TRACK AND FIELD TRIVIA Where are those good old- Smart people win swag 1122 fashioned values? THE VOICE American Family Association vs. A ‘Family Guy’ K LEEOO Opinions 3 Serving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa since 1922 MONDAY to TUESDAY, APRIL 6 to 7, 2009 Volume 103 Issue 88 Extreme dorm makeover Kris DeRego nate these problems.” minimize the impact upon students as News Editor Dorm rooms will be made more much as possible.” secure during the project, as the uni- Despite the project’s cost, univer- For residents of the Hale Aloha versity moves to replace standard sity administrators believe that the dormitory complex, modern living has locks with swipe cards at all residence modernization plan will amplify efforts finally arrived. halls, Kaptik said. to attract students to UH Mānoa. Work on the long-awaited Hale “Hale Aloha’s room door locks “This project moves our campus Aloha modernization project began will be replaced with card access another step toward achieving our goal last month, following a blessing cer- during the renovation,” he said. “The Construction for phase of becoming a destination of choice for front doors and the room doors in students in Hawai‘i and beyond,” said emony hosted by the University of one of the Hale Aloha Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s Student Housing Hale Wainani and Hale Noelani are Chancellor Virginia Hinshaw. modernization project Services. Projected to cost $25 to $30 part of another project that Student If the economy recuperates, fur- million, the renovations will be bro- Housing Services hopes to start in began at Hale Aloha ther upgrades may be made at the ken into two phases, with phase one the near future.” ʻIlima and Hale Aloha Hale Aloha complex, as well as other covering structural enhancements at Changing student needs, coupled Mokihana last month. dorms on campus. the Hale Aloha ‘Ilima and Hale Aloha with the installation of keyless locks, The project will feature “Several other buildings are Mokihana residence halls. require advanced electrical circuitry, upgrades, including the being considered for renovations, “Improvements to all buildings in according to Furutani, who added that replacement of exterior including repairing the roof and the Hale Aloha complex are designed the dorms’ current electrical system windows and electrical replacing canopies at Hale Laulima was designed in 1960. and Hale Kahawai, elevator and to address two primary issues: extend- wiring, and the instal- ing their life cycle by addressing water “The current and projected generator modernizations at Hale lation of keyless locks. infiltration concerns and responding to increase in the number of electrical Wainani, and ongoing upgrades to changing student needs,” said Laurie appliances used by current students, public area furniture,” Kaptik said. Furutani, associate director of opera- along with the implementation of CHARLES BRODIE “Currently, Johnson Hall is being tions for Student Housing Services at swipe cards, necessitates an increase KA LEO O HAWAIʻI assessed by consultants to determine the Mānoa campus. to the electrical load capacity of the the scope of the upgrades we would Plumbing upgrades and buildings,” Furutani said. for private use of showers, toilets Services are closely observing the like to undertake in the near future.” replacement of exterior windows will Community bathrooms and laun- and sinks by individual residents,” effect of the renovations on dorm resi- Phase two of the Hale Aloha remedy leakage problems that have dry areas will also be reconfigured to Furutani said. “The laundry facility dents, according to Furutani. modernization, scheduled for spring developed at the dorms, according reflect residents’ requests for greater will also be improved with the inclu- “Current residents have been of 2010, will affect Hale Aloha Lehua to Mike Kaptik, director of Student privacy and computer access. sion of a study area that provides impacted by increased construction and Hale Aloha Lokelani. Funding Housing Services. “Future residents will enjoy the computer connectivity.” noise and traffic,” she said. “Both for both phases of the project has “There were some leaks from the use of bathroom pods, which will allow Officials from Student Housing are being constantly monitored to already been approved. roof and some of the windows leak in places,” he said. “Additionally, Info: EWC information, (808) Queen Lili‘uokalani Center for CITIGROUPʼ S RICHARD there was some damage internally PARSONS LECTURE to ceilings and walls due to leak- Mānoa Minute 944-7111, ewcinfo@eastwestcen- Student Services 208 ing pipes, but the upgrades to the, Info: (808) 956-7007, cdse@ Tuesday, 7 to 9 p.m., Ken- plumbing and windows will elimi- Compiled by Glendalyn Junio, nedy Theatre Associate News Editor PRSSA BAKE SALE Admission: Free; doors will Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., open at 6:30 p.m. for the 7 “U.S.-CHINA grassy lawn between Craw- DISNEY COLLEGE SCATTERED SHOWERS p.m. event. Overflow seating RELATIONS IN THE NEW ford Hall and Hawai‘i Hall PROGRAM INFORMATION H: 78° L: 67° will be available at the East- ADMINISTRATION” Info: (970) 275-6127 SESSION NORTH 4–6+ WEST 2–4+ Monday, 3 to 4 p.m., East-West Tuesday, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., West Center in the Keoni Auditorium. SOUTH 1–2+ EAST 2–4 Center, John A. Burns Hall 2118 “THINKING ABOUT Queen Lili‘uokalani Center for SOURCE: NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Presenter: Dan Piccuta, Chargé GRADUATE SCHOOL?” Student Services 208 Info: Jamee Kunichika, (808) A moderate northwest swell will build Monday d’Aff aires, U.S. Embassy, WORKSHOP Info: (808) 956-7007, cdse@ 956-8484, jamee.kunichika@ and peak near advisory levels Tuesday. Beijing Tuesday, noon to 1 p.m.,, 2 Monday, April 6, 2009 [email protected] Associated Students for the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa elections Name: Jon Hite Mark Kaniela Ing Bronson “Kaulana” Ah Tou Travel industry management Psychology (pre-law), minors in Travel industry management, soon Major: music, political science to add Hawaiian language as second major Standing: Junior Junior Junior • Creative solutions to • Minimize negative effects of • Enhance student experiences; tumultuous economic cutbacks; • Incorporate more culturually diverse conditions; • Keep/increase RIO funding; activities; • Large student-driven fund- • Improve relationship between • Encourage more student participation Elections for the Associated Students of the University raiser rally; students and Campus Security; in university issues. of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, which • Keep education a top priority. • Better communication within Vision: represents all full-time Student Housing Services; *Also running for senator for School of undergraduate students, are • Create interdependent web of Travel Industry Management. being held from Tuesday, April 7, to Wednesday, April campus resources. 15. To cast your vote, log in to MyUH Portal and look for *Also running for senator for Col- “ASUH general elections.” lege of Arts and Sciences. ASUH

