XYZmaker User Manual

A complete 3D modeling software that lets you create, prepare and print – all in one

1. About XYZmaker XYZmaker is a desktop-based 3D design application by XYZprinting which allows you to make a real object from your imagination. It can import different file type such as “*.stl”, “*.amf”, “*.obj”, “*.ply”, and “*.3mf”, “*NKG”, “*.3CP”.

This 3D modeling software has different set of objects and editing tools wherein you can combine and use to one another in order to create an extra design. And to make your design more realistic and can be print easily, XYZmaker has its function to combine with da Vinci 3D printer series by XYZprinting.

Another good thing about XYZmaker is that it can be used in different Platform. It doesn’t matter if you are using Windows, Mac or . It was made it on different platform just for you!

1-1 System Requirements

To ensure the compatibility of the that you are using, please check the following requirements on the table listed below. [Windows] Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 Software Operating [Mac] Requireme System Mac OSX 10.10, Mac OSX 10.11 and Mac OSX nts 10.12

[Linux] Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04

Minimum Hardware Requirement - CPU: Intel i3 or equivalents (1.5GHz or Hardware Hardware faster), and Intel i5 or i7 is recommended Requireme Requirem - RAM: 4GB ents nts - STORAGE: 1GB free storage for installation. Extra 20 GB free storage for operation.

Other Firmware and Other Third Party Software Considerations Standard common VGA driver on a computer operating system or a graphics card should be OpenGL 2.1 or newer version (provided by display card vendor) to avoid error on XYZmaker.

About .Net Framework On Windows Operating System, XYZmaker software requires .Net Framework to improve its stability and smoothness. XYZmaker has indicated that using old versions may cause some failure in installation and/or malfunction of the software. It is highly recommended that the user should use the latest available version; 4.0 and above. Kindly refer to Microsoft website for more information about .Net framework.

1-2 Installation Instruction Before printing and designing 3D models, please install first XYZmaker. You can get the installer with the bundled disc. For additional information, software updates, technical support, kindly refer on XYZprinting online resources: http://

For Windows and Linux OS, just double click the installer then XYZmaker Setup wizard will display on screen. Just follow the instructions on the screen to finish the process of installation.

On Mac OS, you will also need to double click the installer (*.dmg*) file format and drag it into Application alias.

Congratulations! You’re installation is already complete! You can now launch XYZmaker and start creating and printing 3D object.



1-3 Supported Modeling SW For da Vinci Color, XYZmaker not only could do file slicing but also basic modeling.Furthermore, you can also use other 3rd party software to create color 3D models with texture for da Vinci Color!

File Format Support – For Color Model XYZmaker and the da Vinci Color support the following file formats for printing 3D models: 1. .PLY (We only support vertex texture .ply, not texture materials.) 2. .OBJ – We support textured .OBJ files. This is the most common type of 3D color file being used. Information about the model and it’s texture is stored on 3 different files that should be in the same folder. These files types are: .OBJ, .MTL, and .PNG or .JPG – We also support vertex texture .OBJ files. You only need 1x .OBJ file to show the vertex texture. This type of file is usually created by 3D scanner. 3. .3mf

Recommended Software Below is a list of software that we have tested. Using this software, you can create one or more supported files that can be opened using XYZmaker, our slicing and 3D modelling software: 1. Maya: You can create textured .OBJ files in Maya for XYZmaker with no extra post-processing required. Please make sure you export 1x .OBJ file, 1x .MTL file and at least 1x texture material in .PNG or .JPG image into the same folder. 2. Zbrush: Same as Maya. 3. Win10 Paint: You can create an .3mf file. No extra post-processing is required so you can open this file type directly in XYZmaker.

Software that requires post-processing before being able to open in XYZmaker correctly: 1. Blender: You can create textured .OBJ file in Blender, but to ensure the applied materials will show up in XYZmaker, you need to link the texture material to your model. Below is a tutorial video that shows you how to link texture material. A. Import a file of 3D model B. Click on texture button to add a new texture material . Locate the texture file to link it with the material D. Click on Object Mode -> Texture Paint to preview the texture and make sure the material is applied to your object E. Export the file as .OBJ F. Click on “Write Materials” at the export settings to export materials with your model file G. Import the .OBJ file again and click on texture to confirm you have linked the material successfully

Not Fully Supported Software The software below doesn’t create supported files. 1. Mudbox: You can create an .OBJ file in Mudbox, but it doesn’t include an .MTL file. Please use different other software to create colored models for the da Vinci Color.

Troubleshooting Q: I’ve got 1x .OBJ file, 1x .MTL file and at least 1x texture material in .PNG or .JPG image, but the texture still won’t show up in XYZmaker.

A: Please make sure all files are placed in the same folder and check the texture material path written inside the .MTL file. You can use any type of text editor to open an .MTL file. The .MTL file contains the texture materials’ file name and path info. When opening the file, it should look like below: newmtl Material.001 Ns 96.078431 Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 Kd 0.640000 0.640000 0.640000 Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Ni 1.000000 d 1.000000 illum 2 map_Kd monkey_texture.png

Please pay attention to the last line of each material starting with map_Kd. Behind “map_Kd” follows the path and names of the associated texture material. Sometimes when you transfer and edit the file using different software, the texture material path will be missing or misspelled. Please compare the name of the texture material here with your texture material file name. Even a space or a character difference will cause XYZmaker not able to find your texture material.

Sometimes the .mtl file doesn’t contain info on the last line. There is no “map_KD+ texture material name” line. It happens when you create a 3D model and forget to link its texture material. In this case, please go back to the software you used to create it to link the texture material and save your .OBJ file again.

