[MIDDLESEX.] *Enfield Yiscount (Lord Strafford), 7 Charles St.Berkeley Sq W *J Ohnson Edmund Charles, Esq
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DIRECTORY.] 589 [MIDDLESEX.] *Enfield Yiscount (Lord Strafford), 7 Charles st.Berkeley sq w *J ohnson Edmund Charles, esq. 4 Eaton place s.w *Faber Charles Wilson, esq. Northaw, Herts J ohnston Capt. J ames Gilbert, 39 Hyde park square w Farquhar SirWaltr.Rocklifie,bart.l8King- st. St. James's s.w *J ohnstone David Graham, esq.l Pembroke rd.Kensington w *Farrant Georg-e Binstead, esq.13 Green st. Grosvenor sq 10 *Jones William Samuel, esq. 17 Bolton gardens 8.10 "'Faulconer Thos. esq. 66 Finchley New ru. Hampstead n.10 *Kelk Sir John, hart. 10l1 Lflncaster gate, Hyde park w; & *Figgins James, esq. Ray street, Farringdon road e.c & Beutley priory, Great Stanmore 35 Russell square 10.c *Kelson Charles, esq *Fletcher J chn Dunnington, esq. 12 Westbourne terrace, *Kemshead Hy. Morris, esq. Park lodge, Westbourne pk w Hyde park 10 KennardStephen, esq. 87 Pemlmry grove, Lower Clapton e *Fletcher J olm Thompson, esq. 15 Upper Hamilton terrace, * Kepp Richard, esq. 15 Sussex place, Reg-ent's park n.10 St. J olm's wood n.w Knox Alex. Andrew, esq. l\Iarlborough street police court w *Flood LukeTrapp, esq. Denfield l10use, Dor1dng, Surrey *Kynaston Roger, esq. 43 Devo11shire street, Portland pl1o Flowers Frederick, esq. Bow Street police court w.c; Lambert William, esq. The Wood house, Colney Hatch Jaue, & Tottenham lane, Hornsey n Finchley n. w Ford Edward, esq. Old park, Winchmore Hill n Laurie Peter Northall, esq. 9 Park cres. Regent's park n.w *Forsyth William, esq. Q.c., :\LP. 61 Rutland gate s.w *Lawrence Sir James Clarke, bart. M.P. (Alderman of * Fortuum Charles; Drury Edward, esq. Great Stanmore . London), 94 Westbourne ter1ace w • Fowler Robt. N icholas,esq.P. R.G.s.,F .s.A.36Cavendish sq w *Lawrence William, esq. (Alderm:m of London), 9! West *France John Fredk. esq. F.S.A. 2 N ortolk ter. Bays water w bom·ne terrace w; & :30 Bread street, City e.c Franks William, esq. Woodhill, Hatfield *Lee Jolm Hutchinson, esq. Lauri:;ton hall, Torre, near *Fremantle Col. Artlmr James Lyon, 5 Tilney st. Park la w 'l'orquay, Devon Frewen Charles Hay, esq. 63 Montagu square w; *Lermitte J ames Hy. esq. Knighton's, East End, End1ley n National club, Whitehall gardens s.w; & Cold Overton *Levick James, esq. 9 King's Arms yard, Mourgate st e.c l1all, near Oakham, Rutlandshire *Lewis Harvey, esq. 24 Grosvenor street w •Gahriel Sir Thomas, bart. (Alderman of London), Com Lindsay William Schaw, esq. l\lar.or house, Shepperton, mercial road, Lambeth s.e \'Val ton-on-Thames *Gadesden Augustus\Vm. esq. 56 Leman stGoodman's fids e *Long-den Thomas Hayter, esq. P.s.A., P.R.G.s. 4 Ennis •Galswortlty Edwin Henry, esq. F.s.s.18 Upper Wimpole more place, Prince's gate s.w street, l\1 arylebone w Lucan :Earl of, G.C.B. Lalebam house, Laleham, CbertsP.y ; *Gardiner