Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Contents LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

1 Introduction 1

2 Smaller Settlements 5 Abbots Ripton 5 Alconbury 16 Bluntisham 21 Brington 30 Earith 37 Elton 46 Farcet 57 Folksworth 68 Great Gidding 75 Great Gransden 92 Great Paxton 105 Great Staughton 118 Hemingford Grey 132 Holme 141 Houghton & Wyton 144 Needingworth 147 165 Offord D'Arcy 170 Ramsey St Mary's 177 Spaldwick 182 Stilton 185 Upwood 196 Contents Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements Introduction Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

1 Introduction

This part of the SHLAA focuses on Rural Exceptions Housing only and complements Part A of the SHLAA which addressed Market Housing. It will be followed by Part C which will focus on Gypsy and Traveller sites.

Rural Exceptions Housing is briefly defined as housing which is available at a significant discount below market level on land which is within or adjacent to existing small rural communities only to people who are currently or formerly resident or have an existing family or employment connection in that community or immediately adjoining small settlements. Such housing is commonly provided on land which would not gain planning permission for market housing as it is outside the existing built-up area and therefore of lower value.

The background to the SHLAA, its objectives and the full methodology for the assessments are set out in Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Rural Exceptions Housing Methodology (April 2010). The site assessments should be read in conjunction with this document.

The following detailed assessments have been guided by the advice set out in the Practice Guidance(1) and correspond to stages 7a, 7b, 7c and 7d of that guidance. The assessments seek to provide a judgement of whether a site is potentially suitable, available and achievable for development for Rural Exceptions Housing.

The assessment of suitability considers factors which may affect the site including policy restrictions, potential constraints, environmental conditions for future residents and potential impacts on conservation and the landscape The assessment of availability looks at whether a site is legally free of ownership issues and there has been an expression of interest (either from an agent or landowner) to sell or develop the land. In accordance with the Practice Guidance this uses the best available information The assessment of achievability focuses on when development may occur and indicates whether a site may be deliverable (a site could be delivered between years 1-5 of the plan period for the Core Strategy (year 1 commencing April 2010)) or developable (a site could be developed after the first 5 years of the plan period eg in years 6-10 (2015-2020) or 11-16 (2020-2026))

Where a site does not meet all three criteria it will not be included within the Council's potential land supply considered capable of helping to achieve the required housing target.


It must be stressed that the SHLAA is for information gathering reasons only and that the inclusion of a site within the SHLAA will not necessarily result in its future allocation. The object of the SHLAA is instead to identify a range of potentially suitable sites to meet the District's identified housing needs. The site options identified as potentially suitable will then be taken forward and tested through the Local Development Framework (LDF) process - specifically through the Planning Proposals DPD.

In order to assess potential capacity as required by the Practice Guidance it was necessary to assess the net developable area of each site and then determine the number of dwellings it might yield.

The net developable area includes only the area which will be used for housing and directly related uses. It includes:

Access roads within the site Private garden space

1 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments, Practice Guidance (July 2007) DCLG

1 Introduction Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Car parking areas Incidental open space and landscaping Children's play areas

It excludes:

Major distribution roads Primary schools Sports pitches or open spaces serving a wider area Significant landscape buffer strips Areas within flood zone 3b

A cautious approach to estimating potential capacity was taken using the lowest appropriate gross to net ratio standard. The potential capacity is intended to be indicative only and has been rounded up or down accordingly to the nearest 5, except for very small sites yielding less than 5 where the precise number is given. The following gross to net ratio standards, derived from Tapping the Potential (2), were used to help estimate potential yield. This calculation takes into account the need to provide open space. Where necessary, these calculations have been influenced by detailed site specific knowledge of Development Management and Urban Design Officers

Up to 0.4ha 100% 0.4 - 2ha 75-90% Over 2ha 50-75%

Where sites are found to be potentially suitable they are shown on a settlement overview map as "potentially suitable" where the standard ratio is applied as "potentially suitable" and it is further reduced to take account of site specific circumstances.

It was necessary to have a degree of flexibility in estimating potential housing capacity. The assessment of the developable area for each site was guided by the characteristics of the area, particularly site location, surrounding context, potential flood risk, landscape and heritage constraints, and biodiversity/ecology. Assessments of anticipated capacity do not take account of an assessment of housing need in each settlement. The capacity that is identified for each site is based purely on the use of the gross to net ratio standards and consideration for site specific circumstances. Should a site be progressed further through the Local Development Framework or planning application process for Rural Exceptions Housing, a full Housing Needs Survey would need to be carried to ensure that sufficient need exists in the settlement to justify any particular scheme proposed.

For Smaller Settlements an indicative density of 30dph has also been used to reflect their character and limited service provision.

Rural Exceptions Housing is only intended to meet local identified need within a settlement. They are only ever built on a scale that reflects the level of identified need within that settlement or those immediately adjoining.

Where a physical constraint affecting a site was considered to be overwhelming the developable area was indicated as 0. Similarly, if a site was considered to be of an excessive scale for Rural Exceptions the developable area was indicated as 0. This is entirely consistent with PPS3: Housing (3). If a significant policy constraint was identified for a site, for example, existing employment use (where this is known), the site was found to be not suitable but the indicative capacity calculated. An explanation outlining the reasoning behind the assessment of suitability is given in each site assessment.

2 Table 2, pg21 Tapping the Potential Best Practice in assessing Urban Housing Capacity (1999) Urbed 3 Paragraph 30, PPS3 DCLG November 2006

2 Introduction Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

The anticipated capacity is indicative only and is intended to provide an approximation of how many houses the site may be capable of accommodating having regard to the relevant constraints. Should a site progress through to the formal planning process, a more detailed assessment of constraints and potential capacity will be required. Pre-application discussions and further negotiations with relevant Development Management and Housing Officers will be encouraged.

The sites included in the detailed site assessments have been identified through a recent "Call for Sites" (June 2009) as well as from a reassessment of those sites previously identified in the SHLAA 2008 and a review of sites previously submitted to the Local Plan / Local Development Framework process. In some cases this information was quite dated. Sites assessed as 'not suitable' for Market Housing in the SHLAA Update: Part A: Market Housing Site Assessments were also assessed for Rural Exceptions Housing.

In the majority of cases sites had been submitted for Market Housing. Every attempt was made by the Council to obtain the permission of landowners for the Council to consider their site for Rural Exceptions Housing and all known landowners and agents were contacted via letter prior to the assessments taking place. Where the landowner/agent was not known, contact was made with the relevant Parish Council to try and determine landownership using their local knowledge. Where a site has been submitted specifically for Rural Exceptions Housing it is made clear in the assessment process.

Sites identified in the detailed assessment stage had previously been filtered in order to ensure only the most appropriate sites were taken forward.

The choice of settlements in which the search for Rural Exceptions Housing was carried out was filtered by the following criteria to encourage sustainable living and to reduce the need to travel. These criteria build upon those set out in the original "Call for Sites":

Located within a Key Service Centre; or Located within a Smaller Settlement with a primary school and/or doctor's surgery

These are intended to promote healthy, sustainable lifestyles and supports local services. A significant proportion of Rural Exceptions Housing is provided for family accommodation and these are intended to provide homes within a reasonable walking distance of a primary school. However, it is recognised that there are instances where Rural Exceptions Housing may provide accommodation for elderly people; in such circumstances access to a primary school will not be a priority but access to a doctor's surgery would be of value.

The SHLAA's role is to identify the most suitable, deliverable and sustainable Rural Exception Sites across the District. The final assessment of Rural Exception Sites will be made on a case by case basis through the planning application process which is discretionary and will take into account site specific circumstances such as provision for the elderly.

In order to identify sites to take forward into the detailed assessment stage an initial sieve was carried out on sites to ensure they met the criteria listed in paragraph above. Sites which met these were subjected to two further filters:

Is the site located within or adjoining a qualifying settlement? Is the whole site outside of the functional flood plain (zone 3b as supplemented by the Council's emerging SFRA 2010)

More detail on the initial filtering process can be found in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Rural Exceptions Housing Methodology and a list of sites not taken forward for further assessment can be found in Strategic Housing Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Discounted Sites for Rural Exceptions Housing.

3 Introduction Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Detailed Site Assessment

Each detailed site assessment outlines a brief site description and provides an aerial photo of the site. The basic site characteristics such as site size and landowner are provided, as well as the necessary site information required by the Practice Guidance including:

Policy restrictions: designations (eg flood risk(4) and landscape/townscape character area(5), protected areas (eg wildlife conservation areas such as SSSIs) and existing planning policy (comprising the East of Plan, Core Strategy and saved Local Plan Policies) Physical problems or limitations: eg access, infrastructure, ground conditions, flood risk, hazardous risks, pollution or contamination Potential impacts: eg effect upon landscape features and conservation; and Environmental conditions: which would be experienced by prospective residents

The assessment of suitability has been made by the Council. The views of the Housing Market Partnership were sought during the assessment of availability and achievability.

The following legend explains the symbols used to annotate the aerial photography.

4 The aerial photography shows areas covered by the Environment Agency flood zone 3. In accordance with PPS25 areas within flood zone 3a could also be suitable for residential development subject to appropriate mitigation. This information derives from the Council's emerging Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (2010) and is reported textually within the SHLAA. Parts of sites falling within flood zone 3b were excluded from the assessment process as were sites falling completely within 3b.For more detailed information on the approach to flooding refer to paragraph 3.25 of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment: Part A: Market Housing Methodology 5 Landscape /townscape character areas are identified in the Huntingdonshire Landscape and Townscape Assessment SPD (June 2007)

4 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

2 Smaller Settlements Abbots Ripton

Abbots Ripton: Overview Map

5 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent Rectory Farm Close, Abbots Ripton

Site Description

The site is located on the north eastern edge of Abbots Ripton adjacent to existing development.

Land adjacent Rectory Farm Close: ABR1

Site Information

Landowner Right Honourable Lord De Ramsey

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 523107E 278249N

Site Size (ha) 0.4ha

Developable Area 40% (on the south eastern side of the site to minimise intrusion into the countryside)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 6 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Paddock / grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

6 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north, east and west Residential to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / protected trees / adjacent Conservation Area / Central Claylands sub area of Extensive Woodland Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Protected tree on boundary Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access Adjacent Conservation Area

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / aboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for a small scale, sensitively designed scheme on the road frontage only for Rural Exceptions Housing.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Abbots Ripton.


The site was submitted as part of the "Call for Sites" in June 2009 for Market and Rural Exceptions Housing. The agent indicated that the site could be available for development by 2014.


On the information provided by the agent the site could be achievable in years 1-5 / 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore deliverable/developable.

7 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

The Rectory, Rectory Lane, Abbots Ripton

Site Description

The site is located on the western edge of Abbots Ripton south of the Church and Cemetery.

