Following the initial announcement for the participation of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in the deliberations of the Holy and Great Synod of Orthodox Churches, the Patriarchate’s website now presents in detail Patriarch Theophilos’ Entourage:


1. H.B. Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem 2. Metropolitan Benedict of Philadelphia 3. Aristarchos of Constantina 4. Archbishop Theophylaktos of Jordan 5. Archbishop Nektarios of Anthedon 6. Archbishop Philoumenos of Pella


1. Archimandrite Christophoros Mousa 2. Archimandrite Damianos Panou 3. Archimandrite Nikodemos Skrettas 4. Archimandrite Chrysostomos Nasis 5. Archimandrite Ieronymos Delioglou 6. Protopresbyter Georgios Dragas 7. Professor Theodoros Yiangou


1. Archdeacon Evlogios Chambas 2. Ms Rodi Kratsa 3. Mr Kamel Abu-Jamber 4. Mr Halil Andraus 5. Ms Wafa Goussous 6. Mr Miltiades Matsoukas (steward)

At noon of Thursday, the 4th/16th of June 2016, their Beatitudes the Heads of Churches, namely: Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and Archbishop Anastasios of , their attendants, and Greek Foreign Minister Kotzias met at Athens Airport, where they boarded the Aegean Airlines Flight to Chania.

There, they were warmly welcomed by Archbishop Irineos of Crete, Metropolitan Damascene of Kydonia and Apokoronos, Metropolitan Amphilochios of Kissamos and Selinos, priests of the aforementioned Bishoprics, representatives of the Mayoralty and Prefecture and the Philarmonic Association, as well as a crowd of faithful and the Mass Media. On behalf of the Heads of Churches, the Archbishop of Athens addressed all by underlining the importance of the Synod for dealing with crucial problems facing humanity, and for the unity of Orthodox Churches.

On the evening of the aforementioned day, the Heads of Churches were hosted to dinner by His Excellency Minister Nikolaos Kortzias at the Nautical Association of Crete.


Between Thursday the 3rd/16th to Sunday the 13th/26th of June 2016, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, accompanied by Hagiotaphite Primates and Hieromonks, Advisors and Secretarial staff, participates in the workings of the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church, to take place at the Orthodox Academy of Chania, Crete.

Details for the participation of the Patriarchate will be posted on this website in accordance with the Synod’s work programme.

From the Secretariat-General


On the afternoon of Tuesday the 1st/14th of June 2016, the former Defence Minister of the Republic of Cyprus, now Presidential Commissioner for Humanitarian Issues, accompanied by his associate, Mr Alexandros Kais and the Ambassadress of Cyprus to Tel Aviv, Ms Thessalia Shambou, as well as the Secretary of the Cypriot Embassy, Ms Louisa Varaklas, visited the Patriarchate. The Minister and his entourage were warmly welcomed by His Beatitude Theophilos and Hagiotaphite Fathers. In the context of the meeting, an interesting discussion took place on ways of collaboration between the Greek and Jewish Diaspora for the safeguarding of their identity – against the ongoing Turkish occupation for Greek-speaking Cypriots, and antisemitism for Jews in specific countries.

Reference was also made to the Ottoman Empire, especially in the Middle East, that has left its traces both in the Arabic world and on the status quo of the Holy Land. It was correctly pointed out that the precursor to the Ottoman Empire in the Holy Land was the covenant agreed by Umar Khattab and Patriarch Sophronios, the so-calledAchtiname , which constitutes the framework of coexistence between Christians and Muslims since the 7th century. On the ground of this particular covenant are the relations between the Patriarchate and the three governments of the Holy Land, Israel, Palestine and Jordan maintained to this day, protecting the status quo of the Holy Shrines.

This interesting and constructive meeting was followed by exchange of gifts and Mr Photiou’s departure for veneration at the Holy Sepulchre.

From the Secretariat-General httpv:// GEORGIAN ICON DONATED TO THE PATRIARCHATE

On Saturday, the 29th of May/11th of June, a group of Georgian pilgrims visited the Patriarchate.

Among them was iconographer Teymouraz Jamarije and the donator, Teymouraz Kambolava, who offered the Patriarchate an icon of St Nina, St Nikolas and St George the Trophy-Bearer.

His Beatitude thanked them for the donation and reciprocated with an icon of Theotokos Jerusalemite, extending wishes for the grace of the Resurrected and Ascended Lord during their pilgrimage.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://


On Friday, the 28th of May/10th of June 2016, the Alternate Minister of Rural Development visited the Patriarchate. Mr Bolaris was accompanied by associates of his, the Ambassador of to Tel Aviv, Mr Spyridon Lamprides, the Consul- General to Jerusalem, Mr G. Zacharoudiakis, and Consul V. Koinis. The Alternate Minister was warmly welcomed by H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers.

An interesting discussion took place in the context of the visit, on the relations between the Patriarchate and Greece, heir of the Byzantine empire and supporter of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Mr Bolaris was also informed on the Patriarchate’s pastoral work and the guardianship of the Holy Shrines; also on its peace-making activities and the restoration project, now underway, of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre on the basis of a study conducted by the National Technical University of Athens.

After the discussion and exchange of gifts, Mr Bolaris continued his visit to the Holy Sepulchre, where he witnessed the restoration works on the Aedicula.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://


On Thursday the 27th of May/9th of June 2016, the Patriarchate observed, on the Mount of Olives, the Despotic feast of the Ascension of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The feast commemorates in joined joy and sorrow the fact that, forty days after His resurrection and His many appearances, our Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heavens before the eyes of His disciples, and sat on the right of the Father, carrying within Him the human nature He had acquired during His incarnation.

