Rockland St Mary with Hellington Meeting of with Hellington Parish Council held on Wednesday 8th April 2020 This meeting was conducted by the Zoom facility

Meeting ID: 105 824 999

Present: Cllrs Kate Bevington (Chair) , Catherine McCormick, Nikki Green, Paul Francis, Mike Hayward and Ernie Green.

Monica Armstrong attended as Clerk and one member of the public logged in.

Councillor Bevington opened the meeting by thanking Councillors and the Clerk for their work and ongoing support to the community during these very difficult times.

17.913 Apologies for absence :- District Councillor Vic Thomson sent his apologies. NOTED.

17.914 Declarations of interest: - There were no declarations of interest. NOTED.

17.915 Minutes:- Minutes of the meeting held on the 11th March 2020, copies of which had been circulated to all Councillors, were agreed and will be signed as a correct record by the Vice- Chair. AGREED AND NOTED.

17.916 Matters arising:- 17.916.1 Grit bin at Hellington - Councilor Francis has sent the Clerk details of the type of salt bin appropriate for Hellington. The Clerk will arrange for this to be ordered when normal services resume. NOTED 17.916.2 Hellington Signs - The Clerk reported that she had received an email from Gary Overland of County Council Highways Department stating he had inspected the “finger arm” and “give way” signs at Hellington and, although acknowledging these were not in perfect order, as both signs were still fit for purpose he would not be looking to replace either at the present time. NOTED 17.961.3 Sign from Hellington entering Rockland - Regarding the sign on entry to Rockland St Mary from Hellington, the Norfolk County Council designer had produced a design which was now with the manufacturers. This will be paid for from the Local Members’ Budget. NOTED 17.961.4 Verge at The Street – In his email to the Clerk Mr. Overland stated he would arrange for the overrun verge to be repaired with soil and seeded. This was not the repair originally indicated to Councillors. It was agreed the Clerk would refer to previous correspondence to check what repair work had originally been proposed. AGREED AND NOTED

17.961.5 Welcome Pack - Councillor E Green reported that the updated version had almost been completed. NOTED 17.961.6 20 mph sign School Lane – Councillor E Green said that the alternative company he had approached had provided a quote which proved not to be competitive and therefore the only viable supplier would be Westotec. The Clerk had contacted Gary Overland to see whether the Parish Partnership Scheme would be running in the new financial year and if it would be appropriate to apply for a grant for the 20 mph signs. She was awaiting a reply. NOTED 17.961.6 Greater Local Plan - District Councilor Vic Thomson had previously reported to the Clerk that the “cluster work” was ongoing but he did not anticipate hearing anything further until the coronavirus restrictions had been lifted. NOTED 17.961.7 Update on refuse bins at The Staithe - All work suspended under current restrictions. NOTED

17.962 To agree the criteria for Community Infrastructure Levy Expenditure:- Councillor Bevington had drafted criteria for the Rockland Community Infrastructure Levy Expenditure together with an application form for any organisation that wishes to submit a proposal. Councillor Hayward had suggested some additions and others were made by Councillors at the meeting. These were agreed. Councillor Bevington will amend and circulate. The Clerk had received confirmation that the Parish Council had been successful in its bid for match funding for the Gateways with the Parish Council’s contribution being £2,175.00 coming from the CIL budget as agreed at a previous meeting.

Councillors Bevington, McCormick, E Green and Hayward agreed to form a sub-committee to assess CIL applications using the criteria and report back to a full parish council meeting. It was further agreed that two named Councillors should oversee any given project. AGREED AND NOTED

Councillor Francis had submitted to Councillors a quote from Signs Express for the sign at Hellington costing £299.83 including VAT which was considerably cheaper than the first quotation he had had for £400. Councillor E Green asked whether the sign would require Highway’s permission but, as it was to be fixed to the notice board, this would not be necessary. On the proposal of Councillor McCormick seconded by Councillor N Green it was agreed to go ahead with the project, using Signs Express and payment which has been designated from a previous Hellington CIL allocation. Councillor Francis will action. AGREED AND NOTED

17.963 Planning matters:- 17.963.1 New applications – No new applications had been received. NOTED 17.963.2 Decisions – A decision had been received in respect of 2020/0281 70A The Street Rockland St Mary Norfolk NR14 7AH Proposal: Demolition of conservatory and erection of ground floor extension, including a velux window in rear elevation. Approved with conditions. NOTED

17.964 Financial matters:- 17.964.1 Orders for payment – There were seven orders for payment - Society of Local Councils £92.00; Village Caretaker £180.00; N Green cost of printing and ancillary expenses for coronavirus leaflet £134.20; Norfolk County Council £2,175.00 contribution towards

gateways; Norfolk Association of Local Councils £180.00; Clerk’s salary and expenses £337.32; Norfolk Parish Training and Support £105.00. On the proposal of Councillor McCormick, seconded by Councillor Francis, these payments were approved. AGREED AND NOTED 17.964.2 Balance at Bank - The current balance at the bank was £34,685.00 less payments above. The Clerk reiterated that a large proportion of this sum related to the CIL money received in respect of The Orchids. NOTED 17.964.3 Insurance renewal – Some members of the Council had not been sent through the documents from Came and Company by the Clerk. After discussion it was agreed the Clerk should contact Came and Co for their quote and, if possible, obtain quotes from two additional insurers and report back to Councillors. The Clerk had reminded Councillors that amendments to policy costs will be made throughout the year with additional premiums payable when new equipment at Green Lane is installed and any additional street furniture purchased.

The Clerk reported that she was preparing the end of year accounts. After discussion Councillors agreed that the fencing installed by Prestige Fencing at Green Lane be coded under CIL as it serves as an improvement to the area. Proposed by Councillor E Green seconded Councillor Hayward. The Clerk will action. AGREED AND NOTED.

