The FOUR TOPS (I to r) LEVI STUBBS, RENALDO BENSON, ABI)UL FAKIR and LAWRENCE PAYTON receive the Variety Club Award for Sullivan Show "....Will they firstU.S.hitbyJimiHendrix artistry from thePhiladelphia" tent "fromChief Barker HAROLD renameEngelbertHumperdinck's Experience next month....Patti SALKIND,watchedbyInternationalPresident RALPH W. PRIES CAT'S WHISKERS (glasses). The Tops are currently starring at New York's Copacabana. pantomime " Robinson Caruso " ? ! Boyd's sister serves at John Lennon - Meanwhile here, the Variety Club of Great Britain has raised an ....How about Herd revival of Lee George Harrison Apple gift shop. all-time recordtotalof £642,000 for children's charities Dorsey's " Holy Cow " 9 Malcolm Roberts may revive Al MGM signed Thomas Gomez to Martino's" Here In My Heart " portray grandfather of ....lfPeteMurray is BBC -TV AWARDS FOR 1967 by the in" StayAway,Joe "film.... Varietychief BillCottonjnr's LouisArmstrongteachingsinger favourite d -j, why does Alan Free- HERE we goagain ! Yes, it's your Alley Cat's annual opportunity TAILPIECES ALLEY CAT Lou Rawls to play trumpet....Joe man get new series ? !....Some of to nominate his "Cat's Whiskers " for achievements in1967. America's points championship for 1967, Monkees scored clean- Pasternak wants tofilmhisson Guy Mitchell's early hits would suit The list printed below is not in any order of merit: Emperor Rosko'slifestory.... Frankie Vaughan.... ' cutvictoryoverDiana Ross and Supremes, withAretha Twin sons for Rick Nelson's wife Death of Julie London's father PROCOL HARUM - " WhiterTRAFFIC-a group with imag- Franklin third; most successful British artists in U.S. chart this year ....New group formed by Ricci ..Despitewalk -out byFrank

Shade Of Pale " undoubtedly ination .... . -Beatles, followed by and Lulu . . . American sales Martin, another of Dean Martin's Sinatra,long-term contractforces the year's best single .... PETULA CLARK-who con- of Rolling Stones' " Satanic Majesties " LP now exceed 21 -million sons....Rolls-Royce f o r Elvis Sammy Davis' continuation at Las BRIAN EPSTEIN-why does it tinued flying the Union Jack dollars . . . . For second year running, Julie Andrews voted movie - Presley's wife.... Vegas Sands Roy Orbison's first happen so often to the nice around the world .... land's top box-office attraction. AretheFoundationshereto filmstillawaited, also Sonny and guys 9. .... SIMON DEE-he tooksome After 20years, manager Marty stay 9 In Hollywood, Davy Jones Cher's.... LES PERRIN-still the Prince hard knocks on the chin, but Melcherannouncesdepartureof ownsshirtshops....JimWebb Belgian composer Jacques Brel's of the Publicists .... stuck to his guns .... Doris Day fromCBS....French composing songs for Richard " IfYou Go Away "onnew version of Engelbert Humper- Harris' first solo LP.... Dusty Springfield, Sandie Shaw and LOUIS BENJAMIN-who cutGORDON MILLS-a magic John Walker albums After two the Pye with a tasty string of touch selecting disc titles for dinck's " Last Waltz " No. 1 for tition from Petula Clark.... Label Frank Sinatra surprisingly duetted MireilleMathieu,despitecornpe- with Ella Fitzgerald in New York years, Bing Crosby recording again hits.... TomJonesandEngelbert changes:Lenny Welch Kapp to ....Engelbert Humperdinck almost DAVID FROST-certainly Bri- Humperdinck h"."."^"."."".