2. Quick Start When XYZmaker launch, the startup page will display on the screen. It consists of Tips and About XYZmaker. Behind this window is a disabled main window where you can start creating your model. And to start making design, click Start it now!

 Click on Tips to get some idea on how to rotate the workspace using the mouse.

 To know the purpose of XYZmaker software, simply click on About .

 And to get started and make the Main window enabled, click start it now!

 This is the main window of XYZmaker. It consists of Modelbar, Toolbar, Menu Bar and View Tool. All of these has different sub function.

2-1 Model Bar The Model Bar is located at the left corner of the window will surely help you how to start creating a project by putting an object on the plane as it is. You can choose in the model bar which object will be needed in your project, it can be Geometric Figures, Letters, Numbers, Symbols, Special and Tools.

Geometric Figures This are sets of different shapes that will help you to create your design easily. It consists of Cube, Sphere, Roof, Pyramid, Half – pie, Cylinder, Cone, Half – sphere, Hexagonal prism, Paraboloid, Capsule, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron, Octahedron and Tetrahedron.

Letters This consists of uppercase and lowercase set of alphabet. It will be easier for you to customize your design!

Numbers This are set of numerical figures that will help you to customize your design as well.

Symbols This are set of punctuation symbol.

Special Different customized design can be found on Special symbols such as XYZprinting logo and different gear size for designing a car.

Tools Text Generator is the main tool to use in this function. You can choose different font style size depends on what you want.

2-2 Properties Mockup Properties Mockup displays when you have selected object in the workplane. It summarizes the dimension, position and color of the selected object.

1. Position - This will help you to adjust the location of the selected object. You can move it on X, Y or even the Z position. 2. Dimension - This function can be use you to adjust the size of X, Y and Z axis of the selected object. 3. Lock - The function when you want to resize the X, Y and Z uniformly. 4. Color - If you want to change the color of your object, simply click on color and choose your desired color. 5. X-Ray - This function can use this to have a better glance on your object inside. This function is design in order to view the object in transparent mode wherein it is visible and easy to design objects inside another object.

2-3 View Tool The View Tool in the bottom yellow box icon is use to spin the model left or right or to tilt the model up or down. You can also use the plus and minus icons to zoom in and out the work space. This function is added to have a better viewing in the object.

If you have a scroll wheel mouse, you can rely on your mouse buttons, which is even more convenient. Press and hold the right mouse button and drag the mouse around - this is for spinning and tilting the model. Scrolling the mouse wheel up and down lets you zoom. Try out these moves with your mouse -once you get used to using these buttons, you’ll never need to click those navigation buttons again! You can also change the visibility status of the grid by turning On/Off Grid. Just click the square under the Home Icon and the work plane will be disabled, clicking it once again and the work plane will be visible again.

2-4 Object Rotation, Scaling and Movement When you select a figure, you can rescale it and change its dimensions. You can always change its height, length and width either through a property window, or in the small blue circles that surround the figure.

You can also move the object/s through the bounding box that is located in the center of the object. If you can see in the pictures below, there are colored lines (Red Line indicates that Move Only in X-Axis, Green Line indicates that Move Only in Y-axis and Blue Line indicates that Move Only in Z-Axis) that was added to let the users move the object more easily. Rotation can be done through clicking the arrow that surrounds in the object.

3. Tool Bar Tool Bar is located below the Menu Bar and has different commands to help you with your project. These are the buttons that will serve as your shortcuts to much easier functions that you will need.

This includes (from left to right) the Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste, Clone, Group and Ungroup Button, Align, Land, Mirror, Hole and Delete Button lastly with the Grid Button. On the other chapter, you will learn how to use the functions mentioned above.

Undo and Redo To reverse your last Undo, press CTRL+Y or click the Redo button. You can reverse more than one action that has been undone. Redo command will enabled only after using the Undo function.

1. Import any object. In example is Cube.

2. Import another object, example is Sphere.

3. Click Undo.

4. It will revert on the first state. Then click Redo.

5. It will return on the last state.

Copy and Paste Copy and Paste function will allow you to copy one or more object to an alternate location. Just click the Copy icon then Paste in the Toolbar. 1. Import any object, then make sure it is selected. Click the copy icon on the Toolbar.

2. After clicking the copy icon, click Paste to duplicate the object.

Clone Clone function will just duplicate the selected object and paste it in original position. You just need to move the object to see the clone d one. 1. Import or select any object on the workplane then click Clone icon on the Toolbar.

2. Object is already pasted on its original position.

Group and Ungroup The Group Function instructs XYZmaker to combine two or more objects into a single object and can move as a single object. To group the objects, you must select two (2) or more objects using the Ctrl key then click the Group button or Ctrl + G.

1. Import 2 or more object on the workplane.

2. Click Ctrl+A to select all the object then click Group. It is now grouped into one.

3. To ungroup the grouped object, select the grouped object then click Ungroup icon.

Align If you ever want to move and align objects in one command that is exactly what the Align command does. Select the objects that you want to align, and click the Align button. Move the mouse to point it where the position of alignment you want. The lines provided will guide you. Red line indicates Alignment in X Axis; Green Line indicates Y Axis and Blue Line are for Z Axis Alignment.

1. Select the objects that you want to align the position. After selecting, click Align function on the Toolbar.

2. You can select whether you want to align the object on X, Y or Z axis position.


This function is used if your selected object (z axis) is not landed on the workplane. The z axis of the object will revert to 0. Select the object and click the Land button on the tool bar and it will landed on the workplane.

