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10-18-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-18-1911 Journal Publishing Company

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MEXICO, WEDNESDAY.OCTOBER By MaU SO OnU Month; kindle Copley Conta. t THIRTY-THIR- D CXXXIL No. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW 13, 1911. YEAR, VOL 18. lly Carrier, 60 Cents Moutb.

- . .. . - i , i ' n Still Candi- . jp t Hunt For PROGRESSIVE dates More Hopeless

rally With the crank case lr. Hie bis rub. u, ,r boiling, the tir.s tint i mid the RllptTstritt tllfe eo.ited OTERO wiili dust, whl'e rdav ,,ul,i GIN followeil with lankl..a in of g.iso- - OUTVOTERS line, the llubt.ell biix wagon yisterdav had the most sticim- - i lls day of IIS career ill the ,I,K- - i hr-it- and even frantic bunt lor OVATION AT audi, l it, s for I'r.iticisco s eoiin- - DONA ANA COUNTY TIRED t and legislative lu Uet. It was a ,li oiiragi'ig day for OF REIGN OF CORRUPTION the Tb. lime is grow- - lug shorter; and still no ticket. As can l I'imii- - ( 1 fA? tar as learned. I 5T tMT BETTER Cisco's liepllcw, Ceolgc lllllibell LAS VEGAS Six Hundred Citizens Turn Out Thomas, who will run tor the Is ic- - j legislature. Ibe onlv new Fer-gusso- J at Las Cruces to Hear n, lNS-- tun that lias been captured, It Is understm d that the t v- - De Baca and Judge boss approached Thomas Mr-- Milliii. city marshal, wilh some Magnificent Gathering Listens Y V" John Hewitt. Haltering Inducement. , That well known democrat, however to Ringing Addresses By was loo canny to be made a Special DUpatch to Morning Journal) "goat" for I'rancisco. There is Leaders in Campaign For !t nothing; doing I X. M.. IT. The with iho maishal. 'races. Oct. - democratic-progressiv- e also been mak- Clean Government. 111 st liiK Tally Of I'lanclsco has campaign to oust the I.I ing a terrible effort to entice of Ht'fnl. In Don J. U. Mct'ollnm, principal ol the ring from control ward school. t. run for An;i comity was held at th Armory Fourth Hiiperintendciit. Me- - BURSUM CHALLENGE on Monday night. Tim commo- - school .Mr. lore t'olluin, h iwever, has a repiila- - ill,, lis hall KilS filled to overt lowing FINDS READY RESPONSE scons anxious to attend the lion which he doesn't cue to and .fust In - moling were unable to obtain -- throw nw.iy, help f'rin- hit 1. Cisco the School mission lo tin' School Spy sysieiu. He over six hundred voters, ninny ot Visit and Court Records Ciled to Prove life-loU- also has refused to act Ibe part ill. Ill g republican. Who tlHVl: grown tired ut (he rule chronic of gout. Gang Candidate For Govern- holders, were present when tho So it goes down (ho line. Some oKlc rirpeolahlllty bo found was culled to order by .1. M. must or Guilty of at Least. Woeful Introduced Somewhere to cloak the Hubbell paxtnii. Chairman I'nxtun men Judge John Y. Hewitt, candidate lor ticket. Hut the respectable Incapacity. o don't seem to want to forfeit district judge on Iho d - ticket, uhu vvh. tendered a their respectability to save I'ran- magnificent ovation. Judge ,'lcwitt Cisco, The. outlook is bad very bad. rSlMM'liil DUnnt.-l- In In Motnlng J.mrnsll ni.i. Ic a splendid speech In which he Las Vegas. S. M., Oct. IT. The arraigned the coal barons mid the progressive republican campaign in elfish interests tlmt tire now seeking northern New Mexico was launched to seize the government of "the new wick, tho murderer evidently (caring tonight at what was probably might a strong- hole state. The speaker said that ho np. the family awaken in the most largely attended and en- poured in the Intercut of good er light. thusiastic meeting over held III' till) and the audience went wild Mrs. o. W. Snook, a neighbor who history of Las Yogas, The Duncan with enthusiasm, tiood government discovered the murders, when she opera house was crovib-- to Its ca- is something- that has been wanted in called nt the Showman home last pacity nil, I bun, lie, Is uhu desired to Dona county for yours, hut until now night, said today she knew of no rea- attend were unable to enter ibe audi- il lias appeared impossible of att son for the cl ime. The Show man's torium so ureat was the throntf. I. a, tlo ellclllH S. she de. In, , I. Two governors of New- Mex- by former The next speaker introduced the condition of the bodies It ico, Miguel A. Otero and Herbert J. K. From Chairman Pnxton was C. De linen Is believed the crime was commute, I Ilageiuian, were the speakers of the Sau Miguel lieuten- of candidate fur Sunday hlght. Ill that case the slay- o cuing ii ml both were given tremen- ant governor on the democratic tick- er evidently returned to the In. mo dous ovations when Introduced to the et. Alt. De Uacu explained the blue Neslerdav to See If he had accomplish- vast mi, li, 'lire by the ihalrnuin. ballot ami the Flood resolution so ed his work successfully. A dramatic touch was given to the clearly and convincingly that he left .. search Is being conducted to- proceedings by Mr. Hagernian when not i shadow of a doubt In the minds night Charles Maryxek, u well ed- he took up Ihe challenge of II. O. of the Spanish-America- n voters that of Belshazzar Up to Date. for The Feast ucated Slav, In connection with mur- Ilursuni, who a few nights since, from the piogresslves and democrats were Hie same platform, defied any man to protesta- der of Hie Showman fcmlly. Mary-r.e- k their friends and that the o, pick flaws In his record as superin- tions oi friendship by the republican WRECK was the former husband Mrs. G000WIN PROPERTY DYNAMITERS showman's sister, but was divorced. tendent of the New Mexico peniten- party and President Tuft were hol- TAFT TRAIN PASSED MYSTERY SHROUDS tiary. Repeating tile very Words ut- re- AGENCY Mr. and Mrs. Showman, on one oceas-slo- low and insincere. Mr. IV Puoa's ATTACHED FOR DEBT EMPLOYMENT tered by Mr. Hiirsuin, (iovexnor IlaR-erm- were received, with an enthus- were witnesses against Maryxek marks to proceeded deliberately to iasm that left no doubt us lo the al- in n trial. Ho was married his lorm.r wife whoso name was Min- analyze the reports made by the men titude of the voters here with refer- vv ac- Spokane, Wash..' Oct. (7. Iv.ia-ntiler nie Kratke. In Denver, July I '.', I Mis. ho Investigate the penitentiary ence In the Issues now before the l.i f Angeles, OaV, Oct. 17. Attor- OVER counts, ami proved lo ,, tin-Su- SAFELY WHOLESALE a the satisfaction neys ,th.-.i'i'ic- Since obtaining divorce she has re people. representing creditors of .Mis. wncktU of his audience thai Mi. liursum. If kPl ohubly the most t Hin ad.'resn labia Coodricb (Joodwin, former wile married. Kinployment !,.eiicy op flop; av.ili;. i- - h was not actually In his evening Ti. at- disnuest 'ol the was tliat ol Ml. II. ol Nat Ooodwin, tne actor, tiled toiilRht. 1 lie explosion shook scores administration ol the peiillentlnr.v Fergussnn, candidate for congress oii tachment papers today upon about buildings including Hie city MAINE NOT DESTROYED "o fully ineffi- ji:r,"i,noo of other was in. least win the democratic ticket. Mr. Forgusson worth of 'iliii.rnli property hall, four blocks away. The entire TE cient as l, ut Ici ly damn him us u can- i, Hidings 0 severely arraigned tho bosses who oi' (iondvtin. 'i 'i properly stteet within a Idoek each way of Iho BY SMOKELESS POWDER didate for any position where a high have dominated affairs in New Mox-lo- c Includes Hie vSinri Monica employment agency was littered with of ability is required. $41,, 011(1. 1 order executive lor the past twelve je.'irs, paying home of the actor, valued at bn ken glass, wood and sections of Mr, Hagcrman minted at length both lo Orange enmity and San I'l'iincin-r- n I particular attention the man who and corrugated Iron of which Hie walls of front the report of the disinterested is now running at the head of the property valued at 111, out ?2i,a,000. r Washington, Oct. 17. Positive the building were iposeil. No one ryprn-- IMCnCPTO QPTMr today by expert who hail been employed by the gang ticket recently nominated at The ulinchinon! is nhl lo h ive been LAI I IINOl LvjIOOLLlNL No Clue to Motive or Perpe- lit was made the was injured, nllhougli a number of Lit o.irl-me- territory to go over the penitentiary filed ill to a bureau of the iim v il Las Yogas. The speaker made an order satisfy claim of persons were pi the immediate vicin ordnance uinls and from that of the more in public af- ',('0a held against Hooilvvin by OF ATTEMPTED OUTRAGE trator of Fiendish Crime that the battleship .Maine wis jilea for honesty Vr., ity. The total damage is estimated at III, li, lly referee. Mr. Salford. on fairs and when he mentioned the the Hotel Ansonia. New York City. not wrecked by the explosion of "eviral thousand dollars. nowih-r- . whose report Mr. Ilursnm's bonds- names .Miguel . nun runn- Which Wiped Out Whole smokeless oi oinu men vv civ u bsolved from liability, Mr. er tlovernor 11. .1, llugorinnn he Was The complete records of the ord- Sal report as read bj vioveriior Declares Twenty-On- e Sticks of Family in Kansas, vmis no lords gi ei led with thunderous applause. nance bureau show there llagci inaii, w an Interesting; docu- Mr Fergusson paid his respects lo If This Keeps Up He Will Have smokeless powder aboard the Maine ment and, while from e, ginning to Mr. K. 11. Albu-(iieriit- Explosive Were in Place up. does Medler. recently of when siie blew The bureau end il Is Intended as a vindication of Morning- - 1 W cause of but now a candidate for Special n .limrnnl Sprrlnl pnaril irt not attempt to fix the actual Mr. liursum s personal honesty. It Is judge on republican and lo When Presidential Kllsworth. Kan., 17. William Hie explosion. tho ticket to Raise the Water Rates Again oi. a startling revelation of loose and Major Llewellyn, candidate lor the Show loan, his wife and three small careless of hntldliug public state ticket. Crossed Bridec. methods senate oil the republican children, whoso undiluted bodies and a most damning Indict-nio- nt couch- COLORADO AND SOUTHERN funds Mr. Fergusson's address was were found in their home here last of incompetence and dlsreRiird ed in simple language, but strong and n Ik lit, were slain by some one who for ordinary business ever many YoHerdny Hon .(imrnnl IVIm-.- I EARNINGS SHOW SLUMP convincing and douhtlesn made afternoon Francisco in his automobile look a trip to I.os (lly Murninc Siwlul Inard knew Hie Showman home accurately, made public In an oltlclal document. govern- Santa I., Oct. 17. votes for the caiiM,. of pure Hriegos with the llarbala, fa 'this I act was brought out today. lu con, hiding his remarks (lovern-oi- - ment. usual roll of greenbacks under the tonnraii. I'resiileiit Tail's special train actually HOO-to- Tile completed his lingo! man called attention to the On passed Kl Capltun, murderer work Op The sentiment in Los Cruces Is arriving In that ntlincthe suburb, Don Francisco, alter approaching our the Denver, Colo., Oct, I 7. crating fact the official reports of the t woiity-llv- e of and covered his crime well. To pre- that strongly progressive and scores of bridge, miles north showed the a number of citizens with the roll convenient In his coal pocket, was astonish- .Monday morning. while vent Interruption of bis work be muf-tlc- il revenue of (lie Colorado Southern penitentiary that for have recently aiinnliliccd Unit here curly year ending eight to tne beginning I twenty-on- e of were the telephone with Mrs. Show- railroad dining the fiscal months prior hey have cast off the shackles that ed, chagrined, and filled with rage and consternation to no slicks dynamite of .Mr. Htirsun, learn thai voles in place, ready be exploded, man's cloak. After the tragedy the June :ill, IIH1. showed a decrease of of the ailiiilnlslrallon hound them to the old ring which all lo riccotdlng lite average earnings of the peniten- has years tinder were for sale. was the opinion expressed tonight by ax with which the crime was com- nearly one million dollars, mas.iieraded for the and lamp which to report of the road made tiary had been considerably Rroatei guise of icpiihlicuulsni, but which in He Oeoige W. Inge, an expert on explo- mitted the furnished the annual onmo storming buck to the city ami Immediately in be-- revenue any during his incum- t had inserted his by Hie I'n-cif- light for the slayer were placed I public here today. The total than at time reality has had no principle save sives, employed Southern I a operation w as $4 l.x:.' 1,0(14.5 bency. It was a curious coincidence, oi public, plunder. evening: organ a statement to the effect that Jesus llomero and W. II. railway to investigate the al- iii.l door where they were found from MI.I-i'oi'SI.'- came from declared Iho speaker, that for the There in coun- leged attempt nl bridge dyna mltltiR. today. Tin1 lamp chimney was placed of which H arc candidates this on Monday bought up I of ex- loll,, wing Mr. Hiirsum s ty night, had nil the votes In .on Hrlcgos. H is Inge in the kitchen under a chair and It Is freight earnings. Cut lailmeul eight months that have held otlict1 for twenty Mr. returned lo Santa ISarhara prac- lb,, penitentiary earnings beyond Kl Capltun, accompa- believed the crime was committed In penses, especially in operation, retirement .veins and the people have become Francisco's conception that a mnn could refuse to take his money for tonight from a sharp nied by Nat of Santa the dim light thrown from a lamp tically balanced the loss. had also shown advance, and convinced that this is just jibotit long a by Sheriff Stewart Is the fact vote unless bought up beforehand somo one else. an, of- tills the face of thai enough for any set of men lo occupy liui'bitril county several other large of the were ficials. left Hail Fran- numbers convicts seals at the public "pie counter." Tho Neither Jesus Romero nor W. II. Gillenwntor were In l.os Otlegos Mon- Later be for ciiipluvoii lu completing a new hries voters of Dona Ana county are deter- cisco. w day night, Mr. llomero being In old town and Mr. kiln, a m cell house ami a large mined to have u change and to this Oillenwater in Alhnuerue. "It was while the man was adjust- Instil,, walls, ing charge ilynii nilte," How Superintendent Bursum brick dormitory the .lust 'Jul they nrc slinking off parly al- Mr. fiillenwalcr has not been In l.os (irlegos for Don the second of why have been legiance, several months. Fran- said Inge, the earnings should which has come to mean Mr. "Hint the Mexican admin-isltalio- n cisco knew that neither llomern nor Hlllctiwater were In bridge smaller during Mr. tiiirsuin's nothing, and nip. aligning themselves l.os Orleans Monday walker, (lomez, discovered and than Immediately before of the forces of cood government, night. lircd upon him. The man ran, and period, as it no good description Obeyed the Law. Imuictialcly iifler taut inn he old guard republican leaders was dark, speaker said bad never been sallslac- - ire boasting This leads naturally and gently up to the as lo who is ImyltiR of him could be given. that they h;ve plenty fails voles i l.i i n ell. of in day Section torllv money to spend In the election and in this campaign. "Later the Foreman Another dramatic Incident of Iho Hi it Hrown discovered the presence of they will ho safe the day alter mooting was when M. C. De Itaou At meeting of the this charge of twenty-on- e slicks of a 'he ballots ure coiinled. These boasls the stale central commlltcp in Las Vegas recently a Mr. llursiini, gang camlldnle ror governor. Is running on platform which arose in Ihe gallery and, lu are only dynamite with the fuse attached and referred making' votes for the proposition was made to Rent both the republican a I'eiuark that tiovcrnor otero hud ticket, and nothing and the Hubbell delegations, from what I obs, nod. It was clearly professes to stand for honesty, economy and clflolciicy in Ihe administration expert. made In the course of his address, to short of a miracle can prevent ft from this enmity with hnlf a vole for each delegate. Francisco's dele ration the work of an of affairs of III,- ftlato. glad see "As ns away, the the el, 'eel that he was to 'Mudslide on November 7, which will the man frightened I w:s inclined lo accept; so he secured it recess and H!:p ex- Mr. De .a cu present In the audience. sweep stand-patter- s talked to bis delegates before, be had time to complete his We quote an Interest ing selection from the report of the Colorado the Into a tin- ho un-- 1 twcli-i.v-o- This for reason thai had a work, only first charge of : political oblivion. Dutch uncle. the perts w ho Investigated Mr. Ilursnm's ma n.-- gemenl of the peiillentlnr.v ,, ,, Mi'. 1, M Af- that ica and slicks, remained in place. W. both heed "WHY," he stormed at them. "l'VK SJ'KNT being by Mexico I M 7 (leorge Arml.lo bad KIOHT TitOl'SAND ter discovered (lomez, the "Quotations from the Compiled Laws of New of hTtd HARRIMAN ROAD SEEKS man ran, leaving Ibe hanging limited as saying that ho (O(cro) DOLLARS TO UF.T THIS TIH.VO THIS FAR!" fuse .'I.M'li. Tile superintendent uhall keep, or cause In be kept ill sep- a to his appotni-iii- , out, but not was not "Section made speech prior llhted. This nt as governor in which he had TO ENJOIN STRIKERS A little Investigation accounts for (he $S,()i0 as follows: found uiilil after ila.v light, and as Hie arate hooks, rigular ami complete accounts ol all Incomes, business .iiul con- president's passed said that If there were a drop of Kxpcnst-- of lirst meeting of Hubbell bolters, train over the a receive, tor labor blood in his veins lie would spreading secret call bridge ut a. m., il pass- cerns of the petilleiiliary TIM'K account ol ALL mone.s Mexican anil certainly It Mr. had denounc- among faithful, securing' signers to ed over charge of oyer moneys treas- bleed out. otero l:i I'asn, Tex., Oct. 17. The Hous- fake call and securing fake this dynamite." or from oilier sources and shall turn said to the territorial ed Ibis statement as false. He said ton & com-P"n- y, Sheriff .Stewart returned tonight Texas Central Uailwuy proxies . , expense bo i, and proud of It. . ,t2.', from (lolela, he bud gone urer to be placed to the credit of the penitentiary current fund. was .Mexican a Ifnrrimun property, filed a where to Mr. De Km a denied tnat he ever F.xpensos meeting" investigate several In wages by Petition wilh Judge Maxey in the fed- of "ratification lo keep the bolt SOO.flO the rumors "Section n.ll.'!. The superintendent shall collet the earned the claimed to have heard Mr. otero eral district connection wilh the alleged plot, H i court here today for an Taking bolters to first meeting of stale committee in Santa. 1000.00 moneys due on account of penitentiary, except appropria- make the statement In iiiestoii, "'Junction against the Fe ...... searched nearly fifty men, hut with- convicts, and all the officers of the out result. though he bad been told thai ths puking unions at Austin, Waco and Jlubhcll primaries in the county, per day until election, lor "work- tions fiom the territory, and shall pay the same over I,, the territorial treas- former governor had made It. H "fame, that they he restrained from ers'' In each precinct, etc, , 3iion.OO ury to lie placed to the credit of the penitentiary current expense fun, I, taking said he regarded tlovernor Otero's posting pickets, congregating on rail- WARM LITTLE REVOLT uduilulslralioo as liosllle to the Mexi- way grounds. persuade, I'xpenseR taking fifty Huhhrll delegates to Las' Vegas the same, one copy of which he give to the secre- or attempting ' convention, fare il duplicate receipt for shall can people and prejudiced against coerce railway employes, or Inler-le- ri FROM in of u ppolnt and Incidentals 000. On REPORTED TABASCO of of commissioners and the superintendent shall pay Into ih, in Iho matter nienls nce with railway transportation or tary Ihe hoard close lo Ihe edgo railway to office, Stopping- freight, passengers or I'nltcrt tin, treasury the mine funds received by him." of Hie , lull, ii in and looking slraight mi1" Interstate commeroe. Ti"'t ( I ) at Mr. De llaca (iovernor Otero in hearing Total $soon.on Mexico City, 17. "Of amount 1 , IB . all of which should have been s get for October 30, nt Oct. Proclaiming that quired If he regarded the two ap- Austin, P.ernardo Iteyes president of re- Tex., before Judge Maxey. Vegas convention Don $ the treasury was deposited with which lie (Do Ulna) had Since the Las Francisco has spent some 1000 on public, a group of illsnllci ted citizens turned into Ibe territorial there point in, nls IIS Sll i tl of pilhllC. have cry $1 Oil, 77 received pel elll "workers," for votes and promises of votes and other things, not to mention sounded the of insurrection the territorial treasurer 321 pre- CONVICT ARMY OFFICER In Ton pa lu the state of Tabasco. instruction as evidences of this the expenses of bis overwork, d chauffeur, garage and gasoline bills and in- From Tapijitlupa, another body of "Credit was taken for I'liloii county warrant No. 1 JOT, date April judice against Iho native people. Ill BROUGHT men crowil slioulcd and amid a gale ut ; FROM ALASKA cidentals. said to number two hundred J, l'.ifll, which was returned unpaid (IT..10 armed and well mounted, aru riding laughter the lucid, lit was closed. Again we must always rcnieniber'that he has a thousand dollar monthly to the support of the little band who "And there were paid out as petty cash disbursements niid ap- The mooting was presided over 1V Dr. John D. II, ss, one of tho leaden feat would overthrow the government, of- . 4 He, Wash., 1 deficit on Tribune-Citize- n and owing to the fact that he Is now printing not otherwise accounted for $",,7:'C Oct. 7. Lieutenant the ficially de In liana was notified this parently ,,f the progressive republicans of San Miguel Dr. Hess of,!,'"? ' '"''""''I. I'Ho nisburslttK and distributing gratis large numbers of extra papers, this will probably riH'i alt. in, ion of llils latest rebellion niid I eoiitilv. Introduced a i "ie MltHk:l r"1"1 '""'"lis-- n Immediately caused the war depart- Miguel A. otero as former republi- $;,0(in'a for the catniialgn period. f - lll'.Mlrt.U governor .,',,r,':, ''h,ly W1IS I""'' I'V '"'" month ment lo order Inderal troops to Tabas- can of New Mexico, and tho im, f,,r ' - man who had given New Mexioo olio e ,V,"""li ,h "m- Thus, altogether It Is proving a highly expensive proposition for Don co. may be seen from Hxhihlt A, that Sections 3'iL'ti and 3.129 have lieun "It of lis two heat administrations, (Iov- ,r"m Francisco and even If he hail any show of electing his ticket It would a violated, as the superintendent has taken credit for the disbursement ol ernor otero prefaced his address by ki.m 1 on the take Xow York Money Center. ',' "v a feeling refcreiico to the sorrow and xv, ,',k ,'"T'h:'' m,,,"r ' a good many out 17. la,"-'1.R- amount should have been Into the Convicts' Farnlngs , good many school visits anil extra percentages of county col- New York. Oct. New York as 1. which turned being-- ... Hie possible regret which he held at at tha rival and successor of upon In legal manner. We compelled oiiineiimni to await further lections to balance the account. London money of Ihe Fund, with the territorial treasurer anil drawn the first slate eleciloii to cast as the center Influence against regular ni" 'he de- - he out In world, the proposed national vou, for Ihe amount referred to." his tho "r,,i" ,,r f It Is not strange that breaks hysterical falsehoods aboul "vote under were unable to find hers nominees of the republican party, llo i wiiii';:; reserve plans, was the , n association management you want, Mr. Voter, forced to do so, however, by buying." It goes pretty hard for man Spending money on sileh a ienlo as prediction of Isidore Htrans, the Is this the kind of bulnc.s for the stale was tha - which in ut- hearing- Na- character of tha t'ekvt, this lo discover that tho people of Los Grleeog don't want uny of II. . i bnpkor at today's of tho Of New Mexico? p tional Monetary commission. ter disregard to tha wish eg tU9 two THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1911.

