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ri ' NEXT MAILS TIIE ..1AUI NEWS PRINTS FACTS 1 v. THAT ARE RELIABLE AND AD. To The Coast: Shlnyo Maru, June 14 VERTI3EMENTS FROM FIRMS Sonoma, June 17. WORTHY OF YOUR CONFIDENCE. From The Coast: READ IT CAREFULLY. Ventura, June 16. Tenyo Maru, June 18


Maui Man To Seil (.HiOF MAUI Irate Parents Maui Team Wins PEOPLE AMY APPROPRIATION Eggs By Weight On Juno 11, 1777, just 142 Kidnap Bride Hapai Ko Contest ..ltnv years ago, tho United States Continental Congress establish- - FOR SMALL FORGE ONLY Mrs. K. Mnc Homestead At Haiku Announces od permanently .for this country Matsuura Taken From Her K. Nakata And K. Fukuliara From as its emblem tho Stars and Home By That New Method Will Be In- Parents Who Claim She Puunene Plantation Walk Off Stripes. Tomorrow will bo tho With Department-Democ- Is Under Age augurated In Sale Of Eggs One 142nd anniversary of that act of House Cuts Figure Asked By War rats Bride Is Still Honors Loaded Three Tons In Dozen To Weigh Pound And A Half Congress, and you aro asked to To Hidden Uecord Time honor tho flag by displaying it Trying Muzzle Knox Resolution stores. from your houses and Re-Op- The days of old when knights There has been nn agitation lately To en were Maui has triumphed once again! On Decoration Day there wero British Try Reparations Question bold, .for the salt; of eggs by weight. Ho- and parents hearts toward lovo Puunene has upheld the honor of not seen a half dozen flags in wero cold, were nolulu papers havo been publishing in Wailu- Maui by winning hapal-k- o Surely the con- varl-slze- Wailuku or Kahului. (By The Associated Press) HEEN APPOINTS DEPUTIES ku this pictures of d eggs nnd ask- week, when Suayo and Sayi test which was held more flags WASHINGTON, at the Territor- ing the householder to make a com- these towns havo Juno 13 Houso (By The Associated Press) Taguchi kidnapped Mrs. K. Matsuura, ial Fair in Honolulu yesterday day, ' and than were seen on that and passed 1920 army appropriation bill HONOLULU, Juno 12 Judge Heen, auto-for-hir- e parison in the eggs they purchase by recent brido of tho well known bringing home a prize of $50. IC all persons throughout Maui carrying $718,000,000 providing for a ' has appointed attorneys Roy the dozen and how much they would Vitousek man, thereby becoming tho Nakata and K. Fukuliara, two of tho who own a flag are urged to ob- - temporary army of 300,000. Tho and Charles Hite as and havo to pay If the same eggs were first second defendants in a kidnapping case which fastest cane loaders from the Ha- servo tho birthday of tho flag original measure by deputies for city office, was bought by the pound. Iti .order to submitted the the attorneys heard beforo Judge McKay Mon- waiian Commercial & Sugar Com- tomorrow. The American flag $1,250,-000,00- the third is not yet day put this matter to the test Edwin C. war department recommended named. Vitousek is morning. It appears that Mrs. pany's plantation walked off with tho is not one to be ashamed of. Moore of Hope Homestead in Haiku witli the law firm of Thompson, nnd Matsuura, fair of face and slim of honors the team loading three tons the prettiest flag afloat, and Leading aro Cathcart. of has started to put his eggs on sale It's Democratic senators Hite is with firm Smith, form is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of cane in 13 minutes 39 seconds. America has proven that tho possi- lieu- at the Paia Mercantile store in Paia. striving to prevent the vote, if Warren and Whitney and was a Taguchi. Maui is proud of her team, especial- sons who fight under it are ble on the Knox resolution, declaring tenant during tho war. Sano In regard to this experiment ho writes believed in the American ly in view of the fact that Kauai re- worthy to carry its rippling for The Maui News: the peace treaty with tho league of method of picking out her own hus- ported such enormous results from means freedom and ac- You would hardly be willing to buy folds. It nations covenant Included is not band and chose K. Matsuura, a pro- her lowest team in the preliminary opportunity. Get out your flag SUBPOENAS SERVED IN chops at so much each whether they ceptable. mising young Japanese business man contest that it looked as though Maul and it tell to tho conglomer- - CITY CLERK CASE go were large or small. You would in- let to down life's road with her. But had no look in. But Maul fooled them peoples your Island that (By The Associated Press) sist that you want to pay for the food ate on Sano's parents did not approve of tho all. Tho figures which were sent up hero have a flag BRITISH BOMBARDING HONOLULU, June 12 Today sub- you get, which is determined by the the Americans match and refused to give their con- from here as the result of the prelim- proud of. BOLSHEVIKI poenas were served on tho first depu- that they are sent, whereupon Sano Kichi-gur- a weight of the meat. Why then are ty clerk Harry Mills, Edward Fogarty, and her inary contest wero camouflaged, so (By Tho Associated Press) eloped in true you willing to buy eggs at so much a o American style that none of tho other teams knew STOCKHOLM, June 13 The British William Sheldon, Kunialae and dozen whether they are large or small and were duly wed. tho real loading capacity of Puu- Squadron is bombarding a Bolsheviki to appear before Judge Frank- the for in samo way as with meat Spirit Away Bride nene boys. At tho preliminary in- the heavy lin tomorrow morning in tho case of on the naval base at Kronstadt and Tho irate parents hid stead of the food you get depends Territory vs. City Clerk on a mal- their huhu loading but 5830 pounds as Girls At firing can be heard from the gulf, ac- under smiles and weight? Graduate feasance charge over tho issuing of blandishments and was reported the boys really loaded cording to Stockholm Aftonblad. tried to coax Sano to come 7330 Says Dozen Weighs 24 oz. election certificates. This has no home, but net, 9990 with tho car weight, of to no avail. The little wife, claim- From time to time this subject Maunaolu School bearing on tho decision which the who and Wailuku team instead of loading crops up, ed she was 18, refused to buying eggs by weight and CANNOT PREVENT STRIKE supreme court will make on the eligi- listen to just 5200 pounds made G700 pounds their pleas. Finally, becoming 92G0 now I am going to change over to (By Tho Associated Press) bility on agreed statements of facts. wear- net and with the car weight. selling my eggs. Receive Diplomas ReY. ied of diplomatic endeavors, par- teams the weight method is Ten Pupils MONTREAL, Juno 13 The negoti- tho Tho competing against Maui ents resorted to old were, But because of the