Col. Henry Lynecloch, 31 Bryanston square 10 & 36 South street, Grosvenor square w *Garford Francis, esq. 4 St. John's wood road n.w *Lucas Thos. Chas. esq. 12A, Kensington palace gardens w *Gibbons Sir John, bart. Stanwell Place, Staines Lushington Franklin, esq. Thames police court, :::ltepney e *Gibbons Sir Sills .John, hart. 17 Southwark street s.e *Lusk Sir Andrew, hart. M.P. (Alderman), 15 Queen's *Gihbs Henry Rucks, esq. F.R.G.s. St. Dunstan's, Outer gardens, Hyde park w . circle, Regent's park n.w *Lyall Charles, esq. 55 Sussex gardens, Hyde park tv Glos3op Francis Henry Newland, esq. Silver hall, Isleworth *Lycett Sir Francis, knt. 18 Highbury grove, .lslington n Glossop Lieut.-Col. John Jas. 2 Heskett's crescent, Torquay Lyon Major William, 31 South street, Grosvenor square w *Good son J ames, esq. 32 Kensington gardens square w l\lcGeachy Forster Alleyne,esq .Shenley hi. near Baruet, Uerts *Goss Georp;e, esq. 10 Park crescent, Portland road n.w *Mackinnon Lauchlan, esq. kelorm club, Pall malls.w Grant Col. William Lewis, 22 Hyde park street w *Mackinnon William Alexander, esq. 4 Hyde park place rv *Gray Jolm,esq. 4 Westbourne terrace road, Paddington w *.Mackintosh Geo. Gordon, esq. Richmond ho. 'l'wickenbam *Greville Lieut.-Col. Arthur Charles, The Cottage, Grove Mansfield John Smith, esq. Marylebone police court w roar!, Uxbridge *l\1 arjori banksSir DudleyCoutts,bart.l\l.P. Brook ho. Park law *Griffith Henry, esq. 30 Princes gardens s.w Marriott Thomas \Veatherly 1\lontague, esq. 26 Mont- *Griffith~ William, esq. F.R.G.s. 24 Gt. Cumberland pl w pelier square, Brompton s.w *Guest Montague John, esq. 46 St. J ames's place s.w Marshall James, esq. Cannon hall, Squire's mount, Hamp- *Gwynne James Egliugton Anderson, esq. F.s.A., c.E. 97 stead n.w Harlev• street u· *Marten George, esq. Parkfield, Upper Clapton e Harlow Patrick Dou~las, esq. The Priory, Sudbury *.M axwellCapt.SirJ Im. hart. R.N. 77 .Eccles ton sq.P imlico s.w Hall Richard, esq. 92 Eaton place, Belgrave square s.w *Mechi John Joseph, esq. ll2 Hegent street w *Hallett James Alfred, esq. 4-:.i Norfolk square w *l\leller Col. Waiter, Royal Thames Yacht club, 7 "'Halswell Edmund, esq. 26 Kensington gate, Hyde park w Albemarle street, Piccadilly w H alswell Hugh .Beauchamp, esq. 26 Kensington gate, * ~Ieyer J ames, esq. Forty l1all, Enfield Hyde park w Miles Joseph Johnson, esq. Southampton villas, Highgate n •Hamilton Right Hon. Lord George Francis, M.P. 17 *Miller Col. James, 2U Hyde park gate sonth s.w Montagu street, Portman square w *Miller Geo. Tavener, esq. 71\Iillbank st. Westminster s.w Hamilton Lt.