. Kit-erii- t- ' t r. - y Tk"t khc-4- . ! - jind y i.c '- - : - r.-t- j.hv;i!n, i n., i,; n il it- f tr eitii J We hat ha iii iaurdtn; oatario. at and n Eer. the uirt .- i ket ij4 . - es-ef- Ill fardsno. ur-- at thr if the p. . I oi. l,.L.I .6 :r au.i it rtaiiy a ni'l- of. .l.u'de int ni,.,.,i MILLION WILL j to--- , -- .n yzr I s.i-:- e lfce - i . . TROOPSiTWD It t t JiU a ill pile if .t i a ;eu'r. i c The MPERMt uvnt. t .e (! .ti.wi I' Amttiea.i ...X a.01. lime ta.t tho lUh. ran tVi..,c the ''tM myt h iiiimmM t.i Veit prune a1 Te.eirt?tc e..;ui.'. lv to ..iiiiine tie pttr.ts fr j mwl ol tcef poir.'i.a iiot a'rr V j! I ji.-t- iy . p-- Inde-- j th tn !!. tn.. a no irw Jr.iin awn. k t ! n tne utuke. hut in ilea the J jet tnii It rate-- l by the I'tah d tr'.il late lat iCfti.t and tt k rat'' t 4 ms . !.;! r ij 1 t.,r-,par- j.i..Ce a , e : , !. 1 11 t iir e earnii.". t it aaa a teatt M.x kii'i4-- ta t. li.d-r.- t eiei hone wuhi ia arh aa.rr if,t t a j 1 n. ' r. , a 1 p.i't autites-- t nier;.'!. 11 recjiirijj fj. thtw ,t the K.w k y Moar.tain It! nt ir.utes. AT. GATES OF BE EXPENDED Oil ;i.-:- i lelepla-t- f we hT ai..l tlo.-- r v. . e : re a ,fi ii" it t.he ad ii tjnk. v. u the and hate hid 'it re yjj v t t ut-tt'- l pr s.,l"bl s oif lepe"t,M t. publican Tne it.a.l., ".... r.e .:r. jsi er t e a i.r. eTrie lor ileri.fti. ai..ird the car at ,'. a.r-- . ' toT' t,o. i i rt j ..i s in hae ftrtijt iin.,nuani a aiU krra The teetli in .ini'.inine sue a. ..ui.i.n.-- Moll. At r.iverslile a .Toad i.f iC4.r .n ; t. . s i : .. ! , i thi. fH.Uii i r.e r. I rrty i Colorado Teii phoii tornpar.e. th of the ...ri. ..mpanies. hotd Kirlx. all attired in white, lt as i it t " pi " . niVi7!tairi.t at a r;.- - . ! ef:';i. tn- - cueieu ot I r. . ..nrtr .ha!! x.n.e h!l:e time be) ed the prej-iiten- t with (.w until HANKOW PHONE LINE 'iS inei;e Th Tn-Jra.- ir Tti phone jjtd Tt!-trjp- h a a oiipln-at- j pnttorm g . i i ' nouh tur .ta entire i covered. rp.akii .,; the r r l b-- ii-- .n ajwurr ...... ti. -- u. I t ie ..;r.;-c ... d"t!i tor. e. There are r.unieTou rrowdi, deeply ! u i. tn, ueia' u i:::pr..d iir ' mecti-,- held in tioa :.'. r- its-I- f - - tive-- e. . r -. to tt- a vi:n.1, .t!e nhieh may jir;i i j 't-- nafe frwr t. mveimeni. ei'i.i tt hl.ersiil.' hs'sai.V aid. II an - - j t ai !e. reKr;i i mere r- a.1 taken ia on trrn e.rr-;!i- wiihoiit e..;i .rdiiin- t ie standard of 1 am sorpriei u s t o. oi th" i. ; tlis - knia t. im thre'Utr-.- l to 11 nr. Lai S.TTK-- or;." We tfet the j"- r I 'lu.'iii. ijo! tr.. in udin;. The (.r.i leut a,.i iua . "ill l.ii . j - - , m line There U:I another f.- -f re . !. ' ti"R i. ed f hand. w..r. t" H e women on are. U 1 I if-- chrd BetAe?:'. 6c ;P(es;de? t Re;v.ft trt ii" tin; i.rt;n ,h ra Vakes vii-T- tui .cr - Iniqe I v -- .! - a tut., etp-r.s- .- io he-.- iy pc e ia M n IK!i kUicii r.i. anl hn- huh er.tered the i.r ratio rcn.:ini( Ki anted the the l.saer t.'.i eaten,, Ct-jaet- 1 to the She Cst.--.iii.-- .i' Fg Ail ..!.!: tf h. allud oompttllit :;it..Si!y t.ilh !:i.".irei .n this st. tie. a the t: ..:.. .11 ! and C',: O l Pi3 ns cf fotu. , ' "jtr..pfrt ere .. . the Ki :i? : ahicn "rrar. up 11. the .f oth.r oti.T't.nii t .urkiiii.-- am,; t won t tlo." I.r .'.ci lar. .1. ;,,r tan.tli-- oat n - - Mui.'liie : n j , k r.i-- t th f the iiin kv il P.. !l our n.rien'.a-.- e of jiron atiiirr tv to s.iy. 'Ori, well, we tviil t..,J J 1 I""-!- " - i f Ope: trsur territort tunli.n . r llf. 1 i.-- .i ;e m.H". i. t!v j.o'npar.;. r.H i.iher oji.p.-ni- ah;.fl pL.r t mvii.Tir.t rank !l. 7h. reis. thtew- poll, v.r j j ,., eilorr in f - : afa! Fia-- k ' fcf f rre . J !!).- - a, re in. orfH'rate.l to do in tt.r-,- t f'i'l 'hat Hie niKiai"-- tei'h , lurui - I Expected. i;l; the niTK- t.usmf those ar.iui the tear k" . .. a" in.v-t..- j r-- i T .;..r,. i the more Th. e will ouraiie le .' Vi.u h.M- - ! i h-- d cith-- r ( Tne inrn.! i:.niwif i.naled oiresiuniiiek. en ar iinl lh. i"i. j,. , this .t ;.ii. reitiv-ur- e irr j.ijiui in (.f UinrHy to e! a P. those who f oi p-- jj KOlt n or was beinic to ih- - hj,l uMn it .i ji.ature aa. ure. due U,. i.e P"lt Ihor atltill !'' J mo, al j r. ! 'Ulu:i turn l. t- -I :l.iufit ; the ir...l.iiit 01 the lanky already knulder !lli UWlul pe..pi,. ,, w Sod, f .11 pe uA l ,eMe4 K- on the tf ami e it'H.s I MeiMc Urajl 1tee.1 .!. tN i. - J: Ki. '.!. r un-- ctc-p- l . .1 m- - H fn-- m I iteil omt.iny I., ere f st.K k. free a it is fmin tMint Vim an f rr.i iiniir.tirt;i. th i lenr. er.t. it sii t are trying r tin. it. t ret ! r Jj S;.t. s ' n- - s Mu:--li-l-- niera .i:i.i.i,a ( t j.ijr.l. Ui.t i.y the d S.tedni-- or any preferential fixed. St ill rt f tun-ii.- . uHin ih..u and oaeiuenl ahead a iih California. Yi. (j" il l an of Catron. io e r. h. i'l.-- nt ficamon tnl T"lvrjih , h- .f iio- - . ir-'.-- s, prove a. Maple a j - n.nii.iii W;. muse fund :u h should enterprise and jf v,,u W f itie Jit'ifi .l!Lail:Ui!.n. m I encivv anl but m wan tile f:.l- - : ar.- i.-ri:- . . - -- If till- - I al.i ..;. larrMns tflj li 11..!.' I'.lt.' I.."- : I! fa:- I . m. r.'.a r aisivh The Telephone you i n.-- i . eimifli; a rot w. that of i.:..ruio a ...a retr.ce thai ita .aridi.iai ft.r h....l ii f t:io I' ! mubkr r. K.rt i.'h iT'iii.t--e- i - lri-i- il.-an- .iuri rt I . Uft .re ni- - 1 .n the oe-.'- imrueiliaiely to r... ! t il iaii..n jhou!l rtlurn hiie, of the slower an-- 0. mi the a IVM thi-j- i I i f noaufnU'd f.r1 in liti t?e :i e of ir. r.-- r ? I .. . k- - ir foriii.-- - I at :b the i.f mlii. e a.r. lv jlh-- proportionate IntereM. I r.o come to the opinions or,, . n- ! n.e conservative, u iii il man me,; ..if r.t " r u n I. i I atcB tt,, eart ir,.n i.ii .nl The i' T. j.., t.i ,: .. , n , , is Ii.m! t tne J. n or in.p.-- i tioio I oticcipli ( the i ii i aB1 n,r uil t'ue. ihi.i i'."n; tompfl.liie reeeiit trd things von are to try, iir.J fw. the r.jjn rnij. l:," M..yttia.n if T. I. - i , t.rri-wn- v by my j , kr l' r .'r.'.stnie ia, h o prt!nK up hut preparetl J ! ti:l-i.- in the a.u had liein low, and avoid the b4 IntHlT ti Ihf l.'i.". i..ri U"H i .- : f,. ut ki..i thai w. ..I I'.kiltK a'Hk aii. the Tei. ,n..n.. ai.,. I'h-- IndeiH-ndrr.- j management, lor tin i - mhKh ind(ut.trie The Telephon. assiot mils in the may em ounter." :Tr.alUEo fonni. wr.l fin fdri ir ih.-j- ' hi- ! ...mi-jni- , riH. rf Teu rr :i.h iitln Tiie ii. j... ,i t. r,. .r.i Ifiloat-- the u. jal I run lite I in on.e 01 tne iie-i- IN lV U I ." Mn'i rorrfsiiii, ahsih tound Huv. rnor Jnhnse.n and Ins party fir.jiii i il T. I. I...-- ' . . . . , . . . i. . ... : uf luilitt .nitii lam s:..ii i.lii.fw. .n.i t ..i iw.w. independent attpiire.! territory, but not A- -, jun.'"i-i- na... tr.l!:ic of the promoter. f 'ranii Itkr f i yi. tj .inn stale of! MaN said Rood by,. t ' , v - I an HulJt .lur.nw Jal. r.v,i-- -r t:v- M.-- k h,. h i! Ihat a profi'.aSd,- eou.d he u o. can net much blame lic-ac- '! ' -i u t ii e . t !U irvirkrt li!ine9 iiresiiient at Mr. Tin i. i!:i In ttr.-le- the r. - rt l w my predecesior in Ki- 'U4 (Una to t. - indutted iit muth lower rate than the op!imiin tf ajfin thanked th Koyernur hij llul.laril i.f.'l - f in ir. ' it.r Atlf JmUBI!li j.rt h.Imoii from r'inii:er,te4 a the t. . proviJo Mr those rharsed hi the varum; li-i- l l.uildiiis lofiit and expeie-iV- j g jm4 . I. ... mt tt:n time t.ti.. their curtesy in this him ui Ihi r.ii"i a ' j.n'fct gran. t s ::!'.:- - 'hrou iJIM'm' in ;!:. eni H4i.ti. nl of ie a f i Th. romiwiiy en line., and their lirm belief in tne - the state, two Ju-U- l A W i.i:. , ti- - rnuth jr.n.r and the shook hatuk o.'Uns trn K" ir in In'.rfi.iiii.nil tami- r..n.!i!i..n hi . hi IT. I.! , ( n. h ln mt,.'. of the iii. :. Lirte numher ri!a r mate richn-s- a of the territort" th. y. : i ,h, (.m tt uita !Koroiiiv. I'a4h c.overaor Jalmvn in h now tjiuoiin rn ri .riii in an unti n , - 1 ki k of f' , 4 ,r.- . pro- a regret the tie. - .Un. .ter l" .mtl, t, t tl. pal at ruiiiuu rati- sukKestetl by th .rrve1. 'hi alio Is i flW ' f, ! . i.- . s" tne insure.nt leader in o,, rriirnHf- ihiit hr a.n.l.l j;..irt .Hi. 'r..t the the .u h ..ri tai,.n n Tee tV.iO- - moter, and in order to proiei-- i It know-ledg- on the of the cn.-rtil- i n ln .utmnt. IT iait tate. ur.U IT. 1'l.i.t Tuft tri. tu lifiimfi'' .ni fit'fi r 'in.' in it ; f.,,S Li th' jru.r -- ,., aitifl it hi- - l ky and fer-- j - tir. t,i twint toll t.e inventmt nt, tha l:ot cutside world of the richre ln-tr- i In- t un! : A AiU'-ri- . ...n ati.iy"s diirtnB their he fff in.. i"ii!!trt !n fuian. ia .til fiir III II of and t iriiiJ I 'iiui th..i f.1M Xlouniaiii ft. Tvlephone of the tiigm soil Idaho governor pfin-wx- i r .! tli- - A tn-i- l'r. conifin) sociiti..n. hut the i un1 in a! !' i' .l in. m an I. u i M rt 1 iSn-i.l- . .1 ci.nntamiv lte finri .t I'ii hat (.llfll t II :t '. was tominli.-- to eu: its exchange Montana. pome kiiowlcdiie of thisj i (h- - p I .Sltil'l tao ..r was surrounded by his poliij a all Sv. tie mid th .;.; 'l. Hi. nf N.m le a h- cl-s- t- -j (rln I.i: Kini' ii ir, iii inan r. i" t e m:in.,i.'i n.. n! h.i.: heluw the t et priKliittiiii. been dilius-- d the spar ly s. k. - rwetMy iate In the vi!i hern 01 a ti' i l f it. j in.i'.'n. .1 - up counties the slah., iini :t iir.eine amors th.e titi.;. the n f in m.'.kins ex-- I The inui.1 lnUowed tlint pro-r- et districts are r.ipully fiMiii.- j I JuiJfcP t.isjir.-- j .i .1 I hi ultra nsuit where his supe.ri is strongest, ahilr iKtir mt JCa' tne J.ll i.f Hi.nai) lar'i r jiilt in litllitlet. tw.rdt r of the din;; an. Cuhoily henefiteirt. ; with eaKer and ind usirioii :m j 1 j .1 treTOB alone the l"risidi nt Taft and H,i( meiUK. lie tUill iril Uil.. .1.. n. to (alien into the ! - u. l.i I hi .1 l.ri, J. ! j Of The Ci Telephone r omprui s Itit money ami .tidto and the time is now ripe for to - wo ( ll.f M l ..ii.l I..M In It ni.U ! It - r. . territory lorao t?e frenueiitly fojnd thrmselv.- in (h l!,'.:ru ;iitn.nii. if merseK) i l fouth.-r- paid two a,- demands for rt ice. Th It r.!,a l"rt ii iii the rofiiany, nnla' .n Nik rat.s lor nervke. meet their tniusi discussion that hy tie It. tia.t ti.- Aui. Italy f!.una. . ry of mlRlii tni. alter had v!Orf Lin jliis ri. imj.le. h.i .'inrt .1. ii j WTi.-o- e, a. ;. !t r.eoe.-n-i- tit . a intT-l- y . que-ll- m iinuacd plan: of the It.aky - ! out ol thu he and it to It ne la uuail Ions pn p. lin- .v ions hav ii (ermttl oiirr r;i tel.. i .i. tut thit: fit ..I l- l I ixins het Mll.i. ke m in I or i f promiw of uni-- . of a ho controlled the !oni?ei Mouninn Hell Telephone company I.s5i.t n.l H w inn. jthe luMtilmeot lie s!ikhtly political. lffta of )iikt niaii re.. lit Id . e capa.-it- and . hlmns the oir,('.-- notf. iertk-- to h ale tom- -' purs, and at the time the mercer now tiled uUnoSt to irvraiotn. nh a. t.. jmi-iii- it!.Si.n tn.ii aetral lerral ahi. While the president was niutarinr jiee rait r Id-- the i e.'ii.irTiii' iiji- - n - inrc th wa ii many communitie are clamorii.k' lor Hii ' - . . itttt. o atrlk.- out u lielutid tha. to Long Hem n Uig the Hie .e.r .f Ti.- .i...-i- ..! TtU-phon- my and stopping aj 8n. 'lsit lh an.1 mere com-I-an- y' wnlvr-rva- telephone service, ! .K . l f I . etalion ami aitminintritt.on.. iron ifi;o ontemplat 4 an a little the I'tah "n .ii.l t'i.. thi ..ii llu n m Siii ! . li- oral viilaccs enront ihla Mr. In.ue Yuan Kai hs In a tru ..n-- l prop, could 1 met many c I l.e--t tv : . the of re e.'iin. nt tin to nsiiaiiy foi!owii rue be aecured. trip Hill.-- s In tj ite ff f hr Lull. m.l Me in.... it. r. ti.r. the t i.ntjil. n e tian v remained Los Anjrele. , nt to the r j.if nf jihone compart?, Hint of merrer aoon ft, rvative nu n. repre. niativ of ih. - l ( ere ucitera! erike in. irv The t'olorado Tel. the rtaiht! . talk with a rumh- r of repnb. set ail ahuh l;:e k.... nun. hi hi. n fir.ala ta the holdi-- 01 u.i.-- oi active itw!l enure mountain'.n. i it in r.iake the Itih ataiid the ar of the ot l' Inde- tins niial interests the licarjt. tlihui. .:. i.t. .,i " eour.-e- . Montana. 'lit ...(, reiti:i.i). The port in. Iinle . I ie. hi i on it nottoa: to rate a pendent eouriiie. who. of I'tah. Idaho. Wjomini: and iai on ih.-i- In his sasc,. t'-r- of travel Senainf iltltiflif sj.i-i- i h In t- - I a a assured of tiiiverii'' -- reaull , ' tnsa retOKnit-'- that aia h a tion would lie Ity them It T h.Hlnif tne oi the ifi Mt . Sm11.1i ..f rtmi. fonnally nouunrittil Wftt ntlTlitef KintlflUnUli. i'iM 1. IMII HIS V. Tri-Stal- e t ill Hi" iip-"- lvtrsli l.uin.K. Au;ii'l. I., alii, h Sir I i.ljiork. Aa .1 oit The T ! to the already weakeneti tnn jhtearrv c.Miralii.iii In- - i . T l him b the national ii In all-- l: I ; Somi-aha- l a e i neit chatrmn eiid at Llu ii.ri futti M TItAI. f.oinl . or,-- i j.n Se. It f hone nail T. 1. s,r h .omfiany mat Independent eoinpany. r.f ine teiepnone s. rt ai. tin- . anil d of the republican party, Mr. i'IiHis IflelHIOM ntatif-n- W:l.! thi- - t:- - - MMHied iintn'ijiateil of t doini; a as deeply .!. i;.uin ahoa ihiit r.otu nneji, ii!;- t- f ..rineil finan. i J than aa th I'tah ha pledges It- encountered support Kx-ti- i .ie ari.l fi il. l company of eri.ur H ndiinl .ts ariinf nt. r f ne ... malntaii.ins a ate 'r r.l takin l i it. rvk e. indefend.-n- Telephone coir.piiny'i ujion me. Our ha i.. .1 .iatii. e. u He hits acknowledged these wilh l In with hi nieei h aliii"t rnur in a ti ilealuiu with the niiuadon (..ri e. a , n- - et-- j He t ts plant Rlth toil i ropeiio k a ere offt md at fciiie to the t'.uty to the public, ite eemite h. iul final aether thanks, as vet ha mnde no state- purr.e 1 .. in I., obligation and it the ;urnn, i,n i,t;..r. l' ((. (! jn pen a. il.rl-.- l m..i- - hi rnmhint!.;.' line n.l hasten the tel. phone .lifel- hiKhet MddiT. Thi rather forc.d it to the Invertor. - J,.v lor I ment iniii alms- tlutt he Is seeking or an teievrai-hi- om rti u n i. 1 1. n a.-- . 1 -- .1 conn-- 1 hand, upon due is to carry out ih!x duty have Manual unit mil. nunui. iili ine (miiiMi: .tt.-n.- i he t er pmer.t of the r .i.i liv croainc hut consideration accept post. i eavt-rr- . tt-- a leeninmi-iiitei- l pus) wif.ld this talla If .n I nn ne a . 1I1. it arranged to Hooky the oi reKatiSmir n kul.n In th i! emanate u'.t ii.odth t.itn.iH !trt !n on!h.rn have the Mr. being tri.m i n stock Toninl.t Taft is ah!rN ronilUcl Of tin- - llwlit utmn Ii :nl',.u: j.i.iit, lo r.inie ..n!t met in.- .,.t... i nd r ' Aritoiia T. . a entititiy Mountain Hell Telephone company t ;.iS.Oii.fiM of f,ur treaswrv M...rini: r..t ittl. meeting thi-- de- a ror souihern Nevada. His first feaoiU'il III In retiK. tal. Ml. iiu the uu.t irtemiiar mnnn.r iilil.-i- l ai-- ' .. U.S. rest anil - on Ihete projiertiea. the instruc- for the purpose of alikh imr. to. rsi. hut th a thai h .uuie" stop la (, t ii . I uee-nr- scheduled at Lofcttl. l iah, M.isrrrnan retiearo the iartiil ii.., ,,i iitirHlre.i Amu-iti.- n m.'irttm r ai:.i ale.t.- - th..t iitu:.-- in rntnrnon ret n:. a riirht tion la InK to Iheni at any mand for additional service ot. r morrow when a brM I.)- Kill-le- e iii.riii., fr.,.n t., !..;.in-n- t v.e phin- - reiie.n.'ihle M that ord.-- mis; lit My ion has been aftermam. after mnile K.fli.IJ nfl tin ii .riii.i ivkiiu: IUiiii.' Hid juiifi.t the mtrx-r't- the eot v. ti. retr.for.-- tin- - .tj.t ii.. Ik- - by your eni-liet- l viau, the journey to Hutte ill b, fMii,( fitinrv lfintiU..n. i.ii l.Vit;... 4mrl l)ier-- ' frmn tin' n milleiiiit of the htir hi.i.i-- ; t et. broueht out of thaos, directors, and e, I.I . 1 111:1 a no-tit- resumed. that alnle Ktfti'Kl Mtleln-- tu at the III nt tf, ,.r f m 1 ii!e. aa from the Th.; outcome of all these hereulth tou will find formal I :.i:tiih rr.m,iil oil refer hi;.. Th. aful r hut - ; The president's train is Win pr- Itintaetf a tu htn ttiniiK intuit el the r.isular mimmi-n-i (ir r.-li- e. nun a hi. h in- inil. m. ftart. it pun f id r;ipiil fruition, and tieEOtiutions riiilti:d with the ri'ht to m.-- ini t.i 1 allot- otected tonight at th usual safe- Wikuw he (null. I ituli in I;, ii ' win. ,..B n rtu(y throij'i . rte.1 l hi orr a hen the .1 ' .line fur mercini; as follon: fir your proportionate - jr the tut. id t ) guards in the way track i llu- ! , Tri-J-'hil- e y. Tel.-.- ih Color-ad-- ment at par. I have no hesitation in of extra eulii t he k Imnk .f..ili n.vif. intr lit hum on an P ii. 111 throughout rti.'.ITi.e phone nnil The stockholder of The ih-r- " I . : you Dial so waik.T. extra switchmen and mra inj the amounts uliirii t. tiie Hi. ti Ui ti-- a - n. t ii.n-- -- r,.p! The Cohirailo Telephone company received tor Iheir Stiaranteeini: to the funds atnit I..- at,t f loah... mini- lt:U!ia. romiMint .. m- - ..iil.l , (urm-- r a ill in watchrr.en. These preeoiuions art Urate tln( Irlrlw rfii.i!,..,i In 1'. Wind are . II) ! !ll;til I I. the wj holding, t'ak m The Mountain acquired brinu returns unite i.lilli... rnmiuiss. taken on evt iy over which h.iil neter Ke.ii am. Ilni tun k"n.. r...,,,,.,! ,Mi..t impi ! .!.). show eie.-- l alan. e sheet Telephone and Ti lepra ph com- a satirfai'tory, and as legitimate as railroad iVnn tin the phone ortiie: thai lie an to a there-pot- , len.ili ! e - indicaied by the figures includ- the president travel, itllhotifth ihei cmcrtiiaT the mM aiii.-un- th.- .ti;..nai rhlneswf with t ,,. of n'.eetin tpi-i- a "'.--. irnins capn ity and a coni.1- pany at the ratio of Hi: to $luO. those i h Tri-Sta- In d to dynamite a hrirt(t IUc at latum, lit s.n Kiain iwo, l, ifl l th;it he a amnjr.- -l of rahj.- - iinprowineiit 111 the a.Tvico The ptockhoSd. is of The ed tarlbr this letter. Mittlna .ia. - need. th" . over wu th.- 1 th-- ; -' company r.rspectfulv suhniitt.-d- which the president's train - I' Mali tu rerr.nin e. ft..)ini. C'lii-ir-- r, n,i. rwi. It had not opooi tnn- Telephone and Ttletrmph ll.ivi tmi.iii citii '. ' n.uiral ..titi to passed ill Cal- rimr I. iiniiiu th.-- w - .i-l- I'. H. KIKI.ti, l'resi.l. nt. have S'inday niRht . ' Hii,t ideator finnneiaf no alone iho.- ity in ihut time to hullil up l.ieiveil for their holdniKs. FliKk h an atturne ( k ii.". !lr.. l.rt - ' ifornia roiiy have abi.ut Jim i!talant. li t. mi in. Hie ix.M.f-- J.,re . peii-- r..-vi- te a n he 'ii .!! The Mountain Ktate? Telephone an-- l.rounht entlnmi-aatl- e j a(,,.,, wni a ..hi addressed a te latste ami iiaiue 'ii.m:.Hr.-.t.ewit- company a little more visi! inee a mon- - the men o'ii kiiiiit .ii.i i ttint t f The Colorado Telegraph at the ratio of -e nr i,n;p:.n ha tt to the inaaa iisit!nK M"ia, lh.' . dult , 1 1 - on tonight. thru lh. i eoriip-iny- it sh.ove.I 110m to The- Btockhold-ir- s duty t Mi.n-l- t ..nilliliiii.Mli'.n e;,!),.,! puh;i,- With ll ' Telephon hut pari. t (inn aeat Slum mints , oldu.ltion - inn ,.r a )( 1! .'U'lll'-- o in lh'- Mountain Hell Tel-- 1 TAFT ENROUTE OVER nirtM. TI) 'r ,,i,, th f, .lIt. t lh ii..-t..r- iil'il II i l- - niit d" i iuiiire. line .f the Kotky iiieeim hehl in iKirtiiw .... r.ifr. fai-- t nt t h.i. I,.,.n r. I .1 1 to tin In phone company LAKE EMPEROR In. tum-i- Ihl 'i;ii r oinin. mi ni:'!. r i'lors Hmiiun relved for their STEAMER the uurt ii.'. Ki.r th. nri in i.ikms . r 'nin !fit tti'.i h it Ktm.k in if. iih. ,,,. ' 1 r.iDint: In ration at holJinir. The Jfounlain the hti-f-- i.f Jlnfj. the reiiymr the .mil ale oi :,'"'.""' "to fi.'ter - 11 r.'-- r. com- TRAFFIC 1. ii'1'.u. nii a.i..j.t.., tr.-i-u- i purp-i-.- i ! . pari ipalitl ia th. mi Telephone and Telegraph SINKS, BLOCKING ( 1. jn . i..ri y iik k f,.r Ihe i. an l,.!..f .ui .iit. in.i t.. r I. i rua.-o- r, in. in. i,.i;-.- J I pany at the ratio ol ii') to with Ltaak up me. Ut'k' linee d.matl.! for tddll no to th" a.tUii! llu", IT. tha iin ciin. i nt ..t.u- - .fin BLEAK DESERTS saulte St Marie, Mich., t.vt. .ri.trite ii thai ' 11. t umlemaiidjns: ii.tir. an .rt ,tn-- t 1 if. Ahout t.te time Ihc that The Muunuln a inim n a t...... iert my hfownii rtiUti. ' lor the titer itu The i .u ..i it:... t ( Ik'n. Tel- - Telephone an,l com- bin Canadian steamer Ein5erir. tie i i.l r l.r .St.. 11 t. t our td the fonnafon of The Culaiailo Mate Telegraph o( It J a a Ii.kbhi n.its, i a ..I f 1 1. rt t h:i.- fii eiah.fd . ns una at the lower . i (jk. h In tian.-- ' iitioHiir pany wan to care for all the outst-Mid-ir.- entrance ailu-- a .""il the m.'.liuic at II). thin tphuiie niupany the Canadian Lock yesterday, . C..i. i. . name tu indehttdnet, Including price eourt liuuii. n,tru-i1- tiii aiil ;il t!i. Tiie lunula Mat. Telephone ami v. n, umitr the the hlockir.c nai leaticn. Kii'in Sir Jl'-ck- ISVi! Tilephone proptrtie of au niHr Jl ii tu Wlliiama, the :Th Mountain Ikii.I lor the the liah ''niiwiAr is their lf the , j lel.vrapli (oitaiit. the largest tin. ri. i, inn, r. ...f.-.- i h In l i.ih. Mon- - liidi it ndciit Telephone company. OP NEVADA ourt I the nie-- i he uti.i .t he ((iinpany. to oiierate on She win house hear W !. IVIi 1. . steamer the lakes. ,iii!i l,r.-ic- . itu-H- I. I'fri a Ti!. ph.,r,e Usnt.'ih. i had Telephone Tele- 10 IISK" K' i.lite ana. loiih.. and Wtomins. It The American and Will-la- e Th. 1 Hound Midland rinaii. r 1 11 1. 1 1. i kcal-ii.- c for from Fori . mum II l ;M.-i- "iii.. tlpt ail a graph company oonented to the Mr. r in, 111) , not ijioie 3H.VM einil rieaa,, in. ilaell fi li l,i mill-- T.i - ' n lor carko consisting of iiu ir,it me . he ii St'" kh.'Mer. T h" ("(lorudo lor of the amount due on loan to ii in! the nieil al thi nine llei l.m-.- l I '. bushels of wheat, luuth of uhiih twthulatH h (t, )f,.,. i ... , , . n a 1 I il 'tvii. u tl. v .i'k'i,,"l lilli .it. i.r 'two ".r.. r fl the iris il The llot ky .MoiinUin Hell Telephone rirltinu the h.w. n ..( iliti. Vluk-hl- - - damaged by water. 'I 'lilt ill l Man, hari.t ii Hi r I., our l irmi r kl.oi.i- ra a Licit- evit- - lompany, at ratio 7$ to aM Went IfUu the m the nian-ki' l f..r tular r tU a trv intH'h int the of BIDS FAREWELL TO SUNNY hit"rt i. h, r i.-- s ihi.i - mil... hut ifl oliii. Iloll IHl a Ili('"! la t 11 iiiettffioiis like tlsiw. These fiituri-- ai re by of the lerriiiiria' i nilei.t. In. 'i'a- . reu aoj h h. i , ...... I ! . In H . ir . rti:i H- in O. und.-- r ii.l.-ii- i .. !h in ml an i'l,!.', at'O'Jt hiif the ail piiftie to the transaction a lielnp r the i iiii i II i 'filvl fin SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WHY MEN BREAK DOWI, .i.. lh..! rinn... mm-- in The ai t ii.i tLKi-ittr- . were ti, llurvuin. .ti haii" for il' hen 1 lun". toll lima suit to all alike, and th. y hud the i. Ti :r vr.-pl- i j -- siat.- T. pi:iine i.n.l oin una h iralli-r force of a uiiil.-rslan- t'lei.-Uiii- l uuh producing tola! Ktiropeuns whf Mr. I. Sue i mini i: t tx rir-.ul.i- I priint-e.- l.l cannot tne in I lelii-- t com-fani- iliui.l tt ii:ii iti part In thai Siharvcy of return, .ir.d. capita hialion of the ctmbinetl oft.-- am.-iilni.-- Americiin men so d(n"t a Kd ufiiiil Hi. n i or Sep-i.Mii- hrmik tu. nut minim n ml realt on a'nai th ciilii.n of iU were than the previous luia! President Pleads With Newly in .it.-i- i i !.ml. at forty years or jmiiigiT, a new ui jii.n. diiMlit in r u fi ll st ' i ( t. i ;. -a ;nii. mr.t forth .'i '.ul time niiuh lea .roa)eroini ciitiilaliration of the individual coii-- ; New Slftlro. I .1 tlieetllii; I. , m. ' that Just when the Kntilislimaii or rmia the n t'hina .i inunt of Hie mercer and a ten lii'l of male, ro that .1 it 11. n l companies. This Enfranchised Women Get M. ! ; in. thaa thoe tther assured the to is in the very prime of his manhood, i.niltbit'n. une tne h I m. 1.:. th-i- iii..t 'lun.-- Kii.e I'm-- ..rot irnii, man. la ii m. ;l...-a- l inuld piihlic t no being inject Mi-r- a mark't tot the xt.K water Has Hut w rum nf . j ; " the Am. ricaii throws hlmseh ifiinitieiit liin.ii ih I I ) the N- thai the l'li!iier.e irn-I- I Thi Mter antten I Ii. rrtiv e.jHt'U-.- ilhsundinK e.1 into the merger corporation, and Into Thick of Politics and Do h an He hi . In au I a l'. -. I fully into his daily wurk that al the lhin. pi i III. 1.. of nioiiii-.- .in.! luoiiitli k-- - lrm ii iniu a na- - nl thai Ih.i--e dr.. it '.i. s - imr- that safety and security could only . nglh. etiil ml Inly fevlare. h h ,1 speedily uses up his rce-n- stri lh..n:i nil n il i. j.rii, l ine .l.iai.d Ihe dale of truink', in ni.stenit-ri- l lillilt tthlii; Duty at Polls. . 1111 ,it hi,. janMinc Hasty meals, long tvurklns; houn hail Kit. liven a retnil. lltv ilial. !. t I I.i , I rult. If li.hni, ii ti.i 1, h I.n.- tl. in in itii 'lean tin ; i II 1. m i irv ime all') are open r. . 'ili i.ii land he tnir fiKure alwat to the .soon it ilOOSiSleS i.f H i . I I lioNl-- l - e and business worries will t" r.luaill Ion a training hij. una i.iil h faih ll leU lh l pit- t.. n Thi public, 1 have made it a practice I tii II.- - v.-- l - -- and up any Is very carettil potlllenl n.iill.l ' ! 11 I a'-oi- unless he taith. .l.' 'I .in i l la in. ill II !h" I. of M..I11,-- t a aril il I jic euhniit annually to our TV i. i l I . I i':-- ' . Ions B Miaalac Journal iprtiat ire ) Kor ivorn-ou- man iurnutii. .an.! 'loi I . ' porn. I fi-- r the overworked Hie train, hi. n ation of turn I,i.'--.s- il Sllll very tta4 ! w ers a inn and comprehensive san H. t narillno, Hal. I'rcs-ide- is so him up naifl the .eoii. It. r ar. h II .1. t .1. ,,I ;;.)-- ii 1. m !! Oct.ll. noihint: kimu t.i build .ir n. rriiort '"' an mprotetr.. t ti. and mure report, because always ex-I- an, t f t f. im-- , . , - tonth but there Taft hade adieu to California and h. Ip strait litifMmiiii ..ti kiumi. ai aim ...... u tl. ..iih n.i nil..!!;, I h.t.- )m-- l , ,, I HT him Maud the terrific rill lumiiktr. lk, the as to tUe it I 111 in-, r i noine doubt actual late today his elal liv.-- lA Hi ha Slllil 11 'ii-- I here and Irani as Vlnol, our dcliiii.ns cod llli'i I.'tir ,.!..! .!!,.;( I., Jl l ol nrro ,i n trip and ;I.,14-K- h.-.- U; d. tr tne- tmn l.orroa. of a combination so laxse j Ihc headed for the north and east. Miied .in iii nhin'k Hie ii.tit.l e' It Th. H u a 1 e n I luuliin-i- i to iron tonic. Il so enriches the .r.. Chi u Hi. il a rein e - we 1 n i r . :'- i...s. i. meat ilin. ne have just completed. have givei r stn.t e t H ;. l i , ii Hi. tu i. I.. II. t Ill a in orint--i iii' The president's departure from the and tunnies the lwl v Ihat liil' Hon tiiu-rt-a- t on .i mon. iki-- ti a rh :.s .v . i,i Willi I ll : lift . !.. I .- the forma had baUme el prt prn1 of s.. 11... hins ni-- str'-nctii- Vuiol aoulil will. anaiiiKt l'ari mi '.'i !!" M.'ict ti i. iloinj: ... I In state was marked b, the big noniiai Try ; 11111I 1 ev tne iiitpienii on iapnai ilKt, Kivins l .; 111 . l end i..a. Autiust the tA.ui re.'iilu sre.-ie-- we viiniMr aiiil lor M. Ii.ini.i '"i 'hllla lit! I'TI.-i- ill pa-- t It -- Hie len.-li- l crowds that his tram at the at our risk pay lack the momf I a hat nil" I! it the ir.uit he paid in been nmr 'h'lleee ii'd. I I M lr . tin that i..mer that hate attained and also a if you h" ( yl,ek-...!- h.