Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 25.807

EMERGENCY PROVISIONS as with the retracted, con- sidering the possibility of the airplane § 25.801 Ditching. being on fire. (a) If certification with ditching pro- (b) [Reserved] visions is requested, the airplane must (c) For airplanes having a seating ca- meet the requirements of this section pacity of more than 44 passengers, it and §§ 25.807(e), 25.1411, and 25.1415(a). must be shown that the maximum (b) Each practicable design measure, seating capacity, including the number compatible with the general character- of crewmembers required by the oper- istics of the airplane, must be taken to ating rules for which certification is minimize the probability that in an requested, can be evacuated from the emergency landing on water, the be- airplane to the ground under simulated havior of the airplane would cause im- emergency conditions within 90 sec- mediate injury to the occupants or onds. Compliance with this require- would make it impossible for them to ment must be shown by actual dem- escape. onstration using the test criteria out- (c) The probable behavior of the air- lined in appendix J of this part unless plane in a must be inves- the Administrator finds that a com- tigated by model tests or by compari- bination of analysis and testing will son with airplanes of similar configura- provide data equivalent to that which tion for which the ditching characteris- would be obtained by actual dem- tics are known. Scoops, flaps, projec- onstration. tions, and any other factor likely to af- (d)–(e) [Reserved] fect the hydrodynamic characteristics [Doc. No. 24344, 55 FR 29781, July 20, 1990] of the airplane, must be considered. (d) It must be shown that, under rea- § 25.807 Emergency exits. sonably probable water conditions, the (a) Type. For the purpose of this part, flotation time and trim of the airplane the types of exits are defined as fol- will allow the occupants to leave the lows: airplane and enter the liferafts re- (1) Type I. This type is a floor-level quired by § 25.1415. If compliance with exit with a rectangular opening of not this provision is shown by buoyancy less than 24 inches wide by 48 inches and trim computations, appropriate al- high, with corner radii not greater lowances must be made for probable than eight inches. structural damage and leakage. If the (2) Type II. This type is a rectangular airplane has fuel tanks (with fuel jetti- opening of not less than 20 inches wide soning provisions) that can reasonably by 44 inches high, with corner radii not be expected to withstand a ditching greater than seven inches. Type II exits without leakage, the jettisonable vol- must be floor-level exits unless located ume of fuel may be considered as buoy- over the , in which case they must ancy volume. not have a step-up inside the airplane (e) Unless the effects of the collapse of more than 10 inches nor a step-down of external doors and windows are ac- outside the airplane of more than 17 counted for in the investigation of the inches. probable behavior of the airplane in a (3) Type III. This type is a rectan- water landing (as prescribed in para- gular opening of not less than 20 inches graphs (c) and (d) of this section), the wide by 36 inches high with corner external doors and windows must be radii not greater than seven inches, designed to withstand the probable and with a step-up inside the airplane maximum local pressures. of not more than 20 inches. If the exit [Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as is located over the wing, the step-down amended by Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29781, July 20, outside the airplane may not exceed 27 1990] inches. (4) Type IV. This type is a rectan- § 25.803 Emergency evacuation. gular opening of not less than 19 inches (a) Each crew and passenger area wide by 26 inches high, with corner must have emergency means to allow radii not greater than 6.3 inches, lo- rapid evacuation in crash landings, cated over the wing, with a step-up in- with the landing gear extended as well side the airplane of not more than 29


