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Today's Stories May 10, 2010 Now Available from CounterPunch Books! May 10, 2010 This is the Print Size Banks and Credit Card Companies Like for Disclosure

Andrew Why We Should Keep the Fed Away From the Why We Should Keep the Fed Consumer: the Hurt Incident Away From the Consumer: the By Hurt Incident

Marjorie Cohn Kagan Will Move Buoyed by the thrill of seeing Goldman Sachs squirm just a little at the the Court Further witness table it may be that a financial “reform” bill emerges from congress to the Right some time this summer. Without a doubt, human wave assaults by Wall Street’s famously effective lobbyists will produce many amendments and Jeffrey Blankfort alterations to the draft legislation currently under debate. Some of these The Last may be momentous in effect yet scarcely visible to anyone but a securities Democratic lawyer – think the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, slipped through congress without debate in December 2000, that unleashed credit default Primary Worth Watching swaps on a defenseless world. Other compromises congenial to the financial industry have already been incorporated in Senator Chris Dodd’s Senate Banking Committee bill, with little prospect of reversal. Chief among these is Anthony DiMaggio How the Economy the internment of the proposed Consumer Finance Protection Agency within The Trashing of Was Lost the Federal Reserve – an early Dodd concession to the Republicans. ACORN By Paul Craig Roberts There are a lot of good reasons why the Federal Reserve should not be Bill Quigley allowed anywhere near the consumer, not least its prior record in consumer Yellowstone Drift: Targeting Al- financial protection. Consider the experience of Adrienne Hurt, a career Awlaki Floating the Past staff attorney at the fed. In 2003, Hurt was Associate Director of the in Real Time bank’s Division of Consumer and Community Affairs and a potent influence in by John Holt Mike Whitney the arcane but vital field of consumer-related financial regulation, where A Lost Decade the Fed plays a commanding role. It is thanks to her, for example that car Introduction by Doug Peacock Ahead for and truck leasing agreements must set out clearly what we will have to Housing pay. “Adrienne Hurt was by far the most talented and responsible person on the Fed’s consumer affairs staff,” says Professor Patricia McCoy, of the Greg Moses University of Connecticut Law School, herself Generation a recognized authority on consumer finance Payback law.

Eric Toussaint Among the Fed’s responsibilities are the The Market, the administration of various consumer-finance New Faith laws such as the Truth in Lending Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, etc. These Stanley Heller laws generally require that disclosures to the May 12, Iraq borrower be “clear and conspicuous.” But the Genocide regulations implementing several of these Memorial Day laws differed in the way they defined “clear” and “conspicuous.” Martha http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 1 / 22 Rosenberg In 2003 Hurt thought it would be a fine idea if Do You Have all these regulations were to be standardized, "Shift Work Sleep a concept on which she thought all Click here to Buy! Disorder"? The reasonable people would agree. So she Drug Industry crafted a regulation defining “clear and Hopes So conspicuous.” Credit card companies, for example, would have to spell out card charges, fees and penalties “in clear, concise sentences, paragraphs, Website of the and sections,” while avoiding “legal or highly technical business terminology Day whenever possible.” Conspicuous would mean using “a typeface and type Turley on Kagan size,” such as 12 point type, “that are easy to read.” Banks would have similarly to clarify such important matters as overdraft fees. May 7 - 9, 2010 As Hurt told me recently, “I was hoping to get people using mouseprint to Alexander stop using mouseprint.” And so the proposed regulation changes were Cockburn drawn up and duly published for review and comment in a highly technical You Drill, You 19-page press release on November 26, 2003. Spill The financial services industry – banks large and small, credit card companies, mortgage lenders, in her words, “went crazy.” Written protests Elizabeth Gould / poured in, mostly via the industry’s politically muscular trade associations. Paul Fitzgerald The regulations would require “costly compliance.” They would be “litigation Crossing the Zero bait” for unscrupulous tort lawyers. Credit card companies argued that their Line in Born customers could better understand how an account operates “when Afghanistan Under a Bad Sky: required disclosures are interspersed among other contract terms.” Some advanced the bizarre claim that printing disclosures in larger type with wider Notes from the Dark Side Peter Lee margins would be actually be a disservice for the consumers because “they of the Earth China in the would be less inclined to read them.” Meanwhile the board of governors, By Jeffrey St. Clair Catbird Seat: chaired at the time by Alan Greenspan, were deluged with personal calls Iran, China and from senior financial services industry executives. 's Weapons of Mass Normal procedure in such matters calls for such proposals to be reviewed by Disruption a three-person committee drawn from the seven federal reserve governors. In January 2004, the relevant committee, Consumer Affairs, was chaired by Marshall the late Edward Gramlich, now remembered for having warned Greenspan of Auerback the perils lurking in the subprime lending boom. One of the other two The US is Not members was a Tennessee banker, Susan Bies, quoted after the crash Greece (when she had left the board) as saying that regulators had been caught by surprise by the subprime boom, and that she regretted there was not Mike Whitney quicker action taken to protect borrowers. The third member was a mild 2010 Country Mamas of Glitch in the mannered academic economist soon to leave the Fed to serve as Chairman Petrolia System of George Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers, Ben Bernanke. Calendar Now Available!

