b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y x x x (2 0 1 6) xxx–xxx

ht tp://

1 Environmental Microbiology

2 Coprophilous (ex ) from

3 three areas in the semi-arid of Pernambuco, Brazil

a a b

4 Q1 Carlos Alberto Fragoso de Souza , Diogo Xavier Lima , Luciana M.S. Gurgel ,


5 André Luiz Cabral Monteiro de Azevedo Santiago


6 Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Micologia, Recife, PE, Brazil


7 Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco (IPA), Recife, PE, Brazil


9 a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t


11 Article history: Mucorales comprises fungi commonly isolated as saprobes from soil, dung, stored grains

12 Received 31 October 2015 and plants. Although these fungi have been studied in several countries, there are rela-

13 Accepted 20 June 2016 tively a few reports of them in semi-arid areas. Therefore, the aims of the present study

14 Available online xxx were to assess and compare the Mucorales communities in dung from different species and

breeds of herbivores in the semi-arid of Pernambuco, based on the frequency of occurrence

Associate Editor: André Rodrigues

and species richness of these fungi. Samples of dung collected in the cities of Arcoverde,


Serra Talhada and Sertânia were incubated in moist chambers in triplicate. Altogether, 24

16 Keywords:

taxa of Mucorales distributed in the genera Absidia, Circinella, Cunninghamella, Lichtheimia,

17 Caatinga

Mucor, , Rhizopus and Syncephalastrum were identified. The highest species richness

18 Dung

was found in sheep excrement. Mucor circinelloides f. griseo-cyanus was the most common

19 Herbivore

taxon, followed by M. ramosissimus. The similarity of the composition of Mucorales species


was greatest between the excrements of Guzerá and Sindi breeds (bovine). All mucoralean

21 Taxonomy

species isolated are being cited for the first time from animal dung found in Caatinga and

a new species of Mucor was recorded. An identification key for species of Mucorales from

dung in the semi-arid region of Brazil is provided.

© 2016 Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. on behalf of Sociedade Brasileira de

Microbiologia. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

fungi characterized by the production of thick-walled 26


of sexual origin, known as zygospores. The order Mucorales Fr., 27

the largest in number of species within the Mucoromycotina, 28


Mucoromycotina Benny, one of the four subphyla proposed includes fungi forming coenocytic hyphae with septa either at 29


to accommodate certain species of traditional Zygomycota the base of reproductive structures or irregularly distributed 30


C. Moreau (phylum no longer accepted in the new classifica- in older cultures. Species of this order produce asexual struc- 31



tion due to its polyphyletic nature), covers most saprobes tures such as sporangiophores, sporangia, sporangiospores,

Corresponding author.

E-mail: [email protected] (A.L. Santiago).

1517-8382/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. on behalf of Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. This is an open access article

under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article in press as: Souza CA, et al. Coprophilous Mucorales (ex Zygomycota) from three areas in the semi-arid of Pernambuco,

BJM 158 1–8

Brazil. Braz J Microbiol. (2016),


2 b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y x x x (2 0 1 6) xxx–xxx


32 sporangiola, merosporangia and merospores. These fungi

Table 1 – Food supplied to herbivores from Arcoverde,

33 are commonly isolated from soil, stored grains, plants, ver-

Sertânia and Serra Talhada, PE.

34 tebrates, invertebrates and animal excrement, especially that Herbivore Food


35 of herbivores and rodents. (breed)

36 Coprophilous fungi are those that live in or are associated Cane silage Corn silage Mineral salt Graze

37 with fecal material, including soil contaminated with feces.

