? .■ '-^2 ^ r -1% V' -i Y rrS. I 't - It -S »• f T -4 — jf* f ♦ • r'«t" v>'“' ' . MSVIVBBSmiN 4« » Va >» •^ii* iv 1 A/ A fVUtifeL DAILY GISGULATIOV JV-s* for'tiie Month of September, 1 9 S0 I.... p.. ■ Innrsis tng - sjowdlBest, a et .«a^i^. ;’, V- *a.»2u V so tool jm ibalU fy :>*' •“V b y sbowen Me ionMit or Tnes* I v., c IW'‘.iTir- Members of the Audit Barean Vf, vT- , , of OrenlsSons.' u C ,h •» . t »J» * • •.• . - . j i ’A. ‘ »______...... l>’^ -3' m'K- ^ lW’"i;, ~ ■. '•WiE.WsiLfS +■ I O f , ■» •* , -V t. #. —_ S O C tH ^ lilO|911i)cY, OC?rOMR .13, 1030. •hVBILVB ?A €jB r ‘ PRICE THBIIE C E N lt 1:^4 , yOL. XLV., NO. 11. (Oassilled AdrertlBins on Page It) u*s- 1 rS-T? V- WEATHER MAPS TALCOTTVILIl NEW INVENTION T he.M enacing: M uzzlie of ^.IJnele San»?i * rest G iin Atlantic Skippers May Now HANISKILtED Know Conditions All Alongr the Ocean Routes. ^ '• iimM'm- GOINGJOWORK , Oct. 13—(AP)— Samples of a north Atlantic weather map which would en­ able ship captains to tell at a glance toe weather conditions John McKofle Meets Death at any point in their course Fascists' WiMbws, were brought back to New York today by Charles J. Pan- Instantly When Hit by nill, vice president of toe Radio- Distege Pistols and mtuine Corporation. He has been arranging with weather Automobile Driven by bureaus abroad for co-operation F^kt on Streets — hside in preparing toe service. He re­ Hartford Man; Driver Held turned on toe Leviathan. Neyv Orleans, .Oct lS.^—(AP)- ^toe exception. Old famhioned stand- ParyaineBt Baddim Order The map would be relayed by Trowhridge Csdloway, of New York, au;ds for jud^ g yalues are again a photo-radio apparatus to all president of toe Investment Bank­ back in vogiie, auid am investment ships at sea, Pannill said^ ers Association of America, told toe. bankers, *we ban do our part to di­ is Restored and Session While walking to work this morn­ and successful experiments In ing in company with a fellow work­ asapeiation’s members in convention rect toe savings of the country into its treinsmission have been con­ here today that business does .not c6nst^tive'and,tdependabie lines. is Adjourned DnNI man. John McCone. 62. of Talcott- ducted aboard toe steamship need artificial respiration, .aui, the “While ^culatioh has its proper ville. was struck and instantly kill­ American. wpalth-producing power of toe coun­ amd ii)depehdent '.function in our ed at 7:05 o’clock by an automobile try has* not been hurt essentiedly. e^noinic life, affter all, the back log Wednesday. Calloway’s address treated'with of prosperity is toe savings and driven by Jack '.banian, of 7 Nor­ toe general conditions aqd circumr sound investinants of toe people. wich street. Hartford, on the long ‘LEGS’ DIAMOND, stances affecting nationad invest­ Through constructive financing amd Berlin, Oct. 13.-:—(A P .)—^Troops curve beyond Talcottvillc leading to ment baulking, amd resounded with purdent savings there has been built Dobsonville. optimism regau'ding the country’s up a renewed buying power amd nor­ of Fascist rioters, storming through In Sight of Home business aihd financial ^ tu re. mal demuid. for goods amd services. do'wn-town Berlin, smashing shop McCone h?.d left hi.s home, within RACKETEER, IS “The orgy of speculation, .,'which With your help, nornud confidence ■windows and firing pistols into the Bight of the fatal accident, and join­ clouded toe country’s vision ham cam be more readily restored and the air, tiirn$.d the opening of Ger­ ed a neighbor, John Moore, walking pamaed,” he sadd, “a n d . clearer ftmdamenial law . of supply amd de- many’s new Retohstag today toto a to the Talcottville mUls about three- SHOOY FOES This gigantic g;im, shown here * serving as a sort of pedestal for carefree m etiers of the Army Ord­ thinking is now toe rule rather than jmand brought into balanbe.” quarters of a mile distant. Accord­ nance Association, is one of Uncle Sam’a new 16-inch seacoast defense : guns/exhibited to members of toe wild reign of anti^eWlsh rowdsrism. ing to Moore, both were on the fight The violence of tha Fascists and > association at toe Aberdeen proving grounds in Maryland-, The gun tfifo\y3 a-'21()()-^ound'shell for 30 of the road walking towards the nmes, and is toe largest weapon in toe ebutftry. It cam fin a'sheU’.a ^ftinute.% r . rioting of Communists In tiie shad­ mills when a large car was heard ow of the Parliament building, at directly in rear of them going in Bady Wowded Frem Five FIRST U. S. DD«0SAUR EGG toe edge of toe famous Tiergarten, the direction of Hartford. McCone taxed police efforts and threw the was on the inside, nearer the mid­ proceedings of the Reichstag Itsrtf dle of the road, and Moore was Billet Wonads Fired at SURGEONS COLLEGE into relative obscurity. along the fence. McCone turned to BRA2IUAN IS LOCATti) IN MONTANA On toe Potsdamerplatz the riot­ view the approaching car and as he Him m New York Hotel; ers who wore no uniforms and ■were did so was struck by the bumper HONORS DR. FRIEND identifiable only by toeir shouts of and was thrown with force against CITY “Hail Hitler,” smashed toe windows the windshield and catapulted under Refased to (Sve Details. S U k HS m . l l e n i OH of toe Palast cafe as well as those the fence in front of his companion. ARIZONA TO START of limousines parked outside it ... Moore was turned half-way round 3Cio Rioters as the body of McCone passed by. New York, Oct. 13.— (AP.)—Jack Gfioical Congress Today Are Fomd—Toodi of Ani- The rioters numbered about 300 Important (]»8kl C and added a •wild-west toiicA' to Ananian went over 100 feet before Legs” Diamond, gamgster and RAD CHECK CHARGE HOOVER DAM SUIT I stopping. Awards Local Specialist toeir activities by firing their ais- Polico CaUed racketeer, radlied today in Polyclin­ Falls Into Hands of Insir- mel That lived After Di- tols in toe air. , A woman in a passing car caUed ic hospital from five bullet wounds The Reichstag itself convened at at a nearby houss and called the AGAINST CANNON 3 o’clock and after a session of sev­ inflicted yesterday by would-be ais- Degree of Felow. nosaiir Also Uieevered. To Tent Vafilky o( Aet of eral hours adjourned till Wednes­ State Police and State Police Officer sassins who .burst into his room in gonts; Reports Soy RoMs Henry Zehrer of the Stafford day. i/'. a west side hotel, fired on him and With toe mention of ai^urnment' Springs barracks responded.^ fled. Dr. Amos E. Friend, for the,past C ^oos and Cosset Be­ Driver’s Story Are (Saining Recruits. Officials Also ?jMssg Fire in By Howard W. Blakeslee toe Commimists raised a/storm, in­ Physiciauis who believed toe gang­ five years a practicing physician in sisting that a session he held tomor­ According to Ananian, driver of ster chief to be dying early today Manchester, was awarded toe de­ Princeton, N. J., Oct. 13.—(AP)—-} A tell tale little tooth dlMovered tween the Stitee. row for a vote of no confidence fix the death car, he was proceeding to reported, when he awoke this morn­ Office of the Bishep’s gree, Fellow of the American Col­ Hartford from Boston with his wife, Buenos Aires, Oct. 13.— (AP)— lege of' Surgeons, at toe Clinical near some dinosaur egg shells in toe Bi;uening Cabinet for a 'Vote on ing from four hours sleep, that he Montana, gives an insight into toe stoppage of toe Young plan; pay­ Alice, and two daughters, Agnes had a fadr chamce to recover. They Despatches received at Paso de Los : Congress of Surgeons assembled at and Rose and Robert Proodian, a toe Belle-vue-Stratford Hotel In possible fate of toe earth’s largest Washington, Oct 13.—(AP)— ments and for revocatioh of the or­ regairded his condition as so much Libros, Argentina, from Uruguayan j Sen. race of animals; the extinct"' dhibS- der outlawing toe Red Front Com­ friend. When at the top of the grade improved that they held in abeyamce todi^. Dr. 'Friend is Arizona todqy was granted permis­ knd curve lie said he noticed the sources today said that Brazilian | ^toe Sebbnd physician li-ving and aurs. - ' : munist organization. plans for a blood transfusion. revolutionary forces had captured ! Discover of toe eggs, toe first sion by toe Supreme Court to bring ■rae Fascists joined in, blqwing two pedestrians and slowed down, Shot Five Times Los Angeles, Oct. 13.—(AP.)— 'practicing in Msmehester to be ac- appWng hiSibrake. He said he p ^ - the important coastal city of Flo- j ''rde’d'this high honor. Dr. David found on tois continent, and of toe suit against the states interested in police whistles and dro-wning all Fevered amd weak from loss of While Major Richard M. Cannon, tooth nearby was announced today the construction of Hoover Dam An came extinct. noon. (Continued on Page Three.) Two bullets entered his chest, one solidation of their lines between the The Montana mammal was com­ States of Parana and Rio Grande tovratigators of -toe. fire depart­ Quiet Outside on either side, another penetrated ment here said firemen answering a paratively small, a new mammal Do Sul where the Rebels headquar­ type, probabl'v belonging to toe mar- FOUR AUTO DEATHS « There was plenty of disorder out­ the abdomen, a fourth lodged in toe call to Major (Jannon’s residence ride, but aside from Communist thigh and toe fifth inflicted a scalp ters are located. found a pile of paper burning in the supiala. This, is one of the lowest As long as the city was in the orders of present day mammal, to shouts against Bruening xuid toe COURT MUST DECIDE wound on toe forehead. center of the office he maintains In Young plan and toe Fascist use of Before sinking into a coma he hands of the Federals, ' toe rebel his home. The . fire had every ap­ which belong Kahgauroos, opposums, AND TWO S U H M S forces have been kept separated wombats and bidicoota. whistles, toe meeting was quieter told police he did not know his am- pearance they said, of being of in­ than Sad been expected. sailants or why they shot him. with edhsequent diminution of their cendiary origin. Nothing of value The presence of the mammal CITIZENSHIP CASES ability to 'conceiftrate against Sao tooth so near thef dinosaur eggs sug­ * Evidence of this was in toe fact Gangsters Story V/&3 destroyed as far as toe Invest!' that toe 82-year-old temporary “The door opened,” he said, “and, Paulo where the government is still gators could determine. gested that tin? unexplained catas­ Six ly e a t Dmiihs m State in control. trophe which wiped out toe dinos­ president, C3arl Herold, was able ..to three men walked in. One said, Officials of the El Monte school, finish roll-call and to obtain toe vot­ ‘Well, here we are let’s go,' and all in'connection -with which the checks aurs about 75' millions years ago In Schwimmer Case Oath to may have been in collision with toe ing of the next session within a lit­ three blazed, away at me. It knock­ BIG BATTLE NEAR ■were given, said "their records were Over tte W ed^ert— tle more than an hour. ed me over on the bed and they superior mammalian intelligence. Montevideo, Oct. 13—(AP)— A intact and are being kept in the Stole the Eggs At the Wednesday session toe Fight Declared Necessary; battle for the state of Sao Paulo, school office. Though toe biggest dinosaurs of Aeddests. - presiding officials will be chosen (Continued on Page Three.) richest prize of southern Brazil, ap­ His Statement and the Socialist bill for reduriag peared today to be in its initial ' ’The statem ent issued by Major (Continued on Pago Three.) toe fees of Reichstag members by Macintosh Case Opposite. stages, with both insurgent and Cannon through his father, bishop 20 per cent will be put to toe vote. Federal armies claiming victory in of the.Mefdiodist.Epis'cope^ church, By Aaaooiated Preee. Four persons wete killed in auto During toe day toe Econonne MINISTER DEFIES scattering advance guard contacts. South, ;fpllows: v ' > , ■ , Party notified Chancellor Bruening Washington, Oct. 13—(AP) Al­ General Miguel Costa, rebel com­ "I left California to come to accidents in, over the week-end. that they had requested Johannes though toe Supreme Court has said mander reported that troops of his W ashington to ^ consult -with my IMPERIAL P m E Y Bredt, minister of justice, to resign ! its say in emphatic fashion on toe right had crossed the border of Sao J, C. Fraser, a'Coast Guard at­ father. Bishop James Cannon, Jr., Dr. Amos E. Friend on toe ground that toe present Cab­ ' duty of an applicant for citizenship HEALTH OFFICIALS Paulo and taken the towns of Ourin- on some, exceedingly important mat­ tached to toe New London'base was hos, Singues and Punto Ribeira, and killed at Guilford in a collirion be­ inet does not represent toe will of to take unqualified oath to fight, if ters. There'was jao mystery con Caldwell, chief of toe surgical dlid- toe electorate. It was imderstood, need be, for toe , it were advancing on Itare, important tween.: tos car and one operated by nected.wito my going away or my sion. . Lionel A. Trusedell'of Norwich. The however, that Bredt might remain, must pass on toe question again or railway head of a direct line to toe whereabouts. . Studied In Canada leave it considerably unsettled. Is Pot loto Jal for HoMiog city of Sao Paulo. tottwr was arrested pending an in­ in toe Cabinet as expert member , “As to toe charges alleged by toe Dr. Friend la a -graduate of vestigation. rather than as a party man and In toe case of Roslka Schwimmer On his extreme left he said. Rebel press to have been filed against me Queens College, Kingston, Ontario, the court last year decided such an fordes skirmished with Federals at Fdiiam Graham, Expert, Two others in Fraser’s machine late this afternoon it was announc­ in Los Angeles and San Bernardino, class of 1922. Following his gradu­ ed that President von Hindenburg oath was necessary, but since then Church Services Daring a Jacarezinho and San Joe Da Plat- ation he did hospitalization, work escaped' serious injury. *A second these will be answered satisfactorily serious s(ccident occurred In Milford had prevailed upon Bredt to remain a arcuit Court of Appeals has de- ina, state of Parana. In both cases at .toe proper’ time\and place. I is­ among toe British Columbian, Indian sided Douglas Clyde Macintosh, he said toe Federals fled vritooiit Makes Soggestions as to yesterday when a car driven by in toe ministry. QuaraitiBe Period. sued no checks which I did not be­ smd Japanese fishermen at Port The president pointed out to Yale theology professor and Marie fighting. At another point, imnam- Simpson. He later took post gradu­ W eston ShorOy, of Union, N . J~., Averill Mnders a' ' There was every indicalicqt that bear arms if necessary. presmted an appeal on behalf of rebel advantage, or mark prolonga­ l^led tby a machine- operated by the government had taken alflpoaiEi- flags and sw m ^g lanteirnano longr BTB inade up Into trains. • They numher.of Irtish iug^c^btts sup?, Mre Canadians t^ chiidrra. The same appeal was tion of toe confiU.ct while FcKleral Jblm______„B*^ . auiette_ ?of H ^O ... ^^ The Me s tC i^ to___c - ______prevent______phyrical In toe meantime, Macintosh and rejected, however, by the pastor columns cariy toe (xmflict into., the ajre.-'goto^ furthier’afield'noW,i istudy- plemental to the 'qudstibn o f prefg^, er^nieed be rj^isd' updn'to;keep tlie. tog^tHe^^’ertbilities*of curing .short ential tariffs; for improtving intrtir |atte^ wap hrid under bond pending adien the new Reichstag,• with Miss'Bland, both Canadians, asked when I^resentative liozier, acting wilds of Rio Grande do Sul. ‘ - im lhyi5stigatioii.j^;^ its radicall?/ chafiged alignment Itvf for citizenship. Dr. Maclntc^ said as a friend, interviewed. Urn at toe MigineW tmd^conductdr 'v^ve'-'Mjto.iln^'New York harbor be- emigre "trade. ^ These. suggestiofia to c»ifin^uhicatt<^^ tvniia<^ah6 re?8i»tiba8 and tug ^boats covered:' [parties,.begann its first sessian4 dnoe - 4 he was willing to bear arms in de­ ja ll.4 iTwo persons'.committed suicide Uj^q'S ection. fense of toe country but he wanted, "The world is coming to an end,” BASEBALL PLATKt radlq’ls ready to''tak ' . 4 ly han^sg in the (state. One ■was' “— ------tq be the judge of the neceiultyi the pihKiner said, "and ,I must pre­ , ^ d d a y ‘ the .American s^ aiib n ?'aimounced"; that v'seiireral' - 'tm'tR'fibw the'crewsvateitiieii^..end 3. —The quota’;8y8tem piifri)aae.-£ iWivArnoMU 6 1 , wholM body One hundred and (seven National Miss Bland, like Miss Schwimmer, pare'my flock. I cannot cease my Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 10.—Alvin ’bimd V siuq^ded '^hy a- bdt Sociialisti^ foUowerao^ Adolf oIRtler, said she would not hear arms per­ meetings until released by toe P. Crowder, pitcher of' the Wash yeiarsj o f 'experim ental 'vivofk have of ^the qftrti’ mile-long frelgastoave 4. —^The possibitt^,^of negbtiattog yielded' su!tal)le ap^ar^tuis- for had'. dilficilltieli in excliangtog im- trade agraemasto : between Britain frdm a tree near his home In Pom- representing .Gennany'a Fasrist.pe^’ sonally, believing It contrary to toe Lord.” ington Senators sustained severe freL No rmotiva is known. ' ty, were to be awted bn the “ethics of . Christ.” Mr. Woodson, said to be a pro­ cuts and bruises and a. chest Injuiy malnjbatotog'practical, constant com- I>ortapt toformation and"ai{^e, ;<|s- anid toe-Dominicnie''Similar-to:-<-toa muniea^on between .caboose amd pisbia^ ih'bad weather or on ourvqd. agreement between Britain and' thjS i The other CShMlea right ?^The 01^ laiipsr. delffraQm Both were refused citizenship in a tege of the Rev. J. Frank Norris, today when he swerved his car . up was Socialists, ■with 148 United States District court. But fiery' Fort Worth,' Tex., Fimdamen- an embankment and into a tree to locom otive.' ’ . ' • T l)eirti^ -sets are ekpected not ohly Argentine, '-.’v ■■■, ■ • .' ■' Mosikrieh. of lOrilorcL He; * too The V a«oc|atioa’s experts f have to. toeTease safilty . but^tb'elim ^ate 6.—EmplTBy rattonalffation' wl|h haaied btinaaff fironi 'A tree near his the Second drcnlt Coart of Appeals talist, eame to this city three years avoid a machine.that:stop^d sud ^ ^ ^ H e had?)^ tax;.m health. reversed the lower‘coart. . v •go from Tem^,'Tac. denly In front of him. fotout'it jffMtteable'idse to' um radio 'ntoiiy dlWyi.v''''- ^ allocation of^pxjodttetlon. 7 > ■ I •*«< I ''‘S; JZ'i :r^ ■ V- \ ■ V 1 7 c ■ -:?r^- M Awniateetip EVEume g iE ild i: s o u t h u m c H W U ^ ^ ^ - :J- •" f ■:> ' ■- ■•>• ■ .. ~, tt_ ..-• •» ’

