Michelle de Haan Institute of Child Health University College London Developing a Brain Developmental Cognitive Neurosciences Unit The Wolfson Centre Specialized for Mecklenburgh Square London WCIN ZAP United Kingdom : A Converging Kate Humphreys MarkH. Johnson Methods Approach Centre for Brain & Cognitive Development, Birkbeck College 32 Torrington Square London WCIE 7JL United Kingdom

Received 21 February 2000; Accepted 13 November 2001

ABSTRACT: Adults are normally very quick and accurate at recognizing facial identity.This skill has been explained by two opposing views as being due to the existence of an innate cortical ``face module'' or to the natural consequence of adults' extensive experience with .Neither of these views puts particular importance on studying development of face-processing skills, as in one view the module simply comes on-line and in the other view development is equated with adult . In this article, we present evidence from a variety of methodologies to argue for an ``interactive specialization'' view.In this view, orienting tendencies present early in life ensure faces are a frequent visual input to higher cortical areas in the ventral visual pathway.In this way, cortical specialization for face processing is an emergent product of the interaction of factors both intrinsic and extrinsic to the developing child. ß 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 40: 200± 212, 2002. DOI 10.1002/dev.10027

Keywords: face processing; infancy; neuroimaging; cortical specialization;

INTRODUCTION investigators have proposed that there is an innate ``social brain'' with pathways and circuits genetically Our sophisticated ability to perceive and analyze in- prespeci®ed for processing social information -e.g., formation from the faces of our fellow humans under- Baron-Cohen et al., 1999). Reports that certain re- lies much of our social behavior. In just a glance, we gions of the adult cortex are selectively activated by can recognize a single face from among the hundreds faces -reviewed in Grelotti, Gauthier, & Schultz, this stored in our memories as well as detect its age, issue) and that newborn infants preferentially orient sex, emotional state, and direction of . These to faces -e.g., Johnson, Dziurawiec, Ellis, & Morton, abilities provide the foundations for successful social 1991) have been interpreted as evidence in support of group collaboration and the societies that have led this view. Other investigators have pointed out that, to our success as a species. Given the extreme im- over the course of our lives, we have extensive and portance of faces, it is not surprising that some continuous exposure to faces. They have argued that this intensive visual ``training'' with faces results in a Correspondence to: M. de Haan high level of expertise, but that this process is no dif- ferent from acquiring expertise in discriminating and ß 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. recognizing individual examples from other visual Developing a Brain Specialized for Face Perception 201 categories -e.g., Diamond & Carey, 1986). Reports ed with the emergence of Conlern at 6 to 8 weeks that ``face-speci®c'' brain tissue can be activated by of age, when more adultlike processing of faces other highly trained object categories -e.g., by birds in begins to emerge. Our discussion focuses mainly on expert bird watchers; Gauthier, Skudlarski, Gore, & development of this system when infants are ®rst Anderson, 2000) have been taken as evidence in learning about faces over the ®rst year of life -for support of this view. In this article, we present review of development during childhood, see de evidence from developmental, animal, electrophysio- Haan, 2001). logical, neuroimaging, neuropsychological, and com- putational studies to argue for a third ``interactive METHODS specialization'' view -Johnson, 2000). In this view, cortical specialization for face processing is an emer- Comparative Studies gent product of the interaction of factors both intrinsic and extrinsic to the developing child. Face recognition is an important aspect of life not only for humans but also for many other species. Both face and species recognition have been fre- THE TWO-PROCESS THEORY quently studied in animals, but only rarely from a OF DEVELOPMENT OF FACE PROCESSING developmental perspective. This approach is useful both because research with animals allows experi- The framework that has motivated research in our mental manipulations not possible with humans and lab over the past decade is based on the two-process because a comparative approach provides insight into theory of the development of face recognition initially the similarities or differences in adaptation by advanced by Johnson and Morton -1991; Morton & different species to the common requirement of early Johnson 1991) and updated by Johnson and de Haan recognition of conspeci®cs. -2001). In the original theory -Johnson & Morton, One area in which early recognition abilities have 1991), two distinct brain systems were proposed to been studied is ®lial imprinting in precocial birds. underlie development of face processing in infancy: