ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40




Mechanisms of

Doris Y. Tsao1 and Margaret S. Livingstone2

1Centers for Advanced Imaging and Cognitive Sciences, Bremen University, D-28334 Bremen, Germany; email: [email protected] 2Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008. 31:411–37 Key Words The Annual Review of Neuroscience is online at face processing, face cells, holistic processing, face recognition, face detection, This article’s doi: 10.1146/annurev.neuro.30.051606.094238 Abstract Copyright c 2008 by Annual Reviews. are among the most informative stimuli we ever perceive: Even All rights reserved a split-second glimpse of a person’s face tells us his identity, sex, mood, 0147-006X/08/0721-0411$20.00 age, race, and direction of . The specialness of face processing is acknowledged in the artificial vision community, where contests for face-recognition algorithms abound. Neurological evidence strongly implicates a dedicated machinery for face processing in the human brain to explain the double dissociability of face- and object-recognition deficits. Furthermore, recent evidence shows that macaques too have specialized neural machinery for processing faces. Here we propose a unifying hypothesis, deduced from computational, neurological, fMRI, and single-unit experiments: that what makes face processing special is that it is gated by an obligatory detection process. We clarify this idea in concrete algorithmic terms and show how it can explain a variety of phenomena associated with face processing.

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mon basic configuration, in fact such differ- Contents ences must be represented in the brain for both faces and nonface objects. Most humans can INTRODUCTION ...... 412 easily identify hundreds of faces (Diamond & Detection ...... 412 Carey 1986), but even if one cannot recognize Measurement and Categorization . . . 413 a hundred different bottles by name, one can certainly distinguish them in pairwise discrim- ALGORITHMS...... 413 ination tasks. Furthermore, most of us can rec- Detection ...... 413 ognize tens of thousands of words at a glance, Measurement ...... 415 not letter by letter, a feat requiring expert detec- Categorization ...... 417 tion of configural patterns of nonface stimuli. Invariance ...... 417 Thus, face perception is in many ways a mi- Summary ...... 417 crocosm of object recognition, and the solution HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND to the particular problem of understanding face FUNCTIONAL IMAGING ...... 418 recognition will undoubtedly yield insights into Norm-Based Coding ...... 420 the general problem of object recognition. Detection ...... 420 The system of face-selective regions in the Holistic Processing of Faces ...... 421 human and macaque brain can be defined pre- HUMAN FUNCTIONAL cisely using fMRI, so we can now approach this IMAGING ...... 423 system hierarchically and physiologically to ask Measurement and Categorization . . . 424 mechanistic questions about face processing at Invariance ...... 424 a level of detail previously unimaginable. Here Summary ...... 425 we review what is known about face processing MONKEY fMRI AND SINGLE- at each of Marr’s levels: computational theory, UNIT PHYSIOLOGY ...... 425 algorithm, and neural implementation. Detection ...... 425 Computer vision algorithms for face percep- Holistic Processing of Faces ...... 426 tion divide the process into three distinct steps. Anatomical Specialization First, the presence of a face in a scene must of Face Cells...... 426 be detected. Then the face must be measured The Functional Significance to identify its distinguishing characteristics. of the Anatomical Localization Finally, these measurements must be used to of Face Processing ...... 429 categorize the face in terms of identity, gender, Time Course of Feature- age, race, and expression. Combination Responses ...... 429 Norm-Based Coding ...... 429 Invariance ...... 430 Detection Summary ...... 431 The most basic aspect of face perception is sim- ply detecting the presence of a face, which re- quires the extraction of features that it has in INTRODUCTION common with other faces. The effectiveness The central challenge of visual recognition is and ubiquity of the simple T-shaped schematic the same for both faces and objects: We must face (eye, eye, nose, mouth) suggest that face distinguish among often similar visual forms de- detection may be accomplished by a simple spite substantial changes in the image arising template-like process. Face detection and iden- from changes in position, illumination, occlu- tification have opposing demands: The identi- sion, etc. Although face identification is often fication of individuals requires a fine-grained singled out as demanding particular sensitivity analysis to extract the ways in which each face to differences between objects sharing a com- differs from the others despite the fact that all

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faces share the same basic T-shaped configu- Moghaddam (2004). Our goal here is to dis- ration, whereas detection requires extracting cuss algorithms that offer special insights into what is common to all faces. A good detector possible biological mechanisms. should be poor at individual recognition and vice versa. Another reason why detection and identi- Detection fication should be separate processes is that How can a system determine if there is a face detection can act as a domain-specific filter, in an image, regardless of whose it is? An obvi- ensuring that precious resources for face recog- ous approach is to perform template matching nition [e.g., privileged access to eye movement (e.g., search for a region containing two eyes, a centers ( Johnson et al. 1991)] are used only mouth, and a nose, all inside an oval). In many if the stimulus passes the threshold of being a artificial face-detection systems a template is face. Such domain-specific gating may be one swept across the image at multiple scales, and reason for the anatomical segregation of face any part of the image that matches the template processing in primates (it is easier to gate cells is scored as a face. This approach works, but it that are grouped together). A further impor- is slow. tant benefit of preceding identification by de- To overcome this limitation, Viola & Jones tection is that detection automatically accom- (2004) introduced the use of a cascade of in- plishes face segmentation; i.e., it isolates the creasingly complex filters or feature detectors. face from background clutter and can aid in Their reasoning was that the presence of a aligning the face to a standard template. Many face can be ruled out most of the time with face-recognition algorithms require prior seg- a very simple filter, thus avoiding the com- mentation and alignment and will fail with putational effort of doing fine-scale filtering nonuniform backgrounds or varying face sizes. on uninformative parts of the image. The first stage in their cascade consists of only two sim- ple filters, each composed of a few rectangular Measurement and Categorization light or dark regions (Figure 1a). Subsequent After a face has been detected, it must be mea- stages of filtering are performed only on regions sured in a way that allows for accurate, effi- scoring positive at any preceding stage. This cient identification. The measurement process cascade approach proved just as accurate, but must not be so coarse as to miss the subtle fea- 10 times faster, than single-step face-detector tures that distinguish one face from another. algorithms. On the other hand, it must output a set of val- Sinha’s face-detection algorithm (Sinha ues that can be efficiently compared with stored 2002a) is based on the observation that qual- templates for identification. There is a zero- itative contrast relationships between different sum game between measurement and catego- parts of a face are highly conserved, even un- rization: The more efficient the measurement, der different lighting conditions (Figure 1b). the easier the classification; conversely, less ef- Even though any single contrast relationship ficient measurement (e.g., a brute force tabula- between two facial regions would be inadequate tion of pixel gray values) makes the classification to detect a face, a set of such relationships could process more laborious. be adequate (because probabilities multiply). A subset of Sinha’s directed contrasts ([r2, r3] and [r4, r5]) are equivalent to the first stage of the COMPUTER VISION Viola-Jones face detector. ALGORITHMS Effective primitives for face detection can A comprehensive review of computer algo- also be computed using an information the- rithms for face recognition can be found ory approach by identifying fragments (sub- in Zhao et al. (2003) and Shakhnarovich & windows) of face images that are maximally • Mechanisms of Face Perception 413 ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40



