Giants Finally Hurdle Phillies and Perch on Two Point Margin at Top of League
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Nvj. -M-- . 8 7 THE SUN," TUESDAY, JULY I, 1013. Giants Finally Hurdle Phillies and Perch on Two Point Margin at Top of League FANS HAIL HIS RETURN TO GAME FIFTY-THRE- E SIAiNTS RISE TO . Inning Fall of All SLIM HITTING, POOR Tigers Seek Lajoie HOLES TO GO INSTEAD OF EIGHTEEN LEAD OF LEAGUE Things Except Runs FIELDING, NO RUNS to Bat After Cobb. "PHE sixth inniiiK of tho Now rETHOIT, Juno 30. If there is York-Athlotl- name ut th any possibility of Larry Lajolo links Jtcquiro TTnJieltlno to Go Polo Grounds yesterday had unlquo Now Yorks Provide Weiik Piny leaving Cleveland, Munutrur Navin in Game Nearly Throe Trounce Phillies features. Thoy wore unique nt the mid Arc Whltcwnsliod of tho Tincrs intends to leave no Hounds, Then f expense of tho Chancenicn. In tho stono unturned to grab the big "Where Bonfon In Flnnl. Errors Almost inning mentioned, with tho homo by Athlotlrs. Frenchman. Mr. Navln called Pres- Equal Hits. team at the but, there camo u tliroo ident Homers on tho long dfstunco base hit, Fifty-thre- a wild fling, a base on balls, telephone this evening and it is e holes of play to decide what n stolen basii nnd then two mora A TIIHKK IJAOOEli WASTED understood offered Ham Crawford was supposed to bo nn eighteen hole bases on balls, yet a run ma- or Bobby Vcach or o amount match Is the record of two lluworth MARGIN OF TWO POINTS not fair golfers In thn course of tho summer cup terialized. MidkifT made the triple of money in exchange for Jjtirry. competition Just completed. IL 11. Cun- vu with none out and but for poor Jlacknion Make Few Swnts, but Tho outcome of tho conference has ningham defeated It. A. Hnzeltlnn 2 up 1 coaching would have made not yet been nnd to play In the final match, but It Shafer, Ruled Out by Umpire, a homo WI111 1 There Arc Come mado public, but it wus Ilazeltlne who found It necessary to 3 run of It. Plank cut in with a wild would not Iw surprising to soo go tho extraordinary dlstanco to hurl, but there was so much delay When Needed. Lajolo In a Detroit uniform. Dr. J. II. W. Lansing In an earlier match. Lets In Herzog to Bat It seems thnt match play nt Hawnrth on tho lino that when MidkifT did Jennings and Navln flguro that Is nlong handicap lines, nnd contestants finishing In Winning Run. come in he was caught at tho plato, - with Lajoio batting behind Ty Cobb, nil even must play another round. The New York Americans yesterday be- Twlio Ilazeltlne and Lansing finished on Daniels walked and stole, and gan a home series with poor ball play the hit and run play, a .forgotten oven terms, nnd It wns on tho seventeenth t Wolter and Cree walked. Schulz ing In several departments nnd were Item In the Tigers' attack, would hole of tho last match that the first BITTER, SNARLING COMBAT blanked by tho Athletics. The Washing-ton- s named ultimately won. Tho complete, struck out just beforo Midklff's Hoston, In- bo revived. visited won un eleven summary of the tournament 1 as follows:' olTacemont, and ning game passed Hox. Sweeney ended tho and the Red In Pi ret Hound-- K. A. Hasettlne (241 beat Dr. J freak inning by forcing Cree. the West the White Hox outplayed the 11. V Lansing CO) 2 un and 1 In play (63 McGraw Dctrolts, nnd tho Cleveland Naps finished EASTERLY DRIVES TWO HOME. holes); J. M Greenfield. Jr, (12) Ixiat P. M i I'scs Three Pitchers, 1201 one run better oft the HI. Louis Applrgate 3 up and 2 to play; T, M than Hedges (141 W 8. Cowle 133) 1 up and 3 Matty ing Seesaw llrowns. Pinch Hitter 1'nctor In White Sua (44) Finish INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. to play; A. II. Wnllacn bent Shin Inouys Victory Over Detroit. (10) 4 up and 2 In play: Irving Brown (Hi brat Kncounter. Yesterday's Itrsnlts. K. L. Bugle 117) 1 up; II. L. Derby 1M1 heal W, Detroit, 30. Detroit wan II Carpenter (131 by P. C. Close Yesterday's Philadelphia, 6; 0. June unable default: lit) Itesalts. New York, beat J. S. Ogsbury (20) 2 up and 1 to play: Washington, 1; 1 Innings), to hit with men on the aacks and Chicago Jersey City. Providence, 4. Boston, (eleven II. II. Cunningham (28) best II. W Martin I: Chicago, Detroit, 4. won the opening clash by hitting Hull () Newark. 