal priest; on February 1. regent 1985. ,u Goodwin House. Alexandria, Vir- senior warden A,- a for Sewi i his ginia. A 1933 graduate of the College, he be- work focused on improving church relations gan his seminary studies while still a and church giving student at the College After graduating Mark Juel Volk. C'66. ownei and opera Fred B. Mewhinney from the'School of Theology, he began his priesthood as a missionary priest in New York. After a ministry of social work in Wyo- member ol numerous iiulilarv service orga- JackH. Gibbons, C2H, formerly of the ming, he returned lo New York where he nizations including Ihe Military Order of Slale Highway Department: on April 12, served as a rector and an Armv chaplain He World Wars, the American Legion, and the 19*5 in Mar-hall. Texas. Al Sewanee he became the rector of St. George's Episcopal Disabled American Veterans A lifetime Ep- plaved varsity football, ran varsitv track, Church in Arlington in 1945. served as rec- iscopalian, he had served his parish as a ves was a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity tor there until he reined in 1973, and was trv member Mr Sloekell'- son. Albert W and the Order of Gownsmen, and served as dean of I lie pniimiai Cumulation for seven of Slockell III. is a member ofthe College class the president of his junior class. those after r ;. he o of 1967. tinued as a supply priest :tod organist. He Thomas Gordon Hamilton. A'26. lormer was president ol the Arlington Clericus. a We have received word ofthe death of Superintendent of Uuildim:- and Lands for member ofthe Kiwanis Club, and a member Robert K. Vibert II, C'41, of Farminglon the University; on April 29. 1985. in Sewa- ofthe board of Goodwin House. While at Se- and Quaker Hill, Connecticut He was asso- nee. He had retired from the University alter wanee he was a member of Bengal. Pi Hi ih-d with 1-iartli.itl Electric Light Co At Gamma Mu. the Order of Gownsmen, and Phi Beta Kappa. American Legion, worthy patron ofthe (_ der of Eastern Star, and a member of the Hugh William Clift. Jr., C'34, of Jackson. Board of Director- olthe Sewanee Civic Mississippi: on April 9. 1985. He was a -emi- relired consultant for Thompson Havward Clay Johnson. Jr., C'27; on January Chemical Company ol Jackson Al Sewanee. he was a member of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity

John Bishop Johnston, Jr., C'34. farmer, cattleman, and independent oil oper- ator in Sterlinglon. Louisiana; on October 211, 19H4, in Monroe. Louisiana Al Sewanee he was in the glee club

Del Charles C. Burks, A'36; on June 1. 1984 in Knoxville. Tennessee After leaving SMA Hill Everett Pearce, Jr., CIO, member ol be .it tended the Lamer si tv ol Tennessee Jr.. C'45. a veteran the National Hille As-ooation and the Ala- where he earned a B.A. in 1940. A World Thomas D. Harrison. the Instruc- bama Gun Collectors Association and a Navy War II veteran, he was a second lieutenant of World War II and Director of tional Resource Center at the Haver- lieutenant during World War II; in Birming- in the Army He ,il-o attended John Ran- Media Landsdownc. Pennsylvania; on ham. Alabama, on February 15, 1985. He dolph Neal (.'ol lege of Law and was a praclic- ford School in the had been associated with Pearce Motor Co. m Km .ill. February 5, 1985. A vear after entering University of in 1941. Harrison ectly from her gifts. Two narlhex windows and was a member of Si. Mary's Episcopal theSouth and served both at n All Saints' Chapel were given by her in Church. A member of Phi Delta Theta al Se- Owen M. Scott, C'36; in Birminghan enlisted in the Arnn Upon his return from nemory of her rather, Charles Tyler Miller, wanee. he also was a Gownsman, played abama. on October 13. 1984. After servii home and overseas. i-Univ md her second son. Peter Charles Patrick. II. 1 II. he entered Em football, and ran irack. the South Pacific during World War World War On &Offthe Mountain An Incessant Memory

Since the death of Charles Harrison on January 25. there have been numerous reminders in conversations, informal addresses, publications, and resolutions of what Professor Harrison has meant to the University of the South. It is not simply that he was loved and revered by so many alumni but that, in the words of a member of the faculty, "he epitomized what has made our University great and significant in spite of our prov- incial location and the small scope of our operation." In the columns that follow are published four tributes to Professor Harrison by one of his former students and three colleagues, two of them Sewanee graduates The first tribute is reprinted from a column by Robert Wyatt. C'73, which was published in the Nashville Tennes- sean shortly before Dean Harrison's death.

by Robert Wyatt, C'73 The University of the South will publish a collection of essays by Charles T. Harrison, Jesse Spaulding Professor of English emeritus and longtime department chairman, under the title Shakespeare's Insistent Theme. Included in the collection are a number of remarkable essays, many from the Sewanee Review, including "The Everest of Poems," a moving essay on King Lear. Those of us who had the rare privilege to sit at Harrison's feet (I jest not; we called him Zeusi know him as the best of teachers, the greatest of humanists, the finest of intellects, and the warmest of human beings.

(Sometime during my sophomore year at Sewanee. I remember team- ing up with a fellow student over a pitcher or three of beer at Clara's to trounce a heretic who possessed the tenacity to argue that Charles Har- rison was not perfect; we were serious.)

I recall the tear in the corner of Harrison's eye when Dante and Virgil parted in The , remember his grief after the death of his cat Jack Kennedy Harrison, cherish his charge to me when I departed for graduate school. I've studied at several illustrious universities since and never met his

Memorial Resolution by Henry F. Arnold, C'57 The third quarter of the twentieth century was a great time for Sewa- nee. and for many of us it was a period utterly dominated by Charles Trawick Harrison. As dean of the College in the fifties, Charles and his close friend Gas- ton Bruton. the dean of administration, both taught almost full time and yet, with a meager staff and with equipment not much more sophis- far as the rest of us could tell, had been created ex mhilo by Charles's i ticated than the pencil sharpener, they ran the college with an old-fash- magnetism during one of those intense moments he was forgetting to ioned efficiency measurable only in terms of the dozens of flick the ashes from his cigarette.

administrators and scores of electronic gadgets that have since proved Charles's death gives us occasion to reflect on the kind of earthly im- i necessary. mortality achievable by a good and gifted member of our profession. His During the sixties. Charles was the masterful chairman of an English "dear and kind paternal image" will long be cherished and his teachings department that always taught what Charles wanted taught, hired followed by his former students. All over the United States and well into whom Charles wanted hired, and passed on the comprehensive exami- the twenty-first century there will be Sewanee alumni who know an nation those seniors Charles deemed passable—and that was never de- ethical dative when they see one or know the reason there is an 'V in tectably undemocratic in its proceedings. Charles's immense generosity "dentist" and an "o" in orthodontist" because Charles Harrison once towards his departmental colleagues, especially his fierce protection of showed them how much pleasure could be derived from a new attentive- those on the brink of superannuation and those with the fewest years ness to language. There will be Sewanee alumni shrewdly rejecting the and the skimpiest credentials, could not be forgotten when it came time blandishments of the most artful propaganda because Charles Harrison to count the votes—or, on those rare occasions when Charles might con- once brought home to them the value of critical thinking as they exam- ceivably have been on the losing side, when everyone refrained from ined Iago's speciousness. There will be Sewanee alumni dealing gra- calling the question. Privately, no matter how wild the scheme, painful ciously with clumsy subordinates because Charles Harrison once made the problem, or outrageous the manifesto a department member brought them see how Bottom the Weaver merits respect. with him to Charles in his hour of need, the chairman's prudential coun- And who could begin to calculate how much of Charles's wisdom is sel and eloquent reassurance always proved equal to the occasion. still being-transmitted almost intact by those of his students who have As great as it was, Charles's generosity towards his colleagues barely made teaching their profession? The age of a bountiful supply of aca- stood out amidst the love he lavished on azaleas and chamber music, on demic jobs happily coincided with the height of Charles's Sewanee ca- . clerks, waitresses, and neighborhood children, on Lucretius and Jere- reer. During that time, it was the mark of an inferior graduate program miah, on elegant cats and mongrel dogs and lost political causes. Not so, not to have in residence at least one student who was convinced he had however, what he gave his students. That was truly special, perhaps learned more in one semester under Charles Harrison than in sixteen even magical. How many times have we seen a freshman with a low graduate courses. Since Charles has been the dominant intellectual and predicted average and no observable aims in life beyond comfort and moral influence on just about every one of his dozens of students now safety leave here four years later with a Harrisonian appreciation of teaching and on hundreds who have chosen other professions, of Charl- truth, beauty, and goodness that Charles professed to have discovered es's impact on the academy and on humanity, there is literally no fore- already present in the young man on the first day in class, but that, as seeable end. We do well to honor his memory. change, and the rest of the weekend was spent meeting other faculty Not His Like Again members and teachers and enjoying the good life in Sewanee. Red Lan- caster was dean and also emphasized to me the crucial importance of directing my professional energies toward the men and women in my by William T. Cocke HI, C'51 classroom. Charles Harrison was blessed with a plethora of aunts. His mother's five During cocktails at the Harrison's, I found myself seated between An- sisters were an apparently never-ending source of anecdotes. One which drew Lytle and Allen Tate, drinking Jack Daniels Black Label out of I remember with particular delight is about Charles when he was pack- Eleanor Harrison's silver julep cups, while Charles talked to us about ing up to go from Alabama to Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts. King Lear. It was among the beadiest moments of my life. I couldn't One of his aunts, I think it was Nannie, took him aside and said, wait to come to work for Charles Harrison and the University of the "Charles, don't you go up there now and get any ideas." But he did, and South. generations of students and friends and colleagues have profitted from Charles represented what I think is crucial about Sewanee and its claims to distinction in higher education. His knowledge of the English I first met Charles in 1947 soon after he and Eleanor came to Sewa- language was deeply rooted in the tradition of classical study which had nee from William and Mary. As I had been a freshman in the College always flourished in the American South. He had distinguished himself the year before, the fact that I had been in Sewanee longer than he as an undergraduate classics major at the University of Alabama, but became a standard retort of mine whenever I found myself intimidated went on to Harvard Graduate School to demonstrate his capacity to by his vast knowledge. In trying to regain lost control I would call him a flourish in then, the most rarified academic setting on our shores. At parvenu. But then he would always remind me that one should never Harvard. Charles studied under the great George Lyman Kitteridge and use a foreign word when there was a perfectly good one in English to absorbed the new humanism of Paul Elmer Moore and Irving Babbit. express one's meaning. "Not parvenu, Billy," he would say. "It's new- His learning was profound and his professional preparation of the high- comer." As always, he had the last word. est caliber. Since then not a day of my life has passed that he has not appeared to Apart from his impressive academic achievement and his established me in my mind's eye to admonish or correct my words and deeds; and for merit as a literary scholar, Charles was also deeply committed to the more than twenty-five years, I was privileged to live and work in the communication of insight through teaching. He despised the narrowness light of his brilliant intellect and the warmth of his Christian and self-absorption of the current academic establishment and insisted humanism. that he would feel more at home at a Lions Club convention than he would at a meeting of the Modern Language Association. He came to t\ was a man. lane mm for/vr allcut ati uii, Sewanee because he saw it as a place where the best that had been / shall not look upon his like again. known, or thought, could be communicated on a personal level in a gentle atmosphere to men, and later to women, who knew instinctively that before they had been put to work by the great world that they first wanted to learn to gaze at that world through the liberating lenses of humanistic learning. Charles Harrison knew that his primary task was Gentle Atmosphere to be the medium by which that learning could be transmitted to his students: his personality, his character, his wonderful Johnsonian- speech.-his house, his garden, and the music he loved as much as litera- by John V. Reishman ture were to be the vehicles through which the great plays of Shake- Charles Trawick Harrison, professor of English, died on January 25th in speare were to come alive in Sewanee in his time. his home on Running Knob Hollow Lake (next door to where Allen Tate But Charles was also a teacher of teachers, and I am deeply grateful lived when he was in Sewanee). Charles Harrison, a son of southern to have served mv apprenticeship under his gentle but firm hand. When Alabama, hated winter weather, and in his old age he had come to fear I first began to teach in Sewanee, Charles was always available to tell it. It was typical of his fierce will, which helped to maintain the highest me what I needed to know. My regular routine was to ride my bicycle to academic standards when he was teaching, that he should have decided the Harrisons at five p.m. on the way home from the office, have a to leave this life before the worst weather of the winter came. He was drink, and discuss mv classroom endeavors with Charles, and then any buried on a snowy day. gossip I had gleaned with Eleanor, his wife, while Charles pretended not It was Charles Harrison who made me want to come to Sewanee in to listen. Thev grudgingly tolerated my being a Republican because I the fall of 1968 when he invited me for an interview. What he said and liked dogs, but didn't hunt. (Red Lancaster, on the other hand liked my what he embodied on that fall weekend seemed to summarize my own being a Republican, but thought I was silly to have a golden retriever professional aspirations, and I agreed immediately when he asked me to unless I was a hunter.) Charles made sure that I knew my students and teach and live on the Domain, which I had never seen forty-eight hours was pleased that I liked fraternity parties—though he appeared to be before. shocked that I knew the words to rock music. I had been discouraged at the disruption of the academic world by the The only disagreement that we had was not serious, and Charles-, .is tensions of the Viet Nam era which had finally been felt at the Univer- ususal, was right. I had ordered a book of contemporary short stories sity of Virginia, where I had done my graduate work and was currently entitled Identity, which I intended to use in tandem with Ihe five plays the English department. I was distressed by the disaffection teaching in of Shakespeare which constituted the curriculum for English 101. students and teachers from traditional academic disciplines and pro- of Charles discovered my order and trendy title at the book store and im- colleges and universities to deal with cedures and by the effort in many mediately canceled the order. (He was never one to feign democratic national crisis by turning to untried and superficial remedies. a principles or practices in the essentially hierarchical system <>( the aca- I first to teach Hamlet, a big day in the life of a young The day was demic world.) Then he came to call, ostensibly to have a dunk, bul ulti- teacher, I found the humanities building at the University of Virginia mately to explain why I was wrong to have ordered the supplementary surrounded by a chain of so-called student activists, who were attempt- text and why he was right to cancel it. His reason was thai students university to protest the war in Viet Nam. The ing to shut down the have only four years, in most cases, to learn the many crucial lessons their gesture appalled me, and I thought lack of logic and liberality in which literature can teach. In his huskv Alabama accent, unaltered by fath- I either go back to West Virginia and work in my then that would years in New England and Middle Tennessee he explained. "The faculty store, or I would find a place to teach real subjects to real er's hardware can only presentpur students with what is great and lime tested The to learn them. students who wanted tenor of our students lives' depends in part upon their teachers' unyield- I Charles in the Chattanooga airport that he I knew even before met ing rejection of the second-rate. Those stones may not prove good real those of-us who do not use a type- stood for "the thing." Among enough for them. We know the Shakespeare plays are fine. So teach Charles wrote to me in his own hand and writer there is a brotherhood: them Shakespeare." Thank God for Charles Harrison and may (hose of so a bond had already been forged when we shook I responded in kind, us who live after him keep alive in Sewanee the philosophy of literature hair-raising automobile ride to Sewanee (Charles not hands and began a and education by which he lived his t,ife. only didn't type; he drove as an aristocrat of another age might have ridden horseback with little regard for anything that might obstruct his design and with only the vaguest notion of the physical and legal re- Shakespeare's Insistent Theme is available through the I 'niversity b; Tennessi strictions imposed on others). We got out of his car in Sewanee and writing to SPO 1 145; The University oflhe South; Sewanee. strolled around the central campus, arriving finally at his office on the 37375. Checks should be made nut to The University of the South post- second floor of Walsh-Ellet. We sat down in semi-darkness (Charles was IS7.50, with 7 percent sales tax for Tennessee orders, pins $2 50 also not fond of electric lights), and he asked the only question directed age and handling). to me on that afternoon: "Do you want to teach students literature?" ex- "Yes. sir," I replied. That seemed the only critical element of our x&SewSi\ee Ngws


A new professorship is named for Nick Williams. C'26

Page :t

Sewance research has many arms. Page 8

Dean |ohn Bootv will remain on the faculty. Page 12

Check your General Convention dinner reservations. Page 15 _» M October 1985 ^K «* Wt ^ ^m^ *Qe\s/at\pe jygws

Century II Is Major Victory For Sewanee

Editor's Note: In August and has Sep- indeed blessed us this year. By (2) 2,733 alumni contributing are to reach our ultimate goal. tember, the Century II Campign definition and performance, bene- $1,724,047—representing 28 per- Sewanee's faculty, students, and moved quickly beyond the factors $50 mil- are "those whose good works cent participation for the College staff are continuing to demand lion goal. By press time the fund ex- and gifts make for the well-being of and 16 percent for the Seminary; much of one another in an atmos- ceeded $512 million. In the others." There is historic evidence (3) 332 members of the Vice- phere of common effort toward a following article, William U. Whip- of the positive response to our pray- Chancellor's and Trustees' Soci- common goal. There is r ple, vice-president for development, ers on behalf of this University; ety— those giving a minimum of of young people who want and c reviews the efforts leading to victory. there are lists and records of bene- $1,000—contributing $605,315; profit from the unique Sewanee ex- factors whose gifts have strength- (4) 197 members of the Quintard perience. Our efforts toward sus- In December 1975, 1 submitted my ened the goals of this institution. Society—those contributing a mini- taining the quality of that first report as Vice-President for Listed in the following pages are mum of $500—whose gifts totalled experience must be continuous and Development, outlining the Univer- this year's benefactors, those who $114,398; vigorous at a time when costs are sity's vitally important financial have believed in and are dedicated (5) 1,497 members of the Century increasing faster than income. needs and the program for meeting to affirming the spirit for the well- Club, contributors of a minimum of In October of 1982, we launched a them. That report was submitted at being of humanity, providing the $100—whose dollars totalled bold program—one that we were a time when Sewanee was facing best possible opportunity for the $231,611; and not afraid of, one that we had confi- some rather severe financial prob- wholesome fruition of every individ- (6) Church support totalling dence in and believed in—a capital lems that demanded a solution if ual this University serves. Only in $515,887, of which $210,514 was funds campaign called the Century she were to continue to be a center such dedication can we fulfill the given to the School of Theology in II Fund with a challenging goal of of excellence. That report was writ- ultimate mission of this Christian support of the "one percent" resolu- $50 million. Cash and commitments ten with an attitude of cautious op- University. tion passed by the General Conven- to this program currently stand at timism; it was also written with a There are indeed a number of tion of 1982. approximately $49 million and were deep sense of urgency and concern. things for which we can all be made by generous and concerned At that time, I pledged every ounce deeply grateful: If your name is listed in these alumni, parents, friends, corpora of my energy and ability for a suc- (1) 60 members of the Chancel- pages, accept again the sincere tions, foundatit cessful development program. lor's Society—those who contributed thanks of a grateful Sewanee. If From its creation over a hundred $10,000 or more toward the capital your name is not listed here, please Several factors this past fiscal years ago by southern dioceses of funds campaign—whose dollars to- consider an important option; Your year have brought us our success to the Episcopal Church, Sewanee has taled $4,340,960; help is needed as never before if we date. Last year, I reported our plan maintained both a unique atmos- to ask Sewanee's governing dioceses phere and high standards. I am con- to help identify individuals who will vinced that people today are give toward endowing a diocesan recognizing more and more the chair at the $l-million level. Such value of "liberal arts" and are show- commitments from the Dioceses of ing their appreciation by giving, Alabama, Dallas, Texas, West and giving generously, of their Texas, Atlanta, and South Carolina treasure, time, and talents. and Upper South Carolina jointly, It is a personal privilege to report in a time when the relationship be- that we have completed our eighth tween the Church and the Univer- consecutive year with an operating sity is often questioned, are proof budget surplus. Our financial secu- indeed of the need for an institution rity depends upon our ability and committed to the practices of Chris- willingness to live within our in- tian education. Several more like come; this I believe we continue to commitments are pending which we do. Let us now render an accounting hope to have on record by the end of of our success in securing these un- the campaign. restricted and restricted monies It is the Vice-Chancellor's hope, over this past fiscal year (July 1, and that of the Boards of Regents 1984 through June 30, 1985): and Trustees, that we conclude this campaign when we celebrate Foun- Unrestricted ders' Day on October 6, 1985, ex- Gifts: $2,134,944.76 actly three years since its formal Bequests: 1,444,549.50 launching. We face a significant $3,579,494.26 challenge between now and Octo- ber, that of raising the final $1 mil- Restricted lion which will successfully Gifts: $1,606,711.81 conclude the largest and perhaps Bequests: 1,220,014.54 the most significant endeavor ever $2,826,726.35 undertaken in the history of this small Episcopal-governed Univer- Grand Total $6,406,220.61 sity with only 1,100 students and an alumni body of 12,000. This is The petition of the University truly an opportunity, an opportu- Prayer which lingers in everyone's nity for all of us who believe in mind is, "Bless all who have con- higher education, and it is going to tributed to this institution; and take commitment from each and raise up, we pray, a never-failing every one of us. of benefactors...." God Continued on page 2 News

so generously of their time, talent, II Victory Century and treasure—our campaign volun- Bush Giving teer leaders. To Allan C. King, C'51, genera! chairman; the Rt. this regard, we are in the proc- In Rev. John M. Allin, C'43, T'45. gen- Founders' Day Address ess of asking our alumni to join in eral co-chairman; Gerald L. De- give this support of our efforts and national vice-chairman; University, and Sir momentum Blois, C'53, Vice-President George Bush will de- siana State campaign the kind of James W. until recently John W. Woods, C'54. and liver the Founders' Day address and Richard Southern, which only they can supply to drive Perkins, C'53, chairmen of the Na- receive an honorary degree during a president of St. John's College, us over the top. As stated by a most tional Pattern Gifts Committee; and convocation Sunday October 6 in Oxford. devoted and committed alumnus chairman Louis W. Rice, Jr., C'50, All Saints' Chapel. Another prominent government and. at that time, President of the of the National Leadership Gifts The Vice-President, who is an Ep- leader, Senator Richard Lugar, Associated Alumni, Ben Hum- Committee, we give heartfelt appre- iscopalian, accepted an invitation chairman of the Senate Foreign Re- phreys McGee, A'42, C'49, at an ciation. Certainly, the love these extended with the assistance of Pre- lations Committee, will speak in Alumni Council meeting prior to leaders have bestowed upon this siding Bishop John M. Allin, C'43, Convocation Hall October 14. Sena- his death in August of 1975: "We University in their service and ded- in Sewanee tor Lugar's visit was arranged by are our T'45, H'62. He will be Sewanee men and women permanently in ication places them for less than a day. Dean W. Brown Patterson, who was University's most important asset. that "never-failing succession." Also receiving honorary degrees a friend of his and a fellow Rhodes We have all got together with other The financial strength of this day will be Lewis Simpson, edi- Scholar at Oxford. alumni to reminisce, 'how that Sewanee I pray University is in our hands. tor of the Southern Review at Loui- great it was.' We : re all going to that each of you will join with me to have to do more than pay lip serv- the fullest extent possible in our ice. I call on all of us to give our work for this great institution, for I best in time and resources." We are wholeheartedly believe that all of Convention Dinner asking those alumni who have not us have been chosen to do His work made a five-year commitment to the in this special place. Let us trans- Episcopal General Con- University Chancellor, and also a campaign to con- During the Century II Fund into disciplined late our prayers vention in early September, Presid- college friend of Bishop Allin; and sider joining with their peers in de- service in order to claim, share, and Allin, C'43, Paul N. Howell, chairman of Ven- termining the success of this effort. ing Bishop John M. enjoy our godly heritage. T'45, H'62, was the guest of honor ture in Mission and a former senior It will be in the margin of victory the traditional Sewanee Dinner warden of St. John the Divine in that Sewanee will show its metal. at held September 9 at the Anaheim Houston, Texas. Similarly, this fall, we shall ask Hilton Towers. The University was represented those who launched this tremen- and Among the guest speakers were at the convention by a number of dous effort to help conclude it. A David Collins, C'43, persons. Education for Ministry had new generation of students—the the Very Rev. u^u.uii and Sewanee material T'62, former dean of the Ca- a display, real beneficiaries—will make their T'48, Philip in Atlanta and was included in displays about the special commitment to their thedral of St. of Bishop Allin; Episcopal seminaries and the Asso- university. a college roommate Judson Child, Jr., ciation of Episcopal Colleges. We have additional reason to give William U. Whipple the Rt. Rev. C. C'44, T'47, H'78, bishop of Atlanta, thanks—for those who have given Vice-President for Development (^Associated Alumni

From '64 Class Agent Homecoming '85 Friday, October 25 Thoughts on Reunions 9:00 to 6:00 Registration/Ticket Sales, EQB Club 6:00 Social Hour; Cravens Hall Dear Classmates (and others): my wife refused to come with me. I 7:00 to 7:45 Alumni Dinner; Upper Cravens hesitated at the notion of taking Presentation of the Distinguished Alumnus/a The twentieth anniversary of our a several-thousand-mile road trip for Award graduation was duly celebrated in a weekend, but my friend Karl 9:00 to 12:00 Alumni Dance; Cravens Hall Sewanee last October, and as I had VanDevender, C69, on the tele- 9:00 Big Band the pleasure of attending it, I am phone from Nashville soon per- 10:00 Big Band, Rock & Roll writing my own reflections in the suaded me to attend. 11:00 Rock & Roll form of this newsletter. Our class has gone without an agent since M. Here in Oxford I'd got to know Saturday, October 26 L. Agnew could no longer serve most of the Sewanee men who'd 8:00 Alumni Fun Run and Allen Wallace had done more come over as students in the late 9:00 to 1:00 Registration; EQB Club than his share on our behalf. '60s and early '70s and who now 9:30 Coffee and Doughnuts; Convocation Hall D wight Ogier has written to you to live in Nashville. Bob Black, too, 10:00 to 11:00 Associated Alumni Meeting; Convocation Hall explain that, with my prompting studied here and has been a con- 11:00 to 11:45 Alumni Forum: The Drinking Issue at Sewanee, after we met on the Mountain at stant friend over the years, as has Convocation Hall our reunion, he will be our agent to Dan Murray, whom Ihave known Admissions: Alumni Legacies? Convocation Hall generate support and foster enthu- wellsince our time at the Wharton 11:15 to 1:15 Alumtai Soccer Game (tentative) siasm for benefaction and to raise School in Philadelphia. And Bill of 11:45 to 1:00 Alumni Hospitality Tent interest in getting all to attend our Stirling remains one my devoted voluntary 11:00 to 1:00 Fraternity Functions for Alumni twenty-fifth. friends from East African service with I've kept in Noon to 1:00 Alumni Luncheon; Bishop's Common We 1964s have been out of touch whom 1:00 Formation of Alumni Parade with each other during this period touch over the years. All of these people planning to on the 1:30 Alumni Parade of transition; therefore, we all hope were be Mountain for the reunion and it 2:00 Football Game; Sewanee vs. W&L to re-establish communication Reunion Parties through periodic mailings:from now was not to be missed. Alumni Dinner Barbecue and Blue Grass under the on with Dwight's help. Please write I traveled from London to New Big Top to him in Mobile with any pertinent York to see some of my dealers en to Nashville. David 6:30 Alumni Basketball Game news, and remember that financial route in support of our old college is neces- Speights, who works Manhat- tan, met me, so we had the opportu- Sunday, October 27 sary for its well-being, the gesture nity to talk at length before the 8:00 Holy Eucharist; All Saints' Chapel of some contribution from every- reunion. Hayes Noel, there also, 10:30 Memorial Service; St. Augustine's Stone body in the class being of greater told me he was going south when 11:00 Holy Eucharist; All Saints' Chapel significance than the individual we spoke on the telephone, and I amounts. I would hope the class of to the first to get 100 was delighted learn how many . 1964 might be other classmates he had talked into percent of its members to contrib- attending as well as David. Earlier ute, unique as it is in many other I had talked to D. B. Murray from Are You Coming ways. Be reminded that gifts for lovely California who had arranged this year must be in by the 30th of for Philip Plyer to be at the June, and let's all think ahead for gathering. To Homecoming? greater participation for 1986. I got to Nashville the night My own enthusiasm for continued When Homecoming, the Van- support for Sewanee stems as much before Devenders, hosts, entertained from loyalty to my alma mater for my of tin. Sewanee friends there, the educational opportunities it af- some Jim Price, as forded me as from confidence in the amongst whom was mentioned from Search Begins new direction the University has well as friends other years. I took the offer of a lift taken in the 1980s. Having revis- Jim, again after an to Sewanee the next day with Jesse L. "Sam" Cart-oil, Jr., C'69, president of the Associated ited the Mountain good humored and prosperous as Alumni, and WilliamU. Whipple, University vice-president for de- absence abroad of nearly twenty ever, and his wife, who is Charles velopment, have announced that C. Beeler Brush, C'68, has accepted years, I was delighted to see much Donnelly's sister. They were stay- the position of director of alumni giving which has been vacated by of the best features still the same impressed the ing with Bill Weaver in Monteagle the retirement of Walter D. Bryant, Jr., C'49. As a result, a vacancy while being very by it at the Weav- feel thankful Assembly, and was office. Candidates are being sought for execu- new developments. I exists in the alumni of class the Moun- er's house that many our tive director of the Associated Alumni, the position held by Beeler for the years I spent on gathered. Brush since 1979. Letters describing the position and asking for ap- tain, and whether or not my own University That Friday afternoon was a plications will be mailed soon to all alumni. daughters attend the balmy autumn day, so we toured eventually, I propose to support the the campus and ended up at She- institution so that it continues to of- nanigans where Joe Owens had fer its education to other young just ordered a pitcher of beer as we

arrived. I recognized him immedi- '86 Directory The reunion last October was not ately, as he seemed to have changed the center focus for our class quite very little and his wit was as sharp for the 1934s and Work is under way on the 1986 Se- The questionnaires will be fol- the way it was people as ever. Not immediately he recog- wanee Alumni Directory. lowed by calls from representatives 1959s. But for the forty or so suggested I looked enjoya- nized me, and he Near the end of this year, all of Harris Publishing Company of who attended, it was very "seedy." But I took no notice of the alumni should be receiving ques- White Plains, New York, who will ble. There were a few surprises and remark as it was the sort of thing tionnaires mail, a prompt re verify information to be listed in lots of laughter, and I think we all by and Wellingtons always had to endure turn would be much appreciated so the directory and take orders for came away feeling it was great fun weekend. in the presence of Los Peones. I that the directory will be current copies. but too brief a party As because Continued on page 4 and complete. usual, I didn't have a date (Alumni

put to- was in very good form, too. Ogier's help, I should like to New Orleans During half-time and after the gether some sort of updated year- The Sewanee Club of New Orleans Reunions twenty- game, John Bondurant, and book to have ready for our got together under purple and white details of each class Jerry Kizer and I went over to fifth so that the balloons in Audubon Park for the really enjoyed talking to Joe who, positive side cer- Tom Carlson's house to a gathering member's life—the first annual spring lawn party in like my brother back in Missouri, is of Kappa Sigs, our fraternity that tainly—can be seen in a chronology. gathered beneath the June. The group farming and trying to keep interesting, it has ceased to exist on the Moun- I would find this and the massive oak trees for an after- Johnson grass at bay. preparation for tain. The football game turned out would serve as some noon of homemade lemonade, cold David Dye said hello during reg- to be an exciting duel to the end the changes and developments to beer, croquet, and badminton. Syl- istration, and Ed Taylor, whom I with the home team only losing out expect as we become reacquainted. writes, "A few sum- via Robertshaw, C'80, had seen in Indianapolis a errant class presi- in the last minutes. The standard of And so, as your good time was had by all, and there mers before, was in line at the same play seemed to be the same excel- dent, I shall be further in touch, was plenty of good company and time. Dwight Ogier came in be- 1989. lent sort which was maintained in looking forward to good food." hind us. and I got into conversation our day by Messrs. Agnew, Davis, with a number of different people Dormeyer, Majors, Cofer, Noel, Joe Winkleman ' Mobile from classes behind us, freshmen and Rice, and on that occasion it Oxford, England The Sewanee Club of Mobile had a during our senior year. seemed unfortunate to see our ap- bay-side bash on June 8 at the It was frustrating to have so little parently home side go home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Inge, time to converse at length with any- down in the closing minutes, as I'm Jr., at Battles Wharf on the Mobile one in particular, yet pleasant to sure these former players who were Bay. The group enjoyed an after- see so many familiar faces and to Sewanee present (except for M.L.) would noon on the water followed by a learn what in life had transpired for agree. supper. each of the old friends. That eve- The Alumni Office arranged a Club In late August the Club met at ning I was kindly invited to the cocktail party for our class at the the Athelstan Club for their annual Weavers' open house in the Assem- Sewanee Inn after the game, where business meeting. A social hour pre- bly ground and enjoyed the com- we were photographed as a group. Summer ceded the election of officers and the pany of (the inimitable) Philip Bud Foeder, Bernie Wolff, Mike group's scheduling of events for the Plyer, Dan Murray, Stuart Mc- Martin, John Todd, Charlie The San Antonio Sewanee Club upcoming year. Daniel, Hayes Noel, Bill Weaver, Minch, Al Schmutzer, and Dick took part in the second annual lib- Jim Price, and their wives. The Birmingham Stephenson I enjoyed seeing again eral arts softball championship of true spirit of a Sewanee party week- The Sewanee Club of Birmingham on that sunny afternoon, and Bob South Texas July 20 as they took on end prevailed: so many people were held a get-together in mid-May at Rice introduced me to his wife and the alumni of Washington and Lee. coming and going it was a constant the home of their vice-president, daughter who were with him. The According to reports, "Out of defer- delight 1 regret that I did not get Catherine Sullivan. The gathering, gathering was very informal and I ence to the heat and the ideals of over to the campus to the official according to Catherine, was "just a felt that, perhaps on our twenty- sportsmanship, the game ended in function to see many of the other simple get-together with a couple of fifth, we ought to have a little more an 11-11 tie." people from our year, yet we met kegs and popcorn." organization and possibly our own The Club was happy to welcome the next day. dinner and a discussion. to San Antonio Marion and Scott In August the Club held its an- Saturday was packed with events, Elledge, Hank Simpson, and Col. nual softball game at the Jewish the first important one being the Bill Stirling and Bob Black Grover Jackson. Community Center in Birmingham. Alumni meeting. I sat with my old agreed with me that it would be friends. Kirk Dormeyer, a mild worthwhile to have some sort of or- and mellow man, and Gerald De- ganized exchange of views in addi- Blois, C'63. who pleased us by com- tion to our socializing at a reunion,

ing for the weekend. We were so I shall be looking ahead toward brought up to date on University our next one with this in mind. At planning by the Vice-Chancellor, supper in the home of Ted and and prospects for the future were Debbie Stirling that final evening

spelled out. I came away feeling the of the weekend, we inevitably de- College of Arts and Sciences is bated the pros and cons of our Se-

stronger than ever, and I was im- wanee educational system and very pressed favorably by the amount of interesting contrasts emerged from alumni support at hand. The old li- the points of view of Bill and Ted brary is very suitably used now as a Stirling, Bob Black, Kirk Dor- convocation hall. meyer, and Gerry DeBlois. Bob Black took me shopping at On the Sunday, as the weekend Some of the Sewanee alumni took time out to discuss some upcoming the Supe Store to make sure I took drew to a close and the friends went events of the New Orleans Sewanee Club. Left to right, Brad Jones, An back some appropriate token to his their ways, I reflected happily upon Bryson, Margo Johnson, Sylvia Robertshaw, and Forrest Severtson. goddaughter, my ten-year- old at the pleasure of getting reacquainted home. We then headed for the Bish- with those class members who at- op's Common for lunch and happily tended the reunion, and many of were side-tracked to the Phi House their ladies, and then I thought by my mentor and occasional visitor about some of those who could not here. Willy Cocke. It was the usual attend. It was said that both Allen open house there, leading up to pa- and M.L. were indisposed, and that rade time and the Homecoming there were other cancellations such game. As our class assembled, as Hill and Susan Ferguson. I had Tommy Mason, John Duncan, recently been in touch with Skip Tommy Flovd, Warren Culpep- Hansberger in Paris, who, after a per, Steve Walker, and Bill Rue visit to the Mountain a few sum- took up the lead as we all ex- mers ago during a vacation in At- changed greetings. Dwight Ogier lanta, found it impossible to make carried our class numerals and Bill the journey this time.

Stirling diverted all by relating one I came away feeling very glad I'd or two personal experiences for our been able to attend a reunion, and I amusement. I saw Jim Wimer hope to encourage even a better re- briefly, and at the football game I sponse by this letter for our next Prior to the "big" game bers of the San Antonio Sewanee Club pose sat with Kingsley Hooker, who major gathering. Dwight With for a team picture. Alumni, friends, and families South Carolina, for barbeque, swim- brought their gloves, bats, and balls ming, outdoor games, and some Se- and enjoyed an afternoon on the wanee socializing. battlefield. Nashville St. Louis The Sewanee Club of Nashville held The Sewanee Club of St. Louis got a summer picnic at the Belle Meade together July 27 at the home of Mansion August 24. Members wel- Mike, C'66, and Norma Powers at comed as their special guests from poolside. The gathering included so- the Mountain, Dr. and Mrs. Robert cializing and the election of new of- S. Lancaster. ficers for the coming year. Chicago Tallahassee The Chicago Sewanee Club held its The Tallahassee-Thomasville Sewa- second annual meeting at the Uni- nee Club gathered at the home of versity Club in Chicago with over Dan, C'54, and Betty Dearing, July thirty persons in attendance. Some 28, to meet the five freshmen from of those were Paul Alvarez, C'61; their area who came to Sewanee Atlee Valentine, C'78; Bryant this fall. Boucher, C'74; Christi Magruder, C'74; Doug and Teri Williams, C'81; Central South Carolina Anne Vanderslice Nettleton, C'80; The Sewanee Club of Central South Kelly McBride, C'84; Ben Alford, Carolina gathered at the ballpark C'70; Lynn Dugan Alford, C'72; in July to see the Columbia Mets John Hutler, C'75; Colwetl Whit- play the Florence Blue Jays. ney, C'73; The Rev. John Throop, In mid-August, the Club met at T'81; Marc Liberman, C'74; Lauren the "Middlefield Farm," home of Recknagel Liberman, C'75; Kirk The Walkers, near Blythewood, Dormeyer, C'64; Brett Smith, C'70; Bob Davis. C'64; Ned Moore, C'72; and Nick Babson, C'68. The officers Cover: The open doors ofAll Saints' elected for the next year are Marc Chapel allow a view through the Liberman, president; Paul Alvarez, narthex to the quadrangle where an vice-president; and Atlee Valentine, entering freshman walks with his secretary-treasurer. parents. The Club held a meeting Septem- ber 29 when they went to hear the Chicago Brass Quintet at the ^SewStjee Ngw$ Church of the Mediator where John Throop, T'81, is rector. Following the performance they enjoyed a buf- fet dinner at the rectory.

Latham W. Davis, Editor Atlanta Beeler Brush, C'68, Alumni Editor The Sewanee Club of Atlanta en- Clay Scott, Assistant Editor joyed an active spring and summer. Atirisorv Editors: Members ushered in the spring Patrick Anderson, G'57 with a party at the Garden Hills Arthur Ben ChitLv. C'35 Club. Jim Grier. C'76, and Cabell Elizabeth N Chitty Shively, C'79. received the golden LedlieW Conger. Jr. C'49 shoes for their Joseph B. Cumming, Jr., C'47 award outstanding StarkevS Plvlhe, Jr.. C'56 dance routines. The Rev William N. McKeachic. C'66 On June 10 the Club ventured Dale E.Richardson out on its annual pilgrimage to At- Charles E. Thomas. C27 lanta's Fulton County Stadium and Edwin Stirling, professor of English, lectures during the Summer Semi- nar in July. (Photo: Lyn Hutchinson) Associated Alumni Officers were shocked to see the Braves beat

Jesse L. Carroll, Jr., C'69, President the Dodgers. M. Scott Ferguson, C79, Vice-President for This summer the Club also held their annual Softball game with lo- Dennis M. HaU, C'69, Vice-President for cal Washington and Lee alumni. Bequests Stuart Childs, C'49, Vice-President for The Tiger alumni handed the W & L alumni a sound thrashing in both R. Lee Glenn HI, C'57, Chairman of the games of their double header. Key Alumni Fund players for the Sewanee contin- The Rev. W. Robert Abstein II. T'65, T'78, gency included Archie Martin, C'72; Vice-President for the School of Theology C. Beeler Brush, C'68, Executive Director Louis Rice, C'73; Sandy Stout, C'71; Hank Rast, C'75; Elliott Street, C'66; and Bryan Starr, C'68. South, including the School of Theology and the College of Arts and Sciences, and is dis- tributed without charge to alumni, parents, faculty, and friends of the University. Second class postage is paid at Sewanee. Tennessee, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to (he Scivanee News, the University of the South, Sewanee, Ten- nessee 37375.

Utters to the Editor: Readers are invited to send their comments and criticisms to the Sewanee News, the University of the South. year's Sewanee, Tennessee 37375. Anita S. Goodstein, professor of history, one of the lecturers at this Sewanee Summer Seminar, talks with a seminar participant, George B. Change or Address: Please mail the corre Georgia, father Allan Ramsey, C'70. tion along with a current Sewanee News Jim and Cabell show their winning Ramsey, Jr., ofTacoa, of mailing label to the above address. style. QassNotes

the twenty-eighth anniversary or his ordina- tion to the priesthood on April 10. He lives in geology Thomasville, Georgia, Not Enough Room '57 In part because of the generosity ofSewanee's alumni and friends, News has burst out of its columns. Mechan- The Rev. Canon Thomas S. Tiadale, T, this issue of the Sewanee Church in Birmingham, Alabama. He had more than thirty-two pages, and his wife. Rebecca, are living in Mt. ical limitations allow us to publish no been the director of the St. Andrew's I'leasanl, Smith Carolina. He writes, "I am and as you can see, on half of those pages we are saluting everyone Foundation. but since I do not fit in a officially retired, who has made a gift to the University. a chaplain for rocking chair, I .mi serving us As a result we are holding back a lot of material, including liter- Gve hospitals for the Diocese ofSouth Caro- '59 alh hundreds of class notes. We will be publishing those class notes The Very Rev. Charles H. Hay, T. be- in the December issue. Some may be getting old, but they certainly came the rector of St. Paul's Church in Je- will not be stale. '37 sup. Georgia, on July 1. He formerly served Thomas's in Thomasville, The Rev. Cotesworth P. Lewis. T'37, as rector of St Georgia, was the dean of the Thomasville H'59. retired in July as rector of Bru ton Par- Convocal ion. and has been a leader in Cur- ish Church in Williamsburg. Virginia, after sillo in the Diocese of Georgia. serving as its priest for twenty-nine years. He writes that he will become an interim priest wherever invited. '62 The Rev. Earl S. Wicks, T, has retired lettye, i that he retired. He i; '39 from active priesthood because of congestive Dallas. Texas 75219 e year tape still assists at weekly now in the process of opening a video The Rev. Allen Clarkson, T, H'71, rector hearl failure, hut he services at the Cathedral of St. Luke and St. William McGehee, C, retired in 1972 emeritus of the Church of the Good Shepherd and Fieldcrest. He is now complet- Harry C. McPherson, C, has been nomi- celebrated the 45th an- Paul in Charleston. South Carolina. He from UNC-G In Augusta, Georgia, national member of wife. Mariett. are living in Mt. Pleasant, ing his seventh hook. Cognitive Behavior of nated to participate as a niversary of his ordination to the priesthood his Institute, whose purpose South Carolina. Their daughter, Deborah, is Managers He reports that he stays busy at the American Film on June 28. advance the film and married to the Rev. A. Lenwood Williams. is to "preserve and who is the vicar of St. Mary's in Lexington, Hoi e living in Eden, North '42 Caroiir The Very Rev. Clarke Bloomfield, T, ' f\Richard B. Doss has retired niter thirty-three years as rector K '64 O \J5723 Indian Circle of Good Shepherd in Lexington, Kentucky, D. Reece, T, is pres- '31 Houston, Texas 77057 and ten years an dean of the Diocese of The Rev. Richard Stephen's Lexington. ently serving as vicar of St. He is alst David Walker, C, is still practicing The Rev. Canon James P. DeWolfe, Jr.. Church in Romney. West Virginia, G. member of Eastern West Virginia law in Jonesboro. Arkansas, He writes, "Two Richard B. Doss T, C'39, retired from active ministry on June a board Community Action, a member of the state grandchildren arrived in the past year, mak- 5723 Indian Circle 1, He served as n regent of the University advisory council for human services and the ing a total of four. One of them was a daugh- Houston, Texas 77057 until Muv ol this year He is now the rector migrant and seasonal work- ter, born October 9. 1984, to G. D. Walker. emeritus of All Saints' in Fort Worth. Texas. stale council of the 1985 president of the Romney The Rev. Dudley Colhoun, C, and his He will be a deputy to the General Conv ers, and His wife, Myra Jo, wife, Sarah Hill, took a sabbatical in Eng- ands ithe cilof Ministerial Association has finished herM.A. degree at West Vir- land this past summer. Dudley studied at ; of Forth Worth and as president Durham Cathedral for two weeks.and the of the standing committee of the Diocese of ginia University. '33 Colhouns toured England, Wales, Scotland, Forth Worth. and Ireland. Their children, with their Charles E. Holmes, C, and his wife, Al- spouses, joined them for a visit in England— Ed, C'78, whose wife, '45 College ice, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anni- with one exception, versary on June 19, 1985. is still selling Bonnie, was expecting their first child in The Rev. George B. S. Hale. T, is the He n Greenwood, Mississippi. July. Dudley and Sarah live in Winston- rector of St. Timothy's Church in Raleigh, Salem, North Carolina. North Carolina, and is also headmaster of St. '208SS Timothy's School in Raleigh. Rear Admiral D. L. Madeira (Ret.), C, QQp.O.i '50 and his wife, Elizabeth, are enjoying a life of retirement at Virginia Beach, Virginia. The Rev. Canon Frederick J. Bush, T, has completed his has retired after 19 year- as archdeacon and Berkeley Grimball, C. thirty-seventh year as headmaster of Porter- The Rev. William Ralston, C, rector of canon to the ordinary and 2% years as secre- in Charleston. South Carolina. St. John's in Savannah, Georgia, celebrated tary m the Diocese of Mississippi. Gaud School ordination as The Rev. Max Wright Damron, T, tFr. He writes that he is in good health and "still the 30th anniversary of his Rochester, New York 14610 Anthony, OSB.i, joined St Gregory's Abbey in the thick of the fight." priest on June 24. in Three Rivers, Mississippi, after three Moultrie Guerry, C, reports that the first years in the Diocese of Tennessee. He has edition of his book Weep Not For Me sold out worked in various parts of the monastery and that a reprint has been ordered. He and is now scrying as choirmaster and prior writes, "I'm eighty-six going on 100 and writing." '51 The Hon. George K. Cracraft, C, and his Bill Hopkins, C, and his wife, Marge, are have four daughters and still lining in Houston, Texas. Bill says that The Rev. W. Francis Craig, T. has re- John R. Crawford wife, Kathleen, '28: he wants to have a get-together for the Se- tired as rector of Christ Church in Dallas. He View Drive seven grandchildren. George writes, "We fifties. to Little Rock in 1981 I went on wanee alumni of the classes of the i- currently -ervinu a- vice-pie.-ident of the Portland, Main,: 04103 moved when Robert G. Jackson, C, was recently pro- Children's Medical Center in Dallas. the Arkansas Court of Appeals bench. In president of the Ford Motor Land The Rev. George C. Estes, T, CMS, has Lewis C. Burwell. Jr., C, attended the July 1984 1 was appointed Chief Judge of moted to i-d president "I Development Corporation. He and his wife, been elected president of the Virginia Coun- fortieth reunion of the Flying Tigers in Tai- that Court. I have hren elect Jane, live in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. cil of Churches wan last spring. James W. Hammond, C, and his wife, Mary, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anni- i the Sewanee dancefloi '53 versary in December of 1984. He writes that )rr Robert R.Webb The RL Rev. Duncan M. Gray, Jr., T, they are traveling and are enjoying their DQp.O.Box883 Shclbyville, Kentucky 40065 H'72. was honored at the annual banquet of children and grandchildren Mn-t especially the Mississippi Religious Leadership Confer- he says, they are looking forward to their Reunion Chairman: Robert R. Webb ence on June 3. seventy-fifth. P.O. Box 883 The Rev. William Ketcham, T. is the ad- The Rev. William B. Sharp, C. although 40065 ministrator of the Seabury Center Nursing retired by the Army as a chaplain in 1962 The Rev. Kenneth A. MacGowan, Jr., Shelbyuille, Kentucky Care Unit of St John's Episcopal Church in and by the Church in 1969, is still active in C. graduated from V.T.S. last year and was vice-presi- Odessa, Texas. his ministry. Except for a perod of time this ordained to the priesthood on May 22, 1985, C. David Little III, C, is the past winter when he suffered a couple of sick at All Saints' Episcopal Church in Dale City. dent for sales and marketing with Scheuer bouts, he continues to make sick calls as the Virginia. He and his wife. Ginger, are living Laboratories, Inc., a pharmaceutical c '56 Diocesan chaplain to the military, and he in Fairfax, Virginia. The Rev. Harry L. Babbitt, T. celebrated serves as a supply priest in churches where boating as often as his time permits. He is they really enjoyed the visit to Sewanee for looking forward to Homecoming and seeing their twentieth reunion. He practices law in his good friends. Fairfax as a senior partner in Roeder, Dur- rette, and Davenport, a firm of fifteen law- yers with an additional branch in Richmond. Howard W, Cater, Jr. The family enjoys tennis, biking, swimming. O I 3756 East Fairway Drive and skiing. Birmingham, Alabama 35213 William "Bill" L. Stirling, C, captured 40

Kenneth L. "Skip" Barrett, Jr., retired

from the Air Force as a colonel on August 1, 1984, after 26 1/2 years of service He and his wife, Stella, moved to Austin, Texas, where

they both are n- ; 1 1 estate agents. Their son. Ken, has graduated from Duke University and now is at the Wharton School of Business. Reunion Chairman: Ralph T. Troy, C. lias retired from his Douglas J, Milne family husmuss. He and Ins wife have two 2815 Eldorado Avenue daughters and two -ulis. all in college or Jacksonville, Florida 32210 graduate si haul Ralph and Francie have re- cently moved to Wilmington, North Caro- Jerry B. Adams, C, spent two days at Se- lina, where he is a business consultant, a wanee recruiting graduating seniors public radio announcer, and for his company in Con way. Arkansas He reports weather and time permit). thai lie bad a wonderful experience visiting former professors and that be and his wife, '58 Black Madelvu. plan to return for Homecoming and 1506 Saunders Avenue the Career Expo. Madison, Tennessee 37115

Neill Z. Baster, C, is now working for the ) nQThamas S. Rue new Naval Space Command in Dahlgren, DO 124 Ryan Avenue The Rt. Rev. Edmond Lee Browning, C'52, T'54, was elected Presiding Virginia. He has ju-l purchased a 150-year- Mobile, Alabama 36607 Bishop the Episcopal in September at the Church's General of Church old church and is in I he process of renovating Convention. The bishop of Hawaii since 1976, Browning becomes the William "Bill" McLean, C. has been elected as prosecuting atlnrney for the thir- third consecutive PB to have graduated from Sewanee. teenth judicial district ol Arkansas. Bill's is a six-country area and be is serving a two-year Anlhonv C Goach '59 term. He and his wile. Barbara, are living in Cleary'Gottlieb, Steen, & Hai El Dorado. Arkansas. He was recently Street One State Plaza elected as a trustee from the Diocese of New York. New York 10004

