MINUTES 15th -16th December 2011 – PROJECT GROUP MEETING

Place: Kevo Research Station, Utsjoki Finland

Participants: Sergey Prusov and Elena Samoylova – PINRO, Eero Niemelä – FGFRI, Juha-Pekka Vähä and Mikhail Ozerov – UTU-Kevo, Martin Svenning – NINA, Vidar Wennevik – IMR, Bente Christiansen (chair) and Tiia Kalske (referent) – FMFi

1. Open and welcome The chair welcomed the participants and opened the meeting at 8:45, 15.12.2011.

2. Adoption of the agenda Agenda was adopted without changes.

3. Project work plan – short report on implemented actions so far

3.1 Sampling of adult salmon (coastal and estuarine) and juveniles (rivers): status and numbers

Coastal, fjord and estuary - sampling of adults in 2011

Russian coastal and estuarine sampling 2011 Sergey Prusov reported on the actions implemented in . Adult fish sampling was conducted from commercial catches in the Terskiy Bereg of oblast and in the Zimniy Bereg of Archangelsk oblast. Samples were also collected from fish taken in the research fishery on the Rybachiy Peninsula (early July). Estuarine areas in 2011: adult fish sampling was conducted from commercial catches in the Pechora River and Severnaya Dvina River (August– September). Samples were also collected from fish taken in the research fishery in the Varzuga River. Number of samples: Terskiy Bereg – 500, Zimniy Bereg – 60, River estuaries – 240, Rybachiy – 50. In total: 850 samples. The commercial fishery starts in the for a couple of weeks period in June, and they resume fishing in late August in area of the White Sea. In Archangelsk region fishing at the Zimniy Bereg and Letnjj Bereg is conducted. There is no fishery along the Karelian coast, just subsistent fisheries: none samples from here. Quota regulations in Kola Peninsula area: up to 20 tonnes total for all stations in use today. Five (5) fishing entities (“users”) have quota for coastal salmon fishing on the Kola Peninsula today. In Archangelsk region the quota is 15 tonnes in total, this is a newer system in this region with up to 200 users, distributed on the existing fishing stations.

Plan for 2012 – coastal and estuarine sampling Russia Plan for the year 2012 is to continue salmon coastal/ estuarine sampling in June-July in Letnij Bereg (summer coast) of Archangelsk oblast and Rybachiy Peninsula areas, July in area (northeast on the Kola Peninsula - East of Kola river).

Discussion and questions: Up to date the amount of Russian adult scale samples collected from coastal and estuary fishery is approximately 1100 (2008, 2010 and 2011), the plan is to analyse up to 2200 adult Russian salmon scale samples. Is there other historical adult scale material available for the project, and if yes in what amounts?

Norwegian coastal sampling 2011 Martin Svenning reported from the results from the coastal sampling in Norway. Sampling localities: number of localities in Nordland: 3, in Troms: 6 and in Finnmark: 29. The sampling of adult salmon was conducted by professional sea fishermen using commercial fishing gear, i.e. hook nets and/or bag nets. The fishermen involved were given a special permission (applied from DN) when fishing outside the ordinary fishing season (~May and 5th August- 8th September) or during the ordinary season if fishing was conducted with a method or gear being otherwise prohibited. The special fishing permission was connected to the person fishing and his legal fishing site. A few fishermen had access to two localities when fishing with the special permission in May month, while most of them are allowed to use only one site. During the ordinary fishing season fishermen are allowed to use 1-3 sites. The average catch in Nordland: 95 fish/ fisherman, average catch in Troms: 393 fish/ fisherman (+ 47 additional samples from Malangen) and in Finnmark: 189 fish/ fisherman.


Eero Niemelä reported the numbers Norwegian adult scale material and its further process. Material from sea collected in 2011: material included 7253 wild salmon; 1050 escaped salmon, 2 kelts, 33 trout, 4 Pacific salmon, 7 not information; altogether 8349 fish. The number of previous spawners was 270. The total numbers of fish scales to be measured is approx. 6983 (previous spawners and escaped salmon excluded). The total number of fish for genetic analysis is 7250 fish (only first time spawners and previous spawners)

Plan for 2012 - coastal sampling Norway List of fishermen – dead line in March 2012, FMFi will arrange individual contracts with participating fishermen. NB: Migratory pattern, spatial and temporal coverage, district distribution (coastal and fjord fishery) – plan the sampling on the basis of results from 2011.