Imprinting is the process by which young, precocial -a) ``Conspec,'' a system operating from birth that birds, such as domestic chicks, recognize and develop functions to bias the newborn to orient toward faces a social attachment for the ®rst conspicuous object and -b) ``Conlern,'' a system sensitive to the effects of that they see after hatching. In the laboratory, newly experience through passive exposure. In this model, hatched domestic chicks will imprint onto a variety of Conspec is mediated by primitive, possibly largely objects such as moving, colored balls and cylinders. subcortical, circuits whereas Conlern is mediated by Even after only a few hours of exposure to such a developing cortical circuits in the ventral visual path- stimulus, chicks will come to prefer it to any other way. The purpose of Conspec is to bias the input to object. Thus, in the absence of a mother hen, the the still-plastic cortical circuits underlying Conlern, learning is relatively unconstrained: Virtually any providing the ®rst step towards the eventual emer- conspicuous moving object larger than a matchbox gence of the specialized circuits for face processing will do. observed in adults. Studies using autoradiographic, biochemical, lesion, In the initial formulation of the theory -Johnson and electrophysiological techniques have established & Morton, 1991), Conlern begins to in¯uence be- that a particular localized region of the chick forebrain, havior at 6 to 8 weeks of age and allows emergence known as the Intermediate and Medial part of the of the ability to recognize the identity of individual Hyperstriatum Ventrale -IMHV), is crucially involved faces. However, subsequent studies demonstrated that in visual imprinting -for recent reviews, see Horn, even newborn infants show evidence of recognizing 1998). For example, bilateral lesions to IMHV placed the facial identity -Bushnell, Sai, & Mullin, 1989; before or after training severely impair preference for Pascalis, de Schonen, Morton, Deruelle, & Fabre- the trained object in subsequent choice tests, but do Grenet, 1995). Taking these ®ndings into account, not affect several other types of visual or learning Johnson and de Haan -2001) revised the original tasks -Johnson & Horn, 1986, 1987; McCabe, Cipolla- theory and proposed that, prior to the specialization Neto, Horn, & Bateson, 1982). Further, similarly sized of cortical circuits for faces, these stimuli can be lesions placed elsewhere in the chick forebrain do not processed in the same general-purpose way as other result in signi®cant impairments of imprinting pre- visual patterns. This provides some basis for the ference -Johnson & Horn, 1987; McCabe et al., 1982). ability to recognize a number of individual faces from Although the avian forebrain lacks the layered early in life. This limited ability is then supplement- structure of mammalian cortex -but see Karten & 202 de Haan, Humphreys, and Johnson

Shimizu, 1989), the relation of the forebrain to sub- encode information about conspeci®cs and not about cortical structures is similar, following a basic higher the characteristics of other objects present in its early vertebrate brain design -Ebbesson 1980; Nauta & visual environment? Karten, 1970). The evidence from a variety of verte- An answer to this question arose from a series brate species supports the suggestion that the IMHV of experiments in which striking, stimulus-depen- is a site of plasticity, and not the location of in-built, dent effects of IMHV lesions were found -Horn & automatic types of behavior -Ewert, 1987; MacPhail, McCabe, 1984). While groups of chicks trained on 1982). Figure 1 illustrates the location of IMHV an arti®cial stimulus such as a red box are severely within the chick brain. The area occupies about 5% of impaired by IMHV lesions placed either before or total forebrain volume. Its main inputs come from after training, groups of chicks trained on a stuffed visual projection areas -hyperstriatum accessorium hen are only mildly impaired. Other neurophysio- and the optic tectum), and some of its projections go logical manipulations also demonstrate differences to regions thought to be involved in motor control between the hen-trained and box-trained birds. For -such as the archistriatum). Thus, the area is well example, administration of the noradrenergic neuro- placed to integrate visual inputs and motor outputs. toxin DSP4 results in a severe impairment of pre- While regions of the avian forebrain may have ana- ference in birds trained on the red box, but only a logous functions to the mammalian cerebral cortex mild impairment in birds trained on the stuffed hen -Horn, 1985), cytoarchitectonic studies of IMHV have -Davies, Horn, & McCabe, 1985). In contrast, levels revealed that it is much simpler in structure. In con- of plasma testosterone correlate with preference for trast to the six-layered structure with many cell types the stuffed hen, but not preference for the red box found in the mammalian cerebral cortex, there is no -Bolhuis, McCabe, & Horn, 1986). clear laminar structure of IMHV, and only four dis- These results support an earlier suggestion -Hinde, tinctive types