Anglo Nubiano − + − −

38 These microorganisms are essential for the maintenance of

Moxotó − + − −

39 ecosystems and are directly involved in the decomposition Santa Inês − + − −

− − −

40 of fecal waste, participating in carbon, nitrogen and energy Morada Nova +

6,7 8 Holandês + + −

41 cycles. According to Dix and Webster, fungi may occur

Sindi + + +

42 in excrement as obligate and optional coprophilous. The

Girolando + + −

43 obligate coprophilous have spores that require the action

Guzerá − − − +

44 of gastric enzymes to break their dormancy, while sec-

45 ondary or facultative coprophilous spores do not need to go

9 Dung samples 86

46 through the digestive tract of animals to germinate. Among

47 the Mucorales, only Pilobolus species are considered obligate

The samples were collected monthly, from September 2013 to 87

48 coprophilous, although other taxa from this order are common

6 April 2014, using sterilized spatulas. They were placed in cel- 88

49 in dung.

lophane autoclaved paper bags and kept in polystyrene boxes 89

50 The Brazilian semiarid region occupies an area of approx-

2 with ice until they arrived in the laboratory. All samples were 90

51 imately 969,589.4 km , comprising eight northeastern states:

collected in the morning, usually after the animals’ first meal 91

52 Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande

10 of the day. 92

53 do Norte, Sergipe and part of the state of Minas Gerais.

54 Semiarid regions are formed, mostly, by typical vegetation


55 of Caatinga, an exclusively Brazilian domain that consists Food supplied to herbivores

56 of heterogeneous phytophysiognomic systems characteris-


57 tically xerophilic, with vegetation ranging from tree to The composition of food supplied to herbivores from

11 95

58 shrub. The diversity of fungi in semiarid ecosystems is Arcoverde, Sertânia and Serra Talhada is provided in Table 1.


59 admittedly higher than previously thought. However, it


60 is estimated that 41.1% of Caatinga regions have not yet Isolation, purification and identification


61 been inventoried. Consequently, data related to the fun-


62 gal community and the ecological relationship between Dung samples from each animal were incubated in moist



63 microorganisms and substrates in these ecosystems are still chambers at 28 2 C for 15 days under alternating light

64 scarce. and dark periods, during which time mycelial growth was 99


65 Concerning Mucoromycotina in Brazil, 74 taxa, belonging observed. Fragments of the grown colonies were transferred



66 to 20 genera, have been reported. Of these, 42 were isolated to malt extract agar (MEA) medium (Merck – EMB), supple-



67 from herbivore dung, which is a highly favorable substrate for mented with chloramphenicol (100 mg L ). After growth, the



68 the growth of these fungi. Although a number of authors fungi were transferred to test tubes containing the same cul-


69 have documented the occurrence of coprophilous Mucorales ture medium without antibiotic.



70 in Brazil, there are no reports addressing the diversity and The specimens were identified by observing their macro-


71 ecology of these fungi on dung in semi-arid areas. Therefore, scopic (color, appearance and diameter of colony) and


72 the aims of the present study were to assess and compare the microscopic (microstructures) characteristics as described by

17 18 19


73 Mucorales communities in dung from different species and Hesseltine and Ellis, Schipper, Hesseltine and Fennel,

20 21 22


74 breeds of herbivores in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco, Zheng and Chen, Hoffman et al., Zheng et al. and Santi-



75 based on the frequency of occurrence and species richness of ago et al.

76 these fungi.

Molecular analysis 111

Materials and methods Culture grown in test tubes containing malt extract were 112

incubated at 28 C for 6 days to obtain fungal biomass. The 113

77 Study areas material was transferred to 2 mL microtubes with screw caps. 114

Subsequently, 0.5 g acid-washed glass beads of two differ- 115

␮ ␮

78 Samples of herbivore dung were collected at the Instituto ent diameters (150–212 m and 425–600 m, 1:1; Sigma, USA) 116


79 Agronômico de Pernambuco (IPA) in Sertânia-PE (8 03 38 S, were added to each tube. The material was crushed by stir- 117


80 37 13 32 W) [animals: caprine (Capra hircus L., breeds Anglo ring at high speed in a FastPrep homogenizer. The genomic 118

81 Nubiano and Moxotó), and ovine (Ovis aries L., breeds DNA extraction procedure was conducted as described by 119

◦   24

82 Santa Inês and Morada Nova], and Arcoverde (8 25 00 S, Góes-Neto et al. The mycelium was washed with chlo- 120


83 37 04 00 W) [animal: bovine (Bos taurus L., breeds Holandês, roform:isoamyl alcohol (24:1) and then homogenized in 2% 121