custom of buying Baker Of Kona Makes Address ations of the Canadian Railway Board time parental Ewa for Oahu which reported eggs sold WILL GIVE ALLIED jurisdiction, when refractory daugh tons by the dozen the are still with the railroad shop men in an, at- three loaded in tho preliminary cardboard boxes holding a Luau Follows The Exercises SUPPORT TO KOLCHAK ters wero punished as tho parents saw test, McBryde from Kauai which re- u - in the tempt to prevent a strike of 30,000 I adopted a stand- (By The Associated Press) fit. Getting tho a ported a load of 10,375, not i dozen each. have men for higher wages has failed. of hut did ard weight of 24 oz., avoirdupois Ten little girls passed an important PARIS, Juno 12 The council's re- number of their .friends, they coaxed say whether that figure was net or amounting to a pound and a half, for milestone in their lives Wednesday ply to Admiral Kolchak extends tho the young husband over to Puunenc gross. Hawaii did not send a team. on a dozen eggs, and as many of the at the Maunaolu Seminary, when WILL STRIJE AT SIX TONIGHT Allied support as set forth in tho tho ground of gettingataxicab pas- This is the first cane loading con- boxes will be made up to weight 2-- they wero presented with diplomas in (By Tho Associated Press) council's original letter and is inter-- ' senger and then boldly entered the test that has ever been held in the or 24 V oz., net. This will be done the presence of a large company of WINNIPEG, June 13 Switchmen pretcd here as meaning a do facto little home and carried tho young Islands and such success and interest and relatives. Many of them G recognition of bride off bodily. Upon 1 by weighing each box as it is being friends and trainmen Vote to strike at o'- the Omsk non Bolshe his return lias followed it that without doubt It Iff filled and changing larger for smaller, will go on to high school, but still clock tonight. viki government. hoino tho young husband discovering will be held each year. It engenders or smaller for larger eggs, whichever others will lake up the serious busi- his loss, appealed to tho county at- a spirit of friendly competition be- !n is necessary to make the weight what ness of making a living. Rev. Baker torney with the result that the parents tween tho plantation workers on each BOYCOTT ASSUMES is desired. These boxes, containing of Kona, Hawaii, made tho principal JUAREZ SAFE YET were arrested on a kidnapping island as well as between the various SERIOUS PROPORTIONS a pound and a half of eggs will then address of the day and was followed (By The Associated Press) charge. islands. (By Tho Associated Press) bo priced at what I feel is right with by Row A. Craig Bowdish. EL PASO, June 13 Juarez is quiet. When they appeared before Judge Ahu-mad- TOKIO, Juno 12 Chinese advices reference to tho market price for After the graduating exercises were Villa forces are no nearer Alia McKay tho defendants claimed that show a serious spread of the e eggs by tho dozen then prevailing. over, tho company was entertained by the young woman was not of tho ago agitation in China especial- Kupau Appeals Tho remaining eggs that cannot bo a gymnastic exhibition given by the of consent and had married without ly in tho cities of Shanghai, Hankow, made to come up to the standard school children on the lawn and this GOLD ROBBERS GET their consent. They refused to divulge dining Nanking, and Canton. Indications aro weight will then be boxed and priced was followed by a luau in tho BIG BOOTY where tho young woman was hidden,' Long Jail Term games occupied that tho movement may develop into according to their weight at ho samo hall. Dancing and (By Tho Associated Press) j although she had been subpoenaed to a general anti-foreig- n movement. rate. Thus, when eggs aro 85 cents the rest of the eventful afternoon for NEW YORK, Juno 13 Six hold-u- appear as a witness. Tho parents al- Several warships of the Japanese-Chin- a Claims That Lower Court Exceeded a dozen retail, the price is SVfctf an the children. so entered suit for annulment of the men attacked and robbed two bank squadron havo been hurried to ounce, or 5G cents a pound and a box Tho graduating class also had an messengers escaped a large marriago on tho ground that the Its Jurisdiction When It Sentenc- and with Shanghai. Tho boycott has virtually containing a dozen that weighs but exhibit of the year's work and there sum entranfco to bride was under age. at the the elevated stopped shipping in Chinese ports. ed Him To Deportation From 21 ounces would bo priced at 75 cents. were some excollont specimens of railroad. Tho messengers dropped Girl Still Hidden Selling eggs by weight therefore, is needlework and drawing. Composi- one robber who was taken away in Tho parents have been bound over Lahaina unquestionab'" the just and fair way tions on various subjects showed an automobile by a companion. REVISED TEXT SENT GERMAN for consideration of tho Grand Jury, to handle tne product, and tills markings none of which went under (By Tho Associated Press) but meanwhile tho weeping brido and Lowell K. Kupau who was sentenc method of adopting a 24 oz., standard 95, and current events essays wero PARIS, Juno 13 The Council of frantic young husband are cruelly ed to 200 days in jail In lieu of fine IN will enable anyone wishing to do so illustrate dand bound by tho children. STRIKING ITALY Four dispatched a revision of tho separated, and no ono can tell Kichi-gur- a by Judgo Conrad for violating a sen- to sell by weight without coming into Tho following young women receiv- (By Tho Associated Press) text of treaty when morning session where tho cherry blossom of his tence of deportation from the district , ROME, 13 Sporadic conflictwith the prevailing "by the ed graduation certificates: Isabel Hu-lu- June strikes ended. heart Is to bo found. tf Lahaina, appealed the sentence of dozen" custom. Try weighing tho Lillnoe Rowland, Esther Feary, prevail in Italy. The demands aro the lower court last Saturday, and Rose Ahnee, Luko, Ngt Ngoo decreased cost of living and increas- aruged case In his own eggs you buy and seo whether they Ellen SAID AMERICAN IRISH the defense. Lee, Mary Aikau, Mabel Huewaa, ed wages. 