of cells have been classi®ed to date 1962) that naturalistic objects such as hens may be -Tombol, Csillag, & Stewart, 1988). A connectionist more effective at eliciting attention in young chicks model based on characteristics of the cytoarchitec- than are other objects. To investigate this possibility tonics of IMHV suggests that the microcircuitry found further, Johnson and Horn -1988) conducted a series of in IMHV makes it an especially powerful mechanism experiments in which completely dark-reared chicks for acquiring certain types of representations, such were presented with a choice between an intact stuffed as translation invariant object-based representations hen and a variety of test stimuli created from cutting up -O'Reilly & Johnson, 1994). and jumbling the pelt of a stuffed hen. The results of In the laboratory, a wide range of objects, such these experiments forced the conclusion that chicks as red boxes and blue balls, are as effective for im- have a spontaneous tendency to attend toward char- printing as more naturalistic stimuli such as a moving acteristics of the hen's head and neck region. While this stuffed hen. In the wild, however, precocial birds such untrained preference seems to be speci®c to the correct as chicks invariably imprint on their mother and not arrangement of features of the face/head, it is not on other passing objects. What mechanisms ensure speci®c to the species. For example, the head of a duck that the plasticity in the chick brain is constrained to is as attractive as that of a hen -Johnson & Horn, 1988).

FIGURE 1 Outline drawing of the chick brain. The brain is viewed from the side and is about 2 cm from front to back -left). IMHV ˆ the Intermediate and Medial part of the Hyperstriatum Ventrale. Developing a Brain Specialized for Face Perception 203

These ®ndings and others led to the proposal that the appropriate spatial arrangement of high-contrast there are two independent neural systems that underlie ``blobs'' -somewhat similar to a defocused image of ®lial preference in the chick -Horn, 1985; Johnson, a face) and -b) a pattern that had the same features, Bolhuis, & Horn, 1985). The ®rst system is a speci®c but in the wrong arrangement. The results of this predisposition for the young chick to orient toward and other experiments -see Johnson & Morton, objects resembling conspeci®cs. This system appears 1991; Simion, Valenza, Umilta, & Dalla Barba, to be speci®cally tuned to the correct spatial arrange- 1998; Valenza, Simion, Cassia, & Umilta, 1996) all ment of elements of the head and neck region replicated the original ®ndings and extended them -Johnson & Horn, 1988), but not to the color or size to indicate that there is no consistent difference in -see Johnson & Bolhuis, 1991). While the stimulus response to a detailed schematic face compared to a con®guration triggering the predisposition is not facelike arrangement of three blobs. These results species- or genus-speci®c, it is suf®cient to pick out indicate that newborns' preferential tracking is not the mother hen from other objects the chick is likely to speci®c to the ®ne details of facial features, but is see in the ®rst few days after hatching. The second speci®c to the arrangement of elements that compose system acquires information about the objects to a face -rather than simply a unidimensional psycho- which the young chick attends, and is subserved by physical variable such as spatial frequency; Morton, the brain region IMHV. In the natural environment, 1993; Morton, Johnson, & Maurer, 1990). the ®rst system ensures that the second system Controversy remains about the basis of the new- acquires information about the particular individual born's bias. For example, Simion, Macchi Cassia, mother hen close by. Biochemical, electrophysiologi- Turati, and Valenza -2001) recently demonstrated cal, and lesion evidence all support the conclusion with simple geometric patterns that newborns pre- that the two systems have largely independent neural ferentially orient to patterns with a higher density of substrates -for review, see Horn, 1998). For example, elements in the upper visual ®eld, and Acerra, Burnod, selective lesions to IMHV impair preferences acquired & de Schonen -in press) used neural-network simu- through exposure to an object, but do not impair the lations to argue that the newborn's bias to orient to predisposition -Johnson & Horn, 1986). faces is due to the details of receptive ®eld properties of cells in V1. Such studies raise the possibility that the preferential orienting to facelike stimuli is a con- Visual Tracking sequence of less speci®c constraints, or gestalt princi- The experiments described above demonstrate that the ples, in . A combination of less development of recognition of conspeci®cs in the speci®c biases could have the same behavioral con- chick appears to involve two neuroanatomically dis- sequence as a more speci®c ``face'' bias in ensuring tinct processes. It was this discovery that led to the that, in a natural environment involving faces and formulation of the two-process theory of development other objects, newborns orient toward faces. However, of human