84 Girolando and Sindi]. Bos taurus L. dung samples (Breed Guzerá cetyltrimethylammonium bromide buffer. The DNA was pre- 122

85 Leiteiro) were collected at the IPA in the city of Serra Talhada cipitated in isopropanol, washed with 70% ethanol, and 123

◦   ◦  

(7 95 67 S, 38 29 71 W). resuspended in 50 L ultrapure water. 124

Please cite this article in press as: Souza CA, et al. Coprophilous Mucorales (ex Zygomycota) from three areas in the semi-arid of Pernambuco,

BJM 158 1–8

Brazil. Braz J Microbiol. (2016),


b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y x x x (2 0 1 6) xxx–xxx 3


125 The primer pairs LR1/LSU2 were used for the amplifica-  = [(o − e)2/i], where o is the observed frequency for each 146


126 tion of the large subunit (LSU) of nuclear ribosomal DNA class and e is the expected frequency for that class. The 147


127 (rDNA). The polymerase chain reactions were carried out significance level was set at 0.05 in the analysis. 148


128 as described by Oliveira et al. The newly obtained sequence

129 was deposited in the National Center for Biotechnology Infor-

130 mation GenBank database (accession number KX133009). Results

131 Frequency of occurrence (FO) Twenty-four taxa within the genera Absidia, Circinella, 149

Cunninghamella, Lichtheimia, Mucor, Pilobolus, Rhizopus and Syn- 150

132 FO was calculated using the following equation: FO = Ji/k, cephalastrum were identified in bovine, caprine and ovine dung 151

133 where FO is the frequency of occurrence of the species i, Ji found in the semiarid region of Pernambuco. The highest 152

134 is the number of samples in which the species i has occurred number of taxa was observed in samples from Morada Nova 153


135 and k is the total number of soil samples. (14 taxa) and Santa Ines (12) (ovine), followed by Holandês 154

(10) and Girolando (8) (bovine). The lowest species richness 155

136 Statistical analysis was observed in samples from Guzerá (bovine) (3) (Table 2). 156

Mucor exhibited the highest number of species (8), followed by 157

137 Differences in the associations of Mucorales occurring among Pilobolus (5) (Table 2). 158

138 different herbivores dung were determined using Similar- Mucor circinelloides f. griseo-cyanus occurred in high preva- 159

139 ity Analysis (ANOSIM Primer v.6), in which the matrix of lence (FO = 59.35%) in dung from the bovines, caprine and 160

140 Bray–Curtis similarity was plotted as described by Clarke and ovine examined, followed by M. ramosissimus (FO = 32.8%) and 161


141 Gorley. Differences between the number of species of Muco- M. circinelloides f. circinelloides (FO = 31.25%). Cunninghamella ech- 162

142 rales associated with different breeds of animals and the inulata var. echinulata, Mucor sp., P. minutus and R. arrhizus var. 163

143 different months of the year were assessed using the Chi- arrhizus were the least common (FO = 1.56%) (Table 2). 164


144 Square ( ) test (adjustment of compliance with expected The highest number of taxa was observed in dung sam- 165

145 equality proportions), according to the following formula: ples from Morada Nova (14) and Santa Ines sheep breeds (12) 166

Table 2 – Richness and frequency of occurrence (FO) of Mucorales in herbivore dung from Arcoverde, Sertânia and Serra

Talhada, PE.