1. Select the object that you want to land on the workplane.

2. After selecting the object, click Land.

3. Object is already landed.

Mirror This function creates a duplicate of your desired object, a reflection of your object in a reversed position. Select the object that you want to duplicate and click the Mirror button in the tool bar. A bounding box will appear for the options of the mirror: Top, Left, Back, Front, Bottom and Right Position. 1. Import or select the object that you want to mirror. After selecting, click the mirror icon.

2. You can choose whether you want to duplicate your object on Top, Back, Bottom, Left, Front and Right.

Hole Hole Function will help you to subtract one object to another. It can be use in single or grouped objects. Select the base that you wanted to holed, click H, and then click the object that you want to remove in the base and click H also. Or you can click the Hole button in the Tool Bar. 1. In order to use the Hole function, you should have 2 objects on the workplane.

2. Select the object that you want to retain then click Hole. (Ex: Purple Object)

3. Purple object is already in Hole state.

4. After selecting the object that you want to retain, select the object that you want to subtract then click Hole. (Ex. I <3 XYZmaker)

5. Holing object is done!

Delete This function will allow you to remove the object you imported in the workplane. 1. Select the object that you want to delete. Then click the delete icon.

2. Object is already deleted on the workplane.

4. Menu Bar Menu Bar consists of File, Edit, View, Plugin, and Help. The entire Menu has different sub – menus which will help you to perform some operations that you will surely like.Menu Bar consists of File, Edit, View, Plugin, and Help. The entire Menu has different sub – menus which will help you to perform some operations that you will surely like.

4-1 File New File This function will just reset the workplane. If there is an object in the workplane and you want to create a new one, just simply go to File then click New File.

1. Click on File.

2. Click on New File.

3. Workplane is already reset.

Open To open a certain file just click File then Open. File type supported to open by XYZmaker are STL, AMF, PLY, OBJ, 3MF and 3w. 1. Click File.

2. Select Open.

3. Select the file that you want to open. It can be STL, OBJ, 3W, PLY or AMF.

4. Click Open on the lower corner.

5. Object is successfully opened on the workplane.

Save and Save as There are two different way of saving file in XYZmaker. First is “Save As” then the other one is “Save”. Choosing Save simply saves your work by updating the last saved version of the file to match the current changes you have on your screen. 1. Open any file. In example, the opened file is 3DBenchy.stl.

2. Resize the object or make any changes.

3. Click File then select Save.

4. It will notify on the status bar that the file is already saved. For save function, notice that it will just rewrite the changes made on 3DBenchy.stl file.

Choosing “Save As...” brings up a prompt to save your work as a file with a different name. For example, you might choose to save a document called “Test.amf” as “Test.stl”. This way, you can save your file at different format. 1. Open any file. (I.E : 3DBenchy.stl)

2. Click File then select Save As. You can choose to save 3DBenchy.stl into AMF, PLY and OBJ file extension.

3. In example, 3DBench.stl is Save As PLY.

4. Save As window will display. Type the desired filename then click Save. In example, the filename set is Try.ply

5. Notice that Title bar changed from 3DBenchy.stl to Try.ply after saving it as PLY.

Add Item This function will help you to combine several objects in the workplane. Once you use the Add Item, you can add any object as many as you can in your current project. 1. Click File then select Add Item.

2. Select the file that you want to add in the workspace then click Add.

3. 3DBenchy object is already added on the workspace. Notice that the cube retain on the workplane.

4-2 Plugin In XYZmaker, you cannot just combine the objects in the model bar to create an objects but you can also use some built in plug-in to make your project extra awesome. It consists of Geometry Generator Plugin, Object Array, Triangular Subdivision, Photo Emboss and Reduce Mesh. This page will show you how to use the plug-in function in order to boost your creativity.

Geometry Generator This function will help you to create several objects by just adjusting the triangles in the objects. Out of one object, you can create different style by just adjusting the value given per object. All the objects in Geometric figure are the contents of the object in this function.

1. Click Plugin then select Geometry Generator.

2. Click the dropdown to view the objects available.

3. In example, the chosen object is Sphere. Set the desired value in the Seek bar then click OK.

Below are the sample output sphere when Warp and Weft is set in different value.

Object Array An Object Array plug-in is a function wherein the object are duplicated in a certain position. The 3 different sub-menus of Object Array plug-in are Array Copy 1D, Array Copy 2D and lastly is Array Copy Circle. You will learn how to use this function on this page, just keep on reading.

1. To use the Object array, there should be a selected object in the workspace.

2. Click Plugin then select Object Array.

3. Object Array window will display. You can choose whether you like to duplicate the object in 1D, 2D or by circle.

Here are the samples using Array Copy 1D, Array Copy 2D and Array Copy Circle.  ARRAY COPY 1D - It will duplicate the object in X axis direction only. The number of the duplicated object depends on the value set on X-Axis Num.

 ARRAY COPY 2D - This function will duplicate the object in X and Y axis direction. The number of duplicated object will depends also on the value set on X-Axis Num and Y-Axis Num.

 ARRAY COPY CIRCLE - For this function, it will duplicate the object in a circular direction. The number of duplicated object depends on the value set on Num.

Triangular Subdivision In order to change the number of the vertices and faces of the object, you can use the Subdivision Triangle Plugin. This will help you to smoothen the surface of the object.

1. To start using Triangular Subdivision, there should be a selected object. In example, the object is cone.

2. Subdivision Triangle window will display. By adjusting the seek bar, you can change the vertices and faces count.

 Quality is set to 1. In order to view the changes in the object, you should click the Preview after setting the quality.

 Quality is set to 2.

 Quality is set to 3.

 Quality is set to 4.

 Quality is set to 5.

