8 THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1913. Giants Protect Leadership and Draw Further Away-Novel Play Comes Up at Polo Grounds. Association, r American HITTING THE DIRT GAINS SAFETY FOR THIS PAIR BRAVES RAP CURTIS AT TOLEDO. GIANTS BATTER n. 11. r. Nearly Gber Fence, Louisville 12 0 Toledo 00000630 070 S 7 . llatterle Wondburn30001000and Sever'. Single AND WHIP DODGERS Oeorge and Devest. PHILLIES DOWN It Nets Only AT MILWAUKEE. "J" Z of tho lotiRc.it hIiikIo buBO Kansas City.. . 000020092001 1 ONE .Milwaukee .. 1 n 0 0 0 0 0 :I 0 0 I 1 on roeor was minli) hy lliitterles llhnadcs and Krltchsll;08 Young In One In- und HuKhes. Titus of tho HostoiiHruvc lit Kbbeta Holl Up Fivo linns AT MINNEAPOLIS. n, Show No Mercy to Erstwhile yestorduy. In tho clRhth In- II, E. Field ning nnd Take Second Straight ft. 1'nlll 2 ( 0 0 0 2 0 3 011 15 0 ning Titus lanrlod on u Ylngllng Minneapolis 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 ft 11 4 Leaders and Boll Up Batteries Kargsr and Jamtii Msgrldse, tthoot and hamtnorod thoi bnll with Onmo of Scries. 01ii.ftLiui and Owens Columbus at Indianapolis Oame postpnnst Ten Bunt. much velocity far over Mornn'tt on aicuunt nf rain. head. For a moment it looked us if IliiRtern Association, rifjlit RI DOLPir TROVES PUZZLE tho leather would clear tho Ilrldgpnrt, ; Wnterbury, . (iold wall, but It did not huvo mif-flclc- nt l'lttsfleld, 7i Springfield, 0. RIVSL TEAM SHUT OUT Hartford, 6: llolyoke, 1. momentum and tho New London, 3, New Haven, 0, painted bull. As tho ball carromcd Jnke Daubert Fails to Send In H&rqnftrd a Puzzle to the back Moran caught it and mudo iron on Unscs in Four Biich a fast throw to socond that Separate Pinches. Quakers, "Who Garner ae' Titus scrambled back to Daubcrt's corner. Titus will rcccivo $50 for wmmmm Only PVrar Htta. hitting the sign. After pitching hltlesa ball for threo In- nings nt Bbbets Field yesterday Cliff Cur- tis was knocked out of tho box In the COMBAT MORE PEACEFUL LYNCH TO INVESTIGATE. fourth round by tho Boston Braves, who won their second straight gntno from the He floes tn Philadelphia to Look Brnoklyns, 6 to 3. Four runs were , gathered off Curtis before Duhlen sent u McGnwr Lines, Into .MrUrnTr-Brcniin- ti How, hurry call for Ylngllng, and tlioao tallies Fourth of July bat President Lynch of tho National Leacue put victory beyond tho roach of the homo In- -. Rudolph pitched with telling Brennan, His Assailant, i wont to Philadelphia yestorday to team. Dick vestlgnte the McOraw-Brenna- n light of effect for Stolllng's troupo after the third Monday. The umpires didn't see the Inning. In eplto of the sweltering heat Holidays Nofr Visible. scrap, and mode no report on it, but the ho became mora effecttvo as the game president has the right tn Inflict punish- - progressed and finished In a blaze of ment on participants In such uftalrs If he glory. llnds tho circumstances warrant It. The Juko Daubert had four chances to send MOtfEL There were, no fisticuffs in Philadelphia following section of the constitution homo runners with nafe drives, but Ru- yesterday, but the Olanta mote the ball gives him tho authority: dolph had his number, and ench time the on the chin, biffed It on the ear, knocked The president of the shall have big sticker fell down. Rudolph was backed It high and low and straight ahead, and nowcr. onon rtroner Droof.lauto auatiAnd for up In splendid style, Maranvlllo, ns usual, retained their newly found first place n definite period and to Impose a fins not bring a leading factor In providing GOLF IRONS ty Dsiaoorina; tne Phillies. The Hos esreedlng $200 upon any lratue mrnner or Maranvllla took part in a play In METAL tons took another (all out of the Brook plafr guilty In public of xroes mlribehavlor, Inning was both unusual Ijrna The ftoet of fast have tae call In baseball nowadays. These two pictures show Brooklyn ran n era including Intoilcatlon. fighting, quarrelling, the fourth that and passed the Cardinals, who were indecency or other ecandaloun conduct, and sensational. He ran Into deep left routed by the Reds. The Cubs swelled advancing to thirst from second after catches la the oat-tol- d. To the left Is Ilnmmell beating Connolly's whether on or oft the playing flM. during field for a twisting fly from Red Smith's M-one-- their victory Ust by drubbing the Pirates. the iieanAn, where the same la, In hts opinion, bludgeon. midget got his hands on L threw In the second Inning;. In the other ntotnre Cntshaw advances, while gerntoar tries to hesvd him calculated to bring disrepute upon tha Tho a at top speed and Reawlta, eaT. This play easne National League or the national gam. tho ball while sprinting la the thlra. Buch flna (If tha gam has been fixed at Juggled It several itunes until Conno'lVi ITew Turk. 10 Fhlladelphla, a. th maximum amount) or suapantlon (If who was close at hand, caught It before At least ONE reason in Bulin, s Brooklyn. I. the latter is fer a period ot more than ten It could fall to earth. Cincinnati. 