Prl ,.Ate Residents'. Kel 669
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YORKSHTRF.] PRL ,.ATE RESIDENTS'. KEL 669 ;Jervelund .A.lbert ~eilsen, HeDezup, Johnson ~frs. Thornholme lodge, Jone~ J. E. Edmund, The Cottage, Teresa terrace, Coatham. Redcar Station road, Bridlington Holbeck road, Scarborough Jervelumf 'Carl .A.ndreas, The Barns, Johnson .Mrs. 32 Victoria.-rd.Gt.DrfHd Jones James C. Hylton villa~ ~at- Orchard ,.d_j Linthozpe, Middlesbro' Johnson :Mrs. 14 Westbourne grove, ham, Redcar J'essoif D'Arcy, hyholme, Carthorpe, Scarborough Jones John, Thornbruy house, Barker Bedale Johnson :Mrs. Willersley, Filey road, road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough :fessop ::\Irs. 57a, Oxford road, Lin- Scar-borough Jones John Robinson, Hope villa, l':nst. thorpe, ~iddlesbrough Johnson ~rs. Hy. Cleasby, Darlington Huntington, York J essop Mrs. The Terrace, Bridlington J ohnson :\Irs. J. 5 Cliff st. Bridlingtn J ones Miss, 15 Highfield, Scarborough road, Great Dri:ffield Johnson Robert, Humbleton, Hull Jones Miss, 21 Hudson street, Whitby \Jpwell Thomas H. Endsleigh, Cam- J ohnson Thomas, Winfield house, J ones Miss, ~ark et pl. Easingwold bridge rd. Linthorpe, :Middlesbro' Gro,·e Hill road, Beverley Jones Miss,26Southfield rd.Middlsbro' Jex-Long ~iss, I ~icholson ten ace, John,on Thomas Christopher ):I. B., J ones :\Iisses, :Yorth Cave Cotherstone, Darlington J.P. West Burton, Aysgarth .Tones ~rs. 31 Albert ter. Middlesbro' Jeynes Albert G. I27 Grange road Johnson Thos. Fras. Castle vil.Thirsk Jones ~Irs. 26 St. George's avenue, east, Middlesbrough Johnson T. G. 12 Wilbert ]a. Bever1ey Bridlington J obling T. 9 Clairville rd.:\Iiddlesbro' J ahnsoit Tom, 7 Eastbourne villas, J ones Rog_er, Bole m house, Newport Jobson George, Io Teresa terrace, Grove Hill road, Beverley road, ~1ddlesb~ough , Coatham, Redcar Johnson Waiter J.P. Arncliffe hall. Jones R. SunnyVIew, Scalby,Scarboro Jobson George Herbert, 2 Eastbourne Ingleby, Arncliffe, ~orthallerton Jones Sydney, I Filey rd. Scarboro' villas, Grove Hill road, Beverley John~on ·waiter, 7 Carlton terrace, Jones T.33 Henry st. Coatham,Redcar Jobson ~Irs. Stokesley Cliff road Hormea Hull Jones William Britton M.B. The John Robert, Raven's dene, Manor Johnson Waiter,' Lyme' cliff, West Hospita. I , ~th.Ormesby,Mid. d lesbro ~ road, Scarborough Tanfield, Bedale .Tones William Henry, .Ashley house, Johns Rev. Thomas H. Wesley manse, Johnson Walter F. C. I6 Cliff terrace, Cardigan road, Bridlington Robin Hood's Bay Hornsea, Hull .Jordan Charles Wm. 3 Gordon terrace, Johns Henry Douglas M.D. h-y lodge. Johnson Waiter Lyulph J.P. Enter- Borough road east, Middlesbrough Eastgate, Hull pen hall, Hut ton Rudby Jordan J. W.4oCambridge st.Brdlngtn Johnson Capt. John Burgoyne J.P. Jolmson Waiter Poppleton,13 Shafte.