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inches and a step-down outside the air- (e) Uniformity. Exits must be distrib- plane of not more than 36 inches. uted as uniformly as practical, taking (5) Ventral. This type is an exit from into account passenger seat distribu- the passenger compartment through tion. the pressure shell and the bottom fuse- (f) Location. (1) Each required pas- lage skin. The dimensions and physical senger emergency exit must be acces- configuration of this type of exit must sible to the passengers and located allow at least the same rate of egress where it will afford the most effective as a Type I exit with the airplane in means of passenger evacuation. the normal ground attitude, with land- (2) If only one floor-level exit per side ing gear extended. is prescribed, and the airplane does not (6) Tailcone. This type is an aft exit have a tailcone or ventral emergency from the passenger compartment exit, the floor-level exits must be in through the pressure shell and through the rearward part of the passenger an openable cone of the aft of compartment unless another location the pressure shell. The means of open- affords a more effective means of pas- ing the tailcone must be simple and ob- senger evacuation. vious and must employ a single oper- (3) If more than one floor-level exit ation. per side is prescribed, and the airplane (7) Type A. This type is a floor-level does not have a combination cargo and exit with a rectangular opening of not passenger configuration, at least one less than 42 inches wide by 72 inches floor-level exit must be located in each high, with corner radii not greater side near each end of the cabin. than seven inches. (4) For an airplane that is required to have more than one passenger emer- (8) Type B. This type is a floor-level gency exit for each side of the fuselage, exit with a rectangular opening of not no passenger emergency exit shall be less than 32 inches wide by 72 inches more than 60 feet from any adjacent high, with corner radii not greater passenger emergency exit on the same than six inches. side of the same deck of the fuselage, (9) Type C. This type is a floor-level as measured parallel to the airplane’s exit with a rectangular opening of not longitudinal axis between the nearest less than 30 inches wide by 48 inches exit edges. high, with corner radii not greater (g) Type and number required. The than 10 inches. maximum number of passenger seats (b) Step down distance. Step down dis- permitted depends on the type and tance, as used in this section, means number of exits installed in each side the actual distance between the bot- of the fuselage. Except as further re- tom of the required opening and a usa- stricted in paragraphs (g)(1) through ble foot hold, extending out from the (g)(9) of this section, the maximum fuselage, that is large enough to be ef- number of passenger seats permitted fective without searching by sight or for each exit of a specific type installed feel. in each side of the fuselage is as fol- (c) Over-sized exits. Openings larger lows: than those specified in this section, Type A 110 whether or not of rectangular shape, Type B 75 may be used if the specified rectan- Type C 55 gular opening can be inscribed within Type I 45 the opening and the base of the in- Type II 40 scribed rectangular opening meets the Type III 35 specified step-up and step-down Type IV 9 heights. (1) For a passenger seating configura- (d) Asymmetry. Exits of an exit pair tion of 1 to 9 seats, there must be at need not be diametrically opposite least one Type IV or larger overwing each other nor of the same size; how- exit in each side of the fuselage or, if ever, the number of passenger seats overwing exits are not provided, at permitted under paragraph (g) of this least one exit in each side that meets section is based on the smaller of the the minimum dimensions of a Type III two exits. exit.


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(2) For a passenger seating configura- less than 56 inches from the passenger tion of more than 9 seats, each exit compartment floor, 15 additional pas- must be a Type III or larger exit. senger seats. (3) For a passenger seating configura- (h) Other exits. The following exits tion of 10 to 19 seats, there must be at also must meet the applicable emer- least one Type III or larger exit in each gency exit requirements of §§ 25.809 side of the fuselage. through 25.812, and must be readily ac- (4) For a passenger seating configura- cessible: tion of 20 to 40 seats, there must be at (1) Each emergency exit in the pas- least two exits, one of which must be a senger compartment in excess of the Type II or larger exit, in each side of minimum number of required emer- the fuselage. gency exits. (5) For a passenger seating configura- (2) Any other floor-level door or exit tion of 41 to 110 seats, there must be at that is accessible from the passenger least two exits, one of which must be a compartment and is as large or larger Type I or larger exit, in each side of than a Type II exit, but less than 46 the fuselage. inches wide. (6) For a passenger seating configura- (3) Any other ventral or tail cone tion of more than 110 seats, the emer- passenger exit. gency exits in each side of the fuselage (i) Ditching emergency exits for pas- must include at least two Type I or sengers. Whether or not ditching cer- larger exits. tification is requested, ditching emer- (7) The combined maximum number gency exits must be provided in accord- of passenger seats permitted for all ance with the following requirements, Type III exits is 70, and the combined unless the emergency exits required by maximum number of passenger seats paragraph (g) of this section already permitted for two Type III exits in meet them: each side of the fuselage that are sepa- (1) For airplanes that have a pas- rated by fewer than three passenger senger seating configuration of nine or seat rows is 65. fewer seats, excluding pilot seats, one (8) If a Type A, Type B, or Type C exit above the waterline in each side of exit is installed, there must be at least the airplane, meeting at least the di- two Type C or larger exits in each side mensions of a Type IV exit. of the fuselage. (2) For airplanes that have a pas- (9) If a passenger ventral or tailcone senger seating configuration of 10 of exit is installed and that exit provides more seats, excluding pilot seats, one at least the same rate of egress as a exit above the waterline in a side of the Type III exit with the airplane in the airplane, meeting at least the dimen- most adverse exit opening condition sions of a Type III exit for each unit (or that would result from the collapse of part of a unit) of 35 passenger seats, one or more legs of the landing gear, an but no less than two such exits in the increase in the passenger seating con- passenger cabin, with one on each side figuration is permitted as follows: of the airplane. The passenger seat/ (i) For a ventral exit, 12 additional exit ratio may be increased through passenger seats. the use of larger exits, or other means, (ii) For a tailcone exit incorporating provided it is shown that the evacu- a floor level opening of not less than 20 ation capability during ditching has inches wide by 60 inches high, with cor- been improved accordingly. ner radii not greater than seven inches, (3) If it is impractical to locate side in the pressure shell and incorporating exits above the waterline, the side an approved assist means in accordance exits must be replaced by an equal with § 25.810(a), 25 additional passenger number of readily accessible overhead seats. hatches of not less than the dimensions (iii) For a tailcone exit incorporating of a Type III exit, except that for air- an opening in the pressure shell which planes with a passenger configuration is at least equivalent to a Type III of 35 or fewer seats, excluding pilot emergency exit with respect to dimen- seats, the two required Type III side sions, step-up and step-down distance, exits need be replaced by only one and with the top of the opening not overhead hatch.


