Boletus edulis and allied species Dried Porcini Mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms Are a set of very similar species of wild mushrooms with common morphological characteristics, similar and excellent organoleptic value (aroma, flavour) and high level of food safety, due to the ease of identification. The good suitability for the different conservation techniques, allows a multiplicity of uses in gastronomy all year round.

Tubes and pores, Ancient tradition from white in young specimens Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) testifies that already up to dark green when ripe 2000 years ago, these mushrooms were Reticulum appreciated and were even imported to Rome, White and already dried, from Bithynia (now Turkey). unchanging flesh The cultivation in during the centuries goes together with the knowledge and the tradition of Porcini mushrooms, A 4 species group in Europe wthat find in the chestnut plantations an In the Italian woods all the 4 European excellent habitat. The Italian Porcini par species of Porcini are found, distributed excellence are certainly those of the most in different environments: from and fragrant species aestivalis. coniferous forests (mainly and ) to chestnut, and Mediterranean forests, where Boletus aestivalis and the “black” Boletus aereus are the more common species. dishes. many other risottos and to prepare by cooking, water isfollowed Rehydration inwarm How to use

Via Ardeatina, 2479-00134Roma Bosco Mar S.p.a drying system from modern Below-left: product hand-dried porcini. Above-left: directly bycollectors andtheirfamilies. and from traditional dryingsystems made and technologically advanced factories, porcini are obtained from bothmodern prevails incolder areas. Today thedried tradition ofwarmcountries, while salting Preservation bysun-dryingisanancient The dryingprocess

2015 l Graphic designer: Tomaso Lezzi