-- Jo;dan ~Iisses, Rose cottage, Brant· (Durham County), Brockley, Salt- bury villas, Grove Hill rd. Beverley mgham, Brough . burn-by-the-Sea Johnson William, Clonony, ·windsor Jordeson George S. Gascmgne VIlla, Johnso~ Rev . .A.rthur :M.A. Rectory. road, Saltburn-by-the-Sea Burton road, Hornsea, ~ull Settrmgton, Malton Johnson Wm. 30 Flemingte. Benr1e'" Jordon W. ·westgate, Patrmgton,Hull Johnson Rev. Edward Artbur Guy 1 Johnson W. 43 Grove Hill rd.Beverle)· Jovrsey A. 20 Tennyson av. _Scarboro' Gwyn :M._\_ All Saints vicarage, Johnson Wm. II Oak rd. Scarboro' Jr,wsey J.E.13 Albert ter. M1ddlesbro" Scarborough · Johnson Wm. 16 Willow o-ro. Beverh- Jo-.Hey :\Irs. I :Murray st. Scarboro• Johrison Rev. J., L.T. Button Rudby Johnson William ~orfolk, 23 Pem·- Joy C. 28 Tennyson av. Bridling_ton- Jchnson .A.ndrew, 9 Westmoreland av. broke terrace, Bridlington Joy F. D. H., M.A. Newton-le-W1llws · Bridlington Johnson-Laird Fredk. 8 Heath cres. Joy John T. 56 The Avenue, Lin- Johnson .A.. IIClairville rd.\fiddlesbro' Roman rd.Linthorpe rd.~Iiddlesbro' t~orpe, Middlesbrough Johnson Bernard Gill, 21 Victoria rd. Johnston ~Iiss, 4 Park rd.~iddlesbro' Juho Rev. John Stephenson B.A •. Bridlington J ohnstone Capt. the Hon. Francis Castleton, Grosm~nt Johnson Charles Hargitt J.P. Thorn- Yanden-Bempde- D.L., J.P. Hack- Judd Mrs. 4 Pretona terrace, Grove· gumbald hall, Thorngumbald, Hull ness hall, Scarborough hill, .Middlesbrough . Johnson Charles T. Thornaby house, Johnstone Lieut.-Col. Colin D. Cram- Judson ~frs. 21 Vansittart terrace, Thornaby-on-Tees beck, Welburn, York ~oatham, Redcar . Johnson David, Welbourne house, Johnstone Rev. Charles M.A. Vicar- Juhan J. R.2o Grove Hil~ rd.Beverle~ Button Rudby age, Hackness, Scarborough Jupp J. J. Io Holbeck hill, Scarboro Johnson E. B. West Burton, .Aysgarth Jones Capt. Frederick, Queen stre&t, E~abelrrky AR. H. C~hRolyal cSrJes.ScarNboro'" Johnson F. 8 Swanland av. Bridlingtn Withernsea, Hull :\.ar_~ a_-e ~v. ar es · · 34 ew- Johnson George Westville Walkiiio-- Jones Rev. David Evans M.A. Vicar- hH!gm, RIChmond ton, Beverley' ' " age, ~ell"ton-upon-Rawcliffe,Pickrng Kauffman Mrs. I. 3 Lune street, Salt• Johnson Geo.R.6g Wilbert la.Be-.erln Jones Rev. Hugh Beaumont, Rectory. K bt~r.-by-th~-Se~ The Johnson H. I 8 Grosvenor rd. Scarboro' Sigglesthorne, Hull au man · · Cottage, Johnson Herbert, 9 Elm grove, Robin J one~ Rev. Isaiah, St. ::\Iatthew's ter- Cloughton, Scar borough Hood's Bay race, Leyburn Kay ~iss, 20 Grange aven. Scarboro' Johnson Herbert, Rosslyn, Havenside, J ones Rev. John Price B. A. Yicarage, Kay T. E. I6 Cleveland ter. Whitby Hedon, Hull East Harlsey Kaye ~rs. Lyndhurst, New road. Johnson James, 20 Sandringham ter. Jones Rev. Lewis B.A. Vicarage. Hedon, Hull Grange road west, ~iddlesbrough Wold Xevrton, Hunmanby Kayler :\frs. St. ~Iary's cottage, Last-- Johnson James, 1 The Avenue, Lin- Jones Rev. Price, The ~anse, South- ingham, Sinnington thorpe, ~iddlesbrough field road, :.