STRIKE AT EDISON PLANT '.it'.' O P T E R S MURDER romiM WET OBITUARY ^'M croNOn^^ Mr. and Mrs. John ^ ^ t e of WORLD IS S m C F & West Orange, N. J., Oct. 18 — Ridgewood street, Mrs. Evelyn Akrtgsr And. Mm. Fltagerald, (AP)—For the first time in sixteen i.ujl'iij.i II I ■■■»." y Washington, Odl;'. ^ years labor trouble devel(^ed today all members of the D^rree of Poca­ Gaylord W. Douglas of Spring ^preme Court today refused to at the plant of Thomas A. Eldison. . hontas, have returned from a- four field Addreaiies Kiwanis Club FUNERALS pflyff on the authority of-tiie secre- Member of the local polishers New Orleans, Oot. 13.-*-(AP) — day automobile trip intoi.danada at Tpday^B Lun^oon. 'rV - tery Of the interior to fix the mini, im and buffers union were ordered on It was first learned today that a during wWhb they toured through mum price at which oU taken under l€*r«n«r Befieves Man Was strike by officials of the union. H. O. new plan for rellief of ?tha cotton in­ many places interest along the ’ Mks. ik Dart lease Itom government lai^ m^f he Dumpert, business representative of dustry has been prepared by C. B. New Hampshire and Maine coaet» Gaylord D oubts Sprlni^ Funeral aervioes for Mrs. Ida PoisonadandThenHang- the workers, said a recent cut in McCuen, president of the Americas saw the grand falls of the St. "John field. Mass., executive secretary of Dart, wife of Frederick R. Dart, of Roy O. West, then secretary of wages by Edison industries would Cotton Shippers’ Asuociatlon, for river and visited friends and rela­ the National Coxmcil for the Pre­ 21 l^ower street, ’ who died early the interior, Issued an, order in 1928 allow a man to earn only 70 cents submission to government officials tives at Drummond, New Bruns- vention -of War and former head­ Friday morning/ at the Manchester under which the Codyt Petroleum ed -H e Had KiUed Wife. an hour against 93 and 97 cents un­ and leading cotton men in confer­ ^ e k and Fairfield, Maine. 'Mr. master of Wilbraham Academy, was Memorial In ^ ta l, were held yester­ Com ^y, having a lease from the der the former scale. ence here, but the nature of his pro- Akrlnr> vbo hai been at the last the speaker at the regular meeting day at 3:30 at Center Congrega- government,-on land in-the Oregon V. >No statement was forthcoming postd was not made public. named place, returned with the of the Kiwanls Club at the Country Uonal ohuroh. Rev. Watson Wood­ basin oil field in ; Perk County, Caou04ii£er, M M s./O ct 13.-^'(AP) from company officials.* Mr, MoCuen, who was mainly re­ dub this noon. Mr. Douglas spoke ruff officiated. There was a large Wyoming, was prohibited from nellr -^The second race for tot Lipton Cleveland, Oct. 13.— (A P )— Short­ on the same subject today as he did Ten union pickets were stationed sponsible for the calling of the con­ att^danbe of the oburch people and ing oil to' the Texas nompeny -at; a .trophyjvas 'called off today an hour ly after Tony Colletto, 21, confess­ outside the gates today. Police ference, declined to discuss his pro­ Dexter Dahlman of Bank street is a short time ago at the South MeUi- price .fixed by contract made be­ (ff^the organisatlima of which MTs, and a half aifter^tart when it be-- ed killer- of his young bride, was kept them moving but did not at­ posal or give any of its details. rapidly convfUMcing from an at­ odlst church,! ^'Building a Better Dart was a member. Delegations tween the two companies, under the found dead early today, hanging by tempt to drive them away. There It was laid before an executive tack of pneumonia and is able to be World,” but gave k different aaglA from Sunset Rebekah Lodge and of lease the: government received came app^ent toat tl^e schooners his belt in county jail here, his at­ was no disturbance. session of representatives of the cot­ and araund.' in his talk. , „ Miu^ C. Keeney Tent, Daughters of royalty on all oU produced.- had little c ^ c e of sailing the, torney charged that both of the ton shippers and the American Cot­ It was announced that. E. J. Me* W o n War 'Veterans, attended in a In July 1928 'the secretary of the course within the. time limit. At ton co-operative Association and Aaron ( ^ k .o f Manchester Green Cabe.-secretary of the Chamber ef body.' A number of Mrs. Dart’.s interior aimounced that the govern­ killings were committed by gang­ Commerce, would' be the speaker, that time, the vrival^. the Bluenose sters connected with the corn sugar they were debating its contents be­ and Norbert House, students at friends among.the membera of Man­ ment royitity on all oil produced in and Thebaud 'i a d coverttd eight RIOTS MARK OPENING hind closed doors. Babson XneUtute, have bhen spend­ next week. The attendance prise chester Orange were also present. the Oregon basis oil field would be miles or slightiy less to^o a fifth of racket in Cleveland. donated by Lewis Blpe was won Judge Samuel H. Silbert at once At noon the conference was called ing the week-end and Columbus day The floral mbutes from relatives, based'on a, minimum price of 85 the course and toe breene was fail­ to order by Mr. McCuen, who imme­ at their homes here. John X. Olson. Ladies Night wiU bO friends and' organisations were cents a barrel. ordered a Grand Jury invesUgaUon. OF GERMAN REICHSTAG held Monday evening, October 37, ing. ' -T V ■ ■< Colletto was to have gone on trial diately adjourned, the session tintil 2 nw sroui and beautiful. Tlie Cody company had contract­ The schooners were racing on o’clock with the explanation that with Hartford, New Britain,. Meri­ The bearers wsra her three broth ed sell its oil to the Texas company today charged with first degree mur- \ den and Winated Kiwania olubs< in nearly even terms when the com­ der of his 18-year-old wife, Chris­ (Continued from Page One.) ^ Secretary Lamont of the Depart­ ers, Wilbur Whaples of Springfield, at the mouth of toe wells at 53 cents mittee signalled them to return to ment of Commerce, then would de­ SENATE IS PROBING vited. It will be. held at He» Coun' a barrel, and was prohibited by the tina. , .. V Jeseph>eph andan<...... Vhaples Herbert Whapii of port, Bluenose having headed the liver the keynote egress. Club. I . . .. ; ' nephews,nepnew ‘ Gilbert secretary of the inferior from sell­ KiUed In Jail while the Communists with 76 rank­ Mr. Douglas proved himself a fin Neiwington; her Thebaud for the first time since the Attorneys Sarah Hedrick and ed one step above the Brueniog W. K. Henderson, radio operator Whaplu oi; New Britain and Ran- ing at less than 85 Cents a barrel. series opened, led Thshaud at six PRIMARIES IN SOOTH isbed after dinner speaksr. In build­ -^ e Texas company claiming it William F. Marsteller said Tony and group of 168 Centrists. It was of Shreveport, Ls.., submitted a cot­ dolph Whaplei o( Norwich, and a mile mark by half a minute. 'The ton relief proposal through Henry ing, worlds, he said, there nre two had erected a-refinery costing $1,- Christina were kUled because they from these major groups, and pos­ kindd of metlipdsr the bpen. hand brother-in-law, Hanford Dart, oi first, two miles .of the second leg sibly the 41 German Nationalists Herbener, of Shreveport, based on a Raltlgb, N. C , Oot. 13.— (AP) — New Britain. 006,000 to' handle toe oil s o u ^ t to "knew too much.” Colletto allegodly and the closed fist, and the nationi enjoin the government from fixing were sailed with the schooners bow was a witness to the gang slayings that opposition nfight be expected plan to starve the boll weevil by giv­ On the trail of repotted irregulari Burial Vaa in the East cemetery to bow and so close their crews toss­ ing the government arbitrary con­ ties in the North Carolina primary are carrying on in the same way. the minimum price it must pay for of Joe Porello and Sam Tilocco, to the government’s policies. ed apples back and forth and ex­ trol over cotton planting. of June 7, the Senate campaign Up to 1914, 99 out of a hundred the oil, but toe secretary of the in­ former Cleveland corn sugar deal­ changed wq^rds o f bAnter which car­ Shortly after two o’clock ^ hour Xhider his plan, the cotton belt funds investigating committee disputes were settled on the battle­ ferior was sustained by the Court ried far over the water. •' ers. before the time of the opening of would be divided into wide dirtricts opened a hearing here today field. has bent a hot SAYS MARKETING ACT of Appeals of toe District of Colum­ It vfras not explained how gang­ the Reichstag, most of the Fascist in which no cotton could be grrown Approximately lOO witnesses and bed but the average American can­ bia. It was Bluenose’s moat serious bid land allegedly reached inside the members had arrived in their party with the prohibited and privileged spectators were in an assembly not understand this, the speller for rulcrship of the North AtlanUo > county jail to kill Colletto, but uniforms. districts alternating from year to room of the Sir Walter Hotel when said. IS WHOLLY UNSOUND fishing bank since the series open- I Coroner A. J. Pearse ordered a com­ ed and her chance of victory today [ Striding back and forth. In their year. the hearing was opened. Senator While in Europe, traveling a- dis- plete post mortem, with special ef­ high military boots and brown trou­ Farmers in the prohibited districts Gerald PiNye, Republican, chair­ trance as from New Yoric to Chica­ CHINA TO PUNISH were much improved. The second forts to determine if the prisoner sers and shirts, many of them could would be compensated from a Fed­ man of the committee, North Da­ go, you are stopped five timea' by caiicago, Oct, 13.— (A P )—Charles race will be sailed tomorrow, weath­ Quinn, of Toledo, secretary of the had been poisoned. not resist passing and repasslng the eral levy against cotton grown in kota, presided. • custom officers. They can’t speak er permitting. Colletto’s cell also was occupied large mirrors to admire the effect of the privilege districts. Federal He said the committee bad' re-j each others' languages and are high­ Grain and Feed Dealers, National HARRISON SUYERS Although it had been announced by Prank Brancato and Domonic de their costumes. agents also would have power to celved charges of fraudulent voting ly suspicious of each other. Each Association, today described toe there would be a race tomorrow, this Marco, both aUeged murderers. The Economic party officers noti­ limit acreage u: the privileged dis­ and of Use of lATge sums of money country Is prepwed for the worst, Agricultural Marketing Act as was later retracted and it was Mrs. CoUetto was found shot to fied the chancellor before opening of tricts. in the campaign. using all its young men to mkn'tbeir wholly unsound and inadequate. He Nanking, China, Oct. 13.— (A P)— made known the race committee) death August 2. Her husband con­ the Reichstag today that they had .Capaeron Morrison of Charlotte, armies. also denounced President Hoover’s C. T" Wang, Natiouailst foreign min­ would meet at 5 p. m., t o . decide fessed, police said, that he took her requested Johannes Bredlt, minister former governor was the .first wit­ W ar had beeri segregated In the plan of farm relief In an address to ister, today announced that since whether the Bluenose and Thebaud for an automobile ride and shot her of justice, to resign oh the ground STATE TROOPER VISITS ness called. Nye asked him about past, especially Roman wars, said 1,000 members at the thirty-fourth hostilities in toe civil war virtually would engage another contest to- because she admitted she had kept that the present cabinet does not his contributions to the successful the speaker, and things went on at annual convention. had ended, freeing government mprrowl company with other men. represent the will of the electorate campaign of Josiah W. Bailey for home as usual. Mr. Douglaa pre­ “It will avail us nothing' to de­ troops for other duties, a military The agreement with the Bluenose as expressed in the national polling MANCHESTER FRIENDS the Democratic nomlnatlen as sented oxamples of death during the nounce the Federal Farm Board for force would be sent to K^kien prov­ called for races only on October 9, of Sept. 14. United States Senator. He said he World War and showed how Eng­ what it has attempted to do,” Quinn ince in an effort to crush the 11 and 13. WiU Resign. land, Germany, and France cannot said. "Ctoe must go back to the bandits who killed Miss Eleanor Joseph McDonough, a state troop­ gave 32,000 to Bailey's state head­ OLD FARMER KILLED It is believed that Minister Bredt quarters, which' ' was listed in forget It because of heavy losses marketing act itself to appreciate June Harrison end Miss Edith Net- will resign. The party leaders' said er of New York state, was. a week- report of campaign re­ both to life and finances, whUo what has happened. The measure tleton British missionaries. WALUNGFORD EAGLES they did not object to his re-entering ceipts. In addition he said he gave America lost 30,000 man or. about is wholly unsound, wholly inadequate , 'In behalf of toe Nationalist gov­ Albany, N. Y., Oct. 13— (AP) — the cabinet as a non-partisan expert Mrs. Patrick Griffin of HJliard 11,000 to an unnamed friend of 5,000 more than are killed In-any to bring relief to farmers and ernment and the Chinese people, John Barry, 70 year old farmer, was minister. street. Bailey. year in this country. Hitler, of wholly unsuited to the psychology Wang expressed profound regret PLAYING CUBS SUNDAY found slain today at his home near The Communists apparently de­ He was at the barracks ten miles He said he Understood aw,..- _ at____ the_____ tlirio Germany, he said, sees what tb^ of the American people. over the slayings. He said these away when the alarm came that a j Morth Blenheim, about 35 miles cided to abandon the idea of wear­ the boys are up against and thinks “Making allowance for President killings and other outrages were the The Cubs will not play the Bris­ southwest of here. ing uniforms. Such Communists as riot had started in the Auburn pns-1 headquarters, but afterwards he can upset the government, con­ Hoover’s post election position, hte result of the Nationalist govern­ tol West Ends next Sunday as stat­ The aged man’s bead had been 'appeared early in the plenary hall on. He was the first trooper to ar-*' Warned that it was not. quer .Russia, add make things bet­ fact- remains bia solution is no solu- ment’s inability to oppose the Com­ rive. When a priest volunteered to ed in the "Local Sport Chatter” col­ crushed by wi axe. The body, fully wore inconspicuous business -attire. Nye pressed Mprrison to name the ter. tion at all but a most dangerous ad­ munists and bandits while its- armies umn on tonight’s sports page. In­ go in and t'alk vrith' the men It was In speaking of the open hand< clothed, was found on the bed in fhe One of the first Reichstag dele­ man to whom he gave the $1,000. vance toward toe destruction of pri­ were waging war against the North­ stead, the attraction at Mt. Nebo McDonough who volunteered to go method, Mr. Douglas dwelt on the vate business, and his plan strikes house where he lived alone. Dr. W. gates to arrive was the venerable At first he demurred, then named ern Rebris. will' be the crack Wallingford in with him and who relayed the wonderful leaders of today and how T. Rlvenburg, the coroner said that Centrist Herold, whose duty it was H. S. Gilley. Raleigh detective. at its very heaert. Wang said that with peace to Eagles, Manager Ben Clune ' an­ Baity probably was killed on Sat­ messages given to the priest to the things have changed that in “It is estimated that one fourth' come, the government would sup­ as the oldest member to preside at nounced late this morning. The urday night. The victim was report­ guards outside. He was standing future wars, the'pressing of a but­ of the American business men are press Communists and. bandits, fin­ the opening session. The 82 years^ Eagles were booked In place of the ed to have money in the house. old white-beared legislator’s brow beside the leader of the uprising REICHSTAG IS OFFERED ton by an unknown hand may poison farm middlemen. The farm bill ally removing the Red menace. The body was discovered by the when he was shot. McDonough help­ thousands. In one illustration of would eliminate them in a wholesale Nationalist military headquarters Bristol team. Manager Clune said, was furrowed as he walked up the because they are considered a far man’s son-in-law, who called at the aisle to the Speaker’s desk. ed carry him out. the latter method he told of Ambas­ manner, driving' them into other oc­ issued a statement yesterday saying house today. CREDIT OF $125,000,000 sador Morrow in Mexico, when, ask­ cupations and provldlhg no compen­ the victories Chicago^ airport. it should be paid to his mother and The office Of-the state attorney STATE conmolssion. Pompton Lakes, N, J., Oct. 13.— was not subject to his debts. general, which wants to question TODAY AND TUESDAY (AP)—Notes left by George Bren- -The. decision:, of toe lower Federal Mr. Bob in connection with the sale slnger, 19 year- old LafayAtte col­ courts holding than annuity of $5,j>. of securities' in two companies with Two Capacity Audiences BAD CHECK CHARGE 0()O paid Sybil Whltebouse of New­ which he was 'dsntified, likewise had lege student, indicated bis sUicide Gasped and R()Cked. : with Saturday e^'as prompted by hlfi fail­ port, Rr I.^ in 1921 under the will of been unable to find him. AGAINST CANNON ure to be elected to a desired fra-, James Gordon Bennett was exempt Several theories as to his where­ Laughter at This Cocktail oJ! temlty. from Federal taxes. abouts have arisen, but friends were Mefriment Last Night, See The youth’s mother, assistant cor­ A case, .involving whether toe inclined to discredit a suggestion (Cantinned from Page I) 'It! ' • \ poration counsel of Jersey City, and statute o f limitations under the Fed­ hat he had been abducted byChli eral employers liability act begins cago gangsters for ransom. It was ed on Sunday, October 5, four days brother found him, dead when they returned from a foothall game. He to run from the time of the acci^ possible, they believed. That the Give after my departure from Lbs An- dept, or toe time of the death of the hanker had made the flight in an­ had shot himself, leaving notes to ’Um both of them and tp hiis. legal guajd^ employe. The question arose in a other plane, anti been forced down 'T expect to return promptly to Ian,' '■■ ■■ case brought by Edward F. Flynn, in the mountains. Heap tos Angeles to face and refute any Meanwhile District Attorney Blue The notes said hq had been-ai^ of New Haven, Conn., against, the Big charges which may he there.” sured'^by undergrawateis. tost he New Haven railroad. of Suffolk county. Long Island, sent ' The checks on Which the war­ Would be elected to a. certaia.Tra- men to the Bob summer home f at Chokuni!’ rants were issued were for $40 at temity. On Friday- ho learned he Montauk Point after neighbors had San Bernardino and $1,600 at Los would not be elected to the onie he LINDBERGHS BUY HOME ^ reported seeing larfe quantities of Angeles. wanted to Join, but to another. He (Tocerles delivered there on Saturr had Indicated no second choice of day. The house was closed recently fraternities, he wrote; and concluded NEAR PRINCETON, N. JI. for the season. AGAINST FASCISTS that he felt disgraced and could not Yace his classmates.- New York, Oct 18.— (AP)—Ckilo- Atlanta, Oct. 13.— (AP)—Solicitor nel and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh WORU) PEACE PLAN •General John A. Boykin, speaking at lave bought a farm near^Prineetoh, m court hearing held here today to i RAP STATE POUCE N. J., aM hope presently to make, it nonslder an application of “toe I their eastern home. New Haven, Oct. 13.— (AP) — World peace will come through the American Faaclsti or Order of i Boston, OcL 18— (AP) — State The farm contains a little more Black Shirts” for a state charter, 180 acres, Colonel LAndbergn good offices of such InteUectual co-, FOR police organizations Were defended operation as the Fifth International assailed the order as a "money-' and denounced! today at a confer­ told toe Associated Press today. : h il l m o r n in g s Tabbing organltation purely for Most of it is hilly and covered with Plane congress held this summer in ence of the Association of State Fed­ Cambridge, England, Dr. G. P. Clin­ rlvate gain .and an organisation to eration . of Labor repres4ntativ4s dense trees and orchard .land,. bqt f ton, botanist of the CJonnecticut Ag­ AND create racial prejudice.” held in connection ^ t o tpe Natibnat it Will be possible to make a iandihi The solicitor general said, the' in­ field for small planes and toe colons ricultural BScperlment Station Who convention of toe' American Fed­ attended toe congress; declared to­ CHILL EVENINGS corporators bad little thought for eration of Labor. Harry GIU; of -intimated that might be done. Charming the p u r^ w s of the law and de­ Nebraska, a fom er labor organizer The UndbexYks contemplate build-, day. clared toe “sole purpose" of the or­ lag' a home on the farm “sometime’^ ' The,-friendliness of toe scientists in Masaachuaetts, was empbabtzed gathered i together was ‘O'ue of toe InstanV glowing heat...... in ganization was “to prey on toe in opposition to. state police. . Ha and although .colonel, has'nc iny minds of toe classes in regard to tention of changing his legal resi­ two things that impressed me most the morning, dressing.. .in the mentioned Instances in Maeiwchu- about the O n g re ss, Dr, Clinton evening, reading----- at bed rartal problems” and to make money setta when state police were aaai^* dence from S t Douis he and his wife for toe Incorpontiprs. plan be miake toe; Priaeetoii' arid.' “Almost every, country ip the New Frocks time . ; ed to strike centers and charged, that wprld was represented bub^fl), oUr He declared toe Gfand Jury had such times trouble immediately e ^ their residence when they are in jr* adopted resolutions opposing, the east They now have a New Yo: activities and Ml out sessions were sued. harmonious. TLere was' ho .dis­ of chiffon— detachable sleeves. 'Ranting of the charter and said he John Sullivan, president of toe apartment and also, spend some of /'"■TH E' . Regarded toe organization " as a their time at the Englewood,. N. J cord: we were Ml working together Suitable foy street or dinner wear. New York State Federation, praised for one end—clearing up certain menace. the New York state police and said home of Dwight-W. Morrow, Mr^ H U M P H R E Y t^nflbergh’s father. probtoxns In syxtwnutlc botw y M d the organization never had been dtscusring ’ other phases of'too sol- used against labor. R e agreed with The Priacetoh acreage is not fa| NEW STYLES RADUNTPffiE from ton estate of (jlerald B, Lanf; m c e T ^ c h of u5 appredated the PESETA DROPS AGAIN John B. Gallagher of Pennsylvania, contributions, of-toe other. This is NEW SHADES that automobUe and crime condi­ b e ft one of those who helped flnanCi! HEATER Uadbergh’s New 'York-Paris fll|fl»ti’‘ too way the peace,of the worid will NEW LENGTHS Madrid, Oct. 13— (AP) — The tions made state police indispensa­ be accomplished.” ' ■ Peseta slumped to new low figures ble. OFRU STAR DIES More than 1200 mei^ and women N ow tols monfinF, dropping to 10.12 the attended the congress. ^ . iS^ar and 49.40 to toe pound ster- SCHOONER IS SAFE -- ■ '. • ■ ■ • ■' i' -1-- Special Values for Fashion Week. Hollywood, Cal., 0Oot 18.— (AF) W A ti» fiwoRisAcar vi flag. Portland, Me.» Oct. 18-—(AP) - - BiAe chpmberiin* B7, former Qrai L' Host of the actuU transactions Opera,Opere^ilipifer, emger, (fled , hi here yeeteydj %ira at a batter figure, however, be- The- fisblng schooner Bemif n d Norwich, Oct. against; ResiU^iMit of this fo rt nine weeks fauowing^ah operaUon performi aaiiae in view of the uacertaiiity, ,»be-had:bien in ill healtth brr living .in the vicinity o f Norwich J banka took enough margin , to pro- and- belfeyed to bave- heen lost’ The new low caused further de- tirit eperatlo appearance with thi days. Many of the weUs h*v4 ; ra at toe age i «iear“-lappoin' -itment ‘- in official circles, stances arO forced to travel ^ con­ Oom ifig Wodnesflny ttisl TMubsOay way from Qlace Bay, N* S«» where It. She fang with seve^' aom ^ eten l e improvement had been hoped p ^ ee bffore rettriag^ab the age ^ siderable ^ dlsttooe for toeur watwr The Bankers Bay that apparentiy be had been tied up 18 days by ANN BAaaJDTG the iltuatidtt is much hmuenced by heavy weather. He arrived there 88 and (rttobllehed a dancing sohool of Nonrich itself weSi re-. tai- on& o f tlm esasSB’s Aest" ______with two sword flsb In hie Ship’s at Detroit. ^ -wSi I of eohfldence in foreign .xhopey Htse___ Chamberlin _ _ _ married twted’te be' prottoted fbr'a year at ' i¥ *^i4D A Y*:: Gas Co. iviiitw, 'presumably caused- by restfWolrs buUt sevAal obrts.: of:stfUtes ;Sa

y:\ • ^i**» • f--^m>i^ . -'N I FIFTEEMTH V E P H G l-wSs*operadW*^^upon--todays w id p * - -1 '< -^ V i Maridh" rtoberhl,4 pOTdittfls the Mancbestw name’ M Straamic^^toid* >s^o' was A f i N l ^ ^ Miss BuUa, since with tod gangsteri ht .uflitil' fk h A f -ilRraduhtlCCT from the local fiThe new. road from the Wap{>ihS; . 't few minutea befoi;e . toe, -;8hwtto|rt Bdigh" school \n June, has been em-? DEBERRY’S PLEA churches to < E^ast Windsor '-HiU was'taken to TOllca' hea^ufiTOggilo M f , and Mrs: Ernest C..Linders which has been' under constructioh ployed- as a stenographer by Cheney Ji|ipe8 Pfeperitis ’ l^ciftch^ look at Rogues/cattery 4pori^ '..N Entertain 80 Guests at Eoi- f ^ 'the past six weWw, is how open ■Brothfera--. . ■ ’ • ;-> ■. •’’ Chester With Stod - Identify''/-toa ton l^k e Saturday: ^ t r a ffic . Several bad curves on : f ’ . He Had Never Seen* - assailants or. any of: -Diamond':^ Dittipgiushed. N ^ o .Heard the old road have been elipainated, Ernest Roy,- .who conducts the cent callers. . ; ~ imss Boberte’ Story v, Mr. and Mrs. B row t C. Linders of ^ >tCoi|tiBq,e|l from rage .!)■ t aliretchea of highway in-this section, rtTid North School street, this mom' There w^s a joyous-reimUptb: ht •. • • - 4 • She said she and Diamond break­ . -V*.' v.i , Vernon street,* Manchester' Green, ing. leased the luid emd building arrival/.of the coEo^jfer, ia A p p ^ for Hia Race at Ola the state. home of James, .PejieidM/df^Maitt ton.. After a whtle'.I-got to my feet fasted together yesterdayv In’, her celebrated their fifteenth wedding owned by Matthew Merz adjoining street early room at toe Montic^otoot^; that mans of Andover,, deato wtoL'm anniversary at. the Osanp Cottage at and went' to ton ^levator; ■ tljen. fell vThere will be. a meeting of the Nelson place and Will conduct the continued through 1^6 • Driver Held f ‘ ^ Ti«0 tonight at St. JaAes’s hall. Peperitis and his wife and the fath?‘ Clothing in a“room ' adjoining his, up” ; and that when they .came up, party for Mrs. Mildred E. Golds- known as tiie Depot Square Annex. er’s first meeting, with his son, born; while she was in her-bath. Diamond Jack AnEuiian, 'driver of^the eax neider of 69 Summer street, who is County, officers will be present. occupied by Miss Marion. Roberts, a •‘Slavery was an unfortunate in­ fifteen years, ago, October W. Miow girl,' sent'police on. a . search ordered them to his room and went involved in. toe fatal; aecident Mr. Linders’ neice. — ■ Mr. and Mm Arthur Knofla, ^ o The Herald told last Thursday,^ with them. - . . held on a technlcEd charge of mai^ ; stitution for my people,” said Dr. Eighty guests were present, in­ v'The'’ Home League of the Salva- were married five years on October .fof-'her. . -if .s.,;.;.-r . j W. M. DeBerry of Springfield, one tipn Army will., meet, Wednesday how James had received a telegram ■'.Girl.Located' ■ She took a nap, she said, awoke slaughter. r-.. • cluding people from Bolton and. S.^revsuitprlsed Saturday evening Mr. McCone, for.pefiirly 50 .yeatef of America's distinguished negro aiftemoon at 2 o’clock, instead of that day telling him tlmt his wife* She was found biding in a clothes at 1 o’clock and went to the-New Hartford, as well as Manchester. An whm a party . ■ of rrfatives and whom be married four' days befqre Amsterdam theater for a rehearsal a resident of the toWn of »Vemon)'\ ' leaders who preached the second of orchestra furnished niusic for danc­ l^ s d a y , as scheduled. do'set in toe- apartment of Miss friends, called to help them cele­ joining the Greelf Army to. fight of her revue and didn’t learn of toe first begEih work in tiie'‘ Talcpttvilte' « the series of Good Will sermons at ing. Charles Saunders sang a solo, Agnes P'LaughUn,' another show brate the event. The guests earned against the Ttmks on March 14, shooting until several hours after it mins in 1887 smd had ' Vrdrked off the South Methodist church last Kenneth______Tedford__ gave a tap i^ ce "Mr. and Mrs. Henry Von Hone of ^ l on Eighth, avenue.' with them the essentiads for a buf­ 1914, and then, after his dlschargev happened, . Police were 'skeptical 'and on during toe years' as a spinr night “After two and one-half cen- number while Mr£ Nettie Hastings Astoria, L. I., ate visiting Mrs. fet lunch, and a choice -■ assortm e^ . .' ispss Roberts whose real name is Johnson of Clinton, mother of was only home for 22 days befor^, Mhrion Strasmick and who said her about some of toe features of her ner. For seversd years he worked ih turies of subjugation, my people and Mrs. Andre danced a jig. of wooden ware for the fifth leaving for this country, was„due to Hartford.in a rubber fEtefory: are still looking forward to the fu­ The cottage ' was. seasonably M^s. 'Von Hone. home was Boston,; told police Dia-' story,- ' ‘ \ wedding. Including a handsome curly land in N ew T ork on October 10, Diamond had a fair chsmee today :i^mily. - ture. In their sixty-five years of decorated with black and orange in­ maple magazine rack and other ■use­ mend was^in, her .room when toe terspersed with a backgfround- of iThe annual meeting with election with their son. . . : telephone ope;ratpr. called to say two to. recoveigr,^ despite. toe severity of The deceased is surviwd by- his -- freedom they have made progress,” of'officers of the women’s, auxiliary ful articles. Arthur Holmes made a He lost no time in getting thing.s autumn leaves. Mrs. Linders and happy llttie speech of congratula­ ihpn down ;st^3,.wanted to see Dia­ the five bullet woiindS in his tuber­ ■wife, Jennie;'a son,,Henry E.'_ Mc; continued Dr. DeBerry. “However, iin es. Bail was set at $5,000.' % . ' Williams of this town was re-elected Arizona had eftntended the con-; UNEARTHED IN MONTANA PROGRAM AT SERVICE live in ignorance.” rival of the new styled refrigerator supreme financial secretary for an­ Newark,' N. j.; Oct. 13.— (AP)’ — Bums, alleged to have been Dr. DeBerry asked for a square here in Manchester. One is on show tracts executed by the Department yohee attempted today .' to, link toe tiTTiiring jewelers here, was brouglft other year. The next convention of of Interior for the sale of power to deal for the black raCe in respect in Kemp’s display window today. national organization will be (Continned from Page One.) ftoobting of Jpek ^’Legs” ^Diamond in The Cecelian C3ub of toe South to New Haven from Hartford where the the city of Los Angeles, Jthe metro­ a .four to civic privileges. “Large numbers The Majestic Electric Refrigera held in Manchester, N. H. New York with toe killing Saturday Manchester church furnished toe he had just completed of my people living below the Ma­ tor is an All-Steel, that is solid steel politan water district of southern night of Abe Figaro, New York musical program at the evening months jail sentence. ■ ‘ ’ y California, and the Southern Cali­ were 80 feet long toe little Montana son and Dixon line are denied voting box. It contains no wood in its con gangster,’ and a reported body guard meeting held in toe South Coventry CampbeU Council, Knights o f Co­ fornia Edison Company, were inval­ mammal would geed.only to know privileges,” ha said. "The negro is struction. It is equipped with of Diamond. Methodist church- last night. Twen­ lumbus, will meet in the State The­ id because of the alleged inability of how to steal and eat the eggs to denied the free use of the ballot im- hermetically sealed unit. The in . Figaro’s body was thrown from a ty-four members of' toe club made ater building at 8:15 o’clock tonight. the city and the metropoUtan dis win toe race for existence,. der the flag for which he has fought terior of the box is finished with Reports will be made by the outing, car in Harrison, N. J. Police con­ toe trip, and gave the following pro­ sw iftest, Easiest Way / porcelain on steel, while the outAide trict to make the contract. The eggs are fragments, not more sidered toe possibility he was sent and died. We have not had, for 25 committee and the “Gain-a-Knight‘ than an inch in diameter, aha nearly gram: years, a representative in the halls is baked enamel, in white. The ice McCarl held the same argument here to Diamond, to-deal with New committee. A tribute will be paid vind been presented to the attorney one eight of an inch thick.- They Opening song; Prayer, Rev. Von of Congress imtil lately. They are trays have a capacity of 84 cubes to Christopher Columbus, patron of Jersey beer, runners with whom Dia­ Deck; song, “Follow the King to End Klious general of the United States who are black, rough and pitted. Dr, mond WEIS reported to have quar- taxed for the maintenance of cer­ at a single freezing, which is eqioiva- the Knights of Columbus, whose CeceliEin club;, Bible reading, 47 .1/!" lent to 1-2 poimds of ice. Insula­ had held the contract valid, and to Jepsen said toe shells of which they r6l6d> ^ tain libraries and are not permitted 8 birthday is being celebrated today PsEilm; selection, CeceliEua quartet; When you neglect those first sytepri. tion throughout is 3-inch Dry Zero, congressi(Jnal committees which rec­ are pieces may have been larger Diamond ba.s been sought several to frequent the rooms of those ommended the initial appropriation than those of toe first dinosaur song, “One Day” , iX^Jecelian club; toms of constipation—^bad brshtiU which the United States Bureau of - The Beethoven Glee club will meet times in connection with crimes in buildings. based on the contract for com­ eggs ever foimd, which Roy Chap- ______Bible reading, Mrs. L. Lyttld: solo coated / tongue, listlessness, “My people are satisfied with the Standards definitely state is the at the Swedish Lutheran church at New Jersey Eind last Summer ef “The Lost Sheep,” Miss Ruth W y­ most effective commercial insulation mencement of construction. man Andrews of toe American | 'i^re'^mad^ to "link, him. ,i?rith whole system soon suffers.' ' * A ^ cy social barriers thrown up against 7';S0 o’clock tonight, The request was submitted by K. Museum of Natural Hlgtory ob- ggig.ups of two Nevferk banks from man; with msindolin obligato by tite lags. Digestion slows up; /Y»a them by other races. We were all known. All hardware is cast bronze, Thomas Maxwell; address, “Peter” becom^ headachy, dizzy, bilious;..sPi,-"v cromium plated. The new Majestic Berry Peterson, attorney general of tained in Mongolia. The MongoUan | $26,000 was stolen. made by God, and for a purpose, biit 'The regular weekly meeting of eggs were somewhat under a, foot Thomas Maxwell; song, “Ivory refrigerator is beautifully dssigfned, Arizona who handed the court a’ It’s easy to correct sluggish bowet I am asking only for the funda­ tbe'Lions Club wlU be omitted tWs long, • reddish trown 'and estimated ! Palaces” quartette. Miss Florence action! Take a candy C£iscar«e''to- being the first electric refrigerator week as the ciub will attend the printed statement of the details of " „ GIRL IS QUESTIONED , mental right 6f equal suffrage as at 95,000,000 years old Wilson of toe Cecelian (Tlub officiat­ night. See how quickly—and to be designed by an interior decora­ nieeting of clubs in the 7th zone of the controversy. New York, Oct. 13.— (AP) — A guaranteed by the Constitution of Arizona contended that both the 'The Montana eggs’probably arej ed at toe piano. antly—toe bowels are activirted.* the Unlied States that ‘all people tor. It combines the two good fea­ tie 23rd district to be held in Willi- younger, said Dr. Jepsdn, but still | red-headed chorus girl faced toe tures, which no other single box has, Santa Fe compact and the Congtes- ablest inquisors of .th® PPUce depart- All toe souring waste is gently .prd-^, are created free and equal.’ inantic tomorrow night. are millions of years old. HENIGAN WINS MARATHON rional action imder which the gov inent today—tokr'only hostege in pelled from toe system. Reg^aj “The ‘Government of and by the namely, flat top, and desired heighth Manchester, N. H., Oct. 13.- from floor, wWch allows for clean­ 'i The Luther League of the Swedish emment ' has undertaken the • con­ toe shooting.of Jack (Legs> Dia­ and Complete bowel action ^. is People’ did not mean the rich class 9TOP BANK PAYMENTS (A P.)—Jimmie Henigsin of the ing imdemeath' the refrigerator Lutheran church will hold a Hal­ struction of the dam constitutes an mond, gsmigster overlord. , stored. . ..y alone; neither did it mean the intel­ invasion of its rights. It takes the Medford, Mass., A. A., won the an CEiscEirets are. made:fforu«a|i^-j without any difficulty. This sjden- lowe’en social Friday evening at 8 Lima, Peru, O ct 13.— (A P )—^The Diamond rallied in a hospitsd bed nual K. of C. Marathon race from lectual. It meant the rich and poor, did new electric refrigerator is made d^clock. Two committees are ’ in position that It will not receive un­ cascara, a substance which docTOrfi of ail classes and colors. The basis der the plan adopted its fair share of government today authorized toe ^om toe five Concord to Manchester today, fin agree actimlly. steengthens . bowql in a factory covering 15 acres and charge, the llbrmry committee, Carl bank of Peru and London to stop ^°^Sbt ^ t j“^Sbb^vro^d_ c^ta^y ishlng more than a mile ahead of of our appeal for consideration is 7,000 people are employed in the Gustafson, chairman; an^ the dra- the hydro-electric power from the nmseleis. .Jtil our citizenship and loyalty as good dam nor the water from the Colora­ p^m ents temporarily . _ owing^ '>tb ^ But he Joseph.B.'Quick of toe Dorchester careits.-’^-'lCfe-—Adv.' ■. '■ manufacture of this new, line in the ihatic .boinnnttee: ■ H!deh iBei^gren, h^vy runs on its accounts. ' - tried, to leam .-who the m ® - were Americans.” do river to which it is entitled. ‘ 1 Meiss., club -who was second. products of Majestic. chairman. i ■ '■ ___ -V-- yr,^ : The noted Springfield divine told Many inquiries have come to Ma­ of his birth in the sou p of slave jestic dealers during the past parents. His father w& a Baptist irfenths. Watkins Brothers and preacher and learned to read by the Kemp’s, Inc., are expecting to do a light of the pine torch in the slave very good job with the new re­ \ camps. . j. frigerator, as they have “done with “My mother was never taught to Majestic electric radio, for a num­ read or write during her slave ber of years. The public is invited 2 ST days,” said Mr. DeBerry. “It was a to inspect the new refrigerator, ai\d crime in those days to teach slaves Buy Your any > questions regarding same ' will; - to read or write, but I have the sat­ be gladly answered for the benefit of isfaction of knowing that I helped those interested. my brother to gain his elementary education in the days following the Civil War.” MANCHESTER MASONIC The speaker spoke of . the opti­ mism of the negro race that was expressed during the dark days of LODGE HEARS SERMON slavery in the form of the spirit and The first D y o - D i s C song of the southern spiritual gath- Rev. Watson Woodruff, pEistpr of toe ^ n te r Congregational church, “We shall win out in time, he took for the subject of. his text yes­ concluded. “I shall not see it, but terday morning, “ CJhristopher Col­ 1 '-;. the negro race will some day be umbus,” becapse of toe EU^versary of . the marvelous new victorious in the race for sufEpge of toe birth of toe discoverer of rights and justice in our relations America. with other races.” . ’The members of Manchester Charles Kilmer of Springfield, Lodge, No. 73, A. F. & A. M., at­ guest soloist, sang two selections, tended in a body. Jlev. Woodruff “Lord God of Abraham” and 'The discussed Columbus els a than, tell­ EA® TERM SALE House by the Side of the Road.” ing of his sterling qualities, empha­ Mrs. Eunice Hohenthal, church or­ sizing particularly his patience, ganist, was in charge of the musical courage Emd uniform high-minded­ program. ness. He Edso spoke of toe tragedy caused by the lack of appreciation NEW DRY CLEANIHG in his gteat work. ESTABllSHMENT OPENS ELECTRIC Refrigerator Meiot^Silence Stressing prompt service and quality work, a new establishment Bdllboh^ - -■»4. -i- ..... - Rolls to be known as Roland’s Dry Clean­ ing and Dyeing opens this week at 1 South Main street, toe business to Hotel be conducted by two young men, E are pleased to '^announce the first Manchester one of them RoUin Rood of Main MENU street, a widely known resident of showing today of the new, long waited Majestic Manchester for many years. The Tuesday, Oct. 14, ^1930 W A Universal Heater Free other partner is J. A. Bullock of Blue Plate Specials Electric Refrigerator. Months have been spent test­ Windsor, who has been connected 3uy It for Only 'A with the largest laundry in Hart­ Business Men’s '■ Luncheon 50c ing various'designs in order to make the Majestic the ^ With Each Purchase. ford, which made a specialty of-dry finest low priced electric refrigerator in America! Now i' . ■ cleaning. 1. Vegetable Soup Simply'by calling 6705 any needs Mtaiced Lamb on Toiut ^ it is here.. /.. as fine as money can buy. You'll want to in this line will be taken care of Steweid Com Potatoes see it. Drop into our store today or tomorrow. with guaranteed satisfaction. / 1.50 CASH 2. Cream of Pea Soup Fried SEUisages FAIR SEX WIN ALL Sweet Potatoes Lima Beans PRIZES AT WEST 9 D E Choice of Bfirasert ..The.'Majhstic Electric Refrigerator is made by the makers ..15 BUDGET Apple Pic Pumpkin Pic , of the famous Majestic Radio, ‘-‘|dighty Monarc^ of the Air.” * All prizes at the whist party at Custard Pie Mince Pie Production of a thousand refrigerators a day is now in pro­ ithe West Side Rec Saturday night Baked Custard gress. Orders Jwll be fiUed in,tKe order received. -.•.Pi ,went to toe fairer sex -with-toe re­ Tea Coffee Milk sult that they took not only toe $5.00 DOWN prizes for ladies but also those for Dinner 75c men els well. ’The prizes, two for. men and two for women, are give® Vegetable or Cream of-Pea Soup to toe four highest scorers, not to Boast Pri^'Bibs ol.'Beef $620 A MONTH [the two highest men and two high-: Fried Liver and Onions . f est women. with Bacon _ . r As a result Miss Flora Nelson’ Broiled Ham, frith Plniaapple j with third choice selected a gentle­ Stewed O im or..- ’ Liiim Beans ...... man’s shift and Mrs. E. HulEUider Mashed or M led PotefoM with fourth choice took a necktie. Mrs. Ernest Dowd .-wsus first and B ^ed Costard .)*' ';.f ’'I- ELEaiQC chose a'tlibleifiotb -while Mrs. M.’ Apple PiP' ' Heish won pUlow CSUW8. Costard: Bfe--*. Tlte^e 1^ be public" setback ■' ,'■■' BHmMS'Pie'- - r tounuuneate at* the West’ Side Rec «vcry W ^esday evoaing and whist Pres.. Frolt^Pears, P<|aohM, parties.each Saturday-night during S lio^ ^PilBeapf^, I jo g jin lw ^ toe winter m<»ths.’;» :: 4 -li ’r.-r A V 'V .r' ...... A-'-'' ^