4: Baltimore,:. I: 7 up and C to play. Cleveland, 3; Ht. Lunls, :. opportune Hoiind-llszlet- The Giants and Phillies hail a give Montreal, 10: Rochester. 2. and Zamloch at times. Kasteily, Second lne beat Greenfield 2 up ToronlO'ltuffaln Nn ram, tlnffntn pinch hitting for Whlto In the sixth, drove t to play; Wallace beat Hedges 3 up and I take Inning In Phlladtl-Bhl- a liim and and ten combat layrd en route. Detailed CInb Standings. two runners home with a hard smash In play: llrown beat Derby 1 up; Cunningham yesterday. The former overcame a that Vitt waa only able to touch. Vltt beat Close 2 up. ataatltBaT af the Claba. Scml-fln- Round-Haielt- lne brat Wallace 4 large lead of the foes and hacked their and Chose each made threo hits In five w 1. p r W. L r.c. a i - up ami 1 to play; Cunningham beat Brown 3 up way to a victory and first place In the Newark 4a as M7 Baltimore... .33 37 .471 times up. The score: and 1 to play. Rochester. ..40 30 .171 Jersey city.. 31 3D ,403 CHICAGO (A. L.). I DETROIT. Pinal beat Hazeltlne 3 National League. They two 1 have been RufTalo 37 S4 .Ul Montreal 30 .17 .4SD "i!-"i- a ab r h p a e ab r h p a up and to play. m months and a half In reaching the lead, iToviaence.33 oo .478 Toronto : 41 .387 a I I fi 2 1 I 2 0 s 11110 HI them-elve- s Hath.Sb.. Vltl.Jb.... "li which coveted berth they find To-ala- 1 601130 Schedale, sasMSsiS Lord,3b,.. 4066 0 1 0 0 Craw'd.rf. 6 0 110 0 BROWNS MAKE COSTLY SLIPS. for the f.rst tlmu and by the slim 1 Chase, lb.. 6 0 2 10 0 Jersey City In Providence. "3 110 10 1 margin of two points. Two (points are Philadelphia. fc It 5 (ill 48 17 .738 Collins. rf. 4 1110 llVeach.lf,. 4 0 0 1 0 two points, however, especially when they Newark In Baltimore. - Bodle.lf.. 6 0 110 : 1 1 13 0 0 Two Hrrors Bnablr Napa to Win by Rochester In Montreal (two games). Cleveland..., 8 4"47lo"s S8 .000 Schalk.c. 6 3 1 4 2 llsiaiiage.c. 4 0 10 10 go with nrst place. On the eve of the Buffalo In Toronto (two games). 4 0,Uen'ssy,2b 2 0 0 1 1 1 Xcore of 3 to 2. (Hants up Chicago I 3 .64 1114 0 .. 1 0 0 0 0 u lost Western trip the drew to "lilll u nnite.o.. 10102 ruiitiuc Louis, SO. Cleveland took the within close range li Easterly. 10 0 Louden lb 1 0 0 0 1 St. June of the rhlllles, held on Esra MldblfT, peppery sacker, snapped In yesterday's Washington,, 4 "iT S3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 game Browns they little third SKEETEKS WIN IN A ROMP. 44 .838 Uens.p.... 10 Hall.u 2 0 0 0 6 first of the scries from the until came home, then lost ground camp Hp ill tlligli this afternoon by n score of 3 to I Al- with the Athletics. has last vacated his Job on the hospital SO .831 S 100000 for u few days. Last week they fared Boston. 3344 58 84 Totals. .31 II 27 14 Zamloch.p 0 0 0 0 2 0 though outhlt nearly two to one, Cleve- again to move up receiving a royal welcome his Slanajhter Yatea In Ninth Inning and Hipp forth and. list and received from admirers. Detroit 8 28 44 .381 100000 took advantage, of costly errors by considerable help ttrooklyns, 24443 1 land from the Trlaanph by N to 4. Totals . .3.', 4 9 27 13 2 the Hrowns. In the second Inning Pratt St. 3 28 48 reached the tummit yesterday. The LoulS..., .378 tor inning, 11 gave the single. Providcnce, June 30. Jersiy City 348328 Batted white in sixth dronned fly ball, which the visitors Brooklyns grappled with the llostons and next ball to centre for a tllatted for Henucaay in seventh inning. I away game New I 2 3 3 G 4 10 40 one of their runs. In tho ninth Inning Were severely slammid. Hnorigrass also singled, and both he and walked with tha first of the York... J .2: ruauru tor nail 111 sevenin inning. The Cardinals CONTRAST BETWEEN series this by a score 8 to for Kamloch In nlnlh Inning. Williams badly misjudged a ny bull, Meyers scored on McCormlck's straight afternoon of 4 4 27S Hinted put a crimp In Cincinnati's splurge, and Gamea Lost. 17 28 32 30 48 46 0- being drive. Burns flew out, ending the Inning. 4. Thompson was Invincible until the Chicago -1 allowing it to fall safe, one run the Cubs overwhelmed the Pirates.