7G.000 school teachers de- Ho contended tho sentence of are up to standard weight. SOCIETIES WOULD CONFER Haiku Pupils Make that Annio Keanu and Lucy Lono. mand a minimum of $2.00 per day. the lower court in sentencing him to (By The Associated Press) deportation from tho district of La- PARIS, Juno 11 President Wilson The Best Showing haina was In excess of tho jurisdic- 0 Children's Day Is WILL RE WRITE GERMAN TREATY told representatives that the America- Grand To tion of the district magistrate's au- Jurors (By Tho Associated Press) n-Irish societies would do what In the prizes awarded by tho Judges thority and that consequently tho fine Fittingly Observed PARIS, June 13 Tho German they could unolllcially to bring Irish for tho school garden contest, Haiku Convene of $200 or tho jail sentenco was void, Monday treaty will bo entirely for question to tho attention peace board. school made the best showing, tho lie claiming that the first sentenco Children's Day was observed in tho incorporation textually of explana- Tho other penco commissioners con- school and pupils walking off with . was practically a suspension of sen- churches throughout Maul on Sunday Tho Grand Jury will meet next tions, and clarification contained in ferred for 30 minutes with Delegates three prizes and an honorable men- tence. Ho asked court to pro-noun- with nnnronrlatfi services. At the Monday to clear up matters pending tho Allied reply to the counter pro- Walsh and Dunne.. tion. For tho Class A school garden, the sentenco first case of AT.nlr.nwjin TTninn fUinrpli PliilrlrpTi'H since March. The following cases aro posals. Haiku school got second prize, tho for the and battery. Tho held . bay were held morn- - to come before them. Territory vs. The British made an eleventh hour Kamehamcha 3rd assault court services in the AKANA URGES HAWAIlANS school at Lahaina n that tho sentence of deportation was about l&o chliuren taking part. Kakuda, charged with larconcy in tho attempt to the question of getting first and tho Puuneno school PATTERN AFTER KING sentenco Tho children marched in tho' proces- first degree; S. Taguchi et al, charg- tho reparations and submitted pro- third prize. void and that tho subsequent (By Tho Associated Press) of $200 or jail was based on a void sional singing "Onward Christian Sol- ed with kidnapping Mrs. K. Matsu-ura- . posals introducing into tho functions In tho homo garden contest Sueyo HONOLULU, June 11 There was judgment and .defendant thereby diers." Tho sermon was based on tho J. Goveia, Jr., on a charge of of tho permanent reparations com- Sato of Haiku school received first the a great Kamehamcha parado this was to a discharge. thouht "Children Who Lovo Our seduction; Pedro Bais charged with mission tho principle of control of prizo'whilo Katsumi Matsueda of tho entitled morning which was a wonderful Ono Father's World." To typify tho spirit burglary in the second degree, and raw materials furnished Gormany, samo school captured tho second of the humorous features of spectacle. Tho night in Hawaii with this case was fact tho of tho day a collection was taken for Novencla Gamayo who is charged thereby enabling the commission to prize. Yukio Komoda of Puunene the that at freo admission to the fair was large- Kupau was tho Armenian children, a generous with rape. control Germany's economic develop- school gave his school a boost with timo running against Clem ly attended. Rev. Akaiko Akana in Crowell for sheriff, he was sum being contributed. TI19 program ment during period it operates. a third prize. In tho honorable men- arrested an oration to tho Hawaiians before on tho assault and Ik was his was in charge of Mrs. A. Craig Bow-dis- h tion, Haiku and Puuneno wero also charrA WHAT'S WRONG WITH US? the Kamchamoha statue when tho opponent's duty to and Mrs. D. C. Lindsay, and tho heard from. Kaise Matsueda of Hai- mako tho arrest. FAVORS CITIZENS STRIKE morning parado ended said there wero Tho records aro silent as to the exact church decorations were arraned by Aftor serving tho Hilo church for ku, Yoshio Komita of Puunene, John (By Tho Associated Press) only 29,000 Hawaiians in tho islands happenings on the occasion when tho Mrs. D. D. Murdock. six months, Dr. Shaw tendorod his re- Andradc and Noboru Horlo of Paia BERLIN, June 13 The cltizons and that tho raco would dio out long was At tho Walluku Union Church chil- signation and John Rodrigues of Hamakuapoko arrest l.iauttj recontly to tako effect in council of Greater Berlin declared beforo its time unless tho Hawaiians dren's services were held In tho even- boing montioned,, Novembor. Dr. Shaw Is tho fourth Wednesday that they favored a clti- guided their lives by the procopts and WILL GO TO KAUAI ing. Rev. U, B. Dodge took as his minister this season to havo tendered zons striko said Die Freiheit and examplos of tho great Kamehamcha. topic tho words of tho psalm "Llko his resignation, Kauai, Oahu and leading manufacturers merchants, WILL BRING HIS Superintendent MacCaughoy an- Tree by Wa- a Planted the IUvers of having had a ministerial leader re- professionals and Rholnhardt tho FAMILY TO MAUI nounced Tuosday that with tho begin- ter," and likened 1919-192- each little life to a sign from their respective pastoratos. minister of war attonded. WOULD REDUCE ARMY ning of the 0 school terra tree, urging them to try to grow Dr. D. C. Peters or the Christian STILL MORE Rev. Albort W. Palmor of, Honolu- Frederick Murphy, now principal of beautiful as tho trees. Growing plants church resigned a fow wooks ago, his (By Tho Associated Press) lu, who Is wollknown on Maul expects Hamakuapoko School, Maul will o WILL STRIKE UNLESS were given to tho children at the con- resignation to tako offect immediately WASHINGTON, Juno 11 Tho to loavo the lattor part or this month principal of Makawell School, JOBS ARE RETURNED clusion of the service. and Row R. B. Dodgo of Maul leavos house of representatives has tenta- for Slboria, on work for tho Y. M. C. Kauai and that Miss Carrlo Thomp- (By Tho Associated Press) tively agreed for a reduction in August. furthor A., having obtained a leavo of absence son will return as principal to Kane-oh- o WINNIPEG, Juno 13 Firemen and of the army during tho next fiscal from his church In ordor to accent Some of tho Huns act as if they had onginemen School on Oahu. of throo railroads enter- year and has decided to base tho the offer. Ho will bring his family . invited tho army of occupation to to It is now alleged that tho Crov ing city votod to join a sympathetic army appropriation on an army of Maui Tho roason Korea's caso Is hopeless come over and visit boforo going and will ostablish X them. Toledo Princo did beat somebody aftor striko unless the city reinstated tho 300,000 instead of tho 100,000 is bocauso all of Japan's frionds have Blade. aj. that the thorn at Kula whero they will stay It was his wife. Now York Sun. discharged polico force. military committeo rocommondod. during the samo sort of skeleton in tho his absence. closot. Greonvillo (S. C.) Piedmont

4 . 44 ''if ttjltki i'THi 'i"tetf it ia'r i'i iftotlhifr 1 tJ 1 iMfcwuiii "flu TWO THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1919.

