Voice of News from your Independent Councillors Uppermill, Greenfield, , and Lydgate


Lesley Brown a Voice for Saddleworth

Lesley Brown, a life-long Saddleworth She says: "Saddleworth is suffering resident, is standing as an Independ- from a sustained onslaught of ent Candidate in the local elections development and this is threatening to on May 22. destroy all that is so special about our In addition to serving as a Parish district. We need tougher enforcement Councillor since 2011, Lesley is an of planning rules and we need planning active member of the community. decisions brought back to Saddleworth Vice-Chairman of Saddleworth Civic so that councillors can be held to Trust, she also finds time to play with account. Brass Monkeys. For the "Political parties at have last 24 years she has run her own ignored Saddleworth for years. We catering business at need an independent champion, University. unfettered by party politics. Lesley believes the all three political "This can only happen if Saddleworth parties care little about preserving sends a strong message to Oldham by Lesley believes Saddleworth Saddleworth’s unique character. voting Independent on May 22." deserves a better deal.

Meet the Independent Team Independents has flourished, reflecting been a closely fought battle in Saddleworth residents’ disillusionment Saddleworth South. with the point-scoring tactics of the Lesley Brown wants a new deal for established political parties. Saddleworth. As the sole Independent The Saddleworth Independents won candidate in the Saddleworth South four seats on the Parish Council in the election, she is the only person not 2011 elections and Independents bound by blind party loyalty. came close to winning a seat on Lesley says: "Oldham party politics Oldham Council in 2011 and 2012. has served Saddleworth abysmally. This year two Liberal Democrat Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Saddleworth Independents offer the Councillors, dismayed at their party's Labour Councillors have all prioritised prospect of real change for strong support for the Saddleworth Oldham party interests over what is Saddleworth on May 22. Formed School move from Uppermill, have best for Saddleworth. I will always put three years ago, the pioneering also joined the Independents. Saddleworth's first. group has grown rapidly, and is now The Independents are closing in on "The Independents have proved to be the main opposition on Saddleworth victory - needing just 57 votes to a highly effective group on the Parish Parish Council. triumph in Saddleworth North. They Council and I know that, if elected, we Widespread support for the need your vote to win what has always can do the same on Oldham Council."

Keep the New School in Uppermill!

Council don't want to spend a penny to keep the school in Uppermill." The budget for the proposed school is small compared to the amount given for other schools in the Borough. Lesley says: "Millions have been spent on Oldham schools, but when it comes to Saddleworth they penny- pinch, meaning we get second best. "If elected, I will end the cosy consensus between the parties which has existed in Oldham for far too long. The interests of the community must come first." Lesley Brown is campaigning for the and Uppermill walk to school every day. new Saddleworth School to be rebuilt "Now," says Lesley, "these children will in Uppermill and not on the unspoiled have to get dropped off in cars or take Yet Another Block countryside in Diggle. the bus. of Flats for She says: "The proposals only suit the "Huddersfield Road in Diggle is already developers and Oldham Council. I will a traffic nightmare and the narrow Uppermill? stand up to this anti-Saddleworth pavements will undoubtedly prove coalition and campaign for what is in dangerous for the 1,500 pupils who will the interests of students and residents be in the village on school days. alike." "Uppermill is the commercial centre of After months of secrecy and rumour, Saddleworth with good transport links. Labour-run Oldham Council, Many businesses in the village, already supported by the Liberal Democrats struggling because of the tough and Conservatives, have settled for economic climate, will further suffer if the new Saddleworth School being the move is forced through. built on acres of green fields in Diggle. "The Diggle site is the wrong place for The Council are solely responsible for the school. It has been shown and choosing this sensitive and accepted that the new school can be inappropriate site. successfully built on the Uppermill site. Over 250 students from Greenfield "It's just a question of money. Oldham More Green Space Lost Oldham are busy selling off council in Greenfield owned land, much of it purchased Another new high density housing years ago with ratepayers' money by development, this time on a bowling the former Saddleworth Urban green in the heart of the Ladhill Bridge District Council. Conservation Area, has changed the If Saddleworth School moves to face of this cherished Greenfield beauty Diggle, a land swap with a local spot for ever. It is just the latest in a developer promises executive string of developments on houses on this prime Uppermill site. Saddleworth's open green spaces. But it doesn't end there. Oldham Lesley Brown says: "Local and national Council will most likely sell the planning policies could have been used school bus turn-round and the to better protect this attractive adjacent woodland for more conservation area. Would this have development. Lesley says: "This is happened in the Lake District? symptomatic of the relentless drive "I will put pressure on the Council to to concrete over Saddleworth. All take their responsibilities to Saddleworth three political parties can’t be trusted more seriously and value what they - they have proved themselves to be have ironically called 'the jewel in the destroyers rather than the Oldham's crown.' " guardians of our villages."

Vote Saddleworth Independent 1 Lesley Brown X on Thursday, May 22 Printed by Thomas Dornan Printers Ltd, Millgate, Hollins, Oldham OL8 4JL and promoted by Lesley Brown of 1 Ravenstone Drive, Diggle, Saddleworth, Yorks, OL3 5JU