
PUBLIC DOCUMENT . . . . . No. 56.



Board of Registration in Medicine.

J a n u a r y , 1898.

BOSTON : WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 P o s t O f f i c e S q u a r e . 1898.

Cnmniontaltbo of Hkssacbusctts. u

B oard of R egistration in M e d ic in e , S tate H ouse, Dec. 31, 1897.

To His Excellency R o g e r W o l c o t t , Governor. Sir : — In compliance with the requirements of chapter 458 of the Acts of the year 1894, the Board of Registration in Medicine submits the following report of the current year. The number of persons tiling applications for registration since the first day of January, 1897, is 452. Of this num­ ber, 415 have been examined, and 37 are still listed for examination at the next regular meeting of the Board in March. Twenty-two per centum of the applicants of this year who have been examined, failing to pass an examina­ tion satisfactory to the Board, have been refused registration. The number of rejected applicants granted a re-examination is 82. The totals for the year are : 497 examined, 346 reg­ istered and 158 rejected. Persons refused registration are by law entitled to a re-examination at any regular meeting of the Board held within the two years next following the date of their first examination, without paying an additional fee. It therefore happens that a considerable number of rejected applicants appear at each of the regular meetings, in some instances again and again, for re-examination. The routine work of the Board is considerably increased by such frequent applications for re-examination. To provide for one re-examination exempt from payment, after a period of six months from the date of his first attempt to pass a satis­ factory examination, would be just to the applicant and a reasonable provision of law. The number of persons not subject to examination regis­ tered during the period extending from the organization of the Board in July, 1894, to the first of the following January, 4 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

is 3,776, and during the same period 618 were refused regis­ tration. Of the number registered, 3,442 were graduates from medical schools authorized to confer the degree of “ Doctor of Medicine,” and 334 were non-graduates who had practised three years in the State prior to the passage of the law. Since the first of January, 1895, when the Board began its function as an examining and licensing board, 1,444 applicants, have been examined, 1,296 registered and 148 rejected. Applicants are examined at the regular meetings of the Board, and at special meetings called for the purpose when­ ever deemed necessary. The regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday in March, in July and in November. Each meeting for the examination of applicants occupies the time of the full Board two days in the class room, and from three to six days in rating the written work submitted. Ten questions are given to the applicant in each of the sub­ jects on which the examination is conducted, and two hours allowed in which to answer the same. The applicant is required to designate his papers, not by his signature, but by the number designating his application, stamped thereon and made known to him at the time of filing his applica­ tion. This requirement assures an incognito rating of all examination papers. When the general average of the ratings returned to the secretary by the examiners of the several papers of an applicant falls below 70, his examination is regarded as unsatisfactory, and registration is refused. Applications for examination must be made upon blanks furnished by the Board, and must be accompanied by the required fee, which is twenty dollars. Certificates of regis­ tration in other States, or diplomas of graduation from med­ ical colleges, do not exempt from examination. The law is mandatory in this respect.

S p e c i m e n E x a m i n a t i o n Q u e s t i o n s . Surgery. 1. In strangulated hernia, what conditions indicate immediate herniotomy ? 2. State diagnosis and treatment of fracture of ulna through the olecranon. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 5

3. Given a penetrating wound of the abdomen, what conditions would indicate internal haemorrhage? How would you attempt to control such haemorrhage ? 4. Differentiate pleurisy with effusion from empyema. Give surgical treatment. 5. State diagnosis and treatment of acute cystitis. 6. State the methods of treating stricture of the urethra, and which is preferable in point of safety. 7. Describe operation for and after treatment of tracheotomy. 8. How can suppuration be prevented in lacerated wounds ? 9. State diagnosis and treatment of endometritis. 10. Describe resection of the elbow joint, and state result aimed at.

Physiology. 1. Name the three principal functions of the human body. 2. Name the organs of digestion and their respective functions. 3. Describe digestive process of fat meat. 4. Describe digestive process of eggs. 5. Describe the circulation of the blood. 6. Of what benefit is chloride of sodium in the system? 7. How would an increased amount of carbonic acid in the blood affect respiration ? 8. What is the retina, and its function? 9. What is the cause of death in asphyxia? 10. What is the function of the fifth pair of nerves?

Pathology. 1. Describe encephalitis, and give its causes. 2. Describe the degenerations affecting the brain and spinal cord. 3. Describe general peritonitis. What local conditions often cause it? 4. Describe the different forms of intestinal ulcers. 5. Tell what you can about inflammation of blood vessels. 6. How is bile detected in the urine ? What is its significance ? 7. What is osteomalacia? 8. Describe a gumma. Where is such a tumor likely to be found ? 9. What changes take place in chronic dilatation of the stomach ? 10. What urinary sediment would you expect to find in a case of stone in the pelvis of the kidney. 6 REGI STRATI 0 N IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

Obstetrics. 1. At what period of pregnancy is the placental formation complete? 2. How would you treat a case of incomplete abortion? 3. Give the cause, course and termination of tubal pregnancy. 4. What are the conditions necessary for multiple pregnancies ? 5. What is pruritus vulvæ ? 6. Differentiate rupture of the uterus during a case of labor from placental detachment with internal concealed haemorrhage. 7. State operative treatment for high arrest of the face, the position being M.D.P. 8. Hyatidiform mole. State diagnosis and treatment. 9. Polyhydramnios. State diagnosis and treatment. 10. What are the principal varieties of injuries to the pelvic floor that may occur in parturition?

Medicine. 1. State causes of and treatment for chronic constipation. 2. Differentiate carcinoma from chronic ulcer of the stomach. 3. State diagnosis and treatment of scurvy. 4. Differentiate sterilization from Pasteurization of milk. 5. What is a normal salt solution, and how and under what conditions used? 6. Differentiate the eruption in varicella from that in variola. 7. Differentiate hypertrophy from dilatation of the heart. 8. What is myelitis? State symptoms. 9. State treatment in cases of poisoning with Paris green. 10. State treatment of asphyxia from submersion.

F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t . Receipts. Fees from applicants received and paid into the treasury of the Commonwealth since Jan. 1, 1897,...... $5,000 00 Expenditures. Services of members of Board, . $1,335 00 Incidental expenses of Board, 260 47 Clerical service,...... 2,780 96 Printing and material, .... 50 40 Detective service, .... 256 27 Books and other office supplies, . 127 10 Postage and messages, 104 38 Balance credited to the Board, . 85 42 $5,000 00 1808.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 7

The law under which this Board was organized was passed in the year 1894. Its aim was to regulato the practice of medicine so as to protect the public from incompetent prac­ titioners. Until this act became operative, Massachusetts was an open field for medical practice; the people were wholly unprotected by statutory measures from incapacity and ignorance, and health and life itself were often entrusted to the care or imposition of the veriest charlatan. In no other direction, or affairs of State, can the police power be exercised more in accordance with an intelligent sense of public duty than in the enforcement of laws enacted for the protection of health and the alleviation of disease. To require, of persons who desire to practise the healing and health-preserving art, certain qualifications, or knowledge of the human body in health and in disease, is indeed most reasonable. Mr. Justice Field, of the supreme court, in delivering the opinion in Dent v. West Virginia (see U. S. reports, volume 129), said: “ The power of the State to provide for the general welfare of its people authorizes it to prescribe all such regulations as in its judgment will secure or tend to secure them against the consequences of igno­ rance and incapacity, as well as of deception and fraud. . . . Few professions require more careful preparation by one who seeks to enter it than that of medicine. It has to deal with all those subtle and mysterious influences upon which health and life depend, and requires not only a knowledge of the properties of vegetable and mineral sub­ stances, but of the human body in all its complicated parts, and their relation to each other, as well as their influence on the mind. The physician must be able to detect readily the presence of disease, and prescribe appropriate remedies for its removal. Every one may have occasion to consult him, but comparatively few can judge of the qualifications of learning and skill which he possesses. Reliance must be placed upon the assurance given by his license, issued by an authority competent to judge in that respect, that he pos­ sesses the requisite qualifications. Due consideration, therefore, for the protection of society may well induce the State to exclude from practice those who have not such a 8 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

license, or who are found upon examination not to be fully qualified. . . . No one has a right to practise medicine without having the necessary qualifications of learning and skill; and the statute only requires that whoever assumes, by offering to the community his services as a physician, that he possesses such learning and skill, shall present evidence of it by a certificate or license from a body des­ ignated by the State as competent to judge of his qualifications.” In European countries the laws regulating the practice of medicine are most strict and far-reaching. In our own country, Massachusetts is one of the latest of the States to attempt the regulation of medical practice. In most of the other States such laws are far in advance of ours in their restrictive provisions, and in their requirements regarding preliminary education, medical instruction and examination tests for fitness to practise. The Board believes that the time has arrived for this Commonwealth to consider further in what directions the scope of the registration act should be extended so as to afford still further protection along the lines originally contemplated. After a careful study of the laws in other States in com­ parison with our own, and the results obtained by other examining commissions, the Board herewith submits its recommendations in the following draft for an amend­ atory act: —

A n A c t r e l a t i n g t o t h e R egistration o f P h y s ic ia n s a n d

S u r g e o n s . Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

S e c t i o n 1. The examinations for registration as physicians or surgeons under the provisions of chapter four hundred and fifty- eight of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, shall be, in whole or in part, in writing in the English language, and shall be of a scientific and practical character, and sufficiently thorough to test the applicant’s fitness to practise medicine. They shall embrace the general subjects of surgery, physiology, pathol­ ogy, obstetrics and gynecology, practice of medicine, anatomy, and such other subjects as the Board may determine. S e c t . 2 . Authority to practise medicine in this Commonwealth under said act, or the several later acts relating thereto, shall be a certificate issued by the board of registration in medicine, and it 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 58. 9

shall be unlawful for any person to practise medicine in any of its branches, within the limits of this Commonwealth, who has not exhibited and registered in the city or town clerk’s office of the city or town in which he resides or maintains an office, his authority for practising medicine, together with his age, address, and place of birth ; and the person so registering shall subscribe and verify, by oath before such clerk, an affidavit containing such facts, which, if false, shall subject the affiant to conviction and punishment for perjury. Sect. 3. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to dis­ criminate against any particular school or system of medicine, or to prohibit service in a case of emergency, or the domestic admin­ istration of family remedies ; and this act shall not apply to a commissioned medical officer of the United States army, navy or marine-hospital service, in the discharge of his official duty ; nor to a physician or surgeon from another state, who is a legal practi­ tioner authorized by a state examining board to practise medicine in the state in which he resides, when in actual consultation with a legal practitioner of this Commonwealth; nor to a physician or surgeon residing in another state, and practising medicine therein by authority of a certificate or license received after having passed a satisfactory examination in the several branches of medicine as required by a state examining board in the state in which he resides, whose general practice extends into the border towns of this Commonwealth, provided such physician does not open an office nor designate a place in such towns where he may meet patients or receive calls ; nor to a physician duly authorized to practise medicine in another state called as the family physician to attend a person temporarily abiding in this Commonwealth. Sect. 4. Any person who, not being then lawfully authorized to practise medicine within this Commonwealth, and so registered according to the law, shall hold himself out to the public as a practitioner of medicine, whether by appending to his name the title Dr., or M.D., or any other title or designation implying a practitioner of medicine, or attempting to practise medicine, in any of its branches, within the limits of this Commonwealth, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dol­ lars for each offence, or by imprisonment in jail for three months, or both ; and in no case where any provision of this law has been violated, shall the person so violating be entitled to receive com­ pensation for services rendered. Sect. 5. Any person shall be regarded as practising medicine within the meaning of this act who shall append to his name the let- 10 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.’98. ters M.D., or shall assume or advertise the title Dr., or Physician, or any other title which shall show or tend to show that the person assuming or advertising the same is a practitioner of medicine, or of any of the branches of medicine ; or who shall investigate or diagnose, or offer to investigate or diagnose, any physical or mental ailment or defect of any person with a view to affording relief, as commonly done by a physician or surgeon ; or who shall prescribe for or treat a person for the purpose of curing any real or supposed disease, whether by the use of drugs or by the application of any other agency or alleged method of cure or alleviation or prevention of disease; or to operate as a surgeon for the cure or relief of any wound, fracture or bodily injury or deformity, after having received therefor or with the intent of receiving therefor either directly or indirectly any bonus, gift or compensation. Sec t. 6. After the beginning of the year 1900, no person on whom the degree of M.D ., or its equivalent, has not been conferred by a medical school considered reputable by the Board of Registra­ tion in Medicine, shall be entitled to an examination. Sec t. 7. Any applicant failing to pass an examination satis­ factory to the Board, and therefore refused registration, shall be entitled within one year after such refusal to another examination at a meeting of the Board called for the examination of applicants, without the payment of an additional fee, and one such re-exam­ ination shall exhaust his privilege under his original application. S ect. 8. Sections nine, ten and eleven of chapter four hundred and fifty-eight of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and so much of section four of said chapter four hundred and fifty- eight as conflicts with sections six and seven of this act, and chapter four hundred and twelve of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five, are hereby repealed. In Appendix A will be found abstracts of the laws relat­ ing to registration, and in Appendix B the names of all the practitioners registered in this Commonwealth.

Respectfully submitted,


A p p e n d i x A .

A b s t r a c t s f r o m t h e A c t s o f 1894, 1895, 1896 a n d 1897, n o w

i n f o r c e r e l a t i n g t o t h e R egistration o f P h y s i c i a n s a n d

S u r g e o n s . [S t. 1896, Ch a p . 230.] All applications for registration as physicians or surgeons under the provisions of chapter four hundred and fifty-eight of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, shall be made upon blanks to be furnished by the board of registration in medicine, and shall be signed and sworn to by the applicants. Said board shall examine all applicants, and only such as are found qualified and shall give satisfactory proof of being twenty- one years of age and of good moral character, shall receive certifi­ cates of registration as provided in said act : provided, however, that said board shall register without examination any applicant whom it may find to be of good moral character, of more than sixty years of age, and a graduate of a legally chartered medical college having power to confer degrees in medicine, and who has been a practitioner of medicine in this Commonwealth for a period of ten years next prior to the passage of this act, and who otherwise complies with the provisions of this act.

[S t . 1897, Ch a p . 196.] Any person . . . shall, upon payment of a fee of twenty dol­ lars, be entitled to examination, and if found qualified by four or more members of said board shall be registered as a qualified physician, and shall receive a certificate thereof. . . . Any person refused registration may be re-examined at any regular meeting of said board, within two years of the time of such refusal, without additional fee, and thereafter he may be examined as often as he may desire, upon the payment of the fee of ten dollars for each examination.

[S t . 1896, C h a p . 230.] Said board may by a unanimous vote, after a hearing, revoke any certificate issued by it to, and cancel the registration of any person convicted of any crime in the practice of his professional business, or convicted of a felony. 14 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

[St . 1894, Ch a p . 458.] It shall be the duty of the board to investigate all complaints of disregard, non-compliance or violation of the provisions of this act, and to bring all such cases to the notice of the proper prosecuting officers. Examinations shall be, in whole or in part, in writing, and shall be of an elementary and practical character. They shall embrace the general subjects of surgery, physiology, pathology, obstetrics and practice of medicine, and shall be sufficiently strict to test the qualifications of the candidate as a practitioner of medicine. This act shall not apply to commissioned officers of the United States army, navy or marine hospital service, or to a physician or surgeon who is called from another state to treat a particular case, and who does not otherwise practise in this state, or to prohibit gratuitous services ; nor to clairvoyants, or to persons practising hypnotism, magnetic healing, mind cure, massage methods, Chris­ tian science, cosmopathic or any other method of healing : provided, such persons do not violate any of the provisions . . . [of the law].

[St . 1895, C h a p . 412.] Whoever not being registered as aforesaid shall advertise or hold himself out to the public as a physician or surgeon in this Com­ monwealth, or appends to his name the letters “ M.D.,” or uses the title of doctor, meaning thereby a doctor of medicine, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars for each offence, or by imprisonment in jail for three months, or both.

[S t. 1896, C h a p . 230.] Any person who shall practise medicine or surgery under a false or assumed name, or under a name other than that under which he is registered, or who shall personate another practitioner of a like or different name, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars for each offence, or by imprisonment in jail three months, or both.

[St. 1894, Ch a p . 458.] The board shall hold three regular meetings in each year, one on the second Tuesday of March, one on the second Tuesday of July and one on the second Tuesday of November, and such addi­ tional meetings at such times and places as it may determine. ISOS.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 5(5. 15


O f f i c i a l L is t o f P ractitioners o f M e d i c i n e r e g i s t e r e d i n t h e C ommonwealth t o t h i s D a t e , D e c . 31, 1897.

N o t e . — The following are the forms of certificates issued : — Form A, to graduates of legally chartered medical colleges or universities having power to confer degrees in medicine, who applied for registration before the law went into full effect, on Jan. 1, 1895, graduation and residence in the Commonwealth at the time of the passage of the law being the only requirements for registration. Form B, to those who applied for registration before Jan. 1, 1895, under the three years’ practice clause in section 3, three years’ continuous practice in the Commonwealth next prior to the passage of the law June 7, 1894, being the only requirement for registration. Form C, to graduates of legally chartered medical colleges in this Commonwealth who applied for registration subsequent to Jan. 1, 1895, and previous to May 1, 1896, during which period the law permitted their registration without an examination, a diploma from such sources being by the law considered satisfac­ tory evidence of fitness to practise medicine. This provision of the law was repealed May 1, 1896. Form D, to graduates examined by the Board. Form E, to non-graduates examined by the Board. Form F, to graduates of more than sixty years of age, who, prior to the passage of the law, had practised ten years in this Commonwealth, being exempt from an examination by an act approved April 1, 1896. Certificates D, E and F are the only forms now in use.

A Abbe, Alanson Joseph. A Abbott, Charles Edward. A Abbe, Edward Hooper. A Abbott, Charles Shewell. *A Abbe, Edward Payson. A Abbott, Fred Lincoln. C Abbe, Frederick Randolph. A Abbott, Frederick Wallace. A Abbot, Edward Stanley. D Abbott, Howard Edwin. A Abbot, Samuel Leonard. A Abbott, John nammill. B Abbott, Adelaide. A Abbott, Samuel Warren.

* Deceased, 16 D Allen, David Edmund. David Allen, D True. Eben Aldrich, A Macdonald. George Henley. Albee, Frank Ainsworth, A A Augustine. Cornelius Ahearne, A Aln a son. Lam Allen, A Edwin. George Allen, eld. W Gardner Allen, Haley. A Franklin Allen, A Neute. Frank Allen, A C Howard. Edwin Allen, Everett. Edward Allen, A D Madison. Carl Allen, Morton. Alfred Allen, A Ellsworth. B Frank Allard, Jane. Clara Borden. Alexander, A Nathaniel Aldrich, Mott. A es Jam Aldrich, A Clinton. A Albert Aldrich, Sweet. Flora Alden, A B Sumner. George Albee, A Jonathan. Frank Aiken, Christian. Henry Jr. Ahlborn, A Augustine, Cornelius Ahearne, A A Boylston. Zabdiel Adams, Carlton. William Adams, Holmes. A Wendell Adams, D Henry. alter W Adams, A Quincy. John Adams, D John. Adams, A Alleyne. Forster es E Jam Adams, A Eli. Charles Adams, A Apphia. Slyvina Abbott, Wendell. Stephen Abbott, B Solon. Abbott, A A Aln Lyman. Allen, und. Edm Louis Allen, D A Justin. Allen, Henry. es Jam Jr. Allen, A Stevens, Granville Allen, D A A. ery Em Allen, A Joseph. Allard, B Durfee. Cristopher Albro, D r. J Francis, Thomas Aiken, D Thacher. es Jam Adams, Williams. D erbert H Adams, Oscar. Henry Adams, A Smith. George Adams, A Francis. George Adams, A Edwin. George Adams, Wayland. D Francis Adams, A Boardman. Edwin Hitchcock. Adams, C Edward Adams, A Sumner. Charles Adams, A A White. Paul Abell, A B Allen, N athan Leverett. athan N Allen, B t> t> Acken, Thomas Moore. Thomas arren. Acken, W John Achorn, OfficialPractitionersMedicine of of List EITAIN N MEDICINE IN REGISTRATION Deceased. *A Andrews, John Allen. John Andrews, *A A Angell, Henry Clay. Henry Henry. Angell, William Andrews, Foster. Robert A Andrews, Oren. A Andrews, D D A Raleigh. alter W Amesbury, A Lincoln. John Ames, A A A A nenry. C John Ash, C A A Lucy. Appleton, A Louis. Granville Angeny, A D Burbank. John Andrews, A Thomas. D Anderson, A D A Robert. Amory, A A Frank. rthur A Amadon, A Howard. William D Allen, George. William A Allen, rthur. A A Stephen Allen, A A D A A A A A A A A A A D Harris. Aronson, B illiam. W Appleton, C A Hubbard. Henry Amsden, D D D Edwin. Charles Ames, A A D Albert. B ugust, A A A rnwtc, Anna. Aronowitsch, A D A Ames, Robert Parker Marr. Parker Robert Ames, Mason. Alfred Amadon, Atkinson, Lizzie Daniel Rose. Daniel Lizzie Atkinson, Grant. Francis Atkins, Annette. Mary Andrews, Austin. ard Edw Andrews, Ann. Martha Anderson, Stanford. Joseph Ames, ardwell. W Charles Amerige, Freeman. George Allison, Wells. Seabury Allen, A ustin, A rthur Everett. rthur A ustin, A Lemaitre. Louis Auger, Manley. George Atwood, Sumner. Frank Atwood, John. lbert A Billings. Atwood, James Atwater, Woods. Leonard Atkinson, Adgate. Asa rthur, A David. Horace Arnold, ayland. W Francis Anthony, Alge. Brainard Andrews, Andrew. Hyrum Anderson, Howard. Winfield Ames, Austin, Jam es Cornelius. es Jam Austin, Alphonse. Adolphe Auger, Augustus. Charles Atwood, Johnson. Samuel Allen, Austin, Lewis King. Lewis Austin, Michel. Henri Auger, Francis. Charles Archambeault, Christopher. iah Jerem Anthony, Raleigh, Cuthbert Amesbury,Ivon Austin, Charles Gorham Stubbs. Gorham Charles Austin, illard. W William Armstrong, — Continued. [Jan 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 17

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine—Continued.