salary of ?7,500 a year. Three times Book Of Life Ends tendered important posts by Presi- News dent McKinley those of Secretary of ON THE OTHER Latest the Interior, membership on the Unit- ISLANDS For Brilliant Man ed States and British Joint High Com- By AVireless mission and Attorney General of the Howard W. Laws has been commis- Spooner Of Wisconsin United States he declined them all. NDS Frequently he had been importuned sioned by Governor C. J. McCarthy CHAMBER TO LET AVICI OfV Passes Away After Playing Prom- by individuals, corporations and states as a member of the fish and game OUT McCLELLAN (Bv The Associated Press) INSURilNCES to represent them in court but re- commission created by the 1919 legis- inent Part In Political And Diplom- HONOLULU, June 10 Arter a long fused all offers so long as he was in lature. atic Life Of The Country and stormy debate the chamber of public life. One of these proposals, YA Mrs. Henry C. Hodges Jr., wife of commerce voted to dispense Willi WRITTEN it is related, was an invitation by the services after November .10 Ex Senator John C. Spooner of Wis Virginia, carrying n Brigadier General Hodges, department State of West but will express appreciation of his .4- - consin, (lied lit Now York City Wed $30,000, to argue a case commander of the Hawaiian forces, - retainer ef faithful and valuable service. A let- nesday, June 11, ;it the ngo of 76, af- for it in Supreme died June 1 at Brookline, Massachus- the Court. Senator ter from the sugar planters associa- 1 ter having led an active life in which Spooner not only to practice etts. refused tion read stating that after November ACCIDENT, JJJ he played a prominent and brilliant his profession so long as he was in A message was received by Colonel LIFE, 30, they would not pay their share of part in the political life of the United Congress, habit- and Mrs. Newcomer, Sunday announc- friends said, but he the $10,000 salary. The chamber or States. pass ing the sad news. General Hodges AUTOMOBILE, FIRE foU ually declined to use a railroad commerce alone is unable to bear the Sixteen years a United S'ates Sena or a telegraph frank and defrayed had been apprised of his wife's illness expense. Kuhio recently said n tor from Wisconsin, each one of many expenses and left here May 27 en route to V V fro mhis own pocket must go or he would have AND MARINE which, in the words of President he was entitled to charge to the gov- his wife's bedside. Roosevelt, was "a direct financial lie was unable to be present when nothing to do with him. ernment. There is n big Kamehamoha parade loss which he could ill afford," John Spooner's firm con- .Mrs. Hodges died. One of Senator tonight with historical tableaux and Coit Spooner relinquished the posi- victions was that no United States A cablegram was received by Mrs. s at Capitol building. There will tion with which the legislators of his Senator whose term of service had t,. W. Bigler of Honolulu, Saturday be a parade tomorrow morning with MAUI, LTD. state had thrice honored him and re- expired should afterward be admitted BANK OF telling of the death of mother, exercises at the statue. Tomorrow I tired in 1!H'7, two years before his to the senate floor as a representa- her VVAILfKU PA A LAHAINA Mrs. Eliza Soares, in Oakland, Cal., night will be Hawaii night at the fair. completed term, to reenter the private tive of corporations or business In- on June 4. Mrs. was practice of law and acquire a com- terests. When certain former sena- Soares the wife of Joseph Soares SIXTY THOUSAND ON STRIKE petence for his family and himself in tors did so appear and, by reason of of the United States Engineers, and left with husband (Bv Tile Associated Press) his declining, years. tneir former membership, were ad- her for the mainland on the transport CHICAGO, June 11 President of Uime Sable Jiahiiiui Siailroad Co. Authority On International Law mitted to the floor to confer with the Telegraphers Union declared that Sheridan. She had only been on, the Regarded ns one of the ablest con- senators, Mr. Spooner declined to sixty operators would be on Daily Passenger Schedule (Except Sunday) coast a week at the time of her thousand Train stitutional lawyers, a brilliant debat- talk with them. by tonight and there had death. She is survived by her hus- strike that Th following schedule netit into effect. November 18, 1918. er and one of the greatest authorities When Senator Spooner resigned a general response band and seven children. been to the strike on international law in the upper from the Senate a friend, remember- call. TOWAKUS VVAILCKU TOYVAHDft HAIKU house of Congress, Senator Spooner ing principle of conduct, re- this his D. E. Metzger, territorial treasurer, like a few his colleagues good by, suppose Distance of famous marked in saying "I h;ts started his annual campaign CLAIM STRIKE IS FAILURE titti:t 2 4 1 notably Roscoe Conkling, John G. we will never see you here again." against corporations which have fail- The Associated Press) Miles STATIONS Mllis NEW-Y'OR- an- Carlisle, Thomas Bracked Reed and "You never will," replied the sena- June 11 Carlton A p m M ed or neglected to file their annual P M M A M am'am PM P George F. Hoar left public office a tor. Though he afterward represent- nounced that only 166 Western Union statements of business done. Suit 1 6 8 1 30't poor man. During the twelve years ed corporations in a leagel capacity, employees in the entire country were S 33 3 3! 25 8 35 6 3.5 A..Vailuku.. L 40 40 J5 was started this week against 30 such J 33 3 '5,8 23,6 25 '5-- o 6 50 8 s 1 43 4i of his final law practice in New duty today. He termed ..A j Senator Spooner kept his word. He corporations. Honolulu companies absent from ..Kahului.. 4ji York he was counsel in import- never buttonholed senators on the strike a complete failure. 3-- 6 other will be sued in the local district court 3 3 17 8 12. 0 A.. ..L 52 42 3 47 ant litigation, including the Federal the Senate floor as a lobbyist for any L" "A 7 02 1 53 j7 and those on outside islands in the 5 '03 07 jS loj. Spreclc- - j government suits against the Trans-Atlanti- c private MAJOR BIDDLE ASKED interest. circuit court. The minimum fine up- 9 shipping pool, the Naval Sixteen Years Of Service FOR REFEREE 3 9,3 5 8 08 . .4 !A . l 7 3 1 53 3 58 on conviction of failure to make the 10 Stores and Oregon-Californi- a land Upon his retirement in 1907 the (By The Associated Tress) 5 55 ,0 00,. 1... ..A 9.8 7 54 return required by law Is $100. 5-- grant cases. TOLEDO, June 10 Tex. Ricard an- Puia New York Tribune said of him: "He 5?!- !A.. ..L 15' The statements are due within 30 requested Ma- 53 7 - 7 2 o7;4 12 Born in Lawrenceburg, Ind., Janu- goes now, at the age of sixty-fou- r, nounced that they have 4 I1- -- "A 20' a days after January 1 of each year and n 5 2 7 144 i ary 6, 1843, the son of Judge Philip having devoted sixteen years of his jor Biddle, president of the 47 ,5Zr llama must set forth the transactions of boxing to 34 "kiuipoko 11. 