11: St. Louis, 4. fctnsta, but waa out down, Paskert to Yorks. who days) or both can only he remitted by the Tingling this name why the clubs Chlcaco. 3; Pittsburg, 3. naturally hated to see a bona board of directors after a hearing upon After Curtis had blown tip Lobert. HEW YORKS SUFFER fide base hit and the ndvantage accruing appeal duly prosecuted. Pitched cleverly, but it was too late. In- should appeal to Golfers: Detail Clab Htualasa. Two came over In the next Inning, due therefrom thus destroyed. Tho play may cidentally mailings eubstltuted Devlin and to good free hltttng. Sharer opened by ' never havo come up In Just that form, WEIRD WORK BEHIND WLLLETT, Lord, right handed hitters, for McDonald bouncing a hit off Alex's glove. Fletcher but the following Fectlon of rule KG has and Seymour respectively as soon as They Will Not Rust shot a single to centre, Shafer taking FROM A NOVEL PLAY come up and been In the playing code Dahlen eent Ills southpaw to the mound. third. Fletcher stole, and on Doyle's long In blsck typo for time out of mind: "If FVarfnl and Wonderfal Fteldtas; Errors by Sweeney and Maranvitlo were FORTY DIFFERENT MODELS over B fly to Paskert Bhafer walked the the person or clothing In- directly responsible two of thaDodg-or- Shafta aro all of selected growth gum. Murray Becker, scor- of the umpire ITelps Sox to Oame, for doubled past terfere with tho catcher in an attempt runs, while a was turned split hickory; eHm of specially ing Fletcher; then Meyers ambled to first DrrnoiT, July 1. Wlllett trot some calf. pass to throw, or tho umpire be struck by a Into the other. prepared Price $2.60 each. via the line. Snodgrass tapped to And Defeat by Athletics Does weird support y and Chicago won AAA was over. ball thrown by tho catcher or other fielder Only one man reached first base for Ktw York.... i "i H 1 7 41 23 Luderus and the round a hard fought contest from DetroTt by periods, Sweeney Tho DOMINO SIMPLE ball t Ml settled Alexander and six feet six to Intercept n base runner," this section lloston in the first three That Not Make Them Feel scoro 3 to 2. game developed 11 Dahlen's la well season. Phiiadalphla a AU being ono of others which tell when "the a of Tho receiving pass. Meanwhile in tho lead this la Inches Rlxey mounted the mound In the pitching between In samo length of bo Brooklyn.... " Bttttt He escaped being scored on for base runner shall return to his base with- Into a duel Wlllett and crew scored twice the There must a reason beyond the fourth. jTIsTm? Any Better. out llahllllty to bo put out." Clcotte, who was derrlckcd to allow tlmo. Moran got around In tho last half name, which wo admit Is pleasing. jlJJJJJ his llrst attempt, but was found for a pair n, Chicafo a"jei Hartzell reached third nnd Borton first Kasterly to pinch hit for him In the of the first on pass and fltengel's two ,84 M i i it of counters In the fifth. With one down Plpp. Tiger first bagger right. The reached third PltUburg.... Murray tore off hts second double, this on tho hit, not on the throw, and the point seventh. the recruit to latter For Golfers and Country Club wear lljJJJJSo""iir4M arose, why shouldn't Hnrtzoll have been sacker, drove in Detroit's two runs with on Wheat's grounder to Maranvllle, which Mado by time shifting for variety's sake to left HIT THAT IS NOT A HIT was retired CoverIey London's Snod-grass- a single In the sixth. Detroit outhlt the two out, but Daubert Bolon t i "rTiT73 Meyers to Magee, 's Font back to third nnd Horton back to mado best Sporting i i i 44 centre. lifted but Sox two to one, but both Clcottn and Rudolph, with a headlong slide Bt. Louis,.., snappy single to left scored Red. llrst, positions they reached regardless when Clothes" o l a iT m of Scott tightened up when danger threat- across llrst base, caught Myers's throw oft n "il i Fred took second on the throw in and of tho throw. Instead Hnrtzell belni? at our new Avenue : hopper. Fifth store. CtndnnaU... 1 1 7 M TT JWJ scored when Marquard hit safely to cen- returned to second nnd Horton having to ened. The score Jake's Horton JIakes Thrown Ball I In tho second Inning. J J J tre. Burns whirled. It; lint nil over ncaln? CHICAGO (A. L.I. DETROIT. Red Smith scored Spalding Stores close July 4 and 5 panes Last. SiSMMMsiwil iw Light hitting marked tho game, and ab r h p a e p H got a llfo on Maranvllle's fumble, Rlxey was pounded Into submission in Ump; 3 0 0 ibrh6 Hits Former Has Ray Fisher lost well pitched con- Reall.cf.. 14 OPuih.sa... it skipped to third on Hummel's two baso the next Inning, and Mayer, who succeeded another Rath.2b.. 4 10 0 3 O'Vltt.Sb.... 4 00:3111 sacri- To-da- y's 114 hit to right and counted on Miller's Ichedale. him, also sought the showers when the to A pain. tent. In tho first Inning and In the LnnLSh.. 