Tin Gan Collection Friday July 30 - Place Cans At Curb By 9 A.M. THE WEATHER Scattered showers, today, con­ tinued Warm. Vol. XIV. No. 979 RWBFAPKR PRICE FIVE CENTS -Barbers In Battle [Three Boys Are \CitiesService PurpleProduct Heart [Severely Burned Helped A c t i o n A t A ttu ] Awarded Marine Eire Chief Will B j Exploding Gas H eater Kept Naval Aircraft Tuned Up search Division, pities Service Postli On Closing Hours • OH Oompany. umousJv Split On Question__ Lighted Match Sets Research Division of cities 8er- . “it win fnterest you- to know that Retire October 1 Gorp. Wm. Bainbridge DfPBkstWhich— Vice Oil- Oo„ locatari here at 226 operation of Naval Aircraft hi the Of Closing Shops Hale Chosen For Highway 29, has been highly praised recent action at Attu Island was Also Wins Citation,— * Chamberlain Asks Remains Mystery for one of Its 'products by a high facilitated by use of oil Immersion An Hour Earlier Bonnie Burn Board official of the Navy, B ear Aciminrai heaters of your manufacture. 2 Sehdce Medals Board For Pension; A long anii MUor—d-taei msinn -va- Flam ei-ffom exploding gas ' In ^0hnrSrMcCalSnhbis4mf--£hfcBureau- - - “ Av-eombat-reportf-rom-the-oom-. gasjmanhole a t Conant and Thom: Served 22 Years Suited from h request by nlr.e Hill­ jt-ternn antlcs. ltHvas-tii-.r.lnsnrl vra- m anding ofTicei- of a -oartlciiiatTna' streets Mor.aay night- 'sefit three Iri day by Julm Dr Moigan, Vice fggetheii iwlthr side barDer&to the Townsil® Cloiu- ea-r-r-ier-sta6es-^ue4^the-iseaVy-m& tEtnti'y in actio Fire C h i# Albert Cham berliih~ .mIttAB Tnftadfty night s amend n.n Tsnmg^-tjcqtsiaosTn&gtoriGone president—o__ a nd fog, the engines of Hip jilnne -Puesciay Hospital suffering from severe tirir TB f product Is known as an oil' pohLliumously-— | pAi‘ u pension on his retirement oh prdinan ce closing shops. an hour exposed on the flight deck had. to ©ainbridge, U. , The explosion was touched off when be warmed up; frequently - to keep October l, 1943. Chamberlain, who ariler.' Flvo“op]3Dstoipl»berf^^ :one of the hoys dropped a lighted of Mr. and Mrs ere content to leave the ordinance before the War .as part 'of the divl- the electrical- system dried out. lia s reached the lim it- of sixty-flye match in or near the manhole,| siBn7s research but which has boeff These heaters enabled quick engine years of age, has been 'fire ohief »-—ifc—Is presented, a ndtltlnn non. With both police and the Hizabeth- nntves back- specially -adapted to Navy requlre- warm-up, andAelrpe'd maintain satis-- for tWenty-one^“years: ~ — tswR uonroiiaiu K r Qas Cu. utmbid 'm ehts--slB ce=the-otrtbreak ;< r a h e' factory engine operation.’ ... The matter was referred to At* . g up their stand. The present to explahi the presence or such a Iginance causes shops to close at war. ‘^TffiniBSter iJlayeaTtn **ImpBr-" -“ *The&Bm,eau-M^^renwtep»eafi= torney Emfl * Herrigel for checking;. large volume of gas. tant part In naval operations against tends thanks to your entire per­ Chamberlain's letter stated" “Hav- " p. m. (luring the \veelc and at 10 —Hie Injured boys, whose condl-. —nr an ®turday nights Thr the Japanese-held Island of Attu sonnel for providing this serviceable ing about reached the age limit I ; .tlon has been, described as fair, ate hi the Aleutlans^as told In the fol­ equipment for the Naval Air Arm As a member herewith make application for pen­ lestlon Is whether closing should George A. Kllnk, 12, son of H r, and Division, under HttlLby -one hour, lowing letter to the local concern; sion on my retirement to take effect Mbs. George J. Stllnk, of 1028 'THC- by B ear Admiral McCain: Vandergrlft j October 1st, 1943.” Township Oomr The Township Oommlttee, trying nias street; Leonard Krasowskl, 12t Aided Plane Operation n the mitteeman Harry Vogel suggested, ; the •be fair to_ both sides; found It-. son qf Mr. and Mr$., Julian Krasow­ “Washington, D ,S, j esider Amer] a month’s vacation prior to retire-*, | f In a quandary es recriminations skl,- of 268 Millard avenue and “To—Men Shd women of the Re- fense-Senviee Medals for si ment if it Is fouhd: retirement is in teams intense. Chairman George Charles Capro, 13, son of Mr. and Cuba and lilter in the As ■order,. erllch ■ w a s. compelled to bring Mrs.