.Ir ' V W-M

MANCHESTEIt EVENING HBRALIX a ) i n » M iN G H fiSto GONN« MONprAY, OCtOBER 18, i m [FAGSFOUE , ' ■■ ■ ' ■ r—— -...... -...... k \ ifei'■ mor^ and psyeliologioal HaMBiftoa- toe ablest doitn of deeds ih ^ the ilm iiiieftrt tlons of Individuals. world have beea tongiLte. But what to do with tids raaliza- tied on toe platfOnm Cnmhig IbraOt tion—or about It? In other^'words^ toe issue of ^ POSLISSBD BT TUB BIUU> PRINTINO COM PANT, INC. Nothing could he more certain whether $De^£lro8S or Mr. Rog^s It BtaMll fitratt than that a considerable proportion Is the better qualified to discuss «( THOMAS PIDBOuSON of the holders'Ot drivers’ licenses political problems ifAm a common Ctoner&l M anasar are inherently unfit by temperament platform has no more to do with toe By RODNER BUTOHBB Poundad Oetobar i. lS8l and character to drive automobiles fitness of either for toe governor­ NBA Service Writer ; Published Bvarr Bvenlng Except on the roads. And any reasonable ship of this state than It has to do Buadaya aod Holidays. Bntarad at th» kind of an examUiing l?oard would with his htiicss for admission Washington. — Strange things .Post OfClos at South Manchester, Conn, as Second Claes Mall Matter. be able to Spot ii goik. xnhny of through theJPearly Gates. have been hap^entog in the election SUBSCRIPTION RATES' these people at a glapce o)' at most Aiid th a t question—-whether IMr, campaign, giving rise to such ordi­ One Tear, by mail ...... 18.00 Per Month, by mail ...... 60 after five mlnuteS Of questioning. Rogers or Dean Cross Is the readier, narily freakish thoughts that a Re­ Oeltirerad.. one year ...... St.OO Single copies ...... 8 .08 But the woMt group: shades off so more fluent and better practiced publican governor can be elected in gradually into the next worst group, public "talker-—is the only one that New York and . that Democratic MBMBBR OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and* that one h^to the next, and so coiild possibly be determined by the senatora can be elected In Ohio and The Ase..elated Press Is ezeltitlvsly on, that presently we should find process suggested by the Demo-j Blinols^wito possibly a Democrat­ antltlsd to tbs use tor rspublication ic governor in Pennsylvania. ot all Bslra dipatobss oredited to It ourselves, in seek ^ to separate thn cratic candidate. or not otherwise oredited In this Perhaps none o( these things will iaper and also the local news pub* sheep from the goats, deaUng with If Mr. Rogers, convinced of toe come ^ pass, but it takes such fisned herein. people-whom It would be impossible possibilities to pep up a campaign. All rights of republloatlon of justice of the political cause he speoldl dispatches herein are also re­ to classify—mental, moral and tem­ represents, ’decides to accept Dean Widespread interest in the New served. peramental hybrids, so to Speak, York gubernatorial contest is due Cross’ challenge, it will evidence not both to toe part prohibition has I SPECIAL advertising R EPR E­ with some of the sheep and some SENTATIVE! Hamilton - DeLlsser. only faith but courage. Frankly, In been playing in politics up v there Inc.. 285 Madison Ave., New Tork, N. of the goat in all of them—and his place we should do no such thing. and to toe fact that if the Repub­ T.. and 612 North Michigan Ave.. these people, it is to be suspected, licans haippen to win, toe Demo­ Chicago, Ilia Not any mofe than we would con­ Hand-tailored throughout; would prove to constitute the vast sent to put the political issues of crats of the country will have to Full service client ot N B A Ser­ start looking for a 1932 preslden hand tufted and finished vice. Ino. majority of all the drivers on the' this campaign to toe best of twirling ti^ candidate with a grand free^ Member, Audit Bureau of Circula­ streets and highways. with liand-rolled edges; tio n s a lariat in competition with Will for-all in prospect. which is an extraordinary^ Mr. Stoeckel has a vision of a Rogers or of doing eighteen holes Governor I^anklin D. Roosevelt Tbe Herald Printing Company, Inc., is standing for re-election, opposed feature in a mattress at this' aasumes no financial responsibility time to come when, by sets of^tests, against Bobby Jones. low price. for typographical errors appearing In it will be possible to determine by U. S. District Attorney Charles advertisements In the Manchester H.. Tuttle of . Tuttle Evening Herald. whether this, that or the other indi­ is a strong candidate, anyway, and Contains hundreds of tiny MONDAY, OCTOBER 13. vidual is a fit person—outside of the IN NEW YORK the- recent disclosures of graft spiral springs made of the ------mere technical ability to drive a among Tammany leaders in New finest oil-tempered steel. ' T|1K COLLEGE AT STORKS car—to he granted a driver’s li-^ York have provided him with a New York, Oct. 13.—Tammany neat issue because Tammany Is We have seen in the state press cense. such an important part of the New Each spring is staggered Anniversary Mattress veiled intimations that the attempt We haven’t much hope that such Hall, mighty political stronghold of York Democracy. which eliminates all possi­ to concert Connecticut Agricultural a time will come. We do sincerely Democracy in , finds it­ He has come out for the repeal bility of noise and prevents College into a state tiniversity, self in a spotlight which is some­ of the Eighteenth Amendment, rid­ interlodting of springs. believe, however, that while it may what diffused by flying specks -of ding himself of the dismal draw­ ; which brought to a speedy conclu- never be possible to decide absolute­ dirt. \ back of being a dry or straddling 4. 'sion the services of one head of that ly that a certain person is fit to A little matter of selling benches candidate in a distinctly wet state. The entire unit iff'^lsecurely institution, has not been entirely drive a car, there would he no to judges ‘has" proved a three-month The big threat to Tuttle, one very assembled by means of small scandal hereabouts, and there have abandoned but is being slyly pro­ trouble whatever in identifying a likely to defeat him, is the plan of helical coils. Springs cannot " ' ' ^ been minor matters of disappearing the drys to run an independent be forced out of position. In­ O such luxuriousr comfort was ever dresuned of away back in .187.4 moted through the method of infil­ great many persons as definitely un­ jurists and wholesale chicane. The candidate who will cut into toe- sure maximum comfort. —56 years ago—when Watkins Brothers was founded. Scientist4:W.qiej v' tration. It is hinted that, since the fit, If we went the right way ahOUt “tiger” has been driven into a cor­ upstate G. O. P. vote; I open and somewhat high handed it. ner by one Charted M. Tuttle, Re­ The Tamnumy Handicap N efforts of former President Works in publican candidate , for governor, Roosevelt, now regarded as a Springs covered at top and not consulted-----doctors interviewed.. .when bedding was planned. Our belief is that instead of deal­ who has made Taminany the out­ I this direction provoked a cyclone of probable presidential niominee in and bottom with hundreds Today we find the greatest minds in the country combined'in the stue^y of >; ing so extensively in psuedo-scien- standing issue of his campsiign and 1932, finds himself faced with the of layers of' pure white, j effective protest, the way to bring tific experimentation the best way who threatens many more explosions better. Ways^ to make bedding. 'One of the. outstanding result? of thsir fact that^ Tammany votes are a fluffy, long staple cotton felt. research is the Innerspring Mattress___ a luxury never dream «d 0^ tr ; while th e . motorist travels six or Now, as you travel through the such majorities and the state’s well THE FATEFUL DIME mM iiI*i biI ew*p» mmk U mdkmA'J Agricultural College are of*the high­ various sections of Manhattan, you’ll how many are opposed to Mrs. Mc­ seven hundred f^et—or take his life Cormick in particular. known rock-ribbed Republicanism Chicago.—The trade Wynan King Vril* M Oa» *!d» «l |M(wt only; UBm auB aol Siaad ’ est possible importance. come upon a Tammemy club house it is almost impossible to imagine plied was sword swallowing. Swords ISO wnb. AUrw Oi. Fanb McCof, «f Mb ^ in his hand as an alternative? in each district and this is, to,all In Washington, Mrs. McCormick We shall combat, with all our has lost much sympathy because that Mr. Hemphill, the Democratic by the dozens and of all sizes he had A person imdertaklng to cross a intents and purposes, the club house candidate, will be defeating Gifford swallowed without any accidents. WHY DYSPEPTICS ARE CRANKY^ be gained by drlqking large quaa- strength, any attempt to manipulate of the district leader. And this be­ employed detectives to shadow —— . I titles of water betweai m^s. The the policy of the college at Storrs street as wide as Manchester’s Main Chairman; Nye of the Senate Pinchot for the governorship. Nev­ But..that was before he swallowed a comes toe political center of a given ertheless, the strong Republican Often great fincmciers have indi-' water "dilutes the’dlgestive jM:oe >nd in such a way as to subordinate its street south of toe Center, unless zone. There is the usual machine primary investigating committee dime recently. That little bit of met­ and then boldly defied Nye to do Vare machine is said' to, be com­ al lodged in his bronchial tube and gestion or dyspepsia due to their relieves^, unpleasant syqsptoms' original purpose to the development he is willing to take a more or less job of canvassing homes and get­ bining with toe wets' against ting out a large registration and all something about it. ^ Illinois voters. ^ had to be removed by a physician ^cern ovet the upd and downs of, patient suffering from' indl- of general higher education and the desperate chance with his life, is the rest. There are, as usual, pawps however, may regard her as just a Pinchot and there will be no such and a bronchoscope. tpe niarket, and even toar office gestion should try to lead b tran- eventual conversion of an excellent compelled ovei^ and over again to in toe forms of district captains boys know they had better see how quil, even life. Many doctors Imow and much needed farm school into waste five or six times as much and lieutenants and all tbe rest, I^s toe boss' is digesting his lunch be-' that family trohblte a ^ often a an unnecessary and ipevitably in­ time waiting for a chance to nego­ really an extremely excellent hit of Another “Shop Now” Campaign That Is Strongly cause of indigestion, laiid some of' organization. fore they ask for a raise. toe most stubborn easOs of dyspop^ ferior sort of university. tiate toe distance as he would con­ Recommended! By dyspepsia is meant toe indiges- Time was^ they say, when full tion caused by toe loss of toe nor-! sume in toe passage itself, simply power rested at toe doorsteps of the TEST OF FITNESS because automobile drivers refuse to highest Tammany chieftains, but toe Motor Vehicles Commissioner slow down to a gait which would district bosses have not been un­ Stoeckel, in a talk at Waterbury toe not cost them, after all, more than a aware of their status and during the causes, the patient becomes easily last 10 years, are sa^d to have start­ irritated denreased and aleenless A others 'leading an exactUg Bfe other day, made a very wise state­ tiny fraction of toe time they com­ ed running about without toe re­ im m tea, oepressea ana BiTOpies^ n toat they m ust refbrm -their ment. He said that toe realization pel toe pedestrian to^lose. straining leash of the higher-ups. wu growing that toe kind of an This was taken as a rewsurd for k«(p tlalr iM ap*, We should very much like to Bkve services. The result, they wiU teU automobile operator a man proves Patients w iti dlgeeUve dlaordera, to u b m i u m some one—any one—of these drivers you, is toe scandal that adds a if // often learn to dwell too mueb upem to be is the kind of a man he is, and who absolutely refuse to yield a salacious chapter almost any ^morn­ toe state of their health vmtil they gastric distress continues, i*. w* the pa-^ . that his operation expresses his fraction of their speed so that a ing. The free reign, given to toe become what are known hd“hypo- * character. j pedestrian ‘may cross toe street in district chief, has gone to his head, chondiaw” whic5~means that*tol^ if. not bis pocket, and patronage •ap­ pay. too ipuch attentionBttenHrm totre passing houf after a meal, hut th is Miould Nothing could be truer. Appre­ safety, explain toe process by which pears to have been bartered in half a ^mptoms. But let the same patient not be used regulaHy but osdy 'on ciation of its truth, however, has he justifies his conduct in his' own dozen quarters at so much per ap­ occasion if too mudb pain exists, m c h t^ e his habits of eaiting and liv­ some cases, a milk diet IBould be been a long time coming to . some mind. Is it because he regards pointment. S H O P w S ^ g W i ing so that bis food agrees with him and he .becomes che^ul and has used if toe Stomach, is ohrjQtpically folks, while other folks have under­ himself'as'Inore important than the And while speaking of Tammany inflamed.' ' ’ c6jo»vsie5^ toat well-fed, vital look, all as toe stood it very well from the begin­ unknown pedestrian, or is it his j car —^itmight be just as .well for the result of getting his digestion ad­ It is to be noticed ' that those who ning of automobillng. to which he attributes that quality ? rest of the nation to kciQw that the HKlSPea THE ISSUES/ justed. , . are weigdit-UftBre sj^wrestletip with fc ^ e r governor, A1 Smith, however a good abdominal development jpixae- It sums up to this; A person We should really like to know. powr KWLTD REGISTER There are many causes of indiges­ tically never suffer from indlgestion^ widely his name may have become —Afjp vorrE/ tion, hut you.can readily see. that 1 ^ 0 is inherently considerate of the \ — ------known, is no longer a potent power the. wrong habits of eating are re­ This is diie to the abdOSliai] mus­ rights and feelings of others, who AS TO DEBATES in Taminany. His influence In the ^.Qm-Tjppnt sponsible in most cases. Some com­ cles being kept in good tmw. When appointment of new leaders has these muscles a ^ i n good Shape di­ is instinctively fair and courteous, ■Whether lieutenant - Governor mon causes are: Eating bad food gestion more e a S ^ -^ e s . place. who possesses a normal apprecia­ Rogers accepts Dean Cross’ chal­ amounted to very little fo r^ couple combinatioDS, eating when tired or of years. worried, ieating too large a quanti^ tion of toe gift of life, will be lenge to a joint debate on toe issues Nor ip the present Mayor Jimmy of food, eating fbods which are ;^trnmoN9 " ' courteous and considerate and care­ of toe campaign is a matter for toe Walker smiled upon any too fondly tainted or those hard to digest, such ful behind the wheel of a motor car. fbrmer to determine for himself. by toe “tiger's” keepers. No one In as greasy pastries or fried foods, ir­ (BeiNtta) these, parui believes for a momrat regular hours cf eating,' eating tbo Question: aates: A person who is selfish, who' seeks Whether, in case he sho^d decline that Walker can look to “the hail” ra^A y, not. chewing food sufficient­ eating too much ^^ihiuninotta. ferad, personal advantage at the expense such a test, he is to be criticised for for support—nor that he will so ly, mrinking. concentrated alcifliollc such as eggs. cau8a.ena to ee-: of his fellows, who cares nothing for his declination, is a matter for toe much as make an effort for re-elec­ h^erages..or drinking excRMively zema.? What are to' any rights btit his own and whose determination of toe public and not tion. «d by one suffering from GILBERT SWAN. ha, acute., attacks of hidigestion, ble?” '■. .f. ' ■■ ■ ^ ^ ; ... appreciation of existence is limited for any particular group. known as ppset stomach or : sour Afiinvttr: ' The use of- aR>|Mppw'' by its opportunities fer outdoing •The capacity for pubUc debate is stw^ufii, there may be' doiudderable amount of agny kind of f qoid. f ■opaebody, will drive his automobile a thing apart from.eitoer statesman­ colicy p ^ fever, and even vomiting protdna or atarches. may m « epc^ ^^itifisbly and recklessly and for a or diarrhea, but once" the attadc tribUting. .cause in toe <^(toippp(BH| ^ ship or that simpler quality, a ca­ pad^ the patient ful)^ recovers of eozeiha or any otocw «|to amsatlon of self glorification very pacity for devoted public service. Withihs a short-time. order. The treume much like toe sensations sought by The best debater Is toe person who In c^ironic cases there may. be however, from using' the dope fiend. My panlshment Is greater than I headache,____ diiorinese, .____ bluning _ ^jot toe tioiui of aQ kfiida of tbod, ,. is best practiced in toe business of can' bc^^-^^GencsIs 4:18. vfition. a ' tired feeUng, heart* burn,.^ weekly m^nus, and m m frhen there are, of course, all the talking on his .|eet. Some marvel- gas in. toe stomach and ,pain«r.}ust Lwscltor le^iqn in .fM^; between—u many claasi- a gmieral feeling of distresq az>4 Aksd-seadme a laf. fle ifti^ of driveiM as there turn be haatflness. Temporary relief . fhr stamped npytoqiM •t v»MtnicUv» «UolL Some ort,^T,,y,tj|,aW l»OTi«^Uiidor. toeaa with chronic indigesttaH I-, s ' . ■ ■ . . -vl; 1“ ■.-y^ '>. J-- •■-. r ^ % k W* ;.v r


kl'-.-’i ,WL- f ••?.... ixn V iTii^ PRINCESS TO WED Overnight Why W s Model MiB der Harrison, Phllade4*la» 9^ ''o f the. most ,' nbt«d v ’j '- 7 , : ^ ON OCTOBER 25TH A . P. N ew s pi^tei^.'\disd;^l^ - here •’..P a ito t . meat^ -^^oraiiiary. diet- A tpbay' altiiv' a ibng li&ess ’ He UVed i h o ^ ' natives 'irfonie'’ , t i ^ the grewtes. pari of his, life , in ‘pF^ ■'A’r >;'.-.J;yf..; New York.'—Legs Diamond shot BY SBEBMAN .MQNTBOSE, and critically wounded by unknown : This, he bellevbs.'lB responsible'for "open, to aU< prlsonentr-apd/'^||6n I&g of B olt^, ^ Pfio' , IdEA Service \Yrlter i i its iaucbess. . ’ jpictures are shown-nigu|^y.^ld^ assailants in Monticello hotel. ■ . « ; ...Hcc., I > •-'.v PHnceton, N. J.—First discovery The use of soldiers as guardsli he 'men, teke correspondehoe: -cowMM. Beilin-^ (APj.rti-'^Vhat a, t«ik*cQnr San^ Francisco.—On a rocky, is- points out, is a distinct advantage.-.The, prison yard is ,op«ilL‘ fo,r'ezi^. ftbnts ttioftBkWbo.'SjMUld make G<>r- ' cess Govaima of to of dinosaur eggs in America, near ^ in the^njiddle. ol SM.r^rimeieco Brutality, .tfavo^sm (ipnd., . ; Assisi, Italy, Oct. 13.— (A P.)— *ing. ' Like most comparisons,' this: v,(i, ♦of-Tvi ment. 'good behavior, and men are pbllttcal .phraee, prohltfltrbh was not shooting to death one white man I support himself when' his term ends. The present main prison buildings paroled to a civilian spimsQr.if : jobs, Ing for the wedding of Princess It is the United States Army an issue in toe ' campalgn> Never- and woimdlng another. was erected about 20 years ago,*'" are waiting for t h e m ...... thelees obeerrers; have- felt it was Giovanna to Borts, bachelor King of Washington.—President Hoover safe to suspectf that Germany was Btflgarta, which it became all but ^ c e ^ l ^ M ^OTlBoS' the" old fortifleatton'guardm^.. whra^^^ priso^i^'exp«v» retuins from week-end visit with ail­ not^yet in-a mood to abolishr brew;^ certain, will take place on Oct. 25. for imiltary deUnquents. Foftlfled ® sult^ ci^ '(jlptlpg^- ing son at (Mmp Bapldan. in 1864 it was the first American notable steps for, the rehabilitation, tailored to his measure,^ meideal^y,’ 'brlH'V-V.. /. >•' The marriage be solemnised Even ' inore! sighifleant - to toe Spokane,' Wash.— Senator Borah rn iito base “ toe Padfle coast. o t ^ prisoners have teen token, in the prison shops,; |id m&>^of In- the Franciscan Cathedral dedl ' Tts commandant. Colonel G. Maury Colonel Cralle got ' g ^ d cloth which he- i)l aHoWd to American strcdHng > about Berlin cated to St. Francis of Assisi, hum- hints at Senatorial investigation^rf election dny was’toe fact that a big relations of Pennsylvania public Craile”U S A believes that prison to start a model industries pro-; gelect—a railroad ticket.to vbis^place ble monk of the Middle Ages. shscre of\toe'voting was done toe Authorities in this little town of utilities, to politics. ' , tavenu and cafes w hen Oerinafis 18,000 inhabitants today began tak­ Groton, Mass.—Three girls drown do a^ big :Sbare '6 f their drinking. ing over palaces and requisitioning while two men escape as closed car i failure to toke mea p printing and" other units to a total;,. "There is no reason,’'-sfiys MnJor Whlie scbctola aad other puWic Prompt relief from, hjtels and private quarters and in­ plunges into river. them. ot ’ 50, all designed to instruct to^i. W. R. Stewart, executtye; oflri(|er of SOO in “Ideal Prison” i buildings wero used aa polling places, creasing telephone and telegraph prisoners as well as to keep tben>^ HPADACHE S, Amarillo, Texas.—Miss Laura In­ A t ” present he has 500 prisoners, the prison, ‘v/hy a infm Iqavlag ttocre was nothing-in German-law facilities. galls and Robert Buckland in as­ Ibflged in what might be termed an busy. The :12500 was quickly re­ A'catraz should not be”,well-flt{ed to or pbllosophy sg;ainst setting up toe COLDS, LUMBAGO bauot box.witoin easy speaking dis­ -I t was understood here, that re­ sault on west-to-east flight recorbs,. ideal prison. The most striking | paid, although the output of toe pursue some civil occupatldnV He has led a strict life for’a period’ of A- ligious difficulties in the way of the Chicago.—Police descend oh Cice­ feature of the place is Its cleanli- | shops cannot be sold outside of th^ tance of a bar. tavern was picked RHEUMAT I SM marriage were to be met by the ro, HI., in vain search for A1 Capone, arm y., years, though not a physically toard not ^cause it served drinks, but be- ness. 'The cell block has huge win- i one. His habits have..been’regular causp- of its .'Convenient iocaUqn^ > ME U RA LG I A same method as, for the union of arresting 29 men and wqmen. dows on four sides, admitting an i Last year the laundry handled Giovanna’s elder sister, Mafalda, Washington. — Bishop Cannon’s and he has learned , auseful Ivade; Possible'lOiOQO,000 ot toe ballots NEURITIS, SORE witn Prince Philip of Hesse, the son. Major Richard M., | breezes from the bay. There is no net profit of 9105,000. Across toe, We have done our best to rehabili­ were cast in places where toe voter tate him.” ^ ' could register his preference ^nd bridegroom giving written assur­ check charges will be answered crowding, each man having his cell channel is Angel Island, also a gov-, X THROATS, ACHES As evidence of toe'goods spirit ance that all of the children with­ "satisfactorily at proper time and to himself, and toe “prison smell’’ emment reservation, where there is ttien call: "Waiter! A big one.” among toe prisoners, it is pointed President von Hindenburg, for and PAINS out distinction in favor of the eldest place.’’ __known by every man who has ever a prison farm. Work on this island out that at present there are. only example, cast his vote in a quaint son, be brought up Catholics. Porto Alegre, Brazil.—President visited toe ordinary penitentiary— is given prisoners as a reward for seven men listed as "second