9 Spooner, who removed to Madison, to of country, to board for control 1 7 22 a 15 4 o life the service his the corporation for the previous 12 4 5i 46 7 5",- Wis., when John was years name the referee and that the princ- ..A 2 sixteen resume the practice of his profession, months. 4 45 40 !7 45 L.. 7 3o 23 4 al ipals agree to abide by his selection. ' .. old, the future Senator received his without a contract or a client and 1.4 Puuwela.. 13-- . A.. ..I. 32 a a5U A. B. degree from the University of no save 4 44j' 3V ;7 44 7 jo with reliance for the future John F. Silva of the local postofflce .7A 4 40,2 35! 7 ,L Haiku 15.3 7 36! a 3o4 3 J Wisconsin in 1S64 after having served his well earned reputation, while all has received recognition of the serv- SPOONER DIES 4v with distinction in the Union army in who have enjoyed the privilege of ice he rendered in the war when he (Bv The Associated Press) en- NEW YORK, 11 Former Un- PUUNENE DIVISION the Civil War. Young Spooner associating with him in his public donated a pair of field glasses to the June ited Senator Spooner of Wis- listed as a private in Company A., career witness his departure with United States navy department at the States TOWARDS PUUNENE TOWARDS KAHULUI died today, an ill- 40th Wisconsin Infantry and for gal- sorrow." consin here after T time when a call for "eyes of the 3 1 -- 2 4 lantry in action .'"as promoted to Elihu Root, Secretary of State ness of several weeks. T.rnN- then navy" was made in Honolulu. The pair PamnjtrJ Pasting Olstmii J jinHei PmtKir p,tmvt captain and brevet major in the 50th said of him: "The resignation of of glasses was returned to Mr. Silva WILL BEGIN RETURN J!!?? fiJ! Wisconsin Infantry shortly after Senator Spooner is a public mis- in good condition with the following -- 21. OF GERMANS 2 G 6 22 8 reaching the age of fortune. The nation owes a debt of note: 50 00 .0 iA..ruuuene..L 2.5 15 After the war he became private to of Wisconsin (Bv The Associated Press) 3 00 6 10 I'Za2.5 j 0 6 12 305 gratitude the State "This glass was received on board WASHINGTON, June 10 The re- secretary to Governor Fair-chil- d Lucius for contributing him to the work of the U. S. S. Arkansas on June 5, 1918, 1. All trains daily except Sundays. (1866-67)- . turn to Germany of 2000 officers and of Wisconsin Upon the national government. He will be 2. daily, except Sundays, and was used by lookouts from the sailors which were taken from Ger- A Special Train (Labor Train) will leave Wailuku admission to the bar he was appoint- sadly missed when Congress recon-venes- s time it was received until the surren- at 5:30 a. m., arriving at Kahului at 5:50 a. m., and connecting with an Attorney man vessels when the United States ed assistant General and and his old associates feel the der of the German fleet in the North the 6:00 a. m. train for Puunene. engaged seized German shipping will begin in the practice of law at the less of his wisdom, and strength, his Sea on November 21, 1918." 3. BAGGAGE RATES: 150 pounds of personal baggage will bo carried free capital, Madison, remained about July 1, and 40 others who were where he courage and magnanimity." "I thought I would never see those of charge on each whole ticket, and 75 pounds on each half ticket, when 1S70 to Hud- first interned at Panama and then until when he removed Senator Spooner was one of the glasses again," said Mr. Silva when he baggage is in charge of and on the same train as the holder of the ticket son, Wis., family. He was brought to the United States will be with his most interesting figures to the gallery saw the "eyes of the navy" wrapped For excess baggage 25 cents per 100 pounds or part thereof will a Assembly returned to Panama preparatory to member of the Wisconsin crowds when on the floor of the Sen up in a registered parcel. charged. 1872 regent deportation. in and later a of the ate. He was rarely absent and al For Ticket Fares and other information see Local Passenger Tariff I. C. University of Wisconsin. ways alert when legislation was in No. 3, or inquire at any of the Depots. First elected a United States sena- progress. was a good Within The Law TWO STATES RATIFY He listener. An strategy in tor in 1883 he served with marked idea of how wins SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT Suddenly the visitor would see him court is seen from the following in- distinction in that body until 1891 toss his massive head back, half close cident which occurred in a small (By The Associated Press) when he was by William bis eyes and turn his hand to his ear Kentucky town. SPRINGFIELD, 111., June 10 Illi- Complete machinery equipment for F. Vilas, Democrat, receiving, how- to catch every word. A few moments A young man accused for house- nois House ratified the Federal ever, the full vote of the Republican breaking was up for trial. After un- woman suffrage amendment. more and he was on his feet to dergoing a stiff questioning, ho was re- Illinois is to ratify members of the legislature for challenge some mistatement or pierce made to the first state understand that his offense the woman suffrage RICE election. The following year he was some fallacious reasoning. carried a heavy punishment. His amendment. unanimously nominated" as Republican No contemporary, it has been said, clever lawyer was, however, equal to MADISON, Wis., June 10 Wiscon- the candidate for governor of Wisconsin had a mastery of English. test. sin legislature ratifies the Federal better "Your honor," he said, "I submit but was defeated. s woman suffrage amendment. Small of stature, said he that my client did not break into the Returns To Senate reminded them of Stephen Douglas, house at all. He found the parlor In 1S97 he was to the giant." An adept at sharp wiudow open, inserted his right arm MANY ARRESTS TO CHECK CRIME returned "the little (By The Associated Press) United States Senate and before the repartee, at witty or crushing re and removed a few trifling articles of minor value. Now my client's arm CHICAGO, June 7 Four hundred T. completion of his term announced his joinder, stinging criticism only In is not himself, and I fall to see how arrests were made last night in an purpose not to bo a candidate for re- spired him to his loftiest flights. His you can punish him for an offense effort to stop the crime wave. election but, not withsanding this, the speech has been described as "simple, committed only by one of his limbs." Republican legislators of Wisconsin luminous, forcible." "That argument," said the judge, BEATS HIS OWN 1 "is very well put. Following it logical- ALTITUDE RECORD in 1903 unanimously voted to send Senator Spooner was intensely de- ly, I sentence the defendant's arm to (By The Associated Press) ill X- - ; '.'i&MV '05 him back to Washington where for voted to his family. He married In one year's imprisonment. He can ac- PARIS, June 7 French aviator more than a decade he had won re- 1868 Miss Annie E. Main of Madison, company it or not, just as he chooses. Lieut. Cahale established a world al- nown as a debater and conciliator of Wis. He had three sons Charles P., For a fleeting moment, this decision titude record