168 245 130 148 69 102

43 66 107 85 147 161

244 153 154 135 24 140

r0 r1

r4 r5 r2 r3

r7r6 r8

r9 r10 r11

414 Tsao · Livingstone ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

informative about the presence or absence of these limitations. The eigenface algorithm ex- a face (Ullman et al. 2002). The resulting frag- ploits the fact that all faces share a common ments consist of medium-resolution face parts, basic structure (round, smooth, symmetric, two Eigenface: an e.g., an eye, rather than the whole face, so in this eyes, a nose, and a mouth). Thus the pixel arrays eigenvector of the algorithm, face detection is triggered by detec- defining various faces are highly correlated, and covariance matrix tion of a threshold number of such fragments. the distinguishing characteristics of a face can defined by a set of All three algorithms discussed above use ba- be expressed more efficiently if these correla- faces that allows a sic feature detectors much simpler than a whole tions are removed using principal components compressed representation face (rectangle features in the Viola-Jones algo- analysis (PCA). When PCA is performed on a rithm, qualitative contrast ratios between pairs large set of faces, the eigenvectors with largest PCA: principal components analysis of face regions in the Sinha algorithm, and face eigenvalues all look like faces, and hence are parts in the Ullman algorithm). Yet, all three called “eigenfaces” (Figure 2a). An arbitrary Caricature: an artistic technique to enhance algorithms perform holistic detection, that is, face can be projected onto a set of eigenfaces to the recognizability of a they obligatorily detect faces as correctly ar- yield a highly compressed representation; good face by exaggerating ranged wholes. This is because all three al- face reconstructions can typically be obtained features distinguishing gorithms detect overlapping constellations of with just 50 eigenfaces and passable ones with that face from the elemental features that cover the whole face. just 25. In other words, something as ineffable average face The feature overlaps implicitly enforce the cor- as an identity can be reduced to 25 numbers rect overall arrangement of features. (Figure 2b). PCA on sets of faces varying in both expres- sion and identity generates some principal com- Measurement ponents that are useful for only expression or Once a face has been detected, it may need to be only identity discrimination and others that are identified or classified. Algorithms for the iden- useful for both (Calder et al. 2001). This par- tification of individual faces are generally ei- tial independence of PCs can successfully model ther feature-based or holistic. In feature-based the independent perception of expression and methods, fiducial points (e.g., eyes, mouth, identity (Cottrell et al. 2002). nose) are identified and used to compute var- The eigenface algorithm does not perform ious geometric ratios. As long as the features well if the sample face is not accurately aligned can be detected, this approach is robust to po- in scale and position to the template eigenfaces. sition and scale variations. In holistic methods, Human face perception, however, is tolerant the entire face is matched to memory templates to changes in both scale and position. More- without isolating specific features or parts. One over, if a face is transformed further along the advantage of holistic methods is that all parts morph line representing the deviation of that of the face are used, and no information is face from the average face, the transformed face discarded. is easily recognized as the same individual; this The simplest holistic recognition algorithm is the basis of caricature (Leopold et al. 2001). is to correlate a presented image directly to The process of morphing one individual into a bank of stored templates, but having tem- another (Wolberg 1996) involves both an in- plates for every face is expensive in time and tensity transform (which eigenfaces model very memory space. Turk & Pentland (1991) de- well) and a simultaneous geometric transform veloped the eigenface algorithm to overcome (Figure 3a). Because eigenfaces represent axes


Figure 1 (a) The two most diagnostic features defining a face comprise the first level of the detection cascade in the Viola-Jones algorithm for face detection. From Viola & Jones 2004. (b) The Sinha algorithm for face detection, showing the ratio-templates defining a face. From Sinha 2002a. • Mechanisms of Face Perception 415 ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40



Figure 2 The eigenface algorithm for face recognition. (a) The first 25 eigenvectors computed from the Yale face database (a collection of 165 face images). (b) Eigenface reconstructions of 5 different images, using the 25 eigenfaces shown in panel a. Note that nonface images can have nontrivial projections onto eigenfaces. Courtesy of C. DeCoro.

