. — —


1 Imrch. it iB the very hii^hcHt pos- portance of the conference was indi- old, is one of the most widely known sible form of honinKc It is the only cated by the fact that it lasted an Cierman-.American citizens of Louis- DEMOCRATS 1 |)erfect oblation that can be offered WILL END EVIL hour and that Cardinal von Hart- JURISTS ville and has been a i>rominent figure QoA. To consummate it, to will mann expressed satisfiiction as he In Catliolir circles. RELIGION It, to conceive it required the in- was leaving the I'apal apartment. finite wiBdom, the bonndleM love PATHRB PAGAN OMIIIfG. and the immenM power of the kec1';nt deaths. will Gather In Great NiiniberN Almlfhtjr HinueK. What an ines- What i'roinlnent Kailroad Men Advise Publicity to Put Curb on The Tbe Rev. Thomas Kagan. th<' not (;roatest and Safest Onar- timable privilege to Im allowed to The funeral Mrs. at Frankfort Next Say IteKardlng Slanderous of Mary McGinn, the Growing Kvil of Redemptorist missionary and antee participate in this miraculous wor- of 1314 Against All Inter- West MaVket street, was preacher, will arrive in Louisville TneMtoy. ship! To assist at the divine sacri- PvhltohtlMM. Dhroroe. held Tuesday afternoon from 8t today for the purpose of conducting natlanal Conflict. fice of the mass! The Host of the Patrick's ehnreh. Mm. MeOlaa was I a week's mission at St. Augustine's is the victim of the cross, the altar sixty years old, and had been well church. Thirteenth and Broadway. first {Friday is tragedy of tlie Oood ' until stricken with pneumonia last Fifth District Seme Concerns Surprised to Wonid Prohibit Li l'"ather Fagan has held a number of LoaisvtUe md re-enacted daily in our churches. week. She is survived by a daugh- Orantlnf Mart Bnter Into I successful missions here and will be the Very Life The sacrifioe of Calvary was of- Bhonld Reeelvr Warm Greet- Ue»r of Prevalence of Amaa- ter, Mrs. Sophia Blair. oeaaeH I'ntll Notloe Has assisted by the Rev. Father Francis fered only once for the redemption of ITatlons Says Felten, the pastor. The mission will Invs From Officials. of the hiiniiin race; the sacrltlce of ing Nuisance. Been Given. Miss Margaret McCrory, a faithful open with high mass at PabUelsts. the mass was instituted to make 9:80 o'clock member of the Cathedral parish tomorrow more readily available for individual morning and close the fol went to eternity Monday evening, lowing men the inexhaustible treasury of Snnday night. During the after a week's illness of pneumonia week tbe services Uamlett's Defeat Anotlier Bitter meriiB, eBtablished by the passion Neariy All Companies Pramlae Advocate the Law of tbe Catb wUl consist of She was a sister of Mrs. Mary Mc- masses and World Must Make ReUgloi and death of Our Saviour, and He to Instructions at 6 and 8 DoM F«r Perey Haly to Have Their dronlatloB Carthy a()d Miss Katherlne MC' oUe Ohafoh In This o'clock in the offers Himself daly for the purpose morning and ssrmon Basis For Ito Future Life Crory and a sister-in-law of John and benediction every Bwidlow. of dispensing these freely and in Matter, evening at 8 Colgan. Her funeral was held o'clock. Father Felten and Aetlvlties. abundance. Let us, dear nader. expects this Wednesday morning, attended by to be the greatest avail ourselves of the fenenwltj of mission ever held many monming friends and relatives, at St. Augustine's our Divine I

KENTUCKY IRISH flMERlGflN. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. The Greater Toy Store Give a Coiumbia Grafanola Louis Phelan visited friends in ol Hlb»r«Unt^Ya^ Mmi'i OMktally ladotwd by AaelMt Ord«r flawesvllle last week. laatihiM and CattaoMc KnlghU of AMeriwi. HUNDREDS OF NEW THING?. GIVE IT TO IHE WHOLE FAMILY. riNQ OO., laaorpmM, PMbll««Mr« Mr. and Mrs. Bdward J. O'Brien have been visiting in Washiacton, BRING THE CHILDREN. A gift to the family, such as we here suggest, will prove an MBSCRIPTION PRICE, ONB DOLLAR PM YBAK 00»Vfl« stopping at the Willard. Egan has returned ever inereasing source of entertainment Mrs. Bmest There Are no many new things, to many funny tilings, 8o and pleastire throughout from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Louis to tkt K1 at Gharlestown, Ind. the Bader many pretty thingi, ao many extraordinary things^— it is difficult years to some.