-- boundary, r thous.ind miles to the are n"l pleased. an i.i itiiai. imr inote reri nt year u .m the kati-- f Ii 1 11!:: (the sdatefitent of the first full calendar 3. AIIsm- - lion. 1 i.- I iiiii.-.- u ti.-- iMilane-)he- re north. At Heath, 1'omona, II. O'Kielly Co., gists. 1. aim art- -t ail 1 ! and in thin at at Drue rt,,tioii h. - nan ileiitrtd. nionth h'laineit ithat of Atnuti. of ii'.-- M. la . of the onip?. me u hit h h.- . . a.-r- more or les I'l.t I'l ii. the irnia? the new ccrporttlion. Th. . nr., a ..lid tlf The conip.ti-a-Itsvtl- h. n Mieriied nnd. r the n.mie ol ! pi ..bleniiiHi Bl. iaini( to lha STATE LEGISLATOR Cniii toil.. Teh-phon- - lidlow. i.nd Tt -- l ."dotirdtiii St a lea !are tm itlm.-n- ol the - h romp.iny l.-- di- - raf iind the icrhafw Uieral r.e I t nn liurd.-- d ctdatc l,s;i,Sl.(ii To ttsih. tt teari f management, the 1 tv the Km harae plant . . 1 nian.iiic-iii-.i- l num. y t.t::.i:s.i.; BIG SHORTAGE IS tin a: tailed to the j j avinit inur. t on norma eil loll plant v.:.T.i:i.k 1 ot Cnli.r.ohl Ti h he a pretty heatv cut. . AN Tile,eKuWlv o proc;-- T T. s 0 1 . r EMISSARY di-h- l Construction in At Hi. t tune I had n.nie 11 it def if.ii-- ' Thw t.urdi n crew unlit the - 'like furniture and ! a in th.- a on ii r ul future f 'M.Hlrit th.- enTitalitatin in a ratio and ,..ut one. The earnm;: fixture l"i,1.91 sj the teiephon liwatneaa the !.r.i;;r,j .tnre to pay inl.Tt-- on ynppiic" QUE TO FAULTY .!. ..!..pni id atiait.d it. v,'ja-re ti!li- i.rit tn the t vehicle jU"?t4ll - . ' Tool and '.:. rio5ii.ii tta ihut ki oil a .i ,t,i,e ,p hi nu iih at ' ratei, ... ; mti. Snck and loftd . . . :5.-;s5.- 0 Ida! and I fel.. )an, provide a Utile for nepreciatlor. IF limdaoi. n.vea:t Kills and re- tl! it pre.-.- Improvement a otild '''ireforve from time to time, but lelt - ceivable 1 i f -r floi I. m .ie they Intl.- ISi. and that riothir.t: rfitirtendt to l!ie m.m;.:; BOOKKEEPING ditin aiinid ml Cash ii'nt tin t ev- - l r. paid expenses ii- ed it nd I fr.rea.ta- to a lirt-a- Thi an a eontiuion Mimeahatun- - 3v.m.u Counsel Repiesentini: ih-- t val ui.;.- c l. ivty-',- ! Senate .nl. imich ap:lr ipl. aant vh-- n the stn khold. ru t Total an ... ait I.. e..s..irlSv t.i.-ph- tompaiii.- - almul ?J.U,nj.l . other .. Co! Charges That! Ihroiin a. file li. inak.-ii- t,.r the fr,- - from dehl are! (liitllli: rei,- - l.iabillll.-- I d- -i . I th whu-h.ol.t- ei sttM-- '". t. A and hnpf oied 0 1. r so these S'..pital iT Vt't'.f'O E. Illin- - s diinlirid .and Robert Wi!sci Touted Discrei: I'.cy of Thiee Million th- - natural urotttli of if.,- as to a rcor: ni- undivided pro- - - r- - soiinht advice and Hie ri pla.-ini- : f ',..:. te . i free th.-- from fit and ileprevl.-uii- A Wash-Nav- , dation ahi h would Swinging ois On Behalf of Acaisi'd. Dollars On Books of y v. s.-r- t.-- Office .1' a iii.lliU to ..i .,..t the ol.j.ctl.iriable coniiin, 11. I'pon due r. e jf Stand ! I in- 1 n and sat me'hod ri. inter, l for lave, I " 1 ,Vt ."iii, to , liniiiirt- it that the . Yaid Reduced - t.l.-- ,.- - in-- . l' id tin- '.. bus oj New Mevico im,! Aruon.1 terest, etc ii1.ui1.2s Attached to your desk will give . fk S v -i . I .t l I s T' t a. i to Him a the app 1'. il i .u:o-.- Kip 3 1 ... .no Hr tartt i.l..l Iewj ttirr By Check ai-r- perhap ir.ol cn, naaable 4 . 1. i . to it- - lid-- . id-t- .he you hiraa" i.unio.s th yj.uKj, dll jlhofe nai- - lu rvcd b H,e r.ockv Current month's pa a lot more room. )! r ,1 f,,, .lev a. . - ., of .Mount.-.::- '. M. r 111.11 roll and i.n.!ry Hnlled Mat. a oiao.di. . It.!! lon'eint. II h.iv.j-t- a ll v Very lh llu fl ip a ,iU)i k. la ithia. The Colorado Telephone comp.i-jr.- pavahle .... u! 1V1 conve .ient for type- Iirmin I.oiin.r ,1.1 toil tiernuji iri- or seii, Hi . III. J..D.I t.,)J M ire J Mtrihi-- oppori nnil in; utrefiiy secured Hit conti--- . idind-eaim- n had iharjed State l: pie.iiSaii. t, I...!.. U ah-ni:ion- ..ppaf-nl- il hii;h dli lnt.-to- r writer, card file, n.t. IT. The tvp- - den. c of ; number of of the Total ;n '.'.;s:...i or letter At , R. .! a 1 Wilmiu li.n ni n .t !. million iloihif k fine profit end then !t.iu- - of I h. Montana. Idnhn and Itrtfflue. shottf I olfl.-- Side Of Ihe l!cIIOIl - It your elbow when ( the (Wyomins.- il and ni.lhcd KTchar.ce service iTl.H'l t wanted, out of liiinoi In April, a Mi. i - Hi. k Hi- - 11 - .i th.n ii" Wlshnikt1 nail decided the telephone l.u- i tu I'-- ,.an til,. that so to speak, no Mrar.sitr Toll 13..C1L.4 leBeii piirpon. uf aatnms: n 01 laid m 1. rial on hand ,.s a - of the way when P. 11.1 I - iiindtc iitiiiii- couid n"i I nv blends !"4(s.:i not in use. I ii - .1 l iied i.y .,, l hem and interest t So I.Hk a loi the .Hid not fulfill it proper plac . llator tn.t to .1 ihi j - h. I II dwi-d p. Oi a numU-- of conferences followed oi.ui t .'.. -- - ) r e. onomie unle- ,,,-r- (. NEAT, 1 h.nie. plan linallc adopt STRONG, DURABLE Ixiritner rlrrtum. 0 the nai J. paf iiii-n- t. it.fn'a- upon sound princi- , di!i.-nsi- o. Med, conducted )4 ,.vrtlv,,t aficr much Total 513. 10 Wllunn denied thi thaiti- and hookkci iiik I so v ' . So ouuiiied micif a reiM-ti.- munv ptaiis- - Ktixn-- in olir T. r. i !,,f ti,. a nd the of other Come and see our line i th- - m. . I of lared that hi inn throiiKh itrild h womd a 'there so c.en.-ra- fl.,1 10U II that since the eamlnif ; Hi. tnl.-r- . ! q. proiH-rii- Y had heen made in lh.. m . til in. of the i Hf cky Mountain ra il and E 1 Milk. (r.,m I! l ii a!icliy of the cabinets and suoolies. Hie J was Ine rireum-rlhei- l. 'lrtnion ld eonitriltiep . n d - I ..k in mi hand. ph.'aie tea mill I ar- - 0 auhm. m. the l.alt- -l ie nl.(,,,rd t ne fbi- - Tel. eonvpaSf inter i !"'!i should B!lc 1 lanila. Tha ailin wi aill i e r.i alle.1 in I'd and a inr omtiani ii apilalitalion must Itepairs I'tah. Mini of l.tnn notf ! I He ii e l- 11 last ert the . . th aland lomorroa to i. examined an. i..r nd l the a, count- - V. Deprectttion lurther along thi line. am ph. t, could I wa ayreed further, thai since KiKhtA. privilege and U a mid ado rapldlt thev Col, Telephone . Wilson nail th only witn.- to ap-M- Tb in p. p, it Ihe .fid. comprint use of prcperty lurther proven to tie improvements, all tlx re-r- today hefore the e. reiill, t on hail acntiired a conaider.ible . finance 411 laie-- i and best di vi. es to produce under comparatiie c.ndi-- ! . inhi.h the Ta vi s a Ve would keep oor .aasssV. h nice. lion n un.liiid.d profits, Int'-- i est OKl . -.- rM-"' , i pi ar.l at the highest slate of l ib l. 1 jit atis r were erdiil.-- lo par im Only l There One t. and ne Wi old alaai so condii. ticipate in pre portion to lh e t Total ., - Jl.5xT.;s j ii- finan. ial affairs thtt 1.0 criin iii)i i.s. d ir,.!it, atihouKh it was aison-pr- . I lie reiisoiltblv . I Ihat '( mir-ke- r could oiler. teiiy ifml.tiesl that the new Hever. ue balahi e . . . . Quinine9' eniiunK profit. Ti n must start of; . Il stern lo me Hint the ji i.nrQtmQrE "Bromo j several! SEW adoption of ihl pnllcv meant the line Sfi-a- v.-r- clearly . safe reserte nkn slrlv for th.nis.lves. jlhiiii.-- li.l.l doaii by the manasement of The I ut it may be well to call att. nt.on lo That I sm: is It naant that rale muM oe Colorado Telephone ioifiian.v. one or two of the imie.nant lea-tor- e pay mii to reasonable Interest in' To wale th toek of th Rocckv of this report.' The actml !tr-i- d 4 , jlh invrlinent and a sale rea. ri e I i i Mountain U.SI Telephone company In nj reiureniei,t T i r cent per Quinine i (or the purchase of new devices- actual proportion of It relative Fam- annum on li.JT.0.'i I. Ix ins it"! Bromo - Oak Laxative thin-- which were 10 replace discard- ine capacity imskllSK due alloaance Hit. Stt. si per monih. our X and Maple Polished Flooring UUO TUT ttMttO tO CUXC 4 COLO IM OKI OAT. i e Omt I. ll iitm ine tni th.u a rntot : tor the ouitndinc deM. baUia-- of lllt.k::.:: shoii a safe Hit-ii- tt.-- money secyr-- rely" 4 of niut be i have len 10 wipe t.etr. .out ol margin of J.JT over and above-ih- t X S . Teli-pi.- iii'a-- . w ul: Builders l!- tti)i i (or to fi. mtst.-n- e. y Alaavt reiiu itio - addition the plant nd so The American dividend retpilrenient and aeron-im.-nil- Supplies w 1 anil tn thi ! pltcnr and Telesraph comiianv lt ni-i- t lo se this (nrnre Ir ani it folloiied that Investor mo4 whom mis--t if he debt was owineS, fine th eper..-- s of tht t Albuquerque Lumber SL CP b f - !nerec, eenstdera-nien- t. Co., 423 N the auietv cf the Inveai- lo r, ulf tills 'l'bt a iir( month hflv ij 1st v I itersttr hn ihe contiaiit and regularity oi j ie amoun. iv-i- la min4 this detd in exec of what the? 44, WwW t . .. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOUBMAU WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18,;1911. THREE

! Kb tchcr. Collin b. ,u ,.ul an hit ami Mole seoviul ini the PHILADELPHIA I tnh plarit K,''U on m- - 1SIX TALESMEN SIT ROBINSON COVERS P.ikor oat. Ma thru io Merk) Matliewsou made a piviiy pl.iv ,.o the CURES I ball. the air Ik tale th ME!i&W0M.H N : It.und. fXSm Mt Q stt&tarl 1 I hlKh riin. 111) f for FRDMHEWTBRK Half New York lJoylc1 If! JURY BOX TO ON I " t lar t'toiraM.tiD Second MILES bi ! J I f irriitiw 4r was out, Ctdllns l. Ki vis. t tftiM I n high tly to Lord and down, o hit at I i I I ' , 4ioaUo. was out on a l'rnu Murray skyscrapoJ I (Z I M k? !4TtUtt. v nun .Mini1"' .mi runs. SPORTS IN ELEVEN reu.Ittninj. TR 1 1 ot $iyu. Hflh ' FIRSTTRIP 1 0r(t"bitl4M.:&rtl. rru t . v First Hall t'hil.Kioli'hU Muruhv 'ft on Hcrxog'a I v wii.i sjl'e at first mr on rw Itm Oif)fti Ob, V X a hit bvunder. singled, the ' , hard uti ' X ciNciNNin.o. I hittinc I mpire t oTiroMv. ilurphv y lotiBs. !!! selling: Kern won: l.awii INNINGS sn-- ntl n - , N look the mukIo. Parry " j EXPECTEDLY RAPID Flying in Hydio-Aeioplan- e, He DACLDA siiond; Klsewhcrc. thud." Tinu M3im'wn to jii'ikif. ( 1:10. union. in i Lapp's infield tar Murphy was eaufht PROGRESS WITH PANEL Meets With Accident After nii.irimi i Second race, six fui'limca selling: at pinto OB all uasist ;y Mathw-- j imin iiiii II. won; Zoot the I John sheehan, second: son ii nd MeytT and a put out by ,Me"-- Landing in Mississippi Sainest. third. Time 1:15. ' River Third Game of World's Seiies jog. who chased the lunnt-- cl. ar t" i NEVADA MAN SEIZED ON . Thin! race, six inrloiiKs. at Uing: the Plate. Coomts popped out to L0UI t NOW MOklS Out Hope Near Winona, Minn. COAST LEAGUE. I fleiipatra won; t'liilla, tfecund Most Sensational Ever Play Fleioher. No runa. oml, third. Time- 1:14 Twelve Good CHARGE OF BIGAMY . SH'ind Half Nviv York Merkle That and True i race. tiv,. t' fur- - Fourth and Final Being Three flit d Lord. Hereon walked on four . i At I ed, Score to jMiirtrtl ,1 T Net., IT. Perry H. Ls Angles: purse: b;ise-oi- Be in Se. 1MI ir i.t lonss. won; Arazee, j Men May Secured Twoju,w,1 i wide ones. TlilK was the tirst . . !"i-- lo'.ngtoii. mar-r- i. Score: It. H. K. soeiiml; ltouuhi-rtv- . .Mill!!.. let. resnhn'4 here, who third. Time Two, th- - : lr. to alia during innii'. Hereon was' tVtl)-aeri- . d i . Alary In Saeramen-lo- , I.os Angeles i-- 5. Coblnson's ..' in.., 1:0S out . I PP to Collins, ltei-w- Weens. VlTllOII ...... o e - i helplt'ssly over a liiddv i, i il.iai n, I' ll., last Julv. :in arrested t'1av Fifth race, mile, selliiift: The Monk, , overslij Klotoht r out, llarrT J of woman, Hatteries Palmer won: t hantielecr, seeonu; Stoneinali, the ha. the Mississippi run at Whitman Uur- oi comidiint the whu lo lJuvls. No runs. , i l,i, ms his lirM vv ite. - Hitt and Prown. le. n uiil'-- north of W'inoi , i 'il to She charm- third. Time l:4i COOMBS HOLDS GIANTS Mr Mitiinji WnrtVtl I mwJ lr 1 luiii biqaiuv, At Sacramento: Sixth Initio"-- a. mi. (otlay, eh;hiy-nln- e mhml'-.-'th- with no Sixth race, six furloims, scIHiik: sir Slit- 17. -- de-- ; i ' seemed. came to Score: It. H. Philadt lphi.i-- l.t rd out Aiicl s. Cal.. Oct. The time tin le' t lie' n,1 i':i i II lirnu Fretful won: Ooick Trip, second. DOWN TO THREE HITS First Half l.s .'..,. ties v k Ls lukluiiit 5 14 (I banks' of I .. U Calhoun, In .IV from Or. dev. Colo., and Ifnlella, third. Time 1:1. on n line drive to Murphy. Mathcwson frnse in the MoNamara murder trial Jthe aid n. 14 16 Ath-Idl- .Miiilieapoiis. on Iih tourney to Ne :i, h'hlr Preioinnton Sacramento used all hi speed ana the pa.-M--U ' had six talesnn n, one had b, n iieilai's that he a divorce In Hatteries Gregory uloason; had ditfioolty In solving his ue- - 'I II alls. The ilLt.iln e.l ami Prior. ,'XcustiI by tlu- court and two excused 11" mil. C.tcelev tiii.e t ii j He ia re- - lt.v rani i vi ruinuuv.0, llvt rv in the dam day. oldrln;; I. S.'i.oon ball, flll'llisllell in iujm'I rt&diii nciu on t hallt-ng- r cause, when liuiun ,i ton., I I lit-.l- i At San Francisco: SEASON out. It was Mathcwson' .Irst lor court! niter w IT struck second it, . Score: it. ii. i:. Saving Teammates Froivi De strike out. Collins tlrovp a high fly i adjourned tonight. This was the most i In which v. Hh itpiai lis,' he out 1 U "Portland .2 10 ! stripe,l a llilli all In, to Snodgrasa and was out. No runs. rapid day's work o far. tdl tlalo. w pi b,. i iv.-i- i v;, .2 9 4 In sought rlvei out kiisi,- - San Francisco With Home Run the New York Mcyns the when his w feat Sfond Half ! Th il r, pol, lie ills III meet and Kiihn; (If the four talesim-- passed, at line lui, I run out. His plan h.i.l lu Hatteries llnrkness lyitpp. Mathcwson sent eu III II- foilli'H out to j Hie l of Ihe V.illlill.ll' elllll - one ."Lined virtually sure uf lo Moo al Will ;. .More li Suler and Schmidt. OPENS HERE ON Ninth. up one Collins smoth- lied than l.uiui t , t T ::u a hlh which before Jury was comidet- - III lilav vciilu-- ' :i . o'clock. relt ttlon the feet hL' II, he passed over the lovvn ' iu . ' 1, I, !l old tashioll, il euu. iKiore uut. i"HT i'io. ,r. j..u.h It McNanmra lor il bout Seeing il. ,l, r supper ST. LOUIS AMERICANS No rims. J. HaggertV, w b., Will be -- . l eil iltlcr Ihe business; is the ileatb of Charles The iii..chliie In inning i er the hi National Past-bal- l I 'ommi.-fiol-i Setenlh Innlnfi. kjll., ,,. A,S Times liauvai t il. A II no nil,, rs iiml those The , A,,eles dam at W hitman si;llered i :e WIN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP .inuouneed the following figurie on First half Phlladi-li'h'.i The Phil-- ,.XpK,v.n mid lit e, 'Iltellitlllg to Join iir. iaviled. W. II. camaue. The airman evapcl i SATURDAY ntlelphia enthusiitsts stood up at thei h) nn(-- Up .n-- st d to- - i;Mb in-- i .V. I'.. Strotip todaj's panic: of talesmen ' .it. anil ami ti TuWed by lavs th.- i I lit (t'ginniug; oi loe inning unri eneer-- Jay Wert others .,(. . i ; ,n. I, e.l I,, Mt-ii- d to was brought to dock at W'inoii.i mid llaker when he came the plate J. V. Hubert!, real estate dealer. , end slat.- ib Il .i tile politic.ll St. Louis, Mo.. Oct. IT. liy defeat- supplied with when Itob-Iiim- Maker on tiy to .Murray. t Pain, carpenter, i .1. !'.. ing the Uionl National:) In the first MTKl.Nt Ii AMI ItlXr.ll'TS out ntnn Kobert F. sought to resume his Journey be pi, sldellt, J. w. 1 ti.- . r, Amert-,-aii- Murphy tiled out to Davis II. Y. Wiiackeiibiisli. iMprcss nun. Kieii-- s. m l game of a double-heade- the Total attelldamt', 37." Do). lilscovci-ei-l a leak ill bis J.","., fanne.1. No runs. A. It. Mcintosh, baker. "beat." The won city championship. The HiAh School Eleven, Captained Total receipts, 5!;t. il the Half Now York Doyle T. Adams, grocer. aviator then ainioituei he would trlod out two pitchers in- National Commission's share, Second W. In tonight. Ioniiik loam out. Collins to Davis. Suod(tra tan- XV. AloWcc. retired real estate Winolinv effectively. Tho olul played a sit-on- d By Joe McCanna, to Meet the $7.55'J.:iO. I. I Nil ,tl)-o- ll In probiUllil y a ned. Murray walked. Murray whs safe dealer. said all gamp to complete the scheduled Vlaier's share, $40,SSO.l':'. i.ew tuijlne would be Itntalb d before 1 4. al when Collins dropped. Todity'M rejected were: advertised, this olio to Menaul School Team at Trac- Knell club's share, J 3,tP.t 111" expivt'.-- series kohir . out, 7.. T. excused by court be resumed triti. II" to Nationals. In tho spring ante- - Iii';i throw Mcl kle Collins to PROSPERITY lh of scruples against capital t. sail tomorrow afternoon. season tho Nationals won seven tion Park, Davis. No rdns. According to linhiiiuop lie cripple! I J.,ucril i. iLd tVlrr l KlUldhi Inning. iin-i- i ou way you straight gaima. Its Mmulua with death In his mastery of I lit- r half If Now York, Clot. W. Vy the sourt ... S.imio-- 11. Mi Crony, chalb imed First game. Score: It II. K. First Half Philadelphia parry more than once, and thrice the Is.ue lnii,, ,t. ii, i. r cliei irlem M 1 1 of a to '.' in eleven Innings of baseball of Ida after lie had will he had Ainorioans l0 o;tl 5 11 1 he liasehall season in the south- doubled to It .1. scratched an was uncertain. v., ii, nun Iiiii Ofo I as sensational as a world's scries has t fixed opinion as to whether or not west Is" over, and with its passing Infield hit. parry taking third. Parry n The aviator wild the high rpoed at n, furnished, the Philadelphia Ath- the Time disaster was caused by llnlterlc, Lako anil Stephens; liar-nio- ever ill I at plate on Coombs tap to Doyle, lie flew comes the prominence of football 'is the New York Clant.i criminal int. He mi id lie was 'which neeoimted lor thei. l ever Jtliss. letics deieated threw to Meyers. Lapp was out In W lni;. faywood and the (treat outdoor spurt. who son-n-la- find lied ' : Alluuiui hole today nnd Jumped into the load with Harry Chandler, Sooond game. Soon-- H. H. K. hi- tried to come ill poilof-llc- e md to he hi hind in this, and of two games to one in ttie series tor at home when (f lieoeial llnrison Cray utis, liobiiison delivered to the Americans UK) two 000 I 0 " a number of nifty have boon Lifter Fletcher had dropped a throw Times, here the tlrit mall ever carried 1! Karnes Uio world's championship. proprietor of the but never Nationals .0:u 300 00 5 11 arranged between local teams in the white elephants tin of Dovle who fielded Lords grounder. lad discussed the case with him. bv air route in the upn-- MIsMisslnpl lu ll ; The nchieeu was Hattorios llnmilton and Krit junior division and with outside teams on rival's own Brounus, iu to en toil Coombs nt second. It Kdnuiud H. Johnson wan challenged Valley. Hofc Springs (1. Yiiigo. feat their oii error. l.audorniilk and m tin- college division. new son, wno nan Lord's first base Fletcher' excused. Ho said wiut preju-liie- d itilf the vtr'ut Mat Oldring No runs. md 'he The in puzzled tOein into tne loss oi on fanned. airilnxt .labor unions. football Ncason AlliliUciUc Half.-- ' New York- - HerzoR It nod you RACE will open world's series and who hod started 'Second Is cuics, remain cured, RESULTS. on Satmday afternoon next, Hied to Lord. Fletcher out, Harry to Talesman tjuaekenbush, it we tiinl vou will if you when High school bravely in tin attempt to make history thbu;:lit tonight, would not find him- RODCERS LANDS AT wiioc., irv It. the team, under Meyer No tr'-nli'- l In Davis. fanned. run. Cooiideil the kidney tho leadership MoCanna., eoeat itselt. liroo tunes lto;, alul n- -. self on (he Una Jury becAimo he did of Joe - inUi I n nl Hitel oil mm nil. will oppose tho Mential school in once this year thu Athletics had full- not bt'llove in capital punishment, At l.ntonla. the First Half: , Philadelphia Parry W'hv in, I viol ' ay ioo(l Hoi first gam,, of a de- on victims to Mathevvsons wizardry. Talesman Adams Nil.l he read us n Latonla, Ky.. Oct. 17. First ru e series which will Hit, llerzog to Merkle. linker scored -- first, Mini e t no Kill fvenl- - cide today they finally bruku through Ins rule, the Los Angeles Times, the So-l- 'I'll' imp-hal- f- Polly, the liitorseholastie champion nn a homo run to rleht field Ul i ., five ami furlongs: yuard and fell upon him so heavity bleachers. Democrat Appcil lo FORT WORTH llll no herif u wy, ship of AllniiUoriue. The st mils went wild, funi-ble- d and the won: Horbio , second; I'.o.iutll'iil, tno part ot me loiisu suub- - llcrzoa (easuii. i,,,,,l. rii Ii, iel t'tufrct ell In M ."llgli latter Mur.ihy' hit, then threw wild. third. Time 1:11. addition the school and Ble tlmt tho great box man ana ins Today s t'clighted as It iime'. the Monual school tho Murphy taking second. Davis out, Mcy-er- s work the court Second race, six 'furlongs: SleeUi t'nited States matts ivere swept off their toot. it rate, Jury .nay he I I vii "Tiic ravwiHitl.' Indian school is also in tho to Merkle, Murphy; taking third, this a obtained won; Colonel Hollowny, second; Joe a Im tor Lead by the splendid work of Jack within two weeks, I Hvwnoil. ,V. M. Difhold, third. Time 1; IS local ehuiiiplonship, and will be a Cuoinbs, the Kcntiebunk "Iron Man" Ames bt 4an to warm up. Parry out. i me run. Questions were propounded along Third race, one and th contender for Hie laurels nil the way. who pitched one of the greatest Coast to Coast Aviator Plans : r, .:.. tovrral new lines. The papers rend hy nilh-s- : Judge Walton, won; Mont-tial- liming the season inch of the of his career, and held New Seort Philadelphia l; New York values . 4 I? 4 T r r teams mcntione, will an oppor- inning 1. . 'alonmien, with particular reference to r A CTvltitl'riti i j second; Tom Haywnril, third. have York runless from the third IU UlVt; LAIIIUIUUI! tU IU,il5 m m 1 Second Half: New York Mathow-po- n the Times, of any possible acviiulnl-ine- e f 7" Tim i 1:54. tunity to go against the varsitv and almost to the game's end, the Ameri- n nf lied. popped if the twenty-on- e persons who original fourth ran- declared mid thus leal n more of the sco iice of foot- - can li- iy ti, rs pounded tln tr way to fun Devon lout to State Fair Before ProceedhgpatetyKazorDiaaeS Doyle . No 'ost lives In disaster, or bull than they i tudd possibly b am victory. They tied the score, when tinker. fanned. runs, their the with following sulisliluled. my survivors-- beliefs as ' R race, furlongs: Dmtuosne Playing among thcmsih oh. Haker, their hrlllk'nt third baseman, lentil Iniilim. to whether Westward, ha'pesn'w Fourth six - won game witli a Halt: New York Snodgraw Hi lniililliiR was destroyed, by dyiia- OlC won; Magazine, sooond; Tonibigljce, l!o that us it may the High school who yesterday's First Ti't1 these- prove , or' bus comprised the Time 1:13 your - home run, one ot Mathewson's .talked. Alurriiy Coombs 140,000 natifified find mmAtttk. third. team this is fast aggregation Via in points on which s wero ctiilonwri j- Into the receSHcs of the :o Davis. Snodgraas out attempting to l Fifth race, mile: Tny 1' i won: and v ill show some class next Satur- benders far iskod. ttv Mnrnlnc .limrttil M,et-li,- l.ef-i- l W Irti tlut blade mharpencd by Keentde Elec- - li'-l- in steal third., Lapp to Maker, Fairy Slory, second: Me ry Lad, day right stand for a homer the linker's . Woilh, Tox OH. P. uttiriuion at Traction park when Snort-ds- .l int mmiiin trie I'locen girt better 1 1 'I hey won th- uniform was torn to hy Cfiiirt adjourned until tomorrow. third.. Time 1 :4G :. It joins issue with tile cloven ninth. out in eleventn shrcwds Ivodgcis, ocean to ocean!.'.in later, p" from hits, tw o iiplkeH. in v nervictthannewbUde l. Sixth race, one one sixteenth on three wife bolted out by Maker- ras' siukeil At th: opening of court, tin Jul lo-i- Fort Worth at 1:1 o'clock,, ', J ami the .Monual rchool. Ii rcai errors by liiiinls. iot and nrm,' but pltlokilv tviis rilbitl agilln by -- miles: Jim Uaffncy. won; Cani'l, tho lets u :iM the .addition yesleiibiy nlteiiioon lioni Me.Vh ler, j Bulllitf wrj((v.T If? r"""il1 1 Tho Ouints did not give up without suiKftl piny. .Merkle Walked. Merkle M" two Veniremen, repliti'in: 7,. T. S I second; Henry Hutchinson, third. ' t'klii., till miles tu tin iimtli. lie KELNKDGt CO. A double, out stealing. Lapp No V, ' Time 1:52 a struggle and a hard out, to Collins. Nelfm niij Y. Cross, both of whom here over nlslil and till Ktxudn BM.. Ctticat ' ' ENGINEER MILLER followed by an error, gave them a runs,' .. were eStoused. morning ixpeetn to llv to Dallas Of Utrt Vom IU "- -" " In - run the last half of the eleventh. Sooond Half: Philadelphia Lapp Talesman H. Y. ujiiiiekonhush, ajjed where In- will give a days' exhibition At l aurel. Hut there Were two out when the run out. Metcher to Merkle. Coombs tlled., years, was examined hy nt t'le Texas stale lair. Ueturnhus loi WILLIAMS DRUG CO. 17. race, It Attorncv Laurel. Md.. Oct. First came over and was the Athletics' in unv io. larn out, Hotelier lo ilc.r. pinrcncO H. Darrow, chltf of counsel Fort Worth Thursday, he will ivsiiiik purse one-ha- lf fur- xame when only occupant of t lie kle. No runs. W'a- - Wi surety $lo, live nnd the 'ftf ht (lefcnso at the w.-si- his trip toward Iho Paeltle coast. bundle all kind r.t.nirt I w j longs: inisy, True bases was out trying to steal second. l I Christmas on: lcvcntli Iiiuins. of court. Co lieliig the llrst stop. nine I .,..!, 17 W. ( elllrl.t llluo. second; Time ON GOOD ROADS Jack Coombs, hero of last Fcnmorso, third. First. Half: Philadelphia i i!rbi UhNU K.. Ma4li and .1. V. Moberts; Cotters loll .le.leter al ":"il --- J OS world's series, earned laurels - further out, HermiK to Collins ftin-h- d o'clock ths morning nnd passed Den by letting down (Hants only Merkle.' Ihii tittcstinn passed, were held ?uib So oml race, purse $100, five and the with to left, linker got an Infield hit Jecl to further emiihlnatlon by either son at o'clock. Seven miles south nnc-lui- three hits. Two of those clinic in the ' furlongs: ltichard Heed, on Herzog's poor MoHtlfi, of leiilsoii, be alighted for gasoline. ,1 inning, In throw to sidtv on chull,ne, S'end voiir p, II, e'ldllfM to wen: Kllzaheth llarwood. second; third rosultiiiK a run and who . At Wliltesbot ii, !n- lost Ills way by, then Coombs was unsolvable until the let the ball drop, Collins took The ,MrN'amar.i delenw ehnllenRei) !iti1i. third. Tiim 1:S JUNKET third and Maker went to second. Col- for fi.p Tiikmiin Sn,nnel It. following the wrong tu inch of the The Duke City Cleaners, Third i, purse JM'O. inili mid eleventh when llerzog sent a muling Missouri, Kansas At Texas riilh'nad ue, lins when Fletcher fumbled alleging bias. . .'