1 1 2 0 0 OCrnwPd.rf 4 0 0 Bat 4 0 2 0 4 11102 2 0 0 fice fly to Connolly. Hummel advanced to MtGfSRtLDINGf&BRQ - isew Tora in rnnaaeiptiia. Inning was over. Hrtiog, who had dis- third Woltcr walked and Creo singled riiare.lb. OCobti.cf... ( him to third, each tlmo with two nut, I'olllns.rf 1 0 0 1 0 O'Hurh.cf .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 third on Curtls's out, whero Moron left placed fihafer, doubled to start the sixth. 3 0 0 8 0 Louis In and each tlmo Sweeney waH unequal to llortlelf . 0,Vearh.lf., 301310 him on a grounder to Sweeney. ft. Cincinnati. f, 1 4 1 1 Fletcher beat out a bunt, lierzte taking Sch.im.c. 3 0 0 O.Plpp.lb... 0 Hi 0 great pitching in 124-12- 8 NASSAU ST. FIFTH AVE. Pittsburg In Cblcaso. the tahk of batting anybody homo. The 0 0 0 2 1 Rudolph did some 520 third. Doyle slammed a one base poke to The New Yorks were benten by tho Wcavrr.Sf) 3 0 4 2 Menee.e.. 4 3 0 was Athletics again yesterday, making thir- Muck pitchers were effective nxcept Cieotte.p. 1 1 0 0 3 0 tMorlarty. 0 0 0 0 0 0 nrooklvn's third Inning. Cutshaw centre, riding home Hersog and advancing 1 0 (I 0 0 0 0 2 4 among Maran- 1. teen games for the out of In the fourth Inning, when tho New K.leterly. l.ouden.:'b 3 0 2 safo when his fly dtopped Philadslphia, July The house of Fletcher to third. This settled Rlxey and latter 0 0 0 0 0 0, p.. 3 0 0 0 (i fourteen meetings. It was the second Yorks bunched thre singles. Follow- Soiltt.p... Wlllett, i vllle. Connolly nnd Seymour In short left Dooln crumbled within Itself y, and Mayer went In. On Merkle's out, 'Lobert llCi.Htier 0 0 0 0 second, In ing the unlijuu events narrated In S 0 .10 centre. Then ho stole and after Olanta, taking to Luderus, Fletcher scored. Murray battle of the series which the hitting that Totals..!? MM the advantage of every was skimpy. Tho White Sox, who uro Inning Horton hit to Hakcr, who, watch- Totals ..S3 2 10 J7 2i 4 Stengel had filed to Seymour he ran to crack which appeared In the defence of threw his bat at a wild one and the ball going well at present, nosed out the ing Hartzell, delayed his throw so thnt Rsttert for Clcotte In the seventh lnnln third. Ho couldn't score, however, ns In- one carromed to right for a single, scoring Horton tVltt out: hit by battel lull Daubert. AUTOMOBILE tne time league leaders, romped away who haven't gone well at nny beat the ball to first. It was m field taps settled Wheat and game Doyle. Meyers and Snodgrass singled in a IiIkIi heave as well Hart- Sltim for McKca the nlmh Innlnr opened fourth with with the second of thin present Im time. The Waahingtona beat the Red nnd lll.il icl for Wlllett In the ninth Innlnr McDonald tho fatal portant series by 10 to 0. As the score succession to right, the tatter's drive land- Sox by means of a Btrong finish. zell took third on the error. Mldklff'a a trlpio to right centre and poored on Con- ing Murray at the counting station. Mar- ('hlcHSii 3 indicates, tho New Yorkers won as they single scored him. Urtrult 002000010 0- nolly's baso hit past Cutshaw. Titus's EXCHANGE quard bold bid 00000200 - J tcssed. The Phillies, wilted by made another for his third Yesterday's Results. The Athletics batted feebly In nil but Hlls-O- ff Clcotte, 7 tn six off hot smash took n crooked bound over weather Innlnrs: S,)tt. AND AS- - Mar-quar- hit, but Lobert, making great catch, Ch-- , OWITBM flalLLBM OF ana tncir own inability to hit Rube d, a Philadelphia, t; New York, 1. the sixth Inning, when they hit with 3 In three lnnlnza Two bane hits Hush. MornnS shoulder and Connolly ran home, put up a pitiful exhibition In com- doubled up Meyers off second. Washlnston. 7. lloston, 4. enough force to win. assisted by a poorly linl. 2 Threw b.iw hit Veach. Struck out whllo Titus reached third 011 Cutshaw's TtmmiLBS. coiMtnoiAL Tarn, Hv Clcotte, 2; by N'ott. 2. Klret on ball parison to the dashing work of the cham- Their tenth and final cams over In Chlrasn. S: DUrnlt. 2. executed play. linker tripled with ono baf wild thpiw to Smith. Sweeney walked - rain. Off Wlllett. 3; o.'f Orotic, 1: off Scott. 