today rising to a height caused a brief lull within the court- re- party factions. Willet M. and Philip L. Spooner. of 31,168 feet, breaking his own room. But it soon changed to a see- cord. During these years of service Sena- thing storm when the prisoner calm- tor Spooner's name had become in- Reflection ly unscrewed his cork arm and leav- separably attached to many measures Mrs. Belmont was making a suff- ing it in the dock, walked out. INDICTMENTS AGAINST III rage speech once when a man in the MUNITIONS CHEATERS of historical importance, such, 1 for audience sought to disturb her by (Bv The Associated Press) r4 instance, as the amendment creating calling out "Don't you wish you were natural Mistake DETROITS, June 7 Indictments Customer By mistake I left my and first steps by army intelligence the civil government of the Philip- a man?" When Mrs. Belmont quick- liinese laundry WESTERN STANDARD GAS ENGINES ly you check in here this bureau have been made in a campaign pines, an amendment to the Sherman retorted, "Don't you wish 440 with total of 7484 p. in gaso- were?" uruuig. against the recently disclosed muni- h. use in Islands. Operates on anti-trus- t act which made possible Prescription Clerk in Drug Store tions frauds. line or distillate. "Fool proof"; so simple any boy can run it. the prosecution by the Federal gov- thtat explains it. The Germans think that they are Customer Explains Produces power cheaply. Sizes, 4 to 275 h. p. ernment of the Standard Oil Com- what? winning at the Paris Peace Confer- Prescription Clerk in Drug Store- -re ASKS FOR FEDERAL AID pany, (By and the law under which the ence. That's what they thought at been trying to fill that confound-- l The Associated Press) Panama Canal was constructed. He Verdun and Argonne and the Meuse thing all morning. WASHINGTON, June 7 Governor Hobby No. 2 ENGELBERG IIULXER was a consistent opponent for a while. Indianapolis News. of Texas has asked Secretary of the Baker to call into Federal service the Capacity 350 to 500 lbs. paddy Nicaragua route. Anyway the League of Women Burleson first and second regiments of Texas As chairman of has raised the rates, and Voters will never be confused with cavalry declaring per hour. Requires 10 to 12 h. p. the Senate Com something else, if you should ask us. that the border 0m mittee on Claims in his first term he Columbia Record. situation was critical and larger Lodge (Kan.) Republican. forces were needed to protect lives saved the United Stales, it was said, I and property. The war department f ' m hundreds of millions of dollars sought has wired the commander of the ft "BUFFALO" EXHAUSTER by unjust litigants against the gov- southern department asking advice. Requires 3 h. p. to operate. ernment and later was largely re- sponsible, as the moving spirit of the GALL CALLS ON U. S. FOR HELP Senate Committee on Foreign Rela- (Iiy The Associated Press) - - Allis Chalmers motor, where tions, for the ratification of the Cuban WASHINGTON. June 7 Nieuara- KUii nas asheu me l mieu outies 10 electric power is available. the Dominican and the Algeciias and Kahului Auto Stand land troops to cope with threatened many other treaties. Of the Algeciras invasion from Costa liica. The de-- 1 international settlement, it has been FOR GOOD CARS partment of State is investigating. said, it averted more than ten years W rite for detailed information. ago the threatened outbreak of a Three 1913, 5 and 7 Passanger Buicks. Also Ford Cars. WOULD RAISE U. S. TO TC'3 "Buffalo" Exhauster general European war. (iiy The Associated Press) WASHINGTON. 9 Serves Country At Money Reasonable Rates. June Chain in Loss Hurley has asked congress to - Senator Spooner, during his public pronriate more tlinn IUuti.iiu0.0Oti a Honolulu Iron Works Co. life, had many opportunities to amass wind up the shipbuilding program. I. 131-- A 191-- B a fortune, ii has been said, but chose Phone & said this would complete the work f HONOLULU. to content raising the I'nited States to first place himself with his senatorial as a shipbuilding nation. THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1919. THREE

as this big camp for the American ting down a few details of the work, R. S. Corps. Both Jones and Alexan- Maui Man Tells Government. The discipline of the I went up to the hospital and found der have up to this time been assist- men Is very noticeable, due to the Major that Bolt hnd already started ing the work of the American Red j capable handling fix Dyeing Dry Cleaning Of Siberian Trip strict and of the sit lo things up, and had spread the Cross, and it is due to their help and Laundering uation by the commanding officer and books and magazines around, as well a lot of other Americans that the A. Of the better kind his fellow officers. as the writing paper. R. C. has made such a good record The sheerest materials yield at readily to our skill a sturdy Major Short, On Relief Work Red Major Steiner requested a tennis The Major showed me around his over here in Siberia. the For Jones was the kinds outfit and other games. We hospital. In course conver- untearable Cross Writes Interesting Account will send the of our mainstay in putting the Russian Island out a case of kingfisher cigarettes sation he said he was from Oregon. Hospital on its feet, by staying on jj There is keen satisfaction in our excellent work. Of Visits To Various American (50,000) and some books and maga I told him that I was also from the the job and seeing that the buildings Camps In The Russian Territory zines, writing paper and lap boards same state before making my home and grounds were put in their proper for the hospital. in Hawaii. He then asked me if I condition. He is spoken of very high- j FRENCH LAUNDRY We were was Rev. son. I I 'A The Maui News, through the court- shown some of the work Short's said that ly by all who know him. Alexander J. ABAUIE, Proprietor :: HONOLULU. of the prisoners, cigarette was. Of course ho then said that I for months checked freight esy of II. B. Penhallow of the Wailu-k- u their cases, all of the metal looked my Sugar company, prints herewith a work, and a few other things like dad and expressed that arrived in Vladivostok by our which were how thought of my IT. letter from Major S. T. Short of the most interesting and much he Father. S. transports and deserves a heap Major As- American Red Cross, who Is now on showed the men's ability. The men The used to be in Seaside, of credit for his loyal work. I never my fath- my TIME TO REVISE YOUR INVESTMENTS duty In Siberia, on the journey of the there were some of the first prison toria and Portland. He met in life have met two finer fellows ers er in Francis- military relief train through the Am taken, and have been in Russia the Stewart Hotel, San and travelling companions. If you lias the filing of your income tax returns caused you to for co, day find reflect as erican quarters in Siberia. This let- - three or four years. Their treat- the he left for Siberia last want to out what a fellow is like, to the future? ment by fall. just spend ten clays a W ill you