Mucorales Excrement FO

Bovine Caprine Ovine

Girolando Guzerá Holandês Sindi Anglo-nubiana Moxotó Morada Santa

Nova Inês

Absidia cylindrospora var. cylindrospora Hagem − − + − − − − − 6.25%

Circinella muscae (Sorokin) Berl. & De Toni + − + + + + + + 18.74%

Cunninghamella echinulata var. echinulata − + − − − − − 1.56%

(Thaxt.) Thaxt. ex Blakeslee

Lichtheimia brasiliensis A.L. Santiago, Lima & − − − − − − − + 3.12%


L. ramosa (Zopf) Vuill. − − − − + − + 4.68%

Mucor circinelloides f. circinelloides Tiegh. − − + − + − + + 31.25%

M. circinelloides f. griseo-cyanus (Hagem) + − + − − + + + 59.35%


M. circinelloides f. janssenii (Lendn.) Schipper + − − − − + + − 6.24%

M. lusitanicus Bruderl. + − − − − − + − 4.68%

M. hiemalis Wehmer − − − − − − + + 3.12%

M. indicus Lendn. − − − − − + + − 3.12%

Mucor sp. − − + − − − − 1.56%

M. luteus Linnem. − − + − + − + − 4.68%

M. racemosus f. racemosus Fresen. − − + − − − − − 3.12%

M. ramosissimus Samouts. + − + − − + + − 32.8%

M. variosporus Schipper − − − − − − + − 4.68%

Pilobolus crystallinus Tode + + − + − − + + 20.31%

P. kleinii Tiegh. − + − + − + − + 7.81%

P. longipes Tiegh. − − − + + − + − 9.37%

P. minutus R.Y. Zheng & G.Q. Chen + − − − − − − − 1.56%

P. oedipus Mont. + + − + + − + + 14.06%

Rhizopus arrhizus var. arrhizus A. Fisch. − − − − − − − + 1.56%

R. stolonifer (Ehrenb.) Vuill. − − − − − − − + 7.81%

Syncephalastrum racemosum Cohn ex J. Schröt − − + − + − + + 12.50%

Total taxa 8 3 10 5 6 7 14 12

Please cite this article in press as: Souza CA, et al. Coprophilous Mucorales (ex Zygomycota) from three areas in the semi-arid of Pernambuco,

BJM 158 1–8

Brazil. Braz J Microbiol. (2016),


4 b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y x x x (2 0 1 6) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1 – Dendrogram of Bray–Curtis similarity for species composition of Mucorales from the herbivore dung of different

animals. Species composition was more similar between Guzerá and Sindi dung, followed by Girolando and Morada Nova

dung. Excrements of Anglo Nubiano and Holandês were less similar.


167 (Table 2). However, according to the  test, there were no sig- Considering that L. ramosa is difficult to be separated from 178

168 nificant differences in the species richness of Mucorales in L. corymbifera (Cohn) Vuill. and L. ornata (A.K. Sarbhoy) Alastr.- 179

169 dung from the different breeds of animals (p = 0.0926), but dif- Izq. & Walther based exclusively on morphological characters, 180

170 ferences in the number of species isolated across sampling per the LSU rDNA region of our L. ramosa was sequenced. The 181

171 months of sampling were significant (p = 0.0458). Blastn analysis showed that our sequence (KX133009) was 99% 182

172 Most Mucorales occurred in the excrement of bovine, similar to L. ramosa (CBS 582.65 – NG042518.1), confirming the 183

173 caprine and ovine, with the exception of Absidia cylin- identity of our specimen. 184

174 drospora var. cylindrospora, C. echinulata var. echinulata, Mucor The species composition was most similar between Guzerá 185

175 sp. and P. minutus, which were only found in bovine dung, and Sindi (bovine) (75%), followed by Girolando (bovine) and 186

176 while Lichtheimia brasiliensis, M. variosporus, R. arrhizus var. Morada Nova (ovine) (63.63%) and Holandês (bovine) and 187

177 arrhizus and R. stolonifer were only observed in sheep Anglo-Nubian (caprine) (60%) (Fig. 1). 188