1. Kir.t aAuaaa. Ttxea, booit- pions, making the licking seem even worse the ninth. Burns walked. Then after St. out and scored on Mcfnnls's shot to left, bane Chicafo, 3. and stolo second without n throw from oui on rrrorK larft on UINT& ALSO HEP AIR than it was. It was the Quakers' sixth rant lined to Becker, who had Burns Creo threw Into the tllnmond, but any s; Cliicaco. E Hit by pitched ball-- Hy Miller and bdth runners scooted across Detailed Club Standings. (Hi-al- Umplrc-Uvu- straight defeat and was Just as many doubled up off first, but Luderus muffed chanco thero was to suppress Mclnnls Wlllett nf and Shrrv tho plate on n solid baso lilt tn left by WILL ALWAYS FIND throw, going to second went glimmering be- dan. Tunc - 2 hours consecutive wins for the McOraw clan, the Fletcher was hit Hap Myers. The latter took scennd mi OWETH1NQ OF INTBRRirr LM which apparently has recovered Its punch. Howley then made an attempt to catch ! d cause tho throw was Inaccurate. As the throw home and then Curtis was i o Mclnnls TAKE GRINER 0VERHIGH SPOTS. . THIS COLUMN. The Giants batted Burns off second, and he did as far as his I wasn't held nt first ho dusted tl.i;gi-.l- Ylngllng had lot" of speed when with tremendous 1 iiia o punch accuracy. Alex- throw was concerned, but when Burns to third when Strunk poked toward first ho begun his task, but Rarlden lioomed a and wonderful Jl In ander, Rlxey and Mayer were slaughtered darted for third he made this anchorage t such a manner as to outfoot long fly to Wheat, 011 which Myers landed tho play. Fisher covered first, but Pitcher Yield Nine lilt and right single regardless of mercy, none of the trio hav- and also reached the plate when Doolan's 5 on third. bulged a tn right Autos: "4th of JULY" Sale throw, hitting u Strunk was already there, nnd when Rnns In Two Inning. giraffe fifth run ing anything which fooled the New York him on the shoulder, hopped and tho human made the At Manhattan's Amomnh'le rstabllsli- - Young Marshall, Into the grand stand. The score : Horton mndo a wild toss past Fisher 1. Joe ot tho inning. Daubert saved Smith from lurciln batsmen. hurried to the l'hilaoslphla. 3,11 t :is Mclnnls tallied. Cincinnati, July Tinker's Ro.li nicni rar rxrrllrnro scene of carnage in the seventh round, NEW YORK (N. L ). PHILA. (N. L.) tonk Hurslns's Cardinals by surprise this an error by scooping a low throwln that 4 .(WO A gorgeous catch by Murphy prevented Will Accept Any Fair ' finally put a check to the cannonading, ibrb ab r h d a s Clevsland.,.. 0; ;I0 t. 42 afternoon In the second game of the retired Rudolph, nnd Maranvlllo wai third Offers ITns.lf.rf. 1 1 pit0 o Paskert, 4 0 0 6 o n run in the second half of tho sixth. r. - his did nothing more to I i cf l TaM series nnd administered a drubbing to the out on a lly to vat. r i r w i: n k on- but arrival than 7 2b. 3 0 1 0 Chicago 4 i0 on this nt snarrr.lD Knabe. Hnrtzell was llrst wheu Peckingpatigh 11 4, nodpen A..a- help get rid of the remaining Giants in HeraocSb 1 2 0 0 0 ' visitors In a one sided contest, to With ono down in the half - T:ro- - Rnfi:nl Dolan.rb.. si" hammered to tho right field wall. Mur , . , Tn.Ac. . to hurry the game along. Orant.jb. i Lobert, 8b. 4 0 Washtnitoa. 'sill's: (Irlner was going along finely until the Hummel was safe on Sweeney's lilcli uw.o, order t .u phy Inserted an uptalsed linml between s vi; now Seventeen hits represented a total of yirtc'rr.M t linker rf. 1 S 1 0 tlfth Inning, when lie began to wilt and throw and ran to third on Miller' double auk n(,A(;i.i Dorleih 1 0 0 0 Boston 17 .MS tho ball and the wall nnd grasped tho ' twenty-on- e bases. And most of them I iMafre.U... I three runs camo across. In the sixth to centre, which mlBht have been a home In Taking Account of Stock Merkle.Ib I 0 0 u'Luurri.iD o 1 sphere firmly. In the ninth Horton en- great were hits which delight the hearts of those 5 i i Detroit... fc.ifety after was mado off his de- run had It not been for Lord's stop. MMTy.lI j I 0 Doolan.M. I 0 : l joyed his third four ball promenndn Ylnzltng's IlASe Your OtTcis nn the fiii.uwihe e'rrlnM. swear great 1 0 9 livery, ho was tho on I old timers who the hitters of M'C'r'k.rf OKilltfer.c. 1 0 St. Louis... Mtdklff popped out, McConell grounded with the result that when Hummel croscd pin HclllnnhtMlliius i,iiv. a i.'itl UK ln Irit the past were better clubbers than those Meyers.c. 2 1 1 o.Howler.c. 1 0 yanked out In that round ho had allowed out nnd Miller readied third, where I lcl Hum; as llt'in. m ntr. I 1 0 Pi out, and Oldrlng niado u blithesome Jump of the present day. The Giants did not Wilson.c. OiAlex'der.p 0 0 New York., ,2Cr, nine lilts In two Innings for elelrt runs. ho remained, ns Mornn fanned. Dnod'sa.cf I 1 t 0 Walsh.... 1 0 !i for Daniels's liner. Tho score: in Condition of Each Car Is 'Al.' any Held In placing their hits. They O The score: The Hraves were iiulckly dWxicd of tint Maruu'd.P t 0 Rlirr.p... o 0 Gasaa Tat 2S:33 22 !j78 PHILA. (A. L) NEW YORK (A. L.) I making superb stop Acron.plixheil bv ih () . rammed them to right, then lumed their Marer.o.. 0 ua r n ji a e ST. LOUIS (N. L). CINCINNATI. tho fifth. Cutshaw a ..i ion ol ilur 10 an r h n a e .. .. .1 , ii tlw, Are to left, mixing In the meantime on Totals.,41 IT IT 0 tCrarath.. 1 0 E M'hy.rf 4 0 0 s 0 0 6 o o 0 o 0 ab r h p a e nb r h p a e .iiivi .un.