The Rectory, Rectory Lane: ABR2

Site Information

Landowner Ely Diocesan Board of Finance

Agent Howard Sharp and Partners

Coordinates 523068E 277938N

Site Size (ha) 0.3ha

Developable Area 0% (the site's sensitive location and highly constrained nature makes it inappropriate to identify a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land / cemetery

8 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Cemetery to the north Agricultural land to the west Residential to the south Open land to the east

Development Progress Application submitted for site in 2007 for erection of 5 dwellings. This was dismissed at appeal for unacceptable harm on the character of the Conservation Area and setting of the listed Church. (0701566OUT)

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / protected trees / Conservation Area / adjacent Listed Building / Central Claylands sub area of Extensive Woodland Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Extensive number of protected trees on site Within Conservation Area Adjacent Listed Building Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access

Identifying and Managing Tree survey / arboricultural implications Constraints Heritage statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts The semi open nature of the site and land adjacent to the east, contribute significantly to the character and appearance of the village.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing as it would be difficult to integrate the site with the rest of the village due to the adjacent piece of open land to the east and the significant harm that potential development would cause to the character of the Conservation Area and Listed Building. Furthermore, potential development may result in some loss of the protected trees on site which, together with the semi open nature of the site and adjacent open land, contribute significantly to the setting of the village.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2007. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

9 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land at Home Farm Close, Abbots Ripton

Site Description

The site is located on the western edge of Abbots Ripton to the rear of a small cluster of residential dwellings.

Land at Home Farm Close: ABR3

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 523150E 277774N

Site Size (ha) 1.1ha

Developable Area 20% (allowing for frontage development in the northern part only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

10 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north and east Agricultural land to the west Barns and farmhouse to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / flood zone 3 / adjacent Conservation Area / adjacent Listed Buildings / Central Claylands sub area of Extensive Woodland Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Achieving safe access (affected by adjacent tree cover) Limitations Approximately 0.09ha of southern portion covered by flood risk Adjacent Conservation Area Adjacent Listed Buildings Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination Archaeology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Tree survey / arboricultural implications Constraints Transport statement Flood risk assessment Heritage statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works Archaeology

Potential Impacts The open nature of the site contributes to the rural character on the western side of the village.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the significant protrusion into open countryside and access difficulties due to existing tree cover. Furthermore, the site contributes to the rural character of the western edge of the village.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2001. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

11 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent 2a Moat Lane, Abbots Ripton

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Abbots Ripton, to the west of Moat House which is grade II listed.

Land adjacent 2a Moat Lane: ABR4

Site Information

Landowner Abbots Ripton Estate

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 523419E 277978N

Site Size (ha) 0.2ha

Developable Area 40% (frontage only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 3 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Scrubland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

12 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and south Residential to the west and east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Conservation Area / adjacent Listed Building / Central Claylands sub area of Extensive Woodland Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent the site Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Within Conservation Area Adjacent Listed Building (and curtilage associated with adjacent Listed Building) Archaeology

Identifying and Managing Tree survey / arboricultural implications Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Heritage statement Archaeological assessment

Potential Impacts Potential development would need to reflect the character of the Conservation Area and retain as many trees as possible.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for a small scale, sensitively designed Rural Exceptions Housing scheme close to the frontage of the plot retaining as many trees as possible on site.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Abbots Ription.


The site was submitted as part of the "Call for Sites" in June 2009 for Market Housing and Rural Exceptions Housing. The agent indicated that the site may become available by 2014.


The Council estimates that the site could be achieved in years 1-5/6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore deliverable/developable.

13 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land at Foxenfields, Abbots Ripton

Site Description

This large site is located on the northern edge of Abbots Ripton to the east of the Primary School.

Land at Foxenfields: ABR5

Site Information

Landowner Abbots Ripton Estates

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 523236E 278109N

Site Size (ha) 1.7ha

Developable Area 35% (allowing for development in the southern portion only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 20 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

14 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and east Residential to the west and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / adjacent Conservation Area / Central Claylands sub area of Extensive Woodland Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access via existing Foxenfields junction Tree cover on or adjacent the site Adjacent Conservation Area Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Transport statement Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts The site contributes significantly to the rural character of the village on the western edge.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the protrusion into open countryside and potential difficulties in obtaining appropriate access on to the site.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2004. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

15 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Alconbury: Overview Map

16 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land west of Globe Lane, Alconbury

Site Description

The site is located on the south western edge of Alconbury to the rear of a small cluster of existing development along Globe Lane.

Land west of Globe Lane: ALC1

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent Not known

Coordinates 518327E 275607N

Site Size (ha) 1.1ha

Developable Area 20% (allowing for frontage development to limit protrusion into the countryside)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

17 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and west Residential to the east and south (beyond Globe Lane)

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside the built up area / adjacent Listed Building / Central Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent the site Adjacent Listed Building

Identifying and Managing Transport statement Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications Heritage statement

Potential Impacts Potential development would require careful landscaping along the northern and western boundaries to minimise the impact on the open landscape.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing fronting Globe Lane subject to sensitive design with particular attention paid to boundary treatments along the northern and western boundaries.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Alconbury.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They were unable to provide landownership details therefore, on the best information available to the Council, the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

18 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land off School Lane, Alconbury

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Alconbury, north of School Lane.

Land off School Lane: ALC2

Site Information

Landowner Church Commissioners

Agent Smiths Gore

Coordinates 518795E 276346N

Site Size (ha) 0.6ha

Developable Area 40% (allowing for frontage development only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

19 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north Residential to the west and south (beyond School Lane) Open land to the east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Central Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Hedgerow/trees on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development would require careful landscaping along the northern boundary.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing fronting School Lane. Potential development would be encouraged to reflect the style of housing opposite and would be subject to careful landscaping treatment of the northern boundary to minimise the protrusion into the countryside.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Alconbury.


The site was submitted as part of the "Call for Sites" in June 2009 for Market Housing and Rural Exceptions Housing. The agent indicated that the site could be available for development by 2014.


On the information provided by the agent the Council estimates that the site could be achieved in years 1-5/ 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore deliverable/developable.

20 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Bluntisham: Overview Map

21 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent & rear of No 10 Station Road, Bluntisham

Site Description

This large site is located on the southern edge of Bluntisham and comprises an orchard.

Land adjacent and r/o No 10 Station Road: BLU1

Site Information

Landowner A J Ward

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 536615E 274526N

Site Size (ha) 2.9ha

Developable Area 10% (taking into account proportion of the site fronting Station Road)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Orchard (horticultural)

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential / residential curtilage

22 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and west Residential to the south and east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / protected tree / Central Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent site and protected tree adjacent south western boundary Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural/horticultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development of the southern portion fronting Station Road for Rural Exceptions Housing. The remainder of the site is excessive in scale for Rural Exceptions Housing as set out in PPS3 (6)and would protrude significantly into open countryside.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Bluntisham.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2004. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site’s availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

6 Paragraph 30, DCLG, PPS 3 Housing, November 2006

23 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adajcent & rear of No 52 Wood End, Bluntisham

Site Description

The site is located on the far western edge of Bluntisham at the end of linear development on this side of the village.

Land adjacent and r/o No 52 Wood End: BLU2

Site Information

Landowner Mrs Matheison

Agent None

Coordinates 536202E 274929N

Site Size (ha) 3.1ha

Developable Area 25% (portion fronting Wood End only; depth similar to Nobles Lane)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 25 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

24 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the east Agricultural land to the north, south and west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Central Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Tree cover on or adjacent the site Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Archaeology

Identifying and Managing Transport statement Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Archaeological assessment

Potential Impacts Potential development would need careful landscaping on southern and western boundaries in particular.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development of the northern portion fronting Wood End for Rural Exceptions Housing. The remainder of the site is excessive in scale for Rural Exceptions Housing as set out in PPS3 (7)and would protrude significantly into open countryside.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Bluntisham.


The site was proposed by the owner in 2002. Following recent correspondence with the Council to confirm ownership details the owners have indicated that they no longer wish the site to be considered for housing.


As the site is not available for development it is not achievable.

7 Paragraph 30, DCLG, PPS 3 Housing, November 2006

25 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land rear of Nos 2 & 3 Blacksmiths End, Bluntisham

Site Description

The site is located on the western edge of Bluntisham adjacent to existing residential development.

Land r/o Nos 2 & 3 Blacksmiths End: BLU3

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent Site submitted in 2002 by Hutchinsons; the current agent is now Taylor Vinters

Coordinates 536467E 275203N

Site Size (ha) 2.2ha

Developable Area 15% (taking account of tree cover and proportion considered appropriate in scale for Rural Exceptions Housing)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land

26 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the east and south Agricultural land to the north and west

Development Progress None (part of the access route originally proposed has been built on as part of an adjacent development of 2 dwellings 0100651FUL)

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Central Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access via Blacksmiths End Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Archaeology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Archaeological assessment

Potential Impacts Potential development of the whole site would unacceptably protrude into the open countryside.

Environmental Conditions None specific for the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing tucked into the southern portion of the site. The substandard access point and protrusion into the countryside limit the potential of the remainder of the site.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Bluntisham.


The site was proposed by Hutchinsons in 2002 which now forms part of Taylor Vinters. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site’s availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

27 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land between No 28 Colne Road & Longacres Colne Road, Bluntisham

Site Description

The site is located to the north of Bluntisham, opposite the Primary School.

Land between No 28 Colne Road & Longacres: BLU4

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent None

Coordinates 536952E 275281N

Site Size (ha) 0.6ha

Developable Area 40% (frontage only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land / Primary School

28 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north and south Agricultural land to the west Primary School to the east (beyond Colne Road)

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Central Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Hedgerow/trees on or adjacent site Archaeology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications Archaeological assessment

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for frontage development along Colne Road for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to careful landscaping on the western boundary.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Bluntisham.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They were unable to provide landownership details therefore, on the best information available to the Council, the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed the site is not achievable.

29 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Brington: Overview Map

30 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Hawthorns & The Gables, Church Lane, Brington

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Brington and comprises two existing dwellings and their curtilages.

Land south of The Hawthorns & The Gables: BRG1

Site Information

Landowner Mr and Mrs Welman (Hawthorns) Mr and Mrs Palman (The Gables)

Agent None

Coordinates 508426E 275884N

Site Size (ha) 1.2ha

Developable Area 30% (due to existing properties and extensive tree cover)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Residential curtilage

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / residential curtilages

31 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential / residential curtilages to the west, east, south and north

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Partly within the built up area (around the existing dwellings) remainder outside / Listed Building / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent site Listed Building on site Achieving safe access (taking into account boundary trees) Biodiversity and ecology Archaeology

Identifying and Managing Tree survey / arboricultural implications Constraints Heritage statement Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Archaeological assessment

Potential Impacts The semi open nature of the site contributes to the rural character of the village.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing as it significantly contributes to the setting and character of the village.


The site was originally identified from a desktop study. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Mr and Mrs Welman (Hawthorns) /Mr and Mrs Palman (The Gables). They have been contacted to obtain their permission that we consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. However, no response has been received from the owners therefore the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

32 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Harrowden, Brington

Site Description

The site is located on the western edge of Brington. The site forms part of the residential curtilage of Harrowden.

Land south of Harrowden: BRG2

Site Information

Landowner Owned by a Trust for whom Mr G Brown is the contact

Agent None

Coordinates 508461E 275740N

Site Size (ha) 0.6ha

Developable Area 30% (allowing for tree cover and frontage development only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Residential curtilage

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / residential curtilage / agricultural land

33 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the west, south and north Agricultural land to the east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent the site Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / aboricultural implications Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts Potential development across the whole site would be detrimental to the character of the village.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for a small scale, sensitively designed Rural Exceptions Housing scheme along the frontage of the High Street. The remainder of the site contributes to the semi open and rural character of the village and is not suitable for development.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Brington.


The site was identified from a desktop study. Following correspondence with the Parish Council to try and establish ownership it has been suggested that the owner of this site is Mrs Brown. Mrs Brown was contacted to confirm ownership and willingness to consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. The District Council has been informed that the land is in the ownership of a Trust for whom Mr G Brown is the contact. He has also confirmed that the Trust is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

34 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Sunnybrook, Brington

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Brington opposite the Primary School.

