Protocol for the CCT Comparison of Water Triple Point Cells
Final Report on APMP.T-K7 Key Comparison of water triple point cells Shu-Fei Tsai1, Rod White2, Jun Tamba3, Kazuaki Yamazawa3, Mong-Kim Ho4, C M Tsui5, Ghufron Zaid6, Aditya Achmadi6, Kee Sool Gam7, Hafidzah Othman8, Nurulaini Md Ali8, Kho Hao Yuan9 (Before Sep 2011), Ye Shaochun9 (Since Nov 2011), Hans Liedberg10, Charuayrat Yaokulbodee11 1Center for Measurement Standards, ITRI (CMS/ITRI), Taiwan 2Measurement Standards Laboratory(MSL), New Zealand 3National Metrology Institute of Japan, AIST (NMIJ/AIST), Japan 4National Measurement Institute of Australia (NMIA), Australia 5Standards and Calibration Laboratory (SCL), Hong Kong 6Puslitbang KIM-LIPI, Indonesia 7Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), Korea 8National Metrology Laboratory, SIRIM Berhad (SIRIM), Malaysia 9National Metrology Center (NMC), A*STAR, Singapore 10National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA), South Africa 11National Institute of Metrology Thailand (NIMT), Thailand Pilot Laboratory: CMS, 1Center for Measurement Standards, ITRI (CMS/ITRI), Taiwan Co-Pilot Laboratories: MSL, 2Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand, New Zealand NMIJ, 3National Metrology Institute of Japan, AIST (NMIJ/AIST), Japan 1/92 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Organization of the comparison 3 2.1 Participants 3 2.2 Method of the comparison 3 2.3 Transfer cells and two CMS reference cells 4 2.4 Laboratory equipment and uncertainty 4 3. Comparison of the transfer cells at CMS 4 3.1 Experimental setup 4 3.2 Measurement procedure 7 3.3 Data analysis method 7 4. Measurements of TPW cells at CMS 8 4.1 Stability of two common reference cells 8 4.2 Temperature differences between transfer cells and reference cells 10 4.3 Uncertainty budget 12 5 Temperature difference between the national reference and the APMP.T-K7 14 reference cells in pilot laboratory 6.
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