I .

■ ^ \ \ "V A ■ ' V \ V V V. \ >v 1 ^^^\^ ' V, \-\ THURSDAY, JANUARY 16.M970 \ ■ . t \ PAGE TWENTY-TWO Average Dally Net Preos Run lE w n in g For The Week Bndnd The Weather Deoem ber 20, 1969 T Fair, not as cold tonight with Cub Scout Pack 47 will meet lows in teen*. Tomorrow in­ About Town tomorrow at 7 p.m. at South Claims Against Town Based 15,880 creasing cloudineia, mtdier. United Methodist, ukurch. High In 30e. Sunday enow Chapman Court, Order of Manchester—4 City of Village Charm chance incrooae*. Amaranth, will meet tomorrow The French Club of Manches­ On Icy Roads^ Plow Damage ter will meet tomorrow at R at 7;4S p.m. at the Masonic Charges of poor snow and ice cumulation of ice and snow on VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 90 Temple. After the meeting, p.m. at Orange Hall. TWENTY-TWO PAGES removal luid faulty operation of Garden St. This slide, he aays, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1970 (CbMWIfled Advertlelng on Page 10) PRICE TEN CENTS there will be entertainment and snow plows are the basis of sev­ caused her to collide with a refreshments. Officers will The Past Chiefs Club of Me­ eral claims filed in the town car parked' near the intersec­ wear colored gowns. . morial Temple, Pythian Sisters, has canceled its meeting orig­ clerk's office as the result of tion ^ th Bow 8t. inally scheduled for tomorrow. minor accidents. The attorney blames the ac­ Agnew’s Life Members of Mystic Review, The regular meeting will be held David Winer of 37 Ellen Lane cident on the "defective condi­ Cut Your Tax North American Benefit Asso­ next month. claims that a snow plow believ­ tions of the road” , which he said Some dividends ere not ciation, and its Guard Club will ed to be owned or under con­ was "left unattended for a con­ taxed. Loom about them in Large Viet Pullout, meet tonight at 7 at the Holmes . The Women's Guild of Trini­ tract to the town dug up about siderable period of time.” Be­ M enace d In an article today on page 2. Funeral Home, 400 Main St., to ty Covenimt Church will install SO" feet of his front lawn on sides retribution for Mrs. Articlee offering advice on pay respects to the late Mrs. officers tomorrow at 8 p.m. Dec. 29, 196. Winer, who pho­ Biiliel's back, neck and other New Zealand your income tax' problems Joseph Smith whose sister, Mrs. tographed a slide of the dam­ injuries, he is asking'for $384.64 axe appearing dally In The Gladys Gamble, fs a member age, did not estimate the coat for repairs on the Billie! fam­ South United Methodist Church AUCKLAND, New Zealand HeraM. of both units. Junior Choir, under the direc­ of the damages but delivered ily car. Drop in Draft Loom tion of Mrs. Albert Kolbfleisch, the slide to the town on Jan. B. In another claim filed, Mrs. fAP) An Auckland Judge sent Mrs. William R. Greene of 18 Velma St. Jean of Bristol asked a man who threatened to oaaoa- will meet tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. WASHINGTON (AI>) — Secre- indicates the likelihood of anoth- Speaking In Los Angeles in the tThoir Room of the Auburn Rd. says her oar sirf- for $48.87 to cover repairs on elnate Vice President Spiro T. church. Emanuel Guest fered $16.90 damage when she her car, damaged, she says, tary of Defense Melvin R. f Tliursday, l.aird said over-all drove over "one foot high” Ice Agnew to a mental hospital to­ Protesters , . . from Vietnam by midsummer. • Skates Sharpened when it got stuck in a hole on JLalrd s dlscloBure of a bigger n oiao could mean a further U.8. military manpower will be South United Methodist Church The Rev. William O. chunks on Hollister 8t. Mrs. Bush Hill Rd. The incident oc­ day. Police also disclosed that t h e .professional cut in total U.fl. armed forces reduction in the draft. down by about 300,000 men by Youth Choir will meet tomorrow Marquardt, a missionary pastor Greene claims a snow plow van curred on Jan. 1 and Mrs. St. two unused rifle bullets were way, “Hollow Seize^ Hold June. at 6 p.m. in the Choir Room of from Liberia, will speak tomor- working on the left side of the jean filed a claim on Jan. 8. Ground” at no ex­ found at the scene of u scuffle the church. row at 7:46 p.m. in Luther Hall road pubhed the ice chunks Thursday night with antiwar This is about 36,000 more than tra chaiiKe* of Emanuel Lutheran Church. over to the right side where protesters outside Agnew's ho­ MIT Offices the force reduction Laird pro­ South United Methodist Church The event is open to all mem­ she was driving. tel. jected for this fiscal year at a • Ice Creepers at­ Senior Bell Choir will meet to­ bers of the congregation. She tied to avoid the chunks, 22 Convicts tached so y o u Agnew met with Prime Minis­ CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — news conference here lost morrow at 7 p.m. in the Choir Pastor Marquardt, sponsored she claims, but says she had to ter Keith Holyoake and with op­ won’t fall! drive over them at one point A band of antiwar demonstra­ End of Bombing month. Room of the church. by the board of world missions Flee Prison position loader Norman Kirk, to avoid the van. As a result, of the’ Lutheran Church in SCULPTURED then held a brief news confer­ tors who battered their way into At that time, I.alrd linked his • Shoes mode kmff- America, has been stationed'at Mrs. Greene says, she damag- Reservations close tonight for ence in which he dismissed the a suite of administrative offi­ projection to President Nixon’s er and shoes made the Mystic Review, NASA, ban­ Totota, a medium sized village ■ ed the muffler pipe on her 1962 In Alabama demonstrators during his New ces Thursday at Massachusetts latest order calling for a pull­ wider! quet, and may be made with in Liberia, where he has been automobile. (Continued from Page One) TWEEDS Institute of Technology still held Cuts GI Deaths Zealand visit os "rather childish back of some 60,000 more U.B. Mrs. Alice Newman, 94 Valley working on a literacy program. An attorney for Mr. and Mrs. possessaon of their stronghold Hagan said the men broke out | in their deportment." SAIGON (AP) — 'The rate of Eight rounds of enemy mor- troops from Vietnam SA M YUYLES St. The banquet will be Tuesday A native of Norwood, Minn., David J. Bllliel of 27 Garden today. ^ ' by April of a dormitory containing 1141 MANY Mrs. Agnew called the demon­ American battlefield deaths has tars fell in the hamlet on Jan. 6, 16. . 88 OAK STREET at 6:30 p.m. at the Lantern the guest speaker served a mis­ St. filed a claim on Jan. 0 for convicts. He said all probably] Campus police said^the dem­ House Restaurant. sion congregation in Cheyenne, an incident which occurred on strator.* "frustrated cheerlead­ declined by one third since the killing 14 civilians and three slashes in the size of the na- could have fled. ers.” onstrators numbered about 100 A few steps from Main Wyo., before going to Liberia in Dec. 19. He claims retribution Unlted ■ States stopped bombing government pacification work- tlon’s armed forces have been The prison official said n o; COLORS Asked about a charge by Sen. this morning—abdut half the Established 1911! The American Legion Auxil­ 1989. He and his wife have four to Mrs. Billiel fo personal In­ troutde developed among about» size of the that staged the North Vietnam, despite the ers. closely to the paced wlth- iary will meet Monday at 8 J.W. Fulbright D-Ark., that he children ranging from 6 to 14 juries allegedly occurring when 000 prisoners remaining in thej seizure. fears of many military men that Spokesmen said the attacks drawal of American troops from p.m. at the Post Home. years of itge. her automobile slid on an ac- unit. was a "smart alec” who was casualties would rise. apparently are an attempt to the war. ma'Hing promises beyond the They qchupled the offices of MIT ^Xesldent Howard W. John­ During the 62 weeks since convince the people that the Laird’s hike in the an- scope of his office, Agnew said, Presldent Lyndon B. Johnson South Vletaamese government udpat^d reiictton in over-all “ The senator apparently has son and the MIT Corporation 6 stopped the bombing on Nov. 1. . U-8- armed manpower sugg«sU blown his cool again.” chairman, James R. Killian Jr., ns well as a corridor. 1968, a total of 10,968 Americans Elsewhere, North Vietnamese accompanying i l o n a J ^ 1 - Agnew then took a helicopter have been reported killed in ac- ‘5^^® Vietnam between to the sheep and cattle farm of There was no indicaUon that WALL-TO-WALL CARPET any attempt would be made to tlon. In the 62 weeks, before, Cavalrymen 'Thursday night ^td-Anril and nosaiblv Julv W. G. GLENNEY CO. F.C. Johnstone at Whatawhata, 16,463 American battlefield » five-minute attack with gre- some 80 miles south of Auck­ •evict the demonstrators. Cam­ Withdrawals which began last pus police were stationed Inside deaths were reported. nadea and machine gun and ri- 100% Nylon Dupont 501 land, for a buffet luncheon and a I ^Ic fire 92 miles northeast of Sal- summer will reach a7 net of the administration building, but The Saigon government’s ' ■ a demonstration of planes that ” ® gon. The Americans were about 108,600 by mid-April. Offi­ Installed Over $ 0 .8 5 spread fertilizer. outside the occupied offices. forces report an increase, how­ cials have hinted at another in­ camped tor the night along a Dr. J. D. Myhart, dean of stu­ ever, from 17,886 combat dead Antiwar protesters main­ major enemy supply route. crement, perhaps in the 60,000 32 oz. Waffle Pad dent affairs, told the protesters in the earlier period to 19,771 in range. In the ensuing three or Reg. $9.95 tained their vigil outside the In Saigon, Sen. ’Tran Van Don, vice' president’s hotel, their later in the morning that they the past 62 weeks. four months. could face criminal charges for Official sources say the main (President Nguyen Van numbers rangin? from a doz^h . , _ 'l4llThieu’s A11*0 WI/NCifmost x\ssfoutspoken OW a Iv a m oppo­ Such a development would to 200 during the day. They thedr action. reason Americans suffered bring the U.B. commitment in "You’re considered trespass­ higher casualties before the nents, started a new opposition booed Agnew roundly when he movement seeking a middle-of- '^*®'tham below 400,000. KITCHEN CARPET! emerged to go to Whatawhata ers,” Myhart declared, “ subject bombing halt was that three major offensives were launched ^*'®’Coad path for Vietnam after And the 300,000 man rollback emersred to go to Whatawhata to prosecution under the laws of Massachusetts without further by the enemy in February, May the war. would bring the total U.S. troop and went ‘Oink, Oink” when Don and other leaders of the strength down to about 3,166,000. V/-S. 4 ^ 100% NYLON • HIGH DENSITY Mrs. Agnew's motorcade pulled notice.” and August .1068. Since the A university spokesmsin said bombing was stopped, there has new • People's Bloc . declared This trimming of U.S. armed •<• rubber back • LARGE ASST. OP- in later. themselves in "loyal opposi- uniformed manpower worldwide Protest ’eadera planned a ma­ many of the demonstrators been only one offensive which CdLORS . . . were MIT students and others His rifle slung over his shoulder, a st^l-helmeted Nigerian soldier embraces' a the Americans class as "m a­ tlon” to Thleu. A printed manl- could reach as high as 600,000 jor effort tonight when Agnew Biafran soldier in Lagos at war’s end. (AP Photofax) festo said the bloc "advocates a by the end of the following fiscal attends a state dinner at the ho­ were from Harvard and Radcl- jor,” the post-Tet offensive of Februa"i^ ImV, ‘ afte^“ ^ " " l ^ a r cooperation with other year, July 1, 1971. tel, an event which four Labor iffe, Harvard’s sister college. MIT has an enrollment of party members of Parliament new year festival. ***°fi?* basis while Because of the force reduc- 7,700. Old world cratismanshlp... modern convenience threatened to boycott. “ We think the three offensives ^ costs policies tlons, the draft already has been i95 The demonstration, sponsored In 1968 prior to the bombing halt might lead to enslaving the reduced from about 290,000 last Marriage of Style and Beauty Police • said that Sydney by Students for a Dem c;>atic • James Arthur, 32. an unem­ Soviets Winners in Nigeria? were so costly to the enemy that And transforming the na- y g „ to an anticipated 228,000 SQ.YD. Society, was conducted in sup­ he changed his mind and for *nto a satellite of other pow- this year. Further force cuts DREAM ployed laborer, was ricked ur< I- Who won in Nigeria? Wlio without regard for ethnic and general, set up a military gov- J STAINLESS port of demands that the univer­ some reason slowed down,” one „ . . could carry the total draft call the foyer of Agnew's hotel dur­ sity rescind discipline meted out lost? cultural differences. With inde- ernment and became its head U.S.__4Jon officer and said. others In his 16-mem- below 226,000. J ing the night after he said, "I ’ll to students who took part in ear­ Statesmen are totting up the pendence, Nigeria inherited the and supreme military com- ______KITCHENS IMST AIjIjED ! ! I kill Spiro Agnew between 4 a.m. Allied headquarters reported ®*” Ate bloc denied they fa- j told the Los Aneeles STEEL SINK lier unruly demonstrations, and score, and the tally has Uttle to boundaries, becoming the most mander. Tribal animosities but- today that 17 ^ South V ieb i^ ese vor a coallUon with the Viet ‘ Angeies and 7 a.m. tonight.” that it abolish the school disci­ do with whether the Nigerian populous nation in Africa. The faced. ^nd one American were killed Cong. But they said, without 1®'^" conference that budget re- SELF-RIMMED He pleaded not guilty to plinary committee. federal government or the Blaf- British left behind a legacy of Extreme violence erupted in during fighting triggered by a elaboraUon: "In the present disengagement of the threatening to essasrinate Ag­ The university’s associate struggle a military victory is Vietnam, rans lost. administrative structure and a the North. Thousands of Ibo Viet Cong attack Thursday , , ^ ^ onH aocomoanvmiraccompanying ourcnasinspurchasing 26x22 SINGLE BOWL, Reg. 827.96 RUBBKR BACKBD new and was sent to a mental provost, Dr. Paul Gray, said the ^17.00 hospital for two weeks for ex­ Again, as in similar crises In nucleus for self government, so tribesmen died and hundreds of night on a government refugee , °"® slashes could iLiuce bv shnut 9x12 HGRCULON faculty supported Johnson’s Africa and elsewhere In the that theoreOcally Nigeria was thousands fled to the East, camp 76 miles southeast of Da a pollUcal one.” 1,280 000 the number o f ^ r s ^ OZITE amination. stand that no negotiations would 33x22 DOUBLE BOWL, Reg. $89.96 ^23.00 Police had said earlier t^nfhn past, the world has witnessed an prepared for the Indpeendence There a young Ueutenant-colo- Nang. The dead Included 14 cl- Don’s third attempt to involved in national defense, \ be conducted “ In the face of an example of the faihu-e of great which came Oct. 1, 1960. nel named Odumwe gu OJukwu, vlUan refugees, three govern- torge an opposition movement. ... . n » a iiu ' CARPET RUNNER twice phoned that a man wear­ BRAIDED RUG ultimatum.” nations to break out of the age- The prospects were good, a regional governor and friend ment troops and an American His earlier groups were called *’ “ ated military A S s ' ■* ' s’" ^ ing a government messen~er’s He said a proposal to call In CABINETS TO COMPLEMENT Vnr Stain or flaHwaj uniform would try to assassi­ encrusted prison of power poll- Nigeria was relatively rich In of Gowon, declared a secession- Marine. Pour enemy were the SalvaUon Ftont andthe Sen- police to evict the group was agricultural products and a var- 1st "Republic of Blafra” on May known dead, a spokesman said, ate Republic Bloc. ® . ANY DECOR nate Agnew with a Colt 48. T*-* "not serioiuly discussed.” ^4,0-95 . Probably the Russians were lety of metals. Oil had been dls- 30, 1967. Gowon vowed to crush The attack was the second In South Korean military workers fo dS K®"® *, IN A WIDE COLOR SELECTION CUSTOM KITCHEN Rxfl. 59.95 first time he showed up at the Gray told newsmen this morn­ hotel, he was sent away by po­ ing that continuing faculty ses­ the .real big winners, but In oth- covered. The constitution divid- It. less than two weeks against the spokesman claimed today that jj ^ . J ^ ® ' DESIGN SERVICE $ 0 .9 9 er capitals, leaders may be ed the country into foiur federal u was comic opera at first, hamlet of Chau Thuan, which is at least 60 North Korean psy- ® Here’s an easy-on-the-budget way to bring the kitchen of lice, but the second time he was sions to discuss the student oc­ 5 C olon To Choso From arrested. cupation have considered call­ quietly congratulating them- regions, each of which was to when Nigeria’s small and badly ^'’® n>U®a northeast of My Lai chological warfare agents are “ your dreams into your home. Using these standard stock • Free consultation and « o Police said they found two ing in civil authoriti^ to selves, that, all things consid- retain a larg;e measure of local equipped army went into action. *®®n® of the alleged massacre of operating In South Vietnam In However,-a total reduction in planning i units you can achieve a customized decorator iook. Enjoy RlfiG. 1 0 9 7.62mm bullets that wo\i'd fit n ered, they did not do too badly, autonomy. u soon became tragedy, com- ctviUans by U.S. troops nearly efforts to get South Korean '»n**<«™ed strength of 600,000 • Estimates In your home * remove the demonstrators, but aii the convenience and step-saving efficiency of a kitchen standard North Atlantic Treaty no decisions have been reached. Starting In 1914 Nigeria was a It was a time of a watershed pounded ^ power politics. yearns troops to defect. But he said no *” ®" Indicated pruning of designed with your needs in mind. without obligation British colony and protectorate, of independence in an Africa Even before tbo «r«t buttle a Spokesmen said the Viet Cong defections have been reported Pa^aps 160,000 from the civil N Organization rlPe on the groun'’ • All work fully guaranteed % He said this appeared to be CIRAMIC T ill In front of the hotel where 13 Its people did not think of them- long under colonial rule. A new Mip.prlBn miuton wee in aappers, moving behind a mor- from the 60,000-man South Ko- ®®'[''*®® •'oles would suggrest that OuUlandIng valuel 12 H. Colonial "atartar” kitchan the only alternative to deal with persons were arrested in a scr'- nonstudents participating in the selves as Nigerians, but as Hau- scramble by a new sort of colo- qqw It HnninH It pppiHnp. barrage, attackedj the - ham------^ean force i.In Vietnam. — defense contractor employmentnmnlovmant sas, Ibos, K WM seein g midnight with ri- Th® presence of North Korean 3° down by about 500,000. fle between police and demon­ occupation. He estimated that Yorubas, Benins, nlalism already had begun, In- arms, but in Aueust Niferia ^ uihuusui wan n- w nurui rvureui ------Rag. vai. $558.73. While they last: TUBWELL Efiks and members of other volving opposed ideologies as ata^t 20 oiddat- **®®’ '"achlne gluts, and rocket agents was discovered through In talking about “ Vletnamlza- INSTALLID strators Thursday night. about half the occupiers were took delivery on about 20 outdat- (Installation, appliances, and range hood extra) The police said the bullet.* nonstudents. tribes having little In common, well as opposed national Inter- ^ MIG16 jrt toW e^ grenades. Interrogation of captured Viet tlon'’ of the war, Laird said that were from an armory ont*'do Regarding students’ demands, The North’s culture derived ests. Russians, Chinese, British, „ „ two fighter bombera made In reports said some of the and Nortti Vietnamese between 46 per cent and 60 per Auckland that a group calling it­ he said the administration from ancient Moslem conquests French, Belgians, Americans all Czechoslovakia all this to suo- ^ ® '"y broke Into the hamlet, troops, tlie spokesman said, cent of a transitional U.S. force and its people were Islamic and were seeking Influence. plement two old Amertcfm- dynamite bombs and fir- adding that more than 100 dlf- would be combat troops. Their Tramtorm dull walls Into eye-catching beauty with self Revolutionary Activists bur­ would "not negotiate at the InCLUDE$ LAIOR aBd MATERIAL5 glarized and tried to b’ow ur point of a gun.” Arable-speaking. The South and Nigeria went the way of many made, propellor-driven B20 *"*■ ^®^*" '*’®apons at houses. lerent kinds of leaflets In Ko- mission would be to safeguard Qrld-Mount "WITH YOUR CHOICE OF COLOR Jan. 4. The group had circulated One'demand that has been the West had been Christianized by another so-called "emerging” bombers which had been Nige- '^®***y houses were reported f®an urging the South Korean American support elements r«- misslonaries. Nigeria had a country. There was a bloody ria’s total air force. Soon E g ^ destroyed. have been clr- malnlng behind to back up th* LIGHTING FIXTURE (See Page Two) (See Page Four) IPEOIALIZINB in bathroom multiplicity of languages and dl- coup early In 1966 by army offl- vvould be in the act too "*^® <1®!®"*!®™ returned the ®»tlated. South Vietnamese a t t a native Z Specially made for auaponded . : vr.':, V ! ' \ * None of the UPAint AND HIMODELIHO alects. • cers. A half year later there plying pilots for its fellow Mos- *'*’® called in U.S. helicopter None of the North Korean forces take over the ^ 1 Job of celling ayatema The boundaries had not been was another, led by a 30-year- jem government, gundilps and arUllery fire on “$'*ats has been captured, he fighting the North Vietnamese 5-FT. and Viet Cong. BRICK Attaches directly to celling grid; chosen by Nigeria’s people but old colonel named Yakubu Go- enemy positions outside the aald. provides easily Installed fluorescent TUB FAMOUS ARMSTRONO V I H fT '' imposed by the colonial powers won, who made himself a major (See Page Seven) hamlet, spokesmen said. Meanwhile, In JocksonviUe, This Indicates such security Here's real magic you oon lighting at low cost. Full-width re­ ^1 ENCLOSURE Fla., Army Lt. William L. Cal- troops would total about 100,000 crss.^6 yourself instsJYtly. Just flectors and scientifically spaced OORLON ley Jr. joined American Legion or more men. spread on mosUc and apply Individual bricks % thick they are tubes for uniform, glare-free com­ leaders in a party Thursday * * Pentagon officials draw a^dis­ light in weight so they need no foundation or extra support. 4 fort, Adjusts to three fixture levels, night opening a campaign for antiqued patterns plus fleldstone. Z brick Is not a ceramic orf from 3". *27.95 $200,000 to bolster hds defense tinction , between . combat . troops ,, . plastic. It's rugged virtually Indestructable and it's fireproof. Only against murder ctaiges based ® a n y ^ batUeflekl operations Reg. $39.95 Whale-Shaped Jumbo Jets on the aUeged My i l l massa-. ‘^® « « « «»® « « « Docorate a 4x6 area for *13.90 * 6 8 " combat troops having a security *11.55 mission guarding U.S. support (See Page Eleven) elements from attack. CARPET Things look up (and so do people) when you Install beeutHul CERAMIC BATHROOM Take to Air This Month BY THE BOX 1 STRIP AND PLACE 12” By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS al, O'Hare in Chicago, Logan in the nose. It cruises at 684 miles 1 CUSHION TILES OF ARMSTRONG The Jumbo jeUlners start Boston, Dulles near Washington, per hour. flying commercially this month Senator ^yst ¥ 1I FAMOUS CEILING TILES D.C., Dade County in Miami Kennedy Airport’s extensive • STEVENS A>ID PANELS and officials at many of the na- and Atlanta, and and facelifting Includes a $70 million Uon’B major airports and some Paris, the survey shows. ^xfold expansion of PAn Ameri­ Iv CARPET in Europe say they are ready In general, airports are ex­ can World Airways’ 101,000- Dangers of the Pill Must None Higher in Quality Choose from a wide range of patterns INSTALLED for them. tending and buttressing run­ vlde six gates or parking posl- and textures all as practical as they to le. gq. Ft. tododes Pan American World Airways ways and building new ones, en- vide six gate or parking posi­ Be Put in Layman^s Terms Just btrip to free self adhesive, then place in position. No are beautiful . , . absorb household Metwleli Mid Vtm OhaiM aC ( plans to inaugurate Boeing 747 laiglng and erecting terminals, tions—two to be ready by next other materiiUs required. Softtles go any where in the house. noise . . . easily cleaned. Staple, In­ service next Wednesday with a readying new docking gates, im­ Wednesday—for the 747s, 10 WASHINGTON (AP) — The eral said it would be anotiMr So easy to maintain. End waxing, polishing. Reduce noise stall with adhesive or cllp-etrlp. New York-to-Ixuidon flight. proving baggage hanging facil­ gates for present-day aircraft levels, add warmth and color. Senate’s leading advocate of five years or more before a real Trans World AlrHnes starts 747 ities, and Improving and build­ and roof parking for 500 auto­ tighter drug controls says wom­ cancer danger-If one exists— 5 1 0 ^ Do If Yourself or Lef Us £h If For You service Feb. 26 With a flight ing parking lots. mobiles. Passengers will be becomes statistically provable. for 9x12 floor. from sq. ft. en should be told more about ■ from New York to Los Angeles. Kennedy Airport already has 6 able to board each 747 via any the hazards of birth control pills Robert H. Finch, secretary of Pan Am and TWA together strengthened ramp areas. Im­ one of three telescoping ramps. but he doubts they are compe­ health, education and welfare, expect to have a total of 40 of proved customs and baggage fa­ Trans World Airlines spent tent enough to sort through the. said Thursday there la no the S86-ton planes in the air by cilities, added parking lots, and $20 million for a new "terminal detailed information now avail­ "clear-cut evidence” birth con -. the end of the year. By the end virtually completed one new ter­ of tomorrow” to open In about a able. trol pills are harmful. Finch, WE HONOR SHOP of 1971, 28 of the world's airlines minal designed for the 747. It month at Kennedy. It will have speaking in Houston, Tex., eald: expect to be flying 186 of the also is expanding Its Interna­ “ There la a question about gates for four 747s and seven how much technical information "I believe there Ic a email per­ FRIDAYS whale-shaped planes which car­ tional Arrivals Building and en­ 707s, large waiting salons, 36 centage of women for whom the MANCHESTER ry up to 490 passengers. larging another terminal. should be given a patient and new customs positions and en­ how competent women are to pills cause some problems but TEMPLPS An Associated Press survey The 281-foot long 747 Is the TO larged baggage 'claim carrou­ by and large when many women shows that major U.R. airports largest commercial airliner in receive It,” said Democrat Gay­ sels. lord Nelson of Wisconsin. want to keep from having chil­ and those In such cities as Lon­ Metory, 80 feet longer than its dren the oral contrstospUves art 649-5253 8:30 CARPET and FLOOR COVERING The Port of New York Author­ Nelson commented In an ii don, Parts, Rome | o^d Hong predecessor, (he Boeing 707. It the best way to do thia.” ity, which operates Kennedy, ' tervlew after two days of hei Kong are deep In enlarging and / has a tall more than six ctorles .3: The secretary asdd ha hopaa long ago anticipated the need Ings by his monopoly subcom­ 300 M A IN STREET TEL, 443>4|iA2 remodeling projects. Officials high and holds 46,770 gallons of the “ scare talk” would not SATURDAYS for enlarged facilities. The i In­ mittee, marking Congress' first say some o f' these airports—al­ fuel—enough to run the average cause a lot of woman to stop us­ 3 3 6 ternational Arrivals Building, plunge Into the pill controversy. TILL NOON O ^ D A I L Y TO 6 — THURS., FRI. TO p P.M. though already overcrowded- family car for almost 60 years where passengers on all over­ ing the oral contraceptives. are ready to handle the first few - f o r Its four engines. seas flights are cleared through During the two sessions, first Nelson said that despite the NORTH MAIN STREET of the planes and that they ex­ It can carry 360 to 490 p u ^ n - customs. Is being doubled in of a series that resumes next lack of hard evidanoe the S.S pect to keep pace as the number gers—twice as many n a r the size. Officials say ramp areas week, eight birth control spe­ million now on the plU should be BUILDING Mi\TERIAI^LUMBER— FUEL of 747s in service grows. largest jetliner now in service. cialists reviewed a broad range GLASTONBURY are now ready for the 747s and told more than they are. Most construction and remod­ The Interior cabin Is 20 feet gate positions are to be opened of studies linking the pill to a But he said (t probably need V ,* - > T - ' • • eling projects are scheduled for Saintly Stvan? wide and passengers sit nine this month. The customs and variety of' disorders. Including not be as detallad as Informs- \ - completion by or during . . aV, 1971 abreast, separated by two aisles baggage areas were expanded cancer of the breast, cervix and Uon contained In letters the Young: wil(l swan finds no parking problem today 'Airports where officials say uterus. r that run the length of the air­ In 1968 and space was added at Federal Food and Drog Admin- on the parking lot at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church they are now ready for the first craft, The plane has 12 rest­ the parking Helds last summer None, however, produced any latratton sends to the nation'* in Mystic, Conn. Could he be an early arrival for 747s include Kennedy In ' New rooms and even a “ penthouse” new or hard evidence that the Sunday church services? (AP Photofax) York, Los Angeles Internatlon- lounge on an upper deck near (See Page Ten) pill actually caused cancer. Sev- (Bee Page Wmur)