face recognition previously described. The these ``sensory'' explanations are not necessarily, as proposition that there may be a mechanism present in is often implied, simpler explanations of newborns' human neonates that causes them to orient to faces preferential tracking of facelike patterns. First, a des- was controversial, as it was widely believed at the cription of the preferential tracking of the Conspec time that infants could not recognize faces until they pattern on the basis of a combination of known sen- were at least a few months of age. Indeed, the results sory preferences in the newborns could still be rela- of most experiments supported this view -reviewed tively complex [e.g., patterns with a high density in Johnson & Morton, 1991), with the exception of of elements in the upper visual ®eld -Simion et al., one study -Goren, Sarty, & Wu, 1975) reporting that 2001), a strong vertical component -Farroni, Valenza, newborn human infants around 10 min old turn their Simion, & Umilta, 2000), curved outer contour, etc.; heads and eyes further to track a moving facelike see Johnson & Morton, 1991, p. 135, Box 6.1]. A pattern than a ``scrambled'' face pattern. Due to the laboratory environment with psychophysically pre- controversial nature of this result, Johnson et al. pared geometric visual patterns -e.g., the upright and -1991) attempted to replicate it, with some changes to inverted ``T'' shapes used by Simion et al., 2001) can improve the methodology -see also Maurer & Young, potentially tell us more about the representations un- 1983). One change was to expand the set of stimuli to derlying behavior, but not about the ethology of the include -a) a pattern composed of the con®guration of infant in its natural environment. Second, the crude high-contrast areas that compose a face, but without representation of a face in newborns assumed by the details of the features of a face. This pattern might Johnson and Morton -1991) may not, in fact, be any be effective if the newborn's tracking is triggered by more complex to construct than the apparently less 204 de Haan, Humphreys, and Johnson speci®c biases proposed. Recent neural-network con®rmed this prediction. A ®nal piece of evidence simulations have shown that sensitivity to the basic in favor of subcortical mediation of newborns' pre- spatial arrangement of high-contrast areas that com- ferential orienting to faces is that adult patients with pose a face could arise as a result of spontaneous hemi-neglect show an advantage for faces in captur- -prenatal) activity in certain neural networks -Bednar ing attention in their neglected ®elds -Vuilleumier, & Miikkulainen, 2000). Whatever the exact descrip- 2000). tion of the basis of the newborn's orienting tendencies, While none of these lines of evidence bring us any none contradict our proposal that these re¯ect more closer to specifying in detail the neural substrates primitive biases that could provide input to develop- of newborns' preferential tracking of faces, a number ing cortical areas rather than the existence of an innate of different possibilities remain including the sup- cortical ``face module.'' erior colliculus, pulvinar, deeper layers of the cortex, Some investigators have in fact interpreted new- and any combination of these. Probably only direct borns' sensitivity to faces as support for the exis- methods, such as neuroimaging, will provide a more tence of innate, face-speci®c cortical areas. However, de®nitive answer to this question. there are several indirect sources of evidence that suggest newborns' preferential orienting toward faces Visual Attention Studies is mediated primarily by subcortical circuitry. First, the preferential tracking of faces declines sharply The results of studies with newborns suggest that a between 4 and 6 weeks after birth -Johnson et al., preference for orienting to facelike patterns within 1991, Experiment 3). This is similar to the time a natural environment is present from the earliest course of the decline of other newborn re¯exlike moments tested after birth. At the same time, newborn behaviors that is thought to occur due to inhibition infants are able to recognize individual facial identity: by developing cortical circuits -e.g., Muir, Clifton, & They look longer at the mother's face than at the face Clarkson, 1989). Thus, the in¯uence of the Conspec of a stranger, even with static presentations and even process may normally decline at 4 to 6 weeks of age when extra cues such as voice and smell are controlled due to inhibition by the emerging cortical Conlern -Bushnell et al., 1989; Pascalis et al., 1995). Despite mechanisms. A second line of evidence in favor of a these impressive abilities, the way in which newborns subcortical basis of newborns' preferential tracking is process faces is very different from the way adults do. the nature of the task itself. Newborns demonstrate a At 6 to 8 weeks of age, striking changes occur which preference for facelike stimuli in this task, but not in may re¯ect the beginnings of cortical specialization standard visual-preference tasks with static stimuli for face processing. In the two-process