Council House Travel Plan 2012 – 2015

August 2012

1 Contents


Foreword 3

1. Introduction 4

2. Policy Context 5

3. Aims, Objectives and Targets 7

4. Site Facilities 8

5. Accessibility and Travel Surveys 12

6. Modal Shift Targets 15

7 Promoting Sustainable Travel Choices 16

8. Travel Plan Actions 20

9. Travel Plan Delivery 24

10. Travel Plan Monitoring and Review 27

11. Appendices 29

For more information contact: Rikki Roche 01332 643450 Noel Peart 01332 642133 [email protected]

Background Papers: Employee Travel Survey Analysis – Spring 2012 (available on request) Car Park Management Proposal Travel Plan 2008

List of appendices: Appendix 1 – Transport Appendix 2 – Derby City Cycle Routes Appendix 3 – Derby City Bus Routes, Services and Journey Times Appendix 4 – Train Network Foreword 2

Derby City Council is entering an exciting but challenging period – exciting because we are moving over 1800 employees and Councillors into the refurbished Council House – our city centre headquarters, challenging because of the continuing pressures on our budgets while at the same time addressing key issues such as congestion, reducing our impact on climate change and promoting healthier lifestyles for our staff and Members.

The staff and Councillors moving into the Council House already work in the city centre but we want through this Travel Plan to demonstrate our commitment to minimising the impact of our travel on those who work in or visit the city centre while also improving accessibility for customers and visitors to our offices.

Managing the way we travel to work will have a positive impact on the city and our environment and this Travel Plan aims to guide and support our organisation in doing this. The plan promotes alternative ways of travelling to work such as walking, cycling and the use of bus services. It also outlines how we will manage our use of car parks within the city centre to minimise the impact we have on other car park users.

As a Council we are committed to enabling our staff, Members and those visiting our offices to make informed travel decisions that promote effective and flexible working, healthier lifestyles and the reduction of our travel related carbon footprint.

Cllr Paul Bayliss Adam Wilkinson Leader of the Council Chief Executive

3 Section 1 Introduction

The Travel Plan

This is the Council’s second Travel Plan (the Plan). The first plan was published in 2008. This plan builds on the work started in the first plan as well as addressing issues specific to the move of many of our staff into the redeveloped Council House.

The Travel Plan for the Council House will deliver some specific benefits including…

• Assisting in managing the relocation of 1,800 employees to the Council House, including administration of staff parking permits and development of a parking management plan. • Creating opportunities to review long term travel needs and identify possible resource efficiencies. • Helping the Council to achieve its carbon reduction target of 25% by 2014. • Demonstrating corporate responsibility and leadership in tackling climate change and improving the environment. A robust Council House Travel Plan would show other organisations that the authority is prepared to lead by example.

Travel is essential to all of us and is key to enabling a good quality of life. It is also vital to the economy of Derby, as well as the way the Council operates as a key organisation in the city. As one of Derby’s largest employers, we need to make sure our staff have a range of travel options to enable them to work both effectively and flexibly while minimising the impact their travel has both on the city and its environment.

Our Travel Plan looks at how travel is currently made and the ways in which our Departments can work together and with other organisations to reduce impact while increasing travel choices. The Plan has been developed by a representative group of professionals, working with a range of colleagues across the authority.

The Plan relates to travel made by the following groups of people…

1. Employees - travel to work and business travel made by Council employees working from the Council House.

2. Councillors - travel to Council sites and on Council business made by Councillors.

3. Visitors - travel made by external people visiting Council sites, including for business meetings and customer service.

4. Customers - travel made to access Council services.

5. Contractors - travel made by employees of organisations as part of contracts to the Council.

6. Suppliers - travel made by organisations making deliveries to Council sites.

The Plan aims to address the travel needs and issues of all of the above groups. It does not include employees working at other sites although we plan to look at these sites once the key actions in this Plan have been delivered.

4 Section 2 Policy Context

The Travel Plan has been developed in the context of National, Local and Council policy and activity.

National Context

Planning Policy

In March 2012, the National Planning Policy Framework was published. This document sets out the Government’s planning policies for and how these are expected to be applied. The policy refers to transport considerations that need to be made as part of the planning process. This includes…

“Transport policies have an important role to play in facilitating sustainable development but also in contributing to wider sustainability and health objectives. Smarter use of technologies can reduce the need to travel. The transport system needs to be balanced in favour of sustainable transport modes, giving people a real choice about how they travel.”

Local Context

The Derby Plan 2011-2026

Derby City Partnership was established in 1995 as an alliance of organisations from the public, private, voluntary and community sectors. The Derby Plan is our new long-term plan to improve the quality of life for everyone in Derby both now and for future generations. The Plan sets out our overall vision for the city – ‘Derby – passionate about progress’ and looks at what we want to achieve for Derby over the next 15 years, based on what we know about the city’s needs and what people have told us. The plan has six outcomes, these are…

All people in Derby will enjoy…

…a thriving sustainable economy. ...achieving their learning potential. …good health and well-being. …being safe and feeling safe. …a strong community. …an active cultural life.

The Council Plan 2011-2014

The Council Plan support ‘The Derby Plan’ and focuses on the areas where we, as a local authority, can make improvements. It is important to us that our customers and employees are satisfied with the services they receive. For this reason, we have worked with our Councillors to develop two extra outcomes, which will be supported by our transformation programme...

• Good-quality services that meet local needs. • A skilled and motivated workforce.

5 Local Transport Plan

This Travel Plan seeks to contribute to the delivery of the Derby Local Transport Plan 3 (2011 – 2026) or LTP3. There are five overarching goals of Derby’s LTP3, and these represent the longer term targets for travel and transport in the city. The three goals that are most relevant to this Plan are…

• To support growth and economic competitiveness of Derby, by delivering reliable and efficient transport networks. • To contribute to tackling climate change by developing and promoting low-carbon travel choices. • To provide and promote greater choice and equality of opportunity for all through the delivery and promotion of accessible walking, cycling and public transport networks, whilst maintaining appropriate access for car users.

Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Good health and wellbeing is a key building block for happy and fulfilling lives. Good physical and mental health is about effectively managing and supporting people’s health and social care needs but it is also about maintaining good health and preventing of ill health. The purpose of Derby’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy is to set out:

• a vision of health and wellbeing for the city (incorporating our public health vision) • the health and wellbeing ambitions and priorities for Derby • the priority actions we are going to take to meet our ambitions.

Primarily, however, the purpose of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy is to demonstrate the shared commitment and accountability of key stakeholders in delivering improved health and wellbeing for our local population.

Council’s Climate Change Strategy

As a Council, we are committed to improving the local environment and helping to protect it for the future. We recognise that our wide range of activities and services has both positive and negative impacts upon the environment, and that we have a leading role to play in creating a sustainable city. We have had an Environmental Policy since 1998. As one of the largest employers and service providers in the city, we recognise we have an important role in helping the environment. Our Environmental Policy outlines how we will improve our activities and work together with our partners to improve the City’s environment.

We are committed to reducing our carbon emissions by 25% by 2013/14 from the baseline year 2008/09. To outline how we will achieve this ambitious target, we have produced a Climate Change Strategy. This strategy includes projects to reduce our carbon emissions across all our services.

6 Section 3 Aims, Objectives and Targets

Our Travel Plan Aims…

We want our Plan to achieve many things and become a success story that other organisations will view as a ‘best practice’ approach. Our move to the Council House and the associated changes that it brings such as more flexible working patterns and better cycling facilities, have put us in the ideal position to write and promote a new Travel Plan. We wanted to write a Plan that is not only ambitious, but one that has many exciting and forward thinking measures that work towards clear aims, targets and objectives.

The Plan has four aims. They relate to employees, Councillors, visitors, customers, suppliers and contractors. The aims refer to the kind of change the Travel Plan measures aim to achieve.

Our Aims are…

1) To continue to reduce our dependency on the car for work purposes and small trips, by promoting alternative travel modes to employees and others travelling to and from the Council House

2) To contribute to the Council’s commitment within our Local Transport Plan to reduce the carbon emission arising from Council services

3) To increase Council efficiency and saving by promoting a healthier lifestyle to employees, through encouragement and support for alternatives, such a cycling and walking through the Derby Local Transport Plan and Health and Wellbeing Strategy

4) To lead by example and promote joint working on travel plan initiatives to local business situated in Derby through our own Travel Plan and Local Transport Plan.

Our Objectives are…

• To increase the proportion of employees choosing to travel to the Council House using sustainable travel options and to reduce the proportion of employees travelling by car, as a single occupant

• To contribute to the target set out within the Council’s Climate Change Strategy, which aims to reduce the Councils carbon emissions across the city by 25% by 2013/14 from the baseline year 2008/09

• To contribute to a reduction in the level of staff sickness through the encouragement of healthier life style initiatives and the promotion the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

7 Section 4 Site Facilities

The Council House, located in Corporation Street, Derby, the Council’s city centre headquarters, closed in December 2010 so that the building could be completely redeveloped. We are creating an energy efficient, fully accessible building with a fantastic customer service centre – one that will save us money in the long term. Redevelopment will be completed by November 2012 allowing the Council to move all employees and Councillors back into the building by January 2013.

The redeveloped building has been designed to secure an ‘excellent’ rating under BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) and an ‘A’ rated Energy Performance Certificate. Cutting edge initiatives include a hydro-power station on the River Derwent.

When we vacated the Council House, approximately 500 people worked in the building. From January 2013, over 1800 employees and Members will work in a modern, open-plan environment. Operating from approximately 1300 desks, flexible working is key to how we will work in the future, with staff being encouraged to adopt flexible ‘new ways of working’ including working at home.

Parking Management

The Council recognises its reasonability’s to contribute to a sustainable environment and is committed to its Local Transport Plan, Climate Change Strategy and Health and Wellbeing Strategy. As a result of this, the Council House car park will provide priority parking facilities for road users such as cyclists, blue badge holders and electric pool vehicles, while also providing Short Stay parking and Visitor Parking. The parking spaces have been allocated as follows:

• 30 Blue Badge Holders bays for building employees and Councillors • 5 Visitors parking spaces, of which at least 2 will be allocated to Blue Badge Holders • 3 Short Stay – pick up & drop off point • 3 Electric pool cars bays In line with its current travel policies the Council will provide parking for employees and Councillors that have a need to use their cars for travel in connection with their jobs. Currently a significant number of employees have parking provided adjacent to their place of work. At the Council House the majority of staff will be parking further away, and it is envisaged that this may encourage some staff to walk, cycle or use the bus as this could be more convenient.

