Constitution of Zimbabwe Rhodesia, 1979
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Date Printed: 01/13/2009 JTS Box Number: 1FES 20 Tab Number: 47 Document Title: 1979 CONSTITUTION NO 12, RHODESIA, ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A NEW CONSTITUTION FOR Document Date: 1979 Document Country: Z1M Document Language: ENG 1FES 10: CON00006 ~I~E ~I~ A 1979 CoNSTmrrION No. 12 • RHODESIA ACT To provide for a new Constitution for Zimbabwe Rhodesia; to provide for the entrenchment of cer- . tain provisions of the laws to be enacted relating to electoral matters, education or medical services; to restrict the power of the Legislature to amend the provisions of certain other laws; and to provide for matters incidental to or connected with the • foregoing. ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS PRELIMINARY Section ... I. Citation. 2. Date of commencement. CHAPTER I THE STATE AND THE CoNsTmrrION 3. The State. 4. Public seal. 5. The Constitution. Printed by the Government Printer 239 No. 12 CoNSTITlITION 1979 CHAPTER IT HEAD OF STATE Section 6. The President. 7. Powers and <Ipties pf'President. S. Qualifications of President. 9. Election· <,>fPresident. 10 . Tenure.. of office of PreSident. .N: Acting President. 12. Oath of office. ., 13. Protection ·of dignity and reputation of President or Acting President. 14. Salary and allowances of President and .Acting President. CHAPTER ill TIm LEGISLATURE PART I LEGISLATIVE AUTIIORITY J 15. Legislative authority. 16. Parliament. 17. Electoral Law. PART IT TIm SENATE IS. Composition of Senate. 19. Election of President of Senate. 20. Tenure of office of President of Senate. 21. Election of Deputy President of Senate. PART ill THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY 22. Composition of House of Assembly. 23. Election.of Speaker. 24. Tenure of office of Speaker. 25. Election of Deputy Speaker. PARTN SENATE AND HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY 26. Remuneration of President of Senate and Speaker. • 27. Powers of Ministers and Deputy Ministers in Senate and House of Assembly. 2S. Vacating of seats by members. 29. Tenure of seat of member of Senate or House of Assembly. :ed to death or to imprisonment spension of members convicted of certain edings. From the Election Memorabili<! .. Collection of PART V Robert E. Henderson ~ COMMITTEE AND ITS FuNcnONS I Committee . Donated to the F. Clifton White • te Legal Committee. ions of Senate Legal Committee. Resource Center of the International Foundation 240 for Election Systems June 4,2003 1979 CoNSTITUTION No. 12 PART VI GENERAL POWERS AND PROCEDURE Section 37. Power to make laws. 38. Standing Orders. 39. Oath of loyalty. 40. Presiding in Parliament. 41. Quorum in Parliament. 42. Voting in Parliament. 43. Parliamentary records and translation of debates. 44. Privileges of Parliament and members and officers thereof. 45. Secretary to Parliament and other staff of Parliament. 46. President and other persons may address Parliament. PART VII PROCEDURE IN REGARD TO BILLS AND OrnER MATTERS 47. Introduction of Bills. motions and petitions. 48. Procedure in regard to Bills. 49. Disagreement between Senate and House of Assembly. • 50. Functions of Senate Legal Committee- in regard to Bills. 51. Reports of Senate Legal Committee. 52. Procedure in regard to Bills where certificate of urgency is issued. 53. Money Bills. 54. Provisions relating to amendments to Bills. 55. Assent to Bills. 56. Further provisions relating to enactment of Bills. 57. Enrolment of Acts. PART VIIl FUNcnONS OF SENATE LEGAL CoMMITTEE IN REGARD TO STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS 58. Statutory instruments to be referred to Senate Legal Com- mittee. 59. Senate Legal Committee to report . 60. Senate to consider report. 61. Procedure after report considered. • 62. Report on draft statutory instruments. PART IX SUMMONING. PROROGATION AND DISSOLUTION 63. Sessions of Parliament. 64. Prorogation or dissolution. CHAP1ER IV THE EXECUTIVE 65. Executive authority vested in President acting on advice of Executive Council. 66. Executive powers. 67. Ministers and Deputy Ministers. 68. Tenure of office of Prime Minister. Ministers and Deputy Ministers. 69. Acting Prime Minister. 241 No. 12 CoNSTITUTION 1979 Section 70. Executive Council. 71. Exercise of functions of President. 72. President to be kept informed. 73. Disposal of land. 74. Prerogative of mercy. 75. Declaration relating to public emergencies. CHAPTER V THE JUDICATURE 76. Composition of the High Court. 77. Chief Justice of Zimbabwe Rhodesia. 78. Composition and jurisdiction of Appellate Division. ., 79. Composition and jurisdiction of General Division and criminal jurisdiction of other courts. 80. Qualifications of judges. 81. Oath of office. 82. Appointment of judges. 83. Acting judges. 84. Tenure of office of judges. • 85. Removal of judges from office. 