Mrs. W. O. Blandford, of Crescent to ehooge omethinff to dssMribe or feature. So we will just say A Cdumbia Orafonota is an Hill, has bad as her guest MIsa Mamie Phillips, of Lebanon. THE TBAB ABOUND BASBMBNT TOT STOBE IS SPBBAO- easy present to buy. It is an easy present to give, for there Miss Rosella McKeirnan left INO OUT. Srtry little boy and girl ghotild aee the toys and r^QniaVILLB. KY SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1915 Saturday for Kvansville. where she is scarcely anything else that IS vislttttg Mrs. Charles aeorge. dolls and games. Of eonrse, the Obxiatmu displays are not quite could be introduced in the Ih goneraUy the person who does .Mrs. E. Hurley, of Clifton, has cmnpleto, bnt there is a thorough represoitation of the Their following: home with grrettter satisfaction not think or read yery mneh. t>eeu spending the week with Mr. Watson to everybody. The trial of Tbonias E. study of the (lUf.stion thpy ri>vllp is and Mrs. J. Hurley in Clnoinnati. through for sending obscene matter a .skimming and believing of some Meocano Guns Mr. and Albert M. Herrmann are You need not bo conconied the mKllB reaulted in a hung Jury, vile, Illiterate stuff that they could visiting relatives in Pittsburgh and Breotors Typewriters about the cost, caae being the for our easy the feature of the easily disprove It they cared to will be away until the holidays. tribute paid to the num by W»teoB'e make the effort. Their very Indif- Qames Automobiles and eonyenient Club Flan will chief counsol, this bciiiK galling to ference to proviiiK their statement Mrs. T. Sullivan has been 111 this OTcroome every financial objec- past week, but her physician pre- Blocks Sleds the defendant, who squirmed in his is a further proof of the genuine- tion. dicts an improvement from now on. chair irhen his attorney further said ness of our faith. For from the Pet Qroceries Desks There are many styles, de- that there were many aplendld Cath- beginning where the church has Mrs. Thomas McOott and daugh- Butcher Shops Chairs olics and that tiMjr mad* good flourished there also llonrlshed it!< ter. Miss Margaret McGoff, have re- signs and finishes in our collec- turned from a pleasant visit to Kitchens V^eloci pedes citizens. The Jury was eompOMd of penweuters. tion now therefore we suggest C hicago. Wiudiuills Tricycles twelve Protestants. that you make a selection at an Cardinal Gibbons has declined an Miss Mamie Donnelly was last Cannons Pianos HKIIK. early date, have us set it aside NO invitation from Henry Ford to be- week e visitor at Springfield, where come a member of his proposed she attended the Mudd-Oonnelly Swords Ifusioal Toys* and deliver same either before Disgruntled and repudiated for weddihg. Peace Commission to Europe. The or on Christmas Eve. anti- their attempt to conduet an Cardinal devoutly echoed Mr. Ford's Mrs. J. W. Coyle and sister. Miss -Model Builder Catholic campaign in the ofllelal hopes for a Huocessful cnlniination Klla Hums, of Oakdale, are home De Luxe, the Instrument Piotnred* Is organ of the Masonic order here, the Bowling Alleys of the project by Christmas, but after a visit to relatives at Mt. Priced former editors Iiave started a week- Washington. S2OO.00. was adverse to giving It his formal Mechanical Toys ly along the lines of their own approval. He said he felt there There are ot \\rv Columbia Grafoui^ which graduate in price Inconsistently they an- Harry Wedekemper and wife spent ebooetng. were too many formidable dlfllcnl- llumpty Circus Sets Coaster last week In Fra^ikfort, the guests Dumpty Wagons $17.50 nounce that the publication will not from to $500.00. ties in the way to hope for Its sne- of Mrs. .lerome Weltsel at the conduct an anti-CathoIlc campaign Soldiers in Trenches Dolls of all kinds cfssfiil cnlniination. Capital Hotel. Coliunbia Double Disc Itecords, tor the most part, are priced ..nd in the next paragraph say they ly 'Mrs. Suruh llollilian announces Horses and Wagons at 66o each. Others range upwaid to $7.60. are opposed to the Jesuits, whoq^ Shelbyville has been "dry" for the engagement of her daughter. they oUim are stifling all fraternal six months, what was and feared Miss Florence K. Holliban, to Theo- THE SOUTH'S HIGHEST CLASS DEPARTMENT STORE orden and liberty in the land. Other has come to pass. Drunkenness dore P. Locke. features are an eulogy of Carranza, has become common there, whisky Miss QtBrien, after spend- llie ont-throat bandit and persecutor hclnc obtainable from bootleggers Marie ing seven weeks the guests of Mr. nuns, and a fulsome notice of of and blind tigers. Conditions are and Mrs. John Bennon, in Chi- Dave Rose, always prominent in bad, the Record says, and they are cago, has returned. j!Caufmmt'i>tmu0 (Ho Guardians of Liberty circles and getting worse every day. INCORPOn.VTKD who was removed recently from the Misses Nellie Patrick :ind Mar- garet and Julia Dixon, of Jefterson- We Give and Redeem Profit Sharing Certificates. nianagenient of the ofhcial Masonic "Keep rieht with God" and ymi ville, returned Saturday from a visit Journal. There Is no field here for iliall liave little tronl)le with men at Bloomlngton, Ihd. a publication founded on prejudice ror.iri: cH.wr.KS. and we predict a short career for Messrs and Mesdames J. J. Kav- aniigh and Adrian ('. Humphreys this one. Two llie local of daily papers vN'ill leave Tuesday to attend the imn OF mmu Prediction That Quinine stated this week tliat they had Inaugural ball at Frankfort. CASINO AND ORPHEUM BBOIN TO THTDTK. "exclusively" announced the pro Shortly Will Advance posed changes in the Louisville po Thomas Lynch and wife and chi Knrs That WiU Intsrsst have retniiied from a visit to With the coming of Christmas in dren to THEATERS these days of war the m.elancboly Uri. ILtTnch's parents, Mr. and Afrs. Ksnbsrs Here and $3 an Ounce. James Patterson, at Uawesvllle. contrast between the th>gs that are where. What ars yon going to do for FIRST RUN FILMS OUR AlOTTO and the things that- ongAit to be J^unes Thompson. Jr., after spend- a remedy for Chills, Malaria or becomes more marked as we con- ing the holidays with his parents, Fever? TAKE These are ths Lssding Moving Picture Houses In I^ulsviiio. template