V, -'A' ■A pr «A« ■%

f i s B s r a MANCHESTER EVENING SOUTH MANCHA GONN.» MONDAY, OCTOBERER 13,-1980, ■': / 5?rr ' M . i r . f '..’ . -, ^•^^^ - ./ . ■'*-. ._..• . ,. - ■ X '-“ - ._• ■ .. ^. f -_,

comi^cfttton of diBciases. was 5 0 *1 DAILY RADIO PROGR^ bom to Rockyllle, receiving bis edu< M O R P iin ALLEYS WILL cation In tbn local sphoola. t 8:30—Echoes -of footlights. Uf'lU Monday, October 13. Leading DX Station!. V Mr." ^ rk e wan a member of St 9:00—Fraternity Row; Argentina. &mard-B CatbOllc cburch, tbe Holy BE RE-OPENED TONIGITT The Slavonic •wedding air "Komar- 10:00—Wandering minstrels. 405.2— WSB, ATLANTA-^MO. ^ 5 / U'-a. ' -- ‘ '"t -I Inakaia” by the famous Kussian com- 11:00—Picardy dance orchestra. 9:00—NBC programs (2% lire.) Name Society and tbe meal Lodge 11:30—Moonbeams music hour. 1R45—Studio- concert orchestra. a>oser Glinka, is one of the g ^ s on 2:00—TbeateM artists; orchestra, fr Dean Croes To Speak of . Saks. He was a man o f sterling Second Floor Alleys Engaged) ^ the program to be played by the Ko- SOLB-WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. 1;00—Slumber boat music. cbahicter oad was held to high es­ I cchater CWd" orcheatra under the di­ 6:30—^Boys; sketch book. . 293.8— KYW, CHICAGO—1020. Dean Wilbur Cross, Democratic Four Nights Each Week and rection of Guy Fraser Harrison Mon­ 7:00—WJZ programs (8V4 hrs.) candidate for governor, will speak at teem by all who knew him. ' day night. The concert may be tuned 10:30—Boston organ recltaL 8:30—Russo' dance xirchestra. ' Mr. Burke leaves his wife, Mrs. Others Ready, for Other In from a WJZ station at 10. . primi­ 9:00—NBC programs (2% hrs.) , a public. iheetoig in ’ Tovm^hall thils 11:00—Midnight dance melodies. 11:45—^Four dance orchestra*. Nellie (BTnley) Burke and three tive vigor and buoyancy mingle with 348.6— WABC, NEW YORK—860. evening at 8 o’clock. Mr. Cross, Bowlers. delightful melody in this composition, 389.4—WBBM, CHICAGO—770. • cousins, Edward Burke of this, city, 3:00—Two dance orchestras. 9:30—Gems of music. who. is a : native of Windham coun­ ivhlch, like many other Russian num­ 6:45—^Nutt and Cornell, team. M ts. Frsmk - Regan and WUliann TYw Murphy is again the o-wner Eondieni Cafifoniia A bo bers. has a distinctly Oriental atmos­ lOdlO—Orchestra; burlesque. ty, will have a tnessage of interest 6:40—Tony’a jwrap book; town crier. 10:45—Aaronsons* dance music. Nehhan of Hartford. of the 'Murphy’s Alleys, which he phere. Another, and more familiar, 7:15—Crockett Mountaineers. for the'voters of Rocki^e and •vicin­ rumber is the stirring mach "Hall 1:00—Around the town. . 7:30—Astrologer: going places. 416.4— WGN'WLtB, CHICAGD—7l2a ity. Among the'topics he •will dis­ ■The funeral will, be held from has sold three times. The alleys,- ■ Bright Abode,” from Wagner’s Tann- 8:00—Burbig’s syncopated history. located in the rear of the so-called Falls Before Wa^angton hauser.” In the opera^thls is sung 7:30—Ensemble; Harold Teen. cuss are: Prohibition; “boss rule” ; St. Bernard’s church on Tuesday 8:30—Girls trio, male chorus. 8:30—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) Murphy’s Restaurant, came back to by nobleman and ladles as they enter 9:00—Verbrugghen’s Symphony music old age pensions and other issues of morning at 9 o’clock with burial in the “ Hall of Song" for vocal contest. 10:30—Concert; three girls. him ttoough a conditional bill of 9:30—An evening in Paris. 11:10—Louie’s Hungry Five. the campaign. Other speakers on St. Bernard’s cemetery. State m Upset; Minnesota Three numbers from “The Pageant of 10:00—Lombardo’s orchestra. sade when the owners of th e restaur­ ! ^ A I - A N ~ 3 C _____ P. T. Barnum" wlH^also be included. 11:30—Three dance orchestra*. the program Include Alton T. Minor, Judge at Fair ASSOQATEO PHSS& SPCRl^ 10:30—Opera, “ Sicilian vespers." 344.6—WLS, CHICAGO-r870. ant closed the doors last August and These are “ General and Mrs. Tom 11:00—^Wlll Osborne's orchestra. Former Senator Parley B. Leon­ Tlinmb.” "Jennie Lind" and “Circus 8:00—^EvenoUde melodies; talk. Democratic ".candidate for secretary were adjudged in bankruptcy. One of the best ways of staitihS 13:15—Heywood brOun’a column. 8:30—witches feature program. o f '- s t ^ , and Senator William E. ard of this city, race secretary to r Surprises by Tying Stan­ Parade." Wilfred Glenn, bass, will be 12:30—Midnight organ melodies. The restaurant, fixtures and stock a briskj argument amou) ftxitbaU the guest soloist of the family party 9:00—Aerial Chautauqua, __ FoX, Democratic candidate for Con­ years of the old Rockville Fair As­ to he radiated by WEAF and associ­ 454.3—WEAF, NEW YORK—660. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—«70. sociation Co., Inc., is one of the were sold at auction, but the alleys coaches these daj^-appiufntly is'to ated stations at 9:30. Glenn will sing 6:00—^Dinner ^ n c o music. 8:00—WABC programs (8 hrs.) gress from/the Second district. An ford. bring up the subject of toe 11:00—^Dan and Sylvia; concert. judges, for the race meet of tbe reverted to Murphy. Men are at two selections, “ Clang of the Forge” 6:45—Snoop-«nd Peep: soprano. hi'vitatipn is extended to the public which has be^ j^en the '?loi^ and Stephen Foster’s “ Uncle ,Ned.” 7:15—Talk, James McDonaldl 11:30—^Amos *n’ Andy, comedian*. Stafford Fair which opened today. work getting the interior of the 11:45—Concert dance music. to attend’ this meeting. count” by tbe rifles-makers for this The Brigadiers, male quartet, will 7:30—Believe It Or Not Ripley. Mr. Leonard is widely known vacant store, which was. leased last share honors with the soloist. 8:00—Nation’s capital program. 361.2—KOA, DENVER—830. 1 J Mrs* Mary J. Began - week, into condition and this opens New York, Oct. -13.— (AP)—The . year,’ much to the annoyance * cf 8:30—Gypsies male quartet. 7:00—NBC programs t4% hrs.) among horsemen throughout New soft spots in''the eastern football Messrs. Knute: Rockncf Howard Wave lengths in meters on left of 9:30—Family party program with Wil- 11:45—Around the fireplace, Mrs. Mary J. Regan, 59, wife of the right of way through the store fred Glenn, bats. 12:00—Pacific serenaders music. Herbert J. ^ g a n , of the J. J. Regan England. to the alleys. • Jones’ and other advocates of this station title, kilocycles on the right. FaU Outing Eteld schedule which, marked the earlier Times are all Eastern Standard. Black 10:00—Moonshine, Honeysuckle. 12:30—Drama: harp harmony. Co., 'died at her home at 15 Davis Mr. Mtlrphy also has men off the part of the season are few and far ' style of gridiron play. ' ‘ face type indicates best features ^ 10:30—Symphonic rhythm makers. 1:00—Yir Frien’ Scotty; feature. The fall outing of the Bpworth 11:00—Three dance orchestras. 374.8—WFAA, DALLAS—800 avenue on Sunday morning, follow­ alleys this morning giving them a between during the rest of the grid­ "Rock”, as spoktoman for ‘’the 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 10:00—Cline's dance orchestra. ing a week’s illness. She was born League was held on Saturday, Octo­ general deaning up. He has al­ iron program. pro-shift school, has bad his say in Leading East Stations. 6:00—Mormon choir; orchestra.. 12:00-irFeature dance orchestra. ber 11, at lAke George, Wales, 374,8^WBAP, FORT WORTH—800. in Wacrehouse Point, the daughter ready rented the alleys on the sec­ Fordham and Boston College open no imeertain language. Now Jones 272.S—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100, 6:30—Sketch, “ Rise of Goldbergs. Mass. There, was a large number in ond floor for four nights a week. has come to the fore,'irlMKl by' toe R;00—WABC girls trio; music, , 6:45-Lowell Thomas, reporter. 7:30-7MusicaI programs (3% hr*.) of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elccles.'Bhe the week’s action with their einnual S;3n—Tenor, players, prograpi. 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comediana y357—CMC. HAVANA—840. has been at resident of Rockyillie'for the party and cars left tho M. E. The Girls Athletic Association of Columbus Day clash today. On inference of critidsm .of Soutbeih 5:1)0—WABC programs (3 hrs.) 7:15—Male trio, mandoute. 7:00'^Studio musical program. church at 2 o’clock. The program of 9:00—Spanish musical comedy. many yearSi She was a member of Cheney Brothers has engaged them Saturday Fordham tackles Holy California’s shift by Glenn S. (Pop) 283—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060, 7:30—Phil Cook, songs-comedy, the afternoon consisted of sports, for one night. Two other nights are Warner, Stanford’s head eoatibi fi;0n—WJZ Mormon choir. 7:50—Roxy and His Gang >with Beat­ 11:00—Havana dance music. St. Bernardos cburch and at one Cross, another imdefeated team R:S0—Kent Bellows, pianist. rice Belkin, soprano. 299.8— WOC-WHO. IOWA—1000. timelwas an active member of the games and a campfire sing. Miss taken by a men’s club and one for a while the Eagles play tbe Jones not only .has taken "tyarner 7:00—WJZ programs (% hr.1 8:30-Troubadours trio, tenor. 7:00—WE.\tr programs' (3 hrs ) 10‘ :00—Studio feature program. Connecticut* Coimcil of Catholic Grace Sutllff, fourth ■vice-president local league. This will not interfere Powerful "Villa Novas. Carnegie to task, indirectly, but tshen. tos 243.8—WNAC. BOSTON—1230. 9:00—Piano duo, male trio. with tbe regular bowling on the five radio audience into bis ; qj^idence, 7:00—WJZ Amos ’ n’ Andy. 9:30—Real folks comic sketch. 11:00—Two dance orchestras. of the Epworth Leag(ue was in Tech fresh from a triumph over 333.1— WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—900. Worfien. as follows: 7:15—Feature studio concert. 10:00—Rochester Civic orchestra. Mrs. Regan was a woman of charge of the event. alleys on the main floor. Georgia Tech, goes to South Bend S;00—W ABC programs (2 hrs.I j0:30—Sketch. “ Empire Builders.” 6:30—Dinner dance music. The alleys will be ready for use "I am taking time' to talk Oboht 7:00—NBC programs (3 hrs.) New Britain Woman Burt to play Notre Dame’s 1930 stay at 545.1— WGR. BUFFALO—550. 31:00-Slumber music hour. beautiful Christian character, a tonight. the shift because one” promlneiit 7:4.>;_1CBC programs (2 hrs.l 32:00—Two dance orchestras. 10:00—Melody makers music. kind’neighbPr and friend and is sure Mrs. Caroline Lech of 110 Rock­ homes who gave Navy a soimd ]0;30-^Sti)dio musical program. 491.5— WIP. PHILADELPHIA-610. 475.9—WOS, JEFFERSON CITY—630. well avenue. New Britain, was trouncing Saturday. Pacific Coast critic has, endfaytfif^ 11:00—Artists hour: dance music. 7:00—Children’s birthday list. 9;15—Sun.shine choir program. to bS missed' by her host of friends. 11:15—Studio musical program. treated at the Rockville Q ty hos­ Pennsylvania plays Wisconsin at to poison the minds of the 12:00— Buffalo organ recital. 7:25—Dougherty’s dance music. Resides her husband, Mrs. Regan and. football officials ^ a to a ^ to e . 333.1— WBEN. BUFFALO—900. 8:00—Wanderer’s male Quartet. 468.5—KFI. LOS ANGELES—640. leaves’ her-father,-Thomeis Eccles of pital on Simday afternoon by Dr. Madison with an even chance 7:.in—Dramatic sketch: concert. 8:30—Orchestra: string trio. 11:00—Programs of songs. Roy H. Ferguson, for lacerations SCOrnSH PAST CHIEFS against the team which Ihced Chi­ shift as employed at the' ttoivStoity 8:30—Concert orche.stra, soprano. 10:00—Two dance ol-chestras. 12:15—Play. “ Crime Emperor.” this, city, three daughters, Mrs. of Southern California, ' ' 535.4—WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—560. 12:30—Concert orchestra, tenor. about the face from flying glass in cago? (ligate, the east’s Ugh scor­ 5:00—Studio musical programs, Francis Scanlon and Miss Helen ^ 'T am not’ surprised at thih At­ 10;Sn— Concert orchestra recital. 8:00—^WEAF programs (31^ hrs.) 1:00—.Soiree Intlme: orchestra. an automobile accident on Windsor HOLD ing team journeys to East Lansing 428.3—WLW. CINCINNATI—700. 11:30—Three dance orchesti^. 370.2— WCCO. MINN., ST. PAUL—810. Regan of Rockville; Mrs. James SESSION HERE tempt to lead tbe puMic off 'tlM 9:00—Minneapolis Symphony music. a'venue.. Several cars were going i to tackle Michigan State. On Friday 7:00—Amo.s ’ n’ Rndy: musicale. 305,9—KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. McNamara of South Manchester; night a fairly successful West Vir- track. Several times during V the 7:30—Orchestra: old fiddlers. 7:00—WJZ programs (?i hr.) 9:30—WABC pro;5?5ms ( V r t hrs.) ona son, Thomas Regan of this city; west on Windsor avenue, when the past three years, tbe critic has ink- S;30—WJZ programs (2V4 hrs.) 7:45—Happy vagabond; band. 12:00—Monday night cliih. one leading came to a stop near tbe ' ginia eleven plays Detroit.' 11:00—Two dance orchestras. 8:00—Band; Monday melodists. 461.3— WSM, NASHVILLE—65a two^fiiatfxs. Mrs. Margaret Moon of The Scottish Past Oiiefs of the pressed his .annoyadee over’ the 8:00—NBC programs (2^4 hrs.) Windemere avenue section, causing Violete Favored 11:.30—Night voices: dance mus|c. 8:30—NBC programs (2% hrs.) Davis avenue and Mrs. Michael Order of Scottish aans from the N. Y.-U. and Missouri provide the shift Perhaps tlunre Is ah'dbvtous 12:30— Sweet and I/OW Down. 11:15—Theater ronie: orchestra. 10:30—Contralto: haT-mony team. other cars in the rear to stop sud­ 3 KiO—Bate dance music. 245.8—WCAE. PITTSBURGH—1220. 11:15—Orchestra; Amo* ’ n’ And.v. Egan of Westfield, Mass.; three State of Connecticut held their an­ leading interssctional offering In explanation that 1 need not men­ 280.2—WTAM. CLEVELAND—1070. 6:4.5—Dance orchestra, soprano. 11:4.5—Two dance orchestras. brotiaers,: William of Burnside, John denly. The car in which Mrs. Lech nual "meeting Saturday in Maisonic tion.” - ; 254.1— KOB. NEW MEXICO—1180. the east with the Violets’ Sophs 8:00—WEAF programs (1 hr.) 7:15—Uncle Gimbee; studio trio. and Thomas ofi-Trenton, ,N, J., and was riding and driven by Walenty Temple. A- large gathering of strongly favored over a Tiger team After sketching his devdlopmtot 5:00—Feature artists hour. '8:30—WEAF programs f3t^ hrs.) 10:.3O—Play: courtesy program, Lech, ran into the rear of a car 10:00—Musical artists hour. 260.7— WHAM, ROCHESTER—1150. 10:00—Farm talk: orchestra. .children. Clansmen from all over the state that has not reached, its usual stand­ of the shift at Iowa in 1916,.«tylain- 283—WTIC, HARTFORD—1060. .7:30—^WJZ programs (1 hr.) 12:00—Fcattire -musiceV program. i ? -will be held from S t owned by Joseph Cooper of West was present. The fCllowing officers ard and Navy takes on a nearby ing that Its primary purptow la to 7:30—Chri.stiaan Kriens’ orchestra. 8:30—String orchestra, contralto. 379.5— KGO, OAKLAND—790. 4.'-' Center street, Southington, causing were elected: Past Chief, A. Frazer, provide a variety of offtosl've forma­ 8:00—Old Time Singing School. 9:00—rWJZ programs (2 hrs.) 12:30—■Miniature biography; Bi^riierd’s 'bhurch on Wednesday southern opponent in Duke. 8:30—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 11 ;00—Vaudeville artists hour. 1:1-5—Halstead’s dance orchestra./' morning, the hour to be announced injuries to Mrs. Lech. of Hartford; President of the Past Harvard and Army meet at Cam­ tions and,not to funilsh momeiitum> 10:30—Concert classics program. 379.5— WQY. SCHENECTADY-n790, 270.1— WRVA. RICHMOND—1110. Mr. Cooper and Mrs. Lech were Chiefs Association,- P. C. James Mil­ Jones went'on: 11:5.5—Time, weather, markets. \ 7:1.5-.Testers prognoms: pianist. later. Buriab will take place in St bridge for the leading fixture on the 1]:00—Merrv madcaps; Haivaiians, both notified to appear at Rockville lar, of New Haven; "Vice President, all-eastern part of the program. "Referring again to the cotmtry’s < 422.3—WOR. NEWARK—710. 6:15—W EAF programs (%' hrs.) 8:30—Songs; violin concert. Bernard’s cemetery.' leading objector jd the shift, I miMt 7 :00—Orchestra: musical doctors. 7:05—Studio - program: talk, 10:00—WJZ orchestra, liarps. police headquarters this morning P. C. Robert McCafferty, of Hart­ Both teams have been hampered by 7:5,0—'U. S. Music School. 8:00—Democratic, campaign talk. in;,30—Dixie Spiritual Singers. Kto’wa' OoniicU Adtivities for a hearing. ford; Secretary, P C. John Currie, say it was not the shift, but the for­ 8:30—WEAF pro^ams (3% hrs.) 11:00—Richmond d'»pce orchestra. injuries but hope to get their fuU S:00—Democratic convention------Talks. At the regular meetoff Ladies Aid Notes of New Haven; as Treasurer, P. C. strength on the field for the fray. ward pass that enabled Southern Secoiniary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. Cduhcli.' D i^ ee of Pocahontas, held The Ladies Aid Society of Union William Brown, of New Haven. P. California to defeat his team in 1928 Yale, upset by Georgia last week, and 1929.” 508.2—WEEI, BOSTON—590. 272.8—WLWL, NEW YORK—1100. 344.6— WENR. CHICAGO—87a iff P^d/Men’e . ball on Friday night, church will hold a food sale at the C. Robert McCiommery of Water- will try to regain its prestige by 7:00—Vocal solos, orchestra. 0:00—Contralto and orchestra. 7:00—Ensemble: orrian music. plans wens made to hold a H*dlow- office of the Rockvllle-Willimantic bury and P. C. James Findlay, downing Brown. wUch overturned Warner did not mmitiCn Joner to 7:.-:n-0’Leary’s Irish minstrels. 6:30—Tom Hamilton’s program. 9:30—Players; family sketch. elea/sbipiar'at the next 'meeting, South Manchester, executime com­ a syndicated article ba the s h ^ Oir '8:00-WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 6:40—Question box; orchestra. 10:30—Music medley: comedians. Lighting Company on Friday after­ Princeton, while the Tigers hope to 10:00—Night court programs. 7:20—Talk; orchestra music. 12:00—DX air vaudeville. 'Will be held on Friday eve- mittee. perform the samq feat and to avenge did Jones mentkm/Warner over tMe noon from 2 to 5 o’clock. radio, but the battle is on, never­ 645.1—WKRC, CINCINNATI—550. 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 491.5— WDAF. KANSAS CITY—610. October 24. The social i^ll be On Friday evening, Nov. 7, a It was voted to have the next last year’s defeat by winning from 6:35—Ail college lectures. 7:00—NBC programs (21.4 hrs.) held for mfembers only and each one Past Chiefs’ meeting in Hartford. theless, between toes# two far 11:00-Slumber music hour. 7:45—The Trio Sinfonico. 9:30—Singin’ Mountaineers. card party is being planned at the a still untried Cornell team. 12:00—Four dance orchestras. 10:45—Orchestra: comedy team. is re^ ^ ted to. attend in costume. The Past Chief Daughters of Helen Pittsburgh, •victorious, over one western coaches. AUr o f which -wfll 434.5—CNRO, TORONTO—690. Sykes gymnasium. make it that much more Intoresttig 325.9_VyWJ, DETROIT—920, 6:30—Girls and boys comer. 440.9—KPO; SAN FRANCISCO—680. There'18 sure to. be a good time and The Ladies Aid of jthe Baptist Daiddson served the supper. The major opponent, goes to Syracuse 6;4.>5_stud1o musical program. 7:00—Concert orchestra, solos. 12:00—Variet.v program artists. there T^il nip doubt be a good at- follo'wing entertainers drew a round when the Cardinals and Trojans 12:30—NBC dance orchestra. church 5vill hold a meeting at the for its second big clash while Dart­ 7:00—WEAF programs (4 hrs.) 7:50—Dance orchestra. tendtoice. Tl^ cominittee in charge of applause: John Holmes, two read­ clash at Palo Alto October gS in-the church on Wednesday afternoon mouth gets its first real^est against first of the Pacific Cotot^^ "Big ^ plans a season of social times. ings "The Stowaway” and “Just A Columbia. for work and business. Neighbor,” "The Merry Six” was a Three” classics of the season^ ' One Ambition Is You; I’m Love Plans tvere discussed for the The Ladies Aid Society of the Yale Practice Starved; Sunshine of Your Smile; night of fun in Itself with music, New Haven, Oct 12.— (A P )— WTIC PROGRAMS SOUTH M. E. CHURCH Great Sun Council, or convention, to Trinity Lutheran church -will hold Meanwhile Army has given toe ■ * Travelin’ All Alone; If I Could Be be held in Winsted on Wednesday of song and dancing. Chester Shields Yale’s football squad, smarting un­ Travelers Broadcasting Service a harvest sauerkraut supper in the the promising young genius of South Warner system of footbalfan ea?iy With You One Hour Tonight (B). this week. About ten members from church dining room on Wednesday der an 18 to 14 defeat administered Hartford, Conn. 6:30—McCoy Boys—^Hallaballoo, KING’ S HERALDS MEET Manchester was loudly applauded by Georgia on Saturday, today faced trial and Impressed the critics with Kiowa Council -will attend. The eve­ evening, October 15, at 6:80. for his number “The Blue Bells of the results. . • ^ 50,000 W „ 1060 K. C., 283.8 U. One Sweet Little Yes, Willie the ning preceding the meeting a social a hard week -jf work, in preparation Weeper (B). Oath Administered Scotland” , and "Annie Laqrie”. Last for next Saturday’s game with “it may seem heresy to say so, To Elect Officers Tomorrow time will be'held for delegates and The Board of Selectmen of the but not least, was the popular but the departure of RCd Cagle and 6:45—Literary Digest Topics in all members of the Degree of Poca­ Brown, conqueror of Princeton. Monday, October 13, 1930 Afternoon—Mrs. Arthur E. Town of 'Vemon with the town comedian from Hartford, Tommie Despite a bard bruising battle, the the shakeup in 'West ^tint’s style Brief—Lowell Thomas (N. Y.) hontas about the state. A represen­ pf play may prove extremely bmie- £. S. T. 7:00—Bulova Time; Pepsodent’s Gibson Again in Charge. clerk and registrar of voters were Hynds rendering, "The Flower Eli’s came out of the Georgia game 7:00 p. m.—HawaiianlEchoes—Mike tative of the Great Incohonee of the in session at the town clerk’s office of the Heather,” “I’ve Just ficial for the Cadets,” remarked ohe Amoa ’n’ Andy (B-N. Y.) reservation of the United States is uninjured and ell men were expected observer. “As long as this fainous Hanapi, director (relayed to 7:15—Tastyeast Jesters (N. Y.) The King’s Heralds of the South Saturday, when the electors’ oath Got Off the Chain” , and "I Am His to report for today’s practice. •VVTAG). expected to be present at the con- was administered *to a number df Daddy O,” with Mr. Hanna of Hart­ redhead was there, he did'no harm . 7:30—Phil Cook, the Quaker Man M. E. Church yvill noeet tomorrow Coach Stevens,- 'who. , plans, only to mxyone but the opposition. Never­ 7:15— “Children’s Diseases” — Dr. (N. Y.) afternoon at 4 p. £n.,'rhe atterylance ■^Yentioii.' " • v ; 12^ .whose names are on the “torbe- ford the accompanist. Miss Mildred one scrimmage* this week, rlS"-ex­ John B. Griggs, Jr., auspices iMrsV Nellie Jackson of this city. made” list. The next and final ses­ Sutherland of Manchester was ac­ theless, West Point was hahticap- 7:45—Jolly ’Time Pop Com Re'vue of every member is desired as offi­ pected to devote considerable .time ped by being known as Sk' *one-mdn Hartford Medical Society. Great Minnehaha, will advance to sion will be October 18. companist for Chester Shields in his to his line, which showed several (B). cers for the coming year will be comet solos. team.’ Stop Cagle and you storo’ed 7:25—News;.Highlights in Sport. 8:00—^Vapex Musical Doctors (B). elected. the office of Great Wenonah at the Notes weak spots in Saturday’s game. A Army. • .. ... • 7:30—Travelers Bank and Trust session and next year will become Cards have been received In this Dancing followed ■with everyone light workout was scheduled for to­ 8:15—^McAleer Melodists. Children who have graduated from present voting it a night well spent “Now West Point seems to Have Concert; with The Travelers Pilot. 8:30—Ipana Troubadours—^Med-‘ the Little Light Bearers to King’s Great 'Pocahontas. An in'vltation city announcing the marriage of At­ day with the only scrimmage of the g;00—Seth Parker’s Old Fashioned .will be extended the Great Coimcil ■with Clan McLean. more versatility, with a good supply ley, “Second Little Show” ; How Are Heralds will be welcomed. Mrs. A r torney Israel Libby, son of Mrs. week coming tomorrow. of talent to capitalize it. The switch Singing School (relayed to 'WNAC, Ya Tonight in Hawaii?; Lonely; thur E. Gibson has been appointed to.’meet in, Rockville next year. Esther Libby of Hartford, formerly Brief Facts WEAN, WLBZ, WORC). Following the meeting on Friday to a more deceptive type o f attack Ragamuffin Romeo; Polly; Wasn’t leader of the King’s Heralds for the of this city, to Miss Rose Glasser of Boston—Bost-m College and Ford­ is a. smart move, thought its'sucesas 8:30—The Gypsies—NBC. It Beautiful While It Lasted?; Just fifth year by the W. F. M. S. and night refreshments were served and New Haven. The wedding took place ham are going in more than ever for 9:30—General Motors Family Party fully tested .until toe a Little Closer; Trail of the Lone­ will be assisted by Mrs. Clarence A A social hour enjoyed., on October 5. HEBRON the master-pupil act in coaching to­ Cadets play such teams —NBC. ^'Mothers’ Club Plans day. Once more Joe McKenny of Harvard, some Pine; She Was Bred in Old Davis. Mr. and Mrs. George Hammond Yale, Illinois and Notre le."" 10:00—Philco Concert. Kentucky; There’s a Girl in the The hostesses for this meeting The executive and program com­ of Union street entertained relatives The Democratic caucus for the ' Boston college will oppose his old 10:30— Concert Classics—Christiaan Heart of Maryland; Madrid; Kiss will be Miss Gertrude Abbey, Mrs, mittees of tii.e Mothers Club of from Holyoke, Mass., and New York nomination of representatives to the menior. Major Frank Cavanaugh, Kriens, director, Waltz; I’ll Be Blue Thinking of F. E. Priddy and Mrs. H. .^Eo'as Union^Congregational church met (jreneral Assembly, etc., has been and this time the Fordham coach j 11:00—News; Weather. over the week-end. You; If I Could Be With You (N. Y.) Lewis. with ithe president, Mrs. George Miss Natalie Ide of the Connecti­ called for this evening, at the Town has Paddy Creedon, last year’s B. C. BMRANDSCH()i|L(KiE . 11:05—^The Merry Madcaps—Nor­ Herzog at her home on Orchard hsill, Hebron Center, at 8 o’clock. captain as an assistant. man Cloutier, director; Ilima Is­ 9:00—Maytag Orchestra — Oh cut College for Women at New Lon­ Johnny; Meditation from “ThEds” , street on Friday evening. All mem- A session was held at the to'wn Philadelphia — Penn’s -visit to landers. don,»spent the week-end with her Massenet; Little 'White Lies, Donald­ bprs of the committees were pres­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ide of clerk’s office on Saturday, October Madison this week will mark the IN HOLIDAY OBSffiVANCE 12:00 Midn.—Silent. first meeting with 'Wisconsin,' but son; What’s Become of Sweet Ade­ THREE GIRLS DROWNED ent, about ten in number. Plans Talcott avenue. 11, for the making of voters whose namee are on the list and who are the western conference has fur­ Bangor Station, Near Seth Parker’s line?; Betty Co-ed; Canzonetta; Were discussed for the coming sea­ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Armstrong SaUy Won’t You Come Back? son, and :the prPgram committee duly qualified. There irill be an­ nished plenty of other opposition for Two Italian Societies Meet Sun­ Home, Broadcasts Seth’s IN CLOSED AUTOMOBILE have moved from Franklin street to the quakers. Penn has played 23 (N. Y.) will, again make arrangements for a 43 Brooklyn street. other session on Saturday, October day and Mark Cpliimbu^ Jtoyt Program 18, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. A spe­ games wUh big ten teams, winning Station WLBZ of Bangor, Maine, 9:30—Chesebrough “Real Folks” party to be given the elderly wom­ Mrs. Nellie Meyer has been ill With Appropriate Exercto^ en Pf Union church. “Family Night” cial session to provide for those 13 and tieing three. has joined the New England net­ (N. Y.) Groton, Mass., Oct. 13— (AP) — at her home on Windsor avenue the Cambridge—Army and Harvard \rill also be- another feature of tbe .yrhose rights ^mature between the Aside from the closing "ot- the work broadcasting the “Seth Park­ 10:00—Stromberg - Carlson Pro­ Efforts were being made today to past week. preinous session and voting day will appear pretty well matched for this er” sketches emanating from the gram—Overture, “1116 Story of El- identify tbe bodies of three girls season's program. Master Thomas Cratty of Cottage week’s game but they have not banks and the closing of SW James’ studios of Station WTIC of Hart­ Union church Mothers (Jlub starts be held at the to'wn clerk’s office at school for the day, there is little in ■vire”, Thomas; Komarinskaja, Glin­ who were drovmed last night when a street who has been ill syt the Rock­ the same hours, on November 3, the been in the past. ’The Crimson has ford. Other stations in the hook-up ka; Selections from ‘"The Pageant closed automobile plimged through on its fp u i^ year next Wednesday ville a t y hospital the past five won 13 of their 15 games and Army the way of an observance; held-in are WNAC of Boston, WEAN of night, a month later than usual, due day before election day. Manchester bn the anniveraajry of of P. T. Baraum”, Moore; March the rail of the Plnehurst bridge into weeks, has returned to his home. Judge of Probate'Leon G. Rath- only one. Last year they tied. Providence and WORC, Worcester. from “Tannhauser”, Wagner (N. Y.) the Nashua river. Two men com* to' the illness of the president in Princeton—Princeton has another the, discovery of America.': 17»e usual The entrance of the Way Down East September. Mrs. Ethel Leonard was bone, the Republican candidate for 7 ;18 whistle was sounded'at the siOi 10:30—Empire Builders (N1 Y.) panions freed themselves from the^ representative to the General As­ part of its lootball tradition to station is interesting in ■view of the 11:00—^Bulova ’Time; Champion mnehine and swam to safety. - x the tinst president, serving two r . fight for this week. Broivn became mills'this morning and few gave any fact that it is located only 60 miles sembly, was taken with a'severe at­ thought of a holiday. Weatherman;- Temperature^ (B). The dead were: May Marlette Cf yetos. Mrs- Herzog commences on tack of asthma on Friday. He is the fifth team to hand the Tigers from Jonesport, the little fishing .11:04—Baseball Scores; Sport Di­ Waltham and two girls whose last her ' Second year as head of the "two defeats in a row last jveek and Sunday was observed by:the two village in which Maestro Parker Queer Twists imder the care of his physician. Italian Societies, the Sons^ of Italy gest (B), names were thought to be Richards. club. -V ^n unidentified motorist speeding now Cornell is trying to do the feat conducts his old-fashioned singing Police said they believed that, they Cards have been sent out to the the second time in their football his­ and the Christopher club. ..The lat­ school. The state of Maine has through Hebron Center Friday eve­ ter enjoyed a dinner- at toe club­ were maids, employed in New6>n. members inviting them tc the meet­ In Day's News ning ran into the guide boards which tory. Only Yale and Harvard have shown an enthusiastic interest in Samuel Mailet, whom police say repeated the feat. / house on Norman’, street whilb the ing Wednesday night and it is ex­ are placed at the foot of a maple latter met in Tinker hall. An ad­ , Jonesport presentations since they drove the automobile, and Alex Bur­ pected .thete •will be a record at­ New Haven—Yale and Bro-wn ! were inaugurated in 1928 at the gess, both of Waltham, were held tree on a high banlr situated in toe dress given by Girdo Pagani a t the ;U TATI Ni tendance. London—From Southern Spain circular sweep between the Gilead, have been* plajdrg football since Connecticut station. On the high­ 0 0 imder poUce guard at the Groton 1880 with very slim pickings for meeting in Tinker hall i9 ^blCli.he ways leading to Canada via the Manchester Artists. Here has come a cask of 1894 sherry to Marlborough and Amston roads at reviewed the life of Columbus dad hospital. 