D Avedislan, Avedis Dor. A Bancroft, George Andrew. D Avedisian, Hagop Der. A Bancroft, Winfred Baxter. C Averill, George Goodwin. D Baudiera, John. A Averill, Jesse Howes. A Banlield, Francis Loring. B Averill, Mehitable Merrill. A Bangs, Charles Howard. A Ayer, James Bourne. A Bannon, Bernard James. A Ayer, Silas Hubbard. A Barbrick, John Fraser. D Ayer, Thomas Herbert. D Bard well, Frederick Albert. A Babbitt, Henry Bradford. A Baribault, William Alfred. A Babbitt, Warren Morris. D Baright, Herbert Edwin. A Babcock, Daniel Arnold. A Barker, Emilie Jones. D Babcock, Elisha Franklin. A Barker, Frank Justin. A Babcock, Francis Lester. D Barnard, Belle Strickland. D Bachand, Joseph. A Barnard, Rebecca. B Bacon, Grenville. A Barnaud, Elie. D Bacon, John Lowell, Jr. D Barnes, George. A Bacon, Jonas Edward. A Barnes, Francis Henry. A Bacon, Joseph Ambrose Patrick. A Barnes, Francis John. D Badanes, Ida. A Barnes, Henry Jabez. B Badger, George Augustus. A Barnes, Ida Florence. D Badger, George Sherwin Clarke. A Barnes, William Ellsworth. A Bailey, Charles. D Barney, Charles Norton. A Bailey, . A Barney, Lucy Robinson. A Bailey, George Guy. D Barraclough, Alfred Whitley. B Bailey, George Henry. A Barré, Joseph Aladiu. B Bailey, Henry Plummer. A Barrell, George Morton. D Bailey, Marshall Henry. E Barrett, Joel Lewis. A Bailey, Stephen Goodhue. A Barrett, William Marshall. A Bailey, William Henry. A Barrows, William Ezra. B Bailey, William Howard. D Barry, Emmet William. A Baird, Julian William. D Barry, James Henry. A Baird, William Perry. D Barry, John Aloysius. D Baker, Chester Monroe. B Barry, William Copinger. A Baker, Flint Almena Jane. A Bares, James Richmond. A Baker, David Erastus. A Barstow, Benjamin Packer. A Baker, Frank. A Barstow, Henry Taylor. A Baker, Frederick Herbert. A Bartlett, Benjamin Webber. A Baker, Harry Beecher. D Bartlett, Charles Watson. A Baker, Jane Rogers. D Bartlett, Clarence Samuel. B Baker, Joseph Calbeck. A Bartlett, Frederic Russell. A Baker, Leland Madden. B Bartlett, George Pinkham. A Baker, Lucius Willard. A Bartlett, Oliver Leslie. A Baker, William Henry. D Bartlett, Robert Lander. A Balch, Franklin Greene. A Bartlett, Solon. D Balcom, Elmer Irving. A Bartol, John Washburn. A Balcom, George Franklin. A Barton, Charles Herbert. C Balcom, John Alvin. A Barton, Chester Manley. A Balcom, Lafayette. A Barton, Jedediah Marcus. A Baldwin, Frederick William. D Barton, John Alfred. A Baldwin, Henry Cutler. B Basford, James Lendale. C Baldwin, Herman Trost. A Bass, William. D Baldwin, Sanford Oscar. A Bassett, Elton James. A Ball, Charles Dickens Evans. A Batchelder, Frederick Prescott. A Ball, Thomas Joseph. C Batchelder, Henry Flanders. A Ballance, William Pell. A Batchelder, John Couch. A Ballard, George Tyler. A Batchelder, Mary Ann. B Ballou, Henry Edmund. A Batchelder, William Burdett. A Bancroft, Edward Erastus. A Bateman, Frank Elliot. 18 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Bates, Everett Alanson. A Bennitt, Francis Marion. C Bates, Mary Elizabeth. A Benoit, Benjamin. D Bates, Walter Simpson. A Benoit, Louis Raymond. A Battershall, Joseph Ward. A Bent, Gilbert Wesley Warren. A Battershall, Mary Hannah Wolf- B Bergengren, Frederick Wilhelm enden. Alexis. A Baxter, Edward Hooker. A Bergeron, Francois de Borgia. A Baxter, John. A Bergeron, Séraphin Ensèbe. D Baxter, William Elihu. D Bergwall, Walter. D Bayliss, Andrew. B Berkman, David Wulf. A Baynum, Mary Herrick. D Berlin, Fanny. A Bazin, Adelard. A Bernard, Barnard Lecherzack. A Beach, Henry Harris Aubrey. D Bernard, Flocker. D Beals, Arthur Loring. D Bernauer, Emil Constantine. A Bean, Charles Pierce. E Bernier, Joseph Adolphe. A Bean, George Henry. D Berry, John Cutting. A Bean, Jacob Walter. A Berry Lauriston. A Beane, Newell Wesley. A Bertram, William Henry. D Beaton, Archibald Edward. A Best, Enoch George. D Beattie, John. A Bethune, Donald John. A Beatty, Franklin Thomason. A Betts, Helen Loretta. A Beauchamp, Aimé. E Bicknell, William Horace. A Beauchamp, Joseph Octave. A Bigelow, Charles Edwin. A Beauchamp, Zenophide. A Bigelow, Enos Hoyt. A Beaudet, Napoleon. A Bigelow, Orvis Furman. *A Beaumont, William Shepard. A Bigelow, William Sturgis. A Bedard, Joseph Armand. A Bill, Harriet Parmenter. A Beebe, George Hatch. A Billings, William Chester. A Beebe, John Belcher. A Bilodeau, Wencelas. A Beebe, Richard. B Bingham, Edna Melvia. B Beecher, John Asbury. D Bingham, Russell. D Beharrell, Sarah Elizabeth. B Birch, Sylvanus Jutkins. A Belaud, Henry Severin. D Birchard, George Grant. A Belanger, David Simeon. A Birdseye, Frederick Gould. D Beldeu, Albert Matson. A Birge, Ella Freeman. B Bell, Christina Eunice Crawford. A Birge, William Spafard. A Bell, George Parson. B Birmingham, Lewis Haydn. A Bell, Homer Simpson. D Birmingham, Louis Howland. A Bell, James Bachelder. A Birmingham, Robert Michael. A Bell, Robert. D Biron, Joseph Frederic Rodolphe. D Bell, Robert Eddy. A Birtwell, Charles Ebenezer. A Bell, William Appleton. B Bishop, Henry Earl. I) Bellehumeur, Stanislas David. B Bishop, Jane Emma. A Bellows, Howard Perry. A Bixby, Josiah Peet. A Belt, Charles Bradford. A Blackmer, John. A Bemis, Charles Albert. A Blackwood-Chamberlain, Ellen A Bemis, Charles Vose. Ramsdell. A Bemis, John Merrick. A Blair, Arthur Walter. A Bemis, Merrick. A Blair, James Franklin. E Bemis, Oscar Adelbert. A Blair, John, D Bender, Prosper. D Blair, Orland Rossini. D Benjamin, Walter Robinson. A Blais, Pierre Gaspard. A Benner, Burnham Roswell. A Blaisdell, George Warren. D Benner, Herbert Orray. A Blaisdell, James Edward. A Bennett, Frederick Sherwin. A Blaisdell, Walter Channing. A Bennett, John Hillman. A Blake, Charles Abbott. A Bennett, William Henry. A Blake, Clarence John. D Bennett, William nurlburt. A Blake, Harrison Gray.

* Deceased. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 19

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Blake, John Bapst. A Bowen, Seabury Warren. A Blake, John George. A Bowen, Serauus. A Blake, Le Grand. A Bowers, Walter Prentice. B Blake, Mary Jane. A Bowker, Alphonso Varion. A Blake, Warren Perkins. A Bowker, Charles. D Blakely, David Newton. C Bowker, Everett M. A Blanchard, Albort Henry. B Bowker, Horace Leandor. A Blanchard, Benjamin Seavcr. A Bowker, John Copps. D Blanchard, Randall Howard. B Bowker, Samuel Dawes. A Blanchard, Walter Irving. A Bowles, George Ilall. A Blanchette, Alexander. A Bowles, Stephen Wallace. D Blanchette, William Henry. D Bowman, Authouy William. A Bliss, George Danforth. A Bowman, Fred Raymond. D Bliss, Jesse Leonti. C Bowman, Winthrop Height. A Bliss, Wilbur Howard. A Boyd, Herbert Drummond. A Blodgett, Albert George. D Boyd, James Van Wagner. A Blodgett, Albert Novatus. D Boyce, Alvin. A Blodgett, Charles. B Boyer, Joel. D Blodgett, John Hammond. C Boyle, Alfred Johu. A Blodgett, Stephen Haskell. D Boyle, Frank Meagher. A Blood, Josiah Mark. C Boynton, Edwin Dana. A Blood, Robert Allen. B Boynton, Edwin Moses. A Blossom, Anne Moers. *D Boynton, Joseph Jackson. A Boardman, William Elbridgc. A Boynton, Royal Bullard. A Boardman, William 8ydney. B Boynton, Stella. D Bohemier, Joseph Eugene Napo­ A Brace, George Welles. leon. A Brackett, Elizabeth Annastatia. A Boland, Elisha Shepherd. A Brackett, Elliott Gray. A Bolles, William Palmer. A Brackett, Humphrey Fall. A Bolton, Charles James. A Bradbury, Charles Huntress. D Bolton, William Jackson. A Bradbury, John Elmer. A Bond, Aaron John. A Bradford, Cary Carpenter. A Bond, Sarah Adams. A Bradford, Edward Hickling. A Bond, Willis George. A Bradford, Henry Withington. A Bongartz, Walter Eugene. A Bradford, Oliver Leach. A Bonlay, Josephus Charles. A Bradley, Charles How. A Bonney, Franklin. A Bradley, Charles Seymour. C Bonyman, Harry Evan. A Bradley, Hannah Laura. A Boody, Charles Hayes. A Bragdon, George Albert. A Booth, Anthony Francis. C Bragdon, Horace Elwood. C Booth, Edward Chauncey. A Bragg, Francis Adelbert. A Booth, Robert. A Brainerd, John Bliss. A Boothby, Alonzo. A Braird, William Henry. A Boom, Augustus Keefer. A Braley, Henry Hudson. A Borden, Henry Francis. D Branch, Charles Franklin. A Bossidy, John Collins. B Brande, Charles Drake. A Bosworth, John William. A Brandt, William Eugene. A Bothfield, James Francis. A Branscomb, William Gower. A Bottomley, John Taylor. A Bray, Amanda Currier. A Boucher, George Alphonse. A Bray, Edward Van Denson. A Boucher, Joseph Adelard. A Brechin, William Pitt. A Bough, Irvin Gustavus. A Breck, Samuel. A Bourbonnais, Hermengilde. A Breck, Theodore Frelinghuysen A Bowditch, Vincent Yardley. D Breitling, Joseph Cushman. A Bowen, Charles Wesley. A Brennan, John Joseph. A Bowen, Henry Charles. A Bresenham, Charles Wilson, A Bowen, John Templeton. B Breton, Joseph Henry. A Bowen, Merritt Alphonso. D Brett, Edward Joseph.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine—Continued.

A Brett, Frank Wallace. A Brown, Henry Rienzi. A Brewster, D Brown, Henry Rolf. Wales. A Brown, nenry Wilson. A Brewster, Janies Bartlett B Brown, Jacob Wales. Brewster, Mary Jones. A Brown, John Peaslee. Brick, Francis. A Brown, Marshall Lebanon. Bridgliam, Charles Burr. A Brown, Martin Millard. Bridgham, Samuel Crosby. D Brown, Melvin James. Bridgman, Marcus Fayette. A Brown, Milton Douglas. Briggs, Charles Albert. A Brown, Orestes Morton. Briggs, Charles Edwin. A Brown, Orland Jonas. Briggs, Charles Poor. A Brown, Plumb, Jr. Briggs, Clifton Dean. A Brown, Roscoe Ellsworth. Briggs, Edward Cornelius. A Brown, Wallace Everett. Briggs, Frederic Melancthon. A Brown, Wilfred Gardner. Briggs, James Henry. B Brown, William Edward. Briggs, Joseph Emmons. B Brown, William Francis. Brigham, Clarence Sumner. B Brown, William Ronald. Brigham, Edwin Howard. A Brown, William Symington. Brigham, Frank Fontelle. A Brown, Windsor Aldrich. Brigham, Franklin Whiting. A Browne, Percy Gilbert. Brigham, Hubbard Hammond. A Browne, Proctor Kinsman. Brightman, Helen. A Browne, Will Warpool. Brimmer, Ida Lucinda. A Brownell, De Ette. Brindisi, Rono. A Brownell, William Ellery. Brissett, Henry Rupert. D Brownrigg, Albert Edward. Brock, Charles Fremont. A Brownrigg, John Sylvester. Brockway, Charles Henry. D Bruce, Charles Wesley. Broderick, Thomas Joseph. A Bruce, Daniel Angus. Broga, William Wallace. A Bruce, Emily Allen. Broidrick, James Patrick. A Bruce, Frank Colverd. Brooks, Frank. A Bruce, John Angus. Brooks, George Frederick. D Brunelle, Pierre. Brooks, James Fenner. A Bryant, Alice Gertrude. Brooks, Lawton Stickney. A Bryant, Anna Mary Dorr. Brooks, Samuel Doolittle. A Bryant, Edward Gilman. Brooks, Simeon Pomeroy. A Bryant, Giles Waite. Brooks, William Allen, Jr. A Bryant, John. Brosseau, Wilfrid Arthur. A Bryant, Lewis Lincoln. Brough, David Dandie. A Bryant, Virginia Frances. A Brough, Frank Thomson. A Bryant, William Sohier. A Broughton, Henry White. A Bryson, Adelbert Allen. D Brousseau, William Gilbert. A Buck, Augustus Walter. A Brown, Alden Woodbridge. A Buck, Charles John. A Brown, Anthony Leopold. D Buck, Edward Terry. A Brown, Charles Robinson. C Buck, Howard Mendenhall. A Brown, Daniel Eugene. A Buckingham, Edward Marshall. A Brown, Daniel Joseph. A Buckley, John Francis. D Brown, Daniel Rollins. A Buckley, Philip Townsend. A Brown, Edwin Coleman. D Buffura, Herbert Edwin. A Brown, Electa Ann. A Bulfiuch, George Greenleaf. B Brown, Eugene Merchants. A Bullard, George Eli. A Brown, Francis Henry. A Bullard, Herbert Cutler. A Brown, Frank Byron. C Bullard, John Thornton. A Brown, Frederick Augustus. A Bullard, William Norton. *A Brown, George Artemas. C Bullock, Edwin Warren. D Brown, Harry Albertus. A Bullock, George Dexter.

* Deceased. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 21

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine— Continued.

D Bump, Lewis Nye. A Cabot, Richard Clark. C Bumstead, Scrano Edwards A Cahill, Charles Sumner. Dwight. A Cahill, Eliza Buokman. A Buudy, Frauk Eastman. A Cahill, Georgo Stephen. D Bunn, Frauk Caulkins. E Cahill, John Thomas. C Burchmore, Charles Francis A Caiger, Albert Edward. Preston. C Cain, llenry Walter. E Burden, Ernest Druecilla. E Cain, Maude Florence. *A Burdett, George Washington. A Cain, Willie George. A Burge, William Prentice. A Calder, James Squair. B Burgess, Albert Lindsey. A Calderwood, Samuel Herbert. A Burgess, Oliver Graham. D Caldwell, Albert Francis, Jr. D Burke, Ernest Gisborne. C Caldwell, George Peters. A Burke, James Joseph. A Calkins, Barry Howes. D Burke, Michael Francis. A Calkins, Cheney Ilosmer. A Burke, William George. D Calkins, Irving Romaro. A Burleigh, Charles. A Calkins, Marshall. A Burleigh, Frederick Wing. A Call, Emma Louisa. D Burnell, Charles Willard. A Callanan, Sampson Aloysius. A Burnett, Frank George. A Callender, Charles Harlow. A Burnett, Frank Hollis. D Cameron, Charles Ernest. A Burnett, Fred Nelson. A Cameron, Ewan. A Burnett, Theodore Crfctd. C Camfill, Robert Em m et. D Burnett, William Walton. A Camp, Charles Welford. A Burnham, Charles Abraham. A Camp, Mary Augusta. A Burnham, Elmond Arthur. A Camp, Samuel. A Burns, Hiram Hutchins. C Campbell, Benjamin Franklin. D Burpee, Carroll Colby. A Campbell, Fidelia Green. A Burr, Charles Henry. B Campbell, Henry French. A Burrage, Walter Lincoln. B Campbell, James Parker. A Burrell, Benjamin Henry. A Campbell, Patrick Henry, A Burrell, Herbert Leslie. D Cane, Francis Edward. D Burroughs, Amelia. A Canedy, Francis Joel. D Burt, Charles Kellogg. A Canedy, Fred Snow. A Burt, Frank Leslie. D Canedy, Ransford De Los. A Burtch, Harry Mercein. D Canfeld, Ralph Metcalf. A Burton, Charles William. A Cangiano, Marco Antonio. D Burton, James. B Canning, John Francis. A Burton, Stephen Caspar. A Cannon, David Howland. A Bush, John Standish Foster. D Capelle, Charles Stanislaus. C Bushee, James Anson. A Capen, Samuel Ross. A Bushnell, Homer. A Capen, Thomas Allyn. B Buswell, Arthur True. D Capps, Joseph Almarin. D Butler, George Edward. D Carbone, Giovanni. A Butler, John Edward. A Card, Frank Edwin. D Butler, Rodman. E Carden, Charles James. A Butler, Winthrop. D Carl, Bertha Frederica. D Butler, William Hodnett. D Carl, Isaac Daniel. D Buttler, Charles Voorhees. C Carleton, Dudley. B Butman, William Aaron. A Carleton, Francis Boyd. A Butterfield, George Washington. A Carleton, Ralph. C Butterworth, Mary Frances. A Carleton, Charles Greenleaf. A Buzzell, Daniel Thompson. A Carleton, Charles Horace. A Bychower, Victor. A Carleton, Elizabeth Abbott. D Byers, David Walter. A Carlton, Charles Augustus. D Byrne, Charles Armstrong. C Carlton, Mary Elizabeth. A Cabana, Louis Victor. A Carmichael, John Hosea. A Cabot, Arthur Tracy. A Carolin, William Terence.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine— Continued.

A Carpenter, Charles Ormando. A Chandler, Luther Graves. A Carpenter, Edward Annon. A Chandler, Norman Fitch. B Carpenter, George Clifton. A Channing, Walter. A Carpenter, Helen Braddock. D Chapin, Alva Le Roy. B Carpenter, Julia May. D Chapin, Clifford Samuel. B Carpenter, Mary Adelaide. A Chapin, Delia Lucretia. B Carpenter, Sylvester Stiles, A Chapin, Frederic Wilcox. A Carpenter, William Henry. A Chapin, Walter Henry. D Carr, Bernard Joseph. A Chapman, Charles Ratchford. A Carr, Frank Fletcher. ♦A Chapman, Frank Bowditch. D Carr, George Byron. D Chapman, Howard Jones. A Carr, Lucy Stearns. D Chapman, William Louis. A Carr, Walter Sherman. A Charbonneau, Joseph. B Carroll, Elizabeth Minnette. A Charbonneau, Oliver. A Carroll, Francis Edward. A Charles, Orlando Warrington. A Carroll, John Aloysius. D Charron, Joseph Rosario. A Carroll, Thomas Francis. D Charteris, Mary Alena. A Carroll, William Edward. A Chase, Arthur Brown. A Carruth, Sidney Stetson. A Chase, Augustus Lucius. A Carson, Paul. A Chase, Charles Edmund, E Carter, Curtis Sumner. C Chase, Charles Tristram. A Carter, Frank Henry. A Chase, DeForest Woodruff. A Carter, Mills Olcott. A Chase, Eli Ayer. A Carter, Robert Lindsey. D Chase, Frank Hills. C Carter, Theron Harlow. A Chase, Henry Melville. B Carver, Ichabod. A Chase, Heman Lincoln. A Carvill, Alphonzo Holland. A Chase, Herbert Augustus. D Casgrain, Charles Arthur. A Chase, Hiram Luce. A Castle, James. A Chase, Horace. A Cate, George Riley. A Chase, Irah Eaton. F Cate, Shadrack Mellen. A Chase, John Winslow. C Cavanagh, Charles Russell. A Chase, Joseph Jr. A Cavanagh, Walter James. A Chase, Richard Fitch. A Celce, Frank Frederick. A Chase, William Bradley. A Celce, Jean Henriette. A Cheever, Clarence Alonzo. D Chace, Ann n . A Cheever, David Williams. A Chadbourne, Arthur Patterson. A Chenery, Elisha. A Chadbourne, Francis Watts. A Chenery, William Elisha. C Chadwick, Henry Dexter. A Cheney, Frederick Edward. A Chadwick, James Read. A Cheney, Oscar Dustin. D Chaffers, Joseph. B Cherrington, LeRoy Jones. A Chagnon, Charles Emile. B Cherry, James B. A Chagnon, Joseph Samuel. D Chesnutt, Arthur Allan. A Chagnon,Winceslas John Baptiste. B Chick, William Harrison. A Chalifaux, Joseph Ilermenegilde. C Chicoine, Isidore Hermanigilde. A Chalmers, Robert. A Child, Edw ard Moses. A Chamberlain, Cyrus Nathaniel. A Childs, Helen Simonds. A Chamberlain, George Felton. A Chipman, Anna Mary. D Chamberlain, George Elliott. A Chipman, William Reginald. A Chamberlain,George Washington. A Chirurg, Michael. A Chamberlain, Myron Leon. A Chisholm, William James. A Chamberlain, William Eugene. A Chisholm, William Parmer. A Chamberlin, Edward Henry. A Choate, David. B Chamberlin, James Prescott. A Chubbuck, Lurana Abbie. D Chamberlin, Theodore. A Church, Adaline Barnard. A Champlin, Martha Godfrey. A Church, Benjamin Taylor. A Chandler, Henry Beckles. D Church, Charles Albert. B Chandler, Ira. A Church, Herbert Ashley.

* Deceased. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 26

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

C Chute, Arthur Lambert. C Clift, Joseph Wales. A Cilley, Daniel Plumer. A Clock, Frank Benson. A Cilley, Orran George. A Clough, Benjamin Franklin. B Claflin, Anna Frances. B Clough, Charles William. A Clancy, William Ilenry. E Clough, Frank Herbert. A Clapp, Frauk Horace. A Cloutier, Felix Joseph. A Clapp, Herbert Codman. A Coady, Patrick Francis. A Clapp, James Wilkinson. A Cobb, Albert Crocker. B Clarendon, James Campbell. A Cobb, Carolus Melville. D Clark, Albert Ulysses Franklin. A Cobb, Charles Henry. A Clark, Caleb Wakefield. A Cobb, Farrar Crane. A Clark, Clinton Dewey. A Cobb, Frederic Codman. A Clark, David. A Cobb, Harriet Hodges. D Clark, Ezra W. D Cobb, Oliver Warren. C Clark, Frederick Lincoln. A Coburn, George Albert. D Clark, Frederick Timothy. A Coburn, Henry Harrison. A Clark, George Henry. A Coburn, William Franklin. A Clark, George Stillman. A Cochran, George Buck. A Clark, Homer. A Cochran, William James. A Clark, Henry Frederick. *A Cochrane, John McGregor. A Clark, James Colby Dorr. A Cocke, James Richard. A Clark, James Samuel. A Codding, Edwin Hayden. A Clark, John Marther. C Codman, Ernest Amory. A Clark, Joseph Eddy. A Cody, Edmond Francis. A Clark, Joseph Leonidas. D Coffey, Leonard James. A Clark, Julius Stimpson. A Coffin, A rthur Baylies. A Clark, Leonard Brown. A Coffin, John Lambert. A Clark, May Chadbourn. A Coffin, Ju liet Evelyn. A Clark, Seth Corbin. D Coffin, Rockwell Augustus. A Clark, Sidney Avery. A Cogan, Joseph Ambrose. A Clark, Stephen Wilson. C Coggeshall, Frederic. A Clark, Theodore Wright. A Coggin, David. D Clark, Walter Almon. A Coghlan, John Nichols. A Clark, Walter Thomas. *A Coggswell, George Badger. D Clark, William Goodwin Chad- A Cogswell, Charles Frederick. bourne. A Cogswell, Charles Hale. A Clark, William Henry. A Cogswell, Edward Russell. A Clarke, Augustus Peck. A Cogswell, George Proctor. A Clarke, Edith Leavitt. A Cogswell, William, Jr. A Clarke, Edwin Augustus. D Cohill, David Young. A Clarke, George Clarendon. D Colburn, Frederick Wilkinson. A Clarke, George Salisbury. D Colburn, Harry Hay ford. A Clarke, Henry Little. A Colby, Edward Porter. A Clarke, Israel James. A Colby, Edwin Alonzo. B Clarke, John Henry. D Colby, Fred Bennett. . A Clarke, Joseph Payson. D Colby, Gilman. A Clarke, Louis Henry. B Colby, Sarah Ann. A Clarke, Maurice Dwight. A Colcord, Daniel Webster. A Clarke, Mortimer Hall. A Cole, Charles Higgins. A Clarke, William Crocker. A Cole, David Smalley. C Clarke, William Johnson. D Cole, Lorenzo Waite. D Cleaves, Frederick Henry. A Cole, Ralph Marcus. A Cleaves, James Edwin. B Cole, Stillman Asbury. A Clement, George Colburn. A Cole, William Ezra. A Clement, George Wilmot. A Coleman, Ellenwood Bunker. A Clement, Lydia Ramsdell. A Collamore Francis. A Clement, Thomas Runnells. A Collet, Peter Achille Anaclet. A Cliff, Leander Albert. A Collier,Lawrence Henry Goodwin.

