T R O P E R L A U ANNUA L REPORT 2011-2012 N N A 2011–2012 ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS Company Information 1 Directors’ Profiles 2 Chairman’s Report 3 CEO’s Report 4 Directors’ Report 6 Auditors Independence Declaration 9 Statement of Comprehensive Income 10 Statement of Financial Position 11 Statement of Changes in Equity 12 Statement of Cash Flows 13 Notes to the Financial Statements 14 Director’s Declaration 25 Independent Audit Report 26 Disclaimer 28 Detailed Income and Expenditure Statement 29 Competition Report 30 Development Report 32 Regional Athletics 33 Membership & Club Administration 35 Officials Report 36 Emerging Talent Squad Program 38 NSWIS/ETS 2011-12 Squad 40 Membership Statistics 41 NSW Champions 44 NSW Roll of Honour 53 ANSW Awards 61 Life Members 62 Merit Award Holders 63 Condolences 64 ATHLETICS NSW LIMITED (FOUNDED 20 APRIL, 1887, INCORPORATED 15 JANUARY, 1996) Postal Address: PO Box 595, Sydney Markets, NSW 2129 Street Address: Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre, Edwin Flack Drive, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127 Edited by Janet Naylon Proofreading by Betty Moore Telephone: (02) 9746 1122 Designed by KDR Design and Print Facsimile: (02) 9746 1168 Photography by Getty Images, Email:
[email protected] Kel Bradstock (Photos in a Flash), David Tarbotton Website: www.nswathletics.org.au COMPANY INFORMATION Board of Directors Staff Gordon Windeyer (Chairman) (Resigned as Chairman in October 2011) Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer: Greg Meagher Sean Scanlon (Chairman) (Appointed as Chairman in October 2011)