James D. Abernathv, C. is living in fi

lington, Virginia, and is working Tor the 1 "7/V"'"' W, Tonissen.Jr House of Representatives, Committee on / YJltiM Charlotte Plaza House Administration. He says that he North Carolina 28244 would love to hear from classmates who v the Capitol. Reunion Chairman: John IV. Tonissen.Jr. 1600 Charlotte Plaza Howard W.Harrison, Jr. Charlotte, North Carolina 28244 '60 16 Smith 20th Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 18103 Matthew Spencer Yates was born in July of 1984 to William Spencer Yates, C. and Reunion Chairman: his wife, Janice. William has begun a one- Robert T. Owen year internship at the Cleveland Veteran's 6834 Milne Blvd. Hospital to complete his doctoral work for a New Orleans, Louisiana 70124 Ph. D. in counseling psychology from Texas A&M University. The Rev. James Robert Carter, Jr., C, married Jan McEachem January 26. Fr. Carter is the vicar of a new congregation in Valdosta, Georgia, St. Barnabas. The church will celebrate its third anniversary in Sep-

tember. The Rev. Henry Lout t il , C60, and Fr. Carter make up two-thirds of the clericus Bill Butt, C, reports that he is still in the of Valdosta. advertising business, hut that he has also !» >' Col. John P. Patton, M.C., C, was started a publishing company. Most of awarded the Meritorious Service Medal in us already know that, though, as Sewanee July of 1984 when he retired after twenty (Bill tells us) was the first in a series of six years of service with the Air Force. His last college photography books. Bill and bis wife, ten years in the Air Force were at Keesler Caroi. have two children. Billy. 4, and Eric, Medical Center in Biloxi, Mississippi, where he was chairman of the radiology depart- Harry Glcnos, C, received his Ph.D. in Dallas ment and director of ancillory services. He May from the University of Texas at of inter- and his wife, Joyce, now live in Meridian School of Management in a program management studies. He is cur- where he is the acting chairman of the ra- national diology department at the Rush Foundation rently the vice-president and economist for Hospital Their son, Perry, is a junior at Republic Bank Corporation in Dallas. Harry Sewanee. Dr. William C. Stiefel, C, is livir iDe-

catur, Georgia. He reports that he i: ?r fort W * P™

the Rt. George The Rev. Charles B. Spigner, C, anc On the day of his consecration, Rev. L. Reynolds, C'50, William Roeder, Jr., C. his wife. San F. wife. Carol, graduated from the Virginia greets well-wishers outside ofSewanee's All Saints' Chapel. Bishop Rey- dra, and their daughter. Austin, 10, are liv- Continued on nolds was installed on June 15 in Sewanee. (Photo: Clay Scott) ing in Vienna, Virginia. Bud writes that p Continued from page 7 Theological Seminary in May. He was or- betters dained in June at Trinity Cathedral in Co- lumbia. Soulh Carolina Carol's ordination was scheduled for September in Plymouth, I can't let the tributes to Charles New Hampshire. He is now serving as dea- Harrison in your last issue fade con-in-charge nt the Church of the Epiphany without adding a few in Laurens, Soulh Carolina. from memory comments on the catalytic role irtinR.Tilson.Jr. Charles played in Sewanee's liberal uthern Natural Gas Company 74S traditions. He was my dean when I 0. Box 2563 Birmingham. Alabama 35202 first taught at the University thirty-one years ago, and I was Noel Ruse II, C, writes that he and his happy to discover that not only was wife. I.ilil'v. enjoyed the tenth reunion at Se- administrator—fair, hu-. wanee last fall Noel is a vice president of he a good Kn-sl National Hunk of Louisville, Kentucky, mane, scholarly, and exacting—but division. Libby is in their national linking that he shared many of my ideas re- an interior designer with Billners. They garding politics, academic freedom, - and civil rights. He had been a fol- lower of the socialist Norman Thomas, he told me proudly; he had attended sessions at the Highlander Billv Joe Shetton knew '76 1720 Grant Folk School at Monteagle and m. Michigan mm) and admired Myles Horton; and he was a strong advocate of integration Michelle Mauthe Harvey, C, is currently (a fighting word in those days), the emploved as the director of placement and Grover "Chip" Maxwell. C'77. and Jessica Gunther were married on May movement, women's rights, internship lor the Duke University School of union celebrating with them included Robert and Eliza- Forestrv and Environmental Studies. She 18 in Atlanta. Friends the conservation movement (which Victo- Jim Grier, C'76; Craig Laine, and her husband, Don. are restoring a beth Fried-rich, C'77: Gaston Raoul. C78; was to become the ecology move- R;ileigh. North Car- Scotty Pro- rian home in duwntown C78 Frank and Lynn Parker. C77: Coleman Miller. C'78; ment), and disarmament. Later he olina, in the historic district She writes, Chris Daves. C76; basco. C78: Hendley Smith. C'77; Fred Owen, C'77; was a witty and dedicated partisan "After six moves in six years, we hope to call Mappus, C'77. to save Raleigh home for a while. We'd love to hear and Dick in a number of campaigns from other Sewanee folk in the area." Highlander from red-baiters, to op- pose the John Birch Society, to de- segregate the University, to nas Johnston Sewanee Military 78$. Box 999 demilitarize the Charleston, South Carolina 2 O. Henry Sculptor Academy, and to stop the Vietnam War. Concerning the latter cam- small SDS Maria Kirby-Smith, C71, of Edge- a bronze figure of O. Henry, stand- paign, he helped start a tall jotting down (Students for a Democratic Society) e agency with five other field, South Carolina, was commis- ing six feet and an enthusias- agents in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. sioned by the citizens of notes for a story. Behind him is an chapter here, and was A'74. and his wife. morato- John Vineyard, C, Greensboro, North Carolina, to cre- open "book of cast aluminum, seven tic participant in several Penny, C, have just built and moved into a replaced life-sized statue of O. Henry and one-half feet high and twelve riums—those days we new house in Austin, Texas. John is a real ate a feet from "The Ransom regular classes at the University by estate broker with Tom Rice Realtors. Penny (William Sidney Porter) to be un- wide. A boy from the discussions on Viet- is vice-president at United Bank of Texas. veiled at a festival honoring the of Red Chief peeps out lectures and St. David's hospital in Charles's She also volunteers at town's famous native son in April of pages on the left side of the book, nam. I remember vividly the nursery and is training to be an aerobics Garth on this year. and on the right is a scene depicting eloquent discourses in the r. They celebrated their sixth anni- The Greensboro statuary includes 0. Henry's "The Gift of the Magi." Shakespeare's attitudes toward Across from O. Henry is a dog, scaled to the O. Henry statue. In short, we have lost not only a Chosen from fifty-four entries in scholar and a gentleman, but a com- a nationwide competition staged by mitted worker for human rights. I the O. Henry Festival Committee, know that I am not alone in finding Ms. Kirby-Smith's 0. Henry statu- much evidence to demonstrate that ary is not the first outstanding it has been to a considerable extent work she has done. She has dis- Charles's influence that has ena- played her sculpture works at Rock- bled the University of the South to efeller Center in New York and procure and retain its predomi- won second place in a national fig- nantly progressive faculty over the ure modeling competition at the last thirty years. Corcoran Gallery in Washington. Scott Bates Her works are in collections from Professor of French Texas to Pennsylvania. She is now and Film completing a sculpture of Senator Strom Thurmond commissioned for his South Carolina home county of Your fine article about Samuel Edgefield. Kaxuxuena in the last issue re- minds me of another priest from Namibia who preceded Samuel at A'65, director of Doug Cameron, the University of the South. The along the Bishop's Common Rev. Gabriel Nekongo studied in his leadership roles in stu- with the College of Arts and Sciences in such as the Se- dent activities, 1974 and 1975 before transferring wanee Outing Club, the to St. Francis's in New York. I un- Sewanee Fire Department, and derstand he is working in a govern- Medical Service, the Emergency ment position rather than in appointed executive has been parochial or diocesan work at the Here's the evidence. Scott Anderson, C80, and his bride, Laura Schup- the Tennessee Recre- director of present time. Samuel will be the bach of San Antonio, are surrounded by friends after their marriage last ation Commission. He plans to first Namibian to receive a Sewanee August 18. From left are, standing, Heidi Harnisch, Sam Boldrick, Mar- keep his home in Sewanee while ilyn (King) Boldrick, Ann Zbiaden, Nelson Puett, Lisa (Parish) Thadeus, working from an office in Elizabeth N. Chitty John Bamett, Kathleen Lee, Page Webb, Lyman Webb, Tom Hammond, Nashville. Pat Dilworth, Gregg Robertson, Chris Moser, and David Evans, and hon- Associate kering, Charlie Rolfe, Craig Wilson, and John Douglas. Historiographer deaths

William R. Holden, C'21; on April 8, School of Law. He was a member of the in 1933. He was a salesman for Tesco Chemi- Alvin Nicholls Wartman, C'48, attorney 1985, in Memphis, Tennessee. was He self- Shreveport, Louisiana State, and American cal Co. in Atlanta prior to his becoming a and municipal judge in Clarke County, Ne-' employed, having farming interests in Ar- Bar Associations. During World II, War he consultant with Thompson Hayward Chemi vada; on July 29, 1985, in Las Vegas. He re- kansas. The wrought iron candle fixtures in served with the Navy in the United States cal Company of Jackson, from which he had ceived his L.L.B. from Washington and Lee All Saints' Chapel are given in memory of and in the South Pacific as a line officer, retired. University in 1951 and practiced law for a his mother, Kate Peters Holden. Sewanei At achieving the rank of lieutenant. Mr. Tri- number of years before being sworn in as a he was a member of Delta Tau Delta, the chel, father of the a mentally retarded child, John F.Crawford, C'41, retired regional district judge for Clark County. He later re- track team, Pi the Senior Omega, German became active in the work of the Associa- manager for New Yorker magazine; on May turned to private practice with the firm of Club, the Science Club, Chelidon, and the tions of Retarded Children, serving in many 16, 1985, while vacationing in Salzburg, Lionel, Sawyer, Collins and Wartman. He of Go« Order capacities through the years, including presi- Austria. During World War II he served the was a member of the Clark County Bar Asso- dent of both the Caddo-Bossii Army in the C. ina-Burma-India theatre. ciation, the Nevada State Bar Association, Edgar Charles Glenn, A'22, C'26, retired and the Louisiana Association and a member After the war, he began his career in adver- the American Bar Association, and the from the carbonated beverage business in of the board of directors of the National As- tizing with Sears Roebuck and then joined American Judicature Society. A lifetime Ep- 1956; on May 13, 1985, in Beaufort, South sociation. He was in the forefront of an effort Blanchard, Nichols, and Osborn magazine iscopalian, he had served as a vestryman, a Carolina. He was president of Vamville to pass modern and effective legislation on representatives. From 1948 to 1959 he senior warden, and a delegate to the General Great Salkahatchie Cypress Co., Eagle Avia- behalf of mentally retarded children, and he served as a New Yorker representative, and Convention. At Sewanee he was a poitical tion Co., and Mid-State Distributors in Co- developed the design of Evergreen Presbyte- in 1959 he became the southern advertising science major and a member of Phi Beta lumbia. He was an officer of Banker's Trust rian Vocational School as a training school manager when New Yorker opened its At- Kappa and graduated optime merens. of Beaufort, chairman of the South Carolina for mentally retarded high school aged lanta office. Mr. Crawford participated in the Aeronautical Commission, and vice-chair- youths. Active in the establishment of the founding of Atlanta Magazine and served on Joe F. Atkins, Jr., man of South Carolina Wildlife Commission. school, he served as president of Evergreen its original board ofdirectors. Later he C'49; in Lewisville, Arkansas, on During recent years, Mr. Glenn was a South Foundation and of the school itself. He was served that magazine as a volunteer consult- June 6. 1985. After graduating from Sewanee, Carolina representative to the U. S. Fisher- also instrumental in the founding of two sim- ant. At Sewanee he was a member of Kappa he earned a D.J. degree from ies Commission. Mr. Glenn received the ilar schools in Louisiana, the Rosa Smith Alpha fraternity. Vanderbilt School of Law. He had a private eighth pilots license granted in South Caro- Memorial School and the E. A. Frost School general law practice in Lewisville. At Sewa- lina and wa3 a Navy pilot during World War for young children. He was the author of nu- nee he was an officer of Delta Tau Delta Charles Lamb Dexter HI, C'43; on May fraternity II. He achieved the rank of commander. He merous articles and pamphlets dealing with and a member or the Order of 12, 1985, in Dallas, Texas, after a lengthy the was also active in church and civic organiza- the legal care and training of mentally re- Gownsmen, Student Assembly, and the illness. served in the during Wm-ld tions, including Lions Club International, tarded persons. He Army Cap and Gown staff. War II. Mr. Dexter was a partner in Charles Shriners, and Scottish Rites. He was a mem- L. Dexter and Co., an insurance brokerage ber of St. Helena's Epsicopal Church and Jack P.White, C'32, a retired Nashville firm. He served as an elder in the Presbyte- The Rev. G. Stackley Hurst, T'49, re- served on the vestry. At Sewanee, where he attorney; on June 6. 1985, in Nashville. He rian church which he attended. tired priest from St. Petersburg, Florida; on was affectionately called "Buddie," he was a received his L.L.B. from Cumberland Uni- December 25, 1984. He studied at Sewanee member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity. versity Law School and was a member of the before attending Philadelphia Divinity Nashville and Tennessee Ba N'44. in Palacious, James Chad Howard, School where he earned a master of divinity Rufus Allen Walker, C'25, of San Anto- Texas; in of 1985. Mr. for- May Howard was degree. A native of North Carolina, the Rev. nio, Texas; on April 2, 1985. He received his Hugh William Clift, Jr., C'34; on April 9, merly of Corbin, Kentucky. He attended Mr. Hurst served churches in hiB home state B.A. degree from the University of Alabama. 1985, in Jackson, Mississippi. He received an Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College. as well as in New Hampshire. Vermont, and At Sewanee, he was a member of Phi L.L.B. degree from Cumberland University He served in the Navy during World War II. Maine prior to moving to Florida in 1974. he Gamma Delta fraternity. served as the chairman on evangelism in the e of Southwest Florida and v We have received word of the death of Van member of the diocesan planning co lit tee W. Knox, Jr., C'26, of Guadalajara, Mexico, on camps and conferences before his and formerly of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He " 1 1978. He was a honorary c received a B.A. from the University of Ala- bama in 1927, studied at the Georgia School of Technology, and earned a B.F.A. from Yale University in 1932. He was an architect for Yale University Archeological Expedition H. W. "Al" Wittliff III, C'65, manufactur- to Syria in 1932 and 1933, an architect for ing executive of Lufkin, Texas; on May 23, the Joint Persian Expedition sponsored by 1985. After graduating from Sewanee, he at- the University of Pennsylvania and the Bos- tended the University of Texas Law School degree. ton Museum of Fine Arts from 1933 till 1936, and earned his law He was a member and a practicing architect in a number of of the Texas Bar Association. Mr. Wittliff states before he moved to Florida. While he was also the owner of Texas Lignocellulose, was an architect in Fort Lauderdale, he be- Inc. and the director of G & S Company. At came an active fundraiser for Sewanee in Sewanee he was the treasurer of Alpha Tau that area. While at Sewanee he was a mem- Omega fraternity and a member of the Order ber of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. of&

Eugene Watts Muckleroy, C'26, retired The Rev. Charles A. Higgina, former from Shelby Wood Treating Co. in Teneha, missions r\ I China, retired dean of Trinity Texas; on May 15, 1985. Prior to his affilia- Episcopal Cathedral in Little Rock, Arkan- tion with Shelby Wood Treating Co., "Muck" sas, and Sewanee resident since 1977 where served as manager of Teneha Compress and he became director of the Sewanee Pep Band, Warehouse Co.. and Center Warehouse Co. organized and directed the Sewanee Jazz He also was a member of the county school Band, and served as secretary of the Univer- board for seventeen years and served as its sity's Board or Trustees; on August 2, 1985, chairman for fourteen of those years. For in Helena, Arkansas Dean Hig«ins attended seven years he was director of the board of West Virginia Institute of Technology, Duke the South Texas Milk Producers Association. University (rooming and playing in the Duke At Sewanee he was a member of Sigma Al- Blue Devil's Band with Les Brown), and pha Epsilon fraternity. Mr. Muckleroy was a Episcopal Theological Seminary. Upon hie lifelong Episcopalian. graduation from ETS in 1937, he went to China and, under wartime conditions, taught at the Theological School of Central China Richard Penn, C'28; on May 27. 1985 in Northwest Gadsden, Alabama. Mr. Penn was a member University, traveled in China to distribute medical supplies, and helped move of the Kappa Sigma fraternity at Sewanee. the Central China University beyond the He was a member of Holy Comforter Episco- theatre of war After his marriage in 1939 to pal Church in Gadsden. Mary Atkinson Tvng, he became the first American assistant at the Church or Eng- We have received word of the death, of in Hong Kong, experienced Wright Warren Bailey, C'29, a retired bank land Cathedral the Battle of Kong, and with his wife executive of Memphis, Tennessee. At Sewa- Hong and baby, was imprisoned and then repa- nee he was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsi- triated He served as rector of Christ Church lon fraternity. in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Ihen organized and served as rector of St. Alban's Parish in Milton C.Trichel, Jr., C'30, an attorney Waco, Texas. At Trinity Cathedral, he in Shreveport for more than fifty years and a founded the Cathedral School. He served in a pioneer in education for mentally retarded variety of offices, including Province VII rep- children; on March 7, 1985, in Shreveport. Louisiana. After graduating from Sewanee, he went on to Centenary College and earned a law degree from Columbia University Sports

New Coach, New Style

Todd White, with a total of eighteen The Tigers' roster of fifty-four years of playing experience and six candidates includes twenty-two years of coaching experience, has freshmen and, according to Moore, taken over the reigns of Sewanee's "no stars." In fact, the Tigers will be soccer program. White filled the va- returning only one of last year's all- line- cancy left by Peter Haley, who re- conference players, defensive turned to coach at his alma mater, man Clark Jackson, C'86. The Ti- Springfield College. gers will also include one of the White, during his four-year var- nation's best Division III punters, sity career at Columbia University, Brian Mainwaring, C'86. Mainwar- helped lead Columbia to four Ivy ing will be handling the Tigers' championships and four NCAA Di- field goal and extra point duties

vision I Tournaments. He also had a this season, too. successful career as a semi-profes- A boost to the program has been sional soccer player with club teams the addition of lights to the practice throughout New York. A part of his field. The lights have helped alle- coaching experience includes serv- viate one of the Tigers' practice ing as an instructor at numerous problems of conflicting afternoon soccer camps and clinics across the drills and afternoon classes. United States. He came to Sewanee The Tigers kicked off their season from Horace Mann School where he with their two toughest opponents taught history and English and of the year, Samford and Millsaps. coached the boys' varsity soccer and Their overall season does not prom- lacrosse teams since 1982. ise to get much easier either, espe- The Tigers opened their 1985 cially with games at Rhodes, campaign on September 7, Accord- Centre, and Hampden-Sydney. ing to White, "A strong recruiting With a tough defense, a steady of- year by coach Haley brought to Se- fensive line, and an expected strong wanee some freshman players who kicking game, the Tigers are back will be able to contribute signifi- to contend in the College Athletic cantly." White is anticipating a Conference. "successful program and season that fans will enjoy watching." Women's Cross Country "This will probably be the best Football women's cross country team that I improved defense and a have had since I came here in With an Coach Horace Moore talks with second generation Tiger , Robert Black, 1980," was Cliff Afton's reaction solid offensive line, and after "one C'89. Black's father, Tom Black, C'58, also played for the Tigers and wc when asked how the women's team of the best fall practices in five coached by Moore. (Photo: Clay Scott) years," according to Coach Horace would compete this fall. Moore, the Tigers are a team to be Coach Afton can justify the state- Hayes. C'86. What the team lost The Tigers will open their season reckoned with during this gridiron ment by just referring to the Tiger with the graduation of two-time at Southern Illinois University on roster, which includes one cross conference champion, Laurence September 7 and will conclude their country all-conference selection Butcher, McPherson hopes to make year with the WIAC championships from last year's squad, Virginia up with a good group of freshman October 25 and 26 at Sewanee with Brown, C'87, and two all-conference runners. three teams trying to take the runners from last year's track team, The Tigers opened their cross crown away from the Tigers. Elizabeth Klots, C'88, and Kai country season on home turf with McCrossen, C'86, plus several tal- the Sewanee Invitational Septem- ented freshmen. Volleyball ber 7. On November 2, the Tigers The women will open their har- Although the women's volleyball will end their year among five rier season September 7 at home team will be without veteran Liz teams vying for the College Athletic during the Sewanee Invitational. Epps, C'85. Coach Nancy Ladd is Conference championship in They will then try to improve on expecting the experience and matu- Nashville. last year's second-place finish in the rity of sophomores Amy Amonette, Women's Intercollegiate Athletic Marian MacPherson, and Janice Conference championships on Octo- Field Hockey Walker to lead this year's team to a ber 26. With hopes running high, With nine returning players from conference title. the women are looking forward to a last year's Women's Intercollegiate Along with the experienced group trip to the NCAA Division III re- Athletic Conference championship of returning sophomores, the Tigers after gional on November 10, and field hockey team, Coach Jeannie will also have veteran setter Chris- qualifying there on to the Fissinger is optimistic about keep- tina McKnight, C'87, and back row Nationals. ing the WIAC crown on the Moun- specialist Laura Haas, C'87, tain for another year. returning. Men's Cross Country All-conference and regional Ail- They will open their season with Coach John McPherson is looking American captain, Jenny Cook, the Tennessee Temple Invitational. at this year's cross country season C'86, will lead the club along with They will also be participating in with optimism thanks to a fine help from her all-conference team- tournaments at Emory and Henry group of returning seniors and a mate, Danielle Gothie, C'88. Along College and Maryville College and large crop of freshmen. with the nine returning players, will host their own mini-tourna- Coach Todd White weaves around All conference harrier from last Fissinger's roster will include four ment in mid-October. They will con- Allston Moore, C'87, during a Tiger year, Paul Pfefferkorn, C'86, will freshmen who are all expected to clude their season with the early fall practice. (Photo: Lyn help lead the Tigers this fall along contribute to a successful confer- conference championships Novem- Hutchinson) with Eric Johnson, C'86, and Andy ence title defense. ber 1 and 2 at Asbury College. Sports

the only commissioner the College Coach Bryant's Farewell Athletic Conference has had since Hawaii Trip its formation in 1962. It is similar to his positions on several other After thirty-two vears of University teams won eleven conference titles boards and committees of the Na- The Tiger basketball team will service, Walter Bryant, C'49. has and a trip to the national champion- tional Collegiate Athletic Associa- travel to Hawaii December 31 retired, and as you read this, he is ships. Yet Coach Bryant is one of through tion, including the NCAA executive January 8 to play three probably teeing off on one of those the first to point out that one does games, as well council. He extended Sewanee's in- as enjoy the scenery. east-coast Florida golf courses. To- not coach golf as he would coach fluence in athletics far beyond the The Tigers will play Hawaii-Loa morrow we will get a palm-tree post football or basketball. Mountain. At least through the aca- on January 2, Brigham Young Uni- card that says: "Wish you were "I did talk about conduct," he demic year, he will remain CAC versity of Hawaii on January 4, and here," and he will mean it. said. "What I tried to emphasize to commissioner. NAIA power Chaminade on Janu- Coach Bryant returned to Sewa- my boys was that when they were 5. "The University has it ary Chaminade is remembered nee back in 1953, only about four out on the course, they were not Joe made pos- sible for its upset wins over Virginia and years after his graduation. He was Smith or whoever; they were that for me to retire early. That is Louisville in recent years. probably the first of the class of boy from Sewanee." what I wanted to do," he said. 1949 to return—that class that has He said the greatest compliment So Coach Bryant has gone south There is limited space still avail- to the land of sunshine and golf able for become very much the class of serv- a coach can get is for someone to fans and friends wishing to courses taking with ice. From this group have emerged say, "Your boys are fun to play him an office join the Tigers in Hawaii. Persons eight faculty members (three cur- with." full of memories. And a handicap of interested in joining the tour may sixteen. rent professors), more than a half "We have had some fine young receive more information by calling "I'd like to that." dozen trustees, three regents, nu- men," he said. improve on the Tiger basketball office (615-598- you do, send us merous alumni officers, the current With continuing pleasure, Coach When a card. 5931). Vice-Chancellor, and now (in Wal- Bryant recalls 1961 when the golf ter Bryant) a former director of ath- course, was built with grass greens letics, director of alumni giving, and tees, improved fairways, a golf and Associated Alumni secretary. shop, and water system, all for only His first autumn back in Sewa- $41,000. nee, Bryant was a coach and assist- "I think it was a miracle," he ant director of athletics but very said. "Why now one green can cost soon became director of athletics, $100,000." the position he held for almost The new golf course meant more thirty years. than better recreation on the Moun- He presided over unprecedented tain. For instance, every year but growth in Sewanee athletics. He su- one since 1961, the University has pervised an increase from six to sev- played host to the Tennessee Inter- enteen varsity sports for men and collegiate Golf Tournament, which women. He managed an increase in each spring brings as many as six- the coaching staff from four to thir- teen teams to Sewanee. Players now teen. And he helped plan the con- on the professional tour have played struction of an array of athletic in the tournament. facilities, including Juhan The construction of Montgomery Gymnasium. Baseball Field by Coach Majors for In 1983 he resigned as director of only $10,000 one summer was also athletics to devote his full attention cited by Coach Bryant as an exam- to helping Sewanee reach a Century ple of the successes that have II campaign goal of $50 million and marked Sewanee athletics off the became director of alumni giving. playing field. A person of Coach Bryant's con- "We were fortunate in the people viviality cannot pass thirty-two we had—Bitondo, Majors, Moore, years in Sewanee without gathering Varnell—people who got things an abundance of friends and memo- done without committees," he said. ries. As he prepared to leave his of- "But maybe the greatest thrill of fice in Thompson Hall near the end working in athletics has been work- of August, packing old photographs, ing with the kids who have the cali- plaques, and mementos, he spoke of ber our students have had. Now a few efforts and events that people from other schools talk about marked his (and Sewanee's) life. their kids, too, but we have the fig- "I do not believe enough attention ures to back us up, like the number has been given to the effort that of scholar athletes we have." was made to improve women's ath- Sewanee ranks with the most letics," he said. "When women stu- prestigious universities in the na- dents came in 1969, we did not have tion and first in Division III in the any facilities for women. Many ad- number of NCAA scholars it has justments had to be made; some graduated. programs did not flourish or sur- "One year the captain of the foot- vive. It took time to get women ball team (DougWPaschall, C'66) coaches and a women's athletic di- and the captain of the basketball rector. But a real effort was made to team (Tom Ward, C'67) were both answer every interest that was ex- Rhodes Scholars. I don't know that pressed," he said. any school has been able to claim For a time (pre-Shirley Majors that. That doesn't say anything years) Coach Bryant was an assist- about the coaches. That just shows ant football coach, but his continu- the kind of kids we have." Director ing joy was coaching golf. In In one respect Coach Bryant will Director ofAnnual Giving Mark Oliver presents retiring of twenty-one years of College Ath- remain officially close to Sewanee Alumni Giving Walter Bryant, C'49, with a rocking chair to enjoy during letic Conference competition, his athletics. He has been and remains his retirement. (Photo: Clay Scott) College

Record Year in Admissions

think 1 have ever seen This past year has been one of the als. I don't hard-working group of indi- most successful ever for admissions such a have accomplished in efforts in the College of Arts and viduals." We two years what I though Sciences. The College received the the past taken four or five years. largest number of freshman appli- would have

I can point to several cations in its history— 1,058—which think we things which contributed to this is an 18 percent increase over 1984. The previous high was 914 in 1974. success. revamping of The applicant pool was also one of "First, the complete admissions publications proba- the best in terms of academic our single greatest impact. quality. bly had the dramatically the An unexpected turn of events was We have increased students to whom we the large number of students who number of the Stu- accepted Sewanee's offer of admis- mail information through program and the re- sion this year. With the continuing dent Search has increased more decline in the number of graduating sponse to that Also, high school seniors across the coun- than five-fold in two years. campus visitation pro- try, and the fact that several of Se- our two one in wanee's competitors were also grams^—one in the fall and changes experiencing an increase in applica- the spring—along with the Scholars program, tions, the admissions staff and com- in the Wilkins enormously to our mittee on admissions did not expect have contributed the personal such an increase in numbers. The success. In addition, freshman enrollment goal was 295 attention and many hand-written admis- students; however, the College reg- notes for which the Sewanee been known, istered 340 freshmen, the largest sions staff has always of many volun- class in the history of the College. and the assistance students, This also will be one of the teers including current havt brightest classes to enroll in the parents, alumni, and clergy past twenty-two years. The average been very important and high school grade point average of appreciated." will interesting to follow th this class is 3.19, the average SAT It be progress of the Class of '89 which score is 1150. and the average ACT — might call the "best and the score is 26. The 1150 SAT average one certainly represents a 42 point increase over brightest"—and which is the previous year. the largest! Geographically, the Class of '89 of hails from thirty states, the District Brief Profile of The Class of Columbia, and Norway. Tennes- Number Applications see is represented by the largest Enrollment Goal number of students in the class Number Expected to Enroll Georgia Ware, C'88, looks over the key board as she asststs freshn (fifty-eight students), but is fol- Average H.S. GPA 3.19 during orientation. (Photo: Lyn Hutchinson) lowed closely by Georgia (fifty- Average V-SAT 566 seven), Texas (forty-four), Florida Average M-SAT 584 (thirty-six), and Alabama (thirty- Average Total SAT 1150 Average ACT Composite 26 When asked the reasons contrib- Robert Degen Retires uting to such a successful admis- Tennessee Residents: 17 percent of South: 85 percent sions year, Ed Wilkes, director Robert A. Degen, whose money and salutatorian of his class at Syracuse 83 percent admissions, responded: "It was the Out-of-State: banking course attracted hundreds University, he left a job as a gradu- put in by Non-South: 15 percent hard work and long hours of Sewanee graduates, has retired. ate assistant at Syracuse to come to dedicated Public School: 57 percent an extremely and compe- Professor Degen has been a mem- Sewanee. Later he obtained a Ph.D. admissions profession- Private School: 43 percent tent group of ber of the economics faculty since from the University of Wisconsin. 1951. He was head of the depart- ment for ten years, and, as one col- league said, "He was a steady hand throughout, keeping us all sane." On occasion his articles were pub- lished in professional journals, and as recently as last year, he taught in the University of London Pro- gram in which Sewanee partici- pates. But primarily he quietly devoted himself to his teaching at Sewanee. Economics majors recall his classes in international economics and the history of economic thought. However, Professor De- gen's money and banking course was particularly popular, and at times one class would have to be di- J. J.Paul, C '89, and her parents look through the packet of literature vided into three. that she received following freshman orientation. (Photo: Clay Scott) A magna cum laude graduate and Robert Degi The Wilkins Scholars

Through a generous bequest from Georgia M. Wilkins of Columbus, Georgia, the College of Arts and Sciences has, since 1962, named several distinguished entering stu- dents as Wilkins Scholars. These students are selected on the basis of academic achievement and intellec- tual promise, demonstrated leader- ship ability, and notable qualities of character. Several changes were made in the Wilkins" Scholarship program dur- ing the 1984-85 academic year. The minimum scholarship award was increased $5000 per year, students ! f*iH interested in the scholarships were required to complete a separate scholarship application and write an additional essay, the scholarship application deadline was one month earlier than the deadline for regu- lar admissions applications, and a select group of students chosen as Douglas Setters, men, greets freshman Luther Richardson his scholarship finalists was invited to dean of and parents at the freshman orientation recep- tion in front ofBreslin Tower. (Photo: Hutchinson) Sewanee to be interviewed for the Lyn awards. The response to the program this ars are very impressive: average freshmen, or 35 percent of the class year was overwhelming and sur- high school GPA, 3.77; average SAT of 1989, were involved with the Wil- New Faculty passed the expectations of the ad- total, 1310; and average ACT com- kins Scholarship program. missions committee and the posite, 29. The SAT average of the The application deadline for the The University has selected the admissions staff. In all, 239 stu- Wilkins Scholars has increased by Wilkins Scholarship program for first Frank W. Wilson Professor of dents from twenty-four states and 70 points over last year and by 100 1985-86 is January 15, 1986. To re- Political Economy. He is Ansel M. the District of Columbia applied for points in the past two years. quest admissions and scholarship Sharp, who is moving to Sewanee the scholarships and presented im- Based upon the high yield of non- application materials, interested from Oklahoma State University pressive credentials. The high finalists to matriculants (52 per- students should write Office of Ad- where he has taught economics school grade point average for the cent) and scholarship winners to missions, The University of the since 1957. entire pool of scholarship applicants matriculants (64 percent), as well South, Sewanee, TN 37375, or The professorship in political was 3.54; the average SAT total as their outstanding academic phone (615) 598-5931, Extension economy was established earlier was 1237, and the average achievements, the changes in the ACT 238. The help of alumni and friends this year with an $800,000 grant composite 28. Wilkins Scholars program seem was in recruiting outstanding students from the Tonya Memorial From this group of students, warranted and well worth the addi- with leadership abilities and nota- Foundation. tional effort and expense. In addi- ble eighty-two were selected as finalists qualities of character could Professor Sharp is one of twelve tion, eleven of the thirty-two and invited to Sewanee for inter- make the Wilkins Scholarship pro- new faculty members teaching this finalists not offered schol- views. An impressive statistic who were gram even more successful in 1985- semester. arships also decided to matriculate worth noting is that of the 157 non- Peter Bayley, Berry Professor and finalists (those not invited for inter- at Sewanee. In all, 119 entering department chairman of English at views), eighty-one or 52 percent de- St. Andrew's University, Scotland, cided to matriculate at Sewanee. has been leaching under the Oxford The profile of this group is very Studies Program as a Brown Foun- good: average high school GPA, dation fellow and visiting professor 3.36; average SAT total, 1199; and of English. Professor Bayley taught average ACT composite, 28. On the at Sewanee in 1977 and taught pre- evidence of yield and quality of viously at the University of Dur- these non-finalists, the Wilkins pro- ham and Oxford University. gram seems to have had a very posi- Among other appointees is Lon- tive effect on applicants for gina A. Jakubowska, a native of Po- admission, even beyond those who land who recently received a Ph.D. were finalists or winners. in anthropology from State Univer- Of the eighty-two finalists invited sity of New York at Stony Brook. pre- to Sewanee for interviews, seventy- Returning to Sewanee from four accepted the invitation. The vious appointments will be Parker committee on admissions and schol- E. Lichtenstein, visiting professor of arships (the interview and selection psychology, and Regis Miannay, committee), was interested in hav- visiting professor of French. ing approximately twenty-five stu- Don Keck DuPree, C'73, will re- Other dents enroll as Wilkins Scholars join the English department. instructors and lecturers will this fall. The committee offered Wil- new in computer sci- kins Scholarships to forty-two of the be Lynne Bonds J. Echols in account- seventy-four finalists, and twenty- ence, William speech, seven of the forty-two (64 percent) ing, David M. Murray in arts, James accepted the scholarship and matri- Julie Ann Plax in fine in mathematics, culated at Sewanee as members of G. Schwanebeck Laura Hewitt Whipple in the class of 1989. The statistics for Lougina Jakubowska, a new faculty member in anthropology, talks with and these twenty-seven Wilkins Schol- other professors following a faculty meeting. (Photo: Lyn Hutchinson) carillon. In 1975 she received her M.Div. The Dean's Column: {magna cum laude) from Candler Additions School of Theology of Emory Uni- A Time of Change versity in Atlanta, and she studied to Faculty at Graduate Theological Union, by the Very Rev. John E. Booty Our extension program. Educa- Berkeley, California. She received tion for Ministry, is at a major point her bachelor's degree in 1972 from This past year has been an im- Faculty changes in the School of of transition. The revision of the Webster College. mensely eventful year for the Theology for the next academit year curricular materials is well along School of Theology. The dean re- include the appointment of the Rev. the staff is moving into the signed; Edna Evans retired; David the way; William H. Hethcock, director of old (renovated) Academy library, and Patricia Killen have departed; field education, to associate profes- and with the departure of David St. Luke's new faculty have been hired (al- sor of homiletics and Christian Killen there will be a restructuring though two are not altogether new education. of the administration of the pro- to the school ) in the fields of pas- Joseph E. Monti, who has been on gram in relation to the School of Convocation toral theology, Christian ethics, and one-year contracts for two years,

• Theology as a whole. The manner in the i from the liletics; has been appointed assistant profes- The annual St. Luke's Day Convo- this is percent" contributii 5 far which all of takes place of "one sor of Christian ethics. He is also be cation will be held in Sewanee at 11 doubled; moved into critical importance. EFM is the lay, more than we teaching courses vacated by the res- a.m. October 16 at the center of this facilities, and is now theological education, extension new EFM ignation during the summer of Pa- year's expanded DuBose Theologi- join us; the student body program of the Episcopal Church. It moving to tricia O. Killen, who has taken a cal Symposium. to grow; and we have is being used by more and more has continued position on the faculty of Loyola Alumni may begin registering for reaccredited bv the Associa- non-Episcopal churches and is ex- been University of Chicago. the various events of October 15-16 Theological Schools. panding in Australia. New Zealand. tion of In addition two new members of at 10:30 a.m. October 15 in the At the same time the School of the Bahamas, and soon in an the faculty have moved to Sewanee. Foyer of Hamilton Hall. The first is being challenged along sion in Central Amer- Theology The Rev. Philip L. Culbertson, rec- lecture of the symposium will begin with the University of the South of ld shortly in Great Britain. It tor of Christ Church in Oberlin, at 1:30 p.m. that afternoon in Con- it is an integral part. We deserves serious care as the transi- which Ohio, has been named assistant pro- vocation Hall, and the presentation were reaccredited by the ATS but tion proceeds. fessor of pastoral theology. The Rev. of several papers will follow. received strong recommendations I leave the deanship with confi- Mary Anne Shahan, director of pas- The alumni banquet will be held for the improvement of the school dence in the future of this institu- toral care at South Highlands Hos- at 6:15 that night in Cravens Hall and one notation reads: "The fi- tion, provided that the challenges pital in Birmingham, Alabama, has after an Evening Prayer service in nances and other assets are not suf- are met head-on and dealt with cre- been appointed director of field Hamilton Hall and a reception in ficiently independent of the college atively and constructively. Person- education. Cravens Hall. or university with which the school ally, I do not believe that While the Rev,. Donald Armen-' Two principal lectures on October is connected." This is something for theological education as it is done trout is serving as interim dean of 16 will be held before and after the the administration and the Board of in our present accredited seminar- the School of Theology, church his- St. Luke's Day service in the Ham- ies Regents to consider and, 1 pray, do should or will continue very tory will be taught by Stephen W. ilton Foyer. In addition to a lunch- something about. 1 am not the first much longer. According to one set of Angell, a student in the doctoral eon for alumni, spouses, and senior dean to find this to be a stumbling ATS statistics, approximately one program at Vanderbilt University. students that day at the Sewanee block. As the ATS visiting commit- half of all Episcopalians enrolled in He holds a bachelor's degree from Inn, alumni will also be welcomed tee reported, the financial health of theological degree programs (in- Earlham College. to a barbecue, with blue grass band, the School of Theology is sound, but cluding M.Div.. D. Min., etc.) are to The Rev. Mr. Culbertson has been that evening at Cravens Hall. be found in institutions other than there is too much mystery, and rector of Christ Church since 1976. Episcopal seminaries. It may be there are too many confusions about He has served and helped lead nu- that Berkeley-Yale is providing a merous organizations in Oberlin, The faculty of the degree program viable model for the future. It is including Oberlin Hot Meals Pro- First DuBose of the school is changing. ar- likely that more and more dioceses, The gram and the Oberlin Ministerial rival of new teachers, such as Philip largely for financial reasons, will be Association. He was a hospital Culbertson in pastoral theology, sending their students to nearby chaplain and a guest lecturer at Symposium Bill Hethcock in homiletics, Joe non-Episcopal schools for theologi- Oberlin College. Since 1977 he has Monti in Christian ethics, and for cal education. It is important that served on the diocesan Ecumenical The first DuBose Theological Sym- this coming year Mary Anne Sha- church leaders pay attention to the posium, October 15 and 16, will be han as director of field education realities of what is actually happen- committees at the diocesan and na- the highlight of this year's celebra- and pastoral concerns, means that ing. If the School of Theology is tional levels. tion in Sewanee of the centennial of about one third of the faculty has committed to the best theological In 1977 he received his Ph.D. the birth of Karl Barth. been replaced. It is now time for education and flexible concerning from New York University (depart- The symposium is ecumenical in there to be a serious effort made to the means by which such education ment of religious education) after orientation, with three major lec- revise the curriculum, to reshape it is to be realized, it can make an im- two years of study at Hebrew Uni- tures and a series of shorter topical in relation to current realities and portant contribution to the changes versity in Jerusalem as a Fulbright papers being given on various as- chiefly in terms of a changing stu- occurring and glorify God for gener- Scholar. • a-- pects of Barth's ecc lesial and theo- dent body and a changing church. ations to come. Previously he was associate rec- logical vision. tor of the Church of the Holy Trin- The first of the three lectures will ity in New York City. He received be given by the Rev. H. Martin his M.Div. degree in 1970 from Rumscheidt, professor of historical General Theological Seminary, and theology at the Atlantic School of in 1966 was awarded a B. Mus. Theology in Halifax, Nova Scotia. EFM Changes from Washington University in St. Professor Rumscheidt has written Louis. several books on the theology of The Rev. Ms. Shahan has been a Karl Barth. The second lecture will David P. Killen, who for seven Watson, the acting administrator of priest associate for three years at be given by Sheila Briggs, who years has been executive director of the School of Theology, will direct St. Andrew's Church in Birming- teaches in the School of Religion at Bairnwick Center, has resigned to the Bairnwick operations. ham in addition to her work at the the University of Southern Califor- take a position as director of minis- Another major change occurred hospital. Previously she was a nia. The third lecturer will be the try formation and resource theolo- during the summer when the Edu- priest associate at St. Alban's Rev. David Allan Scott, professor of gian at Blessed Sacrament Catholic cation for Ministry offices were Church in Birmingham. She has theology and ethics at the Virginia Church in Midland, Michigan. moved into newly renovated quar- also served churches in Trussville, Theological Seminary, who also As an interim measure, Tom ters at Hamilton Hall. Alabama, and Atlanta. teaches the theology of Karl Barth. Chancellor's Society

The Society was founded to eneonragc unrestricted sup- port of the Umrertilv On run; I In-, lime when • apitul /lift* are also sought, gift*, totaling us much o.s $10,000 in a sin- Riues Hudgins. C'86 gle fiscal vcar constitute the husi\ fur membership. and Bryan Buchanan.

.^ C'86, help themselves to

Anonymous (1) Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ayres, Jr., C'49, H'74 Dr. & Mrs. Evert A. Bancker, C2I Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Beecherl, Jr. Mrs. Gaston S. Bruton (d) Mr. W. Thomas Bums II, C'61 Memorials Mr. & Mrs. Ogden D. Carlton II, C32 Mrs. W. C. Cartinhour Mr. & Mrs. Clement H. Chen, Jr., C'53 Mr. Gerald Louis DeBlois, C'63 Mrs. Arthur B. Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Duncan, Jr., A'43 Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Fowler, A'47, C'52 George M. Alexander Stirling S. Lanier. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David C. Funk, C'77 George H Alexander The Rev. William S. I The Rev. Paul D. Goddard, C'60 Lester Le Fever Mr. & Mrs. Ben Groenewold Mary B. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Guerry, Jr., C'39 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Guerry, A'43, C*49 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hall, C'51 David A Shepherd Dr. & Mrs. John H. Hamer M Mr. & Mrs. H. G. Hill. Jr. B Mr. & Mrs. Burnham B. Holmes G Mr. & Mrs. Paul N. Howell <-;i:ulvs D.h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Howell, C65 Mr. Robert G. Hynson, C'67 The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Everett H. Jones, H'43 J. Edgewood Beattie The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Christoph Keller, Jr., H'68 Troy Beatty l)r Kdward McCrady Mr. Mrs. C. Caldwell Marks, C*42 & Albert Joseph Bench John McCrady Mr. Francis Martin Thomas P. Govan James M. Grimes Mrs Florence McCrc.rv Mr. & Mrs. Olan Mills II James F. Griswold, Jr. Dr John Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rutledge Moore, A'57, C'61 Will.., m Kv,,n..Mk Roscoe & Rivoli Carter H'69

Hazel T. Brown Chitty Dr. Ronald F. Howell Eugene Ormandy W Charles Joseph Orr, Otto 'The Octopus"

ilG.ft Florence Fain

Dr Harold 0. Padgett Carter Rivoli H. Sarah Proctor Crow Duke P. Conduff John F. Crawford /. Alfred R. McWillia Clarita Crosby Jessie Ball duPont Vide F. Gane D D. Philip Hamilton, A'12, C'16

Dr. Robert W. Daniel Eben & Melinda V Ruth C. Leech R K John S. Wyatt Octavia & Mary Love George L. Reynolds Bernie P. Robertson The Rt. Rev. Harry Lee Doll Dortha Skelton Y Katherine Greer & Granville Cecil Woods Peter D. Young E David M. Robinson z Dewight E. Zeller ,

Vice-Chancellor's and Trustees' Society

Individuals who have contributed $l,000-$9,999 to the University of the South

Mrs. Allan C.Kir jadl.Selden.Jr. A Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dav Oaklev. Jr. Mr. A Mrs. Marcus L. Oliver Mrs. Edmund Orgill Mr A Mrs. Ross N Fnires Mr. A Mrs. R. Eugene Orr Dr. A Mrs. R James Forr. Mr. A Mrs. Fred W. Osbourne Mr and Mrs W.lliom Hoi Dr. Hubert B. Owens ' Mrs. T. A. Slack

i. Triad Andreas [I R. Blackwell Smith IMrs Louis RFoekelo Mr.(d) A G. r. A Mrs. Laurence Snow Snelling

e Rev Dr A Mrs. Richard T. Laraher Mr. A Mrs Sidne\ Lr.i:,- t Mrs Robert S. Lane Dr. A. Michael Pardue s. B. Gresh Uttimoi B ren S. A Marc L. Lib A Mrs. Charles Roberts Mr. A Mrs William Alfred Parker. Sr Burton Fri fcMrs.J. Mr- tdd W Porks Mrs Francis C Payne The Rt. Rev. A Mrs Furman C. Stough G Sulhtrland M Mr. Ashby Met" mder Maitland III

Mr. A Mrs. Hugh IV The Rev A Mrs. W -, A Mrs. Charles EBei A Mrs. James Taylor, Jr. Mr. A Mrs Willis Howard Tellepsen. Sr. Mrs. Lance C Pn A Mrs. John Marks Templeton Mr. Scott L. Probi Rev A Mrs. James G. Theus d Mrs Jock Hcndersc & Mrs. John C. Thompson md Mrs. Charles H. Blakt «.- Mi Robert A. McAller s. John P. Thoi

r Thomas S. Tisdale, Jr. John W. Tonissen, J Q r. A Mrs. Mr. &: i F. Quesenberry III r. A Mrs. Thomas J. Tucker :-- Mrs. John Walton Turnet Mrs. David C.Tyrrell, Sr.