.!tl WIST A I;, siviuty yards: Dolly I'ultninn won ; double to the let i field fence. Coombs ' opin- He traveled sixty miles Murphy's hit. Maker taking third. McCrr.Ty said he hud u fixed tracks. nloui TO., iii. n .! ,W Millie S., second; Motitngnie, third. struck out seven men, Snodgrasa rente b, fore lie was stop,,ed at cien running twice and Ocvorc, Ibikor roorcd on Davis' single to right. ion roKurflinn th, explosion which, th's plant In New Mexico, Time 1:45. Herop, Murray tint lleiillu. lie returned from I'.enlla to Doyle, Meyers threw Murphv out at third. wrecked Times. Dot-ld- o J60U, mile: and Mathcwson once. Gainesville and utter Inm b t'b-- sixty- - flrdcist Solllelied Fourth race, purse Territorial Official Will Inspect The Philadelphia pasaed HtrfK taking the throw. Davis out The chulleiige was allowed. Kdg(. Wiggins, seo-oni- l; hurler tour K. C. live miles to till- City oil a little mon Cliff won: I.awton men, but none of these figured in the stealing, Meyers to Doyle. Two runs. Velllreilllin Moblnsnn vi'us so. star Cliarlcr, third. Tinu Highways in Southeastern scoring. Second Half: New York Herzog Ieted us tulesmnn to succeed Mc-- I than an hour. !::: - t.'ns.iry. Manager Mod raw- pinned his hope doubled to left. Fletcher filed to Lord. Fifth race, purse ?t;0'i, mile and New Mexico; To Also Visit Meyers out, Collins to Davs. Meeker j T. AV. Adams, a grocer, was not In SECREf ARYWILSON TO today on Mathcwson ami until the j seventy won; . the city, he declared when ex- - FRENCH FEMALE cards; Clem l)cicbiy, fatal ninth, Christy held the Piillad'-I- natting lor Mathcwson, llerxoH soured the M Texas, , .... i niiMii,n Mild he hud oplo. , Lord Wells, second; Hash, third. phlans rnnb-ss- letting tlu-- down wnen rumbltil Iter )er' tieeurreri. ADDRESS BREWERS; n Time '"US AblJIll (111 CHS.' but knew u i 1:44 with only five hits. Ho was Tavorcd I lerli.r oil! ulenll.or k..,,.! I. noth r l. u a. race, $500. a ing of the facts that could not be re A Wien, I imi ttx Ittiicc far Si)rfiiu irpis Sixth purse mile and hy the "breaks" of the game, iihioli j Collins. One run. moved by evidence, sworn a NCVf R INBWN TlfAH. hMv fixteciiih; Husky won; Michael The box score: if as ( iMrl Territorial Knglnccr I). enabled him to pull out of holes In the I). C.. t. I I. Socio-tur- y imn linriibi-- f Mmn-- Hi'ftnn'"). (erftii Charles 'juror, he added, he would not Washington. in ).IM i l Angel,,, second; Mv rial, third. Time. third and fifth Innings. be f Ihii. Will n h ul, (t. fwt Miller was in Albuiiueniuo last night PHILADKH'IUA. by hn Wilson left today hen r e. If ywtlt iltUggtRt t,1CM : f ' ;nwaved what had heard or of Agriculture Mtl.ilc Wi Mathevvson n rood when Datt'V IWif on bis way to southeastern New Mex- whs broken AM. it. II. pn. '. read. for Chicago when tomorrow night tWtll IV ,lt linker smashed his solid home run UNITTO MrDtCAi CO mn T4, ico, where he will Inspect highways Lord. If. 0 0 .1 n h will deliver bis much discussed f. Spokane, Wash., Oct. IT. Not a orive in llio ninth, tying Cio senre. "Would you give this defendant an lMr.rt. now In in I . course of construction that .'hiring, 'i j In utlu-- - tpecch before the Intermitlonal favorite won at Aim Intek tod-iv- The Vbll idelphians then unllmhcivA Impart trial?" was of ,d- section of the hew stab'. Kn route he Collins. !(.' S.illVH. Prewi-rs- congress. Protests against tf in AtbiMumut by Tht I. W. Co. pull-- heavy , O'RtWt ridden by K Irsolihnum. d proposes their artillery until tho eleventh I'.al-- con- to stop at Clovis, to take a - i, 'lb. , 0 In the program down speed event of five unci and before tin- cannonading was over, "J would." he replied, Ills participation the look at the road leading from the M lupin . If. o up to hour ol ii . two men hud tinue,! to arrive ihe half liiiinugs in l:0S Arj.ot-- scored. t was anon - Curry ciiunty seat to l'ortales. Davis. b. . 10 i, The oxamlni'tloii oonelud- his departure, but the seeretiiy do. Hie favorite, ran sooond. Summary: The unpleasant feature was the rO TaliMi-iu- (ieorgi; W, While on his present trip, which spiking of hy ibii r; , sS.". . .mid. McKce. elinid to heed them. BALDRI DOE First race, five and one-ha- lf fur- - linker Snodgruss In ah a retired real denb-- ami will extend over about ten days, to Lapp. e. ii citnti lutemot steal third. The Giants' ( w as Dur-- LUMBER COMPANY : Miller will visit to 'in ! .;', II n builder, then iu stloned bv J'urtalcs came to the bag .feet fr:it. row. ' look into the l'tii-talc- pumping pro-Jee- t, ALBUQUERQUE FOUNDRY Ho appeared to raise one foot and "AVhiit Koiiijr from to Itoswell by :5 .ls jour ib"cnt ?" Paints, Glass, Ccucnt, Roofing there the spikes allot into Itaker's arm. As 'i l.ll II "St'trtoh. AND utile, over tin; MesealiTo sand road. NI.W Irish." MACHINE WORKS Suogdrass walked lo the Iniuoii he was Vinik, "In-lon- to nhy Elks Theater He will ditto Inspect KosweP V. orinlKatlon?" Supplifcn. the vigorously hissed. Snodgrnss said It H.I'H. A. and ProHbyterlun and Builder's i r, II Vt'nltevl Workmen OCTOBER 20th. Malaga road, which is being iuilll hy was unintentional and Din t 0 0 ' that Vaker had chinch." , Chaves enmity without any financial blocked Doyle. i'b. I II .'l Knglneers, KouiiderH, Mm hlnlsls Cast- him. ' It Woiild make no difference to aid ITm-plr- e i from the territory. .Play slnrted al 2 o'clock with Sliodgrass, 0 you 4" ings, what the religion or ancestry of 4 r J , I I I I lumping Plants. Jtopair Work. Following this trip. Fugimcr Mill- ltrennan behind Murrav, 0 n r tho plale and if the 'defendant was in Irving this oust-I- w. ta- - Send for M. er will Journey to Carls-ha- d Connelly in II,, to. howianr: ana ostlinnnm. Alminuerque. N. continue his tho Held. Merkle. .0 you weft ii Juror','" t where, he wi loo kaftcr irriga- .The score by Innings: Mcrzo, ab. I "Kd." win Clifford fine.) i n t i s. - tion it I li st Inning. Flclrlior, ns. ".titv'e you formed any opinion ji CHICHESTER S PILLS returning to Santa Fc Mr. First Hair Philadelphia Lord out Meyers c. , about tho ciiso?" offers J Miller will a ilylng trip to San Matin wson, I IMA.HONP OR A make Doyle to Merkle. Oldriug Fletoh-o- "unlv irom what have road . Ml. out. Mis-I- and Antonio, Ti s., purpose of " . . I A.k y.tlF Proffylnt Inr A for the to Merkle. Collins out, Merkle to r, hiiird." I' THE 4 llamn. TlmndV viewing the Imperial Irrigation pro-lo- you I'll). In l;,d ih1 Uoli niftnlHcSV Mathcwson. No runs. "Did hear iieople discuss tho www-- now in Im i! :; i .r a- - J'w, imi1 with Kin. Rll.lm. V .it Fort Sam Houston, Second Half New York Dcvofo Tot ii 2 ;i:i tt gaiioiiid flynamite theories? AVIATOR u if'W course of the di- i KtTpf1'-- A!kf,ircifi.irt:H.Trmi construction under fanned on throe last pitched bulhl. "Iiatted for Mathcwson In eleventh "Yes. bold." HKANK rection of his predecessor, Vernon iHij Ie Score: . ' "Wb'it do vou think lUIIIM fl I.I.H, fur Hi out to Davis unassisted. Cooin! H about tnhor OF U Sullivan. On the return trip the used bllndlnK sliced. Khodgiass also Philadelphia nno OOo 00 1 nj 3 unions?" ffll B RY DRLIfifilSTS engineer stop off n ,mw oe ono 2 l nn III will I tlTRYWHFKF territorial will fanned. No runs. t ork oen 01 nave toward them. LAUGHS day Klephsnt Hun, ry Two-b-is- e they hfive a at Butte. Inning. ma hlt.s 'Marry, think right to organize." Stfond Her.og. Home run Maker. Sacri- "Did you reach an opinion soon af- Special World Series Nunilh-r- First hair Philadelphia -- Maker fice hltsParrv, Murphy. stolen ter Hie explosion ?" DAVE LEWIS out. Doyle to -- a- - so INCORPORATE l Merkle. It was pretty bnscM Harry, prays "About week or afterward J Vast-bal- Tin- Magazine Special Coltlns., 'Donhl,. assist. Doyle's. Murphy U-f- a strong opinion In Song Farce World Series Is Just out, lined to Her Doyle, Fleb hcr. 'on liases readied' and it is the number r.og. The cut stronger now-.- TI YOUR and contains some fine dope compar- catch uif a Plill.Klclphl.i. 8: New Vr,rl, I, First ' Davis Hied out to Snodgrass. No base on balls (n't Coombs. 4, jrlrsl "That on me from reading?" ing the liianls and Athletics. This runs. ."Yes," 1WE ARE BAKING BUSINESS special issue Is profusely bitsn on errors PhllnrlelphlB, DON'T LIE illustrated -- York--Murra- you Second Hall New I. My "Did read any of the literature Kanen'a New Mexico Corpora-"o- n with photographs of nil lending York, Struck out Coombs, .'TO Y01M lit the was Mr. Murns to ti ALL THE TIME out on a towering fly to Lord. 7: by S. 2 : contributed this case?" Uwi, Rule and Form, comptl-- contestant In the great world series. Mathewnon. .Time on to date. Combs mixed up a fast drop with a Pmplro At plain, Mrennan; "N'Ot tljls case." There are good football stories, and high on "Ymi have read nnd heard some of t Si, if practice makes perfect wo A. insboot and kept the ball near Connolly; left, field, Klcm; useful gnildt for corpormtlon of i fine life story of Champion Frank his Mittcnii'itts In reference to t Ii certainly fuive the iidviuitai'.e of you of the handle of the (Hants' bats. Mi rkle rlRht field, Dlneen. orneyi and enKlneeri. Too Uoloh. Among the contributors out. Parry to Davis. Horr.og fanned ruse?" WIFE In that respect. Just try soinn of our 11 this issue are Kdward Collins of the "No." in h"' ever'thl0 on two drop curves and a high, l 3 Acts broad, rolls, cakes nnd pies nrnljinleo n book0th8r' champion AthloticR, an- article by fast' PHILMil PHI FANS "Well, II' n witness, one. No runs. lie wire Would for yourself. We leave It ''to you If Voumelf. .Tobi livers, together with stories op U M.D OVKH KTDlIV hnt you have read cruise .Vou to give By B. Avoid axpenilvf Third . I Campbell Casad you - ,ll"t wOlinie Mack Olid Sohulte, limine (let. 7. Knihuslusm him any more credit?" ran bake all these things eUHl- Frank Fhvl -- All Parry such its probably moor before ,V"S "I not." Tllv well, It's tin la: le that tells. Try Territorial In on ALL singled to It was n Ii Irive think Direct from run nrporitlonn; claie ; and Wllnesseil bile, swelil o'er Pllllaib-I-l- "Would you think a man lllif your- its at 4 that tic to today. ItanklnK, BulldW YAQUIS DECLINiETo the first hit of the game. Itarry stole It In Bn-volet- it. tod'iy ivliiti word of pi, self would ho ii proper Juror In this Vil. ,n- Industrial. i second, Meyers throwing high". phln's the Whitney Opera Insurance. second vli'lofy over New York i trial ?' Z Mercantile. LAY DOWN THEIR ARMS lined out to Doyle, who doubled v,'- i- fbisbed bete. "I think so." IPIONEER BAKERY etc.. wl Harry second, House, Chicago, Mtfrwivt Taxon. at Fletcher taking the The v lelorlorn Phlbidelnh'-- i ) "Can yon presumi thai Ihe defend- - I ""lCitaloni.i throw. Coombs popped out to Doyle. and .Manager mil is Innoeenl?" ly t New Mexico lil I'aso, Tex., Oct. 17. Ooiioral V. Cminie Mack arrived 207 South First Street r,,r?. 1, om'ote No runs. I , hoioe toiilglit and showed heir "Yes." .f. Vlljoi-n- Mexican commissioner to Second Hall New York Prices $1.50, $1, 75c oae published. today. Fletcher in today's victory. Menu'-c- r "Won hi you convict the ilefendiint the' Yao,ui Indians, returned filed to Murphy. Meyers' ras4-eutt- I out Mack would not comhu-ri- l on If von had reiisonabh doubt of Ills niJ He reports 1,60ft of the Yatjuis under too to t potty whs hot for Pnker hold nf I'aker. yuuply niying his guilt?" Results From Journal Want Ads lP,e,,,.rr, arms In the mountains, sixty rod the Indian was saTe. The crowd ".No." commissioner, but re- star third basiii'sti would play reference., foot eh met the cliected us It was the first (!iiiill Mtl-gl- c f'"''1 fused to sign the peace treaty until !' game, dl Territorial Irrl the Malliewsfiu single,! Kmly in Hi., evening eb.iiice, ili.l Tulte Your Common toliLs Sei1tm the return of the principal chief from to right, f iKtld ii taking I the third. The tiol look good a good tine, but to. j Common colds, severe mid frequent for are looking for s Yucatan, when, they stands worn In uproar. Me'-er- ! 2 mi DlUht Ihe government 'veatlu r fori-- lay the foundation of rhrmilo dbwii.)-cast- The CELEBRATED ASKEW SADDLES people. their missing seor-- on Dovorc's Infield lap, whieii (tali! I. , coiidltlonK appeared e,l conditions of nosfl nnd throat, .' .j. Harry threw t,, Collins, forcuitf 'it the Vn our uaddlea nnd harness before you buy. out mor,, favornlde. nrl,j m(ly develop Into hronohlti.i. Hut VcNoii Defeated. Mathcwson. Devoro out, stealing; fi.,1 Leather and limtlnijs. ' MftnuBcr Mi.cK woo d .itsemss Huston.-- Mass., Oct. 12. Clever Lapp to Parry. . pn,.urnonia nnd ronsutnpllon. For n! ' rtefni . - ... ' .... boving gave Val Moore of Philadel- Athletics, 0; New York. 1. ?xri;::::: VTHOS. F. KELEHER, r ttS pMei.. ilet-lslo- Nil-so- ri-- L ovor Uattllng 1'tiiii'tli I KrijWn Hohey '" bockram blnfllnj, phia ho Inninir. use nil or t'owns, , - llghwelght champion. In her Kruuse. s 408 Xifai CenirA F. KANKN formerly First HalfPhiladelphia. Mender for he thln'is will he and Tar Conipouud promptly. t . dnu Fe. K. if. & Iwelvq rolllld belli here. loJiiglll. tliud to Snodr'riss, popped to 1 ,f II, oidrlnf the f!t Tame Thnrfday. Vrlv. FOUR THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1911.


I makes pot and pan MIGHT UK BADLY SPLIT ON LARCENY HEAD OFDRYFARM spick and span n i. f Y : 'I ! r, .: CHARGE CONGRESS J. W. Terry, Progressive Re- &;! Painful Experience of Mrs. Soap and inuscleon't clean publican Candidate For State n your pots and pans properly Stephens. Husband Tries Senate- - in City En Route to thoroughly. in Vain to Obtain Relief. ACCUSED OF LOOTING THE Vice Presidents Elected From Estancia, Ordinary washing ol cook- NEW MEXICO CIGAR STORE Almost Every Nation in the ing utensils passes over whole World at Colorado Springs Porifolnr, "All night Inn.' yeara real-de- nt of Mis. J.W. Terry, for thlity a v aw hidden nests little wigglers avt Mr. li. StcphMut of this of Socorro county, ana progreBB-- Munoz Found Guilty of Lar Meeting. commonly called germs. IH . "I would suffer with mv imk. lv republican candidate with demo- - and 1 h.iit such dimming tlotvn pain endoraemenl for the atate aen- - ceny; Day's Doings, io Di- I could i"l in ml It tn walk or rule, atoridilp from the ilin'rlrt s Gold Dust is a sanitary wash- I tpet Mi TVlrc.l lor It would put me In bed. Socorro. Torrance. Lincoln ana t'tero By Murnlnf Journal LnwI strict Court; Civil Suit Filed By springs, i. n. powdei not only re- My been bad for two ountlea, wna In the city veaterday on Colorado ttu.. ing that health had , president of the way .moim-Im- Dr. John A. Whixtoc. years. My himbMinl not the beat hla to where he attend Lumber Company, Agricultural college, waa this moves the visible dirt and a (I inotr.iln protreahe republican Utah that he knew. Imt their medicine alternoon elected president of inetn- - deep af did me mi good. invention for Torrance county, to be congress grease.hut digs terevery held today. ttrnational Dry Farming in I woman's tonic vice life used Cardul. tin Mr. Terry, ta one oldest James Mendes. a Cuban tieRTo, was nwHlnn here. The American trace of germ sterilizes on my I who of the Lennox, i and It put in feet asuln. beat-know- yester- presidents elected are: John and n of Socorro on trial in the district court kettles-lea- ving mi cll J tllil hfii I tlliiena Springs; H. Hamilton, pots, pans, pails and am feeling vlgiii-nut- day for lareenv from a shop. It Is of Colorado J. ountv. Intenda In make a K. A. rara old rainpnlRn fif alleged that Mendes. whu wna em- of Hozeman. Mont., and Dean them clean, whole It for the aenale troiii tha University Nebras- I used about boitlf In hII. and teenth diatrlct. and will addreaa the THEMARVELOUS ployed by the New Mexico Cigar com Burnett of the of any- EDDYS ka. some, safe. CarJiu ha hclpril iiif more tlitui lit Torrance, It la aaltl. lie pany hs a porter, helped himself to . "mention follow: thing that I uxi-d- aaya county, la worne apllt the stock of cigara, pipes and to Other officers elected thiit Socorro vice presidents: Dull-tu- n I bacco to the amount oi nearly $S0. International Shake Gold Dost took lots nf other medn llic. Imt up politically than It baa ever been OF THE MOST THRILLING, McColl, a little in before, If Itiirauin cornea out of IN THREE The case occupied the attention of Marshall. Canada; John they dlil hi no good. and Hewitt P.ostock. Hrltlsh dish-wat- er see w any conalderable mo- thtj court for the entire day, the de- Australia; your and the An long a I live. I won't he without the county ith S. V. Caram, Indiana; II la to tulle expendi- DARING AND SENSATIONAL ACTS. fendant taking the slmid in ht own Columbla; C rill u In the houac." bility koIiir the V. R. Motherwell. Kegina, startling results. of lartce amounta of money and behalf ahorily before th,. close of the Honorable tired, worn-ou- t ture Lewis Holha, Pre- Aa a remedy for weak, Dlxaatla-tactio- n session. In spite of the fact that the Canada: Ceneral any of the hardeat kind of work. Africa; W. Hlack. women, wliii suffer from tliacontent are aprlnKlnx evidence of the prosecution seemed toria. South J. Ipo dm u borax, pains by wom- and Canada. Lmp. the aches and caused up In nil parta of the county, and It to show the guilt of the accused with- naphtha, soda, . Pra-.- il De Toledo. kro-fcfn- e anly t r itu Cardul lid a bun prov- movement lo out ijuestlon, he told a story to' an al Dr. Pedro pmmonia er only needed the fusion Chllle Alberto Alibaud, Santiago. with GOLD en safe nl reliable rither toRcther ihe acattered oppo. READERS leged Job that was put up on biui. as 1UST. GOLD i ntlf-H- In In- I JOURNAL Colonel Marcel Mater. Onipiwcd of i linn rb alt Ion. While never a prominent man ('timing With Ilmvc'a (ircat JllllllKI he said, by the police in order to dis- France DUST h.i all It In mil il nat- n 12th Dragoons. qual-stic- a gredient, tlon and In politlca, Terry, who la a ete-ru- Clrt'im. credit him In the eyes of his wife. clean tin l after-effect- Mr. Chicago. ural unit It has no bail aerved hp who hail gince returned to her home tlermany N. Kaunianns. in a perfectly or the t'lvll war. haa Oega- liuda-pes- t. harmlaaa cod laat-tri- g li l therefore, harmless fur young or In Hungary Koppely. treiiaiirer Hr Ihe county, r'gent of the The ahnke-tui- a the nene, the Toronto, Canada. form. old. city f Arguments in the case will be made Si hool of Minea, and on the rtiR-lili- of your heart, the fear tl'at HAVE It lid others, and Hhuuld NEED NOT giv- Mexico Senor Ing Ijturo Viadas, helped boiird and hua been engitKed In the aomenne will lie hurt, with the ac- this morninR and then It will be certainly help mi, too. yenr en to Jury. Mexico City. real eatate Imaineaa for aome companying apprehension that they the Kryschtofo-vic- h (Aa GOLD DUST TWINS do year work' Try it. yeura, Case Were Not Culled. Itussiu Dr. Theodore 'It piiMt, He la well almiK In but may not, (ill or thla and this Is the Itaiie Louis. N. ft. Writ to: Ijtdlea 'Advisory will he hen id The corridors of the court house St. hub' and vlKoroua and delight of the London Circus, . Dept., Chattanooga Medicine 'o.. Creat tiny with Turkey Dr. Aaron Aaronsohn. i roni all throiiKh the tainpiillin, to be In Albunucniue October Z'.i, BAD STOMACHS were yesterday filled all Chultanoog.i, Tenn.. for Special In which Haifa, Palestine. in na! be given the professionals who witnesses the two rape cases Secreta- and Imok. "Home were expected to lie called. The International Corporatlng shake dice for their lives with for- Km pi of Al- pnlgn. comes Treatment for Womi'ti," aent In pluln CHARLES ILFELD CO. Mendes case, however, took up tht ries Jtritlsh re. section Mr. Chaves at the tune every performance. berta, (ieorge Haroourt, Kdmuntnn. of the members of wrapper, on request. is high entire da v. It Is expected that the orient Invitation BUILDING RAPIDLY The Hreat Umdon Circus Columbia Dr. M. S. Wade, and it U cir- rape rases will bp called today. British the state central committee hygiene. It is a Yankee Imodle - H. .'. Simpson, will In Indigestion,- Dyspepsia, Gas It was not known yesterday wlieth Kamloopa, India; expected that he tour th; state NEARING COMPLETION cus, for Yankee ltoodle kids from "six S. A. Ued-for- er the case against llos would Madris, Manitoba; Prof. the Interest of the democratic ticket. to sixty." One of the blK acts la the !tul Winnipeg; Saskatchewan, A. F. Mt Is a of raro und won- and All Stomach Distress be called first, or that against Juan speaker force PARTY original Kddy family. What thla Mantle; South Africa, Dr. Wm. Mc- and during- hi long residence family do looks easy. Suppose Munnz. BUB Ai The exterior of the new Charlea derful Will Go Five Minutes After Donald, Pretoria. in New Mexico there was probably no you try It, nnd newspapers will write lc niik Munoz Found t.ullly. De o. on Hie corner of Ktrat Dr.,V. T. Cooke, P.lo man who enjoyed to h greater degree llfeld buiblitiK n story about II, with n illHRrmii The Jury in the case of the terri t la nearly Little Diapepsin. the confidence of the whole people, utreet and 'tipper avenue your hotly Taking a Munoz, charged IJuda-pes- la showliiR the place where tory against Jesus Hungary Karl Leldenfrust, t. regardless of race or political affilia- oinpletetl, and an opporlunlty thua with larceny from a shop brought In III PORTALES Riven to cbaerve. Ihe beauly of mil- - struck. tion. heal-eve- a verdict of guilty, in the district Escobar, due ol ii riot her monument to 'a Another of the r nils Is the Mexico Senor Hamuelo biilldiiiK Fifty lenpera Kery family here onMit to keep court yesterday morninc, recommend J ua re. prtiRreaa. Tbla leaping contest. take ing young man mercy of DENIES when eomiileted. will be nne of the part. Charles t.unikin Is Ihe cham- some Dlapepnln In the house, as any the to the Russia D. V. Federoy, St. Peters- WICKERSHAM - the court. burg. nneat wholetiale bulldinga In the en- pion and docs a double someretult nne of you may Vinve an attack of In- GIVING OUT STATEMENT aotilhweat, It la built in aceom-iiiiuhit- e elephants, in anil horses. The jury retired on Monilny even- In- lire over in digestion or Stomach trouble at any Republican Campaigners the rmildlv rrnwlnu wholeaiile Marin Mii'hull, Hiding Wallet and ing to consider the case and were un- Omaha, Xeb Oct. 17. Attorney company, lime, day or night, by Stronghold trade of the fharlea llfeld ninny oilier Mr acts are presented In able to reach an agreement the DEMOCRAT Clcneral (Ieorge W. Wickersham this vade Democratic Ihe preaent rpiarlera of which la on ninny new riding stunts. Thla harmless preparation will di- time court adjourned for the day. NOTED evening denied that he had given out emit avenue. were, to Central You will ace Hen herd of gest anything you cut nnd overcome a They therefore, Instructed any statement indicating what action Without Flattering Result in the llur return a sealed verdict anil deliver It Arabian alnlllons and the Illnck Hus- distressed, stomach livi' the depart 01 justice would take rel AND A They prove what to the clerk If they agreed before ative to the announc the Way of Converts, FRIDAY, 13TH sar horse perform. minute afterwards. midnight. Judge Abbott deferred a perfect world thla would he If all TO PARTICIPATE ed by the American Tobacco com NO. 13 BERTH TOO Intelligence as If vour meals don't tempt you, or passinR sentence upon Million for a pany. He said It was a matter which men had tta much few day. horse. You will see clcphunta waltz, what little ymt'do eat germs to fill had not come to him in an. official iwHl fttneatrh I Maralai Jisrnall MUCH FOR PASSENGER Lumber Company Files Suit. way arid he would not attempt tu teeter, piny hid(. and eek, and you, or iiy, ')iMe a lump of lead In that PortalcM, N. M.. Oct, 17 11. and go to heil like people. You The New State Lumber company, discuss officially a matter which hud your stomach,, or If you have heart- attorney, H. Cor- to luirsiini, Frank XV. Clancy and will see dog ahowa and mule shows through Its Harry CAMP not been brought hia attention. Howe burn, la n of Indigestion. nell, yesterday filed suit against Max iMwiird A. Mann, lh rcpubll- - Bun Hernardlno, C'al., Oct. 16. and countleaa clowns. The that aln "f will not be reBponalblo for any Circus Is u ureal show, presentlns Ask your TtlijrniuclHt for a I'erea for $2(1. 4,1 together with Inter- statement that Is riot made over my can rainpajgnrra have cumo Hiid gone Probably no aet of men know how magnificent old sport est, costs of suit and attorney's fees, rooiI barbarous ctme of I'ape'g liinptpsln, and take n own name, said the attorney general. from Porta le. Their reception In the xuperatltloiis Ihe public I, better than that make you happy In feeling Ihut for an alleged balance due on ac- "I huve not gone over the proposed a little Juki as anon as you can. There count. capital of IlniiNcA elt wa fur fio'm overland piiaaeitgar crewa, ind they civilization hna not eliminated Ihe VE, plan of reorganization of the Ameri vour gland-du- d alone will rUings, no belching V, Chaves, Once Powerful It lilt) county uperallll-(tuu- a, trails 'pr the be no sof can Tobacco company, and know of Haltering, lull ai my the publli: hi decidedly ii'u-ijii- I; age left you na a niesaivnu. The ii I printed." wa (u la of uiullgenteil food mixed with acid, TWENTY-SI- X PERISHED only us have seen extracts aolldly democratic till In fact they any It ninuKlnK ivy ulsn coin- a Leader Here,1 Consents to ublln tli Hiiikos are gas ho tnspectetl. The purty arrived "t 2 the perceiitaite of puaaengera whoae ing, and they nm n allow In thein-aclvt'- no stomach or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling In the stomach, Nnu WHEN STEAMER SUNK Leave California to Fight For RETIRE FROM RIO Monilny and left Influenced by t Ii t.'l r aupcr-atltlon- GOULDS o'clock afternoon travels are en. Iiclillitiitltig Headache, Dizziness 4 the duy. 'oil a freight tialli at inline or griping. TIiIh will all go Pure GRANDE DIRECTORATE Cuiituln T. J. Mnlliuirl presided lit intestinal Government. bent extunple AND and. besides, will be no sour 11. I 7.