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of intensity values on a fixed spatial basis, the 1993). Furthermore, because classifications are eigenface approach does not interpret carica- necessarily nonlinear, the independence of ture transformations as the same individual. classification mechanisms from measurement Jebara (2003) proposed a clever way to get mechanisms would be very exciting from an around the spatial rigidity of the original eigen- experimental point of view because the tem- face approach: Instead of performing PCA on plates for measurement could thus be linear, the intensity values, the size of the representa- and therefore their detailed structure could be tion is tripled, so each pixel conveys not only mapped. We will return to the idea of lin- the image intensity value but also the intensity ear measurement mechanisms when we discuss value’s(x, y) location. Then PCA can be done on tuning properties of face cells. the triple-sized image containing a concatena- tion of (x, y, I ) values (Figure 3b,c). The power of this approach is that spatial coordinates are Invariance treated just like intensity coordinates, and thus Developing position and scale invariant recog- the resultant eigenfaces represent both geomet- nition is a huge challenge for artificial face- ric and intensity variations. The fact that this recognition systems. Initial attempts to com- bags of pixels approach performs three orders of pute a meaningful set of eigen-coordinates for a magnitude better than standard eigenface anal- face required that the face be accurately aligned ysis on face sets with changes in pose, illumina- in scale, position, and rotation angle to the tem- tion, and expression is computational proof of plate eigenfaces. However, if, as we propose, the importance of representing geometric vari- face detection precedes measurement, the de- ations in addition to intensity variations. tector can determine the location, size, and ro- tation angle of the eyes and face outline and then use these to normalize the input to face- Categorization measurement units. Turk and Pentland used a simple Euclidean distance metric on face eigen-coordinates to perform recognition. More powerful classifiers Summary that have been applied to the problem of face The main lesson we can extract from artificial recognition include Fisher linear discriminants systems for face processing is that detection and (Belhumeur et al. 1997), Bayesian estimation recognition are distinct processes, with distinct (Moghaddam et al. 2000), and support vec- goals, primitives (coarse contrast relationships tor machines (Shakhnarovich & Moghaddam vs. detailed holistic templates), and computa- 2004). These classification techniques can be tional architectures (filter cascade vs. parallel regarded as second-tier add-ons to the basic measurements). By preceding recognition, de- eigenface measurement system. Measurement tection can act as a domain-specific filter to gate yields analog descriptions, whereas classifica- subsequent processing and can include align- tion is nonlinear and yields discrete boundaries ment and segmentation, preparing the face rep- between descriptions. resentations for subsequent measurement. The Separating the process of measurement from effectiveness of the eigenface algorithm for face the process of classification gives a computa- recognition shows that faces can be represented tional system maximum flexibility because dif- by their deviation from the average in a com- ferent categorizations (e.g., emotion, identity, pressed subspace. Tocharacterize faces most ef- gender) can all operate on the same set of fectively, this subspace needs to include spatial basic eigenvector projections. Gender determi- variations as well as intensity variations. nation can be based on large eigenvalue eigen- Some machine vision models of recogni- vectors, whereas identification of individuals re- tion use common meta-algorithms to learn the lies on lower-value eigenvectors (O’Tooleet al. primitives for both detection and recognition • Mechanisms of Face Perception 417 ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

of faces (Riesenhuber & Poggio 2000, Ullman HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND 2007). Thus the two processes may share core FUNCTIONAL IMAGING computational principles. Whether biological The extensive behavioral literature on face per- systems use discrete steps of detection, mea- ception provides a rich source of clues about the surement, and classification to recognize faces is nature of the computations performed in pro- a question that can only be resolved empirically. cessing faces (Figure 4). One of the hallmarks


x b c y I

I x y y y

I Intensity Intensity I x x I x y I

418 Tsao · Livingstone ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

a b

c d



Figure 4 Behavioral observations on the nature of human face processing. (a) Flip the page upside down. The Thatcher Illusion shows that faces are obligatorily processed as wholes (an identical pair of features such as the upright and inverted mouth can appear similar or dramatically different depending on the surrounding context). From Thompson 1980. (b) Robustness of face identification to caricature. (c) Adaptation: Run your eyes along the 5 red dots for a minute, and then shift your gaze to the single red dot. From Afraz & Cavanagh 2008. (d ) Robustness to compression. From Sinha & Poggio 1996. (e) The importance of external features. From Sinha et al. 2006. ( f ) Robustness to low resolution. From Sinha 2002b.


Figure 3 A computational approach that can represent both spatial and intensity variations. (a) The computer graphics technique of morphing, in which the identity of one individual can be continuously transformed into that of another, provides insights about the nature of the face template. In the middle row, the individual outlined in red is continuously morphed into the individual outlined in green, which requires both a geometric transform and an intensity transform. The top and bottom rows show pure geometric transforms (morphing of the mesh) of the same 2 faces (the top rows show the geometric distortion of the red face into the shape of the green face, and the bottom row shows the distortion of the green face into the shape of the red face). The middle row shows a weighted intensity average of the aligned meshes from the top and bottom rows. From Wolberg 1996. (b) Bags of Pixels variant on the eigenface algorithm. The (x, y) coordinate of each pixel is elevated to the same status as the intensity value. (c) Adding or subtracting traditional eigenfaces to an average face produces only intensity variations at each pixel. Adding or subtracting eigenfaces computed using Bags of Pixels, however, can produce geometric variations in addition to intensity variations. From Jebara 2003. • Mechanisms of Face Perception 419 ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

of face processing is that recognition perfor- upright versus inverted faces (Rhodes & Jeffery mance drops substantially when faces are pre- 2006). Finally, although norm-based coding can sented upside down (Figure 4a) or in negative work only for classes of stimuli that have sim- : highly specific inability contrast, and both effects are much smaller for ilar enough first-order shape that a norm can to recognize faces, due objects (Kemp et al. 1990, Yin 1969). We pro- be defined, this situation may not be unique to to either congenital pose that both these properties can be explained faces. Rhodes & McLean (1990) showed ev- brain miswiring if only upright, positive-contrast faces gain ac- idence for norm-based coding for images of (“developmental cess to the face-processing system, i.e., if an birds, and adaptation effects can also be ob- prosopagnosia”) or focal brain lesions upright, positive-contrast template is used for served for simple shapes such as taper and over- (“acquired face detection. This template may be innate in all curvature (Suzuki & Cavanagh 1998). Thus prosopagnosia”) humans, as evidenced by the tendency for new- adaptive norm-based coding may be a general borns to track normal schematic faces longer feature of high-level form-coding processes. than scrambled schematic faces ( Johnson et al. 1991, Simion et al. 1998). Detection As argued in the modeling section, it is com- Norm-Based Coding putationally efficient to separate detection and Caricatures are remarkably powerful in evok- recognition and to have detection precede ing recognition (Figure 4b): Caricatured faces recognition because detection can act as a are often more identifiable than veridical domain-specific filter to make the recognition photographs (Lee et al. 2000). This finding has process more efficient (by focusing recognition led to the proposal that faces are represented on regions actually containing faces). That in terms of their deviation from the norm, or there are also separate detection and recogni- average, face (Leopold et al. 2001, Rhodes et al. tion stages in human face processing fits with 1987). Furthermore, the existence of face after- one of the most striking findings from the neu- effects (Figure 4c) shows that the face norm is ropsychology literature: Patient CK, who was adaptable (Webster & MacLin 1999). Because severely impaired at object recognition, includ- such face aftereffects transfer across retinal ing many basic midlevel visual processes, was positions (Leopold et al. 2001) and image sizes nonetheless 100% normal at face recognition ( Jeffery et al. 2006), they apparently do not (Moscovitch et al. 1997). His pattern of deficits reflect adaptation to specific low-level image indicated that face processing is not simply a features, but instead indicate adaptation of final stage tacked onto the end of the nonface higher-level representations. This face identity object recognition pathway but rather a com- aftereffect was interpreted as indicating that pletely different pathway that branches away adaptation to a given face shifts the norm or from object recognition early in the visual hier- average face in the direction of the adapting archy, and it is this branching off that we pro- face, making faces on the opposite side of the pose to equate with the detection process. CK’s norm more distinctive (i.e., more different dissociation is illustrated by his perception of from the norm). To explain these results the painting of a face made up of vegetables by Rhodes & Jeffrey (2006) propose that face Arcimbaldo—CK sees the face but not the con- identity is coded by pairs of neural populations stituent vegetables. that are adaptively tuned to above-average and CK’s ability to recognize famous or fa- below-average values along each dimension of miliar faces was at least as good as normal face space. controls, until the faces were shown upside Opposite adaptation can occur simultane- down, and then his performance became much ously for upright and inverted faces, consis- worse than that of controls. Conversely, pa- tent with the idea that distinct neural path- tients with prosopagnosia perform better than ways underlie the coding (and adaptation to) controls in recognizing inverted faces (Farah