Land south of Sunnybrook: BRG3

Site Information

Landowner Mr & Mrs Elmhirst

Agent None

Coordinates 508404E 275559N

Site Size (ha) 0.3ha

Developable Area 50% (taking into account tree cover and frontage development only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Residential curtilage

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

35 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north Agricultural land to the east, west and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent the site Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts The tree cover on site contributes to the approach to the village.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for small scale development for Rural Exceptions Housing along the frontage of the High Street subject to the retention of the trees on site.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Brington.


Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Mr and Mrs Elmhirst. Mr and Mrs Elmhirst were contacted to obtain their permission that we consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. The owners have confirmed that they are not willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the is not available it is not achievable.

36 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Earith: Overview Map

37 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land at New Farm, Earith

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Earith, immediately south of New Farm.

Land at New Farm: EAR1

Site Information

Landowner County Council

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 538672E 275411N

Site Size (ha) 0.3ha

Developable Area 100%

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural/open land

38 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the west and south Agricultural land to the north Open land to the east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent the site Noise generated from adjacent agricultural activity

Identifying and Managing Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications Noise assessment / acoustics treatment

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Earith.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2005. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site’s availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

39 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land east of Hereward, Earith

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Earith close to the Ouse Washes Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

Land east of Hereward: EAR2

Site Information

Landowner Earith Parish Council

Agent None

Coordinates 538961E 275201N

Site Size (ha) 1ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 25 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Playing fields

Surrounding Land Use(s) Open land / residential

40 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, south and west Open land to the east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside the built up area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Loss of community resource Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination Tree cover on or adjacent the site

Identifying and Managing Transport statement Constraints Statement to demonstrate justification for loss of community resource Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development would result in the loss of a community resource.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to appropriate compensatory provision of the community resource elsewhere.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Earith.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following correspondence with the Parish Council they have confirmed that they own the site but have not indicated whether they are willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The site currently provides an important local community sports facility and potential development proposals would need to demonstrate appropriate compensatory provision of this facility. Compensatory provision is unlikely to be viable as a result of the low land values generated by Rural Exceptions Housing versus costs involved in finding and delivering compensatory provision. Nevertheless, as the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

41 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land east of Hermitage Road

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Earith.

Land east of Hermitage Road: EAR3

Site Information

Landowner Huntingdonshire District Council

Agent None

Coordinates 538961E 275201N

Site Size (ha) 0.3ha

Developable Area 100%

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Grassland / open land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / grassland/open land

42 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the west and south Grassland/open land to the east and north

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent the site Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Archaeology Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Archaeological assessment Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to careful landscape treatment of the eastern boundary.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Earith.


Approval would have to be gained from Cabinet to sell the land for less than market value.


Subject to confirmation of approval for release of the land for development it could be made available upon need, subject to notice requirements for agricultural tenants.

43 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Meadow Drove

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Earith south of Meadow Drove and opposite Earith Gravel Pits County Wildlife Site.

Land south of Meadow Drove:EAR4

Site Information

Landowner Earith Plant Hire

Agent None

Coordinates 538961E 275201N

Site Size (ha) 0.5ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Paddock

Surrounding Land Use(s) County Wildlife Site / residential

44 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area County Wildlife Site to the north Residential to the west Open land to the east and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Earith.


The site was identified from a desktop study. Following correspondence with the Parish Council to try and establish ownership details it has been suggested that the owners of this site are Earith Plant Hire. They have been contacted to confirm ownership and willingness for the District Council to consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. However, no response has been received therefore the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

45 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Elton: Overview Map

46 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land north of Brawn Way, Elton

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Elton, north of existing residential development.

Land north of Brawn Way: ELT1

Site Information

Landowner Elton Estates Company Ltd

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 508759E 294125N

Site Size (ha) 0.4ha

Developable Area 50% (to limit protrusion into the countryside and to provide adequate landscaping)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Grassland / open land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Grassland/ open land / residential

47 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Grassland/open land to the north, east and west Residential to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Nene Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access (taking into account proximity of trees) Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts The open nature of the site contributes to the rural character of Elton on the northern edge.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to its landscape role and function. Furthermore, it does not relate well to the built up area and would be difficult to integrate with the rest of the village.


The site was submitted as part of the "Call for Sites" in June 2009 for Market and Rural Exceptions Housing. The agent indicated that the site could become available for development by 2014.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

48 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land north of Hayes Walk, Elton

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Elton, north of existing residential development.

Land north of Hayes Walk: ELT2

Site Information

Landowner Elton Estates Company Ltd

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 508876E 294131N

Site Size (ha) 0.5ha

Developable Area 30% (taking account of tree and landscape constraints)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Grassland / open land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Grassland/ open land / residential

49 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Grassland/open land to the north, east and west Residential to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Nene Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Transport statement Constraints Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Despite having a marginally better relationship with the existing built up area than ELT1 potential development would still unacceptably protrude into the open countryside and harm the character of the village.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to its landscape role and function. Furthermore, it does not relate particularly well to the built up area and would be difficult to integrate with the rest of the village.


The site was submitted as part of the "Call for Sites" in June 2009 for Market and Rural Exceptions Housing. The agent indicated that the site could become available for development by 2014.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

50 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Middle Street, Elton

Site Description

The site is located on the southern side of Elton, south of Middle Street. It forms part of Elton Hall's Historic Park and Garden.

Land south of Middle Street: ELT3

Site Information

Landowner Elton Estate

Agent None

Coordinates 508627E 293817N

Site Size (ha) 0.1ha

Developable Area 0% (the site's designation as part of Elton Hall's Historic Park and Garden makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate.)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Grassland/ open land (part of Historic Park and Garden)

Surrounding Land Use(s) Grassland/open land (Historic Park and Garden) / residential

51 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, east and west Grassland/open land (Historic Park and Garden) to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Historic Park and Garden (grade II*Listed) / Conservation Area / Nene Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Forms part of Elton Hall Historic Park and Garden Within Conservation Area Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Archaeology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Heritage statement Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Archaeological assessment Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development would cause considerable harm to the setting and integrity of Elton Hall Historic Park and Garden. It would also detrimentally impact upon the character of the village.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing as the site forms part of Elton Hall's Historic Park and Garden. Potential development would cause significant harm to the integrity of the Garden.


The site was identified from a desktop survey. Elton Estates have been contacted to confirm ownership and obtain their permission for the District Council to consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. The owner has indicated that they are not willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable or available it is not achievable.

52 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land west of School Lane, Elton

Site Description

The site is located towards the centre of Elton, south of Middle Street and west of School Lane.

Land west of School Lane: ELT4

Site Information

Landowner Elton Estates

Agent None

Coordinates 508748E 293719N

Site Size (ha) 0.8ha

Developable Area 40% (taking into account proportion of site not covered by trees)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Grassland / open land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Grassland / open land / residential

53 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Grassland / open land to the south Residential to the east, west and north

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Conservation Area / adjacent Listed Building / Nene Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent site Whole site within Conservation Area Adjacent a Listed Building Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access

Identifying and Managing Tree survey / arboricultural implications Constraints Heritage statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts The western half of the site is covered by significant tree cover. Potential development proposals would need to be sensitively designed to retain this.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the detrimental impact that would be caused to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and the setting of the adjacent Historic Parks and Garden.


The site was identified from a desktop survey. Elton Estates have been contacted to confirm ownership and obtain their permission for the District Council to consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. The owner has indicated that they are not willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

54 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land at Over End, Elton

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Elton, north of recently constructed residential development.

Land at Overend: ELT5

Site Information

Landowner Elton Estates

Agent None

Coordinates 508989E 293619N

Site Size (ha) 0.6ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 15 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Grassland/open land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / grassland/open land

55 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, south and west Grassland/open land to the east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Conservation Area / adjacent Listed Building / Nene Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent site Half of site within Conservation Area Adjacent Listed Building Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Tree survey / arboricultural implications Constraints Heritage statement Transport statement Biodiversity/ ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Elton.


The site was identified from a desktop survey. Elton Estates have been contacted to confirm ownership and their permission for the District Council to consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. The owner has indicated that they are not willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not available it is not achievable.

56 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Farcet: Overview Map

57 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land rear of No 92 Main Street, Farcet

Site Description

The site is located in the south eastern corner of Farcet adjacent to the River Nene.

Land r/o No 92 Main Street: FAR1

Site Information

Landowner Camvil Developments/ Chamberlain

Agent Andrew Campbell Associates

Coordinates 520658E 294432N

Site Size (ha) 0.4ha

Developable Area 75% (taking account of flood risk on site)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Scrubland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / grassland/open land

58 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, south and west Grassland/open land to the east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / flood zone 3 / Fen Margin Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Flood risk across approximately 0.02ha of the eastern boundary Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity/ecology survey and report Flood risk assessment Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Farcet.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2007. Following recent correspondence with the Council the agent has confirmed that their client is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

59 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Main Street, Farcet

Site Description

The site is located on the south eastern edge of Farcet, south of Main Street.

Land south of Main Street: FAR2

Site Information

Landowner Camvil Developments / Chamberlain

Agent Andrew Campbell Associates

Coordinates 520512E 294478N

Site Size (ha) 0.6ha

Developable Area 70% (taking account of need for landscape buffer on southern boundary)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Grassland/open land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

60 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, east and west Agricultural land to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Fen Margin Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Trees on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Tree survey Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Farcet.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2007. Following recent correspondence with the Council the agent has confirmed that their client is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

61 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Church Paddock, Broadway, Farcet

Site Description

The site is located towards the centre of Farcet, opposite St Mary's Church (grade II* listed).

Church Paddock, Broadway: FAR3

Site Information

Landowner Mr Clarke

Agent Architectural Services and Surveying

Coordinates 520209E 294582N

Site Size (ha) 0.3ha

Developable Area 0% (the site's significant contribution to the setting of the church and the general setting of the village makes identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

62 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north and west Agricultural to the east Church to the north west

Development Progress 0302261OUT dismissed at appeal as proposed development would not be sensitive to the character of the village. 0603182FUL - dismissed on appeal as development would detrimentally impact on character of village.

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / opposite Listed Building / opposite protected trees / Fen Margin Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Opposite Listed Building Opposite protected trees Achieving safe access Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Heritage statement Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts The site contributes to the character of the village by providing a valuable break in the frontage along Broadway. It also enhances the setting of the Church opposite.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the important role that the site has in helping maintain the character of the village and the setting of the Church opposite.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2007. Following recent correspondence with the agent they have confirmed that their client is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

63 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land east of Broadway, Farcet

Site Description

This large site lies to the south of Farcet.

Land east of Broadway: FAR4

Site Information

Landowner Peter Clarke

Agent Architectural Services and Surveying

Coordinates 520220E 294225N

Site Size (ha) 28.3ha

Developable Area 0% (scale of site makes identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate )

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

64 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, and west Agricultural land to the south and east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Fen Margin Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Archaeology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Land contamination / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Archaeological assessment Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development of the site would cause considerable harm to the character of the Farcet.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the severe harm that would be caused to the rural character of the village. Furthermore, the scale of the site is excessive for Rural Exceptions Housing as set out in PPS3 (8). It would also be difficult to sub divide the site into more appropriate plots of land.


The site was submitted as part of the "Call for Sites" in June 2009 for both Market Housing and Rural Exceptions Housing. The agent indicated that the site could be available at any time.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

8 Paragraph 30, DCLG, PPS 3 Housing, November 2006

65 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land off Haddon Way, Farcet

Site Description

The site is located in the south western corner of Farcet adjacent to existing residential development.