Discussion and questions: UTU has budgeted analyses of 12 000 adult scale samples (6000/ year). By today UTU has received approx. 7250 samples for DNA analysis. By today UTU has processed approx 3000 adult scales from 2011 and by the February meeting the number will be approx. 4000. These 4000 fish will be used to plan coastal sampling for 2012, with the extended 18 marker baseline. IMR will deliver the extended 18 marker baseline to UTU before 31.1 for assignments of the 4000 adult salmon. The planned 6000 scales will be ready in the course of May 2012, before new 2012 coastal samples start coming in. The price for additional samples over the planned 12 000 is approx. 9 €/ sample: approx. 1250 more samples were delivered in by fishermen in 2011. UTU has budget to analyse 5000 samples from 2012 catches in 2012 – if no additional funding is available. Important to have optimal spatial and temporal coverage in the adult sampling because of the plan to describe the migratory behaviour of different salmon stocks in the project area.

Rivers – sampling of juvenile baseline in 2011

Russian juvenile baseline sampling – status and numbers Sergey Prusov reports on the Russian baseline sampling. Baseline sampling in 2011 was conducted in the rivers of , Archangelsk oblast, Karelia and Komi Republics. Number of samples: Kola Peninsula – 13 rivers (1050 samples), Karelia – 1 river (40 samples), Pechora – 2 rivers (100 samples), Severnaya Dvina – 3 rivers (40 samples), Kuloy – 3 rivers (80 samples). In total: 1300 samples in 2011. Number of samples collected 2001-2011: 2001-2007 – 3 rivers (130 samples), 2008 – 12 rivers (1000 samples), 2009 – 33 rivers (2500 samples), 2010 – 10 rivers (500 samples), 2011 – 22 rivers (1300 samples). In total Russia up until today: 80 rivers (5400 samples). Sergey will compile and circulate list of Russian rivers sampled and rivers to be sampled.

Plan for baseline sampling in 2012 – Russia In general the Murmansk area has good coverage, 2 more rivers between Pyalitza and Ponoi will be sampled in 2012. Towards the White Sea coast still 5-6 rivers will be sampled in 2012 (the status will then be total of 20 rivers for this area). River basin of Mesen - 10 rivers to be sampled in 2012, the plan is to have 5-600 samples. Also rivers in the region of Karelia remain to be sampled. Analysis of the Russian baseline samples has priority, also with regards of the ‘gen map’ action. If there is need to reduce analysed numbers, reduce first in the coastal/ estuarine samples in the Russian material.

Norwegian juvenile baseline sampling – status and numbers Referring to earlier documents circulated by Eero Niemelä concerning the Finnmark and Troms baseline numbers. Collected in 2009: 1044 samples from juvenile salmon in Finnmark; in 2010: 3350 samples from juvenile salmon in Finnmark; in 2011: 2350 samples from juvenile salmon from 3 rivers in Finnmark and from 27 rivers in Troms. In addition in 2011 it was collected: 3130 samples from salmon juveniles from the 20 biggest salmon rivers in Finnmark for Øystein Skaala (IMR). This material is used for the analysis of the possible effects of escaped salmon on the juvenile production. Altogether 6744 samples (not including samples to Øystein Skaala) has been collected by Fylkesmannen i Finnmark/FGFRI in 2009-2011 from Finnmark and Troms. Number of samples collected by NINA in year 2011: rivers in Nordland – 20. Nordland rivers – Roksdal, Saltdal, Beiar are sampled and analyzed baseline in IMR.

IMR keeps a list of all sampled rivers + rivers planned to be sampled in 2012 in the project area. The list/ data base also include info on the number of markers they are analysed with. This list will be put on the share point when it is ready.


Plan for baseline sampling in 2012 – Norway Nordland rivers to be sampled – approx. xx rivers. Troms rivers to be sampled – maximum 5-6. Finnmark rivers to be sampled – maximum 7-10.

Discussion and questions:

Further strategy for the baseline analysis – towards the February meeting Currently at IMR: approx. 135 rivers/ sites. More rivers from Nordland, Troms and Russia will arrive in 2011/ 2012. IMR has budgeted analyses of maximum 150 rivers. As it now looks approx. 180 rivers will be sampled in the course of the project. Prioritising of rivers will be necessary, depending on regional coverage, smolt production and attainable precision in the assignment etc. River priority and strategy towards February 2012 meeting+ background for the plan for the coastal sampling in 2012; 1) Improve areal/ regional coverage: by expanding the baseline analyse rivers in Troms 9 (+ 2 rivers already ready in UTU – total 11 rivers to February). Improve the areal coverage both in Russia (Dvina, Mesen, Pechora – Eastern Russia – Karelia 1 Keret River), at least with the 18 markers. White Sea rivers – Umba, Varzuga, Kovda, Kitsa, Kanda (+ 5-6 more rivers will be sampled in 2012). Take the largest populations in the area as an addition to the 18 + marker baseline; 2) Combine all existing baseline for some areas with the 31marker system already in UTU and IMR – f. Ex. to expand the baseline for Varanger area; 3) Calibrate data sets between UTU- IMR; 4) Analyse 2-3 Ponoi populations – to investigate differences/ to see if the samples are representative.