'There was a large congregation help the Spanish Qub of London Brown. But in this season of up­ Pine Tree State, guid6posts read, The men met the girls, whom they Hebron Green. ’Two of the cement his trials in obtaining \vSUfHcle&t nr/. present at the popular evening serv­ celebrate Columbus Day. The Prince posts to which the guide boatds are sets, Brown :.s hoping for its fifth “This way to Jonesport, home of knew slightly, in Waltham last victory over the Eli’s this week'. backing to embark upon his voySg® Seth Parker of radio fame.” Way ice at Union Congregational church of Wales and other guests received attached were crushed and splinter­ of discovery in 1492. Words are beautiful, but rifles, night. They planned a ride through one glass each and in the toast to Section Results Down Easterners agree that Paul Gardner, Concord and Littleton and last evening when the G Clef Club ed. The motorist apparently escap­ machine guns, ships, airplanes and of South Mhdchester presented a the prince it was recalled that Col­ ed injury to himself or car, but he Saturday’s football developments, Lucas of 'WTIC, who impersnoates were on their way home when the in tabloid form, in the country’s North Carolina trouble'ai|d BTorida ; the sing-master, has mastered the cannon are better. delightful entertainment. The con­ umbus took buttes of sherries and must have had a narrow escape._The accident occurred. sack on his voyag?. seven major groups or conferences won by only one touchdown frbm i dialect of the old-timers of their —Benito Mussolini. Police have been imable to deter­ cert given h ythese artists was one imbridled speeding which goes on Berlin—Drop a coin in the slot daily and nightly through the follow: Auburn. 'Vanderbilt and Tennessee state ■with considerable accuracy. mine the cause of the accident but .cert .given by these artists was one East—Carnegie Tech’s smashing easy winners o'ver Va. Poly and It seems to me that the more you ■ville. The program follows; and have a glass of beer. There are green is causing comment. Some of it was believed that Mailet was tem­ drink-vending machines at Subway victory over Georgia Tech estab­ Mississippi. Cleinson beat Nortii WBZ—WBZA know of life the more you get out porarily blinded by the lights of an Assisttog artists—G. Albert Pear­ the cars go bv with so much yeloiHty of it. and elevated stands. A paper cup­ lished Tartans In front rank,along Carolina State' handily Mit 'South Monday, October 13. oncoming car as he approached the son, hsiss; 'Elsie Berggren, soprano; that it looks as if they had been Carolina won by only ppint from —Mrs. Herbert Hoover. ful costs 20 pfennigs. shot out of a cannon. So far no with Brown, Colgate and N. Y. U. Plnehurst bridge, which spans the Eva' M. Johnson, accompanist. New Bnmswick, N. J. — Bloota- Yale’s defeat by (Georgia an unex­ Louisiana State. Alabama-Tennto- P. M. river at an “s” turn. ' Program lives have been lost, but there seems The craze for speed is not good ,field LitteU' bf East Orange, N. J., pected jolt but is ■ still, in the nm- see and Geotyia-North ^Carolina 4:00—Hal Kagan’s Orchestra (B> The automobile tore through the Prayer by the pastor. to be an ever present danger, of it.' ning for sectional title. Most major' contests feature next Elaturday’s 4:45—State House Safety (B) for the community at large and is played in the .first intercollegiate Professor Eugene Chase of Lafay­ bridge rail and landed In 15 fM t.of Sali)ta^n—Gaines. football game.in 1873 and tonight he teams receive first real tests Sat­ schedule. '' . 4:50—Republican News Bulletin.s ! certainly bad for the individual. water. Mailet and Burgess' freed L ^ go—Handel. ette College, ’Easton, Pa., motored ,y The eugenist’s chief difficulty ble and ran almost to the goal.liBe ' 'Mother Mine—Burleigh. seventh birthday on 'Wednesday ^y* ■ on all makes. is ■7 'MUI Stream-^ensen.. Englewood, N. J. —Colonel and but.Iowa was . beaten and Indiana Washington State, ahowed eomid^e New Seta and Standard humsm nature. in-the closing minhtes of pla^Ttoe Mrs. Lindbergh have purchased an entertaining a party of his ^ tied by non-conference foes% , reversal of fonU in oheok Mrong git —Sir Arthur Keith. lineyps follow: I G' a e f Glee au b friends at the.home of hie ;m otl^, Accessories 4CSpio; These Are They "Holy a t y ” estaU near iF^cetop on which they Big'Six—Oklahoma Soonera lead Mary’s deven T-8. Robins: Francis Mannise, ^ e will bilUd. There is plenty of room Mrs; Helen Jones Ported. MemT' iconference as result of victory pver Rocky MoustaixH-Coloxmdd Burke, Ernest Osella, Frank Guhie- ^-j-^xGaul, of the second grade in Us sq] .pNebiaska. Kansas, with 33-7 tri- to scoreless tie by Utah WM. E. KRAH r,' BMe Berggren for a flying field. The property TIEBNEY IS CHOSEN pro, Charlie Barrera, Louis Jones, comprises 160 acres of form lani^. at Hebron Center were p re se n t^ umph'',o'ver Haskell In last, game,biggest autiwise,..leav' 669 Tolland Turnpike. Phone 3788 James Henry, Russell Johnson, Splbi'Su])reine Adventure—^\^'ard- Hanover, Germany —^The munl- well as a number of other yoiUg: /looxns as a formidable threat. Mis- fendUg (fiiampitm; Bridgeport, Oct. 13.'— (AP.)— Steve Osella And McCarthy. « cipolitx iB glad to have fblka moke friends df Us. A birthday cake wito souri beaten against no ronference j;aM CXiMlcado'Aggies only teams Democrats of the Fourth Connecti-; Oak Street; Aceto, Billy Weir,;TW“ *.r G^r^bert Pearson dates. It rente billboard space at sevMi pink lighted candles graded rival, $t. Louis.' . Kansas-Kansas.beatim aa^ imUM tototo o o o f b ^ ^ HAVE YOU A RADIO cut Congressional District in caucus McCann, Uliano, Bob Weir, Walker, dPd' of.Nature—Tchaikovsky. street comers where Frits con leave the supper tables He received many Ag^es gspne high spot o f comlito upset Cblcrado A ^ c s THAT IS DEAD? Saturday nominated William L. J. Ranny. „ LeKnown, McCarten, T NSeiTAhhlc ’ Bong—Aubenstein. a meksoge for Oretchen and the birthwy gifts from Us family and toturday. il5-T. , F Tierney 'o f Greenwich fpr the Na­ McCann and Sheldon.' . < K ' : O^Clef Glee Club like. friehds. Way Down Spufli. : j; ------V I can bring It back to life. For tional House of Representatives. ’ Pearson, director. _____• t . :>w^' service and accessories call ; Lisbon, Portugal—Feliciana Mkria Southern—Alabama,)J?lbrida and I .':Tlie turf at the The millionaire who attributed ’' de Lua, 90 and wealthy, is a bride. Folks who saw little hope'for 'North Carolina presenielei^eto, but dium at Manhattan is toa " Nine states are represented in the his success to golf probably is Thdmas P. Burke,.55, of 18 Chest- She m s^ ed Antonia Monteiro entertainment on the boards this Georgia’s win over Yale blggeft the United States,” accoi M.E.WORSAA first 8Cdng football eleven at Wash- the sort who could swipg his Qluba ;toit Atmtadied at. hla hoine on Sat- Feipe, a medical student and reason, failed apparently to take toriti of Saturday^ H^gd. i 88 Center S t Phone 40T and liee. v to adviati^i of a «iitogammon into ir 6ti£bed S^Tan'ae but MANCHESTER EVENTNG H E ^/aiJr SOlHB M A N C H E S T ^ 3 §Q ^ O C ^ B lp 13, V-T -I* a d ^ the-iight cruiser AuguatSk how - CARHPAimrANHSlH^ TELEPHONE TYPEWRITER FROHUSmONIS WOMENVOTERSGROlir^ building at Newport News* yip- Five de8tro3^ ^ the dexton, ■ ..M ' ■ TO RAISE TROOTR FUND TOIWDR.U(iHT Hamiltpn, Wickes* PhiUp and Evans, St. Libuis, Oct,.13.^(AP)—Mayor# HELPS CATCH CRIMINALS n o w ^ th the battle fieet oh the veest BE CONSIDERED NEAR VICTORY QOBst, will join the trahoing squadron, of many''Missouri w d Illinois towns Will Address School of Citl*en- in Hampton R q a ^ ' after stopping vlsite^ the^, Nalttphal ^ o w Boy Scouts of Connecticut Now Surpasses All ■'m-. C h a f f i n Other States in Efficiency in ship at New liondoii bn Tues­ at the S ^ s and Coiinto, Nica­ here today, the "^day itoying bew ragua, to take aboard twenty-four designated Mayors’ Day. ''Thei d d y OvtiBfSi jf.y Helaying Information. F. Scott McBride Siieaker at day, October 21, Reir AW ^i4^d(frClarse officers and 236 men serving in Chamber of Commerce Has ■Nicara^a witii the American Elec­ also was AHrSl^tesl .P h y '^ jS ’^tu^ The comnfl^e# to cbaige^ the dents’ Day. Hartford, Oct. 13.—Hijackers, “The ChUd and His School” is the toral Commission. . - card par^ 4»S‘-iniqH?eiP to bo;held ^ escaped convicts, motor vehicle | Sooth Methodist Church topic of the dinner address to bo M H ieA tlan' Four-H 'catflfr’ judging contests Important Meeting Sched­ thieves and others wh9 battle given by Dri N. Searle Light at the and 4-H Club, and d a ^ and poultry ^edneadqy nigbt to J|ineB’« hall against law and" order now find it League of Women Voters school of demonstrations started today. . to raise funds Jor the psrciia^ of more difficult than ever to evade ' Yesterday Morning. citizenship in New London, October PRIEST TRANSFERRED Yesterday more than 600 4-H Club l a ^ and the buildtog o f a. simok f or uled for Monday Evemng. hoys'and girls from all parts of thb capture\in Co^ecticut, for the new 21. The dinner which wiU take ’Troop 2 u f' St. Jatoto’k « h h ^ ar^ telephonte typewriter system linking place at the Hotel lllohican, will con­ counbY sirrived.' 'th p 4-H diih Pittsburgh, - Oct. 13.— (API—In­ prepafing for a torge gifthering. the nine state police barracks was clude the first-Of two days of con­ Washington. ’ ,^ t. 13.— (AP)-;! members, who are here for the dem­ A meeting of vital importance to Carried to impassioned heights of formation received here today said The Scouts have never before tolled ^ placed in operation recently under ferences on the prevention of child Rear.. Admir^ Hitley H- r, Christy, onstration, judging ‘ sbid showman­ oratorical eloquence on the subject the'Very Rev. J. J. Callahan,: supe­ ship contests are all winners in thdr for assistance, but luive carried 'on members of tbe Chamber of Com the supervision of Commissioner delinquency throiigh our schools and comhiander ,b f. battleship - division- merce will be the October all-mem­ of “The Present Prohibition OuUook courts. Most sessions of the citizen-' rior at the‘ H oly Ghost Apostolic respective etates emd are part of the their own worto jftoe to thdr camps Robert T. Hurley of the state police. four of the battle fleet, today was College at Cornwells, Pa., has been bership meeting to be held Monday With the installation of the system in Connecticut and also Throughout ship school will be held at Knowlton 830,000 members enrolled in the or­ during the summer snd have had the evening, October 20, at 6:15 o’clock the Nation,” F. Scott McBride, na­ House, Coimecticut College .for Wo­ ordered to take command of - the appointed president of Duquesne ganization. usual out-of-door wmk; but have by the Southern New England Tele­ University, succeeding the Very Rev, been lacking a camp where parties at the Hotel Sheridan. The entire phone Co., Connecticut now surpass­ tional superintendent of the Anti- men, October 21-22. newly fbrihed tralifing. squa^on to The first offlcied awards of - the meeting will be devoted to discus­ Dr. Light is supendsor of the operate on, the Atlantic seaboard. - Martin A. Hehir, for 31 years pres­ Dairy Show were announced yester' noay stay week-ends. es all other states in having the Salooii League, told an audience of- It is to raise jtoe money'for this ~> sion and suggestions as to the pro­ most comprehensive, two-way Inter­ division of imial education of the Rear AdMriM laike McNamee, di- ident of the institution. day when the prizes were given out 350 people at the morning service of Word of the change was given in purpose that the committee of men gram of work the Chamber should communicating system for the dis­ the South Methodist church yester­ Connecticut State Board of Educa­ rector^f the-fleet training division, in the dairy products division of but­ attempt In the three year period fol­ tion, an office he' has ' held since will succeed . 'Adiflii^ Christy as an official bulletin f^om the head ter and cheese'. | and women are now at wortc 'and semination bf ,Mtfieship' division educational work in Connecticut for four. Rear ,;>Adinlrai Frank H, Fathers in Paris. No indication was and supper Wednetoay evening it is ember. police news throughout the state. nearly solved and I challenge any- STOEBIS m t r a n c e The Chamber president hnd the - Similar telephone typewriter statement." Mc- twenty years. In 192T he was PfCS' Clarkk merbber o f the general board, given as to what post Father Hehir hoped a large part of this fund will one to deny this would be sent'. board of directors have made a equipment____ interconnects the police. Bride declared that in three years ident of the Department o f Rural will tidm Admhhl McNamee’s post. be raised. • study of suggestions made in Education of the National Education The -hew, was Father Callahan has been superior Grenoble, Ftapee, O ct 13.— (AP) departments of fifteen cities Jta Con- i time the prohibition forces woiild be at Holy Ghost College f6r 15 years. —Damage of many . millions of answer to written questionnaires at necticut, the Motor Vehicle Depart­" ' victorious over those now Eigitating Association. , fOrnoed fleet • . FUEBS REST TODAY francs was inflicted yesterday and STOCK MARKET CLOSED the annual meeting last year and ment, and the Springfield Police De­ for abolition. A companion -address on “The to ca r^ yhR 4ih’ ihahe^^ without again in the spring. Many of these Child and His Leisure’^ will be given last night by wind of, tornado partment. The two systems are not A special offering was taken to Jnterferihwsevv !,Vlt.,sWill be used for New York, Oct. 13—fA P )—Finan­ suggestions were found to be prac­ on the same evening by Weaver midshiphR)^ r naval reserve London, Oct. 13.— (AP)—Cf^tsdn force which swept- through the rich interconnected by wire circuits, al­ aid the Anti-Saloon League of Con­ walnut growing district between cial activities were at a standstill ticable and, as the "past year has necticut £md pledges were also re­ Pangburn of the Nationed Recrea­ cruises - ahd -i(^ fij^tend celebrations J. Errol Boyd and Lieutenant Harry though arrangements have been p. ^nnor, aviators who have just Vinay and Tullins in. the River Lsere today in Wall Street in obq^rvance of_ been devoted to reorganization and made between Commissioner Hiirley quested from those present. The tion Association, How wholesome along thei-aabt hpim. the building up of the Chamber, they play under community auspices' has completed a flighl; from Harbor district. Trees were uprooted, and Cplumbus'Day. and Commissionerv Robbins B. speaker brought out that with sev­ The= squBwon will consist of the All of the security and commodity were put on file but not forgotten. eral millionaires contributing to the checked juvenile delinquency in battlesbEpa Arkansas and Wyoming Grace to?; Croydon in the airplane houses unroofed. More than 6,000 Stoeckel of the Motor'Vehicle De­ Columbia, are resting here after trees were destroyed and it is esti­ exchanges and the banks were, The Chamber is now ready to set up partment to broadcast news over wet cause it was now very , well scores of American cities will be the and desfcKvy^ifc divisions 47 and 48, the program of work. The board of theme of Mr. Pangburn’s talk. The their arduous trip across the Atlan­ mated It will take 25 years to re­ closed, following the custom of ob­ both networks when desired, thus organized, an^ that it was not time numbering pi'itff / > serving the holiday on Monday-when directors will hold several special for the enforcement gfroup'to step speaker has just completed a study tic. They said that they are imde- place them. Many. persons were providing a wide dissemination of The'hf^e^p. .y?‘y made homeless. it falls on Sunday. meetings before the annual meeting crime information. backward- The churches of the 'land of recreation leadersmp, the first the tempbrai^'flagship imtil replac cided whether to fly to Australia. to map out the three year charted Two telephone typewriters have must rally to the League, he said; ’ of tts kind. For, eight years direc­ course, using suggestions on file and Six reasons for supporting the tor of educational publicity of the suggestions made Monday evening been installed at the state police headquarters in Hartford. Both may present prohibitory laws wbre given National Recreation Association, he to present a program to the annual by Mr. McBride: first, because pro­ has ^ven pai^cular attention to the meetings for adoption by the mem­ transmit and receive messages and may be connected with any particu­ hibition is the answer to the ques­ subject of organized play and delin­ bership. tion of how to solve the alcoholic quency. * President Emil Hohenthal and lar barrack or with all barracks through a central switchboard. The liquor problem; second, because Executive Secretary E. J. McCabe Hoover’s qlection to the presidency and the board of directors feel that barracks at Canaan, Stafford Springs, and Danielson are on in­ with prohibition as the determing it is only justice to the members and Issue proves conclusively that the those supporting the Chamber of dividual lines connecting with head­ quarters, while the barracks at people are for prohibition; third,"be­ membtrship, to apprise them of cause prohibition makes prevention “Whoopee” at State where thl Chamber is headed and Beacon Falls, Westport, and Ridge­ “Whoopee” is dazzling, daring and field, also linked with Hartford, are rather than cure the guiding prin­ what is being attempted. ciple in the struggle for national delightful entertainment. Two ca­ '^ K IN G FRIENDS AND on one circuit. The fifth circuit con­ The meeting Monday night will be sobriety; fourth, because prohibition pacity audiences saw the opening preceded by a dinner. The entire nects the barracks at Westbrook performances at the State last and Groton with headquarters. The is succeeding, conditions under pro­ board of directors will be present to hibition at their worst being better night and howled themselves onto receive suggestions wMch it is ex­ machine in each barrack may be the verge of hysterics at the hihuri- used to transmit or to receive mes­ tbEui' conditions under the licensed pected will result from an informal traffic at their best; fifth, because ous antics of Eddie Cantor who leads discussion between the entire mem­ sages. The Hartford barracks is also a brilliant cast through one and a included in the state wide hook-up. the failure of prohibition meane the bership. return of the saloon; and sixth, be­ half hburs of this jcyclonic. comedy The lightning-like speed of trans­ cause prohibition is inherently, spectacle. 'The beautiful girls, the mission over the new system enables economically, clvically, and morally ^rib-si^itting comedy from Eddie a police operator at headquarters or right, and a guarantee of continued lantor and bis numerous assistanfSf THEM SEEK TOWN’S CROWN at any barracks to broadcast in­ prosperity. the fast pace and the splendid tech­ formation the instant his fingers tap nicolor photograpty go. to make FOR BLACK FISHING out the message on the keyboard. “Whoopee” the rmusual picture it ths secret of As the operator types the message, is. other machines in barracks start Ho s p it a l n o t e s The plot of the picture is an adap­ success in typewriting the message auto­ tion of Owen Da'ris’ grand farce, John Hyland, John Bansola, Tom matically. News of any crime oc­ “The Nervous Wreck,” with Its story Kerr, Wm. Slerub and John Barstow curring within the jurisdiction of a of the imaginary invalid forced to b« business." motored to Niantic yesterday and barrack is now broadcast within va A son was born today at the Me­ morial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. a he-man in order to get the hero­ went black fishing over in the Gut few minutes so that all sta^e police ine out of trouble and married to the in Barstow’s, cruiser Betty B-II. may be Informed. In the case of a John Murphy of 35 Cottage street. Patients admitted include An­ right man. Cantor’s portrayal o t Says Ninety-five blacks, one sea bass Emd stolen motor car, both state and Henry Williams, the Invalid in ques­ two skates (which don’t count) mimicipal police may receive a de­ thony Siamond of 141 Oak street, Mrs. Catherine DePace of^l74 Oak tion, is a classic comedy from one f-'i were caught and three were traded scription of the automobile and be of the stage’s greatest. The role of at Harry’s Place, Cqlchester for a on the watch for the car soon after sU'eet and Miss Elizabeth* Bulla of Hemlock street. the heroine is played by Eleanor GEN. SAMUEL “lineup of all hots.” the report of its theft. The system is Hunt, on of the screen’s latest dis­ Arthur Bamforth, Clarence Bam also used for speeding up regular coveries, whose red-haired loveliness forth, Harry Rylander, Perry communication between barracks, ADMITS KILLING BOY and appeal make her ideal for the M c R O B E R f i Lathrop and “Sam” also went to taking the place of telephone calls. part. Chief of the beauties who Niantic. yesterday and black fished Dubuque, la., Oct. 13— (AP)—The adorn the spectacle scenes is Doro­ Chairman of the Boards Chatham in the Gut in Arthur Bamforth’s strange alasdng of 12-year-old Earl thy Knapp, never more deserving of enfiser “ Shirber’!. Seventy-nine Phenix National Bank and Miller whose mutilated body was her stage title of the "most beauti­ Thut Conipany blacks was the bag. What they all MANY NEW RECORDS found on the Mississippi river flats ful girl in the world,” Chief Cau- want to know is—where was Harold neax here October 5, was solved to­ polican’s performance as the Indian Alvord’s new cruiser with its party Director, Armour & Co., American Sugar IN MIDDLETOWN MEET day by''the confession of Joseph lover who turns out to be a per­ Refining Co., National Surety Co.j of deep sea dogs, yesterday? Ollinger, 22. fectly good white man in the end is ■ji Barstow’s party got 80 blacks the Kansas City-Southem Railway; The confession followed 14 hours excellent. In fact,vnot a single flaw Brig. General, A. E. R 'ill. S' Sunday before. of questioning, Ollinger said he Middletown, Oct. 13.— (AP) — can be picked out as far as selec­ Iff''. More records were expected to be would plead guilty when arraigned tion of the cast is concerned. today. No motive for the crime was The second of the series of foot­ *^Making f riends and holding shattered today as th? finals of the given. NAB 29 GANGSTERS nationial outboard motor champion­ ball classics sponsored by Knute diem, by a friendly up-to-date ships are run off in the Connecticut Two men identified Ollinger as the Rockne, a cartoon comedy and the river here. man who accompanied the Fuller latest screen news completes the fulness, is the secret of success in Four new national champions wer^ boy from a field where a football program.* Chicago, Oct. 13.— (AP)— The game had been played the night of Ann Harding in “Holiday” will business. This axiom has been the “Number One, Public Enemy” A1 crowned and eight new world rec­ ords made yesterday while on Sat­ October 4. The youth was strangled head the program for Wednesday (Scarface) Capone, continues free to death. and Thursday. guiding force in the progress of die despite the snares set for him, urday 15 new marks were set in the A surprise raid on Cicerro, the eastern championships. ■ Chatham Phenix NcOional Bank Preliminary trials in two classes, suburb that acquired an unenvied 6 b - name as the haunt of the Capone A and E, were completed yesterday and Trust Company,. And it is “mob”, failed to flush the gang and finals were to be nm off today viously the guiding force in leader yesterday, but it was not en­ along with the preliminaries and tirely a lost effort. Twenty nine men finals in Classes B, C and-F. ANNOUNCING your business—as evidimeed by and a woman were arrested, and Ray Pregenzer, of Antioche, Uls., your use of the UUra'Violet Ray among them were three leaders of raced his boat to a new world rec­ the gang business—William (Three­ ord in Class E, Division 3, of 42.505 in the ^Toasting* o f the LUCKY fingered Jack) White, George (Red) miles an hour yesterday, eclipsing Barker and cilaude Maddox. White a mark of 41.09 miles per hour set ROLAND’S STRIKE tobaccos,** and Barker are “public enemies. by Kenneth E. MacKenzie, 15, of Maddox had been hunted for many New Haven, who had earlier shat­ weeks for questioning in connection tered Pregenzer’s old record of with the murder of Jake Lingle, 40.25. Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Tribune reporter. Julian Petriak of Cary, Uls,, who Pat Roche, special agent for the saw his former world mark of 39.32 state attorney led the raid which in Class E, Division 2, smashed by Featuring was directed against the i^estem Fred Mikkleson, of Milwaukee, Wis., hdtel, presumed to be the hideout of also came back to establish a new PROMPT SERVICE Capone. Capone is hunted on a mark of 41.66 miles per hour. vagrancy warrant, the same as were and . ^ sworn out for all of the 28 men list­ QUALITY WORK ed by the Chicago crime commis­ ROY E. BUCKLER IS NEW sion, as "public enemies.” Office 1 South Main Street. Telephone ^705 STRIKE—the finest cigarette ypu AMERICANS KILLED PRESIDENT OF MEN’ S CLUB Rabat, Morroco, Oct. 13.— (AP)— e^ie|sp madeof the finest tobaccos Two Americans, their names unde­ Roy E. Buckler of 65 Benton termined, are believed to have been street has been named president of the Crop—THEN—""irs passengers in an airplane which the Men’s Leag^ue of the Center cracked up yesterday morning near Congregational church, succeeding Larache, Spanish Morocco. John L. Reinartz. The report of the Everyone knows that heat Tribesmen who saw the plane, nominating committee was read and Announcing which was of the Toulouse-CJasa- accepted at yesterday’s weekly Sun­ t so TOASTING removes harm- blanca service, fall are said to have day morning meeting. expressed belief its pilot and three Mr. Buckler was elevated to the The Opening of passengers were killed. An airplane office from vice-president. The new iwt^l^^ts ^ at iiause throat Irritation which set out to find the plane was vice-president is Charles Oliver forced to return without news to while A. N. Potter is secretary and l^ ll^ ilh in g . No woeder 20^679 phy- . Larache. Walter Parsons, treasurer. Mr. An effort was. being made to Buckler’s election is effective as of THE CASINO BOWLING ascertain names of the passengers. October 1. sta^d LUCKIK to be less ALLEYS knows tbat simshine why TOASTING Includes^ Selwitz Block, Corner Main and Pearl Streeto Service - Quality - Low Prices Ultro Violet Rdy* Under the Manageinent of .*v' . SPECIAL Vi Fancy Rib Lamb Chops 35c lb., 3 lbs. $1.00 John Hand ■■■■'■■ ■■■-r Lean Ribs Sugar Cured Corned B eef...... 12c lb. Tuesday Evening, Oct. 14tb • r .... . ^ .....25c Sweet Potatoes, T ibs...... V The alleys have been thoroughly remodeled and dre Thrsai liratScriaw.- asulint irritatlto ^ aaslwiit Fancy Red Onions, 6 lbs...... 25c in excellent shape. ' . . . . \ ..... 1