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(j) Flightcrew emergency exits. For air- tudes corresponding to collapse of one planes in which the proximity of pas- or more legs of the landing gear; and senger emergency exits to the (2) Within 10 seconds measured from flightcrew area does not offer a conven- the time when the opening means is ac- ient and readily accessible means of tuated to the time when the exit is evacuation of the flightcrew, and for fully opened. all airplanes having a passenger seat- (3) Even though persons may be ing capacity greater than 20, flightcrew crowded against the door on the inside exits shall be located in the flightcrew of the airplane. area. Such exits shall be of sufficient (c) The means of opening emergency size and so located as to permit rapid exits must be simple and obvious; may evacuation by the crew. One exit shall not require exceptional effort; and be provided on each side of the air- must be arranged and marked so that plane; or, alternatively, a top hatch it can be readily located and operated, shall be provided. Each exit must en- even in darkness. Internal exit-opening an unobstructed rectangular means involving sequence operations opening of at least 19 by 20 inches un- (such as operation of two handles or less satisfactory exit utility can be latches, or the release of safety demonstrated by a typical crew- catches) may be used for flightcrew member. emergency exits if it can be reasonably [Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29781, July 20, 1990, as established that these means are sim- amended by Amdt. 25–88, 61 FR 57956, Nov. 8, ple and obvious to crewmembers 1996; 62 FR 1817, Jan. 13, 1997; Amdt. 25–94, 63 trained in their use. FR 8848, Feb. 23, 1998; 63 FR 12862, Mar. 16, (d) If a single power-boost or single 1998; Amdt. 25–114, 69 FR 24502, May 3, 2004] power-operated system is the primary § 25.809 Emergency exit arrangement. system for operating more than one exit in an emergency, each exit must (a) Each emergency exit, including be capable of meeting the requirements each flightcrew emergency exit, must of paragraph (b) of this section in the be a moveable door or hatch in the ex- event of failure of the primary system. ternal walls of the fuselage, allowing Manual operation of the exit (after an unobstructed opening to the out- failure of the primary system) is ac- side. In addition, each emergency exit ceptable. must have means to permit viewing of (e) Each emergency exit must be the conditions outside the exit when shown by tests, or by a combination of the exit is closed. The viewing means analysis and tests, to meet the require- may be on or adjacent to the exit pro- ments of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this vided no obstructions exist between the section. exit and the viewing means. Means must also be provided to permit view- (f) Each door must be located where ing of the likely areas of evacuee persons using them will not be endan- ground contact. The likely areas of gered by the propellers when appro- evacuee ground contact must be priate operating procedures are used. viewable during all lighting conditions (g) There must be provisions to mini- with the landing gear extended as well mize the probability of jamming of the as in all conditions of landing gear col- emergency exits resulting from fuse- lapse. lage deformation in a minor crash (b) Each emergency exit must be landing. openable from the inside and the out- (h) When required by the operating side except that sliding window emer- rules for any large passenger-carrying gency exits in the flight crew area need turbojet-powered airplane, each ven- not be openable from the outside if tral exit and tailcone exit must be— other approved exits are convenient (1) Designed and constructed so that and readily accessible to the flight it cannot be opened during flight; and crew area. Each emergency exit must (2) Marked with a placard readable be capable of being opened, when there from a distance of 30 inches and in- is no fuselage deformation— stalled at a conspicuous location near (1) With the airplane in the normal the means of opening the exit, stating ground attitude and in each of the atti- that the exit has been designed and


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