Augustus T. Graydon fc Mrs Mr. A Mrs. Joe Smith Mellon R Mr.ld) A Mrs. Fred B Mewhinne t McGehee Randolph V Mrs.C.TruettMiers Dr A Mrs. Edmund Rhet lintTUh Mi,,,:,,!- Mr. ft Mrs Henry Johnson Mille i. Gilbert Lynn \ Capt. A Mrs. Raleigh B. Miller, Mrs. R. C. Milling H Mr. A Mrs. Michael H Moisio Mr. A Mrs. Lon S. 1

;an Hal Mr. A Mrs John J Moran Mr & Mrs Joseph L Hat w Mr A Mrs J.Marvin Mon Mrs. Dene Lewis Harris Mr. & Mrs Edward P. Mui The Rev. & Mrs Edward H. Hal M 1Ss Ina M Myers i. Theodore E. Byera Mr A Mrs. Rav W. Harvey Mr Coleman A Harwell Mr & Mrs Richard D. Harwood Webb L Wallace Mrs. Clifford S. Waller Mr & Mrs Edwin I Hatch N J. Rufus Wallingford Mr. A Mrs. i Mrs Reginald H.Helvenslon Mr. A Mrs. ^ n Scanlan, Jr The Rev. A Mrs. Thi Mr A Mr- Edwjrd ( I.i^. Ne The Hon. William Scanlan Mr. A Mrs. John R. Nelson hurM.SchaeferM. Schael Schofietd, r A Mrs James G Cate. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Nester s. Calvin O iM Hannah Chalkley Mr Joseph T Newton. Jr Jr Elbert Watson William r. and Mrs. Lam- C Chandlei Mr. A Mrs. C. Schoolfield Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Hill III Mr & Mrs- John P Hine Mr A Mrs Talberi Cooper. Ji The Very Rev & Mr.. Lewi-; Hrdnkm The Rev & Mrs Ham W. Cr Mr & Mrs Stephen F Hogwood Mr & Mrs Rutherford R Crt Mr ,td)& Mrs William R. Holden Dr A Mrs. Francis H.Holmes Bequests The Rev. A Mrs. Phili Mr & Mrs. Wayne Hood, The Rev. &A MrsMrs. JockJoe F. G. Hopper Mr A Mrs Reese HeamH» Horton n Upshaw Whipple The Rev. & Mrs. Alanson B. Houghtoi D II Mr & Mrs Reagan H Mr. A Mrs. Richard B. Wilkens III Th Rev. A Mr; H Hunter Hucka Mrs Arthur A. Williams Rivoli H. Carter (partial) 772,675.71 Dr A Mrs Lacy H Hunt 11 s.John W. Woods

Mr.AMrs.J.Iri r A Mrs Joseph F Decosi J r A Mrs. David (. lvUm A Mrs. Charles M.Jackmon & Mrs. George Duncan Johnso AM Mr Kenneth H Dieter Mr ft M - MorkT. Johnson Ruth Condon Leech (partial) 419.201.85 Mr. A Mrs E. Ragland Dobbin Mr AM a. Frank A Johnstone Mr. A Mrs. Howard G DollofT - Mr AM r'r.,nkCharlesJones Mallov H. & Faye K Miller 896.45 Mr & Mrs A Baker Duncan Th Rev Mr & Mrs John H. Duncan Mr Bernie P. Robertson 15.000.00 Mr. A Mrs R Andrew Duncan s Peter E.Juge Mr & Mrs Thomas P Dupree The Rev A Mrs Alexander DuBos. Mr Thomas P Dupree, Jr Mr AM s. Arthur L. Jung. Jr K "Partial" denotes a partial distributi jn of the total bequest to (he Mrs D A. Elliott Mr & Mrs. George B. Elliott. Sr. Bishop Quintard Society

Individuals who have contributed $500-$999 to the University of the South

-. and Mrs. James E Mrs. Joseph F. Hull. J Mr. George Robert Mende, Jr. Mr. Martin R Tilson. Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William R. Mr. & Mrs. Floyd G Miller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William D. Trahai Anonymous-ID Hutchinson IV Dr. & Mrs. Fred N Mitchell Mr. Jack L. Scott Dr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Trigg The Rev. & Mrs- Martin L. Ms. Ann Chase Morgan Mr. & Mrs Ralph T. Troy -. Agnew, Jr. & Mrs. Harold E. 1 Mr. & Mrs. Julian Earl Morgar Dr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Alvarez 111 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Anderson The Rl. Rev. & Mrs. Charles F. Dr. & Mrs. William H. Morse V The Rt. Rev. Mrs. Charles Mr. & Mrs. Vernon T. Anderson, & Dr. & Mrs. Robert Edward Brinkley Morton Vamer, Jr. The Rev. Mrs. Gerard S. Mr. and Mrs. Alvan S. Amall & Mr. & Mm. Richard C. Vonnegul Mr. & Mrs. W. Klinton Arnold E The Rev. & Mrs. M.William Dr. Mrs. F. The. Honorable llrv.mSm & Sherwood Ebey Mr. & Mrs. B. Ivey Jackson, Sr. Mrs. L. Kirk Edwards Mr. & Mrs. William A. Johnson W Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Atlee Ayres Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Eiland l Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. Johnston It Mrs. George J. Mr. & Mrs. R. Harvey Johnston Jr. III _N Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J ' Mr. &Mrs. H. B Nichols. B The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Girault M. The Rev Francis B. W Mr. & Mrs Hern Jones Mr & Mrs. Jack W. Jones Mr & Mrs Stephen E

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Folbre, Sr. TheRl.~,eRl. Rev Arthur" E i' Rev. Hoy T.St m Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A Ow Mr. Mrs. Robert . & M. K Dr. & Mrs. Norn1 Bartenstein, Jr. Mr ThndH.' it Mrs. Thomas S. Kandul, &Mrs Mr. Edmund McAlisI Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Conlet G Mr &Mrs.TomM.Keesee Mr Christopher B. Paine Bodishbaugh Mr. Stephen V. Gardner Mr. C. Richard Ketlermann The Rev. & Mrs. Robert R. Parks y Rev. & Mrs. John E. Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Gathings Mr. & Mrs. Rutherford L. Key. The RL Rev. Donis Dean Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Glass Jr. Patterson Mr. Si Mrs. Joseph V. A. Bricker Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Goodman, Mr & Mrs. William A. -.& Mrs. John W.Payne lit Dr. & Mrs. John G. Mr Edwin H. Taylor Mr. C. Beeler Brush Jr. Kimbrough, Jr. Mrs John G. Penson Mrs. Fred Weyand E Mr. Moultrie B.Burns Mr. & Mrs. William Osceola Dr. &. Mrs. Charles M.King iarlesA.PoellniU.Jr. Mr. & Mrs Richard Gordon, Jr. Mrs. George M.Pope Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Angus Woodward Mrs.JohnN.PophamlV Mr. & Mrs. James P. Graham 111 organ E. Price L *. Guerry Radford Thornton, Mrs. D. Grandy Mr. & Hatch S Mr. & Mrs. George Q. Langstaff, Clifton E. Greer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Caldwel Dr. & Mrs. Jr. Mrs. Stephen E. Puckette The Rev. & Mrs. Thomas H. Dr. Raymond F. Grenfell Mr. & Mrs. Nolan C.Leake The Verv Rev. & Mrs. Joel W. Harper Grier Carson. Jr. Mr. James Mr. & Mrs. Tandy G.Lewis Pugh II The Rev. &. Mrs. Robert G. Mr. & Mrs. Douglass R. Lore Mr Edward D. Putman. Jr. Mr. St Mrs. George L. Lyon, Jr. R Gifts-In-Kind H M Mr. Daniel W.Randle i Mrs. LeightonH. Collins Mr. Si Mrs. Cary Maguire Mr. Si Mrs. William G. Raoul Dr. Si Mrs. John Harold Mr Si Mrs. Daniel B. Rather Marchand. Jr. Mr. Louis W.Rice III & Mrs. John N. Core Mr. & Mrs. Franklin C. Thomas Mrs. Sara Lynne Willis Rivas

. Kenneth F. Cramer Marchman Mrs. Albert Roberts. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Marchman Dr & Mrs. E. Graham Roberts A F III Mrs. George M. Alexander Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Foreman Mr. & Mrs. John R. Matthews. Mr. & Mrs. Sollace M. Freeman B G Mrs. Richard A. Bagby, Jr Dr. & Gate Way Farm Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bagley Dr. Edward G.Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Bamett Dr. & Mrs. Robert K. Barton

Dr. Si Mrs Charles M. Binnicker Mrs. Elke Boai H John Gass Bratton Dr & Mrs. Charles D. Brocketl Mr & Mrs. Henry W Brown III Mrs. Sara Dudney Ham Mrs. Reginald H. Helvenston Mrs. MaryT. Hickert Herring C Mrs Pamela P. Hodge Mr & Mrs. Thomas Camp The Rev. & Mrs. Jack F.G. Mr. & Mrs. Ogden D Carlton II

Dr. Alan Cheuse Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ben Chitty, J Donald E. Jacobson Dr. & Mrs. William E. Clarkson Price M. Collins Conklin K Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Keele, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Hnrwood Koppel Mrs. Robert W. Daniel L Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Lancaster

assistant professor theatre, talks with his freshman orien- Peter Smith, of Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Lundin tation group following Dean Patterson's lecture on the benefits of a liberal E Dr. & Mrs. Sherwood F. Ebey Continued next page arts education. (Photo: Clay Scott) Corporations and Foundations

A & Grace S. Adair Exi Fdn. Roberta Charitable Tru a Life & Casualty Fdn. The Jung Enterprises vChei Kemper Lire Insurance Co. TheDun&Bradstr The Kendall Co. Fdn. Ryder System, Inc. Fdn. The Kidder Peabody Fdn. Duncan Fdn. Allan C.King Business Salisbury Communis Bank & Aii,a-c \ American Harvey C. Koch & Associate; San Antonio Area Fd Co. il & Co.. Inc. Truat Sara Lee Fdn. AmiTitiin Telephone & n Shore Cha| Umb Printing and Stationer School Calendar Co. Store Co., Inc. Kerdmj Bed Leach & Son Insurance Mde. Inc '-McClnin Co., Inc. ant.t Ci.lloi, Friends of Hitt House & Sam

A. B.Lewis Oil Account Willi. mEnnis Co. The Libertv Corp. Fdn. Episcopal Church Fdn. Lincoln National Corp. The BFGoodrich Co. Association of Episcopal Colleges l.'idti,' Manufacturing Co. Babin Sales Co. Episcopal Fdn. of Texas Loeb & Co.. Inc Sel fridge H. E. Bnggcnsloss Co. The Equitable Life Assurance Serodino, Inc. (V, Ball Corp Sewanee Children's Sewanee Crafts Fair The Barber Fdn. Charles D. Baring Inc. Baxter Travenol Laboratories,

Dorothy Hooper i Beech am Laboratory

il Publisher. I it National Bank of Chic Sigma Tau Delta-Univ of dn. Martin & Martin High School Alabama it National Bank of Rom. Bethlehem S lCorp. Silly Putty Charitable Trust Gate WayVay Farm & Karen Sonat, Inc. Bidding) South Carolina Notional Bank

:l hi!, San latter Fdn

Four Seasons Garden Club George W. Fowler Co., Inc. Mai Franklin County Bank

, Fdn Memphis-Plough Fdn. isha EqU1

11I Lynch anda: Co. Service Corp. GTE Metropolitan Life Fdn. George Gambrill A & Olan Mills. Inc.Inc The Garrett Corp. The Minor Fdn..i.,IiIi Taylor Flower Shop General Business Sei & Light Co. TheTeagleFdn.Inc. r Robert Burwell M.tniil'aciurtT Music Center student on the lawn W. C. Teas Co.

Rep. Generalil ElectrElectric : Morton Moving fiStori Tellepsen Fdn. Carolyn Busby & Employees c alil Shale Product* Cot Motlow State Commun Rehabilitation Services l.hkhr, Co. College riRareB. CIGNA Fdn. Mutual of New York The Goodyear ire & Rut Gifts In Kind CM & M Group, Inc. Green KeyKev PressPr NCNB Corp. Chanties CNA Insurance Fdn. Gulf Oil Fdn. The NCR Camp Mountain Lake. Inc. Nashville Banner Fdn. The Campbell J.J. Haines & Co., In< National Distillers & C Carefree Motor Coach Tours Carter Hawley Hale S M Hamico, Inc Carnation Co. Fdn. AdeleMcKieHamnckFdn.>McKi = Mm Carrier Corp. Fdn.. Inc. R. Harwood Charitable The Times Publishing Co. Cartinhour Fdn Transcendental Books Rome Tennis Team & Jean M The Travelers Insurance Co. Mr 4 Mrs. Homer F Simmons. Evangelization Society, Trust Co. of Georgia Fdn. Jr Inc. Cauttrell Insurance Agency Dorothy Heidenreich & The Dr & Mrs Henry W Smith. Jr UAH Women's Club Clement Chen & Associates United States Fidelity & Chrysler Corp. Guaranty Co. Chubb & Son. Inc. Hermosa Beach K United Technologies United Virginia Bank Fdn. o Fund Home Life Ink N Hospital Corp of Ameri. Enc W. Nayior Varnell Enterprises, Inc. Varsity Carpet Services, I: Vertex Chemical Corp. Mrs. Dorothy Thomas & Mi

Inin-eendenlalBooks It Mrs. Frank L. Oliv The Rev & Mrs. ColI Ray

Walnut Grov

The Procter & Gamble Fund Provident Life & Accident Ins. tional Paper Co. Fdn. Co. g Holloway & Int The Prudential Insurance Co. w Exchanges Board Weil Brothers-Cotton, Inc. R Westvaco Fdn. Lettie Pate Whitehead Fdn., • S: Mrs. Barclay V Rail Roads, Inc. V R Williams & Co. The Raoul Co. The Winston-Salem Fdn Dr & Mrs Dale E Richar Ita Cotton Co. &J.E. CIA Rash Woods-Greer Fdn. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin H Wright Raytheon Co. Mrs Gladys R Roberts e Development Office Staff ,-.k- Rue. lr, ( Dr 4: Mrs Clay C. Ross Richai v Office Rustic Woods Inc. Jerome B Ryan :

Century Club D Mis. Allien W^vneCnlev Mr ^ Mr. Willi.,,,, II IVu Individuals who have contributed $100-$499 to the University of the South Mr. & Mrs Charles A C„nle> l)r & Mrs David C. Conner

l)r and Mrs Fred V. Con vers r fi Mrs. K Hrine Um<>ks Mr. & Mrs. W. Marshall Mr fi Mrs Frank .liihiislmie Mr.tdl & Mrs. Charles D. r & Mrs Fv G. Brown f Rev & Mrs Ernesl F Bel - & Mrs Husih C.Brown The Rev. & Mrs Randolph C. Ms Martha Eluiahi-th Cc«ik .& Mrs. James M.Belford Charles k Mrs. James Harry Mr. & Mrs Norvel H ('auk e Rev. & Mrs Lee Archer The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Cordon T. Charlton, Jr 1'he Rev & Mrs. Willord I, ( Mr fi Mrs Richard 1) Comal - K ;t leF Hclknap Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Cheek ,e Rev. Benjamin Franklin Mr. Andrew K. Chorney Mr. & Mrs. Godfrey i/h.shire, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Martin r. & Mrs. John Edward Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Bonnie Grayson Cooper Chew It H. Darr Mrs. L. Samuel Mr Edward Mr. & Agnew, Mr. & Mrs. William N. Coppodge r. & Mrs. Edmund F. Benchoff Mr. & Mrs. Sluari HI hi Ids Mr. and Mrs. Thama St. The Rev. & Mrs. Glendon C. ie Rt, Rev. & Mrs Maurice M. iMrs :iH. Darragh Dr. & Mrs- Daniel Boone Ahlpor Coppick Benitoz t'l.ill The Rev & Mrs. Fra Mr. & Mrs Keith T. Corbelt r fi-Mrs Eric Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Christim Dr. Mrs. Reginald The Rev. Canon & Alexandre (' Mr fi Mrs Thumas A Mrs. Carnot H. i

1'he Rev. & Mrs .lame- I iMrs. M.Keith Co> Mr. .hm.,', F.,1 lrl;,,l

'it/Simmi- A

Mt\ WilliamWilli. mi PeI'.-.-l Alli-vn

& Mrs. H.rk. I Dr & Mrs. Coates P. Bull III Mr. & Mrs. David Pat Mr. Jr. Mrs. A.Stanley & Mrs. William T.Clark Dr. and h & Mrs. William E.Clark & Mrs. James W. Clnytoi & Mrs. Girard L. Clemoi Mr. & Mrs. J. Fain Cravens Mr. & Mrs. John R. Crawford & Mrs. Donald S. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver 1, Crawford licquennoi Dr. and Mrs. John D. Crews & Mrs. C. Glenn Cobbs & Mrs Paul Caleb C & Mrs. Harry Howard At & Mrs. John Wood I, Frederick H. Cro The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. 1 Vlr. & Mrs. Conrad Pat

Mr Kvi't-el il llel.m.ii.

111 ; K Mr- .[..I, .in I, Bibb 111 Mr. Richard Kin K Cole Dr. & Mrs. F. Tr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Coleman Mr, & Mrs. I ,,M D.-i Mr John R. Cunningham Jr. III Mr & Mrs William V Denson Mr. Mrs. William M, Dr. & Mrs. Wa; The Rev. & Mrs E Dudley & III Dr. Mrs. Chf nicker The Rev & Mrs Wade Gilbert & Mr _ and Mra The Hon . &. Mrs. Ellis G. Arm Miss Miirv Elizabeth Cupp Mr. John P .Bit Dent III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Henry Arn Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Calame. Jr. Mr. Frederick Giddings Curre; Mr. & Mrs Julian KilcOvies Mr. Mrs Ce t Mrs. Henrv F Arnold & d Mrs. Robert Edward Mr. Mrs R Wuu.lruft Ik-uts, Mr. George B. I & The Rev & Mrs Herschel H. Mr, & Mrs. F.Crittenden Curr Mr. & Mrs, Tht Mr & Mrs Earl H. Di Ik-Wall Mr. & Mrs. P. Clarke el.. Mr & Mr- II. Will n I- Bhukmun- ..: Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mr fi Mrs (."• Rev fi Mrs. D.ivi.i \ 'olfe.Jr

i Mr- I'lilli Mr fi Mrs William H Blaunl Jr. Mr Thomas A. Boardman Mr. Walter P. Bodden.Jr. B Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Boehm I kii^enr- M Dn-ksmi Mrs hdw.-.rd N.-riTii.ri Mr

1 1, .,!,,,,

s. Harry L. Babbit Villi, i, n H..hrri e Bachmann t Mrs N,,tC Camj.lH-ll 111 d Badenoch

-.Albert A, Bonhol Dr AM Th H. &Mrs Major Mrs. Otto C. Bailey Dobb & Mr. & Mrs. Marshall M Ms. Sara T. Boswell Mr. & Mrs. Lawren Th >,-, II. A. Miss Ezrene F. Bouchel Cantrell, Jr. Mr. Mrs. III z, an, Jr. & Rhodes S, Baker Mr. & Mrs. Rushton T. Caj twoodR n. Dr. & Mrs. T. Dee Baker. Jr. Mrs Samuel 0. Capers rs Hi J 1. Doss The Rev. & Mrs. Leon C. Batch Miss Anne Hart Carey 5, Doss. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dale Levan rs. Stan Doss Carlberg, Jr. jswell Mr. Mrs. Paul T. & |i,.a,- ft 1 rt; s. Samuel Boykin M & l\ rs. Rich rd Dougla Ill s. James T. Boyle

Mr. & Mrs, Robert J. Cj The Rev. & Mrs. J. Rob

e Rev. Mrs. Harold E & Mr. 4 Mrs Michael M. Cass Jarrett Mr &Mrs.WoodrowL. Mr. William Porcher DuBnse III . & Mrs. Charles Henr CaHtleberry Mr. William Cappell Duckworth. Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Cater, Jr. Mrs. Wolcott K. Dudley j. Theodore D. Bratton r. Charles C.Cautti The Hon. & Mrs. Edmund B. y-illiamD Bratton ; & Mrs David A Miss Ruth P. Baske ie Rev & Mrs. Hi Dr ft Mrs. E D Dumas Dr. & Mrs. Robert E ruceBa Jr. Mr &Mrs Frank SDunaway alter Miller Brke Mr. B..I. Ru- Clu Dr. & Mrs. A.Scott III Mr Daniel D. Duncan III t'h.ini|iJL'iiL' TheRt Rev. Mrs. James L. The Hon. & Mrs. W & Mr. DavidD.ivnJ l li.mi|.l Duncan Beach, Jr. Champ I in Mr. & Mrs. J. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. David Dunn-Rankin Dr. & Mrs. W. B. Ro gers Bee Mr.& Mrs. William G. Mr. Don Keck DuPre Mr. & Mrs 1. Croom Beatty Champlin, Jr. Mr. &f> Mrs.TroyBeatty.J Mr. & Mrs Thomas E. Britt David G. Dye Mr. & Mrs. Keith A Beaty The Rev. & Mrs, Merrill K. Mr. &Mrs.C.Hous Broach Mr Richard D Chapman Mr. Anthony A. Brodhead Continued next page Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bee Mrs. E. Greer Edwards Broemel ;

C.I. & Mrs Kdniuii-I Knk-


. Henry T U s Sum Century Club Mr £• Mrs Henrv H. Mrs. Rey Hutchinson 111 The Rev Richard Rodney Kirk Mr. John Walter Hulzler Mr WHIP Kirkman Mr. & Mrs. John T Hazel, Jr Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hynson Miss Frances J. Kitchens Mr & Mr. John Tilghman Hazel Mr. a Mrs. MarkS. Klein r. Judson Freem & Mrs Capt. Mrs. Wendell F. Kline E 3. Guitar III a s. Earl B. Guitar.. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Ripley Head, Jr. • Mr & Mrs. Harold H. Helm I .,,.!< III 3eorge Hackney Ealmai Mr & Mrs. John P. Ingle & Mrs Julius G.French Dr & Mrs. Jerry L Ingles t Mrs. John C Eby & Mrs R. P. French The Hon. & Mrs Michael S. Koch - & Mrs Frederick R Frever. H Ingram Mr. & Mrs. William W.Koch The Very Rev. & Mrs. W. Robert The Rev. Rodney M. Kochtitzky Inako Dr. William Irvin Kracke Dr. & Mrs. Peter S Irving Dr. a Mrs. Bruce M. Kuehnle Edwards Mr & Mrs. Eric L. Ison i. Bingham D. The Rev. & Mrs W Fred Major & Mrs. Charles R. Edwards, Jr. Mr. Richard Edson Israel liller Mr. & Mrs Join, II H.ierkT Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ivy. Jr. i Horry T. Edwards. Mr. & Mrs. Churl.-, W H;i Dr & Mrs. Lloyd R. Hershberger

r. Edward Toylor Hal Mr & Mrs. Theodore C. er W Edwards '.&& Mrs. GeorgeGeorgi J. Hall Heyword, Jr ggleston John Higgins. Jr. G 3. Jerome G.Hall Mr & Mrs. D. Egleston Dr & Mrs. DuBose The Rev & Mrs M 1 Mr & Mrs. Gordon Lee Hight II Dr.& Mrs. William R. Ehlert The Rev. John W. Hildebrand Mr. & Mrs. David Err Mr & Mrs. Stanley P Lachman Mr SMrsRJ Eilcr The Rev a Mrs Timothy Mr. George H.Hilgartner III Jackson Mr Ralph Craig Laine Mr & Mrs. Paul L Eimon Jerome Hallett Mr Claude M. Hill Mr. Frank T. Jackson Mr & Mrs. Carter Tate Lambeth Mr & Mrs Philip D Elder Mrs Frank Whart. Hill & CDR & Mrs Porter A. Mr Robert A. Dr. ft Mrs. William A. Lambeth. The Rt Rev & Mrs Hunley A. Hjiiries.J les, Jr. Halvburton Mr HenningHilliard Dr. a Mrs. John E Jr. Mr. MrsMrs. Robert L. Gai & Mr Chiirk-sD Ham Mr. a Mrs. JohnJohn!R.J Dr. & Mrs. David M. Landon Mr (luntint GaitherG:iithi MrMr. a Mrs. Robert GG. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. nd George T Mrs G The Rev. a Mrs. Willia Langenberg Mr. a Mrs. Lyle H.Lanier Gardner k Mrs George H. Hai fcMrs Mr a Mrs. S. LaRosa lend Wellington T fc Mrs James W Har Rear Admiral Mr. & Mrs. Beverlv R. Laws ,nnn H Dennis! arland Hines Ret.) t Mrs. John C. Hamp (USN Mr. & Mrs. Louis Russell fcMrs Jurton B. Hanbury, J Mr ft Mrs. Buckner Hmkle, J Lawson, Jr. Irs Km I! Ellis Dr. & Mrs. William M.Hinsoi Mr- WilhamS. Lea Mr .& Mrs. John C. Hodgkins Dr. & Mrs. Allen L. Lear Mr. a Mrs. Thomas A. Lear Dr. Mrs. Thomas A Gaskin HI & Mr & Mrs Albert Harrison Mr. Clendon H.Lee. Jr Neva Carol Gaskins Capt Johnson, Jr Mr. Thomas B.Lee Mr & Mrs Henrv Markley Guss Mr & Mrs. Shelbv T Harbison, Mr. a Mrs. C. Cleaves Johnso Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lefeber. Ml Jr. Dr David C. Johnson Jr. r & Mrs Stanhope E Elmore, Mr & Mrs Ian F Gaston Mrs. B. Mr. & James Hardee. Jr Mr & Mrs David L John, on Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Lefler II The Rev Dume B. Hardin c Mrs. Richard C Mr. & Mrs. Jack H.Lefler r & Mrs Robert W Emerson Mr.(di&Mrs. Quinlin T. Mrs. Bertha W. Leibensperger icRev & Mrs W Thomas Hardtner.Jr Mr & Mrs Robert A. Hollow Mr. & Mrs Robert P. Hare IV Mr.Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Lenehan r & Mrs I'.iul K Engsberg Mr * Mrs Hr,,

1)11 Mrs. John W Harrison Col & Mrs. Harold A t M. Giv Mr. & Mrs. Norwood C. Harrison The Rev. a Mrs. W.Cherry I. Glovei Hoyi Mr U Helton Hums. Dr & Mrs H»rnr Mr. a Mt8. David R Jordar Mrs. Harold J. Goldber n I. H;,rr Mr. & Mrs. Quintai-d Joyne The Rev. Canon a Mrs. Arthur The Rev Canon & Robert P Hat Mr a Mrs R Cr.lchell Ji.ri John Lock hart !. C.ld-mithnith l. D. Hal Dr. a Mrs. David A Lockhart \ LL. GGoi lomualcio «,..,». ,1,7 Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. Coi R. How, Mr & Mrs. Raymond K Mr a Mrs Alexander P. Looney Mr. Anthony C Gooch Prof, a Mrs. Philip Jack Lorera Hi" Jmii-I W.ilk.rr iio..rt Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Harwell Mrs Nathan Kur Mr. a Mrs. Victor H. Lott, Jr.

The Rev &. Mrs. Mercer-Logan

nM Goodwin. Miss Catherine Keith Hughes. Jr. Mr Richard D. Keller Mr. & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Andre Dr. & Mrs. James G. Hughes Mrs. Francis Kellermarm i;,H,d«m 111 ill! Mr. &. Mrs. Richard B. Hughes The Rev & Mrs. Joseph L. The Rev & Mrs U-uis C S: Mrs Harold C

Mr it Mr, William Ellis K Mr & Mrs L.nrd Jellrev Mr. & Mrs Steven Mr & Mr, C.,Mw,|| I. 11j> Mr. & Mrs. Stew Kendall Dr &Mrs C Pren The Rev a Mrs. Ralph J.

Mr Paul J Greele5 Mr a Mrs. James Jerome M I.I Col & Mrs. Stephen D. ichael N. Maberry Green Mr. a Mrs. Jerry Larry Mabry Linda Leigh MacDonald Mr .1 Elmo Greene Gifts Honoring Ms Mr. a Mrs. Morion S. MacDowell The Rev. a Mrs. Kenneth A.

Cdr & Mrs W lliam Mr a Mrs. Kenneth H. Ken Mrs Frederick IUSN Dr. Mrs. Ferris F Ketchai H. RET. res The Rev William R P a Dr 4: Mr- Donald Paltn, Mr Si Mrs Ro »ertEn Joseph Shelton Raine Chap (Capt.l a Mrs Charle. Macleod, Jr. Gribbin III h Caldwell John Ransom ohnP Fort.Jr Lt. Col. & Mrs Samu Mrs. Gene Maddin i Kathryn A. Roppolt rhomas J Foster Cdr. Susan H. Magel USMC The Rev. Iris Slocomb. Edward J. Fox. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E Freden Mr. William J. Maho ney III Mr. Frank Larry Maj ors David W.Frantz Mr 'a Mrs Be rkeley Mrs Shirley 1. Majors Paul Thomasson CDR & Mrs. Vilham Mr a Mrs. Arthur E. Mallory HI Dr. Robert D Hughe- 111 Dr. Robert S Uncaster Si Mrs. Samuel C. King The Rev a Mrs. Frank B. Lee Freeland MrsTamesM Grime & Mrs. Walter Warren: Mangum -. a Mrs. John G. Kirby Mr. a Mrs. HartT. Mankin Mr & Mrs .lames tv I'atthir, i- Mrs. Sti.-ph.-n II Reynold-; Jr.

I. Preston C. Manning, Mrs

Mrs. Henry P. Matheme Jr. Mr & Mrs I Dr & Mrs. Benjamin Phillips, Mr. John Mr. fit Mrs. Allan Gordon Jr. Mr & Mrs. Howard Mvljaeon Mathis.Jr Mrs. W. B. Rosevear Smith Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Matt Jr. Mr .Joel) Smith. Jr. The Rev. & Mrs. John B. Mr. & Mrs. William Myers Mr. & Mrs. Joel Algernon Smith Phillips The Rev. Charles Scott May Mr. Joseph North Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Rowland Dr Linda C Mayes Mr. Matthew Hogarth Pinson Col. & Mrs. Jack A. Royster. Jr. Mr & Mrs Robert T. Taylor Miss Tern Ann Taylor Dr & Mrs. Earle F. Mazyck Thc Rev. & Mrs. L. Noland Mr. fir. Mrs. Thomas Sidney Rue Dr & Mrs. Stephen H. Smith Dr. William Leigh Taylor,, ir. The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. G. N. Pipes. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Rue, Jr. Mr fit Mrs. William H Smith McAllister Mr. Arthur W. Piatt Mr. Holton C.Rush Mr &Mrs.OrlandC. Mr. fit Mrs. W. Hugh McAngus Mr. & Mrs. deRosset Myers Mr. J. Clark Plexico Mr. & Mrs. Noel Rush 11 Smitherman

Mr. W. Duncan McArthur, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglass E. Myer Mr. fii Mrs. Frederick J. Smythe Mr. Joe David McBee Mrs. George M. Sncllings, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Golden Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Engelhar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ham Col. & Mrs. John W. Russey Dr H. Lamed Snider Mr Frank Thor McBrayer Pope III Mr. Francis Robert Russo, Jr. Mr & Mrs. James B. Snider & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Clarence H. McCal! Mr Joseph Thornton Port Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Milner Rust Mr. & Mrs James Brian Snider Mr. & Mrs. Mark S Th Mrs. J Bnan McCormick The Rev. & Mrs. Stephen B. Cdr. & Mrs. Robert Loi N Snider Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ree. Mr. Edward Dr. & Mrs. Wilson Currin Snipes & Mrs. C. Nasi Thomas Mrs. Edward McCrady Mr. & Mrs. William B.Nau Dr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Robert W.I Dr. & Mrs. Edward McCrady III Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Philip Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Snowden, Salter, i.Paul Broward Sr. Dr. J. Waring McCrady Mrs. WoodfinJ.Naylor Powell Dr. & Mrs Michael V. Mr. & Mrs. John McCrady Mr. Thomas C.Neal Mr Edgar Lay Powell The Rev. & Mrs. Charles D The Rev. & Mrs. Ernest Cannon Mr & Mrs. George M. Near Major & Mrs. George M. Powell Snowden Ms Delores T. Snowden Mr. & Mrs. Albin C Tr McCreary Dr. & Mrs. Wallace W. Neb Powell Mr. Mrs. Bayard Mr. Hunter McDonald III Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. & John Irs. David Dr. & Mrs. Sam Madison Powell, ATI Mi— Elspia Nelson Mr.iMi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Morgan Soaper. Mr. & Mrs. sHat III Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Michael Jr. - Royal K Sanlord /illiamL. McElv. Mr. fit Mrs. J. Morgan Suaper,

&: Mrs. BurreBurrell 0. McGee Jr. ss Maury McGi Mr. St Mrs. John Christopher Mr William H Thrower. Jr. •St& Mrs. Johnt R. McGinn! Solomon Mr. & Mrs. Will, .,,,>. \!. ;l , Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Sommers, The Rev. St Mrs. Martin R The Rev. & Mrs. John M. Nichols Tilson Ginm..,Jr Calhs Dr. &. Mrs. James Sterling Price Mr & Mrs. Charles Mr. & Mrs. William Conner Rev. &l 3. John R Mrs. John Furman Price, Jr. Niehaus The Rev. & Mrs Arthur L Tindal fcMrs. >. McGrory. Claude Beelan. Dr & Mrs. Thomas H Price Spac Mr. & Mrs. Savage Mr. Mrs. Joe S. Tobias, Jr. Mr. Mrs. J & Dr. & Mrs'. Joseph B. McGroi Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. Braxton B. Provine. & Mr. James W. Savage Dr. Si Mrs. Raymond J Toher Jr. Mr. &Mrs. L. A. Nikoloric R.Tomlinson Dr. & Mrs. George V Mr. & Mrs. Allen Mr. Albert Warren Nisley Dr. & Mrs. E. Wyatt Prunty "" HI McKee.Jr. The Hon. John W.V Prunty Speck Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Nor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Towson Th( s. John Shearer Pullen Mr. Michael S.Speer Mr. & Mrs. Jr. Mr. PouScarritt. Jr. Thomas " Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M Trabue. McKeithen Mr & Mrs" I. Harold T.T SSpoder Mr. & Mrs. David Charles Dr. & Mrs. James Paul Scheller i. Micajah Clark Dr. & Mrs. W J The Rev. & Mrs. Joseph H. Mr. Middleton GC. Train McKeitl Mr. & Mrs. James C. Nor Schley. Jr. nardM.' t. Richard R. Spore. Jr Mr. &iMnMrs. Jam Mr & MrsMrs. Harr MrXyr Mr. & Mrs. Alfred C. Schmutie. ).W.DuvallSDuvallS,.r "" & Mrs. Leslie Mel Dr & Mrs t Mrs. George H. Peter HafnerSquir rrieK.T 'Kei - Mr. Mr. D.Dudley Schwartz Jr. Ret Dr. Si Mrs. Peter USN Mrs. Daniel D.Schwartz Mr. Ronah Stagg liltonC.Trirhel. Mrs. Edward B. Schwing. Jr. |. Mr. & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. William F. Mr. & Mrs. Clark Lindsay Scott ?. Louis Oats Stoinback Rev. Mrs. E. Quesenberry, Jr. Mr. ConleyJ. Scott II The & Dwight Col. & Mrs. W. Thomas Stalling.' Mr. & Mrs. Hateley J. Quince) Dr. Dan D. Scott Rev William Harriott Ogier.Jr. Ill The Dr David F. McNeeley Mrs. R. Stanley Quisenberrv Mr. & Mrs Henry Oliver Mr. & Mrs. John Burt Scott MSlallwnrt Truesdell Charles Kent McNeer Dr. & Mrs. James Mr Louise Snell Tucker Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas Oliv Jr. Ms. Martha Mrs. Walter W. McNeil, Jr. Fenlon L. Scruggs III Dr. & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Tucker, Mr. & Mrs. Harry C.McPhe. Mr K H Stanley. Jr. G. Mr. fit Mrs. Edward P. Seagram The Rev Robert Oliver R St Mrs. Mr. Edward M. Mr. Mrs. Wilson Sebright Mr. & Mrs. S. K. Oliver. Jr. & Steelman.Jr. B. Dr. & Mrs. Peter J , Sehlinger. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Olson The Rev. St Mrs. Robert H. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L Orr Dr. Caroline L. Rakestrow Steilberg Mr. Sc Mrs. Heinrich J. Mrs. Robert B. Tunstall Ramm The Rev Edward L. Stein Mr. fit Mrs. Allan Robert Mr. Charles Hill Turner John Mr. & Mrs. M Ramsay The Rev. & Mrs. Robert Jr. Dr. & Mrs. George S. Ramseur Mrs. Alfred R Mel Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Randolph Dr & Mrs. John Richard Semmer e Rev. Joseph L. Pace Mr. St Mrs. Gaston Cesar Raoul Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Edward III Jahn If J-i1.-ph.-r Mrs FYan.isG. Middleton Dr & Mr. Mrs. Robert P. Shapard, Dr. St Mrs. James R. Rash 111 Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weenie Paul C. Miles Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Jr. Mr James R. Rash. Stephenson. Jr. Mr. Henry AlAlfordMiley.Jr. William L. Mr. & Mrs Michael Turner Rast The Rev. & Mrs. Mr & Mrs. Thoma. Calvin Mr. & Mrs. J. Rev. E. Sharkey The & Mrs. Robert Stevenson III iorace Miller Wiley Sharp. Jr Ra telle Mrs H Mr & Mrs Edgar A. Stew a Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Smeade Mr. &Mrs. William J Mrs Marshall B.Stewart Winston Sheehar, Rcv & Mrs Limucl G Mr. & Mrs. C. Mr William Scott Stewart Thc - i! Hendree B. Mil ward Dr. St Mrs. James Morris Mr & Mrs. John H Si, 1,1,- Mr. & Mrs. John Timothy u Minch Mrs. Lester Strawn Parr Mr. & Mrs. Willie H. Read Sheehan Mrs. J. V. Ulmer Miss Helen Greer Mink Mr. & Mr. Lea A. Reiber :Mrs. Mr. St Mrs. Samuel E. Parr. Jr. Mr. Frederick Charles Mini ohn H Mrs Ben H. Parrish Mr. & Mrs. Carl F.Reid III Dr Mark Kevin Parsons The Rev. & Mrs. Roddev Reid, lerber Mr. & Mrs. John Timothy N Dr & Mrs. Douglas D. Paschall Jr. The Rt. Rev. & H Dr. & Mrs. John V. Reishman '

Century Club Other Individual Donors

r. Mrs William H. ( Dr & Mrs Frederick F, & Mr. & Mrs. Clay v i. Warren M. Gilbert (' Jackson Mr it Mrs W...|).I,t Ah Louise

Mr ,'t Mrs John K At nil Mr & Mrs Jim Ui/kt Ad The Rev. & Mrs. Mr & Mrs lt.,I..TlC Atn, Dr Alan L. Goldberg Mrs ('ring Alderman IheKuv it Mrs .I..M.-I! Mr it Mr, -I M.Allen Cooper Mr &Mrs R Phil t>rk.- Mr. Lovick P. Com Mr. & Mrs Maxwell Corn Mr. Robert G. Jones Mrs Ro\ Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V Mrv.lnlmR Cunn.nghoi Mr. Paul Curry Mrs J. M. Graham Dr. G. P.Cuttino Mrs. John C. Grant The Rev. & Mrs Coval The Rev & Mrs Moss V Mr. Philip A. Grau Armistead K W Arrington Mrs Albert D The Rev & Mrs. David A

Green & Mi Hnlph E Avers Mr. ThumasS. Darnal) Ms. Peggy J. Mr. Phil R. Greene Mr & Mrs James Per Col. & Mrs. Clarence E.Dovi Mr & Mrs Waiter Wi Jr. rnn kM WalUr.J Mrs Archie S.Wilson Richard Day Mr & Mrs. Lloyd H. Griflin III M unkM B a. G. W Mr Craig Simpson Wi Mr. & Mrs. Robert B 1) Valker Mr & Mrs Donald E , (. Mr & Mrs James Far wardS. J. Mr H Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Fred K. 1 Miss Jane Elizabeth U Mrs Charles P. Bal kcr, Jr. Mr & Mrs. John WW Mrs. John Banks H &M n, Jeffrey C feMrs.l Mr. O. E. Mrs. PriscillaHaaf Mr Mrs. David S Dempsey Dr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Knoll tMrs. & Mr Ray Dempsey Mr. & Mrs, Frederi Mr. &Mrs. K.C. Korstian fcMrs.: Mrs J. Milton Dentoi Ruth V. Hagyard Mr. & Mrs. Carl B Kuhn tMra. ( Ifo.&h Capt. & Mrs. Thomas Kuklish Dr & Mrs Charles. 1 Wise Mr.&NMr. & Mrs. Zeddie Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kullman Mrs.JohnA Wither^ n Miss Betty D. Hall Mr & MrsMrs. James A Barry Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Kurapka Mr & Mrs. William P Witse Mr. John M Botes lr. & Mrs RRobert S. M. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wittrig Dr &Mrs. Rodger'!' Wallace doroR Bcacham Mrlr. & MrsMrs. PeterPi T. Beardsle> g. Willi Elizabethizabeth P. BeeBcddoe Mr & Mr, MichuH J !)...(.- alter E Boll Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Lankford irdN.' Mr & Mrs. Carl Dixon Mrs. Edith Ann B BernardineS. Lansdell The Rt Rev & Mrs Milton Mr. &Mrs. I. L. Donkle.Jr Mr. Edward G. Be Kathryn B. Large Mr & Mr= Charles I.W Mrs Walter Wood Mr. & Mrs. Willia Mr & K Mr. Mrs. George W. I sCarlftun Ward Blackmore. Sr Mr John P. Douglas. Jr &

Mr. & Mrs Leslie Mr ;, Mr- ri.,l-i.Tt H I ...-..- i W„m!I„U,..I, Mi l„.rlesM Dean & Mrs. M. L. Har ,'illum.J Warlel & Mrs Emmons H. Mr. Dr. & Mrs. Francis X. 1 Mr. & Mrs. James E. H Mr ,t Mrs Sterling D. Woo Mr. Bruce F. E. Harve> Mr Richard H Workman .).iluiS| 1 ..mV Mr & Mrs Arthur J Worn ! Robert J Wt The Rev & Mrs John Calvi i Edword War E Mr. & Mrs. JohnS. Bridges 111 Mrs Eben A. Wortham Dr & Mrs. Alexander Heard Mr. it Mrs. AC. Bnley.Jr. Mr & Mrs Michael Davis Mrs. Nell H. Heard Ms Carolyn Land Brown r. Paul W. Eldridge Mr. Mrs. H. LeRoy Henders. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E Ellis & Mrs C P. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Randall Henley Mr. & Mrs. Hugh A. Enfield Mr. & Mrs. Chat Mrs lit.rdon E P Wright Mrs. Richard Henlej Mrs. Hugh G.Brown. Jr Mrs. Benjamin A English Mr. & W. Mr &Mrs. Karl J. Henn Dr & Mrs Stephen F. Brown Mr.ThomasJ.Engram Mrs Stratton Buck Mr. Van P. Enloe Mr. & Mrs. FReid Buckley, Sr. Mr George N. Ennett Dr. & Mrs John N Luket Mis- Kristin Erickson l. & Mrs. Lawrence Mr Richard A. Eskin Heyworth.Jr.lUSN.RET.) k Mrs. Hunter Wyatt- Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Higbee, Virginia T. Burgess Mr. & Mrs. Earl Essig M Mr. & Mrs Robert W Mr. GirardJ.Etzkorn Mr & Mrs. W. Leroy MacGow. Mr. & Mrs Duncan B

Mrs. Alice Mannion The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. C. Gresham -. & Mrs. John Arthur Mr. & Mrs Robert G. Hires Mannion Mr. & Mrs H. Powell Y Villa and Courtney Hizer Mr. &. Mrs. Harry Marsh H.W.Martin Mr. & Mrs Francis H. 1 Mrs. John H.Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Mr Melvin M. Martin

Mrs. Elizabeth C. Mask - Dr. & Mrs. Brad Hogue Mrs. LewisJ.Hollowav.Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Mossengill Mr. & Mrs. Jack N Holt Mr. & Mrs. NotC Campbell. Jr. tev & Mrs. D Roderick Mrs David Canaday d Mrs. G David Hopkir, Mr Mark S. Canale i Mrs t 1- H..r-\.-. Mr, Ruth S Carroll r & Mrs. 0. P. Fit/g.-rald. Jr Dr &Mrs HobartC.Hort i Mrs. Charles \V Foreman Mrs Cameron Joseph t Mrs James J. Zeleske) Jr. Mr & Steve A. Fransioli III Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Howard Margaret McKee Henrv Harper Eraser The Rev Mrs David Mr Samuel Norman McKenna & D & Mrs.JohnA. Frailer. Jr. Wendel. Jr Mr. Thomas S. Howick Claire McKenzie Mr. & Mrs Milton E. Chandler Paul Freedman Mr Halsev E Werlein Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hubba Mr. & Mrs. Weslev McMinn Mr. David A Chapman & Mrs Edwin F. Fuller & Mr. & Mrs Harry H. Hudson Mr. Franklin J. McVeigh Mr. &Mrs E W Chappell.Jr. Mr. Leigh P. Huff. Jr. Mr Robert L. Chickey Mr. & Mrs. H F. Hunter. Jr. FredChisenhall Mr. & Mrs. W. V. Hurlbutt Medford Dr. & Mrs. Dellie H.Clark G Mr. Clifford J Humdon M. B. Medlock Mrs. Albert L. Hurst Mr. & Mrs. Olin T MefTord. Jr. Vida F. Gane Trust Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J Mew HI Mrs. Richard E. Gai Mr & Mr fit Mrs. Arnold L. Mignery

Mr Charles H V.i,,..t!^ Ms. Ruth Moore Cobt Mrs Helen Louise Irwin Mr. Brendan M. Geraghty Mr.&Mrs.T.CIavi.m.Su.H Mr. & Mrs. Henry A Seaman

.KarlLudwigSelig College Alumni Giving

Mr i Mrs JuIkh, . Mrs. Lulher F. Sharp ! Mr. & Mrs Idi-r [. . Slu-itn Mr. H.J. Morris Mrs. Helen Shedd Mr. Steve Morrow Mr. Kevin W. Shields J. ass Agent Evert A.BanckerfCS) Mr. Casper Morsello Mr. & Mrs. k. (.; Shmj.'l.r '1 «' Brown Mr Gary Moser IDi N. Tlogill. Jr. J.C, Burch (VCTS) ZDw.PorlrrHW Mr. Daniel W. Moulton w D. St Pierre DuBoselCO Mr. & Mrs Sieve D.MuHu & Mrs Len Wade Moultne Guerry ICC)

Mrs. Jane Carpenter Murr; i Mrs William B. Thomas E Horgrave iCCt Dolores E. Wagm 29%™ William R. Holden (d) (VCTSl William W. Vaughan The Rev. & Mrs. Harwood T. Anonymo ls 111 (VCTS) Smith. Jr. John W RusseyiCC. N Dr. & Mrs. Henley J. Smith. Jr. whdun '22

If) members nHollis Fitch (VCTS) n Walters '17 in A. Harwell (VCTSl $400 satherbee bP. Noe.Jr. (VCTS) II K, I. Webb donors Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Smith '.Weber '.Porter i. Morris Weinber Ware ICCI

Mr. & Mrs.i. HobRohcri Carl V Mr. AM& Mrs Hei Mr. 01 in Dr. & Mrs Charles B Olir. '18 '27 Mrs. William R. Weston '23 Sparks. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C Whal Mr. Elliott* Speake Mr-- Mi.norieW. Wheat Mr & Mrs Edmund D.Whit Mr. & Mrs. Larry H. Osbom Mr. & Mrs Duone J. Osheim Dr. & Mrs. Monroe K. Mr & Mrs Ellis R. White- Mr. & Mrs. T. B. Osker Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. £ Mr. &Mrs. D. H.Overmyer Hubert V <'i.Mk('.Jr (QKi Mr K Kdwin Wilkes, Jr. K.trl 1! GuiliiMCC) >. Geore DurncH Hardin (CCl Jr. The Rev. & Mrs. Willia '19

Mr. & Mrs. Addison K. H. Parke (CO iSmeade Rather (CO s B. Wakefield. Jr. (QS1 JOQC)flS»/\gonl Mr. & Mrs. William P. Su. Dr. & Mrs. Jesse L. Parrott & ZOM.nR.Cra.v/. Prof. & Mrs. Lewis A. M. Vingard Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Parso] Mrs. Bette L. Winters Dr. & Mrs. Morris Pastemac! '24 Dr. Mrs. Charles P. Wofford Mr. W.A.Patrick & Mr J. HeiksPaul Miss Anne Harris Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Marion William

iiUu.inuJkw, Lewis C Hunv II, Jr . (VC. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Peller Charle sC.Cau Mini Crawfo rllC'Cl Franc D.Dal JoeW Earnest ICC) R. Ale Garner C. lice y.Jr. iCC ic Mrs Holhe Plaster. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Taylor Pre Gn

; r..-.-ti« i. Mrs. Albert Sidney Polk PatM K)d [CCl '25 H.Anl Id (CO V.Ham mw.iK'r W. Hodgson Joseph Col .Instil H. Powell J.-epl itiDerw. rd I'urk.-r Dr. & Mrs. Alan P. L. Prest. Jt Mr Kr.mcis 0. Price Mrs. Waldermar L. Prichard Mrs. David Y. Proctor. Jr Mr= S.iruh E. Pruitt R i. Thomas L. Raggio

i. Janet L. Ramsey Kelly M. Ranson & Mrs. Felix Rapp

i. Theodore D. Ravens

(dl & Mrs. George L.

.Joseph Martin

a H Runyan

!, E. Clayton Scofiel >q fields Agent 1 A f\Cims Agent R. Critchell Judd (CO yyj fc OOnobertA.HohWay TrV/ShubaelT.Beasiey Charles H. Knickerbocker W. Sperry Lee David A.Lockhart(CC) GlennH.Massey.Jr.tCO Charles Gordon Mullen, Jr. (CO J Howell Peebles, Jr. (CO William F. Quesenberry, Jr. Cecil L. Alligood William P. Barrett (CO Hiram S. Chamberlain III (CO Shubael T. Beosley E. Graham Roberta (QS) Ceorge Price Cooper, Jr. (CO Wendell V.Brown" Henry F. Seaman George Bowdoin Craighill, Jr William Capcll Duckworth, Jr. Mercer L. Stock ell (CO (CO James Cain Vardell Richard L. Dabney (CO William M. Edwards Frank M.Walker (CO R EarlDicuslCO James W. Emerson James L. Williams (CO John R.Franklin (CO Philip Wharton Evans Herbert Eugene Winn James D. Gibson Joseph E. Ferguson, Jr. (CO Milton L. Wood (CO James A Hamilton, Jr. Kenneth Roy Gregg Robert A. Holloway(CC) JohnB. Hagler(CC) Stewart P. Hull (CO F. Newton Howden (CO J A A Class Agent Kirby-Smith (RET.) Edmund Alexander DuBose Juhan ^XTTGeorge Albert Woods (CO (VCTSI H.Henry Lumpkin, Jr. (CO George P. LaBarre. Jr. Maurel Newman Richard John M.Nesler (VCTS) Samuel L Robinson David Shepherd Rose (CO James Perry Willis (CO Ralph H. Sims (CO Richard H. Workman (CO Britton D. Tabor Gilbert G. Wright HI (VCTS) Jack H. Black well (VCTS) Edward Warren, Jr. (CO Armour C.Bowen, Jr. (CO William H. Wheeler, Jr. Robert Edward Calder, Jr (CO Richard B. Wilkens, Jr. (QS) Class Agent Overton Winston Cameron Sidney H. Young >J1 C. Judson Child, Jr. (QS) TT A William L. Jacobs Hunley A. Elebash (CO Thomas R. Ford >Qr7Class Agent John P. Fort, Jr. (CO 00 Joseph C. Fuller (CO O 1 Augustus T.Graydon IT Samuel L. Grier (CO Horry Clabaugh Hewson (QS) Russell E. Andrews III William Ellis KeHey (CO S7.5I7 David 0. Andrews, Jr. William P Meleney Orland C. Smitherman (CO George Albert Atkins Charles T. Trippe Samuel L Allen, Jr. (CO William D. Bratton (CO Franklin 0. Wicks. Sr John P. Bmnington (CO Richard Stillwell Corry Silas Williams. Jr. (CO Gilbert Marshall Cbattm G.Albert Woods (VCTS) Aaron W. Cornwall Frank Johnstone Dana, Jr. (CO William G.Crook (CO Phillip William DeWolfe (CO Bertram C. Dedman, Jr. (CO John H.Duncan (VCTS) 9AKCIa» Agent Harold Eustis (VCTS) Marshall J. Ellis *±t_/RoyT. Strainge Augustus T. Graydon (VCTS) James V. Gillespie (VCTSI R. Emmet Gribbin. Jr. William L. Jacobs (CO Dean of the College W. Brown Patterson discusses Sewanee with the Re Theodore C. Heyward, Jr (CO Lee McGriff. Jr. (VCTS) $4,364 James Hampson and his son. Jim, C'89, at the freshman reception. Francis H Holmes (VCTS) deRosset Myers (CO Jack F. G. Hopper (VCTS) William H. Skinner (VCTS) (Photo: Clay Scott) Benjamin Phillips, Jr. (CO William M.Spencer III (CS) John E. Scott, Jr. Charles Franklin Wallace (CO Kenneth Paul Adler 7 Qyj Class Agent Samuel B. Strang Francis H. Yerkes (CO Fred F.Converse (CO OfrR. Moray Hai J. B.Thornton. Jr. (CO Charles M. Jackman (VCTS) Hunter Wyatt-Brown, Jr. (CO Douglass McQueen, Jr. (CO College Alumni MOCIasa Agent Charles H. Russell, Jr. (VCTS) Charles Robert Stevens (VCTS) ^SZiParkH. Owen, /r. 'O Q Class Agent RoyT. Strainge.Jr. (QS) OONonvoodC. Harrison Alan P. Yates »"22 "Z.." $2,883°" '46 W.Klinton Arnold (QS) Leslie Johnson V Frank J. Carter nR. deOviestCO QCIoss Ager Cant Gaither iCO Stanhope E. Elmore, Jr. (CO >Q Dudley C. Fort (VCTS) Frank M. Gillespie. Jr. (VCTS) Currin R GasslVCTS) 0£llutiuiFnn GeorgeJ. HalllCC) Norwood C. Harrison (CO Claude M.Hill (CO Joseph E.Hart. Jr. (CO '301; William B Harwell (CO Luther 0. Iaon James W.Hill III (QS) A Franklin Gilliam 1'r.MonB Huntley Arthur L Lyon-Vaiden (CO 0. Morse Kochtitzky (VCTS) Robert B. Greene JohnS Kirby-Smith Bruce M.Kuehnle (CO Charles E. Karsten, Jr. Robert S. Lancaster IVCTS) Hendree B Milward (CO Louis Russell Lawson, Jr. (CO Edgar L Sanford (CO Sum Madison Powell, Jr. ICO James M. Packer (CO C.Caldwell Marks (CS) Dunlap Castle Shannon Andrew Blevins Rittenberry James E. Savoy Charles Edward McCutchen Edward M. Steelman. Jr. (CO Percy C. Blackman.Jr 1VCTS1 Randell C. Stoney Floyd G Miller. Jr. (QS) Brown. Clintonlinton GG. Bro- Jr (VCTS) JuliusG French I CO Charles M. Wyatt-Brown (CO James W. Moody, Jr. (CO illiamC Gra F. Rand Morton (CO 7 An Class Agent iY. Gregory. J George Garrison Potts (CO TT 1 James G. Cote. Jr. E.Grevil :N » QQCmss Agent John B. Ransom III

Armistead I, Selden, Jr. (VCTS) Oi7 Robert W.Turner 29 danm" Carlisle S.Page. Jr. JamesJ.SirmanslCC) Class Ager nT Parish, JriVCTSl ?Or Albert P. Spaar, Jr. (CO O tJ Edward H< Milton C Tnchel.Jr (CO Edward W Watson Roger A Way (CO

TXOlV.Sper '31 Henry C. Cortes, Jr. (CO '33 Rutherford R. Cravens II (VCTSi James G.Cate.Jr (VCTSl James P. DeWolfe, Jr. (CO JohnS. Collier (CO Ben P Donnell E RaglandDohhitv. iVl.'TSi Joseph B Cumming, Jr. Alexander Guerrv, Jr. (CS) O Morgan Hall (VCTS) Williams. Mann (VCTSI John M.Allin (VCTS) Waller L.McGoldrick William 0. Beach. Jr. (CO Leslie McLaurin, Jr. (CO W.B Rogers Beasley (CO 'ImG Beall(VCTS) John A. Johnston (( Edwin M. McPherson, Jr. Thomas A. Rose. Jr. (CO Robert W Turner III (CO Kenneth A. MacGowan, Jr. (CO Russell Turner Guerney H.Cole. Jr. ln'or^o N. Wagnon How David B Collins (CO ml M. Mueller : ('.lyn«,\Villii i ilCC) IVl.-rR Phillips iVCTSl

W.Joe Shaw. Jr. (VCTS) Paul T Tate, Jr (CO George E Stokes. Jr. (CO utledgeJ RiceiCO s Trapier Jervey, Jr. Sidney Johnston Stubbs iQSi Kenneth H.Kerr (CO James H. Mcintosh, Jr. 'allnceO .CO 1 Rush Howell A McKay Bryai L(CC) HughSai Herman P J. Schramm. Jr. A. Michael Pardu.iYCTSi AllredH TebnultlCCi Dan D. Scott (CC) Thomas McKeithen M (CO Allen RTonilmson 111 1CC1 Charles Carpenter Shaw ffcOceo^G. Clark, Ralph T Troy IQS) John H Sherman. Jr. (CO Edward L. Smith Herb George H. Schroder

Jack L. Stepher Hi,. ..I, !' »CCCI fl .« Agent GrayV nSluarl (CO Claude M. Scarborough, Jr. (CO OlJEdwardL. Salmon. Jr. FredV i.Jr. Roy L Smilherman FredS. StradleylCO Cyrus Field Smythe. Jr. ThobumTaggart.Jr.iCO James R. Brumhv Hi (Vi t Reece Thomaa (CO Furman C. Stough (VCTSl George J. Wagner. Jr iQSi William B Elmer.' 1VCTS1 BavardS.TvnealCO Bertram Wyalt-Brown (CO JCQChwAgfliil John Cass (VCTS1 Francis B. Wakefield III (VCTSl OOThomasWacI James F. Govan WarnerS. Watkins, Jr iCO Ben E. Watson (CC) !'lh,.,l Watson (VCTS) '54S"i John E. Banks, Jr. kimL-sl' McKinstry iq: FredN. MitchL-lhfC'i Hart W. Applcftate Williiiin Hubert Baling tCO

'soszsa-i JKOCIassAgenl Stiinliird Hardin Chambers Frederick M. Cole 0£i\\. Charles Allen Born II John Edwin M.Ellis (CO tj. Warner. Jr. (CCl John K.lwardrJoll.Jr.lCCl Slarkey Sharp Flvthc, Jr. (CO W Harold Bigham Stephen I) Green (CO N.irmmi H Council Robert H. Bradford Robert LaValle Donald, Jr. William Frank Bndgcrs (CC' KirkmanFmkiv.Jr. (CCl Harry Ward Camp tCC) John Vincent Fleming '49SVSL F.Clay Bailey. Jr. (VCTSl S Neill Buldrick. Jr. (VCTSl Dudkv i l:ii k Furl. Jr. George C. Bedell (CO William M. Bomar (VCTSl k,m„a1, kmnett.VCTSi Anthony W Hathaway W, Warren Belser, Jr. (VCTS) E. Clayton Braddock, Jr. William Kus sell Johnston (CO Charles J. Betty James H. Hratton, Jr. (CO Albert Wade Jones Hugh C.Brown (CO (CCl Robert Lawrence E. Cantrell, Jr. (CCl M. Maurer Harry Michael Moorefiekl. CCi IM. Murray, Jr. (CO Eric W N'avlur'VCTS) Thomas E. Adams ICC1 E Dudley Colhoun, Jr. (CCi R Andrew Duncan IVCTSt Will, am M Hood (CCl Benjamin Raye Collier (CC) FredW Erschell.Jr.iCCi Robert G. Jackson (CO C. Dewey Arnold. Jr. (VCTSl John R. Foster (QSI Stanleigh E.Jenkins, Jr. RayH Averett.Jr. Robert M. Ayres. Jr. (CSI Charles M. Lindsay Mercer-Logan Goodson (CC) Robert J. Lipscomb (CO a L. Rosenthal (VCTS) Parker F. Enwright (CCl Walter G. Grahn. Jr. (VCTS) Douglass R. LorelQSl Edward L. Salm James W. Gentry, Jr. (VCTS) Hitii-v Moss Harris George L. Lyon, Jr. iqS) Fnerinch Schilling Jr Harold E. Barrett (i George H.Hamler(CC) Rogers S. Harris . Hugh Mai lory III (VCTS) Smith Hempstone, Jr.