- - lha meeting mill In t reduced the Friday furtilahra the PINCHOT POINDEXTER there Victoria, C, Met. Neva was Denver, Colo., Oct, 17. Two mem fond left over 111 the stomiuh to apeaker. The flrat to apeak was . of aupc million, the railioad men any. brought by the "ad in dl .1 which ar- RETURN FROM ALASKA poison your .. brcuth w ith nauseous bers of the Could family Edwin and novel nor on n rived 1 nl.i of In Ilursuui, citi'dldiiie fur They are In poaltion lo watch the odors. from Auilrall.i the Democratic headquarter this Howard stepped from the hoard of the, republican ticket, who IIciimhiI on Friday wreck of Ihe Australian coaling city received word yesterday from Mr. Kin inline of traffic and travel IMuiiepNln Is a cure directors of the Denver and Ihe lasura of the cuiiipulgll, dwelling out tif every of overland lapo certain 'learner Itosednle with all honds. The K. V. Chaves, formerly one of the, railroad, as did also another re- terminal outiof-nrde- r litiuiiiH'hx. It 'ramie eiqictially on the nereaalty of a alwaya for beeuuse steamer ran Into a heavy nalc aft T leaders of the New Mexico democracy Win- - iralna la IlKhter than other Seattle. Wash., Oct 17. tlil'ford prevents hold member of the Gould faction, publican delegation In cntiiireaa fruni diiya, because the benlnnlnK fermentation and takes leaving the north (oust f ir t'ytlncy and a distinguished member of the slow S. Fierce, at meet probably I'lnchot and Senator Miles 1'oliulexter , the annual t Int t prln-cip- of your fond ami digests It Just the ure'-k-ago- An- New Mexico to the end the of a la an In lives today ii and foundered. Some small local bar, now a resident of l.os ing of today. Tu lotm trip event the of Washington, returned from us. If your thure, stockholders here indUNtry of the new mute lulghl of moHl people and they aelect aoine same stomach wasn't mostly, bucket ami deck, geles, that be would reach Albuquer- HII vacancies, rmployes of lx weeks' Alaskan trip, made for the In live from stom these three Imve Bde(iite proteetluii. The other day than Friday on which to purpose of Htudvlng the resource of Itcllef minutes nil was washed TV1 steamer bad que on the '.Tith of this month and the railroad were named. They are: iiitaerx is your drug store Daw-no- apeaker pledged himself, If e let led, guests ach at seven passengers hii.1 n crow of placo himself at the orders oV the J. II. Andrew, J, W. Gllluly n atari. that territory. They were the waiting for you. and to live up to every pledge contained In Vealerdny wita no only Friday, but of honor nl u dinner at the Commer- committee for work during the cam- - F. Watklns. the platform of the party adopted by It w na the thirteenth day of Ihe month cial club tonight and left on a bite These Inrc Mi cent cases of I'upe's the contention t lais V'iiii. i a well, and the i onibliinlinn had nn Haiti for Spokane, Alter a short visit Diapepsin contain more Ihnn siifficlent Kd w ii Pi A. Mann ua the effect than uaimllv obaerved In that city, Mr. I'lnchot will go tt to rul e liny case of Dyspepsia, lndigea on an ordlnnry Friday, according to t'hli ami. I Hon or any other Stomach trouble. net apeaker. t itdlniii lly Jmltte Mitnn the railroad men. niilkea an excellent apeerli, hut on thin All the tivcrlnnila I Iih t left aouthcrn ocriiKloti he epuke like one whoa California yealerdny were niitlceiibly I'.eait wua mil In hi" lunk itntl iih liKbl In the number id iu hhciik i'I'h. thoiiHh he wiiN merely perfoi iniliK tin Hut It huh no no tilth It. K, Money Well Spent on the Parks lltlplt'UHHIit duty. In the eutirae ol I MntheWM. a KedlitniN man, who yea- HdilieuM Juilne Mimn look oiiitxliili to lerdny huh ii piiHMetiKer on the Cali- defend Ihe I'm ord or i'liudhhile Kill fornia limited for I 'lib iiRo. while the wax wiirdeli ol Mnthew, ,1 No. 13 Kinn littler berth nnd Fi- the pi n l( i ll Ui I . The etpluiiittlon. when bla niteiiilnii waa ruUid to tin-fue- Treasurer of Park Commission' of Albuquerque Submits Iiowevef. laiked tout Irtliui and there that he waa alau aliirtlna mi Fri- were tliun III the audience who dlil day, the nib, he only litulieil. nancial Statement For the Past Six Months. pot healtitle ti exprcaa the opinion "Vea, I know' It,' lie fitid, "and I ttuit the tuilKe did not helleve H tiiiii-ail- Imve piiMtponod mv Hip lour dnva tu act lliia combination. Why, I will Attorney (liiieirtl I'liiluy wua the have Ihe beat trip I ever hud Mtarted lnt Htienker. Mr. rinncy confined out with Hint triple Jinx. When you Following Is the financial statement of K. iV. I). Hrvan, tig treasurer ol un ugiilimt net three of them tnitether like (lull A lua reiuiirku In hikiiiiuiiI the Park i 'oiniiilsiloii nl lhoiieriue, N, M tprtlil' aix pumlhs ending Oc- ' held Ma ad- vim need not worry." ' the hltte hitllot hiuI that tober 1st, !'t I ; option Hpi'Me, illwHaler for the peopli A J. Smith Sun lb rnardliio, how ... If of I'o the Mayor and City Council of the City of .A U.Miucritie: V-- r v til New Mexico. apeaker ver, threw up hla The rerd lunula in horror ' t - ill rHiMr Ciciillemcn; ed the hint: luillot it the ni'mt tinpnr- when he dlacmered Ihut he waaacheil-ile- d tiinl ihMic of the c.iiiipulKH and an id to atari en at on Frldat. Ihe i;:ih. in a in submit herewith n financial statement lor the six month ending 111 ' he would lu'iler In ace every ciilul! ind hla berth waa upper lie wna riciuiier 1st , t;i l. on repulilh t no don I) urn klnK hla ault enae when he a,oi-lei- l tlale the mi lliki Jtereliita. III llel'cilt lllllll to Hee III. 'Ill II defied the i it n ii r and renli.e( iheiom-iiinntio- Hal. un i. on hand April I, If elntloii with it Ihe lull $4111.23 their .iiirliil II Iriiin taxes Mtltli Htioti of the l ie oil Hliiendllielll 220.75 S S to (he otlHt It ill Ion. roni taxes , f,n; , 35 GOOD ARTESIAN WELL U i 'hull iciii M i i ii.i II III Inlioiliii K .ir band concerts 250.(1(1 Mr lliitmini to tin ii mil. 'in e, tnok " STRUCK IN NORTHERN nhinn to hoiiii w hat i,iutl iilU t rill 11124. 33 clue former t Im ei tinr Ihiaeriunn and ARIZONA COUNTRY DiMliiiraciiicnlw. t In pi'i-a- ikkiv '! n u n h on llluhl.tni! Park: watering, Mch. The next nicellnn in the Itlncrtiry ol February ami S. the repuhlh .in ii ii' pillule r Is to In tl. Learning, ck. 314 110.00 111 III III KoKlM'H The flral nttealan well nnd Rooll Apr, to Sept... .Morris Learning cks. 3 IS, 330, flow nl water In northern Arizona, 34ft, 34(1, 3.".:i. :iti4 120.00 waa Ntriuk bv Cnpinln Henry War- Let cling play arounds. ti. S. Learning, cks. 30s, ren on he A .Ice ranch at .loaepli i'uv H.0, s;i 47.00 lour ilnia n;i. The Wlnalow M.ill Sliding and planting trees, 0. S. Learning, an i k "Mr. Warren tin been drllltiic nnd cks. 30!, 310. Sin 83.00 doing work In thai line for the pntd Mn mile, springer Tr. Co., ck. 311 12.00 three teiiiH. nnd finally hla cli'orln Class seed. K. W, Fee, 1 k. 341 S 00 Wei,, rewuiilcd week bv a Co., i thla flow Stamm Fruit ck. 312 5.8S tt in ! i IVupIc ic I'h or water o' nventy five (talloua per Hose, Whitney Co., ck. 3.MI- l ttf.OO en i n llu It Omie. I r i i, rour-lnc- mlniile oi pipe, wliich Pi nches, & Manger, 3fi."i 20.2,n In Untitle ck. II 0 plellv hind to Hlleilll lo dlllje. apuria the air about the feel. In Mr Warren'a opinion, thla la Willi ii iiiiNiuiitlt i.ik. On Kohinaon ' With aniiotlim iiiliiHi'v illnotdem. only the of whin will be Park A Treat! So Sweet! a Watering Iliimi k kiiliii v 1'fllit lime liiilde oiie of the Rrenttst agricultural and cure, Ceo, Shat'cr. ks. 30,, Work filMrl in thla aeetlon of Ihe coun- -' 313, Sla, 317, 31.S. 323, 327. 328. 3 2!'! I'ptl-ned- , , and already SI. and Snn thoiiaiiiida ji uti l ully I.nula 33 1. 336, ,137, 33S, 33H. 342, 343, 34 4, 3 45. Cream-th- en re ImiI I'.c Kh Framiaio expel ta and officlnla lire on Add Eat Tlirj t.'l 348, 350. 351, 352, JS4, 357, 358, 3 HO, 3ti5, the (jiniind looklliR field over Tlii v'ip for ink k idiie. p. the and 30ft out-fii- a v., 420.00 A ll'tiiiiicl people lili.dly rciiiin- - they will anon have their drllllnt Plumbing, T. H. Cox. t 307, 320 I mi the liiuiind, na they ks. 2fi.5 loan h. hate ' A L. SO I I, Itron n I X W, liohl Ave., A IntRc land Intereata In (Ilia acctlon of Staehlln, ck. "32 10, n country they hop,, re-- i I'Uill'elijlH'. . M. x . en "i it f Mild the which to Seed, Stamm Fruit Co.. ck. 3ti3 14.00 n for thiec r four 'i, UK while at liiini bv Ihe na of artealiiu wnter. Lawn mower nnd hose, Whitney Co.. cks. Iht-t- la work ,i n dull. In n v in he There another hope that would 3(1 ,, 322, 334, 4,-- 70 I bring to Ihrnnuh mv t lie'. oltell felt 1,1 thla rouniry ihe front, Hnd Crescent Hdw. Co., t k. 324 t Iiu'cn lil ll ittteniptcd to Htoop that la while drilling In thla act tion 20.00 I mr aome will oil. Planting flag pole, A. I.. WoihIhII, ck, 335 To Muni- to water one strike 25.00 Post mid Ihin nine m iinulite niramhteii, llcHilmu ahoul Doan' which parties are working on now Adobe for walks, Springer Tr. Co., cks. .1.1,1, ' Kldin y I'llU. I ph.. nie, a box and Klther of these resource! will mean 35R 30.75 A delicious, ready-to-serv- e food made I Koon notUid a marked Improve- mm h lo the country. Tools nnd supplies. Uanbe Manger, cks. of white Indian corn, I'iIIp The depth of present ment. tin.m'K Kidney removed the active SOB. 323, 347, S8 U.70 iind reatnred well la 2 1 j feet. cooked and flavoured, mv pulii atiil lichen alao .Minium Lumber Co., ck. 3H1 S.70 then toasted to a crisp, tempting brown my In it hoimihI coiolll Ion." nine kldiieta It. Utlppe, 3211 Kot itlc by all itiiileix. I'l'lce Ml A Medicine That Um Confidence. ck. .15 - t k. ,1(il Mtif- entn I'ViKter-- illuirn Co.. Iluffalo, la Foley'a Honey and Tar Com-poun- Milntosh Hdw. Co.. 1.50 New York, Hole iinenta fftr ihe I'liltcd Mra, T. J, Adams, fin North Harrowing sod, (1. S. Lcamlim ck. 3HS J. 00 Stifi 8(52, fO "The Memory Lingers1 HI e lea. k annua avenue, Columhu. Kna Hand etin. fits, W. U Filial. ; k. 3(1 250,0ll IUi'J.HS num a Ilciiiemher the I'oan writes: "For a number of year my and t.ike no other. $271.38 children have been aubject to coiiRhs Halante on hand Tottum Cereal Company, Hi tpectfuliy aubmlitcd, Limited, Battle Creek, Michigan 1 " and colds, o I kept It In (he house all the time " Hefuae auhstltutea. , n. w. n. .hkyax Try a Journal (Want Ad, Results J. H. O'RKHy. ' Sao'y. and T'eas. 1'ark Coin, THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1911. FIVE

TAFT MADE TARGET VVALTOFi OF SILVER 2i PROGRESSIVE CITY. CHOSEN AS DENUNCIATION GRAND MASTER MMm Porder ,iil P.P'rTO I r BITTERLY SCORED FOR MASONIC GRAND LODGE AbsoIuteljrJrare ANNUAL ARIZONA RECALL VETO HOLDS ELECTION l l t l lS - V J. I I I I i It 1'--. A 'ill i i i 4 CMi Lafollette Followers Plan to A. A, Keen and A. J. Maloy of Re-elec- biscuit, ted Re- UrVD Where the finest Carry Fight For Nomination Albuquerque .LUSH hot-bread- s, cake, crusts For Presidency Into Homes spectively as Grand Secretary or puddings are required of American People. and Grand Treasurer. Royal is indispensable. ensuing I By Morning Jnnraal flpwlal Imw4 Wlr.l Election of officers for the Chicago, ill., Oct. 17. Milter ex year and banquet last night at thw coriation of President Taft. a promise Alvarado. tendered the grand lude Royal is equally valuable to carry the fight for presidential officers by the officers of Temple nomination to the American fireside Lodge No. 8. constituted the impor- of plain, and a plea for the aid of American tant events of yesterday's sessions of lift in the preparation women, marked the opening here to the New Mexico tirand Lodge, An- every-da- y night of the campaign of the progrea cient, Free and Accepted Masons, substantial, slve element of the reoublican party, gathered here in annual communica- 'fi as it is styled, to nominate Senator tion. foods, for all occasions. Robert M. La Kollette as the republi The election of officers of the can candidate for president. grand lodge took place at the morn- Senator Moses Clapp of Minnesota ing session held In Masonic temple. brought the denunciation of President The officers elected were: Taft to its sharpest climax, after Grand Master W. It. Walton, Sil- The only baking powder made Senator Crawford of South Dakota ver City. had been li.terrupted by a disturb- Deputy Grand Master M. K. Wil- Irom Royal GrapeCream ol Tartar ance in the audience and had been liams, Las Vegas. forced to ii'it speaking. Senior Orand Warden Walter P. Calling the chief executive's action Chlsum, Hoswell. of the Arizona statehood matter, the Junior Orand Warden Nathan -- Phosphates blackest chapter in all tyranny out 'ill No Alum No Unto Jaffa, Santa Ke. side of the absolute despotism of an Grand Treasurer A. J. Maloy, Al unbridled king." Senator Clapp said ,) you In buquerque, "Now, whether believe the Grand SecretaryA. A. Keen. Al- recall or not, X think you will agree you to say buquerque with nie that it Is not for of grand bxlge whether the people of Arizona shall The remainder the appointive. They will ' have the recall. We had this question officers arei Hr! 1 be named today after the installation Tt... a mm ik. , , Institute at Washington, who made up In congress. We said the people newty mac especially the vote on the ques- of tha elected grand officers. r the long journey for of Arizona, must either this morning's session of the ONLY MEERSGHADM purpose of viewing the iranie of the tion again, and whatever way they at taste sometimes ilc-- voted, would be allowed to come grand lodge, or this afternoon. The giant of other days. Mr. Shroup was they of the grand lodge v5 provided with photographic instru- Into the union. And mv friends, the communication ' president of United States, vetoed will close this evening. tcctcd in pure beer ments and took several pictures of the the The aoclal feature of the grund He also desired to take it to that resolution, and one was passed III i' freak. lodge was the banquet given IN COUNTRY Washington, but request was held providing that the people of Arizona sessions is the result of exposing it the light. MINE this at 7 o'clock last night at the Alvarado to up by Mr. Marx unttj later, and after must vote again, but must vote the put It In- at which the officers of Temple Lodge I w recall out, though they can he ascertains hether Arizona desires were In to their constitution after admission. hosts and the grand officers the it for its probable state museum. guests of It was served in th Light starts decay even in pure beer.. Dark event, be Mr. "A fine lesson to teach people on honor. that it will donated. to Taft dining room and was perfect In H PS PRODUCT Marx stating that as th subject was the threshold of their admission be this union. What think you, would Its appointments. The spotless linen glass gives protection against light. found in the territory, it should spirits of those and resplendent silver and cut glass kept Mr. Stump was very much say the disembodied here. men w hose bones - moldering in the were further enhanced by beautiful interested in those portions of the if, No special program of were Intact, par- buttle fields of the republic, look cut flowers. Schlitz is brewed in absolute cleanliness human trama that realize price toasts had been prepared, speech-makin- g ticularly skull, which indicated int down they could the the Fifty Tons a Month Being the of admission to this union was a stult- being entirely Informal, foll- is that the giant was of such abnormal of in- was menu: cooled in filtered air then it aged for months, beyond comprehesion ification of the electorate the owing the Shipped From Grant County; size as to be dividual state." Menu. as that of a human being. Mr. Marx K. of Chicago, Aztec burying Charles Merrlam Oyster Cocktail to prevent biliousness, then filtered through white Big Operations Under Way at has uncovered another voiced the promise to carry the cam- Consomme, Paysannc. ground near the point where the paign to the firesides, saying in this was all skeletons ap- Radishes Cucumbers is sterilized, and Chino, skeleton found, but connection that the progressive Raked Baracmla, Lobster Sauce wood pulp then every bottle dug up are normal In size and attract peal would be made by Senator La attention, only a small Browned Pig's Jowl and Spinach but little Kollette and his followers to women Scallops of Ureen Turtle, Indlenno delivered to you in brown bottles, thus protect- number being found. An old irrigati- as well as to men. fSpwilnl CorrMPanrtram lo Morning loarnal) ng also been partly un- Potted Uxjoint, Jardiniere ditch has Senator Crawford elaborated on Cardinal Punch Silver City. N. 11., Oct. 16. The covered, and it Is Mr. SHoup's belief this feature and was In the midst of ing Schlitz purity from the brewery to your glass. was culti- Roast Young Chicken with Dressing 0 place Intelligently "Jackpotlsm" anil American Meerschaum company, op- that the a denunciation of Roast Prime Ribs of Reef uu vated in some past ago by an indus- the bribery of legislatures, when a. Jus erating not a great way from Silver people. Mr. Marx has un- of Rudolph M. Browned Potatoes If you knew what trious man giving the name Cauliflower, Sauce iiiiBiratir' City, the only meerschnum mine in covered many implements, some of Patterson asked If it were not true Creame aro unique in construction, and Follette, receiv- June Peas we know about beer the United States, Ik now shipping which that Senator La after .Mayonalse for what purposes they were utilized ing financial aid from Senator Ste- Tomatoes fifty tons of the clay a month to its and act- Tortotil Ice Cream Assorted Cake you would say "Schlitz is problematical. phenson had turned from him Cheese-Roquefo- pipe factory in New York, where it la ed the part of an ingrate. rt Water Crackers Coffee made Into pipes. The mill at the Immediately the meeting was in an SchHtzJn brown quieted only when Grand Royal Arch CI in pier. mine Trees of most uproar, which was the meerschaum OTERO'S STAND BIG scores had attempted to do violence Tomorrow the Grand Royal Arch bottles." of its foreign matter and the process ft policeman Chapter will meet In annual con- to the interrupter and Sft that crown aves about thirty per cent in freights. had been called. Senator Crawford vocation and on Friday tho grand er ark conclave of the Knights Templar of Meerschaum is worth in New York, then quit speaking. is handed "&lilitz" Senator Lorlmer came in for at- New Mexico will be in session. Hot It nil the way from $20 to $69 a pound, A grand con- 0 TO CAUSE tacks by all the speakers, chiefly by the grand chapter and the Phone 138 owing to its quality. Tho company Senator Crawford and Mr. Merrlam. cave will complete their sessions on holies to he paying good dividends by The South Dakota senator called him the days mentioned, finishing their Consolidated liquor Co. the first of next year. A good school the product of Jackpotism" and work by electing officers for the en- house and many buildings for em- cried: suing year. Masons from all parts of Cor. 1st St. and Copper ployes aro beinjr uvciod ut tho mine. Repudiation of "Shame upon you for this condition the new state, as well as templars, Ate., Albuquerque Tin; Cliino. in tho state of Lincoln when the will bo gathered here for the sessions ' laws governing your people are the of these bodies. 12 The drilling at Santa Klta of the Gang Will Add Immeasurable Kastern c two new ore bodies Chino, product of a Jackpot at Springfield Grand initr of Star. of he the at Wash- On tomorrow also will convene the 06 and one of the lawmakers Sierra and Estrella, has developed Strength to Opposition to n ington is going there as a product of grand chapter of the Order of Kast-er- nearly 9,000,000 tons of ore, making two-day- Bursum, that kind of thing. But when you want Star, for a s' session, ore fully developed 64,186,99!! tons, keep him there Thursday and Friday. The Mont averaging 2.24 per cent. has to see who wants to Milwaukee This ore you have to Worshipful of faimis and who does not, don't Grand Matron the ade 4 IhafM been developed by the drilling of 59 point after the tieneral Chapter of the United 'footage, 178,928 put an Interrogation States holes, with a total of (Hperlnl I'orrMBondenes to Morning Journal name of progressive." Mrs. Alice Miller of Muskogee, oklu., feet. a King, Anthony, Asia, cminuty: I'tdey's Kidney lteinedy, vs. a Hopeless Silver City, X. M., Oct. 17. It is The meeting closed with Senator will be In attendance on the sessions, proved, will penult of his assuming Dona I. );. MoirieS, I'nliit At Its contemplated rate of pro- believed, here that the action of Clupp's attack on President Taft, The which promise to be the largest at- active of hl.i new dutieti. ucile Atwater, lies system It) chaw county; William I.. Taylor. House-cel- t, Hon. Ark. J. K. Freeman snys; "I duction of 6,999 tons daily this ore Miguel Otero In leaving the senator called tho Judiciary tended the history of the order. Hoi'M' i i r (niiulit. AMcfiil I. in ere kidney trouble, tonnage already developed will be old "plunderbund" party and Joining as it existed, more of a legislative Hefore adjournment the Kastern Star A. A. S. of (jtiay county: CaHlnilro hud n severe ease of govern- Mounted I'oliciman tiu county; sufficient to last the company more the progressives will add immeasur and executive branch of the also will choose lis officers for the Las Vegas has arrested .lose Valilez San Rafael, Valencia Clinton and could not work, and my ens than thirty years. Of the 64,186,000 ably to the strength of the democratic ment which "can make laws as It sees coining year. Tho sessions of the II. Weeks, Thoreau. MeKlnb'y cointi-ty- ; seemed hopeless, One largo bottlo of on the charge of horse stealing. Val Colfax tons, more than 32,000,000 tons lie state ticket, which. Just now, seems fit. and repeat them at Its leisure." He Kastern Star will be held in the Ma- dez was given u preliminary examina- Henito Males, lUack UiUe. Foley's Kidney Remedy cured m, by very a greater pow- county; Jackson, Clovls, t';irrj above tho steam shovel horibon. certain of being elected a beheld in the Judiciary sonic temple. tion ami held to await the action ol Canut and I have never been bothered since. to , menace popular government county. large majority. er the grand jury in the sum of $r,ti(i, I always reeommoml It," Hon. W. C. McDonald, the demo- than In the legislature and declared Republican I'i linarlc Tor the Treasury. ARIZONA MAN WON'T nominee for governor, appears that If the recall were valuable at all. J. II. O'RIelly, cratic the compos- Republican prlnmrieH for .Santa Ke Tha territorial treasurer has re- " to be gaining strength dally all over It was needed to "defend TREASURER PA county will bt; held Saturday evening SELL SKELETON OF HIS against of too great ceived (lie following kiiiiis for Ihi l this part of the state, flood citizens ite people factors In this city, In l.amy, (VnllhiB anil Pol land, Ore., Oct. 17. Spurious It will cause judges to Krvlon, land hp. of 11 parties are flocking to his a power." "If to re- treasury Robert I'. pay checks, purport Ing to Issued by PREHISTORIC.GIANT to ground' and Madrid to elect delegates the per cent proceeds it! standard and his election is assured 'keep1 their ear the publican county convention which five (lie 01 Railroad and decisions upon present land Kales, $ t l,llK:i.7 dis- of the largest majorities ever base their meets Monday. In all other piixli ct!" l ulled Slates Navigation company, were today any prospects," he concluded, "they will 1). y. palmer, treasurer of Union covered by the Cnlted States National given man in New Mexico. we gel FILES OATH 0 F of the county the primaries will lie do it now and the sooner rid county, C A. Browning of 111 city, appear- Prcseott. Aria., Oct. 16. Peter Saturday at 1 ni. hank this and from of that kind of judges the better we held t. county, $:i:t2.5!i. The Pullman a gang In Marx of Walnut Creek, discoverer of 1XMKY KIUMtTY MM A Notaries Public Appointed. Curry ances with headiiuarters are off.' , company, tax, )H0i).T2. Total has secured a large, sum of the skeletoti of a prehistoric human Supply just the Ingredients needed Governor Milla lias appointed Ihe Car Seattle Riant on his farm several weeks ago, $ money by moans of tho forgeries. to build up, strengthen and restore OHIO IMUWRKSKIVKS TO 'following notaries public: Wllllnin S. while In the lty yesterday, stated the natural action of the kidneys and AGAINST TAFT OFFICE that the curiosity Is attracting, such IJEAD FIGHT bladder. Specially prepared for back- Cleveland, O... Oct. 17. Ohio is to deep Interest in scientific circles that ------nervousness, r.heu-matis- prevent TTT-r-.------he is almost deluged witli letters. ni ache, headache, be the center of the fight to u.n.i,inni -- Inn ...... unit to during the past two weeks lias Veen and alt kidney, bladder and j rum u nil n..rt'.jluiio i ' hvi." Y visited by Mr. and Mis, Shrmtp. the urinary irregularities. obtain the republican nomination for oi un- former an attache of the .Smithsonian .T. H. OTHHIy. senator l.a roneue nmuium, Successor to Miguel A. Otero y f cording to Clevelanders who attended y the progressive conference In Chica Prepares to Assume Duties to Get Chancei go. f Your T of Territorial Position; Official 4 BODY OF JUSTICE Capital Notes, f Couch Cheap f (Special Good Cernwponsme la Mnrnlnf A iianta Fe. N. M Oct. 17. Major t Rl RESTS Rufus J. Paien, president of the First ? National bank, who has been appoint- y ed territorial treasurer succeeding yf Miguel A. Otero, resigned, today filed y his oath of oliice with the secretary y Ill GRAVE of the territory. He Is now prepar- y ing his bond, which, when It Is ap- - T yx y WHAT EVERY y Burial Included Brief Ceremony WOMAN KNOWS y at Residence and Public Ser- yr vice in Church; Fellow Jurists No woman can decorate her head f with false hair in the shape of rats, y y Pall Bearers, puffs, switches and transformations y y und make it appear natural. Hair growing on the scalp it adorns is the y y I Mr Morning journal Special I.eaMd Wire only kind that always looks right. y We've a lot of new goods coming and need more room. Something had to be sacri- y Wauhington, Oct. 17. The body of There is a grace and beauty in nat- w is to fort Smith Western Wagon the late Associate Justice Harlan of ural hair hich not be mistaken. y ficed and we chose Couches, because our line of them is so large and varied. y tho supreme court of the United States Newbro's Herpiclde permits the y was laid to rest today In Rock Creek luxuriant growth o"f beautiful hair, Our couches come in all the popular coverings, including the best grade of genuine y Tills wagon Is designed especially to meet the requirements of the cemetery. It kills the dandruff germ, preserves y y Western and Southwestern trade. Burial was proceeded by a brief the hair and gives it the life and y leather. We have big, roomy Box Couches, also those unique, Folding Bed Couches, GOOD SICASOX F,l) IS TIIF FOLXDA-TIO- X ceremonv at the Harlan residence and brightness of true hair health. PROPFULV Every woman niay have beautiful, sightly. See in our window. X OF THF. SMITH WAGON.. The place to get the by a public service In the New York y so convenient and them FORT Avenue Presbyterian church of which glorious hair growing on her own Pick of tymd timber Is where U grows. Fort Smith Is In the cen- Justice Harlan was an active member head. There Is no secret about It y ter of the great hardwood lumber district. Fort Smith wagons are for years. use Newbro's Herpiclde. postage y made to stand the dry of the Southwest. Members of the supreme court were Send 10c In for sample and y climate the honorary pall bearers. book or, the care of the Hair to The y y Rev. Dr. Wallace Dadcllffe, of the Herpiclde Co., Dept. U., Detroit, Mich. GEO. SHEER fURNITURE CO. New York Avenue church, eulogized One dollar slzP bottles are sold and y C y Albuquerque Carriage Co. Justice Harlan, praising mm panic guaranteed by all the leading drug- y ularlv for his "peerless American gists. NEW ODD FELLOWS BLDG. 314-31- 6 SOUTH SECOND ST. y Ism." may lie of ami Applications obtained at j. t. carriage Flrsl TIJer' the best barber shops and hair dress Try a Journal Want Ad, Results Ing parlors. J, H. O'RIelly Co,, special agents. SIX THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1911.