Russell Mokhiber Though the committee did not meet until January 2004, the writing was Waiting for Lightning How Oil already on the wall. The offical notice withdrawing the proposal did not to Strike: Companies Cheat appear for another six months, but in a cruel irony, Hurt had had to write a formal memo to the board recommending withdrawal. The Fundamentals Brian Cloughley of Black Politics Cementing At the end of a recent long conversation in her current small, bare office at Kevin Alexander Gray Relationships: Federal Reserve headquarters, – on the same floor but a long, long way How the US and from the grand chamber where the Board of Governors meet -- I asked Hurt Israel Draw Ever about the episode’s impact on her career. “I am no longer involved in Closer Together consumer affairs,” she answered drily. She is instead an “adviser” to the Staff Director for Management Affairs. Gary Leupp The Latest “The fed board caved to the banking industry and Hurt was exiled,” says Official Report on McCoy. “That’s all you need to know.” Afghanistan Andrew Cockburn is the co-producer of the 2009 documentary American Ramzy Baroud Casino. He can be reached at: [email protected] The Price of Courage

David Rosen WORDS THAT STICK Come Out, George, Come Out: New Scandal Rocks Christian Right Click Saul Landau Here to Buy! When Will the Real Terrorists "The Case Against Israel" Stand Up? Michael Neumann's Devastating Rebuttal of Tim Wise Pardon You: Reparations and the Politics of Blame

P. Sainath Farmers' Suicides: Their Final Letters http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 2 / 22 Patrick Cockburn Shia Power in Iraq

Ron Jacobs Click Here to Buy! Days of Rage RED STATE REBELS: Timothy MacBain Tales of Grassroots Resistance Privacy Reform: the Sound of No from the Heartland Hands Clapping

Bill Hatch Bet Against California ... You Can't Go Wrong

Jeff Ballinger IKEA's Workers Not at the Table

Missy Beattie Catastrophically Ashamed

Jed Brandt Nepal's May First Edited by and After Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua Frank W. John Green Green is for Go in How the Press Led Colombia the US into War Mark Weisbrot Venezuela and Greece: Compare and Contrast

Eric Toussaint Bolivarian Venezuela at the Crossroads

Tom Turnipseed Blowback in Times Square

Harry Browne World Cup 2010: The Dutch and the Germans

Christopher Brauchli You Say You Buy End Times Now! Want to Teach The Secret Language Some Evolution, of the Crossroads: Well, You Know ... HOW THE IRISH INVENTED SLANG Farzana Versey By Daniel Cassidy Literary Dissent WINNER OF THE David Ker AMERICAN BOOK AWARD! Thomson Up: the Exploration of Cheap Space

Charles R. Larson Hocus Bogus

David Yearsley I Take in Rossini's "Armida" With My Favorite Uncle

Poets' Basement Bhat, Holt and Orloski Click Here to Buy!