William Harriott Truesdell (CO .nthonyC. Gooch(CC) Thomas J. Tucker (VCTS) >rr Class Agent Gordon R. Tyler J. Bransford Wallace (VCTSl CltjHobrrlH. UVhl Itciijamm James Berry. ! William G. Web John Sl.iiin Warner (CO David C W'isem

Kyle Wheelus. Jr. I

CarlttimS. Cunninnlum. Jr William L. Hicks Thomas S. Darnall. Jr.lVCTSi Edward W. HincldKQ; Francis H Avery, Jr (CO Lewis J. Holloway, Jr. M.illi..- Clark Baker :ander P. Looney (CO OXceorgcVV.Hopp" OOui W, Scott Bennett II

.JBriiilsn.rdiCO t Lee Glenn III lVCTS> John (CO

William HI antley III ! I VCTS) Charles R. Hamiltor Roe Chris BrownSoryllliVCTSi

ouglasB. Lealherhurv.Jr WilliamamGG. Burr >. Steber

rthur John Loekhart

ames, Elton Dezell. Jr. 1QS1 Villiam Temple Doswell III Donald SClic

Bruce L.Burch(CC) sNe\ William Harold Cardwell John C.Fletcher Walter R. Cox (CO David W. Gray III Harold A. Hornbarger (CO

Joseph C. Donaldson W. Andrew Hibbert. Jr. I CS:Ch ancellor Society George B. Elliott. Sr. (VCTS) Frank Y.Hill, Jr. J. PaytonLamb VCTS Vice-Ch ami 1 nislces Society W. Thomas Engram (CO R HoltHogan(CC) QS: Bishop Qui tard Society EarlB. Guitar, Jr. (CO William C. Honey CC:C nlury CI b George N. Hunt dMcCradyllliCO td): de eased IKl.i.H, Jones (CO Jr. Levon Avdoyan, Jr. 1 Whii.,,,, Sadler (VCTSl Pickens N. Freeman, Jr. (CO Frederick Edward Wachter, Ian F Gaston (CC) (CO Nicholas Carl Babson Charles £. Goodman, Jr (QS) Rodger T.Wallace ICO John Willis Ball, Jr. College Alumni .Inme. Weo there Grist ThadH.WaWrs.Jr. (QS) David K. Beecken (CO Weathers, Jr. (QS) Henry Lawrence Bethea (CO r ^ David Gronbeck (CO Walter T. I , j n Uimrii Thomas B.Hall III (CC) Craig V. Bledsoe Philip A. W.lheit(CC) Thomas A. Boardman(CC) )£±f\Ctau Agent Larry S Varnell (VCTSl James Oliver Williams (CO Jeffrey Sayre Bruner (CC) OUlomar-IW Anthony P Walch Robert H Wood, Jr. C. Beeler Brush (QS)

Richard Morev Hart, Jr. (QS) John Porcher Bryan, Jr. (CC 1 Oliver Riplev Head. Jr. (CO John Wayne Bryson, Jr. (CO James Arthur Home (CO Robert W. Hudson Byrd William Davies Cathroe Robert Johnson Howell (CSl U 1 Peterson Covert Joseph T. Johnson John Wilson Colby, Jr. fenChmApnl RandallS Johnson (CC) Barring Coughlin. Jr. LlTTIln-D-M I- Ojjifr. Jr H Midiaul Jones (CO Joseph R. Dane W Palmer Kelly Alan Blake Davis (CCl James Jerome Kendig (CO George Hackney Eatman (CC Charles R. Kuhnell (CO Anonvmous(l)lVCTS) Allen L. Lear (CO William Peel Allison (CO James futile Ezzell (CO Michael N. Maber

Michael D Martir Charles!) (ngmlhal 'CC' eHachmanniCO Robert:obert Emmet Gribbin III (CO vilham Heyward Grin John Elliott Bei David E. Beren| lonB.Hanbury.Jr.ICO

George Atkins 1 Carlisle N.Hastie III Edward V. Heck (CCl sH. Greer. Jr. Thomas Allen Higdon Lvnn Glovier Hogg Danal II Human 111 iCC'j Malcolm Collins Johnst John D Duncan Julian Parke Keith -I Clark Gregg David G Dye (CO Charles D. Ross James Walter Kinsey ll,tL Haden.JrHaden.Jr. iCCtI Conlcy J ScottSo.ut IIII (CCi G. HnllHall 'CO(CCi meeO s.S'iU-rsiCO as Allen D ilv HnncaiCCt raonP.P Hnnea (CC K ,-,11 Jr. .hnli^l.-lV 1., T Diiun (CCl P„,l,., in i(QS) ia (CO S in Robert Mat Farlane Miller

Timottn U I lu^hv.- it '< ' David Griffin Patterson. Jr (C

Lacj II HuntHlVCTS)

John I' In^lo 111 (CO Th<>mj* Harrington Pope III RK-h.iH Kd-on Israel 'Ct'i (CO Crier P Jones iCO Daniel W. Randle (QSl Stephen N.Roberts ICC) ! 66£r&£** Thomas Sidney Rue (CC) Prank Larry Majors (CO r,Jr. Gutlon Price Russ III ChurK-> 11.11 Turner III iCCi Thomas D S. Mason William Londis Turner (CO J. Stuart McDaniel rVCTS) RutherfordL Kev.Jr

Juliu^S Swann.Jr. manB: r Feaster 1 Edwin H. Taylor (QS) liam Day Gates II (CO Robert Lynn Peters III (CC) Anllmm A lir.Hlln.-ad '< Ci Michael V. R. Thomaeon (CO mrd H. Gigr Albert Sidney Polk HI

Charles T R. Tisdale iri .,(i) 11 (.;,n

rtnr.H Glover (CO Allen M. Wallace Chiirk- Flirt wood James I William E. Scheu. Jr. iQSl lliamE HunnumlllCCl William C Weaver II! ICO (CO James Robert Sheller (CO hard Gordon HollowaMCO Morton M Webb. Jr. (CO William A Johnson (QS) Virgil Cox Shutze.Jr IQS) bert Ladley Husled William T Johnson Joel Algernon Smith HI (CO JohnMd'VrranBan-II lliiiin H.nnAs Jenkins rr.mklinl l.ll-.rd Jont- 111 W. Duvall SpruilUCO Sanders M Benkwith (CO Peter W.Stacpoole ICC) Robert Bruce Birdsey

James M. Stall worth, Jr. (CC > '£»CCI«s Agent William H.Steele. Jr. (QS) UtlDouRlnW Milne J. Douglas Stirling (CO Timothy David Strohl

Garfit-ld Christian Swift, Jr. i. Bruce Brooks (CO F. Lamar McMillm CO . GaskinlliiCO David Pipes Milling ICO John A Gnswold Charles Alan Mood> Rutledge Moore iCS) Robert A. Parmelee Douglas D. Paschal (CO John Day Peake. Jr (CC) (CC) Randolph Parker John Franklin V Franklin D Pendleton 1VCTS1 Stephen H. Reynold s(CC) Gordon Donald Coleman P. Lee Prout (QSl John S. Gillespy Ro Robert Ennis Couch ICO Richard R Randolph III (CO John Burt Scott ICC Henry Matson Coxe HI John K Rothpletz (VCTS) George E Lewis II (CC) Robert H Cass Arthur G. Seymour Jr. (QS) JohnM. Cutler, Jr. (CO Joseph Schley. Warren Gibson H Jr. (CC) Lott (CO John Thomas Clark III Peter Ogden Smyth William Booth Davis 'CO G. Edmondson Maddox Reginald F Daves (CC) Charles D. Snowde , Jr. (CC David C.DeLaney (VCTSl R. Stanley Marks Daniel M. Davis William Elliott Str '68^ James Franklin Martin (CO James G Dickson (CO David Parks Sutton (CO FredF DiegmannlCC) Thomas Warren Ellis (CO

Thomas Flovd Eamon Bingham D Kdwardur,uM,l Milium McSwainM

John Edmoiidxm N', t Hudgins Burke (CC) E. Mors

e Waterhouse, Jr. (CO Samuel P Mickler David W Aiken. Jr iCO John F. Moler William <) Allen (CO Barbara Hardee Campbell iCC) Robert Dale Morton (CO JohnM. Allm.Jr. 1. Zeleskey (CO J. Brooks Champlin (CO Hugh Comer Nabers, Jr. J. Boyd Spencer (VCTS) Robert H. Chapman III (CO Keith A. BeotylCCI Jack LeRaul Stephens George P. Clark Rebecca Ann Bennett Joel K Blakeslee Jack P. Stephenson, Jr. (CC) )79Clas S Agent Oliver I. Crawford (CO Christopher M. Boc-hmK'l I £JN Pendlelon Hog.-rs JosiahM Daniel III (CO Joseph L. Pace (CO Rebecca K. AII15. Robert Emmet Seib Frederick Shepherd Thomas, Jr. n Sheehan, Jr. (CO John W. Tonissen, Jr. (VCTS) Montague L. Boyd III iVCTSi

George Howse White (CO Philip D. Elder (CC) Agnew. Sr Edward L. Stein (CO R. Bradford Whitney, Jr. (CC 1 L Samuel (CO C. Ross Feeier John P. Stewart, Jr. Jess Y. Womack It (CC) Herbert W. Anderson III Donald A. Fishburne(CC) William Norman Yang (CC) Keith L. Bell Susan S. Aiken Fonger Jamea N. Sullivan (CC) James H. Booker, Jr. (CO Raymond Browning Gill III (CO Nancy E. Cave Scovi Thomas C. William Leigh Taylor, Jr. II Vance L. Broemel Steven V Graham (CO Thomas Edward Set! Omnium Douglas L. VantU-j-hill 'CO Charles E. Buff Hatch D.S. GrandyiQS) BlytheBondCrogon.Jr 712= Martha J. Lancaster Green William M.Grover III James W.Cameron HI Henry Carl Hartman HI HarroldH Carson (CO Leslie Ann Johnson Hays Michael Thomas CoITey Rebecca Love Elder (CO Rebecca Ann Cranwell (CO Edward J. Crawford III (VCT Martha R. Glueck Robert D. Dalton(CC)

>rjr\aas S Agent

Daniel Boone Ahlport (CO Frierson R. Crai„ Jefferson McCombs Bailey i< Robert M. Crichton, Jr. 1QS1 Joseph Vance Barker (CO Glenn M.Davis Stephen Landrith Barnett Robert C. Dav.Jr.(CC) Frederic C. BeilllliCO Richard Douglas HI (CO Donald J. Ellis. Jr. Robert D Knight (CC) James K. Ensor, Jr. (CO Philip H Lamson Philip Innes Eschbach HI ClendonH Lee.Jr. (CC) Herbert L.Eustis HI (VCTSl Ht-nr> W Lodge (CO Frank Jerome Failla. Jr. Benjamin Brewster (VCTSl Richard K. Farman James Trott Burns John Trice Fasig Andrew K.Chemey (CC) William Mark Goodwin III (CO Archibald McLeish Martin. Jr. Alexander F. Comfort (CO William Osceola Gordon. Jr Wilham C Mauzy William M Cunningham. Jr. (QS) W. Hugh McAngus (CC) (CC) James B. Hardee. Jr. (CO Hunter McDonald III (CO James Thomas Daniel Orrin L. Harrison HI (CO William L. McElveen (CO Timothy George Dargan (CO Preston G. Hicky David F McNeeley(CC) Peter Bogart Dodds Julian Karl Morgan III (QSl Robert P Dougan(CC) Brian W. Dowling (CC) FrankS. Dunaway III (CO Hemdon Inge HI (QS) Dan Miller Edwards, CO Donald Jackson Ellis (CO Henry Burnett Fishburnc, J C.Hunt Garner (CC) Frank E. Lankford, Jr. iary Lynn Patten Pne>tley Jr. erbcrl I, Reynolds HI -. (CC) Robert E. Lee, Luis Leon (CC) eith H. Riggs P>,mll,i,,., Rogers (CC) '. Kyle Rote, Jr. (VCTS) ;ene Gatewood Ham Lanalee L. V. Lew

Randolph D. Love (VCTS) Henn Marshall HI BucknerHmklr.Jr iCC Christopher Perrv Mason (CO Dean Fletcher Holland Thomas F.Mauldtn, Jr. EricL. Ison(CC) William Golden McBrayer (CO .1 William McCord. Jr. John Gahrie! JajTe John Joseph James McGough,!. huriose-Stoney.Jr

Patrick E. McReynolds

i chard H. L. Kopper

il Mansfield, Jr. Robert W. Ne^

Wilham McDonald Tvnes (CO Robert Edward Vamer. Jr. (QSl Jeffrey H Walker (CC)

CS: Chan ellor's Society VCTS: Vi e-Chancellor's a ndTrus tea' Society QS: Bisho p Quintard Soci Lori Pintozzi, C'89, and her parents take a break from the busy schedule CC: Centi. ryClub orientation to look around the Quadrangle. (Photo: Lyn Cdkdeceu of freshman Hutchinson) The Alumni Fund al Year 1984-1985 77;,';

Chirk l.mdsav Scott Ut Brown SUiplelon Albright ICC) James B Anderson John Roger Bnll H. N. Tragitt.Jr. Edmund McAhster Benchoff Timothy L. Swan ICC) (QSl

Christie C Taylor Thomson


Margaret Ann Wallace (CO Charles Horace Worfield, Jr. John Thompson Whi taker 11 John Stephen McClurc John E.Williams III (CCi 926 W. Porter Ware Elizabeth KiUler Bain Zibart iVCTS) William Michael (CCI John R. Crawford S (1 .m„.|H„.lu:k Morris David Lawrence Zilimer Paeon William C. Schoolfield David Christopher Funk lCS> Edward W. Watson James Martin Grater 761, Patrick Daniel Harris Teresa A Sanderson Harrison Julius French 5.450 Christopher KHehmeyor R. Morey Hart 7,229 Edward Harrison Timothv Scott Holder (CO 7,207 Donald R Soifert (CC> Carol A Holt Robert A. Holloway 2,255 Ruth Daly Ivy Augustus T. Graydon 7,517 John Thnmason Alley. Jr. Norwood C. Harrison Tin,, Gail Worthington Aver H.-nn Bradford Berg Deborah H.ibinson Johnson Robert W. Turner JovneDzubackBibblCCl Pennell Clarke Kellv III Shubael T. Beasley Anno Mane Bradford Pamela A Smotherman William L.Jacobs Kennedy iCO Park H.Owen. Jr. Frank Edward Larisey Sperry Lee Donna K.Cook Lodge S]tKl. K.'.i rvi.mrl Kdgar Browne 3,319 Rodney M. Kochtitzky (CO James Van Burchfield Tara Seeley KaihrvnE BnceKuklish rSkaggsIll Boh Ku-< Chambers (CCi Janet A. Kibler Harry H. LangenbergiCO Lom E Cooper Caroline Hopper Harley Cook Lee Marv Elizabeth CuppiCC Chip Malcolm Kmgsley Lewis. Jr Manning Kate Belknap Stewart Thomas Laurie C.Jarrett*

anel L. Leach Mayfield iVCTS) Carla Sha Van Totals 8,795 I Humphreys McCee.Jr W Miles Warfi

'Figun included in overall percentage.

Robert Allen Ragland (CO n L. Hendry IV iCCl Timothy Daniel KloLi(CC) Stewart Armstrong West La Susan Elizabeth Maillaiui Tim Dahlin Montiich [823j?£ *> A Kathleen O'Neal Paul D, Peariften Nicki Denise Pendleton 54.212 Virginia H Bowling Phillip A.Smith Page Parker Webb ICC) Steven Ed K ur Wedding Charles Hatcher A Hermine McBec Welch Timothy Rust Andr Weston Miller And Anthony Atwell.Jr ICC1 John Hammond Bn Walter P. Bodden... r. (CO O^StomiriTllQmai Paul Auj

Christopher Collier Co Matthew Walter Cosle Jill Crane

Thelma St. Claire D'W

Marl. Bruce Flake»-tl, i'i.inu.ilTH.m;!,, rraiKe-ta Lee Funk Catherine Hope Carbee Frances Ann Gilley


an Martin Refers

Arthur Leo Speck, Jr iichard Roland Spore 111 WB Rhodes Stephens., .auraK.C Stewart

Stephen Farwell Templet


1 Fain IV trie Chandler Ja aboth Paige Par


1. Meyer

'87 Brownyn Carlton W. Healy School of Theology Alumni Giving

'77 '82 ;25 DomenicK Ciannellu TO 70 m John W Drake. Jr.(CC) SamMurslmlll George EEdward Lundin K Irwin Hiilberl.Jr. H..-r>.h.' Montee Jones (VCTS)I William S MiinniVCTSi C Edwii Vance Mann HI '26 William K Sanders (QS) .lamest; '83 Harrv W Crnndall (VCTS) Iton L.Wood (CCl '58 H..l>cri Duncan Fain John CominK Ball... Robert Michael Owens (CCl '71 Buckley H. Robbins (CCl '46 James K Sandra Long Wootey WilliamIlium T Patten, Sr.lCSl 2!?— Charles L Moultrie C Morgan '72 '59 '28 '47 Memll K Broach (CC) Bflmelt LyleS MiIIit M Girault M Jones '73

'48 Archie C Stapleton, Jr. H HurdmKfi 2?b C.Judson Child. Jr '60 '30 HughC McKee.Jr. (CO 74 Johnson Hagood Pace, Jr. Bowers Thomas D. topher Perry Mason (CCl Martin R TilsontCO W .Ttu.mus Fitzgerald IVC

Hunter Wyatl-Brown. Jr. (CO Wi|hum I. Sharkey

'35 '76 ArmentroutiC Joseph L KellormanmCC) '50 '62 Sue Ellen Robert G. Certain (QS) Hunley A. Elot

'36 '51 Fred L Meyer (CC) Ralph A Bridges GeorgeJ HalhCO '63 '52 School of Theology '37 WGedgeGayle.Jr.iCCl LavanB. Davis (' Richard I /umBrunnen M.Dewev Gable Lewis Hodgkinsi Giving by Diocese

It'. Agricola.Jr (CCl Ralph C. KutaitlCCl 1984-1985 John R l.odfietCCl D-.iiiild (i Mitchell, Jr (CC) '65 DIOCESE David Shephe '53 Alabama (VCTS) Arkansas Duncan M Grav.Jr ,. Noland Pipes. Jr. < Atlanta '39 L Worrell (VCTS) Central Florida Central Gulf Coast yC. MaxtediVCTSi '66 Dallas East Carolina Ernest F Bel (CCl '54 Florida Michael C Boss ThomassH Corson, Jr. IQS R Randolph Cooper Ft. Worth '40 !r (CC1 Georgia (CCl John M McCinnis. Jr James E. Savoy r III Kentucky Lexington Louisiana ;42 '55 '67 wEmtn Harold E Barrett (CO Missouri Roy Clark Bascom ICC) Harry B Bainbridge II North Carolina Mercer-Logan Goodson (CO Benjamin Franklin Be Northwest Texas Robert J. Boyd. Jr. South Carolina Southeast Florida rurmanC StoughiVCTSi '43 Southwest Florida Marshall J Eths Tennessee 1 Hopper iVCTSi '68 10 22 1,353 700 '56 Upper South Carolina 39 8 125 Wesl Tennessee 5 j 20 100 Harry LL. Babbit (CCl , '44 James M West Texas 2.050 Western Louisiana W A BoardmaniUSAFRet 18 2 9,061 1,089 '69 Western N. Carolina o

'57 i Elliott 111 (CCl Total 771 139 18 48.940 ,8,533

Non-governing Diocese 373 44 12 8.660 2.990 '45 Grand Total 1,144 183 16 57,600 21,523 Academy Alumni Giving

11 '34 ArmandArmanc J dcRoa 17 iolzer(CC] J.C.BrownBurchiVCTSi '35

D.St. Pierre Da 1W (CO s. Jr. ICC) HiiU-k-vJ Quincey(CC) 11 Turner e N. Wognon 18 R. HoldenldHVCTS) '36 C.illn-y Ch^hirc Jr. 'CO

19 '38 William -agh iCCi CumnK.UasslVCTS) Charles Gordon Mullen, Jr. fCCl 22, Will P. K '40 Dale Cleuenger, foreground, first horn for the Chicago Symphony, teaches John Gass (VCTSl a master class in horn during this year's Sewanee Summer Music Center. Sidney Johnston Stut 21 '41 '48 '57 '67 '71 Yerger H. Cliflon David Culbreth Clough. Jr. L. Langdon Lvlk Chumrnrrlu Fred B li James J. O'Neill Mercer-Logan Goodson ICO Mark N. Fnedrich Andrew Peyton DifTenbaugh Howard M.Hunnah. Jr. H. Powel George W. Hopper ICCi Edward Rutledge Moore iCSi John Trice Fasig B. Humphreys McGee. Jr. Stanley P. Lachman (CO Richard R. Randolph III (CO Samuel Grant Hopkins MelindnE. Keppler McGee '42 Albert B. Reynolds Larry S. Varnelt IVCTS1 J. William McCord, Jr. ,1. Morgan Soaper. Jr. iCO Charles E. Karsten, J IS Susan E. Swafford Taylor (CO '73 '49 '58 James R Anderson '43 Bertram Wyatt-Brown (CO R. Randolph Cooper '69 Richard t. zumBrunnen John W Arrington II '23 John F. Miller John A. Bragg saftST' '77 y '51 Knbert Britt Hrantli-v if.'O George W. Hodgson AA PeterJ.Carland(CC) George B. Elliott. Jr. (CO Joseph Winston Norvell JohnR. Lodge ICCi William C- Kalmbach, Jr. (CO '60 Clarence S Schnitker Robert A. MiAllenfVCTS) Frank Larry Majors ICO William Spencer Strowd Edward McCrady III (CO Paul H. Waring Webb i CO & '82 '25 John F. Sloan ICC) '45 '52 '61 Julian R.deOvies (CO Anonymous (1KCO AsHSBKsIW^ »U 4_ je. William P- Cooper, Jr. (C Hoy Charles Diggans >OQ Lewis H Hill llhVCTSi Royal K.SanfordlCO 2§ Heywarnard B.Roberts. Jr. (Ret.) 29, '54 Fff

'30 '46 t P. Hare IV (CO '63

ThomasTrmri...- TovlorI. I '55 Peter(Vr.TKn.-lRucker Wt Thomasrinmi;i.-i A.A Yate; Henrv T(Tompkins KirbvSmith Summer Ah-vai.d.derP. LooneylCO '31 J W.innmgMcCradvlCO John MelIcCrady iCCi E. '65 Ragland Dobbins (VCTS) '47 Programs rshallM Boon (CO '32 '56 LiovdJ Dee Harry B. Fo

i VCTS i '66

Romualdo Gon/.i !<<-. H. O -^Sev/Srfpe Ngws-


William U. Whipple, vice-president for development, writes about the successful Century II Campaign.

Vice-President George Bush is speaking at Founders' Day. Page 2

Joe Winkleman, C'64, reflects on the nature of reunions. Page 3

The College celebrates a record e rollment year. Page 12 a

THESewaneeNE„s Published for the Alumni and Friends of The University of the South December 1985

Sewanee Honors the Vice President

No bands were playing, no ranks of flags flying or crowds cheering, but Vice Presi- dent George Bush seemed fairly to revel in the pageantry of Founders' Day Convocation October 6. In his address, the Vice President congrat- ulated the University on its successful $50- million campaign victory. He dutifully com- mented upon tradition and heritage. He re- marked about demonstrators outside. Yet he also provided substance with a discourse on religious activism. The more than fifty newspaper, television, required a change to October 20. Faculty members assembled before Walsh and radio reporters leaped eagerly upon the Soon afterward the 20th became Hall for the traditional procession but were statement of his major premise: "There is in impossible, and October 27 was considered also searched with hand-held devices. They our country—and must always remain— and finally Sunday, October 6. With each processed in front of a quadrangle that was solid wall between church and state, but change not only were preparations for Mr. clear of spectators, while the Vice President there has never been and should never be a Bush and Founders' Day affected, but so joined them in the chapel narthex.

wall between church ... or synagogue . . . were the meeting of the University's regents To handle an anticipated overflow crowd, and politics." {who were invited to Founders' Day) and the University arranged video taping and a The Vice President received an honorary the celebration of the Century II victory (the closed-circuit hookup in Blackman Audito- degree (doctor of civil law), along with Sir highlight being a banquet the evening before rium. There was no need. Even All Saints' Richard Southern of Oxford and Lewis Founders' Day). Chapel had its empty seats. Cameras blazed Simpson of the Southern Review. He partici- Some plans could not be completed until away at the limited photograph opportuni- pated in a reception in Convocation Hall, Secret Service men and White House staffers ties, consisting mainly of the Vice Presi- and he had lunch with fifty other guests at arrived the final week. Could the University, dent's address and a few moments of Fulford. The events were much like the for instance, have an 8 a.m. Eucharist serv- procession. Just over 100 special guests at- events on any Sewanee Founders' Day—col- ice before Founders' Day or would All tended a reception in Convocation Hall, and orful and grand. Saints' Chapel have to be sealed? Could then Mr. Bush walked across University Av- there be a reception for the Vice President? enue to lunch with fifty other special guests. Would there be time for him to meet the University Avenue was closed. A Day of press? Would he walk in the traditional He departed as he had arrived in an ar- procession? . mored motorcade. Directly behind the Vice The 8:00 o'clock service, a thanksgiving for President's black limousine was a van (win- Details the success of Century II, was approved, but dows open, doors ajar) full of serious fellows as soon as the congregation could be ush- wearing gloves and holding (out of sight) The University was charged with energy and ered away, Secret Service personnel, as- weapons across their laps. Many years have filled with rumors (could we survive without sisted by dogs (new material for Sewanee gone since President Howard Taft accepted them) in the days before the visit of Vice dog stories), began "clearing" the chapel. an invitation to ride in an automobile instead President George Bush. There prevailed a Secret service men (wearing hearing aids of an open wagon from the Sewanee railway giddy curiosity, a mixture of pride and and talking up their sleeves) were conspicu- station to the center of campus where a flag- cynicism. ous despite their efforts. Uniformed officers drapped platform had been built. The University was determined that, if re- searched ticket-holding guests who had to The Vice President's jet flew out of Arnold motely possible, the Vice President would enter the front door of the chapel through a Center Air Base to Chattanooga for a news come on Founders' Day, that sumptuous detection screen. News reporters and pho- conference and a Republican fund-raising "movable feast." At first Mr. Bush was to tographers, lugging cameras and bags, dinner. Q arrive on October 7, but schedule conflicts struggled through the same check point. The Sewanee News

News Briefs Lectures on Power Indiana Senator Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, spoke in Guerry Hall October 14 on "The Respon- sibility of the United States in the World Community." Senator Lugar was a fellow Rhodes scholar and roommate of W. Brown Patterson, dean of the College. His lecture was one of a series of lectures sponsored this fall by the University Lectures Committee on the general theme of "Humanity and Power." Partial funding for the series came from the Tennessee Humanities Council, which is supported by the National Endow- ment for the Humanities.

Wood Lecture The Michael Harrah Wood lecturer this year was Stillman Drake, emeritus professor of the history of science at the University of To- ronto. Drake's topic was "Galileo, the Phi- losophers, and the Theologians." This was the twentieth in the series memorializing a student of the College killed in an automo- bile accident in April, 1967. and director of development. He was serv- Alumni Ph.D.s Endowed ing as athletics consultant prior to his death. Throughout his life, he possessed an in- In a report released this fall by the Great tense desire to help young people find the Lakes College Association, Sewanee was for an education and to direct bright, ranked twenty-fifth among institutions Chair means dedicated young into the priesthood. across the nation in the percentage of gradu- men Q ates who go on to earn Ph.D.s in the hu- Named for manities. The report included only Ph.D.s and omitted other types of doctorates. The H E NEws report was based on a comparison of the Juhan Sewanee number of bachelor's degree recipients who Volume 51, Number 4 December 1985 earned Ph.D.s between 1951 and 1980 with A grant of $750,000 has been authorized by Latham W. Davis, Editor the total number of bachelor's degrees the Jessie Ball duPont Religious, Charitable, Beeler Brush, C'68, Alumni Editor awarded between 1946 and 1976 at each of and Educational Fund to endow the Frank Clay Scott, Assistant Editor

1,500 institutions. A. Juhan Chair of Pastoral Theology at the Advisory Editors: School of Theology. Patrick Anderson, C'57 Oxford Visitor Arthur Ben Chitty, C35 The $750,000 endowed chair will enable Sir Richard William Southern spent a week Elizabeth N. Chitty the Seminary to honor a teacher of erudition Ledlie W. Conger, Jr., C'49 in Sewanee before receiving a D.Litt degree experi- who also possesses broad pastoral Joseph B. Cumming, Jr., C47 at Founders' Day Convocation. He delivered ence. According to the Rev. Donald S. Ar- StarkeyS. FIythe,Jr., C56 three public lectures, which dealt with Medi- mentrout, acting dean at the School of The Rev. William N. McKeachie, C66 eval history. Sir Richard is the recently re- E. Richardson Theology, "The Frank A. Juhan Chair of Dale tired president of St. John's College, Charles E. Thomas, C'27 Pastoral Theology is a fitting tribute to our Oxford. Associated Alumni Officers program as well as to the memory of Bishop Jesse L. Carroll, Jr., C69, President Juhan." Mediaeval Colloquium M. Scott Ferguson, C79, Vice-President for Admissions The Rt. Rev. Frank A. Juhan served the Dennis M. Hall, C'69, Vice-President for Bequests The thirteenth annual Sewanee Mediaeval Episcopal Church and Sewanee for over Stuart Childs, C'49, Vice-President for Regions Colloquium will be held April 11-12 on cam- the Alumni Fund sixty years. He first came to Sewanee to R. Lee Glenn HI, C'57, Chairman of pus.with the theme, "Women in Mediaeval The Rev. W. Robert Abstein II, T'65, T78, Vice-President study in 1907 and was ordained as a deacon Society." This year's guest lecturer will be for the School of Theology in 1911 and as a priest in 1912. At the age of Georges Duby from the College de France. C. Beeler Brush, C'68, Executive Director thirty-seven he was elected as the fourth This year's conference will include partici- The Sewanee News (ISSN 0037-3044) is published quart- bishop of Florida. Upon his election as dioc- pants from across the nation and Europe. erly by The University of the South, including the esan bishop of Florida, he was the youngest School of Theology and the College of Arts and Sci- Conference on Women member of the House of Bishops and by the ences, and is distributed without charge to alumni, par- ents, faculty, and at University. Second class time he retired in 1956, he had become the friends the Preparations and planning are underway for postage is paid at Sewanee, Tennessee, and additional senior active diocesan bishop of the Church the thirteenth Sewanee Conference on mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to in the United States. Women scheduled for February 13-20, 1986. The Sewanee News, The University of the South, Sewa- He played an important part in the devel- nee, Tennessee 37375. This year's theme is "Positively Profes- opment of Sewanee as well as the Church. sional." The conference has invited profes- Letters to the Editor: Readers are invited to send their Bishop Juhan served in several positions at comments and criticisms to The Sewanee News, The Uni- sionals from around the nation to the University. chaplain, teacher, versity of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee 37375. participate. Persons seeking more informa- He was and coach at the Military Academy, Change of Address: Please mail the correction along with tion about this year's Sewanee Conference Sewanee a current Sewanee News mailing label to the above and became a trustee, regent, Chancellor, on Women may call (615) 598-1419. D address. traumatic times in China, I came to this tran- hotels inside the People's Republic, a nation Returning to quil place. Sewanee was my Camelot. "hungry to learn and experience Western

"I spoke hardly any English; so what 1 described learned here in those days, I spoke with a Chen the excitement he felt at Camelot Southern accent," he laughed. being "on the frontier" of the new Chinese Chen had to meet the foreign language re- policy to open the country to foreign invest- Clement Chen has a disarming modesty and quirement by taking French, although Eng- ment and foreign travelers. friendliness. He speaks often in superlatives. lish was his real "foreign" language "My proposed hotel was more or less an His descriptions are filled with detail. To (Chinese was not taught). experiment of this open-door policy,, and I him life is amazing. "I remember Professor Frierson would ask knew that there was a great deal of responsi- And for good reason, for Clement Chen, me a question in French. I had to translate it bility on my part . . .. If my project suc- Jr., C'53, can tell an amazing story about from French into English and then from ceeded, it would be an affirmation of the himself, about a narrow escape from Shang- .." English into Chinese. Ah! At last! I knew correctness of that policy . . hai in the wake of the Chinese Communist what the question was all about. I formed His Jianguo Hotel (500 rooms, costing $22 revolution in 1949, his arrival in Sewanee my answer quickly, translated it into Eng- million) opened in Beijing in 1982, and to with little knowledge of English and no lish, and then into French. If there was so date the venture has been an unqualified money, his rise to the peak of his profession much as one mistake in all those transla- success, declared by the Chinese govern- (architecture), and his recent return to his tions, I was dead!" ment to be the model hotel for all of China. native China to build a hotel that modem A second hotel has been built in Canton, has become a symbol of Chinese-American "From traumatic times in and a third will be built in the city of Xian, cooperation. the ancient capital of China. China, I came to this tranquil On October 25, Mr. Chen came back to Se- Mr. Chen continues to reside near San wanee for the first time in thirty-four years. place. Sewanee was my Francisco. He is building a new house. He He returned to accept the 1985 Distin- Camelot." and his wife, June, his childhood sweet- guished Alumnus Award at the Homecom- heart, have a daughter and son. The son, ing banquet and delivered a moving Mr. Chen recalled stories about other who holds an M.B. A. from Harvard, has en- address. teachers— G. Cecil Woods, Robert L. Petry, tered his father's firm, Clement Chen and "I owe so much to Sewanee, to my teach- and Charles Cheston— and mentioned oth- Associates. These and other blessings Chen ers and schoolmates here that I'll never be ers who befriended him. However, he found said can be traced to Sewanee. able to repay what I have received." it necessary to leave Sewanee after two "Without Sewanee, I would not have had Earlier as he relaxed at Rebel's Rest, Chen years. Realizing that he would not be al- the opportunity to receive an education in said: "I never find any of my investments to lowed to return to China and faced with the America, my family would not have had the be as good as a good education. I'm the best cultural limitations in a career, he trans- opportunity to come here, and the Jianguo example of what a $500 scholarship can do." ferred to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Hotel probably would not have been built. Clement Chen was a high school student Troy, New York, to study architecture. Although I know I am undeserving of your at St. John's University in his native Shang- After completing his studies, he settled in high honor, what you have done is so con- hai when he first heard the name Sewanee. California, worked for several large firms, sistent with what you did. You are generous China was torn by revolution, and the future and established his own architectural firm in and kind, you are what a good Christian ed- of St. John's was uncertain. With the assist- 1959, becoming sole owner in 1963. ucational institution is all about. What can I ance of a favorite teacher, he was put in Mr. Chen has received the highest honors say, other than, Sewanee, from the bottom touch with Ellis Tucker, brother of the in the field of architecture. He has designed of my heart, I thank you." bishop of Virginia, who suggested that housing developments and office buildings, Clement apply to Sewanee. To do so he had but in more recent years he has not only de- Mr. Chen was accompanied to Sewanee by to pay a $25 admissions fee, "which was all signed but has developed, owned, and man- Kemmons Wilson, the founder and chairman of the money I had in the world," he said. aged hotels and business properties in the Holiday Inns, and Xie Shi Gang, councilor in ed- In his address, he explained: "On the United States, Guam, Hong Kong, and Sin- ucation at the Chinese Embassy in Washington. morning of May 19, 1949, 1 received a tele- gapore. Ironically Mr. Chen is the first per- Mr. Chen has expressed intentions to establish a gram telling me that Sewanee not only had son outside of China to be allowed to build scholarship at Sewanee for Chinese students. given me an admission but also a scholar-

ship of $500, without which I would never be able to come .... "By that time the City of Shanghai was to- tally surrounded by the Red Army; three of four airfields had fallen to the Liberation Army. My mother gathered all the money we had at the house, totaling about $450 (They sold their belongings to raise money),

and she sewed them into my undershirt. I was lucky enough to get a ticket on the very last airplane that left Shanghai on the

twenty-first of May. As I flew out, I could hear the loud thuds of bombardment all around the city. Two days later the city fell. From that point on, I was totally cut off from

my family. I was on my own. By way of

Hong Kong, I finally arrived in Sewanee in late August, 1949." He continues to marvel at the abrupt change that nineteen-year-old Clement Chen faced that summer. "Sewanee was the first impression I had of the United States. All I knew for two years were things about Sewanee. From Book Is News Briefs

Cooking Career Expo * Twelve alumni in a wide range of profes- by Allison C. Walker, C'87 sional careers joined together under the alumni tent the Friday before Homecoming As anyone associated with the University of to participate in Career Expo '85. The alumni the South knows, Sewanee is quite a unique COLLEGE made themselves available to the students place. Although tucked away in the moun- for questions and informal discussions con- tains of Tennessee, the Sewanee community cerning their fields of expertise. Participating abounds in traditions, character, and charm. in this year's expo were Jerry Adams, C'65; Southerners have long been famous for The Dean's Column John W. Hill, C'80; Donald G. Shannon- and proud of their warm hospitality and a house, C'71; Bruce Dobie, C'80; Smith special ability to entertain. To capture these Hempstone, C'50; Dianne Witter, C'82; Parent Effort qualities, the Theta Kappa Phi sorority is Thomas E. Haynes, C81; lone McKenzie, compiling a Sewanee cookbook to be pub- One of the most satisfying events of a busy C'80; Peter H. Squire, C'76; Edward Brewer, lished next fail. fall was the of parents on October C'75; Judge Nathaniel Owens, C70; and Su- gathering The book will include recipes from faculty 18-20. grown steadily san Ferguson, C'82. Career Expo is spon- Parents' Weekend has members, students, parents, and alumni. popularity over the past several years, A sored by the University's Office of Career in Also included will be sample menus from family Services. total of 896 parents and other mem- annual Sewanee events, such as the Phi this year, bers registered for the weekend Delta Theta Christmas Tea, as well as special this probably the best attended such Summer Seminar making recipes for food and drink from fraternities, function since parents' weekends began at The Sewanee Summer Seminar was at full sororities, and other clubs. Even illustrations enrollment last summer; so anyone inter- Sewanee. are being gathered from the campus. The ested in the 1986 series might do well to scheme is to have a book with a Sewanee make early reservations. Those attending had an unusually full list character and a touch of nostalgia. Seminar will be held July 13-19. The of activities from which to choose. Planning Persons who would like to contribute reci- The topics will Southern authors, film, was under the direction of a resourceful stu- pes, artwork, and other ideas should write lecture be religion politics, toxic dent committee headed by Bryan Buchanan to Virginia Stuart White, cookbook chair- the Middle East, and '86 and Beth Girardeau '87. Among the ac- man, SPO 1007, Sewanee, Tennessee 37375. waste, modern art, and music. tivities which received the highest praise The cost is $265 for full tuition and fees, from our visitors were the reception spon- S165 for room and board only, and $125 for sored by the Parents' Council with music tuition only. Reservations should be accom- provided by the University Wind Ensemble panied by a $50 deposit. and the concert performance of Mozart's Information and reservations may be ob- "Coronation Mass" by the University Choir tained from Professor Edwin Stirling, De- in All Saints' Chapel. Also frequently men- partment of English, University of the tioned were the continental breakfast with South, Sewanee, Tennessee 37375. (615) 598- Vice-Chancellor and Mrs. Ayres and the "ro- 5931, extension 233. tating sessions" giving parents an opportu- DuPont Honors nity to learn more about such subjects as DuPont Library was honored earlier this studying abroad, career planning, and per- year at the Tennessee Library Association's sonal development in college. More often annual meeting for its longevity as a federal than anything else, parents commented fa- government depository library. The library vorably on the opportunities provided to of the University of the South has been a meet and get to know faculty members. depository library since 1873. There are now more than 169,000 U.S. government publica- Parents have a very important stake in of Men Douglas Sci!fr< yi;vs /n>( minute race tions in duPont Library, 61,500 of which are what Sewanee is doing and many of them Homecoming Tricycle Race participan on microfiche. Q are playing an active role in helping the Uni- versity to reach its objective of providing the best education possible for the students who come here. The Parents' Council, headed by Pat and Dan Rather of Atlanta, with the ad- vice of Richard Chapman, the University "counsellor, has committees seeking to assist Sewanee in the areas of admissions, career services, campus life, and communications and events. Parents can indeed assist in all of these areas and in many others. Their ef- forts are already helping significantly to make Sewanee more nearly the kind of Uni- versity all readers of the Sewanee News would want it to become. Their interest and com- mitment provide a model for all of us in the larger Sewanee family.

Students, professors, and parents crowded the Bishop's Common for the annual Oktoberfest sponsored by the German Club on Parents' -W. Brown Patterson, C'52 Weekend. Professors fames Davidhtiser, left, and Remhard Zacliau, right, join club officers, from left, Doug Duerr, treasurer; Susanne Dean of the College Glaubrecht, resident language director; Rob Mcintosh, vice-president, and Serena Smith, president. December 1985

The Dean's Column An Eventful Alumni Council by the Rev. W. Robert Abstein, T'65 Year The Alumni Council met for a day and a half at Hamilton Hall, the new quarters for by the Rev. Donald S. Armentrout the School of Theology in mid-October. The The School of Theology opened its academic acting dean, Professor Don Armentrout, year on September, 10, 1985. We have an brought us up to date on faculty changes M.Div. student body of seventy-seven, of and projected future needs in this area. We whom twelve are women. Of these seventy- were encouraged to hear about the high mo- seven, twenty are from outside the owning rale among faculty, staff, and students dur- dioceses. We have twenty-nine students in ing this year of the search for a new dean. the senior class, twenty-six in the middler We expressed Applications were discussed at the October concern over the small junior class, and twenty in the junior class. There class 8-9, 1985, meeting of the committee. The (twenty members) and would want to are two full-time non-degree-seeking encourage all next meeting scheduled for 3. alumni who are in positions of students. was December leadership in their dioceses to encourage The faculty has been greatly strengthened The chapel advisory committee has met prospective students to consider Sewanee by four excellent appointments. Dr. Philip twice this academic year and has developed for their seminary experience. a document to guide us in the construction Culbertson is associate professor of pastoral We heard reports our of a new chapel. from development theology, Dr. Joseph E. Monti is assistant officer, Bill Whipple, regarding Council 14-15 the One Per- professor of Christian ethics and moral the- The Alumni met on October cent program. This is making a significant and generated many helpful ideas. The ology, Dr. William H. Hethcock is associate new impact at the School of Theology. All of that professor of homiletics, and the Rev. Mary president of the council is the Rev. Martin money is going to supplement the regular Tilson and the new vice-president is the Anne Shahan is director of field education budget. Acting Dean Armentrout outlined and pastoral concerns. These four faculty Rev. Charles D. Cooper. some of the ways this is being used. The members combine many years of practical Three fellows-in-residence were at the largest item is student scholarships. Other experience with strong theological School of Theology in late October and early areas are faculty and curricula enhancement, backgrounds. November. They were Mrs. Ronald French special programs, and other non-budgetary During this academic year the School of of New Orleans, the Rev. Babcock Fitch of projects. If you are interested in specifics, Theology will search for a permanent direc- Memphis, and the Rev. Lane Denson of these may be obtained from the dean's tor of field education, professor of Christian Nashville. office. education, and a replacement for Patricia On March 7-9, 1986, the School of Theol- The Rev. Mr. Richard Kew from SPCK will have a Conference on Ministry. The Killen. The third position is being redefined. ogy spoke about the exciting program for getting is to reflect theo- During 1984-85, $210,514 was received in purpose of the conference literature, especially prayer books, into logically the practice of ministry One Percent monies. This money will be on today Third World countries where the cost to an used in 1985-86 for financial aid, D.Min. and to help persons make intentional deci- individual is too great for the average per- scholarships, minority student recruitment, sions about their own ministries. Among the son. We commended this fine program. topics to be discussed are the ministry of the and other enrichment programs at the New officers for the Alumni Council: pres- priesthood, the ministry of the laity, women School of Theology. are grateful to the We ident—The Rev. Martin R. Tilson, St. Luke's in ministry, urban ministry, ministry with many donors who have demonstrated their Birmingham; vice-president—The Rev. minorities, a theology of vocation, the minis- confidence in us by this generous support. Charles D. "Pete" Cooper, St. David's, try and political involvement, priestly forma- In the past the School of Theology has had Cheraw, South Carolina. tion, the minister as educator, the ministry three lecture series—DuBose, Beattie, and We recommended the appointment of the of the diaconate chaplaincies. This the three joined and Arrington. This year were Rev. Hendree Harrison, St. David's, Ro- promises to be a significant conference. and called the DuBose Theological Sympos- swell, Georgia, to Mr. Robert Ayres to serve ium. The topic was "The Theology of Karl as the Alumni Council representative on the Barth," celebrating the hundredth anniver- search committee for the dean. sary of Barth's birth. The symposium had Resolutions of support were passed for three major lectures by three Barth scholars Professor Don Armentrout in his role as act- and six shorter topical papers on various as- ing dean and for Mr. Tom Watson, adminis- pects of Barth's ecclesiastical and theological trative assistant to the dean, for his fine vision. Karl Barth's career as churchman and work in the area of the EFM program. theologian spans the important formative We will be soliciting contributions for a the years of twentieth-century theology, and memorial in thanksgiving for all the deans of symposium greatly assisted us in appreciat- the School of Theology. ing Barth's theological contributions. We are soliciting nominations (see article The Rev. Dr. Macquarrie of Christ John on page 11) for filling the positions of retir- the lecturer for the 1986 Church, Oxford, is ing members of the council: The Rt. Rev. symposium. His topic will be "Anglican Leopold Frade, the Rev. Harry W. Crandall, the Theology Theological Identity in Light of Sister Lucy Shetters, and the Rev. Dr. W. of William Porcher DuBose." Robert Abstein. The advisory search committee for a new My personal thanks to all who have dean of the School of Theology met in At- served so faithfully the School of Theology lanta on April 9, 1985. This was primarily an on the council and the alumni who have organizational meeting. On April 30-May 2, generously given their financial support. 1985, the committee met with the Alumni This has been a great experience for me to staff, fac- Council, the student body, the the serve as your president. I leave the council ulty, and the bishops of the owning with good leadership and many willing dioceses. These meetings were devoted to hands on board. The future looks bright in- discussions of the profile and job expecta- deed for our work together as alumni of the tions for the dean of the School of Theology. School of Theology at Sewanee. G The Sewanee News

159 points and was followed by the Univer- Conference sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, West- ern Piedmont College, and Randolph Title College.