The Ascension was observed on the very site where it had taken place, namely on top of the Mount of Olives in the direction of Bethphage.

On the eve of the feast, Vespers was held after the blessing of the water upon the Holy Altar installed outdoors, near the mosque that includes the footprint of the Ascended Lord. The service was led by Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias who had as concelebrants Hagiotaphite Hieromonks headed by the Elder Kamarasis, Archimandrite Nektarios, and Archimandrites Epiphanios, Claudios, Parthenios, Stephanos and Sergios, father Bartholomew as master of ceremonies, and Arabic- speaking priests of St James Cathedral. Archimandrite Aristovoulos sang in Greek on the right, with Mr George Kamar singing in Arabic on the left. Members of the Arabic-speaking flock in Jerusalem, as well as monks and pilgrims, attended the service.

Vespers was followed by procession from the Shrine to the Monastery of Viri Galilaei, where the First Eothinon Gospel was read by the leading , and where the Patriarch blessed participants in the procession.

On the morning of feast-day, the was led by Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, having as concelebrants Hagiotaphite Hieromonks, headed by Archimandrite Nektarios, Arabic-speaking presbyters and priests visiting from Orthodox Churches. Archimandrite Aristovoulos sang with students from the Patriarchal School of Sion in Greek, as Mr George Kamar sang in Arabic with St James Choir. The service was attended by pilgrims from Galilee, Greece, Russia, Ukraine and Romania. During the divine Liturgy, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, arrived with members of the Holy Synod to venerate before visiting the adjacent mosque.

Patriarch Theophilos went on to visit the Monastery of the Ascension, headed by Monk Achillios, the nearby Monastery of the Ascension of the Russian Church, as well as the Monastery of Viri Galilaei, headed by Archimandrite Anthimos.

This completed the celebration of this Despotic feast on the site of the Lord’s Ascension, imbued with divine Grace. The feast demonstrated once more the possibility for man to become in the likeness of God, deified within Him.

From the Secretariat-General httpv:// httpv:// httpv://


On Wednesday, the 26th of May/8th of June 2016, the Patriarchate observed the feast of the Apodosis [Leave-taking] of Easter, namely the completion of forty days since Easter Sunday.

On the aforementioned day, the service of Easter Matins was performed with the “Resurrection Day” Canon of St John Damascene, followed by divine Liturgy at the monastic church of Sts Constantine and Helen; also at the katholikon of the Church of the Resurrection, led by Theodosios, Archbishop of Sebaste, who had as concelebrants Hagiotaphite Hieromonks. The head cantor of the Church of the Resurrection, Archimandrite Aristovoulos, sang for a pious crowd of pilgrims from Orthodox countries.

During the divine Liturgy at the Church of the Resurrection, His Beatitude arrived for veneration at the Holy Sepulchre and Golgotha. He was accompanied by Hagiotaphite Fathers.

On the conclusion of the service, the Primatial Entourage returned to the Patriarchate, to pay their respect to His Beatitude.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://


On Friday, the 21st of May/3rd of June 2016, the Patriarchate observed the memory of the glorious and pious kings, Constantine and Helen, recognised by the Church as equals to the apostles. Constantine the Great had proclaimed, with the Edict of Milan in 312 AD, the freedom for Christians to spread their faith and worship and build Christian churches, the first of which was the Church of the Resurrection, erected on Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre.

To commemorate these two saints and protectors of the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood, Vespers was held at the church dedicated to their names, led by Patriarch Theophilos. Archimandrite Eusebius sang on the right and Archimandrite Alexios on the left, with Hagiotaphite Fathers as concelebrants. Members of the Arabic-speaking flock in Jerusalem and members of the Greek Parish attended the service.

On the conclusion of Vespers, Fathers sat in the forecourt were they received kollyva [boiled wheat] and rusk with wine.

On feast-day, Matins and the Divine Liturgy were led by Patriarch Theophilos, having Hagiotaphite Hieromonks as concelebrants in the presence of the Greek Consul-General to Jerusalem, Mr G. Zacharoudiakis, monks, locals and pilgrims from Greece, Russia and Ukraine.

After the Divine Liturgy, His Beatitude and officiating Priests and Primates walked in procession to the . Passing through the gate, they received the blessing of bread made by Hieromonk Paisios and Elder Nun Seraphima. At the Patriarchate, a supplication was made before the Patriarch addressed guests in Greek.

“The first among idolater Roman Emperors to be proclaimed king of the Christians, Constantine the Great, has sealed the world in general and the Holy Land in particular with the salvaging instrument of the Holy and Life-giving Cross of our God and Saviour, Christ”, said Patriarch Theophilos. “The Cross, for which St Paul says “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians, 1, 18). “The salvaging power of the Cross”, added His Beatitude, “is proclaimed and confessed by the most holy shrines of the mystery of the divine economy, namely the Nativity, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, upon which fine Churches and Monasteries, known as Constantineans, have been erected and in which the honourable members of the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood have taken up residence as guardians, deacons and officiants”. “The Church of the Resurrection”, the Patriarch concluded, “is where the testament of the Evangelic and apostolic truth is maintained alive and unscathed, alongside the hope of the Resurrection and new life in Christ”.

This great feast of the founders, patrons and protectors of the Most Holy Shrines and of the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood was sealed by tangible and spiritual communion and participation in festive monastic lunch.

From the Secretariat-General httpv:// httpv:// httpv://