Identification key for species of Mucorales from dung in 189

the semi-arid region of Brazil 190

1. Obligatory coprophilous species; sporangiophores bearing subsporangial vesicles and 2


1. Facultative coprophilous species; sporangiophores without subsporangial vesicles 6

and trophocysts

2. Sporangiospores globose, subglobose or ovoid 3

2. Sporangiospores ellipsoid 5

3. Subsporangial vesicles ovoid; sporangiospores globose or subglobose, thin-walled 4

3. Subsporangial vesicles obovoid; sporangiospores thick-walled, spherical to broad Pilobolus oedipus


4. Trophocysts short, 180–610 × 125–270 ␮m; columellae cylindrical; sporangiospores P. minutus 191

subglobose, 7–11 ␮m in diam

4. Trophocysts long, 410–1800 × 240–420 ␮m; columellae conical; sporangiospores P. longipes

subglobose, 10–18.5 ␮m in diam

5. Columellae nipple-like; sporangiospores ellipsoid, pale yellow or hyaline P. crystallinus

7.5–12 × 4.5–6.5 ␮m

5. Columellae conical-cylindrical; sporangiospores ellipsoid, intensely yellow P. kleinii

10.5–17.5 × 5.5–8 ␮m

6. Sporangiophores bearing sporangia 8

6. Sporangiophores bearing merosporangia or sporangiola 7

Please cite this article in press as: Souza CA, et al. Coprophilous Mucorales (ex Zygomycota) from three areas in the semi-arid of Pernambuco,

BJM 158 1–8

Brazil. Braz J Microbiol. (2016),


b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y x x x (2 0 1 6) xxx–xxx 5

7. Merospores produced in merosporangia Syncephalastrum


7. Pedicellate unispored sporangiola produced on a fertile vesicle Cunninghamella echinulata

var. echinulata

8. Sporangiophores simple or with erect or curved branches; sporangia without sterile 9


8. Sporangiophores with circinate branches; sporangia with a sterile spine Circinella muscae

9. Sporangia unapophysate; giant cells not produced 10

9. Sporangia apophysate; giant cells present or absent 20

10. Sporangiospores regular in shape and size 11

10. Sporangiospores with varied shapes and sizes, globose, ovoid, cylindrical or fusiform Mucor variosporus

11. Sporangiophores unbranched or slightly branched 12

11. Sporangiophores repeatedly branched 13

12. Columellae obovoid; sporangiospores ellipsoidal, plano-convex 2.5–10 × 2–7.5 ␮m M. hiemalis

12. Columellae globose; sporangiospores long-elliptical and fusiform 2.5–8.1 M. luteus

(–12.5) × 1–5 ␮m

13. Mesophilic species, not growing at 40 C 14

13. Thermotolerant, growing at 40 C M. indicus

14. Columellae regular in shape; sporangiospores globose, subglobose or ellipsoid 15

14. Columellae of several shapes; sporangiospores subspherical to ellipsoid Mucor sp.

15. Sporangiophores with swelling or not; sporangia with short lateral branches; 16

columellae flattened, globose or obovoid; chlamydospores present or not, when

present never abundant and never formed in reproductive structures

15. Sporangiophores without swelling and with long lateral branches; columellae M. racemosus f. racemosus

subglobose, ovoid or ellipsoid; abundant chlamydospores produced in

sporangiophores and in a few columellae

16. Colonies high (up to 10 mm); sporangiophores curved or not; swelling under 17

sporangia absent; columellae obovoid, globose or subglobose

16. Colonies low (up to 2 mm); sporangiophores curved or not; swelling often viewed M. ramosissimus


under sporangia; columellae flattened

17. Colonies initially white, turning gray in older cultures; sporangiophores up to 7 18

(–10) ␮m in diam.; sporangia black

17. Colonies initially yellow, turning brownish in older cultures; sporangiophores up to 14 19

(–17) ␮m in diam.; sporangia gray-brownish

18. Sporangiophores sympodially branched; dark sporangia, globose (15–) 20–72.5 M. circinelloides f.

(–75) ␮m; sporangiospores ellipsoid griseo-cyanus

18. Sporangiophores sympodially or monopodially branched (rarely); sporangia dark M. circinelloides f. janssenii

brown, globose to slightly subglobose, 20–90 ␮m; sporangiospores globose to slightly