The Sewanee women's field hockey team finished with a flurry of wins, capturing Grid Rebound nine of its last ten games, to raise its overall The Tiger football team ended its year with a record to 11-4-2 and to win the Women's In- 4-5 record and a third place tie at 2-2 with tercollegiate Athletic conference champion- Rose-Hulman in the College Athletic ship for the second consecutive time, Conference. The women beat Asbury 5-0 in the first On their way to the third-place conference game of the conference tournament and finish the Tigers placed seven players on the came back to defeat Berea 2-1 in the finals to All-CAC team. Clark Jackson, C'86, Glen win the title. Jennifer Cook, C'86, Danielle Mosely, C'87, and Kevin Smith, C'88, were Cothie, C'88, Becky Hopkins, C'88, and Em- named to the All-CAC defensive team, while ily Robinson, C'89, were named to the all- Hamp Bass, C'88, Mark Kent, C'87, and conference team. Steve Sullins, C'87, were named to the All- Men's Soccer CAC offensive squad with Brian Mainwar- By winning four of the last six games, the ing, C'86, named to the All-CAC team as a Tiger soccer team finished the year as co- punter. champions of the College Athletic Confer- Wide receiver Mark Kent set two new Se- ence with a record of 3-1 and an overall re- wanee records this season. He set a record cord of 10-6-1. The Tigers only conference for the most passes caught in one game with loss came to co-champion Earlham. twelve and most passes caught in a season This season, Sewanee striker Sean Gibson, with 60. C'89, set a new school record for individual According to Coach Horace Moore, "Both goals scored in a single season. He scored Kent and Brian Mainwaring will probably twenty goals, breaking the previous record end the year among the top five in their spe- of nineteen set by Eddie McKeithen, C'84. cialities in Division III. They both had super Women's Cross Country During the season the Tigers defeated The women's cross country team finished a Samiord, Earlham, Maryville, and Rose-Hul- successful season by winning the Women's man but lost to Millsaps, Centre, Rhodes, Intercollegiate Athletic Conference champi- Washington and Lee, and Hampden- onship and placing four members of the Sydney. squad on the all-conference team. Virginia Brown, C'87, Missey Parmley, C'89, Kai McCrossen, C'86, and Elizabeth Coach Klots, C'88, were all named to the WIAC all- New conference team. In the WIAC meet, Vir- Bill Fenlon has been named the new head ginia Brown was the individual champion in men's basketball coach following the resig- the meet, with teammate Missey Parmley nation of Bobby Dwyer. Fenlon had served coming in a close second. as Dwyer's assistant for the past two years. At the NCAA regional meet, the women Dwyer accepted a position as an assistant placed fifth among thirteen teams. athletic director for development at William Men's Cross Country and Mary in mid-September. The men's cross country team ended its sea- Fenlon's coaching career began only five son in third place in the College Athletic years ago in Tampa, Florida, as a full-time Conference and had two Tiger harriers teacher, basketball coach, and athletic direc- named to the All-CAC team. tor at a private junior high school. The next Paul Pfefferkorn, C'87, finished the CAC year he coached Tampa Prep to a school re- meet in second place and Grady Paddock, cord for victories and the first non-losing C'89, finished the race in tenth to place both season in its history. A year later, he di- of them on the All-CAC team. rected Tampa Berkley to a 22-7 mark that in- In the eleven meets that the Tigers ran, cluded conference, district, and regional the lowest team finish of the year was a fifth championships. The summer in between, he place in the Berrv Invitational which in- organized a 17-and-under Amateur Athletic all cluded a host of NCAA Division I and I-AA Union team of stars and served as an as- Canoe Champs sistant teams along with the Division III teams. coach on the 19-and-under unit that won the AAU National Championship and Volleyball Sewanee took back the Southeastern Inter- defeated the Soviet Union national team. The women's volleyball team Nnished its collegiate Canoe Championships October 5 Fenlon began his own basketball playing season in fourth place at the Women's Inter- on North Carolina's Catawba River. career as a Georgia all-state point guard from collegiate Athletic Conference The canoe team edged last-year's cham- Atlanta's Marist High School. He then let- Championships. pion, Western Carolina University, 371 to tered three years at Northwestern However, Sewanee was the only team to 366. The victory gave Sewanee the twelfth University. defeat the eventual winners, Asbury. Amy Southeastern Championship in the fourteen Fenlon's new assistant is Mike Shirley of Amonette, C'88, was named to the AI1- years of the event. Tampa. Shirley brings with him six years of WIAC tournament team. Appalachian State took third place with coaching experience including a stint as an assistant at the University of South Florida. Q —

tions were well under way, and lines had Cagers Will Run started forming for lunch under the large tent on the lawn of the Bishop's Common. Even before these events visitors could get This year's men's basketball team will run the heart pumping with the annual "Fun more and press, according to new head Run" and the alumni soccer game (alumni coach Bill Fenlon. against the varsity). Fenlon admitted that the success of the The alumni parade began as lunch was team will depend some on how well they ending and was marked, as in the past adjust from the loss of Sewanee's second all- years, by class sections. But this year the time career scorer, Jim Startz. Franklin County High School Marching "He (Startz) represented about a third of Band led the way. Antique cars, an assort- our offense last year," Fenlon said. ment of floats, and then waves of alumni The loss of Startz is the bad news, but the swept across campus from the Bishop's good news is that the Tigers will be return- Common to McGee Field. ing the other four starters from last year's A Gathering Students collected tickets and sold pro- third-place conference squad. grams, pompoms, and hats. Some even sold Women's Basketball of Old Tigers raffle tickets to raise money for such projects All-American Kim Valek, C'87, and all-con- as the basketball team's trip to Hawaii (to ference player Susy Steele, C'86, will lead play basketball). the women's basketball team this season as About 1,000 alumni gathered for Homecom- Homecoming has easily outgrown Harris they try to improve on last year's 13-7 record ing October 25-26, one of the few celebra- Stadium, especially since the fence was and fifth-place conference finish. tions in recent years free of rain. moved back to accommodate the new track. This year's squad will return four starters A record number of alumni (800) regis- The social mixer had to move off the bank and have six promising freshmen. Said tered for events that were stacked on top of where watching the game is not only low Coach Nancy Ladd, "We are going to imple- other events throughout a gorgeous priority but impossible. The Tigers led most ment a faster and more exciting style of Saturday. of the way against Washington & Lee but let play." The alumni reception and buffet dinner the game slip away 36-21. Friday night in honor of the Distinguished More than a dozen reunion parties and Swimming Team Alumnus, Clement Chen, launched the dinners were scattered about the Mountain, Having lost only three swimmers from last weekend. The annual alumni dance went on and for those without a reunion, there was year's undefeated team, Coach Cliff Afton is to midnight. the barbecue dinner with bluegrass music optimistic about the chances of repeating The annual meeting of the Associated under the big tent. that feat this year. Alumni began at 10 a.m. Saturday in Convo- Led by chairman Peter Phillips, the class "Another undefeated season is not impos- cation Hall. The meeting was followed by an of 1935 held its fiftieth reunion at the Holi- sible, especially with the depth that we will addition to Homecoming—the Alumni day Inn. Dr. and Mrs. Roger Way were have this year," Afton said. "We lost some Forum. The first part included discussions of hosts of an Alumni Exornati party at their key people (men's captain, Kyle Bennett, both the legal and social considerations of al- and women's captain, Beth Garcia) from last cohol use and abuse on campus. The second If you are anticipating a year's squad, but have added twelve fresh- part was a discussion of admissions office re- mark your calendar for Homecoming 1986 men and transfers who will give us depth cruiting and alumni legacies. October 31 and November 1. The Tigers will this season," he said. By the end of the forum, fraternity recep- play Rose-Hulman. Q Wrestling Seniors Armando Basarrate, Brian Masters, and David Lee will lead a Tiger wrestling team that Coach Yogi Anderson believes will be a good team with experience and youth. According to Anderson, "Our schedule will give our wrestlers the opportunity to compete against some of the best Division III teams in the country." The schedule in- cludes the Washington and Lee Tournament and a home quadrangular match against Rose-Hulman, Washington University, and Georgia Tech. Q —

The Sewanee iVc

only, alumni will be asked if they wish to Salutes, Reports, and Golden Rim purchase a copy. The number of directories printed will be based on the number of ad- vance orders received via the phone calls. The Mobile (Alabama) Sewanee Club is the Alumni who have not returned their ques- 1985 Club of the Year and was awarded the Dobbins Cup during the annual meeting Oc- tionnaires and are not reached by telephone by the Harris firm will be listed in the direc- tober 26 (Homecoming Saturday) of the As- sociated Alumni. tory with the information provided by Mobile edged out Atlanta and Birming- alumni records if the address is current. ham largely because of the continuation of Be sure to complete your own information and send it in right away. its long-range plan and its work in making and publicizing Sewanee Awards. The Nashville Sewanee Club came in a strong fourth, while Chicago took fifth. Going Full Between other presentations at the annual meeting, members heard reports from Time alumni officers as well as from Vice-Chancel- lor Ayres, C49. In a corner of Beeler Brush's office is a box of Jesse L. "Sam" Carroll, C'69, pointed out white and purple cups behind another box that the percentage of alumni making gifts of funny reunion hats and a framed Sewa- had fallen during the previous fiscal year al- nee poster dubbed "the fog." More photo- though the number of dollars had increased. Hi, i:l W'hitihu t ""'(I. i:lcivl~ n vi/J tor tin' alumni Inwcling graphs and prints cover the walls, and He attributed the fall in part to the absence the farthest. Sewanee memorabilia is scattered about of the challenge gift of Gerald DeBIois, C'63. Lee Glenn, C'57, chairman of the Alumni books and banners and the Golden Rim un- He said 22 percent of University alumni Fund, introduced a plan to honor consistent der a table covered with class pictures. made gifts in the 1984-85 fiscal year, a de- donors—those who have made gifts to the It is the den of a feverish and fanatic crease from 27.5 percent the previous year. University for twenty-five years or more. He mind. But not for long. Mr. Brush was re- For the College the decrease was from 35 said planning is still going on to find an ap- cently appointed director of alumni giving percent to 28 percent. For the School of The- propriate way to recognize consistent donors and the Alumni Fund. He will continue to ology the decrease was from 20 to 16 and to find good criteria for recognition. Mr. fill the alumni office only until his replace- percent. Glenn said that the most appropriate way to ment can be found. The excellent reports on College admis- recognize these persons may be to place sions were reiterated. A record number of bronze plaques within the cloisters of Walsh- applications (1,058) led to a record number Ellett Hall. He invited and encouraged inter- of entering freshmen (340). This is also one ested persons to communicate to him their of the brightest classes to enroll in the past ideas. twenty-two years. The average SAT score is Also during the meeting, Walter Bryant, 1150, a 42 point increase over the previous C'49, was presented with a certificate in rec- year. ognition of his long years of service to the Sam Carroll said the next year could be University as director of athletics, director of better if alumni will lend their support by re- the Alumni Fund, and secretary of the Asso- ferring students to Sewanee, helping with ciated Alumni. college nights, or being hosts for admissions The Golden Rim Award, for the alumnus gatherings in their homes. Alumni inter- who traveled the farthest to the meeting, ested in helping may notify Ed Wilkes, the was presented to Brad Whitney, C70, of with a certificate of director of admissions. Portland, Oregon. Q At the annual meeting of the Associated Alumni at Homecoming, Beeler was saluted Aliimni for the energy and innovation he brought to When you hear Sewanee in 1979. The membership had rea- the voice of a son to be thankful. Brush has added new Directory color to Homecoming, with the annual Sewanee student dance, parade, and lunch under the "big top" to touch only the highlights. He has on your telephone Have you received and answered the re- been a key factor in increasing communica- quest for information for the new alumni di- in February or March tion with alumni everywhere. He has in- rectory? Time is short. creased consciousness of class among please be responsive. The new directory is scheduled to be pub- graduating seniors by organizing meetings lished next fall by Harris Publishing Com- on what it means to be an alumnus. pany of White Plains, New York. This Money wasn't his goal. He traveled to at company is the sole authorized agent for the The 1986 Student least a dozen cities to help organize or reju- production and marketing of the directory venate Sewanee Clubs. He helped alumni Phonathon will be and assumes all financial obligation, includ- make contacts on and off the Mountain and ing the compilation, editing, bill, and distri- concentrating on did his best to make it easy for people to bution of the volume and will cover its costs help the University of the South. Even a few raising the through individual book sales to alumni gimmicks were not beneath him. He pro- only. This plan will assure the publication of percentage of moted the production of a slew of a professionally compiled volume. Sewanee items that alumni could purchase or acquire giving. During the next several months, alumni with a gift to the University. The Sewanee will be contacted by telephone for verifica- book of photographs is one example. tion of the information to be printed in the Some say this guy should be in fund rais- directory. At that time, and at that time THINK% ing full time, n movement he championed was the promo- tion of academic excellence, he inspired all of us to participate, and the chapter com- posed the whole of the student body. He knew Willie Six, Isaac, Dan, and others and had more to do with desegregation than any law. He knew that faculty simply operated on the perimeter of the student body, and not within it. He knew that the faculty's knowledge and expertise had to be exposed and taught, and the student body could ac- cept, or reject. However, he was one of the few who was absorbed "into" the body, and became one with us.

I believe it is a total miscarriage of poetic license to quote an "intimate conversation" with someone who is no longer present to

defend, or affirm, the statements. I could tell

you that I a private conversation with Sewanee Club of Memphis gathering had Senor Lewis, and he was a "proud" follower fairs; Elliott Street, C'66, secretary; and Craig of Earl Browder—but he wasn't and I didn't. Laine, C'78, treasurer. Sewanee Qubs I could tell you that I had a private conversa- The club considers that one of its major tion with Abbot Cotten Martin, and that he Persistence won out for the Sewanee Club of goals for the coming year is to establish a "proudly" followed the teachings of Karl Mobile, which took the Dobbins Cup this better program to assist local alumni in ca- Marx—but that, too, would be suspect. year after some near misses. reer placement. Dr. Guerry, Henry Gass, Abbo, Tudor The meticulous point system used by the The Founders' Day Dinner was held No- Seymour Long, Charles Harrison—there's Alumni Office gave Mobile the lead in both vember 7 in the Zodiac Room at Neiman no need for demythology here. They became "organization" (mainly because of the con- Marcus. Club members were delighted that part of us, because of what was known, not tinuation of a long-range plan) and "Sewa- Drs. Joseph and Mary Cushman were the because of the lack of what was known. nee Awards" (with extra credit for good guest speakers from the Mountain. Charles Harrison, a closet conspirator, it publicity). —Michael D. Payne, C76 Q won't wash, Scott Bates—even in the Sewa- Revived about ten years ago and a Dob- nee Steam Laundry. bins contender for seven, Mobile also has a conscientious career development program Robert F. Cherry, A'44, C'50, T'51 or network to assist alumni new to Mobile to Franklin, Tennessee make social and career contacts. The club plans events each quarter, including a more Charles Harrison was certainly not a closet formal gathering to which a University guest conspirator; his progressive opinions were

is invited. always out in the open for everyone to hear, In June the club held its summer party at as generations of students and faculty mem- bers chose to talk politics with the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Inge, Jr., on who him Mobile Bay. Afternoon activities included knew well. These opinions, which included sailing and sunning followed by supper on a frank admiration for Norman Thomas, the wharf. New officers were elected at the Myles Horton, and Martin Luther King, Jr.,

'- were so well known, indeed, that there were : : . >--:,- (.-; annual business meeting August 21 at the Ad i( <" tin lali, ,h, I h, ; i'rfle Sewanee Club enjoy a outside pressures the administration in Athelstan Club. A social hour followed. In cool July Sunday afternoon I'urlu joi jn~linini at tlie lioiw "I on Betty and Dan Bearing, From left an- Marshall Gi>.~u'v. September the club also challenged and de- C'54. the 1950s to get rid of Charles and other Se- C76, Bill Hodges, C84, Sheldon Sommers, C'84, and David feated handily in softball a University of Vir- wanee professors because of their strong civil rights against ginia alumni team. (Some reports say the stands in support of and the Vietnam War. Fortunately, is a game ended in an "ignominious rout.") Sewanee Among the active corps of leaders and true University that is open to all important ideas for discussion and debate. workers are Amy (St. John) Hamilton, C'78, LETTERS immediate past president, who gets a special To The Editor Scott Bates salute for the Dobbins victory; John Peebles, Professor of French C73, the current president; Joel Daves, C73, Sewanee another past president, Peter Sherman, Taking pen in hand, I feel that a reply to treasurer and vice-president in charge of ca- Scott Bates's letter concerning the "catalytic" reer development; Erling Riis, C'81, vice- Charles Harrison is warranted. I had the president; and Joy (Ogburn) Gardner, C'82. pleasure of being a student in several of his classes, and therefore benefited from his su- Atlanta perb teaching skills. Could this be the same Elections of officers for the 1985-86 year were man described in Scott Bates's letter? The held September 26 at the Brandy House Tav- Dr. Harrison I knew made Chaucer flow ern. Approximately thirty to forty club mem- trippingly off the tongue, and made the bers were present to discuss next years characters depicted therein as familiar and activities, and the club is proud to announce understandable as close kin. He made the the election of its first woman president. Elizabethan Settlement a small and recogniz- Officers for the year are: Lisa (Mc- able community just down the road apiece. Donough) Howick, C'81, president; Jay He never spoke of Norman Thomas, but Fisher, C'79, vice-president of social affairs; rather the Norman Conquest. He never Kathryn Wilson, C82, vice-president in spoke of Myles Horton, but he did admit he charge of Sewanee Awards and alumni af- admired Miles Davis, and all that jazz. The — —

The Sewanee News

'59 '43

Robert Freyer, C63, is the Florida partner The Rev. William H. Hanckel retired from in the law firm of Kroll, Tract, Pomerantz, the active ministry in 1960. He then went & Cameron, whose primary offices are in into teaching and studying in the history department at the University of South Car- olina. He taught there and at the Citadel for twenty years. He and his wife, Marianna '61 Rliett duPont, arc living in Charleston, South Joseph F. Parker, C'65, headed back to Carolina. WestPac last summer for another (his last?) unaccompanied one-year tour. His wife, P."**. '45 and the family remain in Virginia Beach, rie hopes to be stationed with the Marines in The Rev. A. Malcolm MacMillan has re- Atlanta following Ihis lour and he says that tired as rector of the Church ot the Mediator in if that happens, attendance at Sewanee Allentown, Pennsylvania, and is now liv- ing in Lake Chautauqua, New York. The Rev. William S. Mann, C'39, and his wife, Marianne, are still living in Sewanee. He '64 writes: "Retired—not tired. Travel: Florida, Sorrclls Dewoody, his wife, Katherine, snut Invest England and London, Cowin- and their daughters, Amanda, 7, and Suz- dech Federation. Gardening: good crops, anne, 4, moved from Oregon to Pine Bluff, but no grapes, so no wine. Ninth grand- Arkansas. Sorrells had been working in for- child bom—Marian Hewitt Thompson. Re- John B. Meriwether, CIS, reports thai The Rev. Francis B. Wakefield has sold estry, but now has returned to the Univer- cent Divestitures: class leadership, third term he is now actively engaged in business as his house in Mobile, Alabama, where he sity of Arkansas to earn a B.S. in computer as trustee, restoration (chairman) of the the senior vice-president o( Timberland served as rector of All Saints' for Church Memorial Cross. Investitures: water-sewer Savings Association in Nacogdoches, Texas. twenty years, retiring in 1965. He has moved board commissioner and SAE House com- to Westminster Village, a retirement center mittee. Pleasant powbilitv; lnurth genera- '67 in Spanish Fort, Alabama, across the bay tion Mann coming to Sewanee." The Rt. from Mobile. '44 Dr. Bill McCord, C71, became board cer- Rev. Milton L. Wood, writes that he is re-

tified in family practice by the American tired and loving every of it, but that William S. "Punk" Strowd, C'50, has minute Board of Family Practice this past summer. there is just not enough time for him to do been a manufacturer's representative in the '28 He is presently vice-president of the Ten- hardware and industrial trade tor over nessee Osteopathic Medical Association and The Rt. Rev. Girault M. Jones, H'49, is twenty years. He and his wife, Mamie, live on the Methodist Hospital medical staff in president of Sewanee's Association for the in Nashville, Tennessee. Winchester, Tennessee. He and his wife Preservation of Tennesiee Antiquities. have three children and are expecting the '46 fourth in March of 1986. The Rt. Rev. Charles Burgreen is the Suf- '45 '30 fragan Bishop of the Armed Forces. He es- The Rt. Rev. George Reynolds, C'50, has '72 timates that he covers 100,000 miles plus relumed to Tennessee after thirty years each year and makes up to eighty visits to away. He is living in Nashville with his wife, Cindy Kershner, C'76, is working as a military installations and other places re- Barbara, and their children, George and buyer for a family-owned department store lated to his office and assignment, including Katherine. He was ordained as bishop of chain. They just opened their eighth store. '34 many overseas. He and his wife, Helen, Tennessee at All Saints' Chapel here in Se- Cindy also takes four or five aerobics classes have two children. The Rev. Charles F. Schilling and his wanee on June 15, 1985. a week to help fill what little free time she wife are living in Hollywood, Florida. In has. She isJiving in Nashville. December, he will celebrate the fiftieth an- '49 niversary of his ordination to the priesthood. '52 '75 The Rev. William Capers Acosta reports that he and his "wonderful" wife, Virginia, Charles Quintard Wiggins, C'56, estab- David Lodge, C79, has enjoyed learning have been married for forty-four years. After lished Landmark Advertising & Public Re- to ice-fish, cross-country ski, and snowshoe '35 he retired in 1977, he served as part-time lations, Co., Inc., in of 1984. August The during his two years as a postdoctoral fel- When Bishop Frank Cerveny of the Dio- priest in Laguna Beach, Florida, and Enter- company has a wide range of clients in land low in the Center for Limnology at the Uni- cese of Florida was arranging for the ordi- prise, Alabama. He reports that he is doing development, politics, computers, con- versity of Wisconsin-Madison, but hopes to nation of seven deacons on June 16, he quite nicely after a heart attack in Septem- er products, and other fields. He and move south one day. He returned to the especially invited the Rev. Fred Yerkes, C, ber of 1984, but is staying home more. The his wife, Jude, live in Houston, Texas. South briefly to marry Andrea Midgett in and the RevT Charles Seymour, Jr., C, to Rev. Robert B. Hall, retired dean of St. Morehead City, North Carolina, in June. have a part irrthe service. This was the fif- Paul's Cathedral in Oklahoma City, has '53 tieth anniversary of their ordination to the served since 1982 as executive director of '78 diaconate, and they were classmates at the the Episcopal Center for Evangelism in Live Thomas O. H. Smith, Jr., and his wife, School of Theology. (Charles Seymour sent Oak, Florida. He spends his time traveling, Angela, are living in Nashville. He writes, us this news. He and his wife of thirty-six writing, and speaking on church growth,

"On June 1. 1983, I joined National Reha- years, Kathleen, are living in St. Augustine, evangelism, and renewal. The Venerable bilitation Centers, Inc. as general counsel Florida.) Sam R. Hardman, C48, is the archdeacon and vice president after thirty years of gen- 79 for missions in the Diocese of the Central eral law practice." Lewis F. Wood, ac- Gulf Coast. He and his wife, Trudy, are Jr., Mimi Stout Leonard, C83, and her hus- cording lo a report from Thomas Smith, is '40 living in Foley, Alabama. band, Dixie, have bought a turn-of-t he-cen- "NCR's C.E.O." tury farmhouse in Stone Mountain, Georgia, The Rev. G. Pete LaBanre is a retired to house all of their critters: a goat, two priest. He and his wife are living in Vero '50 dogs, two cats, and two guinea pigs. Mimi Beach, Florida. (Note: Pete is not a graduate '55 is assistant activity director at a nursing of Sewanee,but he did attend the seminary The Rev. Anthony G. Ditfenbaugh, C42, for one year, reports that he has served St. Peter's Church Ales P. Looney, C'59, and his wife, Juan- home, and Dixie is with Saga at Emory. so those of you who were there in Norfolk, Virginia, for twenty-six years ita, are living in Kingsport, Tennessee, in 1940 will be glad to hear about him.) The Rev. so far! He and his wife, Hope, celebrated where Alex is a managing partner of Video James Savoy, C'38, has made it big '80 time. the their forty-third wedding anniversary in Stations of Junior Cities and a real estate He played role of Father Victor in developer. Thomas L. H. Cocke, C, is a 1984 gradu- the TV mini series The North and the South, June. They have three grandchildren. The ate of Washington and Lee University. He which was filmed onTCreenwood Plantation Rev. Baker J. Turner, Jr., and his wife, Ger- is enjoying working at the Ritz-Carlton ho- near his home in Louisiana. He performed aldine, have a new granddaughter. Carmen '57 tel in downtown Atlanta in their manage- the marriage service between David Carra- Blythe Turner. The Turners are living in New ment training program. Beth Moore, C84, dine and the leading lady. Hejvrites, "The Orleans, Louisa na. Richard R. Randolph III, C61, is vice- was to be married to Jay Perkins in Novem- second day I had the strenuous duty of president of Norville-Randolph & Shaw ber at Grace St. Luke's in Memphis, Ten- holding a glass in my hand during the re- Realtors. He is also an elder at Resurrection nessee. Laurie Warkenttn, graduated last ception scene. ..Most of my friends will rec- '52 Lite Church. He and his wife, Natasha, live June from Seattle Pacific University with a ognize the mutton chops the make-up The Rev. John Q. Crumbly retired from in Birmingham, Alabama, and have two major in marketing. Currently she is selling people applied to my temples...! had my parish work in 1979. He now is working as sons, Richard IV, a student at Auburn Uni- real estate and doing business consulting in own dressing room with name thereon intermittent chaplain at the Veterans' versity, and Ryland, a junior in high school. and around Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii. adjacent to those of the two stars!" Administration Medical Center in Charles- December 1985

ton. South Carolina, where he and his wife, retired since 1979. He and his wife. Alma, Meda, make their home. He received a mas- returned to the home they owned when ter of education degree with a major in clin- they entered the School of Theology. Nominations Needed ical counseling in May. He paid a visit to Thomas does some supply work and they Sewanee The procedure for friend Edward B, King, C'47, in keep busy in their home, yard, and garden. making nominations to the Alumni Council of the March, states that and it was great to visit They also are doing some traveling. School of Theology includes the following requirements: the Mountain again after a number of years. The Rev. Edward 1) Nominations shall be all B. Guerry, C'23, writes, '58 sought from alumni, beginning in the December issue of the Sewanee News. are "In 1935, we were married (EUa and I) in St. Nominations to be returned to the Dean's Office by January 10. Paul's, Charleston, now our cathedral. Dr. The Rev. Millard H. Breyfogle returned 2) Questionnaires shall be sent to all persons nominated. This should be done by as rector of St. Luke's January 17. The questionnaires are to be returned and Mrs. S. Elliott Puckette, Jr., and Church in Manama, to the Dean's Office by January 31. 3) If there are more than W.Gordon Hoffman, Ella's brother, ho- Florida, in December of 1984. W. Anthony ten nominations, the Alumni Council members shall be written by February 7 and asked to select ten nored us and our golden wedding anniver- Gray has retired from the priesthood. He candidates from the list of nominees and return their selections to the Dean's Office by February sary with a fine reception in the parish house and his wife, Mable Lee, are living in Jack- 21. 4) The ballot shall be prepared with sketches of each of the of the cathedral" in February sonville, Florida. candidates. The ballot shall of this year. be mailed to all alumni by February 28, with instructions that each person vote for The Rev. Harry Lee Thomas writes that he four. The deadline for returning marked ballots shall be March 21. is preaching every Sunday at St. James's '59 5) The four persons receiving the most votes shall be declared elected. The president Church in Boydton, Virginia, where he and of the Alumni Council shall inform the candidates of their election by March 28, and the his wife, Lynette, make their home. He also results shall be published in the June issue of the Sewanee News. has two services a month at St. Andrew's 6) The new members shall take their seats on the Council at the spring meeting., in Baskerville and Christ Chapel in Boydton. (The spring meeting '60 will be held April 29 and the morning of April 30.) '53 The Rev. Richard B. Bass has left the Episcopal Church to take up duties as the NOMINATIONS FOR ALUMNI COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP The Rev. Edwin C. Coleman, after twenty vicar of St. Mary the Virgin Mission in the years as rector of St. Michael's Church in American Episcopal Church serving the Charleston, Carolina, South is on the staff Delray-Boynton, Florida, area. Harold D. I present the name of of St. George's Church and is making a film Harrison is the deputy director of the U.S. for (Society for Address and Zip SPCK Promoting Christian Public Health Service's southeastern re- Code Knowledge). His wife, Parker, is the staff on gional office in Atlanta. He is active as a of St.Philip's in Charleston doing youth self-supporting clergy person in the Diocese ministry. Their son, Stuart, is a Carolina of Atlanta and is resident at the Church of Class Scholar doing honors work at USC, and their the Atonement. He is also an adjunct fac- daughter, Mary, is a writer in Los Angeles, ulty member at Mercer University and Submitted by California. Emory University. He and his wife, Bar- bara, are living in Atlanta. Address and Zip Code '55 '61 The Rev. Robert "Bob" Beeland, rector of St. Peter's Church in Rome, Georgia, for The Rev. Delmas Hare and his wife, Ma- twenty-one bel, are living in Staunton, Virginia, where years, retired from active min- Class istry in August. The Rev. Walter D. Ed- Delmas is rector of Emmanuel Church and an adjunct faculty member at Mary Baldwin wards, Jr., has developed and published, Telephone in collaboration with author Patricia G. College. The Rev. John Jenkins, T'71, rec- Francis, a three-year church school curric- tor of St. Paul's in Albany, Georgia, cele- Please send by January 10, 1986 to: The Dean's Office ulum for the small church Sunday school brated the twenty-third anniversary of his on a limited budget: All Saints' Curriculum, priesthood ordination on June 2. The Rev. The School of Theology All Saints' Church, 6600 The Plaza, Char- Wayne Kinyon and his wife, Carolyn, are Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 lotte, North Carolina 28215. The Rev. Rich- living in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Kinyon's Qualifications for nominations: ard Walkley is the vicar of St. Luke's daughter, Shannon, graduated from Sewa- Alumnus/a of The School of Theology Episcopal Church in Hawkinsville, Geor- nee in May of 1985. Financial contributor to The University of the South gia. The Rev. John E. Waller, C45, was planning to retire in November of this year. He and his wife. Margaret, will continue to live in Mobile, Alabama. '56

The Rev. Nathaniel E. Parker, Jr., and his wife, Agnes, are living in Gainesville, Georgia, where he is the rector of Grace Episcopal Church. They have three children in college and one in high school. '57

The Rev. Vemon A. Gotcher received a Th.M. from TCU in 1975 and a Ph.D. in marital and l.imilv LluT.ipv-p^\\-hnliii;y Irom TWUin 1984. He has been in private clinical practice since 1976 and is also on the staff of All Saints', Fort Worth. He and his wife, Deanna, live in Euless, Texas. The Rev. C. Scott May was to be a presentor when his

Bishop Co-adjutor of Massachusetts in Oc- tober. While he was in Boston, he was in- vited to preach lu the Episcopal -.Indent- ,ii Harvard and Raddiffe. He is the rector of St. James's Church in Marietta and reports that they are in the midst of a major recon- struction and renovation project. St. James's is the oldest Episcopal Church in the greater Atlanta area and now the largest one in the diocese outside of downtown or metropol- Members of the Seminary Alumni Council, meeting in conjunction with St. Luke's Day celebrations, are, from left, Michael E. "Corky" Carlisle, itan Atlanta. The Rev. Louis Tonsmeire and T'75; G. Hendree Harrison. V69; Maurice L. "Rusty" Goldsmith. T80; Bertie Pittman, T80; W. Robert Abslein. T65, T'78; Donald S. Annentrout his wife, Sally, are living in Marietta, Geor- (acting dean); Martin R. Tilson. T48. H78; John R. Throop, T81; Tom Watson (acting administrator); Harry W. Crandall, T83; and Charles D. gia. The Rev. Thomas M. Wade III has been Cooper, T81. —

The Sewanee News

'62 his wife, Kit, were in Canterbury, England, this summer with several Sewanee folk The Rev. Emmett Lucas is company pres- Feeding Joe Sanderson, C'59. and Lew Heigham, the Church ident of Southern Historical Press which is T'83, being just two he mentioned. The

now publishing five volumes of The Tonics- Bainbridges' oldest child, Harry IV, is a With the election of the Rt. Rev. Edmond L. Browning, C'52, T'54, >,v IVm Qnr>hoiinairet. Julian McPhillips re- freshman at Sewanee this year. The Rev. tired earlier this year as rector of St. H'70, of Hawaii as Presiding Bishop, Sewanee was honored by having Simon Martin J. Campbell and his wife, Sue, are Peter Church in Pell City, Alabama. He and living in Tavares, Florida. Martin has been the third consecutive leader of the Episcopal Church an alumnus of the his wife. Eleanor, are now residing in Point the vicar of St. Francis's Church in Bushnell University. Clear. Alabama. since 1978. He has also been assistant state As was Bishop Browning, retiring Presiding Bishop John M. Allin, attorney in the fifth circuit of Florida and C'43, T'45, H'62, graduated from both the College and Seminary. Their '63 supervisor of the civil division since 1978. immediate predecessor. Bishop John E. Hines, C'30, H'46, is a gradu- A. C. Cannon is living in Greenville, South ate of the College. Carolina The Rev. Gedge Cayle, GST'76, '68 In addition the General Convention selected another Sewanee alum- is still rector of St. Martin's Church in Me- The Rev. Alfred F. Scogin, Jr., is rector nus to the taint?, Louisiana. His daughter, Betsy, is a of St. Albans Church in Monroe, Georgia. second highest office of the Episcopal Church— president of senior at Sewanee, and Gedge is trustee from The Rev. Herbert H. Weld has been offi- the larger legislative body, the House of Deputies. He is the Very Rev. the Diocese of Louisiana. The Rev. Canon cially retired from active ministry since Jan- David Collins, C'43, T'48, H74, former dean of St. Philip's Cathedral in Julius F. Hale writes from Columbia, South uary of 1978. We notice, however, that he Atlanta and former chaplain of the University. f~J Carolina, "Retired from Trinity Cathedral, stays quite busy working for the Episcopal Diocese of Upper 5outh Carolina. Never Church of the Messiah in Santa Ana, Cali- thought retirement could be so great. fornia, making calls on "parishioners, the wife, and he had an interesting trip through Everyone should start planning their retire- sick, shut-ins, convalescent hospitals, re- China John built a new office in Sewanee 76 ment when fhey are in high school." tirement homes, and hospitals (best and where he is now in private law practice. In August of this year. The Rev. Robert most rewarding part of ministry)." He has G. Certain moved from Yazoo City, Missis- been blessed since his retirement with '64 sippi, to Memphis, Tennessee, where he is chaplaincy appointments aboard Princess now rector of the Church of the Holy Apos- The Rev. W. Bowlyne Fisher is now Line Pleasure Cruises, ranging from one 74 tles. On January 1, Thomas B. Looney was ing in Dallas, Texas. The Rev. John McKee week to four weeks, in the Caribbean, the The Rev. John Bailey Lipscomb has since married to Joan Virginia Mirsepasy. Thomas and his wife, Shirley, are living at Hilton Panama Canal, and the Pacific Ocean. He July 1981 served as assistant to the rector of was ordained at Unitarian-Universalist Head, South Carolina. John has retired from also took an around-the-world cruise in 1982 St. James's Church in Baton Rouge. Prior to minister in August, 1983, and in April the priesthood, but is serving as a part- of he aboard the Queen Elizabeth II. Herbert says that he was rector of Good Shepherd, Greer. this year he was installed as the minister for time assistant at St. Helena's Church in that he is also blessed with good health. During his time at St. James's, he has served the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Beaufort, South Carolina. as dean of the Baton Rouge Deanery and on Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He re- the examining board of the Diocese of Lou- '69 ceived a D. Min. from Vanderbilt in 1981. isiana. He also works on the board of the '65 The Rev. Bob Smith, his wife, Judith, and The Rev. Hendiee Harrison has been the Family Violence Intervention Center and as The Rev. Charles Hutchins their children, David, 13; Christina, 11; Mi- has com- ector of St. David's Church in Roswell, the executive director of the Baton Rouge pleted twenty-eight years in the United chael, 6; and Jennifer, 2, are living in De- Georgia, for nearly five years. They are Urban Ministries Coalition. Flis wife, Mar- Methodist Church pastorate. He and his mopolis, Alabama, where Bob is rector of building a new church building. Christian cie, is executive director of the Capital Area wife, Ellen, have left Florida, where Charles Trinity Episcopal Church. education rooms, and office space; the new Plantation chapter of the March of Dimes. did his ministry, and now reside in Savan- church will seat 450 people and they are John and Marcie have two children, Mat- nah, Georgia The Rev. Coleman Inge has hoping to celebrate Christmas in their new thew, 14, and Natalie, 9. Julia Grace May just completed twenty-one years as rector 77 facilities. The Rev. Robert E. Libbey, C'61, is the assistant director of development in of St. Luke's Church and chaplain to St The Rev. Edmund L. Dohoney and his has been the rector of St. Jude's Episcopal the office of foundations at North Carolina Luke's Dav School in Mobilv, Alabama. The wife, Chris, are living in Seguin, Texas, Church in Columbia, South Carolina, since State University in Raleigh. James W. Wil- Rev. W. Cherry Livingston and his wife, where he has served as rector of St. An- 1979. His wife, Betsy, was ordained a pnest liams is involved in an exciting vocation as Elizabeth, are living in New Bern, North drew's Church for a year and a half. David in May, 1985, and has an interim ministry a free lance writer-photographer. He says Carolina. He is a retired clinical chaplain, Garrett and his wife, Virginia, have been in at St.Alban's Episcopal Church in Lexing- that he is also maitre d' and assistant man- and now Ls a part-time vicar of James County Newport, Tennessee, for seven years. They ton, South Carolina. ager of a "new but soon to be famous Italian and serves as a spiritual director. The Rev. have two children now; Geoffrey is 8 and restaurant in Fredericksburg (Virginia). The Hoyt B. Massey and his wife, Glennie, are Arwen Eileen is almost 5. David reports that only problem is that I eat there regularly living in St. Petersburg, Florida. Hoyt has they have been very active for three years 70 and not much of the food is low calorie." been the archdeacon for the Diocese of The Rev. James G. Theus and his wife, in presenting marriage encounter week- Southwest Honda since 1979. The Rev. Caroline, are living in Alexandria, Louisi- ends. The Rev. Robert P. Henley is now Thomas David Roberts and his wife, Janet non-parochial in the Diocese of North , where he is serving as the vicar of St. Car- a olina. his wife, Helen, made move October 1 when John's Episcopal Church. He is also the di- 75 He and Russ, are living in Thomas became vicar of Bishop Otey Mem- )r of the hospice at the local hospital The Rev. George Curt is the rector of St. Charlotte. The Rev. J. Monte Jones and his orial Church in Memphis, Tennessee. He serves as a therapist for Pastoral Coun- David's Church in Englewood, Florida. He wife, Virginia, are living in Sonora, Texas, also serves as chaplain of the Episcopal seling Services, is a member of the committee on evangel- where he is rector of St. John's Episcopal Church Home there. Thomas M. Stubbs ism and outreach for the Diocese of South- Church. He is a participant in a pilot pro- and his wife, Myra, are living in Morrow, west Florida, and is a consultant for gram to train evangelism consultants for the Georgia. He writes, 'Twenty years to the 72 Anorexia/Bulimia. He attended the College Episcopal Church. The Rev. H. Vance Mann day (July I, 1982) 1 dosed my law office in The Rev. Jeff Batkin is the rector of St. of Preachers in October of this year. The III is serving as the rector of St. Stephen's

to r Atlanta enter seminary. I reopened in rancis of Assisi Episcopal Church in Rev. Craig R. H. Gates, after serving Trin- Church in Culpeper, Virginia. He and his

Jonesboro. Georgia. I still love the Church, Chapin, South Carolina. He has been en- ity Church, Crowley, in the Diocese of wife, Carol, report that their son, Chris, has but I am called to the bar for now with a lot gaged in the doctor of ministry program at Western Louisiana for nearly nine years, finished his first year at Wake Forest Uni- Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in has accepted a position as rector of St. Phil- versity. The Rev, Bernard C. Persson is now Columbia. The Rev. Arthur Everitt Johnson ip's Church in Jackson, Mississippi. He and rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in '66 ctor of Christ Church in Bay St. Louis, his wife, Dorothy, moved to Jackson around Overland, Missouri. Mississippi. The Rev. Hampton Mabry is the first of October. The Rev. John H. Lacey The Rev. Michael C. Boss, C'60, is the ently in a year-long clinical pastoral ed- and his wife, Kate, have spent their last six rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church in tion program at Brooke Army Medical years in Brooksviile, Florida, where John is 78 Charleston, South Carolina. Fie and his wife, Center at Fort Sam Houston in San Anto- the vicar of St. John's. He writes that they The Rev. Allen L. Bates and his wife, Nancy, have a daughter, Laurie, who grad- Texas. still , He manages to get home to Aus- enjoy cats and camping and that he Melinda, C'78, are living in Rogers, Arkan- uated from Sewanee in 1983; a son, Mi- on the weekends, where his wife, Helen, rides his Honda 500 motorcycle whenever sas, where Allen is rector of St. Andrew's chael, who graduated from Newberry is teaching at St. Andrew's Episcopal School. he gets a chance. He is very active in re- Episcopal Church. They have three sons, College last May; and a son. Rich, who en- treats, spiritual direction, and prayer work- Allen, 5; David, 3; and James, 1. The Rev. tered Sewanee this fall as a Wilkins Scholar. shops around the diocese. The Rev. Charles Allen Breckenridge and his wife, Donna, The Rev. Robert B. Dunbar is the rector of 73 E. Mclnryre HI is rector of St. John's Church are living in Farmville, Virginia, where Al- St. Peter's Church in The Rev. George B. Salley, Cambridge, Jr., resigned in Odessa, Texas. He writes that his two len is the director of Episcopal campus min- Massachusetts. as rector of All Saints' Church in Cayce, daughters. Heather Leigh and Deirdre, istries for Longwood College and Hampden- South Carolina, to rector become of St. Mi- A76, were both married recently. As if two Sydney College. The Rev. Patrick E, Ge- chael's Church in Savannah, Georgia, effec- weddings '67 in the family weren't enough, he nereax served as an Air Force chaplain at tive in August. George and his wife, Anne, is also trying hard to finish his D. Min. de- Travis Air Force Base until September of The Rev. Harry B. Bainbridge III, C61, have two children, Stephen, 7, and Amy, gree. The Rev. William H. Privette is as- for ministry and v has been rector of St. Thomas Church in 5. John L. Stephens retired from corporate sociate rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church Monroe, Louisiana, for six years. He and law practice in 1984, after which Magil, his in Dayton, Ohio. __ 13

Tracy, have one son, Becket. They are living New Orleans. The Rev. Ernest Parker, and our Savior in Rock Hill, South Carolina years in January of 1986. (Ed will be ninety in Fort Worth, Texas, and John is currently his wife. Audrey, are living in Roxboro, William J. Bozeman is serving a parish ir in March.) They have fourteen great-grand- serving as a clerical trustee. for Sewanee. North Carolina. Ernest is priest-in-charge at Robinson Springs, Alabama. The Rev. Al children and "three in the lay-away, due St. Mark's in Roxboro and St. Luke's in Yan- Ian A. Conkling, Jr., was ordained to the February through March, 1986." They grow ceyville, director of the Caswell County diaconate in June and is now an assistant at a garden and lots of flowers and go to church 79 Ministerial Association, director of the North the Church of the Good Shepherd in via Cor- the television. He writes, "With the ex- The Rev. Richard Elliott is the associate Carolina Episcopal Clergy Association, pus Christi, Texas. a John Fritchner w ception of old age, and I am deaf, we are rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church in member of the diocesan stewardship com- dained in June to the diaconate at the Church 'fair to middling.'" Venice, Florida, where he and his wife, mittee, and chaplain at the Person County of the Good Shepherd in Lexington, Ken- Giles, are living. He is chairman of the corn- General Hospital. tucky. He and his wife, Nancy, have on« fr)1 Thomas E. Harf rave college work in the Diocese of son. The Rev. Joe Porter and his wife, Clau- Z.I 124 Beckwith Terrace dia, are living in Memphis, '83 Tennessee, Rochester, Neiv York 145610 where Joe is serving as deacon in training The Rev. Harry W. Crandall and his wife, John C. D. Quick of Memphis, Tennes- Ashland Terrace Christian Church in Chat- at St. Mary's Cathedral. Kitty, are living in Eastville, Virginia. He see, writes that he is now eighty-seven years tanooga where she has been since 1980. She wrote that he had greatly enjoyed his being old a - writes that she spent three weeks in Israel on the seminary's Alumni Council and is in June on a summer school tour. Other delighted that Mike Dans will be repre- year. He has two daughters, four grand- news is not so bright: her husband died senting the class of 1983 in the coming years. children, and six great-grandchildren. He quite suddenly of a heart attack. He says that the church is alive and well on enjoys watching the news and sports on the Virginia's Eastern Shore. The Rev. Robert television and hearing news of Sewanee. '80 Fain is the assistant rector at the Church of W. W. Vaughan sends the sad news of his the Good Shepherd in Augusta, Georgia. wife's death in August. Mr. Vaughan lives Samuel Adu-Andoh is finishing his stud- He, his wife, Debra, and their children have in Selma, Alabama, where his two daugh- ies at Princeton in religion and society. He lived in Augusta since 1983. The Rev. Allen ters also live. He says he spends most of his and his wife, Margaret, had their American- L. Lewis and his wife, Brenda, are living in time cruising the Alabama River between bom child at the end of March. He wrote, Yankton, South Dakota, where he is rector Selma and Mobile. "We are excited about it. Our two older of Christ Church. Allen is also the chaplain children, "Maama" and "Papa," are doing at St. Mary's School for Indian Girls in well. We plan to go back to Ghana when Springfield and is the priest-in-charge for '22 Margaret and I finish our respective pro- three churches of Santee Mission in Santee, grams. We miss Sewanee and all our Hunter S. Kimbrough and his wife. Sara, Nebraska. The Rev. John Gregory Prior and friends." The Rev. John H. Grayson and are living in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. his family moved to Conway, South Caro- his wife, "Roo," are living in Midlothian, Hunter writes that he is semi-retired from lina, (near Myrtle Beach) in June of 1985 Virginia. John is the rector of the Church of real estate and investment banking. M. L. when he became priest-in-charge of St. Our Savior there. He and Roo have a new Payne and his wife, Leila, are living in Paul's Church. He and Anna are enjoying son, Christopher Barber, who was born in Greenville, Mississippi, where M. L. spent living there, and John writes, "It's a great Tlw Rev Tragitt, jr. fifty years in the farming and real estate January of this year. The Rev. Charles B. ' 1 - H - N - place!" The Rev. Gregory Prior,C, has C Roberts and his wife, Mary, have moved to J. lO Post Office Box 343 businesses. M. L. retired three years ago. moved to Conway, South Carolina, seat of Morristown, Tennessee, where Charles is Sheridan, Montana 59749 Horry County, to become priest-in-charge serving as rector of All Saints' Episcopal Herbert B. Morris writes, "I live alone of St. Paul's. Previously he was assistant about a mile Church. He is the former rector of St. James's from my son (a "Rev.") and '23 rector of St. James's on James Island. Episcopal Church in Alexander City, Ala- his family. Mostly do my own home chores. The Rev. Edward B, Guerry; please see bama. The Rev. Wayne P. Wright is the Son helps me shop, bank, church, etc. Walk T"52. Ralph V. Pierce and his wife, Pauline, rector of Suffolk Parish in Suffolk, Virginia. '84 a bit, pretty fair health, but must take life a are living on Haynes Avenue in Shreveport, He was an alternate to the 1985 General bit easy in view of age ninety hurdles." Col. The Rev. Susan B. Bowman was or- Louisiana. Gordon S. Rather retired from Convention. John W. Russey and his wife, Mary, have dained a deacon on February 23, 1985. Liv- the insurance business in 1972 when he sold been living in San Antonio, Texas, since ing in Lawrenceville, Virginia, she is the his senior partnership to the insurance 1959. He is now ninety. '81 chaplain at Jackson-Feild Episcopal Home, agency which he began in 1933. He and his a residential group home for emotionally wife, Katherine, will celebrate their golden The Rev. Beverly B. Davis spent the disturbed teenaged girls. The Rev. Mar- '18 anniversary on November 2, 1987. They have summer of 1984 on a preaching tour in the pri- shall P. Craver III was ordained to the two children, Gordon S. Rather, Jr., and Diocese of Bradford, England, the compan- esthood in May of this year. He and his Carroll Rather McLean. Their son is an at- ion diocese to her own Diocese of South- wife, Jan, are living in Mobile, Alabama, torney with the firm of Wright, Lindsey, Virginia. is the chairman of the western She where he is serving as curate at Christ Epis- and Jennings. He and his wife have two commission on ministry in her diocese, and '20 copal Church. The Rev. Stephen J. Eichler children and live in Little Rock, Arkansas. she is living in Staunton, Virginia. Gail and and his wife. Dee, are living in Miami, Flor- Carroll and her husband live in Reston, Vir- Rev.) Daniel Hinkle have a baby (the Very ida. He writes that his "marital status" is ginia, where her husband is general man- son, Joel Andrew (Andy), bom in time for "fantastic," and goes on to say, "I am be- breakfast on Friday, September 20. The ginning my second year as assistant to the family, including big brother Christopher, dean. Trinity Cathedral, Miami. The work is at home in Berlin, Maryland. The Rev. J. is exciting, diverse, and challenging. Miami St. Hunter Isaacs has recently moved from is an incredible city; many problems, but Boniface Church in Sarasota, Florida, to be- also an unparalleled beauty and opportu- come the rector of St. Michael's Church in nity for positive growth." (Boy!! Is it ever Birmingham. He and his wife, Whitty, seem nice to hear such enthusiasm!) The Rev. "1 to like Birmingham, for he writes, have Timothy David Klopfenstein is curate of returned to the South and love it. I went too Holy Nativity in Panama City, Florida. The far South in Florida and ended up in the Rev. Mary Jane Levitch and her husband, North." Mark, are living in Nashville, Tennessee. She is the assistant to the rector of Christ Church Parish and was recently appointed '82 as a member of the commission on ministry The Rev. Walter Elam is rector of the for the Diocese of Tennessee. The Rev. John Church of the Holy Comforter in Montgo- W. Rafter and his wife, Michele, are living mery, Alabama. The Rev. Eugenia Gamble in Fayette, Alabama, where John is the rec- is serving the Presbyterian Church (USA) as tor of St. Michael's Episcopal Church. The in staff associate for leader development the Rev. William J. Yates and his wife, Joan, office of women. She is also editor of a pe- are living in Tallahassee, Florida, where riodical entitled Presbyterian Women. Eu- William is assistant rector of the Episcopal genia has recently returned from a study Church of the Advent. His work involves trip to Central America. The Rev. Russell youth ministry, young adult ministry, and Johnson and his wife, Judith, moved to general parish ministry. Joan is a middle Moncks Corner, South Carolina, from Wil- school math and science teacher. mington, North Carolina, for Russell to be- come rector of Trinity Church in Pinopolis, '85 South Carolina, in his diocese are class- mates Steve Miller and Greg Hein. The Rev. G. Edward Lundin is rector of St. Luke's in The Sewanee News

last May during at Louisiana Tech University. The degrees were only the eleventh and twelfth honor- Titanic Memory ary doctorates awarded in the university's '24 ninety-one year history. The Faulks were The discovery of the wreckage of the luxury liner Titanic last Septem- George H. "Flop" Millard and his wife, for thirty-one years publishers of the Rus- ber raised the memory of an illustrious Sewanee ane C.irron, have been married for fifty-six ton (Louisiana) Dmhi Leader and founders of alumnus who was one •ears. They are living in Henderson, Texas. radio station KRUS. Mr. Faulk is a past pres- of the 1,513 victims of the 1912 disaster. Maj. Archibald W. Butt, who ident of the Louisiana Press Association, attended Sewanee from 1882 to 1886, fought in the Spanish-American the Louisiana Daily Press Association, and War and later became a military aide to Presidents Theodore Roosevelt '25 the Louisiana Association of Broadcasters. and William Howard Taft. A brief article recalling Butt and the Titanic Mrs Faulk was as active as her husband in published in the field of journalism, and together they was the Nashville Banner for which Butt had served as a have been consistent and generous sup- Washington correspondent. In accounts of the disaster from survivors, porters of Louisiana Tech programs. Pat M. Butt was given credit for saving the lives of many women and children-, Greenwood retired in ]y?6 as the chairman of the board of Great Southern Life Insur- ance Company. He slates that his only busi- ness now is in private investments. He and his wife. Isabelle, spend most of their sum- We still love it fl " mers in Colorado and take an annual cruise. hut. William P. Wilsell is still working as When they are not traveling, they make their a securities custodian with the Arkansas In- surance Department He and his wife, Vir- home in Houston, Texas. H. A. Griswold, T'30, is living on Tarpon Court Drive in Venice, Florida.