--Tflll nn,hlnM r.ml ....nff .... fr.ml nf... Danles.rf o iiiiiiiuin " Complete Factory on Prcmircs. sHher aide of Dode In centre. Marshall, p 1 0 To-da- uiunncii u u 2 o noller.cf. 2 0 0 1 0 0 nur'ns.Sb 2 1 0 2 6 neechcr.lf 3 2 3 2 0 0 tho stand. Whoat in tho last hnlf Paskert Behedale. C , 1 1 ColUnn 'b 3 0 0 3 3 Crf.U A n 1 i n "Hauler.. 1 1 0 0 0Dcv'c.rf,cf 4 0 2 0 1 bagger to rluht, but l.ni- - A feature posc.cd by nn niv. I, Then to cap the climax Rube Marquard, 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 slammed n two i Philadelphia In New York. Itaker.3b. 4 0 0 3 .1 0 Evans.rf, M'r's 2 1 -- 1 I ;,., -- .. . . ioiais ..k i 12 12 ljSseen'y.e cf.rf .1 t.tW 1t..,ll.l I'nrk.inls J2i), Si i vtn having count two against him, inn u 4 0 r, 0 2 4 1 1 irr the strikes ror Alexander in inning. Washington In llnston. a ui i,.'t 2 7 1 lnico,lf. HcrjhT." " li uxiea ine mini i i; nairz 112 12 10 ,hl. .. ,,..i w" aim, "mwi . Hal Mayer 4 0 1 2 1 0 0 f. 0 1 oi-,-lie- j laid down a perfoct bunt toward third In t ted for In the sixth inning. Chicago In Datrolt. Stmnk.cf 0 OjlVek'h.si. 1 0 0 7 3 1 Oakes.ff 2 0 2 ltnbri'l.lli 12 0 0 (ii,ui .m.i.i, n r., MXWVl stoo i., j n Harry. 4 0 1 1 1 A 1 1 2 0 1 the fourth Inning, catching the benedick-to-b- e New York 110 Cleveland In Bt. Louis. .. 0 0 Ilnrtnn.il l 1? i Mo'rt'y.31 4 0 0 Ilodee.Sb . 3 2 2 3 0 sixth period. Ho opened with a line sin - Silent Knl,rtit nn.i i j n "e, 01202400 Schanr.c. 1 0 o 1 0 OlMlilk'f.Sh. 1 0 1 o o 0 Kon-ny.l- 4 0' 2 0Grnh,2b... 3 2 1 0 r, 0 stcin.' , Philadelphia 0 , Klb "IVn"?,?.', ,' ,v ! Il s 'l Honus Lobert fast asleep and i.apii.e..-- u u 3 3 lit to centre and arrived nt the middle Jy'ii'i.''K " . ii i 0 0 ' . hits-Mur- oooososot WM.rf.rb Clarke.e ray, : uirisner.p.. Two base 2 1 10 13 ,"1. ni " :. the ball to first t; Mares. Shsfsr. The Athletics beat the New Yorks, Illllh.Il... 0 0 0 2 0 tCnldnelt, 1 0 0 0 0 O O'lVry.sa S 0111101 3 3 0, Hlao'h-n,- .3114100 0 0 1 0 bag when Ylnsllng llelded Myers's bunt Ji.Vdi iiVi ii'iiei 0 .i Ilertog. Lobert. Hlte-- Off 6 jlsvi. ii Alexanaw. In three to 1. .yesterday In game was long 'Daley ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Mi'I-au.- 4 0 1 3 2 0 3 3 3 0 2 1 to 11 i i Rsd Murray and Charlie Hersosj were lnnlnss: oil Rlxer. I in two a which .M'L'oin.p. 0 Ilelllon.p.. to Daubert Instead of trying start h.niner, si:m t; iet.iii .1 t,.iu- fit 'I "ii big club swingers of the Giants, Innlnrs (none out In the .playing and sleepy except for a lloUCK.p., 2 0 0 0 1 0 (lrlner.ti.. ilrinlile lil. liv wav or tJtltSU.lW. rnp I ue, ji ..ii the for in sixth); off Mayer. I In one Inning: off Mar- 201030 iv I Totals.,. 29 1 27 174 Steele.p 1 0 0 0 n 01 Totals.. .85 It 17 tf7 13 2 Mlllplet Illy. I ei Red in five times up connected two shall, l In three lnnlnss. Sacrifice hit-Do-yle. novel occurrence In the fourth Inning, .22 1 captain rompid homo on Rarlden's for Totals. 2 27 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 llnston (mil"Mt, Wai), MtMiilfN, . 11U..H.II I' baaes-rietc- her, Doyle. leathers 1. doubles and a single, while He nog hit Stolen i: Double play which contained about all there was ani- Hatted for Ilueh In (he fifth Innlnr safe blnale, nfter which lxird hit Into n atiinit s ,1 LKiDen -- ami nnabe. on bases Phil adel mating tHatted for Fieher in the Inning. 4 9 21 ol llcii.iilll Iny i r for 1.000, getting two singles and a double phia, : New 14.iit in the otherwise flat and drowsy seventh Totals ,K H double j lay. Ttuineui rlni.l- $.,) York, rirst base on balla-O- ff Philadelphia o Inning. SUni 'I hlrti ui, limrNt D in as many trips to the plate. Shafer too Alexander. 2: off Marshall, 4. encounter. It wus hot down In tho amphi- 0000020 02 Hitteil for Hunclns in tho eeventh Tho Dodgers lost a roy.il chance to pull JiMt.ii Hit by New York tllittcil l.ir Sli tie In the ninth limine. kit for a 1,000 clip, he making hits on pitcher By Alexander (Meyers); by Marshall theatre and the players played as If they First base on 00010000? 01 out In tho seventh Inning. Moran with 100 Others from $75 to 53,000 irletcher). KirucU out By Marquard, felt It. no lft SI I.nuls . his trips to the bat In the llrst three i: br Likewlao there was wranKllnff bac Philadelphia. 7; New York, 9. 1) one out hit safely nnd Cutsh.iw tivehed llllTCPSl both by S. Umplres-Kls- Fir! Cincinnati . 002100100 1 3 .'. 2 0 0411 Muck iilul lijH,"t l' ce In I'imn Innings. .Then when Alexander retired 2i Marshall. Bi and and consulting and fuming over tho fourth trine on balls- - Off Pinher, 3: nft Hindi, 3: off a base on lulls. Sweeney made n dizzy stepped Orth. Time I hours snd 1 minute. Inning happening which added to llotiek. 4. Struck out - Hy r'luhrr. 