Tin Gan Collection Friday July 30 - Place Cans At Curb By 9 A.M.

THE WEATHER Scattered showers, today, con­ tinued Warm.

Vol. XIV. No. 979 RWBFAPKR PRICE FIVE CENTS -Barbers In Battle [Three Boys Are \CitiesService PurpleProduct Heart [Severely Burned Helped A c t i o n A t A ttu ] Awarded Marine Eire Chief Will B j Exploding Gas H eater Kept Naval Aircraft Tuned Up search Division, pities Service Postli On Closing Hours • OH Oompany. umousJv Split On Question__ Lighted Match Sets Research Division of cities 8er- . “it win fnterest you- to know that Retire October 1 Gorp. Wm. Bainbridge DfPBkstWhich— Vice Oil- Oo„ locatari here at 226 operation of Naval Aircraft hi the Of Closing Shops Hale Chosen For Highway 29, has been highly praised recent action at Attu Island was Also Wins Citation,— * Chamberlain Asks Remains Mystery for one of Its 'products by a high facilitated by use of oil Immersion An Hour Earlier Bonnie Burn Board official of the Navy, B ear Aciminrai heaters of your manufacture. 2 Sehdce Medals Board For Pension; A long anii MUor—d-taei msinn -va- Flam ei-ffom exploding gas ' In ^0hnrSrMcCalSnhbis4mf--£hfcBureau- - - “ Av-eombat-reportf-rom-the-oom-. gasjmanhole a t Conant and Thom: Served 22 Years Suited from h request by nlr.e Hill­ jt-ternn antlcs. ltHvas-tii-.r.lnsnrl vra- m anding ofTicei- of a -oartlciiiatTna' streets Mor.aay night- 'sefit three Iri day by Julm Dr Moigan, Vice fggetheii iwlthr side barDer&to the Townsil® Cloiu- ea-r-r-ier-sta6es-^ue4^the-iseaVy-m& tEtnti'y in actio Fire C h i# Albert Cham berliih~ .mIttAB Tnftadfty night s amend n.n Tsnmg^-tjcqtsiaosTn>oriGone president—o__ a nd fog, the engines of Hip jilnne -Puesciay Hospital suffering from severe tirir TB f product Is known as an oil' pohLliumously-— | pAi‘ u pension on his retirement oh prdinan ce closing shops. an hour exposed on the flight deck had. to ©ainbridge, U. , The explosion was touched off when be warmed up; frequently - to keep October l, 1943. Chamberlain, who ariler.' Flvo“op]3Dstoipl»berf^^ :one of the hoys dropped a lighted of Mr. and Mrs ere content to leave the ordinance before the War .as part 'of the divl- the electrical- system dried out. lia s reached the lim it- of sixty-flye match in or near the manhole,| siBn7s research but which has boeff These heaters enabled quick engine years of age, has been 'fire ohief »-—ifc—Is presented, a ndtltlnn non. With both police and the Hizabeth- nntves back- specially -adapted to Navy requlre- warm-up, andAelrpe'd maintain satis-- for tWenty-one^“years: ~ — tswR uonroiiaiu K r Qas Cu. utmbid 'm ehts--slB ce=the-otrtbreak ;< r a h e' factory engine operation.’ ... The matter was referred to At* . g up their stand. The present to explahi the presence or such a Iginance causes shops to close at war. ‘^TffiniBSter iJlayeaTtn **ImpBr-" -“ *The&Bm,eau-M^^renwtep»eafi= torney Emfl * Herrigel for checking;. large volume of gas. tant part In naval operations against tends thanks to your entire per­ Chamberlain's letter stated" “Hav- " p. m. (luring the \veelc and at 10 —Hie Injured boys, whose condl-. —nr an ®turday nights Thr the Japanese-held Island of Attu sonnel for providing this serviceable ing about reached the age limit I ; .tlon has been, described as fair, ate hi the Aleutlans^as told In the fol­ equipment for the Naval Air Arm As a member herewith make application for pen­ lestlon Is whether closing should George A. Kllnk, 12, son of H r, and Division, under HttlLby -one hour, lowing letter to the local concern; sion on my retirement to take effect Mbs. George J. Stllnk, of 1028 'THC- by B ear Admiral McCain: Vandergrlft j October 1st, 1943.” Township Oomr The Township Oommlttee, trying nias street; Leonard Krasowskl, 12t Aided Plane Operation n the mitteeman Harry Vogel suggested, ; the •be fair to_ both sides; found It-. son qf Mr. and Mr$., Julian Krasow­ “Washington, D ,S, j esider Amer] a month’s vacation prior to retire-*, | f In a quandary es recriminations skl,- of 268 Millard avenue and “To—Men Shd women of the Re- fense-Senviee Medals for si ment if it Is fouhd: retirement is in teams intense. Chairman George Charles Capro, 13, son of Mr. and Cuba and lilter in the As ■order,. . erllch ■ w a s. compelled to bring Mrs.-Anlhoijy-^^rSreM|POonaft cific battle a: •ea; These twi I Chief Chamberlain was born to but order as words flew back and street. Kllnk Is Ir. the seventh will be awai England-on September 11, 1878. He pte. A t Qonunltteeman Harry grade of, St. Catherine's School, Defense Council State Requests the end of the. war, came to this country a t.a n early ]gei’s suggestion it was decided to Krasowskl In the seventh grade at Cqrp. Bainbridge was age and received his education t o 3 | Township Clerk Howard Bloy Burden-Looker* Sohtiol and Canrn missihg in action at Gua the ‘ public schools of Harrison, k-B—suglial m d! n g Is a student at the Abram P. Mor-| Will Study Plan Conferences Ob fix rhid-September 1942 a Kearny and Belleville. Just about Ed 3n'd out what their practice Is. Ms Junior High scnooi. definitely reported killed ALHilHT f ’lIAMBERLAIN the time Hillside separated from py wULasoertaln the fflatol'hours Clothing Burned Off wegks~inter:— HF~was 2l~ y i -0~nion-^Cownshlp>- -.the- Chief made Krvtogton, Union, Cranford,' Hoi I Screams of pain from the boys For Day Nursery Born in Newark, dorp, Ba his homeh, to Hillside. . He lives at DO, Roselle Park,' Elizabeth and brought—several—Berness— to —the- Tax Settlements had resided in Hillside si 1529 • Compton terrace. [wark. JOSEPH HALE— * age nJUiWQ,. __.He enlisted Iscene, Including occupants of Capro's Partial Substitute Hillside Flier [-- The chief became a member of . Help Shortage Cause Joseph Hale, of 211 D-orer avenue, house at the comer of Conant and I Believe Action Marine Corps Reserve in 19 the paid department in January;-'' pin ton A. Vlt represented W e nine former member of the Board of. Edu­ [Thomas streets, Frank Collins, chief For Child Care Is Facilitated still in high school and we 11921 when there were only two men bers keeking, the earlier closing, cation, was appointed to the unex- air raid warden, Motor Vehicle I Wins Promotion m the •department. ^ Prior to this"- sta te d barbers In . neSfby towns pired term of Lt. Ellsworth JT Sterner Agent Charles' Taylo; aad' IrVta ?. Center Proposed By Discussion after his graduations He was at­ [he served with others as a volun­ _ ted their shops at 7 p. ifl? Help on the Board of Managers | f J3on- Sowers, hlgn- scnooi Instructor, tached to Marine- Intelligence /H is tee r. A year later he became fire Two members of the War Services Executive- .ortage prompted the nine to ar- of whom reside in the area Thel The State Department oF jj iJarly truliilng-was atr Quan tieo,' Vav hriiloL He has seen the 'departmnt.. nie Burn Sanatorium last week., by Division of the Hillside Defense' nge the change. He said, the bar- the Union-bounty- Board of Free­ Iboys were taken to the hospital by I Government in a letter read at| FaiTia_Island and New River, N. c. For Troop Transport [grow until its equipment and its [Council, Mrs. Frank' Eleder, chnir- Township Committee meeting T While firhigh school he was a .mem­ jtff could d<5 their own policing and holders. Lt. Sterner, on duty at iTaylor and Oolllnd in Taylor’s car. Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Walker, i-men rank with the finest. The new laid thus relieve the police depart- I Police are conducting* an Mnves- man of -the Child Care Committee, day night asked 1 prelt) ber of* Che track team. | fh-ehouse ( on Hollywood avenue the Raritan Arsenal, is unable to jand-BobeTt O. Thompson were ap­ cussion of prppoJ of 1530 Franklin sti*eet, are proudly f this buijden. attend meetings of the 'board. Itigatiqn o r the blast a n a thel | opened a year- ago. gas.-cempacy sent a representa­ pointed a committee last-Thursday cases. Tin: commn.tec is at present viewing Lhc latest letter from their Walter s Ceglowski, representing • Hale, who' was nom inated by Jgggj n ight- at a meellng of- the division J. H. Mt Dudley, member of - the tive to Inspect the manhole after -negotiating—fom a_ settlement .with son. HfiTgtd. Jr., veteran member live opposed to the change, ob-| to look -Into *i p .ui for the e.iitUi- Mrs. Willie Lee daggers on her tax Sted to the tendency to control Boar d .% of Freeholders, , is "ar brother being notified by police. The Kirkpatrick On of-the Army Air Forces and veteran manhole* I s . underneath th e. side­ shm ent of a day nursery*for. cU|-; delinquency on. property bn Orchard Report Hillside id regulate businesses unneces- Of Township Committeeman Benja­ 1’eli.between the ages ottfCTtald' flyer of the .Boutliwesj^ Pacific aerial m in Hale and is associated with him walk . and marks the junction terrace. Township-' Clerk Howard Mly> H e said those who wanted Ive j ears, J. -BIOS and Township Attorney conflicts in the_JJolomoiis, where his _ agould close earlier.' He pre- in ’ the William Hae Coal Co. here. of several mains. A vent from the Assembly Slate manhole extends above the ground. W hile the division is not definitely Emil A. Herrlgel will go to Tren­ flying fortress crew was credited Soldier Wounded ;; Ion ted the petition of.four hundred ton lo present the. proposed settle- officially wjth downing eight Zeros. inames asking the retention of pres- Officers Frank MoGhee, Andrew cwnmltted to the proposal, the pur- Selection of Robert c . Klrkpat- Ciect.. Mrs. Jaggcrs last, month was Of recent months he has been in |e n t boars. He said* war workers on Jepson, -Victor Heller and VUinittm- pose ..of the comm ittee’s investiga­ riqk, -, of 297 Rygn street, as pop of On Casualty List Bicycle Holdups offerdtpyen-20-rodt'lBli on'Ordiifcrtf the States imparting liis experience patejS hlfts need the extra tidurs. ' E lfjo lf responded* to a call. tion is to determine whether a dif­ terrace In exchange for the town­ tee Deinobratlc Assembly SanSdSes" to' the new crop jg| flyers; A coupl^ For Pacific’Area- tjhwi H sP r h e r s James G&raffa, Joseph! Reported To Police In a report .to. Hillside policS yes- feren t plan than the government [terday, the gas said .there financed okild care center would] ship getting cleelP'title to The rest was made at a meeting of county of days ago Uie Wiilkers received Second Lt. Alfred L. Stolz, of 278 p P rosp o,, Emil Bux and Samuel I of the delinquent property. a—letter from their- son, indicating b i n presented conflicting views. The bicycle- "situation in . Hillside was no leak in the mains at thel ve the purpose .ju st as well. Thd Demooratlc leaders Tuesday wltlT Gertrude street, .was listed as has taken a turn from bad-to-worse. manhole, An official of the com- Idea would be to -supplement the ; The letter from the State De- Connly-Clmlnmin Edward L .Whe­ that he has just been promoted to wounded ln"action in the southwest Vlt pointed out that beauty- shops ald. :“W.hB a new rating recently established in PPIS' kiPt' enter into the picture 'asDuring the past several- weeks sev-. | par.y declared-..