8 Car parking is a key issue for the Council as we try to minimise the impact we have on other car park users in the city centre. The analysis of parking for people using the Council House has been complex, but it is considered that an appropriate approach has been reached. Users of the building have been put into a number of different categories in order to establish an appropriate method for allocating permits for the different public car parks.

• Disabled people – those with Blue Badges and reasonable adjustments – between 40 and 50 employees. • Visitors – including visitors who need a blue badge space. • Users of Electric pool vehicles. • Short stay (30min) access to the Council House. • Officers who are likely to be require access to the building at anti-social hours; Chief Officers, Service Directors and Heads of Service. • Cabinet Members and Full time Members. • Officers using their cars daily for work purposes. • Officers using their cars 2-3 times a week for work purposes. • Officers using their cars 2-3 times a month for work purposes. • Officers using their cars less than 2-3 times a month for work purposes.

In total the Council issues around 1400 car parking permits. Analysis shows that we are currently only using around 800 spaces at any one time. It is unlikely to be the same 800 people everyday and obviously with the move to the Council House peoples working patterns are likely to change. There will also be a change in usage due to the introduction of new ways of working within the Council House, but it has been difficult to predict what effect the different working patterns will have on parking activity.

For the majority of these employees we have provided Directorates with an allocation of permits for a range of car parks across the city. These allocations are based on the information provided through the travel plan survey, predominantly looking at the frequency at which people used their car for work purposes during the working week. Directors and Heads of Service will then allocate permits to employees based on the operational needs of the service, with those using their cars more frequently for work being allocated car parks closer to the Council House.

Our Parking Management Strategy proposes that…

• Council House car park will accommodate up to 30 blue badge holders, 5 visitor spaces, 3 short stay pick-up/drop off spaces, 3 electric pool cars. • Assembly Rooms car park will accommodate Cabinet Members and Chief Officers in reserved spaces. Approximate walking time 5 - 8 minutes • Assembly Rooms car park will be available for other Members for Council business. • Bold Lane car park will accommodate Service Directors and Heads of Service, who have a permit, and keep some spare capacity in the short term to deal with any transitional issues. Approximate walking time 8 - 10 minutes • Darwin Place will accommodate up to 15 blue badge spaces. Approximate walking time 5 -8 minutes • Darwin Place and Chapel Street will accommodate employees who use their car for work purposes daily or between two and three times per week. Approximate walking time 5 - 10 minutes 9 • Abbey Street East and Drewry Lane will accommodate employees use their car for work purposes between once a week and two and three times per month. Approximate walking time 10 - 15 minutes • ‘park and ride’ and Sovereign Car park will accommodate those that use their car for work purposes less than once per month; and could also be made available to all of the above permit holders should they struggle to get a space in their allocated car parks. A frequent bus service provide a direct link to the Council House. Park and Ride bus service approximately every 10minutes: Sovereign car park approximate walking time 15 to 20minutes

Employees will be moved into the Council House over a three-month period enabling us to assess the impact on city centre car parks over a period of time.

Walking Facilities

To encourage walking to work, and for work purposes, the Council has provided showers and lockers for employees. We will also be assessing all of the main walking routes to the Council House to see if there are any minor improvements to be made to support those employees who walk from the nearby suburbs or from bus stops or car parks.

Cycling Facilities

One of the key elements of the long term transport strategy for Derby is the promotion of “Smarter Choices”. Promoting smarter choices refers to encouraging people to think about changing the way they travel and to use more sustainable modes wherever possible. Derby is a Sustrans National Cycle Network hub town, with four major routes passing through the city centre with a number of cycle tracks and paths that are integrated into the fabric of the City - Derby City cycle routes map can be found at Appendix 2.

To encourage cycling the Council has provided cycle storage facilities within the car park for pool bikes and cycle racks for general building users, employees and Councillors as follows:

• 20 secured storage sheds facilities for pool bikes • 96 stacked bike racks for general uses • Eight bike racks for general public uses to be situated at the front of the Council House building.

Changing and drying facilities have also been incorporated into the Council House building as follows: • Disabled toilet and shower • 10 Showers with integrated changing cubicles • Three Toilets • A Drying room with 3 changing cubicles • 102 Lockers

It is hoped that by providing these facilities for building users, employees and Councillors, that the number of single occupancy car journeys may be reduced and thereby support 10 economic growth within the city by helping to reduce traffic congestion whilst improving air quality. As part of Derby and Local Transportation Plans, the Council has also made provision with a view to purchase three electric bikes

Bus Services

The bus station is located on Morledge, Derby, this is less than five minutes walk to the Council House, which is a shorter walking distance than all car parks available to permit holders – other than Blue Badge users. There are 24 bays for local bus services and five coach bays - bus routes and journey times for the City can be found at Appendix 3.

The Pride Park ‘Park and Ride’ service will be operating every ten minutes and stops opposite the Council House. It operates between 7am and 7pm.

Train Services

Derby railway station is approximately 15 minutes walk from the Council House and offers services to a wide range of destinations. A number of bus services operating from the bus station stop in the forecourt at the front of the railway station - a network train map can be found at Appendix 4.

11 Section 5 Accessibility and Travel Surveys

Transport and Network Links

Derby's road network is a typical for a small historical city, and is a vital and precious asset on which most activities in and around the city depend. The network consists of a number of radial roads from the city centre which are connected by inner and outer ring roads. In many places it is a modern and efficient network, while in others it is in need of investment.

In a typical day Derby's transport network carries around:

• 660,000 car trips • 55,000 bus passenger trips • 110,000 people who travel to work • 2,548 bus services on a network of 33 routes • 38,000 children travelling to 103 schools • 18,000 heavy goods vehicle trips that carry goods to and from Derby.

The Derby highway network is extensive and includes approximately 750 km of roads, 1,600 km of footways and cycle-ways, hundreds of bridges and other structures, traffic and pedestrian signals, 31,000 street lighting columns and other electronic systems such as Closed Circuit TV equipment, and over 15,000 trees within the highway.

Derby has excellent connections to the rest of the country by road, rail and air. The M1, ten miles to the east of Derby, carries national freight traffic and is a key north-south route through the country. The A38 is a regionally important strategic route from and the to Derby and the M1 at Junction 28. The A50 provides a nationally important east-west link between the M1 near Derby and Stoke and the M6. The A52 provides a regionally important link from Derby to in the east.

Many major cities can be accessed from Derby by direct rail links, including London, Birmingham, , , Cardiff and . There are also direct local links to Nottingham, , Matlock, Lincoln and . Derby station caters for domestic and freight traffic, and the city's excellent accessibility by rail helps support it's economy and attractiveness to businesses and real estate investors. St Pancras Station, London, re-opened in 2007, improving domestic services between Derby and London, and faster rail links to the continent.

Council House Accessibility

The Council House is an extremely accessible site which enables employees, Councillors’ and visitors to enter the site from several routes and by their desired mode of travel. In addition to the footways around the Council House there is access to the car park via a gate from the River Gardens.

There are two main entrance points to the Council House allowing employees and Councillors to enter via the car park, and for visitors to enter the main entrance on Corporation Street. All of the footways around the Council House are street lit, as are the Riverside Gardens.

Employee Travel Survey 2012 12

The redevelopment of the Council House will enable new and dynamic changes to the way in which everyone will work, and to review the way we all travel.

In order to develop a successful, ongoing Travel Plan, employee modal surveys where commissioned. These surveys were carried out in February 2012 and were designed through the Steering Group to capture a wealth of information from staff to help better understand their travel and parking needs when they are based at the Council House.

The survey was promoted through In ‘Touch Weekly’, the Council’s weekly bulletin and staff with a parking permit received an e-mail. In total 1393 responses were received; highlights of the survey results are shown below:

Highlights of Employee Travel Survey Report

Your Journey to work

• 40.2% of employees are currently based in Heritage Gate, 16.1% are based in Middleton House and 14.6% are based at Roman House. 25.6% stated they work at another location. • 77.4% of respondents work full time with 22% working part time. 89.7% of respondents have work life balance. • 69.2% of respondents are based at their usual location 5 days a week. When asked if they worked in another location as well, 22.9% said they work at other Council office locations, 26% work at home with 24.8% working on site. 26.3% said they worked in another location. • 47.4% of respondents travel less than 5 miles a day to get to and from work. • Over half of respondents (55.9%) said it takes more than 30 minutes to get to and from work. • The reasons given by respondents for using the car were convenience (498), flexibility (551), time (453) and business need (562).

Other Types of Travel

• 66.6% of respondents who use their car for work said this is due to the fact they need their car for work related journeys, 43.8% stated that it is quicker than public transport. • 80.4% said they would not be able to walk to work, 7.8% said better facilities at work such as showers and lockers may encourage them to walk to work. • 68.2% of respondents said they would not be able to cycle to work. 17.5% of respondents said better facilities for changing and showering at work may encourage them, 15.2% said dedicated cycle routes would help. • When asked what would encourage them to take a bus or train, 48.6% of respondents said they wouldn’t be able to take a train or bus to get to work. 38.2% of respondents said lower fares may help, 21.6% said quicker journey times, with 21.7% who said more frequent services. • 66.2% of respondents said they would not be able to use the Park and Ride for work, 17.6% said lower fares may encourage them, with 11.7% who said more frequent services.

Work Related Travel

13 • 79.6% of respondents said they make work related journeys as part of their job. • 39.9% of respondents make work related journeys everyday, 23.4% said 2-3 times a week, with 14.9% who said about once a week. • 87.2% said they use their car for work journey, 34.6% said they walk. • 47.1% of respondents do under 30 business miles a month, 11.4% do between 40 to 50 miles, 7.1% said they do 50 to 60 miles with 8.9% who do 60 to 70 miles.


• 75% of respondents said they have a Council parking permit. • 65.8% of respondents use their parking permit 5 days a week, with 14.4% who use their permit 3 days a week. • 81.5% of respondents would not consider using Pride Park ‘park and ride’. • 73.8% of respondents said they are moving into the Council House when it is refurbished, 13.2% said there are not moving there with 13% who aren’t sure.

Travel Mode Share

When asked how they typically travel to work 75.9% of respondents said they travel to work by car, 8.1% travel in a car with passengers, 8.1% said they come on the bus, with 4.9% who walk. A small number of respondents (0.4%) said other, when asked to state the other method; the response given was a mix of car, walking and bus.

Respondents were than asked if they travel to work by any other method, 48.5% said they only use one method of travel. 16% said they use the bus, 6.4% also cycle and 5.4% said they also walk.

