" and Draw Furtheraway

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8 THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1913. Giants Protect Leadership and Draw Further Away-Novel Play Comes Up at Polo Grounds. Association, r American HITTING THE DIRT GAINS SAFETY FOR THIS PAIR BRAVES RAP CURTIS AT TOLEDO. GIANTS BATTER n. 11. r. Nearly Gber Fence, Louisville 12 0 Toledo 00000630 070 S 7 . llatterle Wondburn30001000and Sever'. Single AND WHIP DODGERS Oeorge and Devest. PHILLIES DOWN It Nets Only AT MILWAUKEE. "J" Z of tho lotiRc.it hIiikIo buBO Kansas City.. 000020092001 1 ONE .Milwaukee .. 1 n 0 0 0 0 0 :I 0 0 I 1 on roeor was minli) hy lliitterles llhnadcs and Krltchsll;08 Young In One In- und HuKhes. Titus of tho HostoiiHruvc lit Kbbeta Holl Up Fivo linns AT MINNEAPOLIS. n, Show No Mercy to Erstwhile yestorduy. In tho clRhth In- II, E. Field ning nnd Take Second Straight ft. 1'nlll 2 ( 0 0 0 2 0 3 011 15 0 ning Titus lanrlod on u Ylngllng Minneapolis 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 ft 11 4 Leaders and Boll Up Batteries Kargsr and Jamtii Msgrldse, tthoot and hamtnorod thoi bnll with Onmo of Scries. 01ii.ftLiui and Owens Columbus at Indianapolis Oame postpnnst Ten Bunt. much velocity far over Mornn'tt on aicuunt nf rain. head. For a moment it looked us if IliiRtern Association, rifjlit RI DOLPir TROVES PUZZLE tho leather would clear tho Ilrldgpnrt, ; Wnterbury, . (iold wall, but It did not huvo mif-flclc- nt l'lttsfleld, 7i Springfield, 0. RIVSL TEAM SHUT OUT Hartford, 6: llolyoke, 1. momentum and hit tho New London, 3, New Haven, 0, painted bull. As tho ball carromcd Jnke Daubert Fails to Send In H&rqnftrd a Puzzle to the back Moran caught it and mudo iron on Unscs in Four Biich a fast throw to socond that Separate Pinches. Quakers, "Who Garner ae' Titus scrambled back to Daubcrt's corner. Titus will rcccivo $50 for wmmmm Only PVrar Htta. hitting the sign. After pitching hltlesa ball for threo In- nings nt Bbbets Field yesterday Cliff Cur- tis was knocked out of tho box In the COMBAT MORE PEACEFUL LYNCH TO INVESTIGATE. fourth round by tho Boston Braves, who won their second straight gntno from the He floes tn Philadelphia to Look Brnoklyns, 6 to 3. Four runs were , gathered off Curtis before Duhlen sent u McGnwr Lines, Into .MrUrnTr-Brcniin- ti How, hurry call for Ylngllng, and tlioao tallies Fourth of July bat President Lynch of tho National Leacue put victory beyond tho roach of the homo In- -. Rudolph pitched with telling Brennan, His Assailant, i wont to Philadelphia yestorday to team. Dick vestlgnte the McOraw-Brenna- n light of effect for Stolllng's troupo after the third Monday. The umpires didn't see the Inning. In eplto of the sweltering heat Holidays Nofr Visible. scrap, and mode no report on it, but the ho became mora effecttvo as the game president has the right tn Inflict punish- - progressed and finished In a blaze of ment on participants In such uftalrs If he glory. llnds tho circumstances warrant It. The Juko Daubert had four chances to send MOtfEL There were, no fisticuffs in Philadelphia following section of the constitution homo runners with nafe drives, but Ru- yesterday, but the Olanta mote the ball gives him tho authority: dolph had his number, and ench time the on the chin, biffed It on the ear, knocked The president of the shall have big sticker fell down. Rudolph was backed It high and low and straight ahead, and nowcr. onon rtroner Droof.lauto auatiAnd for up In splendid style, Maranvlllo, ns usual, retained their newly found first place n definite period and to Impose a fins not bring a leading factor In providing GOLF IRONS ty Dsiaoorina; tne Phillies. The Hos esreedlng $200 upon any lratue mrnner or Maranvllla took part in a play In METAL tons took another (all out of the Brook plafr guilty In public of xroes mlribehavlor, Inning was both unusual Ijrna The ftoet of fast have tae call In baseball nowadays. These two pictures show Brooklyn ran n era including Intoilcatlon. fighting, quarrelling, the fourth that and passed the Cardinals, who were indecency or other ecandaloun conduct, and sensational. He ran Into deep left routed by the Reds. The Cubs swelled advancing to thirst from second after catches la the oat-tol- d. To the left Is Ilnmmell beating Connolly's whether on or oft the playing flM. during field for a twisting fly from Red Smith's M-one-- their victory Ust by drubbing the Pirates. the iieanAn, where the same la, In hts opinion, bludgeon. midget got his hands on L threw In the second Inning;. In the other ntotnre Cntshaw advances, while gerntoar tries to hesvd him calculated to bring disrepute upon tha Tho a at top speed and Reawlta, eaT. This play easne National League or the national gam. tho ball while sprinting la the thlra. Buch flna (If tha gam has been fixed at Juggled It several itunes until Conno'lVi ITew Turk. 10 Fhlladelphla, a. th maximum amount) or suapantlon (If who was close at hand, caught It before At least ONE reason in Bulin, s Brooklyn. I. the latter is fer a period ot more than ten It could fall to earth. Cincinnati. 