“evelythlng w as ap- day nursery for younger children ;61e- [Pacific area in a casualty list re­ njrilt Is- under consideration it hasl lan at the Elizabeth Elks Club. the Ai’my Air Forces, “executive ggiost of - thiin dose at 6—p.'m. era-i bicycles naa been reported ‘ter -parently ■ In perfect working ordor,” - 'th an expanded'program In thal leased by the War Department Tues- -been found much time can be saved Klxkpati'lck, candlflal.e ’ for Towii- officer in charge of troop trans­ p o w n sh ip Committeeman Hugo pjplice as Stoten7“*CT5^ No reports o f gas leakage h a d beer, schools for the older ohlldren. At day. He Is- -In the infantry. His If a ■ municipality places its - ideas ship^Commlttee last year, is'.active port"—a rating between that of tG ensel Inquired If the main # s » | On Tuesday, however, two boys received- from residents of th e area, same time the War Services wtfe. Mrs.-Katnerine a . Btoiz, r e -1 before fee commission even though) In labor circles and is put forte captain and major—and signified by |pu te was as td hours or whether the who reside in Elizabeth, Richard It was-.stated.. The official declared Division and the Board of Educa­ vealed this week that she received the proposal has not yet been ac­ as the labor candidate on the ticket. the wearing of 'a small, maple leaf. aquas tion of prices charged was also! Andersop, of 1349 Garfield-place, a n inspection of -the marihole had tion will, continue to gather data notice from the Army on July 4 and John Wislotski,. of 1012; Cross been made only two weeks before to be inoluded in an apfllaationl cepted If the Funding Commls-l Tills action by the county Demo­ Brother In Africa that her husband had been wounded, in volved . He was told the price of sion is satisfied, there Is little room crats removes Kirkpatrick as a I service was not an Issue. It-a p -) avenue, Reported* a. new twist to I the aocident. for Federal funds for the child oare Am ad LI [without any farther details. The the bicycle.- ’thievery. T h ey. said center, .. for argument-when the transaction! possible- candidate for iTownship last'letter she received1 from him b eared 7 thaA A snia-:ttl - barbers reaches the final stage.” Commit-1 Committee again this, year and will | era engaged in other work and want they were stopped in. Fairview place I Situation In' State was in June. In that letter L t._ h ere-by-tw o other boys who -took Night Of Fun Planned state report ■ on the subject! teeman Gensel oppdsed this method rmit-the--Ipcftt Ilegders- to proceed Stoll? described the iife to an area I the extra rfcur for business. te selection of their ticket. their bicycles front them- and rode At Franklin Church of child care centers In New Jersey °.n the. .ground ft was unbuslness- where the only white men are away.—BdUcfiT a.rp Investigating ----- was dismissed by members of the llke. American soldiers. [John R. Sutton Is A Night of iPTiiiT-sponsore d- by divlalop^-The report lmilcated-that Zoning Board Matter. __ Lt. and Mrs. Stolz .were married Young. Adult . Group.-of Franklin up to June 1 there were 150 child Emgnuel Gersten, fepresentmg Testimonial Given ^110^-47-1942 at S t. Barnabas Has— Udvaneed To Sergeant Returning From Memorial MetliodisL "'OKurch, will j care committees in the state, but Carlton H. Wlntcrmule. asked per­ pital, Newark, where Mrs. Stolz Visit To Sister be held^at the^cljiiurciv Saturday only 25 had definite plans whUe but mission to, convert three garages 1 To Sector Warden was a patient following an ap« § PORT JACKSON, S. C.—COrp. evening. Refreshments w ill— toe righ t had- msde^^--appHea-UohJ-fOT “for experlmenta! purposes and for | PSmjectQmy- ; The jyedding was m ohn R. Sutton, of 314 Fitzpatrick Miss; Ruth Chaddon, of Chap­ [served and everyone is invited. Federal funds with only foiiF^SSfuF the- manufacture of scientific in- j planned for Fort Bragg,,N. C., where ■treet, Hillside, N.'. J., has been man street, is returning lidme after aMy receiving th e m .. Reasons why struments.” Wintemute recently | [Mr husband was stationed, but'" prom oted to the-rqnic of sergeant; it a ten-day vacation ih Floridurwlrere Robert E. Snyder Ts—— m ore chlM care centers had, not purohased the sht family house at j when Mrs. Stolz was token suddenly m ** announced here this week. Sgt. she visited-her-sister, Pvt. Margaret been established, the. report pointed 1280 North- Broad street near t h e ' [ill, her.husband canie up and they. (Button- is attached to the 025th Chaddon of the Air Corps at Hend­ Classified As Pilot out, were the uncertainty of financ­ Municipal Headquarters. Four ga­ were married as planned. ~ |M eld Artillery Battalion. ' rages are In back* of the property, ricks Field; Sebring, Fla. A/Q. R obert. E, Snyder, of 10TS ing, the taywvb!~meffiSd‘ of piStihg -Stolz was commissioned at Fort | application for funds and the un­ one, being occupied. The property dreds of Hills ders. The family al- Benning, Ga,; in September 1042 Thomas streetr who entered th e certain Federal policy. Is in a "Business B” zone. Gersten Btephenrs' Episcopa: Arn^..Air- Foree oh M areh^. 5,..was - and is believed to have -gone over-... Thompson, chairm an -of--the-Vie- .assuiM_tlieLJ0miBltte6_there would rk, and the brothert classified as Pilot on July- 21. At O seas shortly afterward. He Is the : tory Gardens Committee. arih’ofltinBrt be no noise since small motors son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stolz, ot.; present he is stationed in Nash- would, be used " “Thu—eBamiittei!, villerTemir th at with the aid of block leaders Irvington. He was graduated from he Is about to undertake a survey of however, was firm that Gersten Irvington High School and was em­ 2)on’( Wmtion Jt the township to determine how Should take his; application to the | ployed by the Universal Chain Co. 1 WILLED MOTHER’S ESTATE j m uch grbund is under cultivation Zoning Board to t Its approval. of Maplewood when he enlisted to Thank Blood Donors Hugh S.. Blanske, of 13.86 Dore-’ by- gardeners, both for his own Gersten again brought’to U fc a n January 1941; mus place, was Willed th e estate records and for data to be furnished offer to purohase 200 feet of town-1 The Peas Were Saved o f- his mother, Palmira Sherwln, the Federal government. 3otn ship owned property i.Plasma"WQunded. Marines- Thank Blood-Danorfi,'’ The mkrlnes Military Funeral For street, offered $300 for a :IOt 35xiOO Now In Price Job are p . p. c. Bussell Frederick, of ‘Bloomfield a n d -fv t. M ichael; qpt on Tillman street. The com- llttae stated It .would consider Mrs. Etta Hoag, former clerk of Blotter, of HlUslde, thanking-the Bed Cross through'Dr. Sondra the fuel panel of Hillside War Price - Soldier A ccid e othlng less than $12 a foot for the JESSE J. WA8SERMAN '- Nemser, head physician at the headquarters, for the plasma round, which Is What other prop- an d . Rationing Board, has been named price clSrkrit was announced ^ which saved their lives. Both were, wounded In the South Pacific Many Pay Tribute rty on the block brought. Jesse J. Wasser 1890 Bay- f Hurden-Looker Post and Pvt. 3ioiter has been decorated for bravery in action. iph Basky. officiating. MOne Gensel urged The filling of a house view avenue, sector warden in the legion, That priorities this week by Mrs. Marie Rohrbach;^, To Sergeant Hamara day eveRlng services were held at fdundatlon on Trinity place,, and third district, was given a testl- be .obtained for oon- chief clerk of the board. The board the Haeberle & Barth Home for buiiding x>t this type, Is being aided by six volunteer •' , A throng of friends and relatives said dirt was immediately available, monial d lnn erH H ------I-t was not reveated-whsthw-tha-m.in li^a-hn/ihBir'r hr whether Funerals. Irvington, with ‘ Hey. Bloy wilt seek permission from of his district Tuesday members of the post assistants.. he la married and his wife Is in War work. In any event, a tele*. paid final tribute Tuesday to -Sgt. B ask y—also—In ohargo. Services dwners.—An application for a iKirap Newark. His. work as & made 1 While a few complaints have Alexander Hamara, 37, son of .Mr. come before the board regarding phone call was received recently by Mrs. Mildred Hathaway, chair, werq also .held- by Newark Lodge, Iron and metal -business -on Ramsey den was. praised by seve al speak- enfc—offii rials and haver been and Mrs. Paul Hamara, of 1260 price violations, not one has as yet m an or toe nutrition Oommlttee of the Hillside Defense Council, B. P. O. Elks, and Washington avenue by the Acme Metal Pro­ ers, who included Hugo told that priorities would probably Miriam place,* who was killed last Gamp 104, Woodmen of the World, be approved. been substantiated.- One com plaint,; with the' male voice on *th» other end declaring: ducts Co. was denied— The matter Chairman _of t.hg_JRill«i3 Joseph^-Tanehokr-John....Fazeckas, and Harry R.-Vogel. tee, since municipal authorities are trip and.recelved It,. - Armed with the oerttflaate of approval.-he engineer and* **Hbh he entered ^the* 388 ‘A Long Avenue accepted as'individuals and1 that‘4.: Qgorge Kostin gnd. Joseph Sheay. Township Hftgineer Henry Kreh empowered -to.~assist~in.. the estah-. and his family paid the visit over-We past week-end without once Tate was sounded by a n Army A rm y he was assigned to fee Bir®- (Continned on Page «) they rw41L be palled upon when oq-^;" AUTO lishment. of. veterans’ homes. ..being stopped by QPA Inspectors, However, he Is being-consoled buffler from Newark Airport''and a neer • Corps. ■ He w as promoted to and'HOME RADIOS qasion demands . it. by . reports that the so-called pleasure driving ban Is about to be firing squad fired-a-s&lUterWphere- sergeant paly a week before i his REPAIRED , death. Before entering me ser­ M inn i F-Ac.Fn m f n lifted, to permit holders of "A” ' books to do as they please with wera-ftve n«,r« filled -wu-.v, fUir^rfi,! tributes. ' , vice he was ehiployetl by Jaehnilg* ga8~aHortadaT we VfrTfPap- -MINOR AUTO REPAIRS - their rather skimpy ration. The problem, of drvlnfr im hianir- ~vmiiUia wlio- ban. Use a ggyUre. ------Several—Services_____ & Peoples Inc. o f Newark. -reUneff—or—adjusted;— Have rour cai m arket gasoline is one for the government to solve, he believes, In addition to his- pai-entS-etrp- Apply at fee F halte your work now. Wa -. Servloes were held at the First Cara called for and delivered. and the honest motprist should not be penalized for the dishonest vlvors are a brother, Louis, of East EVERGREEN CEMETEEVU- it you^cooperation Ih alvloo Hungarian Presbyterian Church, Orange, and a sister, Mrs, Helen much time as possible. HIRLEMAN’S ESSO STATION Newark, Tuesday afternoon with n i l X. Broad fit., Hillside. Shinker, of Hillside. OPEN TO 9 P. M. V v'HpLt-Y-WPPO AVB.,. MBMr. CONANT ST. Page Six THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1943 Want Ads Are Read By Thousands, Cost Little, Get Results