* Deceased. 4RGSRTO I MEDICINE. IN REGISTRATION 24 *A Cooper, Charles Wendell. Charles Cooper, *A A Cooper, Almon. Cooper, A Nelson. John Coolidge, Goldthwait. David Coolidge, Jr. A Algernon, Coolidge, A Freeman. A Parker Snow Cooke, A Melissa. Mabell Cook, Andrews. George Cook, A A A Cornish, Theodore Osgood. Theodore Cornish, Aaron. Cornish, A A Luzerne. Oscar Corliss, Edwin. Francis Corey, A Luke. Corcoran, A Henry. A William Copeland, Franklin. Horatio Copeland, Humphrey. A er Elm ard. Copeland, W A Charles Copeland, A Hermon. Cooper, A A Marion. Coon, Bailey. George Coon, A D Lathrop. bbott A Cooley, D Arnold. Henry Cooke, D Henry. Charles Cook, Henry. es Jam Conway, A Pacifique. Elmore. Contre, A Frank Constans, B Cornelius. A ard Edw Conroy, Spurgeon. illett W Connors, D Frank. Charles Connor, A D Burton. Chandos Connor, alter. W Charles Connell, D Irving. rthur A Connell, A Leon. Henry Conn, Aloysius. A Andrew Conlon, A A Thomas. Conlan, Robert. Jay Conklin, A D arren. W Leander Combs, A Danforth. George Colony, F B Cornbloom, Charles. Cornbloom, B Owen. Copp, A John. Peter Conroy, A Joseph. Edward Connihan, B Michael. Joseph Conlin, D Pierce. Perley Comey, A Jay. John Colton, Henry. Colt, A A Droien. William Collins, A Clarence. Edgar Collins, Aloysius. David Collins, A A Si ¡> ¡> > > > Henry. William Colvin, B Jason. Wallace Collins, William. Orville Collins, D A Congdon, Lennier. Congdon, Eleazer. Dwight Cone, erritt. M William Conant, Joseph. Odilon Comtois, Conant, Thomas. Conant, Congreve, Jam es Mandeville. Mandeville. es Jam Congreve, OfficialMedicinePrrctitioners of of List Deceased. * *A Coy, Erastus Calhoun. Erastus Coy, *A Cosa,FakAlbert. A Frank Crossman, Patrick. William Cross, A D A Cross, Hiram Bliss. Hiram Cross, Ella. Grace Cross, Chandler. A Frederic Crosby, Henry. A Hiram Crooker, Augustus. D iah Jerem Cronin, William. D Henry Eugene. Cronin, D Frederick Crockett, A Fred. Crockett, Anthony. A Eugene Crockett, Crafts. B illard W Crocker, A Elizabeth. Susan Crocker, A Pulsifer. A Benton Crocker, A Morrow. J Cowden, Horatius. Michael Couture, illiam. A W Nicholas Cousens, Edward. A Samuel Courtney, William. A Joseph Thomas. Courtney, E William Councilman, Leonard. A Pierre Couillard, A A Pearce. illiam W Coues, C A Crocker, John Myrick. John Crocker, A Wood. Anna Asaph. Croacher, Rufus Crittendon, A Carl. Crisand, D A Edward. William Cramm, Wesley. John Cram, D A Hiram. Daniel Craig, Darre. A Addison Crabtree, A illard. W Seth Coy, A Trask. Sigourney Cowles, A Edward. Harris. Cowles, rthur A Cowdrey, A C William. John Coughlin, A Anthony. William Couch, A Francis. John Couch, Jay. Frederic Cotton, Parker. A Samuel Cotterell, A Camille. Cote, A Henry. John Costello, A Patrick. John Corrigan, D Sylvester. Edwin Cornwell, A D A Crawford, Sarah Marcy. Sarah Crawford, William. John Crawford, Henry. A Charles Crawford, A alker. W George Crane, Richmond. A rthur A Crandell, A D rthur. A George Craigiu, A Milton. Francis Cragin, A Augustine. es Jam Coyne, Edward. alter W Coyle, D D Gardner. Cox, Norman. William Cowles, D A aterman. W Fred Cowles, Augustus. Frank Cowles, A A Daniel. Joseph Couch, A —Continued. [Jan. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 25

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine—Continued.

A Croston, John Francis. A Cutler, Cecil Stevens. D Crotty, Thomas Henry. A Cutler, Charles Lewis, Jr. C Crowell, Hannah Hall. E Cutler, Charles Newton. A Crowell, Samuel. A Cutlor, Edward Roland. A Crowell, Willis K. A Cutler, Elbridge Gerry. D Crowley, Ambrose. B Cutler, George. A Crowley, Jeremiah Francis. A Cutler, James Tucker. D Crowley, John Michael. A Cutler, William Bullard. B Crowninshield, Phoebe. A Cutler, William Clark. A Crozier, Thomas. A Cutter, Charles Kimball. C Cruikshank, Herbert Wyche. A Cutter, Edward Jones. A Culbert, Robert Ronayue. A Cutter, Ephraim. A Culbertsou, Emma Valeria P. B. A Cutter, John Ashburton. A Culver, Jane Kendrick. A Cutter, John Clarence. A Cummings, Charles Stearns. A Cutts, Harry Madison. A Cummings, Edwin Francis. A Daigneault, Joseph Arthur. A Cummings, Irving Oscar. D Dailey, Richard Connell. A Cummings, Maria Louisa. A Daily, John Wesley. A Cummings, Michael Aloysius. A Dake, Dumont Charles. A Cummings, Mott Alvah. A Dakin, Edward Arthur. B Cummings, Willard Corydou. A Dakin, Mary Anna Dorgan. A Cumston, Charles Greene. A Dale, John Lombard. A Cundall, Charles Carol. A Daley, Robert Nicholas. B Cuneo, Augustus. D Dalton, John Edward. A Cunningham, Benjamin Frazier. A Daly, Bernard Thomas. A Cunningham, Joseph Henry. A Daly, James. A Cunningham, Thomas Edward. A Daly, Richard Francis. D Curley, George Frederick. D Daly, Timothy Joseph. A Curran, Charles Henry. C Daly, William Joseph. A Curran, Charles James. A Dam, Alvah Morton. A Currie, John Zebulon. D Dame, Fred Russell. * A Currier, Mary Barnard. A Damon, Arthur Lewylenn. A Currier, May Carrie. A Damon, Newcomb Lincoln. A Currier, William Hale. A Dane, John. D Curry, Edward Farnham. D Daniel, Vivian. D Curry, Joseph James. A Daniels, Edward William. E Curtis, Belle Dora. A Daniels, Edwin Alfred. A Curtis, Francis George. E Daniels, Roy Adelbert. A Curtis, Hall. D Darby, Edward Arthur. A Curtis, Henry Fuller. D Darby, Margaret Gurney. A Curtis, John Benedict. D Darling, Cassius Harriot. A Curtis, Lucian Willis. A Darling, Charles Balfour. B Curtis, Thomas Mitchell. A Darling, Eugene Abraham. D Curtis, William Goodwin. A Darrah, Rufus Elmer. A Cushing, Alvin Mathew. A Davenport, Bennett Franklin. A Cushing, Ernest Watson. A Davenport, Charles Albert. A Cushing, Eugene Bonapart. A Davenport, Francis Henry. A Cushing, Hayward Warren. D Davenport, Frank Douglass. A Cushing, Henry Joseph. A Davidson, Kallman Meyer. A Cushing, Ira Barrows. A Davie, Charles Herbert. *A Cushing, Joseph Whitney. A Davis, Andrew Jackson. A Cushing, Oliver Fernald. A Davis, Bessie Delano. A Cushman, Andrew Bernard. *A Davis, Charles Henry. A Cushman, George Thomas. A Davis, Edward Parker. D Cushman, Mary Floyd. A Davis, Ella Maxfield. *A Cushman, Thaddeus Thompson. D Davis, Francis Alvorde. *A Cushman, William Baxter. E Davis, Frank Albert. D Cusick, Thomas Francis. D Davis, Frank Albin.

* Deceased. — Continued. — Dewey, Joseph Willard. Dewey, Melvin Morris. Devereaux, Jane Smith. Dewey, Charles Gipson. Dewey, David Robert. Desmond, Clarence Francis. Desrosiers, Louis Amedie. Dever, Charles Edward. Devine, William Henry. Dewin, Peter John. Dewolf, Edward Gardner.Dews, Frederic Gifford.Dexter, Ella Louisa. Dickerman, Silas Barnet. Dickinson, Harvey Middleton. Dillon, Richard Hastings. Dionne, Louis. Derby, Emma Angeline. Desmario, Joseph Henry. Desnoyers, Dontagne. Désy, Gustave. Devenny, Joseph Henry. Dexter, Franklin. Dezell, Frederick Burr.Dickerman, Lemuel. Dickins, Job ByronDickinson, Marcus. Charles Henry. Dike, John. Dillon, Thomas Joseph Bennett. Dimock, Daniel Wright. Dionne, Louis Edward. De Lue, Frederick Spaulding. Denkinger, Joseph Anton. Dennett, John, Jr. Dennis, Jane Louise. De Normandie, Myra. Derby, Hasket. Deroin, Francis Xavier. Dickson, Richard Ensign. Dinenson, Abraham Dion,Isaac. Thomas Joseph. Dennett, George William. Dennison, Archibald Sayre. Disbrow, Robert. Disbrow, John Robert. B D A A A A E A AA Dewis, JohnD William. A DD Desrochers,A Alfred. DesRosiers,A Désiré. A A A D A A A D A D De Merritt, Charles Law. D Dennett, Daniel Clement. D B A AA Derby, BWilliam Parsons. A Desmarais,E Joseph. A C A E A A A Dembo, Fanny.AA Denig, BlancheD Alpine. Dennet, . Charles A Augustus. A AC Dennis, James Henry. CA Denny,A Francis Parkman. Denny, Harry Ernest. A B B D A *A * * Deceased. REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan. Official List of of Medicine Practitioners Official dore Forbin. Davis, Stephen Rich. Davis, Samuel Thomas. A A DeBeer,Johannes Benedict DeA David. Blois, Thomas Amory.A Dedrick, Albert Clinton. Deehan, Peter Eugene.A De Grandpré,A Louis Phillippe. A De la Granja, Edward.A Delahanty, WilliamA Deland,Joseph. Charles Airmet. De Langle, Charles Petit. D Del Castillo, Frank Martin. A A Dearborn, John AHenry. Dearborn, AReuben Dearing, Fletcher. Henry Lincoln.A Dearing, Howard Summer. Dearing, Thomas Haven. A Defriey, William APeabody. Dehn, Edward William. A A Delano, Marcus F. A Delano, Samuel. De Laval-Thyernay, Melville En- A Deane, Ebenezer Alexander. A Deane, Adams Calhoun. B Day, Henry Bailey. B B Davis, William Everett. A A Deane, Henry Augustus.A Deane, James Robinson.A Deane, Wallace Harlow.A Deans, Herbert Clair.A Dearborn, Alvah Berton. Dearborn, John George. A A De Liguori, Giovanbattista. Delisle, Joseph Damase. D Day, James Arnold.A A Deal, George Francis.D De Amezaga, Gualtiero. Dean, Ralph Denniston. E B Davis, William Horace.C Davis, William Philip.A Davison, ArchibaldA Dawes, Thompson.William Greenleaf. Day, Clarence Currier. A A Davis, Frank Stewart.A Davis, Franklin Jerome.A Davis, Frederick DAugustus. Davis, Frederick Augustus. Davis, George Healy.C Davis, Myron Henry. A Deane, Asahel Sumner. A Deal, Edward Edwin. D Davis, Myron, Jr.A D Davis, Nathan AJohnson. Davis, Percy Guy. Davis, Roland Augustus. A < Davis, PSamuel Alonzo. A Davis, Wesley. 26 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 27

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Disney, Frank Arundel Elias. A Drake, Norman Lucca. A Dixon, Joseph Henry. D Drake, Oliu Milton. A Dixon, Lewis Seaver. A Drake, William Abram. A Dixon, Robert Brewer. D Dranga, Amelia Augenia. A Dixwell, Johu. D Draper, Alexis Lumb. A Doane, George Washington. D Draper, Charles Ransom. D Doane, H arriet M. A Draper, Frank Eugene. A Doble, Ernest Edgar. A Draper, Frank Winthrop. D Dodd, Isaac Spencer Finney. A Draper, Joseph Rutter. A Dodge, Edgar Simon. A Dresser, George. A Dodge, Fred Wilder. D Drew, Charles Aaron. C Dodge, George Smith. B Drew, Frances Harriet. A Dodge, William Wooldredge. A Drew, Frank Haynes. A Doggett, Frederick Fobes. A Drew, Frederick. A Doherty, Charles. A Drew, Maria Emma. D Doherty, Helen Isabel. A Driscoll, Thomas Daniel. A Dolan, William Andrew. A Driver, Stephen William. A Dole, Mary Phylinda. E Drohan, James Henry. *C Dolliver, George Carroll. A Drown, Edward Payson. A Dolloff, Albert Simeon. A Drummey, Nicholas Daniel. A Doloff, Eugene Malcolm. A Drummond, Juan Fernandez Ben­ A Donahue, Hugh. nett. D Donahue, William Francis. C Dudley, Augustus William. D Donlan, John Malachi. E Dudley, Charles, D Donnelly, James Harvey. A Dudley, Henry Watson. A Donnelly, John Bernard. A Dudley-Clapp, Susan Ida. E Donner, John Albert. A Duff, John. B Donoghue, Daniel Francis. A Duggan, Johu Joseph. A Donoghue, Francis Dennis. A Duggan, Johu Thomas. D Donoghue, James Crowley. D Duhaime, Gandiose Leraaitre. E Donohue, George. A Duhamel, Oliva Gilbert. A Donovan, Benedict. B Du Mont, Henry. A Donovan, Henry Vincent. *A Dunbar, Eugene Fillmore. C Donovan, Michael Ricard. A Dunbar, Frank Collins. D Donovan, Sylvester Edward. A Dunbar, Franklin Asaph. A Dorcey, James Edmund. B Duncan, Florence Josephine. D Dorion, Jean Baptiste Théophile. D Dunham, Frank Lee. A Dorion, Louis Philippe Adélard. A Dunham, George Perry. C Dorman, Albert Barnes. A Dunham, Henry Bristol. A Dorman, Daniel Webster. D Dunham, Whitefield Otis. A Dorr, Charles Alonzo. A Dunlap, Charles Bates. Dorval, Tancrède Cesaire. *A Dunlap, James. Douglas, Charles Joseph. C Dunn, Charles Stein. Douglass, John Abbott. A Dunn, Jennie Sophia. Dow, Edmund Scott. D Dunn, Stephen Joseph. Dow, George Farwell. C Dunn, William Aloysius. Dow, George William. A Dunn, William Ambrose. Dow, James Arthur. A Dunne, Alexander John. Dowling, John Joseph. A Dunning, William Meddaugh. Downey, Charles John. B Dunphy, John. Downing, Bertha Carol. A Dupont, Flavien. Downing, Franklin Chace. B Duquet, Philorome. Downes, Nathaniel. A Durant, Charles Edwin. Downs, Harry Ashton. A Durell, Thomas Moulton. Doy, Wilberforce Clarkson. A Durgin, Samuel Holmes. Doyle, Daniel Patrick. A Dutton, Charles. Drake, Arathena Bianca. A Dutton, George. Drake, Arthur Knowlton. C Dutton, Samuel Lane.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Dutra, Emmanuel Christian. B Eldridge, Benjamin Davis. C Dutra. Joseph. A Eldridge, David Gorham. D Dutrizac, Joseph Ovid. A Eldridge, Jerrie Allen. A Duxbury, Joseph Edward. *A Elliot, Edward Pearson. A Dwelly, Jerome. A Elliot, John Wheelock. A Dwight, Edwin Weller. D Elliot, Sidney Barrington. D Dwight, Henry Leonard. A Elliott, Frederick William. A Dwight, Thomas. A Elliott, James Prescott. A Dwinell, Byron Lee. D Elliott, Richard Andrew. A Dwyer, John Edward. A Elliott, Russell Dunson. D Dyer, Charles Lathrope. A Ellis, . D Dyer, Ebenezer Alden. A Ellis, Dean Samuel. D Dyer, Florence May. A Ellis, Edward Harvey. B Dyer, Frank Pierce. A Ellis, Frederick Warren. B Dyer, Willard Knowlton, A Ellis, George Livingston. A Eames, George Franklin. A Ellison, George Washington. A Earl, George Henry. D Ellsworth, Samuel Walker. A Earle, William Alva. A Ellsworth, Victor Albert. D Early, William Wallace. D Elmere, John Alfred. A Eastman, Charles Albert. A Emerson, Charles Sumner. A Eastman, Charles Albert. A Emerson, Francis Patten. A Eastman-Schenck, Ellen. A Emerson, Frederick Lincoln. B Eastman, Mary Roena. D Emerson, George Short. A Eaton, John Marshall. A Emerson, George Washington. A Eaton, Lilley. A Emerson, Herbert Clark. D Eaton, Richard Gardner. A Emerson, Nathaniel Waldo. A Eaton, Samuel Lewis. D Emery, George Edwin. A Eaton, William Winslow. D Emery, Harry Smith. A Eaton, Wyllis Gilbert. A Emery, William Henry. A Ebann, Charles Deletang. A Emery, Winfred Newell. B Eckstein, Caroline Katherine. D Enebuske, Claes Julius. A Eddy, George Stetson. D Engelman, George Julius. A Eddy, Hiram McCrery. A Ensworth, William Howard. A Eddy, Richard Henry. A Entin, Gilel. C Edes, Richard Edward. C Erb, Theodore Charles. A Edes, Robert Thaxter. E Erickson, Anna Maria. A Edgar, William Ladell. A Ermentrout, Sallie Justinia. A Edgerly, Jonathan Frank. A Ernst, Harold Clarence. D Edmands, Idelle Lydia. D Estes, Florella. A Edmonds, Louis. D Etienne, Arthur Octave, Jr. A Edson, Carroll Everett. B Evans, David. A Edson, Ptolomy O’Meara. E Evans, Reubeu Osgood. D Edwards, Arthur Frank. A Eveleth, Edward Smith. A Edwards, Charles Lawrence. A Eveleth, Philemon. D Edwards, Merton John. A Everett, Horace Stanwood. A Edwards, Thomas Alvin. A Everett, James Bradley. A Edwards, William Lothrop A Everett, Oliver Austin. D Egan, Edward Winfield. A Everett, Oliver Hurd. C Egan, John Joseph. A Everett, Willard Shepard. B Egan, Sebra Temple. C Ewald, Carl Adolph. D Egbert, Jay Hobart. A Fagnant, Benjamin. C Egland, Christopher. A Fahey, James Charles. A Ehrlich, Henry. A Fairbanks, Arthur Willard. D Eidam, Carl Hermann. A Fairchild, Courtland de Nor A Ela, Paul Francis. tnandie. A Ela, Walter. D Fairhurst, O’Connell. D Elcock, Harry Alfred. D Fales, Alonzo Cartland. B Elderen, John Van. D Falkenbury, Arthur Ezra.

* Deceased. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 29

Official List oj Practitioners oj Medicine— Continued.