Land off Haddon Way: FAR5

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent Bletsoes and Son

Coordinates 519898E 294593N

Site Size (ha) 1ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 25 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Scrubland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Playing field / residential / agricultural land

66 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Playing field to the north Residential to the east Agricultural land to the south and west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Fen Margin Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to sensitive boundary treatments to minimise protrusion into open countryside.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Farcet.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2001. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site’s availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

67 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Folksworth: Overview Map

68 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land east of Hawthorn Road, Folksworth

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Folksworth adjacent existing residential development.

Land east of Hawthorn Road: FOL1

Site Information

Landowner Blackman

Agent Architectural Services and Surveying

Coordinates 514925E 289918N

Site Size (ha) 1.5ha

Developable Area 60% (taking into account open character of eastern boundary)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 25 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

69 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and east Residential to the south and west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access to Manor Road Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Transport statement Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development would require very careful landscaping along the eastern boundary to minimise protrusion into the open countryside.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing concentrated in the western half adjacent existing development subject to extensive boundary treatment on the eastern boundary and the achievement of appropriate access.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Folksworth.


The site was put forward as part of the "Call for Sites" (June 2009) the agent indicated that the site could be available at any time for development. Following recent correspondence with the Council the agent has indicated that their client is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing. They have also indicated that they have obtained the support of a Housing Association for delivery of this site.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 1-5 of the plan period as support from a Housing Association has been obtained. It is therefore deliverable.

70 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land between Nos 18 - 22 Manor Road, Folksworth

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Folksworth in between existing residential development.

Land between No 18 & No 22a Manor Road: FOL2

Site Information

Landowner Nicholls

Agent Architectural Services and Surveying

Coordinates 514451E 289594N

Site Size (ha) 0.05ha

Developable Area 0% (the narrowness of the site and extensive tree cover makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Residential curtilage

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

71 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the east, west and south Agricultural land to the north

Development Progress 0403063FUL erection of dwelling refused inappropriate site for infill given narrowness and subsequent incongruity of proposal with surroundings and adverse affect on streetscene, access issues and overhanging trees. This was dismissed at appeal for adverse impact on surroundings. 0603234FUL formation of new access (now expired)

Initial Assessment of Development Residential Mix

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access to Manor Road Tree cover on or adjacent site Neighbouring amenity Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the narrowness of the plot and difficulty in accessing the site. Furthermore, there is significant tree cover on the plot which the Council would wish to see retained in order to help preserve the character of the village on the northern edge.


The site was put forward as part of the "Call for Sites" in June 2009. The agent indicated that the site could be available for development at any time. Following recent correspondence with the Council the agent has indicated that their client is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

72 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent Folksworth Spinney, Folksworth

Site Description

The site is located towards the far south western corner of Folksworth and covers part of Folksworth Spinney.

Land adjacent Folksworth Spinney: FOL3

Site Information

Landowner Mr A Pick

Agent RPS

Coordinates 514451E 289594N

Site Size (ha) 0.8ha

Developable Area 0% (the extensive and protected tree cover on half the site makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Grassland/open land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

73 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north and east Agricultural land to the west Folksworth Spinney to the south

Development Progress 0001873OUT erection of three dwellings, refused due to adverse impact on character and appearance of open countryside. This was also dismissed at appeal. 0100404OUT erection of a dwelling refused due to adverse impact on open countryside.

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / protected trees / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Extensive protected tree cover on eastern half of site Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology

Potential Impacts Potential development would significantly protrude into the open countryside and harm the character and appearance of the landscape setting around the village.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the considerable harm that would be caused to protected trees and the site's protrusion into open countryside.


The site was proposed by the agent as a Site Allocation Representation in conjunction with the Core Strategy Submission process in 2008. Following recent correspondence with the agent they have confirmed that their client is willing for the Council to consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

74 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Great Gidding

Great Gidding: Overview Map

75 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent No 3 Luddington Road, Great Gidding

Site Description

The site is located on the south western edge of Great Gidding adjacent a small number of existing dwellings.

Land adjacent No 3 Luddington Road: GTG1

Site Information


Agent Not known

Coordinates 511600E 282982N

Site Size (ha) 0.2ha

Developable Area 30% (allowing for frontage development only due to the linear nature of the village)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 3 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

76 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the south and east Agricultural land to the west and north

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree cover on or adjacent site

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing fronting Luddington Road subject to extensive landscaping on the north western and south western boundaries.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Gidding.


The site was identified through a desktop study. Following correspondence with the Parish Council to try and establish ownership it was suggested that the owners of this site are the Diocese of Ely. The agent for the Diocese of Ely has been contacted to confirm ownership. They have confirmed that this site is not within the ownership of their client. As ownership cannot be established the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

77 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Chapel Road, Great Gidding

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Great Gidding. The northern section of the site lies adjacent to the playing fields.

Land south of Chapel Road: GTG2

Site Information

Landowner Milton (Peterborough) Estates

Agent None

Coordinates 511755E 282838N

Site Size (ha) 0.5ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land / grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Playing fields / residential / open land/grassland

78 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Playing fields to the west Residential to the north and east Open land/grassland to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Gidding.


The site was identified from a desktop survey. Following correspondence with the Parish Council to try and establish ownership it was suggested that the owner of this site are Milton (Peterborough) Estates. Milton (Peterborough) Estates have been contacted to confirm ownership and willingness for the District Council to consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. They have confirmed that they are willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

79 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent Church Farm, Main Street, Great Gidding

Site Description

The site is located on the western side of Great Gidding, immediately north of the Primary School.

Land adjacent Church Farm: GTG3

Site Information

Landowner Milton (Peterborough) Estates

Agent None

Coordinates 511729E 283238N

Site Size (ha) 0.8ha

Developable Area 0% (the presence of significant archaeology constraints and access issues makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / school / residential / open land/grassland

80 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north Primary school to the south Residential to the east Open land/grassland to the west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Local Plan 1995 Housing Allocation & Local Plan Alteration Renewed Allocation / Conservation Area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Archaeology Achieving safe access to Main Street is constrained by embankment along road edge Tree cover on or adjacent site Within conservation Area Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Archaeological assessment Constraints Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Heritage statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts The site provides landscape gap within the main body of the village.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing as it is highly constrained by archaeology and access would be difficult to achieve.


The site was proposed by the owners in 2001. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. They have confirmed that they are willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

81 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land east of Main Street, Great Gidding

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern side of Great Gidding.

Land east of Main Street: GTG4

Site Information

Landowner Milton (Peterborough) Estates

Agent None

Coordinates 511852E 283221N

Site Size (ha) 0.6ha

Developable Area 20% (allowing for frontage development only due to the linear nature of the village)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Open land/grassland / agricultural land / residential

82 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Open land/grassland / agricultural land to the east and west Residential (including community hall) to the north and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Conservation Area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development would have to reflect to the strong linear form of the village.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development on the western portion of the site adjoining the road for a small scale Rural Exceptions Housing scheme reflecting the linear nature of the village .

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Gidding.


The site was proposed by the owners in 2001. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. They have confirmed that they are willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

83 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Laurels Farm, Main Street, Great Gidding

Site Description

The site is located on the north eastern side of Great Gidding. It comprises Laurels Farm.

Laurels Farm: GTG5

Site Information

Landowner Milton (Peterborough) Estates

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 511965E 283449N

Site Size (ha) 0.3ha

Developable Area 100%

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural (farm)

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / residential curtilage / open land/grassland

84 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, west and south Open land/grassland to the east

Development Progress 0900884FUL erection of six dwellings - refused due to failure to demonstrate demolition of existing buildings is acceptable, lack of justification for not providing affordable housing and unacceptable design and impact on Conservation Area.

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Conservation Area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Archaeology Conservation Area Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site Achieving safe access

Identifying and Managing Constraints Archaeological assessment Heritage statement Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The Council understands that the site is currently vacant and not in use as a farm therefore it could be considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The site was put forward as part of the "Call for Sites" in June 2009. The agent indicated that the site could be available for development by 2014. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

85 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Mill Road, Great Gidding

Site Description

The site is located on the north eastern edge of Great Gidding, south of Mill Road.

Land south of Mill Road: GTG6

Site Information

Landowner Milton (Peterborough) Estates

Agent None

Coordinates 512064E 283457N

Site Size (ha) 0.3ha

Developable Area 60% (allowing for frontage development only due to the linear nature of the village)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / open land/grassland / agricultural land

86 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north and east Agricultural (Laurels Farm) to the west Open land/grassland with arable land beyond to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Conservation Area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Archaeology Conservation Area Tree cover on or adjacent the site Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Archaeological assessment Constraints Heritage statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts Potential development would have to reflect to the strong linear form of the village.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing. The design of potential development would need to reflect the linear nature of development which characterises the settlement.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Gidding.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2007. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. They have confirmed that they are willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

87 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

North west of Main Street, Great Gidding

Site Description

The site is located on the north western edge of Great Gidding.

North West of Main Street: GTG7

Site Information

Landowner Milton (Peterborough) Estates

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 511956E 283562N

Site Size (ha) 0.2ha

Developable Area 50% (allowing for frontage development only due to the linear nature of the village)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 4 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / residential curtilage / open land/grassland

88 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the south, east and north Open land/grassland to the west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Local Plan Housing Allocation 1995 & Local Plan Alteration 2002 / Conservation Area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent the site Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Transport statement Constraints Biodiversity / ecology Tree survey / arboricultural implications Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts Potential development would have to reflect to the strong linear form of the village.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing fronting Main Street and designed to reflect the linear nature of the village.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Gidding.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2007. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. They have confirmed that they are willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

89 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent 90 Main Street, Great Gidding

Site Description

The site is located on the far northern edge of Great Gidding on the eastern side of the village adjacent to the allotment gardens.

Land adjacent No 90 Main Street: GTG8

Site Information

Landowner Milton (Peterborough) Estates

Agent None

Coordinates 512113E 283653N

Site Size (ha) 0.5ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Allotment gardens / agricultural land / residential

90 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Allotment gardens to the south Agricultural (Townsend Farm beyond Main Street) to the north and east Residential to the west (beyond Main Street)

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent the site Archaeology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications Archaeological assessment

Potential Impacts Site would require substantial landscaping to prevent intrusion into the countryside.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing as the site's shape reflects the natural linear form of the village and it is well self contained. Furthermore, it does not form an important green space within the heart of the village.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Gidding.


The site was proposed by the owner in 2001. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. They have confirmed that they are willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

91 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Great Gransden

Great Gransden: Overview Map

92 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land off Manor Lane, Great Gransden

Site Description

The site is located on the western edge of Great Gransden adjacent to existing residential development.

Land off Manor Lane: GGN1

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent None

Coordinates 526712E 256008N

Site Size (ha) 0.5ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Residential curtilage

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

93 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the east, south and west Agricultural land to the north

Development Progress 0503482FUL - change of use to form garden, refused as it was retrospective and site lies outside settlement boundaries

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access as potential route is narrow Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to suitable access being achievable.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Gransden.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They were unable to provide landownership details therefore, on the best information available to the Council, the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

94 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land west of West Street, Great Gransden

Site Description

The site is located on the western edge of Great Gransden adjacent existing residential development.