http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 3 / 22 Website of the The Inside Story of the Weekend Shannon Five's Smashing This Can't be Victory Over the Happening Bush War Machine By Harry Browne May 6, 2010

Harry Kreisler Talking with Chalmers Johnson

Nikolas Kozloff Anatomy of an Oil Disaster

Ray McGovern Loose Lips on Iran

Rannie Amiri Hezbollah and the Policy of "Scud Ambiguity"

Roberto Saul Landau's Bush and Rodriguez Welcome to Botox World with a Foreword Operation by Gore Vidal Streamline: Scenes From Apartheid Arizona

Christopher Ketcham Pardon the Troublemaker

Ashley Smith Why Gates is Wrong About Reparations

Jayne Lyn Stahl Click Here to Faisal McBomber Order! Grand Theft Pentagon How They Made a Killing on Richard Ward A Gusher From the War on Terrorism the Newspaper of Record

Website of the Day They Fucked with the Wrong Mexican!

May 5, 2010

Dean Baker The Greek Crisis

Mike Whitney Toxic Transfer: Bernanke's Biggest Bailout Spell Albuquerque: Russell Mokhiber Memoir of a The 3-6-3 Rule: "Difficult Student" How to Put By Tennessee Reed Bankers Back on the Golf Course, Where They'll Do Less Harm

Uri Avnery A Cloud Over Jerusalem

Linh Dinh This Oil Ride: a Chronology

David Macaray http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 4 / 22 Blaming Labor

Shamus Cooke The Economics of Immigration Reform

Sheldon Richman Immigration, Civil Liberties and the Drug War

James Rothenberg Two Parties, One Politics

Bouthaina Shaaban I Wish My People Would Learn

Billy Wharton Killer-Coke Hits the Screens

Website of the Day Torture Not Treatment

May 4, 2010

Pam Martens Why a Criminal Case Against Goldman Sachs Matters and Why Charges Could Stick

Afshin Rattansi No Hope for Britain

Nikolas Kozloff The Political Might of BP

Darwin Bond- Graham Oil and Wetlands: Is Arcadia Lost?

Jonathan Cook Israel's Operation Imam

Ellen Brown Derivatives Come to the Movies

Jayne Lyn Stahl Chipping Away at Abortion Rights

Wajahat Ali The Arrest of Faisal Shazad

Tanya Golash- Boza Paterson's Deportation Review Panel

Franklin Lamb Warehousing

Website of the Day The Fart Chart http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 5 / 22

May 3, 2010

Karl Grossman Oil Spin

Mike Whitney The Subprime Conspiracy

Anthony DiMaggio The Return of Hooverian Economics

Gabriel Kolko 35 Years Since the Fall of Saigon

Alan Farago Killing the Gulf of Mexico

David Underhill Waiting on the Blob: At the Mouth of Mobile Bay

Nikolas Kozloff The Oily History of Offshore Operations

Dave Lindorff When the Hurricane Comes: Oil, Wind and Water

Conn Hallinan Tales of Chrysler and Cocaine

Jed Brandt May Day in Nepal "Powerful and shocking .. see this film" Website of the -- Joseph Stiglitz on Day American Casino Limbaugh: Environmental "Whackos" Resonpsible for Oil Spill

April 30 - May 2, 2010

Alexander Cockburn Volcanoes, Weather and Computer Models

Harry Kreisler Talking to Elizabeth Warren

Kathy Kelly / Dan Pearson Atrocities in Afghanistan: a Troubling Timeline

Bill Quigley It's Not Just Arizona

Peter Linebaugh May Day & SDS & SNCC Jubilee http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 6 / 22 Mike Whitney Goldman in the Dock

Jed Brandt May Day in Kathmandu

Mark Weisbrot The IMF's Road to Ruin: From Latvia to Greece

Saul Landau Countering Murder with Courage

Carl Finamore Monopoly in the Sky

P. Sainath The Color of Water

Mark N. Hoffman Policing the West: From France to Arizona

Mikita Brottman Technophobia in Academia

David Vine The Environmental Protection of Military Bases?