A Fallon, Michael Francis. *A Fish, Dyer Ball Nelson. A Farley, William Chase. D Fish, Ernest Clifford. A Farlow, John Woodford. A Fish, Ralph Charles. A Farnham, Charles Chittenden. A Fisher, Edgar Alexander. A Farnham, Edwiu. D Fisher, James Tucker. A Farnham, Mary Eudora. A Fisher, Theodore Willis. C Farnham, Johu Marshall Wil­ A Fisher, Preston. loughby. A Fisk, Charles Leo, Jr. B Farnsworth, Sarah Elizabeth. A Fisk, William Willard. A Farr, Edwin Lawson. A Fiske, Eustace Lincoln. D Farrell, George Louis. D Fiske, Harlo Adoniram. C Farrington, Annie Louise. A Fitch, Edward Doolittle. A Farrington, Leander Morton. D Fitts, Alston. A Farwell, Charles Luther. A Fitz, George Wells. A Farwell, George Davis. A Fitz, Reginald Ileber. A Faulkner, TTenry Clay. D Fitzgerald, Clara Pauline. C Faulkner, Henry Winthrop. A Fitzgerald, James Bernard. A Fauuce, Robert Harris. D Fitzgerald, Thomas Patrick. A Faxon, Eudora Meade. D Fitzgerald, Vance Lee. C Faxon, William Lyman. A Fitz-Hugh, John Alexander. A Faxon, William Otis. A Fitzsimmons, Philip Mansfield. A Fay, Frank Gleason. A Flagg, Alpheus Dexter Smith. A Fay, James Monroe. D Flagg, Cora Hosruer, D Fay, Joseph Henry. A Flagg, Edwin Barber. A Fay, William Eastman. C Flagg, Franklin Parkinson. D Fearl, Fred Henry. A Flagg, Herbert Horatio. D Fecteau, Adelard. B Flagg, Jonathan. D Feindel, Joseph Creighton. A Flagg, Payson Jonathan. B Fellows, George Robert. D Flanagan, Peter Joseph. A Fenwick, Joseph Benson. D Flanders, Alton Leroy. A Ferguson, Arthur Bixby. A Flanders, Frank Byron. A Ferguson, Charles John. A Fleet, William Earnest. A Ferguson, Hugh. A Fletcher, Robert Whitney. A Ferland, Joseph Severin Ernest. A Fletcher, Rosa. A Fernald, Alberto Francis. A Fletcher, Samuel Ernest. A Fernald, Charles Augustus. A Fletcher, Samuel William. C Fernald, Herbert Elwood. A Fletcher, William Kelly. A Fernald, Otis. D Fleming, Margaret Amanda. A Fernald, Walter Elmore. D Flemming, Anthony. A Ferrari, Francesco Edoardo. A Flewelling, Douglas Scovil. A Ferry, James Francis. A Flinn, Matthew Bonner. A Fesler, Frank Joy. A Flint, Charles Cookeman. A Fessenden, Charles Hill. A Flint, Omar Alpha. A Fessenden, George Russell. A Flood, Everett. A Fessenden, Joseph Palmer. A Flower, Alfred Horace. A Fewell, Samuel Jackson. A Flower, Richard Charles. A Fick, Hermann Andrew. A Flynn, John Joseph. A Field, Charles Elmer. A Fogerty, Williams Clemmons. A Field, James Brainerd. A Fogg, Irving Sylvester. A Field, Phinehas Peck. D Fogg, Walter Augustus. A Field, Susan Hammond. A Foley, Timothy John. *A Fifield, William Cranch Bond. A Foley, Walter James Paul. A Fillebrown, Charles Dalton. A Follett, Ammi Ward. A Fillebrown, Thomas. A Follet, John Atwood. D Finch, Edward Bronson. A Folsom, Charles Follen. A Finn, Edward William. A Folsom, Norton. A Finn, James Anthony. A Fontaine, Marc. A Finnigan, Patrick Joseph. C B’ontaine, Henri Théophile.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Forbes, Charles Ilolt. A French, Charles Ephraim. E Forbes, Edwin Bannister. A French, Charles Henry. A Forbes, George Foster. A French, Charles Lindol. A Forbes, Ileury Gordon. A French, Charles Peaslee. A Forbush, Albert Waldo. D French, Edward Henry. B Ford, Daniel Frink. B French, Elizabeth J. A Ford, John Francis. A French, George Henry. D Ford, Michael Angelo. A French, George Morrill. B Forrest, Josephine Winifred. D French, John Innés. *A Forster, Edward Jacob A French, John Marshall. A Fortin, Julian Elzéar. *A French, Nathan. D Fosgate, Elmer Gilman. E French, Towneley Thorndike. D Foskett, Eben. A French, Winslow Burrell. A Foskett, George Mason. E Frietas, José Carlos de. A Foss, David. B Frink, Charles Tatman. A Foss, John William. A Frisbie, . E Foss, Percy Harold. A Frissell, Edward Merle. A Foss, Warren Sartwell. A Frizzell, Seraph. A Foster, . B Frost, Charles Chauncy. D Foster, Clarendon Atwood. A Frost, Edward Clayton. A Foster, Edwin Scott. D Frost, George Melville. A Foster, Frank Albert. D Frost, Horace Bird. A Foster, George Emory. D Frost, Samuel Kapp. A Foster, Horace Kendall. A Frost, Woodbury George. A Foster, James Milton. D Frothingham, Charles Benjamin. A Foster, James Richards. A Frothingham, James Edward. D Foster, Matthias Lanckton. D Frumson, Lazarus. D Foster, Winifred Smith. A Fry, Charles Wilson. A Fountaine, Felix Dydime. A Frye, Charles Marshall. C Fourtin, Edmund Randolph Peas- A Frye, Edmund Bailey. lee. A Fryer, Winson Farnum. C Fox, Charles Leonard. B Fuller, Amos Warren. A Fox, William Yale. A Fuller, Charles Metcalf. A Foye, Charles Frederick. A Fuller, Daniel Hunt. A Frame, Joseph. D Fuller, Frank Boutelle. C Francis, Adeline Eliza. A Fuller, Frederick Henry. A Francis, Carleton Shurtleff. B Fuller, George Albion. A Francis, George Ebenezer. A Fuller, George Ephraim. A Francis, George Hills. A Fuller, James Robert. A Francis, Tappau Eustis. B Fuller, Walter Tracy. A Francois, Edward Albert Louis. D Fullerton, Walter Wilson. A Franfaglia, Gabriéle. A Fyfe, Thomas Tass. D Frankel, Charles Louis. A Gaertner, Alexander. B Franks, Baron. A Gaffney, John Patrick. A Franz, Adolph. A Gaffney, Henry Joseph. A Fraser, Donald Allan. A Gage, Edward Franklin. A Fraser, John Chisholm. A Gage, Homer. D Fraser, Roderick. A Gage, James Arthur. E Frasier, Joseph Anthony. A Gage, Thomas Hovey. B Frechette, Clément. A Gatrgioli, Girolamo. A Freeman, Franklin Willard. A Gagnon, Joseph Alfred. A Freeman, Frederick Augustus. A Gahan, Edward William. A Freeman, George Edward. D Gahan, Myles Joseph. D Freeman, George Franklin. I) Gahan, Patrick Francis. A Freeman, Russell Ballou. D Gaidzakyan, Ohati. A Freeman, Simon Augustus. B Galbenewetz, Benjamin Goth. A French, Alfred Joseph. D Galboury, Henri Tancrede. A French, Charles Austin. A Gale, George Washington.

* Deceased. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 5(5 ,11

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Gale-Warren, Mary Kendall. A Gendron, Joseph Alexander. B Gallagher, James Thomas. A Gendron, Joseph Etienne. D Gallagher, William Howard. A Généreux, Joseph Albério. A Galligan, Edward Francis. A Généreux, Joseph Oliver. D Galligan, Edward Joseph. D George, Arthur Phillips. C Galligan, Eugene Thomas. A George, Oscar Fowler. A Gallison, Ambrose John. A Gerould, Joseph Bowditch. A Gallison, Henry Hammond. A Gerry, Edwin Peabody. A Gallison, Jefferson Cushing. D Gerstein, Morris. A Gallivan, William Joseph. D Gerin-Lajoie, Frederic Thomas. A Galloupe, Benjamin Franklin. B Gertz, William Henry. A Galloupe, Charles William. A Gervais, Emery. A Galloupe, Isaac Francie. A Getchell, Albert Colby. E Galloupe, Joseph Abbott. C Getchell, Stillman P erry. A Galvin, George William. D Gibbons, Lister. A Galvin, William. E Gibbons, Sherwin. A Gamwell, Harlow. A Gibbs, Howard Augustine A Gannett, William Whitworth. A Gibbs, Linnaeus Victor. A Gannon, Annie Margaret. A Gibbs, Lucero Jackson. B Gannon, Anna Maria. A Gibbs, Samuel Whelpley D Garabrant, Lillian. A Gibby, Isabel Parker. A Garceau, Edgar. A Giblin, Frank Joseph. *A Garceau, Treffle. A Gibson, Arthur Allen. A Gardiner, Perley Forest. B Gibson, Elwyn Deloss. A Gardner, Clarence Rhodolphus. D Giddings, Theodore. A Gardner, . A Gidman, Bramwell Carvosso. A Gardner, Frank Augustine. A Gifford, Benjamin Dods. A Gardner, George Henry. A Gifford, Fred Hooker. D Gardner, Harry Milton. A Gifford, John Henry. A Gardner, William Wallace. F Gifford, Silas Swift. A Garey, Charles Wendell. A Giguere, Joseph. B Garfield, John. A Gilbert, Amelia Eliza. A Gariepy, Joseph Camille. A Gilbert, Daniel Dudley. A Garland, Albert Stone. A Gilbert, John. A Garland, George Minot. A Gilbert, John Henry. A Garland, Guy W. D Gilbert, Louis Whitmore. A Garland, Joseph. E Gilchrist, Charles Robert. A Garland, Joseph Everett. A Gildee, James Bennett. A Garmon, John Oscar. A Gile, John Martin. A Garneau, Joseph Pierre Alphonse. B Gilfether, Frank Emmet. A Garrigan, Thomas James. C Gilfillan, Thomas. A Gary, Clara Emerette. D Gillard, Arthur Ernest. D Gates, Ernest A. A Gillespie, Johu. A Gates, George Wellesley. D Gillette, Claudius Wesley. B Gauthier, Franklin. A Gilman, Eugene Albert. A Gavin, George Freebern. E Gilman, Frank Madison. A Gavin, John Harrison. A Gilman, Warren Randall. A Gavin, Michael Freebern. C Ginn, David Richards. A Gavin, Patrick Freebern. D Girdner, John H. A Gay, Almon De Bois. A Gironard, Simeon Joseph. A Gay, Arthur Park. A Giroux, Joseph Raymond. A Gay, George Washington. A Glancy,Charles Augustine. B Gay, Mary Cochran. B Glancy, William Carte Minnotte. A Gay, Warren Fisher. A Glazier, Frederick Prentiss. A Gaylord, John Flavel. A Gleason, Charles Sherman. A Geddes, Peter Spearce Walker. A Gleason, Edwin Putnam. A Gelineau, Charles William. A Gleason, Mardis Edward. A Gelineau, Ovila Clement. D Gleason, Willis Webster.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine—Continued.

Glendenning, Robert Thompson. D Gray, Elizabeth Taylor. Glennon, Michael. A Gray, George Henry. Gobron, Louis Constant. A Gray, Robert Williams. Goddard, Henry Edward. E Greaves, John George. Goddard, Josiah Hamilton. *A Greeley, Moses Reuben. Godfrey, Joseph Witter. A Greeley, William Henry. Godin, Joseph. A Green, Charles Montraville Golden, Michael Charles. A Green, Jacob. Goldthwait, Joel Ernest. A Green, John Orne. Goldthwaite, Seth Vale. A Green, Milbrey. Good, Jacob Adam. A Green, Thomas William. Goodale, George Lincoln. D Greenaugh, Robert Battey. Goodale, Joseph Lincoln. A Greene, Edward Miller. Goodall, Ellis Leon. A Greene, Francis Coles. Goodall, Henry Skinner. A Greene, Frank Alonzo. Goodell, George Zina. A Greene, Frank Eugene. Goodell, Jonathan Woodard. A Greene, Harrie William. Goodenow, Daniel. A Greene, James Sumner. Gooding, Emma Jeanette. A Greene, Jered Alonzo. Goodman, Nathan Mark. A Greene, Nathaniel. Goodman, Samuel. A Greene, Ray Woodville. Goodspeed, Helen Amanda. A Greene, Reuben. Goodwin, Charles Otis. A Greene, Robert Anderson Goodwin, Elmer Ellsworth. A Greene, Thomas Francis. Goodwin, George Erving. D Greene, William Addison. Goodwin, James Joseph. D Greene, William Henry. Goodwiu, Richard James Plumer. A Greenleaf, George Walter. Goodwin, Firzah Eveline. A Greenleaf, John Ruggles. Goodwin, Wilford Watson. A Greenleaf, Richard Cranch. Goray, James Philip. A Greenleaf, Robert Willard. Gordon, John Alexander. A Greenwood, Allen. Gordon, Miles Remond. A Greenwood, Sewell Elliott. Gordon, Stephen Masury. A Gregg, John Argelo. Gorham, Frederic Croewell. B Gregoire, Albert. Gorsliel, Richard. A Grieumard, George Augustus. Goss, Arthur Vincent. B Griffin, Alva James. Goss, Francis Webster. A Griffin, Arthur George. Gould, Charles Asahel. D Griffin, Frederic Stanley. Gould, Clarke Storer. A Griffiu, Louise Amanda. Gould, Chester Harlow. A Griffith, John Auckland. Gould, Forrest Burton. E Grimes, James Henry. Gould, Frank Moriah. D Grimes, Warren Parker. Gould, Lawrence Merwin. A Grinfield-Coxwell, John Edward. Goulding, Timothy Francis. B Grise, Herman Pierre. Grace, Ralph. D Griswold, Merton Lyman. Grady, John William. A Groll, Edward Wright. Grady, Joseph William. D Gross, Hermann Williams. Graham, Douglas. A Grouard, John Shack ford. Graham, Maria Louise. D Grovestein, William Pride. Grainger, William Henry. A Grow, Timothy Rose. Granger, Frank Clark. A Gruver, Samuel James. Granger, Karle Henry. A Guertin, Auguste. Grant, James Henry. A Guild, Edgar Hunt. Grant, James Henry. A Guild, Edward Frank. D Grant, William Herbert. D Guild, Thomas Ezra. D Graves, Benjamin Augustus. D Guiler, Robert Workman. A Graves, Frank Walker. D Guimond, Omer. A Gray, Charles Henry. D Gulick, Luther Halsey.

Deceased, 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 33

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Gunning, Thomas Francis. A Ilanuum, James Wilson. A Gunter, Adolphus Byrum. D Ilanscoin, Walter Vose. A Gunter, Fred Berkeley. A Ilanscom, Sanford. A Guptill, Ira Clark. A Hanson, Frederick Augustus A Guptill, Lucian Hayden. T a fte . D Haché, Henry Clement. A Hanson, William Green. A Haddock, Charles Whitney. D Harding, Ambrose Hastings. A Hagopian, Sarkis Morkir. A Harding, Edward Mitchell. A Hahn, Amrai Rahamah. A Harding, George Franklin. D Haiues, Ignatius. A Harding, Wilbur Fisk. A Hale, Edward Preston. A Hardy, Charles Silenus. A Hale, Edwin Emery. D Hare, Andrew Jackson. B Hale, George Carleton. A Hare, Charles Henry. A Hale, Josiah Little. D Hare, William Andrew. D Hale, William. B Hargrove, Alfred. B Hale, William Alonzo. B Hargrove, Frances Flora. C Hall, Charles Brackett. B Hargrove, Sidney Bulwer. A Hall, Charles Henry. E Harkins, Cornelius Patrick, Jr. A Hall, George Clifton. A Harkins, Daniel Stanislaus. D Hall, Herbert James. A Harlow, Corydon Webster. D Hall, Harry Porter. A Harlow, George Arthur. *A Hall, Irving Storer. A Harlow, Granville Albert. D Hall, James Sanberg. A Harlow, Harriet Susan. A Hall, Mahlon Freeborn. A Harlow, John Martyn. A Hall, Milton Wilder. D Harman, Austin Roy. A Hall, Newbert Jackson. A Harmon, Byron Richmond. A Hall, Walter Langdon. A Harmon, Melville Alphonzo. D Hall, William. *A Harmon, Samuel Toppan. A Hall, William Dudley. A Ilarrimau, Charles Henry. A Hallett, Edward Bangs. A Harriman, James Lang. A Hallett, Walter Lewis. A Harriman, Samuel Knight. A Halloran, Michael Joseph. A Harrington, Arthur Hudson. A Hallowed, Clement Howard. A Harrington, Charles. A Hallowed, Henry Carleton. D Harrington, Charles Woodbury. C Halpin, Andrew James. A Harrington, Francis Bishop. D Halsted, Alfred Thompson. A H arrington, Francis Michael. A Halsey, Frederick Wadsworth. A Harrington, Harriet Louisa. E Hamilton, Edward Sylvester. A Harrington, Thomas Francis. A Hamilton, Erskine Erasmus. D Harris, Arthur Eugene. A Hamilton, Theodore Erskine. D Harris, Charles Edward. E Hamilton, Walter. A Harris, Emanuel. D Hamlin, Charles Franklin. A Harris, Francis Augustine. D Hamlin, William Edward. A Harris, Georgianna Warren. A Hammersley,Jonathan Beadmore. A Harris, John Traill. A Hammond, Aden Dexter. E Harris, Samuel Jacob. A Hammond, Lemuel Hodges. B Harris, Sophia Roper. A Hammond, Philip. D Harris, William Landow. A Hammond, Roland. A narrower, David, Jr. A Hammond, William Penn. B Hart, Charles Oliver. A Hands, Anna Carville. E Hart, Francis Joseph. A Hands, Herbert Abraham. A Hart, George Fred. A Handy, Benjamin Jones. B Hart, Mary Schoonmaker. A Handy, Harrie Delmar. D H art, Michael Joseph. D Handy, Harry Tucker. A Harte, Richard Hickman. A Hanley, Francis Joseph. A Hartley, Henry Alexander Sat- A Hanley, John Joseph. urnise. A Hanlon, Daniel James. D Hartshorn, Edward. A Hanna, Edmund Steelman. D Hartung, Harry Hall.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine■—Continued.

Harvey, Alvah. A Haywood, George William. Harvey, Edwin Bayard. A Haywood, Isabel Pridham. Harvey, Elvira Adelaide. A Hazard, George Stevens. Harvey, Frank. A Hazelton, Isaac Hills. Harvey, Frank T. A Heald, Joseph Berthelet. Harvey, Henry Sydney. A Heald, William Frederick. Harvey, John Franklin. A Healy, James Joseph. Harvey, Walter Emerson. D Healy, John Aloysius. Harvey, William Wirt. A Heard, John Theodore. Hartwell, Arthur Spear. B Heath, Abbie Knowlton Marden. Hartwell, Benjamin Hall. A Heath, Joseph Webster. Hartwell, Edward Mussey. A Hebbard, Ellery Cola. Harwood, Charles Hamant. A Hebbert, Charles Alfred. Hasbrock, Ira Daniel. A Hedenberg, James. Haskell, Henry Hill. A Heffern, Patrick William. Haskell, Lyman George. A Heigham, Jabez William. Haskell, Nelson Cary. D Hemeon, Frederick Chipman. Haskins, . D Hendee, Leslie Horatio. Haslam, Frank Alden. A Henderson, Charles Russell. Hassett, John Joseph. A Henderson, Pinckney Marion. Hastings, Benjamin Franklin. A Hendrickson, Charles Damarin. Hastings, Caroline Eliza. D Henin, Chaim Chaimor. Hastings, Frank Josiah. A Henion, John Briggs. Hastings, . B Henotte, Constant. Hastings, Joseph Wilcox. A Henry, John Goodrich. Hastings, Judson Worthington. A Henshaw, George Bridges. Hastings, Robert Worthington. *A Hero, John Henry. Hastings, William Henry Howe. A Herrick, Edward Barton. Hatch, Anselm Dlmmic. A Herrick, Joseph Thomas. Hatch, George Stephen. D Herrick, Van Buren. Hatch, Leonard Francis. A Hersey, Freeman Clark. Hatchett, William Josephus. A Hetherington, Gilbert Edwin. Hathaway, Clarence Lockwood. C Hewes, Henry Fox. Hathaway, John Gael. A Hewins, Parke Woodbury. Hathaway, Marcus Morton. D Hewitt, Clarence Elbert. Hathaway, Sarah Lewis. D Hibbard, Cleon Melville. Hathaway, William Fales. A Hichborn, Herman Granville. Haub, Augustine Catherine, A Hickey, Garrett Joseph. naven, George. D Hickey, John Aloysius. Hawes, Edward Everett. D Hickey, Lawrence Joseph. Hawes, Joseph Quinnum. D Hicks, Charles Andrew. Hawks, Alfred Joseph. A Hicks, Joseph. Hawks, Esther Hill. A Hidden, Charles Walter. Hay, Gustavus. A Higbee, Edwin Wilbur. Hayden, Lewis Brooks. A Higgins, Frank Albert. Hayden, William Richardson. D Higgins, Harry Eugene. Hayes, Albert Hamilton. A Higgins, Henry Rich. Hayes, Irving Benjamin. A Higgine, James Hayden. Hayes, John Joseph. B Higgins, John Henry. Hayes, Justin Gideon. B Higginson, Ella Aurilla. Hayes, Stephen William. A Hildreth, John Lewis. Hayes, Thomas Joseph. A Hildreth, William Hartwell. Hayford, Herbert Scott. A Hill, Almon Ward. Haynes, Charles Frederick. B Hill, Calvin Augustus. Hayward, Joseph Warren. D Hill, Edgar Dwight. Hayward, Levi Thomas. I) Hill, Eugene Woodbury. Hayward, Walter Barrows. C Hill, George Hillard. Haywood, George Griswold. A Hill, Ira Joseph.

Deceased. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 35

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine—Continued.

A mil, Lucy Chiiloner. D Holden, Claronce Parnell. B llill, Mary Jenersoti. A Holden, Eugene Martin. A Hill, Noble Hind. D Holden, Goorgo Walter. B Hillman, Benjamin. A Holden, Leonard Preston. A nille, Frederick Lyman. A Holdon, William Daniel. A Hills, William Barker. B Holland, Allen Joseph. A Hills, William Henry. D Holland, Hubert Thomas. A Hilton, George Wliitelield. A Holland, James William. D Hilton, John Dauiel. A Holmes, Alvin Dennett. B Hiltpold, Jacob. D nolmes, Benjamin Henry. D ninchcliffe, Harry Palmer. A Holmes, Charles Moses. D Hinckley, Daniel Rose. E Holmes, Edgar Miller. A Hincks, William Sylvanus. A Holmes, Harry Bigelow. A Hines, Archelaus Don. D Holmes, Harry Clinton. A Hines, Francis Edward. A Holmes, Horace Marshall. A Hines, Isaac Bright. C Holmes, John Parker. A Hipkiss, George. B 'Holmes, Lydia Maria. D Hinson, Jacob Miller. D Holmes, May Salona. A Hitchcock, Alfred Owen. A Holmes, William Dennison. ♦ A Hitchcock, Edward Bigelow. D Holmes, William Franklin. A Hitchcock, George Goodwin. A nolmquist, Gustavus. A Hitchcock, Henry Russell. D Ilolohan, Patrick Athanasius. A Hitchcock, John Sawyer. A Holt, Edward Brown. A Hitchcock, Walter Samuel Deane. A Holyoke, Frank. D Hitchcock, William John, Jr. *A Holyoke, William Cook. E Hixon, Edwin Colfax. D Holzman, Joseph. A Hoad ley, Alfred Henry. E Homan, John Milton. D Hobart, Austin Walter. A Homans, John. A Hobart, Mary Forrester. A Homans, John, 2d. D Hobbie, John Remington. A Homer, John. A Hobbs, Ezra Allen. D Hood, Mary Gould. D Hoch, Charles August. A Hooker, Charles Parker. A Hodgdon, Andrew Hall. A Hooker, Edward Dwight. D Hodgdon, Frank Amasa. A Hooper, Everett Dennison. B Hodge, Dwight Munson. A nooper, Frederick Hubbard. A Hodges, Almon Danforth. A Hooper, Harriett Pervier. *A Hodges, Richard Manning. D Hopkins, Bertrand Hiram. A nodgkins, David Webb. D Hopkins, Frederick Eugene. A Hodgson, Mary Cobb A Hopkins, Samuel Augustus. A Hodgson, Richard. A Hopkins, Stephen Worcester. A Hodgson, Thomas Smithson. A Hopkins, William Sharpe. A Hodskins, Edward Bryant. A Horgan, John Augustus. A Hoffman, Gustavus Adolphus. F Horne, James Metcalfe. A Hogan, Fremont Lincoln. A Hornly, Mary Stamper. D Hogan, Joseph Ambrose. A Ilorr, Albert Winslow. A Ilogner, Per Gustaf Richard. D Hoskins, Bertha Ladd. A Hoitt, Eugene Gorham. A Hosmer, Charles Edward. A Holbrook, George. A Hough, Garry de Neuville. A Holbrook, Guy. A nough, George Thomas. B Holbrook, Joseph Edgar. A Houghton, Henry Arvin. A Holbrook, Levi Bradford. A Houghton, Henry Lincoln. A Holbrook, Silas Pinckney. A Houghton, Niedhord nahnemanu. B nolbrook, Solomon Harding A Houghton, Silas Arnold. A Holbrook, William. A Houghton, Simon Willard. A nolbrook, William Edward. A Houle, Anselme Ephrem. A Holcombe, Charles Clifford. A Houle, Joseph. A Holden, Austin. A Houston, James. A Holden, Charles Sumner. A Houston, John Alexander.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine—Continued.

