Board of Registration in Medicine
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PUBLIC DOCUMENT . No. 56. ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF TIIE pJVSt Board of Registration in Medicine. F oe the T eak ending D ec. 31, 1901. BOSTON : WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO, STATE PRINTERS, 18 P ost Offic e Square. 1905. A p p r o v e d b t T h e S t a t e B o a r d o f P u b l ic a t io n . Commonfocalt^ of iffassadjuittlls B oard of R egistration in M e d ic in e , State H ou se, Dec. 31, 1904. To His Excellency J ohn L. Bates, Governor. Sih : —• The number of persons applying for registration this year is 403, all of whom have been examined except 9. The number of applicants on the rejected lists who have been re-examined is 92, a small percentage of whom have secured registration. The whole number of individual examinations given this year is 486. The results are given in tabulation as follows : — Examined. Registered. Percentage R ejected. rejected. M arch e x a m in a tio n ,.............................................. 67 49 18 27 May examination...................................................... 47 29 18 39 Ju ly e x a m i n a t i o n ,............................................... 214 173 41 19 September exam ination,..................................... 90 67 23 39 November exam ination,..................................... 68 41 27 40 T o tals................................................................... 486 359 127 32.8 4die following tabulated data apply only to results in first examination of applicants : — Y ear of N um ber N um ber Graduation of N a m e o f I n s t i t u t i o n . exam ined. registered. Rejected Applicants. Harvard U niversity, ....................................................... 94 9 4 Tufts College ......................................................................... 41 36 1896-99.04-04-04. Baltimore Medical, .... 21 16 1903-04-04-04-04. University of V erm o n t, .............................................. 1 8 15 1898-04-04. 4 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan. Y ear of N a m e o f I n s t i t u t i o n . N um ber N um ber Graduation of exam ined. registered. Rejected Applicants. Boston U niversity, ....................................................... 15 15 Physicians and Surgeons, Boston, .... 14 10 1902-04-04-04. Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 13 12 1 8 9 2 . F o r e i g n , .......................................................................... 12 9 1878-87-99. Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, 10 9 1 9 0 3 . J e f f e r s o n , .......................................................................... 9 8 1 8 8 5 . Woman’s Medical, Pennsylvania, .... 9 9 Baltim ore U n iv e rs ity ,........................................................ 8 1 1897-1902-03-03- 0 4 -0 4 -0 4 . Maryland Medical College,.............................................. 7 2 1903-04-04-04-04. Iventucky School of M edicine,..................................... 5 2 1903-04-04. Georgetown University...................................................... 5 5 L a v a l , ................................................................................... 5 2 1903-04-04. M c G ill,................................................................................... 4 4 D a r tm o u th ,.......................................................................... 3 3 University of M aryland, .............................................. 3 2 1 9 04. A lbany M e d ic a l,................................................................. 3 1 1 8 9 2 -9 3 . Y ale........................................................................................... 3 3 University of the S o u th , .............................................. 3 1 1 9 0 3 -0 4 . B o w d o i n , .......................................................................... 2 2 University of P ennsylvania, ..................................... 2 2 C o rn e ll,................................................................................... 2 2 University of M ichigan, .............................................. 2 2 Detroit M edical,................................................................. 2 2 Hahnemann, P ennsylvania, ..................................... 1 1 New York University and Bellevue Hospital, . 1 1 U niversity of N ew Y o rk .................................................... 1 1 Bellevue Hospital Medical College, .... 1 - 1 8 9 4 . University of L ouisville, .............................................. 1 1 Pulte Medical......................................................................... 1 - 1 9 0 2 . E nsw ortli M e d i c a l , ........................................................ 1 1 O hio U n iv e r s ity ,................................................................. 1 1 H ahnem ann, C h ic a g o ,........................................................ 1 1 Barnes Medical, ........ 1 - 1 8 9 8 . Medical College of South Carolina, .... 1 1 Physicians and Surgeons, St. Louis, .... 1 - 1 8 9 0 . V a n d e r b il t,.......................................................................... 1 - 1 8 9 0 . Miami M edical, ................................................................ 1 1 Laura M emorial,................................................................ 1 1 __________ 1905.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. Tabulation showing number and average rating of graduates from the following medical schools represented by not less than three applicants : — N um ber A verage N a m e o f I n s t i t u t i o n . exam ined. R ating. H arvard U n i v e r s i t y , .................................................................................... 9 4 7 6 .6 Tufts College....................................................................................................... 41 7 3 .3 Baltimore Medical College,.......................................................................... 21 6 7 .7 University of V e r m o n t , .......................................................................... 18 7 4 .2 Boston U niversity, ................................................................................... 15 7 6 .2 Physicians and Surgeons, B o s t o n , ........................................................ 14 7 1 .3 Physicians and Surgeons, N ew Y o r k , ............................................... 13 6 9 .1 F o re ig n ,............................................................................................................... 12 6 9 .4 Physicians and Surgeons, B a ltim o re ,........................................................ 10 7 4 .0 J e f f e r s o n , ...................................................................................................... 9 7 1 .1 W om an’s Medical College, Pennsylvania.................................................. 9 7 4 .4 Baltimore U niversity,................................................................................... 8 5 6 .7 Kentucky School of M e d i c i n e ,................................................................. 5 6 4 .4 Georgetown U n i v e r s i t y , ........................................................................... 5 7 5 .3 L a v a l , ............................................................................................................... 5 6 7 .5 McGill.................................................................................................................... 4 7 6 .0 D a r t m o u t h ,...................................................................................................... 3 7 7 .9 U niversity M a r y la n d ,.................................................................................... 3 7 4 .4 Y a l e , ............................................................................................................... 3 7 9 .4 University of the S o u t h , .......................................................................... 3 7 0 .8 Albany Medical C o l l e g e , .......................................................................... 3 5 9 .6 The number of applicants examined in November, the last examination during the year, was 68, of whom 41 passed and 27 failed. The number of undergraduates in the class was 23, of whom 8 passed and 15 failed. The institutions represented, year of graduation and ratings were the following : — 6 REGISTRATION IX MEDICINE. [Jan. P a s s e d . COLLEGE. Y ear of Graduation. P er Cent. H arvard U niv ersity ................................................................................. 1880 85.0 H arvard U n i v e r s i t y , .......................................................................... 1891 80.6 H arvard U n i v e r s i t y , .......................................................................... 1904 81.6-83.3-70.6- 77-78.6-80.5 H arvard U n i v e r s i t y , .......................................................................... U ndergraduates. 70.8-70.5-84.1- 78.6 Tufts C ollege, ................................................................................... 1900 74.5 Tufts C ollege, ................................................................................... 1904 75.5-73-70.6- 74.1-72.2 Boston U niversity, .......................................................................... 1903 80.3 Physicians and Surgeons, B o sto n , .............................................. Undergraduates. 72.3-73.1 M cG ill.......................................................................................................... 1897 74.5 M c G ill,...................................................................................................... 1901 77.8 M c G ill,.....................................................................................................