420 Tsao · Livingstone ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

et al. 1995). This double dissociation of the that is consistent with functional imaging stud- inversion effect is consistent with the existence ies, as described below. Another interpretation of a face-specific processing system that can be is that holistic processing is characteristic of Inversion effect: accessed only by upright faces, present in CK any kind of object that must be distinguished some objects are and absent in prosopagnosics. Presumably, CK on a subordinate level, especially objects with recognized better can process objects using only the face-specific which the subject is highly trained or familiar when they are upright system, prosopagnosics have a general object- (Diamond & Carey 1986). It is not yet clear than inverted, this is recognition system but not the face-specific sys- what the perceptual phenomenology of holis- especially true for faces and words tem, and normal subjects have both systems. tic processing implies either mechanistically or The general nonface object system is not as computationally. We suggest that holistic face good at processing faces as the face-specific sys- processing can be explained by an obligatory tem (hence the inversion effect in normal sub- detection stage that uses a coarse upright tem- jects), is missing in CK (hence his dispropor- plate to detect whole faces (Figure 5). This tionate deficit for inverted faces), and is the only model explains the composite effect because an way prosopagnosics can process any face (hence aligned chimera would be detected as a whole their relatively superior performance with in- face and therefore would be processed as a unit verted faces because their general object system by subsequent measurement and classification gets extra practice processing faces). stages. However, we cannot rule out alternatives, such as one-stage models in which both face Holistic Processing of Faces detection and identification are carried out by Face processing is said to be distinct from non- the same set of face-selective cells. In this case, face object processing in that it is more holistic; to explain holistic properties of face process- that is, faces are represented as nondecomposed ing, we would have to postulate that individ- wholes rather than as a combination of inde- ual face cells, unlike nonface cells, are selective pendently represented component parts (eyes, not just for local features but for whole faces nose, mouth) and the relations between them or that the readout of face information must (Farah et al. 1998). Evidence for holistic pro- comprise all or most of the population code. cessing of faces comes from a number of behav- Either or both of these models would produce ioral paradigms, of which the two most cited are the behavioral holistic effects, even without an the part-whole effect (Tanaka & Farah 1993) antecedent detection gate. The key evidence and the composite effect (Young et al. 1987). favoring our early detection gating hypothesis In the part-whole effect, subjects are better at over a single-stage system comes from the iden- distinguishing two face parts in the context of tification of a series of face-selective areas in the a whole face than in isolation. In the compos- macaque (Pinsk et al. 2005, Tsao et al. 2003) ite effect, subjects are slower to identify half and the finding that an area early in this hier- of a chimeric face aligned with an inconsistent archy already consists entirely of face-selective other half-face than if the two half-faces are cells (Tsao et al. 2006); both these results are misaligned (Younget al. 1987). As with the part- discussed more extensively below. whole effect, the composite effect indicates that Although faces are unique in the degree even when subjects attempt to process only part to which they are processed holistically, other of the face, they suffer interference from the nonface objects can also show holistic effects, other parts of the face, suggesting a lack of ac- especially well-learned categories; for review cess to parts of the face and mandatory process- see Gauthier & Tarr (2002). Words may ap- ing of the whole face. proach faces in the degree to which they are One interpretation of the uniqueness of face processed holistically: Coltheart et al. (1993) processing is that it uses special neural machin- found that some acquired dyslexics can read ery not shared by other kinds of objects, an idea whole words and understand their meanings but • Mechanisms of Face Perception 421 ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

