, & Wyre Development Trust Registered Office: The Manse, Rousay, , KW17 2PR Telephone: 01856 821229 General Enquiries: [email protected] Grant Enquiries: [email protected]

REW DT Board Meeting, Wednesday 26 May 2021 @ 19:30 MINUTES

Present: Kayleigh Tipper (Chair), Peter Roebuck (Vice Chair), Carolyne Tunbridge (Treasurer), Carole Maguire, Alison Mainland, Callum Flaws, Sarah Foulds, Eric Shortland, Richard Tipper and Mark Hull. This was a virtual meeting (via Zoom) due to the COVID-19 restrictions.

In Attendance: Helen Castle (Co Sec/AFO)

1. Welcome & Apologies for absence – The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.

2. Minutes of the Virtual Board Meeting 07 April 2021 were approved. (Proposed: Peter Roebuck, Seconded: Carolyne Tunbridge).

3. Action points (see below) and other matters arising (if not elsewhere on agenda). 16 December 2019 AP2: Vice-Chair will give the Co Sec new training on how to correct the financial report feedback for the future accounts. Ongoing. AP3: The directors will feedback, following their meeting on 01/02/2020, to the Co Sec the format they would like the Development Plan to be in and the strategic vision of the board and how this is to be included in the new Development Plan. Ongoing. 13 January 2021 AP3: PM to get in touch with i-design for a quote for the banners. Ongoing 20 February 2021 AP6: PM to obtain written confirmation that items left in the garage do not belong to The Crafthub. Ongoing. AP7: PM to contact Zurich again for an update on insurance claim. Superseded. AP9: PM to feedback to Matt Haselden re the COVID leaflet and ask him to action the feedback from the Board. Discharged AP13: PM to take option of smaller low-spec office printer and continuing to outsource other printing to the Board meeting in March. Discharged. 17 March 2021 AP1: Directors to let the PM know of any new grant category ideas for the 2021/2022 financial year before the next board meeting. Discharged.

REWDT Directors: Kayleigh Tipper (Chair), Peter Roebuck (Vice-Chair), Carolyne Tunbridge (Treasurer), Carole Maguire, Alison Mainland, Eric Shortland, Callum Flaws, Sarah Foulds, Richard Tipper & Mark Hull (Co-opted Director).

AP4: Directors - the Co Sec asked all directors who have not already done so to get their Director declaration/expression of interests & code of conduct forms signed and back to her ASAP. Ongoing for Mark, Eric, Richard, Kayleigh, Carole (both forms) & Sarah (Director declaration/expression of interest form only). 23 March 2021 – Pier Meeting AP1: Eric offered to remove all the rubbish from the Pier, including the carpets, providing they are bagged into commercial rubbish bags which the PM agreed to get from the OIC. The PM to inform Eric once rubbish is ready for collection. Ongoing. AP2: The PM added that Robert is aware he needs to put a UV filter into the borehole, and she will chase this and then speak to OIC to get a test date arranged. Superseded. AP3: Co Sec to progress the insurance. Ongoing. 07 April 2021 Budget Meeting AP1: The board agreed all directors to come to the next meeting with ideas for what the Wyre School building could be used for. Ongoing.

4. Declaration of Interests – No directors declared any potential conflict of interest regarding this meeting’s Agenda items

5. REWIRED Update. Productivity at the turbine for the past 3 months. 2020/21 Actual % Productivity % Curtailment Productivity (against 37% (against 7% (kWh) target) expectation) February 345,276 57.09% 12.6%

March 356,992 53.31% 9.8%

April 216,542 33.42% 17.4%

Curtailment is looking to increase coming into the summer months as usual. There will be a new generator coming online in zone 1, which may have significant effects on productivity.

6. HSO Update. HSO Ltd has a new PM in post for Thursdays only who is working with the staff to finalise the project with a proposed end date of October 2021. Staff are aware of projected completion date. HSO Ltd. are awaiting details from Kaluza regarding the £42,000 decommissioning budget. Letters will be issued to customers regarding the gifting of devices. There will be a tight control on the finances given the project end date. Lists are being produced for all outstanding actions that will need to be taken by October 2021 including banking, VAT, company implications, storage of paperwork etc.


Mark Hull explained that although the project had been a success; we do not have the market here in Orkney to make this profitable at this time. Other area electricity suppliers are looking at adopting a similar scheme.

7. Grant Applications G21 01G - Triangle Club General Grant application for £9,570.00 for the continuation of the provision of mid-week meals for members and vulnerable residents, due to the current COVID-19 funding ending on 31 May 2021. Peter Roebuck shared that previously OIC had provided all island lunch clubs with an annual grant but this year had stopped this without a lot of notice. Alison confirmed the weekly rent @ £35.00 The Triangle Club cannot restart until 22 July because under COVID restrictions the club is considered a casino due to the board and card games played. The board does want to support the club but did have a concern that in providing mid- week meals after restrictions are likely to be lifted could encourage people to stay at home rather than socialise at the club, which is the main reason it exists. The board agreed to pay half the costs for 2 months @ £1,520.00 and expects residents to contribute to the cost of the meal as they would do if attending the Triangle Club. Once the club is due to re-open (22 July) the board would welcome another application for continued club support.