THE VOICE DIRT BOMBS FROM SPACE ASTRONOMY OPEN HOUSE KALEEOO Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Editor-in-Chief Taylor Hall University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Managing Editor Vanessa Sim 1755 Pope Road, 31-D Chief Copy Editor Kyle Mahoney Honolulu, HI 96822 Associate Copy Editor Nichole Catlett News Editor Kris DeRego Associate News Editor Glendalyn Junio Newsroom (808) 956-7043 Associate News Editor Mark Brislin Advertising (808) 956-3210 Features Editor Yasmin Dar Facsimile (808) 956-9962 Associate Features Editor Carly Yonamine E-mail [email protected] Opinions Editor Chris Mikesell Web site Sports Editor Ashley Nonaka Associate Sports Editor Russell Tolentino Comics Editor Will Caron ADVERTISING Design Editor Nicole Gilmore Ad Manager Erica Hwang Photo Editor Kent Nishimura Business offi ce parallel to the bottom entrance of Associate Photo Editor Austin Larson the Bookstore. Web Editor Alexis E. Jamison Associate Web Editor Michael Oshita Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, columnists, contributors and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please come to the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. © 2009 Board of Publications. ANELISE GINGRICH/KA LEO O HAWAIʻI ADMINISTRATION Kids mixed shaved ice with dirt and topped it with dry ice to create comets in space yesterday at the UH Mānoa Astronomy The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Institute open house. The Astronomy Institute opened its doors to the public with a range of educational activities having to do Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Grant Chartrand, with astronomy and biology. chair; Devika Wasson, vice chair; or Ronald Gilliam, treasurer) via [email protected]. Visit for more information. In one bit of dialogue, the family’s oldest Inonebitofdialogue,thefamily’soldest son, Chris,askshisnewlyhomosexualized Grossindeed.FortheAFA,thereis nothing funnyaboutbeinggay. sode themselves. horror ofactuallyhavingtowatchtheepi- while savingtheirindignantfollowersthe violation ofbroadcastdecencystandards,” site, callingthisparticularepisodea“gross FCC e-mailcomplaintformonitsWeb Christian grouphassetupanautomated Naturally, thisamountofconcentrat- ed gaynesshastheAFAonhighalert.The to provethathomosexualityisn’tachoice. Peter isinjectedwiththegaygeneinaneffort “Family Guy,”foritsMarch8episode,where Thetargetoftheirirethistimeisthe Fox-canceled andfamouslyuncanceledshow TheAmericanFamilyAssociationisat it again. ‘Family Guy’ not family enough for ‘Family notfamily Guy’ AFA KALEO OPINIONS Chris Mikesell Opinions Editor SHARING AVOICESHARING that thisepisodemissesthemarkinits indecency isthatatsomeleveltheyfeel TheAFAis,atthemostfundamental really makesthemmadontopofthis level, aChristianorganization,sowhat should beashamedanddisgusted. p.m., andforthat,theAFAcontends,we airwaves betweenthehoursof7and10 kissing tobeshownonpubliclyaccessible What’sworse,Peterandhisgaylover sunk solowasasocietythatweallow actually makeoutinonescene!Wehave Inanotherscene,ahorselicksPeter’s to panderthefurrydemographic. buttock whilehesleeps,anobviousmove and that’swhywealllikeBrent.”) Brent, ’causeBrentcan’tfitinthegloryhole, (Peter’s answer:“Nine,witharemainderof a turnwhenthereareonlythreegloryholes. take for28menatacircuitpartytoallhave problem abouthowmanyrotationsitwould work anditquicklydegeneratesintoaword father Peterforhelpwithhismathhome- EDITOR CHRIS MIKESELL CHRIS FromwhatIunderstand,theyjust come aroundafewtimesmonth. see everyday,notaroundhereatleast. Fags.” Thatjustisn’tsomethingyou around signsreading“GodHates them toaneternityinhell,waving hates themandwillcondemn ing gaysandlesbiansthatJesus running aroundthecountrytell- tion. Youdon’tseeChristians portrayal andmischaracteriza- Thisjustrubsthemthe wrong way.It’satotallyunfair homosexuals.” many people,butnonemorethan embrace “JesusChrist,whohates to renouncetheirsinfulwaysand are therebecausetheyhavecome nator tellstheparticipantsthatthey camp.” Thecamp’s“Christian”coordi- Atonepointintheepisode,Peter is kidnappedandtakentoa“straight portrayal ofChristians. American Family Association. American Family andisnow becominggay beingcriticizedbytheGriffin The March Guy”focusedonPeter 8episode of“Family