'261 ' Q w ' l 'm "' c Schootficld Z." 4518 Roland Avenue, Apt. No. 3 William Hollis Fitch reports that he is Dallas, Texas 75219 semi-retired from the drugstore real and es- Charles E. "Poss" Berry and his wife, tate businesses. and his wife, Southy, He Mildred, live in Columbus, Georgia. Poss are living in Eagle Pass. Texas. William re- sees Bill Cravens and his wife occasionally ports fhat he is enjoying good health after and also hears from Billy Schoolfield. various operations, a pacemaker, and lots Newell Blair and his wife, Greta, celebrated of pills, lie adds that their granddaughter, their fiftieth wedding anniversary in Octo- Susan Steves, loves Sewanee just as they ber. Newell is still publishing bankruptcy do. He adds, "Perhaps wUl we make the and education for handicapped children Mountain for our sixtieth reunion." The Rt. services. He writes proudly that he and his Rev. Thomas H. Wright, retired bishop cf wife have four children: a son who is a pro- East Carolina, and his wife, Hannah, are fessor of political science at Bucknell Uni- living in Wilmington, North Carolina, in a versity, a son who is a partner in a New house they built twenty years ago. All four York City law firm, a daughter who is a of their children are married and have chil- freelance writer, and a daughter who is an dren of their own. architect and a housewife. Newell writes that he is trying to make himself work half '27 a day and play the other half. Charles M. Boyd and his wife, Rosealee, are living in Dr. Hayden Kirby-Smilh has retired from Tracy City, Tennessee, where Charles is a the medical profession after fifty-two years semi-retired investor. He says that he al- of service cs a dermatologist. He treated ways looks forward to Homecoming and some of the famous folk of Washington: Sam any news about Sewanee. Franklin G. Bur- Rayburn, , and some of the roughs retired from his law practice in 1973. John F. Kennedy family Dr. Kirby-Smith, He and his wife, Geraldine, are living in quite frankly, is unhappy about retiring. "I Conway, South Carolina. Arch Peleet, Jr., really enjoy seeing people, meeting people, and his wife Sara, are still living in Green- and taking care of people. Doing what I do wood, Mississippi. Arch writes that he en- gives " me a good feeling Hayden is the joyed the fifty-fifth reunion a year ago and Mr. and Mrs. E. Class of 1935 in the parade. father of six and grandfather of three. seeing some of the "old timers."

")0|olwfi Crawford Z.O 33 Bay View Drive Portland, Maine 04103 Ellis G. Amall and his wife, Ruby, are living in Atlanta, Georgia, where he is a or partner in Amall, Golden, and Gre- gory law firm. He is chairman of the board of directors of Coastal Slates Life Insurance

Company. Lewis C. Burwell, Jr., and his wife, Edith, are living in Greenville, South Carolina. He writes: The Sewanee Imprima- teur/A person comfortable in all environments in/all societies. /Agreeable in manner, chari- table to all but! beholden to none.lSerene in all situations yet equal to alll chnllenges./And proud of the heritage.! While in China for the reun- ion of the Flying Tigers and the 14th Air

Force, Colonel Burwell, Jr., was presented pilot wings of the Chinese Air Force in "rec- ognition of outstanding personal and professional achievements in military avia- " At Memorial Day celebrations on May 28, 1985, and a reception and dinner in Taipei, Gen. Kuo ju-Lin, commander-in- chief of the Chinese Air Force, made the presentations. While in Asia, Col. and Mrs. Burwell also visited Hong Kong, Bangkok, Members of the class of 1935 gather outside Breslin of Tower after receiving their Alumni Exornati keys. From h,. -,*e Ragland and Singapore. Clarence Faulk and his wife, E Dobbins, Cyril T. Yancey, Walter H. -Hardy- Drane. Arthur Chitty. John A. Johnston. John C. Eby, Peter R. Phillips. Lee A. Louise, each received doctorates Belford, Edward H Harrison honorary Paul D. Ross. Stiles Lines, Willis M. Rosenthal. Also present for their reunion were John D. Brandon and Ralph Ruch — 1

December 1 985 15_ fnr\Edward W. Watson mercials and acts in movies filmed in the age to Sewanee for Homecoming weekend. OU Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 Baton Rouge area. He also is involved in W. Houston Crozier is the past president of

William James Ball and his wile, Doris, iity theatre, where his last role was Crozier Oil Co., Inc. Now retired and still fr are living in Aurora, Illinois. He has retired, lA R - MorcyHart Roman Catholic priest in Mass Avvcal. living with his wife, Bitty, in Columbia, Drive and sighs that he is still short of time to O^T 1428 Lemhurst Tennessee, he is enjoying playing golf, Pensacola, Florida 32507 accomplish what he would like to do. His hunting, and fishing. The Rev. Canon James favorite single activity, he says, is letter Preston B. Huntley and his wife, Julia, P. DeWolfe; see listing under T42. Wallace ? f^rj writing, both private and public. Percy C. are living in Cheraw, South Carolina. He is Augustus T. Graydon H. Gage and his wife, Fem, are now retired 923 Calhoun Blackmail is retired and he and his wife, still a O/ and have traveled extensively for several Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Frances, are living in Spartanburg, South years. He writes, "It certainly makes you can't resist quoting Samuel L. Allen, Carolina. He is the honorary chairman of We realize how lucky Americans are in their who "complains," "Life has deterio- Synalloy Corporation. Ruth S. Putnam Jr., freedom and lifestyle." He and Fern are also rated to golf three a shooting writes of her husband, James Coy Putnam, /Or The Rev. Edward Harrison days week, active in church work and in athletics. The pool two days, a little libation along the that he has retired from his general con- OD 360 West Brainerd Street Rev. William S. Mann; see T'45 for news way, and an occasional trip. Ain't bad tracting work and his work for the city gov- Pensacola, Florida 32501 of Mr. Mann. A. O. Newberry officially re- though! Really, really looking forward to ernment. He had a blood clot in 1981 and is E. H. Bixler is enjoying retirement. He tired in 1981, but reports that he is busy our fiftieth reunion in '87." Samuel now in a wheel chair, but she reports that spends his time cutting and polishing rocks, and his writing computer programs. He says that wife, Florence, are living in Charleston, he is doing quite well. They are sorry to not collecting stamps, and cutting timber. He he and his wife, Madeline, are enjoying South Carolina. Theodore C. Heyward, be able to travel for the class reunion. Coy and his wife, Carolyn, live in Mobile, Ala- Jr., seven grandchildren and just loafing. James officially retired January 1, 1981. His wife and Ruth are Jiving in High Point, North bama. John David Brandon is now retired on C. Roberts, Jr., retired on November 18, died February Carolina. after working for Franklin Memorial Gar- of forty years, Johnsie, in of 1985. He and his wife, Sylvia, are living in dens about twenty years. He and his wife, 1983. Theodore has remarried Margaret Faw New Roads, Louisiana. Jane, live in TuUahoma, Tennessee. John C. and has also served for the past three years '31 Eby and his wife, June, are living in Mon- as the president of Metrolina Food Bank, f A rxshubael T. Beasiey roe, Louisiana, where John is retired and which is affiliated with the Second Harvest rtU 2281 East Cherokee Drive W. Moultrie Ball is still living in Pino- Woodstock, Georgia 30188 enjoys playing golf. He wrote that he was Network. He spends part of his time at polis. South Carolina. The Rev. Thomas D. really looking forward to the fiftieth reunion Wrightsville Beach and Wilmington, North The Rev. Richard Kirchhoffer is vicar of Byrne is serving as chaplain of the West here in October and to seeing people for the Carolina, and travels a great deal on the Holy Nativity Church in Whitefish andi St.' Florida Regional Medical Center in Pensa- first time in fifty years. (John, we hope your EAL Get Up and Go program. Ferdinand cola, Florida, where he and his wife, Anne, reunion lived up to all your expectations.) Powell, Jr., and his wife, Florence, live in make their home. Charles T. Hoppen writes Samuel C. King and his wife, Mary are liv- Johnson City, Tennessee, where he prac- his wife, Donner, are eager to that he and tices are trying to ing in Alexandria, Virginia. Samuel is a real law and they complete r A -1 The Rev. William L. Jacobs return to Sewanee for another reunion. They estate investor and retired president of the raising three children. He writes, "Always TC 4020 River Oaks Drive had an unexpected view of the campus last executive committee of the Savings and Loan thankful for the time spent on the Moun- Des Moines, Iowa 50312 winter when network news focused ice Association. He is chairman of the appeals tain. Never can be forgotten." Phillip W. DeWolfe plans to retire from scenes on the Mountain. At the time they board for real estate assessments in Alex- general surgery practice in March of 1986. were enjoying temperatures in the 80s at andria. When he isn't working, he enjoys / O Norwood C. Harrison He and his wife, Barbara, live in Boca Ra- their Concord, California, home. Currently Q tennis, bicycle riding, and hunting. John G. SO 533 Twin Drive ton, Florida. William B. Eyster has been a they stay busy keeping up with their ten Kiiby retired from the Navy Department in Spartanburg, South Carolina 29302 practicing attorney in Decatur, Alabama, for grandchildren. Paul H. Merriman is a con- Washington, DC, in April of 1978 after The Rev. James Savoy; see interesting the last thirty-eight years. The name of the sulting engineer living in Sewanee, Tennes- twenty-seven years of service. He has two story in T"40 note. Randell C. Stoney and firm is Eyster, Key, Tubb, Weaver, and Roth. see. He lists many activities, some of which grandchildren and one great grandchild, all his wife, Adela, have one son, one daugh- He and his wife, Ann, have two grown chil- are "EQB, University of the South physics living in Manteo, North Carolina. John and ter, and one grandson. Randell is a realtor dren, one married daughter living in Mont- department seminar. University triathlons. his wife, Sybil, are living in Virginia Beach, and insurance broker with the firm of Sto- gomery and a single son living in Sierra Club, mountain climbing, visiting Virginia. The Rev. Willis M. Rosenthal and ren and Stoney in Charleston, South Birmingham. Manning M, Pattillo, Jr., was grandchildren in England, canoeing, cave his wife, Patricia, are settled into the very Carolina. elected earlier this year to the University's exploring, environmental and ecological first house they have actually owned them- Board of Trustees. Currently he is serving promotion, and support of St. Mary's Con- selves. He is still functioning as a priest, and as president of Oglethorpe University in At- vent." Edward C. Nash and his wife, Dor- she is into geneology professionally. He '391 lanta, a position he has held since 1975. othy, are living in Kaufman, Texas. They adds, "Just attended (April 11) a very good Port Charlotte, Florida 33953 William H. Skinner and his wife, Betty, live have two children and five grandchildren. E. Williams Sewanee Club meeting at Winston-Salem Henry C. Cortes, Jr., retired fifteen years in Jacksonville, Florida. Frank with inspiring talk by Sewanee convert Dr. ago. He and his wife, Jane, are in Dallas the has retired from the Veterans Administra- / Julius French O O Reishman, including a graphic description first three months of the year, and they tion and he and his wife, Evelyn, are enjoy- C)4—4435 Sarong Street of the winter weather at Sewanee that re- spend the rest of the year on Cape Cod ing living on eight acres "of rocks and clay" Houston, Texas 77096 minded us of the great Ash Wednesday ice except for at least one weekend during the near Opelika, Alabama. Francis H. Yerkes Dan McAlpine and his wife, Mary, cele- '60. in storm there in Affectionate best to the fall when they make their annual piigrim- is still working as an electrical engineer brated their forty-ninth wedding anniver- Mountain. Indeed, 'Sewanee's right!'" After sary in August of this year. forty-two Ralph H. Ruch says that he is "still plug- Dan retired years with the same company, ging away—selling life and health insur- in 1974 and is now living in Hermitage, Ten- ance." He and his wife, Mary, are living in nessee. He has nine acres of grass to keep Louisville, Kentucky. cut but still manages to go to Opryland U.S.A. every weekend. John E. Scott, Jr., / O /I Robert A . Holloway Award "in received in June the National OKJ5700 Sandlewood Drive honor of meritorius contributions to profes- Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 sional photography" from the Professional James D. Gibson is still employed by the Mississippi-Alabama, Inc. Photographer- ut Texas Employment Commission as a super- National Award is the highest honor The visor. His wife, Myrtis, is very active in Re- to state and regional associations provided publican Party politics and is on the Board Photographers of Amer- by the Professional of Texas Federation of Republican Women. of outstanding service ica in recognition She was also honored as one of "10 Out- in the associa- performed by an individual standing" several years ago. Their daugh- tion's Mr. Scott received the award region. ter, Mary, graduated from Church Divinity president, Ross Sanddal. from the national School of the Pacific in May and was or- operated a photography stu- Mr. Scott has dained a deacon at Grace Cathedral in San Alabama, since 1946. dio in Montgomery, Francisco in June. Their other daughter, photographer at Huntingdon He has been a Martha, known as "Tica." C'74, is the di- Currently he is serving College since 1969. rector of human resources for Time Energy of Professional Photogra- as the president Corporation in Houston. Gibson and his wife and he is a phers of Mississippi-Alabama, enjoyed a three-week tour of England and National Council of Profes- member of the Scotland in April, which included an Easter of America. sional Photographers service at St. Paul's Cathedral in London. Ralph H. Sims retired in 1982 as the senior '33 vice-president of Fidelity National Bank of Baton Rouge. He is still active in community for United Ralph D. Quisenberry is retired. He and affairs, now working full-time during their fall campaign. He occa- lis wife, Patricia, have three "great" sons Way sionally makes television and radio com- ind six grandchildren. Ralph recalls his days :

The Sewanee News J6

Jacksonville, Florida He writes, "I guess it's Hairdressers and Cosmetolo- Episcopal School at Trinity Cathedral in Co-

) the lumbia, Carolina. Julius P. is because I don't know how to retire." He is with Alabama South Barclay and his wife. Florence, spent a month in radio network in Montgomery, and Jolty is the curator of rare books at the University Europe last (all to celebrale their twenty- in Berlin in U. S. Air Force Intelligence. John of Virginia library. He and his wife, Ruth, fifth wedding anniversary. They visited F. O'Brien is still living in Upper Montclair, live in Charlottesville. The Rev. James Pol- London, Paris, the Riviera, and points in New Jersey. He is a retired chemical engi- lard Clark writes, "On 1 October I shall between. "It was a great trip, and we en- neer and Army licLin.-nant colonel, and he retire from my long-time position as direc- joyed every minute of it." now has started a limousine service to and tor of the Redstone Scientific Information from airports in the area. He says that the Center, the research library serving the /A^ParkH Owen,]T, new business keeps him quite busy Frank- Army Missile Command and the Marshall rt^DofwH & Johnson, Inc., Suite 1800 lin O. Wicks and his wife, Elinor, live in Space Flight Center of NASA. This willjet One Commerce Place Hartwell, Georgia. He retired after thirty- me serve full-time as rector of the Anglican Nashville, Tennessee 37239 seven years with Eastern Airlines as a flight parish of St. Charles, King & Martyr, a po-

The Rev. Keith M. Bardin retired from dispatcher and the last ten years as chair- sition I have held part-time since my ordi- the parish ministry after 35 years in 1478. man of the board of Eastern's Federal Credit nation to the priesthood by Bp. Robert S. Union, one of the largest in the United Morse of the Diocese of Christ the King on States. 2 February 1983. Since Cruse (his wife) and

t officer and will retire from there the children, son Jim, Jr., also a Sewanee in 1988. He and his wife, |o Ann, are living '45 alumnus, and daughter, Nolen, will con- in Austin, Texas The Rev. Anthony G. Dif- tinue to run Clark Cruise & Travel Agency, ferbough, see note for Diffenbough, T'50. we will still keep a foot in the road. Keep J. Philip Jenkin and his wife, Rollande, for in or in exotic Stanhope E. Elmore, Jr., and his wife, live in Ormond Beach, Florida, where Philip an eye out us Europe more to parts of the world." Crit Currie writes, Georgilee, have just moved a townhouse is active in the local chapter of the Service racing Lightning Class sail- in a new subdivision of Dothan, Alabama. Corp of Retired Executives (S.CO.R.E.) and "Having a ball— E. Dudley Colhoun boats, real estate, trying to It is their first move in thirty-one years, and Volunteer in Public Schools (VIPS). The Rev. hustling and keep forward to having no yard- up with my sons' mother. Thanks to my they are looking Roy T. Strainge, Jr., formerly in the bank- Tennessee Health Systems Agency in Nash- broad Crit and his wife, work. Louis R. Lawson, Jr., is general man- ing business, is now active in the parish and Sewanee education!" ville, where he and his wife, Deta, make ager of Oldover Corporation in Richmond, diocesan ministry, especially in ministry to Eleanor, are living in Memphis, Tennessee. their home. All of their children are grown is involved burn- Harry F. Hall has been Tennessee's repre- Virginia. The company in the aging. He says that he is enjoying a and on their own. They have one ten-year- ing hazardous wastes as fuel in the manu- "young" old age. The Rev. John E. Waller; sentative for Holt, Rinehart, & Winston (CBS old granddaughter. Leonard B. Murphy is facture of a lightweight stone product that see Waller note for T'55. Educational Publishing) for twenty-seven a professor of history at San Antonio Col- is used in the construction industry years. He and his wife, Mary, who are liv- lege. He finished his nineteenth year at the ing in Knoxville, have two children and one college last spring. He and his wife, Katsy, /y

ical school in 1986." Charles Quintard Wig-

/ r-n Howard W. Cater, jr. O/cloS.B.A. 2122 Eighth Avenue, N. Birmingham, Alabama 35203 William B. Hamilton II is marketing manager and director of the European Pro- gram Development for System Develop- ment Corporation, Custom Products Group. He was elected to membership in the Bur- roughs Corporation World Wide Legion of The Sewanee News

the Kennedy Space Center. The company Promotion supports cargo processing, transfers, and Ford shuttle landings at KSC. Robert's home is in Rockledge, Florida. Richard R. Ran- dolph HI; see Randolph note for A'57. After Robert G, Jackson, C'54, has been named president and treasurer of five years as director of the Air Force med- Ford Motor Land Development Corp., the real estate arm and wholly ical genetics center at Keesler Air Force Base owned subsidiary of Ford Motor Company, He joined Ford in 1957 as a in Biloxi, Mississippi, Col. (Dr.) Barry Ham- trainee accountant at the Nashville Glass Plant soon after receiving his mond Thompson has become chief of staff master's degree from Harvard School of Business. He is one of Sewa- at the 1,000-bed Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center at Lackland Air Force Base in San nee's Fulbright scholars and studied for a year at the University of the Antonio, Texas. Philippines before entering Harvard.

f &0 Dr char,es T - Cullen Robert G. fackson OZ. 1 71 Shady Brook lane Princeton, New jersey 08540

Paul A. Calame, Jr., is president and chairman of the board of Trezevant Manor, Honor, whose membership is limited to the ' E» Thomas Black Rouge, Louisiana, where Donald is practic- Q a continuing care retirement center in Mem- top 200 marketing and sales managers DO Post Office Box 4113 ing law. Betts Simmons Slingluff, Jr., is phis, Tennessee. He serves as a senior vice- throughout the entire world-wide Bur- Madison, Tennessee 37115 curate of the Church of the Holy Cross in president of National Bank of Commerce in roughs family of companies. This award is Thomas D, Evans, Jr., and his wife, Carol, Pensacola, Florida. Memphis. Yerger Johnstone is now living given for exceptional performance in mar- are living in Libertyville, Illinois. Tom is in Vero Beach, Florida. John B. Smith and keting or sales for the past year. (To Wil- working with TPM Strategic Planning, the / £Lf\ Howard W. Harrison, Jr. his wife, Catherine, are living in Chapel Hill, liam, we say, "Congratulations!!") Frank international management consulting divi- \J\J 16 South 20th Street North Carolina. John wrote, "After getting Harrison, philosophy at professor the Uni- sion of TPM International. The company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 18103 a degree in math from Sewanee, 1 took an versity of Georgia in Athens, was appointed specializes in services to senior manufactur- Croom Beatty IV is special assistant to the MA. and Ph.D. in English. Along the way a General Sandy Beaver Teaching professor ing and engineering management in the di- president of Duke University. He and his 1 got involved with computers, doing nat- in recognition of outstanding instructional agnostic, pharmaceutical, and related health wife, Meriwether, have three children, ural language analysis. After spending skills. This three-year appointment was cre- care industry areas. F. Emit Sales is em- Croom V, Peter, and Meriwether. The Rev, twelve years in an English department at ployed at the Florida Department of Correc- Michael Boss; C. see note under T66. Dun- Penn State, I switched to computer science deemed "girted, dedicated, and superior can Y. Manley and his wife, Celeta, are liv- and am now a faculty member in that de- teachers." Harrison is the author of more Clermont, Florida, as a classification spe- ing in Birmingham, Alabama. Their son, partment at the University of North Caro- than fifty publications. During his career he cialist. He is also a part-time evening in- Duncan Y. Manley, Jr., is a freshman at lina at Chapel Hill." has been named an Outstanding Honors structor in corrections for the Lake County Sewanee this year. The Rev. George W. Teacher and an Honored Professor of Area Vo-tech Center and works part-time Milam and his wife, Mary, live in Jackson- //^O/erryH. Summers Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. Rich- in the security division at Walt Disney ville, Florida. George lists his activities as 500 Lindsay Street ard Hughes and his wife, Beth, live in Mar- World. Mary Jane, Emil's wife, is employed DO follows: charter member and chaplain to the Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403 ietta, Georgia. He opened an advertising by the Leesburg, Florida, public library. The Saint George's Society of Jacksonville, chap- Allan Richard Applegate is living in and marketing firm in |une of 1984 with Saleses have two sons, one in college and lain to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Counce, Tennessee. Nathaniel I. Ball III Fran Tarkenton, and the business serves one in high school. Gary Smith, after chaplain to the Museum of Southern His- has been named vice-president, chief finan- clients in Georgia, New York, and Pennsyl- twenty-two years in the insurance business, tory, active person in the American Angli- cial officer, and controller of of vania with both creative and motivational has ventured into real estate. He now has a WCSC can Church, and active member of the Prayer Charleston, South Carolina. oversee communication support. Kenton B. Rea and Century 21 office in Birmingham, where he He will Book Society. William C. Stewart retired the financial of his wife, Mary, are living in Nashville, Ten- and his wife, Frances, are living. operations WCSC-TV, from the Air Force in March of 1985 after nessee. William T. Stallings retired from WCSC-AM, WXTC-FM, Telpage Commu- almost twenty-five years of service. He and nications, Mobile Phone of Charleston, CSC the Air Force in 1983 He is currently a sen- / CQ Anthony C. Gooch his wife, Susannah, live in Montgomery, Outdoor, Charleston Welcomevision, and ior associate with International Planning and \Jy Clean/. Gottlieb. Sleen, & Hamilton Alabama, where is she teaching elementary Custom Video of Atlanta. David F. Cox, Analysis Center, part of Sears World Trade, One State Street Plaza Jr., school and he teaches at Trinity Presbyte- in Washington, D C. He and his wife, Myra, New York, New York 10004 is the president of a land development and rian School. building business, Carlton Village, Inc., and their two children, Jennie, 9, and Mon- Alex P. Looney; see A'59 note on Mr. of Jersey. his wife, Patricia, live ica, 13, are enjoying their new home in Vir- Looney. Stewart Odend'hal and his wife, New He and / Robert N. Rust ill in Hardyston ginia. A. H. "Hoop" Tebault is living in St. Lin, are living in Watkinsville, Georgia. £-\ JWP, New Jersey, where he 1 4461 Kohler Drive serves as mayor. Their David, Augustine. Florida. He is the owner of St. Stewart is taking flying lessons and looks son, is a Allentowtt. Pennsylvania 18103 Augustine Sightseeing Trains and Visitor forward to flying back to Sewanee some- freshman at St. Lawrence University in The Rev. Harry B. Bainbridge III; see Canton, Guide Publishing, and he is a private inves- time in the future. Donald T. W. Phelps New York, and their son, Mike, is Bainbridge note and his wife, Francesca, are living in Baton for T'67. Christopher Bird a sophomore at Berkshire School in Shef- and his wife, Christine Joyce, are living in field. Massachusetts. Robert Freyer; see note Covington, Georgia. Christopher write;) for Freyer, A'59. Harry C. Gerhart is gen- he heartily recommends becoming a new- eral manager and an officer of the company lywed when you are old enough to really that publishes Texas Monthly magazine. He

appreciate it. Fred Freyer, Jr., is currently and his wife, Creta, make their home in managing director of Property System* Cor- Austin. Texas. The Rev. C. Thomas Mid- poration. He is playing a lot of tennis in yette III is the rector of St. Philip's Church tournaments across Georgia (home for Fred in Durham, North Carolina. He and his wife, and Elizabeth is Atlanta). He is also busy Margaret, have one daughter, Margaret, al-

and working hard as co-chairman of the most 3 years old. Oliver Josh Nunn, Jr.,

twenty-fifth class reunion (Sewanee) with writes, "In April I celebrated eleven years Bob Rust. M. Feild Gomila is president of at Nunn Drug Co., here in Halls, Tennes- Leo Fellman & Co. Relators, a member of see. Got married 'lor first time' to Linda in

the board of directors for Youth Alterna- 1981 . 1 have one stepson, John, who is eight tives, Inc., a runaway youth home, on the years old. Love tennis and try to stay in board of directors of Kingsley House, the shape at a robust forty-five years." Warren

eleventh grade representative for Isadore Smith, Jr. and his wife, Linda, are living in

Newman School, and a trustee for the Strat- Dallas, Texas. Their son, Warren III, is a ford Club, (Amen's Social Club). He and his KA and a member of the class of '87 at Se- wife. Dudley, live in New Orleans, Louisi- wanee. Gerald H. "Jerry" Summers, living

ana Alfred Jaddell and his wife, Clara, are in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is one of twenty- living in Ocean Ridge, Florida, where he one lawyers in Tennessee to be selected as keeps busy as a private investor He writes, a founding member of an American Board "May get bored enough to go back to work, ol Trial Advocates chapter in Tennessee. He but not yet!" A. Harrison Johnson, Jr.. and has also been -elei led as Tennessee's mem- his wife, Mary, are living in Franklin, Ten- ber on the Board of Governors of the As- nessee. Harrison is looking forward to the sociation of Trial Lawyers of America, a twenty-fifth reunion in 1986. The Rev. Rob- 65,000-member trial lawyer association. Ron ert E. Libbey; see classnote for T'69. Robert R. Zodin is president of the Fort Worth Iron P. Likon is a test conductor for Edgerton, and Metal Company and vice-president of Germeshausen & Grier in Florida, the base the Gulf Coast chapter of the Institute of support operations contractor for NASA at Scrap Iron and Steel. He and his wife, Cyn- Trade Position

Harvey C. Koch, C'57, whose New Orleans law firm, Harvey C. Koch and Associates, handles commercial litigation and domestic and inter- national business transactions, has been appointed by the U. S. Com- merce Secretary to chair the Louisiana District Export Council. Mr. Koch has been an active speaker at export conferences through- out Louisiana and the nation. He has served as chairman of the Louisi- ana Imports and Exports Trust Authority, and as a member of trade committees, including the Louisiana Governor's Coun- International Trade and Development. Earlier this year he was appointed economic development ambassa- dor for the State of Louisiana. He and his wife, Lynne, have three daughters. He speaks Spanish, Italian, Ger- man, and French, and he enjoys golf, tennis, and scuba diving in addition to being an

avid sailor, horseback rider, and downhill M. Fetid Gomila, C'61, ami Bob (jK'.v.v C'6». ~hm before the parade. skier. Classmates of Harvey may recall that Helmig and Hamilton in Jacksonville, Flor- he was a dramatic tenor. Before entering the pective employment of recent graduates and/ or current students at Sewanee. John M. ida. The Rev. R. Michael Jones is now rec- law, he performed in op- active practice of in Richardson, Jr., recently retired from the tor of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in concert, with perform- eras, musicals, and Navy Reserves after twenty-one years of Bennett5Vi!le, South Carolina. W. Palmer ances on radio and television, throughout service. He has just been promoted to the Kelly is presently with the Department of the United States and in Europe. director of the training and logistics pro- Justice, U. S. Attorney's office in San Fran- grams with Pacer Systems, Inc., a Massa- cisco. He is on the drug task force, prose- chusetts-based firm providing engineering cuting major drug traffickers. He writes that Koch Harvey C. and program management services to the he would enjoy seeing any old Sewanee government and to industry. John and his friends who might be visiting the Bay area. wife, Sharon, are living in Perm Laird. Vir- William S. Mann, Jr.. and his wife, Carol, Culp is will attend Sewanee." Doug "Kip" ginia. Bernard W. Wolff and his wife, Betty are living in Raleigh, North Carolina, with an attorney with Culp & Johnson law firm Ann (Rockwell), C'76, are living in Atlanta, their three daughters, Missy, 12;Mindy, 10; in Birmingham. He and his wife, Kathy, Georgia. They have one son, Bernard Jef- and Melanie, 8. William is an agent for the daughter, Allen, 11, and one son, a daughter, Elizabeth Gres- Federal Bureau of Investigation. Mark R. t /LA The Rev. Dwighl E. Ogier, Jr. have one ferson, 3, and an ortho- McCaughan has been practicing urology in Ort Post Office Box 9906 Hampton, 7. David G. Dye is twelve years. Mobile, Alabama 36691 paedic surgeon. He and his wife, Ann- Pensacola, Florida, for the past Greensboro, North He is the medical director of Baptist Re- Harry W. Brooks has been promoted to Cherie, relocated to / r C Douglas /. Milne Carolina, in 1984. He is practicing in a 2825 Eldorado Avenue gional Health Services and chairman of un- the rank of colonel. He is a maintenance July DO The Dyes have two chil- Jacksonville, Florida derwriting for American Continental commander at England Air Force Base, two-man group. Geoffrey, 11. Grier Rev. R. Bentley, and his Insurance Company, a malpractice insur- Louisiana, with the 23rd Tactical Fighter dren, Alison, 14, and The John Jr., law practice in Dallas, Pam, are now living in Houston where ance company. Mark and his wife, Penny, Wing. Reid Calhoun and his wife, Gail, are Pat Jones is in private wife, Deborah, where he specializes in oil and gas John is rector of St. Dunstan's Episcopal have two children, Tad, 16, and living in Charlotte, North Carolina. They Texas, Parker, and his wife, Mary, have two Church. The Bentleys have a daughter, 13. Joseph F, Parker; see note for have three sons. Fat, George, and John. law. He is a 1970 grad- daughters, Allison, 4, and Megan, 2. The Amanda, born March 19, 1985. Harry A. A'61 . Robert "Gus" Radford Robert Lee Coleman III is working in public 1973 graduate wight Ogier is the associate rector of III has joined the International Salt uate of Memphis State and a and marketing for Brookwood Re- Rev. D Bums relations 1982 Church and day school in Mo- Company as assistant vice-president in the of Memphis State Law School. Until covery Centers, which specializes in private St. Luke's practice and then was Alabama. He is the newly appointed highway/chemical division. Harry and his he had a private law treatment for alcoholism and drug depend- bile, for the 24th class reprsentative for the class of 1964 and wife, Wendy, and children, Jennifer and elected district attorney general ency in the areas of southern Alabama and his wife, Linda, for the class. Douglas, have moved to Clarks Summit, Judicial District. He and Florida. He says that he sees a lot is editing a regular newsletter northern Will, Pittsburgh The- Pennsylvania. Robert H. Cass and his new have two children, Elizabeth, 18, and of Sewanee friends in his travels (though He is a D.Min. candidate at and his wife, that activity bride of August 11, 1984, Bonnie Nance, are 4 1/2. Edward H, Reynolds not necessarily as patients!). He and his wife, ological Seminary. He adds one married for twenty-two Mobile is to a living in Virginia Beach, Virginia. William Sue, have been Ruthie, have three fine children, Robert, 11; of the Sewanee Club of do gave up his sales job in June inventory of alumni for pros- A. Hamilton III is with the new law firm of years. Edward Katie, 8; and Lucy, 2. "Hope at least one vocational of 1984 so that he could enter Georgia State University to earn his certification to teach grades 4 through 8. He now teaches fifth grade at Hampton Elementary School in Hampton, Georgia, and loves it. Edward quietly added, "Son, Dudley, is a senior at Davidson: 3.9 average." Dr. W. Doyle Wat-

son is a veterinarian, the publisher of a professional magazine, and a veterinary practice broker. His activities include fish- ing, hunting, flying, scuba diving, and trav- eling. He and his wife, Lee, live in St. Simon's Island, Georgia.

f /-/- John Day Peake, ]r. OO 159 Roberts Street Mobile, Alabama 36604

Charles R. Allen, Jr., is engaged in a gen- eral law practice and serves as a hearing officer for the state of Virginia for cases in- volving handicapped children. He is also active in the Marine Corps Reserves and has attained the rank of lieutenant colonel. Charles works in Roanoke, but he and his wife. Donna, are living in Troutville. Joseph Hodge Alves III is a partner in a law firm in Mobile, Alabama. He and his wife, Alli- son, have three sons. They are also very The Sewanee News Trying Times

Michael V. R. Thomason, C'64, has edited a photographic history, Trying Times, focusing on the people of Alabama from 1917 through 1945. The 274 photographs in this skillfully bound volume are remarka- bly diverse. They give glimpses of the commonplace and the eminent, poor farmers and heads of state, blacks and white. Thomason traveled extensively throughout Alabama seeking photographs for the sequel to The Image of Progress: Alabama Photographs, 1872-1917. He is also co-au- thor of Mobile: American River City, and Mobile: The Life and Times of a Great Southern City. Thomason is professor of history and director of the Photographic Archives at the University of South Alabama.

head lo thegame in tin- parade active in church and civic functions. Winton ber of the board of di- M, Blount III has been promoted lo senior Risk & Insurance As- pers is the New England Manager for deputy director for plans and vice-president of Blount, Inc. in Montgo- sociation, and author of an article in the DuPont's Convector Systems Division. He policy of the Defense Intelligence Agency. mery, Alabama. He will continue to serve journal of Insurance Issues and Practices con- and his family live in Longmeadow, Mas- His job takes him all over the world. He and as chairman and chief executive officer of cerning the effect of Three Mile Island on sachusetts, and he says that they are enjoy- his wife, Luuk, make their home in Clifton, the company's construction and engineer- property insurance company stock returns. ing New England except for the winters. He Virginia. Bert Polk is the ship's safety de- ing group. Kyle E. Duncan, his wife, Sara, John and his wife, Catherine, live in Den- and his wife, Christine, have two children, partment head on the USS Midway. He asks and their three children, Amy, Kyle, Jr., ton, Texas. Don Upton and his wife, Nesha, Mary Scott, 14, and Ted, 12. Rusty remarks the whereabouts of Ronnie Welch—can an- and William, are living in St. Petersburg, and their two sons, Donnie and Mark, are that the children are "both good athletes ybody help him out? The Rev. G. Lyman Florida. Kyle works with Hunter Publishing living in Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee, where and scholars." L. B. "Doc" Gilbert III is Reed was graduated from Episcopal Theo- Company of Winston-Salem, North Caro- Don is principal of Soddy-Daisy High still leasing cars, trucks, and other equip- logical Seminary and ordained a deacon in lina, and he became national sales manager School. Thad H. Waters, Jr. is farming cot- ment. He and his wife, Toni, live in Lookout May 1985. He continues to work on his Ph.D. in July of this year. Congratulations are in ton and soybeans in the Louisiana Delta. Mountain, Tennessee, with their two at the University of Texas. He and his wife, order! James E. Cipson is making his home Thad, his wife, Gail, and their three chil- daughters, Christopher, 16, and Melissa, 14. Nancy, are living in Austin where he also in Midway, Tennessee, doing lawn, gar- dren, Kate, 7; Thad H. Ill, 5; and Beth, 3, Hiram "Chip" G. Langley III has accepted serves as a deacon at St. Mark's Church. den, and landscape work. He also offers are living in St. Joseph, Louisiana. Thomas the position of vice-president of commercial Tom Scarborough and his wife, Virpi, and "bed and breakfast" in his home, and he M. West married Sonia L. Alianak, an old loans with the First National Bank of Gatlin- their three daughters, Anne, 17; Pia, 11; and says, "If you are visiting Sewanee, call Box- friend of his from Cairo, Egypt, originally. burg, Tennessee. He invites his Sewanee Sarah, 9, are living in Houston, Texas. Tom 615-598-5912." wood Cottage, Boren S. Hil- The couple honeymooned in Los Angeles, friends to stop by when they are in the area. is president of Affiliated Properties, a ven- debrand has been elected president and chief and they now live in College Station, Texas, Frank C. McClanahan III and his wife, ture capital firm whose holdings include executive officer of Texas American Bank/ where Thomas teaches English at Texas Betty, both practice law in Greensboro, majority interests in a California-based real West Side Robert Jenkins is an attorney A&M University. He says that he is looking North Carolina. She is- with the firm of estate development company and a firm and has been practicing law for the last forward to his twentieth class reunion next Turner, Enochs and Sparrow, and he is a specializing in television production and twelve years. He and his wife, Stephanie, year, and he hopes that all the old gang senior tax attorney for the Internal Revenue consultation to the motion picture industry. live in Bastrop, Texas, and they have two from Johnson Hall will gather. Service. They have a son, William Steele Dr. Richard B. Terry is practicing general sons, Robert, 14, Will, and 12. William B. McClanahan II, who is almost one year old. surgery in Nashville, where he, his wife, Jones is the owner of a furniture store, a Harry F. Noyes III is stationed in Germany, Lynn, and their two daughters, Kate, 9, and Radio Shack dealership, and a satellite deal- and, when last we heard, was the supervi- Leigh, 3, are living. He has been promoted ership \J 25 Woodridge His hobbies are ham radios, com- / sory editor of the Wiesbaden Military Com- to lieutenant colonel in the Tennessee Air puters, and hunting. William suggested that Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35406 munity newspaper, an Army civil-service National Guard. Douglas R. Urquhart is the an outing such as a fishing trip would be a Dr. Edwin M. Allen III and his wife, Jean, job. He and his family have spent much senior vice-president with the Joe Foster good idea for a class reunion. He and his are living in Florence, South Carolina, with time touring Germany and seeing many of Company, a local commercial real estate wife, Lynn, live in Springfield, Tennessee. their three daughters, Margaret, 10; Eliza- its famous attractions. They have also trav- company. He has been with the same com- Eugene H. B. McFaddin now has his own beth, 9; and Jean, 7. Charles Geoffrey "Jeff' eled in Italy in the past year. When they pany for eight years. He acquires approxi- CPA practice in Houston, Texas. and He his Brown and his wife, Katherine, are pleased aren't busy traveling or working their jobs, mately $25 million in real estate annually on wife, Kathryn, have one daughter, Susan to report that their son, David Walker Harry spends some time doing free lance behalf of company sponsored partnerships. Emily, 9. They would love to hear from old Brown, a Sewanee freshman and member writing, with which he has had reasonable He and his wife, Polly, have two boys ages classmates. Donald Shannonhouse '89, and his of the class of represents the third con- success, he reports. Richard W. Oberdorfer 12 and 14. wife, Katherine, Mary are living in Hance- secutive generation of his family to attend is currently the chairman of the history de- ville, Alabama. Working for the Alabama the College. The Browns are living in Good- partment at Norfolk Academy. When he isn't Department of Public Health, immuniza- view, Virginia. Wilbum W. Campbell is in- in the classroom, his time is spent as advisor Thomas S. Rue tion division, '68 Donald was recently pro- volved in operating four retail stores and in to the school newspaper, a softball coach, moted to area manager for North Alabama. real estate development in Columbia, South and as sponsor of the student Star Trek- Mobile, Alabama 36607 He is still a part-time farmer, gardener, pho- Carolina. He and his wife, Louisa, have three SciFi group. His wife, Wanda, is teaching Dr. Russ Adcock and his wife, Ava, are tographer, and journalist. He claims that his children, Louisa, Alexander, and Welles. English at Nansemond-Suffolk Academy. living in South Pittsburg, Tennessee, where new hobby is politics. John Thornton is They occasionally spend time with Chip They and their son, Michael, are living in Russ is, as he calls it, your standard country president of the Southern Risk Insurance & Stanley, C'71, and Joel Smith, C. Rusty Ca- Virginia Beach. Peter C. Oleson is currently doctor. Levon Avdoyan, Jr., has received a doctorate in Armenian Studies at Columbia University in New York. He is serving as a reference specialist for classics and Byzan- tine studies at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. In the past he has taught Armenian history at Queens College in New York. He has done research in Europe and the Soviet Union. Nicholas C. Babson and his wife, Malta, moved out of Chicago to a new home north of the city in Winnetka, Illinois, last May. Winfield Scott Bennett III earned his Ph.D. in Germanic linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin in 1978. Since 1979 he has worked as a re- scinh liu^ui'-t on ni.Khm>_- translation at UT- Austin Stanyame Burrows III and Barbara Elizabeth Foster were married on August 31 at Grace Episcopal Church in Chattanooga where the bride was a member. Robert "Robin" Byrd is the new headmaster of Montgomery Academy in Montgomery, Al- abama. Previously he was director of the The Class of 1965 Upper School of Christ Church Episcopal School in Greenville, South Carolina. Joe Kathleen, make their home. William Con- Dane and his wife, Marie-|eanne, have a ner Tindal and his wife, Melinda, are living Tabasco Formula four-year old son, Jerome. Joe is working in in Lancaster, South Carolina. He has com- the pain management center at the Univer- pleted a three-year term as a member of the sity of Virginia Medical Center, department South Carolina Supreme Court's Board of The year that Sewanee's first nine students began classes (1868), Ed- of anesthesiology in Charlottesville, Vir- Commissioners on Grievances and Disci- mund Mcllhenny began making Tabasco sauce in Louisiana, and today ginia. His wife is teaching high school pline. William N. "Bill" Tunnell, Jr., re- French. Alan Blake Davis and his wife, ceived in 1984 the Certified Hotel his grandson, Paul Mcllhenny, C'68, (note the class year) continues the Martha, moved from Sarasota, Florida, to Administrator designation from American business that produces 180,000, two-ounce bottles of sauce daily. The Orlando in September of 1984. is He the Hotel and Motel Association (one of ap- Tabasco story was told in a September issue of USA Weekend. Here are regional vice-president of development for proximately 500 in the world). He is the some interesting excerpts: Tabasco (both the name and bottle are trade- Holiday Inns, Inc. The Davises have one immediate past president of Alabama Hotel marks) comes from Avery Island, about 160 miles west of New Orle- daughter, Kate, age 5.. Alan writes, "1 try to and Motel Association and received the Al- call BUI and Dianne Harrison every time I abama State Hospitality Award for 1985. He ans. The sauce is a secret blend of vinegar, salt, and peppers, which go through the Atlanta airport, which is was also elected to the Alabama Hospitality are picked by hand, crushed, fermented, and aged two to three years about four times a week!" George H. Eat- Hall of Fame and serves on several local and in white oak barrels. man is executive director and general coun- state boards and advisory committees. He Says Paul Mcllhenny: "My grandfather decided to put it in men's sel of the Slurry Technology Association. and his wife, Annette, live in Mobile with He has renovated a nineteenth century their three children, Leigh, Holly, and Trey. cologne bottles with a narrow neck because the sauce was so strong farmhouse in the Shenandoah Valley. Home Bill says that he still shoots around par golf. you needed to sprinkle, not pour, it on." Tabasco lasts indefinitely is Benyville, Virginia. Robert E. Gribbin Robert Wyatt was chairman of the 1985 Pu- without refrigeration (bacteria would not dare touch it), but it fades to was working as a foreign service officer on litzer Prize jury in general fiction, serving brown. "When someone complains to me that their Tabasco turned a Pearson Fellowship for Rep. Stephen J. with Richard Lingeman, executive editor of brown, I just say they must not be using it up fast enough," said Solarz of New York. In the summer he re- the Nation, and Diane Johnson, professor of turned to the State Department to become English at the University of California, Davis. Mcllhenny. deputy director of the Office of East African Incidentally, their selection was Studs Ter-

Affairs. John G. Gnibb, Jr., and his wife, kel for his book "The Cold War": An Oral where he has his law practice which focuses Tonisstn, )r. Kathie, are living in Atlanta, Georgia. Jack History of World War Two. Bob is a professor fr7f\fohn W. criminal defense. Dimmitt III, 1600 Charlotte Plaza Hickman is currently teaching art in a pri- of mass communications at Middle Tennes- on Lawrence / \J automobile dealer Clearwater, Flor- Charlotte, North Carolina 28244 vate junior high school in his hometown of see State University and has served as the an in ida, his wife, Geneieve, a son, Green, Midland, Texas. He says that he has ended book editor for the Nashville Tennessean since and have Dale Allen, formerly of Bowling Lawrence Dimmitt IV, in September to Atlanta, Georgia. several years on a craft circuit as a RAKU 1978. bom Kentucky, has moved of 1984. joins step-sisters, Lawrence that flying porter; his truck broke down. Malcolm He two Alan P. Biddle says he keeps busy III notes an interesting sequence in the births for the Air National Guard and Johnson III owns a lake managing business J/1Q Dennis M.Hall Tennessee of all of these Lawrence Dimmitts (Senior, science and mission planning which manages sport fishing lakes through Oy 747 Channing Drive, NW doing space Junior, III, and IV): all four were bom in the for NASA. P. Clarke Blackman and his wife, central Texas. His wife, Barbara, is a teacher. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 of September, on the 26, the 27, the Martha, pre-school age daughter and They live in San Marcos, Texas, with their James M. "Mike" Andrews and his wife, month and 28, and the 29, respectively. Lawrence III son still make their home in Spartanburg, three children, Edward, 8; Collin, 7; and Chee Chee, are living in Kennesaw, Geor- vice-pres- gia. Mike owns an antique shop, a jewelry said of his son, "Now the heafs on the little South Carolina, where Clarke is a Evelyn, 2. J. Parke Keith is a partner in the one {number to see if he can pull it off in the Synalloy Corporation. Dr. H. law firm of Blackwell & Keith. He and his shop, and a coin shop in Marietta. Doug 4) ident of twenty to thirty years." William R. Granger Thomas Bosworth, after receiving his doc- wife, Brenda, have two children, Parke, Jr., Baker is still enjoying work in marketing and wife, Ann, and two children have re- torate in clinical psychology last year, moved 11, and Chambliss, 4. The Keiths live in research at Sonoco in Hartsville, South Car- five years overseas where he wife, Kay, and his daughter to Selma, Alabama. The Rev. Grand Mead olina. He ran into Rick Dent, C, and his turned from with his golf tourna- served as Corps director for Haiti and Tonga. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, to take a LeRoux, Jr., is the assistant to the dean of wife, Susan, at the Master's William is presently deputy director of for- position with the community mental health Trinity Cathedral, Joel Pugh, C'54, in Little ment, and he visited with Doug Vander- eign service personnel for the Agency for center. The Rev. Winston B. Charles re- Rock, Arkansas. Grant and his wife, Claire, bilt, A'65, C, and his family when he was International Development (AID). Dr. Wil- signed as rector of St. George's Church in have five children. Grant, 12; Christy, 10; in Chattanooga. Sanders Benkwith, his are liv- liam E. Holler III practices radiology at the Summerville, South Carolina, in June. He Katie, 6; Jonathan, 2 1/2; and Louisa, 7 wife, Linda, and their two children two hospitals in DeLand, Florida. Bill and is practicing graduate studies at Union The- months. Wesley Mansfield is president of ing in Montgomery, Alabama, where Sand- Martha have two daughters. Chris John- ological Seminary in New York City. Brian Mansfield Associates in Chattanooga which ers is in ophthalmology medical practice with ston and his wife, Rita, have two children, W. Dowling and his wife, Beth Walker, are specializes in microcomputer systems con- his father and a brand new partner. Bob Anne, age 10, and Brian, 15. Chris owns an in Sidney, Australia; where Beth is teaching sulting and programming. For the small Blount and his wife, Jane, are living in electrical consulting engineering practice. He at St. Gabrile's School (for the hearing im- business, the firm analyzes the need for Montgomery, Alabama. He is the president is studying voice and piano and singing in paired). They will return to Dothan, Ala- computer automation, selects or writes the of HBC, Inc., which forms fabrics and wet- he is looking bama, in January of 1986. David Hillier is software, gives advice on the purchase of felts for paper machines. He is also chair- the church choir. He says that in three or four still enjoying his law practice with his three- hardware, installs the complete system, man of Sam Blount Co., which deals in forward to graduate school Carolina. He is in his second term man firm in Asheville, North trains the staff, and remains available for furniture and needle-punched non-woven years. Arthur Mallory Cir- and his wife, Haywood, adopted their continued support. The firm also assists not- products. Daniel F. Callahan III and his as district attorney for Coweta Judicial of the organizing daughter, Wynne Kingsbury, on May 2, for-profit organizations. Parker McRae is wife, Lucia, live in McMlnnville, Tennes- cuit, Georgia. He is one Lex- of Troup County and 1984. Buck Hinkle is a partner in the currently a cardiology fellow at Rush Pres- see, with their three daughters, Jane, Nancy, directors of the Bank National Guard ington-Louisville law firm of Stiles & Har- byterian-St. Luke's Medical Center in Chi- and Margaret. He is working for the Ten- a commander in the local litigation. and Nina, is a Ph.D. candidate bison which specializes in He cago. He, his wife, Ellen, and two children, nessee Air National Guard as a major. Hats unit. His wife, Lexington with received the Florida in English at Auburn University. The Mal- his wife, Joy, are living in Drew, 3, and Nancy Collin, 10 months, are off to Hank Coxe who Brown, and Lucy Service for lorys live in LaGrange, Georgia. Woody their two children, Sally 5, living in Oak Park, Illinois. Robert M. Miller Bar President "Pro Bono Award" 3. Houston IV and his services to the poor. He and his wife, McLaughlin and his wife, Elinor, are living Lackhart, Reagan is still practicing law for the same firm in legal writes, two sons, Barclay, 10, and Bryan, 4, are Virginia, where he and his wife, Mary, are living in Jacksonville, Florida, in Nashville, Tennessee. Woody Warrenton, Reagan "Recently ran into Sewanee lawyers every- living in San Antonio, Texas, where vice-president at MBank Al- where. In one week, closed a deal in which is the senior Skipper Logan John Popham, C'71, represented the other amo/National Association. wife, Lizbeth, have a house full! party; testified in George Paine's court, C67; and his a son Trey, 9; a daughter, Royal Designs and retained Joey Barker, C70, to some Their children are another daughter, Kenzie, 19 work in Marion County." David Oakley and Taylor, 5; and have two dogs, his wife, Ro, are living in Nashville, Ten- months. In addition, they received at Buckingham Palace in May by Mondale, a German Thomas Campbell, C'66, was nessee, where David is self-employed as a Comus, a lab, and Fritz moved from Hous- the Queen's Private Secretary who accepted on behalf of Her Majesty manufacturing representative. The Oakleys shepherd. They all have ton, Texas, to Camden, South Carolina, and the Princess of Wales a silk scarf, which Campbell designed to have two children, Allison, 4, and Seth, 2. with the law where Skipper is the president of Inde- eighty-fifth birthday. The scarf, Morgan Robertson is a partner honor Queen Mother Elizabeth on her Exploration Co. and Adkins & Robertson, in Marietta, pendent Oil and Gas over 1,000 firm of shows the Elizabeth of Glamis Rose, has raised officer with Oil & Gas Drilling Fund. which Georgia. He is a lieutenant in the Naval an of and Scotland and wife, Carol, are liv- pounds sterling to aid the National Trusts England Reserve and active in theatre and scouting. John S. Pullen and his of the child, ing in New Bern, North Carolina, where is also on sale in the U. S. Campbell serves as the commissioner He and his wife, Gretchen, have one Pullen and As- their second child John is president of John S. Scottish Clan Campbell in New York City and continues his work in Peter, and are expecting in April of 1986. of churches. He executed the New "on Shakespeare's birthday" religious vestments for a variety has been selected as a new managing Ronald W. Shelton is the vice-president of John Chancellor's Mantel (being worn by Bishop Stough on the Carolina by Integrated University the Third National Bank in Nashville, Ten- executive in North the gift of the Equity Corporation, a New York cover of the June issue of the Sewanee News), which was nessee, where he lives with his wife, Deb- Resources and Stock Exchange Broker-Dealer Firm and the Rev. William McKeachie, C'66, and employed heraldic designs by J. orah, and their two sons, Thomas, 10, nation's leader in the production of tax-ad- Waring McCrady, C'59. Andrew, 7. —