-Anlhoijy-^^rSreM|POonaft cific battle a: •ea; These twi I Chief Chamberlain was born to but order as words flew back and street. Kllnk Is Ir. the seventh will be awai England-on September 11, 1878. He pte. A t Qonunltteeman Harry grade of, St. Catherine's School, Defense Council State Requests the end of the. war, came to this country a t.a n early ]gei’s suggestion it was decided to Krasowskl In the seventh grade at Cqrp. Bainbridge was age and received his education t o 3 | Township Clerk Howard Bloy Burden-Looker* Sohtiol and Canrn missihg in action at Gua the ‘ public schools of Harrison, k-B—suglial m d! n g Is a student at the Abram P. Mor-| Will Study Plan Conferences Ob fix rhid-September 1942 a Kearny and Belleville. Just about Ed 3n'd out what their practice Is. Ms Junior High scnooi. definitely reported killed ALHilHT f ’lIAMBERLAIN the time Hillside separated from py wULasoertaln the fflatol'hours Clothing Burned Off wegks~inter:— HF~was 2l~ y i -0~nion-^Cownshlp>- -.the- Chief made Krvtogton, Union, Cranford,' Hoi I Screams of pain from the boys For Day Nursery Born in Newark, dorp, Ba his homeh, to Hillside. He lives at DO, Roselle Park,' Elizabeth and brought—several—Berness— to —the- Tax Settlements had resided in Hillside si 1529 • Compton terrace. [wark. JOSEPH HALE— * age nJUiWQ,. __.He enlisted Iscene, Including occupants of Capro's Partial Substitute Hillside Flier [-- The chief became a member of . Help Shortage Cause Joseph Hale, of 211 D-orer avenue, house at the comer of Conant and I Believe Action Marine Corps Reserve in 19 the paid department in January;-'' pin ton A. Vlt represented W e nine former member of the Board of. Edu­ [Thomas streets, Frank Collins, chief For Child Care Is Facilitated still in high school and we 11921 when there were only two men bers keeking, the earlier closing, cation, was appointed to the unex- air raid warden, Motor Vehicle I Wins Promotion m the •department. ^ Prior to this"- sta te d barbers In . neSfby towns pired term of Lt. Ellsworth JT Sterner Agent Charles' Taylo; aad' IrVta ?. Center Proposed By Discussion after his graduations He was at­ [he served with others as a volun­ _ ted their shops at 7 p. ifl? Help on the Board of Managers | f J3on- Sowers, hlgn- scnooi Instructor, tached to Marine- Intelligence /H is tee r. A year later he became fire Two members of the War Services Executive- Officer .ortage prompted the nine to ar- of whom reside in the area Thel The State Department oF jj iJarly truliilng-was atr Quan tieo,' Vav hriiloL He has seen the 'departmnt.. nie Burn Sanatorium last week., by Division of the Hillside Defense' nge the change. He said, the bar- the Union-bounty- Board of Free­ Iboys were taken to the hospital by I Government in a letter read at| FaiTia_Island and New River, N. c. For Troop Transport [grow until its equipment and its [Council, Mrs. Frank' Eleder, chnir- Township Committee meeting T While firhigh school he was a .mem­ jtff could d<5 their own policing and holders. Lt. Sterner, on duty at iTaylor and Oolllnd in Taylor’s car. Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Walker, i-men rank with the finest. The new laid thus relieve the police depart- I Police are conducting* an Mnves- man of -the Child Care Committee, day night asked 1 prelt) ber of* Che track team. | fh-ehouse ( on Hollywood avenue the Raritan Arsenal, is unable to jand-BobeTt O. Thompson were ap­ cussion of prppoJ of 1530 Franklin sti*eet, are proudly f this buijden. attend meetings of the 'board. Itigatiqn o r the blast a n a thel | opened a year- ago. gas.-cempacy sent a representa­ pointed a committee last-Thursday cases. Tin: commn.tec is at present viewing Lhc latest letter from their Walter s Ceglowski, representing • Hale, who' was nom inated by Jgggj n ight- at a meellng of- the division J. H. Mt Dudley, member of - the tive to Inspect the manhole after -negotiating—fom a_ settlement .with son. HfiTgtd. Jr., veteran member live opposed to the change, ob-| to look -Into *i p .ui for the e.iitUi- Mrs. Willie Lee daggers on her tax Sted to the tendency to control Boar d .% of Freeholders, , is "ar brother being notified by police. The Kirkpatrick On of-the Army Air Forces and veteran manhole* I s . underneath th e. side­ shm ent of a day nursery*for. cU|-; delinquency on. property bn Orchard Report Hillside id regulate businesses unneces- Of Township Committeeman Benja­ 1’eli.between the ages ottfCTtald' flyer of the .Boutliwesj^ Pacific aerial m in Hale and is associated with him walk . and marks the junction terrace. Township-' Clerk Howard Mly> H e said those who wanted Ive j ears, J. -BIOS and Township Attorney conflicts in the_JJolomoiis, where his _ agould close earlier.' He pre- in ’ the William Hae Coal Co. here. of several mains. A vent from the Assembly Slate manhole extends above the ground.
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