%w. Mercury and Four Freshmen join cabaret ....LizaMinoan'ssinger - Liberty from Capitol.... husband Peter Allen and his brother covered Harry Secombe's tain'sNo. 1 TVperson- MICHAEL BALIN-the showBEE GEES-whomade the Chris Allen signed to Mercury.... " Masquerade ".... ality .... business solicitor supreme.... Home Secretary's decision Dean O'Connor' Did Anti -drugs LP by Donovan for U.S. New book by Jackie Collins (his ENGELBERT HUMPER- DIANA ROSS-forhersur- worthwhile .... Bournemouth typist Sally McKenzie release.... sister-in-law) inspired Anthony DINCK-without doubtthe prisingly high poll -placing .... really turn down Tony Blackburn's Newley title song composition.... ROBIN SCOTT-thanks for marriage offer') Nice gesture by OnlymagicaboutBeatlesTV biggestinternationalstarto TONY BLACKBURN-at last a Radio One .... FrankieVaughan,who'phoned film was large sum BBC paid for emerge in 1967.... d -j to rival Jimmy Savile SANDIESHAW-thanks for NME chief Maurice Kinn saying it....Vocalgroup leader Cliff LULU-for many reasons NORMAN NEWELL-great Britain's first Eurovision " thanks for everything ".... Adams may purchaselateBrian -particularly topping U.S. recordingsuccesswithDes success .... Wailington readers Robyn Peters U.S. critics acclaiming Mel Epstein's Belgravia home.... charts .... O'Connor, Frankie Vaughan,TOM JONES-a great singer and and Julia Quattrucci wrote " please Torme'sactingability....NME's Producer Mark Wirtzrecorded EVELYN TAYLOR - every andTopol.... worthy Poll winner .... may we meet the Monkees " 2,350 Maurice Kinn obtained auto- shortened version of Keith West's round a fighting manager .... & BARRY MASON times !....PianistJoeHenderson graphedBeatlesphotosforBilly " Sam "forradio....AProcol DAVID JACOBS-a tremendous penneddebut singleforMike Eckstine's two sons.... First book -" Mr. worker for charities .... --writersofso many good Yarwood, " Harold "....According Harum composition waxed by Instant Success " by Bobbie Gentry :" Down Home BuddyGreco," SheWandered songs.... to Maharishi, one week's nett salary Cooking ".... Through The Garden Fence ".... THE HOME SECRETARY-for OTISREDDING-we'llmiss from Beatles has been paid.... allowingtheBee Bobby Darin was one ofOtis Engelbert Humperdinck once Geesto his soul.... New home for Jackie Trent and Redding's bestfriends...An recorded tune with sametitleas remain .... VANILLA FUDGE-an LP ofTony Hatch at Bromley (Kent).... America,HerbAlpertandthe Tom Jones' current hit.... BEATLES-still one of Britain's GARY CHAMBERS-who pro- original brilliance .... SoughtbyRichardBurtonand Tijuana Brass biggest concert draw Thirteen -yearwaitforDes greatest assets.... vided your Alley Cat with so JIMI HENDRIX-excitement ElizabethTaylor:screenmusical since Beatles.... For "Hello Doily" O'Connor's first hit.... Brilliant VERA LYNN -30 years of star- many amusing quips .... unlimited ...... Mike Sloinan signedBritain's film,JerryHermanwritingtwo Scaffold article by Ray Connolly in dom hasn't changed her ... TONY HATCH & JACKIE David Garrick to U.S. UNI extra songs.... "Evening Standard GENE PITNEY-who never TONYLEWIS-for guiding label.... FlipsideofCher'snewsingle Eckstine cracked :" Wouldn't it be Malcolm Roberts to stardom TRENT-see Les Reed and Her British series prevented Petula updates Bob Lind's " Elusive ridiculousifJohn Wayne filmed neglected his British fans .... without a hit disc Barry Mason above.... Clark appearing on U.S. TV " Ed Butterfly "....Your Ailey Cat tips the ' Sammy Davis Story ' " DUSTY SPRINGFIELD-for GRAHAM NASH-onegreat taking an NME advertisementALAN FREEMAN-a first-class act of kindness .... to congratulate Lulu on her disc -jockey with charm .... PINK FLOYD-one of the more Poll success .... CAT STEVENS-certainly a interesting groups emerging FRANKIE VAUGHAN - it brilliant young composer .... PETER SULLIVAN-who pro- couldn't have happened to a HOLLIES-maintained a consis- duced all of Engelbert Hum- nicer guy .... tently high standard.... perdinck/Tom Jones' hits.... MONKEES-they made so littleHERD-a newgrouptobe NICK LOGAN-most promising go such a long, long way .... reckoned with .... young