Comment on objection number 2 Bob Holderness-Roddam 3 pages Tasmanian secretariat Phone (03) 6235 0503 Email
[email protected] TO: The Australian Electoral Commission (Attn. Redistribution Secretariat) Ground Floor, 2 Salamanca Square HOBART The Australian Electoral Commission (Attn. Redistribution Secretariat) GPO Box 520, HOBART, TAS., 7001
[email protected] Comment upon objections to the proposed Electoral Redistribution for Tasmania and Division names Monday, 5 June 2017 Comment on Objections Denison electorate name change OB1 Darren McSweeney Opposes Opposes the change of name from Denison to Clark or to Inglis Clark, unless there are major boundary changes. This clearly overlooks the considerable variation in Denison boundaries since the initial (1903) distribution. I see no merit in his argument. OB2 Martin Gordon Supports Advocates strongly for the change in name to Clark or to Inglis Clark. This is in striking contrast to his earlier opposition to such a name change! Points out the strong support of the Hon. Michael Kirby, a highly regarded former member of the High Court, and of the current Federal member for Denison, Andrew Wilkie MP. OB3 Jeff Waddell Foreshadowed support Although not listed as an objection covering renaming Denison, I note with interest that Mr Waddell will put forward his proposed boundaries at the next redistribution, and could support the renaming of Denison at that stage! OB4 Bob Holderness-Roddam Supports I don’t believe that I have to repeat the very strong arguments in support of recognising Andrew Inglis Clark’s magnificent legacy, given that the initial report from the Redistribution Committee agreed that “Andrew Inglis Clark made a significant contribution to Australian society and naming an electoral division after him would provide an appropriate recognition of that contribution … .” It seems to me that the Redistribution Committee then went in search of excuses for not renaming the Denison Division.