with srd and heavy hearts Mr. and Mra. James Thompson, leift Tb9 council at Oawego, N. T., has Catering: especially to Ladles and Children. Sunday to eomtlnue hla ttadiea at nearly 600 members. half the worli*, a veritable shambles Under the same manaKcnient. Presenting only ths Stand- Ann Arbor, Mich. The three degreea were conferred Leselia Fever Remedy and tbe^ ot,\ yet close observers tell Last week fifty candidatae these coBditioDS sod is independ- earet Lynoli, and her aunt, Mrs. us that this year there Is a notice- cetved the three degrees at London ent of the quinine market. Annie Burke, has returned to her Ohio. Guaranteed not to contain qui- able diminution on all sides of that home at West Point. Nearly 100 oaadldatei were taken nine, arsenic or MACAULEY'S--V„J.TS:"t'' bitter and relentless spirit of l)ate any harmful Into the order «t BvanavlUe last Scrmanl .Toliii RidKi" reports an drugs. that so characterised the beginning Sunday. ovcrwlif'lniinfr snfl"rai:Ptto majority Popular Priced Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. of the war. All parties are show- In his homo distriot. a little trirl ar- One of the largest classes in the 12-Oz. Bottle $1.00 ing signs that they are bepinning to history of St. Paul received the Joyova Retam of Oliver Moroaoo'a Eternal riving this week, making a total of third ALL DRUGOISTS. Snooaaa think. That "the enemy" has some five girls and one. boy. • Sunday. Trade Mark Begi>tee«d. 1 ii<' i\iii/hts of good qualities is now being admitted. Columbus were Misses Nan Berman and Amy the only fraternal body that greeted This angers well tor the return of nross, who were the guests of Mr. the Liberty Bell at Columbus, Ohio 0' peace. We can all indorse the and Mrs. J. T, Jacobs In the Home- Minnesota has forty-eight conn PEG sentiment of the Turkish captain •tttjr: MY HEART stead aipartments, have returned to cils, divided into thirteen districts

' who said: "Ood bless all bravu their home h> dndnnatl. with approximately 11,000 BT J. HABTLBT MAJfMSM atddiers, and his curse upon the bers. FEVER REMEDY Phil Kelly left yesterday on a visit night poUtldans." Wednesday Dr. Uernar nouc cCNUiNt wifHOur This IHWiitiSH. to hla daughter and family at Little O'Connor was the orator at With Florence E. riartin Rock, Ark., and will also go to Hot CAPTAIN BDWARD H. PULSr Dio month to spend the Christmas nmrmmmsBBUia would order. The general reserve funds be promoted to Captaincies. liolidays with their moMier, Mrs. tion by standing tor sane principles In toUl $0,266,000. addition to being well merited Walter r.lover. in the policy of the Federation. His Capt. Pulford's promotion was a San Francisco Council entertained re-election means that these ele- popular one, having a best of friends Misses Rosaline and Nellie Pe- many delegates to tile American among all classes of people. Capt Federation of Labor convention who WhENAYER YOU CAN NOT LOSE IP YOU ments of discord have not been able laney, of the West End, returned Pulford h. 4tm & Sth labor. But the battle is not over brought a murderer back from a uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James the fourth degree at the recent ex yet. Honolulu Kach convention sees a bitter island. Capt Hntohliison. W. Dougherty, Sr., ot Price Hill, emplificatton at Syracuse, sixty-five the struggle to prevent the Socialists other apptrfntee, Is also known as Cincinnati. being members of Union Council of FURNITURE from capturing the Federaion of that city. SaveBlueStamiK the many liBbor. When tiompers goes the One of the prettiest ot The Knights of Oswego held a Thanksgiving weddiaga waa that ot uooeasful tfUr hut week, the pro- flght will be a hard one. For twen- James Tully and Miss Iva Sharp, oeede of 'Which will go to the im- Every page can be redeemed for I Oc in cash, groceries ty years he has successfully fought solemnized with nnytUl mass at St. provement of the Tanner building the per- and meats, or 12 I -2c in other the battle of the trades unionists, Michaers, cereaMBT being on Tlrst street, recently pnrcSiaaed merchandise. ornied by the Rev. Martin O'Con- who alone for $81,000 for a dub house. stand for tme AnMriean lor. Many friends were present tO Ask your dealer for Blue Stamps and take no odier. labor principles. lender conciatiilations. AMmOAir OHBOVOKMIY. You are entitled to the best. MOST GOOD SURE. M A IHI'KKHKVCE.

This was told at Central police In the True Voice the Rev. Father ffimely Record of Some Memor tatiou on a well known member of MUTUALSTAMP CO. Able Brents in tbs OathaUo Oannon notes that the project of the he trathc squad and a prominent Knights of Columbus to counteract l-Iibernian: BistMT •< 424 WEST MARKET STREET. the virus of bigotry through a se- A local railroad ct the promulga- litUe nUnlng city. 11014W BAST BBOAOVAT.

\^ ; ! :

ELIABLE GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS REUABLE GUIDE WE GIVE AND REDEEM SURETY COUPONS. FOR CAREFUL BUYERS Readers of the Kentucky Irish American are earnestly Readers of the Kentucky Irish American are earnestijf urged to patronize advertiserA who^e announcements urged to patronize advertiser* whose annouacemonti ttaey find in these colums. We aim to protect our read- tkay find in these colums. We aim to protect our read- en by aoceptlng only firms of known rasponeiblllty. ers by accepting only firms of known responsibility. TBI PHIL HOLLIMSAaB 00. STEWART DRY GOODS Ca 4lncorpora1«d) JOHN B. WATHEN SOMETHINO NEW AMERICAN ELEVATORS nraORPORATBD FURNITURB MOVBR aad PAOKBR (Pael Saviiig Derlee) Vapor MADB IN LiOUI.SVirjbE BY Ototillen Of IN CONNLCTION WITH JANtS McCRURY & CO. NEW YORK. ^VAGO\ OR VAN J. L. BROWmPULD A 00. AMfiRlOAN ELEVATOR « OLD voimnrA socit mash 25X5 west Walnut Street "HOIiLKNBAOH** PURE HVK Bteaaa aad Hot Water llwillsg PIONKI MAOHnm oo. PARTm A aPBCLAUTT lu m. mas siaaaii an W. Main St. LonUriUe. Ky. Home iPlipne thawaee IttC Home Phene 7t4« Oumb. U. Iftt ENGRAVERS The Christmas Stocks Now at Their Best ARTHUR A. WILL IBOS. J. BlODniOK BNGRAVINO COMl'AM You can spend delightful hour* now ft Stewart's. The great Christinas BAKERY AND fOXFECTIONEIlV runtaaiQ, oam axd ARTISTS, ENORAVBRB stocks are so full of the unusual, the novel, the appropriat«t