/ / / ; A A


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1970 PAGJ5 TWO^ llngton; fltephen Von Kuw Jr., Iji., Tolland; Agnes Martin, Blanc, Somersvllle, and John Tw«>nty Yrars Iv,at<*rt Kockville Ixawrencc Bt., Rockville; Wil­ Avery St., Wapplng, and Bar­ McCoy, Abbe R<1., Ellington. MOVIE AUDIENCE liam I'xHkso, Snlpsio View Hgts., bara Marquis, Windsor Ave., Flit Fhafiitiy Cut Your Own Taxes 5 _ THEATER'‘TI1VIE Scientists Say: «»***«*GUIDE******* Sheinwold on Bridjje H<5H|)ita1 NoI<*h flockvllle; DInda Plader, South Rockville. The popular herb, Roaemary, A SERVICE OF FILM-MAKERS Osr. Omtar tt Atmm Throe Brink^s Robbers visiting lioiirH lire 12:80 to H St.. Rockville; Tlnu’ Hills,-Tol­ Discharged Wednesday: Is tied to the story of Christmas. SCHEDULE AND THEATERS. in c u r a b l e : d is e a s e land Ave., Rockville: Francis Eunice Gauba, Russell Dr., Legend holds that the herb’s Msiirlissiwr ' p,in. In all areas except iiia- Natural Gas These idt.ngs apply lo filple AFFIJCTS DECI^ABEB NOKI'II Mansclla, Wondervlew D r.,"Tol­ Vernon; Flora Burke, Strong white blooms turned to the blue rRBB DBUVBPT Cinema I — East Hartford. released ntler Nuv I. 1968 ♦ A (J 4 Remaining Behind Bars tenilty where they are 2 to 4 land; John Mi®TlK'*®bl, Montauk Aye,, Rockville; Russell An- of the Virgpn Mary’s cloak when Handling Dividends By AIJTIED SHEINWOIJl Reivers, 7:00, 9:00. Cl 8.12 and 6:30 to 8 p.m. ^ Dr., Vernon;■ Lewis King, High drevthfXHale-St. Ext., Rockville; she hung It bn a bush to dry dur­ SENIOR orriniim i SEAL We approach the end of our By LKN P. GlltLIN The time was ali(pil 7:10 p.m. Try Us 0 « Tsar By B A Y b E CBANE In a lump sum at the time of from U.S. corporations Is total- Cinerama — Goodbye, Mr. To Be Gotten THIS _____ 6 64 St., Rockville; Madeline L’atherlnn Salmon, Kozley Rd., ing the flight Into Egrypl. TTie. poat-graduate course on the art AmMi<:lntii(| Press Writer By 7 -20 Lie gang ■ had elcaned Nsxt Pnserlptlsa! DUtributed by Enterprise Press redemption. ly excluded from tax. Should a Chips, 8:00. in ads indicates the film was A 1096 2 Admitted Wednesday: Ixclgh- Clough, Old Stafford Rd., Tol­ Tolland; Nancy Lawson, Bald plant then became known as of not finessing with a hand o-.it the office of $1,218,211.29 East Windsor Drive - In — submitted and approved under WRST EA.ST BOSTON (A P ) At about ton Ixiwes, Hoffman Rd., BI- land; Kevin Gorman, Virginia Hill Rd., Tolland; Alma Lc- "M ary’s Rose." Any interest earned on sav- But the tax law writers have husband and wife be filing a c- . # t o.is. By N-Bla^f from the case book o f'fit. Wat­ easti and $1,567,183.83 In ehecks, ings deposits or bonds is tax- given a special tax break to joint return and If each has JlOOKrakato.^ ^ 7 30 the Motion Picture Code ♦ <1.1 V 4 K J 10 6 2 7:10 p.ni. on a January night 20 Marriage, ' of Self-Regulation. son, late of the Army Medical bonds and KOcurlllCH. They left aWe o n ^ u r annual Income tax those who are willing to risk or moire in dividends from stock How toCommit Marriage, 7.30. LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)— Cl Q 10 5 4 Cl J 97 State Theatre — Easy Rider, Department. It may well be the yearH ago a gang of men uii- the Brink’s employes trussed on return. The Interest on Series their capital in common stocks held individually or Jointly own- Suggeatad for GENERAL O I O K 5 O 7:20, 9:15. i Scientists predict that 15 years \E ^ y case In which the good doc­ liieked a series of doors Iciulitig the fWtor. E bonds may be reports,ti an- or in mutual fund holdings. The cd, their dividend exclusion is 5 4 2 K8 Burnside — Cactus Flower, from now natural gas for cook­ audiences. tor won an argument with his to a Brink’s, Inc. counting office Six years were lo pa.tH before SOUTH nually as it accrues or reported first $100 in dividends received $200. 7:10, 9:15. Suggested for MATURE famous friend, Sherlock the world learned how they had ing and for heating homes could ♦ 873 on the Boston waterfront. Ten (In community property Holmes. minutes later they were gone, cracked a supposedly Impreg- well come from a cavity carved audiences (parental discre­ Cl A K 6 olUng 'scope from a nelghlxtr- the ace of diamonds and led center-wide event used $100 dividend exclusion 'Thursday such fears are advertiaing. mlssjng. Only about $65,000 was H'K apartment hou.se roof ‘®’ Jy°promotTd NAME the queen of clubs for a finesse. recovered. Most law enforce- watch employes Ihrugl, win- ...... * may be claimed by the other. Menace din groundless. Printed as a public service It?" Holmes asked. "W e’U have Gen. ICitowIes is married to the He described a study of Pro­ East defeated the contract with ^ Hiorwnfch ment officials think that’s all <>®W3. ends tomorrow at 6, ADDRESS ...... I If the wife, for example, re- by this newspapci the king of clubs and th e t® t h is up in the dls^tch former MLss Mercedes Murphy, ject Gasbuggy, an underground that will ever bo found. Their first move, he .said, was I ceives only $40 in dividends as New Zealand , . box In the vaults of Cox’s Bank daughter of Mrs- Willis Hoyt of C IT Y ...... •...... “i ...... I a result of stock owned either nuclear explosion in New Mexi­ used in establishing any sort of tered * ’s'erves”lS ^ right ’ ’ Charing Cross, together with Though the robbery was then to pick the lock of the outer the largest involving (;a.sh, there street d;)or. Knowing the time of ‘*3 Foley St shop tonight til 9 individually or jointly, she will co in 1967 that formed a gas- a permissable radiation level.’ STA TE ...... Z IP (Continu'd from 'Page One,' filled cavity thousands of feet "Not at all. Holmes. Believe f have been bigger ones since, the wiitchman'.s rounds, they Gen. and ^ rs. Knowles live I ' receive only a $40 exclusion. Federal officials have not set me, not at all," Dr. Watson pro- And he took Watson off tor flw . , , threatening Agnew's below ground. About 12 years later a gang simply textk out the liM:k, sped It L®Tcdo. He Is waiting to hear (Make checks payable to TAXEa. Allow 3 weeks for delivery.) I The husband is restricted to his radiation standards that nu- . or six cups of black coffee, tor The gas was slightly radioac­ clear-stimulated natural gas robbed a mail truck at Plym- m-ro.ss town to a locksmith, had where his next assignment will _ 1 own $100 exclusion and may "Don't be arv ass, Watson," n® .At the news conference he tive after the explosion, Jacobs ^ outli, Mas.s., of $1.5 million .a key tiuidc, and replaced It ^®- Previously he has been sta “ “ ~ ~ pick up no part of the unused would have to meet for consum­ said, but he concluded that only the detective railed, and he ®®uld see. ^ being shipped from Cape Cod without its being missed. Over a t'oned in Iceland; Norfolk, Vn., $60 exclusion of the wife. held'jointly with Holyoake, Ag- er use. Establishment of the took his friend aside to discuss Dally Question Tolland minute amounts of this radiiii- standards is expected to gener­ banks to Bo.slon. Less than a period of time, keys for the oth- Rabat, Morocco; and New- The remedy for this situation officials ' made a tion would reach industrial and the hand out of hearing of the Partner opens with 1-NT (18 ate controversy,controversy. conservauon-Conservation- . (Kibitzers at the Baker to 18 points), and the next year after that robbers hailed a er inside locks were iiiade the burgh, N.Y. He Is a 1943 gratf- is to put an equal number ot very persuasive case for New household consumers. The wonderfully warm ists co.itend such natural gas is Bridge Club are very po- player passes. You hold: mail train at Cheddinglon, Eng- .same way. iiate of the U.S. Military Aca- shares in each spouse’s name Zealand trade matters" while amounts, he said, would be far too radioactive to be used. lite.) Spades, K-J-10-6-2! Hearts, J-9- land, and made off with more eight wlio were given life property shall revert to the Office supplies would cost rii L. Bentley, Two Hundred is a library page and works part CASTOFiimA' SERVING MNOUET Town of Manchester in the cosUiine jcM’elry $300; printing and travel, $426; lOOMS. event that tltle^vests in any one Fifty-Nine luid 68/100 (259.- time at W. T. Grants at the dress conferences national and'state, B o b Bmpe • Joclde Oleown LUNCHEONS - DINNERS other than tlie'crantee therein, 58) Feet; Parkade. $360; replacement of equipment, “How To Commit Morrtefo“ M or in the event that the prop­ NORTHERLY by land of the Other officers elected ore $100, and miscellaneous ex­ MIKE KERSHAW YOUR CHEF Town of Manchester, Fifty Miss Margaret Baldwin, worthy l/„ 6 erty is used for luiy purposes reg. to 20. o ff shirts penses such as file rentals and £4sr w /m ofi YOUR HOSTS DICK MAGISTRl LARRY. PIERSON other than those set forth In and 15/100 (60.16) Feet; associate advisor; Miss Jane DRIVE IN ★ RT 5 W ESTERLY by land n/f of Mather, charity: Miss Diane exhlblU, $50. the Corporate powers of The Necklaces, pins, ean’ings, bi*acelets — many Equipment needs would be a S»ECIAIIY OF THE HOUSE Richard T .and Mary E. Lou- Fothcrglll, hope; Miss Deborah Army and Navy Club of Man­ rle. Two Hundred Fifty-Nine Brown, faith; Miss Susan (natching sets. desk, three chairs, a four BMf D SIUF^ED chester, Ineorpornted. and 36/100 ( 250.36) Feet. Dowds, recorder; and Miss Su- drawer file cabinet, bookcase, This Ordinance shall take ef­ 3.99 Thls Ordinance shall take ef- san Pierce, treasurer, work table, typewriter and tele­ 3.95 fect ten (10) days after this pub­ DON’T GLQBDEiliaaHa feet ten (10) days after this pub- The newly elected and ap- reg. 5.50 to $8 phone. LOBSTER TAILS J ♦ • * • a' • • lication in this newspaper pro­ fasbion watebes licatloq In this newspaper pro- pointed officers will be Installed Courses Offered MISS THESE vided that within ten (10) days Attendance In the home life FRI.& SAT. ONLY SAT. ONLY vlded that within ten (10) days Saturday, Jan. 31, at 8 p.m. In G R EA T^O W S! after this publication °* **^*“ after this publication of this Or- ceremonies at the Masonic Replenish your shirt and physical education offerings dlmuico a P®t t‘®n ^ Temple. . » Afl ; ■ ^ AN 1 Ifl .J : ir .-..lli reg. to $20. wardrobe now at these remains higher than that in the ("You Know I Can’t H e^ BAKED STUFFED PRIME RIB not less than five (6) per cent ^ A 12.90 academic subjects,^Holley told- You When the Water’s j. At > ■ • • f (*iv()(:I j. I ' i( j* I,f, . - ■ of the electors of the Town^ os outstanding savings. Da­ easy niden electors of the Town, ,as deter­ Runndng” - determined front the latest offi­ Great buys in ladies’ and men’s fiiahion watches. cron polyester and cot­ mined from the latest official Dies in Viet Action LOBSTER BEEF cial ILsts of the Registrars of Chain or leather bands . . . many dressy styles. ton with regular or* "Luv" lists of the Registrars of Voters Voters has not been filed with WASHINGTON (AP) — The button down collar . . . "The Subject Was Roses" PETER DENNIS has not been filed with the Town ilanrlifB tTr ^ COCKTAIl HOUR 1 30 TO (i I ,JA('K the Town Clerk requesting Its befensc Department announced Clerk requesting Its reference stripes, solid colors, " I Never Sang for My reference to a special Town Thursday that Tlionias D. Tlghe, NICHOLSUN to a special Town election. checks and white, A Father” ALL DRINKS 65c linaEao FONDA HOPPER election. son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. printed aceUile squares James F. Fcttr, large selection but not |C(X1RTESY PARKING: LEAVE YOUR CAR IN FRONT AND A MAN James F. Farr, Tighe of Milfort, Conn., has PuMMied Dolly Except Sundays Secretary all sizes in all styles. SION UP FOR WILL PARK IT FOR YOU. TEN MINUTES BEFORE YOU LEAVE WfTlIen by Directed by DENNIS HOPPER Secretary been killed in combat In Viet­ and Holklaya at 13 Blssell Street PETER FONDA Board of Directors tianebeater, Oonn. (06040) L’TM 1970 SEASON NOTIFY THE WAITRESS AND.YC4IR CAR WILL BE DELIVERED. Produced by PETER FONDA Board of Directors nam. reg. to 3.60 .... Sizes 14Vit to 17. Telephone 643-2711 (Jail Carol Scbolfleld DENNIS HOPPER As^ocialf) Producer Manchester, Conn. Manchester, Conn, Ttghe’s death brlng^ to 489 the 1.19 TERRY SOUTHERN Dated at Manchester, Con­ Second Pnrry M.ion By BII-I. STOCKTON Education and Welfare were Cowan Fete (IK) llenniH the Menace (88-80-40) Newa — Weather — called this week or are sfched- DistinctiueT F (10) Theatre 30 Hporta and Featnrea (O) » AI* Hclcnct: WrlD:r By SOL. R. COHEN Continued from Page One) HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — (SO) Mnnatera 7:30 (8) Del Hmart (d> When Apollo 11 aetronauta uled during the three days of ■ Chief Justice John Hamilton (40) aUllcan'a laland (80-88-80) Hl|h Chaparral (Ci LAB VEGAS, Nev. (AP) — A 301 000 doctors nerlodtcnlly or hearings planned next week. Members of the Hartfoi^ Fed- GLASSESV S;ZS (40) Weather , (8) Movie ^ Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. King and Jualica John P. Cot­ •4:80 (8) Htump the Htara (O) (40) Let’a Make a Deal (O) nuclear scientist reports good Aldrln Jr. and Michael Collins ’ I ' j Nelson said Jjie'prefers to wait eration of Teactiers voted 511 ter of the Connecticut 'Supreme (IH) Leave It to Heaver 8:00 (8) (iood (iuya (C) which the FDA requires drug FDA' finishes evaluat- to l|91 '(Thursday night to accept (80) Ulllizan’a laland (40) Brady Hunch (C) news for conservationists who made their historic landing and MANCHESTER PABIUDB Court wll bo the principal (10) lloaton Bliulile 8:80 (3) lloaan’a Heroca (C) SAYE$ walk on the moon, Mrs. Ray­ makers to Include with each British data that recently last-mlnute pay raise offer I PrescriptionB Filled (King’s Secto«) Hpeakers at the testimonial din­ (40) Truth or t^onaequencea (80-88-M) Name ol the Dame fear that using nuclear explo­ mond F. Merrlman ot 96 Nor­ shipment to pharmacists. led to virtual ab^donmenC in education See Us For Contact BiOO (8.8) Weather — HpoHa and (40) Mr. Deed Qoea to Town ner to be held in honor of Alton Newa (€)) 9:00 (8) Movie sives to build dams, canals and man St., as she tells it, felt These letters now list 39 side that country of pills containing H. Cowan Jan. 23 at Valle’s in (18) Hy Favorite Martian (18) Della Keeae (O) .... ^ ^ high amounts of the synthetic that will add 6 per cent to 8pi 10:00 (80-88-30) Bracken’a Worid harbors will pollute the earth compelled to congratulate them Hartford. (80) Sporta Hhow (IMO) Jimmy Durante Prea- effects, complications and warn- estfogen. the school board's appropriation (88) HlghllahhU (O) with radiation. with an unusual melinento. Cowiin ia retiring as state di­ (80) MollaTe'a Navy enta the Lennon Hlatem (0) Ing signs that range from dlzzl- British studies have Indicated for salaries, (18).Ten O’clock Report (C) Dr. B. Clark Grosoclosc of the She made a moon-shaped, rector of Adult Probation. He (40) Newa ness, backaches and loss of hair that amounts over 60 micro- 'Die vote, taken on the dead- 8:0S (40) Rawhide 10:80 (18) Tempo 18 (0) University of California’s Law­ plaque of clear, baking crystals, EAST CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL lia.'j lield tlie position of director 8; IS (80) Illzhway Palrol 11:00 ( 8-8-88-8040) Newa — Weather DP TO and baked into both sides of it to fatal blood clotting. grams lead to a significant in- line day for averting a walk- 115 NEW STATE ROAD and Sporta (0> rence Radiation Laboratory at out by the teachers, means in­ since the Stale Legislature cre­ 6:8S (88) Hkl Time w. Rollle Jacoha (18) Movie Uvermore, Calif., said Wednes­ DURING THE 1 9 7 0 SYLVANIA ONCEAYEAR SALE! pictures and clippings fbom the Despite numerous studies crease in fatal blood clotting. will hold its ated the department in 1966. He 8:80 (8) Newa with Waller Oron- (80) Ripcord gj About half the pills available dividual salary increases will kile ChasBis) Keogh Jr. of Norwalk, Justice 5:00 Hartlord HighllghU 0:10 Speak Up ton.s of TNT exploded below NO EXCUSE about Reliability! process, and the articles and one thing in common—they all nounce allengers for the Teachers, AFL-CIO. 7:00 News 12:16 sign Off John B. Thim of Hamdrti and WTIC 1080 ground would produce so little pictures were sealed tight, on seem to disparage the reader's Dem. nomination for the ■Die agreement came after a 8:00 Gaslight Judge Milton H. Myers of 13:(K) Quiet Hour* 6:00 Afternoon Bdltlon radiation that "permanent liv­ both sides. right to know," declared Dr. U.S. agreed Thursday ggries of fruitless negotiating WPOP>-141f 6:16 Market Report We Do Our Own! Watorbury and retired Justice 6:20 WeaUier ing on the crater Up soon after NO EXCUSE about Service! ( ) She sent the plaque to the Edmond Kassouf in testimony night metable for with- g^ggions that ended in unsuc- 5:00 Dick Heatherton Abraham S. Bordon of West 8:00 Stove O'Brien 6:26 Strictly Sports detonation” would be feaslable. astronauts, care of the Houston Thursday. draw; .S. troops from ^esful attempts at mediatlon 1:00 Gary Girard Afternijon Edition Manned Space Center. Kassouf, a general practitlon- South­ Hartford who will be master of WINP— 6:46 Ski Report Groseclose spoke at a meeting '• last week. ceremonies. 5:00 News 7:00 Accent 70 She received a formal er from Creinford,------. ----- N.J.,, was----- 'Die'}' . . Joseph Duffey of gg Wednesday mom- 6:10 Uncle Jay '7:2fJ Eilwln N ew m an Rt^porta of the American Nuclear Socie­ acknowledgement and reply, identified by subcommittee staf- HartfoW, national chairman of y^g Qjfjcial bargaining po- Others from the Connecticut 6:00 News 7:J10------NewH of * tho...... rid Wjrk ty. Judiciary who will attend will 6:10 Walter Cronklie 7:K Joe Garaglola The society Is meeting but with an added bonus mes­ fers as one of the first doctors to Americans for Democratic Ac- gmona of the Hartford Board 6:30 Phil Burgu.ss 8:06 Pop Concert Sylvania ColorTV Mrs. Merriman shows duplicate of a news-clippingr be Chief Judge Louis Shapiro 7:(K) Tho World . . ___ Toniglil 0:06 Nighlbeat through Friday to review pro­ sage. question the safety of the pill in favored an immediate pull- Education and the union 11:00 New.H, Worts Final acknowledgement Is a hand­ Judge John J. Daly, Circuit 8:00 Spf4Lk Up on S|K>rts 11:35 Other Side of the Day Commission’s Plowshare pro­ 6 history-making moon-walk. In her right hand is the Nelson, however, said that it State Senate Majority Dead- with the board offering written message from Arm­ acknowledgement and thank you she received from probably would be difficult for a er Edward L. Marcus of New ^ increase and Court. gram to find peaceful uses for I strong, "Thank you very much them. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) woman to "carry around a list Haven called for consideration union asking eight Ellsworth Cramer, Adult Pro­ nuclear energy. 4 for sending us your news-clip­ Scientists have dreamed for in her head." of "military feasibility and lo- TTien, Wednesday „afternoon, bation Department supervisor ping plaque." Ecumenical Crusade years of using nuclear explo­ "But," he added, "she prOba- withdrawing the the positions changed to a six of District 1, is chairman of the Mrs. Merrlman has made a sives to move entire mountains, Bolton bly ought to know about five or per cent offer from the board dinner committee. Serving with smaller plaque -and has per­ dredge 'harbors, sc(x>p canals, six things, such as leg pains, to a and a seven per cent proposal Cramer are James Coughlin, manently baked the ack­ free oil and gas deposits or blast look out for so she can know ^.S should get out of by the union. BESTnO~l T-YOURSELF Thomas O’Meara, Terry S. Still Making Headway nowledgement onto it. out canyon walls to dam rivers. when to see her doctor." Vletnain-and Duffey said he The 614 per cent figure was Capshaw, Mrs. Dorothy Noonan, The printed message on the Hartford Seminary Head „ , ^ , . , expected all of the contenders By GEORGE W. CORNE3LL proval of plans to merge into Opponents say that radiation L apparently worked out first in Miss Cele Taylor, Paul J. Mc- thank-you letter reads: Nelson added that he hoped Bond's Senate seat to be AF Religion Writer the Church of North India In De­ released into air and water a boarfi meeting Thursday Geary and B. Vincent McKel- "We are grateful and proud the h ^ r in ^ would serve to jove-ish on Vietnam, cember 1970, culminating 40 from nuclear explosions threa­ To Speak at St. Maurice morning, then taken to a final vey. to have participated In the prod the FDA into requiring candidates appeared NEW YORK (AP) — An "ecu- years of negotiations, tens man. They are calling for a negotiating session in the af­ Junior Women achlvement of our national goal The Rev. Dr. Jairies N. Get- more Information to be supplied together at a meeting of the menical ennui," a kind of ho- —Joint Cathollc-Protestant- halt to Plowshare projects until in the x>amphlets without the _ ternoon. Union representatives Last week three members of of a successful limar landing temy, president of tho Hartford Caucus of Connecticut Demo- hum lethargy, has settled over Orthodox commissions now are more ia known about the long- need for leglslaUon. ^ ubemi "^up"'fonneny relayed the new offer to the the Vernon Junior Women’s and return. SemlnasT' Foundation, will the movement for Christian uni- ^^UJiylng possible ways for__Ro- term effects. Club attended the installation of "We believe, as the explora­ speak at the fourth annual Testimony this week Includ- headed by Duffey teachers—without recommend­ n r i ^ man Catholicism to affiliate officers for the Enfield Junior tion of our universe expands, so Christian Unity Service in St. ed: On other subjects. Marcus ‘ n? either passage or rejection ty, many church experts say. with the World Council of will the benefits of all man­ Maurice Church Sunday at 8 —Dr. Roy Hertz, chairman of predicted a deficit of perhaps —Thursday evening, Women’s Club. It was formed Yet it’s still making headway, Churches and National Council Would-Be Candidates kind. p.m. T he service is sponsored the cancer task force of a Fed- as much as J70 million in the Hartford teachers have con- Quality Products through the efforts of the Ver­ despite some setbacks. of Churches, potentially involv­ non club, whose president, Mrs. ^Should Hit the Trail’ "We hope that the people of locally by the four Bolton eral Food and Drug Adminlstra- two-year budget of the State tracts that are in fqrce now, And it’s also developing some ing reorganization along new Earth are now entering a new Henry T. Walker, presented the churches and begins a week of tion advisory yxanel, who said Welfare Department. He called tf*® union maintained that maverick momentum outside lines. BRIDGEPORT (AP) — State new club with a gavel. Accom­ era of peace and common un­ prayers for Christian unity women are In a grim race with for ^a greater federal share in the question of salaries for next for the —A recent survey found that Sen. T. Clark Hull of Danbury panying Mrs.. Walker were the official channels. derstanding." everywhere. The national CSiris- _ laboratory animals to determine pay^g the cost of welfare. year had to be settled by Thurs- That was the mixed situation of the nation’s 800 local council said Thursday that all "would-be It is signed by the .three the safety of the pill. "The ulti- Duffey said major economic day if the city council was to Mrs. Robert Skowronek and tlan Unity Week theme is "We today as Christians around the of churches, Roman Catholic candidates for the Republican astronauts. are fellow workers for God." mate outcome of this race be- reforms are needed if the U.S. have tlmb to Implement the pay home handyman Mrs. Hugh Colllris. nomination for governor” should tween dogs, monkeys and worn- jg to make a successful trans- raises in next year’s budget, Meetings were announced for world were to join once again in dioceses or parishes now are A native of Greenburg, Penn., a special week of "Prayer for full members of at least 36 of "hit the trial of town committee en can be anticipated by in- itlon to a peacetime economy Hartford’s fiscal year starts the next few weeks. The annual Dr. Gettemy was installed' as .You-do-it and save Christian Unity,” Jan. 18-26, un- them, participate in other ways meetings and public appear­ formed obeervers only with after the Vietnam war is over. March 31. ' Men’s Night meeting will be ances as I have done and will Protesters president of the Seminary in held at the Garden Grove in der sponsorship of Protestant, ‘n « 6 °f them. Of the 60 state 1968. He received his under­ great apprehension and con- high labor costs continue to do.” cem ," he said. Manchester Friday at 6:30 p.m. Orthodox and Roman Catholic councils. Catholic dioceses are J Hull, who announced his cand­ graduate degree from Allegheny The Home Life Committee , _ full members of six, and are ne- Seize^ Hold College, his Bachelor of Divinity —"Shall we have millions of Double Savings when organ za s. gotiating membership in eight idacy Wednesday night, de­ will meet at the home of Mrs. degree from Union, Theological women on the pill for 20 years i r CANVAS and ALUMINUM PRODUCTS i r "Some CSirlstlans feel that the states, lated "ghost candld'ates” who you save on labor and the Lawrence Cavanaugh Tuesday CF600CH— Greatest Color TV Console value from Sylvania! Seminary, and has( done addi­ and then discover it was all a ecumenical movement has —After five years of prepara­ he sold "are lurking In the MIT Offices CombinoHon Windows and Doors low prices we offer on high at 8 p.m. for a demonstration „ „ „ „ o Attractive Contemporary design to accent any room. Full 295 sq. in. tional stiidy at ColiunUa, the great mistake?" asked Dr. provided by the Merle Norman come to a stop, or gone into a tion, a plan of union has been Shadows, nuaktng various tenta­ Continued from Page One; Hugh Davis of the Johns Hop­ picture area. Handsome charcoal enameled cabinet, leg kit included. New York School of Social Work Door canopies. Roll-up Awnings, Canvas Awnings Repaired, quality building materials. slump or run out of steam,” ob- completed for a united church tive moves toward the nomina­ and the University of Edinburgh kins University School of Medi­ Cosmetic Studio. tion but not deefliaring them­ Roll-about stand optional, extra. object of a number of demon­ Rev. Dr, James Gettemy Re-covered, Takedown Service luid Storage. Boat Canvas Re­ The Membership Committee serves the Rev. Titus Cranny, of New 2Sealand, involving An- cine. He testified: "Breast can- Other bargains also In selves openly as avowed candl- TM—TfodAfnark Sylvonlo Elactric Producti Inc. strations at MIT, that the school Scotland paired or Made New To Your Pattern, All Work Custom will meet at the home of Mrs. the Graymoor Franciscan gUcans, Presbyterians, Method- The Congregoitlonal Church’s cers have been Induced In at dhltes.” end its participation In Defense He has been a pastor as well Made. Grommets — Eyelets — Fasteners. Storm Panels for stock. Enos Stanibo Wednesday at 8 Friars, of Garrison, N.Y. ists, Congregatlonalists and the Department research projects, as a sem'inary administrator Pilgrim Fellowship Is sponsor- least live different species of Jaloudo Units. Waterproofing Compound For Tents, Boat- However, both that unity- Chur)ih of Christ, with four The only other avowed candi­ covers and Canvas. We Do Rescreening of Alunjinum Screens. p.m., and also on Wednesday A ing the talk, which will be held animals by treatment with the date in the GOP nomination race has been under consideration and hais received honorary de- the Safety Committee will meet minded Catholic order and nu- more years needed for them to In the EMucation Building. All same synthetic hormones lielng Heavy Duty Zippers, Venetiaii Blinds, Aluminum Shutters. so far is State Sen. Wallace for a long time, he said. grees from at least two Instltu- at the home ol Mrs. Paul Ojala. m:rous other church groups, act on it individually.. Save on fhe Go-Everywhere Porfables young people, whether affiliated marketed In the oral contracep- Barnes of Farmington. Gray also said a faculty meet- tions. The Garden Group will at­ Protestant and Catholic, cite the —An Eastern Orthodox-Ro- TV RECEPTION SIMULATED ing Is planned in February and Wilbur Smith Talk wlth a local church or not, are lives.” tend a discussion at the TAC invited to attend. Dr. Marvin S. Legator of MANCHESTER AWNING CO. rlsing amount of transdenomi- man Catholic consultation, another in March to consider Wlibur Smith, head of the Con- Building on Jan. 3 from 1 to national activity and attitudes meeting last month in Worces- further MIT's participation in nectlcut chapter of the National The speaker’s topic will be the Federal Food and Drug Ad- EST. 1949 — 195 W. CENTER STREET -4 649-S«ei 8 p.m. concerning the care and developlng spontaneously at ter. Mass., reported "remark- such research. Association for the Advonce- "Men In AcUon—Man Works for ministration, who said his ap- maintenance of house plants. grass-roots levels. able and fimdamental agree- FRESH GANDY As far as the rest of the de- ment of C o lo r e d People People.” pearance was no in his capacity WHITMAN, SCHRAFFT, mands presented by the demon- (NAACP) and candidate for Bulletin Board as an FDA official, called for Sometlmes called a' "reibel ment” on doctrine concerning CANDY CUPBOARD ecumenism,” it goes on, despite the Eucharist or Lord’s Supper, strators are concerned, Gray mayor of Hartford In the fall The junior and sophomore Immediate and massive tests on PLYWOOD said "most of (them) are not elections, will speak at a meet- classes at Bolton High School animals to determine the extent PANELING Square Dancers the continued organizational di- — United Presbyterian N ARTHUR DRUG discussable." Ing of the combined youth will sponsor a dance tomorrow of danger, Nothing surpasses the na­ For inside or outside use. .,^jgjgng Church and the Presbyterian The door to Johnson's office groups of the four Bolton in St. Maujdce Church hall from —David M. Carr of McMaster tural beauty of wood or A quality product with Meet at School "It’s really now out of the Church U.S. (Southern) have re­ was forced by six men wearing churches Sunday at 7 p.m. 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. ijnlverslty in Ontario said stud- 1965 FORD vinyl faced panels. Large many uses at prices you hands of us professionals," says decade Manchester Square Dance after the breakdown bf a similar white parkas and ski masks. GALAXm MK>OR HiUtDTOr selection in stock. con afford. the Rev. Dr. Eugene L. Smith, Their battering ram was made Club will have an open dance secretary of the U.S. Conference effort. • AU r a T BANB. —Lutherans and Episcopa­ Septic Tanks of -two lengths of steel pipe 93.15 vp for all area club square dancers of the World Council of Church­ sF O W B lians in this country last fall AND welded together and fitted with • RAMP - tomorrow from 8 to 11 p.m. at es. "The dynamics are no long­ launched a two-year series of handles. • NHW WUEl'K ■ Waddell' School. Earl Johnston er where we can control them.” Gray, who said he was (land­ theological talks to explore Plumed Sewers PANEL ADHESIVE tube will be the caller, and Mr. and The Rev. Dr. Kenneth G. ing near the head of the stairs differences and seek closer rela­ T9e Mrs. Russell 'White will cue the Neighj head of the United Pres­ Machine Gleaned when the six men arrived, told SHELVING LUMBER rounds. Refreshments will be tionships...... newsmen they "literally bat­ _ Bb. ft. _ byterian National Missions —Joint commissions of the Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, served at intermission. Board, predicts that "there SewefT Lines Installed—iCel' tered down the door" to John­ Committees for the evening Anglican Church and United son's inner office. 14.50 probably ia going to be union de Church of Canada have com­ lar Waterproofing Done. ’1095 are Mr. and Mrs. Roland Dan- facto long before ecclesiastical The president was not in his CEDAR CLOSET LINING pleted a draft unification plan, bdL sereau, door duty; Mr. and office at the time. statutes can be tidied up enough proposing an Episcopal form of McK in n e y b r o s . FAMILY-SIZE COLOR TV-ROLL- FULL FEATURED PERSONAL TED TRUDON. bic. Mrs. Roy Thompson, refresh­ Staff members and employes to admit union de jure." government and re.cpgnillon of ABOUT PORTABILITY. Family-size VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE ment chairmen, assisted by Mr. 118 Pearl St. — MS-SSM PORTABLE COLOR TV. Exciting per­ left the building as the demon­ TOLLAND IPKE. — TALOOrmLLE- Various action-oriented the ancient creeds as a basis for Sewerage Disposal Co. picture (180 sq. in.) in this delightful sonal portable Color TV with push strators appeared. and Mrs. George Thurber and church groups on such matters JEWELRY merger. table or roll-about color TV. Enjoy this button AFC tuning. 102 .sq. in. screen. With the door breached, a Mr. and Mrs. Eidward Timbrell. as race, poverty, peace, and full-featured, hi performance color crowd of about 200 quickly The club will-have Its annual particularly among youth, have Carry from room to room; equipped • TV in any room. Equipped with push . ‘swept Into the two offices and meeting during a regular dance indicated scant interest in unity a with hide-away carrying handle. Excel­ the corporation’s reception on Feb. 7- Its class in western negotiations per, se, viewing ^ button AFC for easiest tuning. Excel­ lent performance from 3 .stage I.F. cir­ room. Shouting antiwar slogans, '1 ■ style dancing has five more les­ them as a c a d ^ ic and second- 9 lent sound from 5-inch oval speaker. cuitry. Easily see your station with they unfurled Viet Cong flags SAMPLES sons and will be honored at the ary to concerted action on live 9 Lighted channel indicators. Earphone and hung one In a window of the CEILING TILE club’s annual Graduation Night PLAZA DEPT. STORE lighted channel indicators. Earphone president’s office. Others broke issues. ^ jack. Today’s most desired features are Adds beauty to your ceil­ ceremonies on March 7. After (iWe Have A Notion To Please) jack. Contain.s mtiny deluxe features out guitars and tambourines. Meanwhile, at the official, de- ^ in the CD61W. Walnut grained vinyl Pul lour OIL ing. Acoustic or non-dc- CEDAR BEAMS the lesson series, Johnston, the E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular Mkt.) usuqlly found only in fine consoles. A few carried water pistols nominational levels, efforts to- J finish on metal. oustie in our stock. Easy Hand Hewn club caller, will conduct work­ and used them to squirt news­ ward unity last year yielded 9 OiFlEN WED., THURS., FRL tiU 9 AttVactive Walnut grained finish. to install. 8’ 20’ shops each Tuesday" night for I! men and university officials. to both advances and retreats. I DELUXE MINI-MAX CB35W. They told newsmen they in­ seven weeks for both club mem­ The major setback came last ^ bers and class graduates. MEN’S FURNISHINGS tended to spend the night, and •1.71 Ua. f t summer when the Church of a Now Only • 3 4 9 » s Now Only in early evening sent out for In Biperienceu ^ England voted to reject a plan J itANES, FRUIT of the LOOM ^279** food! Some passed the long P a p a l I n fa lla h ilit y for union with British Method- ™ T-Shirts, Shorts, Hosiery, Work Punts and Work Shirts I night Bitting In the corridor lis­ hands D I 1 „ TT..:.rxn ists after it had been worked) out 9 tening to speeches by leaders of INTERIOR SHUTTERS Blocks aiurch Union . the occupation. V2 Price! LONDON (AP) — "The arch- ^ The seizure came one day aft­ bishop of Canterbury said ^ a y ^ setback, but only a ” er release of Johnson's annual WALLBOARD 4 x8 he .sees no llkeU h^ of uniting gg^^ack,’’ commented the Rev report. In which he said that de­ BEFORE YOU BUY... fense-related research was part MAHOGANY POORS »L30 Ic churches unles.s Rome moves . j . ■ of the institute’s "responsibility a U,ng way from its centuryK>ld American M^ocUst Trinity Covenant Church to the nation” and should con­ dog.na of papal infallibimy. «^ ola r and ecumenist. He said COMPARE SYLVANIA NO EXCUSES COLOR TV from tinue. Unbelievable . . . A spedel purchase of saksman’s sample jewelry from a 'The primate of tho Church of ‘ t wouldn’t stop the eMort HACKMATACK ST., MIT’s role in such research, Englaml, Archbishop Michael "Sooner or later they will re ^ MANCHESTER particularly the MIT Instrumen­ famous name numufactorer . . . A once in a lifetime tqiportunity to buy om of a kind deaigii pieces for yourself, for gifts. G

■■ /;