After Bill Jesse Winner take a Stimulus detection template template all

0.50.5 0.250.25 Bill 0.50.5 0.250.25

0.250.25 0.50.5 Jesse 0.250.25 0.50.5

0.50.5 0.250.25 ? 0.250.25 0.50.5

0.50.5 0.250.25 Bill 0 0

After Beetle Isuzu Winner take b Stimulus detection template template all

Beetle 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25

Isuzu 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5

Isuzu 0.25 0 0.5 0

Isuzu 0.25 0 0.5 0

422 Tsao · Livingstone ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

cannot distinguish individual letters making up line drawings of faces (Spiridon & Kanwisher the words. And Anstis (2005) showed that word 2002), and animal faces (Tonget al. 2000). Fur- recognition can show the composite effect, in thermore, the FFA BOLD signal to upright STS: superior that observers cannot tell whether two words Mooney faces (low-information two-tone pic- temporal sulcus have same or different top halves. tures of faces; Mooney 1957) is almost twice FFA: fusiform face as strong as to inverted Mooney stimuli (which area have similar low-level features but do not look HUMAN FUNCTIONAL IMAGING Blood-oxygen-level- like faces) (Kanwisher et al. 1998). Finally, for dependent (BOLD) Positron emission tomography studies initially bistable stimuli such as the illusory face-vase, signal: hemodynamic showed activation of the in a va- or for binocularly rivalrous stimuli in which a signal measured in riety of face-perception tasks (Haxby et al. 1991, face is presented to one eye and a nonface is fMRI experiments. Sergent et al. 1992), and fMRI subsequently presented to the other eye, the FFA responds Active neurons consume oxygen, revealed more specificity in these cortical re- more strongly when subjects perceive a face causing a delayed gions for faces with demonstrations of fusiform than when they do not, even though the retinal blood flow increase regions that responded more strongly to faces stimulation is unchanged (Andrews et al. 2002, 1–5 s later than to letter strings and textures (Puce et al. Hasson et al. 2001). Expertise hypothesis: 1996), flowers (McCarthy et al. 1997), every- Although the FFA shows the strongest in- face-processing day objects, houses, and hands (Kanwisher et al. crease in blood flow in response to faces, it mechanisms are used 1997). Although face-specific fMRI activation does also respond to nonface objects. There- to process any stimuli sharing a common can also be seen in the superior temporal sul- fore, two alternative hypotheses have been shape and visual cus (fSTS) and in part of the occipital lobe [the proposed to the idea that activity in the FFA expertise (OFA)], the most robust face- represents face-specific processing. First is the Distributed coding: selective activation is consistently found on the expertise hypothesis. According to this idea, the representation scheme lateral side of the right mid-fusiform gyrus, the FFA is engaged not in processing faces per se, using distributed (FFA) (Kanwisher et al. 1997) but rather in processing any sets of stimuli that activity of coarsely (Figure 6). The fact that this part of the brain share a common shape and for which the sub- tuned units. A key challenge for this idea is activated selectively in response to faces indi- ject has gained substantial expertise (Tarr & is specifying how cates that activity in this region must arise at or Gauthier 2000). Second is the distributed cod- distributed codes can subsequent to a detection stage. ing hypothesis: In an important challenge to be read out Many studies support the idea that the FFA a more modular view of face and object pro- is activated specifically by faces and not by the cessing, Haxby et al. (2001) argued that objects low-level stimulus features usually present in and faces are coded via the distributed profile faces, that is, activity in the FFA indicates that of neuronal activity across much of the ventral stimuli have been detected as faces: The FFA visual pathway. Central to this view is the sug- shows increased blood flow in response to a gestion that nonpreferred responses, for exam- wide variety of face stimuli: front and pro- ple, to objects in the FFA, may form an impor- file photographs of faces (Tong et al. 2000), tant part of the neural code for those objects.


Figure 5 We propose that holistic (composite) effects of face processing can be explained by a detection stage that obligatorily segments faces as a whole. Subjects are asked to identify the top (faces) or left (car) part of each chimera (third and fourth rows) or simply to identify the object (first and second rows). Four face (a) and car (b) stimuli are detected, projected onto holistic templates, and then identified through a winner-take-all mechanism. The numbers in the third and fourth columns indicate the result of projecting each stimulus, after detection, onto the respective templates. Aligned faces are obligatorily detected as a whole, but misaligned faces and cars are not, and therefore their attended parts can be processed independently. According to this hypothesis, the essential difference between face (a) and nonface (b) processing occurs at the detection stage (red boxes). Subsequent measurement and classification could use similar mechanisms. • Mechanisms of Face Perception 423 ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40


LO-faces LO-faces

Right Left



Figure 6 Face-selective regions in one representative subject. Face-selective regions ( yellow) were defined as regions that − respond more strongly to faces than to houses, cars, and novel objects ( p < 10 4). From Grill-Spector 2003.

The functional significance of the smaller but egorization) and facial identity (another form still significant response of the FFA to nonface of categorization) takes separate routes. Haxby objects will hopefully be unraveled by the com- and colleageus (2000) proposed a neural basis bined assaults of higher-resolution imaging in for this model. According to this idea, the in- humans and single-unit recordings in nonhu- ferior occipital gyri are involved in early per- man primates. ception of facial features (i.e., measurement). The pathway then diverges, with one branch Measurement and Categorization going to the , which is proposed to be responsible for processing Does the human brain use separate systems for changeable aspects of faces including direction face measurement and face classification? Some of eye gaze, view angle, emotional expression, fMRI evidence suggests that it does. For exam- and lip movement. The other projection is to ple, in a study of morphing between Marilyn the lateral fusiform gyrus, which is responsi- Monroe and Margaret Thatcher, adaptation ble for processing identity. A recent review has strength in the OFA followed the amount of challenged the Bruce and Young model, argu- physical similarity along the morph line, while ing that changeable aspects and invariant iden- in the FFA it followed the perceived identity tity may instead be processed together and rely fMRI adaptation: (Rotshtein et al. 2005), suggesting that the OFA on partially overlapping visual representations controversial performs measurement and the FFA performs technique for deducing (Calder & Young 2005). classification. However, another study indicates tuning properties of single cells from the that release from adaptation occurs in the FFA magnitude of the when physical differences are unaccompanied Invariance BOLD signal, which by changes in perceived identity (Yue et al. averages activity of 2006). Several studies have used fMRI adaptation for tens of thousands of According to Bruce & Young (1986), the face identity in the FFA and found invariance cells processing of (one form of cat- to image size (Andrews & Ewbank 2004 and

