Quivera. Revista de Estudios Territoriales ISSN: 1405-8626 [email protected] Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México México

Serafín-González, Sylvia Lorena; Pérez-Mendoza, José Salvador Esteban; Ramírez-Partida, Héctor Ramón; Márquez-González, Antonio Romualdo Transporte urbano en la ciudad de , : un análisis desde la percepción de los usuarios Quivera. Revista de Estudios Territoriales, vol. 20, núm. 1, january-june, 2018, pp. 31-52 Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México , México

Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=40156035007

Abstract Today, mobility in urban spaces is a relevant issue to be addressed by different scientific disciplines. Especially, the analysis of the interaction between urbanization process and the transformation of the economic development, which is characterized by a scarce planning in most of the cities in . This paper approximates the development of the urbanization of the city of Tepic; for this, urban transport and user perception were studied; the case shows the implications derived from the promotion of economic development in a territory and whose changes originate transformations of the city itself. The objective of the research is to build a framework of conceptual reference of regional development and know its implications through the perception that users have about the quality of service provided by urban public transport in the city of Tepic. By 2014, the study generated descriptive statistics and a correlation matrix to identify the components of transport both demand and supply. This, through a questionnaire to 300 people in three of the main sites of trans-shipment origin and destination centrally located in the city of Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico. Collected and analyzed evidence has allowed to know the interplay between mobility citizen-quality of the transport-participation of the authorities-permit holders, and to provide elements for the service and quality according to the urban development planning the city of Tepic. Finally, the results showed that the correlations obtained are individuals of the studio space, that perhaps in other areas with similar characteristics have nearby behaviors.

Keywords Urban transport, service quality, perception, Tepic.

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