'•Tm (V” ’ '4 A \ ■ \ . \ ;\ V ' ■■ V 1 \ \ \ ■' ■ ■ ■ : 'x . . n ■' , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARYV i B, 1970 PA G E SE V E N MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1970 \ ^ PA G E SIX - 7 ^ .. \ South Windsor Diana Robb, ' Bridgeport Mayor Curran: The Collagen Look W ho W on, S T A R g a x j e : H a n r l j M t p r By CLAV R. PdLLAk- Suprem cB Sing LIIRA We donyknow whether we will ever A, a r iii ‘ North Area Power Failure W ho Lost ^ MAR. II Vovr Dally A dM Iy Gulda- JM iin Pollution Takes Precedence ' lEttpttfni^ IfwaUn see a tldng called the contractlon-me- if At€ordlng lo lha Sian, • OCT. W eepy Goodhy ^ A M . I» To d«v«lop mcffoge for. Saturday, FDBUBHSID BY THB ■\)8-32-48-« 3- 4- 5 - 6 chanochemlcal turbine in successful in- r«od word* corretporaing to num ^rz a Over War, Hydrogen Bomb H B R A U } PRIN TIN O CO.. INC. Blacks Out Four Schools In Nigeria? ;w-75-7v-$r y-13-56 I AS VBOA8, Nev. (AP) — 18 Bluell Street V dustrlal operation, but it has been of your Zodioc birth sign. c ll«ncheiten Conn. y f TAURUS 5CORPIO Dlsfia RoflH parted from the rest A failure in 1,600 Academy, and Nat ArchlUe, di­ 31 Courog* 61 Foir NEW LONDON, Conn. (AS*) are d^ven five years from now THOMAS F. Ii^RQUSON operating, on a very minute scale, in li-ka (Continued from Page One) 1 Th«rt'» ocr. 2J* at Tlie Bupremea early yesiber- W ALTER R. FERGUSON s onS rector of the Hartford Artists' 2 Don't 32 Undtrtok* 62 In-lows by electric power, by steam Publiahera homes and four schools in the I MAT 10 33 Stgnotur* 63 Importont HOf. 21 — Mayor Hugh C. Curran of the laboratory,' and we therefore salute Associates, representing 90 local 3 Don't day after %lie trio aong their power, or by a non-polluting Founded October 1, 1881 northern section of town caus­ The Soviet deal was cash on r>,12-21-23-24 4 Overburdtn 34 Hours 64 Could 30-3445-5 Bridgeport said Thursday that artists. 5 Your 35 Or 65 Sptclol last song (together, a tearful form of gas power." Published Every Evening Except Sundays the scientific minds Involved for thetr the line In advance, and there ^31-39-80-84 5^U ed a shutdown of schools at The program will open with 6 Mind 36 You 66 And eriyironmental pollution Is "the anaand nonuajrs.HolUaya. Entered avat uicthe Post Office ajat amazing feat in reversing all the normal were fringe benefits. The Rus­ UMINf- 7 With 37 Impttuout 67 D*fir*s SAGtTTARIUS "Bomoday We'H Be Toge'ther." He urged New London's Rot- Manchester, Conn., as Second Class Mall about the same time that the comments' by the panel and will sians were making polnU with (25* mat II 8 Ntwf 38 Doy 68 Which Nor. ■I feel like a little kid going Important problem ary cilub members, to whom Matter. systems for the creation of power. power was restored. be followed by a question and 9 About 39 And 69 Moy . •W' {.'...Ak ■ other Africans who feared simi­ ^yjuNi 10 40 To 70 6«tttr 6tc. facing the world today”—more he spoke, to write letters "to SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mothers who had just begim answer period. Jane Gutt Is fO Oldtimo out Into the world," said the Payable in Advance The two scientists are Prof. Martin lar tribal secesalonlsm. They i>>14-20.28-42| 11 Fri«ndf 41 Your 71 Knock 19-27-35-47^ important, he said, than war public officials in Washington One ^ e a r ...... 830.00 to relax after getting children chairman for the evening, and l2Tockt« 42 And 72 Dottt popular trio's lead singer. won permission to raise the >-73-77 54-60-83-894 or the hydrogen bomb. and Hartford urging added pres­ Six Months ...... IS.SO V. Sussman of T\iftB and Prof. Aharon off to school without heat or all members and their guests 13 Ntodlcti 43 P*opl* 73 Thir>gi Miss Ross let loose at their Three Months ...... 7.80 number of diplomats in their CAHCIR 14 Th«rc'r« 44 To 74 S«nd CARRICORH And, he predicted if auto sure on the automobile manu­ Katchalsky, of the WeUmann Institute light were faced with the proa- are urged to attend. Refresh­ 45 Irritating 75Tok closing show at the BVontler Ho­ One Month ...... 3.80 Lagos mission. Tbey sent more ’ >.*3 JON* II 15 Put 0(C. II manufacturers don't develop a \ pects of entertaining healthy ments will be served. }6 0thcrt 46 Or 76 Of tel, singing brief duets with factu res.” MEMBER OF in Rehovot, Israel. than 200 technicians with the ljutV II 77 Ahtod JAN. If * kids on a day when there were 17Htlp 47 Ambitioni new kind of power in five years He also recommended letters THE ASSOCIATED PRESS School Meiiu planes to Nigeria. They made 18 Don't 48 Anything 78 Oiplomocy 16-17-36-40^ members of the audience, in­ TTw Associated Press la exclusively en­ no cartoons. '2-15-22-i3 It will be necessary to ban all Their "contraction turbine” Is an en­ The school lunch, menus for offers of postwar economic help. 19 K««p 49 Obtoin 79 You 49-55-67 cluding singers Lou Rawls, to auto dealers saying that fu­ titled to the use of republlcatlon of aU The power fedlure which be­ 144-51-63 20 B«tttr 50ld*ot BO Optimistic vehicles with co.mbustion en­ news dispatches credited to It or not other­ next week are as follows: 51 Anything 61 Unduly AQUARIUS Smokey Robinson and Marvin ture auto purchases would de­ wise credited In this paper and also the gine which is heatless, when the normal ,, They extended credits for more LIO 21 Ev«rything gan at 6:30 a.m. ended at 10:30 Monday, frankfurt in a 22 Your 52 For 82 Impress JAN. K Gaye, entertainer Steve Allen, gines from city streets by 1976. pend partly on "the sincerity local news published here. engine requires cooling. war materlels. They backed a m i 21 All lights of republlcatlon of special dis­ a.m.. Just about the same mustard, catsup, relish, poitato 23 With 53 Afttrnoon 63 Of actor Hugh O'Brien and profes­ Today’s engines on cars, and progress his company is magazine in Lagos, supplied >U/6. 22 54 Within 84 You HI. If , patches herein are also reserved. time that children came in the chips, cole slaw with raisins, 24 Young sional basketball star Bill Rus­ It gets its power from the contraction. materials for newspapers, pre- . a- 9'io 25 Fin* 55 Fond 65 For j25-38-52-57(< trucks and buses are the worst making toward less motor vehl- The Herald Printing Company Inc., aa- door. The failure was caused by apricot halves, cookie, milk. 26 Fortitud* 56 Worriti 66 Faith 59-65-72 sell. of nared to open a direct air link .46^2 offenders in fouHng the air, ele pollution.” sumearimear no financial responsibility...... for typo- rather than the expansive explosion, a short circuit In a Jtibstation Tuesday, baked pork sausage, D,1 27 ld*ot 57 Visits 87 €nt*rtolning She also sang a chorus of graphical errors appearing In adyertue- with Moscow. They probably 28 Doyt 58 1s 86 Wrong risen said Curran, who has expressed Curran also proposed as a mentsmehta ar.and other______reading matter In The materials. and affected the high school. gravy, mashed potato, buttered 59 And 89 Possibility HI. If *)»j "Aquarius" with the Las Vegas 29 And Interest in running tor the Dem­ new sdurce of municipal funds Manchester Evening Hererald. Ell Terry School and Ellsworth wholeW....C kernel com. d;vlu"fo^'helped along a sm^^ *30 Morning 60 Rtalm 90P*opl( cast of the rock musical "H air." It transmits its power directly, with­ ^ ^ 1/ i/17. ocratic nomination for governor. a "clean environment tax” to Subscriber to Los Angeles Tlmes-Washlng- School. cake with Icing, bread and but- ^ The trio sang "Baby Love," )Oood ^ A d t t w e ^ N e u u a l 24-29-37- ton Post News Service. out having to use it, for instance, to LWV Meeting ter milk ranizatlon called the Socialist I64-74-84B8V "Come Bee About M e," "Stop in He said that Bridgeport has be levied according to the Full service client of N. E. A. Service, Inc. amount of water used in homes, Publishers Representatives — Mathews, boil water to produce steam to drive The League of Women Voters Wednesday, baked meat loaf. Workers and Farmers party, the Name of Love” and other taken steps to combat air pol­ Shannon and Cullen Inc., Special Agency will hold a membership meeting gravy, mashed potato, buttered The Americans worried about hits from their past eight years. lution from burning refuse, but factories and commercial estab­ New...... York,...... Chicago, “Detroit oft aiand • ~Boston. a turbine. Monday night at 8 at the home green beans, peach crisp with the risk of great power involve- Miss Roes says she wants to that "trucks, buses and auto­ lishments. The funds would be m e m b e r a u d i t b u r e a u o f CIRCULA­ of Mrs. Walter B. Wilson, 107 topping, bread and butter, milk, '-nt In the crisis. London and branch out and "do everything mobiles pollute our atmosphere used for anti-pollution efforts. TIONS. On top of all this, it is an engine Tnllwood Drive, Wapping. Thursday, spaghetti -with Washington worried about a Business Mirror there is to do in the world of twenty times worse than refuse which employs salt water in one of its D i^ a y advertising closing hours A consensus will be taken on m^at sauce, cheese, tossed new Soviet attempt to penetrate show business." disposal." Jpr Monday — 1 p.m. FVlday. By JOHN CUNNIFF buy not for two years but for 10 For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. processes. development aid. Included will green salad with French dress- other key African regions, She’ll open as a single act The only way to control pol­ For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. A P Business Analyst years or more. The way it works is this: there is a be a short slide progYam, "De- ing, pineapple tidbits and Private * ' interests, *too, were Feb. 12 in Vancouver, B.C. Re­ lution from these vehicles now, For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. velopment I s .../ ’ followed by v j j However, many funds have For Friday — I p.m. Wednesday. jT , * cookie, bread and butter, mluc, profiting from the war. “ It NEW YORK (AP) — A notion placing her on the trio will be he said, is "to ban all combus­ For Saturday — 1 p.m. Thursday. glue-llke substance in nature called longer term performance re­ Homemade a discussion to encompass the .... m » i. «nrt stinks to high heaven,” cried a Jean Terrell, who has sung on tion engines from our city and Classified deadline — 6 p.m. day be­ collagen, wMch holds animal and human League's view of military assis­ French bread at the high and has taken hold among a good cords that are mediocre when fore publication. S p.m. Friday for Swiss newspaper upon the offi- stage with her brother, former town streets." Saturdayay and—' Monday— - publication...... tance, multi-lateral vs. bilateral part of the investment commu­ related to the opportunities for bodies together. When collagen is pro­ *^*'i°°* tvi aiamontArv dlsolOBure that a Swiss firm hea'vywelght boxer Ernie Ter­ "Obviously,” he said, "this Friday, January 16 aid, effectiveness and efficiency F r i^ y in the ^^s trafficking in arms to Nige- nity, and among private inves­ capital gains available to them. rell. cessed into sheets and strips it has the issues, and the ablUty of the schools, vegetable soup tima- vioiatlnir Switzerland’s neu- Some have done exceptionally would bring commerce and in­ rla, violating Switzerland’s neu­ tors as Weil, that the small indi­ That leaves only Mary Wilson imlque property of shrinking whenever U.S. economy to grant such aid. fish or peanut butter and Jeuy w ell; many have done poorly. dustry to a halt and end thou­ RAVIOLI from the group which begain In trality. vidual is unqualified to pur­ sands of jobs and our very way it is exposed to salt water. A long circu­ Mrs. Richard Larivlere, chair- sandwich, potato chips, pickle Eventually the British dis­ —Individuals who Invest In a low-income Detroit neighbor­ Cool Helmsman In Narrow Straits of life.” H. PASQUALINI man of the League’s Foreign chips, cheese wedge. Ice cream closed they had been stepping chase stocks directly. mutual funds often pay sales hood before recording five No. 1 lar strip of collagen is run from a tank But, Curran added, "m y own When It comes out of Washington that Economic Policy Committee, bar, milk. up arms supplies to federal Instead, it Is said, he must charges and management fees hit Bong^ In a row. 346 Avery Bt., W ip in g ^ fresh water up through a tank of salt will lead the concensus taking. prediction is that we will have President Nixon, taking a look at the Friday at the high and middle were providing up give his money to a professional that ciit deeply Into ithelr bi- Florence Ballard left In 1967 6 water then .back through the fresh Assisting in the discussion will schools, vegetable soup, tuna- jo per cent of the country’s money manager and pay not vestment, because of the hectic schedule to lake such drastic action by next federal budget, has ordered further Ptiolognaphed by David Silver be Mrs. Carl Blume and Mrs. fish grinder with lettuce and to- weaponry. The policy was de- o.-ily a sales commission but a —There is considerable evl- Birdsong of Camden, N.J. 1975, unless the wheels upon T B L ttU N M water again. On its way through the Walter Brazalovich. cuts In the spending scheduled for the VIEW FROM FOX HILL, ROCKVILLE mato, potato chips, pickle chips, fended as in line with Britain's management fee as well, dence that individual investors Xpu| 0 Xq paoaidaj sum pus which we have come to depend salt water it contracts and thus turns ' Art League cheese wedges, ice cream bar, "residual colonial responslblU- The concept, promoted most who avail themselves of t h e ______fiscal year of 1971, that means he has The South. Windsor Art the spindles it traverses on its way milk. ties." If Britain didn’t do so, vigorously by mutual funds, has vast array of information on ev­ decided to steer a little closer to the League will present a panel dis­ A salad plate is served dally Nigeria would look elsewhere. It serious, economic, politicalery and traded company can invest through the salt water tank. A pulley cy fails to produce Republican cussion on Monday evening at danger of recession in order to open a at Timothy Edwards and high was pointed out. Unanctal ramiffioatioiis. It has in stocks directly and do so very attached to the spindles transmits the gains in this fall's election, Wil­ 8;in the Wood Memorial Ubrary little more distance between ^ our son will have only himself to school. Now the war Is over, formal- been accepted as true by thou. profitably. on Main St. power. Inside Report sands of Americans with billions Records of the National Asso­ economy and the danger of inflation. blame. In that event, a new re­ \ Panel members for this pro­ ly. The suffering and problems of dollars to Invest. ciation of Investment Clubs AU this, in itself, is ingenious and in­ by organization for 1972 calling for gram will be Arch Leggett, Manchester Evening Herald remain, along with the blg-pow- a new chairman may be im­ South Windsor correspondent Evidence suggests, however, s''ow some interesting results By this time, we think, the Whole na­ teresting, and there may come the day graduate of Yale Art School and er politics. There Is a rush of of­ Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert U. Novak posed on the committee by the attained by weU-informed ama­ tion has begun to sense that the Nixon a member of the Connecticut Carol Moulton, tel. 644-8714. fers to help Nigeria repair the that the cl€dm Is still open to NEED A PERK-UP? when an engine which consumes noth­ White House. HNIGGF Total "bagged in Southern A frica"" vast damage done by weapons question arid examinalUon. teurs. Administration is now engaged in, and ing and emits no pollution proves to be WASHINGTON—A major and ward holding than capturing for sale at 8700. Also, G, Fox supplied by both East and West. Meanwhile, individual Inves­ During the period from the How about a now coTomic tilo BoHiroom or a new Armstronq vinyil seats. With Potter still In To the Editor, has been engaged in for several months the thing that saves us all. surprising shakeup' in the much- & Co., Hartford and Water- Gowon, In a fairly comfortable tors continue to unload their beginning of 1966 to the end of charge of the money end of Current Quotes The 1969 UNICEF collection floor. The new Formica suede colers with a new stainless steel Sink past, and will continue to be engaged •criticized House Republican bury, is advertising natural Rham District political driver’s seat, wilt pick holdings, as they have every 1969 the Dow Jones Industrial The big immediate salute, however, the committee, that imbalance in Manchester totaled 81,640.99. "When people have been hun­ polar bear rugs at $1,595. — and ' choose where the help year for the past 12 years. From Average fell 13 per cent. During wiH make your kitchen bilglht and dieerfiri. in a highly delicate effort to steer a path Campaign Committee, ■with an may continue. Under sponsorship of Church natural lioness rugs for $1,600, goes to the human minds involved, who gry for three years, and then comes from, whom he will hon­ 1960 tofl968, these sales exceed­ this same time, however, the 12 between the two perils, inflation and rer obscure Congressional assistant Moreover, there Is apprehen­ Women United many children and cheetah rugs at $950. Many they do not eat for two or three or by accepting it and whom he ed purchases by $48.3 bilUon. stocks suggested in 1965 by the first turned aU normal concepts for the sion over the future of the and grown-ups were involved. ■ of these animals are rare and cession, without having the economy pile elevated to executive director, days, they die.” —The Rev. Ni- . Board Must Hire will punish for not having sup­ In that same time, the asseta NAIC as worthy of study grew production of power upside down and Boosters fund, which reached Those participating were approaching extinction. World is being eyed with some trepida­ c h o 1 a s Frank, deputy ported him in the past. If he lis­ of mutual funds. In which the 113 per cent. Itself up in wreck on either. $1.2 million for the 1966 election Temple Beth Sholom, Pro­ wide conservation groups have Inside out, and then invented from there. secretary-general of the Catho­ tens to the Russians, he will money of Indliriduals Is reinvest­ Thomas O'Hara, who , heads tion by political advisers to and slightly less for 1968 — testant, and Catholic churches for generations worked to pre­ The problem is t o . slow down the lic Relief Agency in Rome, urg­ Own Superintendent keep Western nations at arm’s ed in stocks, grew from $16.4 the NAIC, belongs to an invest­ Of aU the wonders of earth' and Ufe, President Nixon. about as much as the Congres­ in Manchester, Wapping, and vent annihilation of various rare Personalized Floors ment club that over a 30-year economy enough to get us past the ing quick resumption of relief lenerth. billion to $48.6 billion, according none surpeisses that of the mind which With a formal announcement sional committee's entire Bolton and Main St. banks, their species of animals by profit The Regional District 8 Board one-year extension before hav- The Soviet agency Tass quot- period has had an average 18.42 P.PhilRps, Prop. 390 Main budget. With Potter now . in flights to defeated Biafra. branches, and the stores. to the Investment Company In­ 649-9258 danger of inflation without having die can turn things over and look at them imminent, the top-to-bottom re­ hungry humans from time to of Education is faced with the lug to take iMy action. ed a Nigerian government news- per cent rate of eartangs com­ charge of raising as well as I wish to thank all who gave Or, the board can aak t h r e e ______stitute, spokesman for the slowdown turn Into a drift Into reces­ organization will name John T. “ The draft is poisoning the time. A protest registered tb- ’ ,,, paper as saying the Biafnin sur- pounded annually, a record that with eyes not inhibited by what men expending Boosters funds, there of their time and effort in this posslbiUty of hiring its own towns to help finance the c ^ f funds. Calkins, administrative aide of lives of our young people and these businesses by local In-, few pros can match. sion. is a question whether this maxi­ the sixteenth annual UNICEF superintendent for all grade Not eB Of 'these Ihdi'vidixil have seen before. It’s poisoning our academic terested citizens, is a vote for superintendent of schools by a chlnations of the Western pow­ Rep. Hpward W. Robison of mum effort for non-incumbents collection. Thanks go especial­ holdings have gone into funds. J life.” —Dr. George Wald, Nobel world conservation. July 1, 1970. The state present­ levels. ers,” and another as saying This is a perilous task of helmsman- New York and bereft of any ly to Connecticut Bank & Trust Many have been otherwise rein- ; will be maintained. Prize-winning Harvard Univer­ F.W. Spaulding DMD And finally. It can hire Its ship for either a politician or an political reputation, as the com­ ly pays the superintendent.^ Nigeria should reject aid from vested, a good percentage of | That Potter will in fact re­ sity biology professor. Co. for so willingly handling the Manchester Conservation own superintendent, the cost of mittee's executive director to account, to all who displayed The board has been Inform­ all except those who "supported them in trust accounts. But a | economist. President Nixon, as a poli­ Beautification By Nomenclature main as a key political Committee which Is estimated roughly at Nigeria throughout the crisis.” replace I. Lee Potter. operative within the Congres­ "The Duchess and I are a lit­ the orange cans and containers ed by WlUlam Sanders of the large percentage went into the tician, undoubtedly senses that It would $46,000 per year, Including sec­ For the time being, then, it 936 MAIN ST. IN DOWNTOWN MANCHBSTB5R - Sooner or later, we catch up with and Potter, a wealthy business­ sional campaign committee tle past the age of being what and posters, and to Mrs. Nor- State Board of Education that holdings of funds. ’* retarial staff. seems the Russians were the PTur n^OSED MONDAY - OPEN THURS. AND FRI. UNTIL 9 P.M. - MUSIC oTOREM . be worse for Ms reputation to have a man and veteran politician (cur­ seems assured by the de­ they call with it, but don’t for mand Richer for the publicity. under the new law. Public Act There are many resmons for ' ™ - 241 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD - TEL. deal with all our problems. "Kindness Appreciated*' The only action the 'Regional real winners in the war. Every­ rently Virginia's National Com­ centralized reorganization Wil­ one minute imagine that we Eithel E. Hubbard 698, "school districts''* also fall the switch: 622-7201 - WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE - 142 BIAST CENTER ST. - TEIL. 649-7196 recession, with more unemployment, and Sometimes, it takes merely a word or Board did take at this Ume was one else seems to have lost mitteeman), has been seriously son is now drafting. weren’t with it when we were Chairman under the 36-teacher limit, to ask the local boards to again —Some mutual funds have slack business, than It would be tor him To the Editor,' u something, including the Nige­ two to wield a magic power over some criticized by party leaders, in­ Wilson plans several separate ytmnger.” —The Duke of Wind­ meaning that boards must pay organize an informal study made spectacular records tor a to allow inflation continue its natural We 'Wish to thank all who rians. A obstinate and long-standing Imperfection cluding Mr. Nixon, for faitog divisions within the Con­ sor. Skins For Sale helped us to make Christmas a,, for their superintendents when committee and report iMick on year or two, and some funds course. But he has to know Uiat infla­ to make maximum use of the gressional committee, eadi the system reaches 36 teachers. their findings by Feb. 26. have provided Investors with in our otherwise beautiful world. "Children, teachers and par­ memorable day for those In our^ with roughly equal status, with­ To the Editor, steady but unspectacular re­ tion Itself must, in the end, lead to some­ committee's resources in candi­ ents are hating their God-given care. 7- This Interpretation has come as Lately, there has been mounting pres­ out clear authority from the Miss KeRems “Bills’ U.S. turns over many years. Their date-selection, financing, and and constitutionally granted lib­ It is disturbing for conserva­ Your kindness was greatly a complete surprise to the thing worse than recession. sure for somebody to do something about top (other than from Wilson Impact of W ar’s Enil For Additional $3,000 success has been highly publi­ campaign planning during both erty and freedom stolen from tion minded people to learn appreciated. regional board. himself). through the Connecticut Audu­ Sincerely, cized. So far, we believe, Pr*- •-■n the gathering up and clean disposal of the disappointing 1968 Congres­ them by a national government Meeting with the three other Requires “Prudence’ HARTFORD (AP) — Vivien sional campaign and 1969 spe­ Although Calkins will have the bon Newsletter that, advertised Mary Della Fera, Director —Aggressive selling by mu­ deserves more credit iV »e- the> scrap and junk which*' litter the title of executive director, a new that has gone mad.” —Gov. Les­ local boards in the district the Kellems, the retired manufac­ cial Congressional elections. in the Sears, Roebuck Christ­ Department of Weif8U*e & " HARTTFORD (A P ) — Connect­ tual fund salesmen. Mutual American countryside. "campaign ” is being ter Maddox of Georgia on the Regional Board heard the Joint turer who is fighting a running celved, for keeping th- .' hen- The Republicans lost four of mas catalog, is a leopard skin Social Services icut State Labor Council Presi­ funds are sold, not bought, the set up under the direction of federal school Integration drive. informal study oomonlttee, battle for equal taxation for sin­ The other day, the instant solution ar­ dent John Driscoll says the saying goes. Many Individuals sions under some restraint, -u,. refusing five . 1969 campaigns, two of formed last November, make gle persons, told the Secretary OF MANCHESTER Edward A. Terrill, formerly the " It takes two nations to talk. State Planning Council Is much who feel they cannot always to let either of them panic his adminis­ rived. them for the first time in committee's field man for the recommendations on whether of the Treasury Thursday that 7 Pc. There have been no overtures too optimistic about the econom­ look after their Investments feel $119. decades. Fairly or not. Potter Midwest and now its chief po­ the towns should totally region­ the government can auld anoth­ tration, for taking the cool risks of try­ Henceforth, said the Institute of Scrap from Cuba. They have shown ,no ic impact an end to the war in the funds will do so. got a large share of the blame, litical technician. er $3,000 to what it owes her. ing to judge just how much of a push Iron and Steel, we should not label old desire to return to the Inter- alize or start a committee of Vietnam would have on Connect­ and Mr. Nixon let it be known A second roughly autonomous Herald A Thought for Today .She maintains she has over­ —^The commission structure American fam ily."—Charles A. t^eir own to study all aspects icut. the economy needs in one direction, how automobile or refrigerator bodies as he felt an immediate shakeup division, for public relations, Sponsored by the Manchester paid the government more than in the stock market. Brokers in Meyer, assistant secretary of of the program "Prudence," he told the state Daystrom . . . a name known for was in order with the party will be established under vet­ Yesterdays Council of Churches $75,000 over the years because recent years have been losing much It ought to tie held back in another. junk. state for inter-American affairs. ’ The committee recommended peacetime economy commission quality, durability and strength, is on straining to win the House this eran committee staffer Paul she was taxed at higher rates money on small individual ac­ Instead, we should call them "obsolete 25 Years Ago that a formal study committee Thursday, “ requires the state to Sale now during our Semi-Annual Fur­ As in some of his other policies—notab­ year. Theis. The third division, cov­ "The collapse of the military "Each morning as we awak-' than married persons—and she counts and ’ some are refusing not be formed at this time. A prepare for the worst.” says she won’t pay any more this business. The mutual funds, ly Vietnam abroad and Integration at metalHcs.” But no Republican politicians, ering both the Boosters Club adventure in Vietnam is bel-'g A special service unit of the en, let us remember that tUs is’ niture & le. . taken by nfany Aslan countries, formal study committee, under According to Driscoll, the income taxes until she gets her however, pay big brokerage Things seem better already. either in the White House or at and incumbent financing, ■will Connecticut Nautical Cadets is a day which the Lord has Daystrom Dinettes are equipped 9mn home—President Nixon is u n ^ r attack Public Act 698, would be limit­ State Planning Council should money back. the National Committee, quite be headed by Potter. and among them U.S. allies, as formed because so many local commissions. Brokers welcome many features such as, lamina^d^Table made. Let us rejoice in each ed to studying only reglonaUza- double its estimate of 126,000 in a letter to Treasury Sec- from two directions. bargained for the reorganization Although the President’s top a eigiuil to start a review of boys have expressed a desire to their business. Tope that resist mars and^stains, dur­ day, each opportunity to show tlon. jobs dependent on military con- retary David Kennedy, Miss soon to be announced by Rep. political advisers have been their positions, for no one wants join. There are many reasons why able all-metal frames design^ to take Some of those who have their own informed heatedly about Wil­ to be the lart to leave a sinking our love and ch eri^ relation­ The* committee also recom- tracts, because of the numberi,™ her latest bill is Dempsey: Man Of The People Bob Wilson of Califocnia, chair­ Americans might consider ask­ the punishment of mhdem living, and son’s reorgafflzatlon, they had ship.” —Commentator in the So­ ships.” mended that another informal of nondefense jobs generated by for $76,323.40 in taxes she has balloon-type prosperity tied to Che as­ man of the campaign commit­ ing some questions: \ $ absolutely no part in ta p in g viet government newspaper 10 Years Ago Josephine Moffett Benton committee be formed to study Pentagon Monday. paid, plus 6 per cent interest, heavy duty vinyLthair fabrics. sumption that things can keep going up Ooat off, sleeves rolled up, shooting tee since 1962. The reason: Wil­ —Some mutual funds have a spirited game of pool with a group it. Wilson’s insistence that the Izvestia. Submitted By In depth further .regionalization And, Driscoll says, when the or $2,914.37 more than the last D aystrom ^fers all this plus a large son has no thought of really jet­ York Strangfeld is elected produced losseb for their and up forever are angry with the Presi­ of youngsters at the Forestvllle Boys' House Campaign Committee re­ president of the Omar Howard L. Holmes of Grades K-6; 'withdrawal of war ends the effects of layoffs time she tried to dun the Inter­ selection-of styles patterned to enhance tisoning Potter, as the Presi­ "W e are going to press the Shrine customers over one and two dent because he has obviously succeeded Club. John N. tDempsey will never be main totally independent of the Club. Grades 7-12 from present re­ in defense industries could well nal Revenue Service. On that anj^ dOcor. dent desires. White House — and the National ■ full reform program to democ­ occasiem, a year ago, she re­ year periods, a. performance confused with "Minnesota Fats,” but gionalization, and joint super­ have a "multiplier effect” be­ in slowing things down to some degree, Instead of moving out. Potter ratize this union." — Joseph In Barrow, Aleiska, northern-^ that may be rationalized by say­ neither will he be confused with that Committee, as well*'— kept A gap of over $183,000 exists cause of their impact on the fused to pay her 1968 Income Rauh Jr., Washington attorney most town in the United States, vision or special services to the ing that mutual fund customers in the area of federal contracting, federal bi;eed of politician who can't relate to is moving back in— taking over them in the dark until the last between the pay scale demands buying power, of the labor force. tax. who represented the slain Jo­ three towns. spending, and federal money supply. his constituency on human terms. management of the hlghly-suc- moment. of teachers and a salary in­ the winter temperature may cessful Boosters Club, a fund - Accordingly, if the new hydra­ seph A. Yablonsld during the crease considered "reasonable "soar" to minus 30 degrees Finally, the committee rec­ ^John Dempsey's political style has al­ ommended that study com­ And those who can see that Inflation raising venture created by Wil­ headed campaign committee last year’s United Mine Workers and realistic” by a Board of Fahrenheit on the shortest day- ways been human in the most precise mittee be made up of two mem­ son in 1965 to finance non-in­ worked out in maximum secre- election campaign. Education subcommittee. of the year. still keeps on making its own cancerous sense of the word. It is said that political bers from each of the four cumbent Republican Congres­ advances, with continued wage and price candidates are selected in smoky cloak­ 'boards. ' rooms by state and local bosses, but in sional nominees in districts nar­ However, now that the R e­ now increases nutting more money that is Popular Daystrom Dinettes the end it is the people who have to- rowly held by Democrats. In the gional Board is faced with the worth less into some pockets while, in vote. And it is the people who have process. Potter also will run the possibility of hiring its own su­ many other pockets, it merely makes kept John Dempsey in politics for the committee's regular financial perintendent the board must past 35 years. activities for incumbent Con­ take some immediate action. the limited supply of money already Last Saturday John Dempsey told the gressmen. F isch etti Several possibilities do exist. reduced during our Semi-Annual Sale! there worth much less, are angry with people of Connecticut that he would re­ On its face. Potter's lateral First, It can coll for a formal the President because he does not mount move himself from political life when move out of general operations study committee, comprising his present term as governor expires into finances makes a certain nine members: One from each a more sensationalized, heavier-weapon- Sunday, January 18th — 3 fo9 P.M. in January o/ 1971. His voice cracked kind of sense. Carping about local Board of Education, three ed attack on inflation. several times as he read his statement Potter's three-year operation as from the regional board (one OUR ANNUAL JANUARY to the press. Novone would ever accuse representing each o f the area 7 piece set illustrated above The complaint about President Nixon executive director of the cam- S98. John Dempsey of false emotion. When committee stemmed leas from towns) and a member from has a 35x49-inch rectangular he cried it was because he was moved, , Is, as we said, familiar. He moves too his judgment in doling out cam­ each of the towns Boards of |MM| W | ]M |L v u m fable that extends to 69-inches when he laughed it was with gusto and fast, he does not move fast enough, to­ paign funds than from his limit­ BMnance. If there is a formal with two 10-inch leaves. Oil honesty. He was a man of emotion and ed . expertise* in ^ nuts-and-bolts study, the board will have a Walnut table top has matching ward peace in Vietnam. He moves too did not try to hide himself from the peo­ campaign techniques and time fast, he does not move fast enough, to­ ple. This was his style. w L E A i t J l i N Bronze legs. Chair finished in devoted to his business ven­ Antique Monaco vinyl with ward progress on the racial front. A Republican politician, musing on his future a few years ago, decided* the tures. Hence, some political LIQUORS—WINES TOR OUR OPEN HOUSE THIS SUNDAY WE WILL OFFER A SUBSTAN­ wo^grrain vinyl back. All 7 pros would like to see him re­ In between there is, of course, a third worse thing he could do was run on a TIAL DISCOUNT ON MANY ITEMS OF OUR FLOOR STOCK . . . pieces, $119., 5 piece, $98. stricted to the money end of the CORDIALS possibility, It is that he tries to move ballot opposite the name J, could be provided. Under De- all of Rockville; and a brother, Preaux’s plan the senior citi­ The lost person to speak drew Rexed, director-general of the 'The conference deferred decl- ors down and the glove com­ dual represents.” now what they should have been rant,” sang one of the lines, a foreign policy briefing at the neering. We can have a lower The funeral will be tomorrow mit to put an addition on. forming use. Brian Rooney at the parking lot chairman of the Subcommittee Raymond Maine of Rockville. applause at the conclusion of Stockholm National Board of alon on the prescription issue_ partment open. In the last several years, doing three or four years ago," "You can get anything that you State Etapartment ’Thursday. Of- profile. We can apeak with a at 12:30 p.m. from the Taylor The story pieced together by Rothwell said that the Zoning of the Lantern Village Bam on Long Term Care of the U.S. zen would have a "home” and ITie funeral and burial will would remain in the same area his remarks. He was Dr. Mi­ Health and Welfare, opposed a as it has on virtually every oth- Hennequin said the only Floyd has been cited by the city he said. "They are saying ’Slop want ...” before Judge Julius ficials spoke to the newsmen less strident voice .. . with a bit and Modeen Funeral Home, 233 ihe Zoning Board and Treat is Board is bound by the zoning when Mrs. Wardle reportedly Senate Special Committee on be in Nebraska. with his friends nearby. De­ chael B. Miller, medical direc­ ■tiggcatlon that pharmacists be er point under discussion thus things missing were his sun­ and the state for his labors in young man, we have programs J. Hoffman of U.S. District and replied to questions under more modesty ..." Washington St., Hartford, with that Treat purchased the prop­ regulations as much as the in­ refused on two occasions to Aging, held the hearings to find Preaux emphasized that the tor of the White Plains (N,Y.) empowered to do so "at their far. glasses, valued at $8, and the the ghetto as a policeman, pas­ for you. We are interested in Court interrupted. State Department rules that Renewed talk here about the a service at St. George’s erty in question in 1967. It con­ dividual, and that even a pos­ move her car when it was out why a number of convales­ Oeorire J. Devine campuses should not be Isolated Center for Nursing Care. discretion In case of emergen- Moat of the drug producing case valued at $2. tor and youth worker. you and we’ll try to get you "Oh no! Oh no!,” Interjected prohibit identifying the speak- possibility of military conflict Armenian Apostolic Church, tains approximately three- sible error by an agent could blocking traffic. cent homes are dropping out of VERNON — Georgre J. De- from the larger commutoty. He Speaking without the aid of a - countries supported the draft ___ y Today in Los Anfjeles, the Jobs.’” the judge.'Tleferrlng'to the mo- ers. between Russia and Communist Hartford, at 1. Burial will be quarters of an acre and Is locat­ not be termed a "hardship.” He the medicare program. vine, 67, of 69 Riverside Dr., ACCIDENTS Most of the witnesses, led by proposed that a commumty cen­ prepared text. Dr. Miller made He told the conference his clause for wider discretionary soft-spoken Negro Is ixslng hon- In off-duty hours, Floyd, an tlon picture "Alice’s Restau- ’The estimate of the danger in China coincided with reports of in Cedar Hill Cemetery. ed on Vernon Rd. next to Bol­ said that the court cases he was country applies strict controls powers to pharmacists "or oth- South Windsor ored by the National Jaycees as assistant pastor of Faith Fellow- rant,” which stare Guthrie, the Sino-Soviet situation stopped Soviet broadcasts, heard by husband of Mrs. Ethel Lang­ familiar with uphold the regula­ A written warning for failure Francis P. DellaFera of Man­ ter be established which would an Impassioned plea to Sen. Friends may call at the fu­ ton Lake, in the R-3 zone, a over all psychotropic drugs er licensed retailers” with re- one of 1969’s 10 "Outstanding ship Baptist Church, helps run Judge Hoffman added, "I don’t short of any prediction war be- U.S. government monitors. worthy Devine, die loot night at tions and that there have been to gp-ant the right of way was chester, president of the Con­ serve as “ the main artery" be­ Moss to make specific and Im­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. neral home tonight from 7 to 9, special zone of undersized lots whlch constitute a public health spect to amphetamines (pep Young Men in America." Te'en Haven, a neighborhood want the theater owner where tween the two Aslan Communist charging that a "war hysteria” other instances in town where Issued to Dorothea Nielson of necticut Association of Extend­ tween the heart of the commun­ mediate changes in the SSA Lynn Grossi, Mr. Devine was bom Nov. 21, around the lake. (Standard lot ity and the residents of the hazard, and ever since the con- pills) and barbiturates (sleeping Seventeen years a^o' Floyd youth center, your picture’s playing to sue powers was regarded here os is being fimned by the Peking residents have had to undo 712 Center St., yesterday. Po­ ed Care Facilities, ECF, criti­ regulations. He listed several 1912 in Pawtucket, R.I., son of Mrs. Clara Badeau size in Bolton is one acre.) campus. trols began "we have not found pills). wouldn’t have belleAf^d it could He and his wife live above the me.” probable. regime. Mrs. Clara Badeau, 64, of 40 The buildings were on the building when it was found to lice said she was backing out of cized SSA for writing a new areas where^ he said the SSA Dancer, To Star George and Helene O'Mearp regulation that requires patients DellaFera said, "The new ap­ regulations worked to the detri­ anyone in the whole of Sweden Narcotics agents say these happen. center and give a turkey dinner The exchange was prompted High U.S. officials were de- Some U.S. officials, speaking Hudson St., widow of Rene Ba- property, a cottage and a cabin. be against zoning regulations. her driveway and backed Into "I came frojb a broken home for youths each Christmas and by a question from defense at-scribed as very hopeful open privately outside the torsign Devine, and had lived in Ver­ the path of an oncoming car admitted to extended care proach is to insist that only ment of good care tor the elder­ who has suffered from these re- synthetic drugs are abused by In ‘Red Shoes’ deau, died last night at Man­ In 1967 Treat applied to form­ He also said that it is the re­ and WM Ih^e^oungest of six chll- Thanksgiving. torney William M. Kunstler, warfare would not erupt. policy briefing, suggested each non for the past 13 years. He driven by Sebastian Rubera of facilities (BCFs) to show a po­ those patients who have rehabil­ peddlers and addicts who crush was an English teacher at chester Memorial Hospital. er Zoning Agent Donald Tedford sponsibility of the property own­ ly. of dren,” h<^ said. "We lived in a Floyd said a major problem who had asked Guthrie how the Secretary of State William P. side might be deliberately using Wethersfield. tential for rehabilitation. itation potential are covered un­ "We cannot even Imagine any them, mix them with ordinary The Dynamic Theatre Weaver High School for 13 Mrs. Badeau was bom Aug. for a permit, a "certificate of er and the contractor to be He said DellaFera’s figure of a three-^lory brick home heated in Philadelphia is teen-age drug song ends. Rogers said in an on-the-record proaganda as a weapon Both cars were towed; there DellaFera, admimstrator of der the program and that all case where amphetamines and aspirin and dilute the mlxtura in Windsor has chosen years and had taught in Mil­ 14, 1905' in Calais, Maine, and registration,” to put a 12-by-22 familiar with zoning regula­ 30 per cent rejeistlon for l>a- -belly stove. abuse. Guthrie testified earlier that speech—a departure from the against the other to influence were no serious injuries. the Crestfield Convalescent Hos­ others are to be considered cus­ barbiturates would be required water for Intravenous injection Resident of Manchester, by^l pot-bellj waukee, Wis., schwls before lived in East Windsor before foot addition on the cottage. He tions. tients transferred from hospitals out of high school "Drug addiction and drug two of the defendants, Abble background rules—that In deal- negotiations under way in Pe- pital on Vernon St., said the todial without regard to the de­ as a matter of urgency,” he The effect Is similar to that of Groasl, to star in Its^ "I dropped coming to Vernon. coming to Manchester 12 years also applied for a permit to in­ Rothwell, while expressing to ECFs was low. He said, grade, joined a gang abuse among teenagers is in- Hoffman and Jerry C. Rubin,ing with "the general tensions" king. SSA requirement for potential gree of difficulty in nursing care said adding: "It is only the abu- heroinheroin. production of "The Red Shoes.^ In the sixth g Survivors, beside his wife, a^o. stall a septic system, and this sympathy with Treat did not ’ihere was a four-car acci­ “ that’s only the visible part of creasing each day,” he said. had encouraged him to come to between Moscow and Peking The first round of those nego- rehabilitation has resulted in necessary to care for the pa­ aers, the addicts, who are in ur- The proponents of the suggest presented at the Sduth and was arrested and put on include three daughters. Miss Survivors include 2 sons, was done. see any solution. He said that dent on Spruce St., near Pearl an iceberg.” Miller stdd many ” Drug abuse is the real green- Chicago to sing at demonstra- "We have made it clear that we tiatlons was held last October yesterday at .7:67 p.m. Police patients remaitong in general tient.” people were denied admission gent need of psychotropic sub- ed formula all said there mighi Windsor High School on Friday, probation for gang fighting.” Sharon Devine, Miss Joanne Joseph Badeau and Ronald Ba­ In 1968 Treat applied for a Treat could appeal to the !Zon- After that, Floyd went looking eyed monster.” tions convention week. - have no Intention of attempting and November after several deau, both of Manchester; 3 certificate of registration for a ing Board of Appeals but that say a car driven by Bernard J. hospitals where' the costs are DellaFera said the decision of by the nursing homes so they stances, and the abuse is pre- be special circumstances where ------ao.. Devine and Miss Nancy Devine, whether to admit patients to But he had decided not to to exploit their differences.” months of border clashes early all of Vernon. daughters, Mrs. Robert Wright 12-by-26 foot addition. The Zon­ the “ hardship” on which an ex­ Janicki, 59, of 444 Center St., three to four times greater per wotild not be "financially em­ cisely what we are supposed to no doctor Is available to give a medicare coverage is now mode come because the city had not Reviewing Nixon admlnlstra- in the year. By the time the first The funeral will be Monday and Miss Susan Badeau, both ing Board said that Tedford ception could be granted must struck a fiarked car. ’The park­ day than in ECFs. barrassed.” " prescription tri what they called by the wrong people. He said Issued march permits end he tlon foreign policy over the past round ended there were wlde- at 9:16 a.m. from the Burke of Manchester, and Mrs. Jean thought that this was a re-ap­ come from the nature ■ of the ed car hit a second parked car In addition, DellaFera said Rexed made his remarks dur- possible emergency cases. A H E W ’s Civil Rights Unit the decisions are made by the He said there caimot be two "feared there would be police year, Rogers declared the pro- spread reports In western capL- Funeral Home, 76 Prospect St., O’Connor of Midwest City, plication for the first addition, land, not from financial or per­ and the second car struck a fewer patients were admitted to Ing an inconclusive discussion of sudden epileptic attack was the fiscal intermediary (Traveler’s levels of care—one for hospitals vlolence,” Guthrie eald. gram of troop withdrawal In tals that the talks had not gone Rockville, with a Mass of re­ Okia.; 2 sisters, Mrs.gAnita si ce a year had passed and a sonal difficulties. He said that third parked car. BCFs last year then the year a draft protocol for worldwide only emergency case cited dur- Insurance Co. in this cose) and and one for ECFs. He charged Guthrie testified that he had South Vietnam aims at ultimate well. However, after a recess of quiem at Sacred Heart Church Boisclair of Southington and certificate of occupancy had not if the ZBA were to grant a var­ Janicki was Issued a written before, and of those admitted, control ot synthetic psychotro- Ing the debate. Aims for Diversification he said the judgment of the phy­ that there was a communica­ talked with Rubin about the removal of all U.S. forces; several weeks, they were re- at 10. Burial arrangements are Mrs. Lorena Cote of Sherbrook, been issued. But the second per­ iance, his opinion as a member warning for driving after drink­ 30 per cent were denied medi­ sician "has been completely ab­ tions barrier between general By G. C. THELEN Jr. been lost from jurisdiction by song "Alice’s Restaurant,” emd "It will be carried out imtll all cently resumed. incomplete. Canada; and 10 grandchildren. mit was for the second buil5«bKraphy for p^vate academies. regated northern school sys- Lynn Davis told Barrymore Funeral services will be held D. C., and has lectured to Holds Up Zoning Action J .... .------How To Succeed In Business addition, the HEW civil terns. ’Ihursday he had already been tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. at the Oars driven by Vera H. At the condition of the hear­ The federal agency had an­ clergy and lay people in almost “ r® m K without ReaUy Trying” and rights watchdogs talk of Intensi- "We are approaching some- lenient in eentenclng the actor, Newkirk and Whitney Funeral Grade of 788 Center St. and ings, Sen. Moss told newsmen nounced in November that it Then we’ll check to be sure ..Gypsy,., she has recently been every state. Concerned about a man-made the feeling that if apiartment de­ Robert Karper of TTie Nether­ that he was "shocked” at some fled excursions into the North what of a turning point in the who could have been given six Home. 318 Burnside Ave., East Heralding Politics would ban all beverages con­ It’s 7 pt bek^ sold or given reqneatea to do the choreogra- Dr. Chaplin is the author of pond to be installed as part of velopment goes unchecked and lands, collided yesterday on of ihe information that he heard and West against racial dis- northern de facto segregation months in jail, Hartford. Burial will at the taining cyclamate from grocery way, he added. „ phy for the spring production several books, including "Chil­ a proposed luxury apartment increases at its current annual Center St. east of Jarvis Bd. at the hearings, but he aaid it store shelves after Jan. 1. Rath­ crimination in colleges, de facto sitoatlon,” sold one official. Barrymore asked for the sen convenience of the family. dren and Religion,” “ We Want rate— an average of 275 units -By Sol R. Cohen- A spokesman for Cott Corp. ..gye gy^ Birdie” to be put about 4 :50 p.m. was one of the most fruitful er than throw soft drinks down school segregation in big cities There ought to be citations and tence rediffction because, he Memorial contributions may to Know,’’ "'The Privilege of complex, the Zoning Board armually since 1965, including headquarters in New Haven ^y the South Windsor High A group of seven Republi­ Republican David Odegard he’s held. the drain, companies caught and unequal school treatment other concrete steps within said, he had been offered an be made to Radio Station WIHS, Teaching,” and, for many last night tabled any action on 702 units during 1969—the town said the company had given COMPLAINT8 < cans, calling themselves "con­ and Democrat Anthony Pletran- Moss said the problems en­ with large inventories of the months.” acting Job in Peru. P.O .Box 117, Middletown. years, was a regular story a proposal for 339 apartment could be caught without ade­ away more than 100,000 cases co-starring with Mias Gross! tor Mexlcan-Americans. A glass containing about 320 cerned citizens,” met last night tonio did not attend ’Tuesday’s countered by elderly persons, diet soda beg;an giving the sur­ There will be no calling hours. writer for the mqgagine, "High­ quate provisions for transporta­ in New England, New York and ^al Shane, ’"These are all questions that units until plans for the pond in tips was reported taken re­ to discuss a course of action board meeting. Odegard was ill seeking m ^ c a r e assistance plus to hospitals, fraternal were overlooked In the rush to lights.” She writes book re­ tion, sewage, schoois and other which best could express their New Jersey rince Oct. 18. production manager of the Peter Kala,lian are more clearly defined. cently from Mrs. Susan Dente, and Pietrantonio was working are serious enough to warrant groups, civic organizations. get kids out of all-black schools views fbr ‘”Ihe New York public requirements. displeasure over ndes changes, He asserted that some other Hartford Stage Cto. Shane has WAPPING — Peter Kalajian. Tri-Pac Development Corp. a beautician at M'arlow’s late. action by Congress this year. schools and other nonprofit soda companies have used the performed with Mickey Rooney, Times,” "The Living Church,” Trl-pac will have 90 days to adopted and not adopted Mon­ 49, of 603 Griffin Rd., husband of New Haven presented its pro­ Boauty'Salon. agencies. . same method of disposing of Mlneo, Raymond Burr. Ar- office official. ’We’re and ‘"The Eplsctqielian,” and is come in with adequate plans day night by the Republican nee our seleotSoa of 1970 of Mrs. Sarah O’Hanian Kala­ a member of ^ the editorial posal (or the apartments, The Capitol Region Council of Smith, reached in Hartford, large inventories. concerning the proposed pond. An 380 bicycle was reported Town Committee. lene Francis and many other ‘ f'®™ I d0Bk oalendm • ai^lntment books jian, died Wednesday at Mc­ board of the magazine, "Reli­ which if approved will be con­ Elected Officials (CRCEO) will notable actors. , ™ W ’s civil rights fortunes A request of Kellis and Amen­ stolen from Paul Hebert of 11 Among the seven were Wil­ • pooltet dtartea lefUfa Cook Hospital, Hartford. gious EMucation.” She has ap­ structed on Rt. 83, adjacent to meet Jan. 28 at 8 p.m., in the About Town Also appearing in the play are *^K®-n d ig g in g in mid-1969. the 'Vernon Garden apartments. ta for a change of zone of land Butternut Rd., while he was in liam Murray, defeated GOP Mr. Kalajian was bom Oct. peared on and written tor sev­ on West St. was denied by the South Windsor Town Hall, to The Lutherweds of Emanuel Tolland First the Nixon administra- i : The Zoning Commission cen­ Mary Cheney Library yester­ candidate for town treasurer, Jan Hartman of West Hartford, 12. 1920 in Leominster, Mass., eral radio and television pro­ consider its 1970-71 budget. Lutheran Church will have a Howard T. Becker of Glaston- decreed government court tered its discussion mostly on commission. Thes.e developers day. and two of his ctunpolgn aidesi priced frotn and was a Navy veteran of grams. requested a change from indus­ Mayor Nathan AgosUnelli, potluck and business meeting bury, who is active with the l‘t'&ation rather than termina- the pond. A separate pool will David Caron and Arthiu- Svens- trial to multi-family zone to Manchester’s representative to tonight at 6:30 at the church. be Irstalled (or swimming. son. Oaron was campaign co­ School Board To Hire Manchester Community Play- ^EW aid was the more pave the way for construction ordinator. Svensson resigned the CRCEO, is its chairman. After dinner, the Rev. William era. Nan Brown and Dennis humane, if perhaps slower, way 69c A letter from Vernon’s engi­ Manchester Area Ski Patches For Northview of apartments. The area is sur­ recently from the presidency of Deputy Mayor Odegard is the Marquardt, a missionary pas­ Martin, both of South Windsor. °f ending southern school segre- neer, John R. Pozzato, question­ to rounded by other apartment the YR (Young Republicans) alternate representative. tor from Liberia, will speak in More Teachers’ Aides gation. • JhSL ed the effect the proposed pond Then a federal 'Circuit court 1.77 complexes. Hebron Driver Club. Luther Hall of the church. His The Board of Education has ment stands at 729, Including 262 Available at Rees Monday would have on a standard The commission denied the state Rep. Francis Mahoney, speech at 7:46 is open to all Ismaili Moslems crimped HEW’s termination J ’The seven who met last night reluctantly agreed to consider a kindergarten pupils; 242 first Ski patches for use at the about the expense,” said Robert projected flood by reducing request mostly due to the traf­ Held in Crash expressed dissatisfaction "over Dem., of Manchester’s 19th As­ members of the church. To Meet His Bride proc^ures with the result that recommendation for the hiring gfraders, and 236 second o p « ttomrsdey and frlday nighfa tlU 9:(^ Northview slope on Hercules Dr. Bleiler, secretary. channel storage during flood fic problems at that particular thq lack of public participation sembly District, is on the legis- RAWALPINDI, Pakistan 1 o districts have lost any feder­ C dsddon, (DhJuuq^C^. will be issued starting Monday Commission member Ronald time. Stella A. Kalhok of West St., ‘ I'ature’s Interim State Develop­ Fathers and sons of Cub of teacher aides subject to re- STAders. al aid since last July. location^ ’The land is near the in the aotivities of the Republi­ (AP) — Prince Karim Aga 767 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER at the East and West Side Rec- Gates said he did not think tax­ Burt Saco, engineer (or the railroad tracks and an intersec­ Hebron, was charged with fail­ can Town Conunlttee.” They ment Ctommlttee. He has parti­ Scout Pack 2 will meet tomor­ view at budget preparation Morning kindergarten classes Khan has arrived with his re- Finally, the Supreme Court pation Centers. payers complained so much developers, said there would be tion. It was formerly used as a ure to grant one-half the high­ back an open district caucus cipated in statewide hearings on row at 32:15 p.m. at Second total 28 and 29 students each, cent bride, the former Lady Sa- handed down its integrate “ at no danger u less a flood like and the At a meeting with the Advis­ about facilities they themselves town playgrround. way following an accident on method for election to the com­ C-DAP, the last one Wednesday Congregational CSiurch and will ■ while the afternoon session rah Crichton-Stuart, whom he once”------order------causing------„ ------a flurry of ory Recreation and Park Comi did not use, since there was a the 1938 flood occured. • The night in Enfield. go to the Gengras Planetarium, According to Superintendent classes range from 21 to 23 _stu- will introduce to his Ismaili new litigation in the South. Atty. Sol Kerensky, repre­ her road yesterday. ' mittee. Under the present mission last night, Mel Siebold, possibility their children might Hockanum River runs to the senting Kellis and Armenia, method, they explain, the town West Hartford. of Schools Kenneth MacKenzle, dents each. Moslem followers during Moreover, HEW is running Police- said thgSKalhok car recreation director, said his de­ develop Interests through them. west of the area in question. said, "Every once in a while I committee re-dects itself every A public hearing on proposed "Several factors prompt me to p,rst grade cla^s range month’s tour of the nation. out of places to wring xiesegre- was traveling east wh«i the partment had received 2,000 Taxpayers did complain. Gates Saco said the Ctorps of Engi­ run into a piece of land that two yea«. regulations concerning Child The Rev. Joseph E. Vujs of ’The prince, 33-year-old spirit­ gatlon plans with the threat of dfudADJTL woman applied her brakes and call your attention to the need ^3 studente to 28 each; patches yesterday which they said, when people from out- neers project flood level was cries out fbr zone change and Day Care Centers has been St. James’ Church will conduct tor additional teacher aides. ual leader of the Ismaili Mos­ aid termination. Leas than 300 ,ised to provide storage of pos- lost control with the rear of her second grade / classes range would distribute only to adults of-town came in to use facilities tonight I think I have that sit­ Democratic Town Director scheduled for Jan. 26 at 2 p.m. a service Sunday at 8:15 a.m. He cited "a dearth of substi­ lems, and his bride, 29, were of approximately 4,600 southern The commission also question­ car swerving into the westbound from 22 studehts each to 27. until Jan. 31. After that date, no they are not paying for. uation." He explained that all William FitzGerald has taken in the Hall of the House, in the on radio station WINF. ’The pro­ tutes for special areas such as married in Paris three months districts are still fair game. ’The one will be allowed on the slope Siebold said some 40 per cent ed how the developers proposed of the surrounding land was oc­ lane. She collided with a car the entire blame for the board’s State Capitol. gram is sponsored by the Man­ Hicks Memorial School enroll- remainder either have submit­ U iiam bL Qd. music, art and physical educa­ ago. They came here Thursday without a patch. of those using Northview last to supply the water (or the cupied by apartments. in that lane driven by Guy C. failure to support a new consta­ chester Council of Churches and ment stands at 634. Third grade from • Tehran. ted acceptable plans or have COMBINE TO Dumas of Broad Brook. The tion,” proposing an aide be as- The hours for distribution at weekend were from out-of-town, pond. Saco said one way would Atty. Kerensky further ex­ ble Tuesday night. Democrat Palmer S. McGee Jr. of the_aergy Association of Man­ slgn’ed part-time to each of total 241, with class court date is Feb. 3 in WllU- the two recreation centers will though the percentage during be to drill a high yield well and plained that prior to the con­ Paul Phillips had been picked Farmington, an announced can­ chester. these areas, giving an opportun- slaes ranging from 23 to 26 stU' • mantic Circuit Court. be from 6 to 9 p.m., Monday the week was smaller. The ski another would be to use river solidation there was an impor­ by peuty officials to replace didate for the Republican nom­ Ity .to train them to carry on dents. Fourth grade enrollment water and treat it. In answer Other area police activity: SAVE YOU MONEY through Friday. During the day, patches, Siebold said, though tant reason to keep as much of Joseph Macalone, who had re­ ination for governor, spent Cub Scout Pack 53 wUl meet theqe programs when the regu- is 216 with class sizes ranging to a question, he said he had patches will be available at the there are loopholes for getting the land as possible (in Rock­ COVENTRY signed. FitzGerald had been no­ about seven hours in Manches­ tonight at 7 at the Waddell larly assigned special teacher Is from 23 to 32. Three fifth grades not checked yet with the State Furniture People Since 1932! West Side Recreation Center around them, will cut down the ville) zoned for industrial use, Lillian Scovell, Cedar Swamp tified and was to have nominat­ ter on Wednesday. He met with School auditorium. absent. . totaling 78 students are enroll- ON Water Resources Commission to Rd., Coventry, was charged ed Phillips. Instead, he moved from 8 :30 to 4 :30. There is no number of out-of-town tres­ even though much of the land local GOP leaders over lunch Another factor cited was in- ed at Hicks with class size rang- see if the second suggestion with failure to grant right of that the nomination be tabled. Members of the casts of two Famous quality Hudson Products are noiv available at charge. passers. so zoned was not really suitable at Cavey’s Restaurant. creasing demands of teachers ing from 20 to 29 students each, would be possible. way at an intersection, and R was tabled. Phillips will be of the portions of the Little this Pharmacy at the same low dlrect-by-mall prices To obtain patches for younger Siebold said he overheard for industry. He said now that He will meet with Tofllarfl "to be allowed to teach and to Middle school enrollment members of the immediate fam­ someone last weekend on the Architects the developers, the town is consolidated and Timothy Jerman of Stamford named at a iqiecial meeting County Republican leaders In Theatre of Manchester produc­ enjoyed by millions of American families for over 40 MLTW-Moore ^rnbull, also of was charged with disregarding next Tuesday. tion of "You Know I Can’t Hear be relieved of many of the so- stands at 693, including 181 of years. ily, an adult must bring birth slope saying, "It only took us Important to hold onto the in­ Rockville on March 3. called non-teaching duties such the fifth grade students in New Haven, presented an exten­ a stop sign. “ I wasn’t sure of the name You When the Water’s Run­ certificates, Siebold. said. an hour to get here.” dustrial zones in the former os lunch duty, bus duty and classes ranging from 22 students Vitamin A natural 25,000 U .78 per 100 sive display -of the proposed (Phillips) and I wasn’V ^ r e of ning" will rehearse tonight at iEmest J. ’Tureck, park super­ Tureck then reported that the city. Both arrests were made yes­ One can’t help wondering who others.” each to 31. Sixth grade students Vitamin A water-soluble 26,000 U 1.10 per 100 2H acres of ice at Center apartments. The reaction of the ’The Planning Commission the address,” FitzGera^ said, are the "they" who criticize the the studio, 22 Oak St. The cast intendent, said the cost of main­ terday, and both ' drivers are He also cited "the hecesslty t°ial 196, with class size ranging Vitamin A natural 60,000 U 1.30 per 100 tenance at the slope this year Springs Pond will be open to­ commission was favorable as recommends that the request scheduled to appear in Man­ "so, rather than make, a news media. of "I ’m Herbert" will rehearse to free teachers for individual i^om 22 to 31. Don't fight ovor your Vitamin A water-soluble 50,000 U 1.96 per 100 would be about $8,(X)0. He said night to skaters until 10. The far as the apartments fs con­ for the change of zone be denied chester Circuit Court 12 Feb. 2. mistake, I asked to have it Are "they" the sales people at 7 and the cast of "H ie Shock and group planning, to Improve Seventh grade students total 1.00 per 260 he is requesting funds for a new Annex, which skaters have been cerned. on the basis that it would in­ tabled.” who Ignore potential customers of Recognition” will rehearse at Vitamin B1 'ITUamine 26 mgm 8. teaching and to develop rele- 211 in class sizes ranging from tow rope in this year’s budget using there so far, will be turn­ The proposed 339 units would crease the residential density in FitzGerald said that he had and. when they do notice them, Vitamin B1 ’Thiamine 60 mgm .76 per 100 be dirided into four different vant programs. 29 to 81; eighth grade students (for next year) which would ed over to hockey players, the area and put a strain on a number of names to propose are rude? Vitamin B1 Thiamine 100 mgm .96 per 100 types: 227 flats with one bed­ Two aides each have been re- total 166 In classes of 20 . to 32 coat from $9(X) to 31,(XX). Tureck said. storm and sanitary sewer sys­ Public Records' Are "they" the service sta­ Mrs. Anita M. Murphy of 1 3 1 Vitamin B2 Riboflavin 6 mgm .86 per 380 room, 42 flats with two bed­ for Democratic Appointments, 'Tureck said next year the cost Tureck also reported that the tems. Warrantee Deeds tion personnel who forget to N, Lakewood Orcle, Board of quested tor the high and middle at^ents. , , , Vitamin B2 Rlbatlavln 10 mgm .76 per 100 rooms, 61 garden apartments including one to the Conserva­ schools for five hours a day. High school enrollment totals INCOME TAX of maintenance might run as pond at Charter Oak was in its L&M Homes, Inc. io Donald wipe the windshield or to check Education member and secre­ It's to iy Io koep a tw ttl .86 per 100 and nine patio apartments. The tion Commission and five to C- Hicks School has requested. 849, with ninth grade students BOTH . Vitamin B6 Pyridoxlne 10 mgm high as |10,(X)0. 25th day of operation and was F. and Nancy T. Fenton, prop­ the water and oil? tary, has been elected secretary diipoiition whtn Incomo, tax exterior of the buildings will be DAP task forces. He said that three aides for a five-hour day totaling 144 In class sizes rang- FEDERAL Vitamin B6 Pyridoxlne 26 mgm 1.46 per 100 Commission members dis­ budgeted for 40 days. He said erty at South Farms Dr., con­ Of Region 11 Of the Connecticut probltmi g tl you down. JutI sta'ned board siding with stuc­ ‘Draft Dodging’ he couldn’t decide in time who Are "they” the traffic experts ond Meadowbrook four aides for ing from 27 to 30,students. Tenth Vitamin B12 (tobolemin 6 megm .76 per 280 cussed the expense' and the ad­ 200 was an average attendance veyance tax 141.25. I, who tell you there are no traf­ Aasoclatlon of Boards of Educa­ tokt It to BLOCK whtro AND co in some special areas. the constable appointee was. tion. Vitamin B12 Oobalamln 10 megm 1.06 per 260 visability of obtaining revenue figure at the pond. Ronald Levesque tb Zaki. fic problems at your pet trouble a six-hour day. a " trointd to>( mtn know Iht STATE Some of the units will be Church Topic and Susan Sayess, property at The board tabled discussion of ®‘“ ® ®'*®» “ > »» oniw tri. Quickly^ of low coit, Vitamin B12 Ctobalamln 26 megm .78 per 100 by charging a small amount tor Tureck said there was an up­ At the concurrence of Man­ spot, even as traffic backs up Eleventh grade students total 98 equipped with'' two baths, sun 46 Goodwin St., conveyauice tax several proposals advanced by your tox rtturn li don# with Vitamin B12 Cobalamln 60 megm 1.38 per 100 ski patches. They had recom­ heaval of some eight inches at decks and sunken di-in" areas. "Draft Dodging as a Religious chester’s two registrars of vot­ and cars block the Intersection? in class sizes of 19 to 37. mended to the Board of Di­ 326.00. Are "they.’'* the bank officers Dr. I MacKenzle until budget guaronfttd'oeeurocy. You LIFE Vitamin B (Complex 1.96 per 100 the easterly end of this pond All are luxury apartments. The Experience" will be the topic ers —Democrat Edward Mo- Town Notified C!omparlng this year’s school rectors that there be a charge Marriage License who send- their tellers to lunch preparation time. k tfp imiltngl MP Vitamin B Ctomplex with Iron 2.15 per 100 because the temperature has land where the proposed units of a talk by Dan Riley of Hart­ iarty and Republican Fred enumeration to last year’s. Dr. for the patches this year, but Stephen Campbell Ledger, between 1 and ? p.'m. on a Fri­ Included In this category were MacKenzle noted the number of ’ 5 REGULAR Niacin 80 mgm. Nicotinic Acid 1.10 per 260 been below freezing for 21 days. would go Is already zoned for Peck — Robertson SchooT has Of Injury Oaim the board decided against it. ford on Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. Windsor, and Marsha Anne Gil­ day, the busiest hour of the .60 per 100 The low temperatures cause mu'ti-famlly' dwellings. How­ officially replaceil the :iom- proposals for assistant prln- chlidren eligible to start klnderi\ Vitamin C, Ascorbic Acid 100 mgm "Someday some of these tax- service at the Unitarian Unl- bert, Apt. 3C, Thompson Rd., / week In banks? Mrs. William J. Harvey of 167 ' 1.86 per 260 more and more 6t the Water un­ ever, 11 additional acres in the munltyiY os the polling place clpals at the high school and garten next year Increased bjr : ^UARANTIE: Niacin, Nicotinic Aoldi 100 mgm i payers who don’t use these fa­ Jan. 24, Church of the Assump­ Are "they” the reataurknt op­ W o gworontoo ocewroto proporotion of tv try fox rotwrn. H $56.00 der the ice to freeze, Tureck r--me area and owiied by Tri- versallst Society of Manchester E, tenter 8t. filed a claim in the middle school; a full-time 26; In 1971 by 17; In 1972 by Vitamin C, Ascorbic Acid mgm .86 per lOO tion. for Election District 2. erators who raise their prices wo fiioko ony orrori thot cost you^ ony ponolty or inlorotl, 2S6 cilities are going to complain at 466 Main St. the town clerk’s office this certUled librarian for the mid- 8, and in 1978 by 66. 1.40 per 100 said, and too much freezing is Pac, are zoned commercial. At Manchester’s next election, 20 and 30 per cent, when food wo will poy th# ponolty or Intorott. ’ Vltaniln C, Ascorbic Arid 600 mgm Trade Name bad for the pond. A request to change this 11 Riley, a student at the Hdtt- whethar it be a primary, a ref­ goes up 6 per cent? morning for head Injuries alleg- die school, and a part-time Vitamin E, ’Tocoherol 100 I.U. . 2.60 per 100 acres to mu'tl-family zoning for,d Seminary Itoundation, will Ambulance Service of Man­ Manchester Evening Herald In other action last night, the erendum, or the November Are ’’they" the persons who «lly occurring on Nov. 20 when audio-visual coordinator for the Dicaiclum Phosphate with Vlt. D .96 per lOO was approved last night. . The present his own''wltlngs and chester to do business also as Tolland correspondent Bette Personal Notices commission decided to Invite state . election, the voting ma-. are granted zone changes and she slipped and fell near 818 high school. Vitamin D. A.C. Drops for Baby 60 cc. lor 1.16 deve'opers said an addHIonal 94 lead the discuision^Voffee will Professional Ambulance Serv­ Quatrale, teL 876-*848. H‘iii :^ i L i t) chines will be set up in the Rob­ variances, then don’t fulfill the Main at. Enrollment Report 1.66 per 100 Town Planner J. Eric Potter to units could be' constructed in the jje served after the program. ice of Manchester and Man­ 4-DRAWER CHEST Chewable Multiple Vitamins, Kiddlea conditions accompanying the Mrs, Harvey blamed the slip Total enrollment for Tolland America's Lsraett Tax Service with Over 2000 Offices .60 per 100 In Memoriam its Feb. 19 meeting with his re­ area. The Planning Commis­ "rhe Rhythm Choir of Center chester Ambulance Service, 184 ertson School auditorium. Wheat Germ Oapsules S min. zone changes and variances? on what she called on uneven Nutmeg Maple Finish, Hardwood Construction with End 111 lovlns memor>' of my deeu- vised plans (or Robertson Park. sion, however, recommended Congregational Church will per­ E. Center St. students In the local schools In­ Multiple Vitamins, one doily 1.88 per 100 MuUier. Jrimi« Dmd. n-tio passed And, we’ll stop for the time .section of (he sidewalk. She la Panels of Selected Hardwood 'Veneers. High Pressure Thejr decided to invite th«> prii)- form the first of a series of pro­ Certificate of Condemnatioii Manchester’s new board of creased by five students during Mandseeter-Sbopplng Piarkade — Lower Level 1.66 per 10 0 away Jaiiuar>‘ 16. 1969. that the request for the cljange being with this one, are ’’they" »sklm|; the town for $29.60 to Laminated PlasticTops. Slso 26”xl7 ” — height 37’’ Multiple Vitamins plus Iron cipal of the Robertson School, grams of Interpretive move­ Stfite of Connecjlcut, Com­ directors, now two months in the past month raising the total AUTHENTICITY I yetw ew I ) nod Grants Rear Untrattoea. . . 8.46 per 100 Beautiful memuries are all we have be dpnied. , the ones who criticize the way '