that a visit here at unmAoa Fruit Cake and Charlotte Rusee BUILDER UBGTROTTPBRB this time is attended with more than the usual pleasure. Stormy days particu- Borne Phone City 48n^ asai MS W. ItalB BC, UninttU, Ky 1104 SOUTH SBVJUfni 8TRSBT larly are pleasant, for the aisles are then less crowded. Check your wraps, lOOS Boa* Phone City MT4 Hone FboM, City 6174 Berne Phone have luD«h at ovr daiightfui taa romB* aad talc* as mach tima as jou wbh Shawnee 1010 "SOUTHERN STAR" Home Phone 1191 selactidg yovr gifts. WM. ncnuGG SLICED BACON HoUenbach's Wine Hooss Place Where Old Clothes Are SHBBT MSTAL CONTRiAOrOIt for Yonr GridAe In ttO KARL A. HOUJnfBAOR, Preprietei Monlag" Made to Look like New." IN TOYLAND Surety Coupons Are Elarned 4105 Heary Street Importer and Dealer la XiABD, SAUBAOB Oivsn sad Rsdssmsd Here SPALDING DRY CLEANING CO These ai o days of lascinatiou Home Phone, WU4BS AND LIQUORS liovuviiiui ntovmoN co. Shawnee 1388-L. PHOKBB IMT. Little totis are in awe, as yeu migbt expect When the man in his business makes pur- 144 - l)ut yoii ivould hanlly look for lln' wonder chases, lie insists on getting a disoonnt when ABIIBIIO PRINTING 0. o. moim * amn 80 poounr R. JEUXESSE of llie "grown-ups" at the inauy iugeuius l e meets his bills. FOfR MONBT — OONVUUBNriUAL riRST CLASS -WORK MANTTFAOTDStBStS BUILDING COMlJACrrOR pliiy things 'which so subtly combine amuse- The women, on whom rests the large burden Louisville Made Famacss It. Qtre This Office Tour Next Order r I (i; an Incorporated Dolls' Swiid|iBff Bssdnst; white enam CONFECTIONER AND CATERBSfl Feedi Both Phones Plees Poultry and Stock BIEN'S FUBNISHINaS eled ...r $1.00 Always be sore to get Surety Ooapons. Weddings and Parties Given Call and Give Us An Order Hay, Grain, Flour and Mill Feed ""631 WEST WALNUT STREET Dolls' Foldihg Wire Mattress Cribs $1.50 Special Attention Cbae. A. Cyphera' New Buffalo Toy WheelWTTOW of sheet steel 89o WB 8BLL FOR OA8H Charles Wolf, Manager lacubatora and Brooders Home Phone, City 766t Leather at Steel-body Express Wagon—0 siss Good* Hall l/OriSVILLE, KY. LOUISVILLE, KT. Rocking-Bolsss $8.00 LeaHisr Upfdstered — .lust at a linu! lu ])cin fit early shoppers Baaemvnt comes this offering of salcsnuii's "Samples" which we o(msider ourselves i°< rtunate insecur- FMIK FEHR BREWING Ca $35 Wool Blankets $15 'ullar BoKss Hsadkwrcfaisf Osses size, 80x90. Handbags in>baooo Poaohes AL. S. SMfTII, PROP. an These are especially reeomnionded as Flasks Traveling Oases unusual gift. They arc the finest of Bill Folds Coin Purses Blankets, having silk taffeta binding and Funeral Director and Embalmer daintiest of pink and blue borders. Bach Being samples, these are naturally of the pair eat and bound separately. best of their grade and all perfect. To secure BOTH PH0NB5 810. sucii leather goods at any time at half price $5.00 Blankets $3.85 Pair is very out of the ordinary. STREET^! Wliiti Wool Blankets, with silk ribbon bind- 809 WEST JEFFERSON in? and pretty pink or light blue borders; in Mnndci'inc .IcMclry .50c f^^l^l^^^^^llll^*»^<^<^^^^^w^•t•i•il^I the size 70x80 inelu s $2.60 Comforte $1.85 Manderiiie .lewelry is the newest thing in jewelry, quite novel in its antiijue fiaiah and Extra Heavy Quilted, Ootton-filled Com- setting of bcautifid colored stones. HOMEPHOZCB88 CUMBBRLAND MAIN 3071.y <; tViits. with T)rotty floral and Persian patterned 'ilkoline covering; in the large size, 72x84. We are making a comprehensive offering of this new .Jewelry— Bar Pins, Brooches, Circles Brewers and Bottlers Je Je BARRETT'S SONS $7.00 Blanketa $6.35 Pair and Tia \'allieres. \jiidoubte<.lly, because of its I'iiic AVliitc "Wool Blniikots; extra 1h\'i\>- and niwuess and unusnalness, this Jewelry will be I^OLT I SVTLI.E. KY. FUNERAL DIRECTORS extra large. Plave silk mohair binding and ({uickly selected by gift-seekers. Eai^ly shop- pink and blue border. AND EMBALMERS. rretty ping is therefore advisable. IN BOTTLES FOR HOME USE $3.00 Comforts $2.25 $6iN) Solid CMd U VaUlsns at $8.00 Pure Wlxite Cotton-filled Comforts; with E>€&8t Malia ^^ireet. A special ofTeriiijr of a liinifed number of silkoline covering and 9-inch plain satine bor- OERTEL BREW CREAM BEER Solid Gold La Vallieres whidi are set With a der; in the lar^ro size, 72x84 indies. variety of stones. These aie in a variety of SATISFIES THAT LONGING. Second Floor • t l ** * *********** * 1 1 If f > H 1 1 M H < 1 1 l*l > I !« shapes, nn two nf wliirli .'ire nlike. Volliind Calendars .50c Pearl Beads at 50c to $50.00 JOHN F. OERTEL CO. Here are, indeed, most uni(iue and unusual As is indicated by these prices, our showing nraORPORATBD D'OUGHERH & Mc£LUOH| 889. LOUISVILLE. KY. o*" CITY K'lfts. They are calendars of fifty-two pages, Pearl Beads is <'xtre)iiely large, lioth the PHONE graduated and the regular sliapes are be 1227 ISTREET, ill book form, with the following titles: to WEST MARKET The Calendar of Dinners bad in cream and white fmd in both .opera and Cunb. PhMie West 191 Home Phone mt The Calendar of Salads 1 edc lengths. Funeral Directors and Embalmersi The Calendar of Desserts The Calendar of Luncheons IniUaled Bath Towels As you might expect, these contain sag- BOTH PHOWRfll. Priesd at SBo WIEDEMANN (.estive menus for the entire year—dinners, nfCORPORATF.D 2»n8.a UamfC-j, ', Cumb. Mala '^im luncheons, dainty salads and deserts. What Kxtra Heavy Quality Turkish Bath Towels,