424 Tsao · Livingstone ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

spatial scale (Eger et al. 2004). Thus repre- faces, body parts, places, and words (for review sentations in the FFA are not tied to low- see Cohen & Dehaene 2004, Grill-Spector & level image properties, but instead show at least Malach 2004). Faces, bodies, and places are all Inferotemporal some invariance to simple image transforma- biologically significant, and their neural ma- cortex (IT): ventral tions, though not to viewpoint (Pourtois et al. chinery could conceivably be genetically pro- temporal lobe, 2005). grammed, but the use of writing arose too re- including the lower cently in human history for word processing to bank of the STS and be genetically determined. Therefore, at least outer convexity, Summary specialized for visual one kind of anatomical compartmentalization object recognition Behavioral studies complement computational must be due to extensive experience. We have gnostic unit (or approaches by indicating that specialized ma- suggested that the existence of discrete brain grandmother cell): a chinery may be used to process faces and that regions dedicated to face processing implies an hypothetical cell a face-detection stage gates the flow of infor- obligatory detection stage and that an obliga- responding exclusively mation into this domain-specific module. The tory detection stage results in holistic process- to a single high-level filters, or templates, used by this detection stage ing. What we know about word processing sug- percept in a highly invariant manner require an upright, positive contrast face, with gests that it too displays holistic properties, and the usual arrangement of features, and images it is localized, interestingly, in the left hemi- that do not fit the template are analyzed only sphere in an almost mirror symmetric location by the general object-recognition system. Even to the position of the FFA in the right hemi- images that pass into the face-specific mod- sphere (Cohen & Dehaene 2004, Hasson et al. ule are probably also processed in parallel by 2002). the general system, but the face module ap- pears to process images differently from the general object system: Face processing is holis- MONKEY fMRI AND SINGLE- tic in the sense that we cannot process indi- UNIT PHYSIOLOGY vidual face parts without being influenced by Detection the whole face. We suggest that this difference arises early in the face processing pathway. The The seminal finding by Gross and his col- face-detection stage may, in addition to gating leagues (1969, 1972) that there exist cells in access, obligatorily segment faces as a whole inferotemporal cortex (IT) that are driven op- for further processing by the face module. Fi- timally by complex biologically relevant stim- nally, substantial recent evidence suggests that uli, such as hands or faces, was novel and ini- face identity is coded in an adaptive norm-based tially not well accepted, despite the fact that fashion. Konorski (1967) had predicted the existence of Human imaging studies converge on the face-selective cells, or gnostic units, and that conclusion that faces are processed in specific they would be found in IT.Although IT cells do locations in the temporal lobe, but the degree not generally appear to be detectors for complex of specialization for faces within these loca- objects, there are consistently observed popu- tions is debated. The modular interpretation lations of cells selectively responsive to faces, is consistent with neurological findings and, bodies, and hands, suggesting that faces, bod- as described below, with single-unit recordings ies, and hands are treated differently from other in macaques. The role of experience in deter- types of complex patterns, consistent with their mining both the localization of face processing also being among the only object categories, and its holistic characteristics is also debated. aside from words and numbers, that show lo- And the relationship, if any, between modu- calization in human fMRI. But the strong pos- lar organization and holistic processing is com- sibility remained that these cells were not re- pletely unexplored. Only a few visual object cat- ally tuned to biologically relevant objects, but egories show functional localization in fMRI: rather to some more abstract basis set, in which • Mechanisms of Face Perception 425 ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

all possible shapes are represented by differ- determined that the cell would also respond to ent cells and some cells were tuned to partic- a configuration of two black dots over a hori- ular parameters that happened to fit the face or zontal line within a disk (panel b) but not in the hand stimuli better than any of the other ob- absence of either the spots or the line (panels c jects tested. Foldiak et al. (2004) recently pro- and d ) or the circular outline (panel e). The con- vided evidence that face selectivity is not just trast between the inside and the outside of the an incidental property of cells tuned to an ex- circle was not critical (panel g), but the spots and haustive set of image features: They presented the bar had to be darker than the disk (panel h). 600–1200 stimuli, randomly chosen from sev- Thus the cell responded only when the stimulus eral image archives, to cells recorded from both looked like a face, no matter how simplified. the upper and the lower bank of the STS and The response selectivity of face cells indi- found that the distribution of tuning to these cates that they must not only combine fea- images showed bimodality, i.e., cells were either tures nonlinearly but also require them to be predominantly face selective or not face selec- in a particular spatial configuration. However, tive. It is not unprecedented to have specialized such spatial-configuration selective responses neural systems for socially important functions: and nonlinear combination of features are not Birds have evolved specialized structures for the restricted to face cells as such behavior has been perception and generation of song, and in hu- reported for other kinds of complex object- mans there are specialized parts of the audi- selective cells in the temporal lobe (Baker et al. tory and motor systems devoted specifically to 2002, Kobatake & Tanaka 1994, Tanaka et al. language. 1991). Even earlier in the temporal pathway, Direct evidence that some face cells are used nonlinear combinatorial shape selectivity can for face detection comes from a microstimu- be seen (Brincat & Connor 2004). lation study by Afraz et al. (2006). Monkeys were trained to discriminate between noisy pic- tures of faces and nonface objects. Through sys- Anatomical Specialization tematic sampling, Afraz et al. identified cortical of Face Cells locations where clusters of face-selective cells Most studies on face cells reported face- could be reliably recorded. When they stimu- selective cells scattered throughout the tem- lated these regions and observed the monkeys’ poral lobe, though they tended to be found perceptual choices, they found a shift in the psy- in clusters (Perrett et al. 1984). Because other chometric curve favoring detection of a face. kinds of shape selectivities also tend to be clus- tered (Desimone et al. 1984, Fujita et al. 1992, Tanaka et al. 1991, Wang et al. 1996), it was as- Holistic Processing of Faces sumed that within the temporal lobe there was a In general, face cells require an intact face columnar organization for shape, in which face and are not selective just for individual fea- columns represented just one of many shape- tures (Bruce et al. 1981; Desimone et al. 1984; specific types of columns. However, this view Kobatake & Tanaka 1994; Leonard et al. 1985; was inconsistent with emerging evidence from Oram & Perrett 1992; Perrett et al. 1982, human neurology and functional imaging that 1984; Scalaidhe et al. 1999; Tsao et al. 2006). human face processing was localized to specific, Figure 7 shows nonlinear combinatorial re- reproducible regions of the temporal lobe. The sponse properties of a face-selective cell apparent discrepancy was resolved by two re- recorded in IT by Kobatake & Tanaka (1994). cent studies by Tsao et al. (2003, 2006), who Out of a large number of three-dimensional ob- found that in monkeys, as in humans, face pro- jects, this cell responded best to the face of a cessing, as revealed by functional imaging, is toy monkey (panel a), and by testing various localized to discrete regions of the temporal simplified two-dimensional paper stimuli, they lobe, and they further showed that even at the