1: by Hnuck, Tvtn base hits Mairre, Heiehcr, Clarke, (,'utsh.iw Just Received 8,000 New Tires 8bafer too out of the box score, tho heat : Three bane hit- - Hakcr. Sacrifice hits- - Daley, Knnelthy Thro bawl hits Hetiluu. Ilewcher. stop of StrnKcl's hot snnsh and for he is not partial to left handed hurlers, WILSON AVEBT'S SHUTOUT.' of the occasion. Fisher Stolen bam- - Murphy Double play.. H.iiier Poublo plays - (Jniti and Hnblltreli; was forced. StenKcl stole second just fll.ll Tl ' d- - nf 1 nh"', uf Test l lU(S giving Ilerzog The Now Yorks had to by Hush, Harry and Mclnnls Off S (iriin r, Koneti hy nnd Mcl nn; O'l-.ir- tho It this a chance to fatten his abide a Hits lliinh, Wheat's pass tilled bases. wai ,', in four Inninm: off flouck, 1 In five O'la-nr- nnd Sacrifice hits-Oi- Saving You Ahout 50' average at the expense of Rlxey and ruling by the umpires which Innlnr pevnre.Mnry up to Daubert, who khnt a Kroiinder to Mayer. Herzog In Homer la ninth Scores didn't cool them off any. began ITmpiro in chief Ernn. Field umpire Dlneen. 2: 0'l.etiry. Maaee. Ucnton Iluy ulnle chance ntfers and Oram succeeded the Miller Also Hartzell Time 2 hours and 30 minute. Htnlcu bases- lievtire, Mnwrey, Marsiuis, 2; Maranvllle, and Wheat was forced. After aies liv Inning al- Ighth. Cabs Win hy a ta A. the with an Intlold single, lie took Croh, Ilerhamnier Struck nut lly lWiitnn, 3: that both pitchers were Invincible and Trucks Some Elegant Bargains Before, during and after the game there second when Collins threw out l'eckln-paug- h. by (irlner, 1 ; by Steele. 1. liases on balls -- Off lowed but one man on each side to plant CRicAoo, 1 WILLIAMS BEATS OLD MATES, (IS, ICS, (,. M I , was a delightful air of peace hovering July Wilson's He was there whon Borton Itcnton. 3: off (Irlner. 2: off Steele. 1. Wild his spikes on tho Initial corner. Tim l'ACMUOS, AU M( Ac arnlnat the rlffht flM in .v.. pilch Benton. Hits- - Off Orlner. 14 In flv a- -.l over the grounds. The Giants did not fn rammed a clean base hit across second on 3 scoro: Inning, scoring Miller two thirds lnnlnss: off Steele. In three and Cars Sold on Time and Traded. carry any chips on ahead of him, saved which Kddlo Collins made a nice stop, the one-thir- Umpires-nronn- nu I their shoulders and me Triple la Ninth dives Senators Win innings and llOSTOX (N. U), imOORLYX All kinds nf Sundries nt "hock Ilnttom " the Phillies acted like true Quaker gen- irom a snutout at the hands latter busybody roaming far In cither Kason. Time-- 1 hour and 4 minutes. ah r h p a ei nh r h p a e .of Over Snz by 7 4. 1 1 1 1 1 o o n The McQraw-Itrenna- n tho Cubs Tho latter won by direction for grounders all afternoon. Red to M'vlllo.as I I I HMnrnti.rf. Bodies New & Used Sacrificed. tlemen. Incident 1 n r. 1 3 to 2. Cheney had perfect 1, M'D'ld.Sb 3 1 1 ii ii oivtsh'..!! 3 " of yesterday was apparently forgotten out- control and When Collins mado his nifty clutch Boston, July Alva Williams, who .".Il 0 II IV I VC1VKI I ITS tho Pirates were able to get NOTES OF THE DIAMOND. Uevllll 2 0 0 10 0 Callnh.lll. I 0 Ail. Till" TFST wardly, for th'e players of both sides to him for Hartzell was ueartnx third and Borton used lo bo ono of the Red Snx. tripled in Coirlj.lt 4 0 OlSlelwd.ef II 1 II " 0 I'm en mir ( imsis, Ulml- - .lei, i niupj.nc. , . only seven 1131 II 1 4 Inp-.- Wuiilalin-lda- passed the good cheer along to each other hits, two of which came In nearlng first. There was no chance what- tho ninth Inning y with the Unset Tltlls.rl . ( 2 ; fl ' When If 3 .' Pelncr W.ik'.nv. Scat, the ninth. tin in thn ftnnl e,. ever to throw out The feullletnns nf McOraw teach us that Sw'ney.Jb 2 Viniliert Hi I o ni" o i, Fans, Ac. was not slightest sign of ...(.. cither man. Nobody choked, driving In tin en runs, nnd Kcnrlng 1 I ii u and there the 1 4 ii were unable to get the teiuim the tilanli bale to beat for the M 1 .l Ii 3 III!III (iMmlli.sli. il ap- more than one hit an but Collins knew what he waa thinking 4 1 4 I Ii eruption In any play, Brennan did not of himself luter on n sucrlllcn Hy. Theso pennant are the PhllM. llrnklynr (hibs, lUml'll.c 0 0 0 lllinrel.ss I Automobile (i "Jandorf" Co. pear to tho eye, but McOraw did, he tak- inning, ana no ono reached third. Tho whenlio threw tho ball to Barry at second four rmw gave the HenntorH the gnme by I'lrato. Ac. If (be (Hants Uat out all Sejin'rcf l ii ii l o .Milli-r.- so; " : 0 1 0 (I o 1 0 0 0 ? 0 on' score base, for there wasn't anybody thero on 7 4. Up the pennant's n ilnch. l.nnl.cf Curtl" P Tiir At KiMoiiii.i: ni i'Ai .n'our ing his stand the third base coaching a scoro of to to the final stiiuza th"e o 1 ii n 0 ii . iiii'M (N. was ejected Mon- H'llolpii.p 3 0 4 Vuirluiir,p 3 ii 3 I'miucMliiii.ilily 1.' lilsi-c- oi.i-- t t lu.ip4i and line for tho first few innings of the game. Pifrsniinn CHICAGO L) whom to make a play. Thero was nobody champions Arthur chafer from t p e the had the lead and were In lloal I M.lhh-- 'ml III llilK Hue. McOraw refused to discuss Incident ab r h a abrhpae on first and no forco play, so tho verdict looking resuming day's cim. I'blllv for riuiilro Tniiii 33"c3rr. . Toinis ; a r it T the s s 1 4 0 0 forward to fourth po. Orth that ho (Orth) hail an obere dome. I'acn.cr,, of the spectators was Kddlo per- for Cutuhaw In the ninth iiiiiiuu-Hnivn- 7, 9 West 61st St. and all Brennan said was that he de Carey.lf.. 0 1 2 0 4 2 that sltlon In league race. They llntnl 3,5, that i nvera.SD.. tho had IniMtniich as he has roiia to but eight f, u n (i iu- HIH.'