
Mark Series To Be Used: Session 3: Unites Potential Sermon Title: How Christ Works Passage: Mark 3:7-19

Connection to Mark 3:7-4:34

Jesus works with people who come to Him. As He works with them, He draws them closer so they can become fulfilled and productive members of His family.


What’s he up to over there?

Neighbors raise question when they notice the new guy who has moved in to the community. They observe that he’s building something in his backyard—something that they can’t identify just yet. But instead of getting to know him and finding out about his new building project, they watch him from a distance, usually with a little suspicion in their hearts. By watching his actions, they try to get a better idea regarding his intentions.

Folks who lived in ’ day often misunderstand Him. They couldn’t figure out what He was up to in His ministry. He helped them see Him in a way that would draw them closer to Him.

Misunderstandings about Jesus continue to abound. Sadly, the misunderstandings are based on information that’s not reliable. People who have heard about Him from only second-hand sources usually come away with false notions about Him and His intentions. But when they watch Him at work, they will be drawn to Him.

For believers, we have a perspective about Jesus that’s shaped by a first-hand relationship. When He is at work in us, we’re assured that He’s not doing something that would frighten us away from Him. Instead, what He’s doing in us brings us even closer to Him.


1. Jesus cares (7-12). a) Hurting people eagerly seek the care that Jesus gives (7-10). The crowds continued to grow as Jesus preached, taught, healed, and helped. By the way He handled the needs that people brought to Him, He portrayed a caring heart and a sensitivity to their needs. People today can be drawn to Jesus through the caring actions of believers who work in His name. Equally important, they’re drawn to Him as they encounter Him through His Word and the work of His Spirit. b) Caring for people displays Jesus’ authority over the demonic influence (11-12). Jesus encountered the enemy as He cared for a person from whom He cast out unclean spirits. The encounter signified the incredible reach of Jesus’ authority.

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Because He’s the , He had complete sovereignty over demonic power. The enemy hushed in the presence of the Son of God. The account reminds believers today of the enemy’s ambition to control and destroy. At the same time, Jesus gives us complete assurance of His absolute power over the enemy.

2. Jesus calls (13-19). a) Jesus has extraordinary intentions for His disciples (13-15). Jesus called twelve men to join Him on a mountain retreat. There He would share with them His intention for them to grow from spiritual infancy to maturity in discipleship. As His disciples, they would go out in His name. Under His authority, they would be able to preach the to everyone everywhere. He would also equip them so they would have authority over powerful demonic influences. His intentions for the disciples would position them to experience extraordinary victories because of His leadership in their lives. His intentions for disciples today have not changed. He’s calling believers to grow toward maturity. As a result, we’ll be able to do much more than we could ever imagine because of His work in us. b) Jesus’ disciples are ordinary people (16-19). When you look at the list of people whom Jesus called, you don’t see any extraordinary individuals. They’re all rather ordinary people. Follow their lives, however, and you will see how they realized the intention of Christ for them. They took on monumental tasks, and they were extremely effective because of Jesus working with them, in them, and through them. By the same token, when we look at ourselves in the mirror, most of us see the ordinary. But growing in discipleship allows Him to work in us so we’ll be able to be effective for His glory.

Conclusion Now that you’ve seen Christ at work in this account, follow Him. Then He can begin to work in you to accomplish His purpose through you. He cares for you, and He wants you to follow Him. Surrender to Him so He can enable you to honor Him with your life.

Argile Smith serves as the pastor of Parkway Baptist Church in Biloxi, Mississippi. A graduate of William Carey College (BA) and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, he has also served as a theological educator and Baptist college administrator. He and his wife, Connie, have three grown sons, three remarkable daughters-in-law, and four fairly perfect grandchildren.

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