Before the Voyage to America, a Journey Inwards by MAXWELL PRICE Flashbacks and Through the Inter- Editor Actions of His Public and Private Selves
V OLUME I I I , N UMBER X X I V C ELEBRATING T HE P RE C IOUS H UMAN T A P ESTRY A P RIL 3 , 2 0 0 9 Before the voyage to America, a journey inwards BY MAXWELL PRICE flashbacks and through the inter- Editor actions of his public and private selves. There’s a moment towards One of the most clever, artful the end of “Philadelphia, Here I uses of staging came in the first Come!” in which Adam Patterson moments of the play when we ’11, playing the human embodi- were introduced to Gar’s private ment of protagonist Gar’s subcon- self. Patterson appeared with a scious (referred to as his private lampshade over his head in Gar’s self), advised his public counter- bedroom, and as the shade was part, played by Patrick Donworth suddenly raised up into the fly- ‘12 to roll his mental video cam- space, it was as if Gar’s mind had era. It’s a nifty metaphor, for we’ve finally come uncorked. all experienced that sensation of Sadly, at certain points I trying to preserve a memory that couldn’t help but wish that shade we will replay in our minds over had never been lifted. Patterson’s and over again. Likewise, we can performance emphasized the view Irish dramatist Brian Friel’s taunting, nagging aspects of the play as a rare opportunity to protagonist’s subconscious with watch a screening of that internal great physical gusto. If the pub- home movie through which we lic Gar was constrained and experience not only remembered stiff, the private Gar was wildly actions and words from one char- demonstrative in his movements, acter’s point of view, but also his alternately flailing his arms and PHOTO courtesy of Jordan Warsoff personal thoughts and feelings.
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