17.964.4 PCC contribution towards the new area of the churchyard- The Parochial Church Council makes an annual contribution towards the cutting of the new area of the churchyard. For a number of years this has been £105.00. After discussion it was agreed by Councillors that the contribution for 2019/20 should remain at £105. In the past the Clerk said contractors had provided a break-down of the churchyard costs. Overall grass -cutting costs had significantly decreased since the Village Caretaker took over the work. It was agreed the PCC contribution should be reviewed for the next financial year. The Clerk will ask the Village Caretaker to itemize his time cutting the churchyard grass and this will be used to re-evaluate future PCC contributions based on evidence of the actual cost. The Clerk will submit an invoice to the PCC. AGREED AND NOTED

17.964.5 Defibrillators – Councillor Hayward said replacement pads for the two defibrillators will be needed soon. These cost £40.00 each. On the proposal of Councillor N Green seconded by Councillor Francis it was agreed Councillor Hayward should order these. AGREED AND NOTED

17.965 Climate Emergency:- There was nothing to report due to the Covid restrictions. NOTED

17.966 Distribution of newsletter:- Councillor Bevington will update her text of the Spring Newsletter and send to Councillor N Green to design. Councillors agreed with her suggestion that, in contributing to a reduction of carbon footprint and printing costs, from now on the newsletter will be posted on the website and notice boards with a few hardcopies made available at the post office for people who do not have access to the internet. Councillor McCormick suggested that this is also explained in the newsletter. NOTED

17.967Correspondence: - 17.967.1 Feedback from previous correspondence – There was no feedback from previous correspondence. 17.967.2 Correspondence circulated prior to the meeting –

Document Circulated via email Emails re. flyer for residents on Coronavirus Various dates Email from resident re. coronavirus and Clerk’s response 14.03.2020 Email from “Liquid Eleven” 20.03.2020 Email re PP award 22.03.2020 Broads Briefing 22.03.2020

Norwich Western Link Local Access Consultation 22.3.2020 Newsletter from Engagement Officer 22.3.2020 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Town/Parish Council briefing 25.3.2020 The Covid-19 Community Response Fund 25.3.2020 Email re arrangements for response to Covid-19 across the towns 27.3.2020 and parishes of

NHS : 30.03.2020 Coronavirus Message from the Clinical Commissioning Group Covid 19 and General Data Protection 03.04.2020 Broads Briefing 03.04.2020 Email from Gary Overland Highways Engineer NCC 03.04.2020 Black Horse Dyke Risk Assessment 05.04.2020 Parish Council Risk Assessment 05.04.2020

With regard to the Covid-19 emergency, the Clerk was co-ordinating volunteers to collect prescriptions from Surgery on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Over twenty- five people had come forward to volunteer. Twenty-seven prescriptions were collected over a sixteen-day period and four residents had shopping collected for them. The chair thanked the Clerk for her own voluntary work in coordinating the volunteers. NOTED

17.968 Reports from Councillors on their areas of responsibility: - Written reports from all Councillors were circulated prior to the meeting. 17.968.1 Black Horse Dyke Car Park . Councillor Hayward reported that the fencing to replace items damaged by Whites has been ordered but, under current Covid-19 restrictions Goldstar Fencing was closed. He will rearrange delivery when circumstances change. Similarly, it was not currently possible to purchase additional gravel.

17.968.2 Footpath report - Councillor Hayward said that he and the Village Caretaker had cut down the trees which had been considered a risk to walkers at Journey’s End. Councillor Bevington had nothing further to report.

17.968.3 Green Lane Playing Field - Councillor N Green reported that a revised quote had been received from EPS which listed all the play equipment items correctly; it also included any necessary repair of existing play equipment. She had asked the company whether there was any flexibility on their pricing, but this could not be ascertained by EPS as their suppliers were closed. Councillors Green and Hayward had taken measurements for the proposed fencing of the toddler area. Councillor Hayward had obtained one quote but again, due to the current situation, he had been unable to obtain two further quotes. As the delivery of the manhole covers and supplies from Rhino Building were on hold, Councillor Hayward suggested this project should be delayed until circumstances return to normal. This was agreed. Discussion took place concerning which costs can be allocated to particular budgets. The toddler fencing would be coded to CIL money, but the maintenance and repair of existing equipment would have to come out of the Council’s precept budget. Councillor E Green said that the Council needed to be mindful of its finances as the carry-forward (excluding the CIL

money) was diminishing every year but there were increasing numbers of standing cost commitments. It was agreed the Clerk would prepare for Councillors a sheet of day to day running cost commitments incurred over the coming year. AGREED AND NOTED

Plan of Green Lane

17.968.4 Community Speedwatch – This was suspended by order under current restrictions. SAM2 data shows a reduction in the number of car journeys but little change in the percentage of those exceeding the 30mph speed limit through the village. NOTED 17.968.5 Rockland School – Councillor E Green reported that the school was in its third week of closure having shut down at the start of the second week as no pupils of key workers had required this facility. The situation was being constantly reviewed. NOTED

Any other business 1.No cold calling zone – The Clerk gave background to the information required to establish an area as a “no cold-calling zone”. Councillor Hayward said that “no cold calling ” stickers can be collected from local police stations. It was agreed this information should be included in the newsletter. 2.Rockland Broad Lease - The Parish Council’s lease with the Rockland Wildfowlers Association comes up for renewal in 2021. Councillor Bevington said that it would be necessary to engage a company with expertise in the valuation and leasing of shooting rights and her research indicated that Savills was one such company.

The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.

Next planned meeting – 13th May 2020.

Monica Armstrong Parish Clerk

Signed as a correct record on 13th May 2020