Reasonable Adjustment survey which included the travel and parking needs of specific employees was completed in Spring 2012. The information from this survey has been used to identify the number of blue-badge holders who will require a parking space within the Council House car park.

14 Section 6 Modal Shift Targets

The following modal shift targets, stated in Table 1, have been set based on the employee travel survey held in Spring 2012. They detail how much modal change we aim to achieve over the next five years. These targets give the Plan direction and will be used to measure our success.

The Council will monitor achievement of these targets in line with the Travel Plan Monitoring Framework shown in Section 10. Targets have not been set for travel to work by taxi or ‘other’ due to the small proportion of travel recorded under these categories. We will also be conducting another travel modal survey between September 2012 and February 2013 to establish primary and secondary modes of travel post occupation – as such Table 1 will be updated as necessary.

Table 1 – Council House Employee Modal Shift Targets

March March March March March March 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2012 1st % 2nd % 3rd % 4th % 5th % Baseline Year Shift Year Shift Year Shift Year Shift Year Shift Figure Target Target Target Target Target % % % % % %

Bus 5 6 +20 7 +40 8 +60 9 +80 10 +100

Car 76 70 -8 64 -16 59 -22 54 -29 50 -35

Car 10 10.5 +5 11 +10 11 +10 11.5 +15 12 +20 Share

Cycle 2 3 +50 5 +150 6 +200 7 +250 7.5 +275

Powered 2 0.5 1 +100 1 +100 2 +300 2 +300 2 +300 Wheelers

Taxi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Train 1 1 0 1.5 +50 1.5 +50 2 +100 2 +100

Walk 5 6 +20 7 +40 8 +60 9 +80 10 +100

Work from Unknown 20 0 30 +50 40 +100 50 +150 60 +150 Home

Other 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 0

Section 7 Promoting Sustainable Travel Choices 15

The Employee Travel Survey Report has highlighted that many of our employees, which live close to the city centre or within easy access of public transport, drive to work on an everyday basis. Therefore, the Council is taking more positive steps to promote and supporting cycling and bus use as sustainable modes of travel.

The travel survey also showed that a lot of employees felt they need their cars at work for business during the day. While the Council understands that some staff require their own cars to complete their roles effectively, we are doing everything we can to make it easier for staff to be able do their jobs without needing access to their own car, below is brief list of travel options to help building users and employees, that either already exist or will be developed as we move into the Council House:

Supporting Sustainable Travel Choices

This section sets out the options that we need to take to improve and support the use of these travel options.

1. Do You Need to Travel at All – Smarter working Choices

Smarter working choices are beneficial to the employer, employees and the environment. The Council already provides options for employees through flexible working, part-time hours and job sharing. Working from home is also now a real option for a lot of our employees, cutting out the need to travel to work.

• Service Manager’s have been encouraged to trial remote working rotas for the staff they manage. • With the majority of Council employees in one building it will reduce the need to travel to other departments and buildings. • The Council House will have video conferencing facilities. This means if employees are organising a meeting that would normally involve travelling, they can look at using the online meeting facilities instead.

2. Walking to the Council House

Employees and living close to Derby City Centre could walk to work - this form could be easiest and quickest and cheaper then a gym or buying a bike! If employees live less than two miles away from the Council House the walk should only take around half an hour. Walking will help to increase fitness and will also save money on fuel.

• We have all the facilities employees need at the new Council House including lockers, showers and a drying area for clothes. • Websites such as have been promoted to encourage employees to find the quickest walking or cycling routes taking advantage of quieter streets and car- free routes.

3. Cycling to the Council House

Employees living within five miles of the Council House are able to cycle to work using their most convenient cycle route detail at Appendix 2. The council promotes this as a good mode of transport than is good for your health; cheaper than driving and during peak traffic congestion periods quicker than travelling by car.

16 The Council House car park will have cycle storage for 96 bikes, showers, changing facilities, and a drying room for with 102 lockers for clothes and storage of employee’s cycle gear. A list of facilities that could be utilised by building users, employees and Councillors has been highlighted within Section 4

• To help you plan cycle routes, take advantage of quieter roads and fewer hills, employees are encouraged to use; this will plan a route, show the hill profile, distance and calorie information. The City’s cycle route map can be found at Appendix 2. • Employees are also encouraged to dress appropriately - Hi-Vis tops and helmets are advised and a good set of lights is essential (and a legal requirement) if cycling in the dark.

4. Business Travel by Bike

The Council have a variety pool bicycles ranging from electric, mountain and fold up bikes that are available for all building users, employees and Councillors. The bikes are to be used for short trips in and around the city. The Council House will have a new online booking system that will be linked to an automated key cabinet point. This smart key system is a user friendly interface that will enable users to log any real time issues that may arise regarding the condition of the bike to Facilities Management.

If employees and Councillor’s already cycle to work and decide to use their own bike for a work journey during your day, 20p per mile can be claimed against cycle mileage. As well as cycle mileage, the Council also offers a 50p per day payment for each day that employees use their own bike for business travel.

5. Travelling by Buses

The Council House is 5 minutes walk from , so catching the bus to work is an easier and more convenient option. Most areas in and around Derby have frequent bus services into the city with newer, comfier and cleaner buses.

• The Council can offer employees the chance to purchase a discounted annual ticket and pay through their salary. This scheme will be available before the move to the Council House.

• If a full annual pass is not needed, employees can take advantage of special tickets: o A ( Trent Mango is a top up card that you scan when you get on and off the bus. You can top it up online and give employees a discount on each single fare. o Trent also offer a ‘Frio’ ticket which be bought on the bus and this gets you 13 trips for the price of 10. More information is online at Trent tickets. o Buses, also offer a weekly discount ticket that can be bought on the bus and they are valid for unlimited travel on their whole midlands network. o Arriva offer a mobile phone application for android phones that allow members of the public the opportunity to buy tickets on your mobile phone.

6. Business Travel by Bus

17 In the event of a meeting, employees and Councillors can claim all bus fares back if the trip was for work purposes. Buses cost less than paying private car mileage so employees will not only be saving the wear and tear on your own vehicle, but they will be helping the Council to reduce our transport costs and carbon emissions too.

7. Travelling by Trains

If employees live near a train station that has a direct service to Derby Station, catching the train to the city centre could save you time and money. There is a direct bus service to the City Centre and a Taxi Rank situated with train station car park / pick up and drop off point. Employees will be able to get an annual rail season ticket and pay through their salary over 12 months, this scheme will be available before the move to the Council House. A network train map can be found at Appendix 4.

8. Car Sharing

With around 1900 employees based at the Council House, the chances are someone else who works for the council will live close by. By sharing car journeys and costs with just 1 other person, the amount spent on fuel will be halved as well as the carbon emissions.

• The Council will be launching a new car sharing website that will make it easy for our staff to find people who travel similar journeys. This site will be available before the move to the Council House.

• The Council will offer registered car sharers a ‘Guaranteed Emergency Ride Home’, which means if an emergency arises and employees have to leave work immediately we will arrange and pay for it.

9. Business Travel by Car Sharing

• If employees are going to a meeting and the car is the only option, they are encouraged to see if anyone else from the Council is going too. • If employees share car journeys to meetings or for other work business, the Council allows employees to claim an extra 5p per mile on top of the standard mileage rate for each additional passenger.

10. Travelling by Cars

If coming by car is the only option then the following information has been made available to building users…

• The car park at the Council House will be for blue badge holders and visitors only.

• Given the small number of spaces on-site, all other employees with parking passes will use existing parking at various sites throughout the city. The decision on which car park an individual employee is allocated a permit for is being made at a Directorate level, as services are better placed to understand the operational needs of the organisation that the Facilities Management Division.

11. Business Travel by Car

18 The Council recognises its reasonability’s to contribute to a green environment and is committed to its Local Transportation Plan and Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The Council will be buying three electric cars for work purposes. These cars will use the on- site electric vehicle charging points to keep them topped up with power generated from the River Derwent.

An existing pool car scheme is available operated from the Stores Road Depot, not far from the Council House. This scheme will be linked to the booking system.

The cars will be bookable through an online system. This could reduce the need to bring personal cars to work. Once operational, the details of the pool cars and electric cars will be publicised to all employees.

Section 8 Travel Plan Actions


This section details the actions we are going to take to support the delivery and promotion of the sustainable travel choices and hence to achieve our aims, objectives and targets set out in Section 3. The Actions have been split into four sections –

Pre-Occupancy Actions i.e. the actions we will take between now and when we move back into the Council House in November 2012.

Short Term Actions – those actions we will complete between August 2012 and July 2013.

Medium Term Actions – actions we plan to complete over the next three years.

Long Term Actions – actions we plan to complete over the next five years.

The tables on the following pages show the actions and how each action aims to help reach our aims, objectives and targets detailed in Section 3.

The Action Plan has been developed by a range of employees from across the Council and is aimed at improving the travel choices for employees and Councillors working in the Council House. In order to manage the implementation of the Plan a number of task and finish groups have been established to deliver the various initiatives, some theme based and others cross-cutting. These include:

• Communications – using the Communications Team and Climate Champions • Human Resource • Public Transport • Cycling • Walking • Pool car • Car Sharing • Council House

Where actions require additional resources to be delivered, a Business Case will be prepared for consideration and approval by the Council’s Chief Officer Group.

Delivery of the actions shown below will be monitored by the Travel Plan Steering Group.