i ■'■rff-'i ■■ fi --i.fiflBiislirWfi (J'Si.r, Ill'lli Vitia I 'iV' vs, \ 'i '/ 'n

\ ■1 " \ , .A \ \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, I^^NCHESTER; CONN.,^ FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1970 PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., fHIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1970 Army Assigi^i^ Official Charges: first class travelers and one Tolland Hebron , Coventry State Department Denies U.S. Skating - Coasting Columbia for riders who may bo contin- New Recruiter trinc on a connecting domestic Poverty Lawyers’ Suits flight. Fife and Drum Unit Moyes PZC Denies Passengers arriving at the Completion Date Unsure Nurse Saw Staff Sgt, FYank E. tBijocie Threatened to Drop Arab Aid terminal by taxi, car or bus will -jn n,*' 1 g g Jgg*.* has recently been esMigniKl as By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Are ‘Politically Motivated’ be about SO feet from one Annual Ball to Manchester the U.S. Army recnilitar tor went against American policy. was addressed among others to t or Meadowbrook Addition 2 7 3 Pupils Preildjint Oamal Abdel Nas­ Request For check-in counters. This will be In Washington, State Depart­ a U.S. diplomatic mission In The Fife and Drum Ball steer- will meet ^an. 21 at 8 p.m. at Manchester. Anyone interested ser's newspaper spokesman to­ Center Springs Pond opens to- By WILLIAM BARTON Department the burden of ad­ made possible because of a The completion date of the nurse, Dr. MacKenxIe, and ment press officer Robert G. Aden whereas Aden had broken Associated Prfws Writer ministering food stamp and Int commIUee announced yes- the school. Robertson In Investigating the opportuni­ day published Instructions pur­ McCIoskey said, "The document wlth the United States and had day for skating, from 8 to 16 two-level roadway system whlcdi Meadowbrook School addition is Physical Elducatlon Director In December commodity programs, Rt. 6 Sign terday Its unanimous decision teachbr Mrs. Barratto w ties offered by a regular a m y portedly from U.S. Secretary of 16 obviously a forgery. We had no U.S. diplomatic mission for P^m. That means hockey play- WASHINGTON (AP) — will penetrate the heart of the still undetermined, following an William Holley who serves as ___ enlistment can find Sgt. Brodie top RuckelshajJH said tht^poverty building to deliver passengers on-site inspection of the facility chairman. .The board also rec' In her health report to the to holdi the annual charity event speak on modem math, wth a State William Rogers tolling known of Its existence some many weeks. ere get toe use of the Annex Harry Leet, who operates a at the Manchester Armory on question and answer ^ period r f tol- Army-Navy Club on Mon- duri^^ to“e“same hou«r S to ti^ I>«P®rtment official h ^ i ^ e r s also have Initiated a c Wednesday. ommended a member of the Board of Education, Mrs. Jean American diplomats to threaten weeks ago." ^asHanein Helkal, editor of model railroad hobby shop at within a few steps of their air April 18. lowing her This Tuesday, Thursday and Arab governments with loss of hours are also the same for ‘charged some I federally fl- tlons to force Hardin to Implc- craft. The carpeting for the new Depeutment officials said one the semiofficial newspaper Al his home on Rt. 0 has been de­ Moshier, public health nurse, The decision comes as a sur- program la open to the pu Friday from B a.m. to 6 p.m U.S. old If their actions at toe evidence that toe document is Charter Oak Park. nanced lawyers with filing "pol- nent school lunch programs In Airline officials say the 747 is rooms has still not arrived, and added to the committee. ’ Ahrum and a confidant of Nas­ recalcitrant counties; to block nied permission by the Planning reported that 273 children were prise, since the Board of Edu- and Monday evening from 6 to recent Arab summit conferc^e "an obvious phony” Is that It There Is skiing tonight at Itically motivated” lawsuits really a "symptom” of the basic some sinks still have to be In- Teacher Evaluations ser, said the instruction was In Romney from making urban re­ staUed. Electrical work has not cation last week, after consider­ B oy D ies 7:30 p.m. Northview on Hercules Dr., 6:80 aimed at embarrassing the Nix- and Zoning Commission to erect problem they have to meet— The board adopted a policy during the 16 school days A native of Cambridge, Maas., the form of a State Department newal grants for certain pro­ TED TRUDON, kie. been completed either, accord­ able deliberation, had waived a 16-toot-by-l8-lnch sign on his growth, about a 10 to 16 per cent governing teacher evaluations of December. A fter Fall Sgt. Broigle Is married and the manual sent to U.S. ambassa­ to 9;80' administration. jects; to prevent Secretary of VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE ing to school board chairman the policy concerning the use of ' Tolland dors In the Arab nations and property. increase In air passenger traffic as prepared by Dr. MacKenzle. Two hundred-and-twenty chil­ HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — father of three eon8. Since he Coasting Is allowed In Center accusation came Thurs- Transportation John Volpe from TOLLAND TPKE. — TALCOTTVILLE David Obok. The policy requires a written, dren were seen In the health alcoholic beverages on school England, Spain, Turkey, Af­ Springs Park until dark. Atty. Gen. Wll- approving money tor freeways 1/eet lives Just over the line per year. Ten-year-old Robert Reginald enlisted In the Army in 1966, he The carpeting is expected to formal evaluation covering the rooms for either first aid or property, opening the way for ghanistan, France and Italy. in a residential sone and regu­ "If we had not bought the 747, Abbott of East Hartford died has been stationed In Oem^any, Following is the weekend uam d . Ruckelshaus, whose clv- through Inner cities; and to at­ arrive today, but only two or work of all professional em­ illness and 63 were seen for oth­ the ball to be held In the high Zoning Hearing Sought lations state that a sign In that we still vmuld have had an In­ 'Thursday at St. Francis Hos- Vietnam, Hong Kongj Kor^'and He said It told the envoys to scheduie: n (jiyjaion has been forced to de- tack state . Welfare standards three rooms can be covered per ployes In the school system, to er reasons. school gym. area must be only 100 square crease In passenger traffic and But since the school board’s pltal, 10 days after he was hurt Fort Lewis, Washington. Ho now "raise Inter-Arab political diffi­ Skating: Center Springs Pond ^end the government against the through suits against Finch, day. be filed with the superintendent culties and divisions . . . to pre­ Inches. would have had to order 3^ He reported that the archi­ Individual and classroom announcement, some cor^trover- In an accident at his school. lives In Rockville. On Subdivision Work and Charter Oak Park, 10 a.m. lawsuits In court. (tentending there are "bound of schools on or before the sec­ teaching on the prevention and Medals Sgt. Brogie has re­ vent the summit meeting from to 10 p.m.; the Annex is sArall- Ruckelshaus, estimating his to be' some abuses” in such Leet’s home Is off the main times as many 707s to meet the tect, school principal Donald sy had arisen in the form of pe­ Robert, a fifth grader * the Penthousc Four. obtadnedi by four Arab ambassa­ End of Bombing Rt 6 into a home. He said he ary and two others will be rein- approved m exAange conoert ed when these symptoms have sist in keeping the ball In the Llprnan'has applied tor per­ mlnistratlon Is against the poor, fended only Individual cases.” Town Line Auto Body, and 4 Democratic State (Jhairm€Ui dors In Rabat. COPPER forced over the next two years, between the high school band sufficiently subsided. town of Coventry.” Kingsley mission to ' continue develop­ If they think they can file a law------was thinking of buying the prop­ p.m.. Sport Mart vs Shurway. John Bailey, Second District The editor said he could not Cuts GI Deaths erty which Is about one acre of Officials say a new three-story and the East Hampton- High Bidletin Board 'Mrs. Mdshier reported that added that, "the full coopera­ ment of toe 'subdivision In ac- suit to emlbarrass the Secretary ...... __ ,, , _ (tengressman William St. Onge vouch for the authenticity of the School band. Proceeds from the Registration for the Girls blood pressure readings and tion of some major organiza­ of Agriculture and thus gain He Agrees to Quit land, with the building behind garage to park 800 cars has cordance ^ prellnUna^ Fmsslnelll document, but added there waa (Conthmed from Page One) the Chester Gudmandson home, been built and another for 1,200 concert will be used to benefit Bakaetball League will be held urine examinations on those tions who assist in preparation votes against this administra­ GRAND OPENING plan filed with P l a i ^ and ^ave notified Democratic Town "a great possibility” It was le­ SANTA MONIGA, Calif. (AP) Pfanstlehl said he could rec- vehicles Is due for completion in the local band. tomorrow at 10 a.m. In the high children In Gilead Hill School of the ball was in doubt as a “ Lt Galley came down te tlon, they’ll do It.” In discussion, the board noted Zoning Commission prior to a chairman (tearlea Thlfault that gitimate "for the simple reason — Recording artist Johnny Riv­ BRASS gchool. requiring school physlcan ex- result” of the earlier decision Ruckelshaus said some mili­ tlfy the size of the floor space, midyear, change In the requirements of they will definitely attend the that It fits the American atl- meet the people who are start­ ers has agreed In Superior which does not conform with New check-ln counters, faster “ ^ad newr approved a dress Tax Collector Earl Beebe will amlnatlons were completed, to hold the event in the high tant lawyers, financed by OEO, code for the schools, and did not g e t a c q u a i n t e d lot size. event. tude to the letter.” ing the fund,” said Robert C. (teurt to stop keeping watch on present regulations, by building baggage conveyors and larger be at the Town Hall tomorrow She also assisted Dr. Christo- school gym. The subdivision is presently are using toe courts “ as a meth­ intend to do so. It is up to the The Rabat meeting last month Lenten, commander of Ameri­ his estranged wife Vicki. an addition. The commission de­ gates are being provided at from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., lor the pher O’Connor In the comple- "Since the Fife and Drum od for confrontation” with the Rivers, 26, whose hits Include students and school administra­ built with three-quarter acre Manchester Evening Herald ended In disarray after Arab can Legion Post 137. “ He want­ nied his request, pointing out some terminals. TWA is spend­ convenience of .those wishing to tlon ot physical examinations Ball has always been the major SPECIAL establishment. He added that he "Secret Agent Man,*’ was granf'- tors to reach an agreement on lots and 160-foot road frontage. ToUand correspondent Bette leaders could not agree on aid LEAD that It seemed Impractical to ing $9 million for a 10-story high pay their taxes In person. at the Gilead Hill School. Re- social event, done In the spirit ed to know who we were and has discussed the problem with ed Increased visitation rights what Is to be worn, they stated. Revised zoning regulatlona quatrale, tel. 876-2843. for toe Palestinian guerrillas In 6 put money into building a hotqe hangar to house two 747s. The Couples Club of the ports of the physical examlna- of good fello'wshlp, devoted what kind of people we were. OEO Director Donald Rumsfeld. with toe couple’s year-old son New Curriculum Comnnlttee strictly to charitable purposes, adopted over a year-andi-a-balf their fight against Israel. The members of the fund want- “ The problem Is that there is and still have It look like a cin- A spokesman for one airline Board member Kenneth Kay- Unlted Congregational Church tlons were sent home to par- Michael in the hearing Thurs­ NEWSPAPER will hold a skating party tomor- ents. it was felt by this committee ago, now require one-acre lots Al Ahram also said Egypt has ed to see him and find out what such a reservoir of mistrust derblock garage when it was said, "It’ll take no longer to nor volunteered to serve on a .00 with 200-foot road frontage. day before Commissioner Rex (WE HANDLE PAPER DRIVES FOR CHURCHES, that it served no purpose to Rham District asked toe Belg;ian government kind of a guy he Is. among L80 (legal services pro- BOY SCOUTS, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS) completed. The area is a rest- load 362 people on a 747 than to newly formed curriculum com- Unlver- The report of the Tuberculin Also on the ZBA hearing Mlnter. dentlal zone. toad 146 on a 707.” onwram <>* Connecticut skating rink, testing program has been promote further controversy, no SHIRTS to clarify Belg;ian newspaper re­ “ After the meeting, every- gram) attorneys against this ad- Mrs. Rivers, 24, had com­ SCRAP IRON — OTHER METALS mittee developing a I'''® rr»-- x, n j _____------° ------. . . _ matter how slight, in the ex- docket that night is a request ports that American military Joseph Narotsky, program O’Hare International Airport, for health education. _ T h « , ^ n ^ ^ ^ ‘ *'® OonnecUcut Tuber- body was absolutely satisfied ministration,” he said. "We plained of constant surveillance BATTERIES — RADIATORS — PAPERS — RAGS for toe location of a gas station supplies were loaded aboard an Also Buyers of INDUSTRIAL SCRAP chairman for the Rec Ooisici!, Chicago—Patrick Dunn, manag- Items to be Included In the Church PUgrim ^ low rid p will culosls and Respiratory Disease ecutlon of toe annual ball," School Paper and went to work like toe dick- have an obligation to do some- by her husband during recent ON HANG€R WITH YOUR at toe comdr of Rt. 196 and Israeli freighter at toe Belgian asks that women interested In or, says they have already han- curriculum are a course In fam­ hold a parent’s night Sunday at Association. This organization Kingsley said. "In toe spirit of ens. Lt. Galley expressed hds thihg about this kind of political J^onths TELEPHONE 872-6687 port of Zeebrugge. 989 HARTFORD TURNPIKE ROCKVILLE, CONN. 06066 Jodning an adult exercise cl'ass died as many as 260 passengers ily living, or sex education,” 6 at the church. supplies the materials used In ■harmony we have elected un­ Baxter St. as requested by satisfaction and his apprecla- dispute.” They were married Dec. 30, DRY CLEANiNG Names Editor Two B e l^ n newspapers had JHours; contact Wm. He said question-, aboard some “ stretched DC8s Superintendent of Schools Dr. this prog^ram. animously to hold the bail at George Vakalls of Hartford. tlon.” Among the lawsuits being de- 1668, and separated two months reported that American and nalres were sent home through that gave us a taste of the 747. Kenneth MacKenzle said. . Advertisement— During this month, Mrs. toe Manchester Armory." The area is in a commercial Karen Person has been nam­ The ■ 26-year-old officer, first fended by civil division attor- later. A final hearing on their 7 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. MON. ffini FRI. French arms were being loaded man charged in toe Army’s neys, Ruckelshaus said, are atxidents In the three upper It hasn’t bothered us too much. The study of narcotics addlc- B-4 You Buy, CXJMPARiE Moehier plane to complete vl. Members of toe Ball (temmit­ cxjmFa h e zone. ed editor-in-chief of Rham High divorce action has not been aboard the freighter TamM. SAT 7;00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. grades, but he added, "I know We could handle a couple of the tlon would also be Included, he PRICES on screening of all children in tee, in addition to Kingsley and t h e s e Boys League School’s new newspaper, ‘TThe investigation of the alleged mas- complaints brought by LSO law- scheduled. The articles were accompanied sacre of civilians, smiled as he yers against Secretary of Agri- there are many homes Into 747s now.” The city is spending added. It Is hoped to eventually Furniture at R-Best' ” ' Fumltwe; both schools. ’Ihe report will be his wife, are Jehn Laoek, Mrs. FRIOEB The Tolland Boys League will Rham Horn.” 'which the questionnaire did not ^300 million to enlarge O’Hare start the curriculum on the Route 83; Vernon, Conn. Tel. forwarded to the Connecticut Michael Perce, Mrs. Paul hold a planning meeting Mon­ Just prior to Christmas vaca­ by photographs. greeted legion leaders at Jack- culture (Clifford Hardin, Secre- A A Belgian Foreign Ministry go and I’m sure there are many and smaller Midway Airport. A fourth gprade level, but for now 876-8209 or 876-9162. State Department of Education. Boardman, Mrs. Paul Diehl, day at 7 p.m. In toe United tion, toe students, with Gerard sonvdlle International Airport, tary of Housing George Romney spokesman said the French women Interested In the pnv- jsg million, five-level parking It will be geared lor Grades 6 An enrironmental survey of Robert Garrepy and Donald Oongregational Cteurch Build­ NauU as faculty advisor, organ­ But he was tight lipped 1th and Secretary of Welfare Rob- equipment was not bound for Is­ newsmen. ert H. Finch. gram.” lot is plamned for O’Hare along through 12. Manchester Evening Herald both schools will also be taken Young. Donald Davis will, serve ing. ized a Journalism class. For the Bette as treasurer again this year, rael but declined to say where It He was whisked to an undls- The largest number—23—are Narotsky laso wants to know enlauged terminals, nui- Members of the committee in ToUand correspondent during the month. According to league president first few weeks, the newspaper LOOK HOW LIH LE IT COSTS TO HAVE AN ELEGANT Kingsley announced. Ladies' was headed. The spokesman did closed place for toe meeting and aimed at forcing toe federal how many are Interested in at­ way extensions and a rapid elude a science teacher, school Quatrale, tei. 876-2846. Then In February, school phy­ Men's , Bruce Stewart, toe meeting will will be mimeographed! but tending karate classes. “We transit line. Worship Services be devoted to reviewing toe not deny toe American materiel party, and where he stayed ov- government to implement com- sical examinations at the He­ Suits l i S eventually toe class hopes to was destined for Israel. Port au­ ernight was a closely guarded modlty distribution or food have had requests for sue,a Logan Imematlonal Airport, Sunday worship services at league’s bylaws. The ieagite’s bron Elementary School €ire Second (tengregatlohal Church SuHs 1.2$ print toe paper as a regular thorities originally had said toe secret. stomp programs in areas where classes,” he said, "and we Boston—Over the past three scheduled to beg;in on the third. 1970 season will begin In a Directors Hear Two Views have been moved back one hour Plain Dresses 1.2S newspaper. ship’s destination was Naples. Lenten said (Jalley was to re- neither service Is being used to would Mke to get an Idea of how years, nmways, taxlways and Also, a measles immunization few ihqnths, Stewart stated, much Interert there really Is.” to 10 a.m., to that toe congre­ Pantc 4 2 Along with Miss Person, other ■The Israeli military command turn to Ft. Benning, Ga., today, feed the poor. ramx>B have been strengtoened. clinic tor children from one to with the first registration ses­ He also said'that girls who gation now meets at toe same Skirts 4 9 officers of the paper are John said it has repatriated to Leba­ “ No questions were asked Ruckelshaus said toe poverty The new North Terminal has On Snow Removal in Town 12 years of age Is scheAiled to sion to be held March 14 from can skate, regardless of age, hour as church school. This per­ Sport Jackets .99 Baron, associate editor; Ken about what happened In 'Viet- lawyers are directing their fire tiers designed for the 747 and until 3p.m. non a suspected terrorist cap­ may Join the figure skating One compliment and one com- said that the dvureh members ^ Sweaters 49 Wright, news editor; Sandy nam, either at the meeting or at toe wrong target. Instead, he tor the projected supersonic mits parents to attend church He urges all of last year’s tured during a raid into Leba­ classes. w ...» — nlalnt both .Deriainlntr to snow- are concerned over reports that to February by the Columtola services at the same time that Gar Goats J