i ! could more in the sixe 21x40, with beautiful embroidered < m i M » M | l'K II M IItl M II MM >» M III M I M t MMM « be helpful? BREWING COMPANY'S Main Floor initial. Celebrated Draught and Bottled Beers, Initialed Plllowc ases Eath 28c. Wt>mea*« S3 Handbags $1.08 Renowned for purity, strength, exceUeo<. Pillowcases, in the size 42x36 inches, which Sold at all leading bars and cafes. Kai'ly gift-seekers will profit by this offering, * * DR. J. T. CHAWK a!-e scalloped and beautifully emoroidered in ORUBBR « DBUSBR. llMiesors* LoulsvUle. Kjr. which brings savings of one-third on new script initials. Handbags of bright pin seal. 1 25c Pillowcases Veterinary These are in a variety of shaius, with 19c JOHN B. FRAm various linings. Some have inside frames and liand-cut Scalloped Pillowcases; in the size InflrmMii some have coin purse and mirror. 42x36 inehes. WALTERS' 713-716 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET Main Floor Second Floor Tiii»>iiii-cw>.. s. H«M.cnr2iti. Clay Street Brewery MOVRN HIS tmiotL which comes next Tlianits^ivinK', a ANOraBR OARDUTAL PASaBB. "A« Near to Yo Ibt N'-.irr.st Flioiie" 610 513 great event, wliicb will be attended • 508, and CLAY STREET. intelligence received Cardinal HeBOSS£«iSON The aad was by most of the alnmni and other Francis .S. BaiUM-. I'riiice TELEPHONB W IX>UI»VILMIix ||Bra Oor Special $3.00 Spray (•ere the first of the week of the Vroniinent men. Archbishop i>{ Olmutz, Au.-iiiia, died iloatli ut Stratford, Canada, of James last Fridav. a^cd seventy-tour years. Funeral Directors Spieclal $5.00 Oar Wreath Moir, brother of Dr. Charlee Molr, HISTOKIC CHURCH. Cardinal Bauer became a priest in A Case of Good Judgment. Order a Case of and Embaimers. of this city. Hia sadden and nnex- 1863, and had been Archbishop of The tortaet vehus ie Paae> pected taking off la a dlitinct blow (Last Sunday St. Peter's church on Olmuts since 1904. He was created rat Flowen em eSsied la In whicb re- a to the oommnaity he Barclay street, the oldest in New Oardlaal on Deeamlter S, 1913. LeatoWUe. sided, as he was regarded one of the York City, commemorated the thir- FALL CITY BEER For prompt deUvtry eall 2IS beet tjrpes of eltisens. James Molr tieth year of its consecration and the —both phoaea. had visited Lonisville and made OlTe joor bojs an aAaoatloa th»t wlU one hundred and thirtieth anni- pi«par* them fOT Ufa. many friends here who movm his Cardinal Farley, two Archbishops, versary of its foundation. Monsignor Extra Pale Lager Peerless Common deatti. Snrrlylnf him are two sons fifteen Bishops James H. McQean, the pastor, aad 800 priests are «nd five dav^ters. Catbollo Knights of are ST. XAVIER'S COLLEQfc preached the sermon at the solamn Ameriea. The Due to the great demand we now BOTTLING COMMON, Catholie Knights of America are lU W. Broa4war. Z>oii1st1U«, Ky. high mass and gave reminiscenses of And if you have tried the rest get the BEST. growing, the MKRIT O'NBAIi TO LBCTCBS!. Che years kmg «aat. last quarterly report Conducted by the XavprUn Bruthen showing a gain of PHONBS..Home Shawnee 58 and 59. Cumberland' West 49. Clasalcal. Bclnitlflo uid Buelneae 100 members. Coiimea, Freparutury Drpartin>-nt, L.argt Attorney Merit O'Neal will ddiv»r WAHTS OUUHOH CMMMMI. SwtiiiiTtlnB Pf)n1. Wrll K<|iilpp«d Gyiana. a lecture to the members of the K. MUST WANT IiASD. alnm. Tern M«>d»r«t«. Bro J>mM. Dir ' evening, his THE BEST $1, $1.50, $2 HATS AT Flowers telegraphed everyvhora of C. next Wednesday Father Flavfn. a Washington mis- enbject being "The Relation of Ire- Mrs. Margaret Foley, aged ninety- sionary, in anxious for a new missal I.Tnd to the European War." Mr. four, of .Minof, N. D., has tho dis- GERMAN BANK FLORIST S O'Neal's lecture should prove inter- for his little church of St. Joseph tinction of being the oMest person esting as the speaker's ability Is well that he has completed. And anyiliing (o repistor an opponuniiy lu par- Cut FloWfr'i for all occasions. BECKMAN known. In thH way of church Koods would be ticipate in the distribution of the Sprcinl attentioo givtfC uut-of-town wpIcoMie. lionaiions may be sent to Oovernment lands ai Fort Bertbold. orders. I 8 Waat Market Hi. the oHlces of the Catholic Church Extension Society, McCormlck build- FIFTY YEARS. NEW NANZ ft NEUNEK CO. PHOTOGRAPHER Prom new until after CbriBtmas ing, Chicago. XMOORPORATm Miss Emma A. MoCully has been Christ mat is the great "at home" the Postoffica will be burdened with employed continuously in the United 657 F»«rtfc Are.. toriUe. Ky. day. If you can't be tlMte, a flae |tho* niKlI. BuBinpfls rnen and others are nUBH TBMPIiB. Statea Treasury jDepartment at ograph will help urRPd to send their mail to the office r fifty years. as early in the day as Tifsflble and The Irish eitlsena of Chicago, rep- 1 Schneiitaf's Meat Market not allow It to accumulate. This resented by the United Irish Socle- RSTAIlf CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. Strias and Staapei will tcreatly facilitate iU dlstrtblitlon ties, have made plans for a 1600,000 AD the lateaaS aaw 440 SOUTH FirrH ST. Don't let the Christmas spirit get ba taosd han at laaaenable artcai. and delivery. Irish temple of mtuio, arts and tan away from your household. it Opposite the CethednU. literature. The receipts of the Make a holiday time in spite of Caifftoe BmL VmI. Lush. Mattoa. .ARCHBISHOP PRKNI>ERf;AST. Manchester martyrs' demonstration the need MAKES BABICS of economy. Reduce the outlay. HaMk Bmm. Fork* Lard* 1 ^ WELL and will First Communion Books John Mlteh^ centenary Cut down the bill of fare from its TelephoBe City 2241. Francis form the nnolens of this fond. I The Moet Bev. Edroond previous obese proportions and serve Fifth and Market St Prendergast, t|ie ROSARIES D. D., eantral fig- half as much. But ntake your house Holiday Oilta ure In the reeent dnal golden Jnbllee MAKmrOLL. Baawrod Part fliid table gay with holly and greens. SCAPULAR MEDALS Payasaat. at Philadelphia, was bom in Clon- Give the youngsters r\ Christmas tree mel, Connty Tlppera?y, Iceland, in Ten young men, aspirants for the Baa ov nmw haafc, **B«w to Oat even though it entaijs a little self- FRED ERHA lUy, 1«4«. apoBtolate, lately received the cas- Ma.rfod.** B O ED H KM« , sacrifice. Remumbe# the Christmas sock and cincture of the American Davatlaul AHiala kara. spirit is one of giTing even to the Brarr 6S1 8. Shalby. Near Cbaataat foreign Mission Society HOTRB DAMB. at Mary extent of selfnuusrificw. And remem- pIMe troobla to ahow goods. ARCHITECT knoll, Osaining, N. T. A retreat is DIAMO DS. WATCHES. JEWtLRY ber that the gift all love most is Plans are already being formu- now in progress at Maryknoll, at the Evaryiblag gnarantaed. Wetckud 4-20 W. MARKET that which stands fov loving thought Rogers Church Goods Co. NORTON _BUILDIN lated to make the celebration of the end of whioh seraral will reeeive and not the gift wnleh Justs costs jawalry repa&iag a specialty. LOUISVILLE,. KY. holy orders. diamond Jubilee of Notre Dame. money. \ 129 S. FOURTH AVE. N. W. Comer Fc ^^land . . — I — —- ; .