of the pteplc the orst of iL - t .... . j n n u, rri) tc:i, must to, v.. , 7 FAIR IN me opie o . ii BBSS morning journal per discovered tn.u ir. nwi J,.n t rrMif his trouers ns artist- - Tdx. oh-- . Paso, New Mexico) El Ofac4al wpaprr l ally as the coal barons? iKnt it IS 0 MARKET IahlfcJvd bj Iti In a ii Jut because he does nft ride SECOND m) t JOURNAL PUBLISHING hLZ V. Return x C0.'":Dili l""."V'J .T. FIDDLM and water company. IT ! A doe nt control a HNKINt Prices Have Steady a. Pii-i- waautaa lew need l mere ce. Remaned ,at& tl.tNA JOHNSON M'l. What thin country i h HiaosTt cur Eto mtnt enVwalk layers In office nnd With Better Tone Reported fa From Albuquerque t e Ka'IK Atr.rtlir d run- ihi truer cemcnt-hcadt- M.litivins the Goods Market. ning things. Wc need iumrit' artists . 111 on the peanut gTaft-er- a Weqoett Bwliaias, in. to el the ar.4 corporate crooks. Cement THK LAS VKOAS ulTIC i wr-- IT W1U. HE LKMf'N for Hio thi lc bu.-i- m - ryiriK ou r muih iiiom-- the j gng th'a trip. Tin re h.,j been a ss r $10.00 progress, hw rMm lUynmartita walka are ynnymot! with I, I '.out "ii wool rn Mt i Mormiif Jotitral ait for 1'ul' rted in the tnarkit if they arc good cement walks; we the tr:tnsitctions - Mkil'rk Hew. hrm . V the ut of the next poxulior if N". FH.W't'ISft. wight t.. I" same and this week. ltlioush I'r"m all otlur .taliou one- fare for the roinio! trip. undrtand Mr. tlarcin lay good ones. Mexico. We .to thinn differently run hirtMtell for county school in the cived have prolubly been s mc-wbu- t nd-n- l t!o were a neck Htr". CMr4 m awa iate we need ia mora men wh will dimn her, old i"ort. fnmi the way auperlnt. t. A fe s hoc visits bss than it you vic-tiin- a S4is the liostiiu C'i'Miiiicrcial lliilletin. ",4f aland Ilk adamant against gang rule and the Almanac the would lay the gasoline bill. Mexico-Ariz- ona Statehood Jubilee .f VhST I."' "! in "Men of the Hour in New i'rict-- have remained steady, as New J !."Jt - rottenness. We need more I ,n.i im and lublic Mexi.-o.- rythlnir the Morning of with l;ct week's uliotations ...n. n.M way Kt IX VIEW OF THKIK horror . ement bbK k to block the to the Journal out ,f wouldn't l.u en- dealers feeling that the market h '8 I tir vm. MHi "" nl that Tthanoa. It's eiueer the push hus gone likely off. Ticket more cement under-ri- w ditor of the K. about as low as it is to lYtmi Alhnqitenniv mill sins anilli. lnc:tidins tlie cut Vm" - treasury and the the 0tic listed the hearty support ot the IiU'm' rMl- go. although ther are buw tK--. TMMrmiK m M 'standing the easier it will be for the I'aso Herald and has correspondent mii on sale th toIxT lMtli. IU1I1 ami 2tHli. Ioui all oiIht stutioiK K.fl trao raati 1 who are constantly attempting to MKAU ia of paper on the lanJwagon. : to win in a walk. WE with relief that it that by cent. I IK 25th. VN.TrHVl I shade the market a half loN l Till. lNlli ami 19tlt. Krlurn limit tolwr KV.V .V.. only herdera who have been di-- j the (too) tiencrall) More Active. , K.HT water coun-- J NOTH1.V5 .' f;iir The evening crsan of the 'reeled where to tote In Socorro IS LEFT the but. Is a reported In ty. possible pen a memory of the delicious There better tone fonMi.Mnv th tfnl rnntniinlea. the- la ii that soioinon fle'tina: the goods market this uctk, although, m tm WiIb I fe mmtf " will forget to inHtruct the ahcop? taste of those Fort melons. - tm tfcP' ana the nas put na i there Is also considerable spottinef-.- P. JOHNSON, Agmt IwmI railroads - J "T .'"'. con- foot Into a batch of manifest. The men's wear mills TTIU! frh LAS VKOAS Headstone aaya FI Kl E- - niH' TIT wheat to have end of the busi- HM at italwhen latxTlnR man aa Till: re- - tinue the bet by mmL tr ...... it attneka the that tli.. i.iil.Hah.M tw.rtrnlt fit M records of Kansas were smashed ness nicording to advices, regulation C ently .1 til rrir. oaa maia ; candidate for office. It U quite In t.. Kl.t I....1. tt. Vlrc lnlhnnv 4t. when nesr Heloit farmer bit worsteds and serges and fancy wcml- -' 0ii. thirty mlnutea after . ltn ih policy of the nan which Hverinx his oration over the dead no biwult ens doing fairly well, only that with a .' fcU" ; . . . it. rec-- 1 .".nd you tin Mraia nl , ...-..- ! Th.. ,,rniiAn the binder bad beheaded The few exceptions, the milis have tin paper, it stems so. make an appeal After exposure, when feel ord of the Kansas egg from the for papers. Notwithstanding our e- i - ,n come Uter and there will be more extended orders, selling from hand to free 1 cold coming on. Foley's Honey Miirf - r.illroad Ikmw to prevent the labor. however, is at take than on.- - tin emperor to play the part least mouth as ordeis come ulong and boy- - poor chatoy to sci' both sides of the I and Compound, It checks and inn man from outitlhtnu redreaa for of corpse. thirty days. ing llieir raw matcrlul in the saim uutstion, the college precinct will iv" Tar l HI 41 il BW MtlRO j,iry (he hands of careless corpo- - way. In fact, this condition of ai.atrs eighty per cent of its forty votes to relieves. I'se no substitute, Ttie gen- t ,t The progress- SINCE A NEW New York law has la irue of almost all the mills. the democratic ticket. a yellow always. rations. FOR A t'.ENTLEMAN alleged to be great ive will support McDonald and dt uine package -- n-- o. made It difficult for a citizen to own In dreas gcoda there is still a nu: entirely unknown. Mr. kiclHiiiuhi ap Success to you. .1. II. ('l;ie!iv lIl:"ltAT"i' - ...... I cl r or piaud in his home, a dearth of orders, although cloakings ' ' la ovei- - la- - MORE MOMMKNTS. . ,.Z firm ot manufacturers Is putting over, ore in good request as true of In a recent J turn i s rapidly J the past The Tribune CIttien jwllh marked success a sawed-of- f re-- ' coatings also. Mill men are inclined It appear that ia un-- ae attempted to make liutltu- - oeatinr shotrun. twelve buckshot to! to the opinion that while there New Mexlco'a educational Wit I. CI.EMKXTE Pustillo of So- - . Anri,lo...... ,al.,.,lv ill he iii.,i,. t. l,. nnv irrcit moirt In the ,ne memoer. o. prea v... -- " ,,,, we are told by the ItilMum corro countv vote "Small they will have, nev- - charted that It waa deaecratlon for , for the killed. volume of orders, bureau In Kanta Ke. are a inonuinent ltnnrhman's Finend?" , off a very fair yardage the democratic camll-- j rthelss, riin FOOTBALL GOODS the name of republican pronreaslvenesa. THE HEllAt.I) feels an aped-- ! when the end of thu season aliall nave t appear on the to that date for ovrrnor my, yea, .to be aure, but that ogy is du Us readers lor devoting so' been reached, I (h. THK SANTA FK New Mexican is lrlc-- . BOXING GLOVES, TENNIS GOODS, to ( anil liatl' flan. inon-oment- a, w I.. much editorial Fpace ConKreasman lroicctn aollcltiide for the wel- - Isn't all. Look at all the other sonit hat indignant because John paper. The transactions of the week have This deep of Eddy county, appointed Flood." Evening Oh. don't IN l l'naa over the splendid school Emerson beg I covered a w ide range so tar as grades SPORTING GOODS GENERAL ;.r. r,t i,m star ansneted (inner postmaster by tulmliits-tration- ,' mind us Mr. Flood's pardon. up' in Hernallllo county a repnbiirt ' :tre concerned, and have generally omethlnit rfcther new on the part of!at'm built is a democratic candidate for hap- , been for small to medium sired ot. The Famous Spaulding Line. aupporta Trlb. Clt.iby Franclaco Hubbril: form about commissioner of public lands. Was "MR. FLOOD and his party tb. nnir which the pen to good the mills' policy of buying for current manner In which, the postmaster to be in a position make ------ti...-..- ,f n ha. Wn the least the nionumenlal the gentleman appointed heeds being apparent mill. The dcal- - - doled out a plttanco to buy him oif? their threat to unseat the republican on f worrlea of thla rrowd. If wr legislatures have who Is certain be elected as n rep- - ers' report more or less wool out the t" Is believed will re- to the New Mexico I'nlverMttf; and j Trlb- - sample, which it remember rtfhtly one of Mr. Ituraum'a . rest ntatlve from this state." business, but O. A. MATSON & COMPANY uaxe at aohie of the othr mcmoriali. "A l!RKAI crust and three cups 01 une- - Itlxen. republican. sult In considerable j f creature, now. apoken of for a can- any 'TIE Is little hope of large transac of the monumental fortune for Arbuckle'a coffee is enough for h'm. Does that mean' Mr. Curry or there didate In Hocorro county, not ao many Think W. C. McDonald, it j Hons, resulting in the way that is fa up by gang pro. man, according to Mr. Elf ego Uaca? - venra aan lore down the flatt In the foreigners built the seems." Santa Fe New Mexican. As miliar to traders In the Roston mar- rorporatlot.a! In. ket.- although there are few dealers city of Hocorro and trampled It under pie la the staff of life to the New THE ilASd I'RKSS says the people ,hut 111 - crowd, anlmu Ms feet, raising ...itM.1,1. rnlil.. of a aiH'll Willi f lll.l- Mex. and lis the of the ar which, opposition is evident. aasumpt rumpus thereby among the pntrlotlc chine of the republican party Flood's "calm ion" that up by the time tne season is a frauds Will be perpetrated in the; used Gem I'lty. ground out thai monumental ticket nt over and there Is le:a weakness Did You Ever tltliens f the WOOL will coining election. Of course they are. , Ijii Vegas. Observe with admiration THE TAtllFT mike - ninonc the larger holder of Anxiety lest the flng be desecrated Utile to a man like Mr. Flood ought to have Known mai.e . ,,,,, ,,.,,- - . mighty difference , . . 'i,a tttifitiitti.ntnl lav ttiiflffinir ulilei! and .. I .v with considerable noveuy irom - . Clement Castillo of Socorro countv. we nuill jec em steal It this time. .,...,,""' : nB,', nd-- ond fostered by the - hi TO the men w hose corruption and politic abetted r.i.g If the sheep barons make- it) walk Territorio. STOP THINK grazo j slush done more ministration as a result of which It twenty miles to his llocka. "THE PROI'ITV" mi the While there have been few. If and official knavery has I in one cuun. fund press bureau In Santa Fe, "were of territory wool eliw to keep New Mex- - j neewwiry to aue Jut !.. birue sales That i he than anything with Mr. Rursnni In three successful ! week, the aggregate of Excess Price V '"" some $70.o b.tck EVIDENTLY THAT Chinese re- made this Ico a star for many yer out of that tt republican campaigns." this in i transactions will be less than (axea, anu aa resun 01 wouu me public lias a pig tail tied to it. Mr. the (lug. a clude the last time when Hursum those made last week, on the same You pay for a case of Eastern Ceer does not represent King was forced by u elected a delegate lu congress by a any The flag means to these men of Valencia ; wools. Staple grades uppcar to have thou- - sea comes majority of minus one hundred? wlthul- Commercial club to pay one FROM ACROSS the the ibeen less active, while clothing wools superiority of quality? cloak to cover their rottenness loud rattling of the skeleton in the ' pronounced in f aandth of hi Just taxes instead of only itnra bi.en more their to fly over a state house says: I banner - China closet. THE EVENING pitper "Holm d(,in.1T1j. or oeauit- - j It only represents price you ttUtrrii hv rhleiinerv nnd brlberv. ten thousandth. Think tne O. P'.irs'im has more honor and de- Airng the sales of original wools the pay for freight on of reared In I - where legislatures elected by ballot monument lnkruptcy WHAT THE LADIE.S will, do to Cency in a day bf hfs official life than ther- has been a lot 01 n'wut the water it contains. ,,y ,,uMM,1 who voted the Joiirnal-Hagermu- n combine pos-- ' at prices box thievery pass law for tha l,m",y th' r,,il",(' those lti.OH'i CiillfornUiiis ,0,nrt!l of Montana reported ..'CoglnHo on the monumental sums of against woman's suffrage will be a sesses in all Its histor." Now that lj ranging from 2ftw2l cents, lief" of men like Hursum and Hub. we call a real lain. j Bhrlnkage. We chemically pure money paid to capilol sweepers In the plenty. cording to use artesian water won wlwh bell; providing for "the. settlement of pouuun to ,l" monumental as- - A lot Of aoOUl .001, mill accounts of publM officials;'' outrag-vnr- " " clothing fine and the fine Montana have been levied on there is no freight to pa- y- eoua. Infamoua' bieasur. s like the 'menta "hlch wool sold according to report at WHY PA Y FREIGHT? M would hot vote ; F SAN1TARIUW1 COOPERATION OF; -1 t ... t"? t Liihlu t.e tihfoit fiO ll.wklna bill; measures like the ou Beer monumental aKgregatUms of land I cents i lean basis was dented by thejj Glorietta can be hat! a! the savino. which Mr. Hudspeth In a celebrated firm alleged to have sold. Other sales -- i ' b" t,,u nd thc speech In the csiPltol denounced as a n ' f of Wvoining. Idaho and Utah clothing monumental herds of sheep which ml- - most of these In aid of criminals;" devious, I wools been fair, S. "bill SCKOQLDIRECTQRS have Phones 57-5- special laws for t,r,.. BUILDING FOR fine and fine medium wools of inter- "Joker selling close to the half nnd cor of the assessor. j. mediate grade benefit of crtiok4 polltlelans dollar mark clean, although some of poratlon hirelings while the men re- Think of the perpetual memorial to 'them are estimated at bett-- r priceR Southwestern Brewery & Ice Co. sponsible for this state of affairs the ability nnd honesty of the gang (even in solve instances as high as Is helng In that congress bus been PRESBYTERIANS IS NEEDED 1 tents for the choicest lots. shriek that the starry banner lawmakers. i! clothing wool "desecrated" by bearing the name of forced to nullify a large number of Altogether the sales of Albuquerque, New Mexico j for the week probably exceed a clean, honest citizen who respects them. Think of the penitentiary, that - somewhat. j million pound mark the flag and the things which It stands j monument to the honesty, ability and for and pledged to cleanse It of the (efficiency of 11. O. IluMum; the mon- - Beautiful McCormick Edifice Ul'Aed tO ASSist ill Getting All The demand 'for Texas wools this dark stains of graft and official in- timental victory of the Inst republican . week has been less than for some'S TO Ot decency. delngitte whnae campaign was man- Just Completed On Mesa, MeetinC btate weeks back. Deleis report offers . . . 1101 oiuy aged by Mr. Rursiun; und close thla .from tne mnts, ior n Start Off Right in the New A to the members of the Orand One of Most Modern in the Educational ASSOCiatlOn in dips, but for all clips at prices u half State by considering ,.TWl,lreri rum-ti- Army, these men who fought and fell monumental reflection Cein iiooei th.uAm.'t. v ...... It and Your on the battlefield to preserve the flag the monumental gall of using a state Country, November, without sales Itelng affected, since Get Mill Work at Is certain that there will fought of a great election to "vindicate" a bunch of un considered under the command be a market for all goods at fully cur- - man In the white house, whose mem- savory politicians. aooner or later. The of SV M- - following circular letter has rent emulations Chicago Mill ory Im been blasphemed only lately There are a number of monuments, nianagimrnt the The r & Lumber Co. rn I'i csbyt, rirui Sutiltaritun y stero- by of the 1-- by men who now howl that the all right. been sent out the president 421 N. the r Saw-tell- - Keep Your Eye On the 40 Third St. c .le.-- pte.l contrtft.-.- flig must not be desecrated.'" It was l.! tro'ii New Mexico F.ducstional association Hicks beautiful UO.aoo - Largest Planing Mill In the Southwest. New Abraham Lincoln who made Immort- .OOI 1VH IVSTAXCIA. and l,e to the various boards of school dlrec- Water Meter. and Modern Machin- Elizabeth McCormick s.inltiriinu Little ery, costing $20,000, operated with 7 er electric motor al those words about a "government of tors in the state: We ou manufacture the people. y the people and for the The Eslancia News savr. hini.iiiii; .iuM conipicte.i me cise Tticumcarl, Oct. 1 4. 1911. cm the mc .1 Just beyond the eastern.. 'people.'' 'Vith the Estancla Valley send-ii- r Hoards of School Directors; city llmiis. The architect Is E. I'. Through of officers Francisco, Mouldings Store It Is thla kind of government forty-fiv- e entries to the state fair Lust Saturday Don Fixtures install-- , made went u it Cristy and l'eaman and Ayers and teachers New Mexico has the liberal spender, into which Francisco Hubbell stands for, and bringing back thirty premiums, well-know- Sash the splendid system of splendid progress educationally tn re n tobacco establish- Office Fixtures 11 11 ngrl- - id simitar; who ruled this county for years with looks like this ts something of It must Improve ment on Central nvenue. lie plumbing and the steam heating ap- cent years. As a state. Doors Mission a government of Frank Hubbell, by cultural country after u II the knocks of the past. It paid each of the employes there- Furniture Is the plan and results - tlp-- Huh-bell-- paratus. The building the gift to in Kivinb- to understand Frank Hubbell and FOR Frank the valley has received. With the Is always good for education to have tl, Frames Stairs' M'1-- ".ii)tbir!in:i Elizabeth. ( dls-cu-- s if they would "work" for iaiiueiH learning how to farm and the of Mrs. all teachers In our state meet, that him he would pay them II each Interior finish, and anything for Building mixing muscle, the Is oinii k of Chicago, in token 01 conditions, and decide on best a Architectural detail this the kind ol' got eminent that brain and result day until election, making some work a fpeclalty. We do high grade average yield of whose ecneiosity any to Improve them, and this Is each. work. We have kiln dried II. o. Hursum stand for, who drives inevitable with an of olefins j:3 aklddoo dollars lumber. Send In jour order and yon especially desirable in our state at - day dollar ap- will find us competing with men r.Unf.ill. The fact that our farmers patient sent to the Institution by Mrs. Tin- next no tbo oulsido world. the of small mean out of H- thla time. peared. The next day passed by , our Motto: nig Ru.sinets; Small l'rofits. ocorro county lands to enlarge his own drew down two out of every three McCormick will be treated free. The territorial board, through Hi dollarlesM. The workers made private fortune? Is this the kind of prke they went after, will stimulate sanitarium building Is of pebble dash The inquiries and found that Fran- Phone No. 8. llnlsh, of beautiful and thoroughly you It I a government Solomon Luna stands trtem to do better another year." secretary, recently tolJ that cisco intended to pay only the modern construction Inside and out. down and 14 on election for, who ha Just given order that Its arrangemtnt represents the very considers it proper for you to grant dollar iWM. FTOHLRAU, puy, duv, making $5 etch. Manager hi Valencia county her; herders ri.rsK Einaix. latest Lb' a tit sanitarium building In the teacher a vacation on full Naturally the victims are sore i must cast their votes to well an Im- convenience and luxury. The ventil- and pay part of the traveling expenses very sore.' ating is perfect und each of the perilled In So- to the, New Mexico Ed- The. only explanation of stub republican vote western Hursum as In his speech at 1m twelve rooms has lis separate sutl let tur attend November IS- clumsy work us this from the -- corro county? Is It a government of Vegas, "Hlessed Is the man who tills porch tuiie left wide and a big room ucational ; V Hi that action, past master, is that the bar'l Is the people advocated by the Holland soil." In itself. Many of the rooms have IS. accordance with ( the each expects to be released lunning low. capitalists w ho rule Colfax county and private bath, with electric lights, elec- teacher Som of us remember that he said tric bills, shower baths, and every from regular work, at that time, and who drive Independent voter from the j So we will kindly caution the after a recent session of the leglsla- - possible aid to reunion, ihe sanitary 1 hope you w ill do all you can to poll with bludgeon?? Is it government voter to watch the little water j I ure Toil nstahela Volley farmers iirrnnginients offering perfect condi- grant that favor. J feci sure that the meter carefully this month. . of the people sought by the men who tions for the cure of sufferers from will be flour-- had better get in line and vote the re- time taken for this conference llrowress hove stolen elections for the gang for the white plague. There Is un Im- more than made up by better and publican ticket or we'll show you mense living room, 2 4x26 feet, many years In a doen counties of New which more enthusiastic work, and that where to Ki t off." F.stfmrlu News. will be imulo a model of comfort and expenses will Mexico? big closets, culi- inonev advanced for Influencing the cheerfulness; linen bet- It is defamation of the ling to men- nary arrangement In .act, every yield yon mi excellent Income In and excep- tion It In the same breath with, the "We admire a traitor to the party thing conceivable to make life easy ter schools. We Miull have an Young the answer to tional strong one that will Idea? political plinicK and the m furious which has honored him ubont the for th,. occupants and at the same pr.'Knm give every advance our nil along the line. siime way a h(.(t admires a snake," time them chance known caue every Baking Problem. schemer whose only chance of being to modern science to get well. The latest reports show that New the Colfax County elected now is by defeating tin will of '0's Stockman. The Imaflon. exposed on every side Mexico country teachers receive an The editor of the Sierra Free Tress Finer-Whit- er l the people who Abraham Lincoln tells Wonder which republican renegade to the germ lulling sunshine, Is ld-- average or 1242.37- - per. year. This Morning the It's Mid magnificent sends the Journal u must run the government, tt Is only the Stockman Is talking about. So- the addition of this .ci oats Hum to eat meals. s copy a re- nil u. ll'.HM-- IOC a - of letter rrcr,tly men corro Chieftain. We have it suspicion line llini Kioto, ullin,, tt..,,u ft room, and More at the hand of such as these llmt i for and Uniform. llailiuu one of the largest and best . .J." ceived by him froii, e hiudriit nt the I Vthing, government by the people will ever ho la referring to the Honorable equipped in the southwest, use liooui ior CO' doctors. AlfTlfultlifal college: Hag tjtrratoto. dentists, and other expenses for the Agricultural Ooltfpe. N. M Oct. 12. Made by LARABEE'S "perish from the ealth." The ill A construc- feature of the modern year. Town und village teachers get which New. Mexico can now claim u tion Is the use of asbestos fire-proo- f l!Hl. a little more, and teat hers In ourbest GERMAN Star, a star won In spite of men shingles and the edifice throughout is Sierra Free Tress, Htllsboro, N. M. Famous PROCESS. uch Hey, may it meals, 2 Editor-Dea- Asslin the new minister of for. and built. cities enjoy Hon. Edward P. Tittn-.nn- as Hum 11 111 and HuLhtll, must be lgn affairs for Turkey, Is another rooms and expend about 1200 for Sir: W.' need some live A snalched from the polluting clutch of - etc. college tentlrman who must expect to do a James C. I uhlni"'i. t oo Mayor clothing, doctors, dentlats. When democratic newspapers in the ROGERS SILVERWARE It money stand-pa- t the bosses and the spoilsmen, and greut deal more work for hi country of Omalta, "Throw the Ijirlat." we consider the time und the library now. They are all COUPON IN EVERY SACK- - vet-tra- spend get certifi- republicans, curiously, excepting the la largely through the vote of the hi salary calls for. teachers must to. than Mayor Jnmes C. Dahlmn staruC cates, and are obliged to spend to "Morning Journal." The college em't of the flrand Army that govern- e hi career as a cevrboy, and Is at prce-en- l alive, afford y mibn-rlb- o a dercocrnttc ment In the new state of New Mexico keep them and what the district GROSS, & CO Mayor of Omaha, and ha th expects gets labors, we', KELLY Shall be kept In of peo- Dr. Wiley managed to cet through and from their the hands the following record: Sheriff of Dawes certainly feel like giving them alt con- - j flag, a quite spirited controversy w liVimit fire (Wholesale Grocers.) ple nnd the instead of the politi- county, Nebraska, three terms: mayor sideratlon it Is possible to give. As the n y cians, threatening to sue anybody for libel. j FV shall be vindicated. of Ouildrcn, two term; democratic presiding officer of the New Mexico' NEAlSa CURE Albuquerque. Tucumcarl, E. I.ns Vega, S. jortloiml committeeman, eight year Educational Association, I wish to ask HABIT 1'cvoa, Kuuc, Corona. ivioitltid. Colo. A r.ayor of Omaha, six years, and In k pec I t ;mi;xt is Nixnr.rt. CORRF.t 1H. voiir la consideration at till" W Invito the most taorough Invert! In the report sent from Helen to IJia, candidate for governor of Ne- time. Morning braska, Writing to Foley tt company, gallon, pull Information In plait Rafael Coir.' In, candidate on the the Journal concerning the Wishing you a most successful year, Montezuma : Trust Company democratic convention held In that Chicago, he "I have taken Foley and thanking you In any ea14 envelope or. raquwt. democratic ticket In this county Is tt advance for town yesterday tated that Amado Kidney Fills and they have, given me you I ALEUQUtRQUE, NEW MEXICO "only a cement sidewalk layer," In Albuquerque, en (led favors can show your teacher, the Chve of fill the great deal of relief, o I cheerfully opinion t.f local evening paper, cuiivuitlon and acted a Interpreter. im, the recommend them.' Your truly, Mott respectfully, Neal Institute Capital and Surplus, $100,000. the organ of the corporate Interests, We. are requested by Mr. Chaves Jo say that that I a mistake. a he did JAMr?S C. DAHLMAN. JOS, 9. IIOFER. all X. Sccxhm! Su. AlbtHjiterqae, X. M Conducted expressly for tha purpose j not attend th aald convention. J. II. O RIully. Pre. N. M, Educational Association. TEJJUPHONE til INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS THE ALBUQUERQUE .MOftN'iNfi :p,'RUL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1911. SEVEN

