U Continental Bistro Setting of Season's First Formal
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SfifÍTPI BfìRBfìRfV COLLÊGG U TH€ PICTURGSQUe.CflmPUS WITH A V/IGUJ Vol. XXVII SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, APRIL 9, 1948 No. 42 First Candidates NEXT ROUND-UP, DUE TUESDAY, Continental Bistro Setting File - - All Women SLATES VARIETY Of Season's First Formal The women are interested in politics. The second Gaucho Roundup, The swish of formals in the in This was indicated by the list of candidates for the coming scheduled for next Tuesday night timate atmosphere of an exclu Student Body elections filed in the office of the Graduate Manager. in the Riviera auditorium, is giv sive French night club will set As the paper closed Wednesday morning, only four names had been ing every sign of being as varied the scene as the Delta Sigs open entered and they were all feminine. a collection of student entertain E s l their • “Club Nuit Bleue” to Gau Bobby Misson filed for secretary of ASSB; Betty Goosen, Katy ment talent as the first assembly chos tonight. Murphy and Mary Ann Zane en-' last month. tered the race for senior, junior According to John Caldwell, ■ i i i i As you read this, the Cabrillo and sophomore class representa 'Poverty Prance' in publicity chairman, the next Auditorium is rapidly transform tives respectively. Roundup will offer a fun-loaded ing into an atmosphere which ac evening, highlighted by a “sur cording to fraternity members, So far, no one has filed for Spotlight Saturday prise” to be offered by a “popular promises to be the most elaborate the ASSB presidential contest, al An after-the-game “Poverty and unusual ever presented at a though rumors of possible can personality.” Also on the program Prance” will hold the social spot are skits, burlesque, songs, yells, college function in Santa Barbara. didates ran riot on campus this light Saturday night, when Gau- After entering through the “Gar week. class meetings and free refresh chos will put on their most beat- ments. The evening will close with den Tunnel,” guests will be greet Contrary to the statement in upoutfits to dance at Adams Hall, moonlight dancing in the Quad. ed by a white fog covering the the last issue of El Gaucho, class in Hoff Heights. Since the idea of a monthly floor, coupled with a blanket of reps will need only 50 signatures The hard-times affair, sponsor student get-together proved popu stars overhead which should out of members of their own class, on ed by Gamma Sigs, will begin lar with Gauchos who turned out do even Hollywood in it unique their petitions, rather than 250. immediately after the UCSB-USC for the trial Roundup last month, ness. The latter number is required for baseball game— approximately 9 plans are being made to carry it Tables for Four all ASSB offices. p.m.— and will continue until mid on indefinitely. The assembly Parties' of four or more will be Aspiring politicians have until night. _ committee, composed of Jerry entitled to a table in the “Rose April 20 to announce their can An after-the-game “Poverty Rose, Gloria Daley and Kewpie Room” of the club and will be didacy and receive petition blanks. Prance” will hold the social spot Guess, has taken the monthly S®!® served by a corps of uniformed light Saturday night, when Gau- show under its wing. waiters. Reservations for these CARE PACKAGES chos will put on their most-beat- tables can be made by calling up outfits to dance at Adams Hall, I.A. Club Sponsors ■ 92394 before 4 p.m. today. Delta RECEIVED BY in Hoff Heights. Sigs advise calling as early as Hard Times Industrial Arts possible because a large crowd is The affair, sponsored by Gam DELTA SIGMA PHI prexy Don Callahan and Anna Lee Han expected. BELGIAN SCHOOL ma Sigs, will begin immediately Project Contest sen, publicity chairman of Delta Sigma Epsilon, make plans for the “Nuit Bleue” formal tonight. —Photo by Costantino The “Stardusters” will furnish Officials of a parochial boys’ after the UCSB-USC baseball . The Industrial Arts Project the music for the evening’s danc school in Brussels have acknow game— approximately 9- p.m.