OPINIONS Monday, April6,2009 3 MCT 4 Monday, April 6, 2009 [email protected] UN recommends ridiculous religion rules

Taylor Kessinger sharia law to be implemented in with stories reveling in slaughter, something repulsive, some Christian the main reasons why the United UWIRE/Arizona Daily Wildcat, University Afghanistan – including a recent including slaying innocents and tak- has matched it. Christopher States continues to support a for- of Arizona law that, women’s rights groups ing women as sex slaves. If your Columbus, a Catholic, saw little eign policy that is outright derisive argue, effectively legalizes rape. response to this is that I’m misinter- wrong with enslaving and murder- toward many Muslim countries, Last Thursday, the U.N. And Amnesty International reports preting the Bible, you may be correct ing the Haitian Awaraks; Martin including Palestine. Rhetoric stating Human Rights Council took another Luther, a Protestant, described the that Islam itself is the problem pre- step on the path to insanity by pass- Jews as a “base, whoring people” vails among far-right thinkers; it’s ing a resolution that urges U.N. and stated that they are full of no wonder some Muslim leaders are member nations to pass laws crimi- Never mind that for every Muslim leader who does or says “the devil’s feces ... which they deluded into thinking that protecting nalizing the criticism of religion, wallow in like swine.” (Mahmoud Islam from attacks is a good idea. specifically Islam. something repulsive, some Christian has matched it. Chris- Ahmadinejad, eat your heart out.) The Muslim world would do It hardly needs to be said that At various points in history, well to have several more leaders like such a resolution is wholly incompat- topher Columbus, a Catholic, saw little wrong with enslaving and the global human rights situation Atatürk, a devout Muslim who man- ible with free speech and democracy. murdering the Haitian Awaraks; Martin Luther, a Protestant, has been reversed; some medieval aged to frame his opposition to theoc- As Canadian diplomat Terry Cormier Islamic caliphates supported reli- racy in terms of elevating Islam to a said, “It is individuals who have described the Jews as a “base, whoring people” and stated that gious pluralism, democracy, free supreme status by divorcing it from rights and not religions.” Luckily, they are full of “the devilʼs feces ... which they wallow in like speech, public health and science, politics, as well as progressive lead- the resolution, like most U.N. resolu- whereas some Christian colonies ers of other stripes. And it would do tions, has about as many teeth as its swine.” (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, eat your heart out.) and European kingdoms suppressed well to have Western allies who favor representatives do vertebrae – that is all of these things. modernizing Muslim countries rather to say, none at all. Indeed, blanket labeling of an than pushing them into extremism by One has to wonder why an entire religion as though it’s some- antagonizing them. abstract idea is in need of protec- that several homosexuals in Iraq – but I’m sure most Muslims would how especially conducive to terror- But what Muslims don’t need tion. The simplest (but not neces- are currently sentenced to death likewise suggest that Westerners ism, oppression and hatred is exactly are feeble U.N. resolutions claim- sarily correct) explanation is that for their sexual orientation, not to are misinterpreting the Quran. what Muslim U.N. representatives ing to “protect” Islam. Such acts this is merely another incarnation mention the treatment homosexu- Never mind that for every have tried (albeit very poorly) to are steps down a road paved with of Muslim disrespect for free speech, als receive in Iran. Muslim leader who does or says prevent. And it’s arguably one of good intentions. as was displayed in the furor over But what has also been trou- the 2005 Jyllands-Posten cartoons bling is the Western response to the which featured drawings of the resolution. Strong reactions to this prophet Muhammad. It should be resolution have come from Christian Editorial Cartoon obvious that resolutions encouraging conservatives who argue that Islam the prohibition of speech which oth- is a hateful religion that is incom- ers unjustifiably view as “hateful” or patible with democracy and freedom; “offensive” are toxic in nature. the problem is Islam itself, not mere- But Muslim U.N. representa- ly a few Muslims. Even Slate colum- tives, as well as the framers of the nist Christopher Hitchens, a liberal resolution, tried to portray the need atheist (albeit one who supported for protection of religion in a differ- the Iraq War), lamented this resolu- ent light by noting that Islam has tion and labeled it as just another become associated with the work of a piece of evidence that something is small number of extremists, includ- incorrigibly wrong with Islam. ing Muslim terrorists. To protect the Never mind that Islam is as Muslim world from undue harm and diverse as the people who practice association with evil, Islam should be it. Statements like “Islam says” or beyond reproach. “according to Islam” are incorrect. This, too, is silly at best and Islam, as a religion, cannot “say” or poisonous at worst. No idea is immune “do” anything; it is individuals who say to valid criticism; no idea deserves and do things, not religions. protection from it; and no idea is better Never mind that the Bible con- served by attempting to stifle it. tains passages which are just as ugly Much of the criticism lev- as hateful verses in the Quran. True, eled at the Muslim world is valid, some Quranic and Hadith passages as some Muslim states have slid can be interpreted to advocate the further into insanity in the last killing of apostates, the oppression few months. Afghani Pres. Hamid of women, and the slaughtering of Karzai has given a great deal of nonbelievers. But the Bible also con- unnecessary legitimacy to the tains passages endorsing the killing Taliban, even endorsing laws which of miscreants like homosexuals and MCT would allow the Taliban’s brand of adulterers, and the Torah is replete paid advertisement Monday, April 6, 2009 5