z' S /


agricultural country to an ur­ statistical board and the chief Bldltor Sports Editor Soviets Take banized, industrialized .state. organizer of the census, told a Nancy Macomber Jerry Katona Carol Coleys Soft Voice All persons, including foreign recent nows conference that the PACT Feature Editor Senior Editor today's FUNNY residents and travelers, are census more or less follows the Betsy Hunter Linda Jacobs Tempers Her Militancy Nose Count being asked 11 questions. Includ­ recommendations of the United S CHOOL W ORLD ing sex, age, ethnic backgroiuid, Nations census agency. languages si»ken, education He said some questions on the By JOHN VINOCUR not only not black she isn't a hu­ This Year VOL. XXXIL No. 15 AnnoUted Preaa Writer man being. and means of support. Every U.N. list were dropped because FRIDAY JANUARY 16 Compiled by Students of Manchester High School Mrs. Joyce Don, Faculty Advisor- "I know for a while every­ fourth person Is being asked they were "improper” — how BINGO PARIS (AP) — Carol Cole, By MICHAKL JOHNSON seven more questions covering many children a woman has the daughter o f . Nat "King’’ where I was going to for inter­ Associated Press WriU^r such items as profession, length given birth to, and religious EVERY MONDAY-8 P.M. Cble, played her first movie views in New York had a slave movie in the mill. Now where’s MOSCOW (AP) — Census tak­ of residence at presjent address, preference, for example. 26 VILLAGE STREET. ROCKVILLE part In a Dean Martin film. and previous address. "The studio thought they were that at? You know that’s getting ers set out in reindeer sleighs, P. A. C. RALLROOM Rifle Team Wins Matches A Thomson’s gazelle can run ’ back Into mammy costumes and Bespectacled 'Vladimir Star- ^Cold Indians doing euch a favor for me. Here helicopters and on foot yester­ almost 50 miles an hour. Three times a week, In the doing the Deep South bit.” kovsky, head of the central I was a Mack ginl in a tiger skin day to make the first full-scale basement of Waddell School, The militant sound Is always with Dean Martin. ’The tall kept canvas 'a t the Soviet population the shooting goes on. If you getting caught everywhere.” tempered by a soft voice, and Unable To Win took the time to overcome any an Ironic tone. Yet it Is interest­ in 11 years. The film was a disaster, she More than 700,000 persons fear you might have and walk­ ing from the daughter of a black ney defense were the biggest says, but she feels she gpt the with pencils and questionnaires' At M orhrty Brothers "So goes the weather, so go ed downstairs, you would see entertainer sometimes re­ factors In the Manchester de­ Job on her own. in X>and will be knocking on the Indians." the 24 earnestly practicing proached by other Negroes for feat. Fouls also took their toll "My main thing at the start doorkxfor the next eight days, SmbI*I ParohaN tf This quote describes the per­ members of Manchester High’s not having spoken out more di­ LINCOLN-MERCURY announces the on the Manchester sqimd, with was not to use Daddy's name to gather!^, the information, with y • Rifle Team. open any doors. I’m not very rectly on civil rights matters. (P H70 NfA, IM. 1969 ChryiUrt and formance of the Manchester Dave Wooley, Brian Maher and The Rifle Team Is unusual in which to Xihart the changes in Dadgti High School basketball team so Chuck Lankford all fouling out. good at that anyway, dropping "Daddy had his own way of the staggeringly diverse Soviet the fact that it Is one team that far this season. The Indians Maher was the high scorer for in to some place and saying ’Hi, doing it,” Carol Cole says. population anyone may Join, and no one Newport. — Polirli ^^Montego Action Special!*^ have been cold In all of their Manchester with 12 points, fol- I’m Carol Cole, the daughter of Her own childhood was "very He Culls for Treating It is the first censU^ organized has to worry about being "out." — Dirt. flrst eight games and simply Iqwed by Jim Balesano with 10. . . .’ I can think of some very special” because she not only for analysis by Minsk'^32, Rus­ Anyone who wishes to Join, Welfare-Noted Addicts haven’t been able to get tin- The following Friday the In- specific examples of daughters was black but a star’s daughter. sia’s basic computer. Prelimi­ |A II Lew , low M ilin e . M any needs only to buy a gun (which HARTFORD (AP — Speedy tracked. Coach Moriarty has dlans traveled to Conard, and and k>ns of stars who've done it "I was cut off from a feeling of nary findings are expected in W ith A ir C onditioninf. Price I could cost cmywhere from $40- plans and organization within been frantically switching per- again came out on the short the other way though, people blackness and mV sense of about three mohths. $160), a 76 cent box of ammu­ the State Welfare Department Sugtgeated Retail Price Advantage! , sonnel, trying to find the right end of a 86-46 score. Again the with no talent w ly’ve done a black and white wasn’t clear. (Covering a land mass more Tmifio Savinp nition (which Is enough for 60 to set up treatment for addicts combination, but with little sue- Indiana stayed close for three lot." The distinctions were almost than twice as large as that of rounds) and see A. Allbrio, whom the department comes in cess. The Indians still have i l ‘^quarters, but couldn’t break She mentioned Nancy Sinatra nil. But as I hit my teens I Just the United States, many of the coach. contact with Were called for BUICK SKYLARK Lois Stedey Beau Thurnauer games to go, however, and are through In the fourth, although as one, adding acidly, “ I have began to find out a lot of stuff— no.se counters are also up S 2 9 1 1 « 3 0 4 There are four positions used ’Tliursday by the state legisla­ hoping to salvage at least a they were down by only six too much pride in my father’s ugliness and discrimination. But against formidable winter 69CHRYS. *2645 for shooting; when practicing name to try singing.” ture’s Interim Welfare Commit­ semblance of success for the pdlnts with three minutes left the members shoot exactly os I was saved from really most of tee. weather. N f w p o r t 4*D r. S tdan. auttm tt* Legion of Honor Now Carol Cole is in Paris for it.” January brings the worst of ie, radio, pow ar •tta rin f. Lew » S 9 0 9 OLDS CUTLASS « 3 0 2 rest of the season. In 'the g^me. they do for a meet. These posi­ According to the group’s co- m l l a i . On Tuesday, Jan. 6 the Indl- High men for Manchester what she says is a good part in Now, she has almost the feel­ the heavy ices snow and plung­ MONTEGO tions are: Kneeling, offhand a good picture-—an American chairmen, State Sen. Thomas ir A'bby, ‘If every teenager In Man' ans traveled to East Hartford were Bill Peoples and Bill (standing), sitting (Ooss-leg- ing that a giant house, a swim­ Dupont, D-Danielson, and State ing temperatures, slowing out­ nurse in "Promise at Dawn” DODGE 440 "A c tio n " ave a problem. My moth- Chester High School could laugh for a noh-league game against Maher, each with ten polnU, fol- ged) and prone (lying). ming pool, a coming-out party Rep. Morris Cohen, D-Bloom- door work of all kinds except » 2 8 S 6 S 2 4 9 Rifle Team members from left to right are Whitman West, ’71, in the kneel­ which has Melina Mercouri di­ 1964 Dodge $2495 or «av« thnt i should m Vet When they get themselves Into Penney. Penney, who had” been lowed by Chuck Lankford Md In a match, each team Is al­ and a lack of black friends fleld, plans shoidd be. formu­ snowplowing. ing position; Paul Lorenzen, ’70, in sitting position, and John Abbe, ’70, in a rected by her husband Jules IPolara 4-Dr. Sedan. SPECIAL! y ^ B certain situations, life would be 2-6 prior to the game, easily Jim Balesano with nine points lowed to have ten members robbed her of a harder, perhaps lated immediately "imd assign­ ’The census will indicate, prone position. (Photo by Buceivicius) Dassin. more involved in what's hap- a lot easier to take, and those defeated Manchester by the apiece. shoot, and then their scores are more valuable, heritage. ments made within the depart­ among other information, how S 2 8 1 3 PLYM. SATELLITE S 2 o e Dressed in wild, swirly harem penlng at my school —like my situations would seem like noth- score of 76-48, sending the In- Tuesday the Indians played at "I ’ve had moments when I’ve ment to assist drug dependent rapidly the Russian language is added up. The top five scores pants and her hair in a kind of girlfriend, Lois Steely. I don’t *"8 at all." ed and nobody knows who has things. So what do they do, they ority to build 120 low-rent hous­ jjuni. come involved in as many ac- withheld a Smiles’ drive, stop- Smlles’ ^Tlm Decanney, de- and of course so that you will which set. Second, there are no The following seniors from zen, Paul Emmerllng, Don have a television series Hke ’Ju­ ing units for the elderly, Sen. ‘TtOW filV im i EXCELLENT And Abby above all this Lois sports and clubs as you ping the V.S.s 38-29 In a fierce ]jgf,tjng the near-capacity not cheat. Of course. While you answers written at all — Just the d a s B of ’70 have been ac­ Palmer, Greg Kelly, Matt Dun- lia’. God. It Isn’t unreal, it’s to­ Abraham Rlbicoff announced 68 6HRYS. <2095 Is one of the friendliest oeonle from trying to get battle of the boards. ■ crowd as smiling Tim took off are waiting for the tests to be- little circles which are colored cepted: Steve Armstrong, Drew field, Nancy Hubbard, Paul tally out of this world. Julia is Thursday. ALLOWANCES FOR OSED CARS-!" around She tells me her philo- grades possible anji Playing for toe Smiles were ’ cleverly deceived gin, you will hear little sounds in. Third, everyone is a quarter University, Madison, N.J Desjeunes, Whitman West, Rob­ I N e w p o r t 2-D eor. radio, hoater, ert Trotter, Eugene Montany, I autom atic, douU a pow ar. of a mile from eveiyone else and fourth, there are monitors Rhode Island; Jane Htoock, Stephen Boland, Vicky Glass, .„d h.r pi», ,or',h.siS'„d" G .^ .sis. {pT KvSiS'“ Sf swarming all over the place. Mlddlrt)ury College, Vermont; Thomas Luke, Tom Panatelo, 1970 67 6HEV. <1295 ture reflect this outlook. After „nd Mexican food are some of Tom; Greg Johnston, Bud shirtlMs cohorts Md th rw do talk ^ d do Mt open If anyone could look on your LAiry KiUgiit, University of Robert <2haves, Rickey Mufini, Melvin Bidwell, Mike Peretto, B a t A i r 4-D r. Sadan, f-cyl., graduating from Lycoming Col- Beau’s greatest likes. He’ll re- Peterman and Robert W. Car- Wm a perfect pass. Nino Bale- test »»oklet unUl <^rect^ to do paper, count the number of Rhode Island; Nancy Macom- radio, b ta ftr, autom atic. lege, where she has recently member MHS for its basketball ter, all being coached by the sano was called in from the so. We like the last directiveboxes, and copy yur answer, her, Simmons College, Boston; Alan Agoetlnelll. 1965 FO R D Moriarty Brothers been accepted for admission, and football games, the cafete- knowledgeable leader. Chip sidelines to help Jim Kaiser of- because It is so necessary; LSJ ’70 we would like to know how. But Diane Paptneau, Pembroke, Mustang 2-Door Hardtop 67 6AMPER <1495 "UaooIn-Mercury-WUlyB Jeop-Toyot*” Lois hopes that her Spanish ria, coed volleyball and the Conran and his able assistant ficiate, but Balesano was put printed in bold type on the frontwe can understand the rule R.I.; Scott Roberts, (Jutonlplac, J language background will help swimming practices. Baron Maher. under protest and forced to of eyery test booklet are theabout no talking while we’re New Haven; Nancy Rohan, Students who took the Col­ • S4WEKD TBANB. I V o t k t w a f f t f l w i t h c a m p i n g her iri being a social worker. The best qualities a person The M of Ms received a big turn in his whistle after it was words DO NOT OPEN TEST lege Board Examinations In • t-TONK PAINT I a q u l p m a n t . SOI OENTBIB STREET MANCHESTER taking the test — we need quiet OWo Werfeyan; Joyce^ Rttoin, either In the US or Latin Ameri- can have are, "courage, com- lift In their starting line-up learned he was partial to the BOOKLET UNTIL DIRECJTED and Mark December may pick up their • RADIO Open Eves. Except 'nniraday "On Hie level At Center A Broad” 64S-S1S5 to concentrate, at any rate. But Drew Unlverrtty, • WHITBWAIXS $1995 can countries. sen.se, being an tndiv’dual, as Dave "Bulldog” Hassett Join- Smiles. to do so. But we can’t be ex- after the tests have already Wlnxler, Upeala CoUege, New scores, in the Guidance Office MANY OTHERS TO Lois’ talent is recognized out- ‘‘ •'d a sense of humor” while he ed theteam after serving his ^11 of theVertical Smiles’ pected to obey this, since from their individual counsel- Plot Freight been collected, after everything CHOOSE FROM side of MHS too Abby. Last hypocrisy is a bad trait, apprenticeship with the varsity hopes were left in shambles as can’t read yet. is over, when you're Just sit- ___ L&7, '70 ora. Complete with 170 CID Six, fally synchronized 3- summer she was Mked to sing “ n** should prevail rath- team. Other Coach Conran’s boys suffered gtep 2 :You are told another ting there like a dummy vytth speed manual transmission, Tartan plaid upholstery, at the University of Ctonnectl- ®*'^an a serious outlook. bers ^ e ® Roinh Pern- Devanney, who eight times not to talk. nothing In front of you, you are 2-speed windshield wipers with washers, duai hy­ out for a FuUbright Scholars’ f sustained Internal injuries and gtep 3 : Now, after being told sUll ordered not to talk - and If *995 draulic hraUng system and 36,000 miles or 36 Chorches You'll never guess how much reunion. What impressed her S b /n .S r S cTS jS? R u S ^ d ^o leave the game. „ot to talk, you may open your you talk, you will have your A the most about this unforgett- o t o t e r - S m u g D c ^ m . « ^ *>tg lift for the test booklet for the purpose of name sent in to the CEEB In months hetween naajor chassis lubes. of Manchester TED TRUDON. hie. able experience was the fact |„ contact wlthpeople which dn T h e first quarter saw several Merchants of Menace (2-1), as whipping out your answer sheet. Princeton, 80 Oakland St. VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE the 1970 CHEVELLE that all these people, most not " players getting baskets as U.u they moved up the Intramural you must whip It out because, will send your little blacklisted VM.LAND TPKE. — TALCOTTVILLB DILLON SALES & SERVICE Manchester - 643-2791 speaking the same language, handle yourself with peojde In MofMs grabbed a 9-7 advan- L «a ^ e L a ^ er while the V.S.s 1, y follows: Nancy Chevrette, Lin­ $40 which Includes the renting NOW wall tires. Wheel covers atory student and Is machine diving. Oo:-ard's year long de­ da Moorhouse, Joe Dcciocio, of the scuba-dlvlng gear. The $1895. ' -+ orientated. Emphasis is placed dlcation to the sport Guidance Department Trade Your Car Troubles carried Fran ftiello, Pat Dowds, Nash requirements for the course are on Increasing reading ef- them successfully, Roulette, Anthony Slogesky, that each member be a good 1968 F-100 Pick-up 1966 GALAXIE 500 ficlency, on building 'reading Manchester, now 2-1 for its Jim Pashalls, Don Scott, Dana swimmer and pass a rigid phy Serves Many Need§^ 1968 TORINO GT confidence, on developing better young season, will host Wethers­ Robertson, Ed Poutre, Bob sical examination by his family Black, 2 door hardtop, Black vinyl top, Automatic Blue, Heavy duty. Vinyl trim, I oam cushions. Gauges, Gold, 2 door Hardtop, Automatic transmission. V-8 for A Reliable ”OK” Used Car study performance and oft' ft field today at 3:30 p.m. Peck, Rick Murphy, Bryant physician. The Guidance Department at bound seniors and will be send- transmission, V-8 engine. Power steering. Power brakes, Limit slip axle. ICC lights, 55 amp Alt., 70 amp bait.. engine. Power steering, Power brakes. Vinyl scats, general polishing of reading 1BB8 CM3RVBTTE $4Z4S. 1967 MUSTANG $1795 1960 NOVA 69695 Pete Walden ’71 The purpose of the club Is to m h !^ is■ concerned with much ing notices to parents of Juniors H.D. front & rear springs, Stylcsidc Radio, While sidewall tires. Wheel . skills. The student may accum­ Robertson and Mike Jutrls Radio, Bucket scats, White sidewall Coupe. 4-speed, power Sport Coupe. V-6, 3-speed 2-Door. 6-cyi., auiortMiUc, AU work In retail stores In Increase interest in water more than the administration of on the subject of course elc- on floor, radio, whitewalls. radio, cuaUitn trim. ulate ^4 credit when the class wide oval tires. NOW steerUig, FM radio, posl- Manchester and receive credit sports. Increase diving skills SATs and the guidance of stu­ tion.s for their senior year. 6 NOW NOW $1895. $1445. traotion, red .color. meets twice a week for two $1995. dents in the election of courses 1966 CHEVROUCT |172S 1968 CHEVROLET 59045 semesters or credit when the G u id an c e N otes from school for their Job train- and promote safety in diving, The department has aUlts dis­ for the coming year. Each one Impata Super Sport Coupe Bel Air Hbatkin Wagon. class meets twice a week for dng os well as a salary. Many future aettvittes ore plan- posal statistics concerning pre­ 1967 OliDS. 6904S with bucket seats, V-8, V-8, Md. traiw., radio, Representatives visiting MHS Sue Ross '70 ned, such as ice dives, scientif- of the guidance counselors at vious graduating classes (board automaiUc, power steering, one semester. Cutlasa Supreme Sport gold color, (vne rAvn«r. during the week of Jan. 26 are ______Ic dives and club dives to near­ MHS Is Interested in the scores, schools where they ap­ radio. These courses may be continu­ as follows: Notice — The by lakes and shores. progress and adjustment of plied, if they were accepted, 's Sedan. V-8, automatic, ed In college and are helpful Scholarship SPECIAL of the W EEK power steering, vinyl rooi, 1967 OHEVY’^n 51595 1060 RAMBLER 92505 . j . 4 j.. Tuesday, Jan. 27: Green pontine Industry Association The Deep-Sixers have made each student, not only In etc.) and sound strips about ap­ radio. Javelin Hpr^rt Oaipe. 5- membership open to any stu­ their plans' for the future. plication to college as well os Nova 4-Door Sedan. 6- S. cyl., automatic, radio, cyl., automatic, p'Avar colleges at 9.30 a.m. ship program, offering 20 or dent, facul^ niember or alum- ” We are concerned -with individual college film strips. blue finish, whitewalls, staering, radir/, grssn fin­ BO becomes accustomed to Um Wednesday, Jan. 28: College scholarships for seniors nl. There Is still time to Join. If every student In the school, not 1967 CHEVROLET 6159S ish, buclut s«ata. Ing, pressure and various types In the tutuire, the department |967 VpLKSVyAGEN BUS one owner oar. /w«r Kareo Winter ’71 The National Merit Scholar­ Electronics I mlng for all the students. Sedan. V-8, automatic, sU«1*ig, radkc WMLm col- ship Qualifying Test will be aid has never before been offer­ radio, vlnvl roof, blue fin­ A new course Is being add­ The empltasls In the guidance ish. power Slewing, reoio. or. given on Feb. 14. Registration It's ” Cran) Week” at your ed to college-bound seniors as ed to the MHS curriculum. deportment Is on the individual. Please Note—Jan. 80 and 81— ^ the Outdance Office should School Store. If you are wor- Electronics I will be offered a group. SALES Another new feature Is the Although each counselor has 400 Friday and Saturday — Mother pe by Feb. 6. rled about the mid-semester second aomerter, periods A, Armed Forces Test Battery of students, thpy are alvrays In­ Courage and Her ChUdrer( a ------exams, stop In and plqk up E, F, O. Students who Vrish aptitude tests that will be o f terested In meeting with their hard-hitting, deep, emotional Seniors-The Creative School so)no time .savers like: French to elect this course should drama, comes to Mftnoheater of Hairdressing Is again offer- verb blanks, German study fered In the spring for Juniors students. Students are welcome FITZGERALD secure a change form from tuid seniors Interested in find- to visit the Guidance Office dur­ Tickets are now avaUable from Ing full or partial tuition schol- guides, drafting triangles and a their guldartce counselor. CONVENIENT HARTFORD NATIONAL BANK TIME PAYMENT PLAN ing their abilities for Job op- Ing study halls. They ara re- I^'OPEN 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sock44„vn and— Buskin______members.______You ships for 1970 seniors. Appllca- variety of other nuiterials. We The teacher hired to Instruct (Heiakl photo by Bucelvlriuu) may neft agree with what the tlon forma are available In the are open every morning from poriunltles. The Guidance Ds- minded to p(ck up passes before this partment has sent reminder school. R O C K V IL L E 875-3369 643-2485 Katy Milsaps, 71, watches a sound-film strip about play aays, but give It a chance. Guidance Office ‘ bbtore March 7:45 to 8:06 dlrecUy acrosa from recent OCSC graduate. / WINDSOR AYE. — ROUTE\83 inuln office. notices to parents of college- Trica visitinfl colleges in the Guidance office. at leaat'consider coming. 20, 1970. the

