Facts on Women Workers: February 28, 1950
on Women Workers * U. S. Department of Labor Women s Bureau ’ACTS Maurice J. Tobin, Secretary Frieda S. Miller, Director WASHINGTON 25, D. C. ............. library February 28, 1950 A. S M. COLLEGE OF TEXAS FMPLOIMENT OF WCMBN IN JANUAKT 1950 The woman labor force increased by more than 3/4 million from January 1949 to January 1950, according to figures issued by the U. S. Bureau of the Census. This increase represents a rise of 230,000 in the number employed and a rise of 565,000 in the number unemployed. The number of women employed in agriculture decreased considerably, while those in nonagricultural employment increased. Between December 1949 and January 1950 the woman labor force decreased, owing largely to the withdrawal of extra workers employed in stores during the holiday season and of unpaid workers who had been helping on family farms. _____________________ January 1950___________________________ Number of Percent women Change since Change since women of all persons December 1949 January 1949 Population (14 years and over) 56,096,000 50.9 ♦ 43,000 ♦ 637,000 Civilian labor force 17,712,000 28.8 - 568,000 ♦ 795,000 Employed 16,494,000 29.0 - 769,000 ♦ 230,000 In agriculture 625,000 10 a - 224,000 — 181,000 In nonagricultural industries 15,869,000 31.3 - 545,000 ♦ 411,000 Unemployed 1,218,000 27.2 ♦ 201,000 ♦ 565,000 Armed forces 21,000 1<5 None 4 6,000 Nonworkers 38,363,000 80.9 ♦ 616,000 - 164,000 (U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census) INCOME OF WOMEN AND OF FAMILIES HEADED BY WOMEN, 1948 Women 14 years of age and over with money income in 1948 had a median income of |l,009, according to a report just issued by the U.
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