Photo Emboss Your creativity will boost more using XYZmaker, because this software will help you to convert your image into 3D image. Well, yeah that’s true! As easy as 1, 2, 3, you can convert your Jpeg, PNG image easily to 3D. It consists of two types in turning your image into 3D.

1. To start converting your image into 3D, click on Plugin then select Photo Emboss.

2. Click Load Picture to select any PNG or JPG image then click Open.

3. After step 2, select what type of photo emboss you want to use. It can either be Stereo Board or Stereo Board Cylinder. In this example, Stereo Board is selected.

4. Below is the example of Photo Emboss using Stereo Board Cylinder.

Reduce Mesh This function is use to reduce or decimate faces count of an object. By simply adjusting the seek bar, you can decimate the object easily.

1. In order to use the Reduce Mesh function, you need to select object in the workplane. (I.E: Cube)

2. After selecting the object, click Plugin then select Reduce Mesh.

3. Set your desired value on the seekbar then click Preview. Below are some examples:

4-3 Help Help Tab will help you to access the About, Feedback, Tutorials and Shortcut Keys. It will surely help you to have more idea about the software.

About XYZmaker This function will show you the version of XYZmaker, as well as the copyright link wherein you can have more idea about the software; you can also send feedback whenever you found some issues on the software by clicking the link in Info.  About XYZmaker Window

 Copyright page

 Support Page

 This will display after clicking Info and you can send feedback regarding the software performance.

Tutorials Object drawing and usage of XYZmaker is easier because of the Tutorials provided. By clicking Tutorials, it will help you to redirect on the website that contains several Tutorials in order to create objects.

Shortcut Keys Shortcut Keys help provide easier and usually quick method of navigating and executing commands in XYZmaker.

4-4 Edit The function inside the Edit menu is just the same with the command in the Toolbar. It has Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste, Clone, Delete, Group, Ungroup, Mirror, Align, Land, Hole and Preferences.

Preferences Preference Window under the Menu Bar – Edit tab, is where we can see the General and Appearance Properties. Coming from the word itself [Preference], users like you can choose your own design, color, language, and where to save the project. That means, this software is for all your preferences! 1. Open XYZmaker.

2. Click on Edit then select Preferences.

3. Preferences Window will display. General Tab consist of Language and autosave while on Display Tab, it consists of Background and Object Color.

Display In display, you can customize XYZmaker. You can set the color of the main window depends on what you wanted. Object color can also be change depends on what you want.

BACKGROUND This function is use to change that color of the main window into your preferred color. In short, you can customize your window. 1. Open XYZmaker.

2. Click Edit then select Preferences.

3. Click Display Tab click on Background, choose the color that you want to apply then click OK. After choosing desired color, click OK again.

4. Background color changed!

OBJECT COLOR This function is applicable only to STL and 3mf. In this function, you can set the color of STL and 3mf object when opening it in XYZmaker. In example, you want o make your object color is pink when opening. 1. Click on Display Tab then click on Objects (.stl or .3mf). Choose the color that you want to apply then click OK. After choosing desired color, click OK again.

2. Object color changed to pink.

5. Printer Plugin 5-1 XYZmaker – Printer Plugin This is a special feature of XYZmaker wherein you can connect directly to any da Vinci series printer. You can also perform slicing using different parameters depends on the chosen printer. It consists of Print for sending job and Dashboard that is especially design for non LCD printer like miniMaker, mini Wi-Fi and da Vinci nano. 1. Open the object or design an object that you want to print.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Print Window will display then click on PREPARE. Please take note of the printer that you want to use.

4. Click on Print.

5-2 Export Export will save the file into a *.3w format. A .3w is the specific file format that is developed solely for the "da Vinci" series 3D printers. Programs like XYZmaker will make slicing calculations from file type supported and store the printing profile within .3w file, which will speed up your next 3D printing project. 1. Open any object or create any design.

2. Click File then Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click Prepare.

4. Object is already sliced. After slicing, you can send it directly to printer or you can save it as 3w.

5-3 Export Saving Saving 3w file is essential especially when you want to have backup of the file with special settings on printing. 1. Open any object or create any design.

2. Click File then Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click Prepare.

4. Click Save then it will save as 3w.

5. Save Window will display. Simply type the filename then click Save to save it as 3w file.

5-4 Object Information This will shows the printing settings while exporting the file. To change any printing settings of the file, please conduct export process again with new set of print preferences. 1. Open any object or create any design.

2. Click File then Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click Prepare.

4. Click Object Information.

5. Parameters set during slicing will display in Object Information.

5-5 Quality Print quality will impact the estimated time it will take for an object to print. For example, high quality prints will take longer to make than low quality prints as each layer printed is thinner creating a more detailed finish.

5-6 Raft Printing thinner and longer objects require more attention due to the shapes physical instability; the object may buckle or twist under its own weight. When printing long thin objects, you should consider increasing the area of contact between your object and the print bed by checking the “Raft” box. Rafts create stability and can be removed after your object has been printed. 1. Import a long or thing object that you want to print.

2. Click on File then select Print – da Vinci Printer

3. Select the printer that you want to use. Then enable Raft.

4. Notice that there is an added raft on the surface.

5-7 Support The supportive structures are printed according to the objects features. Support is used to create structural strength and ensure that your model does not collapse during the printing process. You can set the Support Density to Low, Medium and High if the material set is ABS. 1. Import any object that has overhang parts.

2. Click File then Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. When Printer Window display, enable Support then click Prepare.

4. Notice that the overhang parts has already support structure.

5-8 Brim Brim function allows users to enlarge the range of contact with bottom area of print bed in printing relatively elongated object to prevent swing due to print from influencing print quality. 1. Import any object.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Enable Brim and set the Brim Width.