n » t s»oeet»»e»>e»ee mMi t>ei M >»e l SOCIETY ft DIBJECTORI. •< >. Years Under Do Tonr < 70 < > 0. B HERMAN STRAUS $ SONS @J . >. > the Same a Shopping i BACON SON Divisioir 1. Early. Second and Fourth Thiirsday, Ueder- Name. INCORPORATED krans Hall, Sixth ajnd Walnnt. President—Mark Rian. Vice President—William Cashing. Financial Secretary — Edward ClaQcy. < > Advantage to Purchase Your Qfts From < > Ufcording Secretary —Daniel Mc- // WiU Be to Your Cyrthy. Treasurer—^Thomas Keenan. TOTfOWN 8«rg«aat-at-Arm8—Thomaa Tarpr.

< > DIVIglON a. OPEN AND READY < > i X > Meeta First Wednesday Liederkmns ' < K > STORE ; For the personal CHRISTMAS ingpection of HaU, Sixth and Walnnt. every littl« boy and THE < »< > < X > President Joseph Lynch. girl in the • — I reach of our store. There are so many < X > Vice President—Dknlel O'Keefe. < ; new thingg that can't Recording Secretly—John T. we begin to tell about them— < Keaney. ; 80 you will liMt Imt« to eomo and i Handkerchiefs For Gifts Jewelry For Giiks < ><> < X > Financial Secretary —Edward J. filled < X > Kelran. American Flyer Triiiu on American '< plain Sulld (iold IjaTalUers; lO-karat I Waldcmar Chains. Gold Model Builders' ; with Wooaen't Haadkerchlefa; < . children's Handkerchiefs Chains, X Treasurer Thomaa Hannan. in- gold; with diamond or colored] Waldemar or coat < X > — track engine guaranteed for 6 Outfit, to colored embroidered comer; white with embroidered ; — 50c $7.50 box; Ktone .settings; at prices rang- prices range from f2.50 down < X > Serg•nni«fei^4l1au-f-Jolln P. Hal- put up 2 In box; per boz....lOd itial; put up 6 in a < month*—well made, in several down to »1.00 ion. Shoo-Fliet < 49c, ing from $15.00 . I and per box, 69c, j Boddng Chlldren'a HaAdkevddaia with {rloea an, sizes; prices start at $1.00 att4.,.«...... «a«*«a*»*..*>a«*-«»80C I colored border; S fk fMMjr 9c Horse»—Well made, HM to i .Solid Gtold Coft Links. Tie box; por box 10c DIVISION 8. FoMJaff Doll Oart with hood 86c Women's All-Mn»'ii Handker- Uraclot Watdw. They are gold Glaapa and Scarf Pins; they Meets Ist and 3rd Mionday at Hiber- steel Children's Handkerchiefh; with chiefs; embroidered in- filled and hare 16. 10 and 7- are all 10-kamt gold and we wheels, leatherette up- with nian 1818-1820 Portland. Chain and Rockers, in reed, ' big aaaortment; priced < *> Home, nursery rhymea; S in fancy itial; 6 in a box; per Jewel movementa; priced from have a liolsteriiifT, at 60c; Other Doll 115.00 down to •SJM from 96.00 d^lwn to flJlo President—^John 11. Maloney. oak and red finish; $8.60 down ! box for 15c box •1.40 (Jarts up to $11.98 Each 25 c. t'ameo Uroorhes. with lO-karat Vice PrMident—Matt J. O'Brlon. to 24c n; all- Shaving Htunds. Shiiving .'^ets Children's Handkerchief gold settings; very beautiful; Recording Saermanr — ThomiM ChUBM for young and old; Mirrors; nickel and .silver Fire Engines, Hook and Lad- initial; and ; linen; with colored Women's Hun' . 10c to $1,60 ?riced at, each sion, Jr. variety; $1.60 down to - >' > f ...60c Womem'a and OhlldNa'a 10-Karat CkiM Broochea. We 910.00 down to Mc < Oe, 9 l-9e and > < X < >i Treasurer —D. J. pougherty. kerchiefa; with colored bor- bought theae Broochea at one- Blaekboardg; hang on wall Desks; roll top; < • oak finish >i > < M Sergeant-at-Arms, Martin Kale* fler; prlop 2 for . «c — — third per cent, off the regular > Japanese Hlk Handkerchiefs; Oold Filled WatdMC They have < M or stand on easel; uild iiji her. $8.00 down when not in use, $1.75; ! with colored border and fancy price and we are offering them 7-Jewel Swiss movement; open < > < >, Women's Hnndl^erchiefs; with Sentinel Noone. to 60c others ', dealca In corner; 25c to our customers at a saving frame or hunting case; in —Thoma^ up to $6,60 whitn or colored embroidered atamMd of :j3 1-3 per cent, on their < >l > qvafltjr; otwi lOc men's, women's and boys' o4 Don Bedi; white oonier, or initial; 3 in fancy Lead Soldiers; big variety; enamel and ! regular prices; ranging from aisea; values to 910.00 DIVISICN 4. < luiiss >i > l)o\ lor 25c Women's Handkerchiefs; they $1.00 down to 25c finish; $6.50 down to 25c 96.00 down to, each JfBM for ••••••>•••••••••«•»••« ^^4o4{( Meets Second and '. i'ourth Mondays, are pure linen with Ifadeira Women's HiuKlkerchiefs; sheer Bertrand Hall, Sixth Street. Velocipedes; steel and rub- Mechanioal Toyg; lota ; quality; with colored em- embroidered comer; 6 in a Gold Filled Knivea; on Waldemar SPECIAIi of new fancy box; apecially priced at, chain; theae make excellent President—John H. Hennessy. ber-tired wheels; all aijEea; broidered corner; 3 in fancy ones; 26c to $1.00 ;' of Mnnufacturers' sale of Sample Vice President liomas box; per box SOc per box $1.25 gitta for boys; price — Lmcb. priced from $13.98 down to Rin^;s, uohl shell and sterling Finanelel both .flJM) Beeret UT-~lkeaae i. Pianos; mahogany finish; all $1.26. Women's Hnndkerchiefs; in all Women's Handkerchiefs; inudo of silver, wedding rings and baby Langan. sizos; $8.76 to embroidered pure linen or French lawn Oold Filled Cigar Cutters, or rings; white and colored stones down 26c white or colored Recording teo fetary—aeha J. Electric Train Outfits; tlu corner; put up 6 in a box; per with embroidered corner; fi In pencil for end of Waldemar In clusters or Tiffancy settings; Barry. Drums of cverj' description, Lionel make up from . . 