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Ÿ)''/%GX`[]fiYpk_\Le`k\[JkXk\j8idp%8cci`^_kji\j\im\[% 6 Monday, April 6, 2009 [email protected] KA LEO O HAWAI‘I ANNOUNCES Twenty-five and counting A SPECIAL ADVANCE SCREENING Chris Mikesell Wednesday, April 8, 2009 • 7:00pm Opinions Editor Life’s pit stops provide little Ward Theatres shelter from reality. Twenty-four years, eleven months, three weeks and seven days is an inelegant way of put- ting it, but admitting that you are now 25 years old is like committing yourself to the grim realities of that nice round number. Being 25 is something you have to get used to. It is a denial you grow out of because it sig- nals a desperation to which it is embarrassing to cling, like col- MCT lecting pogs or HD-DVDs. Quecvas James, a 25-year-old student in the Computer Service and Technology Program at the Remember, I tell myself, Brooklyn Education Opportunity Center, speaks with fellow students about an exercise in a you are only as old as you feel. Network+ class. At this age, people are just beginning to find their way into leadership roles. Acceptance eases the mind. (Cake also helps, I hear.) One thing you learn quickly Comets, Are About To Collide become a “community organizer.” about feeling old is that it’s only With Earth. Disaster is immi- It takes a 25-year-old Abraham all right to feel old when one isn’t nent. It is only a matter of time. Lincoln to become a riverboat telling other people how old one You may decide to address your- captain. It takes a 25-year-old feels. Twenty-five is halfway to 50, self, briefing your rapt and trau- Mohandas Gandhi to ... get reject- after all, but don’t try telling that to matized audience on the realities ed for a part-time job teaching at someone who is 32. It only serves to of the situation and the likeli- a high school after an unsuccessful spread the depression. hood of survival. There may be stint at practicing law. You also tend to make time for a Q-and-A session afterwards, if Maybe it isn’t just you, after all. It seems that not even rock stars can be 25-year-old rock stars. Not everyone can be a 25-year-old rock star, however. It takes a You may only be as old as you 25-year-old Barack Obama to become a “community organizer.” feel, but how you feel depends on It takes a 25-year-old Abraham Lincoln to become a riverboat your own level of self-confidence. Twenty-five years might not be captain. It takes a 25-year-old Mohandas Gandhi to ... get rejected the best yardstick with which to for a part-time job teaching at a high school after an unsuccessful measure your own life. Success, stint at practicing law. for the most part, comes with time, and if you’re at this milestone looking back at your life, thinking introspection when stopping at this time constraints allow. One ques- that your best years are gone, that scenic area on the road of life, but tion at a time, please. says a lot about what you think the questions posed here differ from Perhaps it is more comforting you’re really capable of. Present your valid UH Student ID at those you had at 18. to approach the impending advance At 25 years old, you have time “What have I really been able of life’s odometer not as the termi- to kneel, and to rest, and to ask the BOP Business Office from 1pm to do with myself this past quar- nal disease it inevitably becomes yourself what needs asking. But ter-century? Can I still do what I for all of us, but rather as a herald at 25 years and a day, you have today, Monday, April 6, to get your want to do with my life? Where do of impending doom with Aerosmith to stand up and keep on walking. I go from here?” tending to the soundtrack. Damn the odometer to hell. You complimentary pass! These are not questions we It is, after all, far more glamor- may have a respectable amount of ask ourselves in the optimistic ous to be a rock star than a helpless mileage on you, but everything still Opens in theatres Earth Day, April 22! tones of bygone youth, nor are victim. Rock stars save, victims need works, and some things may even they uttered with the solemni- saving. It’s the difference between be getting comfortably worn in. ty of someone being informed being Mario and being That Tease You’re on your way to who knows First come, first served. A valid UHM student ID is of their rather incurable can- Of A Princess Mario Always Has To where, and you don’t have time to cer. Rather, they are announced Rescue. Mario deserves better and stop if you want to get to where required--valid for Spring 2009; NO EXCEPTIONS somewhat schizophrenically, with so do you. you’re going. on day of giveaway. No phone calls. One pass per the emotional gravitas expected Not everyone can be a 25-year- After all, 25 may be halfway person. Supplies are limited. One pass admits two. of American Presidents In Movies old rock star, however. It takes to 50, but it’s only a quarter of In Which Asteroids, Or Perhaps a 25-year-old Barack Obama to the way to 100. “Wearejustreallyhappy that make theirwaytotheIslands. are currentlyinJapan,waiting to of BellydanceSuperstars.They who arealsofeaturedmembers tionally renownedbellydancers TheIndigoBellyDance Company isagroupofinterna- Haunani Ramilsaid. performances, aswell,”coordinator porate comedicfeaturesintheir “TheIndigoareall-aroundper- dropping choreography,butincor- formers whonotonlyprovidejaw- this specialevent. Dance Collectivearecoordinating Shakti DanceMovementandOrigin Beats Antique.Membersofthe DancethenightawayatPipeline Indigo BellyDanceCompanyand Café withspecialguestsfromthe Their hipsdon’t lie The same tutu requires 60 to 90 hours oflabor andover 100The same tuturequires 60to 90hours ofruffle. yards A ballerinatutucostsup to$2,000make. KALEO FEATURES Shere’e Young Staff Reporter Dance Company. accompanied bytheIndigoBelly The bandBeatsAntique,an underground sensation,will be is thebiggestevent.” busy schedules,”Ramilsaid.“This they arecomingdownoutoftheir Box O + $15presaletickets atUH + 21andover at8p.m. show starts + Doorsopenat7p.m.; + April 12atPipeline Café classes, visitshakti808.comclasses, dancing upcoming belly + For informationon the door;UHstudents,$10 Jelly’sand all locations;$18at THE INDIGOBELLY DANCE CO. The Bottom Line AROUND TOWN ffi ce, Pipeline Café ASSOCIATE EDITOR YASMIN DAR CARLY YONAMINE