■Sale 1 berg won with Herkie-jNathan and [ by William Baird. Ronald Lanning ond and1 -Roland Massjmirio third. ELIZABETH AVENUE PRESBY

ALL' DIABETie. 'lOO % whole-wheat"Playground News Coehrane—and—Jerry Kent, placed on d a n d third. • contest for boys: NortUwood, pastor. 9:30 a. m. WANT A lls anfl Soy Bean ■ Foods-^Sun Dried " George Washington third. .,* ’ • * The*highilglit’ for~the~imst-week • this yeek were graded Bible School: -10:45 a, m. Fruits—Fresh Ooat Milk, Natural The past week at this playground ^ The- girls made ration book h o i# was the horseshoe pitching ;by Wil’- hopscotch for boys_ and girls. 'W in­ wsrship with sermon/ ‘^Wrestling j f c ■ RATE - Wheat Oerm; r e l e s h e a l t h was featured by a daily round of ers . under the direction oj- Mr$. liam Schoening. Although only nine ners in the girls’ contest were N ancy the Night.** * ; . 2 f ' ' * * FOOD. STORE, 041 Elizabeth Ave., contests. Results’ were as follows:- Kathleen. D.'Haynes.. The boys wit- years old, he taught the boys^in the Wylie first, JUdy. Eagle second ana <> ■ TWO CENTS PER WORD Elizabeth. '■ easulFb hunt wihnefs^ireHC Bajak; tied, letter -openers- under the-direc- -junior horseshoe non test. a., lesson In Jearnip Petersen .third;-, Boys.’ win­ Eleanor Kahn? Edward Arch, John tlon of Frank Hill. . how to' pitch ringers. Tom . C&ston CHURCH OF CHRIST THE ners were Alan 'Sihipsfoh first, Ray KING, Rev.- John J. Finnerty, pas- Minimum Charge, 40- cents 10-PIECJJ dining room set for sale, Murnlngham, Richard Quandt and Municipal Playground; won the event with William Shoen- Alexander second and >Ted "Palmer in good condition, $30. .Ckli Eleanor Kaeser. The value of junieft*- leadership on ihg second and Paul Brenner finish ­ third. ton. Sunday masses at 7:30, < 9, 10 More than one insertion charged at the rate of Waverly 3-6719. Round-the-horn basketball. John the playground was proved very ing,third. ancM.1. a. m. Children’s mass at 9 decidedly -wljen five junior leaders o’clock. one cent a word. Minimum charge 25 cents. ■ GIRL’S BICYCLE! for sale, good MacDonald; girls’ paddle tennis, . The senior girls’ horseshoe con­ tookroverthe program" at thegrounds test-held Monday afternoon was won Baptisms every Sunday'afternoon conditionbaloon tires; $38 Caff Carol Morris; bo-ys’ Chinese check­ on Friday afternoon, and with the by Ruth Grigalavich ^ ith Adeli at 3 o’clock sharp. WANT ADS may be left at The Hillside Times between 6 and 7 P. M. Waverly ers. William Rickerhauser, Herbert Omrch Services assistance of-the supervisor, Mrs. Rasinskas second and Eva Blue tAAS II. 3-7978. Knull and Walter Morris; girls’ elephon -Ghinesfi checkers. Carnl Mor Elizabeth McCraith, ran a progres- third. The girls. afeT doing a' p e a t WAveriy 3-2465 Wednesdays. younger children's Chinese checkers. praem nr Sinai Congregation Furnished Room For Bfint Allan Perlmutter, Anna Sadlon and the entire group took active part. ment to.be held August 5; W. Poppy, mihister. Morning serv- Rabbi, Eliezer Cohen.. Natalie Morris. Fifteen games were used, with the = girls checker-conk ige 10;66 a. m., sermon, “The .Fame 'During the Week beginning July -CVd nf Thank,; ■ Mjghf Hflas ny undgr, $1, Addi- o f Jesus'.*’ ' EVenihg service 7 :^T LARGE, ~41gfatr~ T00m~~negr~~‘bathr ^ HObScOtch for gfi’ls, Mary Messaiifff group divided into age groups, which be held Wednesday -and 25. the following will be the sched- UOBSritlies, ■tfl'TOtST" .. fi. m.. Sermon. 44Ther"Mostr~Beautl- block from hiSesT^Sc fare; good Irene Bajak and Carol Morris; - hQp- proceeded'',t{r'"ea,ch7”''gam:e'T "as®?fiSm-~ ,TlTOrsday^aft»ra'Oon*™icr^™tiTte'“ week. -ule-oI. sarvlGes.: r section; private home. 1464 Morris ful Word in the Bible.” scotoh for boys, .William Ricker­ b'ered on .their tallies. The tallies Many of the • girls have hopes' of Morning services, Saturday ’8:30 Place. • •i...... — tf hauser, William Gordes and Robert were' made on the grounds by tne taking Gloria Kasak’s pla?c!,' winner a. m., Sunday 8 a. m., Monday Buechert; horseshoe pitching—-senior members- of the girls’ handicraft Of Union .'County Checker Chain* HILLSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCB, Rev. George M. Runner, through Friday, 7 a. m. Gas Ranges boys, f . . Masteiione; junior boys, classr—Thoae-who did -an-e-xeel-lent- -pionship—for— the—past-;five—;years. WANTED William Rickerhauser; girls. Mary job ot leadership were Elaine Vir­ Gloria is taking on all comer-s dur- pastor. 9:45 a,, -m. Church School. ~M tncha services;—Saturday;—7^ 6# tue, Dorothy Meslar, Daniel Ger- hi^ -the evening -session of the play- 11 a. m. sermon', “Being Comfortabf# p. m., "Sunday through" Thursday^ A GIRLS AND WOMEN GAS RANGES—COMBINATIONS Mfessano. lach, Herbert Fischer and James groiuid. in Your Sola/1 fcOB^p. m., Friday 7:30'p. m . COAL RANGES—COAL HEATERS Older boys whor^expect to play on i p you are anxious to participate actively in the Glynn. - Those m aking the "higKest The Commandoes and Skunks of 'RedCross^r . Maariv- -servjkjesr Saturday, 8:45^ - ANDERSON the high school football - team are “" ^ v ic to r y effort. ^or-es-w&r-e-Bennv-aeasser-av-Dnkyres- ^TOon-94-played^-aii4n:teg-4roofLsoft^ i n . the- Community House Pr-m,. Sunday through Thursday "Cooks with the Gas Turned Off” gradually 'preparing Llieu'iseives by teers:~aTgnirgent^ly^eededT-"Ask--i!or -8i40-p. m .. Priday, Kabl^las Shabbos^ J P you are luttfested to Ughtr clean factory work, means—of—touch—football-—game-s- Gerlach,- Walter Ceclowskl, Ronald' ball ■ game last Thursday evening.- Vulcan. Oriole, Roper, Bengal, Sekley and Dwight Kirkpatrick. M-r-Sr--Robinson-,— T h e lo n # - P I a n and Maariv, iififfiediately followings ^ under pleasant conditions. Thus- far Joe Xttll, Mike Oondriilo, The commandoes tddk- the Skunka Detroit Jewel, Smoothtop, Welbilt. The date of-ihe jacks contest was into camp by the score of 17 to 4. Committee meets on Friday ffight. the Minch'a* service, i I f - you are between and 5Q-7eara ^ of .age. Used and Rebuilt Ranges Pete . Ferrigno, George .shelbourrier Tom* Mullaii, Paul cancellerl, Ai-' advanced in order to Have a winner The HurdenrLooker—.softball • teaih All makes of gas ranges repaired. ready to participate in the Town- iVill play the Conant Street team BIR&ENMEIER & CQ. . bert Treger, William Brouss, Robert Kugelmah and a number of new- ship Field Day to be held on, August at the Hurden-Looker playground 1091 Springfield Ave., Irvington, N. J. 5. The playground has accepted'tKe' th is "Thursday' afternoon.----- Open- Mon., Tues* Fri., Sat.. 9 P. M. oomers ha-vo been working out.t| invitation of Mrs. 'Eihmet W-hii,p m Hillside Avenue. ES 3-6611 These' boys':expect~ to’“Be” in flrsT class condition when first fall prac­ charge of playgrounds for the Board The Hillside Avenue playground of - Education,' to /participate' in' the WESTON ELECTRICAL tice is -called o n September 1. has had a. series of very successful Used Furniture Bought Calvin Coolidge playground finals. The winners of contests. In' a horseshoe- 'Contest INSTRUMENT C08P. ' The lib ys’ paddle tennis ’ tourna­ the jacks contest were Gladys Bu­ for boys Ted1 Prescott was the win­ BEST PRICES paid for used, furni- i rner^ first, and Dolores Gerlack sec­ ner, Ken Blake seppnd and Ray ture, washing machines, sewing 1 ment ■ was held July/ 14. Angelo Fortunabo was first. The. contest ond in the girls’ division and .Benny Alexander - and Bojj Heller’ tied for machines and household articles. Scassera first and Buddy Glynn third. Winners in the girls, horse- Call EL 2-9645, Beyer, 117 Holly­ was interrupted by a heavy shower so that Richard Duke and John second in the boys' group. shoe contest were Nancy w ylie first/ XJ. 8. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE wood Ave. I The boys leading in points bo date Jeanne Petersen second and Eleanor 309 Washington St., Newark, N. J. Coogan have to play for second ,and third places. for thff—playgrbundr---medalr--are Garracino th irds----- Monday and Friday, 941 A. M. Diamonds and Old jjJewelry | Robert" Dufek and Buddy Glynn, The girls’ paddle tennis tourna­ Final winners in the paddle , ten­ 1000 Springfield Avenue, Irvington, N. J. while Dolores Gerlack is far in the nis .contest were Ray Alexander Tuesday and TTiUisday,. 2:30-4:30 P. M. Bought ment was played last Thursday. Dorothy Mayer captured first "place, lead in the girls’ division. first, Henry ; Czernoh.us and ...Emil 1177 EAST GRAND ST ., ELIZABETH, N. J. WE BUY diamonds and old jewelry. Edith Smyth second and Esther Hurden-Looker" ,/ Nauerz tied! for second. Winners Grassmann & Kreh Wednesday, 0:30-11:30 A. M. Gonzer sOo., Jewelers' since. 1919, Ohaddon third. There, have-been numerous con- of-the sand modeling contest were tests a t the Hiirden-Looker plqy- Alan Simpson and Mitchell- Krasnv . MR. R . I. VAIL 24 Walnut St., Newark, opposite On Friday the jackstohe contestr Federal Bldg. Post Office. ground this past week. The girls’ tied for first, Ray Alexander second WESTON REPRESENTATIVE‘ took place. In the girls' contest Engineers tor Hillside July 8-4t Thelma Warner came in first_with hopscotch cdhtest was held, lis t arid John rLang, third. Wednesday with Rose Pawik* win- Helen-. Pagowskl taking second and. | The rope-jumping contest for girls' 433 N. Broad St., Elizabeth Edith Smyth third.- In the boys’ ning: first plftcer-MarjHEJrbanski- see- • was won^ by Joan- Halo-^th-I^th- Help Wanted- Female ond and Mary Lanning third. On Help Wanted—Male Help Wanted—Male contest first place was claimed by King second and B ea trieejm ith Phone EL 2-377« Angelo Fortunate., second by John Thursday, the boys tried their skill third. -&L the boys’ contest Ken GIRL, white or colored, to care for at h op scotch.T his event was won Blake, was first, Ray Alexander sec­ 7-yearrold girl from-10 to 5 ’week­ Coogan and third by Joe' Fortunate. days. ‘Apply MillefT 1444 No. Broad — The“-horseshoe~tournaments—took-1 , -Hillside; place Friday also. dAngelo Fortunate MElWANTED!' was first, John Coogan second andl Richard Paryie third. For the girls] Board Wanted for Child Edith Smyth took first honors, For bench work. Electrical testing and adjust- Thelma'-Warner second and Dor-J ? Jng. Experience desirable but not essential.: WOMAN WANTED from 7th Dis- -othy 'Mayer thirds -Jrict...Section to board 6-year-old - -In^the- rope~jumping_contest for. DO NOT APPLY IP EMPLOYED ON WAR WORK. boy. six days a week. Mrs. G. Smith; girls Edith. Smyth won first place.] 442. First .Ave., Elizabeth. Dorothy Lueddeke second and Ruth WESTON ELECTRICAL Smyth third. \ Conant Street INSTRUMENT CORP. On July 13 the girls’* Chinese] DOES anypne -owe you any money? checkers contest was held. Ruth] 114 Frellnghuysen Avenue Are there any outstanding—ac­ Mitchell won first place and Mar­ Newark, New Jersey counts due to you for rent, loan of garet Hackett second. 'Die younger money, sale of--goods, services iren.-_ boys’ horseshoe, contest was held] dered, or promissory notes? ■ Collect the same afternoon. Ned Cochrane U. 8. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE your accounts NOW! No collection was first, Wes Miller second and] ii-np charge. A bonded collection Edward Levine’ third/ ' '* 309 Washington St., Newark, N. J. agency service for private individuals, The" girls*, foul shooting contest iT " Mbnd&y ana' Friday, 9-ll A. M.— ’business" and ■ professional - nieir—Es-