IMR has dead line in the end of January – extended 18 marker baselines for as many rivers as possible. UTU gets the extended baseline and makes the assignments for the adult fish (4000 from 2011). Late second week of February at latest NINA gets the assigned material – for picture/ graph production to the Steering Group meeting – plan for sampling in 2012.

UTU have some Finnmark rivers analysed earlier with DN funding - Close cooperation between IMR and UTU is important to harmonise/ calibrate and avoid double analysis for existing and future baseline analysis. Some more expenses for IMR are to be expected because of the approx. 30 additional rivers. Also approx. 20 rivers from Troms are sampled in 2011 – who will analyse these will be discussed and agreed upon in the Murmansk meeting – cooperation IMR/ UTU. Vidar will circulate updated baseline maps when more rivers/ more markers are finished.

IMR wants to wait with the smallest rivers (give priority to larger first) – because of the smallest once may not give or contribute much to productivity, catch statistics or the overall picture. A genetic map of the populations in the project area is thought one promised result for the project – so it is important to analyse all rivers - also the small ones in the course of the project.

Reproduction numbers from Kola Peninsula rivers exist and also historical catches in Archangel and Komi regions exists - from this one can get estimate reproduction potentials. The current status for populations is low in Karelian area. Current status for the stocks is not known. Annual catches used to be 6-700 tonnes.

3.2 Genetics: Baseline and adult salmon scales – status and number of analysed samples

Juvenile baseline Vidar Wennevik reports on the current status for the baseline analysis: current numbers: 5300 samples (Russian and Norwegian), 2500 samples are analysed. The current baseline situation is: number of “31 marker rivers” is 20-25; 18 marker rivers approx. 65; and 85 rivers not analyzed yet. The pace in IMR laboratory, approx. 7 months for 135 rivers with the 31 marker system + Nordland rivers 10. In the end of 2012 the baseline will be complete with 31 marker system – for the sampled rivers/ sites. The pace in IMR laboratory concerning the baseline analysis is approximately 3- 4 rivers with the 31 marker system/ week. Until February meeting 15 more/ new rivers will be analysed. The protocol prepared in UTU is working well.

Adult salmon scales Juha-Pekka Vähä reports on the status for the Norwegian adult scales analyses at UTU. UTU has processed approx 3000 adult scales from 2011 and by the February meeting the number will be approx. 4000. The planned annual 6000 scales will be ready in the course of May 2012 – before new 2012 coastal samples start coming in. UTU can have some possibilities to help out in parts of the baseline analyses – if needed to keep the time schedules for the project (January to June – before the 2012 samples come in). IMR will consider this before the February meeting. At this point UTU gives priority to processing materials from 2011 and returns back to adult materials from 2008 and 2009 at a later stage. The materials from 2008 is processed approx. n=1400 samples (analysed with the full set of markers and


working well). Some reruns will be necessary – but UTU returns later to this. 100 samples of total 900 samples from 2009 material are processed – can be used as a supplement when now planning sampling for 2012.

Discussion and questions: DNA analyses of Russia adult scales – Russian coastal material analyses are postponed after all baselines are ready. Materials from 2008 and 2010 and 2011 will be analysed in the end of 2012.

Comparison of SNPs and microsatellite markers Mikhail Ozerov presents the technical study; SNPs vs. Microsatellite markers. 12 chosen populations (Norwegian and Russian) have been analysed with a combined 30 loci marker system vs. SNPs. The results of this study will be published – tentative dead line for article is set to June 2012. The project goes on with microsatellites as planned and saves the SNPs for future projects. UTU genetic staff has done a great job with the implementation of the technical study.

3.3 Ecology: Scales-status and numbers of analysed scales

Norway: analysed coastal scales, adult and juvenile river scales Eero Niemelä reported on the numbers of Norwegian adult scale samples and on the status of the further analyses (ageing etc.) of the samples. Material from sea collected in 2008: aged, impressions has been done earlier; all the wild salmon scales have been measured from digital photos in 2011. Material from sea collected in 2009: aged, impressions has been done earlier; all the wild salmon scales (approx. 1000 fish) has been measured from digital photos in 2011. Material from sea collected in 2011: material included 7253 wild salmon; 1050 escaped salmon, 2 kelts, 33 trout, 4 Pacific salmon, 7 not information; altogether 8349 fish. Ageing and impressions has been done; wild salmon scales (approx. 2298 fish) has digital photos and from 1284 fish also growth measurements has been done. The total numbers of salmon scales is 8349 fish including the number of escaped salmon (1050 escaped salmon). Number of previous spawners was 270. The total numbers of fish scales to be measured is approx. 6983 (previous spawners and escaped salmon excluded). Materials collected from juveniles in Finnmark (2008 and 2010) have been analysed (aged and growth measurements); 2011 juvenile material from Finnmark (20 rivers) also finished. Juvenile material from Troms collected in 2011 will be ready in early April 2012.