20 Travel Plan Actions

Pre-Occupancy Actions

Start End Action Links to Aims

Cycling & Walking To identify and promote cycle and walking routes to and from the Council House and locality sites 1, 2, 3, 4 Operate pool cycle scheme 1, 2, 3, 4 Council House Obtain BREEAM excellent rating for Council House 2 Ensure where possible motorcycle parking and facilities are fit for purpose 1, 2

Ensure cycle parking and facilities are fit for purpose 1,2,3 & 4 Establish Parking Management Policy 1, 2, 3, 4 Communications To promote and support Sustainable Travel Choices 1, 2, 3, 4 Create a Green Travel Brochure to issue to all employees based at the Council House 1, 2, 3, 4 Preoccupancy Preoccupancy 01 January 2012 2012 01 January Develop on-line travel ‘literature’ 1, 2, 3, 4 09 November 2012 09 November Steering Group Establish a Cycle user group 1, 2, 3, 4 Run cycle to work (salary sacrifice) scheme before occupation 1, 2, 3, 4 Car Share Promote the new ‘Car Share’ website 2, 3, 4 Pool Vehicles Operate non-electric pool vehicles and purchase new electric pool cars 1, 2, 3, 4

21 Travel Plan Actions

Short Term Actions

Start End Action Links to Aims Pool Vehicles Operate electric pool vehicles 1, 2, 3, 4 Steering Group Research and review demand for walking buddy scheme Communications To make available instructions on cycle safety and riding on today’s roads 1, 2, 3, 4 To survey employees to identify any modal shifts 1, 2, 3, 4 Climate Champions Put in place a 'Personalised Journey Planning' service for staff 1, 2, 3, 4 Make available hard copies of timetables, maps etc for reception and staff areas 1, 2, 3, 4 Develop timeline of events and activities to promote alternative transport options 2, 3 Short Term Short Term 31 July 2013 2013 31 July

01 August 2012 2012 01 August Cycling & Walking To make available instructions on cycle safety and riding on today’s roads 1, 2, 3, 4 Obtain personal alarms for employees who walk or cycle 2, 3 Put in place a 'Personalised Journey Planning' service for staff 1, 2, 3, 4 Car Share Develop a strategy for increasing the number of car sharers 1, 2, 3, 4 Public Transport To start the improved frequency service on the Pride Park, Park and Ride 1, 2, 3, 4

22 Travel Plan Actions

Medium Term Actions

Start End Action Links to Aims

Climate Champions To develop, launch, operate and promote a discounted bus ticket scheme for Council employees 1, 2, 3, 4 Review and improve flexible working policies 1, 2 Cycling & Walking Identify available options for employees to purchase cycles and equipment (if salary sacrifice scheme is not best option) 1, 2, 3, 4

31 July 2015 2015 31 July To offer a cycle training service to Council employees of all abilities 1, 2, 3, 4 Medium Term Medium Term 01 August 2012 2012 01 August To offer cycle maintenance skills workshops for Council employees 3 Public Transport Review business travel policy and procedures to ensure it advocates use of sustainable transport 1, 2, 3, 4

Long Term Actions

Start End Action Links to Aims

Steering Group

Review and promote car share mileage rates for business travel 1, 2, 3, 4

Review and promote cycle mileage rates for business travel 1, 2, 3, 4 Long Term Long Term 31 July 2018 2018 31 July

01 August 2012 2012 01 August Consider the application of alternative vehicle technologies to wider service operations 1, 2, 3, 4

23 Section 9 Travel Plan Delivery

Delivery and Co-ordination

Travel Plan Steering Group

The Travel Plan Steering Group is responsible for the overall delivery of the Plan and its actions. The Group is chaired by the Director of Planning and Facilities Management, and includes representatives from key services linked to the delivery of the Plan. The Steering Group will provide an annual progress report to the Council’s Chief Officer Group and Cabinet.

Any issues or decisions which cannot be resolved by the Steering Group or which require additional resources will be escalated to the Council’s Chief Officer Group and if necessary Council Cabinet for a decision.

Travel Plan Project Group

The Travel Plan Project Group is responsible for providing professional advice on the various projects contained within the Council House Travel Plan. Each specialist area will be lead and delivered by the project lead for each mode of transport identified within the Plan. The Group is chaired by the Director of Planning and Facilities Management, and includes representatives from key services linked to the delivery of the Plan. The Travel Plan Team Leader will be responsible for monitoring progress of each smaller project, such as cycling, and report back to the Steering Group.

Travel Plan Coordination

Travel Plan coordination is being lead through the Facilities Management Division. A key responsibility will be to drive forward the actions contained within this Plan, to secure stakeholder buy-in and to monitor the modal shift targets set out in Section 10. Other tasks include…

• To manage and undertake a range of activities associated with the Council’s Travel Plan for Council staff. • Participate in the development of travel planning initiatives and the delivery of the ‘Smarter Choices’ measures for Council Staff. • Contribute towards initiatives that reduce the need for staff to travel, both commuting and business • Contribute towards encouraging walking and cycling for Council staff • Contribute towards developing a car share scheme for the Council • Contribute towards the performance management related to Travel Plan activities. • Contribute towards the co-ordination, measurement and analysis of staff travel behaviour and transportation trends, reduction and seasonal variations and ensure that transportation and other relevant data is collected, processed, stored and retrievable.



Consultation on Travel Plan issues with staff, Councillors, customers, visitors and suppliers will be carried out in accordance with the Council’s Consultation Policy. Information obtained from consultation exercises will be stored and used in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.


Communication of the Plan, its aims, objectives and targets the Council is going to deliver is crucial to its success. In the first instance, the key stakeholders will be employees and Councillors working in the Council House. It is their commitment and actions that will make the Plan a success. There is a risk that the Plan could be perceived by some as being ‘anti car’ and not sufficiently rooted in the importance of service delivery. These risks will be reduced by a positive Communications Strategy which makes sure that honest and positive messages reach all managers and employees.

The Plan’s marketing and communications will be branded specifically for the Council House Travel Plan to make it stand out and to ensure employees and customers will recognise the brand.

There are other important stakeholders, for example the public and other organisations within the city with a role/interest in travel issues. The Communications Strategy will include actions on how we communicate with these groups to make sure they receive the messages in an effective and appropriate way.

The aims of the Travel Plan Communications Strategy will be to:

• enable two-way communication so the Travel Plan can be developed in line with direct stakeholders’ (such as employees and Councillors) needs • keep direct stakeholders informed of key developments • raise awareness of benefits and practical aspects of the Plan • inform all stakeholders of each Travel Plan launch • provide positive messages that match the communication needs of the stakeholder and highlight successes.

The Plan stakeholders are…

Direct Indirect

• Staff • Members of the public • Managers • partners • Councillors • Other Derby organisations • Visitors • Work related communities, for • Contractors example Travel Plan Advisors • Government, for example through the Local Transport Plan • Media – local, national, profession- related.

It is proposed that a Council Travel Plan summary document is produced to support the full Plan. This would be a user friendly document which informs the reader of the key

25 aims, objectives, targets and actions and would be used as a tool for communicating the Plan to a range of stakeholders.

Channels used to market and communicate the Plan include:

Channel Purpose

Derbynet – the Council’s This is accessible by all staff and is a good way of intranet site. communicating events and initiatives to a wide audience.

In Touch This is a weekly bulletin to all staff and is the best way of getting Council-wide coverage.

Managers’ Briefing These are bi-monthly meetings with all managers where there is an opportunity to brief them face-to-face on key issues and initiatives.

Directors’ Workshops These are monthly sessions with all Directors where there is an opportunity to brief them face-to-face on key issues and initiatives and to gain their support.

Manager’s Bulletin This is a monthly e-Bulletin to all managers.

Team Briefing This is a monthly cascade briefing system aimed at communicating corporate messages to all staff.

Multi-media displays These displays will be located at key points within the Council House providing an opportunity to promote key initiatives to staff, Councillors, visitors and the public.

26 Section 10 Travel Plan Monitoring and Review

The Travel Plan Steering Group is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the delivery of the Plan. The Group will use the Monitoring Framework on the following page as the basis for their review programme.

On an annual basis, the Group will consider the following…

• What progress has been made on implementing the actions outlined in Section 8 • What success has been made communicating the Travel Plan to the target audience and promoting individual actions? • What changes to the Action Plan or new actions could help the Travel Plan make more progress? • Is the Travel Plan on its way to reaching its targets? • Do the targets need to be changed – to be more or less ambitious? • Should there be more targets?

The Steering Group will provide an annual progress report to the Council’s Chief Officer Group.


28 Appendix 1

Transport Network

Appendix 2

Derby City Cycle Routes

Appendix 3

Derby City Bus Routes, Services and Journey Times Derby City M&G 03/10/2011 14:26 Page 1