produce tr" is of double Interest to Maul peo- - the Russian Government was with him in or earn more during the coming year than on account of the fact that Major frightful, but everything is in the best I arrived at the colonel's house Russian box car, going through you did during the past year? Short was at one time a member of condition now and it is hard to real about five o'clock, a few minutes lat If not you are "out-of-luc- for jour living expenses have the Wailuku Sugar company. ize the terrible state it was in, be .r Jones and Alexander came in The trip was a beautiful one. Had certainly not been reduced and you will he required to pay a The Military Relief Train left Vla fore the United States took it over, shortly the reBt of the household ar it been spring time, I cannot imagine large part of vour earnings in taxation. There rived ,and we clown to a very a trip would more enjoyed W divostok on February twenty-eight- were three deaths shortly after sat that be HAT IS THE SOLUTION'? camp good dinner. chaplain was to one we have finished, BY PRO-DUC- E 1919 at twelve-thirty- . The person- the was taken over but these The than the just WHY, MAKING YOUR INVESTMENTS nel were Lieut. Jones, Mr. Greben, were chronic cases. There have been speak on George Washington at the The vast stretch of land was almost; A GREATER INCOME RETURN. the Interpreter, a Chinese cook, and no deaths since. This speaks well for Y. M. C. A. entertainment room, so af inconceivable to me, who have lived Write or call, we can help you. the care that the prisoners are getting ter dinner we all went over and heard the last ten years in Hawaii. For myself. Arriving at Nikolsk, we were ' a good passes able to persuade Lieut. Alexander, of now. very talk on the father of our hours the train over land that Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. the Russian Railroad Service, to take We finished our tour of the camp country. After the talk we had a is level as a billiard table. Appar-- 1 ently grows it the trip with us, and we came right and left for Habarovsk about four o'- picture show which was over about the only thing that on HONOLULU, T. II. along to Ilabarovsk, arriving there clock, over the same route as we had nine o'clock. We asked them all to Is hay. There is certainly a marvel- ous opportunity country. Saturday at midnight. We came In come. The good old army mules pull- come down to the box car and have a in this the same old box car which we used ing the sleigh surely lived up to their cup of chocolate, but they insisted the first of the year when we deliver reputation, for we came all the way that we came back to the house ed the comfort kits. Our old box car back on a trot. I should say that it There we had "Chai" and a little to Is not a palace by any means, but we is about fifteen miles each way, and eat. We sat around the table telling Latest News have really been quite comfortable on I thoroughly enjoyed every mile. The stories until eleven-thirt- While at the trip so far. The fire goes out at whole day made a wonderful impres Spasskoe I left a case of cigarettes sion on me, reminding me and a case of candy for the company By Wireless midnight, but with the aid of our ov- of experi ercoats, we are able to keep warm. I ences when a youngster. A beautiful that is stationed at Ussuri about six assure you too, that our good and sunset as red as fire was seen across ty miles north of Spasskoe. willing cook does not let us starve. the frozen river, a gorgeous snow We left Spasskoe at ten-thirt- y Fri Dr. Raymond Says He Sunday morning I went over to covered the landscape. The opales- day, and arrived at Nikolsk at about STARTS THE Headquarters and met Colonel Steyer cent colors were reflected in the Ice 'our o'clock. Lt. Alexander left us Will Run For Congress lMMWm 0000 ST0RIES Capt. spots on the river their green, yellow, there as he is stationed at Nikolsk. and Schameltuski, who were 1,10 lavender and all the We went over to his room and sat iUmjgli at club or in the den, a round of both glad to see me. We talked over colors of the rain (By The Associated Press) liome-grow- tll:lt KOO(1, richly-flavore- d bow making a glorious around until time for dinner and all xjffivu the situation of the hospitals and oth- sight. HONOLULU, June 9 Dr. J. H. "nti aromatic Kamehameha Brand er relief work in Habarovsk, as well Arriving at our box car about six ivent back to the car where the cook Raymond of Maui has announced his V$S?'VvN(Vlv Pure Kona Coffee is first to break as the Camp Service end of the Red o'clock we found a good hot dinner had dinner waiting for us. We left candidacy for the Democratic nomina- VJ) ) 11,0 ) . - Ask the Club Cross work. Arrangements were made awaiting us and it surely tasted two boxes in care of Alexander which tion for delegate to congress the next Steward to provide it. to have the hospital supplies called mighty good. If I remember correct- were discovered in our car while at election and said he did not believe for on Monday as well as the things ly, our dessert was of the good old Habarovsk and were not on the in- that McCandless could ever be elect- that we brought for the Army Hos- reliable prunes. We were rather tir- voice. I wired to Vladivostok to find ed while he thought he had a good pital. Sunday afternoon, Jones, Alex- ed, so got to bed early and had a out to whom to deliver them. At the chance next term. ander, and I took In the town, and I good night's sleep. lime of leaving for Razdolne I had Before boarding the Lurline for the was very glad to have an opportunity Wednesday morning we took a not received an answer, so that mainland today Delegate Kuhio said of attending the Greek Church, which drosky and went over the head- Lieutenant said I could leave them In Hawaii had no chance for statehood I found very interesting. The music quarters, about a mile from tne"3"eflot, his care until word came telling what and said there was a possibility that was fine, and the interior of the to pay our respects to Col. Steyer and to do with them. Hawaii might be included in the good church was beautiful. We arrived had a very nice chat with him and his At four o'clock we left for Razdolne roads bill. home (our old box car) about half adjutant, Capt. Schmalutskl. I took arriving there an hour and a half lat past six, and had a real good dinner up the matter of securing a log cabin er. We were1 met by Capt. Bishop, 0 LARGE CROWDS of ham and eggs, with sliced Hawaii- which is about two hundred yards Boone, Sparks, Yates, and a couple of CELEBRATE HOLIDAY an pineapple for dessert. away from the hospital for a recrea- other officers whose names I do not Monday morning tion room for the patients. The Col. ecall. Jones and I went up to their (Bv The Associated Press) the detail arrived HONOLULU, June 11 This is If you are not now receiving the REXALL MONTHLY seemed to take a favorable attitude barracks with them and had dinner. about nine o'clock and we made short Day a public holiday. Ad- toward this suggestion and said that This was followed by a real good