FEATURES PHOTO COURTESY HAUNANI RAMIL HAUNANI COURTESY PHOTO Kalae Kaina,right. Koalani,ter front; centerback; and HaunaniRamil,Tara cen- Green,left; andevents.workshops brings women togetherforclasses, all-women The ShaktiDanceMovement isan Monday, April6,2009 ʼ s dancecollective that 7 8 Monday, April 6, 2009 [email protected] ArtMania in Mānoa PHOTO PILE Kent Nishimura Photography Editor

Noah Grandemenge, 2, and his mother Fanny create large soap bubbles on the third floor of the Art Building yesterday afternoon during ArtMania.

PHOTOS BY KENT NISHIMURA/KA LEO O HAWAIʻI Pola Teriipaia teaches a group how to braid hip bands yesterday during ArtMania. The open house was hosted by the University of Hawaiʻi department of art and art history.

RIGHT: ArtMania volunteer Betsy Curtis we ento and art department chair Gaye ll b Chan lie in the courtyard of the Art Building under a weather bal- loon that has a camera attached to it. The camera streamed live to t and Catering Organic Take-ou a projector on the second floor, where the images were projected withwith ValidValid StudentStudent or Faculty l IID D onto the ground. 10% OFF LunchLunch aandnd DiDinnernner LEFT: Rhonda Collins, a print-making

2570 S. Beretania, Suite 204 University Ave Honolulu, HI 96826 major, helps Gabriel Tom, 8, 2570 S. Beretania St. #204 with screening his shirt yester- (808) 941-5261 day morning during ArtMania. ArtMania T-shirts were avail- King St. able for $15. Visitors had the Mon-Sat. 10:30am - 8pm Sun 12pm -8pm choice of either screening their own shirt or purchasing one that was pre-made. KALEO EDITOR “Funnier than cancer-causing“Funnier Oreos. Imean,really?” than Will Caron Will

COMICS Monday, April6,2009 9 10 Monday, April 6, 2009 puzzles • horoscopes • classifieds Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Across 56 Miscellany 1 Narrow-necked pear 57 Soft-tipped pen brand Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis 5 James who robbed trains 59 Civil War color 10 Wine glass part 60 Dole’s 1996 running 14 Pasty-faced mate 15 Laud, as virtues 61 Give up 16 Drive-__ window 62 This, in Tegucigalpa Fill in the grid so that 17 “Pow!” relative 63 Draws away from every row, every column, and 18 Immune system agent shore every 3x3 box contains the 19 Litter’s littlest 64 Force units digits 1 thru 9. 20 *Shari Lewis puppet 65 Swedish auto 22 ’50s fi rst lady Down 23 50-and-over org. 1 Cry loudly Puzzles will become 24 Open-bodied truck 2 On-the-job protection progressively more diffi cult 26 Moon mission name org. through the week. 29 Photo enlargement 3 Pillow covering 30 No-goodnik 4 Drummer’s crashers Solutions, tips and 31 Really punch 5 Rockers __ Tull computer program at 32 Hosp. scanners 6 Many a security guard 35 Extinguish, with “out” 7 One of AA’s twelve 36 “Shh!” (and a hint to the feature 8 Sun, in Spain Go to for this shared by the answers to 9 Building addition puzzle’s solution. starred clues) 10 Layer 39 Legal Lance 11 *Duster’s fi nd at a 40 __ away: hide on a ship crime scene 28 *Precariously situated 48 Stir the fi re 42 Hit, in billiards 12 Tennessee-born country singer 29 More azure 49 Paparazzi target 43 Paquin and Nicole Smith Ford 31 Cheerleading unit 50 __ and kicking 45 Jeff Gordon was its 1993 13 Like a subdued trumpet 33 “Let’s leave __ that” 52 It can be chronic or shooting Rookie of the Year 21 Biblical spy 34 Mediocre 53 Bear among the stars 47 Cavern 22 Paw’s mate? 37 Pilate’s “Behold!” 54 __ Hari 48 Sold for a big profi t, as tickets 24 Transmission stuff 38 Late 55 “We’re not serving liquor,” 50 Gucci of fashion 25 Opera box 41 Trounces briefl y 51 Brit’s boob tube 26 Mont Blanc’s range 44 Annoying people 57 Bk. introduction 52 *Act all innocent 27 Protruded-lip expression 46 James Bond, e.g. 58 Make, as a wager By Elizabeth A. Long 4/6/09 47 Piercing looks for solutions