theory, these present in the central visual ®eld -e.g., Maurer & changes are viewed as re¯ecting the functional emer- Barerra, 1981). One explanation for these discrepant gence of the cortical ``Conlern'' mechanism. ®ndings is that the tracking task is more sensitive to One such change is in the mental representation subcortical visual mechanisms. In young infants, the of facial identity. According to one view -Valentine, peripheral visual ®eld feeds more directly into the 1991), adults encode faces in a multidimensional subcortical retino-tectal pathway while the central space. The dimensions of this ``face space'' are not visual ®eld feeds mainly into the cortical geniculostri- prespeci®ed, but are thought to be learned to allow ate pathway. In the tracking task used with newborns, optimal discrimination of faces in the individual's the stimulus is continually moving out of the central environment. Face representations are assumed to be visual ®eld and toward the periphery -stimulating the normally distributed about the origin of the space such subcortical pathway) while in the visual preference that typical faces are clustered together around the tasks used, the stimuli typically remain in the central center, and more distinctive faces are located further visual ®eld -stimulating primarily the cortical path- out in more sparsely populated regions. Valentine way). Further support for this is a study in which proposed that face space might take one of two forms newborns were tested monocularly so that orienting -Figure 2). In the norm-based model of face space, to faces in the temporal and nasal visual ®elds could faces are encoded as vectors relative to a central pro- be compared -Simion et al., 1998). Since, in new- totype, the weighted average of all faces encountered. borns, vision in the nasal visual ®eld is mediated The alternative exemplar-based model assumes that primarily by the geniculo-striate pathway while vision faces are represented as points, rather than vectors, in the temporal visual ®eld is mediated primarily by and that the origin of the space is simply the point of the retino-tectal pathway, newborns should preferen- greatest exemplar density. tially orient to faces only in the temporal visual ®eld Few studies have addressed the issue of how face if this behavior is subcortically mediated. The results space might develop. However, it seems reasonable Developing a Brain Specialized for Face Perception 205

FIGURE 2 Figures 2a and 2b show two different models of face space. Figure 2a shows a two- dimensional face space proposed by Valentine -1991) in which the dots are encoded representations of familiar faces and the center of the space -where density of exemplars is greatest) is where the prototype is located. Figure 2b shows a vector-based representation of a norm-based interpretation of face space. Figures adapted from Lewis & Johnston -1999). to make certain assumptions. First, face space will of prior studies -e.g., Pascalis, de Haan, Nelson, & de contain fewer entries during development than in Schonen, 1998; Pascalis & de Schonen, 1994), both adulthood, as fewer faces have been encountered. 1- and 3-month-olds were able to recognize the in- Second, infants and children are likely to encode faces dividual face. However, only the 3-month-olds showed along fewer dimensions than adults because they do evidence of recognizing, and thus having mentally not need many to distinguish the smaller number of computed, the average face prototype. Results of faces in their environment -Johnston & Ellis, 1995; further experiments showed that the 1-month-olds' Pedelty, Levine, & Shevell, 1985). failure to recognize the prototype still occurred when Infants appear to begin to form a face space based the recognition test was made easier and could not on the faces they see only at around 3 months of age. be accounted for by preexisting preferences among For example, we tested 1-month-old and 3-month-old the faces -de Haan et al., 2001). These results sug- infants' abilities to recognize an individual face and gest that only by about 3 months of age do infants an ``average face'' prototype following familiariza- relate information from one face to another and tion to four individual faces -de Haan, Johnson, begin to form a category of ``face'' based on the faces Maurer, & Perrett, 2001). Consistent with the results they see. 206 de Haan, Humphreys, and Johnson