Earns lie With Locals ONE “A” and two "B”* gasoline- ra­ — Five-Run Barrage tion books. Please-return- to B. -and-before th e attack—was.-, over, Qeheenbergr- L60- :Gr-umman Ave.. 6ETWM Ends Tie In Eighth Elizabeth had tallied five runs, Hillside. W tch ended the scoring for the Standing of th e Teams day. W. L. Pot. Elizabeth A* A. Plainfield A _1 .889 Business Directory OPEN DAILY 9:45 A. Hillside ; 6 3 .667 WORK Elizabeth 6 3 .667 Jasinski, cf. - Beauty Parlors Westfield 6 4 .556 LaPiura, JUl. Linden 4 5 .444 Pochmara, 3b. DR. SYDNEM’S Tar Bhampdcrrc^ “ HANGMEN ALSO D IE’ Yon, too, can fight {he enemy with your Garwood ___3 ’ 8 ,33*3 Kershaw, c* iieves dandruff, itching scalp. hands right here at home, making Vital North Ends 3 0 .333 Seipei, lb. Only. 25c. Wood's Maple Barber and “ H E’S My'*GUY’’ Rahway * 1 8 , ,111' I Nemeckay, rf. Beauty Shopr 1554 Maple Ave., equipment for the planes, tanks, ships and ,-ThBlSfe - lf; - WA. 3-6403 guns that will bring us Victory. Uncle Sam Hillside is still in second place 1 Horkay, ,p. needs you. The Hyatt Bearings Division today in the Unicto County League Painting and Paper Hanging after Sunday's defeat at the hands Totals th Sir Cedric Hardwicke of General Motors needs you. of the Elizabeth A. A., 11-6, b u f ‘REVEILLE WITH No experience is necessary—no matter the loss moved Elizabeth into a WHEN THINKINGof Painting^' BEVERLY’’ tie with the local nine. ' paperhanging call A. Artke, *1210 whether you have ever -worked before or Caruso/ rf, ' fc fp ? 0 0 Salem Ave.; EL 2-3296. The box Score would indicate. L M e t , 0 not You earn good pay. while you learn. r th fiit Hlllslde-wa s* luoky to-get' six (■Retersr.c,— -— =____ U ± _ . _ a c~ M A-WCH— g g tty r IE L Promotions are quick. runs, since the team was credited Engesser, ss. p 0 TatU fH ng With .only six hits. Joe Horkay, Dill, 3bi ' 2 2 "0 Vqu.-fflUJjndJH^srttji “nice place to Elizabeth hurler, struck out 15 locai Dade.-p,------’ 2 jgjlg d J. MERTEL Merchant Tailor. Clean­ ‘V T U t S' r Y ^’ work.” You will want to join the Hyatt batsmen, while his team mates got Zimmerman, lb. 0 ______2 0 ing. Pressing, Dyeing and Repair­ Molly Pitchers, ap,employes’ organize- 19 safeties off Bill Dade. Gorvett. If, . • 0 : 0 - Jd ing. Wa. 3-0206." 1423 - N. Broad At thzt, >it was a good ball game Arulckus, cf.r • _ 0 , D Q St., opp. Mertz Ave. - don. There are excellent eating and recre­ until the eighth inning. Neither Anderson, 2b. | 0------0 — 0 ational facilities. team scored in > the first two In­ Leboff, 2b. ___ 0 0 0 nings but In the third Elizabeth If you w in ’t to bring the hoys home broke the .Ice on a triplrTBy_Spiuer — Totals——------8^-— —6——-8 again, sooner, take a job it Hyatt today— which had much to dS'^with the Hillside * QO0 201 210— 6 and earn good pay while you do it. Be a three runs they scored. Hillside Elizabeth A. A. 003 012 Q5x—11 modern Molly Pitcher at Hyatt! got two of these n m s: M r in the Two base hits—Dill, Jasinski; f ourtlraam e, but in the next in-r I Pochmara, Kershaw. Three base ning Elizabeth added another tatty, hits^Dade,' Spicer. Hit by pitched g g j a B g g j j a making the score 4-2. Hillside ball—Horkay (Engesser). Bases dh Transportation to the plants is easy. Two scored a run.in th e sixth and Elirai- | balls—off Horkay, 2; off Dade, 3. ANN SOTHERN and*MELVIN DOUGLAS plants: Tp reach Harrison plant: take bus 40 beth came back with two. more, Struck out—by Horkay, 15;; by Dade. “ THREE HEARTS FOR JULIA” which connects with all Newark bus lines. Or, arid the count a t the close of the 16.. Umpire—McDermott.^ PRANQB6 LANGFORD and ROBERT RAISE H. Sc M. Tubes to Harrison. Plant is opposite inning was 6-3 in Elizabeth’s faVor. Tube Station. in the seventh Hillside closed the “ COWBOY IN MANHATTAN” gap on a triple- by Dade -.which- gORRECTIGN To reach Clark Townahip plant: take bus 39 from Elizabeth. Take bus 54 from Woodbridge, sent in two runs. The locals tied In the account of:the- Wedding~of JUDY GARLAND' and VAN HEFLIN the. score in the eighth with A Miss Meta Vitaris to Pvt. Raymond Perth Amboy, Rahway and Westfield. -jsingla-rnmr^^M^-v-JBut^n--th©iE -%hughln4ast -week’s-lssue,-.j:efer£nck “PRESENTING LILY MARS” half of .the stanza Elizabeth really was made to Pvt. Charles Wood and ) K sffiigipM Stars m- ^FOREVER^AND A DAY’ got to Dade. Jasinski arid' Poofa- Pvt." Charles Bizcoe. Wood, is a t mara . doubled, and Spicer, K er­ staff .sergeant and, Bizcoe private shaw ■ and Nemeckay got-singles Edward Norrl# and Joan Woodbury In.'“ PRISON MUTINY" HYATT BEARINGS first-class. DIVISION OLL

ELIZABETH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A SAVING HABIT . . . SHOP AT Elisabeth Avenue.. at. Wilbur------Arthur Northwoori, Pastor GENERAL MOTORS Szarko’s Liquor Store— 8:30 a, m. Graded Bible. School, 131? LIBERTY AVBNPB HTi r jn n g . n _ i. 4 0 : « ft. m. Worship with sernton, "Wrestling to the. Night." Call WA 3-0659 for Free quick delivery — Open 12 noon Sunday* .. M, 'A. ti KEGS BEER - - • COOLERS FOB HIRE ?tTHE HILLSIDE flMES, THURSDAY. TULY 22, 1943 Page Five

We know the war is entering a smashing, conclusive stage. The country looks to its woman power to produce the munitions and supplies of war. In this way can more men be released for the fighting fronts. And the quicker victory is won, the quicker will YOUR man be able to come home. Serve on the home front by getting into war ■work:...... *------—------:------

************************ititi'*it*ft»tit*im*ftitititiii(,******* YOUR OWN-BACK YARD I Yo u r d u t y is c l e a r WOMEN I The industries on this page are cooperating to show the opportunities | GIRIN AM) WOMEN WANTED■ TRAINEES that are available. Not only to make money, but also to speed victory | from 18 Years Up B No experience necessary ~~ by creating the much needed, finished products of war. SEE ONE OF g U xp e nl e aeejB n necessary x THESE PLANTS TOMORROW. 5 100': .WarjKork j, 7 Light factory work, pleasant and

A 8Y ANSPORTATtOhf S' refined surroundings. Defense plant. 7, 10, 11, 24, 140.T41 I Bring Citizenship Proof I ,f GOOD PAY — STEADY WORK The Cooper Alloy Foundry Co. 1 K K BLOY-ST. and RAMSEY AVE., HILLSIDE I y - y y fe y y ? x I SUN TUBE CORPORATION UMTionville 2-4123 » ot 155 Livingston. St., Elizabeth 3 | 181 LONG AVENUE HILLSIDE, N. J, |It...:.... X , *«********«A**A********A******AAAAAA********M*i, X *4 «« 4 4 444 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 444 44 4444444444444444444444444




—GEMKUGOMPANY— Open Daily 8:30 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. ' 1200, COMMERCE AVENUE UNION, N. J. - *

***********»»if,^*********************************** , ATTENTION! S . 8 I WOMEN WANTED Boys and Men Girls and W omen GIRLS-DAY SHIFT fti! S f Ages lb-50 —------, - A ges 1 H-StJ I MUNDET CORK CORP. i ESSENTIAL FOOD INDUSTRY I ESSENTIAL WAR WORK $ ~ NO'EXPERTENCE NECESSARY " f J ■ 1 PLASTIC MOULDING J MALE ’ ' FEMALE f A,'.... l TABLE WORK—16-40 1 *8-Hfgjpe&k, Time and a Hall 'Over 40 .FLoum 501 BLOY ST. HILLSIDE, N. I MACHINE OPERATORS | SUPPLIERS COOKIE PACKERS f , OVERTIME FQR-THOSE OVER % RECEIVERS CARTON POLDERS ± S f MIXERS PACKAGE LABELERS F I ~ f f YEARS OF AGE ’ f DOUGH ROLLERS PACKAGE ASSEMBLERS • $ i I i Essential War Work % HELPERS HELPERS ± | 8 i BONUS PAID FOR THOSE QUALI- 8 £ 1 DAY AND NIGHT SHIFTS______I t I PART TIME WORK FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN 1 § FYING A FT ER TRAINING' PERIOD. WOMEN WANTED STERLING PLASTIC^ CO. I Fours from 3, 4, 5, 6 P M to iftidniglitYf drafted X * §§| X OPPOTlTUNlTlIg fSB —- I S i 1 : 1140 COMMERCE AVENUE Light, clean, Food « “ ------| | S. 'E. & M . VERNON; IUC. for Light Industrial Work -- "UNION, N. J. 1 BURRY BISCUIT CORP, i f Newark and North Aves., Elizabeth, N. J. 1 925 NEWARK AVE., ELIZABETH, N. t £ if

American Ty]pe Founders; Inc. LARGE DEFENSE PLANT Needs Learners At Once— WANTS Girls and Women Wanted TIIE J. R. WATKINS CO. Here is your opportunity to become a WOMEN! WOMEN! 231 JOHNSON AVE. NEWARK, N. J. Soldifer o f Production,” and foe paid Ages 16 and over .- in well while learning to be an Assembler - .Aliens Accepted GIRLS AND WOMEN WANTED or a machine operator. MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS ALL TYPES FACTORY WORK for EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, WEST GRAND AND . Paid while learning BELLEVUE STREETS, OPEN DAILY 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. S Also PACKING OFfK-E WORK — ~ L '• •: ''."J" ——Excellent working' conditions—— GOOD PA Y 44 OVERTIME — GOOD 8 Bring bltthpapers and social security numfeE WQRKIN-Q CONDITIONS _Atlantic Manufacturing Co. „ LIGHT FACTORY WORK Pyrene Manufacturing Company American Type Founders, Inc. 555 BELMONT AVE., NEWARK, N , J; REGULAR DAY SHlfT -.560 BELMONT AVE,r NEWARK, N 200 Elmora Ave., Elizabeth ,-N . J. at Peddle Su i ~


CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST teoii skSe. This la assuming, of With the grass or sawdust nearly ••Truth” Is. the Lesson-Sermon will iiidlbate -Where to start the course, that : £& recommended subject for- stnday, July 25, in all silt with a knife to get the larva amount o l fertilizer "was used at Christian Science Churches and Coyer tile stem with soil at the out Harvesting Onions the beginning <5rt?.e planting sea­ Societies throughout ttie world. 'I'Jkai'ljauRuif, W itU place to encourage the development Realty Transfers son last spring. ■ ’She -dtelBBa.-SiSfegfe “i t is the v i c t o r y ’ The Final Sowing As soon as drops are harvested of new roots and you • won’t lose plg^sBlfbetfreth-wJtB^Si-:Baeau^. the nln.nt.s should be removed and many plants as a result of having -tj,r-op -S tenage ------th'K insect1 in your 1 garoen.------Spir.U- "th" it John 5:6). i... Anna Goldberg and Carl, her.hus-1- .W-M-Bfl-MIS- the soil worked oyer in prepara- Among the Lesson-Sermon clta- tion for the final sowings of spin­ Storage of Crops hand, to Gertrude Grossman and Horpfi. owners’ Loan Corporation UifiiS "U the following from the ach,' kale afid endive which should 1 janpieL her husband, undivided Vi I jo Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bcrebettb, Many of the women of the Worn- The "Y io^ y tla r dlh ,M§ "iydt fill - fflM e:-“J have~SE58in the^Say Of ' lints 28 to l 30, map 6f~ PfOgeYtrUT tre"irradp7 about - August ' ; fltTftff Its...ffiiraose..unless...provlsion- AiM.-. ■.thy^"iua'aMehts--Kavte Interest te. pcepai:ty.-la. the. .sQutti^.l ■«T^Au^iar,y'Army'”6erpsi"”are'ail- frfrmTr'^overaa5^ -•westerly line of Bailey avenue, j Thomas H.. Sully.., “""Sowings of looseleaf lettiiee IM r is made for t^ejiyintfr by canning, iefore roe. Give me imaeretanduig, ready overseas serving in various size is obtained. be made up to. August 1 and by.' freezing or- dehydrating and by : 501.33 feet from North Broad street. capacities to help win the war. The and-1 shall keep' thy law , yea, I Fertilization that- tim e.the seeding o f head let-' storage of crops that-:can: be handled shall observe -jr gwffir my whole i The Excelsior Building and Loan I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE VVAACS go through a strenuous Ohions from sets are maturing Aswryefirion nf the CltV Of Newark.; nnw They have about reached the The newly set kohl crops—cab- tuce Should be made so that the in' tbis way. heart” (PS. llf.iO , 34). training t o fit them for the-arduous- 'plants' ififty ‘Be* U'ans'fwred to-^their ■ etc., to Mr. and Mrs. Carlton K. [ BROADCASTS end- of their growth and1 are -bend­ cage, broccoli, cauliflower and #m s- "going- Storage of - Fruits and t^ ^ r.-seroion also includes, duties iftey m ist perform. hnar place In the - garden about BH w termute. p?6t>erti.V iy%B6"i#lst-| Both ' the ' National and the ing over at the neck.. As soon as sels' sprouts—-should not be. allowed Vegetables” is, the title of Circular {he following passage from the . erly • side of North Broad street,I Columbia broadcasting systems will gbout three-fourths of the plants to slow up‘"in growth. If you set August’ 15. • 460,' written „by Robert H. Dairies Christian Science textbook, "Soler.ee feet fKwrsollywood~a»enue: broadcast" 'Christian—Science“ pro^ have^dohe -thie, run-the back'Of a them—w-lth—l-lqu-jd—fertiliger-r-tlfe- ..Insects -SMlfcWith Us and'^CT^H., N isslcy and' recently: and Health with -Hey to the-Sorlp- _ jis t and Mrs. Moo Roschwaib tol grams on.-Sunday. The. first-wili :ake_ vith: ®F-Bme-~now—ld---k-pply---mdre- J Insects that may be ealled ‘‘per- -is§iied by the New Jerseyjj£gric^j tutes’-'-by. Mary Baker BMdyl:™PBe- trients;—This-is-espeeia-liy—advisa-ble- M r.TSff Mrs.” Charles Krebs, prop- be from Station WEAF~“at 8:30' the -nTmimTt-'Tesiden1s,jlare-stilrw ith“US7 tural Experiment Station. This IT ::jpWiMl1''seisse' “Of"1 truth lWjst—ba- sufficient force to if_4hey-are—planted on, l and... frofn •erty kr,own as No. 337 Belleviewl rarirm.—and..wiH- be eondueted—by] malnder over. This checks the -These—are—the—cusumfeer—beetlesr lustrates and describeg the con garoed before rpr-uth can be under. Charles, William Morse of New whioh-a-crop has already been har onion thrips, Mexican bean beetles ,1 r.iiitjnn of ft oBller ^storage roQRl jjfjfly-TBr'Wa* — growth- som ew hatand—permits-th£- azestsd.— Rand.,, dressing .of "York Cityr—The^epontl~wilt “be -a ^nd-the-'petato^teet^gT— ^- and of a bln for 'ise^lh a garage, bulbs tcTmature.^ As soon as'1 th'e tory Garden"Fertilizer on fach side Gas Stations Again Columbia -^apbh-.of the Air prod , ^Gardeners can. also expect, suc­ togsilier wito the .precautions to be tops have become yellow, which of the row and. about 'six inches gram originating from' St. Louis, usually takes place . in | a week or j cessive generations of t h e . .squash observed lor proper storage. It oanl Entered By Thieves Missouri, at 145. m. This program from the plants will be effective be- bug, This insect ' is difficult to atlon, llqui- two, jjjgg bulte| should be pulled be seoured by sending a oar demands anc ^ G asolin e service stations continue -will—be-oonduoted -by- Clinton Bent -andr,^lpened^off.^ |Jg cause the feeding roots--have grown] eradicate - and bvrethrum jp .spray and1 may ~b~e "heard ' Jn~Nelv ~ Jersey rapidly- in.-. search Ofand* t0 be one of the favorite objects By allowing the bulbs to reach [or_dust is the most effective' con­ Agent, Court House, Elizabeth, N. Jj over Sf&tlSfT'WABCrand affiliated other nutrients', and are now at a trol. Nicotine or rotenone will give |b f burglars. Two more on Highr this stage of growth before break-J (Those desiring additional Infor- way 29 were entered early Saturday stations. Both programs w ill: be considerable distance frpm the "main fairly good results bu t the applica­ mg * them over, the best size , loi matSBS «• KS:p 'their .^OSBE itnoming.' The station of Salvatore under the auspices of the Christian stein of • the~tPl^n^ ' It must tions .mustLi>e thorough and two or Science Church. _ the conditions under which Lhey kept in inihd,-that transfer of water problems should’ consult with their ‘"Gentile near the Newark line was have been growing will be obtained. [-three will be necessary to accom­ with its nutrients in the soil is 'up- Boat Victory Garden reader or entered through a side window but There is no particular point m p lish control. . and db.Wil _and there is little^side- supervisor Problems that cannot : little was reported missing. At AT A uniform for a VVAAC, complete, breaking them over earlier, unless The second generation'of squash Broda’s station ■ near -North Broad costs approximately $170.00. The way > transfer, is one ’ reason vine borer usually appears about Ibe solved locally will be referred it is desired" to obtain bulbs o f Iby him to yoUr County Agricultural "street the thieves smashed a ciga­ quartermaster’s department' must that placing the fertilizer directly July 20. Dusting the leaf petioles Dated. May 6, 1948. small size, pdr example, the piek- uhder the jplant, is not an advis- and stem s with • rotenone dust,; Agent). rette Vending machine and'emptied provide thousands of them. Your Jing Off ions- are grown .from seed, M l purchase of War Bonds helps pay abie practice. The application ' at starting about July 20 and making' sown .thick. The ■ thick sowing it­ this’ time should be figured, at the for these uniforms. Invest at least two or three applications at lQ-day self will be effective in holding rate -of one. pound- pf fertilizer to ten percent of your income in War intervals will- catch th e young- as size down, but an added check on ~60 feet of row, divided into two they hatch. If a n y ’'Should be Olosftrgmf urttil July 8 1 st. : . b - permiBBion of OPA . , . Bonds every payday through a Pay­ their growth would be to. break parts, oiie part to_be applied on missed, the hole made for entrance odds and ends SHOES FOR ENTIRE FAMILY . . . NO WANTED TO LIST roll Savings plan at your office or /f* U.5.WAR BOND' -factory.------\j\ S.TteaiUn Vebartment RATION eOCEONS NEEDED. . . Bungalows, Houses SOLOMON’S ~~ or Apartments Important Rationing Dates The World’s News Seen Through •‘One of Hillside's Good Stores” ... W Issued by the N. J. Office of Price Administration --M&9 -liberty Ave. WA 3-9507 Hillside 1 For $ale or Rent The Christian Science Monitor Coffee An International Daily Newspaper EL 2-9833 htbUtktd by THE CHRISTIAN SOTNCB PUBLISHINO SOCIETY 7 ~ Stam p. number 21 In War Ration Book One I f good One, Nonray Street, Boston, Massachusetts THERESA M. RENSEN purchase of one pound of coffee through July 31 Stamp number la Truthful— Constructive— Unbiased— Free from Sensational* Licensed Real Estate Broker 22 Is good from July 22 through August 11. -Editorials Are Timely and Instructive, and Its Daily 46 FAIRBANKS ST., HILLSIDE Sugar , Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, M ake' the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Stamp" number 13 in War Ration Book One- is good, for five, For Firm er Gums, Price ^ 12.00 Yearly, or £1.00. a Month. —pounds through August. 15 - I — Sugar ”for"homecannlng”-may-"be™purohased-diFeotiy-i£rom™yntuL^ Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, #2.60 ft Year. ' dealer in exchange for'stamps number 15 and 16 each of which is Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 2f Gpncs;- Brighter Teeth, a Sparkling good' for, five poun4s of sugar through October. 30. Obtainabla att Processed Food and Canned Goods , CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM Blue Stamps N, P, and Q become valid -on" Jitly 1 through 320 MORRIS AVENtJE S m ile—use August 1. ' ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY Meat, Butter, Cheese, Fats and Canned Milk Red stamps during July .are- valid according to the ~ following - IPANA and MASSAGE --schedule: p' stamps-'go'od throughout-the—month; Q stamps fi'om. July 4; R stamps from July 11*, S stamps from^July 18; all stamps TRUSSES ELASTIC HOSIERY expire on' July 31. Use this BRAND NEW | ABDOMINAL BELTS Shoes...... — adding machine un youi1 - Stamp number 18 in War Ration Book One Is now good for the; SCHARFENBERGER’S • purchase of a pair pf ishoes. Loose stamps may hot be used; : Tax Figures, inveniory UT your smile oa the credit may advise the " stimulation of the stamp must be iphri from the .book in the presence of the dealei* and general adding work. ■ 1WT EhstbSTh^AWiBie' ^ ' ' " ' "ElMbeth. TT J. . side—make it bright mid at­ Ipana and massage.” | or clerk-when the purchase is made, ELixabeth 2-2211 P tractive as it can be! Each time you brush your Puel Oil FOR RENTES a^month .. Medical Supplies " Surgical Appliances Jbon*t take chances \vith“pink teeth, massage a little extra Applications for the renewal Of-Juel oil' rations have been mailed i FOR SALE ‘S^own . . . . tooth brush.” Give your gums Ipana onto the gums. Ipana d# m ly to each consumer 'by local rationing boards. Fill in the the same regular care as-you d a . -Toothpaste is designed net poly Form, immediately and m all tt: back^ to tb^ "boar-37 ' When you _ get your teeth. to dean teeth but, with masi- EVERY SATURDAY MORNINO your fuel ration coupons by mail, yoii can begin using the -first period Slifer Typewriter Co. If you should ever see .“pink” sage, to help your gums to be­ Pr»i»nt»d by ' stamps immediately- le-buy-fuel oi-l .and fl.l-1-your- tanks this summer ^Tjrpewriters - Adding- Machines Now Serving- The War Industries on your tooth brush—see your come firmer,-healthier. utyci, me. in coonaxTiQH wiw Gasoline _ ------R ented------R ep aired dentist at . once. It may not be Get a tube of Ipana today- All B,.and C stamps are good for two and.a half gallons. Bought and Sold NEILL & SPANJER _. serious but get bis advice. Per­ and start tonight with Ipana and Elizabethtown Driving for nGh-essential-purposes Lb forbidden. 655 HIGH ST., NEWARK, N. Mahogany - White Pine and Hardwoods. haps he’ll tell you that your massage. Let this sensible dental Consolidated Gas Co. i Tires Cor. Kiiiney Street gums are lazy—robbed”of healths routine help you to haye firmer Station: Time: I All “A1* book Roldersmust have "tirer inspeeted every^'sfxTffoffSSf'’ MArket 3-2616 -1-380 Liberty Ave. Tel. UNionville 2-171? ■ ful chewing by today’s soft food. gums, brighter teeth —a spar­ WABC 11:80 A. M. I "B” book holders every 4 months* “C” book holders every 3 months. Andy like so maoy demists» be kling, more attractive smile.