4. Notice that there is an added Brim on the surface.

5-9 Infill Density Before printing, users may use this function to adjust the print density of the object(s). The default printer setting on the da Vinci 3D printer will create the internal structure of the object(s) based on honeycomb structures. Using the 3D density pull-down menu, you can adjust the honeycomb structure density from hollow to high to create desired strength requirements.

1. Import object or create any design.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on General then select Infill Density. Infill Density ranges from 10 – 100.

5-10 Layer Height By setting different layer heights, you can alter the thickness of each layer that your printer creates. The printed layer thickness can be adjusted between 0.1mm – 0.4mm. For best results, we recommend 0.2-0.3mm layer printing.

5-11 Speed Printing Speed is use to change the settings based on the size and precision of the object. In general a better object quality is accompanied with a lower printing speed. It can be Slow, Standard or Fast; while if the Layer Height set is 0.2mm, the Printing Speed options are Low, Medium, High and Fast.

1. Import any object or create any design.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on General then Select Layer Height and input the desired value.

5-12 General – Pro Settings This function supports adjustment for print structure of object, and the use of setting options of structure density and print in conjunction to result in different effects. 1. Import any object or design any object that you want to print.

2. Click File then Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Select da Vinci Junior 1.0 Professional or any Professional series printer. General will display in the box below:

5-13 Temperature Operating temperature of print bed and print module is adjusted. The temperature information is saved in object slicing information.

1. Import any object.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Select the printer then click on General then set the Temperature.

5-14 Normal For the number of print layers of the shell for the body of the object, two layers (layer = 3) are printed from outside to inside to obtain robust shell layer and repair defects due to print of the first layer, such that neither void nor hole is resulted on surface.

1. Import any object.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on General then select Shell Thickness Normal and set the desired value.

5-15 Top Surface The top is usually the last part of object in print process. Users may adjust the number of layers to be printed on the top. Larger number of print layers, if used, will result in denser and more solid sealing structure on the top.

1. Import any object then click on File and select Print – da Vinci Printer.

2. Click on General and select Shell Thickness Top Surface. Value are ranges from 1-10.

5-16 Bottom Surface Before it prints the infill structure of the bottom part of the print object, a complete and solid bottom surface of object is printed. A perfect void free bottom surface is usually resulted through three-layer print (layer = 3). In addition to bottoming effect, better object stability is provided in printing.

If you are accustomed to the settings of those printer that does not support of third party filament with style of selection for shell thickness, please refer to the following information setup:  Thin: 1 layer  Normal: 2 layers  Thick: 3 layers If the top part and solid layer (infill) are set to 0, the result will be hollow object. 1. Import any object or create any design.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Select any Professional Printer. Click on General and set the desired value on Shell Thickness Bottom Surface.

5-17 Shells Shells are the outer layer of the object. Thick shells end in better printing quality but take longer for printing. Thin shells shorten the duration of printing but may be vulnerable to break. Shells Normal Print speed of object body is the key for time and quality of finished product printing. Extremely good effect is available for most print objects with adjustment with lower print speed and appropriate layer height. Shell Surface For print speed of object surface, adjustment of print speed for the outermost portion may change print quality of the surface directly and may differ from print speed of internal infill structure, improving print quality of the object and optimizing the entire print time. Small Radius If the object has an arc structure with a radius roughly below 2.2 mm, print speed may be adjusted through such setup. For small radius print, adjustment of speed may result in more stable heap of print materials. 1. Import any object or create any design.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Select Professional Printer then click on speed to set Shells Normal, Shell Surface and Shell Small Radius.

Hint: Excessively fast print speed might result in unstable squeeze of materials. A print speed between 15 mm/s – 60 mm/s is relatively appropriate. Filament type will affect print quality. If a minimal speed of 5 mm/s is used for printing, the object will take a very long time to print.

When increasing print speed, please pay attention to the need for operating temperature increase for the extruder to prevent extruder discharge failure due to insufficient material supply.

5-18 Infill You can adjust the print style of infill structure for different parts of an object. When setting a print infill structure, it is recommended to use quicker speed. A print speed between 30 mm/s and 60 mm/s is appropriate. A print speed below 30 mm/s has limited benefit to object forming quality

1. Import any object.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Speed then set the desired value of Infill Normal, Infill Top Surface and Solid Infill.

5-19 Others Bridges Printing Speed As an object is printed in a pattern similar to a "∏" shape, shorter distance between two endpoints will not result in print support structure to start print, which is referred to as Print Bridges. Quicker print bridges speed may prevent object from sag. Non-printing movement Speed Non- printing movement speed describes the movement speed at which the print module does not discharge in the area not for printing. Bottom Layer Speed This pertains for the printing speed for the bottom-most layer. Slower speed will ensure better fixation and stability. Hint: Cooperation of retraction speed and other print speeds will affect feeding stability directly in printing. Print speed slightly faster than the retraction speed would prevent material squeeze from interrupt.

5-20 Retraction It is an action where the filament will be drawn back from the nozzle. It consists of different parameters such as Retract Length, Activate Threshold, Nozzle Lifting for Retraction and Add Extra Filament after Travel. 1. Import any object or create any design.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Scroll the parameters list and check for Retraction.

5-21 Retract Length In printing object, before large movement of print module, print filament will be drawn back, such that slight negative pressure occurs in print nozzle, preventing material from adhering to the object while moving, improving surface quality of print object. 1. Import any object or create any design.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Retraction and set the desired value of Retract Length.

5-22 Activate Threshold Such setting will allow users to set up retraction mechanism activation style. For setup mode, users usually specify the minimal print module movement distance for retraction mechanism activation. 1. Import any object.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Retraction then set the desired value on Activate Threshold.

