Annotated Bibliography Cowichan River System Literature Related to Factors Affecting the Production ofCowichan River Chinook, Coho, and Chum Salmon April 2002 By Coastline Environmental Services 3453 Falcon Drive, Nanaimo BC V9T4G7, Home: (250) 756-2287 Cell: (250) 729-6238 Email:
[email protected] For Oceans and Community Stewardship 4166B Departure Bay Road, Nanaimo, B.C V9T 4B7. and Cowichan Tribes 5760 Allenby Road Duncan, B.C V9L 5Jl INTRODUCTION Concerns have been identified regarding the Cowichan River system and possible factors affecting the production of chinook, coho and chum salmon. Despite stringent management strategies Cowichan River salmon stocks continue to remain below optimal production levels for the river system. This annotated bibliography was created in conjunction with a compilation of the reports cited, creating a specialized literature resource. The majority ofreports included have been copied from originals, bound and organized in alphabetical order by author. There are two complete sets available; one set will be kept at oceans and community stewardship office in Nanaimo and the other at DFO district office in Duncan. Each report has been annotated in this bibliography including; full citation, abstract source and abstract. Abstracts were derived from a variety of sources, including, original reports, an annotated bibliography created by Kristen Daniels, and myself. These resources were created to aid in a preliminary assessment into why Cowichan River salmon populations have failed to recover despite management efforts. The hope was that available literature would provide clues as to possible limiting factors for influencing recovery of chinook, chum and coho populations in the Cowichan River system. The literature included was gathered from various libraries, biologists, scientists and government organizations.