426 Tsao · Livingstone ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40




50i s–1

0.87 1.0 0.02 0.18

1 s efgh


50i s–1

–0.08 0.01 0.69 –0.13

1 s

Figure 7 Holistic face detection. (To p ) recording site and receptive-field location of a face cell. (a-h) Response selectivity. From Kobatake & Tanaka (1994).

single-unit level, face processing is highly local- these face-selective regions in two monkeys. ized (Figure 8; note also Figure 7, top). They found a remarkable degree of face se- Tsao et al. used functional imaging to local- lectivity within this region; 97% of the cells ize regions in the macaque temporal lobe that were face selective, on average showing almost were selectively activated by faces, compared 20-fold larger responses to faces than to non- with nonface objects, and then they recorded face objects. The region where they recorded almost 500 single units within the largest of was quite posterior in the temporal lobe (6 mm • Mechanisms of Face Perception 427 ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

ae 20



b 80

l number 100

Cel 120

140 c 160

180 16 32 48 64 80 96 1 cm Image number 10–2 10–9

f d A 20 A/P 0 0.6 Perrett 1985, 1987 Apple Clock Rolls 1984 Desimone 1984 nse 0.4 Yamane 1988 Hasselmo 1989 0.2 Harries 1991

Tanaka 1991 n respo Kobatake 1994 0

Foldiak 1904 Mea Eifuku 1904 –0.2 Desousa 1905 16 32 48 64 80 96 Tsao 1906 Faces Bodies Fruit Gadgets Hands Scram

Figure 8 Mapping face and object selectivity in the monkey brain. (a) Five stimulus categories included faces, four nonface object categories (hands, gadgets, fruits, and bodies), and grid scrambled patterns. (b) Map of faces > objects. (c) Map of objects > scrambled. (d ) Meta-analysis showing the location of physiologically identified face-selective cells; studies identified by first author and date. Five hundred face-selective cells were recorded by Tsao et al. 2006 at the location indicated by the pink asterisk. (e) Responses of 182 neurons from M1’s middle face patch to 96 images of faces and nonface objects. ( f ) Average normalized population response to each image. Panels a–c,e,f are from Tsao et al. 2006.

anterior to the interaural canal, correspond- Tsao et al. and recently by Pinsk et al. (2005), ing to posterior TE/anterior TEO). The fact we reexamined all previous physiological stud- that an area consisting almost entirely of face- ies that mapped out locations of face-selective selective cells exists so early in the ventral cells, and by remapping their face-cell localiza- stream provides strong support for the hypoth- tions onto a common map, we found that, taken esis that the face pathway is gated by an oblig- en masse, these studies do show a concentration atory detection stage. of face selectivity in two major regions of the In light of the clear large-scale organiza- temporal lobe, regions that correspond to the tion of face processing in macaques revealed by middle and anterior face patches described by

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Tsao and colleagues using functional imaging by the earliest 50 ms of the response of face- (Figure 8d ). selective cells (Toveeet al. 1993), several studies have shown that the information carried by the The Functional Significance early part of the response is different from the of the Anatomical Localization information carried by later spikes. In particu- of Face Processing lar, the earliest spikes in a response are sufficient for distinguishing faces from other object cat- The cerebral cortex is functionally parcellated: egories, but information about individual facial Neurons concerned with similar things are or- identity does not develop until ∼50 ms later ganized into areas and columns, each having (Sugase et al. 1999, Tsao et al. 2006). extensive interconnections and common inputs Similarly, responses in IT to nonface stimuli and outputs (Mountcastle 1997). It is not sur- also become more selective, or sparser, over prising that face processing, being an impor- time (Tanaka et al. 1991, Tamura & Tanaka tant, identifiable and discrete form of object 2001). Similar temporal dynamics indicative recognition, is also organized into anatomically of early detection activity followed by later discrete processing centers. Individual neurons individual identification activity have been connect with only a small fraction of the rest observed for face-selective MEG responses of the neurons in the brain, usually to nearby in human occipitotemporal cortex (Liu et al. cells, because longer axons delay neural trans- 2002). The observations that global informa- mission, are energetically expensive, and take tion precedes finer information are consistent up space. Barlow (1986) has noted that facilita- with a role for local inhibition in sharpening tory interactions within a functional area or col- tuning within a local cluster of cells having umn could underlie Gestalt linking processes— similar response properties. Such response clustering cells concerned with color or motion dynamics suggest a feedback or competitive might facilitate interactions between parts of process, whereby cells that respond best to a the visual field having common color or mo- given stimulus inhibit nearby cells, resulting in tion. However, enriched local inhibitory in- a winner-take-all situation. teractions and sharpening of tuning might be an even more important function of colocal- Norm-Based Coding ization because inhibitory neurons are always Recently an idea has emerged for both face pro- local, and long-range intracortical connections cessing and general object coding in the tem- are invariably excitatory (Somogyi et al. 1998). poral lobe—that firing rate represents the mag- Wang et al. (2000) recorded responses in an- nitude of deviation from a template or norm terior IT to a set of complex stimuli before, for that property. Cells in V4 can be tuned to during, and after applying the GABA antago- curvature, but the optimal values for curvature nist bicuculline near the recording electrode. In are most often found at either extreme or zero many cases, for both face-selective and nonface- curvature, with few cells tuned to intermediate selective cells, blocking local inhibition re- curvature (Pasupathy & Connor 2001). Kayaert vealed responses to previously nonactivating and colleages (2005a) found norm-based tun- stimuli, which were often activating stimuli for ing for shapes in IT; neurons tuned to different neighboring cells. This suggests that neighbor- shapes tended to show monotonic tuning, with ing cells refine each other’s response selectivity maximum responses to extreme values of those by mutual inhibition. shapes. Lastly, Leopold et al. (2006) recorded from face-responsive cells in anterior IT and Time Course of Feature- found that most cells were tuned around an Combination Responses identity-ambiguous average human face, show- Although a large fraction of the information ing maximum firing to faces farthest from an about which face stimulus was shown is carried average face (i.e., tuning was V-shaped around • Mechanisms of Face Perception 429 ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