Land west of West Street: GGN2

Site Information

Landowner R H Topman and Sons

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 526825E 256060N

Site Size (ha) 1ha

Developable Area 60% (due to open space and extensive landscaping requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 20 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

95 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and west Residential to the south and east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / adjacent Conservation Area / adjacent protected trees/ South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access without detrimental impact on protected tree Agricultural contamination Tree cover and protected trees on or adjacent the site Biodiversity and ecology Adjacent Conservation Area

Identifying and Managing Transport statement Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Heritage statement

Potential Impacts Potential development would require extensive landscaping on the western boundary to minimise protrusion into the open countryside.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to the ability to achieve satisfactory access and extensive landscaping on the western boundary in order to minimise impact on the landscape.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Gransden.


The site was put forward as part of the "Call for Sites" in June 2009 for Rural Exceptions Housing. The agent indicated that the site could become available for development by 2014.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 1-5 / 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore deliverable / developable.

96 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land west of Caxton Road, Great Gransden

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Great Gransden immediately north of existing residential development.

Land west of Caxton Road: GGN3

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent None

Coordinates 527173E 256204N

Site Size (ha) 1.3ha

Developable Area 40% (concentrated in the eastern portion of the site adjoining Caxton Road)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 15 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential / industrial

97 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north Residential to the south Industrial to the west (beyond Eltisley Road) Open land/grassland and industrial to the east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / South East Clayland Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Trees cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Land contamination / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development would require significant landscaping along the northern boundary to minimise the impact on the landscape.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing concentrated in the eastern portion of the site subject to extensive landscaping along the northern boundary.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Gransden.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They were unable to provide landownership details therefore, on the best information available to the Council, the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

98 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Sand Road Industrial Estate, Great Gransden

Site Description

The site is located on the north western edge of Great Gransden between existing residential to the south and Sand Road Industrial Estate to the north.

Land south of Sand Road Industrial Estate: GGN4

Site Information

Landowner J Brown and Sons

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 527353E 256087N

Site Size (ha) 1ha

Developable Area 50% (taking into account the need for a buffer to the adjoining industrial estate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 15 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

99 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Surrounding Land Use(s) Industrial / residential open land

Character of Surrounding Area Industrial to the north and east Residential to the west Open land to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent the site Achieving safe access Noise from adjacent use Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Tree survey / arboricultural implications Constraints Transport statement Noise assessment / acoustic treatment Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts Potential development would require careful design to minimise the impact from the adjacent industrial estate on future residential amenity.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination and noise pollution.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to adequate protection of potential future residential amenity due to the adjacent industrial estate.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Grandsen.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2004. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site’s availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

100 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land to rear of Nos 6-32 Mandene Gardens, Great Gransden

Site Description

The site is located on the western edge of Great Gransden adjacent existing residential development.

Land r/o Nos 6-32 Mandene Gardens: GGN5

Site Information

Landowner Mr D Merill and Mrs Chignell

Agent Site submitted by Hutchinsons in 2005; current agent now Talyor Vinters

Coordinates 527539E 256232N

Site Size (ha) 1.8ha

Developable Area 15% (allowing for frontage development only onto Sand Road)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Open land/grassland / residential

101 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Open land/grassland to the east and north Residential to the west and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts Potential development would need to be carefully designed to retain existing tree cover.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing fronting Sand Road subject to the retention of existing tree cover and the use of careful boundary treatments.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Gransden.


The site was proposed by Hutchinsons (now Taylor Vinters) in 2005. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site’s availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

102 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Nursery at Waresley Road, Great Gransden

Site Description

The site is located on the south western edge of Great Gransden and comprises part of the horticultural nurseries at Gransden Hall.

Nursery at Waresley Road: GGN6

Site Information

Landowner Mr Tyler

Agent None

Coordinates 526472E 255815N

Site Size (ha) 0.3ha

Developable Area 100%

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Nurseries

Surrounding Land Use(s) Gransden Park / residential / open land/grassland

103 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Gransden Park to the south Residential to the north Open land/grassland to the west and east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Conservation Area / adjacent protected tree / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access to Waresley Road restricted by tree cover Agricultural / horticultural contamination Within Conservation Area Adjacent a protected tree and tree cover on site Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Transport statement Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Heritage statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts Potential development may offer opportunities to improve the streetscene.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing as, although it theoretically abuts existing development, due to their design and layout, it is visually divorced from the settlement. The nurseries may also provide local employment opportunities and it is the Council's objective to retain employment opportunities in Smaller Settlements.


The site was proposed by Mr Tyler in 2005. The owner was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable or available for development it is not achievable.

104 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Great Paxton

Great Paxton: Overview Map

105 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent No 12 High Street, Great Paxton

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Great Paxton between two residential dwellings.

Land adjacent No 12 High Street: GP1

Site Information

Landowner Charitable Trust

Agent None

Coordinates 511600E 263561N

Site Size (ha) 0.1ha

Developable Area 60% (due to flooding risk and frontage development only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 2 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / open land/grassland

106 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the south, east and west Open land/grassland to the north

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / flood zone 3 / Ouse Valley / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Approximately 0.05ha is within an area of flood risk Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Trees on boundary Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Flood risk assessment Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts Potential development would require extensive landscaping on the northern and western boundaries to minimise the impact on the landscape.

Environmental Conditions Potential flooding and contamination.

NB This site also sits within an area of flood risk identified in the Council's emerging Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as flood zone 3a. The Council takes the view that, subject to the incorporation of appropriate mitigation measures, the site could be found potentially suitable for development.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing along the frontage of the High Street subject to careful landscaping on the northern and western boundaries to minimise the impact on the open countryside.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Paxton.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that a charitable trust based in Sandy own the land but have no further details. Therefore, on the best information available to the Council, the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not considered to be achievable.

107 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land to the rear of 'The Old School,' Great Paxton

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Great Paxton to the rear of 'The Old School.'

Land r/o 'The Old School': GP2

Site Information

Landowner Diocese of Ely / Church Commissioners

Agent Not known

Coordinates 521033E 264053N

Site Size (ha) 0.4ha

Developable Area 50% (concentrated in the southern portion of the site to minimise intrusion into the countryside)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / curtilage of the Church (including cemetery)

108 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the south, west and east Open land to the north

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley / South East Claylands Lanscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts The semi open character of the site contributes to the village landscape setting.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to development being concentrated in the far southern portion to minimise the impact on the listed Church to the north and to help retain the semi open nature of the site and contribution it makes to the village setting.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Paxton.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by the Diocese of Ely/Church Commissioners. The agent for these organisations has been contacted and they have confirmed that the site is not in the ownership of their client. The site's availability cannot therefore be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

109 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Holy Trinity Church, Great Paxton

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Great Paxton south of the Holy Trinity Church which is grade I listed. Part of the site comprises the village cemetery.

Land south of Holy Trinity Church: GP3

Site Information

Landowner Diocese of Ely / Church Commissioners

Agent Smith Gore

Coordinates 520981E 264101N

Site Size (ha) 0.3ha

Developable Area 0% (the site's function as a cemetery makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland / cemetery

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / Church / open land/grassland

110 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the south Church to the north Open land/grassland to the east and west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / adjacent (south of) Listed Building / adjacent protected trees / Ouse Valley / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Adjacent a Listed Building Limitations Loss of resource (forms part of the village cemetery) Adjacent protected trees and tree cover on site Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access taking into account boundary tree cover Archaeology Contamination

Identifying and Managing Heritage statement Constraints Statement to demonstrate justification for loss of resource Land contamination / remediation works / deconsecration of the land Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts The site contributes significantly to the setting of the Listed Building to the north and the semi open character of the site also contributes to the village landscape setting.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination; burial site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to its relationship with the Listed Church to the north and current use as a cemetery, dense tree cover which would need to be retained and significant contribution the site makes to the character of the village.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by the Diocese of Ely/Church Commissioners. The agent for these organisations has been contacted and they have confirmed that the site is not in the ownership of their client. The site's availability cannot therefore be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

111 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land between Nos 23 & 41 Lane, Great Paxton

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Great Paxton between two dwellings along London Lane.

Land between Nos 23 & 41 London Lane: GP4

Site Information

Landowner Martin Jensen

Agent None

Coordinates 521053E 263630N

Site Size (ha) 0.5ha

Developable Area 40% (allowing for frontage development only due to tree protection and a need for substantial landscaping on the southern boundary)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

112 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, east and west Agricultural land to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Tree cover on or adjacent the site Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access to London Lane taking into account tree cover

Identifying and Managing Land contamination assessment / remediation works Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts Potential development would require extensive landscaping on the southern boundary to minimise the impact on the landscape.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing fronting London Lane subject to extensive landscaping along the southern boundary to minimise the impact on the open countryside.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Paxton.


Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Mr Jensen. Mr Jensen was contacted to confirm ownership and obtain his permission that we consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing and has indicated that he is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

113 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent No 51 London Lane, Great Paxton

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Great Paxton south of existing residential development.

Land adjacent No 51 London Lane: GP5

Site Information

Landowner Mr Jensen

Agent None

Coordinates 521251E 263637N

Site Size (ha) 0.7ha

Developable Area 50% (due to tree protection and need for substantial landscaping)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

114 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north and west Agricultural land to the south and east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access to London Lane taking into account tree cover

Identifying and Managing Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the protrusion into the open countryside. The site is very open on the eastern and southern boundaries and potential development would unacceptably harm the appearance and character of the open countryside.


Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Mr Jensen. Mr Jensen was contacted to confirm ownership and obtain his permission that we consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing and has indicated that he is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

115 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of London Lane, Great Paxton

Site Description

This large site is located on the southern edge of Great Paxton.

Land south of London Lane: GP6

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent Proctor Planning

Coordinates 521157E 263500N

Site Size (ha) 12ha

Developable Area 0% (scale of site makes identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

116 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the south and east Residential to the north and west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development would cause significant harm to the landscape setting of the village.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the considerable protrusion into the open countryside and detrimental impact it would have on the character and setting of the village. Furthermore, the site is excessive in scale for Rural Exceptions Housing as set out in PPS3 (9) and, given the open nature of the site, there would be difficulty in sub dividing it into more appropriately sized plots.


The site was proposed in 2001 by the agent. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable it is not achievable.

9 Paragraph 30, DCLG, PPS 3 Housing, November 2006

117 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Great Staughton

Great Staughton: Overview Map

118 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land including & rear of 73 The Highway, Great Staughton

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Great Staughton and comprises existing dwellings and their curtilages.

Land including & r/o The Highway: GS1

Site Information

Landowner Messrs Day

Agent Andrew Campbell Associates

Coordinates 513060E 264559N

Site Size (ha) 0.6ha

Developable Area 20% (taking account of extensive tree cover and existing buildings on site)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 4 (on north western portion immediately south of No 73.) (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Residential / residential curtilage

119 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / open land/grassland

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, east and north west Open land/grass land (with agricultural land beyond) to the south west Open land/grassland to the south

Development Progress 0901182OUT - permission for one dwelling immediately adjacent the site to the west (this land was included in the original submission) 1000295OUT - application submitted for 8 dwellings on the majority of the site. This was validated 10 March 2010.

Initial Assessment of Development Residential Mix

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Partly within built up area / adjacent protected trees / adjacent Scheduled Ancient Monument / adjacent Conservation Area / Southern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Adjacent protected trees and tree cover on site Archaeology Adjacent Conservation Area Adjacent Scheduled Ancient Monument (Village Cross) Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access taking into account existing properties

Identifying and Managing Tree survey / arboricultural implications Constraints Archaeological assessment Heritage statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing on the north western portion of the site subject to obtaining satisfactory access.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Staughton.