C Howard, Alonzo Gale. F Hunt, Simeon. A Howard, Amasa. A Hunt, William Eustis. A Howard, Arthur Chadwick. D Hunter, Henry John. A Howard, George Canning. A Hunter, Horatio Milton. A Howard, Herbert Burr. A Hunting, Nathaniel Stevens. D Howard, William Francis. A nuntoon, Hazen Prescott. A Howe, Elsie Brewster. F Iluntoon, James W. A Howe, Francis Augustine. A Huntress, Leonard. A Howe, George Joseph. D Hurd, Albert Gordon. A Howe, James Sullivan. A Hurd, Alonzo L. A Howe, Octavius Thorndike. A Hurd, Edward Payson. A Howe, Oliver Hunt. A Hurd, George Platt. B Howell, Ella Virginia. D Hurd, Randolph Campbell. D Howell, Harry Warfield. A Hurd, William Weymouth. D Howell, Thomas. C Hurley, Daniel Bartholomew. A Howes, Clarence Linden. A Hurley, Daniel Madison. A Howes, Pitts Edwin. , A Hurtubise, Louis Francis Athag- B Howkins, Horatio Gates. nase. A Howland, Barker Cushman. C Huse, George Wood. D Howland, Clarence Eugene. D Hussey, Charles Bumps. D Howland, Edgar Joseph. A Husted, Louise Akerly. D Howland, Joseph Briggs. B Hutchings, Charles William. D Howlett, Thomas. A nutchings, Joseph Henry. A Hoyt, Edward Malcom. A Hutchins, George Henry. A Hoyt, Walter Scott. A Hutchins, Isaiah. D Huard, Joseph Edouard. A Hutchinson, Charles Martin. A Hubbard, Charles Thacher. A Hutchinson, Chessman Palmer. A Hubbard, Frank Allen. A Hutchinson, Claribel Merrill. A Hubbard, George William. A Hutchinson, Edwin Darius. D Hubbard, Joshua Clapp. A Hutchinson, Ellen Angeline Kid­ A Hubbard, Josiah Clark. der. A Hubbard, Oemon Huntley. A Hutchinson, Marcello. A Hubbard, Rufus Peabody. B Hutchinson, Nelson Vinal. A Hubbard, Simeon Pease. A Hyde, George Smith. A Hubbard, William Allen. A Hyde, Seneca Tobias. A Hubbell, Adelbert Merton. D lames, Howard. A Iludnut, Frank Parker. D Ide, Henry Clay, 2d. E Hudson, Arthur Stanton. A Ilsley, Frederick Roscoe. D Huehne, Julius. A Inches, Charles Edward. C Hughes, Laura Ann Cleophas. A Ingalls, George Hancock. A Hull, Ernest Liverus. A Ingalls, William. A Hull, . D Ingham, Lucius Thomas. A Hull, William Henry. E Ingoldsby, Joseph Emmanuel. A Hulme, Laura Payne. A Ingraham, Lena Vaughn. B Hulse, Lester Addison. A Ingram , Mary Petronella de Booij. B Humes, Albert Henry. A Irish, John Carroll. A Humphrey, Daniel. A Irvine, William Herbert. A Huuking, Charles Dustin. D Irwin, Vincent Joseph. A Hunt, Allston Frost. A Jack, Edwin Everett. A Hunt, Charles Richard. A Jack, Ernest Sanford. A Hunt, Daniel Lawrence. A Jack, Frederick Lafayette. A Hunt, David. A Jack, Robert. A Hunt, George. C Jackson, Alton Atwell. A Hunt, George Eddy. A Jackson, Amos Messer. A Hunt, Israel Thorndike. A Jackson, Charles William. A Hunt, John Abram. A Jackson, Cornelius Sampson. A Hunt, Lemuel Judson. A Jackson, Eben. C Hunt, Otis Eugene. A Jackson, Fred William. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 87

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

E Jackson, Gertrude Pearson. A Johnson, Frederick William. A Jackson, Henry. D Johnson, George Anson. A Jackson, James Marsh. D Johnson, Graliame Dove. A Jackson, John Henry. E Johnson, Granville Roswell. D Jackson, Oliver Howard. A Johnson, John Gore. D Jackson, Osceola E. *A Johnson, John Waldo. A Jackson, Ralph Wentworth. A Johnson, Orville Edson. A Jackson, Samuel Hahnemann. A Jolinsou, Otis nenry. A Jackson, William Benjamin. A Johnson, Sara. A Jackson, William Leavitt. A Johnson, Stephen Joseph. A Jacques, Napoleon. A Johnson, William Augustus. A Jaffe, James Arthur. A Johnson, William Louis. A James, Frances Celicia. D Johnston, William. D James, Joseph Francis. A Johnstone, William Joseph. D James, Lucille Amanda. D Jones, Arthur Wilis. B James, Woodbury Dyer. A Jones, Charles David. B Jameson, Robert Edwin. A Jones, Claude Perry. A Janes, George Herbert. D Jones, Daniel Fiske. A Jauson-La-Palme, Rodolphe Gas­ A Jones, Daniel Waylaud. pard . A Jones, Elbert Archer. A Jaques, Henry Percy. A Jones, Elgin Wilbur. A Jarvis, William Furness. A Jones, Ellis Preston. D Jeffers, Edward. D Jones, Frederick Ellis. A Jefferson, Herbert Perry. D Jones, Frederick Elmer. A Jeffries, Benjamin Joy. A Jones, George Howard. D Jelalian, Hairabed S. A Jones, George Warren. B Jelen, Henry. A Jones, Gilbert Norris. A Jelenkewitz, Jacob. A Jones, nenry Newell. A Jelly, Arthur Carlton. A Jones, John Clark. A Jelly, George Frederick. B Jones, John Paul. A Jenckes, Joseph Franklin. A Jones, Joseph. B Jenkins, Charles Dunsford. A Jones, Lombard Carter. A Jenkins, Charles Edwin. A Jones, Lyman Asa. A Jenkins, George Oscar. A Jones, Mary Elizabeth. E Jenkins, Gladstone Lawson. D Jones, Mary Scott. A Jenkins, Thomas Lincoln. A Jones, Sophia Carlton. A Jenks, Harrison Darling. A Jones, William Marks. A Jenks, Thomas Leighton. A Jordan, Charles. A Jenness, Barah Abbie. A Jordan, Charles Harold. A Jenney, Arthur Barker. A Jordan, George Albert. D Jennings, Robert. A Jordan, Henry Jacob. A Jernegan, Holmes Mayhew. C Joslin, Elliott Proctor. D Jernegan, Walter Stewart. D Joslin, Perry Edward. A Jewett, Fred Bryce. A Josselyn, Eli Edwards. A Jewett, Frederick Augustus. A Joyce, Charles Pitt Fid. A Jewett, Howard Clifton. A Joyce, Thomas Francis. *A Jewett, nenry Alfred. A Judah, Lucian Alexander. A Jewett, Nathaniel. A Judd, David Hiram. C Jewett, Walter Kendall. E Judge, Albert Augustine. A Jillson, Franklin Campbell. B Judge, James Daniel. *A Johnson, Amos Ilowe. A Judkins, Frank Luvelle. A Johnson, Charles Frederic. A Ivaan, George Warton. B Johnson, Charles Lemuel. A Kahn, Alexander. D Johnson, David Joseph. D Kahn, Paul. A Johnson, Edward Stearns. D Kahn, Wulf. C Johnson, Elmore Reuben. D Kalousdian, Nazareth Manoug. A Johnson, Francis Emerson. A Kane, John Henry. C Johnson, Frank Mackie. A Karner, Edwin Bolden.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Kean, Louise Janett Darnstaedt. A Kidder, Edward Hamilton. C Keany, Francis Joseph. A Kielty, John Daniel. E Keate, Walter. A Kier, Erskine Johnston. A Keating, James Edward. A Kilburn, Henry Whitman. D Keck, Charles Erhard. D Kirby, Francis Joseph. A Keefe, Daniel Edward. A Kilby, Henry Sherman. A Keefe, Patrick Henry. A Kiley, Edward Stephen. A Keegan, Charles Andrew. F Kilgore, George Liberty. A Keegan, Vincent Elijah. A Kilroy, Philip. A Keenan, Herbert John. D Kimball, James Henry. A Keep, Charles Manning. A Kimball, Joseph Edwin. A Keife, Carolyn Ignasce. A Kimball, Leonard Morong. A Keith, Ellen Louisa. A Kimball, Levi Houghton. A Keith, Frederick Scott. A Kimball, Samuel Ayer. Keith, George Wallace. A Kimball, William George. Keith, Wallace Cushing. A Kimpton, Edwin Sewell. Keleher, Francis Joseph. A King, Calvin Bryant. Keleher, William Henry. B King, Charles Duncan. Kelleher, Patrick Francis. D King, Frank Joseph. Keller, Elizabeth Catherine. C King, Frederick Augustine. Kelley, George Wallace. D King, George. Kelley, Horatio Sprague, Jr. D King, Jesse. Kelley, Joseph Henry. A King, Nathaniel Clark. Kelley, Michael Joseph. C King, William Rufus. Kelley, Seth Wight. A Kingman, James Henry. Kelliher, Mayville Sumpter. A Kingman, Rufus Anderson. Kelliher, Michael William. A Kingsbury, Albert Dexter. Kellogg, Edward Brinley. A Kingsbury, Charles Franklin. Kellogg, Frederic Leroy. A Kingsbury, Joseph Byron. Kelly, Jane Downes. A Kingsbury, Charles Langdon. Kelly, Michael. A Kingsley, Charles. Kelly, Samuel James. A Kinne, George Lyman. Kelly, Thomas Francis. A Kinney, Eunice Draper. Kelly, William P. A Kinney, John Edgar. Kelsay, Brookens Campbell. A Kinnier, Denis Francis. Kelsey, Otis Hiland. E Kinsley, Cephas Daniel. Kemble, Arthur. D Kinsman, Henry Francis. Kemble, Lawrence Grafton. D Kirby, Frank Alonzo. Kemp, Edwin Augustine. D Kirby, Nathaniel Harris. Kennard, Harry Delano. A Kirby, Thomas Edward. Kennealy, John Henry. A Kirk, Lucy Anne. Kennedy, Alexander Edward. D Kite, Walter Chester. Kennedy, Alexander G. A Kittredge, Joseph. Kennedy, Alonzo Lewis. A Kittredge, Thomas. Kennedy, Catherine Moloney. A Klein, August Andreas. Kennedy, Charles Francis Joseph. A Klennier, Wilhelm Nickolaus. Kennedy, Eugene Augustine. D Klopp, Henry Irwin. Kennedy, Frederick William. A K»udjian, Assadour Hagot. A Kennedy, George Golding. A Knapp, Philip Coombs, Jr. A Kennedy, James Simon. A Knight, Augustus Smith. D Kennedy, Michael Colville. D Knight, Charles Eugene. B Kennedy, Thomas Patrick. D Knight, Charles Storer. A Kenney, Franklin Woodbury. A ' Knight, Charles Sumner. D Kenney, Hattie Eliza. D Knight, Edwin Augustus. B Kent, Daniel Hurley. A Knight, Frederick Irving. A Kenyon, Henry Jesse. A Knight, Granville. A Keown, James Archibald. A Knight, Henry Sargent. D Kernan, William Everett. A Kuight, Joseph Noble.

♦ Deceased. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 39

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Knight, Marcus Whitney. A Larose, Paul Herbert. B Knight,William Henry Anderson. D Larrabeo, Ralph Clinton. A Knowles, James Harris. A Lartie, Joseph Charles Ilormisdas. A Knowles, William Fletcher. A Latham, Caroliue Augusta. A Knowles, William Kelley. A Lathe, Leonora Fletcher. A Kuowlton, Charles Davison. A Lathrop, William Henry. A Kuowlton, Herbert Eugene. A Latter, Leonard. A Kuowlton, Wallace Mills. D Latterner, Frederick Henry. B Kohan, Alexander. B Laurence, David. A Konikow, Moses Joseph. D Laurin, Theophilus. A Krause, James. D Laurion, Adelard. A Krebs, Franz Hugo. D Lavellee, George Omer. B Krouberger, Israel Baruch. D La Vigne, Alfred Willis. D Krum, Frank Wilson. D Lavoie, Joseph Paradis. D La Belle, Martin James. A Lawler, Thomas Joseph. D Lafontaine, Gustave. A Lawler, William Patrick. A Laforce, Edward Doutial. D Lawlor, John Joseph. B L ’A frican, E ugène. D Lawrence, James Chrisby Hurd. A Laidley, John Baine. D Lawrence, James Wilmot. A Lajoie, Louis Zotique. ♦A Lawrence, John Herbert. A Lake, Hiram. A Lawrence, Joseph Henry. C Lakeman, Mary Ropes. D Lawrence, Nellie Louise. A La Marche, Walter Joseph. A Lawrence, Rhoda Ashley. A Lamb, Colby. A Lawson, Frederick Bartlett. A Lamb, Frances Gertrude. A Leach, Albert Clinton. D Lamb, William Dan. A Leach, Clara Celestia Austin. D La Motte, Xavier Alexander. A Leach, Edward Morton. A Lamoureux, Joseph Elzéar. A Leach, Horace Morton. D Lanphear, Charles Howard. A Leach, William. A Lamson, John Augustus. A Leakey, George Henry Aloysius. A Lancaster, Sherman Russell A Leahy, Thomas Joseph. A Lancaster, Walter Brackett. A Leard, John Samuel Hick. B Lande, Abraham Joseph. B Learned, Noyes Newton. D Landers, Garrett John. A Learned, John Barr. D Landers, Maurice Joseph. A Learned, William Turell. B Landis, Lillian Etta. A Learoyd, Charles Berry. A Landis, Simon Mohler. A Leary, James Edward. A Landry, Napoleon. A Leary, John Henry. A Lane, Albert Clarence. A Leary, Patrick Frank. A Lane, Charles Franklin. C Leary, Timothy. A Lane, Edward Binney. D Leary, William Charles. A Lane, Francis Augustus. D Leary, William Cornelius. B Lane, Ida Ella Hale. A Leavitt, Dudley. A Lane, John Goodwin. D Leavitt, Edwin Alden. A Lane, Orville W'ilbur. A Leavitt, William Whipple. A Lane, Robert Low. D Le Bel, Timothée. B Lane, William Colton. A Leblanc, Aimé Noël. D Langan, John Thomas. D LeBlanc, Clement Oliver. A Langevin, Joseph Alphonse. A Le Boeuf, Joseph Sylva. A Langlois, Joseph Augustin. A Lee, Frank Herbert. D Lauglois, William Edward. A Lee, Luther Milo. A Langmaid, Samuel Wood. A Leeds, Charles. B Lanman, Charles Henry. A Lehmann, Anthony. A Lanoie, Joseph Eusibe Eugene. A Leib, Thomas Nuttall. A Lapraik, John. B Leighton, Harry Burbank. A Large, Alfred. A Leitch, John Alvin. B Larkeque, Garret Bancroft Breck- A Le Lâcheur, Ellis Sweetlove. inbridge. A Lelaud, Clarence Henry.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Leland, George Adams. B Longfellow, Melvina Frances. A Le Maitre, Joseph Michel. A Lon gley, Mary Theresa. D Leonard, Henry Fiske. A Loomis, Charles Otis. A Leonard, Henry Patrick. A Loomis, William Wellington. A Leonard, Milton Hall. D Lord, Herbert. D Leonard, William Joseph. A Lord, Sidney Archer. A Lescarde, Henry. A Loring, Harriet Augusta. A Leslie, Freeland David. D Loring, Robert Gardiner. E Leslie, Herbert Granville. A Loring, Robert Pearmain. A Leslie, Horace Granville. A Lothrop, Charles Arthur. D Levasseur, Augustus JosephHugo. A Lothrop, George Edgar. B Levenson, Sophia. A Lothrop, Harriet Eleanor. A Levey, George. A Lothrop, Howard Augustus. B Lewis, Andrew Valentine. B Loucks, John Stearns. A Lewis, Arthur Cuthbert. D Lougee, Arthur Jewett. C Lewis, George Fred. A Lougee, Frank Taylor. A Lewis, John Taylor. A Lougee, May Williamina. C Lewis, Marion Hall. *A Lougee, William Hatch. B Lewis, Millard Edrie. B Lougest, Charles Albert. B Lewis, William Edmund. D Loughran, James Francis. D Libbey, Charles Emerson. A Louis, Isaac. B Libbey, Hosea Waite. D Love, William Lathrop. A Libby, Charles Adelbert. A Lovejoy, Charles Averill. D Libby, Edward Norton. D Lovejoy, Fred Wendell. A Libby, Jesse Herbert. F Lovejoy, Oliver Sherwin. A Liebmann, Gustavus. A Loveland, Charles Harrison. A Lighthill, August Ponham. A Lovell, Charles Dixon Smith. B Lilley, William. A Lovell, Charles Edward. E Lilly, Thomas Eugene. A Lovell, David Bigelow. A Lincoln, Guy Alvan Thorndike. B Lovell, Gideon. A Lincoln, Jacob Read. A Lovering, Anna Temple. C Lincoln, John Clifford. A Lovett, Robert Williamson. D Lindsay, Joseph Ira. C Lowe, Fred Messenger. C Lindsay, Marshall Larkin. A Lubin, Leon Théophile Jules. A Lindsey, Joseph Ferdinand, Jr. A Luchsinger, Harry Warner. A Lindstrom, Alfred Herman. D Luck, Emil Paul Max. A Linfield, Edwin Porter. A Ludden, Emerson Augustus. A Litch, John Goodrich. B Lull, Henry Cushman. C Litchfield, William Harvey. A Lund, Fred Bates. A Littell, Alice. A Luscomb, Job Everett. D Little, Abby Noyes. A Lussier, Charles Arthur. D Little, Charles Sherman. A Lussier, Cyrille Francois. A Little, Harry James. D Lynch, Charles Francis. A Little, William Brimblecom. A Lynch, Michael Henry. D Littlefield, Anna Maria. A Lynch, Samuel Bartlett. D Littlefield, George Curtis. A Lyon, Annie Isabelle. A Littlefield, Samuel Horace. A Lyon, Arthur Vinal. B Liverpool, Joshua Henry. D Lyon, Frederick Dow. A Livingston, Joseph Alexander. A Lyons, Christopher Philip. A Lloyd, Charles. A Lyons, Herbert Henry. B Lloyd, Seth Louis. A Lyons, Joseph Benedict. D Lockary, Joseph Logue. A Macartliy, George Elden. A Locke, Horace Mann. D MacCabe, Arthur.. A Lockhart, Joseph Smith. D Macdonald, Alexander Ambrose. D Logan, Frank Parker Tays. A Macdonald, Angus. A Lombard, John Patrick. A MacDonald, Archibald Elexcis. C Lombard, Julia Mary. A Macdonald, Colin William. A Lonergan, Thomas Daniel. A Macdonald, Donald Francis.

* Deceased. 88] ULC OUET—N. 56. No. — DOCUMENT PUBLIC 1898.] A c, lim. illiam W ack, M *A A ceze ohn ilne. M n h Jo ackenzie, M *A coad ames. e m Ja acdonald, M A c nel J . n h Jo is. Lew onnell, acD M illiam W regory. G acdonald, M illiam W pbell. A am C acdonald, M illiam W A yrene. C onald, acD M ufus R A onald, acD M D A Mak Hee Gerii lagler. F eorginia G ibson. elen G H avid ack, D M harles C ack, M C C uncan. D acdougall, M A Magwa,J eph ohnson. n sto n h Jo h p se Jo au, acgow M D MaKeze ema lexander. A an r. reem F ate tw enzie, A acK M lfred A ackeen, M A A ugene. E rt e rb e H Mace, A Makn Charles. C ackin, asilio. M B illiam W ackie, M C A cits,Er tRobert. R st e rn E ackintosh, M D Mapesn Gere turtevant. B eorge G acpherson, M C chro,Frdei Wila . illiam W eric red F acpherson, ifford. M G athaniel N ouis. A L ber, acom M ndrew A illan, acM M D ound. F arry D H acleod, M D de,J os . h p se Jo n h Jo adden, M organ. M r u rth A E hinnie, acW M uncan. D acRae, M D B . h p se Jo n h Jo ahon, cM M D Maur,J Edwad. ard w d E n h Jo aguire, M ugustine. A n . C h h o p J se Jo agee, M ard aniel. w d D E illiam Magee, W A adden, M A C Maun FrncsThma ouis. L as hom T cis ran F agurn, M rancis. F harles C C aguire, M D Stevens. red F acy, M D Maoe, og lifton. C eorge G ahoney, M D hny Frncis. ran F n h o J ernard. B ahoney, n h M Jo ahoney, M r. u A rth A s e A . Jam n h ahon, Jo M h p se Jo ahady, M D D ie Frnk Duane. D . k ran ndrew F A aine, M Stephen Stephen. ahoney, M n h Jo A is. ew L ahoney, n M h Jo A ahoney, M A E Malr, a rr. u B s. k in ran F erk P allory, orace M H akechine, M C A na,John osph. h sep Jo n . h rd o u J B elos angan, D M anchester, M ellington. W A ert rb e H A anahan, M A n, t eall. T r u rth A ann, M D n, r Frances. F ary M ann, M lla. E ary M lizabeth. E ann, M artha A M ann, M A A n, lim Orris. O illiam W ann, M A nfed He y er. k c u T ry en H ansfield, M harles. C errill. M ansfield, M ary A M anseur, M A B > > ci,Laur Vil Gustin. G iola V ra u a L ackie, M eorge. G ackie, M OfficialPractitioners of List eceased. D f Medicineof *A A A D A A A D A A D A D C D A A A A A D A A A D A D A B D D D A A A D A A A A D A D A B A B D A E A D A D C A A D no,Frnk George. G k ran F anson, M lbert. A s e m Ja ansfield, M nfed RoetJ eph. h p se Jo obert R obbins. R ansfield, M n h Jo ansfield, M rl,J liver. O n h Jo othy. im arble, T M k ran F ara, M rly t ohn. n h Jo r lte a W arcley, M age. Ram r ete P arrison. H anuel, M ichard R ansur, M rn os PalAster. A aul P . r h p J se Jo rlando, O arin, M ry en H rlando. arcy, O M enry H arcy, M . r J aniel, D arch, M rh ank Fl ore. Film k n ra F arsh, M ert. lb A rence. arsh, aw L M yron M phrey. arr, um M H tis O ugene. E arion, M orace H arlon, M M arshall, C arey Fenton. arey C arshall, M avid. D harles C ite. h W arsh, r M u rth A arsh, M rtn betJrmih. iah Jerem ert lb A arston, M eroy. L ster o F arshall, M er. lm E s e Jam arsh, M rhl,Pery. rry e P . n n A arshall, M lia u J arshall, M ri, ciadHebert. erb H rchibald A artin, M Stanislas. artel, M rooks. B ard w d E arston, M M artin, F rancis Coffin. rancis F artin, M oulton. M er th u L arston, M ri, lim ohn. n h Jo illiam W artin, M earl. P artin, M iles. M rin. O artin, r e M th u L acleod. artin, M M n h . h Jo sep artin, Jo M n h Jo rvide. A artin, M regory st. G rre o artin, F M eorge G ert. lb A artin, M eorge G artin, M exter. D eorge G arston, M se,Lenr J eph. h p se Jo r. a g eonard d L E s asked, stu M ra E obertson. R aryott, M ydney S arvin, M race. G arvin, M sn sLwrence. Law os m A ason, M sn At ron r . rry e P n erto th A ason, M lisha. E ra O arvin, M te os r brose. m A ert b u H h p . se Jo illiam W atte, M eorge G s, lias. E athew ard M w d E ather, M aldo. W ond lm A ason, M y ohn Shepard. S n h Jo ay, lisha. M E eorge G ay, M ati. annerm B eorge G ell, axw M aetano. G assa, M x l, r Brwn. row B n rre a W ell, axw M yer, als radford. B harles C ayberry, M — Continued. 41 42 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