Just after boredom comes insight. all the fi ne print. Don’t take anything on don’t pass it along. Don’t forget any of Make the necessary adjustments. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 7. faith; get it all in writing. You can get a it, either. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a Others urge you to hurry and take action good deal, but have your attorney re- Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is 6. To be a good leader you also need on a new proposal. You want to think it view it before you sign anything. a 7. Continue to watch what’s going on to know when you should listen. That’s By Linda C. Black over and ask a few friends for their ad- Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 7. without getting involved. Be an observer recommended now, as your team has Today’s Birthday (04-06-09) You’ll stay vice. You’re wise to be cautious now. A happy surprise starts the day out right, and possibly a witness, if called. Take some good ideas. Incorporate the best busy this year. And you’ll encounter Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is a but an argument later seems to ruffl e notes if you must. Things are changing into your plans. just about every setback and change in 7. Proceed with caution now; you’re up your feathers. You and your partner may fast now. (c) 2009, Tribune Media Services Inc. plans you could possibly imagine. You’re against tough competition. Make sure have to agree to disagree on this one. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune forced to be creative on a moment’s no- the work you present is perfect. Go over Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 7. Your frugality is paying off. Keep your Information Services. tice. You’re gaining great experience, it several times and get a coach to go 7. After a rather uncomfortable reality treasure carefully hidden. Use some of and also paying dues.To get the advan- over it, too. check, advance your personal agenda. it to see what’s out beyond your familiar tage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is It may have changed by then, so don’t territory. Don’t go there yet; just have a easiest day, 0 the most challenging. a 7. Don’t try a bluff, have the facts at hurry into action. You’ll know when the peek. Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is your fi ngertips. Don’t take risks or start time is right. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a READ KA LEO a 7. Can plodding along on the same new projects now.Continue to prepare a Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is 7. How does new information fi t in with old path, doing the same old thing, strong foundation for your plans. a 7. It’s really not a good time to gos- what you know? Is your hypothesis provide the inspiration you need? Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 7. sip, even with your fellow workers. fl awed? Chase after the truth, even if it Yes, it can, as you’re about to discover. Watch out for hidden expenses. Read Don’t believe everything you hear, and contradicts with what you’ve said before


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Classifieds MANpage The BOP Business Office Rates: $5.00 per day (up to 3 lines); $1.25 for each E-Mail: [email protected] (to the right of the UH Bookstore lower entrance) additional line. All caps and/or bold will add 25% to Fax: 956-9962. Include ad text, classification, run dates Monday-Friday 9a.m.-5p.m. the cost of the ad. Place an ad in four (4) consecutive and charge card information. Deadline: 4 p.m. two days before publication. issues and receive the fourth ad free! Mail: Send ad text, classification, run dates and payment to Payment: Pre-payment required. Cash, in-state checks, money In Person: Stop by the BOP Business Office. Board of Publications, Attn: Classifieds orders, Visa and MasterCard accepted. Phone: 956-7043 P.O. Box 11674, Honolulu, HI 96828-0674 FOR RENT HELP WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY

CONVENIENT LOCATION NEAR UH 1 BED- Student Assistants Needed! Start Your Own Business! Eat Beef Jerky, Get ROOM-1 BATH FROM $1100 2743 VARSITY Student assistant positions are short-term & tem- Paid Great Profi t. Easy & Simple! Only $12 PLACE CALL 808 358 4717 porary with the Underage Alcohol Prevention pro- Startup. Join Today! Tell Others & Watch Your rreadead kkaa lleoeo jects. Short-term services are required immedi- Business Grow. 208-640-1817; ately to complete surveys. This position will work HELP WANTED under the direction of the Project Managers and will be responsible for assisting with preparation, Bartenders Wanted! jjustust rreadead itit fi eldwork, data collection, and will perform other ADVERTISING POLICY Up to $300/day. No exp necessary. Training duties as assigned. Individuals must be 18-20 provided. Age 18+ ok. 800-965-6520 x172 years old, possess a valid driver’s license & their Ka Leo O Hawai‘i does not knowingly accept ad- own means of transportation, and be able to pass vertisements that discriminate on the basis of rreadead iitt EARN EXTRA MONEY! On campus part-time job post-offer criminal background check. Position race, color, religious preference, national origin at UH Foundation. Filing, scanning docs, data involves time commitment during the evenings or sex. Ka Leo assumes no liability for ad con- entry. Must be detail-oriented. Some writing in- and weekends. Pay: $9.45/hr with possible in- tent or response. Please be cautious in an- volved. Strong writing skills necessary. Must be crease to $10.50/hr based on job performance swering ads, especially when you are asked to rreadead iit.t. UH student (6 credits minimum). $8.50/hr. Call and eligibility. Inquiries: May Rose Dela Cruz, send cash or provide personal or fi nancial infor- Cindy at 956-0943 for appointment. 441-3485. mation. [email protected] Monday, April 6, 2009 11 New e’s no diner fi n her er “T Big City Dine an r!” album more of a ‘meh’ $5 OFF th Your Check of $25 or More! Not Valid on Any Holiday Matthew Ishitani PROUD Staff Reporter CORPORATE