Adult sampling in Rivers - Finland FGFRI have also materials form following rivers. Scale samples have been collected from the rivers Tana and Neiden in 2011 totalling to 6364 (Tana Finland; 3013, Tana Norway; 2752, Neiden Norway; 537, Neiden Finland; 60.

Archival materials (FGFRI) There is material available for Kolarctic from the Rivers Neiden and Tana (with tributaries). The material from the river Tana is from 1973 and from the Tana tributaries from 1975 and from the river Neiden since early 1980’s. This material can be used to describe the general ecology of salmon: life history in general, long-term changes in the population structure like sea-ages, smolt ages, sex distributions, annual variations in the mean lengths and weights. All the material from the River Tana system and from the River Neiden has been aged until 2010, impressions have been done until 2011, and scale growth measurements have been done until 2005. When data from the scales are combined with temperature and other environmental parameters, one can get indications due to climate change.

Question regarding data from other rivers in the Kolarctic area. To be able to describe the salmon resource of the area archival materials are needed. Martin Svenning will find Norwegian data from the salmon register and scale data existing from NINA / Fisheries directorate projects.

Russia: analysed coastal and estuary scales and adult (archival materials) and juvenile river scales Sergey Prusov reports on the numbers of analysed scales. Database for weights, lengths and ageing is ok for 500 scales. No equipment for making digital photos, that’s why no growth measurements yet. In the beginning of 2012 (March) PINRO will go to Utsjoki and make digital prints and measurements analysis. Juvenile salmon – 1300 samples – ageing is ok and database ok – take certain rivers also from Russia – this to be linked to future changes in the climate and spatial growth comparisons with in Kolarctic area. Also adult scale materials from rivers exist - to make comparison in the Kolarctic area between rivers + juvenile material –in terms of the plan to make the scale reading manual for the Kolarctic area (Northern populations) – to describe the area as a whole. White Sea rivers have a different pattern than rivers. FGFRI and PINRO will coordinate and choose the materials and plan for the working period at FGFRI in March 2012.


Discussion and questions: What data has been recorded and is scales also taken from the juveniles in Russian rivers? The collected baseline in Norway: simultaneously with the sampling for genetic analyses, also scales from the same juveniles were collected, together with additional parameters (length and possible sex – in accordance with the baseline manual) – this to be linked to future changes in the climate and spatial growth comparisons with in Kolarctic area. Russia: long term data from adult salmon – monitoring programmes exists. A list/ table is needed: on the numbers of scales which will be genetically analysed and which will be measured for growth analyses + From which rivers there are scales available for long-term growth analysis and are those scales already measured? Possible manuscripts from the scale material (Norway, Russia and Finland): Collection of the data which is available to describe the general ecology of salmon in Barents area (juvenile growth; to compare the growth over the large Barents area; smolt ages for 1SW etc. Salmon; smolt migration time; sea ages, sex distributions for 1SW etc. salmon in different areas; migration time into the rivers and/or catch timing in the river fisheries and what are the other ecological parameters to compare between rivers?)

3.4. Statistics, databases and data exchange – current issues

Salmon catch data from SSB, salmon catch data from the rivers Comparison between SSB data and own data (catches/ method, fish/ day etc.). To see the long term variation and compare with management measures in the area – ecology of salmon, what are the catches in coastal areas and in rivers, life history of salmon in the rivers. What kind of data is available: to describe the stocks/ the salmon resource: what is the stock in the rivers: basic data from rivers. What is the sea age distribution in the different rivers: where this info is available? See also point 3.6.

Genetic database – SalSea ICES will probably in near future take over and physically be keeping the salsea database. Data storage place at the moment is in IMR. Maintaining and entering new data will not be the responsibility of the ICES. The Salsea Steering group has agreed that Kolarctic salmon project can use the salsea database for assignments. Kolarctic data will later be entered into this salsea database – when certain issues are clarified.

