1 Kirbla–Rumba–Vana-Vigala Soovituslikud mootorpaadimarsruudid: Recommendations for hikers: Legend / обозначения highway bridge A RU / рекомендуемые маршруты для NB! We would like to point out that the coast of поездок на моторной лодке: Western Estonia is an important area for birds. In distance to the river расстояние до реки Former Virtsu-Rapla narrow-track railroad connection to that we ask you to: C D hotel, guest house отель, гостевой дом bridge, 1937. Estuary of Velise River to – 10 km • not disturb birds on islets and beach meadows Vigala River. Highway bridge of Kasari River – Kloostri during their nesting time (15.04–15.07); hostel хостел RU / кирбла – румба – шоссейный bridge / шоссейный мост через реку • pay care when moving around in the nature; farm, holiday house сельский дом, дом отдыха Касари – мост Клоостри • keep your dog on a leash when moving around camping кемпинг мост вана-вигала in the nature; C – E 19 km resting area место стоянки Бывший мост узкоколейной железной • follow the movement restrictions on protected дороги Виртсу – Рапла, 1937. Устье реки Highway bridge of Kasari River – Suitsu areas, parking автостоянка bridge / шоссейный мост через number of sleeping количество Велисе на реке Вигала. • you can get additional information from RMK accommodations спальных мест реку Касари – мост Суитсу information points, sauna баня D E • Passes (required for continuing a canoe trip on 2 RUMBA KÜLA PUHKEKOHT B – 9 km catering питание Kloostri bridge – Suitsu bridge / Kasari River, downstream of Rist-Virtsu highway pitches места для палаток мост Клоостри – мост Суитсу bridge) can be acquired from the Environmental Board, (Haapsalu office, +372 472 4720; sports grounds спортивные площадки Recreation area, boat launching, upon F G – 5 km e-mail
[email protected]; canoe rentals прокат лодок agreement with the landowner also Haeska harbour – Keemu harbour / www.keskkonnaamet.ee).