We invite any bowling league now without a ‘head-, Manchester Public Market quarters to make theirs here. . ' PHONE 6111

'fc :; '4M.~ ?f.v. "'Sj5L’:‘ V , tetef:

^AGB EIGHT MANCHESTBRBVBNTNa HEKALD/iO^Jt^ MANCH^TER, *'-«vv'. 4. ' ,1 ■ ‘' t . ' ' , ■■■ ■- . ..' ‘ A? 'i. s gpbrt^ Thing for Early Autui^ ■ ■ ’i)?)] m .ft- 1

A y , LAURA LOU BROOKMAN 0 ,1950 V NgA ?• iW vAUTHOD OC "RASH. ROMANCER CAlUsil OF PA ^S IN b a 6 b ; i^psBt ..middle age t ••'**—•'ii'inir»'»'^ m F B iC V L T TO DIAGNOSE ;q«ienByvjk euffetyr back as the man #lib;mft; BEGIN mcHlC TODAY and Celia was suitounded by new­ night sky. The . Window opened put OUVEtONKISMTQN By. DR. MOBim FISHBBIN :ed. a h si:d » . Adventure enters the life of Celia comers. Her cheeks and eyes were on a smsdl'balcony. Editor,-? Jotfiina ^ of?: th e. American ..Obviou^yJ^; is n q tj^ o a ^ a .to Mltfthell, 17, when she learns the [dit^Sfio®® Die reaed)ii;:|^^ in glowing. She smiled, shook hands, “Let’s go out here,” Jotdan ^ What ki the l4st th&g to do when Miefflciti'AsstoidglSIoj^^^ o f 'H y g ^ ftther she has supposed dead Is knew that she would never be able whispered. He took Celia’s arm and ihe Magaaeine. ' the bade ^meiMy ^ ve and wealthy. She leaves her the baby breaks'thin^? jUons of tlie ^tie^^^lV^^'^peces^ to remember all the names that led her out on the enclosure. j. The young .mother with her. first anpretentions home in Baltimore were jumbled in her ears. All of '' The balcony was only a fe^; fefet Pain in the back is one of the aary to examine not .^}y for a home in New York with her baby, and her w ading china, is con­ bi;t also the the girls • looked pretty in their wide. It ran back at either side of fronted with this problem. For. to m6st distressing conditions that af­ father, John Mitcdiell, and her arls- bright-colored frocks. Kate Dun­ the window, wid Johdan and the girl fei>t;:^aod indeed tfae'/«m^e c^urcU^ her amazement he has no more re­ flicts mankind. H ^ seldom) due to of the patient,, ) ’ ,.,' )., tocratio grandmother. can passed by, a picture in deep stepped into the staadoWed space. gard for her Capo di Monte vase Margaret Rogers, her mother, di­ rose tulle. Celia saw the youth call­ They were far up over the street. than he has (ff a ten cent horse. any single cause, .and the effort to In . m w y InstonfMi vorced Mitchell and remarried and ed “Red” with whom she had danc­ Celia uttered a- little cry at the There ,it lies on the floor in pieces find the exact cause and its cure is for the pata to toe^ck i ii^'ln Is now a widow. Barney Shields, ed at the club. Jimmie Webster was spectacle before'her. and when she tries to- tell him that therefore a difficult one. the back itself. but lin some-; Sther yonng newspaper photographer, is at her elbow demanding to know he is very, very naughty, he looks It "must he.'* remembered that pbrtion of the a n a to ^ . lit in love with the girl and before how it felt to be drowning. The sky world was aglow with as disinterested as the park monu­ the human being probably devel­ fore, .necessi^ to e^mipe leaving Baltimore Celia promised to A bowing head, waiter, whose myriads of twinkling, dazzling ment. '' . oped by an evolutionary process, tient, standing, sitti^ ,and^)l^g, be loyal to bis love. She is lonely In half French, half English sentences lights. On a black velvet back­ And______to prove ______his callousness,____ thewalking originally ’ on four feet and to .teat the movemditi|i‘'.oC. hie her new home. were imintelligible to Celia, led the ground—as a jeweler displays his next day he seizes the lovely little [ then standing ^ect, and that limbs under v a ^ iu 7<»nditipxia;‘j^^^ f Mitchell asks Evelyn Parsons, way to their table. wares—the crimson, gold and blue- Dresden lamp and down she goes to 3s a result, he' places stresses on It has 10^ been ‘ recpjg;pi^ beautiful widow, to Introduce the Other diners ti^med to look at white electrical displays beckoned. the graveyard of previt^ things de-1 purts of his anatoihy not orig- a. pain in the backT3wyVbe'‘)daiei,^to girl to young people. Mrs. Parsons the young people^ To Celia’s sur­ Some of them came from Broad­ stroyed by, babies of allUmes. ) inaUy expected to carry these -infection ot toe .appf»£zi- |o ,i^ ‘ in^ considers Celia , a means to win prise the “roof garden” was just way. Others were, gleaming coro­ About a year ago I saw a young strains. fection in the prdsta^.;>glaii4ir<^^^ Mitchell’s eflections and agrees. She like other dining rooms. The walls nets of sky-crashing towers. At in­ mother slap'her baby’s hands un­ . His age, his occupation, some disease of the intestines^iqr to invites the girl to her Long Island i ceiling were painted with mod- tervals a ^gantic beacon flashed its til they were red because, as she height, his weight, and his women to (fiseases pfv -the -birgmu home for a week-end and there emistic splashes of color. There fiery radius across the darkness. said, she had told him and told him ■ eral health, as pointed out by Dr. associated with chi^irth.-:--'!^^ Celia meets Tod Jordan, fascinating were wide open windows from ceil­ “Why—it’s fairyland!” Celia mur­ and he wouldn’t mind. ; j. t . Rugh, inay all be of import- are innumerable cases-on r^prd to but of dubious character. ing to floor all about the room, re­ mured. When I suggested that she put her i ance in explaining the reason for which removal of .an-tofectiM f>ap- ^ Mrs. Parsons encourages the vealing patches of dark sky, here Jordan wais not looking at the things ont of reach, she replied furi- [ the pal" which he or she may pendix or of a fibroid, tumor to -a match. Celia treats Jordan coolly and there studded with electric me­ sky line. His eye had caught the ously that she wouldn’t do any such have in the back. The actual fact woman has resulted': to "complete, at first but is won by his rom^tic teors. Palms, ferns and other grow­ gleaming ruby' on the girl’s hand. thing. That- it was her house andgf the mattec is ‘ that the woman cessation of th^ painto tiie*l»ck.:: , love making after he has rescued ing green things were the only sug­ He lifted her hand, inspecting the he’d have to learn to live in it as it ' .'J i' ,.- J?..;- -r: " her from drowning. gestion of out of doors. ring. -was. <. Lisi Duncan, socially prominent, An orchestra, famous through­ “Father’s birthday present,” Ce­ •This was her second child, a boy. becomes Celia’s loyal friend. At a out the nation wherever radio is lia explained. “Isn’t it gorgeous?” ’The first one, a girl, was a docile, charity bazaar a gypsy fortune tell­ known, was playing a melodious fox “Good stone,” Jordan nodded ap- biddable little person who probably er reads Celia’s palm and warms her trot. pro\*ingly. "Listen, Celia, let’s get succumbed after a slap or two and SISTER of impending danger. Mitchell ar­ Celia shot a quick, pleased glance away from this noise., I want to talk the vases siirvived. ranges an elaborate party in honor toward Mrs. Parsons. She saw that to you—” But mere was a different problem of Celia’s 18th birthday and Mrs. Jordan was to be her righthand “But I couldn’t leave the party!” ‘ —a -very Inquisitive, self-willed Parsons assists in the plans. The neighbor. The .widow smiled back. “Hang the party. Don’t you care young male whose idea of'beauty KITG HIM e^-ening of the party Celia gives her anything at'all about me?” was as disgustingly latent as his father a message from her mother, Jimmie Webster was on Celia’s, “You know I do.” notion of obedience. BY SISTER MARY ^top with Ig^ted cheese'and'-bread but Mrs. Parsons destroys it before Progressive Wreckage left. He was extremely cmious “Then come on.” The housewife in search of appe­ cnunbs."Bake to a^bbt ovto tmtil Mitchell has read it. “Father wouldn’t—” ’The year wore on and other things brown. - - i- about the swimming accident and followed the lamp and the vase to tizing new vegetable dishes to tempt demanded all the girl’s attention for Jordan turned agrieved eyes on the family iidate will .find a wealth NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY her. “All I hear is ‘father this’ sind Hmbo. Gradually the elevation of the several minutes. At last she was remaining bric-a-brac rose, things of possibilities to kale, Kohl-rabi, CHAPTER XXVn able to turn to Jordan. ‘grandmother that,’ ” he said irri­ turnips, parsnips, beets, winter car­ tably. “I didn’t think you were that stood on mantel and piano that Celia, holding the velvet wrap ‘Why haven’t you let me come to never had stood there before, and rots, cabbage and onions. about her tightly, re-entered the see you?” he asked. kind of a spoil-sport. Good Lord, The suede jacket adds feminine touches and takes a delectable color . These good cool weather vegeta­ Celia, are you bluffing? What are no Spanish shawls ^himg over edges miu drawing room. Her eyes were bright. “Oh, Tod, I can t very well ex­ scheme, two tones of green, for fall’s first cold days. This little leather -with temptifig fringes to yank. bles possess cert^ dieta^ qualities “Ready!” she called. you trying to do to me anyhow?” jacket has trimmings of the lighter green suede and belts Itself and its which are most-desirable .and shoidd. plain here. I do want you to come For a minute he eyed her an­ That was what she should have Evelyn Parsons was standing to see me. You see, it isn’t the same cuffs trickily. A yok els piped in lighter grpen and a turn-over collar done in the .first place. Thq yoimg not be overlooked. Kale very ac­ with her back toward the girl. She grily. The color fled from Celia’s is the same tone*. A light green suede beret and tweed frock in the two ceptably takes the place of spinach. as when I was at Mrs. Parsons’-—!” face. She was frightened, b'ut above Hun is hpt as much interested now toyed with a tiny enameled auto­ “No? What isn’t the same?” greens make this a jaimty outfit for-autumn sports. in pottery as he was in -those early ’Turnips and parsnips are valuable : TBE WHGnR:HOflqsi^i^ matic lighter. At the sotind of Ce­ all she felt Jordan’s irresistible ^because they supply bulk, always “I mean I can’t do the things I nearness. She couldn’t have him days, he hM. a bigger world, is out­ On October 13, 1792, lia’s voice she slipped the lighter want to here in town. My grand­ doors more and getting his reactions a necessity'in the diet, and some stone of the White-House,' offltijal into her evening bag, then turned. misunderstand. carbohydrates. These vegetables all mother h£Ls such old-fashioned ideas. “I’ll go,” she said quickly. “Wait from such things as throwing his residence of the. p r^ d tot qf;i'toe “I’m ready, too,” Evelyn said. You see I’m still sort of “on ap­ tricycle down the steps and squeez­ supply some minersd mattor and vit­ Unit^ States, to Washingtoi^ wM She wore a satin coat which match­ just a minute. I’ll expkun to Mrs. amins. . proval.” Parsons.” ing the neighbor’s cat to hear it laid. - ' ed her evening gown. Both were “Well, what are we to do?” The book survey yell. When cooking 'these vegetables, The mansion was . first oeejx^i^ They returned to the dining turquoise. Evelyn’s softly waving “I don’t know!” One time in a ischool laboratory I one Should remember that their by President and MtoTAd4i^> ."to hair gleamed like spun gold. Her What they were to do that eve­ room. Celia hurried across the flopr mixed up a mess of chemicals and structure is very different from that 180Q. The first mis'trera' has put satin slippers, which were the same to where Evelyn Parsons was the of the succulent summer vegetables. ning was plain. Lisi Duncan was Bv BRUCE CATTON <|^Nearly every page evokes either a put the test tube, over a Bunsen bur­ on record the amount of discom­ bright shade as her gown, had high center of a group. She drew the old­ ner to get a certain precipitate. Boiling water or intense oven heat fort she experienced during the beside Webster, and she kept the er woman aside. 1 gasp or a shudder. rhinestone heels that twinkled with entire end of the table laughing at Bang! The whole diabolical busi­ are necessary to soften the woody single -winter’' of ■;her’ stay to every movement. About her throat “Tod Jordan wants to^t^e ,'me In “Saint Johnson,” W. R.lBurnett I Doubleday, Doran is the publish­ fibers of turnips, parsnips'and the her account of her firs': flying les­ er, and the price is $2.50. ness exploded all over a new black Washington.Congress had- ‘ap­ was a chain from which hung a home,” she said. “Do you think jt brings bis compact, close-clippbd. dress, for I had neglected to put on like. They also must, be quickly propriated $25,000 for furnishing son. Celia and Jordan were obliged will be all right ? ” style to bear bn, the old sbuthwest blazing diamond pendant, and on to postpone their conversation and my apron that day,'and wherever it cooked in a generous amount of the 'White House,’ ' -b u t Mrs. her arm were two diamond brace­ Evelyn Parsons smiled sweetly. and produces a fast-moving melo­ Brief Reviews of a Few W^orth , touched the dress turned a bright water*. .These precautions, prevent Adams, nevertheless, T had lots' 'io join the group. “Why, of course,” she said. “Rim drama of the had old days in law­ While Books them from becoming soggy and un­ lets. No wonder John Mitchell could Later Celia had the first dance red. A little ammonium chloride complain about. No system of scarcely keep his eyes from her! along.” less Arizona. Other current,, books that are spread on the spots restored the appetizing boto in taste and appear­ bells, was provided;: therewas. with Tod, but other partners claim­ worth your while include; ance. Add salt to. root and tuber Perhaps the jewels jogged his ed her immediately. She danced one Half an hour later the last of the Wayt Johnson, is a deputy U. S.- dress to normalcy, but that was just neither, fire wood nqr persons to memory. He drew a small box from birthday partj? .guests werp* depart­ marshal in » ^Id frontier'town. He) “The Creative- Home,” ’ by Ivah my good luck. I 'was experimenting vegetables when they are about half cut it to the anrrdfvmdhig': forest, waltz with her father, finding him ing. Mitchell approached Mrs. Par­ Everett'DeeriflgfiYPublished by Rich­ cooked. These vegetables require his coat pocket, a stiff but light-footed dancer. They is' a glmnaain, and a nengerbus one,- with something I didn’t know any­ and asrthe fireplaCi^m^e -wffhout “Oh, Celia,” he said, “I almost sons, his face anxious. but he has, somehow, a yen for law ard R. Smith at $1.50. Here is a thing about, yet I had a right to ex­ more salt than the delicate summer ■grates,: it was im^Ssible;-to; use circled the floor sedately and then highly sane and intelligent discus­ vegetables. forgot!” He handed the object to iie returned her to her seat and re­ “Where’s Celia?” he asked. “I and order. As Daniel Boone con­ periment. A slap on the hands would coal. _ the girl. can’t find her.” sidered himself an instrument or­ sion of the rearing of children. It have done me no good. If I had lost Kobl-rabi is delicious served to a Notwithstanding 'tiii8,’. Mrs. joined Mrs. Parsons. avoids the time-worn cliches usual mock HoUandaise sauce. ' She took the box in her hand. It She saw Jordan dancing with Evelyns blue eyes widened inno­ dained by God to clear up the Ken­ my sight even that could not have Adams wrote, ‘Tt.’is -a. beautiful was a tiny white square. cently. tucky wilderness, so Wayt Johnson to such books, and also dodges the. change my di-vine right to extend Turnips in piquant sauce are so spot, .capable . of. every ■ tociprove- Kate Duncan, and the fearful tortuous labyrinth of the paycholo very good that one would mistrust “Open it!” the father urged. thought arose that if Kate inten­ “Why, John—isnt she here?” cpnsiders himself a, fa^d terror for j my knowledge. ment, and. the morerL -vlew^t'the Mrs. Parsons leaned forward cu­ (To Be Continued) ! gists, and emerges as a book -that 'That I had put in one wrong in-^' their humble origin. : more I am delight4^:yfifh;It..**! tionally “vamped” Lisi’s admirers the evil-doers of A^oqia ______Kale scalloped with bacon is riously. Celia sprung the lid back. A she might try to attract Tod. Kate J kindly gfS? gredient did not affect the case The building -^as ..Immed ipy-.the perfect ruby flamed up at them. It nlans With' his two broth- profit. It is, in fact, the best' either. We Team by m aking mis- nourishing and appetizing. . British to 1814 afid rebifilt:/. to looked so beautiful almost any man SIX RUFFLES . - , 1 Baked beets are superior to or­ was set in a ring band, a small dia­ would fall ready victim to her , rcou^f Of “ takes. ' ’ 1818. In 1903 the.-pressure: of mond on either side. A new velVet evening coat, of rich friends, Johnson tries to make his j ^ It is particularly true of yoimg dinary boiled beets. space was relieved by the' erection charms. The thought was imbear- John Marsh, Pioneer,” by George Carrot timbales served with white of executive offices to the grounds “Oh!” able. Celia knew she could never sapphire blue, has sleeves made of ‘ town ordefly and law-abiding, but children. We cannot keep them It was as much as Celia could six circular ruffles, from shoulder his reverence fbr those two -virtues Lw Lyman, publishes^ by ^ribners' from experimenting unless we put sauce make an excellent main dish connected . q^th the ..main 'bi^dtog. hope to compete with Kate. at $3.50. This teUs the sto ry of a for luncheon or supper. The building today is a two-sto^ utter. She stared at the dazzling Feminine instinct sent her to the line to wrist, all of them growing is not generally 'shared, by his com- them in barrels and feed them wider until the lowest one is very Bay State College lad who went to through bungholes. Folio-wing are the recipes for two white freestone edifice.' * 'It^)'coh- stone, then at her father. Suddenly dressing room to dab powder on her patriots. Jeered, hated and con­ of these unusual vegetable dishes. she turned and threw her arms flaring. They all are lined with sil­ spired against, he, :^ally breaks Minnesota over a century ago, min­ ’They should be obedient, but oh, tains the private ap^tipeiits of nose and add a touch of lipstick to gled with the Indians prior to Black the president on the . second 'floor around him. She declared this was her lips. Celia had no need for ver and the coat collared in silver loose, shoots up hjs enemies in one that “should”! That is another ser­ the most beautiful ring in the world, fox. Hawk’s war and finally moved to mon, dear brethren. Impulse, curi­ Turnips in Piquant Sauce and the reception rooms - cm toe* rouge. Her cheeks had the glow of grand; final battle and moves on California, living there 6vSr a decade Three cups diced turnips, 1 lemon, first floor. the loveliest birthday gift, that she youth. to g^reener pastures; osity, so many things are stronger never could thank him enough. before annexation and helping ma­ than that in the early years. 2 hard cooked eggs, 2 tablespoons Among "the latter are the fa- Then she caught sight of herself TWO-IN-ONE As a matter of fact, War*t John­ terially to bring the state into the butter, 1% tablespoons flour, 1% mpus East Room,, used, for; pu^Uc Mitchell looked pleased. He told in a full-length mirror. The white son hardly knows why he fights for cups milk, 1 tekspoon salt, % tea­ Celia to put the ring on her Anger. union. It is a colorful bit of history A NEW COIFFURE receptions, and . the ' Blue "'Boom, dress was lovely! It made the most New winter footgear makes a hab­ law and order. His soul la the soul and an absorbing portrait -of a spoon pepper, U teaspoon paprika. used for diplomatic aind sodal Was it the right size? Yes, exactly. of her slimness, possessed a sophis­ it of using a couple of materials, of the western bad m ^. • He is the For , the woman^ with semi-long^ few grains sugar. functions. . Neither of them noticed Mrs. Par­ fancy skin and plain or leather otrange, self-contained pioneer. tication Celia lacked. She had tever fab­ two-gun killer %ereonified, and “He Done Her Wrong,” by Milt hair, a coiffure is suggested in Cook turnips in boiling water to sons. She had been trying very hard looked better. Reassured, she went ric. The one-sided trim is new and when shooting con^ bet enters into which the hair is parted in the mid­ - ’ ■ ■ ■ 5;^ to look as though she shared the desirable. Gross, published by Doubleday, Dor­ which lemon juice has been added. back to the dancers. it with a kind o f -11015) joy. One an at $2. ’This is perhaps the fun­ dle, swirli to the right across the Save 1 teaspoon lemon jiiice for others’ enthusiasm. Now she tapped She met Jordan at the door. gathers that_)he fights for civic back, and ends in a cluster of ring­ sauce. Cook uncovered, and when Perfect d|re|ito; one foot nervously. niest book of the year. Gross tells “I’ve been looking for you,” he AN AUTUMN MODE *" order because' ha jnust fight and a melodramatic “western” entirely lets. tender drain. Mash yolks of eggs “It’s a most beautiful ring!” she told the girl. “Want to dance?” must have power;, a slight shift of and blend with butter and flour. Add said sweetly. “What a lucky girl in pictures, producing a magnificent She slipped into his arms. They Coat-dresses are the vogue for circumstance would make him kn burlesque and touching off some of FLOWER ESSENCES milk and cool and stir until thick you are, Celia, to have such a fa­ moved away in perfect rhythm. autumn and will serve later with unabashed outiaw. Flower essences are taking the and smooth. Add turnip cubes, sea­ ther—so generous and with such ex­ the heartiest laughs I have had in Dancing with Jordan, even on this a fur coat or jacket which matches! Mr. Burnett’s style begins to grow many months. Don’t miss it. places of the exotic scents that have soning and chopped whites of eggs. DIAMOND DYES)contain)ih« cellent taste! You’re to be envied.” crowded floor, was a breathless sen­ the fur trimming which is one of the i wearisome, and in this book it seems been so popular -with perfume-mak­ Heat for a few minutes. When ready highest quality anyihes-mOMy-dito She paused a moment and then add­ “Atolls of the Stm,” by Frederick sation. This was the moment she gown’s chief distinctions. I decidedly an affectation. However, O’Brien, issued by the Century Com­ ers for the last few years. to serve, stir in one teaspoon lemon buyl That’s -why they giveripeh' ed, “but we mustn’t forget your had been waiting for! ' it has the one great merit of getting juice. true, bright, new colors to'.dreMei, guests.” pany at $1.50. This is a re-issue .of A tenor soloist, megaphone in FUR OODETS out of the author’s way when there an old favorite, in which Mr. O’Brien WINTER CONTRASTS drapes,-totgbrie. t :) ■ - hand, was crooning the words of the Is fast actiqn to describe. “Saint and Kale Scalloped with Bacon The anilines torDiamond; P ^ - Mitchell looked at his watch. does his best to make all dissatisfied Light coats with dark fur make' them so easy-i'to- v m .. :N6 syncopated ballad. The tempo of the A bottle green suit of dull, deep- Johnson” gets’away to a slow start, Americans hop the first boat for the dark^coats with light fur will be ex­ Two cups cooked and chopped “No, no! Time to be on our way. song was stirring, insistent. but comes to a breathless climax. kale, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 egg spotting or streakiDg. Jqstielear, napped worsted, has low godets in langourous South Seas. ceedingly popular this winter. even^ % that hold throuf^:wear We’d better start at once.” They had half-circled the room its skirt and in its flaring hip- Like “Little Caesar” , and “Iron ^ Man” yolks, 1 teaspoon salt, 1-3 teaspoon 01 They went out to the car where and were in front of one of the length jacket of I’apin dyed to- vastly over-rated but it each pepper and paprika, few grat­ ahd washing. * ■ Thompson was waiting, and a mo­ French windows looking out on the match. will also, wi'Ui eood reason, be tre­ ings nutmeg, 1 tablespoon mtoced Diamond Dyes neyer j^ye^lhings ment later they were driving up­ mendously popmarr' onion, 4 slices breakfast bacon, 2 that re-dyed look. , -.ThOT^«^;-jiiat town. _ S ’#1 The Dial' Press is publishing it Its Classic Loveliness Is Enhanced tablespoons grated cheese, 2 -table­ 16c at all drug stores. .Whi^ per­ Celia leaned back happily. She at *$2. By Sleekly Flat Side Peplums spoons flfie bread crumbs. fect dyeing-costs ho morerrto. so felt this was the most exciting eve­ easy—^wty experiment wito^maks- Cut bacon in dice and cook'until shiftt? . ning of her life. She had never visit­ An Amusing Tale /of the Exploits By ANNETTE crisp. Drain and keep hot. Com­ ed a roof dining room. Visions of • of a-Fagah' bine kale with butter," egg yolks, extravagant splendor presented “The Great Jakper,” . by Fulton The flat circular shaped peplums stdt, pepper, paprika and nutmeg. themselves. The party was being VSEII.CRAZ-/' Oursler, is a peculiar book. It tells of this modish, frock posed at either Put half in a buttered baking dish. given especially for her, and she of a lusty, he-man ‘of a street car side, reduces the breadth through Coyer with minced onion.and bacon. was going to see Tod! M g h t t t O r n K ^ a r S O i a M WW BE iT i COM/N<3 motorman, who ia a sort of twen­ the hips. It leaves the front In Cover with remaining kale. Sprinkle She had talked to him that'day THIS tieth century Caaakbva addicted to over the telephone. Apparently he fairing his fun wbere Ae finds it— panel effect which gives a decidedly lengthening line. was miserable. It had been a week .M E A R -v and he finds' It everyWhere.r He has since they had met, and he accused an over-saintly wife J«rho strives con­ It is carried out in black canton her of treating him badly. stantly and unavaiflngly to.lead Wm crepe displaying striking contrast in Celia, wrapped in her dreams, to the baptismal font of an evangeli­ the white collar and deep flared paid no attention to the conversa­ ODSH. cal churcb, and a studious son whom cuffs. The partial belts tiiat top the center-front and center-back of the tion between her father and Mrs. fTsaiiw Aiva- he tries to bring up In his own Parsons. She was surprised when image; and his adyentura,, which skirt repeat the white crepe. they reached the hotel. jkjT fr. "The gEune -.^wSs Cornell 47, Hampden-Sydney 6. ning for the purpos^of making step nearer to the Central Cbnnec* Columbia 48, Wesleyan 0. ed upon'^Pred P,: Hansaa,; president Toastmaster Ta^or, speakhig on pUtyed to the'lfajonHBlute g ^ el ticut Interscholastic League football plane for the approaching season. of the BidP dut>. A fter ^offl^ b^alf of' tbe RecMatlon Center In Hol(^g their opponents' to one Dartmouth 74, Boston U. 0. The meeting was erroneously re­ championship Saturday aftemopn. Ssnracuse 27, Rutgers 0. dally Mt- addition; to comidburat&ig.the W est first ^ down, the Eagles crashed Under a broiling sun. more suited For. the second time this seaeon, Disguised as plays, three “breaks" ported as to have been, held last Hanscn"- singing, namely, WEdter HoUainfi, Eagles: Le.', Brannick, O’Bright;^ point the visitors made their flrat Misses ForwEird Notre Dame 26, Navy 2. contest Eind if either one of these dek hit in the second game of the Henry Mci^Jarm, David Stratton and l.b,^ Cbase; l.g., Bober; c, J. Mitch­ first down; Middleton getting the re­ MEiBchester made six first doiims Pitt 52, Western Reservd 0. teams is anywhere near good it will series, s&ybag that the decision was Stuart Taggart. ell; r.g., Kovis, MeGidre; r.t, Kre- quired yardage. in toe first half but Tmniugton was Wisconsin 34, Chicago 0. be just too bad for Bristol. Somehow prites; r.e., Tyler, M. Mitchell; ^.b., The Majors elected to buck the unable to b r e ^ through the Domenick Sqoatrlto Indiana 7, Oklahoma A. & M. 7. its victory over East Hartford, 1929 Baloh; l.h.h., Copelapd, Bishi r.h.b., New Britain line Eind succeeded in bom Cub., defense for a single tmT champs, seems to have been a fluke. making two sUccessivov first downs yard stretch. Eato ,teEun registered into Bristol territory, making five Michigan 14, Purdue 13. D. Mitchell, (Gopeland; f.h.,^laga. Minnesota 0, Stanford 0. 'Touchdowns: Slaga 2, BaJon. Ex­ deep ih New Britain territory. Mc- one first down in the bitterly fought first downs. Both teams punted with 'The Majors Will not practice until (Arty, Major left, end, blocked a third quarter each made two^ in gtesiV reg^arity and Manchester Northwestern 19, Ohio State 2. tra points. Fish 2. R^ereCj Mullins, Oklahoma 20, Nebraska 7. Friday night, the management not umpire, Squatrito, headlinesman, New Britedn punt Eind recovered for the final, chunker. Frank Gr^y, unleashed an aerial attack of 11 wishing to overwork the boys dur­ the Majors'on the -yard line. Feole Torrington’s tall right end, missed forward passes, two of which were Michigan State 32, Cincinnati* 0. Georgia Bulldogs GolEis. 