Peter declared an interest as he is a Triangle Club member.

Since the last full Board Meeting, the PO has approved an additional 11 new REWDT grant applications: 3 Internet grants, 5 Child ferry tickets, 1 Driving Lesson grant, 1 Well- Being grant, and 1 Education grant.

8. Administration, Finance & Office 8.1 Membership Applications – 5 new membership applications have been received and all approved.

8.2 Financial Review – The board were happy with the financial information supplied with one comment that the dates needed to be amended to reflect the new financial year. The Chair shared that the DT had been having a few issues with the RBS savings account and said that the office bearers had decided to close the account and once the funds are received open a new savings account. The PO has research charity savings accounts and the best offer now is Redwood Bank @ 0.7%, board approved that the Co Sec is to open an account with them. AP1: The office bearers will be looking at other savings options over the next few months.

8.3 Insurance – The Pier - Thanks to Callum & Peter (along with the Co Sec) for attending the meeting with the insurance loss adjuster (Alan Dundas, from Sedgwick). Alan will be returning to do some exploratory digging at the site, to assess how far down the contamination has gone. Alan also requested a copy of the OIC water test report, which has now been forwarded from Nick Blowfield.

8.4 Fire Officer – The DT needs a new Fire Officer, Peter kindly offered to do this.


9. COVID-19 9.1 General Updates - Our current Covid-19 activity funding is ending on 31 May. Laura Thomson is doing some casual work (externally fully funded) for REWDT as an ‘Activity Organiser’, to arrange ‘Wellness Activities’ which use up most of the remaining funding from the Communities Recovery Fund. These started on Monday 17 May, following the easing of restrictions. The activities over 10 days for children and adults, are being held at The Space (Rousay), including Boxing, Coffee Mornings (The Crafthub), Floor Barre, Singing Group, Tai Chi, Yoga, Triangle Club get together, and Zumba. Gill also held a Meet & Greet session. Our Wellbeing Co-Ordinator (Alice) is organising the ‘Picnic at The Pier’ scheduled for Saturday 29 May, as part of these activities.

9.2 Community Quizzes - The final (of 4) Community Quiz Night occurred on Wednesday 19 May. Our Quizmaster Host, Paddy will be taking a couple of months off but has requested continuing the monthly quiz prize vouchers (not necessarily BID, could be for Rousay Shop or The Taversoe instead). Our Co Sec suggested speaking to our PO, to see if this is possible under our grants programme.

9.3 Shop Deliveries - Letter from a resident asking for the DT to continue to give financial assistance to the Shop so they can offer deliveries for more vulnerable residents. The Chair shared that the Rousay Shop is going to continue to offer deliveries and the full details will be in the June Review. Co Sec to write to the resident to inform them of this.

10. Projects 10.1 Age Concern & Crossroads – The PM has prepared a draft survey for future provision of care subsidies. More details to follow at the next board meeting.

10.2 The Pier - The PM is awaiting an update from Alan Jones Associates now that restrictions have eased, to enable face-to-face meetings between the consultants and our community. The board agreed it would be difficult to engage resident effectively until restrictions are lifted and felt that this is too important a project to not fully gather residents’ opinions.

10.3 Peedie Lap - 5K Lap: Run/Walk (all ages), or Cycle (under-12s only). The Chair shared the proposed date of Saturday 17 July 2021, 12pm start, all agreed to offer this activity providing no new restrictions come into place. The event will be open to REW residents only (attendee list kept) to assist with Covid-19 compliance. There will be no entry fee. Staff to start planning the event.

Level 1 restrictions (guidance obtained from Scottish Athletics): Athletics competition can take place for all event groups following the maximum bubble size of 100 and no more than 1,000 participants per day. Physical Distancing is suspended for the duration of the activity (athletes 12+ should continue to physically distance before and after the activity).


The Rousay Lap has been put on hold for the time being.

10.4 - The Ranger post has been advertised on our website & Facebook page, in The Review, The Orcadian, and Countryside Jobs Service. Closing date is 31 May 2021. The Co Sec has received 3 applications and one email requested further information. All have been passed to the PO. Eric expressed a concern that the job description is asking for very specialised skills and the importance of getting the right person to do the work effectively. The Chair confirmed that the Chair, Vice-Chair and usually a representative from the external funders (in this case HIE) would form the interview panel.

In the meantime, the PO is continuing to work with Susan (SAC) on the land management reports.

10.5 Wellbeing - Two applications were received for the post of Dementia Memory Morning Co-Ordinator and interviews were held on 21 May, with the Vice Chair (Peter) & PM. This is an 18-month post. Nicola Jacques has been appointed, start date to be confirmed.

Our Wellbeing Coordinator is currently working on activities with Harry at Voluntary Action Orkney (VAO). An ‘Island Wellbeing Survey’ was posted out to all inter-linked isles in Orkney by VAO, with responses due back to VAO by 28 May. The results will be collated and compared by VAO.

