Constitutional Court Judgment No. 5/1981, of February 13 (Unofficial Translation)
Constitutional Court Judgment No. 5/1981, of February 13 (Unofficial translation) The Plenum of the Constitutional Court, comprising the Senior Judges Manuel García-Pelayo y Alonso, Chairman, Jerónimo Arozamena Sierra, Angel Latorre Segura, Manuel Díez de Velasco Vallejo, Francisco Rubio Llorente, Gloria Begué Cantón, Luis Díez-Picazo y Ponce de León, Francisco Tomás y Valiente, Rafael Gómez-Ferrer Morant, Angel Escudero del Corral, Antonio Truyol Serra and Placido Fernández Viagas, has ruled IN THE NAME OF THE KING the following J U D G M E N T In the unconstitutionality appeal against various precepts of the Organic Law 5/1980 of 19 June regulating the Schools Statute proposed by sixty four Senators and represented by the Commissioner T.Q.S.F.C., in which the State Attorney entered an appearance representing the government and with Francisco Tomás y Valiente acting as Rapporteur with the proviso indicated in paragraph 1.15. Conclusions of Law 1. The State Attorney claims the inadmissibility of the appeal on the grounds that the Commissioner appointed by the Senators in this appeal assumes, in virtue of art. 82.1 of the OLCC, their representation, however he cannot also take on its legal direction on which the aforementioned precept is “silent”. In the light of this silence, the State Attorney considers that the norm contained in art. 81.1 of the same Law is applicable, according to which “ad litem representative” and legal director are two distinct persons”. Furthermore, the Government representative bases his argument on the text of art. 864 of the Organic Law of the Judiciary which, according to the State Attorney “prohibits … the simultaneous performance of the duties of legal counsel and the activities of court agent”.
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