-C'ol. Sir James John, bart. 6 Portman sq w *~\!ills Charles Henry, esq. 10 Upper Grosvcnor street 10 Hanbury Charles Addington, esq. Belmont house, East Mills John Remington, esq. Kings wood ldg. Tunbrhlg·eW ells Barnet, Herts Mitchison William Anthony, esq. :Manor house, Sunbury *Hankey Thomson, esq. M.P., F.R.G.S. 59 Portland place w l\lontefiore Sir Moses, hart. F.R.s., F.R.G.s. 35 Park lane Hammy James Lennox, esq. Wor~bip street police court e.c w; & East Cliff lodge, Isle of Thanet, near Ramsgate Hansler Capt. Robert Jacob, Junior United Service club, Montgomrey James, esq. Arlington house, Turnham Green St. J ames's s.10 Moon John Francis, esq. 33 Park st. Grosvenor square w *Harwood Henry Harwood, esq. F.R.G.s. 2!) Cleveland *l\Ioore George, esq. 5 How churchyard e.c square, Hyde park w; & 49 Brunswick square, Bri~hton Morley Capt. Fras. Brockman, UN orland pi. Notting hi w *Hawkim Lieut.-Col. Charles Sidney, 0\·er Norton house, *Morley John, esq. High road, Upper Clapton e Chipping N orton *.\Iorley Samuel, esq. M.P. 16 Upper Brook street 10 *Hazard Richard, esq.157 Highbury New park n Muller \Villiam, esq. Hillside, Shenley, Herts Henry Mitchell, esq. M.P. Stratht>den ho. Hulland_gates.w Murray Lieut.-Co1. Charles Edward, Whitton park, Henry Sir Thomas, Bow street police court w.c Hounslow w Hill Charles, esq. 29 Threadueedle street e.c *l\lusgrove Sir John, bart. 32 Rnssell square 1c.c Hoare Gerard 1\oel, esq. 27 Gloucester square w l\lyers Thomas Borrow, esq. Porters, Shenley, Herts Hoare John Gurney, esq. Child's bill, Hampstead n.w; & *1~ash Henry, esq. Bury house, Bun st. Lower Edmonton Lombard street e.c N ewdegate Charles N ewdig·ate, esq: M.P. Harefield Place, *Hoare Joseph, e:o.q. Child's hill, Hampstead n.w near Uxbridge; & 3 Arlington street, Piccadilly s.w * H odgkinson Sir George Edmund, 9 Bill iter street, City e.c *Newsam Fowler, esq. High road, Tottenham *Hogartb John Rayer, esq. The Hall, Heston Newton Robt • .Milnes, esq. l\larll.JOroug-h st. police court w *Hogg Lieut.-Col. Sir J ames Macnaghten, K.C.B., M.P. *Nichol Capt. Hume, 23 Connaugl1t square, Hyde park w 2G Grosvenor gardens .~.w *Nicholson Cornelius, esq. Colney Hatcllla . .Muswell Hill n *Holland Hobert, esq. Stanmore hall, Great Stanmore *Nicoll Donald, esq. Oaklands, West end, Killmrn *Holmes Cecil Frederick, esq. Druries, High st. Harrow *Nissen Hilary Nicholas, esq. 431\Iark lane e.c Howard Wm. esq. Bridge house, Park place, Leyton, Essex *Noble John, esq. 50 \'Vestbourne terrace 10 •Hughes \Villiam Hughes, esq. 58 Guilford street, Russell North Lieut.-Col. John Sidney, M.P. 16 Arlington st a.w square w.c; & Belle Vue, Ryde, Isle of Wight "'North Hon. William Henry John, 45 Cromwell hou:e~, *H ughes Wm. H u~hes,jun.3Quadrant rd.Highbury New pkn Cromwell road s.w * Hume Willia:n Burnley, esq. 124 Harley street w *O'Brien Capt. Donatus, 16 Gloucester pi. Hyde park w Ingham J amcs Taylor, esq. Hammersmith & \Vandsworth Orkney Earl of, Junior United Service club s.w police courts Otway Arthur John, esq. Teddington Place, Teddington Jennings Richard, esq. 60 Portland place w *Pad wick Henry, esq. 4 Hill street, Ber-kelay square w •J ervis Thomas, esq. M.D. 32 Connaught square w Paget John, esq. Thames police court e .