86. Remuneration of judges. 87. Law to be administered. CHAPTER VI COMMISSIONS AND PUBLIC OFFICES PART I JUDICIAL SERVICE CoMMISSION 88. Judicial Service Commission. 89. Functions of Judicial Service Commission. 90. Holders of judicial office. PART II THE PUBLIC SERVICE AND THE PRISON SERVICE 91. The Public Service and the Prison Service. 92. Public Service Commission. 93. Functions of Public Service Commission. 94. Powers of Public Service Commission. 95. Attorney-General. • 96. Comptroller and Auditor-General. 97. Principal representatives of Zimbabwe Rhodesia abroad. PART III THE POLICE FORCE 98. Police Force and Commissioner of Police. 99. Members of Police Force. 100. Police Service Commission. 101. Functions of Police Service Commission. 102. Powers of Police Service Commission to make regulations. PARTlY THE DEFENCE FORCES 103. Defence Forces and Commanders thereof. 104. Members of Defence Forces. 242 1979 CoNSTI11JTION No. 12 Section 105. Defence Forces Service Comljlission. 106. Functions of Defence Forces Service Commission. 107. Powers of Defence Forces Service Co=ission to make regulations. PART V GENERAL lOS. Tenure of office of members of Commissions. 109. Performance of functions of Commissions. 11 O. Secretary and staff of Commissions. III. Removal of certain officers. , 112. Protection of pension rights of public officers. 113. Interpretation in Cbapter VI. CHAPlER VII FINANCE 114. Consolidated Revenue Fund. I! 5. Witbdrawals from Consolidated Revenue Fund or other • public fund. 116. Authorization of expenditure from Consolidated Revenue Fund by appropriation. 117. Authorization of expenditure in advance of appropriation. liS. Public debt. 119. Functions of Comptroller and Auditor·General. CHAPTER vrn THE DECLARATION OF RIGHTS 120. Protection of right to life. 121. Protection of right to personal liberty. 122. Protection from slavery and forced labour. 123. Protection from inhuman treatment. 124. Protection from deprivation of property. 125. Protection from arbitrary search or entry. 126. Provisions to secure protection of law. 127. Protection of freedom of conscience . 12S. Protection of freedom of expression. 129. Protection of freedom of assembly and association. • 130. Protection of freedom of movement. 131. Protection from discrimination. • 132. Savings for periods of public emergency . 133. Other special savings. 134. Enforcement of protective provisions of Declaration of Rights. 135. Validity of existing laws. 136. Interpretation of terms in Cbapter VIII. CHAPlER IX CITIZENSHIP 137. Persons who continue as citizens of Zimbabwe Rhodesia. I3S. Citizenship by birth. 139. Citizenship by descent. 140. Citizenship by registration. 141. Multiple citizenship. 243 No. U CoNSTITUTION 1979 Section 142. Powers of Parliament in relation to citizenship. 143. Interpretation in Chapter IX. CHAPTER X OMBUDSMAN 144. Office of Ombudsman. 145. Staff of Ombudsman. 146. Payment of salaries and allowances of Ombudsman and his staff. 147. Investigations by Ombudsman. 148. Procedure in respect of investigations. 149. PrOceedings after investigation. 150. Payment of costs or expenses incurred in relation to pro- ceedings for enforcement of Declaration of Rights. 151. Discharge of functions of Ombudsman. 152. Right of Ombudsman to obtain advice. 153. Supplementary and ancillary provisions. 154. Interpretation of term in Chapter X. • CHAPTER XI AMENDMENT OF CoNSTlnmON AND ENTRENCHED PROVISIONS OF OrnER LAws 155. Power to amend Constitution. 156. Constitutional Bill not to amend other laws. 157. Special procedure for Constitutional Bill. 158. Submission of Constitutional Bill for assent. 159. Review of certain provisions relating to composition of Parliament. 160. Amendment of entrenched provisions of certain other Jaws. CHAPTER XII MISCElLANEOUS PROVISIONS PART I GENERAL 161. English language. 162. Chiefs and Councils of Chiefs. • 163. Regional authorities. 164. Statutory Corporations Commission. • 165. Remittability of pensions. 166. Repeal of former Constitution. 167. Transitional provisions. PART II INTERPRETATION 168. Application of this Part. 169. Interpretation. 170. Supplementary provisions. FIRST SCHEDULE: Oaths. SECOND SCHEDULE: Specially Entrenched Provisions. THIRD ScHEDULE: Transitional Provisions. 244 1979 CoNSTI11JTION No. 12 DEDICATION The peoples of Zimbabwe Rhodesia humbly acclaim the supremacy and omnipotence of Almighty'God and acknowledge the ultimate direction by Him of the ·affairs of men. BE IT ENACTED by the President and the Parliament of Rhodesia. as folJows;- PRELIMINARY 1. This Constitution may be cited as the Constitution of Citation, Zimbabwe Rhodesia. 1979. 2. (I) Save as is otherwise provided in paragraph I of the Date of commencement. Third Schedule. this Constitution shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by the President as defined in the former Consti tution by proclamation in the Gazette, (2) The date to