1 The Adoption of Indian Children by Norwegian Parents VICTOR GROZA, PHD, LISW1 Professor Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 44106-7164
[email protected] DAVID CHENOT, LCSW, MDIV Doctoral Student Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 44106-7164
[email protected] With Kristin Holtedahl and the Team from Children of the World, Norway
[email protected] September, 2004 1We want to express our appreciation to the families in Bergen and Olso who participated in the pilot study to pre-test the questionnaire, the families who agreed to participate in the study, and the professionals who provided guidance, assistance, advice and recommendations including Monica Dalen, Ånund Brottveit, Dag Kilberg, Signe Howell, and Torhild Andersen. Several staff from Children of the World-Norway helped with translations, answering questions, arranging logistics, etc: thanks to Karin Nguyen, Monika Jørgensen, Astrid Fredriksen, and Silvia Suh. Cristina Nedelcu contributed time to the project to provide an analysis of the written comments. Roxana Kalyanvala from Bharatiya Samaj Seva Kendra was a driving force behind the initiation of the project. Last, but not least Mr. Young Kuk Kim provided partial funding for this project—without his support, the project would have never happened. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 4 Norwegian Adoptions: An Overview 6 Norwegian Adoptions: Research Review 7 Adoptions from India: Research