19. Sporangia dark brown and globose, 35–85 ␮m; columellae obovoid; sporangiospores M. circinelloides f.

ellipsoid circinelloides

19. Sporangia brown and globose, 21.5–92.5 ␮m; columellae globose; sporangiospores M. lusitanicus

ellipsoid and sometimes irregularly shaped

20. Sporangiophores arising from stolons, never opposed to rhizoids, spherical sporangia, 21

piriform or subpiriform and apophysed; giant cells present

20. Sporangiophores arising from the aerial mycelium and/or stolons, opposed to 23

rhizoids, sporangia apophysed, globose and subglobose; giant cells absent

21. Thermophilic species, growing at 40 C; subsporangial septum absent or rare; 22

sporangiospores globose, subglobose or ellipsoid; giant cells present

21. Mesophilic species, not growing at 40 C; subsporangial septum present; Absidia cylindrospora var.

sporangiospores cylindrical; giant cells absent cylindrospora

22. Columellae globose, subglobose and spatulate, often exhibiting projections; giant Lichtheimia ramosa

cells present

22. Columellae subglobose and short hemispheric, without projections; giant cells absent L. brasiliensis

23. Rhizoids present, well developed, abundant and rhizopodiform; sporangiophores Rhizopus stolonifer

reaching 3 mm in length; columellae ovoid

23. Rhizoids, undeveloped, simple or rarely branched when present; sporangiophores R. arrhizus var. arrhizus

reaching 1.7 mm in length; columellae subglobose, hemiglobose, rarely oblong-ovoid

Please cite this article in press as: Souza CA, et al. Coprophilous Mucorales (ex Zygomycota) from three areas in the semi-arid of Pernambuco,

BJM 158 1–8

Brazil. Braz J Microbiol. (2016),


6 b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y x x x (2 0 1 6) xxx–xxx

reported here are being cited for the first time as coprophilous 250


in the Caatinga. In Brazil, the occurrence of Mucor species 251

and/or Piloloblus in herbivore dung was reported by Batista and 252

193 Altogether, twenty-four taxa of Mucorales were identified in 43 30 13 31

Pontual, Trufem, Trufem and Viriato, Richardson, Alves 253

194 the dung of herbivores from Arcoverde, Sertânia and Serra 14 15

et al. and Santiago et al. . The greatest representation of 254

195 Talhada, PE, Brazil. All species identified in the present study

Mucor and Pilobolus in relation to the number of taxa in the 255

196 are being cited for the first time in the dung of herbivores in 15

dung analyzed was confirmed by Santiago et al. 256

197 Caatinga areas. However, most of the species identified herein

Our results indicated that Morada Nova dung (ovine) was 257

198 have been reported by other authors in excrement from other

the richest in terms of the number of taxa, followed by the 258

199 domains in Brazil, indicating that they are not endemic to the

dung of Santa Inês (ovine) and Holandês (bovine). However, 259 14,15,30

200 Caatinga. 2

according to the  test, no significant difference (p = 0.0926) 260

201 With the exception of M. indicus and Mucor sp., all taxa of

was found for the species richness of Mucorales in the dung 261

202 this genus isolated in the present study as well as Circinella

of the different animals analyzed. According to Ebersohn and 262

203 muscae, P. crystallinus, P. kleinii, P. longipes, R. arrhizus var. 38 15

Eicker and Santiago et al., differences in the composition 263


204 arrhizus and S. racemosum were reported by Alves et al. and by

of a community can be correlated with abiotic and biotic fac- 264


205 Santiago et al. in the dung of herbivores in the Atlantic For-

tors that influence the mycobiota of the substrate. The fact 265

206 est in Recife, PE. Lichtheimia ramosa (as A. ramosa), C. muscae, M.

that dung samples were kept in similar experimental condi- 266

207 hiemalis, P. crystallinus, P. kleinii and P. longipes were described by

tions (temperature, light incidence, moisture) and were free of 267

30 13

208 Trufem and Trufem and Viriato in the Atlantic Forest in São

mycophagous insects could explain the similarities found for 268

209 Paulo state. Fifteen species reported by the above mentioned

the species richness of Mucorales in dung. However, statistical 269

210 authors were observed in the present study, although feces

analysis revealed significant differences in the number of taxa 270

211 from different herbivores were analyzed in different studies,

isolated from dung between the different sampling months 271

212 indicating that the majority of Mucorales do not exhibit speci-

(p = 0.0458), indicating that seasonality influences the num- 272


213 ficity for a particular type of animal dung.