David Macaray Subverting Union Democracy

Ramzy Baroud The South Reduced

Ann Wright Gaza Death Zone

Joshua Frank Shareholders Revolt Against Coal Ash

Harry Browne World Cup: Why African Teams Never Quite Make It

Walden Bello The Poverty Trap

Mervyn Claxton Emergency Food Production in Haiti: Getting It Right

Joe Allen Oliver's Story

Douglas Hamilton A Town Called Marinaleda

Missy Beattie Laura's Story: Deadly http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 7 / 22 Intersections

David Rosen The Slaughter in the Congo

David Ker Thomson Against Birth: Yours Was an Accident

Laura Flanders Catastrophes Every Day for Profit

Charles R. Larson The Last Slave Narrative?

David Yearsley An Evening of Christian McBride

Poets' Basement Anderson, Bready and Gibbons

Website of the Weekend The Weight You Carry

April 29, 2010

Andrew Cockburn The Prospects for Real Financial Reform Remain Remote

Karl Grossman Spill, Baby, Spill: Blow Out in the The Occupation Gulf by Patrick Cockburn

Saul Landau Real War Games

Alan Maass Jim DeMint and Me

Phillip Doe Stealing Rivers in Colorado

Brian Cloughley Tangled Webs: From My Lai to Khataba

Paul Abowd The Future of Detroit's Schools

Ron Jacobs We Don't Need No Stinkin' Papers!

Binoy Kampmark The Coming British Elections

Website of the Day Scenes From the American Police State: Ask a Cop for His Badge Number, Get Arrested http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 8 / 22 April 28, 2010

Mike Whitney The Interrogation of Lloyd Blankfein

Dean Baker The Flight of the Deficit Hawks

Joanne Mariner The Legality of Drone Warfare

Bruce E. Levine The Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America: a Conversation with Robert Whitaker

John Ross The Big Scam: How Washington Hooked Mexico on the Drug War

Dave Lindorff Slick Politics: the Consequences of Drill, Baby, Drill

Tanya Golash- Boza Criminalizing the Undocumented

Walter Brasch Exploiting Low- Paid Workers at a Vo-Tech School

Steven Higgs The State of Vaccine-Autism Research

Tom Clifford Power Politics in Prague

Website of the Day When Will Sen. Dodd Take "Yes" for an Answer?

April 27, 2010

Patrick Cockburn Iraq Rocked by Court Verdict

Mike Whitney What Really Humanitarian Imperialism Triggered the By Jean Bricmont Financial Crisis?

Ralph Nader The Great Gap in Financial Reform

Ray McGovern Is Iran Really a Threat?

Cecil Brown Goodbye, White Friends: White People Aren't http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 9 / 22 Into Black People Anymore

Roberto Rodriguez Arizona: This is What Apartheid Looks Like

Francis Shor Death Squads in Afghanistan

Julie Hilden The Case of the Crush Videos: Animal Cruelty and the Supreme Court

Steven Higgs The Age of Autism

John Halle A Cure for the Deficit Obsession

Website of the Day Fulfilling the Dream

April 26, 2010

Greg Moses Mormons for Racial Profiling?

Daniel Kovalik Colombia's Deadly "Democracy"

Mark Weisbrot Will a Congressional Rebellion Bring the Afghan War to an End?

Jonathan Cook Israel's Big and Small Apartheids

Patrick Cockburn US Intervenes in Iraqi Election Row

James Bovard The Politics of the Tea Partyers

Stewart J. Lawrence A Tale of Two Senators: McCain and Reid

Jayne Lyn Stahl The Good, the Bad and the ... "Misguided"?

David Ker Thomson: A Cross Border Beating: the Disturbing Case of Dr. Peter Watts

Darwin Bond- Graham http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 10 / 22 Deepshit Horizon

Just Jerusalem Activists Letter to Elie Wiesel: Your Jerusalem v. the Real Jerusalem

Website of the Day Criminal Adultery?