the average). Freiwald et al. (2005), on the other opponent ramp-shaped feature tuning curves. hand, reported that many cells in the macaque For both faces and nonface objects, many cells middle face patch showed monotonic turning show tuning to several feature dimensions, and curves to different feature dimensions in a large the tuning is separable, or independent, for the cartoon face space, with the maximum response different tuning axes (Freiwald et al. 2005, at one extreme and the minimum response at Kayaert et al. 2005b). the opposite extreme (Figure 9). This ramp- shaped tuning is consistent with the model pro- posed by Rhodes et al. (2004) for explaining the Invariance face-adaptation effect (Figure 5b)—that each Face-selective cells in the temporal lobe are face feature axis is coded by two opponent cell usually position and scale invariant in their abil- populations; thus the face norm would be im- ity to detect and distinguish faces, but they plicitly represented as the virtual point of in- are seldom view and angle invariant (Desimone tersection between face cell populations with et al. 1984; Perrett et al. 1984, 1985, 1989, 1991;

a Hair width

Eyebrow slant

Inter-eye distance

b Face Height of Mouth- aspect feature Hair Eyebrow Inter-eye Eye Gaze Nose Mouth- bottom ratio assembly thickness width distance size direction altitude size shape 42.5


16.5 1 6 11 Feature value 7.0

Firing rate (Hz

1.5 Face Hair Eyebrow Eyebrow Eye Iris Nose Mouth- Mouth- direction length slant height aspect size base to-nose top ratio distance shape

Figure 9 Tuning of face cells to a cartoon face space. (a) Three example dimensions of the 19-dimensional cartoon space. Each row shows example values for one parameter, with all other parameters fixed at their mean. (b) Tuning curves of two example cells to each of the 19 feature dimensions. Maximal, minimal, and mean values from shift predictor are shown in gray. Stars mark significant modulation. From Freiwald et al. 2005.

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Rolls & Baylis 1986; Tanaka et al. 1991; Tovee Summary et al. 1994; Tsao et al. 2006). The marked view The correlation between fMRI localization of selectivity of some IT cells may reflect a role in face processing in macaques and the strong interpreting social gestures (who is looking at clustering of physiologically identified face- whom) (Argyle & Cook 1976, Bertrand 1969). selective cells supports the idea of domain speci- De Souza et al. (2005) recently found a strik- ficity, suggested by neurological findings and ing pattern of view selectivity in rostral versus fMRI studies in humans. The strength and pre- caudal anterior STS. In caudal anterior STS, dominance of face selectivity within the mid- they found mirror-symmetric view-tuned cells, dle face patch are not consistent with either but in rostral anterior STS, view tuning was the expertise hypothesis or the distributed cod- not mirror symmetric. Furthermore, view an- ing model. The existence of neurons located gle and gaze direction interacted, with neurons at an early stage of form processing in the selective for a particular combination of face macaque brain that respond selectively to faces view and direction of gaze and often strongly supports the idea that face processing begins modulated by eye contact. with a detection stage, and the response proper- Recordings from the medial temporal lobe ties of face cells indicate that this stage is highly of human epilepsy patients have revealed the nonlinear. existence of cells that respond to familiar indi- However, face cells seem to measure differ- viduals in a highly invariant manner (Quiroga ent face variables independently and linearly, so et al. 2005), as expected of a grandmother cell. how does this reconcile with evidence that face For example, some cells responded to multiple perception in humans is holistic; i.e., how can pictures of a well-known individual as well as to we explain the composite effect and the part- a letter string of the person’s name but were un- whole effect neurally? We suggest that both responsive to all other images. Such individual- these apparently nonlinear perceptual effects specific cells have not been found in the lateral are consistent with a linear neural measuring inferior temporal lobe, where most face cells stage if the preceding detection stage is holis- in monkeys have been recorded, although as a tic and nonlinear. One surprising result from population, cells in the anterior inferior tem- physiological studies on face processing is the poral gyrus of the macaque can represent view- preponderance of view-selective units, but what invariant identity (Eifuku et al. 2004). role they play in face processing is still unclear.

FUTURE DIRECTIONS 1. Is face processing unique? We do not yet understand the details of how either faces or nonface objects are represented in the brain—perceptual studies have shown major differences in the ways that faces and objects are recognized, but there are nevertheless similarities in the response properties between face-selective cells and object-selective cells in IT. Both face- and object-selective cells in IT show tuning characteristics of a norm-based code. A variety of evidence suggest that our perception of faces is holistic, but processing of some nonface objects, like words, also shows important context effects. One fact is clear: The basic computational challenges to face processing are common to all object recognition (namely, detection, measurement, and classification). What is a face template in computational and neural terms, and how does it differ from a chair template? A truly satisfying answer to the question of whether face processing is unique will come only when we understand the precise neural mechanism underlying both face and nonface object recognition. • Mechanisms of Face Perception 431 ANRV346-NE31-18 ARI 17 March 2008 21:40

2. Is face processing modular? Perhaps the most striking result to come from the neurobi- ological research on face perception in the past decade is that specialized machinery is used for processing faces. Evidence reveals a fundamental specialization both at the gross anatomical level and at the level of single cells. It will be exciting to move forward along this pathway to understand how these face cells are used for different high-level percepts and behaviors; e.g., conveying invariant identity, expression, direction of attention, social dominance. But we believe that equally important new insights will come from looking back, asking how these cells acquire their face selectivity—undertaking a systematic study of the face-detection process. 3. What makes face processing special? We have proposed that what is special about face processing is that it is gated by an obligatory detection process. Such a design would be computationally elegant (by allowing for fast domain-specific filtering, segmentation, and alignment prior to fine-grained identification) and could explain the existence of face cells, face areas, prosopagnosia, and holistic processing. This detection-gating hypothesis naturally leads to the idea that there are two distinct classes of face cells: face-recognition cells, which encode different kinds of face templates, and face-detector cells, which (con- trary to their name) could perform the triple function of detection, segmentation, and alignment. However, it is also possible that detection and discrimination are carried out by the same cells (either simultaneously or sequentially). Either way, we should at least be able to find out the answer. Because we know that face-selective cells are coding faces, we can distinguish detection-related activity from discrimination-related activity, which is impossible when one is studying a cell whose form specialization is unknown. Perhaps what is truly special about face processing is that it is now amenable to being under- stood. We have a beautiful hierarchy, a gift from nature, and we should exploit it in both directions.

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The authors are not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

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