.O... 4 0 4 2 0 formed an Ivory feat. . ii ii ii - livered the punch that flooatd MrGraw Schulte.rf jumped on Kngel In Inning Unlet iwn mhbivlniT o- mm tl t11101 1 A tho fourth and the lnit das uithiiut llrnnUIiii . .. I 1 o ii 0 o n -u 2, 4, 6, 8 West 62d nobody else did anything to the llllltr 7.lm'n,3b. 4 1 When Barry took Colllns's throw he a base hit IMdle (.'olllns's batting average St. 1('rv. and that Warner. 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 scored threo runs, which put them ahead. base I, manager. Salcr.lb... 0 12 0 0 turned as If for a throw home to nip lins shrunk a trllle. TttU hits Tuns, Stern When, Hum I'lilii Mciy liuiMuiu, fnim hiri'i'i t i Mrcnt. Both McOraw and iiicr.iD. 4 1 z 7 o Mllcl.fll.il 2 0 The scoro: mel, Miller Thrrv ln lilt Mcliimiild, S.u.l rlants" 4 1 1 S t Hartzell In case Iho In The WaaltlnEtnn from behind fearful that Lytu2y will Invest- Wll.on.rf 2 llrldw'l.ss. 2 0 1 latter wont or In t have eninn tliv hit Mvert S:n l ltieu lly Miller Slnlcli Knm'pa m A 1 WASHINGTON. IIOSTON (A. games suspen- t1 S Archtr.e.. a 0 6 the faint hope of beating Borton to the L) tn the last two and snatched lilury liiaeit ('iiIkIiih. Mi llii I. Kirht li.l ROSKAM-SCOT- igate the affair and lay on a iew A n ab r h p a e ab r h p a e 111" Mux. !eene, T Cnlptn'n.n 1 6 1 9 Cbeney,p, I 1 0 bag. from lied nn iirnri, ItriinUljn. .' nn liatli. Ca first Umpire Dlncen was standltiK 3 0 1 1 0 0 4 0 1 C 1 0 Firt h.te : sions, hence their unwillingness to rush tKarres.. 0 Moeller.rl Ycrkc.:h Speaking things hnppcn Off Ittnlolph, nil ?. i ii i r iik.inl. :w IIUIS i, lidntr 11 t 0,0 between him and pitcher's 0 1 C 0 0 (' I lonper, rf 4 0 of that don't t'urtli. Struck nut fcito print. KFIly.C... 0 0 0 2 O'O ,M 1 27 11 1 the box and Calvo.... 13 10 every went yisti-- lly Huiloli.li. by Yliuiius, 1 Uu (in Cur- IUI.I I'll l i'C, II. IUI.I I'ael mil Totals.. t rildnon.tf. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Snraker.ef :i (I 0 1 (I II ila llurtnu In tho bat lloh'ton.p 2 0 0 0 2 0 slam against the roof of 11 4 iui:i s ii. li fliuft, Marquard's hurling was Olnren's dome O made hit, was culled bade tn tis, in thren iuuitus. with mine nut the i.imrt ui. an art in 0 lsiwla.lf 3 0 0 0 0 a da, the in hllhtlll-'eillll- by Jl.aillirtP. 10 10 linulile plil a- - nnd una Cadillac, I'lm'fii 1UU' Tho lanky, stiff necked iiirait... went the ball when hurled Barry, 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 bat and iiiailo auuther lilt. Fur lb" harrow fmirlh. Cutli.iw, llliniiiii vaudeville Hrnd'ix.p 0iooooo0 0 0 0 0 rtro,U.lf. Odurdu'r.Sb 10 10 Ing lliimniel nnd D.iuIkti nn him l.i mix, liiKt, lllll 1.IMII . lout bowl-k- g From skull to ooncreto It bounced from S I 0 4 1 1 7 0 (I iletnlls sic story nf the New llauUrti Icwi War had something from the start, Kostir.3b. : : I Knele.lb.. - 'llofrtou, 1: llrnnklyii. x. Tune- - 1 Illlintir ami M IUIL' I'lcrce. is, Mm lull lllllck 111 Dlneen's to Mllnn.cf., 4 0 2 2 0 0 : 1 2 s f. 0 gnine. over Phlladelphlans regu- a . . , head the fTnml stand and not Wa.ner.s minute In clucl Field - IUI.' I..ili r.iul ii.vn nil? i ii'UII ic. Tour the with a " 1.1 , 4 10 1 0 won I'mi'lm ItUUr " I uiiwi fi. n.,.i.. i.. ,k. i,w i the strangest part of ttu otitro episode (iitiulil.ll 0 2 Carnaan.e The Glints Imve their last seven lljrnu, lUIS SteM IIS. ". IUI.' i,d, :i larity which drove the rooters to jibes, f, 0 0 2 6 0 lletllenl.p. 2007002 II 0 0 2 0 nnd Phillies havn rnipeil !L'.,!I!1 i0T Coleman In the seventh was Dlneen was no little hv Morc'll.l'b tho their Insf luis Mciiillurirlinie, Tr lull i mllllu, lml'i groans own pets. lnnlnt. that disturbed 3 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 six. 11111' sneers and toward their t Halted for Roblnaon In tha alrhlh innln ho h'kalf.rf. 0louard,p CiiIIiiii SdKea l.eimur, Stiidilani. luiir I'm knrd. nu.ee At no time was the Rube In any real dan- PiHlhllr the concussion that, didn't unfold his rn nie.s :i 2 1 a 4 o.jihii.i 0 u u 0 0 0 IVlklnpiuicli did quick work on a ground linn It, u .in , Ijiml't, hlllll'lc 'I'm ' i 1U. AArtAAAAAA eye, 2 4 0 1 .Hi. l ger of being upon. was Chicago arms or nat an merely ducked a llttlo llenry.c. 0 0 0 llU iirlks'n 0 0 0 0 0 ball when lm fumbled It, recovered It and Jacksnn-Merldln- rain, lull .simple, lUin Appe 'ui. scored Four hits ne fly Wllll'liii.c 