April 23 - 25, 2010

Alexander Cockburn Marijuana, Boom and Bust

Steve Hendricks The Unquiet Grave: Indian Country, the FBI and the Death of Anna Mae Aquash

Mike Whitney Lehman's Liar's Loans and Other Cons

Carl Ginsburg The Envy of the World

Jeffrey St. Clair Black Hole, Black Death: How Much is a Miner's Life Worth?

Andy Worthington Guantanamo and Habeas Corpus

Karl Grossman The Consequences of Chernobyl

Nelson P. Valdés Hillary's "Feelings" About Cuba and the Castros

Scott Boehm The Trial of Baltasar Garzón

David Macaray From Labor Champion to Wall Street Flack: Dick Gephardt Disgraces Himself ... Again

Dave Lindorff Demonizing Iran

Saul Landau The Decline of the Church?

Carles Muntaner Samaranch: the Death of a Catalan Fascist

Ellen Brown http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 11 / 22 Computerized Front-Running

Alvaro Huerta Razing Arizona: Enough with the Draconian Anti- Immigrant Laws

David Swanson Death by Imperial Profile

Mark Brenner Where are the Pitchforks?

Jefferson Chase Why Obama's Middle East Peace Plan Will Fail

Fred Gardner The POT Conference

Brenda Norrell Playing Soccer With Evo Morales

CITY BEAUTIFUL Ira Glunts By Tennessee Reed The Shill on the Hill

Kamran Mofid / Steve Szeghi Economics in Crisis

Laura Flanders Is the SEC Up to the Job?

Sheldon Richman The Washington- Wall Street Kabuki Dance

Binoy Kampmark Re-Regulating the Market

Paul Buchheit Shut Up, Tea Partiers, We're On the Same Side ... Sort Of

Missy Beattie War is Failure

Bianca Mucyenyi / Yves Engler China and Cars

Harry Browne World Cup: Can Spain Win at Last?

David Ker Thomson Atlantis Under

Farzana Versey Grin and Bear It: Profiting From the Prophet

Randy Shields Kitten Stompers http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 12 / 22 at the Supreme Court

Charles R. Larson On the Streets, On the Skids

Ron Jacobs When the Music Could Only Do So Much

David Yearsley Sorry, Ms. Hahn, Your Notes are All Too Good

Poets' Basement Ahmad, Yankevich and Moser

Website of the Weekend The Ahava Protest

April 22, 2010

Stan Cox Cold War: Militarism, Torture ... and Air Conditioning?

James Bovard The Slippery Definition of Extremism

Patrick Cockburn Vicious War on Pakistan's N.W. Frontier

Mike Whitney The Real State of the Housing Market

Kim Ives For $10 Billion in Promises, Haiti Surrenders Its Sovereignty

Christopher Ketcham The Real Socialist Threat is the Military

Brian Tokar The Advent of Green Consumerism: 40 Years of Earth Days

Jed Brandt High Noon in Nepal

Norman Solomon Who Let the Blue Dogs Out?

Martha Rosenberg The Strange Return of Hormone Replacement http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 13 / 22 Therapy

Website of the Day Conservatives Gay-Bash Sen. Lindsay Graham

April 21, 2010

Andrew Cockburn Wall Street's Bad Dream

Vijay Prashad My Investment in Israel: Are You an Anti-Semite?

Esam Al-Amin Israel's Enabler in the U. S.

Evelyn Pringle Inventing Disorders: the Psychiatric Drugging of Children

Marshall Auerback Economic Plague in the Euro Zone

Julien Mercille Another Drug Record for Afghanistan

Leonard Peltier Indigenous People and the Environment

David Macaray Nike's Crimes

Robert Fantina The New Christian Right and Christianity

Heather Gray Texas Rewrites History

Harvey Wasserman Nuking Earth Day

Website of the Day Scenes From the American Police State: TSA and the Applesauce Caper

April 20, 2010

James Bovard A Lethal Hypocrisy: Bill Clinton on Violence and Government

Dean Baker The Multiple Scams of Goldman Sachs

http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 14 / 22 Bill Quigley The Guantanamo Deception

Alan Farago Eating the Dead in the Everglades

Evelyn Pringle An American Phenomenon: the Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers

Bouthaina Shaaban Writing in an Age of Despair

Joanne Mariner Fairness in Sanctions?

