AFA and by Wendell Simonson CONSERVATION OFFICER
JULY, 1976 \ • • - • ] d b conseridtionist h ( a Volume 35 Number 7 July, 1976 Roger Sparks, Edttor Robert Ffunge. Manegmg Edttor Kenneth Formanek, A·V Coordmator Juhus Satre. Contnbutmg Editor Wayne Lonnmg. Photographer Jerry Leonard Photographer AFA ••• 2 A FARMER . AND WILDLIFE and 4 MORE "OPEN SPACES" FOR IOWANS 6 THE MOUND BUILDERS OF By Wendell Simonson NORTHEASTERN IOWA CONSERVATION OFFICER 8 FISHING THE LITTLE SIOUX RIVER 10 IOWA'S STRIPED BASS PRO GRAM 12 RESTORATION OF WILD TUR KEY TO IOWA 14 REGENERATION -- NEW LIFE AFTER HARVEST 15 CLASSROOM CORNER 15 FROM THE WARDEN 'S DIARY COVER Summer Fun at Iowa's State Parks. Photography by Jerry Leonard COMMISSIONERS John Lonk, Chalfman, Burltngton Thomas Bates, Bellevue, Carolyn T Lumbard. Des Momes. Herbert T Reed, Wmterset. John C Thompson, Forest Ctty-John Brophy, Lensmg Maroan Po ke. Whttmg DIRECTOR Fred A Proewert Wolliam C Brabham, Deputy Dlfector DIVISION CHIEFS Harry M Harroson, Ftsh and Game, Stanley C Kuhn, Dtvtston of Admmtstratton. Gerry F Schnepf, Resource and Program Plannmg John M Stokes, Chtef Lands and Waters SECTION SUPERINTENDENTS I Tom Albroght, Engmeermg, Joe W Broil, Parks. Robert Barratt, W1ldltfe. Jerry M Conley Ftshenes Roy Downong, Waters. Robert Fagerland Land Acqwsttton. Lester Flemong, Grants·ln·Atd, Gene Hertel, State Forester. Kenneth Kakac, Law Enforcement, Caryl Carstens, License, Larry Davos, lnformatton & Educatton. Gene Ge1ssonger. Accountmg, Doyle Adams. County Conservalton Boards Published monthly by the Iowa Conservatoon Commossoon. State Oft1ce Buoldong, 300 4th Street, Des Momes, Iowa 50319 Address all maol (subscroptoons, change ol address, Form 3579 manuscropts. maol otems} to the above address Subscropt oon proce one year at $2 00.
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