Scoping Report Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 2020

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Scoping Report Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 2020 Test Valley Borough 2020 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 2020 Any queries in relation to this Scoping Report should be directed to the Planning Policy Team. Contact details are provided below: Planning Policy and Economic Development Service Test Valley Borough Council Beech Hurst Weyhill Road Andover SP10 3AJ Telephone: 01264 368000 Email: [email protected] 1 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 2020 Contents List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................... 4 1 Introduction and Background ................................................................................ 5 What Are Sustainability Appraisals? ........................................................................ 5 Scoping Reports ...................................................................................................... 5 What is sustainable development? .......................................................................... 6 Test Valley Borough Council’s Corporate Plan ........................................................ 7 Test Valley’s Local Development Framework .......................................................... 7 Uncertainties ............................................................................................................ 8 2 Summary of Consultation Process ........................................................................ 9 3 Report Structure ................................................................................................. 10 Scoping Report Process ........................................................................................ 10 Structure of this Scoping Report ............................................................................ 12 Compliance with the SEA Regulations .................................................................. 12 Commentary on the Scoping Report Process ........................................................ 13 Habitat Regulations Assessment Process ............................................................. 14 4 Overview of Borough of Test Valley .................................................................... 15 5 Air Quality ........................................................................................................... 17 6 Biodiversity and Geodiversity ............................................................................. 19 7 Climate Change .................................................................................................. 25 Climate Change Projections .................................................................................. 26 Greenhouse Gas Emissions .................................................................................. 28 Energy Consumption ............................................................................................. 29 8 Communities and Wellbeing ............................................................................... 33 Leisure, Recreation and Culture ............................................................................ 34 Deprivation ............................................................................................................ 36 Health and Wellbeing ............................................................................................. 37 Community Safety ................................................................................................. 39 9 Economy and Employment ................................................................................. 41 Local Economy and Employment .......................................................................... 42 Town Centres ........................................................................................................ 49 Education and Skills .............................................................................................. 50 Waste and Recycling ............................................................................................. 52 10 Historic Environment ....................................................................................... 54 11 Homes and Accommodation ........................................................................... 60 12 Land and Soil .................................................................................................. 68 2 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 2020 13 Landscape, Townscape and Character ........................................................... 72 14 Population and Demographics ........................................................................ 79 Population .............................................................................................................. 79 Households ............................................................................................................ 82 Age Profile ............................................................................................................. 84 Ethnicity ................................................................................................................. 86 15 Travel and Transport ....................................................................................... 88 16 Water Resources and Water Quality ............................................................... 97 Water Resources and Quality ................................................................................ 97 Water Consumption ............................................................................................... 99 Flood Risk ............................................................................................................ 100 17 Likely Changes in the Future ......................................................................... 103 18 Identifying Sustainability Issues ..................................................................... 105 19 Sustainability Objectives and Appraisal Framework ...................................... 112 Testing Compatibility of Sustainability Objectives ................................................ 121 3 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 2020 List of Abbreviations AMR Authority Monitoring Report AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty AQMA Air Quality Management Area BAP Biodiversity Action Plan BEIS Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DfT Department for Transport DPD Development Plan Document GVA Gross Value Added HBIC Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre HRA Habitat Regulations Assessment LDF Local Development Framework LDS Local Development Scheme LEP Local Enterprise Partnership LSOA Lower Super Output Area MHCLG Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government NFNP New Forest National Park NPPF National Planning Policy Framework ONS Office for National Statistics PPG Planning Practice Guidance SA Sustainability Appraisal SAC Special Area of Conservation SAPF Small Area Population Forecast (data provided by Hampshire County Council) SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SINC Site of Importance for Nature Conservation SPA Special Protection Area SPD Supplementary Planning Document SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest SuDS Sustainable Drainage System 4 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 2020 1 Introduction and Background 1.1 This Scoping Report has been prepared by the Council as part of the sustainability appraisal (incorporating strategic environmental assessment) process. What Are Sustainability Appraisals? 1.2 Sustainability Appraisals are intended to help promote sustainable development (including social, economic and environmental objectives) in the preparation of certain planning documents. This includes considering the likely effects of the plans, as well as opportunities to minimise negative effects and maximise positive effects. The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 includes a requirement for the appraisal of the sustainability of Development Plan Documents (DPD).1 1.3 The Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) also advises that Sustainability Appraisals incorporate the requirements of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 (often referred to as the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Regulations). This legislation establishes a process of assessment to ensure that environmental considerations are taken into account in preparing certain plans. Scoping Reports 1.4 The first stage of the sustainability appraisal process involves setting the context, identifying the baseline and producing sustainability objectives, namely setting the scope for the appraisal process. 1.5 This report includes a review of relevant policies, plans and programmes that relate to the local area; information on the baseline characteristics of the local area; consideration of the sustainability issues / problems and develops a framework for the future stages of the sustainability appraisal process, including the identification of sustainability objectives. 1.6 This Scoping Report is intended to be used in relation to relevant planning policy documents2 (including DPDs and any relevant Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)) and any other Council strategies to which the SEA Regulations apply. There may be exceptions where separate Scoping Reports are prepared. 1 Section 180 (5) (d) of The Planning Act 2008 amended the requirements of Part 2 of Section 19 (5) (a) of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
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