Valid for Dine-In Food. One coupon per table. I feel cheated. Yeah Yeah Only with a Purchase of a Beverage per Person for up to Six People. Not Valid with Any Other Offer, Yeahs are going the way of Discount and/or Promotion. Expires April 30, 2009 Mooney Suzuki, and nobody who has ever witnessed ’s eccentricities should ever be allowed to deal with that. The band’s first album, Holy Week Mass Schedule 2003’s “,” was, as at Catholic Campus Ministry Newman Center Ms. O put it, “a hurricane,” and that’s what I loved about it. Holy Thursday Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30pm “Fever” was so aggressive and April 9 insane and catchy that you had to love it. The frenetic “Tick” and Good Friday Liturgy of the Passion with Holy Communion at 1pm Taize Prayer around the Cross at 7:30pm “Date with the Night” seemed to April 10 be the resurrection of true punk, Holy Saturday in spite of the fact that “Maps” April 11 The Great Vigil of Easter at 8pm pandered to the crummy new Easter Sunday generation. The 2006 follow-up Mass at 9am and 11am (NO 5pm Mass) “” wasn’t up April 12 to the standard set by “Fever,” but at least it managed to pro- All Are Welcome! vide flavors similar to Franz Located on EAST WEST ROAD t Ferdinand and early Elastica. just past the Korean Pagoda Study Ctr, across the parking lo The band’s recent offering, “It’s Blitz!”, feels like “Maps” being played 10 songs straight with four bonus acoustic ver- Hawaii Review 69 is here! sions. The crushed egg on the cover is the heart of every fan that bought this album. OK, so Poetry! I’m exaggerating. The dance-pop Literature! edge seems much more moti- vated by Karen O the performer Art! than Karen O the musical art- ist. This turns guitarist and drummer into dance-pop musicians It’s all inside our student literary journal: as well, but at least everyone adapts well. But does this swift adaptation to a new style make INTERSCOPE for a good album? No. Youʼll understand how this feels after hearing the newest Yeah Yeah Yeahs album, “Itʼs Blitz!” “Zero” and “Heads Roll” are electroclash goodies, while the guitar work from “” and Karen O wants to regain the leotard- Pick up your free* copy at band finds ways to make songs the drumming from “No No No” in chic persona she recently lost to Lady the BOP Business Offi ce located named “Skeletons,” “Dragon “Fever.” “Shame and Fortune” was Gaga. This is their worst album yet, to the right of the Bookstore’s ground level entrance. Queen” and “Hysteric” into gen- the standout of the album for me, and the “reinvention” of Yeah Yeah tly paced (boring) ballads. The returning to aggressive beats with Yeahs is killing them. While some- instrumentation of “Dull Life,” an overwhelming bass rhythm. thing tells me the Yeah Yeah Yeahs one of the few rock tracks on the What all this comes down to are just losing their touch, this isn’t album, feels under par for some is what the artists in question are a band you can simply drop. I just *one free copy with valid UH Manoa student ID. $10 per copy for non-UHM students. While supplies last. reason when compared to the truly capable of. The album feels like hope the hurricane returns soon. K A L

Monday, April 6, 2009 EDITOR ASHLEY NONAKA EO [email protected] ASSOCIATE RUSSELL TOLENTINO SPORTS 12 GAME OF LIFE RRainbowainbow WWahineahine aandnd WWarriorarrior GolfGolf KaKa LLeoeo SSportsports TTriviarivia AAnswersnswers

1. WHO ARE THE TWO SENIORS ON WOMENʻ S TEAMS? 4. WHAT FORMER RAINBOW 5. WHAT ARE THE FOUR COURSES + Thank you for playing Ka Leo THE WARRIOR GOLF TEAM? A: Men’s – Las Vegas; WAHINE WAS THE INDIVIDUAL THAT THE GOLF TEAMS HOST Sports Trivia on the womenʼs and A: Chase Bingham and Cody women’s – Reno, Nev. MEDALIST IN THE 1986 DONNIS THEIR TOURNAMENTS AT? menʼs golf teams. Get ready to Pewarchuk. THOMPSON INVITATIONAL? A: Kāne‘ohe Klipper, Leile- tackle some questions next week 3. WHAT ARE THE NAMES OF THE A: Bobbi Kokx. hua, Kapolei and Turtle Bay on the nationally ranked Rainbow 2. WHERE WILL THE WAC HEAD COACHES FOR BOTH TEAMS? Resort golf courses. Wahine water polo team. TOURNAMENT BE HELD A: Men’s – Ronn Miyashiro; FOR BOTH THE MENʻ S AND women’s – Lori Castillo. Defining times for Hawai‘i basketball SPORTS COMMENTARY Ka Leo Sports Trivia Russell Tolentino is that not too long ago both pro- that he can win. Associate Sports Editor grams were thriving. Last week he received a one-year Featured Sport: Rainbow Wahine Track & Field For four straight seasons the extension with a one-year option. The “March Madness” began last Rainbow Warriors made post sea- one-year option would give him anoth- Sponsored By: University of Hawai‘i Athletics, month as 65 men’s and 64 women’s son appearances. In the 2000-2001 er extension if his teams over the next Papa John’s Hawai‘i, and Ka Leo Sports teams geared up for their shot at a and 2001-2002 seasons, the ’Bows two years win 18 games or advance to national championship. made it to the NCAA Tournament, postseason play at least once. THE VOICE Today (men) and tomorrow and in 2002-2003 and 2003- The extension was a good (women), the excitement surrounding 2004, they played in the National move by athletic director Jim A collegiate basketball will hit its peak Invitational Tournament. Donovan, as recruits are less likely