""'•'a, r ,^r-^ Y Iff V ’- ■ \\ r f


\ . THE Hera Id A ngle Yale Considers Moral Victory Joe Frazier Honored NEW YORK (AP)—Joe hc will defend his share against 1069 fights, four by knockouts. He won the 147-pound title from By Frazier, who holds a share Jimmy Ellis, the World Bfixlng Association tltleholder, Feb, 16 Curtis Cokes on a knockout and of the disputed world stopped him again in a rematch EARL YOST at Madison Square Garden. Sports Editor heavyweight boxing title, aqd also successfully defended Although Frazier had only two against ex-champ Emile Grif­ was named today as win­ Probation fights In 1969, a one-round fith. Notes from the Little Black Book ner of the Edward J. Neil knockout over Dave Zyglewlcz In the balloting of the writers, Good to learn that football will be added to Hie sports Memorial Award as the out­ in Houston, April 22, and a sev­ Frazier received 21 votes, Nii- progfi’am at South Windsor High next fall. It will be ishment for severe recrultUy^ day to decide whether enth-round technical knockout ples 11. WASHINGTON 4AP) In any way," Henry Chauiicey for participating—oven though NCAA. standing fighter of 1969. only on an informal basis with a jayvee schedule the Jr., , special assistant to the he had Yale’s permission—In The NCAA Council, the nn- vlolatlons-therc was no word "^‘ ^ ^ ntlon late next The annual award by the Box­ over Jerry Quarry, June 23. the In companion awards by the In Tel tlonal group’s policy making on whether Yale would appeal nual ECAC ^onvem.on ing Writers Association is writers considered his perform- writers, announced Thursday, following year.vonr ------Fii'st tastc of vai’sity , play. . will be in Despite being^^\aced on president of Yale, said Tliurs- the Maccabiah Games month. 1972. The school couldn’t go wrong in giving serious two years nlxibation by ^ay night after the school was Aviv last summer. body and the committee which the decision. " The' EC AC contends it has the named in hononof Noil, former fl^ e both in and out of the ring Yancy (Yank) Duriinm, Fra- consideration to the application of Pat Mistretta, former the National Collegiate punished for not ' backing the Although other Maccabiah handed out the probation, also ’The NCAA’s action, however, probationary Associated Press boxing writer ab outstanding and worthy of zier’s manager-trainer, was the award that went to light named winner of the Al Buck Manchester High luid West Vir- Athletic Association for its NCAA in its latst power struggle sports ,had NCAA approval, bas- reprimanded and censured the may have eased the pressure o ^ contends who was killed in Spain In 1988 heavyweight champ Bob Foster Memorial Award as Manager of gtnla Wesleyan athlete, now o , T h e r e willing>^anding>^a continued use with the Amateur AthleticAthleUc Un- ketball was not sanctioned In prestigious Ivy League institu- the ECAC to punish Yale. In a _ , jitutlon calls for while covering the Civil War. another effort to persuade the tion and said that before the stormy session yuesday in con- nunlsh- Frazier, 26, is unbeaten in 24 last year. the Year, and Murray Good­ coaching at RockvUle High. . . p ^aasketball a s player de- nection with the NCAA's an- expulsion as the only punlsh- GU Hodges has been named Signs of the (Inflationary) AAU to give up its fight. probation expires Jan. 15, 1972, professional starts since wln- “Tbe only other boxer nominat- man, veteran boxing publicist, red ineligible by the na- ‘^“ ’^er. a e-foot-S reserve cen- convention, the ECAC ment. . » . *v. Man of the Year by Sport mag- times: Cassius Clay will be paid yv. had become a pawn in the The two-year prolxition meims the NCAA’s infractions commit- nual nlhg the Olympic heavyweight ed was Jose Napoles, the wel- was named winner of the James ion s two largest college between the NCAA and Yale cannot participate in any tee will review Yule’s athletic slappedsnipped Yale with probation un- If the ECAC V J. Walker Memorial Award for aiine. . . . President Ray $200,000 for the rights to prii^ .. v i tt • ...... ------...... ■' ' championshlp at Tokyo in 1964. terwelght champ who Is Cuban- KEVIN FALL8 OHUOK LANKFORD tU June 30, 1971, and then with- unlikely step Veairue long and meritorious service to Blanco of the Manchester his life story. Clay recelve^a spoils groups, j AAU for control over amateur NCAA championships or post- policies and^ractlces. the other seven Ivy Lieogue Recognized in six states and born but now rfesldes In Mexico, East CaUioUc Manchester Chapter of Approved Baseball $60,000 first payment for^ the sity today considered itself basicetbalfin the United States, season meeU and tourmiments ' Although Yale said it consid- drew It three hours later after — undoubtedly would some foreign nations as champ, Napoles, 29, won all five of his boxing. Umpires notes than a combin- book to be published b y ^ e end a moral victor. He was ruled, ineligible by the and is ineligible to appear on ered t ^ a harsh , .-uncil oult the nation’s largest confer- ed clinic for both regular board of the year. . .Retire^'New York— - " I t 's important to record that NCAA and its affiliate, the East, any national television program alty—Florida States basketball The ECAC s executive ® Q Jack Longer was not penalized em College Athletic Conference, or series administered by the team was given the same pun- will meet in New York next r r ' *** ______Bulls Rampage, Suns on Rise and Little League staff mem- Giant end Aaron ’Thomas has a Sports Viewing Eagles Home, bers will be conducted shortly, ggat on the Ne\y Vork Stock Ex- Men interested may contact A1 change. ’The eight-year tight end ^Guilt hy Implication’ 8ATUBOAY Cowles. . . . Baseball prices ^ master’s degree from Ore- Coaches Grid 1:00 ( 8) ECAC Basket­ for schoolboy baseball games 33 Thomas Surging Phoenix ball: Temple vs. have been upped to $20 per man ^ fh the 49ers before Navy for aJl varsity games and up to york. . . Joe Game Moved Namath and Dawson 2:00 (80) AFL All-Star Indians Away $22.M in 1971 per agreement by ^^^^son has been named the Game the SUte B ^ and the CIAC ^ork Giants’ most valu- LUBBOCK, Tex. (AP) — The Surprises Bullets 4:00 ( 8) Golf Classic governing body of the high .. 1 annual .Coaches All American able player three times in the ^ Ponder Damage Suits 5:00 (30) Wonderful World By DEAN YOST schools. N EW YORK (A P )— Bulls on the rampage, Suns on of Golf High sch(X)l hoopsters continue to dominate the local last live years, yet has never Atlanta, has been the rise. been named to the Eastern Dl- moved to Lubbock, N EW YORK (A P )— Joe Namath and Len Dawson ( 8) World of Sports and area scene during the winter months. Of the three That was the way it went in the National Basketball Off the Cuff vision Pro Bowl team . . . Bos- officials of the American are having their lawyers look into the possibility of SUNDAY town teams, only East Catholic (8-2) plays home Tip Department: If you ton Celtic group nights, at which Football Coaches Assn, satd damage suits against persons responsible foi naming Association Thursday night as the streaking Chicago 1:55 ( 8) NBA: Knicks vs. against neighboring East Hartford High (1-8) tonight. planning on watching Bullse whipped Cincinnati 130-120 and the surging time groups of 20 or more may jones Stadium will be the site them in a nationwide probe of gambling in sports. Celtlce Cheney Tech (0-10) la Idle and Phoenix Suns ^surprised Baltimore 124-115.' 3:30 ( 3) NFL: Pro Bowl Manchester High (0-9) plays Northwest Catholic and dropped Kou'^l purchase tickets at half price for the 10th annual game be- "This is guilt by ‘m pli^tlon/’ the game after scoring elgM ball game at Fenway Park this are Jan. 23 against Detroit and tween the cream of the grad------—— —— Clem Haskins and Chet Walk- Wethersfield High (3-6) at said Namath, quarterback of „De„„,tely.” consecutive victories. season now is the time to get Jan. 28 against Philadelphia- In uated senior crop when East cr combined for 30 first quarter Trinity College in a (JCIL game. the New York Jets Hank Stram received a tcle- Tom Sullivan, Tom Juknis, your tickets. The Boston Red an effort to boost sagging atten- meets West. The June 27th points at Chicago ^nd the Bulls Other high school action to­ Six report ticket sales have ” It was a cruel thing.” added pj,one call from President Nixon (Herald jrfioto by Bucelvidua) Everyone’s went on to match a club high of Boston Patriots night finds Ellington (4-6) play­ Ed Fitzgerald, Ed Rowley and dance, the Celts will give away game will be telecast nationally Dawson, who led the Kansas thg Super Bowl Game in John Socha is the unit Coach 6 been soaring, the best in his-; W H AT’S THIS?— It’s only a gag, as Manchester policeman Vito Perrone locks five consecutive victories. ing South Wlnd-TOr (8-1) at the 6 a teevee set to the group that by ABC; Stan Ogradnik wild depend on tory at this time of the year . . . most tickets for Excess funds from the game City (Jhiefs to an upset 23-7 vie- ^^Ich the President said he Connie Hawkins and Gail Field Six Stars Bobcats' home court in an tory over the Minnesota Vikings the President was quot- mark— -I. the»u. first ti».>time f^o ______.__ for the contest. ery CYO. Prelim starts at 6:30 with boxing exhibitions set for the halftime. Well, maybe they haven’t place in the Western Division, brought the ‘"big play” to an Hill (6-1) and in another COC Middletown will join the Hart­ m „ sppear at the Rod and Custom reported, will be summoned for aaying to Stram. created a dynasty, but every- four games off Atlanta's pace. exciting Boston Patriots offense game Bacon Academy (4-3) is ford County (Conference along brothers will participate. Tom Hartford Armory questioning by government ,p^g president telephoned Van Arsdale ^ r fo i^ s with Cin- body in the American Basket- while Phoenix has climbed with- will be among six Patriots who j^gg^gd by (3-6) Coventry High, with East, South, Northwest investigative forces working out Dawson after the game and cinnati and Dick is with the ______Phipps . . Shaw .. Owens.. Pittman,. Otis Rank High ball Association is primed to in two games of fourth place ^in be out to play a major Manchester High, in action Catholic and Pulaski High of attraction among the personall- Pilots and A’s SA V E !— Los Angeles goalie Wayne Rutledge comes out of the net to stop of Detroit. congratulated the quarterback. Phoenix Suns, both in the beat the Denver Rockets, who San Francisco. joje for the East squad in Satur- for the first time this season New Britain. 1. ties will be racing champion shot by Boston’s Rick Smith in National Hockey League action last night. The report was made by the who was voted the game’s out- downed Dallas 126-123 for their The Bulls shot to a 17-point day’s American Football against Wethersfield, wUl field a Western Division. The breftere Andretti. More than $2 In Player Deal Also, a present non-league National Broadcasting Compa- standing player, 12th straight victory Thursday lead early in the fourth quarter. League All-Star Game. Quar­ determined team despite 10 school that will join a con­ were both second round picks in ’The Seattle Pilots obtained ny, which said its information On the television tape broad- night. but Oscar Robertson, who hit 10 1965, Dick by New York and ‘I IS ever Think About Breaking Records’ Annual Pro Football Grab Bag terback Mike Taliaferro, AFL consecutive losses. ference Is East Granby. The will be on display. pitcher Lew Krausse, catcher came from unnamed govern- cast Thursday, both Namath The victory boosted the Rock- of his 23 points in the finale, ral- Rookie-of-the-Year running For a team which hasn’t seen Crusaders will join the North Tom by Detroit after fine ment officials. and Dawson said they had re- Phil Roof, and outfielder Mike ets to within four games of lied Cincinnati to within five. back Carl Garrett and rookie a win all season the Indians still Central Connecticut Conference careers at the University of In­ Namath and Dawson, together celved no subpoenas, EndoftheUne Hershberger from Oakland Western Division-leading New 101-96, before Haskins and Bob receiver on Sellers are all continue - to give 100 per cent along with East Windsor, South diana - . . Dick Van Arsdale for the taping of an American "This is guilt by implication," Picking Just as Good as Ever Orleans, which was idle Thurs- Love reopened the gap. Quite a hovel basketball at- Thursday, giving the AthleUcs probable starters in the first each game for Ctoach Jim Mori- Windsor, Somers, Suffleld, El­ tells this story when the exact in return first baseman Don Broadcasting (Company Show re- Namath said. “ It was worse on day night. Haskins finished with 34 has been scheduled ,,, , , Orr Didn’t Work Hard NEW YORK (AF) ®"^ with 39 TDs while Ramsey that position, being an agile 6-3 All-Star game for each. arty. AP-alnst Maloney Tuesday lington, Tolland, Granby and look-alike brothers played Little traction infielder viewing the Super Bowl (Wide Dawson than on me." He had a Elsewhere In the ABA, Ken- points and Walker scored 31. Clarke M**'*^^®*’ utility Pi-nfo««inn‘il fontball ralla it Pu‘ 24 TDs on the scoreboaid and 2’zO pounds. Joining this debuting trio oh the Indians dominated play In Stafford. South Windsor, the League baseball. "I wore a red Sunday night at the pitcher World of Sports, Saturday, 5- big game to play. He had a wife tucky stymied New York 132- Tom Van Arsdale paced the Ron Clark. Oakland offense will be the perennial the first half despite being five largest school in the circuit. Is cap and played the infield,” he Arena^ Big ^e the ^ ^ 6:30 p.m. EST), both sharply and family back in Kansas City, Ihe ^ *"® better ^ tackles than Penn State’s 124; Carolina overturned Indl- Royals with 28. points down at the buzzer, Steve Owens, the Helsman starting Eastern All-Star center, withdrawing from the NCXX! said. “ Tom wore a green cap ^an^ester Dru^ Pro^am ^ d ^ ^ Portland, was also ob- To Set Defenseman Mark criticized the loose usage of It must have upset them.” meeting, but actually it’s Award winner from Oklahoma^ Mike Reid and Steve Smear or ana 100-93 and Miami swamped Hawkins tallied eight points Rebounding and fine shooting Jon Morris. Two veterans start­ due to its size. The Bobcats will and pitched. One game Tom had the Manchester Deanery CYO. , ^ Pilots in the their names in connection with Dawson said, “ I don’t know tlie annual grab bag from is bound to be an early selec- Notre Dame’s Jim Reilly. Reid Pittsburgh 146-121. as the Suns broke from a was the comblnatlcm needed by ’That’s where the profits will go ^ Bobby £Uid assists come, just so long as Bruins suffered a letdown. Los a gambling scandal. what the reason was behind it. ing on defense from Boston are become an L school. a sore arm and didn't want any- trade. BOSTON (AP) which the American Foot­ tion. He averaged 35 carries a is 245 pounds and the winner of Larry Jones hit for 23 points fourth-quarter tie to an 11-point the Tribe. A poor third quarter one to know about it, so we from the basketball exhibition r\ +V. R f R ■ > 91 win," Orr said after the Angeles came back to score Namath said he had turned No matter what comes out, game for the Sooners in his final the Maxwell Trophy as the best for Denver to become the first bulge, then held off a last-gasp defensive tackle Jim "Earth- TONIGHT’S PICKS — East Orr, the rsoston rsruins ^1- 3 p^jJ,g regained second place in three goals, but Boston nailed ball League and National once again spelled the differ­ changed hats. I pitched and won between the Clergry and the Po­ the matter over to his attorneys, there are people who will be- season and scored 23 TDs for college Interior lineman In the ABA player to go over the 5,- Baltimore bid led by Gus John- quake” Hunt and Don Webb ence for the local five. Catholic over East Hartford, year-old defenseman, holds the NHL’s East Division. "Win- down the decision with a pair of Footbal League pick the and no one ever knew the differ­ lice. Main attraction starts at Coach of Year , Dawson said he had a confer- lieve what they want to believe, country. He’s an accomplished 000-polnt mark in a career. The son. The Bullets cut tha deficit The Eastern stars will be going East Catho'lc plays in a non- Wethersfield topping Manches­ WASHINGTON (AP)—Larry another National Hockey ‘s ‘ he Wg thing—the only tallies in the third period. ^ ______outstanding college play- 138 points, best marks in the na- ence.”_____ . . . One of pro football’s 8 with a prelim and for an ______ence with his lawyer Thursday I have worked hard to do the ‘ lon. ^ pianist and can play for the performance gave Him 5,005 ‘ o five points with three minutes for their third win in four years league contest with East Hart' ter, South W inder defeating El­ J thing.” The Rangers and Flyers afternoon before returning to right thing, to be an example to (M'S. J greatest rivalries came to an extra, youngsters from the Rec L eague record, but he ap- Bob Anderson of Colorar’o, Green Bay Packers or the Bos- points. remaining, but could get nno o in...... this AFL season-ending clas- j^j-d High’s Hornets. lington, Windsor downing Rock­ tbe close of the '69 boxine- class will staee several versuy lo a » 1 looioaii recora e ______"His scoring is really some- struggled to a 4-4 atandoff- Kansas (Jlty. When the pros gather in New the youth of the country and my York on J’an. 27 and 28 they Charlie Pittman of Penn State ton Pops orchestra. Right now Spencer Haywood provided closer. sic. The game is scheduled to The Eagles, missing the serv- ville, Rocky Hill overpowering *’^!mion^maU;hU^duLg*^^^^^^ - . , , , begun ^,ing, -• but_ don’t ^ o n y - about their fourth In as many - ineet------Asked if------his------attorneyj was kids. I can’t understand why season, Cleveland and New probably will take every bit of and Jim Otis of Ohio State are he wants to play pro football. the rest of the fireworks for Rookie Lamar Green, filling start at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday ices of AU-Stater Tim Kearns, Bolton and Bacon Academy the time of the feature. The young- dena Bowl, is the NCAA College at a pink Cheek age. Bobby.” Boston (Joach Harry ings this season and the 15th of looking into the situation. Daw- this happened to me.” Smear is a 229-pounder and Denver, pouring In 26 points and *n for ailing Paul Silas, contrl.b- and will be televised nationally found the going difficult against over (Coventry. York. The two clubs ruled Division’s Coach of the Year. Orr, who amazes everyone— ginden said. “ Bobby is proud of the Philadelphia club in 40 ——------—— ______the 21 hours and 15 mi'’Utes it other seniors who figure to get Eastern Conference. In 20 sters are trained by Earle Ever- required to draft 442 collegians an eariy caJl from the pros, Rellly scales 247. grabbing 22 rebounds. u‘ e7Cl%“uh Auto, PS, runs good. $1695 O Reilley (8) combined for all East m the nationally televised ggg^ plaques to the all- Phil Esposito behind the Los and picked up an assist to con- deadlock with Oakland ^Earl In- American Football League For McCovey NEW YORK (NEA) — back home, I put it aU ’book Wagon, V-8, Auto, PS, j the team points. A stj^om e co^test^ ^ ^ ,es defense for the Bruins’ tinue dogring Orr for the NHL ggored the Seals^ lone ^he new American BcuT He pass“ “for 23 touch- Duffy Daugherty of M lchi^n again. When I got 'back to 1964 Chevro­ PB, a Beauty. ------jonn Haoi will oe me wesi s participate in the all-star fifth goal. scoring lead. ® fewYther coaches pounds but is ideal as a safety Although he has filled the school in September, I wtaa goal, his eighth of the year. Conference of the merged, 26- SAN FRANfJISCO (AP)—The downs last season, fourth best State and a vi let Bel Air, 4- $595 ' Last Night’ s Fights s tartmg r in g quarterl^ck.quarteroacK. game and ^ seven others who The two ass'sts gave Orr a to- other Boston scorers were s ” " ' I! ., team circuit. Alignment of that oon BVanpUn^ r-iar.fa i, p„ p figure among major college sig- -ra tes M lcW g^’s Jim Itondlch man. He set school records last gjjoes of Lew Alcindor as close 300 again.” dr., 6 cyl.. Auto, see 1966 Chevro­ East coach George Wil^.i ^a^® tal of 63 points, just one under Eddie Westfall (No. 7). Ken ml*vay in the f^rst period on a eo„,erence’s three divisions, S ^ ^ ^ a ^ c o Giants have torn season by intercepting 10 pass- let 2-dr., HT, East coach George Wi.soii ceremo- tal of 63 points, just one under ..c u p i. vi-.o. ,,, pvci. kopu aonUor nal callers. a® ‘h® ®"^ **’® ® gg ■' r o r- college Attout his diet: this. $1595 PORTLAND, Maine—Paul cleared up the quarterback situ up Willie McCovey’s contract, V-8, Auto., PS, PB, nigg ~ the record for defensemen he Hodge (No. 19) and Fred Stan- la'iooi oacK-nanaer. two of four teams and one of Shaw led the parade of pass- try. He’s ideal for the pros at "Coach Weise put me on a Kasper, 177, Portland, stopped ation Thursday when he official- Last year’s first two rounds of basketball, Bob Lanier says Clean Milt Woodward president of ®®‘ 1®®‘ y®ar. He isn’t worried field (No. 15). Newcomer Oakland, fifth in the West, jben was quickly affected which had another year to nm, high-proteln diet. No dtiarcihes .1964 Glds 88 jim m y Joe Jones, 175, Phlla- ly gave the starting nod to Tal- the draft each required three the game will face a crisis the league. presented certifi- either about the fact that he has Wayne Carleton, obtained last wlnless in its last nine The remaining 13 NFL clubs, and written him another one at all. JiBt meat. Meat, meat, Convertible, days, m e pros were at It from next season. Nobody will be $995 1966 Olds delphia, 2. laferro. All week he had been j.gjgg tg“ tbe all-star squads 12 goals, compared' with 51” month " from ■ Toronto, earned games. Minnesota, third in the however, have been at odds for an estimated $100,000. Great Scott Does It Again meat. I never have emy bread V-8, Auto., PS, Good LOS ANGELES—Ely Yarqsr undecided between Taliaferro Members of the all-time team assists. four assists. West, has won just once in its ever since over the make-up of The signing of last season’s 10 in the morning until 10 at able to fill his shoes. He wears Jetatar 88 4- $121» i i—i « ji night the first day. O.J. Simpson or butter or potatoes anymore. Buy. m , Philippines, out^lnted Ed- and Jack Kemp of ^ « a l o T ^ h o also will participate in the ‘I don’t care how the goals After gaining a 4-0 lead, the last 15 starts. their new 4-4-5 alignment. Geog­ most valuable player in the Na­ size 20. dr., V-8, Auto, PS, I was the No. 1 man and was cho­ All I ever eat is meat. I’m PB, Low Price. die Garcia, 138, Los Angeles, 10. The league also honored iN ^i.gt^^ lineback­ raphy, weather, stadium size tional League was announced “ Everywhere I go, the first sen by the Buffalo Bills. There down to 260 now.’i 1964 Pontiac CQQC ers Bobby Bell, Kansas City; and existing rivalries are Thursday at a Candlestick Park thing people' notice about me Tar Heels Triumph were 25 other players chosen In Although It is likely that Lan­ Bonneville, 4- 1967 Olds 98 M O A C l Nick Buonironti, Miami, and- among the factors which have news conference. are my feet,” he says. ” My feet the first round. ier will be the No. 1 dMtce in dr., HT, V-8, Auto. Convertible ^ IW P w l George Webster, Houston; and prolonged the schism. The 6-jfoot-4 first baseman seem to get more publicity than Near-Incredible 64 The Dallas Cowboys had 24th the pro drafts (at 8-11, PS. All Power, Clean Oar. Gerry Philbin, New York; cor- Roselle, who was closeted with joins two other Giants—Willie the rest of me. Last season, a scouts rate him the beet big; the owners throughout Thurs- Mays and Juan Marichal — in In Closing Minutes pick but they couldn’t complalii. lot of sports writers wrote fuimy nerbacks Dave Grayson, Oak­ was still man in the college ranks), 1964 Olds 88 1967 Chevro- M litUf I 66 OLDSMOBILE day’s fruitless, day-long meeting the six figure category. He had Yale’s Calvin Hill things about my big feet and the land, and Willie Brown, Denver; there was a time when his 4-dr., HT, V-8, '$695 let Belair, 4 -v lw V v Score Shot by Greene NEW YORK (A P )— What can you say about Lnar- j^ygii^ble. They picked him and next thing I know the Hall of wide receiver Lance Alworth, NITE OWLS — Mary Lourie in a midtown hotel, was expect- earned a reported $80,000 a year availability was hardly a mat­ Auto., PS, PB, Solid. dr., V-8, Auto, PS, I ed to take a firmer hand in the under the old contract, lie Scott‘S u *’® out to be the NFL Fame people In Springfield, San Diego;' tackle Jim Tyer, PHOENIX, Ariz. (A P )— Bert Greene has a simple 182-469, Beverly Deflimone 182- ter for public concern. That PB. Kansas City; guards Billy discussions as they dragged on. . McCovey led the NL in home “W hat can 1 say about Charlie Scott?” said Coach Rookie of the Year. Cincinnati Mass., are on the phone asking was four years ago, when he TORONADO also made a good plckrvcomlng Shaw, Buffalo and Ed Bu-ide, request: Quiet please. Eleanor GalH iso, Lois 'The commissioner has raised runs with 45, runs batted in Bobby Roberts of Clemson. ”He hurts you in so many -• me If I would send them a pair was playing high school ball In 1964 Ford Cus­ up with quarterback Greg Cook. tom, 4-dr. se­ 1967 Olds Kansas City; and center Jim “ I just hope nobody makes a loud noise and wakes Johnson 497, Norma imier 466, the possibility of unilateral ac- with 126, and .was fifth in league of my sneakers. Buffalo. $595 wavs, not just his shooting- ______dan. V-8;. Auto.. PS, Cutlass 2 $1795 me up,’’ the blond, hard-hitting youngster said after a Helen Michniewicz 493. tion or a lottery by blind draw batting with a .S20 average, Otto, Oakland. Roberts also could' have said, - . r. so "(Joarch (Larry) Weise said, ” I played at a high school Good Wheels. dr., HT. V-8 Auto., Also honored was Weeb Ew- near incredible, seven under par 64— with a ball out of should the deadlock persist. McCovey, who just turned 32, “ Great Scott," after the North mond 66-57;, Texas El-Paso de- UConns To Play ’Sure, send them a pair,’ and 1 that didn't emphasize 'basket­ PS. bank, coach of the New York bounds— in the first roUnd of the $100,000 Phoenix s il k c it y — Frank Pitts He also has hinted he might will begin his 11th season with Carolina .show-stoppi'r did ev- feated Arizona 73-59 and New did. Now people tell me they’ve ball very much. We only played “ lock up” the owners in a fight- the Giants this spring. erytlilng but hawk popcorn Mexico stopped Arizona State 13 games my senior year and 1965 Ford Jets, who was named AFL Open Golf Tournament. ------^------212, Gunnar Larson 206-550, Jim In Miami Event got those sneakers on public dis­ XL 500, 2-dr. $1495 1967 Dodge Tliiirsday night as he led the 97-86. nobody 'paid much 'attention to coach of decade. ..3.3 jg j,e the best round bunch at 68- Frank Beard, Dave perkins 207, Ken ’Thomas 200- The University of Connect­ play. I haven’t seen them my­ BOB LANIER HT, V-8, Auto, PS, Coronet, RT,t$1795 Back on the practice field fol- i ever had,” said the 25-year- Hill and British Open champion jgj Nivison 674 Mike sevcntli-rankcd Tar Heels over Roberts felt this icut’s eight-game' Florida base­ self yet, but this summer I’ll us. I got some Offers from col­ PB, Air. 2:dr., HT. V-8, Auto., If you want ti«ganc« and axiraordihary read perfofmanct, coniWtr thli Clemson 96-91 in college basket- best game so far, and N leges, but I certainly wasn't PS, PB, Vinyl Roof. Toronado. Toronado Is uniqua in tht world of cart and tha kty Is front lowing the awards ceremonies old, now in his fourth year on Tony Jacklin had 69s, but some , ______„ . „ ball trip schedule was com­ take a trip there. And while I’m whtol drivo. With tha power going to the front wheels where tha traction Kemp and Taliaferro threw ex­ l,,,)) Carolina Coach Dean Smith points, was named the tourna­ swamped. I chose 9t. Bonaven­ the tour and sUll seeking his of the other major names in the „ „ „ Hospitalized Schembechler pleted with the announcement at it, maybe . I’ll tell those peo­ Is graatast, Toronado tracks with unerring accuracy. Powered by tha ceptionally well on deep passes Ron Custer 203-209-579, John Get a load of this: C'em-on would have to agree with him. ment’s Most Valuable Player, ture because It was close to 19665 Chevro- 1967 Olds M Q Q C 315 hp Rocket V-t angina. Standard equipment included Turbo Hydramatic first' victory. game had their troubles. of the University of Miami’s ple that someday I’d like to 4 $995 transmission, power steering, power brakes, deluxe interior, courtesy lamps to O. J. Simpson and Haven held 11 71-67 lead with 0:43 left "We are fortunate to escape have the rest of me In their Hall and Bonaventure won easily. home (Glean, N.Y.) and be­ Delta 88 H o l-# l» W I 6 and daluxa wheal covert. Luxury options that cost extra whan this car Normally a quiet, drawling Masters champion (Jeorge ^ v e "^ 'B rl!^ Idr., V-8, Auto Good Moses of Buffalo as well as hit­ Named Grid Coach of Year in the game when the All-Amer- with a victory tonight,’ said Baseball Tournament pairings. When It was over, however, cause I had been following the (day Sedan, All Pow­ was new include A IR CO N D IT IO N IN G , A M -F M radio, power side windows, character, Greene was almost Archer took a 73. Billy Casper _____ of Fame, too.” I Family Car. * way power seats and whitewall tires. Finished in dark green lacquer ting Alvin Reed and Jim Belme PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — -Association President Paul i'ean gHard had a hand in 11 of Smith. "They (Clemson) out- Connecticut is scheduled to there was Bob Lanier, laugh­ team all my Ufo. There cer­ er, Air. with a complimentary green interior, you can tnloy tha comfort, style and babbling in excitement when he had a 72 and U.S. Open title- g p ic E __Lois Ouellette 136 When Lanier talks about of Houston on the short to me­ the next 13 baskets the Tar played us on the boards. Scott s play South Florida at Tampa ing. tainly wasn’t any big recruiting performanca of this uniqua automobile for only finished his round on the 6,766 holder Orville Moody a 71. PGA Joan Tarca 127 ' “ 'rhls is an honor so great,” I^®tzel said the balloting for the things like the else of his feet, dium throws. awards was the closest In his­ Heels scored. offensive performance brought on March 20 and 31; and' then chase to get me.” 11965 Olds 88 4- eA Q C 1967 Olds yard, par 71 Phoenix Country champ Ray Floyd was well back Michigan football Coach he always laughs. When he About his sneakers: |dr. Sedan, V- tory. Darrell Royal, c-ouch of Pius.slng magically and pock- us back as he frequently does." the Huskies join with Penn “ I have them custom-made As for his future as a pro, Delta Cust., $2195< Jim Turner, New York’s fine course Thursday. at 70, as almost half the field PARKADE DUSTY — Mason Schembechler said from his hos talks about all the meat' he Is Is. Auto., PS, PB. Low 2-dr., HT. PS, PB. Air Texas' No. 1 ranked Itonghorna. cling eight of Ihiyn himself. North Carolina State, holding State, Ohio State, Michigan he says: ” I got a chance to placekicker, also practiced but "just fantastic,” he muttered, matched or bettered par. forced to' eat and,’ ab(iit all the ‘or o'®' B®‘ore the season starts Iprice. and AM-FM. ^1995 he indicated there were other ..Fantastic. Never' hit it that Stone 223-569, Dick Coons 216- pltal bed, "that it would hardly and North Itokota State’s Ron Scott finished with 23 points in only a 37-35 margin at halftime, gtate, Rutgers and host Miami play against some of the it Greene, a slim, 160-pounder 563, Ron Fletcher 212-669, Erwin seem possible that my efforts Ehrhar-dt were runners-up to unleashed a flood of baskets and money he Is about td make as ‘ order five pair, stadiums he appreciated more hole-and putting the last half, and 35 for the for the six-day Miami Tourna­ a professional basketball play- ’’They last me a whole year, Knicks laa(t_8umtner at Willis’s i, but one of the hardest hitters on Whipple 206, Ernie Whipple 208, Uie last few months should war- Bchnmt>echler and Naviaux, he scored 63 points in the second camp. I played against him and 1967 Olds All of Our Used Cars Get Morlarty Brothers Complete thanHhe Astrodome for his spec* ,, game. The last-minute scorinr „ . ment. er, he laughs some more. “There Fosts the school $76.” 11965 Chevro- laity. wow. ^ methe lour,tour, made mshis best career Lou Lou Polinskl Polinakl 209*565, 200-666. Dick Dick Cote Cote rant rant sucli such nraise.” praise." auld mild. blitz fired Nortli CaroUna to its haU in its victory over East Connecticut’s schedule In the Walt Frazier and Dave Stall- ilet Impala $1295 Delmont 881,$1995 Sefety Check from Front to Rear for Yqur Protection. are times. Bob Lanier admits. About money: “ My left foot stops too quick'v a ®‘‘'"'®d down later on, finish last year when h« finished 224-246-648, Ed Spence 211-672, Schembechler, recuperating In Young said »/!hem)i*(Chler: 3(), close-call victory over the sky- Carolina. Miami event follows: Monday, worth and COzzie Russell. I IConvertible, v-8, 4- Ccmvertlble, PS, PB, when he laughs too much. ” I hate money. I really do. ~ r here " he said of^the artificial “ "d observed: ^ »‘ roke In the Dave Hlnchey 203-662, Bill S‘ - Luk®’® hospital from a mUd la expec ted to f.turn to Ann Ar high Tigers. Center Rich Yunkus scored a learned a lot. COzale told . me Ispeed, PB. Air. March 23. Rutgers, 10 a.m.; ” My biggest problem is that My dad owns a moving van If I can shoot a 64, there s rich Westchester Classic. cater 218, Grove Wills 207, Ed a“ ack suffered a few txtr .MU-h , next week and r« ' North Carolina State, the na- school record 47 points for Geor- the btgg6^ problem I’ll face in W e Are Giving' Excellent Allowances turf. "It’s like stubbing your Tuesday, March 34, Michigan I’m not serious enough about company In Buffalo. He al- got to be a lot of guys out there Greene, a native of Georgia Bachl 210, Mile Lettlerl 650. hours before his Wolverines lost sums his j^>h In stxnit a mimth. llon’s llth-ranked team, downed gia Tech despite sitting out sev- i the pros Is stamina. He told me Many Other* To Cheote From ^ toe—and follow through is very p.m.; Wednesday, thlngs. I’m just too easy-going ways worried . about money. So for Used Cars! still playing who can shoot a 60 now playing out of Sunrlver, _____ to Southern Callfomla 10-3 in It wss the Wolverines, who East Carolina in the on'y en minutes of the game with I’m going to have to build up If We Don't Save You Money im'-ortant in place kick'rig. Be­ 100-81 March 26, Penn State, 1 p.m.; a person. I hardly ever ,get did my mother. 1 grew up wor- or 62.’ Ore., took hts only bogey when V _ Jerry Smith 371, Fred *^®® finished the regular sessori at Furman. He broke his own my endurance because the pro We Don't Deserve Your Butineit sides, I have to change to a dlf- ,, . . . _ . . ------,, ...... other game Involving a Top Thursday, March 26, Ohio State, mad.” rjdng about money. Now I hate ferent shoe, and I don’t like wrong. Only a couple he pushed his tee shot out of McCurry 377, Charles Whelan Thursday as the American Kw,t 8.2, that kn/K-ked Ohio State Twenty team Thursday night. record of 41 set last year schedule wears you down. So 10 u.m.; Friday, March 27, When St. Bonaventure played money. I’ll have someone ne- that.” veterans, Paul Itamey and bounds on 14. He teed up a sec- 146-363, Tony Marinelli 867, Joe Coaches Association 1969 from the Mo. 1 spot, stemnlng ElHcwhcBe, Gi'orgia Tech against Tulane. I’m doing a lot of extra wind II Miami, 3 p.m. ; Purdue for the championship of gotlate a pro contract for me, “But Its better than Shea Mayer, could come close, ond ball, however, was on In DlB.lla 168-367, Henry Formlla Htiekeyes 24-I2 tliuniped airman 8R-6t; Miami Don Curnutl’s 36 points car­ sprints In practice now and I MAHCHESTERI MORIARTY BROTHERS There will bo a triple-header the ECAC- Holiday Festival In but I don’t want to get In' Stadium,” he added. ” In Shea Harney, who led the second two and ran In a i W t putt for 149-360. Roy DeVeau 186-364, v « .n t »ix blasted Centenary 94-78; Pern ried Miami over Centenary ns try to nm a mile every day. '-'Uncoln — Mercury — Willys Jeep — Toyota" playoff on Saturday, March M,. Madison Square Garden, a Pur- volved.” “ I’m anxious to Startp play­ there’s a 20-mile wind on the ®‘ '*'«®>‘’8 L<>® Ange- a bogey. X Pete Aceto 350, Elliott Fish 166- it, n State upset Temple 65-57; Man­ tl(e Hurricanes took big leads In with the opponents paired ac due player slammed an elbow About his weight: ing pro bah, but I really don’t calmest day...and the wind ‘®® OP®"‘ had a 66 and the 46- ” I was five under 8 ^ } ;+ put 383, Jim Chlapponl 189-186-896, Boston Unlver^v‘s*f’ r ,'.„ ^ l/' MIrhIgen. Navi hattan tripped Roanoke 86-80; both hnlfs, then had to stave off OLDSMOBILE, 301 Center St.. M A N CH ESTER , 643-5135 cording to won-lost standings at­ into the side of his nose and, as ” I’ve always hod a weight oare what team I wind up with. blows from all directions. It year-old Mayer posted a 66. that one out of bounds and I Frank Calvo 366, Al Pirkey 862, w),o«« ".i "ux, ;,t m m t n youngest head Wake Forest whipped Virginia Centenary rallies. tained during the first five days the blood gushed. Bob Lanier fi­ pcoblem. Early lost summer, J I’U be living in a Mg city no IliilYtr Lan* at Htfd. Manehisltr A PAu... w „ w .Oh. n.;« h. 89-79' ;Wyomlng stopi»ed Colora- Dnlcy scored s<>ven Open Eves. Except Thursday_& Sat. bothers us less because we'work of play. nally got mad. With cotton stuf­ Vent up to 294 pounds. Then I matter what. Ihat will be a big 643-1511 out there every day. But it’s defending champion Gene Lit- penlng,’ ” he said. “ But ,lr> / BB.U7- ITtlll riolnts and set n Penn State • Tkrca M2, Ken Seaton 860, the NCAA ordlege dlvlslr/n year. befr,re Connecticut opens its north­ fed into both' nostrils, creating went to Willis Reed’s boskOtball change. All we do In Glean dur­ tricky.” tier, with Don January In the everything came right back.*' tieerrrning fiesd . Hpilloil Brigham Young 97-94; game record of .••even ste-its as Coach of the Year eoach “roisa heat Oklahoma City 101- the NIttany Lions fumbled Tem­ ern schedule Tuesday, April 7, the Illusion they were apewing camp for two weeks and took ing the winter Is count snow- 8U; Virginia Tecli downed Rlch- ple. with Wesleyan, at Storrs. white smoke, he scored 60 off 40 pounds. When I went flakea.”

f .-.J •.. L I - ^ - i t .-'.-'j/ • 'X L.'.'b -S /.rci-vY ' . PAGE NINETEEN

Help W onted- Help Wonted— Mole 36 Help Wemted— Mold 36 Female SERVICK fitnllon aUendanta, OIL driver, full time. Al- must be experienced, good HO lubrientinn man for trucks, 'J UGH! TH08K January bills". Re­ pay. (Tall 643-2463. Wyman Oil part-time nights. Apply Mo- J lax you can pay them from (To. 484 Bast Middle Tpke. rlarty Bros., 301 Center 8t., * your earnings as an Avon rep­ Manchester, see Scotty. YOUR business Janitor, depend­ ACROSS DOWN resentative find out how right able night service, dally, week­ now— f7nll quickly—286-4922. VERNON 8UPRRINTRNDENT WANTED ^ > I ly or monthly basis. Coll 044- for Waranoke Apartments, 801 i • 0629. KEYPIINCTH operator, mostly Main fit. Free apartment and ! nunierlcal, 026 or 026. Oacr AREA all utilities provided. Ideal for DRY WALL^l^cmod^Hn^” Bros.; 140 Rye 8t.,/South Wind­ retired'/couple. Call 643-6071. | 4 Friend (Fr.) (X ^Y CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. paint, repair, or replace ceil­ Circulation Counselor 5 Swards sor. 4 :S0 P.M. DAY BRFORE PUBUOAHON ings and walls. Reasonable Needed In Growing Circu- s d p r r v is o r Dispatcher — [ Must be willing to work nights. , 13 Movement village Doiulllne for Saturday and Monday is 4 nSO p.m. Prlda.i rates. Call 640-6764. MORNING work available for Area (rnuaic) 7 Warble being ebbing and motel maid at Interstate Motor Some experience in transporta- J 14 Son of Isaac 8 Affluence 31 Greek letter flowing CALL HANDYMAN. Snow I»dgc, Vernon Circle. No Appll/aint must have a de­ tlon necessary. Liberal bene- (Bib.) 9 Capital of 32 Barbarous 47 Worship PLEASE READ YOUR AD shoveling and sanding. Rea­ perlencc needed. 876-0(Mi7. sire to work with newspa- fits. No phone (Mils. Apply in 15 Island oil Norway Asiatic 48 Nostrils sonable rates. Call 643-6306 perboys in the promotion person, I.ombard Bros., Route Venesuela 10 Secular 33 Become old 49 Appointment ClMsIflcd or "Want Ads” are taken over the phone as a eonvenleneo. The advortl^ ^ FIRST anytime. STORE (,1,ERK Monday thru and servicing of thidr 5 and Burnham St., South 17 Icelandic 11 Flinch (coll.) 34 Auricle to meet F'rlday, 2 to 10 p.m. Apply in measure 50 HiUside nity ^ EBBORS In time for the SNOW PLOWING, residential routes. Must be a high Windsor. An equal opportunity 16 RequirM 38 It exists person, Charest Service Sta­ 18 Ireland 20 Soak flax (contr.) (ScoL) next liwoptlon. The Herald Is responalble for only ONE In- and commercial. Also truck­ Hithool graduate with a goixl employer. correct or oniittcd Insertion for any adverttscinent and then tion, Route 30, Vernon. 19 ------22 HolmesLight touch 39 Be silent 51 Operates ing. Reasonable rates. Call driving record. (Automo­ (Doyle) 52 Insects only to tte extent of a “ make good*’ insertion. Errors which PLUMBERS and apprentices • 25 Point (music) 646-1674. bile furnished). We offer 21 Slumber 26 Hebrew priest 41----- Fortune 53 Egyptian river do not lessen the value of the advertisement will not be WOMAN for housework 2 days good starting salary—paid experienced in repair and aerv- [ corrected by “ make good” Insertion per week. Must have own 23 Allow 28 Moray (Bailey) 54 Happy ODD JOBS, light trucking, Blue Cross & (,”MS and Ma­ ice. Top pay and benefits. Ap- J 24 Desert fruit 58 King of transportation. Call 646-3800. 29 Watch 42 Child's game carpentry, miscellaneous re­ jor Medical. ply Gibbs Plumbing Si Hea/t- [ 27 Plural 30 Abstract 45 Pertaining to Judah (Bib.) ing, 684 Hartford Tpke., Rock­ (BochvlUe. Toll Free) pairs, etc., good service .and demonstrative WAITRESS — Experienced pre­ HAR'TFORD COURANT ville. 876-0663. I alNALLV pronoun 6 8 9 10 11 low prices. 643-7218. 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 4 3 -2 711 ferred, full or part-time. Mr. D. K. w e l c h MGR. 'COBNEREP t 31 Punish (var.) 875-3136 Steak Restaurant, 646-1666. 35 Even (contr.) 12 13 14 LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also 13 Park St., Rockville 36 Embrace moving large appliances. Burn­ 876-6286 15 15 17 FOREMAN 37 Babbles ing barrels delivered, 84. 644- 40 Inactive RELIABLE cleaning woman, ATTENDANT for Hartford Rd. W£ J. B. WILLIAMS ii“ 20 Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? 1776. WOODWORKING OUT OUR WAY 43C^>eratic ■ two days a week. Call 648-4388. car wash. Hours 8 a.m. to 5 selection 21 22 1 p.m. Call after 5, 644-1600. DEPARTMENT 44 Gnaw ■ ■ 24-Hour Answering Service WOMAN wanted for housework 46 Meager 24 25 2. 27 29 29 30 Household Services on Fridays. Own transix/rta- ______50 Boasting ■ Offered 13>A tion. Cali 643-4266. Experienced supervisor wanted f »*T0.»r Nt*, lx, TM. let- Ul >et, QHl 31 32 33 35 Free to Herald Readers 55 Biblical tower ■ ■ (E) mo by NEA, Inc., COST CLERK for expanded operations. Ex­ 56 Ladder part 39 REWEAVING of bums, moth- COUNTER GIRL, 6 p.m. to 1 cellent opportunity. DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS 36 37 38 Want Intonnatlon on nipany ting and drilling in our Pro S3 64 for free estimates. 643-6341. 64 Superlative •2. and leav- your mcasage. Vou’U hear from our ahveixtaer (c cleaned and removed. Also odd after 6 p.m. 872-0260. offers good wages, excellent shop. Apply In person, Vernon suffix Jig time without apending all evening at the telephone tobs. 644-8862. NURSE’S Aide, 7 to 3 shllt, at working condiUons and ex­ I.anes, Route 83, Vemon, Ckmn. cellent free benefit program 6 (Newipopsr liiXti fnrarpn'M X us.) Millinery, Manchester Manor Rest Home, TWO handymen want a variety 388 West Center- St. Call 646- including health and acci­ ELECTHICTAN — Journeyman. Dressmaking 19 Help Wanted— dent insurance, life insur­ Automobiles For Sale 4 of Jobs by day or hour. Rea­ 0128. Top wages with benefits. Call sonable. Call 643-6305. Female 35 ance end pension plans. between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. DRESSMAKING and alterations PILGRIM Mills, 434 Oakland St. 'WAITRESS—part-time, 7 a.m. - Roberts Electric Ck>., 644-2421. H E R A LD 1662 VOLVO 4-door sedan 8326. CUSTOM made draperies, slip Apply reasonably priced. 646-6616. has openings for full and part- 11 a.m. Ideal for housewife. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Call 742-7484 after 6 p.m. covers and reupholstering. BODY MAN, full or part-time. time salesladies and cashiers. Apply in person. LaStrada BOX LETTERS Budget terms. Established in MRS FIRST NATIONAL Inquire at B & J Auto Repair. PRESS — Dressmaking Apply after 4 p.m. Miss Co­ Restaurant, 669 Main St. 1645. Days, 524-0164, evenings. 367 Oakland St. or call 643-7604. and alterations, expert work- bum. STORES BY KEN MUSE For Your 1868 CHEVELLE wagon, $1,500. 649-7680. inanship. 55 E. Center St., 649- MEDICAL Laboratory Tech­ Ask for John. Call 613-8688 after 6. nician, private lab. Approxi­ Park & Oakland Avenues Information 8038. HAIRDRESSER wanted. The FUEL OIL Driver, must be ex­ COMPLETE residential house Wiggery Beauty Salon, 626 mately 20 hours weekly. Ex­ SOR1?Y, W E 'R E cleaning, floors washed a n d Elast Hartford, Ckinn. perienced in fuel oil deliveries. THE HER.\LD will not 1961 FORD, Oldsmobile engine. Main St., 643-2330. cellent conditions and compen­ THE UN-HOOKED waxed. Summer homes made Top hourly rate. Call 643-2463, disclose the identity of Best offer, running. 646-4029. Moving— ^Trucking— sation. 643-2966. SENERATION.' any adverliser using box I ready. Offices and insurance Wyman Oil Co., 484 East Mid­ Storage 20 dle Tpke. letters. Readers answer­ Jobs accepted. 646-0495. MAN WANTED to work in ing blind box ads who SHORT RIBS BY FRANK- O’JNEAL 1967 BUICK Riviera, excellent MANCHESTER -Delivery-light ATTEN'TION Clerical and Typing lumber yard, must have driv­ MEXJHANIC — tor fleet work, desire to protect their I trucking and package delivery. identity can follow ‘his ' condition, 82,160. 742-7091. er’s license. Davis & Brad­ six -day week. Must be avail­ B u ild in g - Refrigerators, washers and HOUSEWIVES Positions! ford Lumber Co., 200 Tolland able for out of town work. For procedure; | 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, sunroof, Contracting 14 stove moving, specialty. Fold­ St., East Hartford. appointment call 643-2373, 649- LOOK WI^O'S Enclose your reply to needis painting. 8300. CJall after ing chairs for rent. 649-0762. Would you like to work PURCHASING 4216. C < 0 M iN 6 / the box In an envelope — 6 p.m, 649-6302. LEON CSeszynskl builder—new while your children are in address to the Classified homes custom built, remodel­ DEPARTMENT START 82.66 an hour for re­ 19M PONTIAC Bonneville, auto­ school? We have openings TRUCK DRIVER Manager, Manchester I ling, additions, rec rooms, ga­ Painting— ^Papering 21 tread shop workers, all shifts, Evening Herald, together in our store’s accounting ' SECURITY matic, air-conditioned. All ex­ rages, kitchens remodeled, paid holidays, vacation, sick with a memo listing the PAINTING — Interior and ex­ department for experienced Permanent Job opening in es­ tras. Power steering, brakes, DEPARTMENT leave, hospitalization, and life companies you do NOT bath tile, cement work, steps terior, very reasonable, free comptometer operators to tablished wholesale lumber com­ windows, etc. Tachometer, Insurance. Firestone Retread want to see your letter. dormers. Residential or com- estimates. Call Richard Mar­ work part-time from 9 a.m.- STORES pany. cruise-control, rear speakers Shop, South Windsor, ‘ 289-4361. YOur letter wlii be de­ merical. Call 646-4261. tin, 646-6285, 649-4411. 2:30 p.m. Wages commensu­ ACCOUNTING BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE stroyed if the advertiser and reverb. Excellent engine. rate with ability, free park­ • 40 HOURS GUARANTEED APPRENTICE electrician, bene­ Is one you’ve mentioned. Pivate.. 8700. 644-2194. CARPEN^TRY— concrete steps, j q s e PH P. LEWIS — (Justom ing, subsidized cafeteria. WELL, THERE YOU ARE, MR. SAWYER, All require the interests and fits, paid holidays and vaca­ NOW, COME, COME, BOYS, If not it will be handled floors, hatchways, remodeling Painting, Interior and exterior, (Apply employment office. • WITH OVERTIME J YOU SAY PEPPER STOLE THE THAT'S I'M SURE THEY'RE LYING, BUT YOU 1965 FORD custom, 2-door, V-8, capacity to do figure work. tion. Call 649-5366. in the usual manner porches, garages, closets, ceil­ paperhanging, fully insured. CAR. YOU SAY PEPPER SAVE i THE CAN'T FORCE THEM ^------. standard shift, rebuilt engine, ings, attics finished, rec Some will require the use • NO OVERNIGHT DELIVER­ TO TAKE THE ^ I SEE, IT'S For free estimates call 649-6658 YOU THE MARIJUANA. TRUTH! good condition, 8700. 643-0260. rooms, formica,., ceramic. Oth­ FIRST NATIONAL of adding or calculating IES TEST. / / 7 THE WORP OF ISN'T THIS LOVELV > I WOULDNT KNOW. I If no answer 643-6362. [SURE,' er related work. No Job too STORES INC. machines. Typing is neces­ ^ ------TWO AGAINST WSATHER WE'RE HAVING? HAVEN'T SEEN PRAVCATo CW. Enjoy the advantages of work­ Lost and Found 1 small. Dan Moran, Builder. CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex­ sary in some cases. You will WAITRESS h ONE. ing for a small but growing Tracks— Tractors 5 Evenings. 649-8880. terior painting, paper hanging. PARK & OAKLAND find our company a pleasant company. Call or apply at: LOST—Licensed, female Beagle, ______Discount on wallpaper. Call AVENUES one to work in with above WANTED vicinity Hackmatack St. Call lOTERNA'nONAL Scout, MASONRY—All types of stone average fringe benefits, con­ 4-wheel drive with snow plow- 646-3048. U A3I.-8 P.B1 5 OATS 649-4788 after 4:30 p.m. and concrete work. Quality EAST HARTFORD, venient free parking and In- two tops. Call 668-6833, after 6 REX LUMBER CO. workmanship, work guaran­ PAINTING and Decorating, CONN. plant cafeteria. Apply: 2 NIGHTS A WEEK 5-9 PM. FOUND— Male Siamese, ■vicin­ p.m. Sullivan Avenue A teed. Call after 5, 643-1870, 644- commercial and residential, SAT. 18-9 P J f. ity of Pleasant St., Manches­ 2978. free estimates, prompt effi­ South Windsor, Conn. ter. Call after 6 p.m., 643-9735. cient service, vinyl and paper FIRST NATIONAL Trailers— SECRETARY needed for dental 289-9379 APPLY AT ONCE | ‘‘Sure two and two make four ... by the OLD math!” NEWTON H. SMITH and S o n - hanging. Colonial Decorators, STORES, INC. office. Experienced preferred. LOST- -Keycase—areas of Bon- Mobile Homes 6-A Remodeling, repairing, addi­ 643-9664. shop. Call 522-9137. Park & Oakland Avenues anza and Scuffy pet q,|mij,qY'T4 vonr vneation dollar tions, rec rooms, garages, PART-TIME Janitorial work, 4 Write Box "M ” Manchester STOETCH your vacaUon dollar INSIDE—butside painting. Spe­ East Hartford W. T. GRANT porches and roofing. No Job NURSES Aids — 7 - 3 shift, hours daily, 6 days weekly, MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD Buy early from our complete cial rates for people over 66. MANCHESTER PARKADE Herald. Reward. too small- Call 649-3144. modem convalescent home. Manchester area. 649-6334. selection and save! Save! Pick Call my competitors, then call I HAD TO COME OVER, WE DON'T KNOW X OF COURSE — BUT up (loaches. Travel Trailers, Excellent working conditions. puLLER BRUSH Co., has Im- SHERIFF F IN N -T O THANK FOR SURE HE'S THE I'M PRETTY CERTAIN FOUND —Collie type female. WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ me. Estimates given. 649-7863. STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF Tent Trailers and Motor Previous experience preferred mediate openings for Steno­ you FOR FINDING DAD'i M A N -H E HASN’T / HE'LL BE FOUND Black with white spot on modeling specialist. Additions, N but not necessary. Contact Di­ KILLERI BEEN TRIED VET.I A GUILTY./ cheat. Call Dog Warden, 646- Homes, now in stock. Finance EDWARD R. PRICE—Painting graphers. All applicants should 'TRUTH SEEDM' THE F.B.I.ANP rec rooms, dormers, porches, rector of Nurses, 647-1461, JAMM ED OR NOT, WE - AND ONE OF THE NURSES WHISPERS TO A | 4666. at bank rates. Open evenings exterior and interior. Paper be high school graduates. Em­ -IN THE SLOOP- HORNER.' PON'T OUESTION EVERY EM ­ LAUNDRY WORKER... ' cabinets, formica, bullt-lns, Meadows Convalescent Home. till' 10. Rectown USA Inc., hanging. Ceilings, etc. Insured. ployes enjoy ideal working con­ PRODUCTION JUST LIKE IN THE I ALLOW SOME OF THOSE PLOYEE — ANP EVERY FOUND — White Shepherd bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446. An equal opportunity employ­ MOVIES.'l Route 6, West of Wlllimantlc, 649-1003. ditions, excellent wages with in te r n s to SEE rr- p a t i e n t ! type female dog. Cali Dog er. SKIUEO and UNSKILLED THEY'P WANT To Conn., 203-423-1625. periodic increases and compa­ Warden, 646-4865. H&H eXJNSTRUernON — Cus- IMMEDIATELY available, In- tom homes designed and built. terlor paUitlng and decorating. ny paid fringe benefits pro­ HOW ABOUT a HoUday (year FOUND — Toy-Collie type fe­ Home remodeling, additions, Call Everett Van 'Dyne, 246- gram. Apply in person. 88 OpeningB in all departments offering: peimanent 'round) after the Holidays. We male. Sable and white. Call rec rooms, kitchens, designed 4781 after 6 ;30 p.m. REGISTERED NURSES Long Hill Rd., Blast Hartford Dog Warden, 646-4666. now have twenty two 1970 builtuuiit iumand iiiaiaiivu.installed. “ v^uakviiiChistom ‘ ------y*— An equal opportunity employ­ full-time employment. Good wafi^es, overtime, com­ Rambler, Trav’ler, and Vaca­ built for the better trade” with H. MAGOWAN JR. A Sons, er. plete benefit progriam. Excellent opportunity for tioners for your inspection. We the home owner in mind. Free interior and exterior painting. FULL OR PART-TIME can assure your vacation consultation. Phone 643-8696. paper hanging. Thirty years WANTED reliable cleaning training and advancement. Personals woman to help with house pleasure by availing us of the experience, four Mneratlons. Manchester Memorial Hos­ Fast service, work one or two days weekly. INCX>ME TAX preparation serv­ opportunity to discuss your SAVE MONEY! Free estimates, ^ l y insured. pital, a modem expanding ice. Please call Dan Mosler, needs now. Won’t y«#U please Dormers room additions, ga­ 643-7361. 335-bed general hospital, sit­ 644-2881. ALLIED BUILDING SYSTEMS BfR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY 649-3329 or 247-3116. be our guests. O ^ h every rages, porches, roofing and uated in an easily accessible RN — Part-time for (Coventry weekday evening till 10 and all siding. Compare prices. Add- D. & E. PAINTING service, in­ WHAT A JO BETTER WOMAN desires ride from location, proidding Inservlce. Public Health Nursing Asso­ 260 TOLLAND TPKE. — MANCHESTER POOR 1 HOPE THIS WORKS— SHE KEEPS SWAUGWINS day Saturday, your 'round. A-Level Dormer Corp., 289- terior and exterior painting. 9HAAAE. eoGETA Adams and West Middle Tpke., training, tuition reimburse­ ciation. Call 742-6642. CUPDLES s t i l l THE ONES FRQMTHE.DRUGSTORE! 0449. Free estimates. Prompt serv­ Mr. Reynolds THERMOMETER to Pleasant Valley Rd., South Rectown USA Inc., Route 6, ment program, competative HA5 HER ice. 649-2476, 649-8434. salaries and differentials AND 9EE IF SHE, WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI Windsor about 7 a.m. Phone west of Wlllimantlc, Conn., N. J. LaFlamme —Carpenter h e a d COLD! and a comprehensive bene­ An equal opportunity employer HAS A FEVER. s n i f f : 643-6176 8 to 10 p.m. 06226, 203-423-1626. contractor. Additions, remodel- ERWIN DAVIS, painting and fits package has openings on Help Wanted— Mol* 36 E x c o e E e i. ing and repairs. Call anytime papering, prompt courteous FISHING?/ IF VGLJ CONY WANNA ) both the 3 to 11 and 11 to 7 HEyM oeny, ' t r'V TH E LAKE E X C O S Ee ... GO FISHING WITH i ' ' ' for free estimates. 875-1642. service. Tel. 649-0496. Motorcyclas tours. For further Informa­ WANNA GO IS LINDER /ME, -JDST eA Y S O / AutomobDas For Sal* 4 JIG BORE Operators — First, FISHING? G INCHES OF= Bfeycles CARPENTER — A reliable - tion, or to arrange a per­ second and third shift. Lathe 11 sonal interview, please con­ ICTE/ r NEED CAR? (Jredlt very bad? handyman for repairs, installa­ Floor Finishing 24 operators, second shift. Verti­ tact Miss Allen. 643-1141 ext. Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ BICYCLES—New and used. Re­ tions, home Improvements. cal turret lathe operators, sec­ est Douglas accepts lowest pairs bn ail makes. Open dally Call Ted at 247-7836. If no FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- 243. ond shift. Call LeMi Corpora­ 9-5:,3d. Manchester Cycle Shop, answer call 649-0734. ing (specializing in older tion, 643-2362. OPPORTUNITY down, smallest payments, any­ floors). Inside painting. Paper ewttoV where. Not small loan finance 182 We.st Middle 'ITske.. 649- 2098 CTJSTOM builder needs re­ hanging. No Job to small. EXPERIENCED man with company plan. Douglas Mo; modeling to fill our winter John Verfallle, 649-6760. TYPIST — Speedy and ac­ driver's license who klibws tors, 346 Main. Inside PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER schedule. Call Everett Van curate fo rtronscription, elec­ Manchester area to work for 1966 CMB3VROLET Impala Su­ Business Services Dyne, 246-4781 after 6:30 p.m. tric typewriter. Willing to automotive store, 6^ day Get in on Ground Floor will a brand new Bonds— Stocks learn MT-ST operation. Diver­ week. Apply at Winkler Auto t h a t a m e s e n d s ■-V.K per Sport, power steering, pow­ Offered 13 REC ROOMS, designed and sified .work, 37V4 hours,.! Man­ Parts, 61 Tolland Tpke., Tal- 'dealership opening soon ij Manchester LESTER IfaWILLS DOWN 4 7 /y er brakes, automatic transmis­ Mortgages 27 'X m y b a c k S N O W D O W N l built, paneling, formica, and chester office. Mrs, Todd, 649- cottville. 649-4323. Dennis Mo­ (C !•» k, NIK w: TO. i.f u s. rri. oil. 1C sion, bucket seats. Good con­ YOU ARE A-1. Truck is A-1. area. O, I WHEN ME Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ all carpentify work. Free esti­ MORTGAGES -r- 1st and 2nd. rey. dition. Asking 8976. 643-1677 or 8361. Ilf, IJ d o e s , /q ways sealed and small truck­ mates. ' Financing available. mortgages— Interim financing CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER 649-6418. ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- Call 643-0346. —expedient and confidential Top Wages servloe. J. D. Reel Estate 1968 JAVALIN, green, 343 , 4- mano Trucking Service toll- I'LL BET THOSE 7 BUCKINGHAM IJH MIGHT STOOP REWEMBER HIS UNCANNY KNACK FOR COMB TO THINK OF IT.,. A WASH. WIST free. 742-9487. A seoc. 64MS129. rrr 7, WERE FAKE HIPPIES THAT LOW. BUT WE lAADE BURE RIGHT., FORESEEIN' MOUR REACTIONS TO EACH TH' HAIRY PICKETLEAPWlyOU PRAfrlB spoed, heavy duty suspeijslon. Roofing**—Siding 16 Factory Training WHO scuffled WITHV. WALRUSKI mfN'T THAT 5API5T'. AMD IT STEP OF HIS' diabolical SCHEMES., HAD A LONG NOSE J U ^ INCeSSMILY Excellent condition. Cali 872- TREE SERVICE (Soucler) — US SO AS TO SWAP ^ ^ JHREW. US ANP PLANNiN'ACCORPINGLyfi LIKE ISH'SII j ^ r while dm ROOFING and rpof repair. EXPERIENCED DRIVER BRIEFCASES IN TH' GUARD SUFFERING 6081. Trees cut, building lots clear­ Business Opportunity 28 Service Manager CONFUSION! LIKE ISH . from SHOCK! Coughlin Roofing Co., Inc. 643- 1966 C3IEVROLET, super sport, ed, trees topped. (3ot a tree MIGHTWB problem!, Well worth phone 7707. Service Writers p la n n ed ; in good shape. Just take over A-1 GAS STATION FOR FUEL OIL DELIVERY payments. Phone 649-0241 af­ call. 742-8282. BIDWELL’ ’ Home Improvement Mechanics High volume guarantee. ter 4:30. ' DICK’S Service Snow plowing, Co. Expert installation of aluminum siding, gutters and Greater Manchester area. FULL-TIME Apprentice Mechanics KfO b. NU tor TW teg Q» I960 CHEVROLET, Om aro iiu- lota, driveways, sidewalks, apartments, stores. Also sand­ trim. Roofing installation and Call Salesmen \ \ tomatlc, 4 new tires, exceljent ing done. Reasonable rates, repairs. 649-6406, 876-9109. PERMANENT POSITION ROBIN MALONE h / BY BOB LtJBBERS condition. 81,800. CaJl 649-7910 Parts, Man (fell 643-0002. 563-7146 \A AFAKT'/'-cHUi^Frt.E'^ \ OUlCK'LX MY PperT(F5/0ArME, SHAVE, J after 6. EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFITS Gar'Pbiishers TWO YOUNG married men Roofing and Hcw exc?uisire/ a CLIP, CURpy ANP 0HOOM OUP. MR. 1902 TEMPEST, automatic, will do small repair Jobs and n Janitor PARewEt-t p/v?r/ rofz MALC7NE / HE MOST ee (W go(^ condition, lUiklng 8225 or Chimneyf 16-A painting, also cellar cleaning l?O0IM MALONE.' REAPy FOP OUP ©ALA.' b^st offer. Call after 6 p.m. M O LD M A K ER APPLY IN PERSON ONLY Porter Mus/vacoM'^ and light trucking. Cqll 646- ROOFING — Specializing re­ 649-3802. MOSTMAeMiFIClENr 2692, 646-2047. pairing roofs of all kinds, new 1st chHe mold makor. TO HARRY VAN CAMP Yard-Man COUP- LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON 1968 MUSTANG faslback power roofs, gutter work, chimneys Immediate opening, SNOW PLOWING — Parking Office Personnel steering, . automatic, 302, ex­ cleaned and repaired. 80 years' good benefits, good lots, and driveways. 24-hour cellent condition, many extras. experience. Free estimates. wages growth poten* SIHIttICMS fast and efficient service. Rea­ Call Howley 643-6361, 644- Owner in sen^loe. 81;800. 649- UaL CuntHVitH I sonable rates. Call 643-9708. 8333. W. 0. GLENNEY CO. 3663. ‘ APPLY TED TRUDON Ton*Y PORSCHE AUDI, Inc. 1CMK Dr»KTPiAC I AiMans hardtop SHARPENING Service S a w s ,------—------— ------r ;; lONftiMFQ. Oa 336 NORTH MAIN STREET Coupe, 8 cylinder, ’ console, knives, axes, shears, skates, H e o t in g O nd P llU n bin g 1 7 ' ;■/ ■/ rotary blades. Quick service. ... / Unit ot OssMsml A pply: Bob Jones automatic, bucket seats< black, Phimbtng and / . SljbiiLl Curp. MANCHESTER. CONN. PHONE: 649-2838 r - ‘j ’ red interior, foitt bew tires. Capitol Equipment Co., 88 SAM WATSON / ■ Main St., Manchester. Hours Heating. Bathtwm remodeling R sgset 8b, Msodnster lilt New battery, and muffler. Con­ estimates. dally 7 ;80-6, Thursday, .7:80-9, and repairs. Free dition excellent. One owner. Call 049-3808. Coll 649-2948 between 4-8 p.m. Saturday, 7:30-4. 648-7968.^ ■\