Your new Derby Bus Guide Derby – Derby Bus Station Derby – Derby Derby – Derby Derby – Derby Bus Station Derby – Derby Derby – Derby Bus Station . . (Bay 22) (Corporation Street stop J3) (Babington Lane stop K2) (Bay 17) (Corporation Street stop J2) 6 1 6 2 Belper 19 Spondon 32 Littleover Lane 38 Sinfin Moor H1 Heanor RA Chesterfield (Bay 21) Welcome to your new guide to bus services in the Oakwood 7 mins Ripley Allestree 9 mins , Lane End 6 mins The Spot (stop M4) 5 mins (Windmill Inn) City of Derby, which has been prepared by the City Council. 6.3 6.4 The Sixes Burton Road Red Arrow Market Place 20 mins Duffield, Co-op 16 mins BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Waterford Drive 14 mins BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Normanton Road 1 min BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Normanton 16 mins BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Smalley 12 mins The map overleaf shows all bus services in Derby. All city (Rose & Crown) Alfreton 30 mins Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES services, as well as high frequency longer distance services, are BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Milford, 20 mins Spondon, 17 mins Sinfin 27 mins Heanor 25 mins Strutt Arms Arnham Terrace (Asda Superstore) * * (Market Place) Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Shirland 34 mins colour-coded to help guide you. These services are shown in the Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Daytime 3 jnys — — Daytime 20 20 — St. Chads Road 8 mins Daytime 10 10 30 Daytime 20 20 60 Bus Frequency Guide below which include daytime and Spondon, 25 mins Sinfin 32 mins Alfreton 52 mins Daytime 30 30 60 Belper 26 mins Evenings — — — Evenings 30 30 — Littleover 12 mins Evenings 30 30 30 Evenings 60 60 — evening frequencies for all days of the week. Daytime means up Daytime 15 15 2 per hr Willowcroft Road (Wragley Way) (Hall Street Bus Station) Clay Cross 42 mins . Operated by Notts & Derby Spondon, 27 mins Operated by Arriva Midlands Operated by Arriva Midlands Sinfin 34 mins * Service continues to Alfreton and Somercotes every Evenings 2 jnys* 2 jnys* — to 6pm and Evenings from around 6pm. The numbers shown Evenings 30-60 30-60 60 6 1 to Littleover Lane 19 mins Somercotes 61 mins 6.2/6.3 to Ripley Chapel Street (Foremark Avenue) (Deepdale Lane) 60 minutes Chesterfield 59 mins indicate how often the buses run; for example the number 10 6.4 continues as 6.x to * Friday only Operated by Trent Barton Operated by Trent Barton would show that a bus runs every 10 minutes. Kilburn and Derby Operated by Trent Barton Derby Bus Station Derby Derby – Derby – Derby Derby – (Babington Lane stop K2) Longer distance services with two buses per hour or less and (Bay 8) (Albert Street stop B1) 20 33 40 Alvaston/ 40 less frequent city services are shown in grey on the city map and Chaddesden Littleover – Derby Derby Bus Station Maine Drive 10 mins Boyer Street 5 mins Normanton 11 mins Derby – (Gower Street stop E) London Rd London Road Derby – Community Hospital are included in the Other Bus Services panel on the far right. 9 (Bay 2) Derby Circular 41 Allenton Circular HQ Heatherton RD Community Hosp – BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Chaddesden 11 mins 33A Littleover, Park Lane 8 mins Derby, The Spot Full timetables and general public transport information is Borrowash St. Albans Road 15 mins Allenton (The Mitre) 25 mins Chaddesden, 6 mins (Roosevelt Avenue) Royal Derby Hosp Lane End Harlequin (stop M2) 5 mins available from the Bus Station Information Office which is open Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Royal Derby 17 mins BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Heatherton BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Hollybrook Royal Derby BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Spondon, 14 mins Hospital Alvaston (Blue Peter) 34 mins Littleover, 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 4pm on a Sunday. Medical Centre 15 mins Manor Road 11 mins White Swan Daytime 10 12 30 Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Further information is available by contacting the number on the Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Littleover, 27 mins Limited Stop BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Oaklands Avenue Daytime 7/8 15 30 Railway Station 46 mins back cover of this guide. Ockbrook 20 mins Evenings 60 60 60 Daytime 15 15 30 Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday 15 mins Daytime 60 60 — Sunny Hill, 30 mins 41 Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Donnington Drive Operated by Arriva Midlands Evenings 30 30 30 Derby Bus Station 50 mins Daytime 20 20 — How to get to the RAILWAY STATION: Borrowash 29 mins Evenings 30 30 30 Daytime 10-15 20 — Childrens Hospital 18 mins Evenings — — — (Hawthorne Avenue) Derby Bus Station 55 mins (Bay 13) Operated by Arriva Midlands Evenings 30* 30 — Services 40, 41, 44, 45, Unibus 6 and Skylink – see bus Operated by Arriva Midlands Evenings 10-15* 20† — frequency guide for more details. Operated by Little’s Travel Derby Bus Station Derby – (Bay 9/10) Evening services run from stop D1 on Wardwick, NOT 22 Derby Bus Station Gower Street * Until about 2100 † Until about 2000 Oakwood/ Derby Derby – (Bay 15) Chaddesden 8 mins Derby – (Gower Street stop E) * Friday only Operated by Trent Barton (Sussex Circus) 42 Alvaston/ 42 Derby (Corporation Street Scarborough Rise 35 Littleover Operated by Trent Barton Derby – stops J1/J2) 24 Littleover, 6 mins Pride Parkway 8 mins . Oakwood 16 mins Burton Road Bus Frequency Guide 9 1 Circular (Wayfaring Road) Allenton Circular Little Eaton 43 Derby Bus Station Alfreton Road 7 mins Alvaston (Blue Peter) 13 mins Derby – (Bay 7) BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Constable Lane 14 mins . by-pass BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Bishops Drive 18 mins Derby Bus Station SFb SFb 9 2 Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Derby – (Bay 3) Spondon White Swan 7 mins University – University Summary Little Eaton 12 mins Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Mickelover, 17 mins Boulton Lane 17 mins IF Spondon Flyer (Kedleston Road Campus) Scarborough Rise 24 mins Daytime 3 jnys — — Uttoxeter Road Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Ilkeston Spondon 7 mins . White Swan SFr 5 Daytime 7/8 7/8 15 Locko Road 10 mins Royal Derby 9 3 . Daytime 15 — — Allenton 22 mins Ilkeston Flyer 9 1, 9.2, 9.3 to Mansfield Chaddesden Evenings — — — The Hollow 25 mins Derby (Albert Street 15 mins 7.1 to Belper (Sussex Circus) 27 mins Kirk Hallam 15 mins Hospital Amberline to Hucknall Evenings 30 30 30 BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES stop B3) Evenings — — — Huntley Avenue 16 mins 7.1 Operated by Notts & Derby Havenbaulk Avenue Pride Parkway 26 mins BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Unibus Derby Bus Station 40 mins 27 mins Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Operated by Arriva Midlands Some services continue from the Bus Station to 43 Ilkeston 25 mins Derby Royal Hospital Derby Bus Station 34 mins Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Yarnspinner 19 mins Royal Derby 25 mins Amberline (Bay 15) Daytime 10 10 30 BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Hospital Operated by Arriva Midlands Derby Bus Station Daytime 20 20 60 University Terms. A limited service also operates Derby Bus Station Derby – Evenings 30 30 30 White Swan 22 mins BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Derby – (Bay 11) (Bay 15) during University holidays. 26 36 Evenings 60 60 — SFr Sunnyhill – Cavendish 13 mins Derby Bus Station Operated by Trent Barton Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Oakwood Oakwood 12 mins Derby – (Bay 14) Derby Bus Station 34 mins Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday (Bay 7) (Wayfaring Road) Derby Circular Sunny Hill, 24 mins 44 44 Operated by Trent Barton and Felix Daytime 30-50 — — Daytime 10-20 10-20 30 36A Instow Drive Alvaston Circular Limited Stop BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Oakwood 18 mins Railway Station 4 mins (Smalley Drive) Littleover, 27 mins Evenings 50 — — Evenings 60 60 60 Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Oaklands Avenue 45 SFb - Blue Route Alvaston (Blue Peter) 13 mins SFr - Red Route Operated by Notts & Derby UNIBUS Derby Bus Station Operated by Trent Barton Daytime 10 15 30 Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday St. Albans Road 39 mins Derby – (Bay 6) BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Holbrook Road 26 mins Indigo (Cornishman) Evenings 60 60 60 Daytime 15 15 30 Royal Derby 39 mins Nottingham Spondon 13 mins Hospital Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Derby Bus Station Rainbow 4 Derby – (Bay 12) Operated by Arriva Midlands Evenings 30 30 30 Daytime 7/8 7/8 15 Railway Station 51 mins SL Derby Bus Station 57 mins 45 (4) 30 mins Derby Rail Station Railway Station 4 mins Rail Station – (forecourt) Derby Bus Station Operated by Arriva Midlands BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Derby – (Bay 3) Evenings 15 15 15 Derby Bus Station 55 mins 6 (Bay 14) Airport – University Derby (Albert Street 17 Duffield/Allestree Derby – Derby Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Long Eaton 42 mins stop B2 towards 5 mins Broadway, The Leylands (Albert Street stop B1) Operated by Arriva Midlands (Indigo) Leicester Shardlow 22 mins Unibus university and stop B3 8 mins 28 Mackworth Estate Derby – Derby Bus Station Daytime towards rail station) (Bay 16) 10 10 20 Queens Medical (4) 54 mins Skylink 17A 37 Centre (Indigo) 69 mins Castle Donington 30 mins Derby Bus Station University 19 mins Darley Abbey Village 11 mins Slack Lane (28) 6 mins Sinfin Moor Derby – Evenings 3 per hr 3 per hr 2 per hr BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES (Kedleston Road Campus) 29 The Spot (stop M3) 5 mins (Bay 18) (4) 69 mins (28 ,29 ) (29) 29 mins 60 Nottingham BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES (Indigo) 82 mins University Terms. A limited service also operates Chellaston 40 mins Allestree, Ford Lane 17 mins Operated by Trent Barton during University holidays. BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Oaklands Avenue 22 mins The Spot 4 mins (The Oaklands) Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Allestree, Park Farm Centre Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Markeaton Island (28) 26 mins Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday 61 68 mins (17A) 25 mins (28 ,29 ) (29) 13 mins Sinfin 29 mins Allenton 15 mins Daytime 30 30 30 Daytime 10-20 — — Daytime (Asda Superstore) Daytime 60 — — 5 5 15 Daytime 15 15 30 Derby Bus Station Duffield, Wirksworth BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Shelton Lock (60) 20 mins Derby – Evenings 60 60 60 Leicester 95 mins (17) 25 mins Sinfin 31 mins (Bays 19/20) Evenings 30 — — Evenings — — — Evenings 30 30 30 Evenings — — — (Old Bridge Inn) (61) 23 mins Mb Mb Mackworth (28) 21 mins (Deep Dale Lane) Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Mickleover Serves Hathern or Kegworth on alternate journeys until 1815 Estate (29) 16 mins Royal Derby Hospital 13 mins Operated by Notts & Derby UNIBUS Chellaston (School) 26 mins Operated by Notts & Derby Operated by Arriva Midlands Operated by Arriva Midlands Daytime 10 10 30 (60) The Mickleover Operated by Mr East Avenue 22 mins M Evenings 30 30 30 Chellaston, A A

6 R N Fellowlands Way (60) 32 mins Index to places served from Derby City Centre A Ladybank Road 25 mins O S 0 100 200 300 Metres Holmleigh Way (61) 27 mins BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES S F 6 Derby Bus Station T. A Only hourly service from Chellaston to Melbourne AL I 1 Derby – K E (Bay 2) Alfreton ...... 9.1 9.29.3 H1 RA Draycott ...... Indigo Littleover...... 32 33 33A 35 36 36A Rolleston...... V1 MU D ND L K ’S D and Melbourne (61) 47 mins Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Mickleover, Tesco 30 mins X17 . . . . HQ V3 6 0 100 200 Allenton ...... 40 41 42 43 60 61 70 Duffield...... 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 17 TP Roosevelt Avenue...... 20 01 IN A . WA 300 Yards Borrowash A6 G D Y Operated by Arriva Midlands Borrowash 9 mins ST. Queens R . . . . Long Eaton...... Indigo HE PENTAG Allestree (village) ...... 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 East Midlands Airport ...... Skylink Sandiacre...... 4 T ON Daytime 7/8 7/8 15 (Hawthorne Avenue) Leisure R Swadlincote (61) 79 mins Western Road 35 mins Borrowash Flyer 17 17A Loughborough...... Skylink E Eastwood ...... BC Scarborough Rise ...... 22 24 Centre T CHAPEL ST. Borrowash 11 mins Allestree Park Farm...... 17A Ab Ar Mackworth Estate ...... the swift 28 29 Shardlow ...... 73 Skylink W ST. Evenings Egginton ...... V2 Joseph Wright L O 15 15 15 Royal Derby Hospital 41 mins (Priorway Avenue) DRA S T Alvaston ...... 40 41 42 43 44 45 Etwall...... V1 V2 Mackworth (village)...... the swift 108 Shelton Lock...... 60 61 70 College THE Tourist R BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES 73 Skylink CA AD A GATE Derby Mr ...... TP ER RO Cathedral F Information U EAST Derby – Operated by Trent Barton Derby Bus Station 54 mins Borrowash 14 mins