8 ing the present unseasonable weath­ and Moske advanced the bEill to toe an excellent chance to score in the completed, five intercepted, and the FAR WEST er. Wednesday night the Majors will one yEurd line, Brunig going over be­ third period when he slipped rest incompleted, which was of no California 7, St. Marys 6. battle the Middletown Sons of Italy tween guard and tackle for the Ma­ through the Chib backfield defense avail. The Kelleyites had the first St. Mary’s College 19, Sul Ross in the Hurley Stadium. Several new SOUTH END TKXRS jors’ second touchdown Eind hid sec­ oply to drop a long forward pass scoring chance early^ the second College 18. high powered flood lights . will be ond in the gEuaae. over his head with a clcsur field. ; period but with the . ball on Bristol’s Nevada 0, Santa Clara 0. , Bite Yale, 18-14 added in an effort to make the play Torrington stEirted its only r ^ eight yard line failed to progress In Washington 27, Idaho 0. Both teams see-sawed back and three downs and lost the ball on the as near like the daylight sort eis DEFEAT,NORTH END forth in mid-field during the open­ offensive gesture 'in toe fouzto University of California at Los possible. ing moments of the second hsdf, but period with two successive first 20 yard line after a five yard Angeles 21, Pomona 0. energetic Beurres caught the hsdl be' downs, one on a line-over shift play penalty. Edthough there was considerable California 7, St. Mary’s (Calif.) 6. Herb Wright the Majors quarter­ Southerners Repeat 1929 fore it touched the ground. All- ha loose playing in this stanza, no dam­ that caught the Cubs unaware and Sun Too Hot Washington State 7, Southern had to do run about 18 yards The South End Tigers clawed the other on.a forward pass. . This The field lay bare to a sweltering back was on the Major’s , bench their wiay to a Well earned victory age ^yas done, to .either side, neither California 6. watching the play. He was injured unmolested for a touchdown. BuHi-i scoring in this quarter. gave the visitors the baU on the heat and this was in great part re­ Nevada 0, Santa Clara 0. vEin drop-kicked the extra point and oyer' tk'g, heavy North Npd Commu­ twenty yEird line but a moment later sponsible for the memocre football in the Yellow Jackets game amd is Victory Only by Coura­ nity CluD SaturdEiy afternoon at Elreworks Start Pacifiic 12, Linfield 0. out for the season with a broken Ysde looked like a sure winner. It The fireworks were set off late in ‘Top” Eagleson, the OU T re, Lithwmikirirhb, O’Leary, Sheri­ Pug Rentner, Northwestern — was between hlnt'aud the goall / Soore B y,P eriod' October 4,^ la dedicition pf thO TiilBa; .Majors 6 6 0 13—25 dan; Ihb, ^quatrito, Welman; fb, Intercepted Ohio vState pass- Eind | sChod's new stadium. '1 v ^ COB A B iO rO A M B OCT. 25 ' Mr. Bobtk'Again ' Georgia ...... 6 0 6 (Url8 - ~ ' . v , (Cheney; Brbvhi,:-Fisher; qb, Kerr. scored a tQuchdoi^; passed to Tale gained considerable grqund YEile ...... 0 7 7 Qr-14 Sheridan. ;«t-: teammate for two more. ^ • PfBWIH GO Lr G N . N ew H aven, Oona., Oct. 'IS between the thirty yard lines, but it Touchdowns — Georgia, Downs, tin fo r Sullivan, Doonap tor RrSoauT OPERA TIT. iUUBD Y a le bow l h as been sold ou t tor titer Bristol’s line^: le, Kelley, Reiche, Johnny Bramch, North Carolina — ended there until B^th flna^ hpav- Smith, Roberts. Yale: Boot^ Barres, tor' Hasriey;. Sargent' f«« ftxK Pratt; It, Hyatic Johnson; Ig, Fitz- Broke 21-21 tie w i^ Mairyland in Y ale-A rm y gaoM b n O ct. 25, H arold ' a long pdss vdfioh Beane* snared Points after touchdown—Bootiw nan. (Seorgiai/rMEtd^ ' tot B attos —th e Uztmrie (fid F. W oodcodc, goaenl m anager of ■gerald, Madiffaih; c ,. FiorlUo; rg. last quarter, racing: r 94 yards to Sullivan (drop kicks). Gumming; rt,H|iB; re, Lincoln; rhb, p u f the Eli in ‘iMsition, te shore. [to for CriuiriaWi Auditoriuza theater vtocre two gen- tiie Y a le A tifietic A zaoedation, said touchdown. Eooth took the ball over a moimmt Substitutions—Yale: Madden for tor Stoini Gerske; Ihb, Qo^ette, Curtis; fb, Les Hart, Colgate Smashed itiohs o f opera gcMtia were enter- todiEty. Ato^ctttictoi doaeA m Greene: qb, Phlau, Albertelli. later and then kicked the goal to Undenhorg, Helm for MclAnnan. )rily for Miiff( to become at; Indoor Rolf TbxwMay.: through to three. touchdowns l o T rA liv e Yale its sitin' halftime lead. The Booth forH eim , Beams fo r Sullivan, \ Maffett*for ’The score by peri? ds: • against Lafayette one on a 67 yard ipourse. •, Appheations tor the DartmonBi Bristol ...... 0 • 0 >0 6—12 TpiEVRE L0016N& Start of the second half brought Taylor foe Dum^ Muhlfefil f or< Ckow- erick, M o a t o r l okens, [■ fact Tt Is to become two game^dose at 5 o*dock tieoct ’VRBh down. 4 ; ■ another decidedly unexpected hap- ley, Stewart for Hare, Dodiun fm; tor TazMiknfiaf^ Manchester .0 0 0 '' 6—: 6 Austin Downs, -Georgia.Took courses, wltii a dUb house m the nesday and hbldefz o t aeazgR Touchdowns, Manchester Squa­ ^nhm aPd a quicker score thr-' the, Barres, Hawley for Hall,.QonnAr.fOT I Provl- stage vriieza Mary <3ardMi, Chariee Coupon books a r» requested. fnJMDd ^ning kickoff and, ran 81-yards opsping kickoff If such a occurrence trito; Bristolf V .Greene, 2; tries for for score Eigainst Yale. > Idnehah, Walker j ^ tioeser, Sair-' denOi. Wi. Ai Marsliati Bluett sang til or leave thdr cohpons at point after tou(^own failed. Of­ sounds possible. gent for Doonan, Flygare for Mad­ N. Btokart, Dart- to fame, letic asBociattoo’s office.at Wop Glover, '^aner-Made, two Ysle kicked! to Georgia. Kelley den, Levering for Muhlfeld, Cankfitt mou^^Sleld judge*-B. ;E. Boner; ficials, Parker, Mhhbney, and Nixon.' toucbdowxu against Texas agsdjis. . tcago otyib the week as ponl& iiy^ 'j ■' 1 - ■ < fumbled whw taelded herd a&d (he foe ngrlor* Mnekm for GQWor^jU» adbedtoititw ’ .- .«--L • ...... t...... '...f i ;,4 .> 1 4., n . * f • ^ . . .. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 "FUEL AND FEED 49-A APARTMENTS—PLATS— l 6 y S B 3 FORv f^ i^ T CARS lW a»l *8 Menmttwl " TENEMENTS S' .. .63 T O m ^ PURSE USSHOOTHG -i¥ GOOD USED CARS FOR SALE — HARDWOOD and F o r RSNT-^'BOOM- sUigle house, oak.fipora, all imprpvexhents,.stea^, Caah.or Terms slabs. Hardwood $11.00 per cord; TWOTFURNISHED room^ Ught $700 CARS > Manchester . Madden Bros. slabs $10.00 per,‘ cord. Satisfaction heat, ^rt^e, at'16 Lydail stre^. AP)— housekeeping privileges and garage $36.00 per' month. Inquire oh .White; n, 681 Main St. Tel. 6500 guaranteed." Lathrop.Brothers.^Tel. if desired. Pleasant /surroimdings, 1929 BUiqK. COACH, IpSks and Evening Herald ! preinii^s. . : qedo wounded in ,i^ b'oe^tail 3149. Prompt‘delivery. ' ' 19 Autumn street. ^ > , 7 runs like nev, m^hdnically. per- ;heie*T( / .. £& veyml tjterldentity I ijoig o f Enlarged store* I!| i- CLASfflFIED FOR SALE—CHEVROLET coupe, recently overhauled, 8 good tires, FOR SALE—HARD WOOD, stove -SEVEN RqOM fedt, $7007 Dial , 7? 20, -Tames M. of/the.perabB 8hot^ .hhEn, hte kyed a Few Bays Ky FfUitire advertisements ^ brakes all reltned, |!20 for quick or fire-place, $6 per load. Also soft FOR RENT—6 OR 7; ROOM tene­ "^iall imfirovemeats, i ■ 2 Sheareii^^^J^Cki atg' re ment. Inquire at 24 EHdridge street of Fixlines to j^ v e ..'' sale. Tydol Station, 426 Hartford wood $5 per loatL W. J. McKinney, g^a^e, 75. Jjferd, atriSet."'Apply rdsa. qffi- R ob^^ Keeney. > • - Count ■!* av«r*«« T®'?* Road. V Rosedale 28-2. ■ iK3hm^; Brotte^if R^^ cera saldT and-'4<^e«^[^'; pte InltUU, number* and abb^irtamna sorry :lferhusbM^;Wtnfl3 'tt^ ^^^tei^tion In the store formerly each count aa a 2 AND -Sf^ROOM SUITES fil> the fOit^SALE dhe^iie^lmd $650 ^U Y S A M 9? 7; Vfillys Knight, Mrs/-: Shaffer, '^dttaferiy D e le ^ occopiqd the'-N ev^k Shoe ^ m - 'words as two worda Minimum cost la pany,’ mhl takerr over as* of Oetcher price of three Unea. GARDEN—FARM ^ -Johnson Blpckr all " modem' : im­ ' ohe^j|^Kfirtioaiiy-new 6 room-hpujse, gobdpatotS/^gpod mechanical­ Duncan, film actress'of/a decade BUSINE SERVICES Irfor an.edditioh to Nkthan N. Mar- Line rates, per day for transient DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 provements. Call ‘6817 or 7635. gar^i;*^ Inqiure 206 Woodbrmgis ly perfect;' 'Dial>7f^ fi’James M. ago,"told Sheriff C. J. McCoy she sds* OFF RED 13 •atrisefei.:.■ . f’’ Shearer. ■; - shot , h ^ husband yesterday to save Ibw’B/vartety afid department store EffectlTa Kardi IT, « W ^ — ...... - ,.i Cash Charya f o r s a l e —a p p l e s , five varie­ FOR REff7T—r6 ROOM tenement 26 herself'from-'being choked to death. are .neaHy cioix$!eted. The shelveis LEO POULIN’S BARBER Shop at tr have been jfia c^ 'o n the wans r and • Consecutive Daya ,.] T » ota 22 Birch has been removed to 829 ties 50-65C basket; Pears, two Walker street, all improvements, $500 CARS Her face w u briiiiied and cut. " She S Consecutive Days ••I • Jj WANTED TO RENT 68 patetere .lmve their "' work neariy Main street, upstairs over Econ­ varieties 50-75c basket. The Gil- garage, good location, rent reason­ not arrested.. . 1 Day.^ ..••••••••• •-•'•■•I ^r, ® _ able. Inquire 30 Walker. 1927 BUJJIfc SEDAN: at.$500, *a real S h a ^ r.’ drove 31 miles from his completed. There are a few:count­ All orders for Irregular Insertlpna omy Grocery. nack Farm, South Main street. REFINED YOUNG couple would ■will be charged at the one time rata. Telephone 6121. ■'ekr that; will gW^'-'giW ' Aeivlce.* SCtvlce.' Dial L orn .B ica ..^ ;^ cb . tb_ tove his ers andcaaes that have been; delay­ Special rates for long term every FOR RENT—^FOUR room tenement like to rent a furnished home of 4 7220 for demonstration. James M. wounds "dressed. The bullet had ed, but th ^ are'expected tp’ .bein day advertising given upon request. FOR SALE—g r e e n MOUNTAIN all modem improvements, comer or 5 rooms. I am in bu sin g locally Shearer. 'place this' week- The west end of Ads ordered for three or six days BUILDING— split; part o f it lodging below ' the potatoes $1.25 bushel, Phillip Hoff­ Foster and Hawley steeets. Vacant and can fuinish beat of r^erenees. collar bone and iniiis id t ahoulder. the"’store haa been cut. through to and stopped before the third or fifth Box C, Herald. ; .■ o -■5 ■ day will be charged only for the ac­ CONTRACTING 14 man, Jr., 460 Hillstown Road. Tel. October 15th. Apply 100 East Cen­ $400 CARS- -‘T won’t-swear out a complaint cemnept ;With the main .store giving tual number of times the ad appear­ 8326. ter street. Phone 3782. against the person who shot me,” four entrances from Main siroeL ed. chargln r at the rate earned, but BUILDING CONTRACTOR—Stone WANTED A HOME—Modem sin­ ■ Hr. Marlow had planfiM ; to-have no allowance or refunds can be made mason, cobble work M d chimneys. gle homg of aboht five rooms. 1926 BUICK SEDAN, $400, 1926 S[hwer toId' Sheritf McCoy. on six time ads stopped after the FOR RENT—6 ROOM TENEMENT Buick Coach $375, exeellent buys. the.^stpre ready , for inspection , tite Fire places, foundations find piers. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Please state rent. Write Box D. in last of Jhis week but^ although: the fifth day. , . Mason work of any kind by day or newly renovated, stesun heat, care of He^d. See James M.-Shearer, Main and No “Ull forbids”; display lines not garage, at 60 Summer street In­ Middle Turnpike. goods are here, the^noh-andval of •old. contract Charles Anderson, 1016 FOR SALE-^PARLOR HEATER in DRUNKENNESSINCREASy the, counters has forced a short de- The Herald will not be responsible Middle Turnpike East. Phone 4978. good condition, cheap. Telephone quire of Hugh B. Moriarty, 48 Sum­ lay. • ; for more than one Incorrect Insertion mer street. HOUSES FOR SALE 72 $350 CARS of any advertisement ordered for 8977. "With the additional i^iace. Hr. Seattle, WaMi;, Oct. 13.— (A P )— more than one time. STORAGE 20 FOR SALE—1 'Crawford Range, 1 FOR RENT—4 ROOM TENEMENT 43 BRANFORD STREET frame TWCKCARS AT $350—1927 Buick Marlow has the second largest floor The Inadvertent omission of Incor- dweUhig, steam ,heat, 6 rooms, Bishop George Finnegan of Helena, space of-any store in tow n.-— . rect publication of advertising will be MOVING—TRUCKING— ice box, 1 rug, 1 bed couch, 1 crib, at 79 Ridge street Apply at 79 Coupe, 1926 Hup Coach. For Mbnt.; last .night’" told more than rectified only by cancellation of the 1 bed, 1 chiffonier. Apply at 76 upstairs. large 2 car garage.' Price $6200. demonstration dial 7220. James M. charge made fpr the service rendered. Terms. Phone 4642. 5,600‘ Gathdlice' from the Padfle All advertisements must conform PERRETT & GLENNEY Inc.—^Mov­ Cooper street. Shearer. northwest that there is more drunk­ In style, copy and typography with ing, packing and shipping. Daily FOR RENT—5 ROOM apartments, enness ifi'Anierica today than before HMISEMAN E i s ; THREE PIECE WALNUT bed­ all improvements, wonderful loca­ regulations enforced by the publish­ service to and from New York. 14 LEGAL NOTICES 79 $200 CARS prohibition. ers and they reserve the right to trucks at your service. Agents for room set $75; 8 piece dining room tion. Apply Mr. Collins, 67 Wads­ edit, revise or reject any copy con­ The •visitors assembled here to Lmtinjgtoh, Ky., Oct. 13.— (A P )— United Service, one of the set $75. worth street. South Manchester. "AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD 3 GARS AT $200—1926 Chrysler, honor Archbidiop Fumasonibiondi, sidered objectionable. Watkins I^urniture Exchange Ed A.. Tipton, for many years presi­ CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to leading long distance moving com­ at Manchester, ■within and for the 1927 Chevrolet, 1925 OsJdand. Hell Apostolic delegate in the Unitdl be published same day must be re­ FOR RENT—5 ROOM fiat on Sum­ District of Manchester, on the 11th Motor Co., 172 Center street. Dial dent and' general mahager o f ■ the ceived by 12 o'clock noon; Saturdays panies. Connection in 162 cities. mer street. James J. Rohan, tele­ day of October, A. D„ 193<). States, who is to lay the comer Phone 3063. 8860, 8864. 7239. Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders’ 10:SO a. m. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 phone 7433. Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., stone of St. Edward’s Academy. “ Association, died at his home here Judge. , - “We are less temperate-minded TELEPHONE YOUR L. T. WOOD CO.—Furniture and Estate of'Charles I. Balch late of today. FOR SALE— GOOD USED piano. TO RENT—THREE ROOM apart­ Majicbester, In said District, deceas­ because we have passed from self Mr. Tipton, who was 75 years old WANT ADS. piano moving, modem equipment, ment in Purnell Block. Heated and LEGAL NOTICES 79 regulation imder God to a form of Ads are accepted over the telephone experienced help, public store­ ■ Call Dickenson, 482 Adams street, ed.; had been in ill hesdth. for sevetal j _ Telephone 7188. centrally .located. Apply Geo. E . On -motion of Kate A. Balch execu­ etvic'regulatioh,” 'said Bishop Finne­ at the CHARGE RATE given, above house. Phone 4496. trix. * AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD m ont]^,. having,, suffered, a nervous as a convenience to advertisers, but Keith, 1115 Main. gan in the keynote message of the breakdown. He 'at one' time' rep­ the CASH RATES will be accepted as ■■ORDERED:—That six months from at Manchester, within and for the meeting. . FULL PAYMENT if paid at the busi­ the 11th day of October, A. D., 1930, District of Manchester, on the llth, resented tee late Marcos Daly, Mon- ' REPAIRING 23 WANTED— TO BUY 58 FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement in/ he and the same are limited-.and al­ day of October A. D.-■1930. ness office on or before the seventh A-1 condition, modern improve­ tana copper magnate,' T1 FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, second Estate of Alexander Leggett late of HrIO-13-30. . • , ; • ' Wanted Autos—Motorcycles . . . . 12 WANTED—RELIABLE AND ex­ floor, all Improvements, 221 School dise' fifbm-first floors to upper ones pendent ^ujpcRteeni for supg<;iirt.-. Duaiaess and Profcsaional gcrvlees Manchester In said district, deceased. and; barricaded-Etgainst the antici­ Business Services Offered ...... 12 perienced yoimg woman for house­ FOR RENT—FURNISHED" room. street. Inquire 219 School or call Application having been made pray­ AT A COURT J)F PROBATE HELD ing that administration be granted at Manchester, within and for jthe pated ■water. ' '. Household Services Offered .....ll-A work and care of children, stay 16 Church street. Call 3525. 3970, Building—Contracting 14 nights. Adams, 19 Strant street. on said estate, as per application on District of Manchester, on the llth OWNYOURHOME Florists—Nurseries ...... 16 FOR RENT—6 ROOM FLAT, file, it is day-of October, A. D., 1930. Funeral Directors ...... 16 FOR RENT—FURNISHED , rboms: ORDERED:—That the foregoing Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., . . . B?RST., ■ i':' Heating—Plumbing—Roofing 17 improvements, heated; also fur- application be heard and determined Judge. HELP WANTED—MALE 36 also rooms for light ho^ekeepinc- at the Probate office in ■‘Manchester It to esteh^^ goo<$'%dkei Insurance ...... 1* Inquire Selwitz Shoe Shop; Selwitz • nished room. Inquire at 82 Cottage -Estate of -Everett J. Keeney late- of Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 19 street. in said District,-ion the 18th' day of Manchester, In said District, deceased. ship; ^pws evide^o^ bf thrtfto,g real Moving—Trucking—Storage ... 20 WANTED TEN BOYS 9 to 12 years Block. • ^ October, A. D.. ■ 1930, at 8 o’clock'In The Administratrix having exhibit­ start toward fihanci!d puccalb'; hap- " Painting—Papering ...... 21 the forenoon, and ■ that notice be ed her'administration account with IN LESS t o ? HOURS to do light pleasant work evenings, FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ given-to all persdns interested In said pihess" and contentment ., for your Professional Services ...... 22 after school, and on Saturdays. TQ RENT—LARGE ROOM in rear said .-estate'to this' Go'urt-for allow­ Repairing ...... 21 ment, 169 Summit' street, alCim­ estate of the pendency of said appli­ ance, it Is . . ...<■ wife, and family:. Good pay. Apply by letter to J. T. of Purnell Block, suitable for club cation and the time and place of Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning . . . 24 room or business. Apply Gee. E. provements and , heat, for adults. ORDEBED:—^That,th*-iath day of • Boston, Oct. 13.— (AP)—^A friend­ Here is a bargain—rSeven. .room Toilet Goods and Service ...... 25 care of Herald. Telephone 5987. hearing, -there'on, v;d)Si,^.p]ttbli8King a October, A; o’clock,'fore­ ly Jlidque, contest to SM,;'which simri®: o f ktest type iand - cpi)yeh- Wanted—Business S ervice...... 2G Keith. ;llS ^ a it t : • ' •' copytvjbf thiai N,Ii^.6ome news­ noon, at the Probate Office, in said Educntioual paper' ‘hAvlng a circulation In said Manchester,-be and the ^ame is as­ c o i:^ leami to operate an airplane ienees, 'Siidh’asltile bath, qun/p^lor, POSITIONS— ON OCEAN liners, to SIX ROOM TENEMENT. Edgerton district', on or before'October 13, 1930, first,'tpday^ found Joseph-Choate, firepla9e; ispacions rooms J^ d clos­ Courses and Classes ...... 27 Europe, Orient, South America; signed for a hearing;, on .the allow­ Private Instruction ...... 28 BOARDERS WANTED 59-A street, all improvements, garage, and by posting a copy-of this order ance'^bf said administration account ■3r(^ 19-year-old Harvard freshman, ets, now offered at $ 8 ,0 0 0 .to Dancing ...... 28-A good pay; experience unnecessary. heat, five minutes from mills. on the public si^n post In said town with said' estate," and this Court di­ theirihrier oTfer Mrs. Eloise 'W. Ne\y- car:line. . . Mus 1 cr.lramatic ...... 29 of Manchesteri at least'five days be rects th’e administratrix to give pub­ Self-addressed envelope brings Call 7025. lki,'27, of'-Philadelphia, by. 12 mlnr ^Mave you seen Elizabeth de­ Wanted—Instruction ...... 20 list. A. Arculus, Mount Vemon, fore the' day of said hearing, to ap­ lic notice to all:persona -interested Financial BOARDERS, WANTED — Private pear -if- they, see chuse at'-Said time therein tpvappear and" be heard thera- utes. ■'-'■ J •■ ,v: . velopment oI' .fine';hdme8 :pn Hhnry Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 81 ______N. Y. ______family, central location. Ca%7456,v FOR RENT—m o d e r n 5 room flat, and place and, bOf heard ' relative oh'bjT' publishlng'.a'copy of this order EquaU^riSfiocant - conceriiing the and T i ^ e r . streets' . r e ^ ^ j ; If Business Opportunities '...... 32 and garage? William Kanehl, thereto, and make-return to'this in sothe hewsiiajj:er having a circula­ Money to Doan ...... 21 ______-I ' -(#■ court.., : > tion , in said ' D istrict/on. or before piloting "dj-a'biplane, the pair took not'tak^ a drive or. a itridk'through ilelp ond Situations POULTRY AND „ . 519 Center- street. WIT .LIAM S. HYDE October 13, 1930, and by posting a off yesterday from Marston’s Mills, this bewtfful residfenriai: se e tto of Help Wanted—Keitiale ...... 35 APARTMENTS—FLATS^' ■ ' Judge. Manchesferi Henry sfa^t nms ;east SUPPLIES "copy/qf ,£hls order, on'the-'ptiblic sign C3ape" Cod, at daybreak. They flew Kelp Wanted—Male ...... 86 'DENEMENTS o -"^^ 63 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tehement, H-10-13-30. , post "in ^the To.wn where the deceased imdef tee tutelage of expert Ihstroc- off Main street at Judge Fergunn’e Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 37 last dwieR.'.flve days before said day Agents Wanted ...... 37-A 262 Oaki'Street, all in good condi­ BESSIE AMIOil? DUNi^'. •, tors imril late last night. Short in­ corner: y FOR SALE—ROASTING DUCKS AVAILABLE AT ONCE tw , t%ee tion, furnace and glassed in verem- of -hearing 'and return make to Ahis Situations Wanted—Fem ale...... 38 32c. lb. dressed, 24c. live. Allen’s vs. . ‘ Court.' ■i :■ '• tervals of'rest were taken out dur­ Situations Wanted—Male ...... 89 room apartnjents, hot water heat, da. Inquire Manchester Realty CHARLES A. DUNN WILLIAM S. HYDE Employment Agencies ...... ' 40 Ducks, 37 Doane street. Tel. 8837. Superior-; Court, .State of Connecti­ ing tee day. ” > ROBERT J.SMIigi at 38 MAple street. Alrhe DeinarS. Company, 923 Main street. Jijdge. After 6 hours and 59 minutes of I.ive SfiicIc—Pcfs-^Ponitry—■Vehicles cut, County of Hartford, the lst.vflliy' ajiio'-is-sb Snsur^ce Htmies -Phbhis-;SP8^/''^'*'r ■ . - instruction Choate con^leted " his Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement of October. 1830. • ' 3.1V3 Stock—Vehicles ...... 43 FUEL AND FEED 49-A SECOND ORDER OF NOTICE AT'/bl CQURT OF PROBATE HELD first flight. Mrs. Newlin made hers Bqj]ding.L6ts . V . i FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene­ with all improvements at 49 Flower Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 Upon complaint in said cause at, MkWch^ter, -within and for the after-seven'hours tind 11 minixtes. 1009 Main Vv^anted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 WOOD FOR SALE—The best hard ment, all improvements, except street. Tel. 5834. C. J. Tuttle. brought to said Court, at Hartford,»In District o f Manchester, on-' the llth For Sale—MUcellaneons said County, on the first Tuesday of wood slabs we have had in five heat, vaesuat Nov. 1st. 19 1-2 El- day. Of October, A. D„ 1930. Articles for S a le...... 46 FOR RENT—3 WALNUT Street, June. 1930 and now pending, claiming Present' WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Boats and Accessories ...... 46 years—$6.00' per truck load. L. T. dridge street. Domenic Belletti, 17 near! Pine street, near Cheney a divorce, and change of name, It not Judge. Building Materials ...... 47 Wood Co., 55 Bissell. 1-2 Eldridge. appearing to this Court that the ,! Estate of Thomas Hopper late of Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 mills, 5 beautiful rooms, improve­ whereabouts o£- the- defendant Is -un Manchester, in said District, deceai Electrical Appliances—Radio 49 FOR RENT—3 ROOM tenement, all ments, very reasonable. Inquire known to the plaintiff. ed. , ' F'jel and Feed ...... 49-A FOR SALE—PLENTY of the best improvements, suitable for a young Tailor Shop, 5 Walnut. Tel. 5030. ORDERED'.'—That notice of the In­ Th» Executrix having exhibited her Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 50 seasoned hard wood cut to any stitution -and pendency of said, com­ administration accoput “i^th said esr Household Qoods ...... 61. order. Prompt delivery. Tel. Rose- married coUple or adults. Inquire plaint shall be iglven the ■ deferndant HERE IS YOUR CHANCE for tate to this Court foV'allowance, It is Machinery and Tools ...... 62 dale 25-4. George Buck. 30 Church street or telephone 5^:27 by publishing this order In The Man­ ORDERED:—That the 18th day of Musical Instruments ...... 63 cheaper rent for couple. 4 rooms chester Herald a newspaper publish­ October, A. D„ 1930, at 9 O’clock, Office and Store Equipment . . . . 54 ed 'In- Manchester once a week, for Specials at the S tores...... 66 HARD WOOD AND HARD Slabs, FOR RENT—4 LARGE rooms, 2 up and bath, lights, gas, white sink, forehoon,)^- at the Probate' Office, In and 2 down, free rent imtil Novem­ cement cellar, garage, shades, twa.-:-successive weeks, commencing saId>Mi^cb(ester. be and t| ie same-is Wearing Apparel—F u r s ...... 67 $6 to $9 per load; also light truck­ in op-'befpre October 8,- 1930. a hearing on; the allo-w- Wanted—To Buy.v.r-• ...... 68 ing done. V. Firpo, 116 Wells ber 1st. Inquire Mrs. Plano, 11 screens free, $20 month. Call today. - ■'Bythe Courtj'*-f • Rooms—Board- Resorts ance-'oftfsald administration account street, Dial 6148. Plano Place, off Prospect street. 91 South Main street. Tel. 7505. r ROBERT K.-ALLYN. With .«al4'estate, and this Court di­ Restanrants Asst. Clerk oY said Court. rects thS'Axecutrlx to give public no» Rooms Without Board ...... 69 H-10-1'3-30, ' ' Boarders W anted...... 69-A FOR SALE — SEASONED hard FOR RENT—4 ROOMS on Spruce FOR RENT—t5 , ROOM FLATS on tlce to,,4H persons Interested therein street, all improvements; also 4 to apfiiar'; and be. heard thereon by Country Board—R esorts...... GO wood $6 load, split $7, hardwood Eldridge street, steam heat and publishing' a copy, of this order In Hotels—^Restaurants ...... 61 ro.oms and store on North. Main gkrage $25 and |30. Jaines J. Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 slabs $5 load. Fred O.'Giesecke, y a l e - b Ho w n g a m e . some jfewispaper’having a circulation Real Estate For Rent telephone Rosedale 36-12. street. Apply 95 Foster street. Tel. Rohan. Telephone 7433. New Haven, Oct. 13.— (A P )—^The in- sald,'DljSirlct. on y r before October Apartments, Flats. Tenements 63 5230. ' public sfde o f seats for the Yale- 13, 193lH TijAd by posting a copy of this o r ^ r oh the. public signpost In Business Locations for Rent 64 FOR SALE-SEASONED BIROH FOR RENT—LOWER 5 room flat, Brown footb^ g'^uhe opened at the Houses for Rent ...... 65 the Tovv'a/lsvbbre the deceased last wood $5 per load. Hard wood $6 FOR RENT—MODERN, five room all improvements, ■with or. without office of th^4Yale Athletic Associa­ d-yv-plt, before said, day of Suburban for Rent ...... 66 flat, Lilley street, steam heat, Summer Homes for Rent . . . . 67 per load Prompt delivery, .Phpne garage; Inquire 150 Summit street. tion today/?w£l^ a hea'vy . demand. j^hjlng/^Ahd return make 'to this V '<1 Wanted to R e n t...... 68 8581 or Rosedale 37-4. garage, near Center. Phone 5iB61 Telephone 7408. Brown’s defeat of, Princeton Satur­ Real Estate For Sole evenings. ' -WILLIAM S.-HYDE Apartment Building for Sale 69 day is'one of .the reasons for th§ -iin- . . .. . V , Judge. FOR SALE—SEASONED birch or usuatinterest in the coming game. Business Property for Sale .. 70 hard wood, stove or fire-place, half FOR RENT—MODERN five room Farms and Land for Sale . . . 71 :flat,;yith,or without garage^"^7 Del- BUSINESS LOCATIONS Seats for. the Yale-Brown Houses for Sale 72 or full load, good measure and ser­ are Ml. reserved £md may be Lots for Sals > !••**•** 73 vice. Fred Miller, Rosedsde 33-3. mont street. Phone 8039. ' FO RREN T 64 Resort Prmjerty for Sal* 74. either: .directly at the office There ;might be more enthusiasm Suburban for S a le ...... 75 FOR SALE—BEST HARD wood FOR RENT—MODERN 3. room FOR RENT-r-OFFIGB ROOJ^ tnlathletic association or. through .' the over the: r^iport teat Mayor Walker Real Estate for ExchanK* 7* jjmail.'* 'The Yale-Brown atiw$di^'5C is to he4"d?the morife"'Industry if It Wanted—Heal E state...... 77 slabs, equal to hat'd wood an3dime, apartment, heated. William Rubl- Purnell Block/'.Mog^. or ixb^sUltea Anctloii—Learal Rotlee* $5 large load. Prompt delivery. now«, 841 Main street. Telephone as desired..A@^:?Qeo. KMifeifhj record is about 35,000 but it .Is ex­ were known for certain he would Legal Notices I a a • * a a « II Chfis. Palmer,’Telephone 6273. 5658:: 1115 Main street-; ■ • pected this figure .will be beaten on write the/kags. -f ' Saturday.. r ' GAS BUGGIES—It Better and Better •f B#3®ANKB!PjCK