p ;-; 7 7 Apartment!— Hati— , BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Aparttnonn— W***r“ . Help Wanted— THERF. OUGHTA BE A LAW Tenement! 63 Aportmonf!—>Flat»-~ Out of Town JL —' Tenement! Hou>ak#or So!a 72 H o u m ! For Sola 72 Houso! For Sola 72 Out of Town Out of Town Male or Femqle 37 Tanamant! 43 For Rant Out of Town IMIEHId'e NTIAL VUhigo Apart- Fo r Sola PUNCH press operators—male W mem THEV WERE DATiRG, AMOEBA CALLED B uTTHE'/’RE IR double MARRE66R0W« For Sola 75 For Sola 7B .'■I I CLASSIFIED liXlUU UOGM upartini'nt. find- melds. Center Si. and Thomp- KIUSE: one month’a rent while s ix -r o o m Duplex no aoST MANCHESTER — Duplex 6-6, 'TRULY immaculate — 8-bed- ASSUMBALE,5% per cent, 5% ------or female, full-time days, no MOKGOOSE^ little QUiRRe- cr^ •AMD ROW SUE CALLG ’EM you renovate. Five room., Del- floor. luMii on heal stove. son ltd., Mancluislcr. Immcdl ance-i. TalcoUIvlle' $160 ^ 1 "eparate furnaces, tile baths, room' Ranch. Real countty room Ranch with attached ga- vk,k n o n — 5%-room Ranch, VERNON (Justom Ranch. SIX-ROOM Cape, located on experience necessary. Apply in mont St., two children, no peta. Avallablo now No per*, Call ale oeeiipancy pn our one bed- 640-6276 after 8. ’ *>®wly painted, porches, one sized kitchen, raised hearth •’"K®. porch, L shaped living heated rec room, treed lot, broczeway, oversized garage, two acres of land. Ideal loca- person, Gayle Mfg. Co,, I'tNim deluxe ii|>artment. Fea­ Security, 648-8666, after 6 p.m. __ block from Main St. Owner 648- fireplace, 2-car garage. Rural “ " ‘1 dining room, finished walk out bneement, excellent fireplace, wooded lot. Immcdl- tlon (or pony or horse. Only 1068-C Tolland St., East Hart­ before 6 pm., tWlMWH. ADVERTISING tures large living room, bed- ROCKVILLE Ivuurel St. 5945. atmosphere yet close to '‘oom In basement, beautifully ‘“ cation. Only |2L600. Hayes ate occupancy. Sacrifice due to $17,900. Paul W. Dougan Real- ford, Bcl- landscaped lot. $24,600. Phil- Agency, 646-0131. ■"illness.------Immaculate.------Meyer tor, 649-4^, ’ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS MANt'HESTER 4W nH>m», iiMiin, i\nd dining area. Wall Fumlshod Four-room apartment, heat — everything. Mr. Zinsser, GENERAL light cleaning, part- I 'i baths, basement, appli­ to wall earpetlng. Complete and hot water Included, $120. MANCHESTER Garrison Colo- iforo Agency, 647-1413. brick Agency Realtors, 646- v E R N O N Agency, Realtors, 643-0609. 8 AJM. to 4:30 PJM. GE kllchen. Self- cleaning Aportmant! 63-A per month. Available Immedi­ nlal, 6- rooms, oversized 4200. VERNON — 1968, 8 or 4 bed- time.- Apply In person. Holi­ ances, heat Included. SERENITY PLUS . . . BOLTON — TTiree -acre lake- room Ranch, recreation room day Lanes, 39 Spencer St„ Available Feb 1st After 6 range, dishwasher, disposal ately. 646-0882, 649-2871. garage, 1% baths, fireplace, NEW LISTING — Three family . w TWO-ROOM furnished apart­ combination storms, beautiful- with new refrigerator, stove, *?AI8ED Ranch In one of Man­ Easy one fuoor living — 7- front estate. Nine-room Ranch with firepilaoe, 2-car garage, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Manchester. p.m. 646-283«. and ilonble-door refrigerator. ment. Heat, hot water, stove, room Rded schools, bus, churches, Bel- $26,600. Mr. Lewis, wooded lot. Selling under pro­ eat-in kitchen, 1% baths, full OFFICE suite for rent. Excel­ Call today'! Phllbrlck Agency MODERN -bedrixun apart­ storage area. Visit us today carpeting, stove, refrigerator l“I- High 20’s. Hayes Agency, fiore Agency, 647-1413. fessional appraisal. Must see. basement. Mid 20’s. Owner, Fem ale 38 2 lent "Center St. location. Suit­ Realtors, 646-4200. ^ Continued From Preceding Page ment In convenient West Cen­ Agent on iiremlses. 1-7, dally and dishwasher. $146 monthly. 648-0131. B &. W Belflorc Agency, 647-1413. 872-3669. MEDICAL Secretary desires at model apartment or shown able for doctor, attorney, real NEAT clean 6-room Cape with l a r o E oversized 8 room Cape, RAr»Rr>wa h wArr a^-d------ter St. location, fully cqulp|«'d 87541979. 875-6782. S U S ^ L O w ” 6a^pe' part-time work evenings and by appointment, 646-2623. 643- estate office. Ground floor. All one.200’ treed yard. Central 1^0 loca­ 2 bullt-ins In klt^- *^ARROWS and W ^U ^CE Co. SOUTH WINDSOR Like new kitchen, ample off-slreet park­ Manchester Parkode Wanted—4teol Estate 77 Help Wanted— Male 3f6 Help Wan^d— Male 36 or Saturdays. Call 633-9975. 1023, 643-4112. utilities, parking. Call 649-1680. venlent location, aluminum tion, immediate occupancy, en, formal dining room, family In and out, you can move I n t o ______ing. Rental J176 with lease ami or 646-3540. Manchester -649-5306 MAIL and stock room clerk. security demisit required. — Wanted To Rent 48 siding, garage, rec room, Can Aluminum siding, new gas room, garage, $29,500 Phll- D *" u 8%-room ALL CASH (or your property MECHANICS — Full and part- Intelligent, obliging and under­ A vallaL February isl. Call TWO - ^ ______be assumed. Owner, no heat. Must sell. Mr. Lom- brick Agency Realtors, 646- BOLTON — Spacious slx-rUving Am You’d day week, commission. Call GOOD HUMOR CORP. ^AKC REGISTERED very tiny ______Park.For Sale 70 1% baths, t w o -c a r ------R Realty Co. Inc. 643-2892. Three bedrooms, living room Design It Chihuahua puppies. All shots, 'nally over $300., 6 monthly jacent. Call 643-1667. REAL'TORS 6 46 Kennedy Rd. Robert D. Murdock, Realtor, with fireplace, dining room 6 Mr. Duggan, for interview. payments of $8.50 each or pay- LOOKING for anything in real A’ITRAsal, city (T? full-time. Call after 6 p.m., Articles For Sole 45 ences. Call after 5, 647-1737. $200., J. D. Real Estate Asso­ posit. Call 649-7764 untU 2 p.m. 649-5324. transportation, ahopping, 3 braided rugs, maple table You will receive full company benefits — plus PEARL St. We are offering Agency, Realtors, 6452813. 1413. "VERNON 6 room Ranch, 3 bed- utilities, 2-car garage, on a schoolssenuots and churches. 649-2384. PART-TIME OR FULL-TIME ciates, 643-5129. 8751834 after 2 p.m. nicely treed lot. Only $34,- ALUMINUM sheets used as and chairs, maple hutch, ROOM for rent, gentleman only, for Immediate sale a 14-room 70 MILE "VIEW, 5room con- rooms, dining room, living Rental many fringe benefits, too! Good pay, plus good Diini™ TWO-FAMILJES — Buy one or CONVENIENT location Is only . ™om, uvuig 400. Jim Florence, 649-6306. agent on premises' S’TOCK CLERK for warehouse, Inquire at printing plates, .009 thick, 23x maple coffe table. Girl’s central location, free parking, ’THREE ROOM apartment, for (1-7 p.n.m. Also shown by must have driver’s license. 36” , 25 cents each or 6 for $1. Columbia bike. 649-4270, 649- references required. 643-2693, hours! Apply in person at two fireplaces, two garages, vate yard, convenient to rent, stove and refrigerator, Out of Town Split with two-full baths! Nice­ appolnltment. One-qiiarteri Full-time, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 643-2711. 0201. 649-8150. i ° S a ? S r S L r S A ,» a y . R » , two acres. Superb landscap- schools and shopping. Priced east of Exit 92. Wil­ EAST HARTFORD excellent neighborhood. $100. tors, 649-2813. , ly landscaped yard, many ex­ B &L W Salary and all store benefits. monthly. Adlilts, 644-8184. For Rent u nearly $7,000. You could oc- ing. Hutchins Agency, Real- for quick sale at $23,900. Phil- BARROWS and WALLACE Co bur Cross Parkway, CAR WASH Model Home Furniture LARGE and completely furnish Moriarfy Brothers tras. Aluminum storms and Route 15 and I-S4. Apply Mr. Katz, Arthur Drug. ROCKVILLE'S flnept — Rock­ cupy half of the house and still ’THREE BEDROOM Ranch, tors, 649-5324. lips Realty 872-3214 or 649-9258. Manchester Parkade USED furnace, hot water, tank ed housekeeping room, also all MANCHESTER —Two bed­ 316 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER — 648-5136 screens. Belfiore Agency, 647- TELEPHONE 646-2628 1044 Burnside Ave 3 ROOM HOUSEFUL land Terrace Apartments, enjoy a gross rental of $3,500. with large kitchen, finished Manchester—649-5306 HELPERS for furniture mov­ and accessories. Call 649-1142. utilities furnished. 272 Main room deluxe Garden type 1413. MANCHES’TER Suburbs — 7- VERNON-BOLTON Lake vidn- East Hartfoj^ 19 PIECES Highland Ave. 3% large rooms Of course the rooming house rec room, treed lot. Sacrifice ( 648-1028 648-4112 . ing and warehouse crews for St. apartment. Available now. room Split, tip-top condition, ity, one year old, unique cus- COLUMBIA — Six-room bunge- with plenty of closet space, use could be eliminated ar.d price. Low, low, 20’s. Wolver- GAMBOLO’TTI built six-room Hartford Despatch Operations Phone 289-0847 or 568-6660 $297 Heat, appliances, carpets In­ this ideally located home fireplace. Family room, gar­ tom built, 5-room Ranch. Sunk­ low. Oil hot water heat. Pri­ SKI E>00 snow mobile, 18% h.p., ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, heat, hot water, refrigerator, ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. Ranch. Two fireplaces, full Center in East Hai*Iford. cluded. $185 monthly. Paul W. would provide fine living facil­ age acre plus lot. Mid 20’s. en living room with unusual vate lake privileges, % acre $595. Call 643-1601. Interior Designer wants re­ gentleman. Shower-bath, free range, hood, disposal, dish­ MANCHEqTirR_ 7 paneled basement. Quality re- Steady employment. Good op- Dougan, Realtor, 649-4535. ities for 2 famlUes. Robert J. A^NOTES'TER— 7 -^ m Ctolon- cessed radiation. Belfiore Hayes Agency, 646-0131. beamed ceiling, huge rustic treed lot. $17,9(X>. Pasek Real­ liable family or newlyweds parking, private entrance. washer, wall to wall carpeting. fireplace, indirect lighting, J portunlty for men who want to BRIDGEPORT Operators —Ex- h e a d slalom skis, 210 c.m. Ne- J to accept delivery of com­ CEN’TRAL Manchester. 5, 4 and Private terrace and swimming Smith Inc. 963 Mam St. €49- lal, 2% baths, fireplaces, built- Agency, 647-1413 tors. 289-7476, 647-1183. perienced in aircraft machin­ Apply 195 Spruce St. ______MANCHESTER large master bedroom with leam the moving business. Top vada toe, Tyrolia step-in heel. plete Model Display of Qual­ 5241. ins, 2-oar garage, Ictige lot. ing. Top pay for the top men. ------3 room apartments, unfumish- pool. Immediate occupancy. sliding glass door leading to VERNON — 5% room ranch. physical condition, references Used 8 days. Must sell. 875- ity Furniture just removed Immediate occupancy. Priced PROFESSIONALLY appraised ^-BEDROOM COLONIAL NICE bedroom for gentleman ed. Adults, furnaces. Shown by Only $165 monthly 876-3776, Close to shopping, bus emd sundeck. Rec room with dou­ high scenic location. Fire­ required. Apply Mr. Hixson, Full benefits. Apply Rolo Ma­ 0256 after 6 p.m. to warehouse for Public to sell. CSiarles Lesperance, for quick sale! Seven room ‘ with references, private home, appointment only. 644-0031. INDUSTRIAL ZONE 876-7486. schools. Huge dining room ble door walk-out. Lake privi­ place, carpeting, garage, walk­ 525-2641 or visit us at 191 Park chine Co., 55 Elm St., Man­ Sale. Modern 3 complete very near Center. 21 Church Land For Sale 71 649-7620. Colonial Cape with 2% baths, Ave., East Hartford. chester. SNOW BLOWER for sale, $75. with china closet, 2 full leges. Moving out of state, out basement. Priced to sell. rooms with the $1,000 look. St. 649-4966. FIVE ROOM Duplex, garage. VERNON — Fox Hill Apart­ 2-zone heat, lovely family Used one year. Call 649-2923, M\NCHESTER — Apartment HEAR THIS — Nine room Co­ baths, 23-ft. living room owner, $23,900. 643-7218. Only $23,600. Hayes Agency, PLUMBING mechanic or ex­ 8 pc. Convertible Living Security deposit, rental agree­ ments, 3% rooms, heat and hot room, formal dining room, after 5 p.m. LARGE furnished room, park­ site for 35 units. And out In lonlal. Four bednMms, foyer, with fireplace, built-lns and 646-0131. perienced helper, top wages, Room, 6 pc. bedroom, 5 ment. Earl Everett Real FOR LEASE water, stove and refrigerator Mr. Zinsser, Belfiore Agency, COVENTRY — New 5%-room our ’Tolland office Les Babin, country kitchen, paneled 1am- a host of other extras. Own­ DEAN ing and linen service, ref­ Estate, 649-8638. 647-1413. overtime. 646-4523 after 6. SAVE Big! Do your own rug pc. Dinette. $10 down, you included. Private basement. the manager, has listed six ily room, paneled recreation er, because of transfer, wlU Ranch, large treed lot, move- TOLLAND — Four - room, ex­ MACHINE PRODUCTS may purchase any room in­ erences. 644-0248. Block and brick commercial building. 3700 sq. ft., $135 monthly. Feb. 1st. occu­ and upholstery cleaning with NOW Renting — Three and five parcels of land from 10 acres room, 2% baths, double ga- UNIQUE! Pour room bungalow listen. (Jail 649-6306. in condition, twin sink in built- pandable Cape. Breezeway, at­ By BBA KEITH A RETIRED gentleman for light dividually. Immediate deliv­ A Blue Lustre. Rent electric HEBRON — large furnished pancy. Call 872-6426. up Into the hundreds. T. J. rage, 200x300: wooded lot. ^ith extra lot. anchor f«nc« in kitchen, large living room. tached garage. Large lot on 102 COLONIAL RD. room large luxurious apart­ with extra lot, anchor fence, 13 C \V 7 maintenance on dally basis at shampooer $1. Olcott Variety ery or free storage. all utilities including: 12 x 20 office, central loca­ All electric. A home for the quiet country road. Near park­ MANCHESTER, CONN. room for rent, limited priv­ ments with heat, etc. Charles Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677 CHose to everything. Hutchins garage. Porter St., area. Mr. ^ G L W Old or new, msdltenranean small office building, 12 - 15 Store. CAP & OCP Charge Plans ileges, Call 649-0292 after 6 ELLINGTON — Plnney Brook (Tolland o4j^lce 876-6279)., way. Asking $19,900. T. J. Lesperance, 649-7620. tion, busy industrial and business zone. Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. Belfiore Agency,' 647: BARROWS and WALLACE Co. S Age^'cy"!'Md" or mod, the kitchen is pnib- hours weekly. Needed immed­ Also, our own Instant Credit p.m. Apartments, three-room unit 645 Crockett Realtor, 8756279. DON’T merely brighten your Plan In brick one-story graden 1413. ably the neiwe center o< your Has immediate openings days, iately. Apply in person at 357 118 MAIN ST. — 3-room apart­ PRINCETTON ST. four-bedroom ______Manchester Parkade 1922. home. It may also be the 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., nights, 4 East Center St., weekdays 9-5 carpets. . .Blue Lustre them MOTEL rooms, weekly rates In apartment building. Total elec­ Houses For Sale 72 Manchester—649-5306 VERNON — Assumable mort­ DISCOUNT FURNITURE ment , heat and appliances, (Jolonlal, 2% baths, heated COLONIAL Cape with two love- moat chifatered, iBWtganlaed, p.m. to 1 a.m. or call 647-9903. . . . eliminate rapid resoiling Vernon Circle Shopping Area. $125. Security required. 646- FRANCIS E. BOLAND AGENCY tric. Range, refrigerator, dis­ recreaitlon room, walking dis­ Lovely gage, Ranch, kitchen with unnerving spot In the house. SPLIT Level assumable mort­ Rent electric shampooer $1. WAREHOUSE 875-0067. 2426, 9-5. SIS BROAD STREET—MANCHESTER posal, alr-conditloning unit, tancetance to BowersBowers, liungUling rad - bedroom Colonial l:i stove, living room, dining ’The amount of energy and TURREIT LATHE—Set-up a n d YOUNG man wanted for part- Paul’s Paint & Wallpaper Sup­ gage 5?i per cent. Modern area, 3-bedrooms, 1% baths, % NOW 2 BIG LOCA’nONS 648-16S4 • 649-706S ceramic bath with shower, ^ r c h e 3 t e r ^ g h .’Elva W . L^ff ore A^S"’ sidlJT pre-^iges Woodland Park. Full time spent there nteans It operate. time work In garage, must be kitchen bullt-lns, formal dining acre lot. Walking distance to ply. ■ ■ 3580 Maih St. Hartford basement laundry and storage Realtor. 6454469. — ^ 1 ’ should not only be pleasant clean cut. Apply in person on­ «x)m, 3 bedrooms, family 1% baths, vanity, carpeting, schools. Wall to wall carpeting. —but also convenient, 'the N 522-7249 area. Adults only, no pets. $126 N HARDINGE CHUCKERS ■ •Set­ ly. Manchester Transmission, outfit complete, 6’ skis, BRAND NEW Raised Ranch. K L AS-y.^^^alt^,' $25,200. Phillips Realty, 872- first step requlired Is to get Read Herald Ads 'SlST'" " per month, $126 security. Call room, 2 baths, garage, large WEST SIDE. . .just llst^ a five Lovely treed lot. For detalYs; 649-6324. attached garage. Upper 20’s. up and operate. poles, boots, (men’s size 11%) (former Fuller Brush bldg.) 161 West Middle 'Tpke. James X Gessay at 876-0134. lot, $29,600. Philbrick Agency room Ranch with partial base- Mr. Merritt Belfiore Agenev' Owner, 644-1664. 3214, 6459258. rid of things you never isse. Call 649-8782 or 646-2482. 175 Pine St. Manchester Realtors 646-4200. ment on a nice private lot just 647-1413. ' ’ T Seldom-used things Uke the PRODUCTION MILLERS Set- CHECKER shipper—Steady em­ 646-2332 (JHOICE Six - loom Ranch '— food grinder etc. ebould be up and operate off the bus line for only $19, ployment In Union shop 5 day FOR SALE —HO Train and car (former Norman’s Furn.) ’Three bedrooms, fireplace. out of the way. Everything set, many accessories. Call 649- TOOL MAKER — Experienced week, full benefits, for man Warehouse 600. Start praWi^ ^ swimming pool, bu U W n s.T a\ rtrw air‘ c^[i^et: thatls left ahouAd be atored willing to work and good with 3371 after 3 p.m. at comer of Pine & Forest Sts. J. Crockett. Realtor at 643-1677. wall to wall carpeting, a n ew ly garage. Immaculate. Mid where it's first itaed, eaetly in jig and fixture work. Young and Lovely Long, Lean Look seen and eosUy reached. To figures. Apply, Knudsen Dairy, Mon.-Frl. 9-9. Sat. 9-6 ------^ ^ V f*" ^ 20’s. Wolverton Agency. Real- MILLIONS of rugs have been a few features of this centrally 6452813 make kUchen organization BRIDGEPORT MILLING MA­ 1100 Burnside Ave., East Hart­ cleaned with Blue Lustre. It’s HELP US to celebrate another 4-BEDROOM SPLIT located Oarrison Colonial. For ______work for you, you must con- CHINE OPERATORS — Set-up ford. America’s finest. Rent electric ELECTRIC SERVICE rider your own aedhriUes and further details, Mr. Zinsser, MANCHESTER — 5 - room and operate. new store opening. Savings of plan your needs accordingly. shampooer $1. Plnewood Fur­ AND YOU Family room, 2% baittis, In- Belfiore Agency, 647:1413. Ranch, city utilities, full base- SERVICE station attendant full­ up to 40 per cent on name A NEW DECADE With a little ingenuky you niture Shop. ground swimming pool rad INSPECTTORS — Experienced time, 7 to 3 p.m. (3ood starting brand sewing machines. Spe- ment, treed lot, walk to bus can make that nervie-center with aircraft parts. fial of the week, Nelco zig-zag, much much more. AU on a BRAND n e w Raised Ranch ^n^ schools, aluminum storms salary plus commission. Ex­ BOY’S bicycle, 8 piece walnut beautifully landscaped lot. INTERRUPTION pleasant, convenient and not regularly $99.95, now $59.^5. with assumable mortgage! All Benefits perience preferred. 628-6209 af­ dining room set, iolding bed, A buy In the low 40’s. J * .1 - and screens. Only $18,600. the leant bit unnerving. 643-5571. For details. Mr Merritt. Bel- can’t beat It. Kelto Agency, ter 5 p.m. ice skates, boy scout pack. flore Agency, 647-1413. o (1) Three adjacent city lots 643-8446. AND JUST HOW FAR WILL YOU GO? 646-4126, 6451922. An Elqual Opportunity Employer ’TWO-DOOR Imperial Frig;!- HERITAGE HOUSE off of E. Center St. City daire; p^no and bench; dlsh- M ^ O f fiS ’^ R — Custom built ASSUMABLE mortgage, 6% IN MANCHESTER utUltles. Elach worth $7,- Help. W onted- CX)LD SPOT air '- conditioner 646-2482 washer,, used little; Admiral 600. Offered as a pack­ Mole or Femole 37 32,000 B.T.U. Useijl just three ' pa- per cent, 7-room Cape. Modern age $20,000. MECHANICS helper, Monday months. Call 649-4268. refrigerator; $1,200 Motorola ______tlo. In-ground 1^ 1. Beautifully kitchen, formal dining room, There will be an electric service interruption entertainment center, $600; 3- MANCHESTER - Pull ■ shed Residential three bedrooms, finished rec (2) Invest in land. High, through Friday evenings, 6 to DRIVERS for school routes in IF YOU ARE A SKILLED MACHINIST — in Manchester on Suntiay, January 18, 1970. The wooded lot in Andover IT’S INEXPENSIVE to clean drawer Birdseye bureau. 643- dormered Cape, 1% baths, new- “ ®^- ♦^2,500. Heritage House, ^oom with bar In basement, 11 p.m., or Saturday, 6 to 11 South Windsor, also occasion- interruption will last approximately 90 minutes just off of Rt. 6. Ten p.m., Sunday 1 to 11 p.m. Ap- al charter trips, good hours, rugs and upholstery with Blue 8698 after 6. 6 H /" ly redecorated. Vacant. Move **“-2482. j22,900. Philbrick minutra from Manches­ ply in person, Vernon Bowling good pay. Collins Bus Service, Lustre. Rent electric sharhpoo- DESIRING RECOGNITION AS A PERSON, BASED YOUR right In. Past sale needed. Cton- MANCHESTER LINE — Ide^ Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. b^inning: at 6:00 A.M. ter. A buy at $2,200.00 Lanes, Route 83, Vernon. ’ ' 644-1531. er $1. Mapehester Hardware & Musical Instniments 53 ventent location. $21,900. Keith six-room Ctolonlal Ranch with The interruption is necessary as part, of (3) WeU under $20,000. 3 Bed­ Supply, 877 Main St., 643-4425. SKILL, ATTITUDE AND MERIT (SO OFTEN MISSING IN Agency, 646-4126, 649-1922. attached garage. Beautifully CORNER OF Vernon and Lydall room ranch. Dead-end .we have a two family flat HELCO’s coriversion to higher voltage to meet street. Near St. Bridg­ ICE SKATIOS", $3.50 each, Boy’s MANCHESTER — Just listed J“ dscaped lot. Immaculate with 5 rooms dowji and 4 up. Help Wanted— Male or Female 37 FOUR-piece Ludwig drum set, increasing customer loads. ets. CUty UtJities. A re^ size 4, Hockey’s, Boy’s size 8, very clean, well planned 6- jAroughout. Executive area, Older home converted but very good condition. Call 649-9605. "MODERN TIMES") — sleeper for someone wlU- Figures. Call 643-8798. room Cape, fireplaced living heritage House, 6452482. nice. Our sign is posted. Asking In case of inclement weather the conversion Ing to work a little. room, built-in kitchen, 1% HEART OF Town. . .ten (or is $29,900 . . .a good income pro­ 'iS planned for the same hours on Sunday, Janu­ (4) Mid twenties. 3 Bedrocun s h o u l d e r LENG’TH fall, 100 FARFISA electric compact or­ MALE & FEMALE ducer. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, Cape. Formal Dining­ per cent human hair, medium gan, Gibson heavy duty am­ SEEKING STEADY WORK WITH A SOUND FUTURE — baths, garage, deep treed yard, a n ) room single with 2% ary 25, 1970. , plifier, microphones, stand, close to everything. Come see baths. Needs some redecorat­ 643-1677. room. Fireplaced living Machine Operators— Auxiliary Helpers brown. Cost $60. Best offer. room. 1% Baths. Garage. best offer. 649-8782, or 646- this one. Mid 20s. Keith Agen­ ing. Well constructed home, ' A list of the streets affected follows.;. Machine Cleaners— Watchman:—Sweepers Call 646-1037. ■ cy 646-4126, 6^51922. f Treed iot. 2482. built In the 40’s. Must be seen TAG SALE — Mt. Sumner Lots For Sale 73 West Center Street from, Olcott Street to (5) ' Low Twenties. 4 Bed­ We have openings on all three shifts. Good wages. Includ­ BOWERS School Area— custom . . sensible price at $26,900. T. Drive, Bolton,. January T7, 18, Center Street with the exception of Man­ room (Jape. Immediate ing complete Company paiid benefit program. We are 3 bedroom Ranch, 2 ba/ths, fire- J. Crockett, Real^r, 643-1577. CHOICE of several building lots occupancy. 1% Baths. located on the bus line. 1-5 p.m. 649-4261. chester Motor Sales Wanted— To Buy 58 place, bullt-lns, city utilities, EXCELLENT 6% room Ranch, with cjty utilities. Ranging in Central location. price from $6,000 and up. Phil­ Foley Street YOU SHOULD LOOK INTO MAL TOOL cellar, $25,600. Meyer Agency, garage, large lot, city utilities. (6) Low twenties. NEW ALL WANTED - AN'HQUES, uaed THEN brick Agency, Realtors, 645 e l e c t r ic Apply Cheney Brothers, Inc. Fuel and Feed 49*A Realtors, 643-0609. fireplace. Onwer anxious to Hyde Road , ItANOH. 3 4200. 31 Cooper Hill Street furniture, partial or complete Summer Street Extension Bedrooms. Latgie treed FIREWOOD for sale, sawed estates. Call 646-0004 after 7 IfACANT cape cm West Side. . . ®®”’ P®*" cent assumable lot. Manchester, Connecticut AND ENG. CO. — PLANTS IN CONN., FLORIDA, VT. — six rooms, 1% baths, full shfed »"ortg«8e. Price $24,600. TOLLAND One-acre treed Our office is open dally 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and split. Will deliver. Timber- p.m. 633-2300 days. Dudley Street (7) HIGH RIDGES.. 3 Bed­ dormer, rear porch all In ex- Oh»>"Ies Lesperance. 649-7620. lot. Near Parkway. $2,600. and on Saturday by appointment. land Tree Service, 875-1238. Lyness Street room, 2 Bath Raiiioh. HOUSEHOLDS lots — Antiques cellent condition. Mid twenties Hayes Agency, 646-0131. Full basement. Li <.. . . . r f Inch and they'll switch lanfs. Bvaalax Baralll, 11S8 AVE. Bne Bsnett, Manohostor $37,000. Philbrick Agency, room, double garage, $23,000. tached tool shed. 27x12 fin. rec. room with bar. Addlttoual Trumbull Street Give us a few minutes and APPLY IN PERSON AT; or AMKBIOAS,.V— NEW 1 VOBK. E v e s lu HaraM, IISS AVE. needs work," Mortgage can be Realtor, 646-4200. Hayes Agency, 8450181. 29x83 fuU cellar space. Full aised 1-oar garage. N.T. UtM. OF AMKIUCAB. NEk|r YOBK. arranged. $26,000. Principals we’il show you some lovely PRECISION ENGINEERING COMPANY Nint Nnmt, Attrui wllli Ilf If Y IMM* The conyerflion will be accomplished in the homes for sale. \ Large Uvlng room, window faces beautiful treed secluded CODI nnJ ttyk Nuniktr. Prist'Niiat, * AMrail wtUl IIP only. Call 6454522. EIOHT ROOM single that is vn- EAST HARTFORD — custom ALDON SPINNING MILLS CODE, Itpla Nsisksr asd (In . shortest possible time in.order to minimize cus­ park Uke area. Expensive knotty pine throughout. Loaded Send 60f today for the' cant. Four or five bedrooms,. 1963 four-bedroom Raised caMneted kitchen with disposal, range and refrigerator Facea Now available . . . the ’69 MANCHESTER 5room Ranch, tomer inconvenience. TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. new ’89 Fall and Winter 1% baths, and two car garage. Ranqh. Oak St. area. Alu- KEITH / and looks down a long beautiful street. Fireplace has buUt-in ALBIJM! Fall 4 Winter Basic assumable 5K per cent mort- Beautlful house, had best of mlnum aiding, fireplace, built- / 8:30'A.M. — 6:30 P.M. FASH ION showing many wood storage area. Cloaet space everywhere, economical two- nil MC auilTlR . . . a l*Mkw gage, fireplace, family room, care. Aluminum siding, extra Ins. Assumable 5%% mortage. / REAL ESTATE / sone heat. ’This $50,000 neighborhood will delight you anm-nuklnii nlin 11 Mnrah hbndsome styles from kntlpii. Pattnrn pItMii Krnn- which to choose your pat­ walk-out basement, bus line, sized lot j..price Is negotiable. Immediate occupancy./$80,900. The h^artford Ele4tric Light Company 17! East Oenter Street tlnni RI07 . . . Ht n ftt- terns! Only 50f a copy. Low 20’s. Hayes Agency, 645 T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- Meyer Agency. Realtor, 648- 6451B2! e4541!« i 0181. . f 1577. 0609,