WWW.KALEO.ORG EO KServing the students of the UniversityL of Hawai‘i at Mānoa since 1922 as NCAA champions are crowned. In fact, the 2001-2002 team set to commit to UH this year if Nash’s But where were the University a school record with 27 wins, was contract isn’t renewed. of Hawai‘i basketball teams during all the first team in program history After all, Nash was hired late this, you ask? to win both the regular season and in his first year and lost a season Good question. WAC Tournament titles and finished in recruiting. Junior college pros- The 2008-2009 season for the ranked No. 25 in the final AP poll. pect Gary Wilkinson was debating Rainbow Warriors and Rainbow And for the Rainbow Wahine, between UH and WAC rival Utah Wahine will probably go down as under previous head coach Vince Goo, State, but chose Utah State because one of the most controversial ones the biggest controversy surrounding Hawai‘i was still in the process of hir- in school history – and if the bleed- the program was getting snubbed by ing a head coach. ing doesn’t stop, next year could be the NCAA selection committee and By the way, he was the WAC even worse. having to settle for the Women’s Player of the Year and was an AP All- Questions The Rainbow Warriors fin- National Invitational Tournament. American this season. ished 13-17 overall and 5-11 in the For three straight seasons (from And with no seniors on this year’s 1. Where will the 2009 Outdoor Track & Field Western Athletic Conference. The 1999 to 2002) the Rainbow Wahine roster and a star player like Roderick WAC Championship be held? ’Bows lost in the opening round – posted at least 20 wins, made the Flemings to build around, the pro- yes, the virtual play-in game – of WNIT and finished second in the gram could be solid next year, as long ______the WAC Tournament. This was the WAC. Overall, the program has made as some basic needs are addressed. 2. In what place did the indoor track and ¿ eld team second season under head coach Bob 11 postseason appearances (five NCAA And for the women, one can only ¿ nish at the WAC indoor championships last Nash that the team finished with a and six WNIT). imagine what Bolla’s controversy has season? losing record. The struggles have greatly affect- done to recruiting with Signing Day On the other hand, the ed the local fan base as well. (April 15) a week away. ______Rainbow Wahine were able to win During the four seasons that the Don’t get me wrong, for the 30 3. Where do the Rainbow Wahine host their meets? in the opening round, but that was men made the postseason, the Stan years Nash has invested in the pro- ______probably the highlight of an 8-23 Sheriff Center averaged 7,178 fans gram as a player and coach, I would season (4-12 WAC) that the team per game. The past two years, the think most fans, including myself, 4. Which former Rainbow Wahine holds the record for the ended without a head coach for the attendance average has been 6,303 – a want to see him succeed. fastest time in the 100 meter? last nine games. 12 percent decrease. And despite all the controversy, ______Head coach Jim Bolla, who And although the Rainbow the Rainbow Wahine did compete was in his fifth season, was put on Wahine have never drawn the biggest hard and do have the talent to succeed 5. How many medals did the Rainbow Wahine paid leave for allegedly kicking a crowds, this year you could literally as long as their head coach can bring outdoor team win last season at the WAC outdoor player during practice. An inves- count the fans in attendance. out the best in them. championships? tigation has been ongoing since Obviously the state of the econ- The bottom line is that this off- ______his suspension, with his status omy plays a factor, but the fact of the season will be a defining time in this and fate unknown. As a result of matter is that fans want to watch win- era of Hawai‘i basketball and Donovan Turn in your completed trivia form and present your valid UH student ID at the BOP Business Oɼ ce between 12:30pm and 2:30pm this week for a chance to win complimentary Bolla’s suspension, associate head ning programs. better think and move fast. tickets to UH sporting events and pizza. You must answer all questions correctly to be coach Pat Charity took over for the Nash, who was hired two years It’s time to bring back what the eligible. Prizes will be awarded on a À rst come, À rst serve basis. Athletes of featured sport, remainder of the season. ago, is heading into the final year fans want and what will cause excite- Ka Leo and BOP staɲ not eligible to participate. Good Luck! And what’s most unfortunate of his three-year contract. And after ment again in Hawai‘i: about the recent decline of success two losing seasons, Nash must prove Winning teams.