5-23 Lifting Extruder Height After retraction, the print module will be elevated slightly with such setup value. Such action prevents material from adhering to the object, and makes a more orderly final print stop point. However, it should be noted that excessively large elevation will extend print preparation time for the next print layer, and portions of angles may results cooling and difficult to bond conditions between layers. 1. Import any object or create any design.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Retraction then set the desired value for Nozzle Lifting Retraction.

5-24 Extrusion Ratio Extrusion volume can be adjusted for the shell or infill; default setting is 100%. This value can be reduced to reduce the amount of extruded filament which results in thinner lines. Raising the setting would increase the amount of extruded material, the level of saturation, and thicker lines.

Shell Extrusion Ratio Extrusion range is 80% to 200%. Increasing shell extrusion will result in a thicker shell, while reduced shell extrusion will generate a thinner shell. In order to obtain a thicker shell, the user may adjust layer height, the percentage of shell extrusion ratio can be reduced to reduce sample redundancy.

Infill Extrusion Ratio The range of the extrusion is 80% to 200%. Increasing the infill extrusion ratio will cause the infill lines to be more compact, while reducing infill extrusion ratio would generate thinner lines. To create a better-stuffed and sturdier product, the user may adjust layer height and shell thickness as well as reduce the percentage of infill extrusion ratio to improve the quality of the finished product.

1. Import any object or create any design.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Extrusion Ratio then set the desired value for Shell and Infill Extrusion Ratio.

5-25 Printer Plugin Dashboard The Dashboard is a special feature that is designed for da Vinci Mini Series printer (da Vinci miniMaker, da Vinci miniWifi and da Vinci nano). It will serve as a caption panel of miniseries printer. Operations like Loading/Unloading Filament/ Clean Nozzle and other related operations on extruder and printer can be done easily with the help of XYZmaker Dashboard.

5-26 Clean Nozzle Once this function is selected, the nozzle will heat up automatically and move the nozzle to a proper location where you can easily clear away all residual filaments in the nozzle. 1. Connect to printer.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard

4. Click on Extruder then select Clean Nozzle.

5. Click start to begin.

6. The printer will start heating.

7. After heating, place the cleaning wire through the nozzle.

8. After cleaning, click on Finish.

5-27 Extruder Info This will display the information of the extruder inserted to connected printer. It will show the Temperature, Diameter, Serial Number and Total Print Time of the extruder. 1. Connect to printer.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click Dashboard.

4. Click on Extruder then select Info.

5-28 Load Filament Loading of filament for non LCD printers is made easier using XYZmaker. By simply following the procedure below, you can load your filament in a just a minute. Make sure that your connected printer has spool with filament placed on the spool holder. 1. Connect to printer.

2. Click on File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click Dashboard.

4. Click Filament then select Load Filament.

5. Click start to begin.

6. Heating process will begin and wait for the filament to extrude.

7. After extruding filament, click Finish.

5-29 Unload Filament Same as loading of filament, unloading can also be done easily in miniseries printers with just a simple step. Just follow the procedure in the image and you can unload your filament successfully. 1. Connect to printer.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click on Filament then select Unload Filament.

5. Click Start to begin heating.

6. Wait until the heating is done.

7. After unloading filament, click on Finish to complete the process.

5-30 Jog Mode Jog mode enables you to freely move the extruder module along the X, Y and Z-axis. This is useful for maintenance and repair. It manually adjusts the movement of X/Y/Z Axis for printer maintenance.

First click on [Home Axes]. The printing device will be returned to the initial axis position at the lower left corner of the printing area. Then adjust the positions of the printing module (X-AXIS), printing platform (Y-AXIS), and printing axes (Z-AXIS). When you select “X-AXIS” it will move the extruder rightwards and leftwards, while if you select “Y-AXIS” the print bed will move forwards and backwards hence if you select “Z-AXIS” the print axis (Z-AXIS) will move upwards and downwards. 1. Connect to printer.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click SetUp then select Jog Mode.

5. To start the Jog Mode, the extruder should be in the Home position, so click on Home Axes.

6. You can now start using Jog Mode function.

When clicking Home Axes, the extruder will move to its Home position.

Choosing X axis, the extruder will move to the left or to the right.

When you choose Y axis, the Printbed will move backward and forward.

While, choosing Z, the extruder will move downward or upward.

5-31 Calibrate Platform calibration may be implemented before the printing process. The printing device may move to the lower left corner of the printing area. Please refer to the platform calibration instructions provided in the software.

Before calibration, press Button A of the printing module. After calibration, press Button B on the printing module in order to retract the sensor device. If calibration was failed, please make sure that Button A (detector) has been pressed before restarting the calibration process. 1. Make sure that you are connected to printer.

2. Click on File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click SetUp then select Calibrate.

5. Click start to begin.

6. Extruder is moving to Home position. This may take a few minutes.

7. Press the detect module on the extruder, as shown in the image. Then click Next.

8. Calibration will start. It may take a few minutes.

9. When the calibration is completed, you need to disable the detect module by pressing the button shown in the image. Click Finish to complete the process.

5-32 Z Offset This function will help you to adjust the printing distance between the bed and the printing module. Each adjust has step of 0.05mm. If the first layer distance is too high (too large) or too low (too close), we recommend you using z-offset to adjust the printing distance. 1. Connect to printer. Make sure that the printer is ready.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click on SetUp then select Z offset.

5. Choose whether you want to decrease or increase the Z-Offset. In example, the selected is increase the distance between the print bed and the print module.