The site was proposed by the agent as part of the Core Strategy Submission consultation in 2008 in response to the Site Allocation Representations document. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.

120 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


As the site’s availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

121 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent No 87 Causeway, Great Staughton

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Great Staughton, opposite the Primary School.

Land adjacent No 87 Causeway: GS2

Site Information

Landowner A H Duberly

Agent None

Coordinates 512913E 264594N

Site Size (ha) 0.9ha

Developable Area 50% (due location of individual mature trees and the need for substantial landscaping on the south western boundaries)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 15 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / school / agricultural land

122 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential (and school) to the north and east Agricultural land to the west and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Southern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Tree cover Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts Potential development would require extensive landscaping to minimise the impact on the landscape.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to extensive landscaping on the on the southern and western boundaries and the retention of the mature trees in the centre of the site.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Staughton.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Mr A H Duberly. Mr Duberly has been contacted to to confirm ownership and obtain his permission that we consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing and has indicated that he is not willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not available it is not achievable.

123 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land north of Vicarage Walk, Great Staughton

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Great Staughton, north of existing residential development at Vicarage Walk.

Land north of Vicarage Walk: GS3

Site Information

Landowner A H Duberly

Agent None

Coordinates 512813E 265005N

Site Size (ha) 1.7ha

Developable Area 0% (the site's protrusion into countryside, and difficulty in providing safe access makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

124 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the west (and north beyond 'The Green') Residential to the east and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Southern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access to B645 north west of the B661 Archaeology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Land contamination assessment / remediation works Constraints Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Archaeological assessment Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Given the location of the site potential development would be difficult to integrate with the rest of the village.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the difficulty in achieving a safe access point, and difficulty in integrating the site with the rest of the village. Furthermore, the scale is considered to be excessive for Rural Exceptions Housing as set out in PPS3 (10)and the site would be difficult to sub divide into more appropriate plots.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Mr A H Duberly. Mr Duberly has been contacted to confirm ownership and obtain his permission that we consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing and has indicated that he is not willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable nor available it is not achievable.

10 Paragraph 30, DCLG, PPS 3 Housing, November 2006

125 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent No 11 Lye Close, Great Staughton

Site Description

The site is located on western edge of Great Staughton and lies adjacent to existing residential development at Lye Close.

Land adjacent No 11 Lye Close: GS4

Site Information

Landowner A Duberly

Agent None

Coordinates 513241E 264804N

Site Size (ha) 0.2ha

Developable Area 65% (due to landscaping requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 4 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential/residential curtilage

126 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and east Residential to the west and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Southern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Great Staughton.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Mr A H Duberly. Mr Duberly has been contacted to confirm ownership and obtain his permission that we consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing and has indicated that he is not willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not available it is not achievable.

127 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land west of Cage Lane, Great Staughton

Site Description

This large site is located on the western edge of Great Staughton.

Land west of Cage Lane: GS5

Site Information

Landowner A Duberly

Agent None

Coordinates 513315E 264824N

Site Size (ha) 1.9ha

Developable Area 0% (due to the protrusion into countryside and lack of access makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential / open land/grassland

128 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north Open land/grassland to the west and east Residential to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Southern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination Achieving safe access

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works Transport statement

Potential Impacts The site contributes to the rural character on the western approach of the village.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the considerable protrusion into open countryside and significant harm that would be caused to the rural character of the village. There is also no clear access route onto the site.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Mr A H Duberly. Mr Duberly has been contacted to confirm ownership and obtain his permission that we consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing and has indicated that he is not willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

129 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Averyhill, Cage Lane, Great Staughton

Site Description

The site is located on the western edge of Great Staughton, south of the residential property 'Averyhill.'

Land south of Averyhill, Cage Lane: GS6

Site Information

Landowner Mrs Godfrey

Agent None

Coordinates 513385E 264769N

Site Size (ha) 0.5ha

Developable Area 0% (the site's protrusion into the countryside makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

130 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north and south Agricultural land to the east and west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Southern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent site Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts The site forms part of the transition area between the main body of the village and the open countryside. As such, it contributes to the rural character of the village.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing as, together with adjoining residential development to the south which are characterised by large rear gardens, it forms part of the transition area between the main body of the village and the open countryside. Furthermore, potential development would result in significant protrusion into the open countryside.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Mrs Godfrey but were unable to provide an address. As the landowner has not been contacted the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

131 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Hemingford Grey

Hemingford Grey: Overview Map

132 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent Hemingford Grey Primary School, Hemingford Grey

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Hemingford Grey adjacent the Primary School.

Land off St Ives Road: HG1

Site Information

Landowner Cambridgeshire County Council Property Asset Management

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 529801E 270690N

Site Size (ha) 1.3ha

Developable Area 50% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 20 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Primary School / residential / agricultural land

133 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area School to the east Residential to the south and west Agricultural land to the north

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Conservation Area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Within Conservation Area Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Land contamination assessment / remediation works Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Heritage statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development would require extensive landscaping on the northern boundary to minimise the impact on the landscape.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to extensive landscaping on the northern boundary to minimise the impact on the landscape.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Hemingford Grey.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2005. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site’s availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

134 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of St Ives Road, Hemingford Grey

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Hemingford Grey.

Land south of St Ives Road: HG2

Site Information

Landowner Persimmons (Midlands) Homes Ltd

Agent Boyer Planning

Coordinates 530031E 270658N

Site Size (ha) 0.8ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 20 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

135 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, west and south Agricultural land to the east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development would require significant landscaping on the eastern boundary to minimise the impact on the landscape.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to careful landscaping on the eastern boundary to minimise the impact on the landscape.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Hemingford Grey.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2007. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site’s availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

136 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land east of Daintree Way, Hemingford Grey

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Hemingford Grey.

Land east of Daintree Way: HG3

Site Information

Landowner Persimmon (Midlands) Homes Ltd

Agent Boyer Planning

Coordinates 530016E 270497N

Site Size (ha) 0.7ha

Developable Area 50% (taking into account flood risk across the site and the need for extensive landscaping)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land / open space

137 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the west Agricultural land to the north and east Open space to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / flood zone 3 / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Assessment

Physical Problems or Limitations Flood risk across approximately 0.2ha of southern portion of the site Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access taking into account tree cover at access point

Identifying and Managing Flood risk assessment Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts Potential development would require landscaping on the eastern boundary to minimise the impact on the landscape.

Environmental Conditions Potential flooding and contamination.

NB This site also sits within an area of flood risk identified in the Council's emerging Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as flood zone 3a. The Council takes the view that, subject to the incorporation of appropriate mitigation measures, the site could be found potentially suitable for development.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to the incorporation of appropriate flood mitigation measures and landscaping on the eastern boundary.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Hemingford Grey.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2007. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site’s availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

138 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land north of St Ives Road (Clifftons Nursery), Hemingford Grey

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Hemingford Grey and comprises land at Clifftons Nursery.

Land north of St Ives Road: HG4

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 530047E 270815N

Site Size (ha) 0.4ha

Developable Area 0% (the existing employment use makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Nursery

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

139 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the south (agricultural land beyond St Ives Road) and to the east and west Agricultural land to the north

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Conservation Area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Within Conservation Area Agricultural / horticultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access Loss of employment Tree cover on or adjacent the site

Identifying and Managing Heritage statement Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Statement to justify loss of employment Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development would require significant landscaping on northern boundary.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the current employment the nursery offers. It is the Council's objective to retain employment opportunities within Smaller Settlements.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2001. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable or available it is not achievable.

140 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Holme: Overview Map

141 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land west of Pingle Bank, Holme

Site Description

The site is located on the far southern edge of Holme and comprises a packing station.

Land west of Pingle Bank: HO1

Site Information

Landowner DJC Farms

Agent The Planning Partnership

Coordinates 519413E 287461N

Site Size (ha) 0.9ha

Developable Area 50% (taking account of flood risk across site)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 15 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Packing station

Surrounding Land Use(s) Coal yard / open land/grassland / residential / agricultural land

142 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Coal yard and residential to the north Open land/grassland to the south Agricultural land to the east and west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / flood zone 3 / Fen Margin Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Flood risk across approximately 0.3ha of site Loss of employment Contamination Achieving safe access Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Flood risk assessment Constraints Statement to demonstrate justification for loss of employment Land contamination assessment / remediation works Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development may offer the opportunity to improve the existing streetscene.

Environmental Conditions Potential flooding and contamination.

NB This site also sits within an area of flood risk identified in the Council's emerging Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as flood zone 3a. The Council takes the view that, subject to the incorporation of appropriate mitigation measures, the site could be found potentially suitable for development.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the current employment the packing station offers. It is the Council's objective to retain employment opportunities within Smaller Settlements.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the the agent was identified from an industrial related application submitted on the site in 2003. The agent has confirmed their client is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

143 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Houghton & Wyton

Houghton & Wyton: Overview Map

144 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land north of Meadow Lane, Houghton & Wyton

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Houghton and Wyton.

Land north of Meadow Lane: HOU1

Site Information

Landowner Mr Walker

Agent None

Coordinates 528567E 272427N

Site Size (ha) 0.7ha

Developable Area 0% (difficulties in integrating the site with the rest of the village and achieving satisfactory access make the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open space/grassland

145 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / cemetery / residential / open land/grassland

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the south and east Open land/grassland to the west Agricultural land to the north (beyond Houghton Road)

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / flood zone 3 (& 3a) / Conservation Area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Flood risk across approximately 0.6ha of site Within Conservation Area Tree cover on or adjacent site Achieving safe access - access to Houghton Hill Road would be unacceptable; potential for access to Home Farm Road via Wessell

Identifying and Managing Flood risk assessment Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement Heritage statement

Potential Impacts The semi open nature of the site contributes to the rural character and setting of the village.

Environmental Conditions Potential flooding.

NB This site also sits within an area of flood risk identified in the Council's emerging Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as flood zone 3a. The Council takes the view that, subject to the incorporation of appropriate mitigation measures, the site could be found potentially suitable for development.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing. As a result of the significant flood risk affecting the majority of the site the most suitable area for development is in the north east of the site. It is not clear how access could be achieved to the whole site. Furthermore, the portion most appropriate for development is separated from the main settlement and is therefore not suitable due to the difficulty of integrating any Rural Exceptions Housing built with the rest of the settlement.


Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Mr Walker. Mr Walker was contacted to confirm ownership details and obtain his permission that we consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing and has indicated that he is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

146 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Needingworth: Overview Map

147 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land east of Victoria House, Needingworth

Site Description

The site is located on the north eastern edge of Needingworth in between existing dwellings along Bluntisham Road.

Land east of Victoria House: NE1

Site Information

Landowner North western corner - Mr & Mrs Smith Remainder of site - Dr & Mrs Weston

Agent None

Coordinates 534643E 272593N

Site Size (ha) 0.7ha

Developable Area 55% (taking into account the depth of adjoining properties)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

148 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north Residential to the south west, east and south (beyond Bluntisham Road)

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing fronting Bluntisham Road.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Needingworth.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by the owners of Victoria House - the Smiths. It has been confirmed that the site is in split ownership between the Smiths and the Westons. Both owners are not willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not available it is not achievable.

149 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land west of Victoria House, Needingworth

Site Description

The site is located on the north eastern edge of Needingworth in between existing residential development along Bluntisham Road.