Findern ...... V3 Sinfin...... 37 38 LK U T . (Corporation Street stop J3) WA S T (Victoria Avenue) Ashbourne ...... the swift 108 109 . . . NE LL Centre S (Bays 19/20) Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Mansfield...... 9 1 9 2 9 3 BC Sinfin Moor ...... 37 38 B LA E D 111 Heanor...... AM BC H1 AT A Ashbourne Road.....the swift 5 28 29 108 O G S T R . Wyvern Park S I T W PL Limited Stop Markeaton Park..the swift 5 6 28 29 108 L Y’ R N IN Mb - Blue Route Heatherton ...... HQ V3 Smalley...... Amberline H1 D AR R E Egg (Pride Parkway) 6 mins Daytime O 30 30 — ST. M Assembly E W Aston-on-Trent ...... 73 109 Ab Ar N E Mr - Red Route Smalley Drive...... 26 T R R MEA G E DOW Hilton ...... V1 V2 Library, L Rooms D I ROA . A V D Bakewell ...... 6 1 TP Matlock ...... 6.1 TP . . . A E Somercotes...... 9 1 9 293 H1 N T R BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Pride Park 8 mins Evenings — — — Holbrook...... 7.1 Museum & E Beeston...... Indigo Mayfield...... the swift 108 E DER (South Car Park) South Normanton...... 9.1 9.2 CE WENT S1 Lettered Horsley Woodhouse ...... AM Art Gallery ATE A ...... IDE R G PL No service on Saturday after 1pm while a football Operated by Notts & Derby Belper ...... 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 x McArthur Glen ...... 9 1 9 2 FR PS SADLE Bus Stops Spondon (village)...... 9 19 IF SFb SFr IA A S ET Wyvern Park 13 mins R E T K match or other major event takes place. 7.1 TP G CH R S R Unlettered stops Derby Bus Station Melbourne...... 61 Stanley ...... BC AT A A Crown (Sainsburys) Hospitals: E N M Derby – (Bay 4) Borrowash...... 9 X17 Indigo Rainbow 4 . W The Bus Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Meteor Centre ...... 59 D1 H1 T A D C Court Footpath links Royal Derby and Children’s Stanton-by-Bridge...... 61 S R O Station RA Boulton Lane Estate...... 42 43 44 45 N D2 D R Nottingham N Stephensons Way 15 mins Mickleover...... 35 Mb Mr V2 O W Market Pedestrian Queens Stapleford ...... Rainbow 4 Z I S ST. T M Daytime 15-20 15 — 5 33A 36A Mb Mr RD V1 V2 X38 C S’ M streets Brailsford...... the swift R K ME E O Medical Centre 20 mins Night buses A A Hall Morley...... H1 ...... TP U D1 T J E R C T S R R L Red Arrow London Road Community E K E Taxi Rank E T D R Breadsall Hilltop...... 22 24 59 H1 ...... TP E Sunny Hill...... 33 33A 36 36A 37 R T S G i Evenings — — — There are night journeys on Friday and Saturday nights from T E v 38 40 41 44 45 60 61 V T e Nottingham 30 mins S I R Breadsall (village) ...... 59 CT E r Normanton ...... 32 33 33A 36 36A 37 Sutton-in-Ashfield...... 9.1 9.2 9.3 BC O B s T R L 70 73 RD Skylink IA A T i midnight until approximately 0300 on the Mickleover, E T H ST. E E d Operated by Notts & Derby (under contract to Derby City Council) BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES Breaston ...... Indigo 40 41 K E e Swarkestone...... 61 70 C C E R Indigo, Ilkeston Flyer, Harlequin, S O T P Burton-on-Trent...... V1 V2 V3 X38 Nottingham ...... Indigo Rainbow 4 RA TP B T S C S Tutbury...... V1 KP TA a Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Hucknall ...... AM P T T t For bus stops IT I h Red Arrow: Nottingham, Red Arrow: Chesterfield, Buxton ...... TP Nottingham Road...... Indigo Rainbow 4 E S O University (Kedleston Road) ...... 5 6 109 T A N Hulland Ward...... 109 M in the central E Derby . . 9 19 20 22 24 26 BC ACK E Market S A Derby – Spondon flyer, 6 3, 9 2, H1. Castle Donington...... Skylink Ab Ar LI R ID P (Albert Street stop B3) Daytime 10 10 30 N area please see ’ D P Ilkeston...... 59 BC IF S A R Oakwood...... 22 24 26 STR L O Ab Ar The Skylink runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week E map overleaf S A Cavendish...... 36 37 . University (Pybus St.)...... the swift 5 28 29 ET S C Allestree . . . T R H Kilburn Toll Bar...... 6 x 9 1 9 293 RA R’S O Evenings 60+ 30 — Ockbrook ...... 9 E R Chaddesden...9 19 20 Indigo Rainbow 4 Uttoxeter ...... the swift ST PET AD University 6 mins . E

Kilburn (village) ...... 9 1 Amberline . . YARD E All night bus services except the Mickleover depart from CH Derby T The Allestree 22 24 26 BC Openwoodgate...... 6 4 6 x 7.1 Uttoxeter Road...... 5 33A 36A Mb Mr CHUR T Theatre E + Every 30 minutes Friday evenings

Kimberley ...... Amberline C E Ar Corporation Street. The Mickleover departs from Albert Street. Chester Green ...... 9.1 9.2 9.3 7.1 Osmaston Road...... 38 60 61 70 V1 V2 ROM T PTO R E Park Farm (Shops) 10 mins Operated by Trent Barton N E

Kirk Hallam...... IF S T

H1 Amberline Park Farm...... 17A Ab Ar West Hallam...... 59 BC TRE R E G S T OW T E S Chellaston ...... 60 61 70 Kirk Langley...... the swift 108 Pride Park...... 42 43 111 Weston-on-Trent...... 73 E S R E BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES T. N E Allestree 14 mins N Westfield Centre The G . A C A A T Kirkby-in-Ashfield...... 9 3BC Willington...... V3 O I L (Blenheim Parade) Chesterfield...... RA Quarndon ...... 109 L and Cinema I S E L Spot F V S E R E Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday F R E Other Bus Services Langley Mill...... Amberline BC Wilmorton ...... 40 41 44 45 73 Skylink M L S R Darley Abbey (village)...... 17 17A RAILWAY STATION.....6 40 41 44 45 O A V T T ET N N A G I Woodlands Top 17 mins M N STRE A L S E WILSO N D R E . . . . Leek...... 108 73 109 Skylink Wirksworth...... 6.1 E O O E E S Darley Park...... 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 17 17A R T S S N T T R Daytime 7/8 7/8 30 (not all journeys) C I R N T Bus frequencies in minutes IA E G T T EE W O T H S E Leicester...... Skylink Repton...... V3 Wyaston...... DRT N R H Derby County Football Club ...... 111 N R O O I E N O C FORESTER W STREET G L A P J L Mon – Fri Saturday Sunday ...... L E A Football Shuttle Little Eaton ...... 7.1 9 2 9 3 Amberline Ripley...... 6 2 6 3 9 1 9 293 RA Wyvern Park...... 111 A B D A . Evenings 30 30 30 Allestree Lane End 19 mins Y T B N R T S L S S IV T A E A T R E R R Service Operator Route Day Eve Day Eve Day Eve R C T E R E B O E E . S E R R T E E A T T Operated by Trent Barton S A G V T L L D E University 22 mins the Swift Trent Barton Derby – Brailsford – Ashbourne – Mayfield – Uttoxeter 60 2 jnys 60 2 jnys – – Where to board your bus in Derby City Centre ST RE P A E Y L C Rail N V A . HE W Y Ab . O C Station 6 x Trent Barton Derby – Kilburn – Openwoodgate – Belper LS 60–60––– L A A

D the Swift...... 24, B2 35 ...... E 109 (to railway station) ...... J4 Ilkeston Flyer...... 3 R AR S W L Buses from Ab - Blue Route R Derby 32 mins

M T T A A W O . E EE H 7.1 Trent Barton Derby – Holbrook – Belper 60–60––– A D L E R N T A C S Ar - Red Route (Albert Street stop B3) . . . . R T Rail Station I 6 1 6 26364...... 22 36 36A...... 15 111...... J3 Indigo ...... 6 R A R S D D S T N O A P E S O FT R O to City Centre A 59 K&H Doyle Derby – Stanley Common – Ilkeston 60–60––– R T B .

G N Y . T T R 6 x...... 24, J1 37 ...... 16 DRT ...... A1 Mickleover R&B...... 19/20, B2 R O W T U AY I S N N CO T R IN C P S1 70 Notts & Derby Derby – Chellaston – Barrow–on–Trent 1 jny––––– . R O O A A 7 1...... 22, J1 38 ...... 17 V1 ...... 23, B2 Rainbow 4...... 6 A T M O R L R H R L T T A R S2 Derby R I E A R K O W RE D N I Derby – 73 Notts & Derby Derby – Alvaston – Weston–on–Trent 60–60––– U ST T N (Derwent Street stop Y1) 9 ...... 2 40...... K2, M3 V2 ...... 23, B2 Red Arrow (to Chesterfield)...... 21 A A G S B D C D OL ET T T P E O . D1 108 TM Travel Derby – Ashbourne – Leek ––––4 jnys– . . . O R 9 19293...... J2 41 ...... 13 V3 ...... 24, B2 Red Arrow (to Nottingham)...... 5 LE ST N Meteor Centre OD London Road S Meteor Centre 5 mins 109 Arriva Midlands Derby – Weston Underwood – Ashbourne 5 jnys 1 jny 5 jnys 1 jny – – 17 17A...... 3, B2 42 43...... 15 X17...... 2 Skylink...... 12 O T NW Community . D AR T OA Meteor Park & Ride 19 ...... J3 44 45...... 14 X38 ...... C1 Spondon Flyer R&B...... 7 CH EE R DRT Ashbourne CT Derby – Hollington – Wyaston/Boylestone – Roston 1 jny†––––– TR O Hospital Limited Stop S S ND ● 20...... 8 59...... 2, Y1 Allestree R&B...... B3 Royal Derby...... M2 NE M LA N BC BLACK CAT Felix/Trent Barton/TM Travel Derby – Stanley – Ilkeston – Heanor – Mansfield 30 60 30 60 4 jnys $– UR MID O BO T A B BUS FREQUENCIES IN MINUTES ■ ■ ■ 22...... 9 60 61...... 18 Amberline ...... J2 Transpeak (to Manchester) ...... 4 EL EE S L TP TRANSPEAK Trent Barton Nottingham – Derby – Belper – Matlock – Buxton – Manchester LS 60 2 jnys 60 2 jnys 60 2 jnys M TR T E