98c chain; price radi 60c price, each 19c ; $3.98 box 98c, 7So and JSnc a box; per box Treasurer Pat Connelly. up from 26c — Dolls of Sergeant-at-Arms Thomas Far- every description — Erector and Erector Acces- rell. Wo were t'ortnnatt' in receivinfr sory Outfits, $1.00 to $7.60 Sentinel—M. J. McDarmott. nearly our entire order and are GOOD FICTION AT 50c PER COPY Simplex Typewriter; very 'showing the largest line in ; Y. M. I. for the children < Girl of the Umberlost Gene Laddie -Gene Stratton Portor, Freckles— Gene Stratton Porter, Trail ot tho Lonosomo Pine- inHructive ; Louisvile. Priced $10.00 down John ros, Jr.. Stratton Porter, .loyce Once to ICvery Man Larry Kv- simple to operate; $1 to $3.00 to lOe. of the North Woods—Har- MAOKIN COtWCIL, 805. I Garden of Mil<'s riot Conistock, ans. The Trojr ot Hearts—^Lonts Jos. Uot—JSttUS MeeU Monday Bhrealage at Club Kornian, Old Rose and Silver-Myrtle Vance, Tlif Key to Yesterday Cliarles House, 844 North Twenty-sixth. Neville Hurk, Reed, That Printer ot UdeU'a—Harold House of HappinMS—^Kato Lang- President Thop Dixon, Bell Wright —John J. Lynn. ley Bosher, The Knight of tlie Ciiniberianda The One Woman Holiday Handkerchiefs i T. First Vice President—John W, - John Fox, Jr., Jr., "rembaron—FrancM Hodgson I Heart of the Hllto—John Fox, Bnmett, Murphy. The Land of Long Ago Kliza Peg ()' My Heart J. Hartley One-comer Embroidered Three Sheer Lavm Handker- Second Vice President | Jr.. Manners, Awakening ot Helena Ritchie- —itartln Calvert Hall, P. Handkerchiefs, in a largo pic- chiefs, with oolored Schadd. ; ^ The Harvester Gene Stratton Margaret Deland, initials, in — lUittle Shepherd of Kingdom Quecd—Henry S. Harrison, Treasurer—Oeorge J. Thornton. • ture box; each Handkerchief a ii fancy box; box of three. .25c Porter. At the Foot ot the Rainbow ; Come—John Fox, Jr., Riders of tho Pvrvlt Sage Bane Financial Secretary—A. C. Link. Hollow of Her Hand -George Gene Stratton Porter, ! different pattern 39c sheer | Lawn Ladies' Hand- The Melting of Molly — Maria Grey, Recording Secretary ; Barr McCutcheon. —William O. Thompson Davis, Reo Pepper Bnma—Grace Rich- Valiants ot Virginia—HaUo Er- Buckel. Three All-linen Handker- kerchiefs with one comer em The Iron Trail—Bex Beach. mine Rives, mond, Marshal—iHarry Alberts. < Mother Gary's Chickens—Kate 1 chiefs iu a neat gift box ; worth broidered ; also dainty em- The Inside of the Cap—^WlUton Douglas Wiggln. The Second Violin Oraoe Rich- The Way Home Basil King, Inside Sentinel—Edward Oratzer. . . .50g — ; 26o eaeh; box of three broidery Churchill, and initial; regular I Mrs. Red Pepper—Grace Rich- mond, The Woman Thou Cavest Me- Outside Sentinel—Harvey Pfelf- < •< 10c values 6c Indifference Hall Calne, fer. Six All Pure Linen Handker- ! The of Jollet mond, .sheplierd ot the HiUs—^Hamld <>(. Grace Richmond, Mar.shall- Mary Chipnian Hell The Salamander Owen Johnson. <><- Executive Committee Frank G. chiefs in gift box; worth The Wright, — ; a Three Very Dainty — One-cor- ! Ttie Iron Margaret De- Andrew, Son ot the Hills ^Harriet Otherwise Phyllis Meredith Adams, Thomas Bachman, Frank Woman— A — — • $1.00; cheer quality; box of ner Embroidered Handker- land, The Net- Re.\ Ueacli, Comstock, Nicholson. Qeiler, A. W. Andriot, John R ; six 79c chiefs, in a dainty gift box, a ..... ; »ff»»o»»»«»»»»»^ i>»faaaai > Sheer Linen One-comer Em- hox 226c l M f»»»»#•» ••••• broidered Handkerchiefs with Six Initial Handkerdiiefi, in IRELAND. roll edge; regular 25c value; a gift Joachim's pariah, Chleaso't newest ; box; three styles of in-

• for IQe itials, epeeial . . : UMmf AntUianr has inereaaed won- , OOe I Com-Cel-Sar darfnlly in lenVbertbip aince that ieoord of The Last Dollar Wltli the initiation of fifty eandi-^ the Most Important of We Give and Redeem Profit Sharing Certificates dates, iDhrision 8 ot Ollnton, (Mass., the Kecent veate OuUed Tha Great Stomach, Kidnay llilll MMI I MM il MMMM I MH i m j That you spent for tomethlag yen did not NEED would have started a becomes the largest and Wealthiest M in the county. This brings tbe SAVINGS ACCOUNT with this baak; to bear interest COMPOUNDED Livar and bership op to 400. twlasayaar; Then MAY COMS a ttaa whoa ymif "LAST ^^^^^^^^^^^^ DOLLAR" \ The County Board meeting at Cincinnati last week was well at ONE DOLLAR matt be tpent for somethlag you DO NERD. The SAVING now of the Ai >liii,'eiing starts a Savings Account | a iield in the tended. Announcement was made Town are wasting Blood Ramady Hall. Keuniare, Archdeacon O'Leary with this safe, conservaiive, Sixty-ooe-year- \ dellan you might keep that "bard time" from ever coming. | that memorial services for deceased presididng, it was decided to start old Bank, to which you can add $1.00 or more members would soon be held, wheat grinding mills In the town. at any time. add absolute safety and 3 An Ideal Tonic and Body Ladies' Auxiliary 6 of Waterbury, We (In Dublin November 4 was ob- Coniu celebrated tbe twentieth an per cent. No cost to you whatever. Ky. Title Savings Banic Builder. serred as (Irish flag day. The pro- | Qiversary with grand military masi Tbe same courteous attention given the ceeds were in aid of the irisii lan- at the Church of the Jmmaonlata Legally Guaranteed to tat' guage movement. A liberal lenponre depositor of $1.00 or tbe depositor of $10,000. and Trust Co. Conception and a big open meeting was made. isfy you oir refunded. In the afternoon. money Joseph Atkinson has resigned the