" MV " EMPLOV^ 1 THE AO. I ’m h is secretaryI,


E M IV E S -XWs - A T TH E

PALACE HOTEL •\^ •*. FOP A PERSONAL U L iB MEi'SiT INTERVIEVWrTH '*l j. THE NATIONALLY Jin\umxpeci PROMINENT There are at leastvfduf nmitaK.es in the a ^ v e picture, FINANCIER, pertato'to grammar, histQi^, etiquet te, drii7riing 4 "•i. D A N fiE R . (1) One of tec ti^ ^ Idgs is a crntiiflu instead a.,re|^ir ' ^ The'Ught at the>right has a;knadle In IJL toit^.qf a ^ ; , {. containers, qn theuie dwera, eunero, shouldonoiua |Aye no- nv ) tight (4) There disnldihs IMti vq& ^lo the t<^r N • ‘-left Xhe 'sctwidgeg. 5.'-, J' - "<} V-, -\ IfANGHESI^R EVfiNlKG :y;4,/

FLAPPER ^ S K B m ••'•'.--t:. •• .‘i S Q I^ AND n o n s e n s e JOWIl ,v ’ r ;? Figure This One Quti'A> W f : '. I-. - T V find a emaU darky welrer^dtUxig on O R oC Pipiy X a fence. ll»e Uttle darky onw; the ?i- son of the blg> darky hUt r^ e Ug "IS darky was not the.fathelP^ot 'the llt- '^nAt.MesT :TH?:orrNfRS4l«e*V' ______. one. What r^tlonsh^'Vras the, ai^D w f CAM® wcAf iM A, s o p y :fo'. 1 big darky to the little onat Bee an* WORK,WITH Me>u ANO WSIRC ALL Wyi.Rf '■mmrnM y ^ sw er at end of tWs coltiniEU' - • \ Tiwu vow W a t vbw' jcA^woT Yby see t h a t 's w h y I ' m «ftT cvMypoev ON OwR VQ-TfiS ywteCL, Vpu.'00 ' TpfiCrHCR?(^t>ON'T I CO TS SUMOAY a^HOOi^fAMb Mm fRll4, AkyTRtWC l ^ viPight Manager—Retire to a neu­ > ' W H AT tral comer. » ■' w h a t 's m o r s ^ t h « r €'s M ors 'YOU vvmiT *f#/ TRUAI^ Hoses Johnson—^No, suh—dey 7------60S% ON IN My PlttOW a t MICHr t^fCAOiC I'M j ain’t no neutral comer^s when A h , p r a y in ’ foK Ati. VtStYSWSeT.YOU k ib s don't ^hts. VoOR OWN SINS» B u t VOU'r B TUNHiWlji TO MNAk® ...... Sister Goldbug—Ah’s berry sorry, cvfRvaooy cue t e r r e t t , Deacon Johnsing, -t’ see yo’ cornin’ WHoue SLOCK SORC, . i J I' , outa dat bootlegger’s house. Deacon Johnsing—Cain’t help it Sister Goldbug, Ah’s gotta go home once and a while. . V. \ Pe^y L Crnfity. Great Britain nrhts reservo Ktnjr Fedtum Syndirntf. Inc, Sambo—^Whar were yo’ las’ night, ] ------— " ' Rastus? Rastus—^Mandy an’ me went coupeying. Sambo—Yo’ all had er big time, m u Toonerville Folks Bjr Fontaine Fob 0U8 BOABDIKC BOUWS Ah suppose. * ' . . . - ^ ^ -Rastus—Only feiir an’ middlin’. The girl with lovely hands shines Handy done de cooin’ an’ Ah did de at nailing her man. payin’. A l^ E R SOME eORSTS HAD BEBN INVITEP ESPECIAl.l.Y*!^'

Old Uncle Eph says: De great What this country really needs, — MovJ,i5lis-r A tT'iGdea BACK 'Tbwv,: need ob today am somethin’ dat is false teeth for many of our long- wood put de fear ob det into mo' winded politicians. fcCPBAR COmteCL. VoaR5ELFj u M u e s s s6diivimr^o'[ people. , if VirilLE* I ’ E>CPLA/Ai ! ^ Vou fiO OIIT AfciP t vdol^K V Cop—Hey, ket out of the street. Mrs. King—How do you like your What are you two niggers doing out \ 3>0 M i T • HAV/E -To B U V " W E l b PAV T6R» rr r-y new job, Violet? there in the street walking so slow­ Violet—As sho’ laks it. Ah hab msHRaMEAd-r, i& i s i a p m o ? HMP’ I ^ vdisri ^ ly? eborything to wuk wid—cremated George—Boss, we’s pushin’ ouah -w l ^riAP IT SE aH " o u t . T a F . M0Vi,,-fHAT I cellar, cemetery plumin’, elastic cah to de fillin’ station. We dun^run AkWREE jaAV FREE-tfelALi lights and a hoosit. outta gas. o NoU oMf A Mrs. King—^What’s a hoosit. Cop—WhatlnhoU d’ye mean, car? -WCUt^EE.AH wuUM- \r I PAV TPEErHwAt. Violet? I don’t see smy car. . GET ’^Ef^ PIFFERBLIT T^P»05 Violet—Yo’ outta kno’ dat, mam. George—Well, fouah de land— . I It’s am lak ris: de bell rings, an’ what yo’ kno’, Rastus, we done gone yo’ tak’ down a ting en put it to yo’ off an’ fergot de car. car say “hello.” Sumbuddy at d^ o f= If- other, en den say “hello” an’ den yo' say: “Hoosit.” salesman, took his bride south on their honeymoon, and visited a Insurance Agent—Is your hus­ hotel where he boasted of the fine band a good provider, Dinah? honey. Dinah—Yessah, he’s er.good pro- Groom (to colored waiter)—Sam­ vidah all right,* but Ah’s alius sheer­ bo, where’s my honey? ed dat niggah’s gwine ter git Sambo (eyeing the woman cauti­ caught at it. ously)—Ah don’t kno’, boss. She don’t wuk here no moh. j In Griffin, Ga., a negro woman strangled to death when she swal­ Answer to first joke in this col- lowed her false teeth while singing. um: His Mother.



'*^HE HoOPLE Pl-ALl f0^f3 Oponuinc Fo*, 1930 . U a SAT

WASHINGTON TUBBS H Learning the lns and Outs By CrwBci


(BEAD THE STOBV, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) The bunch walked ’round the spent. At early morn they started mirror and then somebody said, out to take a speeding train. The “ Let’s take a hike back to walk down to the station was a Geneva and then get a good night’s very pretty one because they made rest. Tomorrow is another day it sort of round about, right and there’ll be lots of time to through a winding lane. play. If we all want to feel in This-lane ran through a valley trim, I think this will be best.” where small houses stood up in oimsvNtAemvicamc. SM.u.asAr.em “You’re right,” replied 'the the air and nearby flowed a tiny Travel Man. “We’ll sleep real stream that' glistened in the sun. 0 1SCOVERy MEhNS ToRWRE, DEATH. AND THEV W4WM sound and then we can be on our Said one, “I’ll bet the fishing’s IT. TUEV hold -mElR BREATH, AS SHE PA'SSES ¥lOW\N ways to some new spot. We’ve seen good. I ’d like to try it, if we V. ^ARMS LENCjTH, AND SUPS THRO ANOTHER SECRET PO O ^ ^plenty here. I think we ought could.” The Travel Man replied, m n to head for Spain. A visit there “We haven’t time. It can’t be won’t be in vain. Say, how about done.” a nice train ride?” That made the They shortly reached the sta­ FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Riley in Person By Bldasey Tinies cheer. tion and the train choo-chooed to Wee Scouty cried, “That’s Just beat the band. - “It's ready ' now the thing. Of walking we have to- start away. Let’s = run,” , woe 'NHY-.-TMAT AINT ’V&RE f^15i5v$iiE11iAii« bad o\ir fling and if we ride a train Scouty roared^ Th.e , others flg- PLANE UNCLE'S MACHINE... MUET vnuYl . M6U0 otcA R !! awhile, we’U want Ito walk again.' ured he was right and so fcey ran THAT BE SOMSBOpy ELSE... '-r TSU. FRSekLEE ^ It’s really fuj> to switch around with all thelr-i ‘ ‘ - - with all their-might. Just is the PBECkLSS to Hns from in the air to on the ground. train was pullpulling out, the Tinies ✓ Tb 9m HIM'J We’ll take a train and then a hopped aboard. UtARO plane. I like that, now and then.” S6, ' into town they promptly FROM THE fThe Ttnyniltes have a sea trip .UNCLE ■I went and there a restful night v/as in the next stpiy.) * h erm its OJEM MUSTA


_ ^iO E , \ a r r e a r s ONER / •m OK. ••a . BAMCH....

•I ' > SALE3MANSAM There ProbaWy ls»Kidl . By Smatt , v-i-. . ^'4 PAifiL di*'^ so y*. t^i-L. NiMe ^ \ WRinuia T- 4------^ ^ - - - 1 I u 1 , ■ l.l ■PPW P^IP»> ■Iill— l"' I a ms- GiiRELi \ v iR s ^om* HotAc. tfn ■ m m m m ttm tJ'GWCK.Wif.T M'PWT' OPIW' / SCtAMT « r IT, MR. ' vioavc M 'fse-.F u a s t k i o h t * -) (a l C c^y..^ftwpLes ‘ M B N QiRRV ' iNSltm ? T?? THSiR, 'tO O N G WfiEHl^r TH' O'EHSti, GTt -vC _ WO-HT< 450 t im e s im b l e v b m H O y R f. s BARMACLES*- INQ.UOIN© 4U. THE _ eomemB, CAotm 4 WASm CFAHUNdR^O L . i \- MIUlO^V d o l l a r s a ’ y s A ft., wm Ks? niKEifc* - V f ''"S . -^47" ♦ .vfv«5' v * . f*

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■ ^ p g ‘JIRAfiB TWEMHEB ’ a6iwwaii@6w , •^- h *vj- dB6SS6 ■ Mrs. i^\0^^^i^0rde]^df.^mlei' WHISr ^ -- IftNCE, . ., L'^eonduct a rumihagerum idage sale: .1 to be given WednemaF at 2 :b ■ ■ ■ '. T -i “T h e "only . cMe [he^ore ; , the .' M an­ inventor of a, tree-hoisting machine .used by nurseries and landscape ABOUT TOWN chester town couirt' this morning Some person or persons delayed gardeners and has come East for the the placing'in operation of the auc­ The regular monthly meeting' bf-' \ was to t of; ‘ Albert Paquette . - of propose of installing the apparatus' the official board of the Nai»renet H a rtfo S 'c h a rg e d w ith sppfedlnF. He tion pump at the Main, street septic f wuuam Sliea;'one'‘df ‘ Manches- for a Hartford fira of landsc^e Umk. ,’This was te have been start- church will take place tomorrow^ ^was ’ artoated.;>yest(^.d®y-^J;^ :> \ ■ -(jj ler’s leading -lawyers.^ and Officer, M o*e.’:A.tXPAahfitte’s .. re­ Frances < SpUlane, daughter of Mr. /’ -•■•—I. quest the case was obutinued until ’ Miss Fdna Rohan, daughter of and Mrs. John Spillane, are to ' be Wednesday to give him an opportu­ married ^^ednesday morning by Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rohan of nity to secure counsel^ Hartford Road; will on Wednesday I ^ Rev. C. T. McCann, pastor of St. enter the Jamaica Hospital, Rich­ Bridget’s church. The bride is vrell Teachers oS the Highland Park mond Hill, L. I., where she will take known in town and \mtU last June school will have a bridge and whist life nurse’s training course. Miss ^ a s principal of the Highland Park party at the school 'piesday eve­ HOhan was graduated 'from the school, resigning at that time. ning, 1 October 28. Miss Catherine Manchester High school in Jime and Bossen is chairman. has recently been employed by the ! Thomas Happeny who hM been Travelers Insurance Company. employed in construcUon ^ork of Director Lewis Lloyd of the Rec­ Flo6# and Table liampib tS American Tel and Tel. Coi^^dny reation Centers hopes to get activi­ Miss Alva Anderson who teaches spent the weekend at home. He is In Winsted spent the weekend with R.-I. ties at the School'street Recreation Quantities Xiihited! Choose Eariy! now employed in Washington, Center in full swing this week. The her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. • .y-- gym classes will meet tonight, the Anderson of Heirtford Road. ■ Thomas Moriarty, now employed women’s class from ■ 7 to 8 'at the in Washington, N. J., was home School street Rec, and the men’s Tonight at 8 o’clock at the Buck- over the week-end, coming up to see classes from 8 to 9 o’clock. land school assembly hall the Ways the Cub football game. He was ac­ and Meeins committee of the Par­ Two-Cahdle Light Sfele ent-Teacher association will give the companied by Robert Donnelly, who Miss Elizabeth St. John of 279 is also employed in Washington. first whist Md dance of the season. v -' A North Main street, in company with 'Refreshments will be served after friends from Mt. Vernon and Bea­ cards and dancing will occupy the Nutmeg Forest No. 116, Tall Ce­ con, N. Y., is absent on an automo­ rest of the time. Mrs. Andrew dars of Lebanon, will hold a special bile trip through that state and Healey heads the committee of ar­ “No more stalling for me about takiiig a ■ meeting in the Masonic Temple this Canada. rangements. It is proposed to run ^evening at 7:30 o’clock. these socials every two weeks bqth every night.'' Our new tu^„are\so The date for the Center church through the season.. roomy, shiny, sweU-looking. It’s.'just like V k The Manchester Garden Club’s junior departments annual Hallow­ swimming in a tank at the gjnn. . And is October meeting will take place to­ e’en party originally set for October night at 7:30 in the “all purpose” mother proud of it. .'..swdl coloir 'n'every- 31 will not be held oh that day be­ ' thing. She steers all the company right room of Center Church House. The cause of a conflict in dates. The new AUTOMOBILE DAY speaker will be J. E. Fuller of the date will be announced to the de­ to the bath rooms as soon as they call. W j Laurel Garden club of East Hart­ partment next Sunday. You won’t Uame her ^ e n you'see^them.” $ 2 * 9 S ■T all cash prizes will be offered. Re­ John Horan of Hartford. Isaac Proctor wa^ chairman of freshments and a social time will be the program, which was very inter­ ESTABLISHED 55 YEARS $ 1.29 followed by dancing. ’The affair is Daughters of Liberty, L. L. O. L. esting and rendered in splendid in charge of the standing social com­ (Regular $14.95 to $23.50 Grades) will hold their monthly meeting in style. The entire program was pre^ CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. ’ (Regular $2.49 Grade) - mittee and all players will be wel­ Orange hall tonight at 8 o’clock. sen ted by Young People’s Sergeeint come. Major William Leggett. A contest A variety of attractive table lamps to cIom^' The first degree will be conferred on One group of attractive $2.49 boudoir lampj out $9.98. Lam ps th a t have priced a class of candidates. put on by the Reds and the Blues, to close out—$1.29. 18-inch colored stand­ The r^mlar October meeting of Robert K. Anderson Phone: Office 5171 $14.95, $16.50, $19.56 and $23.50,.' C h ^ c e jo f was won by the Blue's, 108 to 77, ards on brass plated bases fitted with pleated the Manchester League of Women James Munsie was captain of the Funeral Director Residence 7494 antique bronze, green pottery^'Japanete jwt- . The Cecllian Club of the South 1 silk shades. A charming little lamp that will tery and Japanese mete! bases with' silk Tand! Voters will be held tomorrow at 1 Methodist church assisted with the Reds while Leslie Larder was cap .ip p. m. with Mrs. M. A. Bengs of 62 brighten up milady’s boudoir. Small quan­ parchm ent shades. 'F o r best sel ‘ V vanced one week on accoimt of the night. citizenship meeting of the state lea­ gue now being held in New Lon­ Loyal Circle of Kings Daughters ■ .. don. will meet this evening at 7:30 in $3.98 Table Lamps, spoeial the parlor of Center Church House.' Brass plated table lamps with onyx brakes in stand in the two-can­ Eighteen tables were set for the It will be the annual meeting with dle light style which matches the floor lamps advertised above. Parch­ card party in the Masonic Social election of officers. After the busi­ ment shades decorated in assorted prints. room Saturday night, it being the ness the members will tie a bedqullt.; fifth of the first series. Richard Announcing a Johnson won first prize, W. M. An­ Mrs. Albert Anderson and small Hale’s Lamps—Basement derson second prize and ’Thomas daughter of Putnam are spending a Smyth door prize. Robert Mercer few days with Mrs. Anderson’s si.':- won the grand prize for this series. ter, Mrs. George Swanson of ir> Starkweather street. i Mrs. Martha Sheehan of Holl NEW STAMPED street has purchased the former Mrs. Rose Kronlck of The Wilrosn Y O U R CAR FOOD SALE W' Congregational church parsonage GOODS FOR l » ' Dress Shop Is in New York-on a WASHED Wednesday, 2 :30 P. Mr at I Vernon Center. The property buying trip.^Advt. | QuickC CHRISTMAS. consists of about an acre of land and Watkins Brothers Store several buildings. i N o m i m o i RUMMAGE SALE i Conducted by Center Church Mrs. Elliottfs Simp The second of the present series ■ $li25 Women’s Federation. ' 853 Main S t of setback pjirties will teke place All Day Thursday SEVIONIZINO tomorrow evening at 8:15 at the Highland Park Community club­ State Theater Building $8.00 house. Six prizes will be awarded WILSON’S AUTO WASH and refreshments served. The social Benefit Linen Fond, Memorial Hospi-, Rear of Johnson Block I6H>\ J^ .■ is open to all players whether in or tal Linen Auxiliary. CoIIecllon out of the community. W ednesday. D ial 5254 or 6685. J ^ ' H Installed and Servic^ by ABOUT EGGS O P H ^ E IVM^- We’d like to be able, for instance, to go on official fo tlx p e r fi I^V- amining board that had the power to ask questions A L E i u m A . c r k b E, of storekeepers and make their answers public—all SERVItC ! 1 Pnmell Place, Phone 7167, : SonthManobeater this having to do with the definitions of words. ^ • f .Iff*’ We’d like to be able, for instance ,to gO-on official - A burner for.every, size building: from the smallest toTthe gecord as to what we meein when we talk about - largest. Bums low grade fuel oil. Manufactured by Petn^eum Heat and Power Corp.. the largest and oldest manufacbiter in “strictly” ftesh eggs. . , ThenewMajesticEIec^ic Refrigjerator has am and is the country. ' • - - ; ., . i. jj-i. We don’t mean, by that term, eggs that are mere­ ly not comletetly stale. We don’t meEUi qggs being displayed in our store NOW., Gome in and examine the We sell fum ^e oil for all types of oil biuners; also cdl 'druinsi gathered in Iowa three weeks ago and that reached ' - ■ . ■ . ,f> nr.;.: .|- Manchester in a fairish state of preservation three or four days ago. We don’t mean eggs picked up, new refrigerator, and let us tell you of the important features of two or three a day until a couple of dozen are gotten' together and then brought into town—ranging all the Majestic Electric Refrigerator. the way from a day to a fortnight old. We mean eggs that are so new that every particle of their delicate flavor is in them; eggs that the fussiest epi­ ' ^ -v. ■''' > 1^1. cure can eat with zest. In other words we mean STRICTLY FRESH eggs. Note These. B^itm es! HOW m'y'- i Open Clams Large Sliced Bacon Scallops Special ' ‘ C _!_1 Baccm in the piece' Flat top; hemetically sealed unR^ so ^ sted cdnsiriic^^ B U ILD 35c Pint 39c lb. 33c Ib. 43c Pint pacity 84 ice cubes at single freezing; l ^ heighth alldwsldr clean­ '■ '■* ■ V Johnson’s Electric Floor Polisher lor rent $L80 day. -We B A T t r o Y t will feature fancy Corned Beef, Lamb and Veal for stewing. Pot ing; porcelain^on-steel insideV baked enamel finish^in outside. Take that.boy in hand Roasts and Soup Bones,- and make delivery on these Itoms In ^ Nine times But of / toi ond train-him along^p time for noon dinner, if yonr order is in before 8:00 a. m. Solid starting is caused ' by, useful lines." Get pc-'£ Pack Rowe Oysters. We will have a good assortment of fresh Two Sizes—5 and 7 Cubic Feet 'distributor pointsJ^Mave, yoohi vegetables. Try Royal Scarlet Orange Pekoe Tea. quainted with him Pinehnrst Coffee S9c lb. -cbeeked and save your battery; __■ t. V' - the hammer and nai| GENUINKPOIN^ -) -fndthod. Stjow him V to! build' a'doghdiTse^ -

■ —a pkiy house — 0 fence—a g a t^ a trellis. We'H Wjp wi^ •' A LL GARS-'^'^‘’^''-t^ . \ ' th e lumber— no ordbr, too small. 1 . SQOD THIMGS TO EAT

DIAL 4 1 5 ! rsi ^^Majestic RadioM: Hilliard Street, M$ncb$9ter rnn*^ P h o n e 4 o io R A L D ^