22 The Sewanee News

:. John is in charge of son, and I survived Edward (2); dog (4); and first child in September. After serving in the a partner at McLain & Menitt, P.C., effec- the integrated offices in Charlotte, Hickory, to visit hurricane Elena by leaving Frank Air Force as an intelligence officer, W. tive January 1, 1986. Guerry R. Thornton, Raleigh, Wilmington, and New Bern and Lankford wife, . That the and Connie. was Thomas Suttle got his masters degree in Jt, effective September 6, 1985, merged his will continue to maintain his resident office best hurricane I've lived through yet." The international affairs from Johns Hopkins law firm with Barnett & Alagia to form the in New Bern. Cyrus P. Quadland, former Lankfords, by the way, were expecting their University and is now in congressional and Atlanta office of a national law firm. This vice-president of Greenwich Financial first child in October. Dr. John E. Jagar, has professional affairs as a lobbyist for electri- fall he was planning to publish as co-editor Group, Inc., has joined the risk manage- expanded his is veterinary practice and now cal engineers. Tom enjoys overseas travel and author a book on products liability law ment consulting practice of Emst Whin- in & living Millbrook, New York. He and his and has visited every continent. Ellsworth and techniques. Ed Vainer and his wife, ney, one of the largest international wife, Suzanne, have two children, Ashley, A. Weinberg and his wife, Jacque, have Pamela, live in Birmingham. They have one accounting firms with more than 5, 3. 300 offices age and Ross, age John reports that he three children—one girl and two boys. Ell- daughter, Stuart Ann, bom in March of 1985. in 75 countries. Formerly he was executive has added an associate to his practice, and sworth is practicing law in a private office vice-president and director at Bayly, Mar- he hopes that this valuable addition will in Garland, Texas, and he and his wife live / ^TO fosiah M. Daniel III tin, and Fay, Inc., insurance brokers of make it possible for them to take a vacation in neighboring McKinney. The Rev. Ste- / O Post Office Box 9158 northern New Jersey. The Rev. T. B. Rudd and maybe make it to a reunion. Alexander Amarilio, Texas 79105 and his wife, Sheni, are living in Atlanta, "Sandy" Johnson and his wife, Gloria, wel- in Grenada, Mississippi. Steve and his wife, Robert J. Anderson HI and his wife, Georgia, where he is the rector of Our Sav- comed their third child, Kevin Samuel John- Kathy, have a son three years old. Steve Nancy, have two daughters, Paige, 2 1/2, ior Episcopal Church. Joseph A. Vella, Jr., son, bom February 26, 1985, who joins a enjoys music and jogging. and Leigh, 8 months. Carey P. Burnett is after six years in the life insurance business, sister, Laura, 4, and a brother, Benjamin, 3. vice-president of commercial development returned to college and was graduated from Sandy is teaching math and computer pro- ' ^ Pendleton Rogers 70 for EnMark Development Company, Inc." the University of South Carolina in Colum- gramming and coaching tennis at Hamilton / £ Nixon, Margraves, Devans, & Doyle headquartered in Columbia, South Caro- bia in May of 1984. He is married to Judith High School in Hamilton, Montana, where 1 Thomas Circle, Suite 800 lina. His wife, Ann, is the southeast re Rentiers, a registered nurse from Charles- the Johnsons reside. Gloria is a private piano Washington, D.C. 20005 gional manager for Medical Data ton. Vellas Systems The have two children, Joey III, teacher and a church choir director. Griffin Yogi Anderson and his wife, Joli, are a subsidiary of Charter Medical Corpora tioi 4, and Kristin, 2. Joseph entered seminary T. Lassiter and his wife, Marsha, and their "happily" married and living in Sewanee of Macon, Georgia. Brooks Champlin is this past J. summer at Trinity Episcopal School two sons are still living in Birmingham, where Yogi is assistant football coach. Dr. the first vice-president/branch for Ministry manager of in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. At where they have been for the past five years. Robert Knight and his wife, Linda, live in the Robinson Humphrey Co. in Pensacola, Trinity, points he out, the junior seminari- Griffin is now an assistant to the vice-pres- Owensboro, Kentucky. They have two sons, Florida, where his wife, ans take a he and Noralyn, must summer of Greek before ident of Alabama Power Company in Bir- Andy, 9, and Jay, 7. Robert writes also, regular make their home. Brooks is a lay trustee of classes begin in the fall. C. H. "Chip" mingham. Tom Mauldin reports that after "Handicap, 8." Margaret E. Noyes replied the University from the Central Gulf Coast. Watt III and his wife, Jan, stay busy with a living in New Orleans for seven years and that she is "still where I was doing the same Major Frank L. received a master's multistate commercial and business law Henson Houston for one year, they (he and his wife, ol' thing." She is living in Waco, Texas. We practice, raising degree from Pepperdine University in 1980. their children Hansell, 8, Melanie) have returned to Columbia, South have a new definition of the word busy: He and his wife, Kathy, have three chil- and lulianne, 6, and community affairs. They Carolina, for good! Tom is a real estate de- Robert W. "Bob" Piggott is president and dren, Lentz, 11; Margaret, 7; and 1. are living in Thomasville, Georgia. Y. James, Jess veloper and president of The Mauldin Com- owner of Stones River Insurance, Inc. He is The Hensons have moved to Raleigh, North Womack II is involved in farming, ranch- pany. Paul 'Tern" L. Miller is a software president of Murfreesboro Insurers. He is ing, the exploration Carolina, where he assumed the position of and end of the oil and advisor for Florida Lawyers Support Serv- an assistant scoutmaster. He coaches junior inspector/instructor gas business in Antonio, of a Marine Reserve San Texas. He and ices, Inc. He and his wife have three chil- pro basketball. He and his wife, Brooks, unit. T. Parkin his wife, Lou, have four children. Hunter graduated from law Louisa, dren, 10, 9, and 4. Paul participated in the have two children, Rhyne, 10, and Lucie, 7. school at the University of South Carolina 10; Jess and Virginia Nell, 7; and William first annual Masters Olympic Basketball Enough said. Kyle Rote, Jr. was in London in Henry, 4. May. After taking the summer bar, he Games, in which he received a bronze medal this summer for a two-week broadcasting began work as an associate with the McNair in these international games held in To- assignment as an on-air host for the World Law Firm in Columbia, South Carolina. He Hcrndon Inge 111 ronto. He sends his best to all his class- Games. He is busy this fall as the color com- '71 and his wife, Serena (Colvin), C'74, have a / L 955 Augusta Street mates. Craig Scogin is teaching photography mentator for USA Network's Game of the son, John Colvin, bom August 30, 1984. Mobile. Alabama 36604 at the Art Institute of Atlanta. A volume of Week coverage of . Kyle and William Clarence Johnson and his wife, Richard Cobb and his wife, Fran, are liv- his personal work will be published soon. his wife, Mary Lynne, live in Memphis, Linda, A'70, are living in San Antonio, ing in Mobile, Alabama. Glenn M. Davis J. Clayton Smallwood, his wife, and four Tennessee. Jim Savage has been named di- Texas. William is a lieutenant commander and his wife, Mary Ann, have returned to children are living in Sylvan, North Caro- rector of planning at CBS/Fox Video, a in the Navy, stationed at Fort Sam Houston Washington, D.C.. where Glenn will be chief lina, where Clay practices obstetrics and worldwide producer and marketer of prer- developing computerized combat casualty of plastic surgerv at the Naval hospital in gynecology. He and his family enjoy moun- ecorded videocassettes. The firm is located simulation models. The Johnson's daugh- tain Bethesda, Maryland. James H. Diaz is now hiking and fishing. His wife will open in New York Gty. Previously Jim was a ter, Jennifer, is 5. George W. Jones is cur- a pediatric anesthesiologist in New Orle- soon an aerobic studio. E. H. "Chip" Stan- senior business analyst with Macmillan rently working for Amherst Industries, ans, Louisiana, in the Oshner Clinic. This ley, Jr., has joined the commercial real es- Publishing Company's Internationa] Divi- Charleston, West Virginia, as an engineer summer, he, his wife, and three children tate firm of Dial, Dunlap, McRackan, and sion. He holds an M.B.A. from Harvard. Tipple operations. Sarah Elizabeth Jones is traveled to London, England, for a medical Smith in Columbia, South Carolina. He and Richard Soderbom has been named man- associate counsel with First American Cor- fellowship Philip Eschbach HI is a com- his wife, Elsie, have two daughters, Blair, ager of the Tennessee Vocational Training poration in Nashville, a bankholding com- mercial photographer specializing in travel. 5, and Eleanor, born April 25. William C. Center in Winchester. He has been a teacher pany. Peter Linsley is living in Seattle, His wife, Elizabeth, is a travel writer. He "Sandy" Stout, Jr., is the southeastern sales at Franklin County for the past ten years. Washington, where he works for Oncogen, just completed a photographic job in the manager for Motorola Aftermarket Prod- William S. Sutton and his wife, Carol, are a biotechnology company devoted to de- Eastern Bloc countries of Europe with an living in Stone Mountain, Georgia. William veloping cancer diagnostics and therapeu- extended stay in Rumania. Philip and Eliz- practices law in Atlanta and has been made tics. He, his wife, Leslie, and their son, abeth have one son, Philip IV, four years Jeremy, 2, are enjoying life in the Pacific old. Han-y Gus Clenos, Jr., has recently re- Northwest. The Rev. Michael Robertson ceived his Ph.D. in international manage- Lumpkin has been named rector of St. ment from the University of Texas in Dallas. Christopher's Episcopal Church in Spartan- He is vice-prt/Md.Tii and international econ- burg. South Carolina. He moves from Aiken omist at Republic Bank Corporation in Dal- where he was assistant rector and interim rector of St. Thaddeus's Church Kathryn The Rev. Christopher C. L. Hannum is Lynn Macris is now living in Thomasville, presently serving ^ chaplain and teacher at Georgia, where she is a third-grade teacher St. Mary's Episcopal School in Tampa, Flor- and the manager of a stable for thorough- ida He and his wife have two children. bred hunter-jumper horses. Michael Chris enjoys writing professionally and Thomas Maxon and his wife, Kim, became preaching. Orrin Harrison is a partner with the parents o! a daughter, Ginny Stone Locke, Purnell, Boren, Laney & Neely law Maxon, at Belvidere, Tennessee, on March firm in Dallas, Texas. He is the director of 7, 1985. In an all class of 1973 service, Ginny the Dallas Bar Association and listed in Who's was christened at Faith Chapel, Cedal I'Ji m American Lawyers He and his wife, Mountain, North Carolina, on July 21 by Paula, have three children, Ornn IV, 13; The Rev. Louis Oats, C'73, with Godfather Enn, 10; and Lindsey, 4. David E. Huntley Randall D. Bryson and sisters of her mother is attending the University of North Caro- and father as Godmothers. Faith Chapel was lina at Chapel Hill to work towards a Ph.D. founded by a former Sewanee Chancellor, 1 English and Folklore. Lance Ikard is cur- Bishop I -liison Capers of South Carolina in intly employed as section manager of hu- the 1890s, and the present stone summer lan resources with Nissan in Smyrna, chapel was built by Ginny Maxon's great- Tennessee. He and his wife, Kathy, live in Sewante friends join the celebration the marriage Dan Edwards, jr. of of M. , C70, and Laura Slaten great-grandfather. The Rev. Alexander R. Murfreesboro and they have two children, at the wedding reception tost February 9 at Dan's home in Atlanta. From left are Trace Devanny, Mitchell, C 1880, T 1885, H'33, on land Beth, given 15, and Laura, 10, Hemdon Inge III, C74; Berry Hardee Devanny, C75. O/iwr Crawford, C'73; Chip Stanley, C71; Clayton Clough, by Mike Maxon's mother's family (Stone) of Mobile, Alabama, in writes, "Wife, Amanda; C74; the bride and groom; Bob McNeil, C'73; Herbert Elista, C77, and Louis Rice, C'73. 1938. Following Ginny's baptism, more than December 1985 23_

sixty relatives and Sewanee friends gath- work in the engineering department of Gulf ment of Health and Environment in Chat- They were expecting their first child this

ered at one of the Stone family summer Power where I coordinate distribution line tanooga. Louis F. Martin is finishing Ph.D. month. Jenny Leonard Dotson and her hus- homes around Faith Chapel for a picnic. clearance. Ecce Quam Bonum." Bayne exams in Renaissance/ at band, George, are living right here in Se-

Mike Maxon teaches at North Junior High Vaughan, Jr., is the vice-president of the University of North Carolina at Chapel wanee. They have a daughter, Mimi, age 8, in Winchester, Tennessee; Randy Bryson is Hill, where he enjoys seeing Logan Brown- and a son, Russell Brooks, bom in March of a science teacher at Durham Academy in ing, C'77; Nancy Cole, C'78; and Julie Hall, this year. W. Dan Douglas and his wife,

Durham, North Carolina; and Louis Oats and 7. Colwell C. Whitney has entered the C'79. Charles B. Morton, Jr., and his wife, Cathy, are pleased to announce the birth of serves the Church of the Ascension, Knox- second year of law school at Boston College Armelle, are living in Nashville, where he their son, John Forrest, who arrived in Feb- ville, Tennessee- The Rev. Edward T. after six years in Chicago at the Institute of manages the City Finance office. They have ruary of 1985. F. M. Holmes was recently McNabb is rector of the Church of the Ad- European Studies. one daughter, Janine, who is almost a year promoted to vice-president and general vent in Sumner, Mississippi. BUI Morrison old. Kalhryn Keller Timmons and her hus- manager for Franklin County Lumber Com- and his wife, Lucy, are living in Gulf Breeze, band, Randy, have moved from Charlottes- pany. He and his wife, Sandra, live in Win- Florida. He writes that they are enjoying ville, Virginia, to New Orleans, Louisiana. chester, Tennessee Sarah M. Jackson, of their first child, Kate Frances, bom in Sep- / ^.Southern Natural Ga- Company H. Brooks Travis finished his MBA at Okla- Frankfort, Kentucky, was featured speaker tember of 1984. He adds, "Survived 'Elena!'" Post Office Box 2563 homa University after which he was hired at the May 1984 National Association of Ex- Claude B. Nielsen and his wife, Kate, are by Ford Motor Company. He lives in Dallas, tradition Officials' Conference, the annual living in Birmingham, Alabama. The Rev. F. Montgomery "Monti" Adams is the Texas. Susan Jones Willson and her hus- conference of the Clearinghouse on Licen- Regulation (both in Louis Oals is the assistant to the rector at Tennessee winnei of the ASA-Lexone Young band, William, are living in Atlanta with sure, Enforcement, and the Church of the Ascension in Knoxville, Leader Award for 1985. The award is spon- their two sons, Hank, 6, and Charlie, 4. San Francisco), and at the National Associ- Tennessee, where Louis, his wife, Sharon, sored by DuPont and the American Soy- Susan runs into Helen Funk McSwain at ation's annual conference in Washington, Asso- and their daughters, Jessica and Leah, are bean Association. Adams manages a 440- Grady Hospital. Helen is a doctor, and Su- D.C. She attended the American Bar conference in living. Susan L. Rogers received her J.D. acre farm near Decherd. He is using no-till san is a volunteer in labor and delivery. ciation's annual meeting and from Georgetown University in 1981 and farming methods, which he said allow him London, England, in July. Sarah is still the assistant attorney general for the Common- spent four years in private practice. In May to save soil, crop moisture, and time. He is ' HZZ Robert T. Coleman III is work- of 1985 she earned her LL.M. in taxation a Soil Conversation District supervisor. / \J The Liberty Corporation wealth of Kentucky. Bill Johnston Post director of cardiopulmonary services from Georgetown and is now tax counsel Monti and his wife, Elizabeth, have three Office Box 789 ing as Greenville. South Carolina 29602 hospital in Seffner, Florida, where Bill for the Ways and Means Committee of the children. John M. Allin, Jr. is a clinical psy- at the Brenda, live. His work and House of Representatives in Washington, chologist in his own private practice in Jack- Richard Bates, Jr., is working for Vansic- and his wife,

Mickelson Klein, Inc. , engineering two children, a fourteen-year-old daughter D.C. Martha Shannonhouse is living the son, Mississippi. He and his wife, Betty, kle, & an consulting firm. his wife, Jan, are and a six-year-old son, keep him quite busy. good life in the country while working on a He and Phillips L. Kuhl is presently living in Chi- master's degree in education at the Univer- living in Houston, Texas. Gerald N. Bla- their son, Ger- cago, Illinois, where he is the U. S. director sity of Montevallo, Alabama. Judith Mor- 'Cosmo" Boyd is the first vice-president ney, Jr., his wife, Joan, and ald III, are living in Lawrenceville, Georgia. of Finn Sugar. He and his wife have one ton Shelton is still working at the library at and certified financial planner for the Ro- state court daughter, Laura Nancy, born last Decem- Georgia State University. Her husband, binson Humphrey Co., in Atlanta, Georgia. Gerald is acting solicitor for the to which he ber. Jerry and Cynthia Otwell write that Richard, finished his masters in library sci- He and his wife, Laura, have three daugh- of Gwinnett County, a position this year. they "would like to invite all you Sewanee ence at Emory University in August and ters, Thiof, 5; Laura, almost 3; and Emily, 5 was appointed in September of Caroline S. is now working as an square dancers to dance Europe with us and began working at the library at Georgia Tech months. William N. Coppedge and his wife. Bowles attorney for Inc., in Houston, the Zweibrucken Wheelers and Dealers of in September. Gary Sims and his wife, Sara Parti, have a one-year-old daughter, Eliza- Tenneco Zweibrucken, West Germany." Cynthia also Ward Sims, C'76, have two daughters, beth Girard. William visits with Don White- Texas. Comer Buck is the production su- often. R. pervisor at Coburg Dairy in Charleston, said that she would like to hear from alumni Anna, 6, and Abbie, 1. Gary is working for man, C'74, and Ed Moser, C'72, or visiting in Europe. The an insurance agency Brooks Davis and his wife, Elaine, are liv- South Carolina. He lives at Isle of Palms. who are living J. S. Ward & Son, Inc., Richard K. Cole HI has passed the prelim- Hon. Katherine Fordyce Peake and her in Artesia, New Mexico. He is also busy in ing in Gulf Breeze, Florida, where Brooks is Davis, inary exams for his Ph.D. in physics. He is husband, David, are living in Fredericks- community affairs, studying for the CPCU, a partner in the law firm of Merting & doing research on the interaction of energy burg, Texas, with their three sons, George, and playing golf and Softball. Sara stays busy P.S., of Pensacola. Brooks and Elaine have Elizabeth beams with the surfaces of solids. Ralph 4, and Sam and Dave, who will be one year taking care of the girls, playing bridge, and two children, Robert, Jr., and Daniels, a 1976 graduate of Berry College old on Christmas Day Katherine is cur- working in the family businesses. Fred Spies Marie. Trace Devanny; see Devanny note rently a municipal court judge. Dick Raney for C'75. Genye E. Hawkins and her hus- in Rome, Georgia, writes, "Since returning ve- from seven years of playing pro basketball is entering his sixth year of sales with the Manufacturing in Lewisville, Texas. He and band, Glenn Finnell, are small animal in Atlanta, Georgia. completed in Israel, my wife Avivit (Israeli) and 1 have John H. Garland, Co. his wife, Linda, have two children, Jennifer, terinarians and have just pregnant and their first construction of a veterinary hospital in Or- settled in Atlanta. Avivit is a travel agent His wife, Jean, is 9, and Krista, 4. Charles Bailey Spigner was is of 1986. Stephen A. while I am the information officer for the child due in March ordained in June to the diaconate at the lando, Florida. They were hoping to open year. Consulate General of Israel in Atlanta. Wil- Rowe and his wife, Julia, are living in Bir- Church of the Epiphany in Laurens, South the new facility in November of this married in August to mingham, Alabama, where he is a partner Stibbs has opened Tom and Mary (Kennedy) Hendershot are liam R. Daniels was Carolina. John H. 'lack" Robinson Tennessee. They have Marsha Moffatt. He continues to practice with the firm of Lange, Simpson, his own law firm in Woodlands, Texas, a living in Madisonville, concentrating in banking law and real & Somerville. C. Craig Sargent was dis- community about thirty miles north of four children, Sarah, 9; Keith, 4; Eva, 2; and law, Betty Hardee Devanny and her hus- charged from the Army in 1983 as a captain Houston. John M. Tucker and his wife, Mil- Julia, about 6 months. Frederick B. Kunz estate. after serving a six-year regular Army com- his wife, Beverly Campbell, have a five- band. Trace, C'74, are living in Augusta, lie, have been married nine years. Millie is and then returned to Nashville Cara. Fritz has recently Georgia, where Trace is a marketing repre- mitment. He the daughter of The Rev. R. Emmet Grib- year-old daughter, financial and au- sentative with IBM. Betty is a partner in the where he has been in the bin, Ji., C'37. John writes, "We have three CPA firm of Serotta, Maddocks & Devanny. tomobile industry. He now teaches high children, Sarah, 6; Joe, 4; and Laura, 1. 1 24 The Sewanee News

school German and French and is in his daughter, Mary Frances, nearly two years their parish. VanC, Nail is employed at the located in Nashville, Tennessee. Jeffrey and second year ol law school Sara Frances old. Lisa is a housewife, and Fred is a CPA University of Richmond as an assistant pro- his wife, Deborah, are the proud parents of "Sally" Smith and Ward Bryson Crimmins practicing in Birmingham, Alabama. The fessor of mathematics and has completed Jessica Lane, bom in June of this year. Jew- were married in August o( this year. The his first year there. He and his wife, Re- ell Mauldin Brain and her husband, David,

couple is living in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Homewood. They love hearing from old becca Nelson, C'78, have a new daughter, C'76, are living in Tampa, Florida. She has Christopher L. Stoney married Rebecca He- friends and miss the Mountain. Judy M. Sara Elizabeth, born in September of 1984, a new position with U. S. Home Mortgage lene Morrison on June 23 in Ashland, Or- High! Gilbert and her (amily are living in Charles Mayer and his wife, Cheryl, are Corporation as director of closing and com- egon. He is working in Ihe radio and Memphis, Tennessee. She and her hus- living in Birmingham, Alabama. Thev have pliance, a job which allows a lot of traveling advertising industry in Medford, Oregon, band, John, have two children, Leah-Marie. just welcomed Katherine Walker Mayer, to such places as Phoenix, Houston, and 3. is operating an and is active in local opera and drama 6, and Patrick John, John born in September of this year. Kathie Gun- Albuquerque. She reports that she and automobile repair service which specializes ter McClure and her husband, Jay, have David recently celebrated their eighth wed- assistant commonwealth's attorney for the in foreign cars. Judy was formerly with the two children, Christopher 3, and Caitlin, 1. ding anniversary and that renovations on 38lh iuJiu.jI district of Kentucky. He and Dan Hope Band but has retired to keep up She has temporarily retired from practicing their sixty -year-old house are coming along. to is a his wife CeCe, were married in August of with the house, yard, and children. She says law care for the children, but she teach- James J. Bushnell is practicing attorney in

|iK4 and are living in Hartford, Kentucky. that she is enjoying some free time to dec- ing paralegals and is also spending time res- Birmingham, Alabama J. Stuart Collier, Jr., In attendance 01 theii wedding were Lind- orate their house with her photographs of toring their sixty-year-old home. Robert A. and his wife, Meg, are the proud parents of sey Logan, Brian Snider, Steve Smith, C76, the Mississippi River, downtown Mem- Moseley, of Dothan, Alabama, writes, 'Two John Stuart 111, bum in July of tins year. The and other SewaneeDeke alumni Key phis, and zoo animals Bradford Gioia was years ago, after three years as managing Colliers are living in Memphis, Tennessee. Smotherman Wyalt and her husband, Jeff, appointed to the position of headmaster for editor of the Dothan Eagle, I left the news- Johnny and Eulalie Hazard Davis are the live in Columbia, South Caro Jeff the academic and extracurricular programs paper business to form my own advertising proud parents of Florence McLeod, their in grades seven through twelve at the Dar- agency, first is working on his Ph.D. in finance at I Moseley Media. Self-employment child, bom in February of 1985. Three University of South Carolina. They have lington School in Rome, Georgia. Paul Mar- is the way to go, I've found." Michael D. of Florence's godparents are John, C'75, and eighteen-month-old daughter, Libby. shall Glick is managing Service- master of Payne and his wife, Jeanie, are the proud Marlea Kitchings, Foster, C'77, and Patsy Hilton Head Island. He was married to parents of their first child, Kathlene Mc- Pyle, who is a freshman at Sewanee this

Kathryn Ramseur, A'78, on June 22 in Se- Donald, bom in May of 1985. Michael is a fall, Johnny is an assistant vice president Bill Gregg are living in lawyer with the firm of Wilkinson and and trust operations officer at the AmSouth 76 17: wanee. and Joan migham, Michigan 48009 San Antonio, Texas, where Bill is working McCullough in Atlanta. The Paynes make Bank of Birmingham. Eulalie "retired" from their home in Avondale Estates, Georgia. her job as law librarian at Bar- Robert W. Balfour is the vice-president with a computing company and "enjoying Johnston and Morrison her hus- and sales manager of Balfour Lumber Com- every minute of it." Joan is less than a year Dewie Plummer and ton law firm after Florence was bom. Dr. band, Charles, have daughter. Their pany in Thomasville, Georgia, where Rob- away of completing her work to become an one Ronald Lee "Rookie" Davis III and his wife, ten- daughter turned two as of 5. ThePlum- living ert lives with his wife, Vicki, and their 2- RN. They are looking forward to a great May Elizabeth "Kee" Tyndall Davis are year-old daughter, Lindsay. Geoffrey Ben- year reunion in 1986. After nine years of mers live in San Antonio, Texas. Will I. in Houston, Texas. Rookie is in his third Ramsey, is the vice-president and attor- at nett and his wife, Marquetta, are living in writing for the Sf. Petersburg Times, covering Jr., year of urology residency Baylor College politics, crime, investigative projects, ney for The Law Source, Inc., a legal con- of Medicine, where he had already Aubum, Alabama. He is working at Ampex gen- com- sultation research firm in Gainesville, pleted Corporation in Opelika as the foreman in eral features, and the arts, James Harper and two years of general surgery. Kee Will the plastics department. He says he may has been awarded a John S. Knight Fellow- Florida. says that he is looking forward and Rookie have two children, Elizabeth, enter politics in the next elections. H. Brad- ship to take a one-year sabbatical at Stan- to the ten-year homecoming in 1986, and he almost 3, and Anne Tyndall, who was bom invites any Sewanee visitors to Gainesville 2, ford Berg is still employed by the Charter ford University in California. He is studying on January 1985. Billy DuBose has made Company. He and his wife, Stacy, were ex- music, social history, and philosophy. Jim to look him up. Ken Seese is currently the a major career change. He is now teaching for a religion, pecting iheir first child in December, a expects to return to the Times next summer. buyer Amfac Drug Supply Company, history, and dramatics at Heath- member of the class of 2007, The Bergs are Last year he was awarded first prize for pharmaceutical wholesaler for which he has wood Hall Episcopal School to students in living in Jacksonville, Florida Sally Town- general excellence in criticism by the Florida worked the past three years. He lives out- the Upper School in Columbia, South Car- side Knoxville, send Collins finished her masters in com- Press Club, and in the spring a collection of of Tennessee, in Powell with olina. He is also a member of Trinity Cathe- puter science in August of 1984. She has his jazz and classical music reviews was his wife, Cheryl, and their daughter. Har- dral and was recently elected to Sewanee's been working as a computer analyst for the nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Jim writes: mony. Sara Ward Sims; see note for Gary Board of Trustees from the Diocese of Up- University of Tennessee since her gradua- "I never expected to find myself working as Sims, C'73. Stephen H. Smith has com- per Ninth Carolina. Ellen Rogers Hamilton tion. She and her husband, William, have a music critic, but all those evenings in Dr. pleted pediatric chief residency at the Uni- is ,i physical therapist lor Montclair Ortho- one son, Townsend Savage, who was born Harrison's living room made my attraction versity of Tennessee and has joined paedic Surgeons. She and her husband, in March of this year David Darrohn and to the work just too hard to resist." Stephen Georgetown Pediatrics in Dunwoody, Bruce, enjoy kayaking as a sport and just his wife. Marguerite, are living in Nashville, T. Higgins is senior transportation planner Georgia. He and his wife, Martha, recently returned from vacation in Hawaii. The Tennessee. Sally Hill Davis and her hus- for the City of Atlanta (Whew!) and a mem- celebrated the birth of their third child, Hamilton:, .ire living in Birmingham, Ala- band, George, have moved to Albuquer- ber of St. James's Anglican Church He Christine Elizabeth, born in August of this bama. Joan Harris, now living in Freder- que, New Mexico, where George has begun writes, "Several classmates knew my father year. Peter H. Squire is the vice-president icksburg, Texas, is selling ranches and a residency in child psychiatry. They have who died recently and is buried in Sewanee for financial services for First Bank and Trust historical rock homes built by German set- two children, with whom Sally spends most where my mother lives on Florida Avenue." in Bryan, Texas. He recently received the tlers in the mid 1880s. She thinks that Texas of her time, but she also "practices the art Stephen's father was the Rev, Charles Hig- registered investment advisor designation is wonderful, and says that the real estate of storytelling in schools and other public gins of the Diocese of Arkansas, who had from the Securities and Exchange Commis- market is keeping her busy. Michael Ka- places" part of her time. Rhea T. Eskew, retired to Sewanee several years ago. Susan sion in Washington, D.C. Alison "Lisa" plon, after three years in internal medicine jr., recently received a S500 award and cer- B. Holmes recently entered into business in Tryer is still working as a disc jockey for residency in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is a fel- tificate from the Georgia Tech chapter of Nashville in the historic Second Avenue WFOX-FM radio in Atlanta, Georgia. Betty low in hematology oncology at Bowman Sigma Xi. an international society of scien- district. She is now selling contemporary Ann Rockwell Wolff; see Wolff note for Gray in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He tists, for the best Ph.D. thesis in science for women's clothing and managing the finan- C'64. Richard E. Wood, M.D., and his wife, reports that he has seen several Sewanee the academic year. The dissertation is enti- cial interests of Market Street Clothing Shirley, are the proud parents of a baby alumni since he moved to North Carolina. tled "White Noise Analysis of Human Spa- Company. Lucille D. Young Hooper was daughter, Chloe Elizabeth Wood, bom on John Andrew Nelson and his wife, Mary, tial Vision." Eskew, a Sewanee Sigma Nu, married to George Hooper, who is with USA January 2 of this year. The Wood family are living in Bon Secour, Alabama. George received his Ph.D. in experimental psy- Today, in November 1983, and they moved lives in Jacksonville, Florida. Bayard Noxon and his wife, Kathryn Weis- chology. Last December he married Kath- from Washington, D.C., to Charlotte, North singer Noxon, C, have recently moved to Carolina, in 1984. leen F. Melia. Kathy is also a post-doctoral January of Lucille had a / rjry William DuBose III Winston-Salem, North Carolina, from New fellow, but at the Scripps Clinic across the solo watercolor exhibition in Spartanburg, / / 1527 Idalia Drive Orleans. George is an audit manager with street from the University of California, San South Carolina, but says, "Had a baby boy, Columbia, South Carolina 29206 Price Waterhouse. Kathryn is the tax man- James Briley, on September 1984. Diego, where Rhea is doing research into 18, Con- John C. M. "Mac" Alves and his wife, ager for McLean Trucking. They had their tinue to paint as Patricia the mechanisms of human color discrimi- time allows." Dawn, are living in Guntersville, Alabama, first child in April 1985, a daughter, named nation. David Etzoid, in addition to his job Kington Johnson and her husband, Jack, where John practices orthodontistry. Ed- Virginia Spencer. Mark K. Parsons and his as have a 7-month-old baby girl, KristenLynn. marketing director of Kasco Ventures de- mund McAlister Benchoff is a practicing wife, Lou, are living in Radcliff, Kentucky, Patricia is a leave of for a velopers, is chairman of the Plan Commis- on absence year attorney in the firm of Benchoff and Guidry where Mark is a pediatrician in the Army. sion of El Paso, Texas. Jan William Evridge, from her position as school psychologist with in Edward M. Peebles, Jr., and his wife, Les- Nacogdoches, Texas. Melody J. Bock is the School System. her husband, Bob, and their new (and first) Dickson County The an attorney for Greenberg, Fish and Fielder lie Mounger, C'81, are the parents of a one- child, Katherine Johnsons live in Cunningham, Tennessee. Elizabeth, bom in June of in Dallas, Texas. She is about two thirds year-old daughter, Sarah, and they are liv- 1985, are living in Cindy Kerstuter; see Kershner note for A'72. Knoxville, Tennessee. Jan through the first draft of her novel Icarus ing in Gainesville, Florida, Edward gradu- has returned to her position as a loan officer W. Howell Kiser and his wife, Betsy, are Already Knew, which she wrote when she ated from LSU School of Architecture in May with living in Acworth, Georgia, with their three Home Federal Savings Bank, and she took six months off from work to recover of this year and is now working as an intern children. Will, says that that, the new baby, the job, and Emma, and Robert, just bom from an automobile accident. She says that architect for Santa Fe Healthcare Systems. her husband's in August. Howell is teaching world and teaching and coaching axe she left Houston after three years there, and Brent Perkins and his wife, Sarah, are the keeping English literature at Galloway School in At- them occupied. Kay Adair (Ewin> before that she practiced in Chattanooga for proud parents of a son, Joshua Brent, who Faust and her husband, David, lanta. Charlotte Smith Lirnmers and her are the proud 3 1/2 years. As always, she says, she is on was born May 12 at home. Their first child, parents of a new husband, Edward, are living in Pinebluff, daughter, Lucy Adair the move, jeffery Bohannon is president Jessica Lee, is almost two years old. The Faust, who was born in North Carolina. She reports that she stays February. Fred M. and chief executive officer of Bohannon and Rev. J. Kevin Philips left his position at St. Freeman III busy being a mother and doing work for and his wife, Lisa, have one Inc., a physician recruiting firm George's Church in Schenectady, New York, December 1985

last May, and after a trip to Switzerland, he tucky. He reports that he likes living in began his duties as rector of Trinity Church Houston and that he works side by side Crayfish Study in Ossining, New York. Philip Pidgeon IV with two other Sewanee alumni, Bob Bar- and his wife, Lucy Klugh, are living in De- tenstein, C'73, who is a vice-president with catur, Georgia, where Philip is in his final the company, and Bill Bomar, C'52, who is David Lodge, C79, is the co-author of an article about the rusty crayfish year at Columbia Theological Seminary senior vice-president. Robert J. Egleston is which was published in the August issue of Natural Hislon/ magazine. earning his doctor of ministry degree. Dr. working for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Neal Pylant has established a private prac- in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He fin- The rusty crayfish is of interest because it is a recent southern immigrant tice in periodontics. He and his wife, Norma, ished an evening M.B.A. program in May to northern lakes and has proven to be highly destructive to more live in Athens, Georgia, and they are ex- of 1984. He and his wife. Amy, have one indigenous plants and fish. David has been doing post-doctoral work pecting their first child in April 1986. Lynn son, Larken, 2 1/2. Howell John Herring at the University of Wisconsin. Belt Schuppert and her husband, Ken, C'77, and his wife, Mary Hickert, C'82, were are both practicing law in Decatur, Ala- married in December of 1984 in Clearwater, bama, though they are with two different Florida. They now live in Philadelphia where it would rain or anything but sun- where Taylor Is an attorney practicing law firms. Lynn writes, "We bought an old Howell is a systems programmer for the snow— shine." Blair Scoville is assistant at- the firm of Buntin Cobb. They have house (100 years old) three years ago, and city, Mary enjoys her job as a staff writer C. an with & torney general in the tax division of the a new son, Douglass Taylor Flowers, Jr., have been working on it bit by bit over the for The Reporter in Landsdale. The Rev. attorney general's office in Nashville, Ten- born in April of this year. Margaret Flowers _years. (We'll stiff be working on it in twenty Ralph F. Howe, Jr., and his wife, Suzette, nessee. F. Shriner, was recently and M, Seott Ferguson have a son, Michael, years!) No children yet—we've still got have just had their first child, Alyce Four- John Jr., appointed assistant professor physics at age 2 1/2, and are expecting another child Scotland to see!" Steven P. Scoville married rier, bom in September of this year. Ralph of in March. Margaret teaches French at Girls' his wife, Polly, in 1983. They have a brand serves as curate at St. James's Episcopal Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tennessee. Sally Burton Walton and her Preparatory School in Chattanooga and is a new baby daughter, Judith Blair. Steven is Church in Alexandria. John R. and Eliza- their first board of the Junior League, The employed by McDevitt & Street Co., as a beth Jacobs are living in Orlando, Florida. husband, Allan, were expecting member Fergusons are living in Signal Mountain. project manager, building hospitals for Tommy Johnston and his wife, Rees, had child in June. They are living in Aubum, E. Wilson is currently an Julie Elizabeth Hall has earned a M.A. at Hospital Corporation of America. David their first child, Thomas Welden Johnston, Washington. Jane attorney-advisor to Chief Judge Samuel B. the University of North Carolina at Chapel Sikes is finishing his last year of a rheu- in March. Tommy is the president of the the United States Tax Court. She Hill and has finished her course work for a matology fellowship at the University of Charleston, South Carolina, Sewanee Club. Sterrett on received her L.L.M. in Taxation from doctorate in English. W. Clark Hanger and South Florida in Tampa. For entertainment John L. Hendry IV was engaged to be mar- Law Center in May. Monti Mengedoht, C'80, were married in he has been racing a 1985 Mazda RX7 in the ried to Denise Lillian Mathias of Dallas in Georgetown University She has joined the firm of Lee, Toomey, and August of this year and spent ten wonder- Playboy/USEC Series, with sponsorship "September. Denise is a second grade teacher ful days in Ireland on their honeymoon. Christian School, and John is fin- Kent in Washington, D. C. from Florida Tile. Henley J. Smith III is at Brazos They now live on St. Simons Island, Geor- industry marketing manager for O'Neal ishing his third year in commercial broker- gia, where Monti is working .is a pediatric Steel, Inc., of Birmingham, Alabama. James age work in Bryan-College Station, Texas. physical therapist at the local hospital and "Tad" Street and Christin Farrington, C'81, Noah Lemos reports that he enjoys teaching / 71251 Dickinson Drive, No. 14-N Clark is working as an aircraft dealer/broker were married on October 19 in Huntsville, (philosophy at the University of Texas, Coral Cables, Florida 33146 in twin and single engine aircraft at the St. Alabama. Jane Hart Sublett is working at Austin) and writing. He was one of four Elizabeth Alden A pp legate and her hus- Simons airport. G, Britton Harper is in the the Greater Florence (South Carolina) brothers who are Sewanee alumni. R. Van band. Arthur, are the new parents of a baby middle of a general surgical residency at the Chamber of Commerce. When she is not Nixon Light and her husband, Harry, are girl, Emily Frances, who was born February University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. tending to her job, she serves as the director living in Dallas, Texas. Will Lyons is still 24. Charlotte M. Boney is in her second He has arranged a subsequent year (1987) of the Florence Little Theatre, as a member working for the Citizens and 5outhem Na- year of medical school at UT in Memphis, as a cardiovascular research fellow with of St. John's Episcopal Church and on the tional Bank's international department, Tennessee, in addition to acting in an offi- plans for eventual training in the subspe- church's Christian education and worship dealing with German and Italian firms op- cial capacity in both the curriculum review cialty of cardiothoracic surgery. He and his committees, as treasurer to Tarantella Club, erating in the Southeast. He was looking and the American Medical Student Associ- wife, Martha, have one child, Elizabeth. El- and as secretary of the Candlelight Civitan forward to traveling in Europe in the fall ation. Sherri Graham Cash; see Cash note, coaching at more Hill, jr., married Jessie Augusta Club. As if that weren't already enough to Ma. C'78. Bill Cox is teaching and Beach, for the Baumhauer, C'81, on June 29. Katherine fill her day, she has a daughter, Jane, age MacDonald is living in North Palm Baylor School, where he has worked Atlanta, "Tasi" (Bryant) Hurley, A'75, now makes 7. Walter F. Teckemeyer is living in Kenner, Florida. Helen McCrady is living in past four years. He is also working toward his wife, Me- in adminis- her home in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, a suburb of New Orleans. He Georgia. Ted J. Miller and his master's degree education where she is an insurance adjuster with works for the U. S. Army Corps of Engi- lanie, are living in Hendersonville, Tennes- tration at UTC. Bill and his wife, Beth, live Crawford and Company. Brad Jones was neers as a project engineer for hurricane see. Ted is an internal medicine resident at on the Baylor campus and enjoy seeing many married to Mary Barrow in September of protection/flood control projects. He is also Vanderbilt Medical School. Captain Barry of the Sewanee alumni who live around 1984 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Smiles pursuing an MBA degree at the University Kennedy Morrison has moved from Jack- them. Mary B. Cubberley writes, "Bill and around for Brad and Mary, now the parents of New Orleans as well as starting a man- son, Mississippi, to Jacksonville, North Car- I are enjoying living with our children out of a son, Nelson Barrow Jones. Charles agement consulting firm called Creative olina. Rebecca Nelson Nail; see note for here in Mt. Juliet (Tennessee). Kate is al- Summers Fry Kirkland married Larrabee Management Services. Jim Earl Thomas is Van C. Nail, C'76. Bill and Jennifer (Koch) most four and Carol is almost one. Robin Atlanta, 1/2 in for Bise of Jackson, Mississippi, and in his sixth year as head football coach at Nelson are living on 10 acres a one- C. DeLaney is writer and producer J. H. Georgia. They are living in Atlanta where Bridgeport (Alabama) High School. He and hundred-year-old farm house near Clarks- Lewis Advertising Agency, Inc., in Mobile, is a financial analyst with the Volkswagons is living in Charles his wife, Janet, have two children, a son, ville, Tennessee. Bill repairs Alabama. Mary Sue Denison received his mas- university writes that her Southern Company. He Bently, 4, and a daughter, Janna Shea, 2. and Jennifer attends a local where Pullman, Washington, and ter's degree in business administration from B.S. in nursing. She Rebecca, C'82, is now living in Aus- James A. 'Tony" Webb is an engineer, with she is working on a sister, Margaret Emory University in 1981. Frank and Beth Arco Oil and Gas Company in Houston, writes, "Residents of our household in- tin, Texas. M. Scott Ferguson and (Candler) Marchman are the proud parents clude three adopted dogs, two ducks, three Flowers Ferguson have one son, Michael, of blonde-haired, blue-eyed Benjamin chickens, four cocketeils, one peacock, a age 2 1/2, and another child who was bom Thomas, now nearly a year old. They con- Latvian speaking Amazon parrot, and in March. He is a deacon at Signal Mountain tinue to live on their farm near Sharpsburg, 78? daughter Emily, age 2." John Perm is a fac- Presbyterian Church. He is the treasurer of Chatta- Georgia, where they raise chickens, don- Charleston, South Carolina 29402 ulty member at Baylor College of Medicine. Associated General Agency in keys, and catfish. Thomas Ian McMillan writes, "Stop by and see Houston. Traff- nooga, and he has attained the designations Blake Anderson is practicing law in He J. reports that after leaving Sewanee, he earned treat. Reminds me of Winchester of chartered property and casualty under- Jackson, Tennessee. (Blake, perhaps your ic's a real a bachelor of music degree from the North Saturday night." Lewis C. Price and writer associate in risk management. question pertaining to Vice President Bush on a and Carolina School of Arts in 1980 and a B.S. living in Huntsville, File is still working as a nuclear en- issue's article covering Kathryn, his wife, are Penny is answered in this chemical engineering from the University Alabama, having moved there from Deca- -gineer at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in visit or in other newspaper articles which his of Utah in 1984. He married his wife, Ann Alabama. is still with Pearce Con- in Maryland. He is spending most of his with his being here.) Todd Bender; tur, He dealt in 1984. Tom works as a process en- struction Co., Inc., a commercial and spare time writing songs and trying to break Parry, Bender note for C'81. Wes Bowman is see gineer at Intel. Ann, who is an accom- industrial general contracting company, as into the music business. He also enjoys still in emergency medicine at the hospital plished flutist, is a chemical engineer at secretary/treasurer. Lucy K. "Kiz" photography and rock and fossil hunting Clanton, Alabama. He was recently ap- corporate in saw Rob and Honeywell. The McMillans live and work head of the emer- Burton Puckett and her husband, the Rev. along the cliffs. He recently pointed medical staff Phoenix, Arizona. Donna Finney North- living in La Grange, Granger, C'77, in Bakersfield, Cali- in department. His wife, Mary, works David Puckett, are Kathy gency cutt and her husband, Mark, are living in where he is rector of St. James's Epis- fornia; Ted Smida, C'74, in Tampa Florida; sewing for an interior decorator Texas, at home Bristol, Tennessee, and are working in the is doing graduate work Chris and Bill Lemos, C'80, in Miami, care of their nine-month-old copal Church. Lucy and and taking missile division of Raytheon Co. Walker Fisher is teach- systems Cash and his wife, at St. Mary's University in San Antonio. Florida. Marilyn Joy daughter, Rebecca. Uny the plant metallurgist/process con- daughter, Catie-Alden, age ing seventh and eighth grade English at Mark is C'79, are the proud parents They have one Sherri Graham, trol engineer. Donna is a financial analyst. Rivas is living in South Girl's Preparatory School in Chattanooga. of a son, Graham Joshua, now a year old. 5. Lynne (Willis) an announcer In their spare time, they are restoring their at Southwest Pasadena, California, and working for Se- She also works part-time as Sherri is working part-time collecting antiques. Mary active in community old house and Larry continues curity Pacific's merchant bank. She and her at WDSI-TV, remains Associate Securities, and Howard Porter and her husband, plays at G.P.S., and plans Helen Dupree, is hsuband, Joe, were expecting their first child theatre, directs his law practice. Thomas P. Jr., in Cartersville, Georgia. theatre at UTK. Tommy, are living municipal bond in September. Lynne writes, "Los Angeles to enter a M.A. program in in his second year as a graduated horn the Univer- his wife, Lauren Far- John Romersa but 1 really miss the South. D. Taylor Flowers and salesman at Rotan Mosle, Inc., after five is an exciting city, Health Sciences Dothan, Alabama, sity of Tei e Center for this, sometimes 1 wish rington, C60, live in years at Dupree & Co. in Lexington, Ken- It is a sin to say but The Sewanee News

at Memphis in 1984 with his D.D.S. He now Cobbs, C79, and Chris Cobbs, C'81, Lisa Ins j denial practice in Nashville. Tom and Outing Director Brandon Neese, C'80, Martha Ann Pugh, Linda (Macdonald) Scarritt are living in C'82, Jim Ratliff, C'80, Theo Gass, C'80, Tampa, Florida, where Tom is a trial attor- Scott Malvaney, C'80, George Clark, C'79, ney and Linda is a loan officer with a mort- Robert Pyeatt, C'Bl, and his wife, Libba Ed Roper, Jr., C'80, is serving as the interim director of the Se gage company. They write, "We are both Ager Pyeatt, C'82, Brooks Monypeny, C'78, Outing Club u hile Carrie busy with work and going to Sewanee wed- Ashton serves as the interim director of the and Laurie Parsons Monypeny, C'79. Jane dings!" Charles F. Schafer, Jr, is equipment Bishop's Common. Ashton will return to the position of director of Clopton Baker made her first profession of Seapac Services, control manager for Inc., the Sewanee Outing Club when a new Bishop's Common director is religious vows in the St. Cecilia congrega- in Georgia Dunne Perkowski tion of Savannah, named. Dominican Sisters on August 6, 1985. Schindler, Eric, her husband, and their two Her religious name is Sister Margaret An- children. Page, 4, and Keith, 2, moved back drew. Jess Baumhauer has moved with his to New Orleans, Louisiana, almost a year new wife, Moe (Elmore) Hill, C'79, to Clausen has returned from a seven-month i the a Tom Macfie is in his ago. Eric is a full-time student planning to Nashville, Tennessee. Mediterranean deployment as air boss second year as the assistant director of ad- Jess is teaching at begin medical school in 1986. Dianne is a Harpeth Hall. Cathy Fenner aboard the U.S.S. Shreveporl (LPD-12). His missions here at the University. He spent Bender and her full-time mother and part-time gradi husband, Todd, C'78, are living in College wife, Lisa, is completing her master's de- the summer in South Africa with a medical Grove, Tennessee. is working gree in nursing at O.D.U. They live just missionary program, in which he wrote and Todd at Van- derbilt hospital as a minutes from Virginia Beach in a town house photographed work of doctors in Transkei, cardiopulmonary per- becca Littleton Sims writes, "Last Decem- fusionist (that is, he runs a with their two dogs. James writes, "Would the oldest homeland in South Africa. Tom heart/lung ber 1 married Chuck, quit as Assistant machine) and being daddy to their like to hear from any alums in Hampton has had articles published about his trip, one-year District Attorney, began my own law office, old daughter, Munro. He loves both jobs. Roads area. Yea, Sewanee's right!" Leslie lone L. McKenzie is the director of the Ca- and went to Acapulcoon my honeymoon." Steven M. Blount is practicing law with Davis is now living in San Antonio, Texas. reer Center at Whitman College in Walla William H. Littleton, T'60, married them at McBee and Blount in Winchester, Tennes- Dr. J. Patrick "Par Oil worth graduated Walla, Washington. She is the recipient of St. Andrew's in Douglas, Georgia, and see. His wife, Mary Ellen from medical school at the University of the 1984 Outstanding Achievement for In- Warner, C'80, has Deborah Clifton vander Lande, C'78. was been promoted to Associate Director of Tennessee in Memphis in June of this year. novative Programming in the fields of ca- Ad- a bridesmaid. "I Idve small town practice." missions at the University of the He started his residency at UT-Chatta- reer planning and placement. L. Scot South. Mary Rebecca and Chuck have six pets, two dogs nooga, Erlanger Hospital in July doing gen- Malvaney is the director of the publications and Steve have just purchased a house in and four cats. Melissa Berry Strange and eral surgery. He plans to specialize in and documents division of Mississippi's Cowan, at the foot of the Mountain. W. her husband, Luther, have a seven-month- urology. Rose Mary Drake has just re- Secretary of State's office in Jackson, Mis- Hunt Buckley, his wife, Casilda, and their old son. When we heard from Melissa, Lu- turned to her law practice after two weeks sissippi. Dr. Jane E. Mobley graduated from 3-year-old child are living in Dallas, Texas, ther had gotten a promotion and they were of canoeing in the Boundary Waters of Min- the University of Alabama School of Medi- planning to move to Washington, D.C., nesota. She reports that her law business is cine at the University of Alabama Hospital. sometime this fall Joyce Kuehner Swart and thriving in its tenth month. (That was in W. Davis Northcutt IV is the president of been admitted to the South Carolina Bar her husband, Jacques, live near Roanoke, September, so her business must be about Northcorp Interests, Inc., a central Texas and the Texas Bar. Phillip J. Bums writes, Virginia. Both work at ITT, Joyce in the mar- a year old now.) Nan Fullerton and Andy real estate investment, brokerage, and man- "I am making JIF peanut butter in Lexing- keting department and Jacques in account- Kegley were married October 24, 1984, at agement company headquartered in Col- ton. Kentucky. Be somebody in '85; take the ing For a hobby, they raise Alpine and " Hilton Head, South Carolina. Laurie Fow- lege Station. Lucy Paul is teaching French JlFference Ann Chapleau is teaching Nubian dairy goats. Vic Thomas is a third ler reports that she has just had a beautiful in the upper school of North Cross School eighth and tenth grade English at Skyview year senior pediatric resident at the Univer- redheaded baby boy. She is practicing en- in Roanoke, Virginia. Michael Lee Pittman Academy in Memphis, Tennessee. Judith sity of Florida. He and his wife, Liz, are vironmental and civil rights law in Atlanta is working in Muscan, Oman, for Geophys- Clark received a J.D. from the University of living in Gainesville Katherine Montague and renovating an old house. Her husband, ical Service, Inc. of Dallas, Texas. His tour North Carolina at Chapel Hill in May of Trigg was married in April ot 1984 to Ste- Tim Johnson, is executive director of Cam- of duty ends in December of this year at 1984. For a year she taught business law and phen Trigg, M.D.. a graduate of W& L. He paign for a Prosperous Georgia, a consumer which time he will return to Dallas. He plans French at Guilford Community College in is doing his residency in orthopedic surgery advocacy group active in issues pertaining to be married in January of 1986 to Kather- Greensboro. This fall she entered Harvard and she is working for Montague & Asso- to energy. Nancy Adair Fowler married Gary ine M. Haley of Dallas. Leonard Pogue is in Divinity School and is seeking a M.T.S. with ciates. Inc. Alfred Isaac Turner is currently Bivins in October of 1984. Susan Blair Rus- law school at the University of Tennessee concentration in ethics and public policy. the office manager for Cherokee Metal Ab- sell Glenn and her husband, Wayne, are and was married in June. Mark Wayne Pryor She plans to work in public interest law. rasive, Inc., in Oneonta, Alabama. Alfred living in Nashville, Tennessee. She writes proudly announced the birth of Wheeler She is married to John Robert Erwin. Philip lives in nearby Pinson. M. Felton Wright that she is enjoying motherhood with their Hunt Pryor on March 15. 1985. Woody Reg- I. Dunklin married Sanford Mitchell, C'81, received his MBA from the University of daughter, Grace Louisa, bom in July of 1984. ister and his wife, Penny, are now living in September 28. Philip works for McCraw Hill Oregon and relumed to Tallahassee. Flor- She is also doing volunteer work, and she Providence, Rhode Island. Woody left a po- and Sanford is working for Cole-Hender- ida For five years he has worked for Smith reports that it is really a great time for her sition as reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dis- son-Drake. They are living in Atlanta. Peter Bamej as a broker. Recently he was pro- now Angus W. Graham is completing a patch to go to Providence where Penny is an H Edwards graduated from University of moted to second vice-president and assist- rotating internship at the county hospital in associate with a law firm and Woody is Miami Law School in 1984. He has worked ant manager of the Tallahassee branch. He Phoenix, Arizona. His wife, Caroline Clark studying for the Ph.D. in history at Brown at Kroll, Tract, Pomerantz & Cameron for continues to run and enjovs triathlons. Graham is teaching at a private elementary University. Bemis Smith, living in Mait- two years, a firm who-e primary offices are school. They both seem to be enjoying Ar- Iand, Florida, is continuing his political free- in New York City. The resident partner is