journalist on pop scene. CLIFF RICHARD looks back for the Shadows and himselfon almost A DECADE OF SUCCESS APHILOSOPHICAL Cliff Richard said :" We know we are not No. 1raves, but we are quite happy to be No. 6 raves.This is our ninth year ; we have nearly made it a decade. We can go to Australia, Japan and numerous other countries and we realise this is our little scene. We cannot ask for more." This piece of straight talking came from Cliff about himself and the Shadows, when I met him at a Rediffusion reception to publicise the television version of "Aladdin," seen and enjoyed on Christmas By NICK LOGAN Day. Beforeherushedofftokeep another appointment, Cliff chatted aboutanumberofsubjects - ranging from theBeatlesto the . "Aladdin," in which the Shadows also appeared, was recorded over fourdaysinfrontof astudio audience.Said Cliff: " Ifindit much easier for me to work without an audience, just relaxed in front of a camera. Ithink television work should be treated like the cinema, like filming. Difficult " Ihate the factthat you are playing to some seven million at home and about 200 in the studio. You tend to play too much to that 200. ButIdon't mind when I'm CLIFF RICHARD and SHADOWS inRediffusion's"Aladdin,"seen guesting on somebody else's show, on Christmas Day. because then you just came on and sing a couple of numbers and don't have the whole weight of the show case I lost.But now I think people byes ' and their early singles to the on your shoulders. realise that itis the song and not otherstuffthey are writing now. " In the early part of the year the singer that counts.At least,I ' Hello Goodbye 'isa real, unin- we will do a lot of TV specials hope they realise that." hibited, happy song." on our own.But we'd like to Out of 200 songs so far submitted "Aladdin " was Cliff's third pan- do something different for them ; for the contest,15 have been put tomime part'Others have been in try to have some kind of format. on the first short list.Cliff will be " Babes In The Wood " and " Cin- There'sno reason why we on the panel picking the final six derella," when he played Buttons. shouldn't do some sketches in it." to go forward.Will the Shadows That was the part he enjoyed most Cliffwillalso be appearing on be entering one ? " There's still becauseitgave him a chance at television in the coming year, sing- time," said Cliff, " and I feel certain comedy. ing the six songs from which one Hank will come up with something." But his real yearning is for a role willbepickedbyviewersfor We went on to talk about the in a serious film or play. Heathcliffe Britain'sentryintheEurovision Beatles." I used to like the early in " Wuthering Heights " is the part Swig Contest. Beatles' albums, but on' Sergeant he would most like to play." He Still in straight talking mood, Cliff Pepper' I liked only about four ofis one of the characters Iadmire frankly admitted : "A few years ago the songs," said Cliff. most in all the books I have read," I wouldn't have done Eurovision in " Ipreferthe' Helloes Good- said Cliff. Published every Friday for the Proprietors, New Musical Express Ltd., by George Newnes Ltd., Tower House, Southampton Street,London, W.C.2, at the recommended maximum price shown on the cover.Editorial and Advertisement Offices, 15-17, Long Acre, London, W.C.2.Printed in England by the Electrical Press Ltd. (Web Offset Division), Harlow, Essex.Registered at the G.P.O. as a newspaper.Sole Agents :Australia and New Zealand,Gordon & Gotch (A/sia) Ltd.; South Africa, Central News Agency Ltd.; Rhodesia, Malawi and Zambia, Kingstons Ltd.; East Africa. Stationery & Office Supplies Ltd. Subscription rate, Including postagefor one year :U.K. and Eire f26s.Od.,Or Overseas f2Os.Od.(Surface man).