6. After changing the value, click Accept if you want to apply the changes or Default if you want to return the value in default one.

5-33 Others In Others, you can enable or disable the Buzzer, Auto Level and Restore Default command. Automatic horizontal calibration may either be ON or OFF. Default: ON. The software would automatically implement horizontal calibration and compensation accordingly. Printing speed may be improved if automatic horizontal calibration has been switched OFF. However, this may affect printing quality.

Buzzer is turned on by default; you can select “OFF” to change the setting. When the buzzer is turned on, the printer will output an audible signal when a button is pressed, receiving data, print job is finished, or issue is detected. While using “Restore Default” all settings will be reset to factory default. 1. Connect to any printer with lower firmware version.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click SetUp then click Others.

5. You can turn on the Buzzer and the Auto Level. Click OK to accept changes, Default to return to default value, while if you don’t want to apply changes click Cancel.

5-34 Firmware Upgrade For the best 3D printing experience, please keep the software and/or firmware updated. Updating is simple: Just connect the printer then click on File  Print  da Vinci Printer  Printer Plugin Select the printer on the dropdown list  Click Dashboard  Setup  FW Upgrade.

Note: Please make sure that you have Internet access on the PC before updating the Firmware or XYZmaker Software.

1. Connect to any printer with lower Firmware version.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click on SetUp then select FW Upgrade.

5. Click Upgrade Now to begin. Please do not turn off or interrupt the printer while it is upgrading.

6. After upgrading, it will display that the firmware version is already updated.

5-35 Info Printer Information can be view under SetUp  Info. It will display all the Printer Information, Connection Information, and Calibrate Information. All of these will be summed up on this page. 1. Connect to any printer.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click SetUp then select Info.

5. You can view the Printer Information, Connection Information and Calibration Information.

5-36 Wireless Communication The network printing function is only available when the printer and the computer are both connected to the same wireless network. 1. Setup the wireless network on your PC and connect to any printer that support wireless sending job.

2. Click File->Print->da Vinci Printer.

3. Click SetUp->Wireless.

4. Click Scan.

5. Select the Wireless network where your PC is connected.

6. Key-in the Password then click Start Wi-Fi.

7. Start attempting connection.

8. Start Wi-Fi button will become Stop Wireless Connection/ Change Setting when already connected.

6. Printer Plugin About da Vinci nano da Vinci nano is one of the major and newest products of XYZprinting. Just like da Vinci mini Wi-Fi, da Vinci miniMaker, and many more printers by XYZ, this one can be operate with the help of XYZmaker. It uses PLA filament and has a perfect size to keep at home or even in the office. This printer is always ready to produce and create to your heart’s desire.

6-1 Printer Plugin A special feature that XYZmaker has is that you can connect it directly to any da Vinci series printer by XYZmaker. There are several options, settings that were designed for you. 1. Create any design that you want to print. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

2. Select da Vinci nano on the list then click Prepare.

3. Click Print to send job to printer.

6-2 Export Export will save the file into a *.3w format. A .3w is the specific file format that is developed solely for the "da Vinci" series 3D printers. Programs like XYZmaker will make slicing calculations from file type supported and store the printing profile within .3w file, which will speed up your next 3D printing project. 1. Create any design that you want to print. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

2. Select da Vinci nano on the list then click Prepare.

3. Click Save to save as 3w.

6-3 Object Information This will shows the printing settings while exporting the file. To change any printing settings of the file, please conduct export process again with new set of print preferences. 1. Create any design that you want to print. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

2. Select da Vinci nano on the list then click Prepare.

3. Click on Object Information.

4. Object Information will display.

6-4 Quality Print quality will impact the estimated time it will take for an object to print. For example, high quality prints will take longer to make than low quality prints as each layer printed is thinner creating a more detailed finish.

6-5 Raft Printing thinner and longer objects require more attention due to the shapes physical instability; the object may buckle or twist under its own weight. When printing long thin objects, you should consider increasing the area of contact between your object and the print bed by checking the “Raft” box. Rafts create stability and can be removed after your object has been printed. 1. Import a long or thing object that you want to print. Click on File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

2. Select da Vinci nano in the printer list. Enable Raft then click Prepare.

3. Object has already Raft.

6-6 Support The supportive structures are printed according to the objects features. Support is used to create structural strength and ensure that your model does not collapse during the printing process. 1. Import any object that has overhang parts.

2. Click File then Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. When Printer Window display, enable Support then click Prepare.

4. Overhang parts has already support.

6-7 Brim Brim function allows users to enlarge the range of contact with bottom area of print bed in printing relatively elongated object to prevent swing due to print from influencing print quality. 1. Import any object.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Enable Brim and set the Brim Width.

4. Notice that there is an added Brim on the surface.

6-8 Infill Density Before printing, users may use this function to adjust the print density of the object(s). The default printer setting on the da Vinci 3D printer will create the internal structure of the object(s) based on honeycomb structures. Using the 3D density pull-down menu, you can adjust the honeycomb structure density from hollow to high to create desired strength requirements.

1. Import object or create any design.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on General then select Infill Density. Infill Density ranges from 10 – 100.

6-9 Shells Shells are the outer layer of the object. Thick shells end in better printing quality but take longer for printing. Thin shells shorten the duration of printing but may be vulnerable to break.

The strength of the object is affected by the setting of 3D density and shell. To ensure the sustainability of objects of different size, shape and purpose, different density and shell settings will be required.


1. Import object or create any design.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on General then set the Shells. It can be Normal, Thin or Thick.

6-10 Layer Height By setting different layer heights, you can alter the thickness of each layer that your printer creates. The printed layer thickness for da Vinci nano can be adjusted between 0.1mm – 0.3mm. For best results, we recommend 0.2-0.3mm layer printing.