SURE! It was nice to talk with Far-away Friends — COAL and COKE BUILDING SUPPLIES W illiam Hale Coal Co. IPANA 1374 Liberty Ave, Phone UN ionVille 2-2244 ' Hillside TOOTH PASTE EACH LOAD DELIVERED IS CAREFULLY WEIGHED Made in Hillside by Bristol-Myers Company But now. Who’s Who In Business A Convenient Directory-of Men and Firms Rea^y te Serv^ ¥ou EfficiTOtly m-Jli^r ~ War-Busy America is on Special Fields. Save. Time, Energy and Money by Utilizing This Guide to Help You the long distance lines in Get What You Need. a b i g W a y ■ . . ■ There is little room Bakery Products Funeral Service today on the • wires for any but necessary calls, especially to war-busy centers. ! CALL,UN 2-5809 Place Orders Now for a full line, nf Onnrlip.s WALTER R. LEE If you must call and meet with delay because Director of Funerals ROLLING PIN BAKERY .283 SALEM AVENUE all circuits are busy, please try to limit your FRED ZEIDENITZ. Prop. ELizabeth 2-4547 conversation to five minutes, as requested by. 000 STUYVESANT at MORRIS AVE., UNION CENTER the operator-when she gets your connection. Nursery, Florist HEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPflNV X~>ATfRACTS DELAWARE VALLEY NURSERY 1W fc"TH£ JCLtPHONtHOW'MclxIdrol 9 p.n . WtAT • KYW $ Pulverized Limestone Victory Garden Fertilizer ATTENTION Seeils-and Vegetable -Elanta------ROTO T T1TrtVfr;—~ Phone Thu N«wipap« A nd Y ou'll GM Attention 948 NO, BBOAD ST. EL 2-3620 ELIZABETH. N. *


public opinion In the .. tent of all reetraints Supreme Court. people. To allow It to bo fettered la I HILLSIDE TIMES EDITORIAL PAGE ouraelTeo.”—U. S. Supreme Court.

Cub Pack Picnic the girls’ division. . tliljp ityillstlte Simps . Mr. > Bieg, troop committeenuto, It’s A Date In Courtty Park acted as starter for aU the races. Printed and Published every Thursday at Mr. Semet, transportation commit­ 1443 North Broad Street, Hillside, New Jersey Lack of passeiiger car transpor­ teeman and Ernest Stay, represen­ NEWS OF OUR tation had h a effect on the picnic tative from Hurden-Looker School THE' HILLSIDE .TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY of Cub Pack 198 o f Hillside Sun­ which sponsors the pack, were the Sidney Stlverstein :...... ------Business Manager " day, at Nomahegan Park in Gr*n^ judges. Stanley Funkhauser, out­ Robert Kaplan ...... -...... Editor ford, 78 persons, including adults door committeeman, presented & . Telephone WAverly 3-2465 .and-children, traveled to the park awards to the winners^ MENwWOMEN Township Committee meeting. on the regular bus line, Two boys were graduated into SUBSCRIPTION RATES Meeting of Hillside Consume • A regular printed1 program ex­ Boy Scout Troop 94, Richard Gilling The TIMES will be sent to any part ol the United States for the Committee. plaining the events of the day was and M ian Fairbanks. < - regular subscription price o l S2.5Q a year,,single copies 5 cents. Postage distributed. Mr the .pack would^hold Its regular cbm Township OOnimlttee meeting, chai jjfJfte' events. . The •day. was. a softball festival at Nbmahegan Park the COMMUNICATIONS August 12 the men and women. second Sunday in September! The - ._The T ° ™ S Is Always pleased to publish letters ans other upW - Board of Education meeting, next committee fflgeting qf uueieat ixj readers, and invites such communications.— The name an. August 17 win, be h e ld 'a t th e home of Mr. address Ol the writer must be given in every case, not necessarily to. Board of Health meeting. Tannenbaurii, 250 Belleview terrain publication, but as an evidence of good faith. Anonymous communica­ Hillsiders Move Monday evening August l: tions will not be published.- Hillside Soldier August 24 To Maxwell Field Torpedoed Seaman Township Committee meeting-. thleth Wounded In Africa MAXWELL FIELD. Ala.—Two TAX-DAY-EVERY-PAY-DAY youths from Hillside, N, J., have Returns To Duty nick, Den 3; tug-of-war between reported to the- Army Air Fnrr.Ra ^ aaiUgM-lKaterJmpaftt. wi Plant Employe Is dens—Den 2 consisting o f Sehiet .oldiag (ax Stepfather There Too, Pre-Plight School fdt-Fiiots at Max- Edward" M. Grundfcf, --g u n n e r's m a te - third class, son of Mr. and Klrka^lfifc7_jtoroa.___Ceglowskl, has lelf Mi-^Jolrn T, (for Taxes 1 .Uluse rat —mrhr n Brother In Pacific well-Pjeldi-Alabama—frorH-hhfi-NHAhw- Injured By Crane Andress.-Buschbaum..and Satehon. Vllle- Army--- Alr- Center - (-AAFOO)- Ml'S. Edward u ru n d er, of 14120 Boa "dented. poeKetliuok.-Jmi^.i.tf OpMcuasiou ot tlie Dram and poa- Tlircc- laggo'U race 'Oarlton Wlptern •Mgst-a-ftt-—a w id e aw a k e iij- Nashville, Tennesee, to begin the. -place—has gone back to sea a fte r *IWe bt»ck~ injuries -were sustained ^W -S r.-affld Ws eon. -Carlton Jrr tereSt ia;~the sp en d in g sidR n .second,- phased Gf~their training “as3 spending -a -three- weeks -gurvhrora1- of tile govenmi&Ht;— This nsw. and last Wednesday by Dominic Faaslo, of Den No. §.“ Thls race was„ior 13QQ-r Baker -75tree^"aiaaihe ., late pilots in the U. S. Air leave with his parents broader ‘1 tax - consciousness1 Army Forces’ 28, -of 28 Madison street, Ncwai/lt, unci their dads only, -.is nnt-expsated- to -weat'-fffl:'. Ifif Henry F, Smljh, was wounded ih expanding program. ghte when ho was struck Tfh the head by 'stead, with a “ tax-day-e\ y-pay-day ” as a reminder, it will the back with shrapnel in the bat­ These men are: Aviation Cadets Grunder s ship was torpedoed and tle of Tunisia, The Times learned sunk by a German submarine in part of the equipment ot a travol- continue and contribute m volume and strength to the “ Court Cyril Tan Alexander, of T547~Munh May .somewhere Yn^thft -Nfliil.h^Ah, fag c it f g a t '.he nlant nf the Mrtg- this week. He is reported to be in avenfier and= -Howardr-Pred Ham­ line for the' Order of the Purple iftntic, believed to be not far from oomij Steel Corp. on Hillside ave­ as.-already started, a .m areii-W ard mer,, of 1021. Prospect street. nue, •, He was removed to the Eliza­ Heart,for -being wounded in action Iceland. “After_being .on the water Sound economy Jr government; beth General Hospital. a n d . bravery. He served “Ih North between-three and four horns, the entire _crew was rescued by a Bri­ Plant officials said Fa-zzlo was one 'ilamperlng efforts to establish Iti-ir i i , souua economy Africa for eight months and is now convalescing somewhere overseas. Completes Course In tish1 porvette and brought back to Pf a crew operating the crane fram .-throughout ail levels .of government JaM the floor and was struck while toe -poor example sel Corp.- Smith enlisted _ in “ January port, Radio Mechanics crane was swinging a load. by-the Washington bureaus. 1941 and was formerly employed by the Jiffy. Manufacturing Co. here. . Sgt. John G. Robinsom-son of Mr. Senator Byrd’s' Joint Congressional Committee on Reduc­ A brother,, p. P. € . Raymond; G. and Mrs. Voshall Robinson, formerly Cadet Irwin Morris tion of.Nonessential FJjpal Expenditure feotiH y brought toi .'Smith, 22,-ls^-on _the other active of .220 ..Hillside avenue, has been Defective Wiring American front, battling the Japs awarded a diploma for having satis­ Now In New Mexico 'light aho.ther sticking case of- excessive spending brEEo'tremen- Held Cause Of Fire - in the southwest Pacific. He en­ factorily completed a course in radio Aviation Cadet Irvin Morris;~wcl the past gjita listed in June 1942. The step­ mechanics given at T ruax Field in known here, as the former leadei caused by del© father of the boys, Simon Glaser, Madison, Wis. Sgt. Robinson has ■years. In 'MarafylOSA, j£e Ooniffutfee said’, Unde: Bam em- of Morris' Orchestra, -has beer is also in Africa-trying to catch iip been transfered and now is sta­ transferred to Roswell, New Mexico mated at MOOnsjjnday nlglii to toe ployed 3,034,000 civilians with aii annual payroll totaling nearly with the . He enlisted1 in tioned a t Hill Field-in-Ogden^Ulah.- with-ar-elas-tiof-bo^bardlersTr-itrwm home ■ of J.—K, ■ Malona, of—1280 August 1042.;— He expects to be home on furlough Robert street. The blaze started seven billions of dollars—.estimated to be 50 percent greater announced tills week. He was form* erly stationed~at Santa Ana, Cai. to the walls In Uie front of .toe thanjhe-eonibined payrolls’ for ■ all employees of th e 'll states,: house and firemen of the three Graduate Of Pre-Flight companies which responded had to 3,061 comities and -34,459 local-governments. . brciik through Uie walls to esttn- '''Within New Jersey a rrirnpilntinn.-hy flu. N»», .Tuiw y y / rv: School At Santa Ana gulsh tire flames. 'p a y er F A saocintion shows, I ’ederal employees tptal 65,000 and George W. Grewe Jr., son of Mr. "outnuni bet1 Jills and Mrs. George W. E. Grewe, of BUY U. 8. WAIt BONDS 13,572 employees of State- Govern!fleilt nearly 1474 Maple avenue, h as been gradu­ five to one. T'fie F ed er a l .r i on till y payrifll ih. New ' J e rse jU a sf ated from -the pre-flight school at AND STAMPS "Santa Ana Army Air Base, Cal:, Januar;y approximated H>J0,5 30,000 a compared witih a $22093,- on July- 9, it was learned this week. Q00' mo a th ly p,ayroll for Stato employees. ) He is now in-advanced bombardier Set Your Own Banking Hours. ., - Re;p ortin g training at the Victorville Army that less thatiJ iilf -ofetlj. ngtdnhJs ]l’’ederal on Flying School in California. p loyees gagedin-dire ct'war'produution, tlm B yrd Coin- Grewe was graduated froraJElilU Get The Hillside Times at side High School and has been a ffiittee jisse r tC tR at'an y iyoedi ess Federal.personnel.ai id resultant Bank by Mail resident of Hillside foi 19 years. adm iiiif.in u iv e expenses are hindrances to the wai effort and He was also graduated from Drake AL HAUSER an unn Business College and the Interna­ Nfl matter whol shift you work . . . it's never too ecessarji Tnirdeii upo n the taxpayers. Tlie Ceruiaittbe ‘Send a carton of pigarettei tional Accounts, Society. . * • Ifflp or top early to do your banking bv mail! r ecoinniended discharge of a1 le a a t SOOjOO’O Fe d e r a l etnp .oyees to the rman , in ~service Saves gas and tires, too! Juot mai] in your de- Exam ple; 3te, ‘frills am1 non-esse ^ tia l spending of gov- ertiment jn w Graduate Of School STATIONERY posit. we’ll mail ynu a receipt. Start to Bank -ar t.iiii,3 ar e d e to u r r o a d to victory which by Mail todav. bond-buying, tn x-ptlyin g J o h o " T. ;0iti:zen ‘ einiphatioally , dis- For Machinists Mates TOYS - CANDIES app roves. Norman Mess; 20, sof^ of Mr,, and, NEWSPAPER DELIVERY ;Mra, 'VUiVi, HI' ll'JI,1 I'iii'TT" ' -To beeoniFan^ei ». in gu id in g t.t iv e rng’af m eounio u l Otlvr- view terrace, ^Hillside,"- N. • ip, ih e com n littees will main-' • Change., rear end and Alexander Dvoretsky, of 1229 Robert transmission lubrication FRANKS FOOD STORES tain an alert a n d boiastna ctive initerfest in butdon't suijeSiiem to : .t h e sp e n d in g .o f lo c a l, street, Hillside^ N. J., has been de­ • Radiator drained and county, state an d r ederal gove rn m en t. tailed to the Antiaircraft Artillery siidrfsn changes of tem-, flushed. School, Orlando, Fla., for a special 237 HOLLYWOOD AVENUE Yoi_ _ JEoT- will _iun beUer — O pinions o f th©se ’ and- ot-hc r orgauized t axpayera lmve a course. He reported—there Monday. perature. See thgt'*'the .with plugs cleaned and ad­ Maj. Dvoretsky entered federalized 455 CATHERINE ST., ELIZABETH profound effect upon public officials, lower bowl dossn’t boil justed or renewed and air service with the National Guard and respect 'expression filter cleaned for extra more than two years ago. dry. If theai b ^ e -bblls | mileage. . - EL 2-0088 . over, let the bowl Maid's Sentence In will be made. Visiting SoLdie She was charged with thefts from: I c ing up HSrpihl and H3Ts or tacks qs tence was suspended, however, on tives. Charles Grant and Thomas they can cut the belt ana puncture the the understanding that restitution Duffy. .... , ' WAR BONDS l a g ,. Keep the brush clean of oil, dirt, W here To Go ♦ W hat To Do The Bofors anti-aircraft gun is de­ threads and *hairs.' Handle* the cord BEST FOODS MODEBATE PRICES signed for greater range and heavier gently. Don't'bend or twist it as this caliBre .than the average .arlti-air^ SUPER DINER craft or rapid fire gun? - They are -m qy:bfeqk^lhe-wkee.rT— mechanically intricate and more We Cater to' Small Parties ■ ROUTE 29 near BLOY ST. HILLSIDE costly. The two-gun Bofors mount Heat your waffle iron to .the Management of Gabriel A. Gabriel costs approximately $08,000 While right .temperature before Cochrane’s EL. 3-9323 60 ft. long and 20 ft. deep. Table and counter .service. a Bofors quad-mount runs up to S140.000. Bring the family. You will like our food and oar Service you pour the batter. This COCKTAIL LOUNGE 1274 North Broad Street prevents sttoMag« Clean with a soft7 cloth or. paper towehand-leftfeipS cool ENJOY OUR NEW : with ..the lid. up.. SHUFFLEBOARD Never, immerse A N D Y ’S 476 BLOY STREET GREEN FLYER SERVICE "the iron hrwater. TAVERN Irvington to Westfield If the cord is_ de­ tachable, store -it J. SZARY - H. 8ARNOSKI Route No. 7 Bus Service to separately., .■ BOWLING ALLEYS I Irvington — Hillside — Union W Kenilworth We want 0U£ fighters to have the I Hollywood Meet Your Friends at Our 80 Ft. Bar best 'equipment possible and . your Garwood — Westfield Electricity is essential to war production work* Dct pot waste purchase of War Bonds will help pay J | , Ti!TAVERN ' 256. HOLLYWOOD AVENUE g FARE for these guns, giving them~an~ad- 5c PER ZONE- vantage over our enemies. Buy War Bonds every payday. At least ten Zone 1— Irvington to 5 Points, Union percent of yourjneome, or as much P V B L IC ® SERVICE -Zone-2— Union to Cranf ord— »» yuu Can buy Will help pay the Meet Your Friends Here •war cost, provide you with a nest Zone 3 — Cranford to Westfield egg for the future, and pay you good tUY UNITED STATES WAI SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS — 430-LONCrAVENUE— TAVERN Page Two THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1943