MCE HUB CBHPEBCE f It YUU MAVL J 1 LLL li iilKUUUH 1HL JUUKINAL I Superior . 23 'i Wall Street. Superior: Hoston .11 in lj Tamarack 22 & Sm X,.- Oct. IT. The uncertain C s. sm. Kef. 314 York. 45'-- . .,,!( contused condition o sentiment do. ,dd PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS STORAGL Consolittateil lti FOR SALE-- in Hi.- - securities market was shown I'tah PROFESSIONAL This! W CARDS Look K 42 At I'litlM. of today, l ull Copiw r Co bunR-Rlo- A.M hi.lUcllO.a S"nllk i,v the lUiL'tualions stocks 'i $3100.00 new modern orr to loas. nt declined sharply In the morn-f,i- r Wlmma . . . , 4 rorner lot. east lid Furnltnrt. Ht".. Hono ur4 nUji rr...el.i r.t.. prices Wolverine SS front. Fourth antl lrnio nn tusd. llvii 4". Th tx'uiur rea.son than what line. Wtun othr Cht"l:k air no better ward: only one block from car ka nd Wrhou K.-it- u low M WirvhouM .ni Innro.innt d. Otfi(a, ATTORNEYS. n,.r,. construed as indications that 40uo.rto New. modern huniralow. lis 00 and u ilUoe. Loan, an rwiu. 1 na 4. Ort bluek. Thtr sttMt department of justice was about 6 rooms, splendid lo- rctl prlv.i. Tim thr Chicago Board of Trade. Fourth ward; dulcklr five-roo- m " , UuvmI lu re- New modern biick It V. D. BRYAN to make further moves against large cation. Part ca-m- balaneft per on soltb 'va. t main tn your T' Our ara FOR SALERcal Estate. Attorney-at-La- , In the afternoon the cent. poKn.aa.t u. hafurr.i.. - no Chicago. Oct. 17. closed to- rik.Belft Oill br- Offlca In First National Rank Rulld ai-k- t recovered apparently for Wheat ir.ano.oo Fine, modern hom on West Etaaaiahil) tlvkau to and from all ' ; rowtnc on North Second street, close Insr. N reason at all. day at the hlxlicM prices, reaching so Tijcras. corner S'lxir.O, all modern. For Sale house, modern, Albiiqiieroiie, M. on crop. develop- Slocks were sold at the opening fur on this year's The law n, walks, shade, cellar, barn und e' hoi sltuoi i culler, up.stair store room, IOIIX V. VU.S4)X authorit- milling call winter th Baauia 3 and 4. ro.ri.tUckj. larre i lie report that the federal ment of lor soft etc. 7 rooms. AttairneT-at-La- grades proved more an offset for PK1VA.1K OKKl.M in; a fine place, easy terms, porches, shade, barn, corner lot; easy ies were soon to lake action asainst than $2500.00 Five-roo- m modern cottage. EVBNINOS Rooms Stalest Steel Corporation. all bearish news. Latest figures were OrRN monthly payments, no cah required. Cromwn Bldg. (h. V'nited Highlands, near Central. Splendid rimr lm Res Phone Office 1171 S lal 1467: Phone There was no basis for the report to higher than last night. condition. if day corn a sliade , Better see us at once you For Kiilc-clos- -- Two chicken ranches. I'mi a dissolution suit was to b tiled The end of the left at $2000.oo Four-roo- modern cott.-iKo- FOR (.I.ORGE 8. 'once against Iho Steel Corporation to cents advance, oats unchanged in. in east front, full lot; Highlands, just j buiiEali.w, Attorney. exert-,,- 1 hog $4000 lint selling of the steel stocks to a sixteenth down and products home, Rooms -- , iStem Rloek 5 in- off Central. sleeping porcu, uumhihui m arc looking for a good upon whole varying from cents decline to an six-roo- a rleinessin effect the $l.0(U"i Will buy a Rood m For Rent Larue, ham, ilose In, $5. Albuquerque. creased cost of 2 S cents. N. 11th St. individual list. houfce in splendid condition, llli;h-laml- American Stmt) Rond were decided improvement ill the with double brick, foreign houses heavy sellers The trees. HiKhluiids, $30 per McCI.VGHAN early In day. tone of the wheat market, until the shade and fruit close in; rents PrTKlL of rnited States Steel the K near shops. cash, balance per Ten-roo- of the steel story helped the session had nearly come to an end. month. J7U0 F"H SALK modern bllek DENTISTS. recovery which set in before noon. On the bulge, a considerable amount cent. dwelllTut in Helen, N. M. 'Ada Tix r..rooin frame, lawn trees, In I'lilnii Pacific made a tut gain of of good investment buying was done For Rent )kii 142, or will exchange for Albt luergue IK. J. K. K1LFT on car line. Co. 1- but the majority of the purchasers 4 HiKhlands. Porterfield property. nearly a point. $12.00 room cottajjo; West Cen- frame, modern, lot reHideiice F. - Wulralh Surgeon It, ports ot Increased buying of were uneasy shorts who covered in $2100 lH'lxn, N. M. Dental tral. 2. Rooms Building and steel wer txirno out by trade a large c&.le open trades In the De- $15.00 cottage. - r.Uxl4 Fourth ward. Harnett Phon. Iron modern Hih- J4S0U modern brick resi- 1 I'Ul i ARMH. 744. Appointments mill, h mstl advices. A reduction In the price of cember option. Heavy resting orders lands, close in, all newly papered 2 6 West GoM ir to sell water heat, Fourth ward. FOR KALK Two fruit rarms. 1:0 tin plate to the lowest tig tire since at the advance failed to stop and painted inside. dence, hot ucres, U. lR. ClIAltl.l-- S Closing flurry was atuceo resldenca, and 47 respectively. Title hUtl- - mm was reported. stocks: the nnd there isome talk $20.00 modern brick. HiKh. J4500 S. patent und Irrigation right. Fully Dentlst. Chalmers, pfd. that the December futures was ron-gest- lands, close In. modern, steam heat, lot 75x142, .IHs i If not practically at tho mercy nipped with heating system, Fol Whiting Itldg.. Alnnqnrniar Amalgamated Copper 61 $20.00 modern flat rlslit In Inwn, good outbulldlnus, cloae In. FOR RENT Sanitary ana modern particulars address. F. L. Wainth, Agricultural 4 of dull lenders. Itecember fluctuated tftwn. brick, modern, liood rooms, Grande. W. American 98 to 100 fin- $2310 Rio Kit Central. llen;N.M: Anieil'-a- Hce.t tfu.tar from and JOHV M. MOORE RFAI.TT PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, 58i ut top mimed, r porches. Fourth ward, naar car XALlv acres of well Im American Can 104 ished tho level a ruin FIRE IXRITUNCE, KSTATE. FOR RENT Two very pleasant FOR Jtu S net. llKD proved land, or will for Car & Foundry 49 1U of cents XAiXJiH AND ABST11AOTS. line. rooms. Modern conveniences. Close farm trade V. O. S11AI1RAC1I, M. D. American MOXEV TO LOAN grocery. Hex 11. Vmoliean Cotton Oil UOVs l)lnclosure that nn active shipping 114 Wert Gold Ave. Phone 10 In. tlR North Seventh fit. Journal. S)eclallhi Nw and Tlinwl ...... l'IH12 INsrilAXCE Am. Hide A Leather pfd. .. Uti business had been under way In the FOR RENT Modern riirnlxhed room FOR bALiO Chrup good lot near Over Walton's Dm Store. Phone 1 171 American Ice Securities IX Inst days made corn rally. December A. In Highlands, to vmmr indy. No university. Also one on outh Wal- 4 f, m onisT or FLEISCHER A. L, American Unseed ranged from to 64 clos- sick. Address box 307, or phone ter, cpnosllw shops. Hammond, care U. sillOin t M. D 36 ing Hteady S up at 64 Cash WashltiKton, D. 15. Street, American Locomotive C, Oct. II South Fourth 1342. Hubbs l aundry. Practice LI .tilted to American Smelting & Ref'g. .. 5Si grades were firm. No. 2 yellow was Claims involving millions of dollars riione 871. Next to New PnMoffloe Tuberculosis. do. pfd. 1014 duoud at "2 73. nRalnst the federal In FOR IIEXT Llegant housekeeping - iiovernments. Hours: 10 80 . oats, unlike eorn shipping- sales rooms, strictly modern; also single FOR SALE HOUSES to II. Am. Steel laundries In which claimants nre trying to Hecute AUVtKNSINb ML0IUM 114 W. SuHnr Refining . were limited with dull und patent rooms, Apply SOl V .jf" fjitf" L Centra' Av. American ...HSVi future royalties and damaKes of oth- 4 Over Drug & 135 easy. High and low points by ni fccven-10011- 1 Walton's Btora. American Tel. Tel touched er kinds, nwalt the decision by the Advertisers fha reat ala's ot FOR ILKN T Fu r b hed front room, FOR SAUri tluuno, nm American Tobacco pfd 90 December were 47 f&-- !t nnd 47 Cnited- States Court of Appeals uanij and autoine-blle- . North Dakota, offora urltmltad oppor-portunltle- bath attached, eight dollars 10H Woolen 30 The clone, was 47 exhibited n beginti its toinov-row- . spot W. M. American which fall session to laaalfted Forester, or phone 1187, The healthiest In town. SHERIDAN, M. D. Anaconda Minim; Co . 33 decline of 11 shade from last niKht. for business Price right. eaay. Address recognised adver Terms Atchison IOT'h Moderate offriiiKs rheekod un at- advertisers The FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms P. O. box 377. or phono I' 91. Practice. Limited to do. pf'l 103 tempt to advance provisions. At night, tlalng medium la the Ftrgo Dall) UF.XITO-CRIXAR- Y with board. 710 S. UroHdway . FOR iUI.K Modern house, ItlSRAMCh Coast Lino 127 the black boards compared with 12 Snnday Coprtar Ne ira. onl Atlantic and the FOR HUNT Furnished room. 401 fcrnlshed or uulurnl.ihed. 41S N. The WaHCr"innn and NokiicIiI Baltimore & Ohio 97 hours before, showed no clian'o either JXNOTiCES seven day paper Id the mate and the Ti 2H S Second. j r.tti st. Salvsrsan "tl0tP Adnilnlstend. Bethlehem Steel way mor than cents. , North P. Meridian; has filed notice of In- paper which carries the largest .State Natlonai flank Mulldlng Brooklyn Itupld Transit 74 Mi FOR SALE Or lent cheap, tention to make final commutation amount of classified advertising. The FOR KENT The box ball nlleys lor lhtiiiiertie. Xew Melc Canadian Pacific ;29j Xmv parties. tent house. CallJl)0S N. Hecond. ' York Kxcliaiir?. proof, to establish claim to the land Courler-New- a covers North Dakota Howllns: 218 Houth Second. Central Leather 21. Chicago, Oct. 17. on FOR "SALE New modern bunga- M)I.O.MON IURTOX, M.H. do. pfd Kxchanec above described, before A. 12. Wul-ke- r. Ilk a blanket; reaching all parts ot FOR RENT Large fronT furnished si New York 5 cents premium. I low, situated In big timber two Pliyslclnn and Kurgeun. Central of New Jersey . . 2 6 & i 2 S 0 probate clerk, at Albuquerque, th atsta the dav of oubllcatlon; It Is room, clone to cur line. No sick. nlt Hld miles out of town. Hum, chicken '."lUH'ilU-.riAi- Rnrrett r , & 73 In get re- Cull at 707 North Eighth. Phone ."r"-.'.- .' lt" ::l..-- mull I IP',. Chesapeake Ohio N. M., on the 17 day of Nov., 1911 the paper to use order to house. Fino stream. Address Mrs. Chicago & 1 7 ft? 2 6 14S3. Alton St. Louis Wool. - Claimant names as witnesses: Mr. sults, ratea one ceiu pei word first I. Aklii, Flagstaff. Arts. ARTHUR WALKER Chicago Western 78 lf C.t'eat Earrln Netherwood, Mrs. M. IriserMon. one-ha- tent per word sue FOR RENT Furnished room to do. pfd 37Vj Ada FROM OWNER, ut a bargain, Serreiarj 1 ceding Insertion; fifty cents per Una employed lndv. Fir Insurance, Uatas Chicago & . 1 4 4 Hi Netherwood, Jacob Scofleck, Mrs. No sick wunted. glceptng porches, fine Noith Western ... St. Louis, Oct. 17. Wool, dull; me- Th brick, large Building AswHlstlon. Plume . A. E. Werner, all of Albuquerque, M. per month. Address ''ourlet 307 North fith st. Chicago, Mil. St. Paul l'iKs dium Krades, combln and clothlnK 17 N. grounds. Apply 1004 Forester Ave. (Vntral veii,i ('., ('., C. A f.S MANUEL R. OTERO, Sews. Fargo, N D fITV. VM St. Louis 601. W20; HkIu fine 16Z18c; hravv line, Register. FOR RENT Two well furnished rlTAljKVV'hole, or part, ten lots, Colorado Fuel & Iron 2iVj 14 Wl He; tub washed, 2U 26e. Oct. 12. Nov. 12. Al V'lKTI8KK8 Indiana jltera uu light housekeeping rooms, modern, & 4S new three-roo- house, sleeping VETERINARIANS. Colorado Southern limited opportunities (or business to close In, piano, 4 20 Mar- Consolidated tias Territory of New Mexico. reasonable. porch. Easy walking dlstanco. Ideal 13Sj Office of the Secretary. classified advertisers. A recognized quette. Corn Products New York Cotton. for .health seeker. 1403 North Sec- lli CKRTU IC.VrK OF COMPARISON", advertising medium. Is the Dally and Nfc'ely" F. H. BARR, D. V. S. Delaware Hudson 102 1, FOR RKNT rurnlHlied(Mtn ond. Denver & Rio Grande 24 Nathan Jaffa, Secretary of the Trl Weokl Enterprise, published al 'with bath, in private family. No New York, Oct. 17. Cotton closed Territory of New Mexico, YKI'KRINAHY SlIHJEOV. do. pfd. . . . ; 4'i do hereby Not leovllle. and carrying the largest Kick. Apply 410 'i barely steady a 4 South Seventh. Oraduste ChlcsRo Vet. College. 1803. Distillers' 31 W at net decline of to certify that there was filed for record Dwellings. Securities 12 amount of classified business In that Newly FOR RENT Erie 30 points. in this office at Eleven o'clock u. FUR RENT furnished fro til Office and Hospital, cor. First and in.. se'tton. Tl'e Fintorprtse; covers Ham- rooms. GUI West SO on the Tenth day of October, D. Silver. 7; do. 1st. pfd. A. ilton County thoroughly Is the FOR RENT Modern house ot 901 Mtirnuotlc. Phone "f7 'tltiy and night. do. 2nd. pfd 1941; and new- 40! Boston Wool medium to use to get Rates, FOR RENT Furnished rooms, West Copper. Phone 7M. 'iencral Electric 150 Market. Ortil'lcntp. or Amendment to Articles retulis. ly renovated and cleaned. Handy per 6 RENT-ROO- Creat Northern pfd 126 U of Incorporaiioa of word; insertion for the to It. R. shops. "24 South 2nd St. FOR RENT Hrlck cottage, 224 s. FOR M AND BOARD THE 1 tTRELLK KI price of P Nothlifc 10i next iJreat Northern Ore Ctfs 49 Iloston, Mass., Oct. 17. The wool RMUUH taken under FOR KENT Nicely furnished rooms, Walter St. Imiuire dinr. Illinois CcnUMl Is - COMPANY Address, TH R lEN'illCKPUIHF Nohles Furnished" ltootii' With board, two . K..J...J market regarded as mora encour- modern: no Nick. Aiml.v 613 V.'. F017REN'f FOR RENT Interborough-Met- 14 asmn, demand lianslnt,' Nanie to vllle, tnd K - tho increiisinn thej J. 4 4 t housa. . 41o N. 6th st.; tn family.'' j""?),,.;'-,- '1o. ; 4 THE KAPI'Li; COM- i.l Centnil. t ' P'1 4,, vuiuuck nniuinu: lairiy steady, al- KFRMTIRK J i. Inter Harvester though Homo buyers declare that there PANY. HELP FOR RENT Three or four large FOirnENT Two houses, unfurnish- Inter-Marin- o pfd. 15 Number (1018. WANiTEOMaie. No. has been nonie shading of prices. " rooms, furnished. complete for ed. Apply at Homo restaurant, lnlernatlonal Paper 10 Flcc.ce wools of medium and lower and also, that 1 haves compared the j;oiu housekeeping; no sick. 702 East 20R Oold, or No. 004 S. Third St. International rump 27 Krudes nro movinir fnirly well, while following: copy of the same, the ?iuivnt.Mii:'s ji Col CALL Albuqueriiic lliriTl Deller with barn. 'cntrnl. 47, Iowa Cent ml lit the ileiiuiiid for territory stock of all original thereof now 011 file, and de- 210 V. Kilv-r- . ' ' ' Phone 351. FOR RENT Cotrarres. 2 to I rooms for prompt ilrllvqrn.1 Plum' Kansas City 29 to1 FCKNISHED room, private hous, Applv Southern rrades is reported improved. There clare it bo a correct transcript WANTED pirJs.fpr housework: furnished or unfumlshe ' do. pfd. iiioduin eotivenlenceB. 4 22 W, XV. Futi-el- l 64 has been more Inquiry recently lor therefrom and of the whole thereof. wiiltress, white' Hotel cook and V. 114 W Posl FOR RENT Apartments. . I.fielede Uas 104 C.iven Marquette nv- - tnod Mlehiuan wools, but trading is under my hand nnd the Great miner. i i FOR RENT Four-roo- modern Hut, Louisville & Nashville 140 In RENT--Choi- S 1 llrht Texas and California pro- Seal of tho Territory of New Mexico, FOR RENT Two furnished rooms $20.00. paid, FOR room upurl-- Minneapolis & St. Louis 32 MEN and bo to re- - close In: Water lit ducts. ut the City of Santa Fe, the capital, Willi screened norch for liouse- W. merits; strictly steam .Minn., St. P. A Kan It Hte. M. pairing, driving 011 cars; Gold. ..133 Domestic? quotations: on this Tenth da of October. A. D. keeping. 4 lf N, 6H1 stJ! Iheat. opposite park, Paul Tcutsoh, Missouri, & 3 FOR RENT A und a Kansas Texas .... Scoured bnsis, Texas tine six to eight 1911. NATHAN JAFFA, electrical, civil engineering, surveying 3. ".rnnt Rloek do- pfd , , , FOR RENT Furnlshod rooms, single (0 s months. 46 WIS: tine two months, 03 (Seul) Secretary of Now In most practical way. Positions se- fnrnlf:hed house, $1; each close Mksoiirl Mexico. or for light housekeeping model 0 fcllops. 201 Httii, Pacific 39 tvUU: fine fall, 4 3 iff 45. Lewis live. Phono NT--- Of cured. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ca- newly clean R02 1 '' FO R R E f ices and Stores National Hiscnit 124'4 LO; renovated and Cullfornla' northern, ilty mid Certificate of Change of Name of talogue free. School of W. Phone 476. FOR RENT Two-roo- furnished National Lead 47 I National Central. ' dle county 46M 47; southern S Ui! 4 6 ; Oil. l. The Futrello Furniture Company, to cottage; sleeping porch; $12. N.'it Hys. of Mexico 2d. pfd, ,. 32 Vi fall free Trades. 2110 West 7th. Ins Angeles. FOR RENT Furnished front room, 4fli42. v 1 H, Aindv n A Mnei Vierwon. fnornsl New York Central 105 o iv;i!i)ie urnuure company. close In, no sick. 71fi. Highland car lino. 204 Edith St. 'i OrfKon eastern No. 1ntaple, r,5i Wo. Phone 4434 Xew York, & Z the undersigned, President and StoTeroo'rn st West Ontario Western 06. Secretary LOST. HOUSEKEEPING rooniH completely FOR RKNT Modern house. 817 N. rlTltEN'ii Norfolk & Western . of The Futrelle Furniture Central. .,..10il Kastem clothlnit at SO; Vallev No. 1, Company, hereby furnlsheel. innilern. ill W. Coal. Fourth St.; C rooms and bath: North American 07 ft' 70 4 Off 4 7. do certify, under LOST, Strayed or Stolen, roan horse 1 gas In kitchen; hot heat. Northern tho eovporate seal of Mid company, and gaddlo H Kooins iml hoiise rmiRO water 5ANTED--s7lesmc- n, Pacific. 1164: - both branded. Reiurn nh. iii.i Agents. 1'iielfle Mail no that at a meeting of the- stockhold- to 320 South Et'lth and recutvo r keeping rooms; modern. Table Apply A. W. Anson, SU North 4th. Pennsyl vutila '. ers of said eompuiiy, held on Octo- ward. per 122',i The Livestock Markets. hoard, $5.00 week. Westminister. W1DK-A-WAK- sales manager and 1'i.iplo'S tins 107 ber th, 19U, m which all of the LOHT ONE new elegant furnished represent us In l'ltt.ibnrg, stockholders Hold belt pin, purple set. general salesmen to C. C. & St. Louis .. 91',; of said company were Reward for Its return to' this office. WANTEU Miscellaneous and bath, larpe Bcreened porch. Albuiucro,ue; exclusive sales contract Pittsburg City present In person, It was In o Coal IS Kansas Livestock. unani- largo cnllar, ?as range kitchen, hoi given. Rank or business firm refer-rnc- Pressed Steel Car 14 Kansas City, Mo., 17. mously voted to change tho name of water heat, $75 par month. A. w. i Oct. Cattle company FOR SALE- -0 WANTED Lndy to share with sick required. Dlagraph Carbon Pa Pullman Palace Cor 167 Receipts 2.000. including 200 south- saiu from "Tho Futrelle room Anson, 823 North 4th. Philadelphia, Hallway erns. Furniture Company" to lady a three flat, with bath per Companv, Pa. Kteel Spring 27 Market atendv. N'ml FOR SALE Young mule, weighl nnd lollot. 7IS South Edith. "'"ling 138 i.SI 8.3.ri: soillh.irn ve.. THE KA1TLE COM- 1,000 Kepuljlic tinK about pounds. Phone or write SEVERAL now houses, Steel a01. soutliern cows and heifer's, $2.70 Hi PANY. W. H. (fee, University. WANTED Housekeeping with eld- modern " P'l S4 4.00: stockers nml l..,.rl..i-- 11 Tho location of tile principal of- erly person, either lndy or gentlo-ma- and bath, large cellar, gas Itoek ' FOR SALE Large, gentlo horse, rldo Island Co 25 7.75; bulls. S3.2S tfi' A.60: wentern fice of said company is 11. , range kitchen, heut. Rear No. .113 and or drive, loot; s. Edith. Address Joiirnnt. in artificial j Pf'l 47 steers, 'u 5: western cows. '' 7r. ifii 4. 3J5 West Central avenue, Albuquer- bud-roo- arranged with disappear- Signs M. tl WANTED Every lady und gentle- Hudson for Louis & San Fran. 2d, pfd. 41V, Hons 16.000. M.nrlh.l que, N. M., agent In FOR SALE Gentle . horse, driving, ht, and tho charge men in Albuquerque to play box ing glass to cliungo to sleeping Louis of sales. $6.1BfliG.I0: t'r. aocii thereof, upon riding, rubber-tire- d Southwestern 30 henvv whom process against harness, buggy, ball. porches, $30.00. Inquire, A. W. An '). pfd, Sn X.40; packers and butchers, id .2077: tho company may be served Is Robt. very reasonable immediate cush sulo. Moss Sheffield Steel und Iron lights, $6.105;)tl.40; pIks, $4.25j;G.50. A, Kistler, 322 80. 7th si. Phono 1123. WAN TEL) A second-han- d furm son, H2J North 4111. HiiUttieru .,40 wagon. Pacific tihtep ; Inrpiiro U A. Smith., O. K. Wall Paper U.000. steady. Mut- Witness our buw-Klu- s, 10t4 Market hands and the corpor- FOR SAIJ-.- Four horses, two FOR RENT 21 J North Ninth street, Southern Hallway 29 tons. $3114.75: lambs. 4.2r, r. r.0: ate seal of said company Transfer com puny, this 6th day two sets ,of harness; very eight-roome- d bouse; modern. T'10- - Vtl 70 ratiKo wethers and veurllmra jit. of October, 1911. cheap, 123 south ll.lgli. Sleeping porch. Furnac,, In basement; leiinessoe Copper 35 4. CO; ranpe ewes, $2.50ff4.2C. C. 11. K exits & APPLE. President.. FOR SALE A cow. 300 screened porches, 43 per monin. r.n HUDSON Fourth Pacific: 4 It. A. KISTLElt, Secretary. fine much F OR HA L E C 11 K A P Rest Toledo, Kt, Louis & . North llrondwav. nulre Olio Dleckinan or Mrs. Tiltoii Western . is Clilmgi, (Corporate Seal) . Rooming House tn the city; no. pfd. 42 iJvcsKHk. FOR SALE Leaving Hogh, 101D North Fourth. for Picture Street and 1 country, . must centrally located, doing big Won Pacific Clilcacn. Oct. 17 163 fntH.! soil promptly two pens thoroiii- transient business; full all the FOR RENT Furnished or unfur- P'''. 111V, fl.OOU. Market stendv. Iei.v.a dftiin' Territory jif New Mexico, Kellcrstrass Crystal 1 iHted " tl Wlilto l time. Will stand inspection. nished, beauU'Slly furnished new, Frames Copper Ave. states Heulty B8 5.00; Texas steers, $4.1uiU'4llO; west- County of llornalillo. ss. ping-tons; one pen thorough!', J lilted good sell- modern house; parches, lawn, barns Suites Rubber 42 ern steers, $4.25C(i 0.70; stockers, $3.25 On this 7th day of October, 1911, singfle comb Rhode Island nnd Can give reason for i led Reds snd new furrineoi; tlrreo bedrooms States .Steel . 58 wo. an; calves, i6.noi 0.95. belore me personally nppear'ed C, 11. sm'eral pons of young pullets of both ing. Address J. It., Journal.' - HITS (Mill M must bin renltid by i!0th of i'- i.1"' 109 iS II "i i,L,..l ...,..,1.. Kapple and R., A. Kistler, to mo rented; ri: breeds. Address Mrs. Louis Akin, October. Apply 417 Houth Arno. Coiiper . . 4 LlKht, I5.J5WC.75; mixed, $5.0514 6.' personally known to be the persons Flngstnff, ArU. i:"rol,ml Chemical".'.'.'. 4 he.ivi fl.or.if(,fi,75: H ORCi) described In DAILY MAIL SKUVICK AND STAGE Wnhilsh' rouiih. and who executed, the WOLKING & SON NEW modern bungalow, 311 North 0.2 Rood to, choice henvc iAIUHTl fcrcffolnpr Instrument and acknowl-- , FOR For the famous Hot Springs of ' SALE Miscellaneous. prl.". '.'.'.'.'..'.".'.'. '.'.','.". '5; of sales, $G.S5f(i edp-.'- t Eleventh street, completely furnish- emi., N. M, Leaves Albuquerque . 25'i bulk 6.05. that thev the same stern ivi.ihi large Tick-et- .' Maryland ..' Kheei) .42.000. M 11 Pk lr Xn aa froo net U fjAjbl'.- - 14,1 IRRIGATION PLANTS, ed, hardwood floor throughout, P. O. every morning nt 5 a. .n. l, W's Irighoime C6?i tf titi their and deed; f soda louimtl . Electric 64 tivc. $2.20iii 4.00; western, $2.50iif4; ne said C. li. Kapplo and R, $45.00. 114 W, Goldv sleeping porch. Mr. E. Frank, phone sold ut A'alo im Nnrth irir.t WfHtern Union 7g . ycriiw!. Inmjs, native. A, Kistler being bv me each several- WELLS, WIND MILLS. 1340. street. (.AVI.NO ;ARCIA, proprietor Il.74.6;. FOR , SALE Two howling and lieellnB & Lako Lrlo s& $4rf.i westfirn, $41 6. ly sworn, did say. alleys ana man cnturaetor. P. Hox 4, Lehigh each for himself one billiard tnblei almost new . it. Valley ...... fn and not one for tho other, they Office I2 W. ConiM-r- Phone 110 FOR RENT m modern brick 1402 Houth Uroadwuy. Phone 1208, ' ',1,'V '"'1-lt()- that Chenp.PslRC( Saloon. Vaughn. N. M In High- KlJres1 S''''' f"r" ""' 1. re. respectively, tho President und WANTED Wu buy second hand house, well furnished; The Meta! T VP K W 1 IT S sale rent". Lawn, shaifr', sleeping porch, Market. SocreUiry of The Elt for or App I y 20'i S. Hecolld t lands. Futrelle Furniture Typewriter Co.. 321 W. goo, M.. l,i,1i''!l,"ls 1"w,r 111 ,h Company, till I'hderwood location. Addfcss J. Journal. V forenoon. and thet tho assent of nve. 144 "Pwnrd sharply when, Now cop- tho stockholders said Odd Phone SANTA FE I111;!1 the York, Oct. 17. Standard of conipony AV. A. CJOFF FOR RENT OR SALii At a bar- TIMETABLE '.! ,"f Block per was given to oh.uu;-!n- n FOR SALE 10 pounds honey "'I' market Improved, ' firm, spot October. November, tho nmendment for $i. ' CARPET CI. KA NINO. gain, the frame I 'oi. M1.'' ",lr v1""- - $1 the r.nmo of said Tho delivered. 65, December nnd January, 2.00 fr 12.25; Futrollu r;iiy Sumner, Box 5(18, 205 10. Ave. Ap- ,l,cs bnn,ls "h'-hang-- I'honf Central building, 115 A'.'est Iron avenue. til , - w',ro London ensy, spot 35; futures GO, Furniture 'Company to Tho Kapplo or phone 1501. a 3d. ls Companv. ply at C. May's shoo store, 314 West Custom House returns show ex- Furniture FUR SALE AlilotiiobllB. ports so this of 96,169 tons. O. IL KAPPLE. cheap. Central. far month L. G. Rlco( ""FelpIwTn Lake Copper. $ 12.00 12.62 't ; elec- A. Rnrnetl R. KISTLER. b.dg. Boston Mining Stocks. trolytic, $12.25 f. 12.37 to and casting Subscribed nnd sworn to before me, WANTED-- Kxperienceil ales ladles BUSINESS CHANCES. $12.00 ftiil 2.25. and In testimony T here, 1H0 Flcnriomlpt ' whereof have FOR SALE Ten good heating stoves. ut Lead quiet, tt.25ff 4.30; Xew York; unto set my hand and nfrixod my al W. Allouez 114 Gold. WANTED Assistant seamstress in FOR HALE liBTtiess at Santa 26 $4.10(1.1 4;20 East Kt. Lou la-- London seal the day and year first shop ' ' .. FOR SALE Heating stove, ulruoHt . the alteration department, Applv ut Fe, N. M. Will sell at Invoice If 'Jmalgiiiiiated' Co'p'pW ','.' '.' M 15 3s 9d. above written. '" .. new. cheap. 701 S. 3rd. The Economist. tsk-- n at once. Will Intnice $1200 to Zino Lead & Sm. .. 21'i Spelter quiet, $fl,156.C5 New TIIOH k. D. MATmtsriv (In effect July , 1911.) 'yisona Commercial York; $S.10fl h.20 (Notarial Seal) WANTED Good while cook; also $1500. Address H. Pickett, Santa Fe, ox. , . . 40 East St. Louis. Notary Tublle. Rooms -- ' & 21 16s. My hWTED---- i tn by day. N. m. ; ".VKSTROl'ND Depart Crrb .. 14 Vi London eonimis.slon expires October laundress work Apply Arrive li'iue Coalition Antimony quiet, con Fourth. AV'.'UD iiiiH-rtln- cliisslileil ... . . 14 y4 Cookrons $S.12'Aff 21. 