J /

' n ■ iHt I - ■ ’ • F tfifir' n- -I [ Irtf'W i' 'n il l ’I'" r irriirt if- f i — X, N,\ \ \ \;' .\'.:V ,\ ■ V \ X,; M 'n\ ' \ \

\' \ \ FRIDAY, JANUARY \te, 1 9 7 0 \ K v e n g t Dally Net Press Run V PAGE TWENTY-TWO The Weather \ For The Week Ended V- ‘-X \\‘ \ \ \ r ^ ?Eiipntttg H^^ralii Deoember 80, 1969 Tunrlng colder tonight, chance of flurrlez. The low in the teena Manchester to lower 20h. Incr^aalng cloudl- Blood Donations Connolly-DelQreco 15,880 ne«a, (Mild Sunday, chance of Hospital Notes SATURDAY ONLY Manchcntvr— A City of Village Charm tmow. VISITINO HOURS Total 92 Pints Intermediate Care Semi- VOL. L X X X IX , NO. 91 (SIXTEEN PAGES— TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1970 (CIOMlflod Advertizing on Page 18) PRICE TEN CENTS private, noon-2 p.m., and 4 p.m. The Bloodmobile collected 92 pints yesterday at Con­ • p.m.i private rooms, 10 a.m.- cordia Lutheran Church with a %)tal of 68 keeping ap­ 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. pointments and 38 walking in. Only four potential don­ Pediatrics: Parents allowed ors were deferred. ------^ ^ ------any time except noon-2 p.m.; The collection, 88 pints short Sheila Cameron, Miss June C. others, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. Cong Displays GIs of Manchester’s 160-plnt monthly Werdelln, Miss Marie Stead, Self Service: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Blacklist Blockade quota, contrasts with last Reno Dufour, Francis I. Maston, month's record 298-pint ooUec- Robert Otten. Intensive Care and Coronary tion in the "Save-A-Life Sun- Care: Immediate family only, Also Miss Nancy L. Moran, day drive, a special hoUday Margaret Brooks, Clarence anytime, limited J o five min­ Prior to Execution collection. utes. a. Maron, Anthony A. Vltlello, SAilGON (AP) — 'Two Ameri­ Among the donors were 11 Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m.- by residents of the area. It was Blocks Biafran Aid Thomas Dawkins, Merlin W. can prisoners were dragged reaching gallon marks, led,by 12:48 p.m., and 0:30 p.m.-8 not explained why the residents Cunningham, David Pierce, from village to village, put on Mrs. Harriet Ann Mitchell of 863 p-m.; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., and suddenly decided to speak out. — r>IBREVILLE, Gabon (AP) continued to aid Kiafra during Tome, I>agoB and Paris-, discuss­ E. Center St. who recorded her ^ Quasn»schka. 0:30 p.m.-8 p.m.' display, then executed by the A spokesman for the U.S. More than a thousand tons of the war. ing schemes for using the vast Age Limits: 10 In maternity, Viet Cong in front of a hamlet reseiwes of rice, dried fish, pow­ seventh gallon. Also Kenneth J. Dawson, Command said the grave w u fcKsl lind medicine for Blafra sit Now the bhu-kllsted agencies 12 in other areas, no limit In church north of Hue, U.S. irilll- Others Included Edward J>. Dorice P. Fournier, Miss located in a coastal area of — the French Red Cross, the dered milk and medicine If the self-sorvlce. tary spokesmen said today. In warehouses here. Some 4,(XX) Nigerian government docs not Coltman, six gallons; Mrs. Con- Do>‘othy J. Sullivan, Berthold Thua Thlen Province, in the Catholic relief organization Car- The U.S. Command said the more tons are blocked on the stance Tomczuk and George Quasnltschka, Robert Q. Kittle, northernmost 1st Ck>rps area' of Itlcs and Joint Church A id- have rescind its ban. Dainls Klavinis, Mrs. Grace The administration reminds tKMlies of Capt. David R. Dov­ South Vietnam. The iHxlles of Portuguese island of Sao Tome, Reliable informants sold de­ Chandler, five' gallons; Irving visitors that with (instruction ers, of Mount Holly, NC., and begun meeting with officials of Agnew, William L. Stratton,. three South Vietnamese sol­ and another shipload of 3,890- bate focused on at least two Carison, Stanley Oryzb, Brad­ under way, parking space Is M. Sgt. John H. O’Neill were the International Red Cross to ford G. Aipers, and Robert S. Francis E. Brookes, J. R. diers, apparently executed, also plans. limited. Visitors are asked to found last Chriatmas EJve in a tons is on the way. see If supplies can be turned Mortenson, four gallons. Koury. were found In the shallow over to them for eventual ship­ One Involved flying the sup­ bear with the liospltal while the ehallow grave by U.S. Marines. grave. The supplies may never get to ment to regugees In Blafra. plies to Cotonou tor transfer to Also, Akrs. Anne Kaven, three parking problem exists. Both had been listed as missing Devers and O’Neill were the defeated secessionist region. gallons; Charles E. Genovese, in action. The Nigerian government con­ Red Cross officials have shut­ ships that would then shuttle memibers of a U.S. advisory them to Port Harcour on the two gallons; and Mrs. Rose The U.S. Command said U siders the relief organizations tled by plane between Ckitonou ADMITTED YESTERDAY: team attached to the south Viet­ coo.st of Algeria’s eastern re­ Kleinschmidt, one gallon. About Town withheld announcement of the namese 1st Infantry Division. Involved suspect because they In Diihomey, Libreville, Sao Roy Adams Jr., 110 Lake Rd., gion. A freighter with 1,000 tons .'■The Bloodmobile will visit St. Recovery of their Ixxlles pend- Elsewhere In the war. South Mary’s Church Friday, Feb. 13, Cub Scout Pack 47 will meet Andover; Mrs. Helen M. Ali- of smoked fish from Norway insr an invraUgation, poritlve Vietnamese military headquar­ from 1 ;46 to. 6 ;30 p.m. tonight at 7 at the South United brio, 203 'Vernon St.; John 8. was already reported to be identification of the bodies ters announced today the re­ The foUowing donors kept ap­ Methodist Church. Brown; 99 Heimy St.; Fred J. making the trip from Cotonou, through dental' records and no- placement of t'wo major tactical pointments ; Richard Dorey, Byram, 168 Pine St.; Gregory independent of the blackballed UflcaUon of next of kin three commanders in the Mekong Del­ Mrs. Helen Aseltine, James Mc- Caravella, Box 216, Talcott- agencies. i The Altar Gidld of Emanuel days ago. ta and one-third of the country’s Cooe, Allan Walch, John J. Lutheran Church wlU meet Mon­ ■vlUe; Mrs. Dora M. Caron, 96 Biafran Children "Reports from residents in province chiefs. The second plan would be to Naretto Mrs. Barbara Daw­ day at 7 :30 p.m. in the church Pine St.; Mrs. Nancy Clerke, send the supplies to Douala, Ca­ kins, Stuart B. Clark, Jack J. reception roonr. the area stated the Viet Cong Sources said the move is de­ 132 Laurel St., IVapping;; Mrs. put the U.S. prisimers on dis­ meroon, from where they could Lappen, Mrs. Margsiret Sumner, signed to improve military lead­ Ruth Curtiss, Stafford Springs; play In several villages before ership and make government be rushed. directly into the Mrs. Lois J. Anderson, Mrs. Ma­ Dr. A. Elmer Diskan will give Dearme L. Dawson, Pine Ridge stricken area. rie Benson, Mrs. Jean Kielick. executing them,’ ’ said a state­ administration more efficient. Fate Not Certain an illustrated talk on his experl- Rd., Columbia; Mrs. Natalie P. ment from the U.S. Command. According to reports from La­ Allied forces reported killing hospitals at Onitsha, three at Also Anthony P. Sartor, Hen­ ence.s aboard' the 'hospital ship DeiMars, Trowbridge Rd., Cov­ "They had been captured after LAGOS (AP) — The new gos, there was no indicmtlon of ^v- 42 enemy in a half dozen scat­ , Owerri, two at Umuahia and ry R. Wierzblcki; Mrs. Carol L. SS HOPE, at a meeting of entry. an action Aug. 13, 1966, and lat­ school year begins this week in famine or intolerable hardship. tered clashes during the past 24 three at Enugu, the old Biafran Jolly, Charles Haid, John Gar- Manchester Lodge of Masons Also, Robert B. I^ugan, 9 er shot to death by their Viet Nigeria, but in the war-ravaged But an American pediatrician. hours.- There were 13 enemy capital. As the federal armies side Jr., Daniel GaUagher, Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the ban- Eldridge St.; Mrs. Margaret J, Oong captors." land where the Ibos live it will Dr. Davida Taylor of Berkeley, rocket and motar attacks in the be six months, perhaps longer, swept north and east, many hos­ James P. Tierney, Everett T. quet hall of the Masonic Tem- Emonds, 79A Charter Oak St.; frhe spokesman said the two Calif., who left> Blafra last Sat­ same period. No Americans before the Jungle drums beat pital and clinic staffs moved Carlson Jr. Mrs. Mema West. pie. Refresbmettts will be serv- Mrs. Elsie Fentiman, East were not the first prisoners exe­ urday, said there could be a were reported killed, but 16 out the familiar stacatto notes with the children into the bush, Alao Bruce Carlson, Mrs. Bela tbe program. The event Hartford; Paul E. Flnkbeln, cuted by the Viet Cong. He said million deaths in two weeks due U open to all Mlasons, their MRS. KEVIN CONNOLLY were wounded. The U.S. Com­ of: "Come, Come, to 8chl." setting up sick bays and kwa- M. Carlson, Mrs. Patrice A. Me- Patricia Dr., Vernon; Clyde R. there had been reports of oth- to malnutrition. Carty, Mrs. Rose Aceto, Sister families and friends. Reserva mand said two American heli­ There are no schools to go to. Tshiorkor wards in abandoned Gould, West WiUington; Wil­ ers, but he did not know how "There were a great number Marcia Tetrault, Mrs. Thelma necessary. copters were shot down Friday, By conservative estimate more schools and stores. Miss Janice DelGreco and She wore a fuli-leng;th empire liam J. Moran, Rt. 6, Andover; many. of children who had Just been WcMXlbridge, Donald Anderson, ----- but ail crewmen escaped unin­ than a million and a quarter Getting the tiospltals going Kevin Connolly, both of Man- 8°'^" ot emerald green velvet. Francis Moriarty, 4 Chapel St.; In Mount Holly, N.C., Mrs. hanglhg on since December Arthur R. Tinas. jured. children in what was the seces­ again will not be as difficult a Cub Scout Pack 143 will meet -heater were united in mar- ndi- said. "These kids are in John E. Welply Jr., Frank the Church of the Assumption, headbow. She carried a cascade Circle; Sean R. O’Loughlin, namese Infantrymen raided a years. ficer that Devers had been "ex­ Vet Cong base camp in- the U Michael Brody, 21, shown with wife, Renee, announced plans to give away $25 tion of the children is more de­ immediate danger." Chmieleckl, Miss Margaret E. The bride Is a daughter of bouquet of pink elegance cama- East Hartford; Mrs. Mary H. Many of them — no one yet U. S. Navy Airman Appren. ecuted on the legal date of Sept. Mlnh Forest, deep in the Me­ million yesterday^ The predictable people response today forced the lad into teriorated than the condition of She said it was also important Mulkem, Vernon Smith Mrs. James J. Miller Jr., husband of Mr. and Mrs. Victor DelGreco tlons. Radion, RFD 2, Bolton; Mrs; really knows how many—are 30, 1966," 49 days after his cap­ kong Delta. One government the sch(x>Is.’ ’ that doctors accompany relief Grace Bogdan, Irvin W. Gart- the former Dora S. Andrew of ot 167 Grandview St. The bride- Bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy J. Rosch, Armstrong hiding. (AP Photofax) lying Jammed In hospital wards ture. soldier was killed and six Under MaJ Gen. Yakubu Go- supplies to plan their distribu­ side. 40 Olcott St., has completed 28 groom is a son of Mr. and-Mrs. Elaine DelGre(x> and Miss Rd., Coventry; Mrs. Edwlna suffeiTng from Kwashiorkor, the The U.S. Command said it wounded in the action. dreaded protein deficiency dls- won’s general amensty for those tion. Also Raymond Larivee, Mark days of Intensive training in the John Connolly of 18 Falrvlew Grace DelGreco, sisters of the Rossignol, East Hartford; In Cotonou, relief sources re­ Joseph T. Rzewuski, Loehr Rd., w&s presumed that O’Neill was Sources said the military re­ ea>se that has claimed many misled by the revolution" there N. Bogdan, Donald Kuehl, Rich- recruit phase of the U.S. Navy’s St. bride, and Miss Sue LeBlanc, should be no shortage of African ported ttiat an International Red Rockville; Mrs. Evelyn M. Salt­ executed at the same time. shuffling appeared to be only lives in the war. ard Peck, David T. Gorke, “ Fbur-to-Ten-Month” ketive du- The Rev. Ernest J. Coppa of “ “ Manchester. Robin Kerr Mrs. Caimon said she was told teachers. Few educators, how­ Cross relief plane was refused ers, Rt. 31, Coventry; Mis. the beginning of a major ohake- Give Away Leads to Get Away And wonder and concern Norman Boulais. .ty program at Memphis, Tenn- the Church of the Assumption M ^chester, niece of the that Devers "was taken with an­ ever, see any hope of getting a permission to land at Lagos to­ Also Mrs. Alona Donovan, He will W attend one of tte W o r m e d the double-ring cere- bridegroom, was flower girl. Marie L. Seyboit, 29 Stephen up in the South Vietnamese grows at what their fate will be other American (presumably SCARSDALE, N. Y. (AP)—It The money madness spread a demonstration record that he now that the missionaries and new school term started until day. Francis Maffe Jr., Warren na'vy’s service schools where he mony Paul Chetelat of Man- attendants wore ruby red St.; Donna Sipala, 66 Walker army. In addition, 14 of South The plane, whltdi finally left O’Neill) in front of the church in all became a little t(x> much for abroad. In Paris, switchboards will probably bring out himself relief workers who cared for after August, the traditional Coons, Sherman Collins,'Roland will learn the skills of the trade cheater was organist. Bouquets Bovms and headbows similar to St.; Howard Tourtellotte, Tol­ Vietnam’s 44 province chiefs its cargo in Cotonou, was one of the village and executed. giveaway millionaire Micliael of the French National Televi- under his&new Prince of Peace them have been declared perso­ four week summer recess in A. Beaucage, John S. Alvord. or profession In which he will of gladioli and chrysanthemums attendant’s and car- land Green, Tolland. were replaced. Nigeria, if even then. Expelling two which the Red Cross an­ Walk-ln donors were; Mrs. serve. were on the altar. similar bouquets. "The -viUagers did not report The most significant change James Brody Jr. texlay and he sion network, and Radio Monte label. na non grata by the federal gov­ BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son the execution until Christmas ernment lor remaining inside the missionaries, both Protes­ nounced in Geneva Friday night Nancy Dimock, George E. Cul- ___ xhe bride was given in mar- William D. Kerr of Manches- was the replacement of Brig. decided on a quick getaway Carlo were fl(x>ded with calls “ Just let me sleep, Just let me to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown, BJve of 1969,” she sall8 will not help speed mission. to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew An- commander of the 7th Division, the country, reportedly for a story. All the callers wanted entering the studio. "I ’ve befen deus Gadarowski, Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen fuU-length empire gown of vel- brother-in-law. Ushers were afraid of being ^ o t themselves. church leaders, both Roman up the process. Word also was received that Margaret Dorie, Joseph Czer- p. Behnke of 1'78 E. Center St. '^®t trimmed with Venlse lace James DelGreco of East Hart- saldi Jr., 81 SherwcxMl Circle. rated as one of the weaker of warm resort island. Brody’s address and phone up 60 hours. Let’s all be greedy The bodies were found by a Catholic and Protestant, are Unlike the rest of Nigeria, nine doctors and workers tor wlnski, Douglas Wllk, Joseph has been named to the dean’s *tnd designed with long pouffed lord, cousin of the bride; and DISCHARGED -YESTER­ South Vietnam’s 10 infantry dl- Brody, 21-year-old heir to a number, in seven days. Can’t people cool U.S. Marine ci'vic action team, pleading with, the Nigerian gov­ where the local state goveim- various relief organizations— ’Tully Jr., Burdette Webb Jr., uat of Green Mountain (College sleeves with pointed cuffs, an Stephen Naezkowski and Ernest DAY : Mrs. Gabrielle Major, margarine fortune, told the In Manhattan reports of a It for that long?” ments had taken over the six French, one German, one $68 $79 acting on information supplied (See Page Eight) world Thursday that he had 326 Brody giveaway office opening ernment for a transition period Carter G. DeCormler. in Poultney, Vt. She is a student A-llne skirt and a detachable of Manchester. East Hartford; Keeney J. He explained that it would of at least a week for turning church schools, all the schtmls Swiss and one Yugoslavian— chapel-length Watteau train. Robert Kerr of Manchester, Also Lieo F. Diana, Mrs. in retailing. Hutchinson, RFD 1, Bolton; Two-button, tide vent models million to give away—and was on Broadway brought hundreds take" thaTTo’n r t o g*t somVor- in the Ibo lands of eastern Nige­ were safe and in g(xxl health Her imported English Illusion nephew of the bridegroom, was the hospitals over to a new set Mrs. Jacqueline C. Wagner, 22 or three-button center vent mod­ promptly besieged by visitors, of fund-seekers to a tiny 14th- ganlzation going in his fledgling of relief workers. ria were run by churchmen. The after staying behind during the fingertip-length veil was ar- ring bearer. Strant St.; George L. Knapp, els. Regulars, shorts, longs. telephone callers and telegram floor cubicle. philanthropy-a need he dlscov- area was about to take over the collapse of Blafra. They have Mrs. DelGreco wore a tur­ "You Just can’t walk off and ranged from a crown of seed 438 W. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. senders who said they’d like a Requests ranged from cash to g^ed earlier when 18 people mission sch(x>Is when the civil received Nigerian permissloa to quoise crepe dress with matl8, 100 high schools and workers back, however. They Uedoos, Baldwin, Russets — and Fresh Cider. chester, sister of the bride- dress with a Jeweled midriff, “ You want love? You’ll get GARDEN FRESH: Belgium En^ve, Boston Lettuce, Artl- rick, Eaust Hartford; Peggy Ann WOOL TOPCOATS suburb, Brody cried out that he night from Weirton, W.Va., to ". . .w e are willing to cooper­ several teacher training insti­ will be replaced instead by new groom, was matron of honor, matching accessories and a CahlU, 32 Famharn Rd., South love," he said. “ Money. Cars. (diokes, Shalots, Leeks, Peas, Egg Plant, Green, Yellow was down to his last three ask for $1 million. ate to the fullest, but there must tutes 'With a total enrollment of teams. It was feared the return white orchid corsage. Windsor; Robert E. Dulka, 97 You’ll get what you want. Mon- Squash, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Spbuudi, Com, Planning for a Comeback? checks and asked police to clear He said he needed the money > j,,., be some transition period, 10 more than a half million and a of the old relief workers could After a reception for 200 at Cambridge St.; Frederick W. 31.50 45.00 Brats, Romabie Lettuce, White Sweet Potatoes, Black Rad­ the house. to build a pig-iron melting plant T*” ” " days, a week, for a orderly teaching staff of 4,000. Various irritate the Nigerian goyern- ishes, Cherry Tomatoes, and Watercress. the Glastonbury Elks Lodge the Brown, Prospect St., Coventry; 100% wool fabrics, and days. If you want my ill By DAVE SMITH 103 and Mrs. Krieger sat by her Friday afternoon Brody and that would provide Jobs tor ^ want my change-over. If the children are Protestant groups conducted al- rnent. JUST PICKED: Strawberries, Peaches, Navel Oranges, couple left by plane for Bermu­ Julius J. Muckor, Warehouse tweeds, herringbones, plaids death you can have that too. I’m The Los Angeles Times bed all night. his bride of 11 days, Renee, Weirton, which he said was in to survive.” most as many schools with an Meaivwdtile, in Cameroon, Grapefruit, Persimmons, Coconuts, Spanish Melons, Tange­ a Skates Sharpened da. For traveling, Mrs. Connol­ Point; Mrs. Noru Moran, 183 ^ FREE and solid tones. Reouiors, ready to die for you if that’s shorts, longs. While on the U.S. mainland At 2 a.m. the nausea started— drove to their luxury apartment the heart of the poverty belt, Even though the hospitals even higher enrollment, 10 to 20 — The collapse of Blafra and rines, Limes, Pineapples, Chestnuts, Boira, IPAnJou Pears, and t h e .profesNonal ly wore a dusty rose suit and Birch St.; Mrs. Dorothy Pilaw- what you want.” ALTERATIONS the ratio Is figured at two hu­ wracking waves of sickness that on New York’s East Side and By late Friday afternoon' Bro- have been severely damaged by per cent more, or somewhere the emergence of an avtnivwHy Nectarines. way, “ H o l l o w a corsage of pink and white ski, Windsor Locks. > Brody has already handed mans for each rat,' in Hawaii kept Sandy up and down the then wandered around the city dy was In a recording studio—in by the war and medical supplies near 700,000 students below col- Communist regime in Brazza- Ample Parking for Our Weekend S ^ ia ls ! Ground” at no ex­ rose buds. After Jan. 17, they Also, August Miller, Eaqt rodents are believed to outnum­ out, by his flgurin, tens of thou- will live at 18 Falrvlew St. rest of the night. But by morn­ ready to pass out money to addition to having money he ransacked and vandalized, there lege level. Although the foreign vllle have put an end to squab- GAUFORNIA LETTUCE ...... head 29 « tra charge. Hartford; Mrs. Sadie Wesneskl, "BROOKFIELD" ber humans 7 to 1.” ing, the nausea and fever bad those who caught his fancy. plays guitar and sings—cutting Mr. and Mrs. Connolly are 83 Deepwood Dr.; Mrs. Mary E. (See Page Eight) is no shortage of African doc- missionaries ran most of the bllng among the moderate, CALIFORNIA BROCCOLI...... bunch »A « SPORT COATS —Associated Prem subsided. • Ice Creepers at­ graduates of Manchester High Macaro, East Hartford; Mrs. tors, nurses and technicians in schools, most of the teachers French-speaking countries of COMICE P E A R S ...... 6 for S 9 « Dispatch, August 1969 tached SO y o u School. She is employed by the Margaret Jones, Venum Trailer Mrs. Krieger, who works in the surrendered Ibo lands. were Africans. West and Central Africa. TANGERINES, Extra Large ...... doz. "There are more rats in the “ Among their population the por a time during the war, as Many of their leaders attend- won’t faUI Southern New England Tele­ Park, Kelly Rd., Vernon; John J 45.00 the business office of Los SEALTEST ICE CREAM ...... 1/2 gal. 9 ^ phone Co. and he is employed MacNeeley, 24 Strong St.; Mrs. ip 0 % Shetland wool and wool trees and Ivy of Beverly HlUs Alamos Medical Center, kept Ibo tribes had an incredibly the Ibos began to retreat Into ed ceremonies here this week o Shoes made long­ by Crestwood Products. He will Bernice B. Krewalk, 18 Liberty tweed sportcoats than there are hi Watts.” Sandy in bed Tuesday and went high percentage of professional the bush before the advancing marking the 10th anniversary of We Carry The Manchester Evening Herald —Los Angeles County Study Gives men: Doctors, dentists. X-ray federal armies, the mlsslonar- the independence of the Came- COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS er and shoes made serve In the U.S. Marine Corps St.; Danielle Burke, 177 Maple Regulars, shorts, longs. to work, mentioning the girl’s One Block Finds Answer Health Department technicians, most of whom, ies, both Catholic and Protes- roon federation. Their arrival OPEN 6 AM. to 9 P JU. DAILY wider! beginning Feb. 23. St.; Bruce J. LaBrecque, 108 Illness to Dr. Irene Boone, who High Tower Dr., South Wind­ told her to bring Sandy in if she elected to remain with the tant. attempted to set up Jungle coincided with the end of the LOS ALAMOS.t N. M.—Las To Mounting Street Crime Schools Look break-away state," said a mis- schools. civil war in Nigeria, SAM YUYLCS sor; Margaret A. Fagan, 34 didn’t feel better next morning. Woodhill Rd.; Scott E. Hagelln, FAMOUS NAME LINED September, 18-year-oId Sandra Going home to check on her at sionary spokesman. Emanuel Lists By CARJ> BERBTEIN autos, not street attacks. ’ he The Catholics alone ran five (See Page Eight) (See Page Eight) 23 OAK STREET 111 Orchard Hill Dr., Wapping; Krieger went out Into the hills noon, Mrs. Krieger found Sandy ALL-WEATHER COATS The Washington Post says. "There was no real his­ P F P n """ Wendell M. Graves, Box 3, around her Los Alamos home to asleep, her forehead relatively Of Battlefield A Dew steps from Main Annual Meeting tory of violent street crime. ■ PRODUCE!" Buckland; George Papadopou- reg ■gather pinon nuts—a seasonad cool. Washington — As the sun Established 1911! 26.90 activity since the time the In­ “ Then we began to get auto WASHINGTON (AP) — A na­ Emanuel Lutheran Church los, Willimantic; Raymond O. $18 That night it began again — arises each morning, the 1800 276 OAKLAND ST., MANCHESTER — 643-6384 dians were alone in the New break-ins almost every day,” he tional survey has found a stag­ will have its aimual meeting Holland, Williams Rd., Bolton. Orlpn acrylic pile zip-out liner nausea, b lin d in g headache, block of Wyoming Avenue NW Mexico high country. recalls. "It got so bad we knew gering amount of vandalism and Sunday at ,2 p.m. in Luther Hall Also, Mrs. Gerard St. Jean with cotton backing. Polyester- soaring fever, and something is bizarrely plunged into rela­ It was a warm Sunday after­ some of them by face. A few other crime in the public Cut Your Tax of the church. and son, 240 Burnham St.; Mrs. cotton blend shell. Block, natur­ new — hard and intensely pain­ tive darkness. Glaring flood' noon and Sandy — am outdoorsy schools, causing school officials The budget for 1970 will be William Tyler and son, Hart­ al, oiive. Regulars, shorts-, ful swellings of the lymph llghto, burning since dusk the nieasuros rang- If you were ill lairt year, longs. youngster — soon found herself presented for approval, and of­ ford. glands under the left arm and the expenses you incurred as on more of a nature hike than a previous evening, are turned oft toTaV .^r-check^r^Ter " z •urvellla^e ficers will be elected. Pastoral the back of the neck — darken­ shortly after dawn on 22 of 35 a result of that illness may pinon-picking itrip. surveys andxcouncil reports will ed knots so swollen and tight houses in the block. help you reduce your Income Carriage House (Dig. Boutique SELECTED GROUP OF When something skittered un­ .. , . . . V ^ I " a nationwide survey tax. Leant oboiJt this in an be given. LIGQEn DRUG they threatened to burst at the The llghts-along with shnto- started taking their pictures to „ „ g<.i,ooi Vandalism, the BalU- der a log, she bent to see what bery cut to knee height, trees scare them. article on page 5. After the meeting, refresh­ MEN’S SUITS slightest touch. more school system learned 38 PARKADE it warn, leaning her left arm on pruned of shadow - casting ments will be served by a com­ Nursing Sandy through her Meanwlrile, purse snatchings, districts that responded suffered Similar income tax infor­ OPEN the log and peeking under but boughs and a nighttime escort mation is contained in aiH- mittee from the Emanuel second night of sickness — now housebreaking and assaults, be­ $6.6 million In damages at the to no avail. service tor residents — are one eJes appearing dally in The NEW! NEW! Church Women. 17:45 A.M . t o 10 P.M. too alarmingly painful merely came more frequent, according hands of arsonists and vandals She got home around dusk block’s answer to street ctlme Herald. Wash Vt OFF tor flu — Mrs. Krieger knew to police records. during the 1967-68 academic and told her mother the hike in Washington. In November, 1968, a resident year. was uneventful, exc^ t, "som e­ her daughter needed hospitali­ Since the lights were installetl Regular Price zation. of the block was shot In the The report, made public Fri­ thing bit me on the arm." She by residents in early November, head while fleeing two robbers. day by a Senate Juvenile delin- hadn’t felt it at the time, but What she did not know — nor the block, formerly something n He recovered and movecl off the quency subcommittee,,^ told how THE UNIVERSITY OF GONNEGTIGUT 34.25 32,98 later her airm began Itching was she to Icarh for a week — of a playground for purse schools are becoming virtual Agnew Back • & * and bore a small blue-gray spot was that this healthy 20th-cen­ block. ’ ' snatchers, housebreakers and The numbei; of muggings on fortresses outfitted with closed amid a red rash. tury child had contracted the 'armed robbers, .has been the the block contihued to rise. circuit television networks, sen­ Non-Credit Extension Slight charge for alterations for Sandy got up Monday morn­ disease that has been man’s scene of only one reported “ One night last March the big sitive microphones, fl(x>d lights, On U.S. Soil this group. ing for school feeling as if she worst Scourge — worse than the crime (an afternoon purse police dogs and high fences might be getting the flu. She total of all the world’s wars — b(X)m came,” Meyers remem­ Presents The Following Courses In snatching), according to police. bers. sometimes topped, with barbed HONOLULU (AP) — Vice told her mother she had an up- since prehistory. President Spiro T. Agnew is In October, : residents of the "I heard the shot; I thought wire.' GO-GO REAL ESTATE ff sc(t stomach amd Mrs. Mary It was Bubonic Plague. block say, there were eight as­ "The Baltimore study reads back on American soli after a Krieger told her to see the It was an explosion, because I COMPANION SPECIALS The Plague . . . saults in front of their homes, a like something out of a World 32,000-mlle trip that t(x>k him school nurse If it persisted. But had never heard a sawed-off halfway across Asia to tell lead­ COUKSES BEGIN FEE The horrible black death near-fatal shooting, several shotgun before." War n movie," a Senate aide Sandy stuck it out and never said. "It Is o'nc of the firmest In­ ers of 11 countries the United □ REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL U Feb. 3, Tum. 660 which scourged the world In housebreakings and a' rash of When Meyers ran outside, he FAMOUS NAME bothered the nurse. three great pandemics, once dications we have had that van­ States plans to maintain its Pa­ That night she began to run a '“ “ "d ■Hornes Nussman, a 29- WIG claiming the lives of a quarter dalism and violence are getting cific commitments. n REAL ESTATE Principles A PracUcea Feb. 11, Wed. f«0 temperature, so Mrs. Krieger, of 18th Street and Wyoming year-old educator, dying from ol all the p:ople of Eurape out of hand." Hula dancers gave Agnew the veteran of many bouts with flu !"■ a doping wound in his chest, traditional Hawaiian welcome (Approved by The Connecticut Real Es­ A disease which fells its vic­ cldents, Inc uding three assaults Two 18-year-old youths, who po- That report included some of SPORT SHIRTS REG. TO 7.50 In her other three children, pop­ as Air Force Two landed here tims with BU(ih speed and vio­ In the week before the lights iice said agreed to hold rp the the following data: FALL tate Commission as meeting the require­ ped Sandy into bed. —In New York City alone late Friday after an, eight-hour lence that warring armies cata­ were Insfalled, are confirmed first person they saw walking Her temperature went yp to 243,682 school windows were flight across the South Pacific. ment ot PubUc Act 448 — Approved for pulted Infected over by police records. *>wn Wyoming Avenue. were REG. adversaries’ city walls, knowing broken during the 1967-68 school He had left Auckland, New Zea- Veteraiu) i i \ ' The moving force behind the later charged with Nussman’s yg^p replacement coat of land, Saturday moimlng, cross- TO that in three days or eg there llglits and other private anti- murder, $>499 would be no more resistance crime measures on Wyoming $1.21 million., In acjdltlon, New ing, the international, dateline $6.50 He was not the last person, York had 'school fires and Please enroll me in the above course(s) in Manchester. En­ than from a graveyard .... ■Avenue la Tedson J. Meyers 196 en route. closed Is my check or money order made out to The Urdver- a however, to be shot In the i«oo 2,757 larcenies, Agnew, his wife and staff ea. Bulletin The paliUul d^ath depicted 41-year-old communications block, a street of handsome city of Connecticut for $...... Mail to: The Certificate lawver and former .iwenh wrt* * Street of handsome —Oakland, Calif., where new planned two days of relaxation with such grisly reality in De- at a resort hotel before heading Wash in cold water with Program, U-86, The University of Connecticut, Stoirs, Conn. er tor Hubert H Hn^nhrnv l'^h ‘>f-^e-century homes in the security precautions include au- PLANES OOIXIDE Foe’s "Journal of the Plague Humphrey.^ Adam«-Mnr£rnn Adams-Morgan neighborhood...... dible and allent alarm systems, „ ...... back to-Washington. He plans to mild shampoo, shake out' 06268. Tel. 429-3311, Ext. 1280. \ Year,” or the frightful paintings Honolulu early Mon- and drip dry. Looks and HARTFOBD, Conn. (A P I - of Brueghel, or Camus’ "The housT” \838^''wyom^ng’ AveT l!l«ce!"'^'‘'’“ “ ” I 1967-68 vunduliam loss waa day .and arrive In Washington V - £ ' Two light alrcrafl reportedly Plague” . . . was burglarised seven days af- in October feels like human hair! Name Ka nvt#4 5.1a ...I# J 41. . a woman was $309,002 aoouiabout o6 p.m. ojoi EST.. collided head on over Braln- The Plague Is a killer that rom beaten, robbed, then atw)l in the . —Eos Angeles reported 6,158 The only business activity on / I ^ Addre^ .... ard Field about 11:10 this does not die. In the decades or i f V : 1 i ' morning, state pollt* said. (Street) (city) (zip code) 1 \ ' l (wnturies between its deprada- " « f r**^hr** Washington, D. C., reported briefing Sunday from Adm. And that’8 what this unhappy-looking grebe ia. A ^ r 1 / V - 1 One of the aircrafts Is said fo tlona, it simply waits. to 18 OAK ST.. K \ I i i When .*UA ?n h ‘i"*‘l®i‘ l*l®‘l assailant also fired about eight times as many-:r John 8 / McCain Jr., U.S. Pacific mystery oil slick in^San Diego, Calif., harbor /stain- Day Telephone ...... SorSal Security « . be In the Connecticut Blver. Plague may have existed as ove ere e ggygpgj g)iota through the third- 43,728—but (xsiting only $410,463. military commander. Carriage House MANCHESTER The airfield Is on the banks problem was mostly occasional ,ed the liird along with SO others found by cleanup 945 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER of the river. (Bra Page Eight) burglaries from homes and (See Page Eight) (Bee Page Eight) (Bra Pagie Two) crews. (AP Photofax)


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