S . O


24 ...... 10 70...... M1 Black Cat...... 4 Transpeak (to Nottingham)...... 4 O S N L T V1 V2 VILLAGER Trent Barton Derby – Etwall – Hilton – Tutbury – Burton 30 3 jnys 30 3 jnys 120 3 jnys

T O R Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday


IN R N E T A T 26 ...... 11 73...... 12, J1 D1 (Meteor Park&Ride) ...... Y1 Unibus 5 (to University)...... B3 AR N D V3 VILLAGER Trent Barton Derby – Willington – Repton – Burton 60 2 jnys 60 2 jnys 120 2 jnys H EO R O Derby City L O N Daytime 15 10 — 28 29...... B1, C3 108 (to Leek) ...... 24, B2 Football Shuttle (match days only) ...... A1 Unibus 6 (to University)...... B2 A X38 Trent Barton/Arriva Midlands Derby – Burton LS 15 60♣ 15 60 30 – D R 32 ...... K2 108 (to railway station) ...... B3 H1...... J2 Unibus 6 (to Rail Station) ...... B3 O Notes: † - Tuesday and Friday only ■ - Derby to Dove Holes only Centre A Evenings — — — 33 33A...... B1, C2, K2, N2 109 (to Ashbourne) ...... 3, B1 Harlequin...... E D $ - Derby to Heanor only ♣ - Friday and Saturday only LS - Limited Stop x Operated by Notts & Derby - Derby to Ashbourne only § - until about 2015

Derby City M&G 03/10/2011 14:26 Page 2

d To Duffield and Belper K To Quarndon d 6·1 6·2 To Little Eaton To Morley Moor To Morley e a a 6·X o o e d and Ashbourne Lan and Heanor and Heanor R R 6·3 6·4 le d 7·1 s W For 9·1 d to a C n e 17 TP e o Routes colour-coded on this mapStanley

h s a s . 9·2 n R 9·3 a t

c d t d b L d r

R n R e a r a a u Amberline n v

o a n 17 d i o

l o F a h k 212 o H1 i

d r d

d 6·1 6·2 6·3 6·4 l R d y d C H1

e A D M r

o R i 17 l o ff e Derby City Network Map o RA o 109 a u t y

d n W Ab r D u c d b L o 7.1 9.1 9.2r 9.3 b e a HQ (Harlequin) a e m Little 59 e C n R o n Woodlands or a a Ar n L l 6·X R D e l e hi rk L Hi Eaton Amberline School ll a Derw A n P e By-pass d a ve nt y 7·1 l l IF (Ilkeston Flyer) f ri Av e fie L D . b r ns Ro b e a b 6·1 6·2 A t M 9 in A 9·1 o Breadsall m e i C 17 n e r 4 (Rainbow 4) o 6·3 6·4 m h ft 9·2 e i n n L R B 17 17A e R A a r l e 17 17 L oo o o ksi Indi go n a 9·3 de Road BC B a d a d L d IF a e TP t To Ilkeston o 212 f R Ab v 19 A i o 17 r r Windmill Inn Mb (Mickleover Blue) od K D Amberline C wo e Ar e d dy dle h a a e t Lime o 20 Mr (Mickleover Red)L tr a H1 Lane R s e RA 59 26 y Kirk Langley s e r rb t l t e o l r Allestree D A o n Top City of Derby Smalley 22 24 P d Hill RA (Red Arrow) a o R C Darley R Drive To Ashbourne o d A h a 26 r a u o ld RD (Royal Derby)b d r Abbey R ie o Dale Abbey A Ab 6·1 c f u 17 h n s od r o n ngwo Drive t a Bis pri 28 29 H ay d h W 6·2 L e M o S i s. a r d p SFb (Spondon Flyerll Blue) City of Derby e Ar a f s lver r s l a i BC o b C r n S o H1 u e R A r 6·3 e r y r R D Derbyshire n 32 SFr (Spondon Flyer Red) a e ri w F 59 v r e i 6·4 d Meteor D l 22 24 L d a 17 Oakwood a e r F Park Farm 24 o i A o A Centre e i c f v l 33 33 SLR (Skylink) 17 f TP t e k M A y t d

a Centre u 17 Morrisons i 22 Bishops a o od

o h

. D o o

109 W d e


s 22 r D R w

n y

r W r r

DRT e 35 C o

e a i d r A The ha v a 5 6 (Unibus)

Ab v 17 L S n F e L o C d y St. Benedict Meteor t. le R L The Swift h y Rocket A r s 26 le o a c e n r A Ar r School b a 36 36 n i

n b P d o y A Centre r d X17

e B o . 108 a e e Da Vinci rv M t M s D

r w ishop g B w t a s h s n Community t k 37 i Darley l

en D1 o s n V

e S r c a College i .

u 24 t e r a k s

(Non stop to 24 . Q w C F D e Broadway Park an Cr 38 Other Services, not colour-coded To Hollington Langley As City Centre) ebridge

d 22 h oad R b Hotel C R o University a gton o The Lake a in W u o d r Old M Tad a Common r i 109 t n n a d R 40 41 IF 6.X 59 70 73 e A n o S t of Derby 17 n e e A

W o d s R w r

d c o r f a b o a Ab i e d o d e 22 o u Mackworth 17 l l 108 109 212 X38 5 ,6 l r ne D l 42 43 R e r a D a

L y d n dwa i roa y n B R ru r f 22 t B Ar u

n R 24 o s

6·1 e 26 o

f e d Village n o f n . v t a BC (Black Cat) n W i S i a Win a e d L e ch t 24 44 45 6·2 r R l M n R hire e . a

d f s o l Hamp Rd s y t . d a t

A e . One e 6·3 K BC

k r Cre i s r R . 60 61

a n M o 6·4 r H

eref . a Chester ord o Roa t M TP (Transpeak)

K d d ax Markeaton ed s S Road d Lees Brook Markeaton le TP s sto Green 22 ew oa 111

Crematorium Park n fr R School DRT T R S n V1 V2 V3 (Villager)

h o 7·1 6·X R e

y a e i

d 24 R y d S r o d e w a l a a Ab (Allestree Blue) 6 B r if a t w o o d

212 F 1 o e W M D1 (Park & Ride, not shown) 08 s 9·1 R 17 r a D n R Chaddesden W R a il T e A u t . il Ar (Allestree Red) e 17 n s st A RA f h d ho s u k h 9·2 o r

Mackworth b Q ir R p o 109 S e u r e

B r d R

n t 5 l e t k o Wilmot Arms

5 W a o Ab . r d 0 e e 9·3 22 K k M

R i To Ilkeston

2 o M a o Terminus

n Estate Ar f o 9

0 a i h th c a d n d P r

s S u i L F a R o

g a o

t 24 L i n t o o L n . 59 t n S a r r c v a l a e n e 29 e 29 e e h A k

le u 28 E R d d d Not all journeys y e M n n M s e fi S Amberline s a aine Henley v e t e 28 A ld t o D r R r Roosevelt Rd e l dd 26 R e iv IF . A Ro l e 9 s o a n e Green le s e a h a n r b t H1 a h ld lt 9 University terms only B e e r a o w L Avenue a C v u h r u d a 20 se e o n r n o C nt n t d n 20 Ro y Av fo e r i e e d

e a b rd y tre g tl nu a Derby 28 o e d S Landau Forte Roa L D a R e n e L ft d n o P e u o Places of interest a r 5 28 o C en 20 r e c R c v. w ad e R e Av n u County FC R r n s g a d d x S i H i 28 28 i College n r g r s d i r 29 P n 6 a n SFb le c i 29 108 B e o SFr a K g a Hospital e d R D F 29 29 t n d

o o The Swift a e C t B h BC e n h rack Fr n e e ia d C d S l e 28 DRT a ar nsda 29 . r Gate Roa N i a R Railway line & station l e b v le o s n Ockbrook L

e d Spondon

u i Av d s Aven e ham tt k de r nu R g m e tin in r r .

DRT Not g so y u D n Market h a n to St. d a Lyttel l a P Ro SFb n City of Derby boundary H m a O d t e Derbyshire Place W e C r Bus Stn. 4 y re e h viot St. Sla R t r h e ck La e oa Indigo Sunny Grove a SFr S

t ne t A d ‘White G u e 5 W n r

(Prince Charles Rd. o x 2 r o m e

lha o 9 o West Park Swan’ o S IF v

Fu t B t Bus Station n c i

28 X38 M Way) 9 r 29 U o a

IF 19 A School s

‘Cross r g D e Sainsbury’s g City of Derby d V2 e e iv d RA r n a r t

D V1 oa 19 Keys’ i h e O o ic nw R Back d

Gree Mr e Westfield see City Centre h i R w r SFb Alb m o L e t ert a R Mb N R a u S Centre oa SFb h s n r SFr G t d K te plan overleaf for e g e e n 5 e e r e

i x TP n in o n o av h t e a i t SFr r T low g A r X17 t s R U S n L 33. 33 t d O o s details in this area W L

a e a w t n a

d S o t Murray Park n A 4 a l n a Derbyshire e a Indigo City of Derby S e S m A t d Ave y 36 y Sitwell y o n School P e e e o e r

y The i r g w u d f 19 D S Willowcroft u e . b e o e 9 t. e Dr. Bemrose t P r rb P L ‘Yarnspinner’ n l S

b a d y a V3 od e n B Spot r 19 Road i

g r ok k t n v w R L o is S o A D o n r

t b Kingsway School b k a r a e A I k y d a t i

x B c v n n e r to e u e S e L e o R an 9 e i a B d A ve d. 111 i R t rs R Bo r 36 M d f ide IF rro a o o 36 wa o o East Av. RA sh t a r Derby R SFb X17 B d SFr TP y- c d 5 RD pass i 33A et Derby City London Road V k S re RA TP X17

. t X38 t Pride Park n S C r A Community Hospital Royal Derby . Centre a 36 r B o b D . ye Arn o y win d o South Car Park/ 4 hem l

Dar R B e . T d V1 ns 19 e r e a

Hospital lb rr M

a . A a r

d t c R r d e L S Sainsbury’s B o

i d Derby County FC o o i

a R a r

33 r w

h o e o l

l L

Road R o w a s d n f

R i a a 36 d

n R o e n N l a a n A Celan d o e a s

Mb M rt L 33 111 P&R se o d RA n o o t l 33 u h R t e B e t o in v RD a 111 To Nottingham r l ad g TP n V3 n n h e e l t o i ti o 19 a R