3 0 got Il'll Sleiclis, n. lUlll lu.'ll'i ' ''"; ney. J0000000 ..3 as if heard a buzzing around his 1110 his man at tho plate. Nn other gatnci scheduled. Two hlt-Z- 1 the extent of tho home team's hitting, and base Three base lm- ear. Kind. p.. 0 0 0 0 0 Total.. .21 4 7 27 9 1 lllll I iicn I'O. I I.O.VI, IUIU l'i n .'' Ui'lt. in only one round, the seventh, did It look Mullln.p.. 1 0 0 0 0 0 IUI.I I .iclntd, SI im. as If they might score. Salrr. fitolcn base-Le- ach Double plays-Zi- m- When the ball described its nro from tSehaeler 1110 0 0 I'nliui'r sliiEcr, i() ...cum. Dor, urmncu, ana plate to stand Hartzell run Huthes.p 0 0 0 0 0 0 mm i uricr, 'lin'i" ';. ;M0. baaee-PIUsb- brers sairr. home and fi.'i. In that Inning, Dolan, who had suc- urr. S Left on ', 4: Chicago,". First 'I'm' tnlinenli. l.linn,klne A 'I iii ' ti Oft Borton ran to second. Then the war of ceeded Knabe at second, singled and took baso on balls-- Robinson, l; oft rhn i Totals. .37 7 12 27 12 0 third when Lobert doubled to left. Then Struck out-- nr Roblnaon. i: by llendrlx, 2 by words. Collins and Mclnnls ran up to Ran for Morller in the fifth innlnr Don't Forget to Order a Cane of Imperial! 1764 B'way 57th St. Marquard flashed the stuff which Is the Cheney, 1. Wild pltrh-Robln- son. Time 1 hour Dlneen and made claims nnd were Joined tliattc.l for (lldenn ill Ihn iilmh InnliiL', Sparkling, Good. - M Snappy, Pure and cream of pitching art. He got rid of ww,Htw viuiMr aw a.in i B. by Oldrlng, Baker, Danny Murphy, from tllitttcd for Mulllu In the ninth Inning. I miCDI'seilCarliiMii ..lwkes. Ouarao the ' IHattid fur Hall ill the ninth Inning. ii'H ! "'itors. Uiileaad Becker on a tap to Fletcher, disposed of bench and other. Dlneen went In 4- LUZ.I tH "l " Vlrsrlnla WashllKtol -7 tK Sim i l low prices. Magcn to Leans. and conferred with Chief Umpire lOgan 000120001 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 on a foul Wilson, who had taken llnston 1731 .'rttli si -- nd lloiir. Richmond. Ti hlls-dxu- 04 irnny, inr 1, En-si- Meyers's place in tho seventh, and got Portsmouth, and C. U. Kgan went out and conferred Two base Mcllrlde. Mneller, c, Petersburg, : Newport News, bawi Luderus roll to Larry Doyle for t. with Assistant Arbiter Dlneen. Chance Wanner, Three tills Williams, I Dill M VII M .trms-itti- a t the Jloanoka, Norfolk, t. Pfrst game. Hooper. Stolen hacMr'riAtcr, Milan, Hooper, nil makes final out. Hard to beat such pitching as Roanoke, 1; Norfolk. 1. took up a prominent position in tho thick And iHIici late .inl"ls nf sundanl Bscond game. IKiublA pliijn- - Meilrido, Morgan and (iandil; luii rs. riiu.iliiiiit., murliii:. llinouilnc, liunlneaa this, and the Phlladelphlans realized it. of the shifting groups to press his side of (lamlll, Mcllrlilu und (landll Sai'riNen tiles cars, h I illtAdi: U AllT, 3JW.M The Qlants started to work In the sec- Western Leagne. the case. Bo engrossing was the theme Milan, Hlieaknr. Left on 7; Iicsi'. balla-O- Hetllent, ond stansa. After Lsbert had robbed : lloston, 7. First base on R 1: IN. Omaha, Rloux City, 1. (Mllsd). of discussion that It lasted some tlmo un- 4; 1; AUTOMIIIIII.i: AMI M(niR THICK Murray of stop a. off Ionard 2; off Liurel, off Mulllu, oft hlKl't'TION, a h br a crest and throw mciiiia, i, uanvsr, til Egan and Dlncen cut tho Oordlan knot 1. Hy 3: by He. Lincoln. 1; Topeka, . Unfiles. Struck nut Enxel. Alexander dented ateyer In tho back with by 2. Dmplres-Connn- lly Vtt Uskiss. Ot. Joseph, 1. with this adjudication: dtnnt, 4: Innard, Moult d only by tho Uooklet fiplalns WHY a fast one. Ale continued his wild spell I; McOreevey. Time -- 2 hours and 12 minutes. HTKWAIIT . a It waa a play that never came un and lireiit'is, Al'IOMIIIIII.n our course Is lll'ST. with Rnodgrass up and Fred Anally before, they In Inspect our plant flAIEBAU, lO-DA- I decided tho fulness of f.easjae, Beidlesfon & Wow, aciii:mv walked. Marquard forced Snodgrass on a Groimds" Amerl. wisdom, New lliiifland TiH H. Mlh Nt. and ba convinced. tap to Luderus, Burns punch rans vs. I'hlMalpU, Polo Adm. their and therefore tho fairest Ni w York, but had the way to settle It was to send Worcester, 13: Hrncktnn, 4. single Hartzell 1 2, any , , 1.' U .. .1 & and on his to centre the chief Portland, 10; New led ford, Ordri frm dealer. , , ti! , . ...r,If an., nunnr, n,l...- - back to second und Borton back to f l tliu,piuiu...... ! I Ivmberrd over the pan with the first run. bat. Lynn, 8; Fall Itlvrr, 4. Improve Family, vnto nr class uiururllon In drivinif and all Kits. 1 To-da- waa Dinntr Immensely! Good for th To:' , 1KLD, Which done, but with demurrers Lowell, 7i Lawrence, 7 (called on uccount J v,. Marquard tried to take third on too P. vs. aiaa Capinr iiriii'iinira. t,n) utciiuii ow. vi and reluctanoe on the part ot tho New ef bet). Tl rj i aau a, as. v. va. mi " ,