Land west of Victoria House: NE2

Site Information

Landowner Ashwell Property Group Plc

Agent None

Coordinates 534533E 272554N

Site Size (ha) 0.5ha

Developable Area 60% (taking into account the depth of adjoining properties)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

150 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and west Residential to the south, east (beyond Bluntisham Road) and south east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing fronting Bluntisham Road subject to landscaping on the northern boundary and the demonstration that satisfactory access arrangements can be achieved.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Needingworth.


Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Ashwell Property Group Plc. Ashwell Property Group Plc have been contacted to confirm ownership of the site and obtain their permission that we consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. However, it is understood that Aswell Property Group Plc is in receivership therefore the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

151 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land north of Meeting Lane, Needingworth

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Needingworth.

Land north of Meeting Lane: NE3

Site Information

Landowner Meeting Lane Consortium

Agent Andrew Campbell Associates

Coordinates 534316E 272458N

Site Size (ha) 4.9ha

Developable Area 5% (allowing for concentration of development in eastern portion which is more closely related to the built up area)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Ex-gravel pit and scrubland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

152 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the south and east Agricultural land to the north and west

Development Progress 0700647OUT - residential development (80 dwellings), nursing home and doctor's surgery. This was refused as the site is located outside the built up area and settlement boundaries and is also in an unsustainable location given Needingworth's position within the settlement hierarchy. 0600778OUT - residential development, nursing home and doctor's surgery. The application was withdrawn.

Initial Assessment of Development Residential Mix

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Contamination Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site Achieving safe access


Identifying and Managing Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement Archaeological assessment

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing concentrated in the eastern portion of the site which is better related to the existing built up area. The remainder of the site is considered to be not suitable for Rural Exceptions as it is excessive in scale as set out in PPS3 (11)and does not relate well to the existing built up area.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Needingworth.


The site was proposed most recently in response to the Submission Core Strategy consultation in 2008. Following recent correspondence with the Council the agent has confirmed that their client is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.

11 Paragraph 30, DCLG, PPS 3 Housing, November 2006

153 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

154 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Greenbank Poundhill, Needingworth

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Needingworth.

Greenbank: NE4

Site Information

Landowner Mr I Ratcliffe

Agent None

Coordinates 533860E 272165N

Site Size (ha) 0.7ha

Developable Area 10% (on western end of site taking account of extensive tree cover and existing properties)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 2 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Residential

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

155 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and west Residential to the south and east

Development Progress 0900779FUL - modified house type.

0700550FUL - erection of one dwelling. Permitted.

0601232FUL - erection of 3 dwellings following demolition of existing. Refused due to the layout, scale and over dominance of development.

0400349OUT - erection of 3 dwellings allowed at appeal but now lapsed.

0300477FUL - erection of replacement dwelling which was refused on design grounds.

Initial Assessment of Development Residential Mix

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Mostly outside of built up area (only existing dwelling within) / protected trees / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Protected trees on site Achieving safe access taking into account existing properties and protected tree cover Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing concentrated in a small portion at the western end of the site due to the extensive, protected tree cover and existing commitment for Market Housing on the site.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Needingworth.


The site was proposed by the owner in 2007. In response to recent correspondence sent by the Council to confirm ownership, the owner has indicated that he is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimate that the site could be achievable in years 1-5/ 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore deliverable/ developable.

156 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land rear of No1 to No 19 High Street, Needingworth

Site Description

The site is located on the south western edge of Needingworth to the rear of the High Street.

Land r/o No 1 to No 19 High Street: NE5

Site Information

Landowner Mrs J Harvey

Agent None

Coordinates 533984E 271972N

Site Size (ha) 1.2ha

Developable Area 0% (difficulties in integrating the site with the rest of the village and achieving satisfactory access makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

157 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / open land/grassland / arable land

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north and east Agricultural to the west Open land/grassland to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access to Hawkes End taking into account tree cover Archaeology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Archaeological assessment

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing as, by virtue of its location behind existing residential development, it is detached from the village.


Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They suggested that the land is owned by Mrs J Harvey. However, they have also made it clear they are trying to negotiate use of the site for community allotments and a community orchard. Its availability for Rural Exceptions Housing cannot therefore be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

158 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land north of Sunrhyl, Church Street, Needingworth

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Needingworth, between residential development along Church Street.

Land north of Sunrhyl: NE6

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent Community and Regional Planning Services

Coordinates 534048E 271761

Site Size (ha) 0.6ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 15 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

159 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, south and east (beyond Church Street) Agricultural land to the west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / protected trees / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Protected trees on northern boundary / tree cover Achieving safe access Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts Potential development would require landscaping on the western boundary to minimise impact on the landscape.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing subject careful landscaping on the western boundary to minimise the impact on the open countryside.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Needingworth.


The site was originally submitted by the agent in 2005. Following recent correspondence with the Council the agent has indicated that their client is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

160 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Sunrhyl, Church Street, Needingworth

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Needingworth.

Land south of Sunrhyl: NE7

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent Community and Regional Planning Services

Coordinates 534048E 271761

Site Size (ha) 1ha

Developable Area 50% (taking account of the depth of the adjacent property)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 15 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

161 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north and east (beyond Church Street) Agricultural land to the west Paddock to the south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access

Identifying and Managing Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts The site contributes to the rural character of the village on the southern approach.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the significant protrusion of the site into the open countryside and the detachment of the site from the rest of the village.


The site was originally proposed by the agent in 2005. Following recent correspondence with the Council the agent has indicated that their client is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

162 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land north of Overcote Lane, Needingworth

Site Description

This large site is located on the eastern edge of Needingworth.

Land north of Overcote Lane: NE8

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent Hanson Quarry

Coordinates 534947E 272292N

Site Size (ha) 22.9ha

Developable Area 0% (scale of site makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / lakes / residential

163 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and south Lakes to the east Residential to the west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / flood zone 3 (& 3b) / Ouse Valley Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Approximately 14ha of the eastern half covered by flood risk Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access Archaeology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Flood risk assessment Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Archaeological assessment Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts The site contributes significantly to the rural character of the village on the eastern edge.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination and flooding.

NB The far eastern half sits within the functional floodplain as identified on the Council's emerging Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2010). The remainder of the site is not within any flood risk and therefore has been identified as appropriate for further assessment as this half also adjoins the settlement.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the significant protrusion into the open countryside and the resultant impact that would be caused to the rural character of the village. Furthermore, the scale of the site is considered to be excessive for Rural Exceptions Housing as set out in PPS3 (12).


The site was proposed by the agent in 2003. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. The agent has confirmed that their client is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

12 Paragraph 30, DCLG, PPS 3 Housing, November 2006

164 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Offord Cluny

Offord Cluny: Overview Map

165 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Whitwell Farm, Asplins Lane, Offord Cluny

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Offord Cluny and comprises land at Whitwell Farm.

Whitwell Farm, Asplins Lane: OC1

Site Information

Landowner R W Eayrs

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 521962E 267397N

Site Size (ha) 0.4ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural (farm)

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

166 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the south, west, east and north west Agricultural land to the north west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Within built up area / adjacent Listed Building / adjacent Conservation Area / Ouse Valley Landscape / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Adjacent Conservation Area Adjacent Listed Buildings Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access - existing farm entrance to High Street is suitable for additional development traffic Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Heritage statement Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development may offer the opportunity to improve the streetscene.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


As it is understood that the farm is no longer used for farming purposes the site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing subject to the demonstration that safe access could be achieved.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Offord Cluny.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2004. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site’s availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

167 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent Manor Court, Offord Cluny

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Offord Cluny adjacent existing residential development to the west.

Land adjacent Manor Court: OC2

Site Information

Landowner Mr and Mrs P Alexander

Agent Alexanders

Coordinates 522046E 267000N

Site Size (ha) 0.2ha

Developable Area 0% (the extensive tree cover on site makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Woodland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

168 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and east Residential to the south and west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Conservation Area / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Within Conservation Area Extensive tree cover Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Heritage statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts The site forms part of a wider site which contributes significantly to the rural landscape setting on the eastern edge of the village.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the significant contribution that the site makes to the landscape setting of the village. Furthermore, potential development would result in the loss of trees which would erode the setting of the village.


The site was put forward as part of the "Call for Sites" in June 2009 for Rural Exceptions Housing. The agent indicated that the site could become available for development by 2014 or between 2014 and 2019.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

169 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Offord D'Arcy

Offord D'Arcy: Overview Map

170 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land at & rear of No 9 Littleworth End, Offord D'Arcy

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Offord D'Arcy and includes No 9 Littleworth End and its curtilage.

Land at and r/o No 9 Littleworth End: OD1

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent Site submitted by Exchange Developments in 2001; current agent Nutwood Ventures Ltd

Coordinates 522160E 266129N

Site Size (ha) 0.08ha

Developable Area 0% (the lack of access into the site makes the identification of potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Residential dwelling and its curtilage

171 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / residential curtilage

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, west and north east Residential curtilage to the east and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Mostly outside built up area (only dwelling within) / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access taking into account existing property Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing access cannot be achieved and there is significant tree cover on site which contributes to the setting of the settlement.


The site was proposed by Exchange Developments in 2001. This company no longer exists and has been replaced by Nutwood Ventures Ltd. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

172 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land to the rear of Nos 11-19 Littleworth End, Offord D'Arcy

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Offord D'Arcy and includes the curtilages of Nos 11 - 19 Littleworth End.

Land r/o Nos11-19 Littleworth End: OD2

Site Information

Landowner Massicks

Agent Andrew Campbell Associates

Coordinates 522196E 266107N

Site Size (ha) 0.5ha

Developable Area 0% (the lack of access and difficulty in integrating the site with the settlement without OD1 makes the identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Residential curtilages

173 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / residential curtilages / agricultural land

Character of Surrounding Area Residential / residential curtilages to the north and west Agricultural land to the east and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access to Littleworth End taking account of existing properties

Identifying and Managing Constraints Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing as there is no access route into the site and it could not be successfully integrated into the village without development of site OD1.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2006. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

174 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Blenheim Grove, Offord D'Arcy

Site Description

The site is located on the southern edge of Offord D'Arcy, south of existing residential development at Blenheim Grove.

Land south of Blenheim Grove: OD3

Site Information

Landowner Thornhill Estates

Agent Savills

Coordinates 522075E 265819N

Site Size (ha) 3.7ha

Developable Area 3 % (allowing for frontage development only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

175 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the south, east and west Residential to the north

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / South East Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Achieving safe access to Gravely Road Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing comprising frontage development along Graveley Road in the south eastern corner.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Offord D'Arcy.


The site was originally proposed by the agent in 2006. In recent correspondence with the Council to confirm ownership details the agent has indicated that their client is willing for the site to be considered for Rural Exceptions Housing.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

176 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Ramsey St Mary's

Ramsey St Mary's: Overview Map

177 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land to the rear of Nos 152-200 Herne Road, Ramsey St Mary's

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Ramsey St Mary's to the rear of a number of properties fronting Herne Road.

Land rear of Nos 152 - 200 Herne Road: RM1

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 525823E 288432N

Site Size (ha) 6.7ha

Developable Area 0 % (scale of site makes identification of a potentially suitable portion for Rural Exceptions Housing development inappropriate)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 0

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

178 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north, east and south Residential to the west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / flood zone 3 (& 3a) / The Fens Landscape Character Area/ Grade 1 Agricultural Land

Physical Problems or Limitations Within flood zone 3 (partially within 3a) Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access Tree cover on or adjacent site Grade 1 Agricultural Land

Identifying and Managing Flood risk assessment Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential flooding and contamination.