Data chairing/ delivery outside the project It was decided, with reference to the signed partnership agreements - that all exchange of data (delivery of data) - outside of the Kolarctic salmon project – is not allowed – before the project itself have consolidate the results and published it. After the results have been published by the project – the data will be available for others outside the project – also with reference to the signed Partnership agreement. Data exchange inside the project has to be continuous.

Juvenile growth Eero Niemelä - Materials on juvenile growth is needed for the manuscript/ report on the ecology of salmon in the Barents region. Describe the resource; the resource is catch in both rivers and in the sea - long term data on catches. In the Norwegian ‘lakseregisteret’ kilos are reported. ICES catch statistics – in WG reports.

3.5. Additional and background data (temperatures, environmental parameters, SSB catch statistics and Russian catch statistics, development in the fishing exploitation like the numbers of fishermen, the numbers of different fishing gears and their spatial distribution) – current issues Temperatures from the coastal areas, from rivers, all catch statistics, numbers of fishermen actively fishing in the coastal and fjord areas, development in the numbers of fishing gears. FGFRI: River temperatures recorded in summer 2011; 4 rivers draining to the Varangerfjord. Temperatures on PINRO web site.

3.6. Collection of the data from management measures Collect data concerning management measures and also some historical perspective on it. Describe how the management is and has been taking place in the different countries (authorities etc.). Deliverable: a summary report – on the regulatory measurements, describing the actual exploitation in coastal area – gears etc. Eero will take the lead in this manuscript work, and for this work he will need the input from Norway and Russia.

3.7 Project administration and management – current issues Start the process with auditing and first project interim reporting. Lead Partner will make the first draft of the narrative interim report. LP needs the partners to deliver their overviews of expenditure up to 30.11 – please deliver ASAP (dead line was 13.12.2011). LP will be in contact to partners with more instructions concerning the auditing etc.


2nd prepayment process can only be started after the first interim narrative and financial reporting has been approved by the Kolarctic JMA.

4. Issues for the Steering group – division of tasks according to the agenda Drafted Steering group agenda will be circulated to the project group for inputs and comments – before sending to Steering group members – latest 14 days prior to the planned Meeting in February. Also staff exchange/ learning trips to Russian side were discussed – coastal/ estuarine fishing in Varzuga – visit in late Sept.-Oct. is possible to arrange. A press statement on the numbers of escaped salmon: possibly after the next steering group meeting.

5. Review of the results “Coastal fishing in Finnmark - resource and potential” (pilot project in 2008) Martin Svenning shortly presents the results from 2008 (presentation attached). PINRO has translated the report concerning the pilot project. Sergey will deliver the translation to be published on the Kolarctic web site.

6. Next meeting: time and place Next project group meeting will be held back to back with the 2nd Steering Group meeting, 15th -16th February 2012, in Murmansk at PINROs Office.

7. Any other business

Share point The Share point should be up and running in the end of 2011 at IMR, it will enable a more flexible data sharing and updating of common documents. The use of share point from IMR will be free of charge for the project. NINA has already a system up and running – but not for free - The project decides to wait a little while longer for share point at IMR.

Need for more project group meetings – workshops/ seminars There seems to be a need for more than one-two project group meetings/ year. LP will arrange more meeting points annually for the project group. Next after February in May/ June 2012, possible themes: to examine how the coastal sampling has started/will be arranged; how has implementation for all DNA analyses (baseline and adult scales) continued; status for the assignments; growth of juveniles etc. Work shop/ seminar themes; ecological status and population structure; Genetics – harmonization of stock assignments/ genotyping etc. Detailed time schedule is requested – times deadlines for the actions in the work plan – LP will make proposal.

Notes from the late evening meetings 15.12.2011 UTU and IMR: Evaluated genotyping, the 31 microsatellites are calibrated between the gen labs– agreed on some extra runs to calibrate some more. NINA and FGFRI: publications on the number so escaped salmon in the catches. Timetable: first draft before the February meeting (NINA with Martin – is responsible). High frequency of farmed fish: relatively, big farmed fish, two possible hypotheses; less farmed fish east wards; and less in the inner parts of the fjords. Look at the pattern of the farmed fish – possible to see if it is from single or multiple escaping episodes. To assign for origin is not possible. Approx. 300 farmed fish (May-June) are analyzed in UTU. Proportion of escapes in the rivers – to get information on numbers etc. is important. More ideas for manuscripts; make a note from the pilot 2008 with extended info – Martin has the lead. All participants’ names mentioned in the articles and fishermen acknowledged in the joint publications – NB have good processes on drafts etc.

Adult scales from rivers in Finnmark – summer 2012 Scales from some representative Finnmark rivers – Eero and Vidar takes this issue further.

Meeting ended at 10:30 16.12.2011