Food For Thought in Africa. Mr. and Mrs; A. Sweider,vof ?31 Coe ‘ Three Celebrations Engaged CORP. GEORGE TOTTERWEICH avenue, for -the duration. And Thought Foir Food' *' Social ltems= of . Hollywood avenue,, was honie M-TRR HELEN COAKLYAT, ol In A Single Party North Arlington, was the guest of Do not pufTobds through a sieve from Fort Dix to spend 'the week- Farew&U Dinner Gwen end with his parents. aunt and- unele, Mr. and Mrs. i ttr ec parties Ih' one' were "held at whll-e^lrey-N^ are ...jBin-rjnfr .nf-llSB. Bank street, . the home of Mr. and Mrs. George oxidized and lost when we do that. CHARLES WAGNERr^&f5^ North ■liulh Clayton Marlin' = By SALLY McGHEE= Broad street, was a recent guest^' o f over- the- weeh-end. _ Savage Sr., o f 404 John street. Sat- Mashing them down finely for the Frank Dailey’s new Terrace Room urday evening, at W1I1UU Lime lliey Mr and M rs/E. Marthis. of Eliza- OCSB?. SAL M .CAMBRIA, son iannounced the engagement o f their • North Africa. MRS. ANNA EHRHARDT, Of 1259 IlSffiarir^wasJhe^scene^fajg^g^ avenue, who recently received hlff well dinner given recently in honor , daughter Madeline J. to Staff. Sgt. Dear Miss M cGhee; Etobert street, who has been ifi, is LT. ERNEST SCHICKEDANZ. .•rdohn H, Sawyer Jr., son of Mr. and Yesterday I had. the good fortune formerly of Fort Monmouth,, is now diploma ■ at Roosevelt Field as an of Ruth. Clayton Martin, formerly now kble to ,b^ about again. airplane machinist, has" been trans­ Mrs. Jhh g Sawyer; -of Grantwaod, of meeting a few Hillsiders. Oddities SEAMAN - CARL KOHJj, son Of stationed at Asbury Park. Mrs; of 311 Itaska sheet, who has gone, * Tanr.. The bride-groom elect is sta- and ’ coincidences occur *daiiy, so Schkkedanz is spending several days ferred to Fort Meyers, Florida, to Former Hillside Mr. and Mrs. Charlite Kohl, of Vir- 1 the GUhhesu ISofcooi and has sines to. Join her husband, 'Pvt, George - tloned at an- Army; Air Basq ih * i so' that'they leave no. impres­ ginia street. "wHo- was stationed iff -there;— Baokson.vtUe, Florida. Girl Is Married ari the onlooker, but no, matter Tehfiessee, _ recently passed In his SGT. ALBERT SWEDER. son of been advanced , to' the rank or ;ser- F. .M artin, _ who ' Is stationed at h- They also celebrated the visit af how ..trivial the—coincidences-, the examiriition gs:an airplane ■’ihachiri- M r: and" Mrs. A;-1 Sweder, of Coe geant. . . . , • /." '" -G i North Camp Hood, Texas, another daughter, Dorothy, and her Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Connor, cf- persons involved never seem " to gel ist and . has been transferred to avenue,1 was hprije from Fort Bragg, . MR. A N D ’ MRS. CHARM® Mrs. Martin received' , many beau- husband, Staff S g t._ Richard E. Portsmouth; Va;,formerly of- H-ili-^ riSlT—G.,_to spend 'the .^eek-end with SMITH, of 1211 Salem avenue, are over ~the experience. That- is why Jacksonville, Florida,, to the advance tiful. gifts, among which was a Stewart. The couple were married side, announce the marriage of their _ passing it on to you. , gunnery school. Another 'son* Cai- his parents. spending a week at Asbury -park. last December and are malting their daughter, Harriet Beatrice. tq_ was fortunate in - ob Iramtng, a who ■ joined the_ Navy)# .is.'rSta- MRS. GEQRGE M. RUNNER and RICHARD TTCHEN-OR, of .Salem gold engraved lapel watoh, given home in Tampa, Ma„ where Sgt. Beverly K ennon Powers, son of Law- pass into town yesterday. My main tioned at New*'Orleans, La. her . daughter, Miss Constance .Run­ avenue, Is spending his vacation with her by. a' group of. girls who were ",'Stewart is stationed at Drew Field, son Powers-, of Northwest,. Va., and reason for going was for a change ■MR: AND MRS. RALPH BLEW- ner, of Salem ’avenue, Teturned home bis aunt at Mor.roe. fl. Y.; her associates at her former place v A surprise birthday party was the late Mrs. Minnie. Powers. The diet" (toy craving .-for fresh fruit LEY, of Fitzpatrick' street, are . MR. A D M i , .ROBBRT 'Msr. of business. Gh e e , of North Broad street, have Those- who attended were Mias •Savage Sr.- Guests were from Nut- 10 a t th e First Lutheran " Church nd the. m k J ir n e we rece'iye such -Heights. CORP, ARTHUR SMITH, of 31 guest ley, Trenton, Orange. Kearriy, Ur in Portsmouth at 5 p, m., with the 3 in town), .During the day one of several weeks Mr. McGhee’s mother, head..of Newark; Mrs, Sarah Miller -vtogton. New York, Newark and Rev. J; I. Coiner performing the PVT. HAROLD GRAY, son of Mr. Doe,avenue, was home recently on a mv companions told me that hiT and Mrs. Andrew Gray, of Penn- furlough from Fort Love, Dallas, Mrs. M. McGhee, of Plainfield. Olif* and M iss Patrloia O’Nelli, of Hill­ -HtHside. .doiiblfi rin g nergmony n-leUaw...from ^£ell~ fard1 MoGHhger-wfao-haa-beon -aotna side, and Mrs K athryn Whim a t . Mr. and Mrs.-Savage' are proud of The bride was given away by her syl\^niar-av»nuei4S'--#taUoned-^tJa Texas- with- Mrs. -Smith. WffiT~l5 all afternoon and evening my eyes -he United States forces Somewhere making her home witfa 'faer- parents, on a lufrd'ugb Iflf lllfi pust-'twu' Maplewood-. - their family serving in Uncle Sam's father and wfis attended by her were peeled for familiar faces, but Army. A son, George Jr., Is with NANCY HILL GENSEL sister, Mrs. Riley R. Briggs, Jr , of luck. . I had about one hour left -4he-fltmed fnre.pft overseas: another Lexington place, Elizabeths as ma­ before departure back^to-ea-mp when : son, John, Is stationed at Camp Commissioner and Mrs. Hugo S. tron of honor and Miss Loretta Dam, who comes strolling clown the boule­ Oooke in .California, and a son, Gensel, of Hillside, and Lake Mo­ of Hillside, as maid of honor. The vard but* young Joe Healy TU. S. Walter, expects to leave soon for the hawk. Saturday announced the en- best m a n - was Eugene Powers, Navy 2 years)., My delight was over-_ army. hrother-of the groomr-and—Clementr whelmtag^~"You":could-''have-blown ^^^n^^^elrTdmag^wTWancy, Johnston- and William Rusher, of to~Ensigi,i-Phiiip-^Mel-ntyreT-uh:itea- me .down with a German “8$“__We Norfolk-—and—Portsmouth;—-respeo- exclrangedDStories' for a dtmibed-fcime- -Harriet Cramer • States^Navai- Air Qorpsnson-rof-Mi^ tfvelyj_as- ushers,— 1~ •. ancl-L-headed^foi-my-fei-UGkr--no more- KRICHMAN FUR SHOP Weds Otto Singer and- Mrs. Philip E ^McIntyre, of Miss Connor, was attired in ah than two blocks away,, and who do Westfield, and- Washington, D. 0 / aquamarine gown' with white -acoes- I run into by “the- trucks- but- Bob' WAverly 3-9871 Mr. and Mrs.* Marviri' Cramer, of] The engagement was announced to sories. She carried a nosegay of I Lasso - (merchant, marine) of 1418 HILLSIDE, N J . 