1911. WANTED RENT North $l.:i PEU No. J. Cal Express. . ..7:4Sy 8:30p .;' timet 8.20. TO 'PlousRiit room 3(1 in k Arizona . . 7X seamstress 111 ads In leuilin; papers the No, 3, Cal. Limited . . 10:6Ea ll:2Sa In. well heated, modern house by .WANTED Assistant g ;'lumet & neplft Uar Silver, 02 dol- i V. 8. Kelid Hat. Tho Dnko'Ad-virllsln- . .379 Mexican ENDORSED: the alteration department. Apply ut for No. 7. &. . 4 5. lady employed. "U," care Journal. Mex. Cal. Ex io:r.r.o ti:40p ''htemilal .. . . 9 lars No. 948. Agency, 4S.T Main St., Los The Economist. No 0. Cal. Fast Me II . ll:liop 12 6i n'" Con. Co.".'.'.'.'. Cor. Rec'd Vol 6, T'agd 130 Angeles, or 1J Ueari- Kan Fran-else- ... ri FOR RENT H'ANT I 1) 'I wo (linlna-rooi- n of to Miscellaneous. j KASilllOlNH iUH,0.,.M,n ... 10 St. LoulM Spelter. Certificate Amendment Articles Applv at No. nut South 'rd st. - r, No. 2 .. Si. , of Incorporation of FOR KENT An Improved second-han- d ToVlst Kx J:56p 4.0, 'or',,, co.ih,,,!,;;.;,- Louis, Oct. 17. Lead unchanit-ed- ranch.. WANTED Cone keeper 10 heiln FOR HALE .. Call 1 407. No 4. Chi. Ltd D:3.r,p l:0& tii $4.12 Spelter strong $6.25. the futi'ef le furniture telephone 1. Address Clark bund mill, root wheel. In . . 2111) Company work by Nove:nher No. 8. Ex 6:56p 7:S6l '"'n f a ,.,, ,.., office. good condition. F L. Miller, Box Ensterri ... ! , Changing Name to "Home," Mornlmr fnnrntil No. 10. Overland Ex....S;00u. Try a Journal Ad. WANTED Positions. 147. Berkeley. Cai. K;rrK;:a'kee.t'""1),"') .. 13Vi Want Results THE KAPPLE COM- WANTED Assistant seamstress in l'l 1'n so Tn,lns. . . 36 PANY. WANTKCoioYr the alteration department. Appir at FOR HALE India trading store at Cop.,( P No. 809 ' a Salle Cop,',. . . 2IV4 Filed In office of Secretary of New Kcneral office work. Uox 21s Jiur- - The Economist. 8an Michael, Ar. Will sell the Max. Ex 12:J0 Mexico, I. and tho store; will Invoice No. S15 Fl Paso $:S0 Mami co,,,,,. ... LEGAL NOTICES. Oct. in, mil: n a. m.. nn W A NTE 1 ) A g ill l r light house- - stock rent Pass.. ;' " about $2,000: will part payment No. K10 Kan. City & Chl.BiOa iohnw k ... ixr4 NATHAN JAFFA, Secretary. AA'ANTED Position a housekeeper wolkmily X0 Asliold. 1sko . . 39 Compared c. F. K. to J. O. time on Addrets ti. AV. No. 810 K. CHy an, Chl.:3Bp v',v;'l!l con'i'dViort:; for gentleman, with or without LndTca t wo and . . . Department of the Interior, U. 8. W ANTED know are Ostlnt). fV. M. Hosivcll ml,) .Mnarlllo, Mines children. 214 K. .Second 011 even- . 7 K. M. Addreis making epeclal low prices 811 Vj.1. '"'tli Unite lAtid Office at Santa l'e, Territory of New Mexico, , , St. No. Peco Ex... 1:20a N,,rtii as. ing and fancy .dresses, tailored suits No. Uike ,.. '244 OiaolVT 6, 101J. County of Ucmalillo. , 812 Albu. Ex. .... 1U2CP RKOISTKRKD po- gowns. Call and sea. Also :fiALi: ih-st- restaurant In ('l'l . . I This. was ree-f.r- il Pharnwielsl winds nnd house FOH Ooitiinion NoUi: is hereby niven that Oeorgc Instrument lllefl for Drcsmnk-trii- r . 27 on tire sition with view ti) buying if aatls- - apprentices wanted. Elite town, good iloiTi.llon; nlaklmt P. J. JOHNSON. Aaenf '"'eeola .. . N. M., 11th day of October, 1911, W. Ulckex. of Albuquerque, ' 1K''nrfVi Weeentl. at money. Ronsol! selling other .WiivoV '& . . Xfi at. 9:00 o'clock a. m. !lyirv. Roberts, care .lournfil. nnrlors tor wu who,, on Feb. 15, 11)09, mado home- ' business Intusnattte Apply' ''o ... ; Recorded In Vol.' "C," Mlsr.' of Rftc-ord- KXl'Kti E N C El f'ookkeeiier would U'ANI'lill Assistant seamstress in 'Noi OS790, section . t'M,n .foiifnal' liaiiii" . . . nx stead. for SV "f siilip coiinlv, folioi S!. lik4pofilion. IteMt'.rtfi refeviiic-s- the nltcMlloii department. Apply 'it write to 'Mointsw Ffcsults From Journal Want Ads .. 7 IM, township 10 N rnnue 3 E...N. M. A, E. WALKER, Recorder. Apply "K" Jowrnal d'ffloe. The Economist. LIGHT THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1R. 1911. r.4.444.4444. tiHTHE Absolute Honesty of Our Service CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. ! EVERYTHING in! mlt , r,,m.-- - 3 Store S llmis.- rurni b'.ng .i"k', (ulhri. !. I rc rj I'll"!, This is Represented in This Big Stock of fi, , Ultc-- n, lit;ln--t- i I'luii. Mi, e, II. mil Tiu s.,d '! I T Work IH i l MIUl. ML. u.i.i Pimm: su. !i Games! l! Hart Schaffner & Marx Y, 2 our BABIES Xd CLEANEST MILK SSr t jclothes. They give you the best value down to the finest point of i;m Mini it i in i; ni r. Wlu you ?! perfection in fabric and making. That's what you want and that's j t :n. MATTHEW HAS IT a want i'in) 4. V ' 11 4 - ,l. ,m?rmm:THf' 3 jiwhat when any kind of a - - tm 'iTmt !! you get you come here to buy a fall suit; or one of game just think of our hne overcoats. We to these clothes; they're t , ; J want you have CHARLES . z LIL? iAi. if Long what you ought to have. Vholcsalers of Everything Strong's Book Store 1 1 Suits $20.00 and up Overcoats $ 1 8.00 and ur IAS VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA "lour Money TUrk if Yon I Wuiit It." 4 i SIMON STERN, Central Clothier LAUNDRY Gloves The Avenue

'atted that he wua In mobile I favor of the He said in vi New WHITE POWELL DRUG CO. STREET IS beat that could be obtained. of the accidents that hart occurred t.'ity Kntrtnecr Gladding w here lately something ought to be done ta PMl I upon WAGONS Vrtl and OminL called to tell of his Inveatisa regulate reckless driving oi nutoe, lions. Mr. Gladding said that he had and something should b im- Prompt. Accurata Bturrlcc. Today done In Men many kinds of pavement. In mediately to regulate the an madlata Ddlvarlaa. i liojstcn a( Uatl ordtn the busiest streets were teinK which ft person should be allown to ollek4. DISCUSSED ONLY paved with wood blocka. hut he had run an automobile and receive a Walnuts rtioa SSb sone to a very busy street w hich, as a driver. 1 6-butt- when he was in collepe In Boston, on Mr. Clarke atatcd during Strong Brothers Kid was being-- paved with bithulltlc. The that fair week great reeklesanesa had beta Street authorities were then taking up common, especially among CixJeruker Luiit T drivers of end Em balm on. coast. nlRht'a trut'flo va thelrt part ot the street tn order to lay machines for hire, und hu belief Prompt Day ondtr lha cheap ratfu. Gloves, sewers. He was struck 'with the Brvlc or NUrhL regular eomethlng ought to b done about it. Telephone TJ. W. A. lAinh, it known travel- splendid condition of the blthulitic Re4ie cl. Alderman Wroth stood with iif. Almonds Mtrung ing Iji e that he remembered having seen put Hlk, Copper aud smmmI. ruun uf Denver, In Albuiiurr-Uu- Clarke on thla question, but on on of hln rigulnr Glove, down, and had brought a sample for ihouuht trli. $3.50 PUTOFF the Albuquerque council to see. Alter that recklessness was alone rinuun. Abrum X. rrait. u plonoor lumhar a number of years the pavement was slblo for accidents and not neossaniy dfalor of 'nrllaiJ, la li. Albuqu.Tqiia as rnst driving. A ariver couui be recto, IIiIn time-tloi- practically rood as when first laid. aitmllng the Muinio Special today only ! Dr. Wroth here asked ilr. Gladdlnif less at eight miles an hour Just v la tha mat (hti (haaji M the nature of the climate of lloston. well as he could at twenty. Are Now in Stock rxwiTt Mr moralbg papsr Mr. T. pkuoa l..t nnd fr. U WuMer uf Tort especially in regard to the wood block Alderman lleldy wim of opln-h- tba POSTAL HLkUUM Wayiie, City Council Holds Special the Co., iTlo smir and a4oa inJIinia, are gurat of I II. pavins. Mr. (iladdltiK said that there that drivers should lw punkhul aa4 to papar tut Inglef Sec-uii- ii all! ba aUTr4 Irf mill funilly ut U Xurth Meeting For Purpose was lots of moisture In the atmos for reckless driving upon the first of. a spatial diiw.b. of Con phere at times, aeoaa la Na M. n. ilrnt. all which possibly had fense and twt merely warned and w. J. H. Mumli.'tll of IifinviT, scnaral sidering Matter Which the effect of keeplnt; the blocks le tsed. Never swelled. 4 at aalea iiKint of th,. Ikirliour The ordinance which was to h.i Th aaua aw4mil company, U 1 f.if mu u aali Amitinli in Albunuarque Gets Beyond Talk Stage. Alderman IUidy of the street com been put upon its passage lust nieht lha arvul aa4 o fi-- $2.69 25c per pound aualatlia for it duya. aaiaa aaaatal .i.alinf H 4 mittee requested City Clerk McMiinu was then referred again to the urill Iba HoraiDf Joura.1 (rnin ika Itli'hard Wurrcn, general agant to read a number of letters and tele-irram- a nance committee with Instructions to f.f at ituuraari aubarrlbara . V. I'aao HI South-MlM- n from cities in necessary for the IJat A TRINIDAD all porwui.s of make the changes in It Hallway company, wua In the CONTRACTOR the I'nitcd States and Canada with which would conform to the sumies. city on regard to the experience tTiit yeierday lumlncus. ADDRESSES of these Hons o.' the alderman present at The ent aule ffir "Don't 'in ALDERMEN cities with pavement. Out of about meeting. forty telei;ram read, Your Wife" open hi MatNun'M tomor- and letters the All members of were lari;e majority of them were outspok- the council LOCAL ITEMS row inornliitr ut S o'clook. The per- present with th,. exception of Alde- OF INTEREST - en in their uhampiomitilp of bitluilitt? ! formance will l.'.ki- (.litre on Friday. John A, rman Thomas. I'pon adjournment, the Ward's Store Laughlin Explains His aa a pavement for all climates. Fol- council went into special W 1' ,ryilc Circle, IlcnelH lowing the of session Killing No. Bid; In- readinu the letters consider tho paving matter. Wrallu-- r 2iii;i Mill meet in regular Jacob Korber Tells of Wroth mated that a Bfmlon tills 8 HOUKH H. UAKIl, Htr I'nr t!i rvunlnir ut o'clock in member of the scIHiik force of the hourti anJlnit hall, ;US 2 vestigations Re- 1 their South Second Made During Asphalt Mai JO at 6 o'i loi k j i Mtvi ilnv iiiif Harbour company had made Results From Journal Ads Ae. I'linno i'iinon. atrcet. some upon Want Vlmlniiiin ii iiipi i .ttiic, nihil-iriii- cent Trip East, strictures the city council r.iiii;.', I.': linipiTtituho :it Mian Kilrifi Pnlchen, for the pint In trying to award the contract to the yearn hkmui ii'rlock . in., K.Milli imii.Ih. Inn Iuii'iI with the fi.rfMt Texas Hilhulltle company, which he I iiMi Hit: itn.l H..M llit) aervlce in Silver 'it v. in vMtliig her resented ,and he called upon the city ; nlchl of ma. . Hotel Royal THE POSTOFFICE PHARMACY (in ocourrvil, III-- ui.J Mrs, l';iti lien, ill The special meetiiif of the city clerk to read a letter from Phoenix, All i,iin riiie. Arizona, In which the Barbour people ci'tinei!, convened lust r.iKht to de- - 319 Vi South roonvi . upon First Street. Jfice Cor. Gold IHtnu-ithi- Suite lOuginecr r had bid blthulitic pavement and and 4th.- Phone 132 Oniric r. Sliller i,i,.lethe miitti r of lettlnn the contract been will urilvp here loilav from south Jj uwarded the contract. for nice people; clean Waalilnnlnii, ). (., 0,1, 17. New the f..r the pavlnii ot avenue und City Kngineer (iludding'a report clean beds for Mi Ai ljinn WrHt 11111I will he luken up to Hcrmlillo to Central QUICK xlro, nml Tcxnn tii two-hour- s' illa- - upon DELIVERY look et the riKnl anil Secmid street after a certain investigations that he people. Rates reasonable. r.iir Wriln.'H-- north tee i iir.i J'limlnv. , ussion failed to arrive at any defln-- had made, was then Wil It .',. ,111 H i.l.'d. read. This took When in a hurry call M:i.y liliuli ,:;-- p is r Vi.iinii H. i'e e. iif lii'iiiii and put the mutter all kinds of pavinu under considera us. It n . I.ii.itliiin, Hie Triim'.iil, Ir. ( niiiii r. ii' li niuiili, ii Mi ItlU. mr until a special nieetinu, at tion, discussed the materials and o ni . M t .;n llil.r Inn ii, i 1.1 I he v hieli iii."Til'erM up FOR SALE r- - all the of the eotin-- i of each and wound in an .1 II I I, '1 .... 1,1, II V s ,....(, 'll:l look ItlU lltl '! il are to pre, nt, .shall ho calipit of Idthulttn- - paiem.-..!- . , t ,,. Jomiiuiil(lS !. endorsement III ii If you it c.u r r, ".is hi s.i . till., ' I. In!" t :i I l.i .;t Al- - mrl f ii teiepnon fill In the mayor. The matter was not, however, ended My 80-ao- In v't, i , ,,,,, ili-- ti ranch. Ilost the J 'll'H lillil.l U l!S Ih.I.I .III njie Lie in, .'t. i Tile lueetinif fi it nieht was wltli tiiis. Alderman Aune wanted Sro me 321 Gold. II. 1,1 In- It LI v ' at Vet rlll'K l II i) I'', .1.. A li i e x.,- - - - i.iitri ine - i t.nt (clle.l ui iii ,ii;i r ailjou rn ,nl further investigations concerning he 111 1 II K the ll.l.l .'tin (.liiii.v lo I k A. ! - Try a Journal I'rol.ittc l'l. Wnlker ever attended, tin nhfiuinir ii '" HJ i"11 of th'- nijul.ii- meeilm;, troiti probable .ability of the American C. E. Want Ad. Results .1 H. retiofts GLECKLER II. M.HIMll, H IM'II ,1 . - In I'l'iilik kitiltle nml .Vlary ('.imp. i Lumber company to supply wood Kll'lll tie! illet'ea:.,1 of ..till t lilllv tin in- - pi ton., lino nu i i.nit "I',.- :t 11 . l.lrf ii'i'i n !.- It r I , blocks. wiuiti-- it. inti,e Wire nls In i.T tin- i ' r. This hritt Urn ' '1 upon all tile routine business. Then Alderman Clarke Mr. I, .nil...' tii in,, mi. n.i' l' Jiiiln rr.iin", Ange to In a li 1. ri p hi u .VI. mi ,. i,, nvoi; " "''' "'.it the special liieetimr' waf make Ibat the form of WALLACE HESSELDEN Ml ,i mollon, but succeed In get-tln- g !..... X. i.l I.. l.lll ll' l U ill lie .1 II: I.l. i! l)i ... f.uj. ,,f T.'iiia. ,'i held iiinl ilie ialiin iii:an-- ProuKht couldn't up r n. him to do this. Aid. f M .ml' el ill til,' eil xtel ill. , r.'i. John's liitllil lii the pari Ii house i !'. K. dux- in (niif int. t Xcttoii, tiie I' clerk !U the 3 - however, stepped into the slur Ah.iruil U'ti'tlionii nl o'i luck. AH the li- of has- In i u The proposition of lettlnn tlie pnv- Mgur and w- lu' V the Alvarido, who in! count, IMI.T-- . - guild i , I, breech and moved that the matter of were Hi'Ctiitna v em lies of the ere eiilent to liw rhurue of tin- denk of tlmt Luminal , I"K olttiact had lie. In fore the Martinte iimr f..r y...e money l t a- awarding the contract a (lisi, ... U. I'.- t i i ill l!le iiieetitiK - Inntl. r of t w Iionncil time. nn, and final .:!!! i.,..i,i :i" h'.fli!r for ihotit Ao Ills. ill tor soine city Clerk Keith-incu- t nv t Atbu-4irn;- i. i ! i be such Knit other In ,,., ,, In ,1. laid over until "i.Uii'i:ng firm nr; .Ii WUIiV .n e i,'M til, fe.i-- loriiiiiVi-pe- '.' for l.os Ai,.:, i.'S. Ut .Vli M.illlls h.1,1 been o. I'linH'.l for l.- -. ii !! lime as coin-- j Of f i tho Huparlur - 1. " .III- i: k- twenty l . ii lei'iiin-lin-Mil.- lt the American Lumber I'Uu- ..;! n ii Ii. I'i,.,.,l, f A- j- m.iaeiti ic ll lil is l.i - minutes im tin pauy ! ,, ,, coilld lintrh their investigations Mill r'Mtlr 377. l V'.l , V i al lie' '.olii h i ,. , n.l ions of I'ftloi.ils i ri u I' 'tl v KllilliplliK .. Al. the oi fimlitiijs coun- ' ' 111 "I I and report their to the ''' i n Inr .,'olin s to .Vila, ,l. n. 11,. i .it id. til,' It" ll'i'.ill all pails o the I'tiited llln.r.ili.' Male tn kit, limn cil. At thai time the mayor ootid "'Hi jW.-rita- iii'.i'liliur lr. 'in VJr. Norton's uiny Irii nils u ish him Suites in eiiiiiiuenilatimi of litliilithi SPRINGER , Call a special meeting of the THE WM. FARR .c... I'". v. Iii re I,. mmI ,i'l sorts oi m: ess lit in Held. . p:, i bad jast council COMPANY ,i,.hv. ii Ine his ami finished to matter. i Underwear .: n consider the This motion TRANSFER CO. nil I'lmi; the intltt eviou:-. t Station Jla-t- .r J. II. .Ia. ki Kr..h, lien Al. I'. Sianuii arose ami asked Wh"leaia VTwrnh coun.-l- l prevailed. sed iMall dealers In V. II. .Inhti on, p t'Milciit ol' the lelt Allniipii r esteid ix lor l;alirt. the to hear J .A. IjUiinhlin of tW -- Wove Houses Heavy Trftnii:ot u ll.. Inn. Mlil.nillt.,.1 x 1.1,1 fr.,. The lengthy meeting, of which "d Suit me!iij and Inllllil:!!,- eolllpillly el Malloa. where he Will In Feat l'i r lie Ht.tliiiliell f'--r w tin- everybody was getting tiled, did caul and tugMnt i 111 a ns ipiiial t.f the I'e. .Mr. contract upon the matter of the Ii.h th mark) city for (.' 0ty. Mr. iium not end here, M. 1'. Stanim, who by Machinery ,,, iriff r unlit .Inhimmi iiriAeil on Mniul.u ami lius Kl nh's pi on, ,.iii, n conn s as i cjuil' 'class of pin ina he could furnish the il inin-l- i city upon petition blocked the action of the l'i i n i ii hard work ami ouscii'iii ions the hid he made at the time rn mi lc some time viMtnitf with at a former meeting, was Hand V. .service for the Santa I'e tor sever if uli'ii the bids were opined. The I'. l.uiiha m, local itKetit for th present, and nt this time he asked the C MUS. (LAY. eoinpaiiy. .veals. A special K' lit at Ilatoii lie council consented am! Mi. l.aiiKhlln 2 relieves .1. 1!. iluliiHlia. who Int. been maile a detailed cxplanatii n. linrned council to hear J. A. Laughlin who All train come H. mo s. I'oiiitii St., opp. PoBtufrioe, from the vet were lute transferred luck to the Klo Or.inde lately after lliiK, upon motion of Al- - had from Tr.nid ul. with J. yesterday c enlm,' Alhu-(pieniu- Denver, in reaehliiK dlvlslcu. Special Ot'fh i r Ue id will till tlellnun Jaherwood, the matter was Marshall of reprcsetitativ i tf Shaight STEIN-BLOCH- 'S from on r company j The work the track Mr. Kmh'a pi n c tvt the Santa l?e eu-tlu- n Inlil over lurtlu-- the Harbour Asphalt to ba MwicrniNa and until inentii(.ition Finished lure tiallup and the heavy here until Ills aiic'ccysnr (u deetdi could be had upon other kinds oi preseht at the meeting to tell alxuit. r.nTtliingH Made Vu Children' west bniiiiil i I. Is C on! traffic reaponaihle cj upon. puvinK than natl ticen bid upon, at asphalt concrete pavements. Mr. Modern Tailor Shops! linir Iioiibed. Attractiva Toilet lara.-l- fur thin condition accordlnif to l,aiif!hlin, who made tli lowest bid .Manln Kiiapp, the well Unnwri the nieelinn held early In September. Tel. 0S1 railroad men. Ii r Albuquerque contract, took Parlor. travellnu phntoKrapher. und his wife This motion havlnjx carried the repre. the R. C. M. Curdy, Kt'K'ral agent the t'oor and proceeded to tell Tho underwour jkrolileni Kt cc.-.- j- aalia Sentatives of the ultlerent companies our Fall and Winter - and Mr. Allen, lha "bee inun," and bis of the SiiulhweHiern I'ortlaml Oment leave this a who were preaent filed out of the wherein pavement, satnp'.e o! company, others niorninir for trlii w hich exhibited, did no: ma- bx Important to Itci dismissed waa In the cltv yesterday to the old vol, anoea ihtoks the river, meetliiK with an expression on their he dlffec Clothes. ' Nobody else's looking niter landinis the cotttracta where Mr. Kiiajij expeiita to get 'faces that looked a If all were terially from bithulltlc, yet cui.lgte come sinie same A. Hslttly. To find Jiwt Uo HRl' inr the cement culvert neceaaury for itond pictures." Mr, Knupp recently thinking: "Another wait ahead of us the service. U. Johnson. kAZTEC I the enwa nhould lie pavtn - . preHblent of the lilthttiitio company streets delivered un Intercatinij lecture before rre land it ye. ttnderwefir ftir you . inMinire Quicker' he utthe el' Texas, who had come ail way ay or Straighter or! contract let. Gentry heme, north-O- t Jacol) Korber, who Is a member of the thu city, on Dallas to be prejer.t nt the There will 1w it apeclal communication "Th Knchatitcd Mesi' ltia ex the citizen' ciimmlsNlon, had visited film 4. homo . Investigation, but t and im Ming, was not asked to (peal; In if,,TcuiBW NiV perlenee In It, his ir a number of cities in the southwest in Detter. Ji. A. V. audience lavor of his pavement. wtlNfut'tloii ile Ii K chiefly (he, company with other member of the uf knowlug A. M. this eveiiiUK at o'clock for mi, membrs of a Al conclusion of Mr. Laughiin's iTlc In M. HOClely of res4dents now commission, and had also personally the FUEL the M. tleRiee. This work the rural la!k, Mr. Stamm spoke again, but unmei uf tho kind of iindervear l put on ut thl in Mituly inc the history of New Mexico. made a trip to Kansas City, Si. Louis time' honor of tho council vaB tired and. as soon u We know clothes, Stein-Blo- ch A and t hlcnito on his own account, wa hrethren. full attendance possible a motion to adjourn wxn thai wilw your eivtTy wUi ami In deflreil. All Mimter Tti beat safldla Tiorsea to ha4 la asked to maku a report of bis per- Masons are te msdf, putting an eric t , thu know this fact about enrillallv Invited. Itv order of the th city ara at W. L, Trimble', 113 sonal investigation. Air. Korber witisflix your ecry Wiste I W. Al., J. A. .Miller, Secretary. North Second street.- Phone S. stated that he had during the month us. They take tremend- COMPANY of September visited the Ities men- wurth some, tritiiblo, Is It ia? The cant-houn- d Santa Ke limited tioned had seen many - and kinds of ous care to fi!l our orders train hroke u cyllndu- head on the pavements. In hi opinion the as-- I COUNCIL Very liltlo trotiblo Is rcfiuind yiKierduv ut I'uiiv.iii lunliln, halt concrete piucment that had DECIDES Fl E PROGRAMM ndef-wea- r. to the last notch of excel- near Sunshine, Arise., and was delayed been laid In Kansas City was uf very to try lV.rosi Mills Knit I COAL in reaching Alhuiiiieniue neirly until little vulun to this aectinii. This wa wlial lence. They guarantee the miilnlnht. Had the Uiuk l.ecn In also true of St. Ixuis, but In St. I.oitis Yon can find Just it'ioil dhape the train would patlmc Hiving and have the blthulithlo was very ON STRICT AUTO yosi want at any tinio in llls clothes with their great la- Hindi up the lime, lint with the ad- ATTHECRYSTAL Rood service. In Chicago the beat ded c(wnr,l ttatrlc failed to pa vine seemed to be the wood block. line nd It will bo w""1 bel. Nowhere else in this In H... In fact in that city they were lit the WOOD you 'hH Phone 251 First and (raniti Ilev. J. II. Meiuter mid wife have act of pavinur the busiest downtown wim t for yourself nnt! state can you get these returned from Tueumearl, where they etrects with wood block pailnn. Mr. E atteiiiie.l the annual conference of Korber was of the opinion that the ilrrn. clothes in any wider or the M. i:. church aouth. Mr. Messer New Theatre Making Big Hit wood block pavlns should le looked TKU TKU . Into. Mlllrt Xnilerwoar II. p.ih the mileriiii e was the best he With SP rort better selections or for Excellent Vaudeville At this point Alderman Clarke In riery a public apology a taricty of Riyli for French & Lowbor and High Photoplays. made to Mr. Knrbei i less money. Class for intltiiatinir that be had been a Last Night's Meeting Takes' Ac flfrtirri in high und low not, Funeral Directors 0. K. Transer Company, nu mber of a Junketing committee whose only eye was for a certain kinri tion Looking to Passage of long nmt .'Vh'iTi'A kw I This means something import- and Ernbalmers A roral trantfei bualoaa The Thrillers, a hlsh class nov Ity of pavinu without looking at any conducted other kind. Mr. Korber, aicordimjto City Statute Fixing Minimum and TiUI IciigtliH and I "l"n lady AoMnanl. vaudeville act, made their initial Mr. Clarke, had expressed his plea ant for you. 411 Suit Tho hiiiu-HhI- s arc tl' lt. Firm AMI CFATRiL. PUd before the nppreciatlvc au- ixactly. The wood Mock pavinu Age For Drivers. MH) - be looked into, IH'ftiv Vhone rm- KKCRFJJ, Prop. diences of the New Crystal last niitht should and that at finest kinds of lisle, hilk nnd ItkUJCtJ once, lie hnd been informed by the FULL DRESS SUITS FOR and scored n distinct hit. Their act is I, company American umber that city wtiol, xvoi, merino anil silk 8"'' novel beyond description and most they would be In a piwition to Tho council met In adjourned SALE AMD furnish FOR RENT. j 'leasing In view of the fact that noth- the figures upon wood blocks in the regular session last night prior to the cotton in gradtil wolgliM special ing nl Its Wil d been seen in in Disc ot a few weeks, or as soon as meeting to receive reports has ever th-- y illlS city h. toui.i finish their InNestiuitlins. from the standing committees and finest gnu4' to tho heavy, SiMl np fere. Wf. iH.or jthinn f hnnin frnm pomiwl fnr frtrtf. i, Like Mr. limber," said transact what routine business might Business Suits it v, IWI II tha lUt IWUl Clin l. ii iiiid Herir arc also v.ti-ii- Alderman bod)- - v. jiiiniy u IIUIIII. Hill lilV UWtllV.ll Clark. all In- - come before wool, price to Mill IK ureat applause nightly with tli.-- r want kinds of paving the meeting. twj est it--a ted so that we can There were a ing ti the varnish at the finish. ilain niiif ami MiiKinu and it is the find out number of minutes of $18 to 540 I'otiieiisiis of opinion that they arc which Is the hel for AlliiiiUeriite." previous meetings to h,. read und also He I lite licit in their line seen In Alhu ha been informed that there was a large number of bills Incident tn a lari; nmontit of short lengths of week to be l'l.. tiii' The photAl'l ivs are (xcei-'li'lii- ''' lair nppi oveih This was cM..,i nim- ,i! the Ji ii ami d m,, and Full Dress Shoes supcnroR co. I n Hid ti e 111:1 ll l.vii iueilt nf ii rem warrants ordered drawn $6 t lumber and mill - st puym.-n- !h is to 'IIKl'.ltlllll t. tun which, if properlj for of the bills. I 'i he cs.',! iii,;, r i' t i pb ,i. c del for pal run The park commission pri scnted a f I,,' iv is I. f repot t FERGUSON 8 ,i itii- - i i' lion. iai.iiar j.atr.mumi: oi in linan. 'ai romluinn, h"ine iioiiiKtriea if that win posMhle a balance of mote than $iiit in the lb ,.'litic,i tin i o;.,iiiittcc w iiii h treasury. liad con,' mi the i n ' u:.i r trip The ordinances governing the r ii (o s. c L on VV CaUau PHONES had be. load, cnli- one Kile, t mssiliu.s iSOiii.iIK with r. . linill WU kt "I pavit'ir, that f and fjrthcr facts s.trd to Mtvc cats and to regulate the rmi-v- ut, -, about ..titer pav. nieiits should ,(, pro-.itici- use of upon btr.-e- .. finders cars was I COLLISTEfl 122 S Scsniil St. Ill f. t.obl vvttutv ru; i.i, sims, sir vi 501-50- 2 nr the ccn iiieraiiou of the put ii). on its iinul passage, passed t l..c, aid Vi (;, I'nclnrj Wo si, t rd Wood, Nativ Klwdlllii:, He.' ciiiiiii it. and it will beioitie a law thirty dais , Alderman I"hcrwo(,d f l'l. Il, riro (lay, itfa I'e Hrt.-li- IVunmon Mefelt. little. BRYANT'S diprecated troin last night. inn nj,i, m,,ni nun oi iv one kind of Alderman Clarke th. n drew 23' v4-t4a- i Quick nrt HcHMirfM, j pavement the it. rrrrl Iel. bad he en investigated, and tcnlion (1( ylu - A t4tt cunctl to tbe auto- t