11. AOB - 11.1 Allotment Association - Ian Donaldson (Allotment Association) has requested that we replace the outside water butts at the Allotments with IBCs, at an estimated total cost of £200 (for 4 IBCs). The board approved this request. Co Sec to inform Ian. Ian has also asked if the trailer is still required as it is not being used anymore, (previously the main use was for transporting the large rotavator which has since been sold) and it is slowly deteriorating. The board agreed that the trailer can be advertised as a sealed bid in the Review. Co Sec to action.

11.2 Resident request for a bus service – In December requested the DT look into providing a public transport service outside of the current taxi services provided. At the time, the OIC had a tender out for a public bus service on Rousay and the board wished to wait for the outcome of this before making and decisions. The residents requested an update to the situation as there is still no bus service on Rousay. The board discussed various options (including dial-a-bus) and the high costs that DT pay annually to subsidise such a service. The board requested that the Co Sec request additional information from the resident regarding how often they would use a bus service, in the past when the DT has completed resident surveys many would like a service but say they would only use it occasionally. The PO will be conducting a grant review over the summer and this could also be added as part of the survey and support any potential future transport project.


11.3 Rousay Church’s request for financial support for upgrading the fire alarm system and emergency lighting – Alison declared an interest. This is a necessary upgrade to ensure the offices at The Manse conform to current regulations. A discussion followed due to the short-term (annual) lease that the DT has. This would normally be paid for by the landlord but as it is a requirement solely due to having offices in the building the board felt that they should support the request, providing the Church dies not increase the annual rent next year. The board will pay 50% of the costs AP2: Alison to arrange for an invoice for 50% of the fire alarm and emergency lighting upgrade costs to go to the Co Sec for payment.

11.4 Wyre School – Eric asked when the DT would be discussing the potential acquisition of the Wyre School and the potential to upgrade in a similar way to how DT has recently renovated properties for rent. The Chair felt there was no rush to do this and it would be better if all directors came forward with their ideas at a future board meeting. The Co Sec said that she had spoken to SSE and they suggested we change the meter at the school to prevent the Dt paying the quarterly charge of £28.41, to change will cost £79.00 plus VAT. Co Sec to check OIC do not have any issues with this and then contact SSE.

11.5 Garden at The Pier – Sarah asked if the DT could get Ian to tidy the garden by The Pier prior to the event on Saturday. Co Sec to contact Ian ASAP.

11.6 Strategic Direction – The Vice-Chair is currently attending a HIE Leadership programme and asked what the DT’s strategic direction is for the next 5-10 years. Peter has some great tools from the course, which he would like to share with the board. The Chair said this will happen soon.

12. Next Board Meeting – Tuesday 10 August 2021 at 19:30 (via Zoom)

Summary of outstanding action points. 16 December 2019 AP2: Vice-Chair will give the Co Sec new training on how to correct the financial report feedback for the future accounts. Ongoing. AP3: The directors will feedback, following their meeting on 01/02/2020, to the Co Sec the format they would like the Development Plan to be in and the strategic vision of the board and how this is to be included in the new Development Plan. Ongoing. 13 January 2021 AP3: PM to get in touch with i-design for a quote for the banners. Ongoing 20 February 2021 AP6: PM to obtain written confirmation that items left in the garage do not belong to The Crafthub. Ongoing. 17 March 2021 AP4: Directors - the Co Sec asked all directors who have not already done so to get their Director declaration/expression of interests & code of conduct forms signed and back to her


ASAP. Ongoing for Mark, Eric, Richard, Kayleigh, Carole (both forms) & Sarah (Director declaration/expression of interest form only). 23 March 2021 – Pier Meeting AP1: Eric offered to remove all the rubbish from the Pier, including the carpets, providing they are bagged into commercial rubbish bags which the PM agreed to get from the OIC. The PM to inform Eric once rubbish is ready for collection. Ongoing. AP3: Co Sec to progress the insurance. Ongoing. 07 April 2021 Budget Meeting AP1: The board agreed all directors to come to the next meeting with ideas for what the Wyre School building could be used for. Ongoing. 26 May 2021 AP1: The office bearers will be looking at other savings options over the next few months. AP2: Alison to arrange for an invoice for 50% of the fire alarm and emergency lighting upgrade costs to go to the Co Sec for payment.

Acronym List AFO Admin & Finance Officer PM Project Manager TM Turbine Manager Co Sec Company Secretary PO Project Officer REW DT Rousay, Egilsay & Wyre Development Trust DT Development Trust HSO Heat Smart Orkney NILPS North Isles Landscape Partnership Scheme OIC OHAL Orkney Housing Association Ltd. SLF Scottish Land Fund BLF Big Lottery Fund OSCR Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator REWIRED Rousay, Egilsay & Wyre Islands Renewable Energy Development CPO Community Power Orkney SNH Scottish Natural Heritage HIE Highlands and Islands Enterprise