Mr e d RD a 36 ta m a d D oad ox o r H Royal S t m ad R Ut R HQ 42 Wyvern . B Mb Ro eter R l r 36A Indigo Ro orrowash By-pass RA TP ox il o Crown a Borrowash V ern tt ew o Spondon d Derby City Council is spending over £7 million this year supporting d est U N a H1 M y i W d N c a Derby L 43 a Park a 35 . o public transport services. This is used amongst other things to: Mr d 32 R n w Acordis r Ro R os s a d. s e O d er R d 40 o e . g hitak ha H s 40 e W t. C i m n n • provide concessionary fares passes for disabled people, elderly and e S ll s Indigo v

y 9 Ha X17

n S a a L d . P l w 35 a Rd 41 t. R a A t

o Mb e g s 41 h

a o l 19

e o i 35. a o R

R R D u t rn

t a

young residents d Mickleover r t e a o o

e e d a A o a D X17 venue

y w n i

o r e 44 D Priorway t Wilmorton V2 L r a r e

b s Mr. n t r • support conventional bus services which are not commercially viable S s Borrowfield b o d a o A d S y a t a e 45 t n l T d p C r d l o s R R c . Avenue a h V3 oa m R r u o i k o - a R a C but for which there is a social need HQ W a e o d e R y A in rter o Road V o o v 33 C P e H a 9 o rive B La 36 a le 38 73 D r ne 33 n d A l te r a y 4 9 e k d R • provide school transport R c xe 36A w 32 Clarence Road ir d SL ri D d a o e to er i . a Post Office tt t c o L a Ca U v D y

y S R • staff, clean and maintain Derby Bus Station k r Indigo a d o X17 a

a t d e e n oa l r ingham R w t d p B e t k oa e No R r W p a For more information call (01332) 641736 c n Littleover et N l i l rto A m o il Bu U i v o r M H o d e ‘Cavendish’ L ra Road d r a n o l P 4 l m N V2 s L o u n R o ie a R e d a t f e H a o ti r r n P n y n u i n y 60 Ascot Drive g H ie t l e e o n h G Local bus services r s ls t ll e am e B w o a 33 r y a 32 t R sw p n V e Bus Depot d P a l o R s y a 61 v oa y in d i a a d g A n L

ham Way 33 . a r d y a d o Littleover d D

Local bus times R t To Long Eaton n

R B 70 e V3 rayfi 36 e e S 42 ld Road 38 n e 40 ,41 and Nottingham Lane s o r t t t t L A r l 7am – 9pm a HQ i o t 36 e A516 T tle E S 43 t 40 c 42 ,43 n D m e e V1 Av. h ov iver Derw ra er s t R y e t o lisl e 32 K n c r e e F o A t every day Littleover Ca L n h o t T W a e 44 U

n il T 41 d Alvaston R T Derby City Centre

r H e . h w il g t oa School s o t L d e o A o n rt n S E 33. 33 Av. h S i 45 L 35 l Foresters b E Typetalk users for traveline should dial 18001 0870 200 22 33 6 l A 1 o v 5 H Vil en A 73 R Street Based A w la ue o 35 A ge Leisure n S V2 l X38 36. 36 S e T Full timetables and general public transport information is available from l t. A r o Park d r SL T S V1 Normanton d O w iso a Ba R Bus Stands the Bus Station information Office. The office is open from 8am to 6pm Havenbaulk Peartree n s ke X3 Y1 T m W r A y X2 E Indigo l B R S K v N a t E Monday to Saturday and from 10am to 5pm on a Sunday. You can also Avenue oa ree elmo d a b E D s r d s t or oa s I T e

o O t R t r e s Derby Moor sm t 44 o R rb n w a o X1 Y2 a a sto e n W y 33 e n e ASSEMBLY R call the information office on (01332) 711553 or 711554. Information is L H C n O p e ‘Blue i n a a n P R v To Etwall - v l School a r e R

e l i r t 45 e N R o

o a 40 k E r y n n a

b w B S t Peter’ B D IVr d A L E e ROOMS a R r

also available from Arriva Midlands customer care team on B u l 33 g R e y D R k l H a e i

k o o tr - DD

a i 41 a f E e r l g S E P G R

t L l 40 d a lv e h Wr n W d

0844 800 44 11 or Trent Barton customer services on (01773) 712265. e . S r th as Lan a Ew S d to o

q e 36 n r o n s N e S o A C i 41 T

v . u B s n


a ir a a f 41 s t

C o d e t f Draycott

s v x T y

R t r n Sainsbury’s 40 y y e A d

i O W e o e t

l 36 b E a s S a i

k d n e S R Derwent Street

l y 44 r c d R h

R t i e ad a C P Rail services n a ‘The Mitre’ Ro 42 rd e E J3 COUNCIL Nuffield L Sunny S y O o e l C Football Shuttle M a t oad arv 43 o 45 n R r R H e w ‘James Toilets A R Ryk H e eet ey n D L HOUSE Heatherton rv A o e Ha a e pick-up point Enquiries l Hill n P QUAD J4 l . n L R Wyatt’ K T y n v a a e b y r L l I X38 r a S L o dho T o W o D 44 42 a lm E O 08457 48 49 50 (24 hours) for times and fares. o s u Moorways 41 n d e J2 k HQ A r 40 K N n n . V o d d v n o l R e t ic lt L t e o Sports Centre S minicom 0845 6050600 e n y t 45 43 e n h S o u i a A rtico Road n S a ry o J1 T V3 Po l u ill M F n M CROWN a t e 38 B .

A r e for live departure boards L 33. 33 a Ro C e a C Brack oad or Heatherton H g ens R o d h n COURT ay A d La ook a

i e n r t d w 36. 36 r e olb i

l H o r a o n le l HQ a n MARKET o o o rwent t C s Allenton Elvaston e M 44 Ro C D We can give you this information in any other g t A r e o ve O i BUS O n HALL R

i v e v n a n i e i n . B3 M k n r n 45 R

l a an n a a C S d D F h ne 08717 818178 for bookings and general enquiries. s o L W L r a N ton La T O way, style or language that will help you access it. A D i M bas STATION R a r Am City of Derby v il y e d R . o e l E m f l o M 08717 818179 Disabled Persons' Travel Helpline. v o d POST L n o a i w E A i . r r rd 33 .33 f e St e d D E

ear A R ad n sp R e R (0121) 455 0086 Textphone for people with hearing difficulties. Contact us on (01332) 641736 oor Ro i Shake ton oad B o T B1 D G l v OFFICE oodsm u l L a R A S R Wa Bo l e i d Toilets G Derbyshire 36 .36 o y e a m r S ‘The a ill n K E r n b d er k r D M c e id E Minicom (01332) 256666 Oaklands’ ra ge T Council Offices 42 T R 43 B Noel Baker 73 VI B E Typetalke users for traveline should dial 18001 0870 200 22 23 SL C T F1 A L B2 Public Enquiries A1 On-line ay School Boulton Lane D1 OR W J I A d d V3 u S T R E E T T a a n b C3 H Multi-StoreyCar Park o o ia Ab The Allestree (blue route) ile Estate E R p Merrill C2 R 61 e C1 EAGLE m School S T a 38 Ar The Allestree (red route) T E Derby City Council’s public transport pages provides y n r R . CENTRE b o o E r t G 60 C e r a R d T O comprehensive bus and rail information. D u HQ Harlequin MARKET C A S B . 70 Thulston P K d S R l A Arriva v E P d i oo Mb The Mickleover (blue route) n a T m IT f s T w i E b Trent Barton or d n to S e R A a R The Mickleover (red route) n To Shardlow, E s Mr ’ t Arles o X38 to A Shelton Lock S

G n East Midlands Airport n ra Sinfin v m e B DERBY p RA Red Arrow n and Loughborough

i y- a L n y L S u

a a a S W i e P n

e ne THEATRE Subsidised Travel provided by Derby City Council n v n A u a ’S T f SFb Spondon Flyer (blue route) e R e i n s E n T R D o utt s PE D o . 38 Asda S ST AR E Derby City Council along with Derbyshire County Council provides l Y 38 Sinfin SFr Spondon Flyer (red route) E e H M RC s HU T subsidised travel for older residents and those with certain disabilities. School o 60 C Farm oad o TP TransPeak 61 60 h R r D L ous WESTFIELD e e Residents over 61 or with specific disabilities can have a National a e r n X17 Borrowash Flyer b e n L Fellowlands e SHOPPING CENTRE y v 73 Concessionary Travel Card know locally as a Gold Card. This gives free 38 a i a D r K2 L n Sinfin M D y e e oor Way L 61 a r SL travel on most off peak buses throughout England. Derby and Derbyshire ane R Wragley n W b ST. PETER’S o o y t e card holders also receive discounts at hundreds of local shops and 37 a l K1 s 70 s d Way 38 d p CHURCH e a d a l R o r n W o services. To apply for a National Concessionary Travel Card please call at Deep M G R r 38 a ad A o a a L gle P l OW O ondon R

y a d r w

the Council Customer Services Centre in Albion Street or phone W Dale Lane kw G E E S Shardlow

n a o R

y a l o l V3 y R S . s Acrefield Way A50 N THE M t T

(01332) 293111. Typetalk users should dial 18001 before this number. n e R S F E E A te 61 Street ET A n S Wra High E L SPOT Cut-price travel for young people is also available under the i gley Way E S Lond D on D N R 2 a Sinfin oad r S T ne e b_line scheme. b_line card holders, aged 14 to 18, can get discounts La M u e d e m t O n a s . N La p m 60 o d Moor ‘Corner P N2 n o O N n on most bus and rail services throughout the county. R e to la n s SL g Pin’ t T 1 n d e A o D b_line cards are for 11 to 14 year-olds, and while y L r G L a s R O rb L l N N e O M1 e W A I they cannot be used to get discounted travel, the card D Chellaston R D a A O Chellaston d N B L y . N 73 D M2 is proof of age for a child fare. Both b_line cards can a School A50 A 60 E n B R To Burton e O be used to get discounts at a variety of shops and leisure facilities X38 61 M3 A To Findern, D throughout Derby and Derbyshire. 70 M5 M4 Produced by 30.9.11 Willington To Holmleigh Way, These cards are available from most schools. and Burton Melbourne and Swadlincote To Barrow-on-Trent Produced byF3.10.11 Appendix 4

Train Network