NIIWIIIIUCAl.llllnJ!ss 10 On ale, Friday, week ending October 18, 1969 New Musical TW·O•MllLION-DOLLAR U.S. l1pr111 .TOUR BY STONES; NEW LP The Stones wrll fly to AfflfflOD latff thl• T1l!m~~~ns_s;re;:w~:~,~~~~~e: y::~; ~ co9!:'::m d(~':;:::Si!ihra J,.U's~~clo1:,!'°!~~: ;J,':t,';1 ha.s at lcu t been set. The grt1up ha., been ( 10) Da/lQ,t Co/i1eum ( 13), two ahows at ~onihic~o ;:~~e:c,d :u~' t~t;:::, direct from t~e Far .Etut. The sroup i. rent· ing a, in Lo, Angele, / o r the duration ~':1~~m~~~a~d0 =: ~'U,~~!~ t~~ ¼! :i"ITsf "~d"h~J!~O ~"~;-{l~~a~!e M:1.~t vember 8 with two concert, at Los Angelru The group Own takes a wcch ofl, resununs of it, s to)'. The accompanying bll/ ha, not Forum. The tour, which ft ex~ted to earn at De!roil Olympia (24). This IA follow';d by yeb~z; ~~ StollC3' absence from Britain, i/":;:~':,~11;/{idfn~:~~~n ~~~~;~- ,~0t:r;:::i~ ~.:it~~':;;~v~~J.1~!":hoJ:SJi J:;,t;i;: Decca i• to refecu:e the group'• latest LP. able that after their dot~ in the Slate.i, the Madison Square Gardens (21 and 28) Boston Titled " It Bleed." It con,C,t,: entirely g~,::~R~~~&c":a,~f1°/o,"-"::f , e Stone• THE RIO SONG !:,~"';!.:"r;~.:~~l~~~':4''' ' In prlncipal Brflish ~g;,t;;/ f;gJ. and the Well Palm /leach Pop STOP l'IIHI: FIRST I OLO SINGI.
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