Studies of adults' learning of perceptual catego- 1969). This disruptive effective of inversion on face ries indicate that recognition of individual exemplars processing also is observable in event-related poten- is mediated by different substrates than categoriza- tials -ERPs) recorded while adults passively view tion of exemplars and recognition of the prototype faces -for method description of ERPs, see Johnson -Knowlton & Squire, 1993; Squire & Knowlton, et al., 2001, or see Taylor & Baldeweg, 2002 in a 1995). The former is mediated by medial temporal parallel special issue of Developmental Science on lobe structures -Knowlton & Squire, 1993; Squire & imaging methods). In adults, there is a ``face- Knowlton, 1995) while the latter involves visual sensitive'' negative component in the ERP, called the cortex -Aizenstein et al., 2000; Reber, Stark, & , that peaks at around 170 ms after stimulus Squire, 1998a, 1998b). In adults, both of these onset and is most prominent over posterior temporal regions are believed to be part of the network in- electrodes -e.g., Bentin, Allison, Puce, Perez, & volved in storing knowledge about object categories McCarthy, 1996). The N170 is thought to be linked -Martin & Chao, 2001). Infants' early abilities to to ``...late stages of structural encoding, where recognize individual faces may rely on medial tem- representations of global face con®gurations are gen- poral lobe structures -e.g., the hippocampal-based erated in order to be utilised by subsequent face ``preexplicit memory;'' Nelson, 1995) while their recognition processes'' -Eimer, 2000). This compo- later developing abilities to form mental prototypes nent also is observed in children as young as 4 years of and use these to facilitate encoding of new faces may age, though its amplitude is smaller and latency longer rely on further development of areas of the ventral at this age -Taylor, Edmonds, McCarthy, & Allison, visual cortical pathway. 2001; Taylor, McCarthy, Saliba, & Degiovanni, 1999). Studies with older children demonstrate that there The N170 is affected by stimulus inversion: It is of is a prolonged course of development of mental rep- larger amplitude and longer latency to inverted com- resentation of faces. For example, with increasing pared to upright faces -Bentin et al., 1996; de Haan, experience of faces, children become better at dis- Pascalis, & Johnson, 2002; Eimer, 2000; George, criminating between faces of the type that comprise Evans, Fiori, Davidoff, & Renault, 1996; Rebai, the majority of their environmental input, and do Poiroux, Bernard, & Lalonde, 2001; Taylor et al., not improve, and may even get worse, at discriminat- 2001). In contrast, there is no difference in amplitude ing between members of other categories of faces. or latency of the N170 elicited by upright compared For example, infants and children show a reduced or to inverted animal faces -de Haan et al., 2002) or absent ``other-race effect'' -e.g., Chance, Turner, & upright compared to inverted objects -Rebai et al., Goldstein, 1982) and a reduced 2001; Rossion et al., 2000). These results suggest that -e.g., Carey & Diamond, 1977). In face-space terms the N170 elicited by the human face is not simply it appears that the dimensions of face space change a reaction to the basic con®guration of eyes±nose± to become increasingly attuned to making ®ne dis- mouth -since this is also present in animal faces), but criminations between upright, same-race faces with is tuned more speci®cally to characteristics of the growing expertise with these stimuli. The cost of upright, human face. this increasing expertise is that, with development, In infants as young as 6 months, an ERP compo- we may become less able to discriminate between nent is elicited by faces that is of similar morphology faces of types to which we have little exposure, such to the adult N170 but has an amplitude and latency as monkey faces or inverted faces -e.g., see Werker more similar to that observed in young children -de & Tees, 1999 for a discussion of this phenomenon Haan et al., 2002). However, unlike in adults, in with perceptual narrowing in phoneme discrimina- 6-month-olds the N170 is not affected by inversion. tion and Nelson, 2001 for further discussion of this This is not because infants of this age cannot detect view on the development of face processing). the difference between upright and inverted faces, as they show modulation of the amplitude of a longer- latency ERP component -P400) by inversion. In con- Event-Related Potentials trast, 12-month-olds, like adults, show a larger N170 Studying the development of processing of stimuli for inverted than upright human faces, but no dif- such as inverted faces or animal faces can provide ference in the N170 to inverted and upright monkey insight into how face space is being altered during faces -Halit, de Haan, & Johnson, 2000). These results development. For example, adults are slower and are consistent with the idea that the infants' repre- make more errors in processing inverted than upright sentation of the face initially may be relatively broad faces while they often are equally good at proces- and only gradually become more speci®c to the up- sing other objects in both orientations -e.g., Yin, right human face. This process likely extends beyond Developing a Brain Specialized for Face Perception 207 infancy, as there are developmental changes in the 5- to 14 year-olds who had experienced perinatal characteristics of the N170 throughout childhood unilateral lesions, the effects were fairly mild: Fewer -Taylor et al., 2001; Taylor et al., 1999). than half the children showed impaired performance relative to controls on tests of face or object-iden- tity recognition -Mancini et al., 1998). Furthermore, Neuropsychological Studies -a) face-processing de®cits were no more common Results from the studies described previously suggest than