Myth and Reality. Changing Awareness of Transylvanian Identity
Sándor Vogel Transylvania: Myth and Reality. Changing Awareness of Transylvanian Identity Introduction In the course of history Transylvania has represented a specific configuration in Eur ope. A unique role was reserved for it by its three ethnic communities (Hungarian, Romanian and Saxon), its three estates in politicallaw, or natio (nations), Hungarian, Szekler and Saxon existing until modern times, and its four established religions (recepta re/igio), namely Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist and Unitarian, along with the Greek Orthodox religion of Romanians which was tolerated by Transylvania's political law. At the same time the Transylvanian region was situated at the point of contact or intersection oftwo cultures, the Western and the East European. A glance at the ethnic map - displaying an oveIWhelming majority of Hungarians and Saxon settlers in medieval times - clearly reveals that its evolution is in many respects associated with the rise ofthe medieval State of Hungary and resultant from the Hungarian king's con scious policies of state organization and settlement. lts historical development, social order, system of state organization and culture have always made it a part of Europe in all these dimensions. During the centuries ofthe Middle Ages and early modern times the above-mention ed three ethnic communities provided the estate-based framework for the region's spe cial state organization. The latter served in turn as an integument for the later develop ment of nationhood for the Hungarian and Saxon communities, and as a model for the Romanian community. During the 16th and 17th centuries, the period of the Ottoman State's expansion, the Transylvanian region achieved the status of an independent state in what was referred to in contemporary Hungarian documents as the 'shadow ofthe Turkish Power', thereby becoming the repository ofthe idea of a Hungarian State, the ultimate resource of Hungarian culture and the nerve center of its development.
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