Eric Walberg Iran's Disarmament Conference

Franklin Lamb The Case for Palestinian Rights in Lebanon

Billy Wharton Anti-Apartheid in 8 1/2 Hours

Website of the Day Deficit Summit Pushback

April 19, 2010

Pam Martens The Death of a Salesman

Mike Whitney Goldman Sachs' Bloody Nose

Gareth Porter Kandahar Campaign Doomed Before It Begins?

Jeb Sprague Death in the Desert

Gregory Harms The Procedural Relationship

Michael Leonardi Emergency in Afghanistan: Raiding a Hospital

Dave Lindorff Good Riddance, Daryl Gates

Greg Moses Tax Day Tea Party Tosses Markets Overboard

http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 15 / 22 Robert Jensen The Diversity Dead-End

Gary Leupp The Icelandic Volcano Speaks

Website of the Day Dead Cat Walking

April 16-18, 2010

Cockburn / St. Clair This Will be Obama's Legacy

Alan Nasser Social Security in the Bullseye

Russell Mokhiber Prosecuting Massey for Homicide

Ray McGovern Lie to Congress; Get a Fourth Star

Gareth Porter McChrystal Backtracks in Kandahar

Mike Whitney High-Frequency Trading as High- Tech Robbery

Mark Weisbrot The China Charade

Paul Krassner Kent State Anniversary Blues

Steve Early The Cost of Labor Civil War

David Rosen The New York Times vs. the Pope: a Case of Selective Journalism

Nadia Hijab How Obama Must Deal With Israeli Avoidance Methods

Ramzy Baroud Dispatch From China: Number 15 Has Left the Building

Tom Turnipseed Big Coal; Big Lies

Dr. Margaret Flowers, MD Frontline Fronts for Corporations, Not the Public

Rannie Amiri http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 16 / 22 Egypt's Presidential Elections: Kuwait Casts Its Vote

John Ross Time-Traveling Down the Mississippi

Richard Grossman On the Supreme Court

Missy Beattie Fatal Math

David Michael Green Of Mice and Men

Emily J. Kirk, John M. Kirk and Norman Girvan Selective Commendation, Selective Indignation

David Macaray Down With Democracy

David Ker Thomson Atlantis: Beyond the Sinking Feeling

Alexia Eastwood The Return of Economic Man

Charles R. Larson A Thirsty World

David Yearsley Bach and Taxes

Kim Nicolini "Fish Tank:" Class Claustrophobia

Poets' Basement Birnbaum, Chaet and D'Alessio

Website of the Weekend The Palestine Chronicle Needs (and Deserves) Your Support

April 15, 2010

Jonathan Cook Israel Targets Ha'aretz

Mike Whitney Housing Crashes Again

Clancy Sigal SNCC: Same Lesson, 50 Years On

Alan Singer Upper Big Branch Mine and the Race to the http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 17 / 22 Bottom

Tolu Olorunda The Youth Scare

John Stanton Human Terrain Systems and Military Intelligence

Laura Flanders Tax Grousing

Bill Piper Don't Just Smoke a Joint on 4/20

David Rovics Breaking Ranks

Website of the Day Inside Microsoft's Chinese Sweatshop

April 14, 2010

Dean Baker The New War on Social Security

Robert Sandels Convincing Cubans: Your Tax Dollars at Work

Julien Mercile Nuclear Insanities

Patrick Bond The Loan That Could Break South Africa's Back

Julie Hilden The Case of the Decoy Prom

Kevin Zeese An Avoidable Tragedy: Holding Massey, and Its CEO, Criminally Liable for Miner Deaths

Ron Jacobs End of the Revolution

Benjamin Dangl The Carlsberg Strike: "We Need Our Beer!"