*A Mayberry, Edwin. D McGourty, James Eugene. A Mayberry, Edwin Nelson. D McGovern, Catherine Elizabeth. D Mayberry, Frank Eugene. D McGrath, Bernard Francis. A Maynard, John Parker. A McGrath, John Edward. A Maynard, Louis Aiine. D McGrath, William Fennelly. D McAdams, James Philip. A McGuigan, John Joseph. D McAllister, John Gilman. A Mclntire, David. E McAuslan, James Lewis. A McIntosh, Donald M. A McAvinnue, Frank. A McIntosh, Frederic Lemont. D McAvoy, John Joseph. I) McIntosh, Herbert. A McCabe, John Joseph. D McIntosh, John David. A McCann, Alfred Ernest Arthur. A McIntosh, William Page. A McCann, John Joseph. A McIntyre, Herbert Bruce. A McCarthy, Charles Daniel. D McKeen, Sylvester Forshay. A McCarthy, Charles Florence. A McKenna, Frank A. A McCarthy, Eugene Allen. A McKenna, Francis Patrick. A McCarthy, John Coakley. E McKenna, James Charles. D McCarthy, Timothy Francis. A McKenty, Jonathan Thomas Ed­ D McCarthy, Thomas Francis. m und. A McCarthy, Thomas Horatio. A McKenzie, John Robert. A McCarthy, William Henry. B McKinstry, John Alexander. A McCarty, James Joseph. D McKnight, Adam Stephenson. E McCauley, Albert Anthony. A McKoan, John William. A McClean, Alexander Spear. A McLaughlin, James Stephen. A McClean, George Chesley. A McLaughlin, Henry Valentine. A McClearn, Charles William. A McLaughlin, Joseph Ignatius. D McCluskey, Henry Lincoln. A McLaughry, Elizabeth. A McCollester, John Quincy Adams. A McLean, Charles. A McCollom, John Hildreth. D McLean, James Clifford. A McConnell, Hugh Beemer. D McLellan, Archibald Colin. A McCormack, Alexander Leslie. A McLellan, Edward Augustus. A McCormack, Reynold James. A McLennan, Roderick. D McCormick, Alfred Hugh. A McLeod, Percy, DeMille. A McCormick, Cornelius Joseph. D McLeod, William McKenzie. E McCormick, John. A McMichael, Willis Brooks. D McCormick, Thomas Henry. A McMillan, Isaac Murray. D McCoy, Hugh Alexander. D McMillan, Kate. D McCoy, John Cresap. A McMillan, Wallace. D McCurdy, James Huff. A McNally, William Joseph. A McCrea, Albert James. D McNamara, Eugene Thomas. D McDermott, Bernard Francis. D McNeil, Archibald. D McDermott, William Vincent. E McNeish, Alexander. A McDevitt, James John. *A McNulty, Frederick Joseph. A McDonald, James Athanasius. A McOwen, Timothy Edward. A McDonald, John Henry. A McOwen, William Henry. A McDonald, William Alexander. A McPherson, William Ellsworth. A McDougall, Samuel Jay. D McQ.uaid, Thomas Bernard. A McDonough, Lawrence John. A McQueeney, Francis Joseph. B McDonough, Thomas Patrick. D McWilliams, John Leslie. D McEvoy, Thomas Edward. D Mead, Frederick Amrai. D McFee, William David. A Mead, George Nathaniel Plumer. A McGannou, Thomas Gerald. A Mead, Julian Augustus. B McGauran, George Francis. A Mead, William Frederick. A McGauran, Michael Sheridan. A Meader, Charles Eugene. D McGee, Fannie Maria. A Meagher, Michael John. D McGillicuddy, Cornelius Joseph. A Means, Andrew Fuller. A McGillicuddy, John Timothy. E Means, Philip Corydon. *A McGlynn, Edward. D Meara, Frank Sherman.

* Deceased. 88] ULC OUET—N. 56 No. DOCUMENT — PUBLIC 1808.] is ReunJ hau. u a th a u Jo eturn R eigs, M A le, lim calEdwad. ard w d E ichael M illiam W rancis. F ellen, M eorge G elifant, M A D re, lim ames. e m Ja illiam W ugene. E ercer, M larence C ylvestre. ble, S e eram m y M th n A A indon. L enard, ard M w d D E do. r o ellus, m M A A ntonio A ello, M A D rik aaNe o b. com ew N Sara ichael. M errick, M obert R delaide. A errick, ces M ran F , D lvin. A erriam M arry H A arcelline. M erchant, M illiam W A ercer, M D A ril ArhurEls orth. llsw E r u rth A errill, M A rit us t r. u rth A ouis L e. ow H erritt, M illiam W errill, M A A se,Chre arson. C . harles ry C en H esser, M illiam W Sulviro. erry, M A ictor V irgil. erritt, V M A Silas erritt, e. M D Salom erritt, M A A tgr utler. B etzger, M icks. H en D B etcalf, M A gal,Rodrique. R ignault, M r. u rth A A ignault, and. M . rm n A lie Ju ignault, ouis M L A eorge G eylan, M A dolf. A eyer, M yves. R D ichael M D Stephen etcalfe, M B ln Mihe Bernard. B ichael M ilan, M dolphe. A A h p se Jo ouis L ignault, M D lad nr Jmes. Jam ry en ert. H lb A illard, M eorge G iles, . M in dw A E harles C iles, M A ictor. A V ignault, M A le,Edwad oscoe. R ard w d E ann. erm iller, H M harles C onroe. iller, M M A rt e lb r. A e b iller, E M A ert lb A iller, M A A le,Er tPar r. e rk a P st e rn E iller, M A le,Noma Rogers. R an orm N ora. D iller, M izbeth L Colwell. iller, M ester L A e. iller, Jan M rances A F iller, M E B le,Webster. b e W iller, M A leik ne r . ard w d E aniel D illerick, M elphine. D A esta V iller, M A let alsSmner. Sum harles C ntonio. A illett, M ilfred W illet, M A A lie,Rso Green. G . n Roscoe rre a W illiken, M harles C illiken, M D D lie,Wila Hady. y ard H illiam W illiken, M A O t » (t- t> t> > M ehegan, D aniel Jo se p h . . h p se Jo aniel D ehegan, M is oe net . r J . incent, V ochim N e Jo ert lb eigs, A M ehrenlender, M eorge. . G ard w d eeker, E M eorge G ecuen, M is J t Harding. H n a ath n Jo eigs, M OfficialPractitioners Medicine— ojof List Deceased. * *A ls AugususWebster. b e W s stu u g u A ills, M E nr Wot ngt ner. e rn a W rancis. F n to g inot, in M orth ate. W d heo iner, T M ie n n A Je iner, M A rancois. F D lphonse A ilot, M A thl, als enry. H harles C itchell, M A rancis. F n h . Jo n so inot, M Jack s e Jam inot, M A A estgato. W eorge G ills, M A the a arey. C s e Jam itchie, M ingleton. S n h A Jo itchell, M B aro r. elm u Z rth A el ch itchell, on M T l e ish F ladstone. A G r intz, u M rth A inshall, M A D fit ber harles. C rt e rb e H er. offitt, alm M W arl C ufton. T Moffitt, A eorge . G n so offatt, Ja M uel A Sam ixter, M rlando. A O ixter, M A . illiam A W itchell, M lter. a W rry a D H itchell, M D l, usArhur. u rth A ouis L oll, M Isaac. olin, M A A More ohn ugene. E n h Jo ard. ow H onroe, M . eorge G ard w d E onks, M D harles C rancois. ongan, F M A ouis L olleur, M A A oe me lworh. rth o llsw E er lm E oore, M hilip. P ilson. ooney, W M a D m m E ert. lb A ooers, M A harles C arcia. G ooers, M anuel A M Louise. ary M onteiro, M ery, A ert. lb ontgom E M harles A C ilson. W ontague, as M D hom T onroe, M D B rn HoaeSheridan. S orace H oran, M . atrick P n A h Jo ert. erb oore, H M s e Jam iske. F oore, M A rederick F oore, M A D rn Matn lim. illiam W artin M rennan. B oran, n M h . h Jo p se oran, Jo M s e A Jam oran, M A orrison. M D illiam W oore, M A Moe,Mary. M orey, M D ra, lim r . ard w d E illiam W . in dw organ, E M is ew L organ, M . n h D Jo organ. M A A rny lim os . h p se Jo illiam W ignori. L s oroney, e M Jam oriarty, M A D Moog ArhurBennett. B r u rth A orong, M A ril Chre Plmmer. m lum P harles C orrill, M A Morl, e rc . erick red F ington. rm A orrill, M k n ordon. ra G F d an in orrill, M erd B F orrill, M A A ril nr o n. row B . r ry J en H ert, lb A orrill, M eorge G orrill, M A B nr vd ashington. W avid D inor, M ich. w Continued. 13 [Jan — Continued. — B Newton, Adin Hubbard. D Newell, FranklinD Spilman. Newell, Henry Edward. A A Newhall, Edward.A Newhall, Herbert Newhall, William. LawrenceA Thompson. Newton, Abiel Wood Kennedy. B A Newell, Charles Newell, Martin. FrankD Samuel. Newell, Fred AAmasa. Newell, Otis Kimball. E Newsome, Edgar Thomas.A A Newton, EdwardA Newton, Cazneau. EleanorD Newton, Frost. Frank Newton, Loomis Leroy Sabin.D Allan. A Newton, WilliamB Nichols, Curtis. Arthur Nichols, Howard. Charles Edward. A Nichols, Edward Hall. A Nason, ArthurA Clark. A Nason, Osmon Cleander Neal, Charles Baker. Arthur. B Neuville,B Josephine MitivierA Newcomb, de la. GeorgeD Newcomb, Lewis. Luther.D Newcomb, Marietta Newcomb, Eaton. Scott Campbell. A Newton, Sarah Fenno. A A Nichols, Charles Nichols, Fessenden. CharlesD Lemuel. B Nichols, GeorgeA Nichols,Hayward. HelenA Nichols,Lucinda Clift.John Nichols, Holyoke. JohuA Taylor Gilman. Nickerson, Frauklin. A Murphy, Emily Frances. A Murphy, TimothyA Joseph.D Muttart, GeorgeC Narey, Morley. WilliamA Nash, Joseph. George Nash,William. HoraceA Milton. Nason, Laurentius Melancthon.A C Neefus, RobertA Neilson, Henry. William.D Nelson, Lois Leverett. Nesbitt, Thomas.A Newcomb, Elizabeth. A Nickerson, AsaA Harden. Nickerson, George Wheaton. A D Murphy, FrancisA Murphy, Charles. JeremiahA Murphy, Edward. JohnA Murphy, Henry. JohnC Murphy, McKonkey. Joseph Murphy, Briggs. JosephA Patrick. Murray, Edward Francis. *A Newell, Robert Wingate. * * Deceased. REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE Official List of of Medicine Practitioners Official Munro, John Cummings. Mumford, James Gregory. Munhall, Katharine Stanislaus.Munsell, GeorgeMunson, Nelson. Virgil Murdock, Hitchcock. Edward Arthur. A Moulton, Albert Roscoe. D A Mosher, HarrisA Mosher, Peytou. MarshallD M osher, James. M aryA E d Mossman, n a. AlvaroA Mott, E. Albert.A Mott, Joseph Mott,Varnum. Walter.A A Moulton, Benjamin Moulton, Francis.Charles Fred. B Morse, George Franklin. A Morse, Edward Gilead. A Morrison, William Alexander. A D Mowe, Frank Mowry,Henry. Classen. A Mullins, Eugene Norton. A A Morse, John Morse,Lovett. MartinA Van Buren.D Morse, RobieA Sidney. Morse, SethD Bradford. Morton, Helen. Mosher, Frank Orson. A A Morse, FrankA Morse,Adelbert. FrankA Morse,Leander. Fred Harris. Morse, George. A A Morrow,A Charles Morse, AbbyHarvey.A Swan. Morse, AlmonA Gardner. Morse, CharlesD Morse, Ellsworth. CharlesA Francis. Morse, Charles Morse, Frederick. Charles Wheeler. D A Morris, Robert. Morrison, James. A A Mudge, KateA Gertrude. Mulcahy,D Joseph Mulligan, Francis.James. Mulliner, Mary Rees. A C Murphy, Daniel Murphy, David. Daniel Francis. A C Morse, GeorgeA Morse,Mason. Henry Morse,Lee. John Aline William.A Morse, Nathan Ranson. A A Morris, JohnD Morris,Galvin. Michael Morris, Augustine. Richard Holt. A Morrison, Robert Edgar. A Morris, Frances Morris. A A Morris, George Morris,Patrick. James Stewart. ^ 0 0 < s < i 4 4 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 45

Official List of Practitioners oj Medicine — Continued.

A Nickerson, William Jabcz. A O’Donnell, Louis Patrick. A Niles, Edward Harry. B O’Donnell, William. A Nini8, Edward Beecher. A Ogdon, Jay Bergen. A Niquette, Louis Bartholomew. A O’Hearn, William Henry. D Niver, Emmett. A O’Keefe, Michael Wallace. A Nixon, Alfred John. A O’Keeffe, Daniel Thomas. A Nobile, Angelo. A O ’K ie, n o w a rd . A Noble, Alfred Ira. A Olds, Frank Williams. D Noble, Anngenette Fowler. A O’Leary, Helen Bartlett. B Noka, Benjamin Gardner. A O’Leary, Joseph Augustus. A Noonan, Michael Charles. A Olin, Francis Ileury. A Norcross, Ernest Freeman. B Olive, Eben. A Nordstrom, Cynthia Maria. A Oliver, Charles Augustus. D Normand, Jean Napoléon. A Oliver, James. D Normandin, Alphonse. A Oliver, Joseph Pearson. A Normandin, Louis Zephirin. A Olmstead, Charles Edward. A Norris, Albert Lane. A Olmstead, William Adams. A Norris, Sarah Frances. A O’Meara, Michael John. A Norton, Eben Carver. E O’Neil, Richard Frothingham. A Norton, Eliza Bogart Lawrence. A Oppenheimer, Samuel. D Norton, George Paul. D Ordway, Charles Anthony. D Norton, Herbert Rozelle. A Ordway, George Albert. A Norton, James Safford. B O ’Regan, Jo h n . A Norwood, Ephraim Wood. A O’Reilly, William Joseph. A Nott, Albert. D Orr, Samuel Sanford. A Nottage, Herbert Percy. A Osborne, Aaron Sylvanus. D Nowland, George Dunn. A Osborne, George Sterne. A Noyes, Ernest Henry. B Osceonneo, Charles Edwin. A Noyes, Nathaniel Kingsbury. A Osgood, George Cowles. A Noyes, Rufus King. C Osgood, George Edward. A Noyes William. A Osgood, Gilman. A Nutter, William Dennett. A Osgood, Hamilton. D Nutting, Frederick Harrison. A Osgood, James nenry. A Nutting, William Walace. C O’Shea, Edward Flavin. A Nutting, Will Wallace. D O’Shea, Joseph Francis. D Oakes, Fitz Albert. A Osman, Charles Frank. A O’Brien, Denis Aloysius. A O’Sullivan, Daniel Joseph. D O’Brien, John Charles. D O’Sullivan, John Joseph. A O’Brien, John Francis. A Otis, Edward Osgood. B O’Brien, Michael John. A Otis, Walter Joseph. A O’Brien, Owen St. Clare. A O’Toole, James Henry. A O’Brien, Philip Thomas. D O’Toole, Thomas Henry. A O’Callaghan, Denis Francis. A Ott, George John. A O’Callaghan, Mary Vincent. A Otterson, William David. A O’Callaghan, Thomas Albert. D Overlock, Melvin George. A O’Connell, John David. A Oviatt, George Alexander. A O’Conner, James Bernard. B Owen, James Williamson. D O’Connor, Charles. D Owen, Mary Angell. D O’Connor, John Francis. A Owen, Varillas Linus. D O’Connor, John Henry. A Packard, Edward Albert. A O’Connor, John James. A Packard, Horace. A O’Connor, Thomas Henry. A Packard, Liberty Dodge. A O’Connor, Thomas nugh. A Packer, Edmund Hilliard. A O’Connor, Watkins Roberts. D Packer, Henry Ernest. A Odlin, Charles Cushing. A Paddock, Franklin Kittridge. D O’Doherty, John Dominaca. A Paddock, William Leroy. A O’Donnell, Francis Michael. A Padula, Thomas Francis. E O’Donnell, George Thomas. A Page, Albert Kidder. 46 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE [Jan

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine—Continued.

Page, Calvin Gates. I) Parsons, Frank Sears. Page, Charles Edward. A Parsons, Harry Snow. Page, Charles W hitney. A Parsons, John Eleazer. Page, Charlotte Evans. B Parsons, Vienna Amelia. Page, Edward. D Partree, Homer Tomlinson. Page, Frank Wilfred. A Partridge, Charles Catlin. Page, George Thornton. A Partridge, Frank Joseph. Page, Harstein Wendell. A Partridge, Thomas Jefferson. Page, Joseph Gregory Elias. D Pascoe, James Botterell. Page, Margaret Beulah. A Pascoe, William Whelan. Pagelsen-Howard, Margaret A Passoff, Edward Jacob. E m ily. D Patch, Ann Sophia Kenney. Paige, Noraus. A Patch, Frank Wallace. Paine, Amasa Elliot. A Patch, William Thurston. Paine, Ara Marshall. A Patenaude, Samuel. Paine, Nathaniel Emmons. B Patrick, Joseph Edward. Paine, Sumner. A Patrick, Thomas William. Painter, Charles Fairbank. *A Pattee, Asa Flanders. Palardy, Joseph Hector. D Pattee, Asa Lee. Palmer, Charles. A Patten, Anthony Dimock. Palmer, Ezra. A Patten, Frank Williams. Palmer, George Monroe. A Patten, Julia Maria. Palmer, Harris Orlendo. D Patten, Stephen Kerr. Palmer, Lewis Merritt. A Patterson, Alice Maria. Palmer, Sarah Ellen. D Patterson, Alice Zelia. Papineau, Louis Joseph. E Patterson, Belle French. Paquin, Elzear. D Patterson, Charles Frederick. Parcher, George Clarence. A Patterson, David Nelson. Park, Francis Edwin, Jr. C Patterson, William Francis. Park, Isaac Park. D Patton, Lawrence Finney. Park, James Timothy. A Patvel, Francis. Park, John Gray. A Paul, Walter Everard. Parker, Arthur Holmes. D Paul, Willard Augustus. Parker, Charles Edwin. A Paulhus, Ovide Maxime. Parker, Charles Frederick. A Paulig, Frederick August. Parker, Edward Oliver. D Paulsell, Mary. Parker, Edwin Monroe. A Paun, Amos Bosworth. Parker, Ernest Kent. D Pavlides, Demosthenes. Parker, Francis Fullam. A Payne, Frederick William. Parker, Frank Howard. A Payne, George Darkness. Parker, Harriet Eliza. A Payne, James Henry. Parker, Henry Ward. A Payne, James Henry, Jr. Parker, John Howard. A Payne, John Howard. Parker, Moses Greeley. A Peabody, Charles Augustus. Parker, Rufus Stanly. D Peabody, Sophia Reed. Parker, Rupert William. D Pearce, Mary Alice. Parker, Wallace Asahel. A Pearce, Richard Mills. Parker, William Edward. D Pearl, Frederick Warren. Parker, William Thornton. D Pearson, Charles Lusby, Parkhurst, Luman Boyden. A Pearson, John William. Parks, Edward Luther. A Pearson, Mary Morey. Parks, John Wilson. A Pearson, Maurice Wellesley. Parks, Silas Henry. A Pease, Edward Allen. Parmalee, William Josiah. D Pease, Ella Gertrude. D Parmenter, Kenneth Raymond. A Pease, Herbert Orrin. D Parodi, Teofilo. A Pease, James Milton. B Parris, John Bowers. A Peasley, Emma Janet. D Parsons, Clarice Johnston. A Peck, Albert Fred.

* D eceased. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 47

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine—Continued.

D Peck, Eugene Chase. A Phelps, John Samuel. P Peck, Luke Baker. A Phelps, Olney Windsor. A Peckh&m, Anson Churchill. B Philllmore, Frederick George. A Peckham, Katherine Fenner. A Phillips, Charles Hiram. D Peckham, William David. A Phillips, Eugenie Marion. C Pedrick, Stephen Augustus. B Phillips, Freeman Allen. D Peebles, Thomas Chalmers. A Phillips, Leslie Almond. A Peirce, Amos Hagar. A Phippen, nardy. A Peirce, Charles John. A Phipps, Walter Andros. A Peirce, Edward. A Pick, Albert. A Peirce, Elihu Proctor. P Pickard, Isaiah Lovell. E Peirce, Frederic Joseph. A Pidgin, Lucy Sturtevant. A Peirce, Janies. A Pierce, Andrew Martin. A Peirson, Edward Lawrence. C Pierce, Appleton Howe. D Penny, Herbert Thomas. A Pierce, Frank Benueville. P Percy, David Thomas. *A Pierce, Franklin Williams. A Percy, Frederick Boswortli. A Pierce, Gardner Carpenter. A Percy, George Emery. B Pierce, George Jacob. P Perkins, Anne Elizabeth. A Pierce, Helen Frances. A Perkins, Archie Elmer. A Pierce, Matthew Vassar. A Perkins, Charles Edwin. A Pierce, Willard Henry. P Perkins, Eben Meade. A Pierson, Henry Walter. A Perkins, Edward Augustus. A Pigeon, James Cogswell Duma A Perkins, Henry Phelps, Jr. resque. A Perkins, Nathaniel Royal. A Pike, Forrest Wiley. A Perkius, Stella Manning. A Pike, Lucy Johnson. A Perkins, Thomas Lyman. P Pilgrim, Maurice Fischor. A Perkins, Wesley Bennor. P Pilling, Simeon Orison. A Pero, Joseph Thomas. P Pillsbury, Ernest Dean. A Perrins, John. P Pillsbury, Frederick Ainsworth. A Perrins, William Arthur. A Pillsbury, George Harlin. D Perley, Roscoe Damon. D Pillsbury, Warren Wilbur. A Perry, Arthur Pedro. B Pinkham, Arthur Clarance. P Perry, Arthur Reed. A Pinkham, George Edwin. P Perry, Charles Freeman. A Pinkham, Joseph Gurney. A Perry, Charles Homer. A Piper, Frank. A Perry, Eben Greeley. P Piper, Fred Smith. A Perry, Edward William. A Pirlot, Julius Adrien. A Perry, Frederic Davis. A Pitcher, Herbert Frank. A Perry, George Lewis. A Pitcher, Samuel. P Perry, Henry Joseph. A Pitkin, Leonard Fox. A Perry, Herbert Brainerd. A Pitman, Benjamin Fosdick. C Perry, Joseph Frank. A Pitt, Thomas Smith. A Perry, Martha. D Pitta, Joao Carlos da Silva. P Petersen, Alfred Charles Nicholas. A Pixley, Elbridge Simpson. A Petersen, Henrik Georg. A Platt, Belle Joanna. A Peterson, Charles Augustus Bur- A Plimpton, Lewis Henry. to n . A Plummer, Edward Marwick. A Petit, Alphonse Hubert. C Plummer, Frank Wentworth. P Pettee, John Harris. D Plummer, Frederic Howard. A Pfaff, Franz Ludwig Friedrich P Plummer, Francis Joseph. E rn st. C Plummer, Henry Lincoln. D Pfarre, Edward Robert. A Plummer, Julia Morton. B Pfefferkorn, Charles Hermann. D Plummer, Paul. A Pfefferkorn, Ferdinand Carl Lud- A Plunkett, Francis Charles. w ig. A Plunkett, John Lawrence. B Pfeiffer, Jens Paulus Immanuel. A Poirier, Emile. B Phelps, James Richardson. E Poitras, Joseph Francois Xavier.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine— Continued.