— Contest, an annual affair sponsor ing from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. Dress ledged receipt of ten CARE stan and will continue until midnight. ed by the I. A. Club, gets under will be formals for the girls, and dard food packages which were Door prizes and an award for way this week. The purpose of Transfer of Concession Operation Not tuxes’ or dark suits for the men. sent to Belgium by the student the best outfit will be given, and this contest is to promote creative Tickets are available at the body. The packages were pur music will be supplied by Artie abilities and skillful techniques, Possible at Present, Muncy Tells Council Delta Sig booth in the Quad at chased with money collected in Shaw, Goodman, Kenton, and so v Entries will be classified under $1.20 per couple. the Friendship Train drive held on. Thg price per couple is 60 Teaching Aids, Metalworking, J. A. D. Muncy, business man' erans’ books is not received from on campus during the Fall sem cents. Woodworking, Graphic Arts, Ma ager, last Tuesday night repeated the Government for a year. ester. Teo Rodriguez and Mai Moore- chine Shop, Radio and Electricity, to Student Council the University Council moved, nevertheless, to VOTERS MAY The signature on the receipts house are in charge of decora Aeronautics, and General Crafts. ruling which would not permit ask Provost Williams to attend a REGISTER was that of an official of the tions. Only I. A. majors are eligible for Associated Students to operate Council meeting sometime in the “Freres des ecole cretiennes, the contest and all entries shall Only 6 0 Days cigarette and telephone conceS' near future so that members may be products of the contestant’s ON CAMPUS h Ecole paroissiale pour garcons, ’Till Finals sions in University-operated discuss with him the possibilities Bruxelles.” own efforts in the year June, 1947» buildings. of ASSB assuming operation of As a service to students and June, 1948. Muncy appeared before Coun the bookstore and the cafeteria. faculty members who are eligible Prizes Offered cil to clarify the position of UC As Muncy finished speaking, to vote in the coming elections as Queen to Be Added Attraction Entries will be accepted by the officials in the recent attempt of Neil Goedhard, finance- chairman, permanent residents of Santa Bar contest committee from May 3 the student legislative body to expressed thanks in behalf of the bara, registration of voters is now At Beachcomber Ball until May 21, and judging will have returned to ASSB the in student body for the 50 cent being conducted on the Riviera be conducted on the basis of or campus by deputy county clerks The annual Kappa Sig Beach nities, sororities, housing groups come on pay phones, and to effect “Gaucho special” luncheon recent iginality, utility, design and work Dan Julian and Tom Helvey. This comber’s Ball, to be held on April and other campus organizations to the transfer of the cigarette ma ly added to the cafeteria menu. manship. service will continue until April 16 at the Veterans Memorial submit candidates for the queen chines in Ebbets Hall to student A sweepstake prize will go to 22. Registration tables are located Building, this year will have ad title to Bob Lorden, along with operation. Glee Club Returns the best entry and a grand prize in the Quad. ded attractions, the frat announ a picture of the sponsored coed. Ad. Building Phone to the best entry from each di From Successful Permanent residents are defin ced this week. The girls entered in the contest Asked why ASSB had receiv vision. First, second, and third ed as those who maintain a resi In addition to the music of the will be voted upon as the guests ed commissions on the pay prizes are to be awarded in each Northern Tour dence in Santa Barbara and who Star Dusters and the decorations enter the ballroom, with the win phone in the administration sub-division. The UCSB Men’s Glee Club re intend to remain in residence dur of fishnets and other atmosphere- ner to be crowned midway dur building until a few* weeks ago, turned Sunday evening from an ing the summer and other vaca inducing paraphernalia, the ball ing the evening. The prize will be the business manager replied that, WARNING extensive tour which included ap tions. Students who are continu will be ruled by a “Beachcomber a permanent cup engraved with until the faculty Welfare Com pearances in Paso Robles, San ally making flying trips home to Queen,” to be chosen from among the winner’s name, date and the mittee had requested new phones, In all cases of students not Jose, Palo Alto and Santa Maria. see their parents on weekends and those attending the dance. The occasion. some eight months ago, he had returning proofs to Zane’s, With a girls’ trio and accompan vacations are classified as non-res queen will be presented with a Admission charge is $1.60 per not known phone income was go te worst pose will be used ist, the forty-man group presented ident. special prize. couple. Entries in the queen con ing to the Associated Students. Candidate Sought test and their dates will be ad in La Cumbre. a wide variety of selections, meet All non-resident students should Regarding the cigarette mach Kappa Sig is urging all frater mitted free of charge.