ber of species, but not the composition of the Mucorales. The 273

214 A recent phylogenetic study on Mucorales that included 15

opposite result was observed by Santiago et al., who reported 274


215 critical species of this order strongly evidenced that M. ramo-

that the composition of Mucorales species was affected by sea- 275

216 sissimus is a synonym of M. circinelloides f. circinelloides or f.

sonal changes of the year, differing from the results observed 276

217 janssenii. In fact, both species are morphologically very similar 44

for the number of taxa. Bell conducted a three-year study on 277

218 to each other. However, considering that our isolates exhib-

the mycota in possum dung (Trichosurus Vulpecula Kerr) in New 278

219 ited morphological characteristics, such as small colonies up

Zealand and attributed the higher incidence of certain fungal 279

220 to 2 mm high, sporangiophores with a frequent swelling below

species to winter rains. 280

221 the sporangia and columellae applanate, that were very sim-

Concerning the frequency of occurrence of the isolates, 281


222 ilar to those described by Schipper for M. ramosissimus, and

M. circinelloides f. griseo-cyanus was the most common taxon 282

223 considering that M. ramosissimus is still a valid species, we

(FO = 59.35%), while C. echinulata var. echinulata, Mucor sp. and R. 283

224 prefer to maintain M. ramosissimus in our manuscript.

arrhizus var. arrhizus were the least common taxa (FO = 1.56%). 284

225 Some of the species isolated in the present study have

Mucor and Rhizopus include many species, coprophilous or 285

226 also been reported in animal dung from other countries. 6

not, while Cunninghamella species primarily colonize other 286


227 Masunga isolated C. elegans and P. crystallinus from the dung 42

substrates. Most species identified in the present study 287


228 of elephants in Africa, while Abdullah reported P. kleinii in

exhibited low frequencies of occurrence, not exceeding 32.8%. 288

229 donkey, sheep and camel dung collected in Iraq. Studies have 31

Similar behavior was observed by Richardson, Nyberg and 289

230 shown that this group of fungi has a wide distribution and can 32 15

Persson and Santiago et al. in studies of coprophilous fungi 290


231 adapt to different environmental conditions.

from herbivorous dung. Pilobolus kleinii has been commonly 291

232 Lichtheimia brasiliensis and M. indicus have been commonly

associated with a high frequency in herbivorous animal dung 292

233 isolated from soils, although they have not as yet been found 31,32

in other domains. However, this species was uncommon 293


234 in dung. However, these species are now reported for

in the samples analyzed in the present study (7.81%). It is 294

235 the first time in the dung of herbivores, thereby expanding

possible that this taxon is more sensitive to the water and tem- 295

236 our knowledge about the diversity of Mucorales. Fungi in the

perature stress that are characteristic of the semiarid region. 296

237 genus Mucor exhibit morphological and genetic characteristics

Considering the different breeds of herbivores, species 297

238 that differ from other taxa of the genus and will be described

composition was more similar between Guzerá and Sindi 298

239 and published as a new species in a subsequent paper.

(bovines) (75%), which although not sharing the same environ- 299

240 Among the isolated genera, Mucor was the most repre-

ment, were exposed to a similar nutritional status and were 300

241 sentative in number of taxa, with nine species and four

the only animals kept on pasture (Table 1). According to San- 301

242 forms, followed by Pilobolus, with five species. Accord- 15

tiago et al., nutritional differences between the animals can 302


243 ing to Krug et al., Mucor is characterized by facultative

influence the mycota of dung. The fact that these animals 303

244 coprophilous species, while Pilobolus is characterized by oblig-

spent most of their time grazing in the pasture may have con- 304

245 atory coprophilous species. Since the species of the former

tributed to the high similarity found. Curiously, high similarity 305


246 genus are very common in soil samples, it is possible that

was also observed between the Girolando (bovine) and Morada 306

247 the presence of these taxa in the inventoried excrement was

Nova (ovine) species, and between Anglo Nubiano (caprine) 307

248 due to the transition of propagules from the soil to the dung,

and Holandês (bovine) species, despite the fact that they were 308


249 as mentioned by Santiago et al. All species of Mucorales

grazed in different cities (although in the same domain) and 309

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Brazil. Braz J Microbiol. (2016),


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Brazil. Braz J Microbiol. (2016),