A Pollock, Lewis Lawrence. D Prisco, Nicola. A Pomerat, Charles Marius. A Procter, Percy Clement. A Pomeroy, Hiram Sterling. A Procter, Thomas Walter. A Pomeroy, Stephen Franklin. A Proctor, Francis Ingersoll. A Pomeroy, William Henry. B Proctor, Hannah Maria. D Pond, Eleanor Dorcas. D Proctor, John Donald. A Pool, Charles Bret. E Proctor, Joseph Whipple. A Poole, George Fred. A Proulx, Jean Thomas Philias. A Pope, Frank Fletcher. A Prouty, Albert Henry. A Pope, Irvine Clarendon. C Provan, Robert. A Porter, Charles Allen. D Pulsifer, Thomas Benton. A Porter, Charles Burnham. A Purcell, Thomas Aquinas. C Porter, Charles Ilsley. A Putnam, Charles Pickering. A Porter, Francena Elizabeth. D Putnam, Charles Russell Lowell. A Porter, Francis Edward. C Putnam, Charles Willis. D Porter, Herbert Kent. A Putnam, James Jackson. A Porter, Laura Maxwell. A Putnam, Joseph Morrill. A Porter, Omer Pillsbury. A Putnam, Mary Parks. D Porter, William James. A Putnam, Thomas Joy. A Post, Abner. A Putnam, Willard Abram. A Pothier, Joseph Charles. A Qua, Lester Robert. D Potter, Frances Wason. A Quackenboss Alexander.* A Potter, La Forrest. A Quimby, Samuel Foster. D Potter, Lester Forest. A Quimby, Sumner Ferdinand. A Potter, William Gage. A Quinby, Hosea Mason. A irPotts, Joseph Henry. A Quincy, Henry Parker. A Pouliu, Damase Mark. D Quinlan, Henry Francis. D Pound, John C. C Quinn, James Ambrose. r D Powell, Jonathan Ilider, Jr. A Quint, Norman Perkins. D Powell, Lefferts Morrell. A Rabethge, Charles Armand. A Powers, Abner Howard. A Rabinovich, Helen. A Powers, Edward Joseph. A Race, Gorton Herbert. A Pratt, Calvin. D Racine, Ernest Eus&be. A Pratt, Charles Albert. A Raddin, Frank Stocker. A Pratt, Charles Augustus. D lladcliff, Sue. A Pratt, Charles Sumner. A Rand, John Prentice. B Pratt, Edwin Alton. A Rand, John William. D Pratt, John Edward. A Rand, Nehemiah Wheeler. A Pratt, John Frank. A Rand, Richard Baxter. A Pratt, John Washburn. D Randall, Arthur Theodore. A Pratt, Joseph Chester. B Randall, Charles H. B Pratt, Samuel Barker. A Randall, Charles Lawrence. B Pratt, Thomas Choate. D Randall, Clifford Walcott. A Preble, Wallace. A Randall, Francis Drew. D Pr6fontaine, Louis Aurfele. A Randell, Leo. A Prentiss, Harold Townsend. B Randell, Otis Gray. A Prentiss, Henry Conant. A Rankin, Thomas David. A Presbrey, Silas Dean. D Ranks, Walter Hildreth. A Prescott, Charles Dudley. A Ranney, Archibald. D Prescott, Royal Blood. C Ransom, Nathaniel Morton. A Prescott, William Herbert. B Rappoport, Abraham. D Preston, James Louis. A Ilawson, Charles. D Price, Walter Herbert. A Rawson, George Wallace. A Primeau, Narcisse Arthur. C Ray» John Edward. A Prince, Morton Henry. D Raymond, Charles Nevier. A Prindle, Charles Henry. A Raymond, Richard Michael. A Prior, Charles Edwin. D Raynes, Myrton Berry. D Prior, James Edward. A Read, Robert McLellan. 88] ULC OUET—N. 58 No. DOCUMENT — PUBLIC 1898.] A ih os artlett. B a u sh Jo Rich, *A Remod Thma nr . ry en H as . hom T illiam W ond, s e edm R m Ja ond, edm R D A . h p se Jo othy im T rancis. F as eardon, R hom T earden, R D D ie als nr . ry en H harles C Rice, A eorge. G hoads, R A ose. V ry en H . ard eynolds, R w d E ile. m E eynolds, anuel R M A . lfred A encurrel, n R h A Jo ington, lexander. em A R E obert R alsh. W eid, R cis A ran F ira. lm eid, E R A arriet H eeves, R ert. E lb A an. ilm G eeder, R A illiam W ates. eed, G R B obert R an. reenhalgh. G hitm eed, R W as A hom T eborah D eed, R A lara C eed, R A A hurch. C ert lb A eed, R A . h p se Jo edfearn, R A ellington. W ecord, R D ulton. F illard W ead, R D ie os arcus. M h p . se in Jo w d E Rice, arry H ice, R A A eorge. G Rice, A . illiam W lger ond. A aym Rice, R lbert A Rice, D A dson. E k n ra F hodes, R er. ream C iram D H eynolds, R C B . n rre a W h p se Jo eddy, R D cad, og wards. dw E eorge G ichards, R A rbanus. U k ran . F ry en ich, H R r lte a W Rice, A D oy. R Le eorge G rackett. ice, B R eorge G ice, R . A inslow W A erick red F Rice, . rd fo rad B A ustin A Rice, B s. e m Ja ert lb A ice, R A cad,GereLy an. ym L eorge G ichards, R aria. M A Caroline ichards, . R arcel. ard M u o d E ichard, R A lfred A ichard, A R D as. hom T Rice, D A R ichardson, Benjam in F ran k lin . . lin k ran F in Benjam ichardson, Gove. R nna A . ichardson, A R illiam W orsaith. F ichards, es A R Jam ichards, A R D Rihrsn Wila mbert. am L illiam W e. ow H ichardson, aurice R M an. ym W ichardson, ark R M A hase. C k n ichardson, ra R F A etcalf. M ily ichardson, R m E A lake. B ard w ichardson, d R E A ichardson, R A A cado, lim Shedd. S illiam W ichardson, R A C yod,J illips. h P n h Jo eynolds, R e,Anrw Fairfield. ndrew A eed, R ed As ingree. P sa A Reed, OfficialMedicinePractitioners of of List Deceased. D * *A R obinson, W a lter Scott. lter a W obinson, R *A cmod Er tDalton. D st e rn E ond, ichm R A bno,ArhurThayer. y a h T r u rth A obinson, R D aniel. D tt llio E obbins, R eader. R k n A ra F ix, R C . a/iah m A auriston L ond, ichm R D Roisn Frni Arnold. A rancis F ightingale. N . obinson, lorence R F erick red F obinson, R . st e lin k rn D E ran F st e Robinson, rn E A obinson, R Lincoln. A lexander A n. D row B obinson, R ert lb . A lin k ran . F obinson, r R J , lter a A ry W en H Robie, illiam A W ouglas. D s e obey, R Jam A ore. sm O obertson, on R sm O C aldo. W oberts, R scar O A uel. Sam oberts, R scar O A lton. A oberts, R inneus L A incoln. L oberts, R Isaac A brose. m A oberts, R enry H A err. K oberts, R eorge G lpha. A A erts, b o R Frederick A oberts, R A Clovis. eorge G D apoleon. N obert, R ert lb A obert, R E arver. C erick red E F uslan. cA M obbins, R red F ibson. G obbins, R red F D obbins, T D A st. e rn E eorge D G oach, R . ry en D H ing. K itter, e. R m illiam W Jero . ipley, h erick R p se red D F Jo ipley, R lexander . A A allam H r Riopelle, u A rth A ott. ing, M R B llen A ing, as. R D hom T enry. iley, H R n h A Jo , iley R A A r. u rth A . ry en H Ricket8on, harles C icker, on. R Sim A ovejoy. ond, L ichm ary R M A ond, ichm R D B bno, o sJ s. n h Jo as hom T obinson, R liss. B a m m E ary M A orton. M obinson, R ucy L enry. H . h p obinson, ry R n se e D Jo n n a th obinson, a R n er. A Jo ark P obinson, an R . ilm G rd A a Ilily obinson, R red F A obinson, R A D enry. H s e Jam obbins, R A ngela. A eth . lizab E illiam W iley, R n h Jo idley, R D D Roisn Milr Ly an. ym L illard M obinson, R B ernanders. P olphin D oberts, R A oh, o sFrancis. F as enry. hom H T ogart. Roche, B illiam W us ilhelm obinson, W R A obinson, R A A Rce Thma a cis. ran F as hom T Roche, D bis El rElworh. rth o lsw E er lm E obbins, R — Continued. 49 50 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE [Jan

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine— Continued.

A Rochette, Louis Victor. C Russell, Julia Ann Bray. D Rockafellow, John Chester. C Russell, Simon James. I) Rockwell, Herbert George. A Russell, Trueman Everett. A Rockwell, John Arnold. A Russell, William Henry. *A Roeth, Adolph Gaston. D Russell, Willis Adams. B Roff, M oses. B Rust, Charles Manning. A Rogers, Albert Edward. D Rust, Frank Lee Drummond. A Rogers, Charles Rufus. D Ryan, Dennis Matthew. A Rogers, Frank Alvin. D Ryan, John Francis. A Rogers, Orville Forrest. A Ryan, John Lawrence. B Rogers, Triton Raphel. A Ryan, Philip Marcellus. A Rohrer, Sofier Rudolf. A Ryan, William John. A Rolfe, William Alfred. A Ryder, Godfrey. A Rollins, Charlotte Abbie. D Ryder, James William. A Rollins, William Herbert. A Sabine, George Krans. D Romei, Troiano. A Sackett, Harry Robert. C Ronayne, David Patrick. A Safford, Moses Victor. B Root, Alice Lucinda. D Safford, Wilber Pray. B Root, John Reynolds. A Saltmarsh, Seth. A Root, Richmond Barbour. A Sampson, Lottie Emma. B Roscoe, Tom. B Sampson, Nellie. A Rose, Daniel Campbell. A Sanborn, Edwin Aaron. A Roseman, Milton Joseph. A Sanborn, Emma Mary Eastman. D Ross, Ellsworth Frank. A Sanborn, Frederick James. D Ross, Frank Augustus. C Sanborn, John Eastman. A Ross, George Ivlson. D Sanborn, John Wesley. D Ross, Lydia. A Sanborn, Joseph Lander. D Ross, Robert Oswald. A Sanborn, Kate. B Rosson, Emma. A Sanborn, Nathan Willard. A Rotch, Thomas Morgan. A Sanborn, Perley Lewis. A Roth, Edward. D Sanders, Charles Barton. D Rothfuchs, Charles Christian. B Sanders, Edwin Melvin. D Rothwell, Charles Robert. A Sanders, Orren Burnham. A Roulier, Jacobum Phillippe. A Sanders, Orren Strong. A Round, Arthur Morey. A Sanders, William Bernhard. A Rourke, Joseph Edward. A Sanderson, James Henry. Routhier, Michael Omer. D Sanderson, Mary. Roviusky, Alexander. A Sanford, Edward. Rowe, Alice Eliza. D Sanford, Frank Burton. Rowe, George Howard Malcolm. A Sanpt, Frank. Rowen, Henry Stanislaus. D Sargent, Albert Alonzo. Rowley, William. A Sargent, Ara Nathaniel. Roy, James McDonald. A Sargent, Charles Samuel. Roy, Joseph Hormidas. C Sargent, George Amory. Roy, Louis Joseph. A Sargent, George Bancroft. Roy, Pramath Nath. A Sargent, Lorenzo Dow. Royal, Herbert Benjamin. A Sargent, Orin Shaw. Ruddick, William Henderson. A Saunders, Ambroze Courtis. Ruggles, Willard Osman. *D Savage, John James. Runnells, Andrew Jackson. D Savage, Ross Eliot. Ruppel, Emil Carl Fraser. A Savard, Alfred Henry. Rappel, Myra Daniel Allen. A Savignac, Arthur. Russegue, Henry Elmore. C Saville, Sumner Carruth. Russell, Edward Ervin. A Sawin, Charles Dexter. Russell, Flora Smith. A Sawin, Robert Valentine. Russell, Frederick William. A Sawtelle, Benjamin Albert. Russell, John Henry. A Sawtelle, George Bassett. Russell, John Perkins. A Sawtelle, nenry Winchester.

* Deceased, 51 —Continued. A A Seymour, Christopher. Seymour, James Dwight. D Shanahan, Thomas Joseph. A A Seymour, SusanD Shackford, Plieland. ACharles Shanahan, Harrison. Edward Shanahan, Joseph. John.A A Shannon, NatA Shapira, Vaughn. IsraelA Slmpleigh, Jarius Alfred I)Elihaf. Sharp, Lindsay. Walter Shatswell, Nevin. Jumes Arthur. D A Shattuck, Albert Shattuck, Milo. Charles Harvey. A A Shaw, JohnD Shaw,Holbrook. John Joseph. Shaw, JohnD Port. Shaw, Thomas Bond. D A Shattuck, EdwinA Shattuck, Chase. FrederickA Shattuck, Cheever. GeorgeA Shaw, Brune.AlbertB Shaw, Joel. ArthurA Shaw, John. CharlesA Shaw, Albert. HenryA Shaw, Lyman. James Shaw, Stott. John Cook. A Shaw, Sarah JaneD Hutchinson, A Shaw, William Shay, Hubbard. Thomas McGuire. A D Shea, Thomas Shea,Bernard. Peter Owen. A Shaw, Thomas Pierpont.A D Shea, Daniel Francis. Shea, John Joseph. E E Sheahan, AJoseph Sheehan, Maurice. AMartin Sheehan, David. WilliamA Sheehy, Joseph. WilliamA Sheldon, Clinton. ChaunceyB Shepard, Cooley. James Shepardson, Alraon. Oscar Jerome. B Sherman, James nenry, C A Shepherd,A Hovey Shepherd, Learned.A Susan Sheridan, Symonds. AOliver Sherman, Michael. Charles Sherman, Francis. Frank Morton.A A Sherman, John. Sherman, AJohn noward. Sherman, Sarah Eva. A Sherman, James Turner.A Sherman, AMary Hastings.D Sherman, AWilliam Sherskefsky, Sprague.E Sherwin,Ceciliê Lande. DAurelius Sherwood, Calvin. Walter. Sherwood-Dunn, Berkeley. * * Deceased. Official List ofof Practitioners Medicine Official Sawyer, Charles Milton. Sawyer, Edward Allen. D Sawyer, Alfred Stanford. A Sawyer, Frank Wade. A Sawyer, Alzaman. A D Sawyer, Benjamin Sawyer, Addison. Carleton. A Sawyer, Klihu LeRoy. A Sawyer, Herbert Houston. D A Scales, Robert Bass. Scannell, Michael Edward. B Scotti, Federico. B Sawyer, Emily Harriet. B A Sawyer, KatieA Sawyer, Sarah. WalterA Sawyer, Fairbanks. DWesley. Sawyer, WillisA Sayles, Herbert. Joseph Scales, Borland. Edward Payson.A Schaake, FrederickA Henry.D Schneider, Jacob Philip. Schofield, Benjamin Franklin. B Scott, Charles Winfield. A A Scudder, Charles Seaman, Locke. William.A A Sears, Eloise Augusta.D Sears, George Sears,Gray. Harry Edward. A A Seelye, HiramB Seelye,Henry. RalphA Holland. Segool, Hyman. Segur, Willard Blossom. A Schiller, Louis Edouard.D C Schoonmaker, AArthur Scoboria, Irving.Arthur Scofield, Gilmore.Walter.A A Scott, ChesterA Scott, Walter. Cyrus Wallace. Scott, Gavin Steel.A Scribner, Ernest Varian. A Searle, George James. C Sears, Henry Francis. A D Seip, Charles A Selby,Lewis. John Conlay. Selee, Annie Maud. B Senter, George Eldredge. A Sears, Henry Thatcher.

< A A Sellew, PhilipA Selling,Hamilton. Leo Milton. Selva, Julius. C Senay, Joseph.A Serijanian, ATatios Kasbar.A Severance, WilliamD Sewall, Sidney.JohnD Jasper. Sewny, Karekeen Sexton, Hekimian. James Henry, Jr.

fi A Severance, William Lyman. *A Sawyer, Frederick Augustus. 1898.] 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT— No. 56. 52 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE [ J a n .

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine-— Continued.

A Shirley, Allen Lincoln. D Smith, Frank Llewellyn. D Shisler, William Henry. A Smith, Frank Simpson. A Shores, Harvey Towle. A Smith, Franklin Benjamin. A Shreve, Octavius Barrell. C Smith, Fred Stevens. D SLvlti8, Frederick Charles. A Smith, Frederick Glazier. C Shurtleff, Augustine. A Smith, George Herbert. A Shurtleff, Eugene. A Smith, George La Breche. A Shurtleff, Frank Atwood. A Smith, Henry Marcellus. A Shurtleff, Fred Cazeaux. A Smith, Herbert Llewellyn. A Shurtleff, George Frederick. A Smith, Hermon Joseph. A Shurtleff, Henry Austin. A Smith, Hiram Fred Markley. D Shurtleff, James Frederick. A Smith, Homer Alvan. D Shurtleff, Walter Davis. D Smith, James Gardner. A Sibley, Hartwell Augustus. D Smith, James Jay. A Sidney, Austin Wilbur. D Smith, Jeremiah Ranlet. A Siggins, John Jacob. A Smith, Jonathan Jason. B Sill, John Wellesley. A Smith, Joseph Heber. A Silva, Francis Pierce. B Smith, Julia Ann Crafts. A Simmons, Clara Congdon. A Smith, Lawrence Sumner. A Simmons, William Edmund. B Smith, Levi.Jasper. A Simonds (née Nutter), Marilla D Smith, Marshall Evans. Reed. A Smith, Mary Almira. A Simpson, Charles Edward. A Smith, Murdock Campbell. A Simpson, Edmund S. D Smith, Peter Matthew. A Simpson, George Foster. A Smith, Sumner Pliinney. A Simpson, James Edwin. A Smith, Thomas Burke. B Simpson, John Thomas Lionel. A Smith, Walter Anson. A Simpson, William Langdon. C Smith, William Lord. B Sims, Charles Hawkins. A Smith, Winfield Scott. A Sinclair, Alexander Doull. A Smithwick, John. A Sinclair, William Albert. C Smithwick, Marsena Parker. A Siskind, Alexander Louis. A Smyth, Herbert Edmund. A Sisson, Edward Rotch. A Snow, Asa Vernon. D Skelton, Grace Evelyn. D Snow, Henry Curtis Butler. A Skinner, Edward Manning. A Snyder, Charles Wight. A Skinner, John. B Solomon, James Madison. A Slattery, John Richard. B Solomon, Sarah Augusta. A Slayter, John Theodore Harding. B Solomon, William Burr. A Slayton, William Taft. A Somers, John Edward. A Sleeper, Walter Julian. A Soper, Lyman White. D Slettengren, Oscar. A Sopher, Curtis Levi. C Slocomb, George Albert. C Sosnoski, Philip. A Small, Herbert Elwyn. D Soule, Horace John. A Small, John Wesley. *A Soule, Horatio Sprague. A Small, Whitmell Pugh. B Soule, John Albion. D Smalley, Fred Lyman. A Soules, Silas George. D Smart, Frank Everard. D Sousa, Jayme Ernesto Salazar *A Smith, Andrew Murray. D ’E ea e. A Smith, Arthur Vincent. A Souther, William Towle. A Smith, Asa Dennis. B Southgate, George Alonzo. A Smith, Charles John James. A Southgate, Robert William. A Smith, Charles Morton. A Southwick, George Rinaldo. A Smith, Charles Sherman. A Spalding, Charles Franklin. D Smith, Chiron Waterville. D Spalding, Fred Maurice. A Smith, Daniel Patrick. D Spalding, Harry Osgood. B Smith, David Wiley. A Spalding, Henry Edwin. A Smith, Ella Gertrude. B Spalding, Jacob Franklin. A Smith, Ezra Algernon. A Spalding, Samuel Hopkins.