object-processing de®cits following a right- that some adultlike characteristics of face processing hemisphere lesion, -b) face-processing de®cits were are present by 12 months of age. One possible ex- no more common after right-sided than left-sided planation is that, rather than emerging through an damage, and -c) a face-processing de®cit never occur- experience-dependent process as we have proposed, red in the absence of an object-processing de®cit. This these characteristics re¯ect a preprogrammed and ana- general pattern is similar to that reported in other tomically localized cortical module for face proces- studies -Ballantyne & Trauner, 1999; Mancini, de sing that emerges over the ®rst year. We will evaluate Schonen, Deruelle, & Massoulier, 1994), and suggests this possibility in light of recent neuropsychological that the infant face-processing system is more widely studies. distributed and /or more plastic following damage than is the adult system. . One piece of evidence that has While the existence of even one ``pure'' case of been interpreted in support of this view is the im- developmental prosopagnosia might be thought to be pressive face-recognition abilities in individuals with suf®cient proof of a domain-speci®c face-processing Williams Syndrome. Williams Syndrome is charac- module localized early in life, in practice interpreta- terized by mild to moderate mental retardation to- tion of such results is not entirely straightforward. gether with an uneven cognitive pro®le, with poor First, if there is an anatomically localized, prepro- visuo±spatial skills but relatively intact verbal and grammed face module, then it would be expected face-processing skills -Donnai & Karmiloff-Smith, that the location of damage causing prosopagnosia 2000). The seemingly preserved face-processing would be the same in developmental and adult-onset abilities, despite severe impairments in visuo±spatial cases. However, in several developmental cases, MRI processing, have been taken as evidence for the exis- revealed no observable structural damage -Nunn tence of a face-processing module that can be selec- et al., 2001) or diffuse rather than focal abnormalities tively impaired or spared. However, the results of -Laeng & Caviness, 2001). This raises the possibilities recent studies demonstrated that the relatively good that the nature of the initial damage differed in these performance of people with Williams Syndrome on cases compared to adult-onset cases or that reorgani- face-recognition tasks is mediated by atypical neural zation in response to injury differs in the develop- and cognitive processes. For example, typical adults mental compared to the adult-onset cases. A second show a gamma burst in EEG recorded during the factor to consider is that, if the modular argument is viewing of faces, a response linked to perceptual correct, one would expect the nature of the face- integration of features; in contrast, this response is processing de®cit to be similar in developmental and absent in individuals with Williams Syndrome -Grice adult-onset cases. While this possibility has not been et al., 2001). These results challenge the idea that face extensively investigated, one recent comparison of processing is normally mediated by a speci®c module. two such cases demonstrated that the processes un- derlying impairments in face processing may differ Developmental Prosopagnosia. In adults, damage to for developmental compared to adult-onset cases -de occipito±temporal cortex can result in prosopagnosia, Gelder & Rouw, 2000). A third factor to consider a selective impairment in face processing. Recently, when interpreting cases of developmental prosopag- several cases of selective de®cits in face processing nosia is that perceptual impairments that may not attributed to damage sustained in infancy have been greatly affect adults' processing of faces could have reported -e.g., Bentin, Deouell, & Soroker, 1999; a big impact on the development of face-processing Farah, Rabinowitz, Quinn, & Liu, 2000; Jones & skills. For example, a recent study showed that visual Tranel, 2001; Nunn, Postma, & Pearson, 2001). These input in the ®rst months of life is critical to normal results could be interpreted as evidence for the exis- development of face processing later in life -Le Grand, tence of a domain-speci®c and anatomically localized Mondloch, Maurer, & Brent, 2001). Thus, early face-processing module formed early in life. lesions that affect general visual function could, by However, the results of other studies do not support altering the quality of the perceptual input, have a this view. In one study of face-processing abilities in lasting impact on the developing face-recognition 208 de Haan, Humphreys, and Johnson system. Finally, the existence of cases with early with development the cortical circuits involved in face sustained brain injuries and later dif®culties in face processing become both increasingly localized and processing is not necessarily evidence that a face- increasingly specialized. These processes at the neural processing module initially existed and was damaged. level are re¯ected in the emergence