\Iiddlesbrough Keable :.\Iiss, Red house, Bridlington • Johnson James B. Woodside, Hawes Jones Rev. Robert Wendol A.T.S. Kearns ~rs. Thornholme, Scalby,- Jo-hnson John, The Willows, Poplars The Manse, Reeth, Richmond Scarborough road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough Jones Rev. Thom:ts Waldon B..A. The Kearsley ~rs. Field house, Kirkby-- Johnson John Lee, 28 Xorth bar Rectory, Huggate, York in-Cleveland, Stokesley without, Beverley Jones A. The Hollies, Stokesley Keating :Mrs. 88 Lothian rd.Middlsbro' Johnson J · :8. 67 Wilbert la.Beverlev Jones Albert Arthur, Wharncliffe-, Keay Capt. William, IO Cliff terrace, J • Hornst>a, Hull ohnson J. W. I ~~xtergate, Whit by Manor road, Scarb_orou~h . Keay Mrs. Park villa,Park road south, Jo:nson Joh~ Will~am, Larchmont, Jones A. 5 Avenue VICtoria, Scarboro Middlesbrough rospect hill, Whitby Jones A.J.8 Carlton a-v. ~o:nsea, Hull Keble ~irs. 6 Belvoir ter.Scarborough Johnson J. ,V. 206 Xorwood, Beverley Jones Alfred Samuel, Philhps avenue, Kedward Thomas James J.P.HI Grove Johnson Joseph, The Lees, Westwood Linthorpe, Middlesbrough road Xorth Ormesby Middlesbro' J avenue, Linthorpe, :Middl~iibrough J ones Alfred Thomas, Brough Keed 'Rev. Edward Herbert M.A. oh~on L. J. 4 Oxford rd.Lmthorpe, Jones Arth. A. Tremayne lo. Brougb Vicarage, Low Worsall, Yarm Middlesbrough Jones Bernard, Westwood avenue, Keel W.I33 Grange rd. ea.Middlesbro' Johnson Miss, Cleasby, Darlington Lintborpe, ~iddlesbrough Keenlevside Rev. Robert North view Johnson ~i~s,IICliff ter.Horns~a,Hull Jone_s Daniel Robert, Woodlands rd. Barmby road, Pocklington, York • Johnsvn M1ss, Glenluce, Ramchffe Middlesbrough . Keeton Geo. Hayden :M:.A. Grammar avenue, ~carborough Jones E. Manor ho.Scorton,Darhngtn school, West Grn. Pocklington,York Joh~son Mzss, 97 Grange road east, Jones E. S. Barton-le-Street, Malton Kt>ighlev :Miss Overdale Prospect Middlesbrough Jcnes Edwin While, Briansk, Grove hill Whitby ' ' Johnson Miss J. A. II Lune st. Salt- hill, Middlesbrough Keith John Robert M A MD 24 bnrn-by-t_he-Sea .Tones F. W. 22 Ramshill rd.Scarboro· Middle st. north Gr~ai' Driffi~ld ~ohnson :M~sses,2The Crescent, Thirsk Jones Greville, 23 The Avenue, Lin- Kell David, Gainford house, Grove ohnson Misses, 4 Park av. Scarboro' thorpe, Middlesbrough Hill road Beverley Jo:nson Mrs. 23 Grosvenor road, Jones Harry, Roslin house, Thorn- Kell J. w. '6 Grove Hill rd. Beverley carborough field rd. Linthorpe, Middlesbrough Kell William 8 Eastgate Beverley Jllhnson Mrs. I St. Nicholas etreet, Jones Henry, Moss ~ook, Thornfield Ke~Ieher J.s2' Granville rd.Middlsbro' • Norton, Malton road, Linthor~, Middlesbrough Kellett Rev. Samuel Frederick !\-LA. Burton .A.gnee, Driffield .