6-11 Speed Printing Speed is use to change the settings based on the size and precision of the object. In general a better object quality is accompanied with a lower printing speed. It can be Slow, Standard or Fast only.

1. Import object or create any design.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Set the Printing speed by clicking General then select Print Speed.

6-12 Dashboard The Dashboard is a special feature that is designed for non LCD printers (da Vinci miniMaker, da Vinci miniWifi and da Vinci nano). It will serve as a caption panel of those non-LCD printers. Operations like Loading/Unloading Filament/ Clean Nozzle and other related operations on extruder and printer can be done easily with the help of XYZmaker Dashboard.

6-13 Clean Nozzle Once this function is selected, the nozzle will heat up automatically and move the nozzle to a proper location where you can easily clear away all residual filaments in the nozzle. 1. Connect the PC to da Vinci nano.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click on Extruder then select Clean Nozzle.

5. Click start to begin.

6. The printer will start heating.

7. After heating, place the cleaning wire through the nozzle. Then click on Finish to complete the process.

6-14 Extruder Information This will display the information of the extruder inserted to connected printer. It will show the Temperature, Diameter, Serial Number and Total Print Time of the extruder. 1. Connect the PC to da Vinci nano printer.

2. Click File then select Print – da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click on Extruder then select Info.

5. Extruder Information will display. It includes Temperature, Nozzle Diameter, Total Print Time and Serial Number.

6-15 Load Filament Even da Vinci nano doesn’t have LCD panel unlike any other printers, as easy as them, you can perform the loading and unloading of filament using XYZmaker in a very simple step. Just follow the instruction below and wait for the extrusion process. 1. Connect the PC to da Vinci nano.

2. Click File then select Print - da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click Filament then select Load Filament.

5. Click start to begin.

6. Heating process will begin and wait for the filament to extrude.

7. After extruding filament, click Finish.

6-16 Unload Filament Same as loading of filament, unloading can also be done easily in miniseries printers with just a simple step. Just follow the procedure in the image and you can unload your filament successfully. 1. Connect the PC to da Vinci nano.

2. Click File then select Print - da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click on Filament then select Unload Filament.

5. Click Start to begin heating.

6. Wait until the heating is done.

7. After unloading filament, click on Finish to complete the process.

6-17 Jog Mode Jog mode enables you to freely move the extruder module along the X, Y and Z-axis. This is useful for maintenance and repair. It manually adjusts the movement of X/Y/Z Axis for printer maintenance.

First click on [Home Axes]. The printing device will be returned to the initial axis position at the lower left corner of the printing area. Then adjust the positions of the printing module (X-AXIS), printing module (Y-AXIS), and printing axes (Z-AXIS). When you select “X-AXIS” it will move the extruder rightwards and leftwards, while if you select “Y-AXIS” the extruder will move forwards and backwards hence if you select “Z-AXIS” the print axis (Z-AXIS) will move upwards and downwards. 1. Connect your PC to da Vinci nano.

2. Click File then select Print - da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click SetUp then select Jog Mode.

5. To start the Jog Mode, the extruder should be in the Home position, so click on Home Axes.

6. You can now start using Jog Mode function.

When clicking Home Axes, the extruder will move to its Home position.

Choosing X axis, the extruder will move to the left or to the right.

When you choose Y axis, the extruder will move backward and forward.

While, choosing Z, the extruder will move downward or upward.

6-18 Calibrate Platform calibration should be implemented before the printing process. The printing device may move to the lower left corner of the printing area. Please refer to the platform calibration instructions provided in the software.

Before calibration, press Button A of the printing module. After calibration, press Button B on the printing module in order to retract the sensor device. If calibration was failed, please make sure that Button A (detector) has been pressed before restarting the calibration process. 1. Connect the PC to da Vinci nano.

2. Click File then select Print - da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click SetUp then select Calibrate.

5. Click start to begin.

6. Extruder is moving to Home position. This may take a few minutes.

7. Press the detect module on the extruder, as shown in the image. Then click Next.

8. Calibration will start. It may take a few minutes.

9. When the calibration is completed, you need to disable the detect module by pressing the button shown in the image. Click Finish to complete the process.

6-19 Z Offset This function will help you to adjust the printing distance between the bed and the printing module. Each adjust has step of 0.05mm. If the first layer distance is too high (too large) or too low (too close), we recommend you using z-offset to adjust the printing distance. 1. Connect the PC to da Vinci nano.

2. Click File then select Print - da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click on SetUp then select Z offset.

5. Choose whether you want to decrease or increase the Z-Offset. In example, the selected is increase the distance between the print bed and the print module.

6. After changing the value, click Accept if you want to apply the changes or Default if you want to return the value in default one.

6-20 Others In Others, you can enable or disable the Buzzer, Auto Level and Restore Default command. Automatic horizontal calibration may either be ON or OFF. Default: ON. The software would automatically implement horizontal calibration and compensation accordingly. Printing speed may be improved if automatic horizontal calibration has been switched OFF. However, this may affect printing quality.

Buzzer is turned on by default; you can select “OFF” to change the setting. When the buzzer is turned on, the printer will output an audible signal when a button is pressed, receiving data, print job is finished, or issue is detected. While using “Restore Default” all settings will be reset to factory default. 1. Connect the PC to da Vinci nano.

2. Click File then select Print - da Vinci Printer.

3. Click on Dashboard.

4. Click SetUp then click Others.

5. You can turn on the Buzzer and the Auto Level. Click OK to accept the changes, Default to return to default value, while if you don’t want to apply changes click Cancel.