525 Chapman street, announce the 75 guests during, a 5 o’Glock cock­ white orchids, gladioli and. bride's, Hiawatha avenue. That, truly,* was 1448 N. BROAD ST. Near Mayfair Theatre marriage of their daughter, Harriet tail party at the.' Gensel .home, Mr. wreath. Her matron of -honor wore toonn uchlor me, leaving me prac- . Jean, to Otto~=Singerr son - of Mr a pink dregs, With white accessorial tically speechless. . I can’t say. the and1 Mrs. Karl Singer, of 540 Sweet- and carried a^riosegay~Thf» maid of same ior n£mi Either~hls vocal~cofds .land-avenue. . The ceremony wai honor wore, a beige dress with white are-w&ll exercised or maybe the performed July 3 at 5:30 p. m. ai . Ensign McIntyre was graduated accessories and also carried a nose­ cognac produces the same -effect. . Calvary Lutheran Church by the from the Evanston, 111., High School gay. T h e bride’s mother was at­ All joking aside, he’s a grand kid. tired in a blue dress with white Last time he was home was over Annual August Fur Sale pastor, Rev. 0. Morgan Wagne and L afayette **College where he The bride was given in marriage by was a-: member of Tau Chapter, accessories and wore a corsage of two years ago. Tt seems all my let* her father. Zeta -P»i Fraternity. He was award­ talisman: roses. ters.'are ended abruptly, but honest­ STARTING FRIDAY, JULY 23rd The bride wore a lace gown with ed his wings a t U S N. Air Sta­ ' The couple spent their hdneymoohl ly the first sergeant’s whistle has long train and & fingertip veil tion, Corpus Chrisli, Texas. at Lake Mahopac, N. Y., and a few blown and I’m writing on borrowed time. circles of or&rfge blossoms. She Miss Gensel" was graduated from. days in Hillside visiting friends and Extraordinary-Values in quality fur coats, substantially reduced. Every one a sound carried a bouquet of white bridal relatives. ^The bride is a graduate EDDIE Hillside High School, Centenary Edward ZUparko, investment in this year when every dollar counts. Selected skins throughout , , . roses and baby’s breath. The maid Junior College. Hackettstown, and of Hillside High School,. .Class of Robert’ street, of honor, Miss. Mildred Beers of the Berkeley School. East Orange. 1939. The groom was graduated- Expert workmanship . . . Ample lengths and full sweeps. Our low overhead en­ Union, was dressed in a light- -blue She is executive assistant a t the from Hickory High School, Virginia, A NUMBER of the ladies of the .gown and her bouquet was of pink Walsh Engineering Company, Eliza­ and attended North Carolina State Hillside Presbyterian Church Itook ables us to give you these great values. proses- and-whibe-baby%-br-ealhv—El beth:' and is associated—wit-fa—fehe- College. - Both are employed at the] 'advantage of the beautiful day Mon­ ^gin Beck, of Hillside, was best- mai radi-o -and -Radar Division, War Norfolk Navy Yard. They will make day and went up the Hudson, taxing .and ushers. were Paul Singer of Production" Boafid, ~ Washington, their home in Waterview,. Ports­ 1-tJae boat, from New York.. The Chatham and . Edward Klingel of D. C. . m outh, Va. _ , church is thinking-of having a con-, Newark. Mrs. Walter .Hubertid gregational get:together sometime in New FURS 1943 New FURS 1943 New FURS 1943 aunt of the farijie, sang “Because the fall. Church -school is every while Mrs. Wagner was at the or Hillsider Married Return—From Vacation Sunday morning" at 9:45 a. ih. - AUTHENTIC DURATION LOOK AHEAD Ipg. ■ A-t Seaside-Height------MR—AN-D- M-RS. NAP ILLARDI, , : Hollowing a reception at the In Los Angeles of North/avenueT Elizabeth, are re­ Elizabeth ElksrSlub, the couple-left Mr., a n d ' Mrs., William Schmidt, joicing oyer the arrival of a baby I944TSTYLE5 INVESTMENT 1NVE5TNOW on a honeymoon trip to Sagemore, Announcement is made fay Mr. of 209 Hollywood avenue, have re­ girl born on Saturday in"Columbia. I 4tod- Mrs. Lewis Feinberg of New­ turned after spending' two weeks a.t Hospital, Newark. Mr. Illardl is ark of the_marnage July 4 of their Seaside Heights. Mrs. James Luck, the proprietor of. the Coe Market on daughter Bert to Matthew S. Jacob­ of 215 Hollywood avenue, and Miss Coe avenue. They"have nam ed the son, Son Lo,f Mr. and Mrs. Franklin June Minabar, of Newark, spent newcomer Barbara. I. Jacobson, of 1596 Crescent ave­ the week-end with them. , SGT. JAMES FITZMAURICE is 4 nue. jtj spending-a fifteen- day furlough, .with-: The- ceremony was performed-. at his mother. Mrs. J. Booth, of 13 Coe avenue.- Sgt. Fitzmaurice Is sta­ Pkrk Manor, Los Angeles. Mrs., U S, WAR BONDS Gerald Margolin and- Harvey Jacob- tioned in Alabama. ____cable CAKE di son, brother of the bridegroom, ’AND STAMPS - MlSS__ HELEN ZUPARKO, Of eorery TINfZ Jet Black Robert street, spent the week-end at Shampoo washes out dirt were attendants. i The. couple have.returned~"from a BLACK TINT th«t fairly glows with 1: wedding trip to Santa Barbara and lustre. Don’t put up with faded dull, box are - living at- 216 East Valencia &>lor hair a minute longer TINTZ Hair Tintim street, Burbank, -Cal. I Cake works gradual . each Bbampoo 1 1 The bride, is*a: graduate of Wee- \ MESSAGE FROM YOUR DRUGGISTS I manage. No dyed look.JWon-thurt permanents. quahic' High . School1 and • Newark Pull cake BOc TINTZ comes in jet black lgbt mad and dark Brown AulAuburn (Titian) School for Secretaries. The i | l | J | | r ahd Blonde. de tit t .jrannm .a g y a r i qL ffillsitje .High School, attended Los Angeles Art Center. He is production illustra­ tion designer with Lockheed Air­ craft- Corp. ■ “ The’^mothers of • th e . bride and bridegroom, whb attended the .wed­ ding,., and Harvey. Jacobson returned ItHH ELIZABETH home, yesterday. MAIN FLOOR Entertain At Dinner Mr.“ arid Mrs. L PhTllips, o p su r Hillside avenue, and daughter Louise entertained at dinner pn~~Sunday UNITED their nieces-. and -nephews, Mr.- and" Mrs. ‘'r . R. -Briggs Elisabeth, MINK BLENDED PERSIAN LAMB and Mr; and Mrs. B. K. Powers, NATURAL SKUNK GROCERY CO. of Portsmouth; Va., who were on MUSKRAT Special their . honeymoon. Mr“ and Mrs. Groceries Powers returned-home Tuesday. *259 *350 *295 Enduring warmth and beauty to Lightweight, toast - warm and Fresh Fruits, Vegetables Beautiful as it is warm, and long- these inky black . persian lamb • marvelously sturdy! Rich-looking coats. Masterfully manipulated1— Dr. Samuel J. Pre'ston wearing. Ebcquisltelysbyledmink -opossum-dyed skunk-great coats Surgeon Chiropodist tightly curled"skins. ‘Boxy or falended muskrat with flattering fitted styles. Buy yours "i i u youTi wear proudly for years. 1420 N. BROAD ST. 36 Central Ave.,. Newark roTT collar,'turn’ Back cuffs. thriTQTlay 'away plan; Ask. about our lay away plan. MA. 2-6113 Oor. Hertz Aye. ■ 1473 M aple. Ave., Hillside Do you want to do your part in this war ? Phone WA. 6-3461 --HOURS': 6:30-P. M. - 8:80 P. M. Then keep healthy! Doctors are' scarce and you can avoid sickness by eating the Here Are Additional Thrift Opportunities! proper foods, getting outdoor exercise Yr —- - . ,'JI T 'T a jtUGVST and plenty of sleep. By doing these things FORMERLY PRICE you are letting a doctor care for injured 2 Mink Coats (special) ; $1450 $1050 lim e lelh Ihe lafe soldiers. 2 Sheared Beaver Coats 950 750 6 Sheared Beaver Coats 650 575 xfrefuaOiy.. We are capable of guarding your 4 Persian Coats (special) 450 350 health . . . Your doctor will ap­ Persian Coats 600 495 prove of your choice. Please Persian Coats ...... 850 650 ^Sleickerls -GslLL-FaR^yoiu^pri iscriptiou,. Muskrat Dyed Mink Coats 325 259 fiisE Mink Coats - f ." 225 175 j - ^Diamonds -JTJoldies - 3 Hudson Seal (A. Hollander) Coats r DANZIS DRUG STORE (Special) ...... 375 295 117 SBroad £>t, Gi%abeth, 1686 MAPLE AVE,. WA 8-9796 . Northern Seal Coats 175 125 HILLSIDE DRUG CO. Mendoza Beaver Coats 1279 LIBERTY AVE. WA 8-9587 175 125 Persian Paw Coats 295 225 KERN & WUENSCH, Inc. Persian Paw Coats ” CHAS. HUBATKA, Inc. 1426 N. BROAD ST. v. WA 3-8842 225 175 Engagement Sets Finest Quality Natural Skunk Coalts 350 295 New YeUom Gold 14£ LIBERTY CUT RATE DRUGS New Spring Ensemble Sets. 1283 UBERTY AVE. ' W A 8-2401 WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF FINEST QUALITY FUR JACKETS AT Brilliant Blue White Diamonds ..GROUPED to_ SELL for $49.50 MILLER’S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY SPECIAL AUGUST PRICES. •• Others to $1000 266 HOLLYWOOD AVE. EL 8-9682 WATCHES - DIAMONDS— JEWELRY ----- Eyes Examined— —------Glasses—Fitted-1-— - SALEM PHARMACY— Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing 7201 SALEM AVE. ” " ~ EL 3-9478 Buy TODAY on our LAY-A-WAY PLAN! 9 BROAD BT. Elizabeth 2-9576 ELIZABETH, NrJ.