Fifth and Court Place. The Ladles' Auxiliary were among German Insurance BanK Secretaryship ot the Armagh County One dollar for 3 boxes. the first to offer congratulations to VmMm thetil* BUHit Cloek SeoMdtttnmmA mm*mmi WUtlut Op«B Dally Until 3 p. n. Ssturdayn Until 7 p. m. Council. He is in his seventy-fifth tbe Most Rev. Arrhblahop Edmund State GoTernment Sap«rvisioB. year and his bealth taeS Iteen failing On sale at all tirug gtoret. Prendergast upon the fiftieth F. for some time. annlveraary of the ordination ot His <»»«^8><^>»»»«ee»ee»e»»e»»»eee»eeee»»»»ee»»»e»»e»»»i (Michael MoDermott, Boyle, Grace to tbe holy priesthood Jr., DAN J. HBNNBSSY HOMB PHONE CITY 3238 EDW. A. A.XMAN HIBERNlANSe has ibeen elected iRelieving Officer by I3ie local Guardians, in room of wee»eei»»e»»»»»»»%»%»»»»»»»»v»»%%»»»snn«l>»eeee^eeeeae*ee '•PBO O* HUART. Pall and Winter Garments Our Specialty. MY the late IPatrick Br»dy. There were five candidates. Oliver .Moro.ico'.s new ;iiul elab- Dr. lElllott, Coroner tor North What They Have Been Doing orate production of J. Hartley Man- ners' comedy, "Peg O' My Heart, Tyrone, at a meeting ot the Strabane Hennessy ^ Axman the Part Weefc Oeneral begins a week's engagement at Recruiting CommiUee, said be had begun *o look upon re- Xewa Votea Macauley's next Monday erening, voluntary with matinees Wednesday and Sat- cruiting as reH8cd l.OO twenty-five years a member ot Honi*. City 3101 Boston, composed almost entirely ot past Charman W. Martin announced at Camb. Meiak OOe-T church parish, CtonOemen's Palm Beach Suits Cleaned and Pressed.. . .fiOe printer.s, has OTgaalaed a ft«4iee' St Louis Bertrand's a Monaghan Urban Council meeting died Thursday morning after a brief OenHeosen's Anits Sponged and Pressed Auxiliary. i that a company was being formed illness. Deceased was seventy-seven Division 1 for purpose of lighting the town of St., Paul c. Itbr,itea \eara of age and was a grandfather the DOUGHERTY its thirty-flfth ainlreraary Monday by electricity, and that it was also & LANNING COAL CO. ot John Mangan, who died about Puis Cleanin^t and Dyeing Co. sMoonraRAnD. evening witii on ffi Calient prograaune ten days ago. He was a faithful proposed to buy the gas works. and attendance. member of the Holy Name Society A record consignment of fifteen Both Phones 2635. 426 South Fifth St. Queens county divisions will greet and devout church member. He is tons ot bacon was sent from tl-C Best Quality Pittsburg and Jellico Coal. the national and State o£fleers at a survived by four daughters, Mrs. Roscrea <"o-operatlve Factory to great gathering in (Long Island CXtf Agnes Caldwell. Misses XUsabeth London. The oonslgnment is valued Office and Yards —Fifteenth and Magnolia Avenue on December 15. and Katherlne Phelan and Sister at aihout $8,000. Trade has been Mary Edwards, of the Sistera ot The I^adies' Auxiliary of Hartford, booming et take Boserea factory of Poor of Newburyport, Mass., and one Conn., at a recent special meeting late. e » »i 1 1 1 i*«ii>e nne i» n ii n i nn iii M >»e»i> son, William J. Phean. The funeral BE SURE TO CALL FOR conferred the three degrees On a As a result o the increased es- took place from St. Louis Bertrand's M. J. lANNM, UUnOKE I KEMCMM. class of 200 candidates. timate Buggestec by the gas man- ; church this morning at 9 o'clock. Ms. I an. Division 2 of Troy has increased ager, Westport [XJrtwn lOouneil has to 150 per cent, within the last year ceased ligtatlng the town, wliich HAS ANOTHER SON. tiwreling and la rapidly becoming one ot the the inoonTenienee of the strongest in Cmpire State. public is in complete darkness at the .State Senator Sam Robertson is McKENNA night P. BANNON PIPE CO.! The rrreiit 'niartoiiy meeting wearing a broad smile this week proved beneficial in many ways, re- and receiving the congratulations ot A farm, the property of William Dunlavin, containing 114 Sewer and CnlTert Pipe, viTing interest in many of those his many friends on tbe arrtral at Moody, aeres, was recently eold by auction Bannon's Patent Lidded Pipe far Steam Cendnlts, members who had become lax. his home ot another sturdy young Democrat and candidate tor Mackin to Thomas Fisher, Dunlavin, for Wall Coping Dials TUe, fttrUM Belcl, The inember.sliii) contest of Divis- WHISKY Council. 17,260. Another farm, the property ion 2 of Syracuse, which closes De- rire Prooflng, Floe Llala^ Fire BrlcK ot Patrick Mitchell, Ballylaetan. was cember 20, has already resulted in Grate and Beller Tile, Crenni Ptte Clay, faps. sold tor $7,600. CklauM/ the initiation of sixty candidates. The late 'Miss Cunning, Porta- IT IS ALWAYS PURE. opFicB 838 ynm jbffbrsom Division 54 of Newton. Mass., gave The Most Rev. Archbishop Blenk, ferry, who died leaving $17,200, be- a successiul presentation of the whose condition caused his friends queathed $1,000 to the County HOMB PHONBS CITY 673-1780. OUMB. MAIN 807, Irish drama, "Arrahna-PoKue," for much uneasiness, is rapidly re- Down Infrmary. several chari;a.t)le Distffler, Fairfield, Ky the benefit of the Sacred Heart par- ruperating at Shreveport. Visitors residue of her es- H. McKenna, |0RKS---13th red Brecic. and MaKuolia Ave., Bet. 9tl> and lOth. donations, and t^e Uh. the past week found him In fine tate to endow a bed In the Oounty * « - • iii i i Organised lajtlaat July in at. spirits and improved in Infirmary. H I I mm ejnnn n iii m H ifli m ii much health. Down