NB Parts of this site also sit within flood zone 3a as identified on the Council's emerging Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2010) this designation does not preclude the detailed assessment of the site. Should it be found potentially suitable, appropriate mitigation measures would need to be incorporated into future development.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the excessive scale as set out in PPS3(13)and extensive flood risk across the site. Development of any part of the site would disrupt the linear form of this part of the settlement. Furthermore, the site comprises grade 1 agricultural land.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2001. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

13 Paragraph 30, DCLG, PPS3 Housing November 2006,

179 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent 220 Herne Road, Ramsey St Mary's

Site Description

The site is located on the northern edge of Ramsey St Mary's.

Land adjacent No 220 Herne Road: RM2

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent John Martin and Associates

Coordinates 525749E 288758N

Site Size (ha) 0.4ha

Developable Area 30% (allowing for frontage development only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

180 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north, east and west Residential to the south and south west/west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / flood zone 3 (& 2) / The Fens Landscape Character Area/ Grade 1 Agricultural Land

Physical Problems or Limitations Within flood zone 3 (partially within 2) Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access Tree cover on or adjacent site Grade 1 Agricultural Land

Identifying and Managing Flood risk assessment Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.

NB Parts of this site also sit within flood zone 2 as identified on the Council's emerging Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2010) this designation does not preclude the detailed assessment of the site. Should it be found potentially suitable, appropriate mitigation measures would need to be incorporated into future development.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing as the site comprises Grade 1 Agricultural Land.


The site was proposed by the agent in 2001. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

181 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Spaldwick: Overview Map

182 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land to the rear of High Street (r/o Free Church), Spaldwick

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Spaldwick to the rear of the Free Church.

Land r/o Free Church, High Street: SP1

Site Information

Landowner Mr R N Good, Mr S J Good & Mrs S Leck

Agent John Martin Associates

Coordinates 513208E 272807N

Site Size (ha) 0.9ha

Developable Area 40% (taking account proximity to A14, tree cover and flooding)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per 30dph hectare)

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential / open land/grassland

183 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north (beyond the A14) Residential to the south and east Open land/grassland to the west

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / flood zone 3 (& 3a) / adjacent Conservation Area / adjacent Listed Building / Southern Wolds Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Tree cover on or adjacent site Flood risk across whole site Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Agricultural contamination Noise from A14 Pollution from A14

Identifying and Managing Tree survey / arboricultural implications Constraints Flood risk assessment Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Land contamination assessment / remediation works Noise assessment / acoustic treatment Air quality assessment

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential flooding, noise and contamination.

NB This site sits within flood zone 3a as identified in the Council's emerging Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2010). The Council takes the view that, subject to the incorporation of appropriate mitigation measures, the site could found to be potentially suitable.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing allowing for a substantial landscape buffer forming part of appropriate noise insulation against the noise of the A14.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Spaldwick.


The site was put forward as part of the "Call for Sites" in June 2009 for both Market and Rural Exceptions Housing. The agent indicated that the site could become available for development between 2019 and 2024.


The Council estimates that the site could be achievable in years 6-10/11-16 of the plan period. It is therefore developable.

184 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Stilton: Overview Map

185 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land at North End, North Street, Stilton

Site Description

The site is located on the north eastern edge of Stilton.

Land at North End, North Street: ST1

Site Information

Landowner Mr D Hicks

Agent None

Coordinates 516193E 289906N

Site Size (ha) 0.9ha

Developable Area 40% (allowing for frontage only due to the linear form of the village)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 15 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land/ residential / industrial (depot)

186 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the east Residential to the south and west (beyond North Street) Industrial (Depot) to the north

Development Progress Application submitted for change of use from agriculture to playing field with car parking; this was granted permission. (0100799FUL)

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Fen Margin Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Noise from adjacent use and A1 Achieving safe access Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Noise assessment / acoustic treatment Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Noise and potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing along the frontage of North Street subject to landscaping on the eastern boundary and achievement of appropriate noise insulation from the A1.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Stilton.


The site was proposed in 2007. Following recent correspondence with the owner they have suggested that consideration of the site for Rural Exceptions Housing would potentially jeopardise the access route for any future development proposals for a wider site also in their ownership. The site's availability for Rural Exceptions Housing cannot therefore be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

187 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land north of Elm Close, Stilton

Site Description

The site is located on the north western edge of Stilton, adjacent existing residential development at Elm Close / Harvest Close.

Land north of Elm Close: ST2

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent None

Coordinates 515695E 289554N

Site Size (ha) 3ha

Developable Area 20% (due to protrusion into landscape)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 15 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

188 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and west Residential to the east and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Fen Margin Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access to St Mary's Road or Caldecote Road taking into account detailed design requirements Tree cover on or adjacent site Archaeology

Identifying and Managing Land contamination assessment / remediation works Constraints Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Archaeological assessment

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing concentrated in the south eastern corner subject to obtaining satisfactory access and provision of substantial landscaping on the northern boundary..

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Stilton.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They were unable to provide landownership details therefore, on the best information available to the Council, the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

189 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land at Elm Farm, Church Street, Stilton

Site Description

The site is located within Stilton and comprises a working farm and grade II Listed cottage (34 Church Street).

Land at Elm Farm, Church Street: ST3

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent None

Coordinates 515859E 289335N

Site Size (ha) 0.7ha

Developable Area 50% (taking into account Listed cottage within the site)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Farm

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / Primary School

190 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, south and west Primary school to the east

Development Progress Part of the site (far eastern third) has had an application for residential development refused at appeal (0800507FUL) due to detrimental the impact on the setting of the listed building.

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Within built up area / Listed Building / Fen Margin Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Listed Building on site Loss of employment Agricultural contamination Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access

Identifying and Managing Heritage statement Constraints Statement to justify loss of employment Land contamination assessment / remediation works Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts Potential development may offer the opportunity to improve the streetscene

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the current employment the farm offers. It is the Council's objective to retain employment opportunities within Smaller Settlements.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They were unable to provide landownership details therefore, on the best information available to the Council, the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

191 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Garage at corner of High Street / Church Close, Stilton

Site Description

The site is located in the centre of Stilton and comprises a garage.

Garage at corner of High Street / Church Close: ST4

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent None

Coordinates 516283E 289085N

Site Size (ha) 0.3ha

Developable Area 100%

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Garage

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the north, south, east and west

192 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Within built up area / Fen Margin Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Loss of employment Contamination Achieving safe access Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Statement to justify loss of employment Land contamination assessment / remediation works Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts Potential development may offer the opportunity to improve the streetscene.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be not suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing due to the current employment the garage offers. It is the Council's objective to retain employment opportunities within Smaller Settlements.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They were unable to provide landownership details therefore, on the best information available to the Council, the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site is not suitable for development it is not achievable.

193 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Henson's Coal Yard, Fen Street, Stilton

Site Description

The site is located on the eastern edge of Stilton between existing residential development to the west and the A1 (M) to the east.

Henson's Coal Yard: ST5

Site Information

Landowner Harry Henson

Agent None

Coordinates 516466E 289444N

Site Size (ha) 0.5ha

Developable Area 15% (allowing for frontage development only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 3 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Former coal yard

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land / allotments / open land

194 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the south and south west Allotments to the west Agricultural land to the east (beyond A1(M) Open land to the north

Development Progress 0101044OUT erection of 19 dwellings - refused and dismissed at appeal due to unsustainable location and issues relating to affordable housing and infrastructure provision.

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Fen Margin Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Contamination Tree cover on or adjacent site Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access to Fen Street subject to detailed design

Identifying and Managing Constraints Land contamination assessment / remediation works Tree survey / arboricultural implications Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement

Potential Impacts Potential development may offer the opportunity to improve the streetscene.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for partial development for Rural Exceptions Housing comprising frontage development along Fen Street only. The Council understands that the Coal Yard is no longer in operational use. The remainder of the site is not suitable as it protrudes into the countryside, has substantial tree cover and would be difficult to integrate with the village.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Stilton.


The site was proposed by the Parish Council in 2007. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they could confirm ownership of the site and knew of the contact details of the owner. They were unable to provide an address. As no contact has been made with the owner the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

195 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements


Upwood: Overview Map

196 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land adjacent Upwood Primary School, Upwood

Site Description

The site is located on the north eastern edge of Upwood and is immediately adjacent to the Primary School.

Land adjacent Upwood Primary School: UW1

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent None

Coordinates 526577E 283095N

Site Size (ha) 0.4ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 10 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Car park / school / agricultural land / residential

197 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Car park to the south School to the east Agricultural land to the north Residential to the east

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Central Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site Agricultural contamination

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications Land contamination assessment / remediation works

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Upwood.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They were unable to provide landownership details therefore, on the best information available to the Council, the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

198 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land at Farm Close, Upwood

Site Description

The site is located on the north eastern edge of Upwood adjacent to existing residential development (including recently built affordable housing).

Land at Farm Close: UW2

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent None

Coordinates 526497E 283073N

Site Size (ha) 0.7ha

Developable Area 75% (due to landscaping and open space requirements)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 15 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Open land/grassland

Surrounding Land Use(s) Residential / agricultural land

199 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Residential to the south, east and west Agricultural land to the north

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / Central Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Achieving safe access Biodiversity and ecology Tree cover on or adjacent site

Identifying and Managing Constraints Transport statement Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Tree survey / arboricultural implications

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions None specific to the site.


The site is considered to be potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Upwood.


The site was originally identified from a desktop survey. Following a review of the site information held by the District Council the Parish Council were contacted to see if they knew who owned the land. They were unable to provide landownership details therefore, on the best information available to the Council, the site's availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.

200 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Land south of Longholme Road, Upwood

Site Description

The site is located on the western edge of Upwood.

Land south of Longsholme Road: UW3

Site Information

Landowner Not known

Agent Sharman Quinney

Coordinates 525925E 282998N

Site Size (ha) 1.2ha

Developable Area 10% (allowing for frontage development only)

Notional Density Range (dwellings per hectare) 30dph

Anticipated Capacity 5 (The maximum number of homes will not exceed identified need within the settlement.)

Site Characteristics

Current Use(s) Agricultural land

Surrounding Land Use(s) Agricultural land / residential

201 Smaller Settlements Huntingdonshire LDF | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update: Part B: Site Assessments for Rural Exceptions Housing: Smaller Settlements

Character of Surrounding Area Agricultural land to the north and west Residential to the east and south

Development Progress None

Initial Assessment of Development Mix Residential

Assessing Suitability for Housing

Policy Restrictions Outside built up area / adjacent Conservation Area / Central Claylands Landscape Character Area

Physical Problems or Limitations Agricultural contamination Biodiversity and ecology Achieving safe access to Longsholme Road subject to detailed design Tree cover on or adjacent site Adjacent Conservation Area

Identifying and Managing Land contamination assessment / remediation works Constraints Biodiversity / ecology survey and report Transport statement Tree survey / arboricultural implications Heritage statement

Potential Impacts None specific to the site.

Environmental Conditions Potential contamination.


The site is potentially suitable for Rural Exceptions Housing fronting Longsholme Road.

Regardless of the theoretical capacity of the site the scale of potential development would not exceed the level of identified need for affordable housing in Upwood.


The site was originally proposed in 2003. The agent was contacted in February 2010 to confirm landownership details and obtain permission that the Council consider the site for Rural Exceptions Housing. No response was received therefore, on the best information available, the site’s availability cannot be confirmed.


As the site's availability cannot be confirmed it is not achievable.