of several adult- For example, in the majority of normal adults, the left like characteristics of face processing over the ®rst side of the brain plays a dominant role in language, year of life. In our view, the learning occurring during and damage to the left perisylvian areas results in this period is critical to the normal development of severe dif®culties with language known as dysphasia face processing. In contrast to the view that face or aphasia. In contrast, similar damage occurring in recognition is just one example of expertise that can the ®rst 5 years of life has much less devastating be acquired by a more general-purpose ``expert visual consequences for language, but can later result in processing'' system, we propose that face recognition unexpected de®cits in visuospatial processing -see is special in that the timing of certain visual inputs Vargha-Khadem & Mishkin, 1997). In the same way, during development is important for normal develop- it is possible that de®cits in face processing could be ment of the system to occur. By our view, the regions caused by early acquired lesions in areas not normally in the ventral occipito±temporal cortex have the associated with face processing in adults. Thus, for potential to become specialized for face recognition, many reasons the existence of cases with develop- but it is only through appropriate experiences with mental prosopagnosia cannot necessarily be consid- faces that specialization for this function emerges. ered strong evidence in support of the existence of an Other regions may initially be activated by faces, but early-developing ``face module.'' in typical development eventually become specialized for different functions. Thus, this account does not entail an innate module, CONCLUSIONS but neither is specialization for faces wholly shaped by experience. Instead, we suggest that a neural system Infants arrive in the world with a preference to look ``prepared'' for exposure to particular input develops at faces. We have argued that this early bias to orient rapidly and becomes increasingly specialized with to faces is not the result of an innate cortical face ongoing exposure to faces. Currently, there is little module, but rather re¯ects more primitive neural empirical evidence to distinguish between develop- circuitry, involving mainly subcortical structures. Al- mental learning of face recognition and learning of though the perceptual basis of this preference is still visual expertise for other object categories as adults. debated, no view disputes our proposal that it ensures However, there are some indications that the pro- a face-biased input to developing, modi®able cortical cesses may differ. First, in the expertise view it is circuits. In this sense, the infant's brain can be said argued that adults become experts in processing cate- to contribute to its own subsequent specialization. gories; certain characteristics of processing that are Grelotti et al. -this issue) present a view similar to ours often erroneously thought to be unique to faces -e.g., in that they also propose that more ``primitive'' cir- inversion effects, con®gural encoding, etc.) emerge. If cuits of the brain function to ensure faces are a we apply the same view to development, we would frequent input to higher cortical areas in the ventral expect that these expert characteristics of processing visual pathway. Grelotti et al. focus on the would emerge when children became expert -adult- and argue that it provides a ``social interest'' in faces like) at processing faces. However, young infants, whereas the two-process view we have presented who are not considered experts in face recognition, focuses on structures involved in early visual proces- show many of the characteristics of expert process- sing and argues that they provide a ``visual interest'' ing -e.g., con®gural encoding, inversion effects, right in faces. We consider that both of these factors may be hemisphere bias; see discussion earlier and de Haan & important, as there may be more than one source of Nelson, 1997, 1999; Deruelle & de Schonen, 1991, constraint on the experiences that in¯uence the devel- 1995; de Schonen & Mathivet, 1990). Thus, the early opment of face processing. Visuospatial mechanisms appearance of these characteristics of face processing -necessary to provide appropriate input from the may be one difference -or be indicative of differences) visual system for face recognition to occur) and social between the process of development and the process needs -endogenous drives for communication and of adult learning. In contrast to normally developing interaction with other people) may combine to ensure infants, individuals with Williams Syndrome do appropriate specialization -Elgar & Campbell, 2001). appear to be relative experts at face processing at In this article, we also have alluded to the processes the behavioral level, yet their processing of faces does of specialization within the cortex, suggesting that not show many of the typical characteristics of experts Developing a Brain Specialized for Face Perception 209

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