Binoy Kampmark Rudd's Refugee Woes

Susan Galleymore The Virtues of Compost

Website of the Day Petition: Remove Blankenship From Chamber of Commerce

http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 18 / 22 April 13, 2010

Gareth Porter Shooting in the Dark

Zoltan Grossman The Global War on Tribes

Mike Whitney Will WaMu Pay for Its Crimes?

Corey D.B. Walker SNCC at 50

Nadia Hijab Parsing Petraeus

Jonathan Cook Mossad Operation Threatened Against Reporter

Joshua Frank The Privatization of Wildlife: How Ted Turner Scored Yellowstone's Bison

Will Allen / Ronnie Cummins Is This Factory Farming's Tobacco Moment?

Dave Lindorff Where Your Taxes Go

Cal Winslow No Knock-Out Blow in SEIU's Courtroom Showdown

Website of the Day Cost of War

April 12, 2010

Conn Hallinan Behind the Afghan Fraud

Ralph Nader The Black Death

Adrienne Pine WOLA vs. Honduran Democracy

Uri Avnery The Big Gamble

Gary Leupp The Pope's Cover-Up: a Timeline

Mike Whitney Is the Fed Helping the Big Banks to Cook Their Books?

http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 19 / 22 Franklin Lamb Hiba's Story

Jayne Lyn Stahl The Savaging of Dawn Johnsen

Jeff Klein Martin Kramer, Harvard and the Eugenics of Zion

Stephanie Westbrook Marketing the F- 35

Website of the Day The Coal Miner's Grave

April 9 - 11, 2010

Alexander Cockburn The Cover-Ups That Exploded

David Price Silent Coup: How the CIA is Welcoming Itself Back Onto American University Campuses

Dean Baker The Big Break-Up

Michael Hudson The Looming European Debt Wars

Jonathan Cook The Dark Underbelly of Israel's Security State

Mike Whitney Give Greenspan an Oscar

Saul Landau The Most Dangerous Man in the World

Jean Casella / James Ridgeway The Machinery of Death

Rannie Amiri A New Wind Blows in Egypt

Gila Svirsky How Israel Gagged on Its Own Gag Order

Alan Farago Why They Call It King Coal

Dave Lindorff How Massey Energy Does Business http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 20 / 22 David Macaray The Price Tag on Safety

William L. Anderson The Railroading of Tonya Craft

Harry Browne Maradona and Messi: Immortality Beckons

Missy Beattie Mourning Has Broken: Death and the Bottom Line

Mark Weisbrot The Losing Battle Against National Self- Determination

Binoy Kampmark Nuclear Charades in Prague

Farzana Versey The White House Whitewash Job

Charles R. Larson Eccentric Obsessions

David Yearsley Storm Over Cameron Carpenter

Kim Nicolini Hot Chicks Who Rock

Poets' Basement Three Poems by Jared Carter

Website of the Weekend Birding Oregon

April 8, 2010

James Bovard Subverting Freedom

Andrew Cockburn Financial Reform Bids Collapse Into Farce

Mike Ely Blasted in a West Virginia Mine

Gareth Porter Killings and Cover-Ups in Afghanistan

David Swanson Murder is the New Torture

Christopher Brauchli http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 21 / 22 The Pope's PR Problem

Richard Neville Dracula's Army

Website of the Day Economist Need Their Own Uncertainty Principle

April 7, 2010

Jonathan Cook What Makes an Israeli

Dean Baker The Myth of Market Fundamentalism

Julien Mercille Is Iran Producing Medical Isotopes?

Julie Hilden The Case of the Topless Teenager: a Legal Win for Sexting Teens

Robert Elias The Foreign Policy of Baseball

Ron Jacobs Misrepresenting the Left

Linda Greene Pushing WellPoint Back to Nonprofit?

David Macaray Labor's Family Tree

Joshua Brollier Kick Up the Volume on Palestine

Randy Shields America on Vacation

Website of the Day Of Coal Mines and Methane

http://www.counterpunch.org/ Page 22 / 22