. izona Christopher R. Graves is Robert A. Freyer, a 1963 Sewanee '80'; Kibler working as lance/consulting efforts. He is currently graduate. 156 West 76th Street, No. 3-B a freelance graphic designer and illustrator. working with U. S. Senator Paula Hawkins Scott Elledge and his wife, Marian Bell, York, - Netv New York 10023 He is currently living in Stuart, Florida, and preparing for her 1986 re-election bid. Billy C'82, are proud to announce the birth of Scott F. Anderson, now well settled into his note signs praises of Sewanee's excel- Ray Smith, a second lieutenant in the Air their first child, a son, Whitaker, on April

married life, has been finishing up his lence Frank Grimball and his wife, Capers, Force, is a co-pilot on a B52H and is as- 6. 1985. Their busy spring concluded with MBA. Florence Wilson Alwood and her have moved to Charleston, South Carolina. signed to 9 BMS Carswell Air Force Base in double graduations Scull received hisM.D. husband, Charles, C'82, are living in Bir- Frank entered private law practice with Fort Worth, Texas. Howard M. Smith and from Bowman Gray School of Medicine at mingham, Alabama. Florence is completing Gnmball & Cabaniss. Capers is working for his wife, Martha, were planning to move Wake Forest University, and Marian re- an accounting firm in Charleston. Lee B. into their new house in Birmingham around ceived her M.A. Ed. in counseling from Gueny is living in Alexandria, Virginia Thanksgiving. Florence Wilson and Charles Wake forest They have moved to San An- the Pediatric Pulmonary Center at the Chil- Clifford B. Hayes III is an assistant secre- Atwood, C'82, were married on June 29 at tonio, Texas, where Scott will begin a gen- dren's Hospital in Birmingham. Charles is tary al Manufacturers Hanover Trust Com- the Church of the Good Shepherd in Hayes- eral surgery internship at Brooke Army in his second year of medical school. Flor- pany in New York City. John W. Hill is ville, North Carolina Charles Wingard is Hospital and plans to specialize in otolar- ence and Charlie were married in June ot living in Nashville, Tennessee, with Freddy the pastor of the Faith Presbyterian Church yngology. He writes, "We are anxious to this ear. j Peggy Ban and Chris Stuart, C'80. McLaughlin and Marcus Bailey, C'81. He in Morganton, North Carolina He and his meet the Sewanee Club of San Anionic!" are living in St Augustine. Florida, and cel- is in his fourth year of work with North- wife, Kathy, have a two-year-old son, An- Christin Farrington and James 'Tad" Street, ebrated their third wedding anniversary in western Mutual Life Insurance Company. drew. The Rev. Tim Vellom and his wife, C'77, were married on October 19 in Hunts- March. Peggy is a veterinarian in private Charles M. Hollis, Jr, was married on May Ann, C'80, are living in Corpus Christi, ville, Alabama. Susan M. Francisco is com-

( l.l.n 4 to Lisa Murray in ceremonies at First Pres- Texas, where he is an assistant at All Saints'. pleting her fourth year in medical school searcher" for Historical Properties Associ- byterian Church in Greenville, South Car- and plans to do her residency in internal ates Several Sewanee friends have visited; olina. Charles is an account executive at E. medicine. She hopes to do her residency ' Q 1 Caroline Hopper in Sieve Timmons, C'80, Lee Taylor, C'79, F. Hutton in Spartanburg. The couple is at the southeast, possibly Tennessee. Ol 713 N.Edison Street Joseph Rosemary Drake, C'80. and Ray Vaughn, in Spartanburg. home Anne (Morton) Jones Arlington, Virginia 22203 "Jody" Harpole, Jr., has just started his C83. Mary Warner Blount; see Blount note, is living in Flat Rock, Carolina, fourth year of North with Susan Alexander married Stephen Bran- medical school at Quillen- C81 Evelyn Elizabeth Brailsford marned her husband and daughter. She is working Dishner College ol nan May 25 in Memphis. Both Susan and \kdiune East Tennes- John Taylor Stein in a ceremony held Oc- pan-time for the Juvenile Corrections see State. He was in De- Steve recenUy graduated from law school at Memphis during Sep- tober 12 at the Church of the Advent in partment. Michael L.Jones is an attorney, tember doing Memphis State University. They have set an elective at UTCHS. He Spartanburg, South Carolina. They reside sole practitioner in spent his firm, who specializes up a law practice in Tampa, Florida. Among October at Bowman-Gray in Winston- on Lookout Mountain. One of the brides- criminal Salem, Carolina, law and commercial litigation the Sewanee graduates at their wedding North and then returned maids was Pain Morris, C, and the attend- were Cathy Fenner Bender, C'Bl and her to Johnson City until graduation in May of ants included Susan Glenn, C'81. James S. 1986. Jessie B. Hill and her El- husband, Todd Bender, C'78, Jeri Gibson husband. December 1985 more "Moe", C79, were married in June of exam, and he is currently in his second year is going to school full-time at Nashville State an account executive for the public relations (his year. Jessie is teaching at Harpeth Hall as the law clerk for the Superior Court in Tech for an architectural engineering tech- firm of Rogers & Cowan, Inc, in Washing- School, and the couple are living in Nash- Gainesville. He is also active in the local bar nology degree. She will graduate in June of ton, D.C. Paul S. Ware has finished his sec- ville, Tennessee. Lisa McDonough Howick association, Grace Episcopal Church, and 1986. Mary (Hickert) Herring; see note for ond year at Washington and Lee School of is a guidance counselor at Woodward Acad- the Jaycees. Leslie Mounger Peebles; see Howell John Herring, C'78. Florence Jack- Law and is on the Law Review. This past in Atlanta, emy Georgia. She has just re- Peebles note for C'77. Scott L. Piatt and his son is living in Birmingham. She will com- summer he worked for King and Spaulding ceived an M.Ed, in counseling from Georgia wife Mary, are living in St. Paul, Minnesota. plete her bachelor's degree in nursing this in Atlanta and for Bradley, Arant, Rose, and State University. As the "incoming" At- They have one son, Alexander Jacob Breiter month and hopes to enter the field of on- White in Birmingham. He also was married lanta Sewanee Club president, Lisa says that Pratt, who was bom in November of 1984. cology. Joe Lamonica is employed by Tampa to Joanna Fitts in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. They to she wants hear from all alumni who have Kevin Reed graduated from the Fuqua Electric Company in the instrument control have returned to Lexington for Paul to fin- moved to Atlanta. Lisa and her husband, School of Business at Duke University in area. He is currently attending school for a ish his final year of law school. Tom, have been married for nearly two May and has accepted a job as assistant to degree in electronics. He and his wife, Leigh years. Last Pentecost Sunday (also Com- the president of Mark Twain Bancshares in Palmer, C'83, are living in Tampa. Edward mencement—May 26) Pam Jordan was mar- Kansas City, Missouri. Erling Riis III and W. Laney IV has accepted an associate's \J\J4639 Edmondson ried to Paul Anderson, her law school his wife, Jeiri, are living in Mobile, Ala- position with Turner, Padget, Graham & Dallas, Texas 75209 classmate. Mary Warner Blount, C'80, was bama. Dorothy Stabler is pastor of North Laney in Columbia, South Carolina. Marc G. P. "Pat" Apperson III is a commodity her honor attendant. Robert M. Long re- Gadsden Central Methodist Church in E. Larson writes, "(I am) working at Fiberk- broker with Drexel, Burnham & Lambert in ceived a M.B.A. from William and Mary in Gadsden, Alabama. She is completing her ing, Inc., in Smyrna, Tennessee, as plant Dallas, Texas. Gentry Barden is currently in 1983. He has been a self-employed investor third and final year of her M.Div. at Candler superintendent, building bass boats and ski his final year of law school at the University in New York City since January of 1984. School of Theology, Emory University, in boats and looking for the answer." (Aren't of Texas. This past summer he worked for Robert M. Long received a M.B.A. from Atlanta. Mark E. Stradley is currently an we all. Marc, aren't we all?) Johann "Chip" law firms in Dallas and San Francisco. He William and Mary in 1983. He has been a associate with the law firm of Stradley, Manning, Jr., graduated in August with a and his wife, Rachel (Lukens), C'84, live in self-employed investor in New York City Schmidt, Stephens and Wright in Dallas, joint law degree and business degree (JD' Austin. Kate F. Belknap is working at the since January of 1984. Nicholas J. Lynn and Texas. George M. Thompson reports that MBA). He began working in September with Episcopal School in Dallas as the assistant Lisa Ferguson Lynn, C'83, are living in Dur- he is moving to Washington, D. C, but the law firm of Cashin & Davis in Peachtree director of the wilderness program and as ham, North Carolina. Lisa is completing a does not explain what takes him there. Per- Center, downtown Atlanta. His practice will the girls' varsity soccer coach. Heidi Crac- master of arts in teaching at the University haps we shall hear from him again. Lisa focus on civil litigation. Michael McHale IV chiolo Bell and her husband, John, C'83, of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Nick Underwood is living in Nashville and is a reports from Birmingham, Alabama. We are the proud parents of a baby daughter, is doing his peadiatric residency at the Duke lawyer with the firm of Waller, Lansden, don't dare change the wording, for fear of Catherine Elizabeth, who was born on Jan- University Medical Center. Lisa Stolley Dortch and Davis. She primarily does se- losing the meaning of what he writes: "Yes,. uary 15. Heidi asks that all of their Sewanee Miller is practicing probate and estate plan- curities and antitrust work. even in Birmingham a fullhouse beats a friends come to visit them in Asheville, ning law with Graves, Dougherty, Hearon flush. Where is Lee M. Killenger? Spent a North Carolina. John Bom has just moved and Moody. Her husband, Michael, took / Q^ Chip Manning wild time in Tampa, Florida, with David to Atlanta, having accepted a job with Ar- the bar this past summer and also practices OZ. 652 Arlington Place Matthews, C'82, and Thomas Rue, C'73, thur Anderson in consulting. John K. law in Austin, Texas. Stacey McKenzie is Macon, Georgia 31201 this past July where the discipline commit- Bromberg writes, "I have recently risen to an intern at Vanderbilt University Medical Mason Alexander, Jr., married Mary tee completely lacked jurisdiction. Best to engagement status. Elizabeth Waller from Center in internal medicine. She writes, "I Margaret Milling on August 17 at Trinity all!" Margaret Alien Northen is living in Montgomery, Alabama, is my fiancee, and can't believe I'm getting paid to do some- Cathedral in Greenville, South Carolina. Birmingham, Alabama. Joy Ogbum and Jack we are planning a spring wedding." Jeffrey thing I learned in school. Nancy Pile, C'82, They are making their home in Columbia Reed Gardner, C'84, were married April 13 S. Bull is a graduate student in physics at is living with me this month (September) where Mason is a law clerk for U.S. Court at Government Street Presbyterian Church Duke University in Durham, North Caro- while she does a visiting rotation here. Mike of Appeals Judge Robert Chapman. Charles in Mobile, Alabama. Nancy Realh O'- lina. He passed "prelims" in June and has fin- started work on the research for his Ph.D. Harding, C80, was graduated from VU Med W. Atwood, Jr.; see Atwood note for C'80. Shaugnessy and her husband, John, School with me and is an intern in internal Margaret Bordley has just returned to Se- ished building a new house and moved in dissertation. Julianne Chapin is currently medicine here also." Russell Charles Mul- wanee after living in Germany for two years. last March. John has been promoted to a an admissions counselor for Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia. B. lett had a busy summer. He was married John H. Borrett is still working in Houston private banking officer at the bank where Joseph Stone, Virginia, and Clark is an oil and gas lease analyst at Texas on July 13 to Jill M. Davis of South Bend, as a sales representative in plastics. His he works in White writes, sure and in August he finished his M.A. degree market covers six and one-half states. Tim Nancy is still working at the law firm. They Oil and Gas in Dallas. He "I do in counseling psychology at the University Chapin finished his M.B.A. from Baylor are expecting their first child in January. miss getting a Wednesday off every once in Vir- a while." Rynnett Ritter Clark married of Illinois. Iveson B. Noland TV and his University in August. He has accepted a job Brad Palmer, who lives in Arlington, in of 1984. wife, Elizabeth Ann Pahn, are living in New with Interfirst Bank in Austin, Texas, and ginia, is working in Washington, D.C., as a Wayne Clark June The couple are living in Dallas, Texas, Rynnett is Roads, Louisiana, where Iveson is a welfare asks friends passing through Austin to get lobbyist for defense interests. Jean BurreU and for Methodist caseworker at the Pointe Coupee Parish De- in touch with him. David Condon has re- Parks is currently employed as an admin- working Highland Park and Scott Robert partment of Public Welfare. Judith Giles turned from studying a year in the London istrative assistant by Eagle Boys' Ranch, a Church. Sarah Cotton were married August 31 at the O'Brien married Allen B. Goldman May 25. School of Economics and Political Science, home for abused and orphaned boys. Jean Koebley on are living in United Methodist Church in Orange Park, She is a member of the editorial staff of SELF where he was working on a degree in re- and her husband, Lee, C'81, Perrea reports Florida. Laura Day Dickerson and Matt magazine in New York City. Allen is the gional and urban planning. David C. Dear- Gainesville, Georgia. Paul A. Carruthers were married on August 10 at vice-president of National Video Industries, man and his wife, Layne Morgan, C, are that after attending Notre Dame, he spent semester in the First Christian Church in Glasgow, Ken- a company that does the production and enjoying living in the Washington, DC, a year in Europe and studied a Lexington, tucky. Laura is attending the University of post-production of video films. They are liv- metro area. David has completed his first Moscow. He is now working in a job which Kentucky College of Law, and Matt is an ing in New York City. Leonard C. "Lee" year at Virginia Theological Seminary and Kentucky, with Renlar Systems, allows him to travel throughout the South investment banker for Dupree and Com- Parks, Jr., and his wife, Jean (BurreU), C'62, was a student chaplain at Washington Hos- IV has pany in Lexington. Jeff Dunn-Rankin was are living in Gainesville, Georgia. Lee has pital Center during the summer. Layne and the Midwest. Charles N. Rolfe broker married to Mary Lou Anderson, C'84, on graduated from the University of Georgia works for the American Bankers Associa- just moved to Ft. Worth to work as a developer September 1 in Sewanee. Jeff is attending Law School and passed the Georgia Bar tion in Washington. Elizabeth A. Durham for the Woodmont Companies, a mainly consisting of retail shopping centers Vanderbilt's Owen School of Business this throughout Oklahoma and Texas. Juli fall. Mary Lou is a department manager at

Schrimsher is general manager of a family Cain-Sloan in Hickory Hollow Mall in construction company. She says that she is Nashville. Tim K. Garrett, and his wile, enjoying life after college. Dawn Shepherd Becky, are living in Nashville, Tennessee. has been with Carden St Cherry Ad Agency Tim will graduate from Vanderbilt Law in Nashville, Tennessee, for two years as School in May of 1986 and will practice in assistant director of public relations. Mar- Nashville with the law firm Bass, Berry & tha Taylor Smith and her husband, How- Sims. Jenifer Grover reports that she is still ard, have two children, Taylor McQueen, working at the Chocolate Shop and doing a painting. 3, and Emily Louise, nearly 1. They were lot of photography and She and living Prin- planning to move into a new house (in Bir- her husband, Lawrence, are in mingham) around Thanksgiving; one, ceton, New Jersey. Kathleen R. Haley is in cheers Martha, that has room for everyone. her second year of law school at Vanderbilt She says that getting settled into the new University. She is working for the Associa- quarters should keep them busy for quite a tion for Retarded Citizens of Tennessee in while. After having completed a year of conjunction with the Vanderbilt Legal Aid graduate studies at the University of Vir- Society. Karen Jenkins and Mark "Moose" Phillips, C, were married on August 3 in the wedding Thomas, ginia, David C. Terry is now teaching Eng- A host of Sewanee alumni gathered in Brevard, North Carolina, on fitly 6 for of Dyke, Charleston, South Carolina. (We heard from Episcopal Church. From kfl an- tin- lish at the Blue Ridge School in L McKee Jr., C'81, and Carolyn Powers, C'78, at St. Philip's Virginia. August in Thomasville, Georgia, both of them separately, and both agreed Rev. Meruit Miller, C'51; Dr. Shelbunie Wilson, C69; the Rev. Allen B. Clarkson, T'39, H'71; the marriage of Mary Claire Shipp to on that date, so it must be true.) Moose has Randolph L. McKee, C'66; Nan Tucker Voorhees, C'73; Thomas Elston, C'81; the bride; Robert saw of Greenwich, Connecticut, a finished his second year of law school at the 79; the groom; Robert Binkley, C'81; Susan Yoe, C'81; fames Yoe, C'81; Karen Davies Craig Veith Johnson, C Karen has graduate. Mary Claire is working as University of South Carolina, and While, C'81; Edwin G. Reynolds 111, C'71; and fames White, C'72. Duke 28

finished her first year of business school ai Craddock & Born advertising agency in USD Joe Lanier III is employed with West Pensacola, Florida, where she and her hus- Point Pepperell, Inc., as a financial analyst, band, William, are living. She graduated Leisure time is usually spent in Florida fish- from Auburn University in 1984 in com- ing and scuba diving. Mimi Stout Leonard; mi' .iri'illuslration. see Leonard note for A79. Lisa Ferguson Lynn; see note Nicholas for Lynn, C'81. '84 .Sfr'i/'illf TIllHIl, Susie Maitland is .1 department manager at 202 East 30th, 103 the Cain-Sloan store in Hickory HoUow Mall Texas 78705

in Nashville. Michael C. McLain and Elaine Mary Lou Anderson is now a department Glasscock were married December 29. 5e- manager at Cain-Sloan in Hickory Hollow wanee friends and classmates that were in Mall in Nashville. She married Jeff Dunn-

the wedding included Gentry Barden, C'83, Rankin, C'83, on September 1 in Sewanee.

Steve Wedding, C'83. and Vera Ayres Fritz Bauerschmidt is working as a social Bowen, C'83 Attending the wedding were worker at St. Pius Catholic Church in Pas- Philip Smith, C'83, Lenny Irwin, C'83, Lt. adena, Texas. He went to Nicaragua for two Stuart Bowen, C'82, Rachel Lukens Bar- weeks at the end of May with Witness for den, C'84, Ernest and Sherry Brown, C'84, Peace. He expects to have an article pub- Kimberly Crouch, C'65, and Esther Mur- lished in St. Luke's journal sometime next guia, C'85 The newly married couple have year. Laura Chatham graduated from Texas moved to New Orleans. Tim Monnich is Christian University last December with a currently a commercial real estate broker B.A. in journalism. She is doing free-lance working for Prather Realty Company in work for ad agencies and works as a re- Dallas, Texas. Douglas R. Murchie is em- porter for the Dallas-Fort Worth Business ployed by McDonnell Douglas Information Journal. William Scott Clark is working on will Systems Group and begin an M.B.A. a Ph.D. in biometry and statistics at Ginger Bowling, C'83, married Kevin Shields last Emory W. February 9 in Washington, D.C. Members of program next year after finishing some ex- the University in Atlanta. Jill Crane is teaching wedding party included Amy Stafford, C85, left, and bridesmaid Anne Mitchell, C'83. Ginger tra undergraduate work Palti Nelson was Spanish jin make their in the upper school at Darlington home in Arlington, Virginia, and both work for the Union Labor Life Insurance to to in engaged be married Paul Miramon School in Rome, Georgia. At last reports Company. November in Shreveport, Louisiana. She Lucy Dalton was studying photography at graduated from LSU Law School in May of the Portfolio Center in Atlanta. David Duke second-year medical student at the Univer- mation. Stephen Teinpleton writes, "De- 1985 and is an associate with Hall & Godden is assistant project engineer for Pyrotech sity of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jer- spite neuroscience, physiology (ugh), and law firm in Shreveport. Paul is a technician Systems in El Dorado, Arkansas. He saw sey in Ringwood. Beth Moore, C; see A'80 the general drudgery of medical school, Beth with Telemarketing Communications of Bob Roddenbeny, C, in Tampa, Florida, for news of Beth. Paul H. Morris graduated Freeman, C'84, and I still manage to take Shreveport, Inc. Leigh Palmer; see Lamon- and they called Coach Moore at 4:00 a.m. from the at Columbia walks on the Galveston Beach." Stewart H. ica, C'82. Paul D. Pearson, when asked David says that Coach Moore didn't an- with a B.A. in biology. He now is living in Thomas has finished his first year of law about his marital status writes, "Not even swer, so they surmised that was he Canoga Park, California, and is working in school at the University of Texas. He writes close!" He is now in his third year at Van- "whooping it up in Tracy City." John Evans quality assurance for Medlon, Inc. in Bur- that explaining Gownsmen and the student derbilt Medical School and is delivering ba- works for Northwestern Mutual in Atlanta. bank. We wouldn't change a word of the firemen takes an entire evening, and he bies (not his own) at Nashville General David H. Gilbert is currently employed by message from Todd Allen Muller, of New continues with "Love God and support Se- Hospital. He spent the summer doing a Cameron-Brown Company in Virginia Orleans, Louisiana. "Business is great! Peo- wanee!" Anne Hooper Tuten previously medical externship at naval the hospital in Beach, Virginia, as a manager trainee in the ple are wonderful! Life is terrific! Let's keep worked at the Feld Ballet Company of New San Diego. "had a blast" He in southern residential division. He extends an open in- in touch folks!" Amy J. Neil is working as York City handling press and coordinating California says that will and he return. Nicki vitation to all of his classmates to visit him a technical writer for the microcomputing tours. She has just begun a new position as D. Pendleton finished work for her master's at the beach. Ellen Goldey is working on a department of Drexel University in Phila- the assistant to special events for the New degree in English at literature the Univer- master's degree in zoology at Miami Uni- delphia. Pennsylvania. She is attending York City Opera. She enjoys living in New sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her versity in Oxford, Ohio. Elia Rosemary classes and working on a master's degree in York. Andrea Williams has been accepted plans were to move back to Nashville and Graham returned to Bradenton, Florida, in technical and scientific communications to Tulane Medical School, but writes, "I will to work in publishing Beth Mann Potter mid-June after a five-month exploration of there at Drexel. Gary Racioppi was ac- attend the Medical University of South Car- and her husband Steve (married in Septem- Australia (down under), which she really cepted as a postulant for ordination to the olina, so I can be near Carl." Charles Wood- ber. 1984) are living in Miami, Florida. Dis- enjoyed. And in mid-August she secured a Episcopal priesthood by the bishop of New beryispursuingaB.F.A. degree in painting tressing news came from Kathleen Redfem. job with a Sarasota Marine laboratory and is Jersey. He in his first year of seminary at at Florida State and hopes to graduate soon who has been undergoing chemotherapy have just been appointed as the lab techni- Nashotah House in Wisconsin. David Reece and exhibit his work. He is living in Talla- for Hodgkin's Disease since February. Prior cian for a project to raise snook in captivity. is working for Spratlin Realtors in Buckhead hassee, Florida. Anne Woodworth is an as- to the discovery of her illness, she was Leslie Grossman is working for First At- near Atlanta. William H. "Lee" Richardson sistant in the development office of the teaching French, but had to give up her lanta Bank as a merchant marketing repre- is working as a sales representative for Whitney Museum in New York City. Mary position. She gladly reports that the therapy sentative for Visa. She is also enrolled in Louisville Cycle and Supply in Tennessee, Wright spent a year working at a resort in is "doing great'' and that she has an excel- business school at Georgia State University. Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Iowa, and Wis- Destin, Florida. She has moved back to lent prognosis. said that She even she was Her roommates are Julie Evans, C, and Kelly consin. He is enjoying seeing the country, Chattanooga, where she is ernployed as an hoping to visit France this past summer. Creveling, C. William Austin "Chip" and he spends weekends back in Louisville. executive secretary and computer operator She offers thanks to all for continued sup- Headrick, is employed as a corporate trainee Jimmy Rox is working for the Stale of Ten- for Inner City Ministries. port and prayers. Evan has Rodewald com- with American National Bank in Chatta- nessee as a parole officer. Jimmy is living in pleted his first year in the Duke University nooga, Tennessee, and is working as a credit Chattanooga. Leigh Simpson is still opera- Laurie C. Jarrett M.B.A. program. He spent the summer 'QC analyst. Loring E. Hinds is attending Army tions manager at the family radio station, 1600 Prince Street, No. 214 working for General Electric in OD Lynchburg, OCS at Ft. Benning, Georgia. Upon com- WOOF-AJVFM, in Dothan, Alabama. She Alexandria, Virginia223H Virginia. Andrea L. Ruffin is employed by pletion, he will report to airborne school lives in the neighboring town of Pinckard. Comelia Barnett is living Pennaco, part of the "We're Beatrice" fam- with Amy Jack- followed by branch training at Ft. Mc- She writes, "If anybody knows where Chris son, C, in Atlanta, Georgia, ily, as the Atlanta area representative where Comelia for Clellan, Alabama. His training will be in the Smith is, please let me know." Susan D. is a student in mechanical engineering Round the Clock Hosiery. In her spare time, at chemical corps. William R. Hodges, C, is Sowell is working in Dallas with Strachan Georgia Tech. Lesley in she is working towards her (with Bowen works Lex- MBA con- working for Merrill Lynch & Co. as a stock- Shipping Co. as an agent for several inter- ington, Kentucky, as director of centration in marketing) at Georgia new thor- State broker in Tallahassee, Florida. Joel M. Jack- national steamship lines. She was planning oughbred research at the University Andrea says that she Bloodstock would love son is currently finishing his undergraduate a trip to Europe. Daniel H. Tallmadge is in to hear from the old Research Center. Lesley said that last spring Cleveland third-floor work at the University of Tennessee. Joel his second year in the chemistry graduate gang A. Worthington she worked daily as a substitute and Spearman HI be- was at Sewanee for three years, after which school at Georgia Tech. His area of research history teacher came a partner in a home building in Cleveland. Tennessee. Her concern he took an eighteen-month leave of ab- involves the study of cataract (chemical) for- interest has called Spearman Partners. business always been in horses, how- The op- sence, during which time he managed a pet erates in the expanding area of Huntsville, store in Atlanta until transferring to UT. Jeff Alabama, and primarily constructs single Kibler has informed us that he was hoping family homes. Davis W. Turner is in the to be living in Falls Church, Virginia, as of third year of a four-year JD/MBA program October of this year. He was planning to be at Prize Vanderbilt. He was selected for the staff Winner working for the Department of the Interior. of the Vanderbilt Law Review, and he was Sounds pretty hard to swallow, but we'll also awarded a merit scholarship to the share what W. Scott Laseter had to say: "By Sherida A. Woodall, C'84, is Owen Graduate School of Management, pursuing graduate work in advertising at day, I sell insurance, investments, vacuum Vanderbilt. He spent the summer working the University of Alabama aided by the Greater Tuscaloosa cleaners, magazine subscriptions, and live Ad Club as a law clerk at Baker, Worthington, Cros- Memorial Scholarship. Last stock, door-to-door. By night I eat macaroni year she was a grand-prize winner of the sley, Stansberry & Woolf in Nashville. Betsy and cheese and take remedial business Tuscaloosa News photography contest with a print of Sewanee in the Beovich Walker is working at Dodson, courses at the YMCA." Angela Maio is a December 1985

Henry Watt Gregory, Jr., C'30; on August 8, 1985, in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. After grad- uating from Sewanee. he attended the Uni- versity of Arkansas Law School and Yale Law School. He served as a lieutenant jun-

ior grade in the Navy during World War II. Prior to his death, he was the general coun- sel lor Pine Bluff Warehouse Co and Hel- ena Port Terminal, Inc. At Sewanee he wna

Purf>le and Ctiy ami Gown staffs, the German Club, the Scholarship Society. Pi Omuga, Kappa Sigma fraternity, the Order ol Gownsmen, and Phi Beta Kappa Honor Fraternity.

Alexander B. Noe, A'32; on October 12, 1985, in Sumter, South Carolina. He was p retired s.iles repre-enlalive with Power l.ini". Tools. After attending the Academy, he went to East Carolina University. He was a re- tired chief master sergeant in the Air Force with twenty-seven years of service. A vet-

. After eran of World War II, the Korean conflict, e, he served in the > and the Vietnam War, he was awarded two World"War II z Purple Hearts, the Bronze Star, and the Air electronics. He received his bachelor's de- Medal. He was a prisoner of war for twenty- gree from the University of North Carolina one months and was active in the POW in 1948 and his doctor of medicine degree group in South Carolina. A former senior from Temple University in 1952. He was a warden and lay reader, Mr. Noe was an member of the American Medical Associa- active member of the Episcopal Church of tion and the Medical Societies of North Car- the Holy Cross at Stateburg. olina and Randolph County.

John W. Oldham, A'32, in Huntsville, Al- a retired Robert Leach, Jr., A'23, C'27, abama, on November 4, 1984. He received citrus grower from Largo, Florida; on May his master's degree from Peabody College 14, 1985. in 1937. He served in the Army Air Force in

World War II, after which he taught English William B. Fontaine, C'25, attorney in Jackson, Mississippi; on May 29, 1985. After leaving the University of the South, he re- in ceived his LLB 1928 from the University M. L. Wuescher, Jr., C'32, former sales of Mississippi. In 1947 he was appointed the representative for Gaylord Container Cor-

executive assistant to the governor of Mis- poration of St. Louis, Missouri; on March 5,

ever, and "though it won't make me rich," 3-2 engineering program. He is working for sissippi, and he practiced law in Jackson 1985, in Covington, Louisiana. He received

she said, "I'm doing what I love." Karen Allied Corporation in Richmond, Virginia, until his death this year. At Sewanee he was a bachelor of arts from Tulane University Leigh "Deedee" Bradford is working as a as a chemical engineer. Lee Ann Hunter is a member of the German Club, the Pan- and was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon psychological assistant at Anneewakee the assistant production manager for the Helenic Council, Prowlers, Kappa Alpha fraternity at Sewanee. Treatment Center in Rockmart, Georgia, and Nashville Business journal, a weekly business fraternity, and the Order of Gownsmen. He

she is working toward her masters in com- newspaper. She is also doing free-lance was also a member of Phi Delta Phi, a legal We have received word of the death of munity counseling at Georgia State Univer- graphic arts work for advertising agencies Sidney R. Glendinning, A'33, a retired sity. Laura Busby is living in Mobile, and various other firms in Nashville. Les builder from St. Petersburg, Florida. Alabama. She writes, "Is there life after Se- Rogers is serving as a graduate assistant Dr. Josiah Smith, C'27, a physician and wanee!" (Please note that she does not ask with football at Austin Peay State Univer- surgeon from Selma, Alabama; on March Joseph M. Gee, C'34, of Memphis, Ten- nessee; 22, 1985. He had retired from a question (?), but rather makes a rather sity, working with the wide receivers. He 31, 1985. An optime menus graduate of Se- on July Denies Co., he had served loud (!) statement.) William Bart Daniels is will be working on a master's degree in wanee, he received his doctor of medicine John A. & where as sales manager and assistant vice-presi- working as a host at the famous Pirates' physical education while he is there. Nancy degree in 1931 from Johns Hopkins Univer- dent Although a football star at Sewanee, House Restaurant in Savannah, Georgia I le Sanderson is a first-year student at the Uni- sity. He served as a major in the Army Med- in the 1930s baseball as an out- I he played is near com |']i inu Ins pnvjlc pilot's course versity of Miami (Florida) School of Medi- ical Corp during World War II and had been fielder for the Union City baseball team and and plans a career in aviation alter gelling cine. Myra Southern was married September a practicing physician since then. He was a was eventually sold to the Cincinnati Reds. his commercial license. Charles A. Elmore 1 to 1st Lt. Harvill Anthony Freeland. Nicki lifelong Episcopalian and a member of Delta Mr. Gee served in the Army during World is a member of the University's admissions Pendleton, C'84, was one of the attendants Tau Delta fraternity at Sewanee. staff. Larry Domenico is attending law in ceremonies at St. Andrew's Church in school at the University of Georgia at Ath- Maryville, Tennessee. The couple is resid- Cleveland K. Benedict, C'28, in Wood- ens. Hugh Griffith Gamer is a first-year ing in Georgia. Julie Tapp is Morgan M. McDowell, C'38; in Shelby- Savannah, ville, Florida, in August of this year. He had law student at the University ol Tennessee research ville, Tennessee, on August 4, 1985. He working in cognitive psychology retired in 1972 from Benedict & Giere, a at Knoxville. James T. Griscom II is en- at University. vacationed in served in the Air Force during World War Vanderbilt She commercial trailer business. Prior to living gaged to be married to Dana Rowan on May October. has II, shortly after which he joined the Duck Europe in September and She in Woodville, he had lived for a number of 24, 1986. fames is working at New England Peace to River Electric Membership Corporation. In applied to the Corps and hopes years in California. At Sewanee he was a Financial Services in Nashville. Eric Arthur training and service in January of 1986. 1978, he retired from DREMC as their su- begin member of the choir, Pi Omega, the Schol- Haag graduated from Sewanee and Rens- perintendent of operations, having been Mary Tuliy is living in Memphis, Tennessee. arship Society, and the Order of Gownsmen. selaer Polytechnic Institute this May on the with them for thirty-eight years.

Charles C. Cauttrell, Jr., C'28, of Louis- e27. ville, Kentucky; on October 8, following a long bout with cancer.

Dr. H. Gordon Heaney, C'28, physician The Rev. Joseph "Jed" Sturtevant, T'59, and surgeon from Corpus Christi, Texas; in priest in the Episcopal Church since the early May of 1985. He received his doctor of med- 1960s; on September 9, 1985, in Eastover, icine degree from the University of Chicago South Carolina. The Rev. Mr. Sturtevant in 1934. He was a captain in the Army Med- served in the Army Air Corps from 1942 to ical Corps and spent two years overseas with 1945 as a B-25 pilot in the Mediterranean the 7th Army surgical unit in Tunis, Sicily, Theater and the China-Burma-India Thea- Italy, and southern France. For his service ter. His decorations included the Air Medal to his country he was awarded the Euro- and three battle stars. He was employed by pean Campaign Ribbon with six battle stars. Gaylor Container Corporation from 1945 to per South Carolina. While in the Diocese of attended the School oi i IicoIorv here in Se- Upper South Carolina, the Rev. Mr. Stur- wanee, was ordained, and served churches levant was president of Heathwood Hall's in several towns in South Carolina. He was Board of Trustees, a trustee of the Univer- The Rev. R. Houseal-Norris, T'60; in Sep- a member and past president of the Kiwanis sity of the South, and a member of the De- tember of this year in Newberry, South Car- Club of Newberry. Bi>hop and Council olina. He was a graduate of Newberry

( iille^e .ind received his inn< doctorate from the University of South Carolina. He then

ckling Under

Shakespeare's Insistent Theme: Essays Literary and Various by Charles Harris n, edited by Don Keck DuPree (University of the South, 1985. xvi 192 pages. $10.95)

Shakespeare's Insistent Theme: Essays Literary Various, and by Charles Har- society," Harrison writes, "differences of rank and office should be sec- rison, now published by the University of the South, was being edited ondary to the primary community of the human." The theme that runs before his death at Sewanee on January 25. This volume remarkably through all of these essays is the existence of a common human nature preserves the sharp flavor of Dr. Harrison's teaching and conversation; perceivable by all men and women of good will through the exercise of it is a handsome memorial to the man who taught English at Sewanee their common sense. It was out of such convictions that he defended from 1947 to 1973 and served as dean of the college and chairman of protest against racial segregation and against the Vietnam War. It also the English department. Anyone who wishes to recall undergraduate led him to take a somewhat dim view of feminism and other ideologies memories of him or who is curious about a man so controversial in to the extent that they depreciate rational discourse and tend to deny recent Sewanee history, will wish to get hold of this book. Although the common humanity of men and women. prepared by Dr. Harrison's friends and pupils in the right spirit of filial As his essay on Santayana in this volume shows, Harrison had a piety, the volume serves a wider audience as the record of a lifetime's highly developed philosophical training in addition to his wide literary meditation on Shakespeare's plays and contemporary intellectual con- reading; and he understood that his commitment to common humanity fusion, what he called "tyrannical pluralism and tyrannical monism." and common sense presented him with a complex set of philosophical The twenty-three essays collected in this volume also range over problems. In the 1950's, he was more willing than he later became to such topics as music, English grammar and usage, gardening, and the place himself within the tradition of what was then often called Chris- philosophy of George Santayana; Harrison's style, concise and "felici- tian humanism but which in the Santayana essay he calls "Aristotelian tous" (his term of praise for other stylists), and his ethical preoccupa- Christianity." tions give the volume a remarkable unity, although the essays date Harrison's opposition to anti-intellectual authoritarianism in politics from 1939 to 1973. He was very much of a "character" not only in the made him suspicious of claims to authority within Christian tradition. sense of a colorful figure but also in the sense of a person whose inner We find him protesting in a commencement address at General Theo- life was complicated and deep but also remarkably crystallized into ac- logical Seminary in 1955 against the "strangely allied forces of un- tion and utterance. christian humanism and Christian inhumanism." A Christianity which The title of the volume is taken from a Phi Beta Kappa lecture Harri- did not seek harmony with the ethics of Plato and Aristotle is not for son gave at the University of Richmond in 1973, which the editor Don him, nor is a secular skepticism which does not acknowledge the real- Keck DuPree has chosen wisely to put as the first essay in the volume: ity of love throughout. ("Skeptical" is usually an honorific term for it is the last and perhaps most impressive of Harrison's statements him, however—in almost any context.) Harrison resists as nonsensical about what Shakespeare actually thinks about ethics and politics. The the separation of reason, grace, and charity. Although suspicious of title, although Harrison's own, is slightly tepid to my taste; it has about the tendency of theology to resort to appeals to authority, he has kind it a note of Victorian high-mindedness which Harrison was legitimately words for the great sixteenth-century Anglican divine Richard Hooker heir to. Nevertheless, it gives the wrong impression of the man. and the twentieth-century Thomist Etienne Gilson. As for Luther, A more apt title might have been Not Knuckling Under to Agamemnon, "Shakespeare knew more than Luther." although it would hardly have done justice to Harrison's suavity. Har- The volume has been meticulously edited by Mr. DuPree, a poet and rison was resolutely opposed to any reading of Shakespeare's plays a former student of Harrison. He has chosen to mix the essays by sub- which would present Ulysses's speech on degree from Troilus and Cres- ject so that the reader encounters an essay on music criticism after an sida as Shakespeare's own political manifesto. He seems to have under- essay on Shakespeare. This arrangement will probably be more attrac- stood Ulysses as saying to the commander-in-chief Agamemnon that tive to a reader trying to get an impression of the interconnections be- rulers should be obeyed even when they have lost moral vision and tween Harrison's interests than to a student of Shakespeare or of that moral vision is dispensable in a leader. Harrison thought Shake- music. Also of interest are a foreword by Andrew Lytle and an after- speare's Ulysses is the prototype of all modern careerists and that word by William H. Ralston, Jr. Rosemary Paschall designed the attrac- Shakespeare intends us to believe on the contrary that any separation tive cover. of authority and moral ends is unjust and humanly insupportable. "Whatever hierarchy of authority and obedience may subsist in a —D. E. Richardson —

What a shock barracks living, discipline, was attracted to a young campus worker and studies must have been for Cadet Jones, from FSCW, Kathleen Piatt. They corre- five feet tall, a light hundred pounds, hardly sponded for two years, attended confer- able to carry the parade rifle! Two important ences, and visited until 1935, when they things happened, however; Girault learned were married in Jacksonville by Bishop to live with many other young men not fam- ily, and his church experiences at Old Trin- Called to St. Andrew's, New Orleans in ity made the familiar liturgy alive and 1936, Girault had a new experience, a city meaningful. parish, one among several Episcopal par- Next, knowing there would soon be four ishes, but this one with a good sized congre- gation more boys ready for college, the elder Jones of devoted parishioners and close to sent Girault to the State University at Ox- Tulane campus. His work among students ford, then a small campus of only nine went on for mafw years as did Work at the hundred students. Young Jones soon made Children's Home. Bishop John L. Jackson friends, became active at the YMCA, joined called upon the rector of St. Andrew's to the debating club, and in time became con- survey the field of church school materials; vinced the law was not for him. Mississippi eventually, he would serve on a national committee first Bishop Green, on his annual visit to Oxford, producing the church teach- wrote layreaders licences for Girault and his ing series. friend Elnathan Tartt so that these two could Great things were happening to the read Morning Prayer, attract registered Epis- Jones's household privately; in 1937 Virginia copalians among the students at the Univer- was born and named for Girault's first wife. sity, and stir St. Peter's into reawakening. The Jones's second daughter, Elizabeth, ar- Memoirs Slowly the realization that he wishedto rived early the year war began in Europe study for the ministry came into focus. This and the Pacific. The rector of St. Andrew's independent decision was warmly sup- ministered to many uniformed young people ported by Bishop Bratton, who had been at while comforting and strengthening parents Giraulf s baptism and privately dedicated who waited and prayed. In 1948 Bishop that babe to the ministry! Young Jones grad- Jackson turned his standing committee over Bishop uated and, with the earnings of several cam- to Girault to direct while he went to Sewa- pus jobs, was ready to pay his own way to nee and then to Lambeth. Here the Bishop Sewanee, the School of Theology where had a serious heart attack, was returned to both Mississippi bishops Green and Bratton Virginia, but there died. Incredible duties ones had gone. that had been only temporary now increased for Girault—diocesan needs on top of paro- Girault*s arrival at Sewanee and St. Luke's chial parish needs. At a special election in Hall, top floor, that fall of 1925 comes November that year, Girault was elected by That Reminds Me, a memoir, Girault Mc- through in this book as a happy time. Theo- the clergy on the first ballot, by laymen on Arthur Jones, $10.00, The University of the logical faculty are frankly evaluated, their the second, a clear call to service in the high- South shortcomings as well as their charms. est of the Church's offices. Classes over those three years were not ade- The new Bishop of Louisiana quickly set This little volume contains a gentle, moving quate training for the church's ministry by about the task—a statewide bulletin was in- record of the boyhood, schooling, and voca- themselves, but working at the mission in augurated and a diocesan camp started; then tion of a Mississippi priest who later became Rowark's Cove, though unsupervised, ma- the laymen were organized during the first Bishop of Louisiana. Two words come re- tured the young postulant's prayer life. His three years of Bishop Jones's term. He was peatedly to your reviewer as I read this two summers were good practice times in joined in the guidance of the diocese by the straightforward record of now eighty-year- assigned vacant churches in Mississippi. election of Iveson Noland as suffragan old, retired Girault McArthur Jones: "disci- Love for the Gospel and the Sewanee com- bishop. plined" and "accepting." munity went with Girault as he graduated to Bishop Jones continued to lead his dio- Raised on an isolated south Mississippi face the challenge of ministry in 1928. cese, attend National Church Conventions, homeplace by a country-lawyer father, Gi- Jones was ordained deacon by Bishop Lambeth Conference meetings, and regents rault, bom in 1904 to Elizabeth and Acldand Bratton who then sent him out as a mis- and trustees meetings at Sewanee. Though Jones, was the first of the nine Jones boys. sioner to a vast area of inland Mississippi he officially retired from his diocese at 65 The daily routines in" this home reflect the never before approached by the Episcopal years of age in 1969, he served out the term simplicity basic to rural Southern life in this Church. He developed active, small congre- as Chancellor of Sewanee, 1967-73. Retire- century's beginning. Their home was spa- gations throughout four counties, discover- ment to his Sewanee residence lasted twelve cious, but without electricity, plumbing, or ing lost communicants in unexpected places. years until the death of Dean Holmes in 1981, heat beyond grate fireplaces. Respect for the This is the moment of stark tragedy in the when a call came once again for official serv- scholarly father and tremendous admiration life of this young priest. All his childhood he ice. Bishop Jones became interim dean for for his skillfully organized wife grows as one had known a neighbor girl, Virginia Wallace, one year, earning the fervent gratitude of reads of the cooking, managing, sewing had gone to grammar school and then high the administration and the seminary family, everything but shoes, stockings, and hats for school with her. Through college and semi- alike. all—not to mention the overseeing of farm nary years their devotion quietly deepened. The facts here summarized are published animals even to hog-killing time in the fall. Now, with headquarters for this mission- with a few photographs of the important As the family grew, cooperation and sharing er's assignment in Lumberton, Giraulfs in- characters mentioned, but each page of the were necessary for happy existence. Each come and a simple house were fairly text is interspersed with italicized humorous boy had his duties, but their combined imag- assured. They were married in April 1930. remembered events concerning the parish or inative play made up the fun of childhood. Seven months later she died of a fast grow- person being discussed. This charmingly Girault, reaching high school age, found ing brain tumor. His bishop and communi- lightens the recital of an overwhelmingly after-school work to build his savings ac- cants shared his grief and sustained him crowded life in God's service of Bishop count. Then at sixteen, he and his father set through the bleak period of return to his for- off for Virginia and Staunton Military mer bachelor routines. — Mrs. Edward McCrady Academy. Meeting at Synod three years later, Girault THE SewaneeNEWS The University of the South, Sewanee, TN 37375