11: St. Louis, 4. fctnsta, but waa out down, Paskert to Yorks. who days) or both can only he remitted by the Tingling this name why the clubs Chlcaco. 3; Pittsburg, 3. naturally hated to see a bona board of directors after a hearing upon After Curtis had blown tip Lobert. HEW YORKS SUFFER fide base hit and the ndvantage accruing appeal duly prosecuted. Pitched cleverly, but it was too late. In- should appeal to Golfers: Detail Clab Htualasa. Two came over In the next Inning, due therefrom thus destroyed. Tho play may cidentally mailings eubstltuted Devlin and to good free hltttng. Sharer opened by ' never havo come up In Just that form, WEIRD WORK BEHIND WLLLETT, Lord, right handed hitters, for McDonald bouncing a hit off Alex's glove. Fletcher but the following Fectlon of rule KG has and Seymour respectively as soon as They Will Not Rust shot a single to centre, Shafer taking FROM A NOVEL PLAY come up and been In the playing code Dahlen eent Ills southpaw to the mound. third. Fletcher stole, and on Doyle's long In blsck typo for time out of mind: "If FVarfnl and Wonderfal Fteldtas; Errors by Sweeney and Maranvitlo were FORTY DIFFERENT MODELS over B fly to Paskert Bhafer walked the the person or clothing In- directly responsible two of thaDodg-or- Shafta aro all of selected growth gum. Murray Becker, scor- of the umpire ITelps Sox to Oame, for doubled past terfere with tho catcher in an attempt runs, while a base on balls was turned split hickory; eHm of specially ing Fletcher; then Meyers ambled to first DrrnoiT, July 1. Wlllett trot some calf. pass to throw, or tho umpire be struck by a Into the other. prepared Price $2.60 each. via the line. Snodgrass tapped to And Defeat by Athletics Does weird support y and Chicago won AAA was over. ball thrown by tho catcher or other fielder Only one man reached first base for Ktw York.... i "i H 1 7 41 23 Luderus and the round a hard fought contest from DetroTt by periods, Sweeney Tho DOMINO SIMPLE ball t Ml settled Alexander and six feet six to Intercept n base runner," this section lloston in the first three That Not Make Them Feel scoro 3 to 2. game developed 11 Dahlen's la well season. Phiiadalphla a AU being ono of others which tell when "the a of Tho receiving pass. Meanwhile in tho lead this la Inches Rlxey mounted the mound In the pitching between In samo length of bo Brooklyn.... " Bttttt He escaped being scored on for base runner shall return to his base with- Into a duel Wlllett and crew scored twice the There must a reason beyond the fourth. jTIsTm? Any Better. out llahllllty to bo put out." Clcotte, who was derrlckcd to allow tlmo. Moran got around In tho last half name, which wo admit Is pleasing. jlJJJJJ his llrst attempt, but was found for a pair n, Chicafo a"jei Hartzell reached third nnd Borton first Kasterly to pinch hit for him In the of the first on pass and fltengel's two ,84 M i i it of counters In the fifth. With one down Plpp. Tiger first bagger right. The reached third PltUburg.... Murray tore off hts second double, this on tho hit, not on the throw, and the point seventh. the recruit to latter For Golfers and Country Club wear lljJJJJSo""iir4M arose, why shouldn't Hnrtzoll have been sacker, drove in Detroit's two runs with on Wheat's grounder to Maranvllle, which Mado by time shifting for variety's sake to left HIT THAT IS NOT A HIT was retired CoverIey London's Snod-grass- a single In the sixth. Detroit outhlt the two out, but Daubert Bolon t i "rTiT73 Meyers to Magee, 's Font back to third nnd Horton back to mado best Sporting i i i 44 centre. lifted but Sox two to one, but both Clcottn and Rudolph, with a headlong slide Bt. Louis,.., snappy single to left scored Red. llrst, positions they reached regardless when Clothes" o l a iT m of Scott tightened up when danger threat- across llrst base, caught Myers's throw oft n "il i Fred took second on the throw in and of tho throw.
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