* Deceased. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 5f> 53

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Sparhawk, Clement Willis. A Stedman, Charles Ellery. A Sparrow, William Edward. A Stedman, George. *A Spaulding, Charles Parker. A Stedman, Henry Rust. F Spaulding, Ebenezer Farrington. A Stedman, James Parker. *A Spaulding, Miles. A Stedman, Joseph. A Spear, Edmuud Doe. A Stedman, Joseph Cyrus. C Spears, George William. A Steele, John McClary. B Spencer, Emily Jone. A Steerc, David Roscoe. A Spencer, Esek Edwin. B Steinberg, Joseph. C Spencer, George Albert. A Stephens, Edward Buckminster A Spencer, George Frederick Allen. A Stephenson, Benjamin Swift. A Spencer, William Warren Conant. B Stephenson, Milton Elmer. A Spooner, George Robert. A Stephenson, Nellis Witter. E Spooner, Henry Garrettson. E Stepp, Jacob, Jr. A Spooner, John Wiuthrop. B Sterliug, Edwin. A Sprague, George Percy. A Stetson, Clarence Augustus. A Sprague, Phebe Ann. D Stetson, Frank Eliot. A Sprague, Rufus William. D Stetson, Frederick Winslow. A Spring, Clarence Walter. D Stetson, Halbert Greenleaf. A Springer, Nathan Ayer. A Stevens, Andrew Jackson. A Squier, Angelo Orin. B Stevens, Charles Albert. A St. Clair, Austin Emery. A Stevens, Charles Benjamin. A St. Dennis, Joseph Nelson. A Stevens, Charles Wistar. D St. George, Archibald. A Steveus, Edmund Horace. A St. George, Norman. *A Stevens, Frank Dana Switzer. A St. Georges, Wilfred Mark. A Stevens, George Beckwith. A St. Germain, Joseph Pierre. A Stevens, Harry Laurence. A St. Germain, Valmore. A Stevens, Henry Burt. A 8t. Jacques, Joseph Robert. A Stevens, James Herbert. A Stackpole, Frederick Dabney. D Stevens, Oscar Howard. A Stackpole, George Edmund. D Stevens, Ralph Emerson. A Stacy, Charles Franklin. D Stevens, Sara Elmina. A Stafford, Frank Dalmon. A Stevens, Seriah. B Stahl, Alfred Franz. A Stevens, William Caldwell. A Standish, Miles. A Stevens, William Stanford. A Stanley, Charles Sullivan. D Stevenson, Arthur William. A Stanley, George Henry. D Stewart, Abraham Lincoln. A Stanley, Josiah Marsh. A Stewart, Anne Clark. D Stanley, Leonard Gove. A Stewart, James. D Stanley, Mark Page. A Stewart, James Hope. A Stanton, Jere Edmund. C Stewart, Lincoln A. C Stanton, Thomas Leo. A Stickney, Alonzo Lawrence. A Stapleton, Richard Henry. A Stickney, Clifford Webster. A Starbird, Edward Perley. A Stickney, Edwin Pangman. A Starbird, Isaac W arren. A Stickney, George Augustus. ♦A Stark, Charles Alvan. A Stiles, Charles Wallace. D Stark, Maurice Albert. A Stiles, Fred Merritt. D Starkweather, Charles Robert. C Stiles, Herbert Kendall. B Starr, Christopher Hamlin. A Still, James Thomas. A Steadman, John Abraham. D Stillwell, Benjamin Watson. A Stearns, Charles A. A Stilson, Willard Charles. A Stearns, Charles Goddard. A Stinson, John Woodbury. C Stearns, Daniel Waldo. F Stocker, Alfred Augustus. A Stearns, George Washington. D Stockwell, Edgar Washburn. A Stearns, Isaac Holden. D Stockwell, George Norman. A Stebbins, George Stanford. A Stoddard, Henry Bradish. B Stebbins, Marion Rowena Hay­ A Stokes, William Royal. w ard. A Stone, Arthur Kingsbury.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Stone, Byron. A Swan, Charles Louis. A Stone, Charles Sinclair. A Swan, Charles Walter. A Stone, Ella Gertrude. A Swan, Henry Storer. A Stone, Frank Ellsworth. E Swan, James Caleb. C Stone, George Arthur. A Swan, Jesse Johnson. A Stone, James Savage. A Swan, Roscoe Wesley. A Stone, Lincoln Ripley. A Swan, Will Howard. D Stone, Moses Cornelius. A Swan, William Donnison. A Stone, Waldo Hodges. A Swan, William Ellery Channing. C Stone, William Newcomb. A Swasey, Edward. B Stone, Wolf. A Swasey, Oscar Fitzallan. A Storer, John. A Sweeney, Hilary Tucker. A Storer, Malcolm. A Sweet, Charles Frederick. C Story, Alvin Francis. A Sweet, Clara Maria. D Story, Helen Louise. B Sweet, Elisha Wilbur. A Stowe, Willard Hanley. D Sweet, Frederick Benoni. A Stowell, Edmund Channing. B Sweet, Job. A Stowell, Jacob, Jr. B Sweet, Orrin Preston. C Stowell, Maud Evelyn. A Sweetsir, Charles Leslie. A Stowell, Sarah Russell. A Sweetser, Frederic Ellsworth. D Straw, O’Neil Watson Robinson. A Swett, George William. D Strayer, Edgar. A Swett, Percy Walter. A Street, Charles Carroll. D Swift, Frederic Norman. A Street, Jerome Charles. A Swift, John Baker. D Strong, Charles Howard. A Swift, Lawrence Chew. E Strong, Frederick Finch. A Swift, Robert. D Strong, Lawrence Watson. A Swift, William Nye. A Strong, Thomas Morris. D Swope, Dalva Hamit. A Stuart, Frederick William. A Sylvester, Stephen Alden. A Stuart, James Henry. A Sylvester, William Hillman. D Stubbs, Frank Raymond. A Sylvia, Manuel Victorino. A Sturgis, Russell. A Symonds, Benjamin Ropes. D Sturgis, Walter Horatio Wake- A Synan, William Edward. m an. D Taft, Albert Atherton. A Sturtevant, Charles. A Taft, Mary Florence. A Stutson, William Peckham. A Talbot, George Henry. D Styles, Myron Francis. A Talbot, Israel Tisdale. A Suffa, George A Ison. A Talbot, Winthrop Tisdale. A Sullivan, Daniel Henry. A Tallman, Augustus Littlefield. D Sullivan, Daniel Thomas. B Tallman, William Cyprian. D Sullivan, Francis Augustus. D Taminosian, Timotheus. A Sullivan, James Francis. A Tanner, John Alexander. A Sullivan, James Francis. A Tarbell, George Grosvenor. A Sullivan, James Stephen. A Tasker, Frank Edwin. A Sullivan, James Stephen. A Tasse, Joseph Chrysanthe Ed­ B Sullivan, John Francis. w ard. A Sullivan, John Henry. A Tatum, Rives. A Sullivan, John Langdon. A Taylor-Cole, Anna Bessie. A Sullivan, John Thomas. A Taylor, Charles Warren. D Sullivan, Johu Thomas, Jr. A Taylor, Edward Wyllys. A Sullivan, Michael Francis. A Taylor, Esther Woodman. A Sullivan, William Joseph. A Taylor, Frederic Weston. A Sumner, Allen Melancthon. A Taylor, George Lyman. A Suter, William Norwood. B Taylor, Henry. A Sutherland, John Preston. A Taylor, Jubal George. D Swain, Howard Townsend. D Taylor, Stella Mary. A Swain, Mary Lizzie. A Temple, Franklin Stuart. D Swain, Oliver Aldeu Tinkham. A Temple, Hiram. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 5 5

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Temple, William Franklin. A Thurlow, John Howard. A Ten Broeck, Stanton Jacob. A Thurston, Rufus Leander. A Tenney, Benjamin. A Tibbetts, James Thomas. D Tenney, Elmer Seth. A Tierney, Edward Howran. A Tenney, John Arthur. A Tierney, Martin Henry. C Tenney, William Nortliend. A Tigh, Frederick. D Têteau, Thomas. A Tilden, Frank Elmer. B Thayer, Charles Nathaniel. A Tilton, Edward James. A Thayer, Charles Taine. A Tilton, Frank Herbert. A Thayer, Daniel Ellsworth. A Tilton, Josiah Odin. A Thayer, Eugene. A Tilton, Letitia Marie. A Thayer, Fred Lyman. A Timmins, Patrick Joseph. A Thayer, George Dickinson. F Tingley, Benjamin Wilson. A Thayer, Henri Riedelle. A Tinker, Martin Buel. A Thayer, Samuel Chase. A Tinkham, Granville Wilson. A Thayer, Samuel Ezra. A Tirrell, Vinson Meader. B Thayer, Washington Irving. A Titcomb, George Eugene. A Thayer, William Sydney. D Tobey, Carter McVine. A Therrien, Edward Joseph. A Tobey, George Loring. E Therrien, John. A Tobey, Walter Henry. A Thissell, Joseph Abbott. A Tobin, James Henry. B Thomas, Adelida Annabel. A Tolman, Julia. A Thomas, Caroline Louise. A Tompkins, Albert Henry. A Thomas, Charles Holt. A Toomey, John Peter. A Thomas, Flavel Shurtleff. A Toomey, Thomafc Patrick. A Thomas, George Francis. D Toothaker, Horace Edward. C Thomas, George Henry. D Torrey, John Paine. A Thomas, John Jenks. A Torrey, Noah. D Thornes, John Blanchard. A Torrey, Samuel William. D Thompson, Arthur Percival. A Tower, Charles Bates. D Thompson, Charles Arthur. A Tower, . A Thompson, Charles Marsh. A Tower, George Augustus. A Thompson, Charles Oscar. D Towle, Benjamin Newell. A Thompson, Eben. D Towle, Charles Edward. A Thompson, Edward Charles. A Towle, Fred Scates. D Thompson, Edward Henry. A Towle, Harvey Parker. A Thompson, Frederick Henry. A Towle, Henry Charles. A Thompson, George Eben. *A Towle, Samuel Knapp. C Thompson, Harry John. B Towne, Charles Jefferson. A Thompson, James Gillespie. B Towne, William Alexander. B Thompson, John Buxton. A Townsend, Charles Wendell. A Thompson, John Henry. *A Townsend, George James. A Thompson, John Joseph. C Townsend, Willis Merrick. A Thompson, John McQuaid. *A Tracy, Albert Francis. B Thompson, Marshall Elery. B Tracy, Christopher Columbus. A Thompson, Richard Joseph. A Tracy, Edward Aloysius. A Thomson, George Francis. A Tracy, Thomas Henry. *A Thomson, George Newton. A Trafton, Alonzo Gardiner. A Thorndike, Augustus. D Trainor, John Brett. A Thorndike, Paul. A Tranfaglia, Gabriele. A Thornton, James Brown. A Traver, Edward Clarence. B Thornton, William. C Treanor, John Peter. B Thorpe, Benjamin Franklin. A Trecartin, David Munson. A Thorpe, Edward Elephalet. A Trembley, Daniel Gibbs. B Thumin, Samuel. D Tresilian, Florence Harvey. A Thuot, John Vincent. D Tripp, George Alston. A Thurber, Madison Templeton. A Trow, Cornelius Gilman. B Thurlow, Edgar Theodore. A Trow, William Marshall.

* D eceased. 5(5 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan.

Official Lint of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Trowbridge, Edward Henry. A Varney, Fred Elbridge. A Trudeau, Wilfrid. A Vaughan, Charles Everett. A Trudel, Jacques Joseph. A Vaughan, Jonas Hobart. A True, Herbert Osgood. A Vermilye, Oscar Eugene. D True, Richard Smith. A Vermyne, Jan Joseph Bastianus. A Trueman, Harmon Silas. A Verner, Ismael. A Trueworthy, Edwin Weston. A Vickery, Herman Frank. D Truslow, Walter. A Vickery, Lucia Florence. B Tuck, Lucy Wadsworth. A Vietor, Agnes Caecilia. A Tucker, Edward Tobey. D Vigeant, Joseph Edward. A Tucker, Samuel Chase. D Viger, Joseph Edmund Avila. A Tucker, William Emerson. A Viles, Clarence Albertus. A Tucker, Willis Leroy. A Vinal, Frank Thomas. A Tully, Edward Joseph. E Vinal, Harry Gardner. A Tupper, Augustus Maclanchlan. A Vincent, Philip. C Tupper, John Darrow. B Viney, William Henry. A Turner, Augustus Walter. A Virgin, Franklin Pierce. D Turner, Charles Haverly. A Vogel, Frederick William. A Turner, Maurice, Worcester. A Von Gottschalk, William. A Tuttle, Albert Henry. A Vose, Albert Churchill. A Tuttle, Frances Caroline. D Vose, Robert Henry. A Tuttle, George Herman. D Voss, John William. A Tuttle, George Thomas. B Wade, George Washington. A Tuttle, Karl Rand. A Wadsworth, Oliver Fairfield. *A Tuttle, Lyman Mower. A Wadsworth, Peleg. A Twitched, Edward Thayer. B Wagner, David. A Twitched, George Pierce. D Wait, Sheridan Paul. A Twombley, Edward Lambert. A Waite, Clarence Howard. A Tygesson, Alfred. A Waite, Edwin Everett. A Tyler, Albert Mason. A Waite, Lorenzo. A Tyler, John Bennett. A Wakefield, Albert Tolman. A Tyler, Waldo Henry. B Wakefield, Josiah Judeon. A Underhill, Charles Dudley. D Walcott, Henry Joel, Jr. E Underhill, George Herbert. A Walcott, Henry Pickering. A Underwood, David Gleason. B Wales, Edward Clarence. D Underwood, Francis Andrew. A Walker, Alexander Taylor. A Underwood, George Baker. A Walker, Augustus Chapman. A Underwood, George Latham. A Walker, Frank Clifford. D Upham, Emily Clark. B Walker, Gustavus Freedom. D Upton, Charles Louis. A Walker, James Taylor. A Urich, John Henry. A Walker, James William. C Urie, John Francis. A Walker, Thomas Jackson. A Urquhart, John Edwin. A Walker, William. A Utley, Edward Roswell. D Walker, William Pomp. A Utley, James. C Walkley, William Samuel. A Utley, Maurice Howell. A Wallace, Frank Huron. A Valentine, Henry Charles. A Waller, Thomas Gilmore. A Van Aden, Harvey Ward. D Walsh, Charles Francis Adams. B Van Alstyne, Seymour March. A Walsh, Charles Joseph. B Van Magness, Benjamin. A Walsh, Edmund. D Van Marter, Le Roy John. A Walsh, Frank Winfield. A Van Pelt, Gertrude Wyckoff. A Walsh, Peter Duggan. D Van Rensselaer, Henry Renssel­ A Walton, George Lincoln. aer. D Walton, William Joseph. D Van Winkle, Peter. A Ward, George Otis. D Vance, Michael E. A Ward, Rollin Clayton. A Vander Burgh, David Williams. A Ward well, Percival Goodwin. A Varney, Edith Charles. A Ware, William Goodrich.

* Deceased. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56 57

Official List of Practitioners of Medicine — Continued.

A Wares, Abel. D Weeks, William Joshua. A Warner, Carmillus Turten. L) Weidner, Calvin. D Warner, Charles Norton. *A Weil, Frank Edward. A Warner, Emerson. A Welnerovitch, Nochine. A Warner, Frederick Augustus. A Weinstein, Isaac. A Warner, Henry. A Weir, Frank Le Sieur. B Warner, Thomas Jefferson. A Weiser, Walter Rupert. B Warren, Edwin Smith. *A Welch, Edward Augustus. A Warren, Ernest Leighton. A Welch, Edward John. A Warren, Frank Kaudal 1. A Welch, John Frederick. A Warren, Herbert. A Weller, Francis Joseph. A Warren, Hobart Eudicott. F Wellington, James Lloyd. A Warren, John Collins. *A Wellington, William Williamson. A Warren, John Kelso. D Wells, David Washburn. A Warren, Orin. B Wells, Edward Frederic. D Warren, William Barnard. A Wells, Frank. B Warren, William Marvin. A Wells, James Lee. A Warren, William Thomas. D Wells, John Milton. A Warwick, James. A Wentworth, Arthur Howard. A Washburn, Elliott. C Wentworth, Caroline Young. D Washburn, Frederic Augustus. D Wentworth, Harry Wilder. A Washburn, George Hamlin. B W entw orth, norace. A Waterman, Thomas. A Wentworth, Jacob Brackett. B Waters, Samuel William. A Wentworth, Walter Henry. D Watkeys, Frederick William. D Wentworth, William Ezekiel. B Watkins, Charles Edward. I) Wentworth, William Parish. A Watkins, Robert Lincoln. A Wentworth, William Warren. D Watkins, Royal Philip. A Werner, Anders Christen. C Watson, Francis Sedgewick. A Werner, Julius Dominick. B Watson, Fred William. D Wescott, William Henry. A Watson, George Henry. B Wesley, Charles Main. A Watson, James Maurice. A Wesley, John Lyman. D Watson, Walter Linwood. A Wesley, Sarah Jane. A Watson, William Purkis. A Wesselhoeft, Conrad. A Watters, William. A Wesselhoeft, Walter. A Wattles-Faunce, Mary Ann. C Wesselhoeft, William Fessenden. D Watts, Harry Adelbert. C Wesselhoeft, William Palmer. A Watts, Henry Fowler Ransford. A West, Benjamin Hussey. D Weaver, George Albert. D West, Bertha Helen. A Webb, Mary Elizabeth. A West, Edward Graeff. A Webb, Melville Emerson. A West, George Leon. D Webb, Walter James. *A West, George Webb. A Webber, Alonzo Carter. A West, Henry Daniels. A Webber, Amos Paterson. B West, Pliny Ilume. A Webber, Frank Orland. D Westall, John. C Webber, Frederick Ward. A Westergren, Frances Clarke. *A Webber, George Clark. A Weston, George Dake. A Webber, George Franklin. A Weston, Isabel Gray. D Webber, Henry Allen. D Westwood, Mabel Inez. A Webber, Horace Green. A Wetherbee, Angeline Giles. A Webber, Samuel Gilbert. A Wetherbee, Roswell. A Webster, George Arthur. A Wetherbee, Sarah Lucretia. A Webster, Helen Baker Worthing A Wetherell, Arthur Bryant. A Webster, Jonathan Edwards. A Whalley, Thompson. A Webster, Joseph Rowe. A Wheatley, Frank George. D Weed, George Franklin. A Wheeler, Alfred Augustus. A Weeks, Charles Tupper. A Wheeler, Charles Augustus. A Weeks, Joshua Franklin. A Wheeler, Charles Douglas.


Official List of Practitioners of Medicine•— Continued.

A Wheeler, Edward Reed. A Wight, Daniel Webster. D Wheeler, Emma Hammond. A Wight, George Dewitt. A Wheeler, Harry Deveraux. 0 Wilbur, Alliston Chester. D Wheeler, James Hudson. B Wilbur, Ezra Richmond. A Wheeler, Leonard. A Wilbur, Hubert Granville. A Wheeler, Morris Plumer. A Wilbur, Sarah Mann. *A Wheeler, William Goodnough. A Wilcox, Dorvil Miller. C Whipple, Albert Lawrence. A Wild, George Warren. A Whipple, Farrington Hasham. A Wilder, Raymond Sargent. C Whipple, Frank Lewis. A Wilder, Sarah Elizabeth. A Whiston, Edward Andem. A Wildes, Adeline Wilkins. A "Whitaker, Clarence W ilder. D Wiley, Alfred Soule. A Wliitcombe, Charles Reed. B Wilinsky, Adolph. C White, Charles James. A Wilkin, Anna Maria. A White, Charles Warren. A Wilkins, George Henry. A White, Edward Forest. B Willard, Mary Antoinette. C White, Emory Lincoln. D Williams, Abram Case. D WThite, Everett. A Williams, Augustus Gilbert. D White, Franklin Warren. B Williams, Benjamin Barney. A White, George Edwin. A Williams, Charles Crosby. D White, nenry George. C Williams, Charles Herbert. A White, Herbert Warren. A Williams, Christopher Earle. A White, Horace Carr. B Williams, Clara Augusta. A White, James Clarke. C Williams, Edward Denisou. D White, Jonathan Hutchings. A Williams, Edward Russell. A WThite, Leon Edward. A Williams, Edward Tufts. A White, Leouard Darling. A Williams, Frances Elizabeth. A WThite, Levi. A Williams, Francis Henry. A White, Robert. C Williams, Frank Percival. A White, Walter Henry. D Williams, Frederic Allen. A White, William Allen. A Williams, Harold. D Whitehead, Eugenia. A Williams, Harry Augustus. D Whitehead, Willett William. D Williams, Harry Edwin. A Whitehill, George Edward. A Williams, Henry Clarence. D Whiteside, George Shuttuck. *A Williams, Henry Willard. A Whitford, Andrew Foster. A Williams, Jacob Lafayette. A Whiting, George Washington A Williams, Joseph. W hitney. A Williams, Sara Jane. A Whiting, Lewis. B Williams, Thomas Francis. A Whiting, Walter Booth. D Williams, Virans Van. B Whitman, Edson Fobes. B Willis, Andrew Everett. C Whitmarsh, Willard Francis. D Willis, Charles Austin. A Whitmore, Albion Stinson. C Willis, John Warren. A Whitney, Charles Alvano. B Willis, Josiah Greene. A Whitney, Charles Melville. A Willis, Reuben. A W hitney, Edw ard Melville. A Wilson, Georgiana A Whitney, William Fiske. A Wilson, Charles Milo. A Whitney, William Herbert. A Wilson, Charles Oscar. B Whittaker, William Austin. A Wilson, Darius. A Whittemore, Dwight Stanley. D Wilson, Erastus Lozier. *A Whittemore, Fred Webster. C Wilson, Frederic Newhall. A Whitten, George Edwin. A Wilson, George Slocotnb. D Whittier, Cordelia Melviua. A Wilson, Howard Eugene. A Whittier, Daniel Braiuard. A W’ilson, John Bradford. A Whittier, Edward Newton. D Wilson, John Herbert. A Whittier, Francis Fremont. A Wilson, Nettie Frances Mosher. B Whittier, Helen Adelaide. D Wilson, Robert Browning. *A Wigglesworth, Edward. D Wilson, William Eaton.

* Deceased. 1898.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 59

Official L i s t of Practitioners of Medicine— Concluded.

A Windsor, Sarah Sweet. A Woodward, Samuel Bayard. A Wing, Clifton Ellis. A Woodworth, Dwight Sidney. A Wing, Edward Pay son. D Woodworth, Helen Ida. A Winkler, Joseph Alexander. A Woolly, Emma Myrtice. A Winkley, Jonathan Wingate. A Worcester, Alfred. A Winn, Charles Henry. A Worcester, Charles Pomeroy. A W iuu, W illiam John A Worcester, Edward. A Winslow, Edward Smith. A Worcester, Fitzwilliam Sargent. C Winslow, Joseph Winslow. A Worcester, George Waldron. A Winslow, Kenelm. A Worcester, John Fonerden. D Winslow, William Henry. I) Worcester, William Leonard. A Wiswall, Edward Hastings. 1) Worthington, Arthur Morton. A Witham, Charles Henry. D Wren, William Guy. D Withee, Frederick Elmarien. D Wright, Charles Sias. A Withingtou, Alfreda Bosworth. D Wright, Charles Wardsworth. A Withiugton, Charles Francis. C W right, Eliphalet. A Witt, Stephen. A Wright, Erwin. A Wittei, Wilbur Fiske. B Wright, Frank Edward Kemble. A Wolcott, Grace. D Wright, George Hermann. B Wolcott, Joseph Arthur. A Wright, Helen La Forest. A Wood, Albert. A Wright, James Henry. A Wood, Edward Stickney. A Wright, John Homer. A Wood, Henry Austin. A Wright, Mary Jane. A Wood, Julia Beard. A Wright, Walter Melvin. A Wood, Nelson Merviu. B Wright, William. A Wood, Norman Perkins. B Wunsch, Paulina. A Wood, Rosto Owin. A Wylie, Ella Rosalind. A Wood, Stephen Andrew. C Wylie, Eugene Cushman. A .Woodbridge, Luther Dana. A Wyman, John Lansen. A Woodbury, Charles Edward. A Wyman, Morrill. D Woodbury, Frank Taylor. *A Wyman, Samuel Edwin. A Woodbury, George Edwin. A Yale, Charles Henry. A Woodbury, Louis Augustus. A Yale, John. A Woodbury, Stillman Philetus. A Yale, Joseph Cummings. A Woodbury, William Richardson. A Yenetchi, Henry Ainsworth. A Woodill, George Franklin. D Yoosuf, Abraham Kevork. A Woodman, Aurin Payson. A York, Roger Sherman. A Woodman, George Sullivan. A Yorke, Albert Daniel. A Woodman, Julia Frances. A Young, Benjamin Herbert. A Woodruff, Morgan Lewie. A Young, Charles Sayward. D Woodruff, William Jessup. A Young, Edgar William. A Woods, Charles Edwin. A Young, Edmund Sanford. A Woods, Charles Livingston. D Young, Ernest Boy en. A Woods, Frank Aylmer. C Young, Jonathan Frank, Jr. D Woods, George Lyman. A Young, John Daniel. A Woods, Jarvis Uriah. A Young, John Francis. A Woods, Jonathan Henry. A Young, John Franklin. C Woods, Prince Tannatt. A Young, Leyander Johu. A Woods, William. A Young, William Henri Antonio. A Woodvine, Denton George. A Yvon, Jean Baptiste Wilfred. D Woodward, Charles Todd. A Zabriskie, Frank Hunter. A Woodward, Johnson Rufus. B Zannos, George Anast. A Woodward, Lemuel Fox. A Ziselman, Max.

* Deceased.