MAGAZINE please send your name for mailing list. The work of the supplies. It took seven mission to the fair is free. Immense he would consider it. I intend to fol- show of local Co. L. Talent and dance, Magazine has wagon loads to transport them. In crowds were out at the exercises this recently been enlarged, and improved by the low this up for I believe that a very Huskies and Americans combined. It the afternoon, I went up with one of morning before the statue. Tonight addition of stories by prominent attractive hut could be made of his surely was unique and cute to see the writers and pictures of cur- the wagons for the Army Hospital, will be Hawaii night cabin. Ruskie kids dance. Captain Bishop at the fair rent events. and saw Major Scudder. We had a grounds. nice long chat about the situation of We left for Spasskoe at two that is probably the most popular com as afternoon. Lt. Colby of the Russian manding officer in the expeditionary v the Russian Hospitals here as well about the work of this department In Railroad Corps, happened to be in forces. All his company swear by TO SUBMIT TANGLE my Habarovsk with the A. E. F. hospital him. He is a regular fellow and TO SUPREME COURT bis hospital. I explained plans to THIS SERVICE IS him, and I believe I have now con- car and was leaving for Vladivostok wants the men to work when there (By The Associated Press) ABSOLUTELY FREE. 10 Attorney vinced him that we really can do a on the same train. He rode in our is work in sight and play when it is June General Irwin and Attorney Withington held a con- lot of good, and I think my next trip car for a couple of hours. Colby is time to play. The whole company ference today and an- there will bring results. There Is no a crackerjack and has done a lot of surely did the latter that night. I afterwards nounced there was no obstacle room In the hospital which we could favors for me, in the way of deliver- happened to have a few boxes of that to plan to present use for our department, so I suggest- ing messages and packages while mints and chewing gum left over so the the election controversy to the Supreme Court for & ed that we fix up a room or a small making these trips with his hospital I turned them over to the Captain for Benson, Smith Co., Ltd. decision on an agreed statement of n building which could be used for the car. the evenings entertainment. This an SERVICE EVERY SECOND facts. If Pacheco and Kumalae are convalescents of the hospital. While in Habarovsk we delivered to nounced as the gift of the Red Cross willing procedure probably The Rexall Tuesday we left for the the Russian Hospital drugs, clothing. and the cause that I represented was this will Store Box 426 Honolulu, T. II. Dooming, be prison camp at Krasnaya Reitchka, and other supplies as well as the heartily applauded. followed. Colonel Steyer having made all ar- things for our Military Hospital, which Sunday morning a detail of men ac rangements for us to go over in his consisted of comfort kits, convales- companied by all of the aforesaid of- HILO AD MEN GET BIG TIME own sleigh. We left about half past cent robes, books, magazines, cigaret- ficers arrived at the car and we soon (By The Associated Press) ten and after a very beautiful and in- tes, candy, chewing gum, writing pap- made short work of delivering the HONOLULU, June 10 The Hilo teresting trip across the frozen Us-su- rl er, and envelopes, lap boards, and a supplies for this station. We distri Ad Club was given a warm reception and Amur Rivers, we arrived at supply of knitted articles. I also del buted pajamas, socks, books, maga by the Honolulu Clubbers and a pro- the Prison Camp about twelve o'clock. ivered to the prison camp of Krasna zines, writing paper and envelopes, gram which has been provided for We are prepared We met Lieut. James, the adjutant of ya Reitchka Red River, one case of :is well as comfort kits their entertainment calls for some- AT ANY the camp who made arrangements for cigarettes, (50,000) and for the offic- and a number of other articles. There thing doing every minute. The fair TIME us to go up to lunch. There we met ers and men we sent convalescent was a miscellaneous case from the promises to be a great success. The to assist you all the other eight officers of the robes, playing cards, lap boards, and Vallejo, California Chapter. After paid admission for the first day was to secure camp, including Col. and Major Stein-er- , writing paper. delivering the supplies I went up to $9513.00. Kamehameha centenary pa both officers of the Austrian army. Arrived at Spasskoe Thursday mor the barracks and turned over to Capt. rade will be held tonight with histori THE BEST PRICE The Americans are in charge of the ning at ten-thirt- y and was met by Bishop two thousand rubles to be us cal floats, and Hawaiian tableaux and for your camp but the men are also under Lieut. Klawams who took me up to ed in preparing a Red Cross room in entertainment at the fair grounds to- their own officers. We first visited headquarters where I met Colonel the hospital here. I gave them some morrow night. LIBERTY BONDS their handsome club rooms and their Williams. He heartily fell In with all R. G. posters and flags and they have room where they have a of my suggestions already fix up room. Do not sacrifice them to irresponsible buyers. amusement and sent for Major started to the KUHIO GOES TO WASHINGTON N4ittle theatre' of their own. They built Belt, who is in charge of the hospital We are going to have very comfort- - (By The Associated Press) Last quotation for $30.00 bond. all these things themselves. The cur- there. We immediately made arrange- ible quarters in the center of the hos HONOLULU, June 7 Delegate Ku 93.00 for 100.00 bond. tain of their theatre Is a work of art, ments to establish a Red Cross room pital. hio expects to leave Monday on the steamer Lurline for Washington. He and the paintings, etchings, and tap- in the hospital. I left five thousand I invited all of the fellows down to The Bank of Maui, Ltd. conferred with Governor McCarthy Wuiluku, Paia, estries are really beautiful. rubles with the colonel for the ex the car for a chicken dinner but as today after which McCarthy said he Luhaina. We next visited the hospital which pense of fixing up the room in good the ear was not big enough for them and members of t he commission is the best that I have ever seen in shape. Also left one thousand rubles aii, we obtained permission from the which was authorized by the last legislature Washing- this part of the country. Everything for refugee work to be expended at Russian station master to have the would leave for ton early next January unless Dele- i i is as complete as it can be and the the direction of the colonel as he had dinner at his house. Eleven of us gate Kuhio cabled that their presence men all seemed to take a great deal reported a few worthy cases. Took were present including the station was desired earlier. of pride and interest in their work. up the matter of the eighty-seve- n who Nachalnik" and we all had a very This is all under supervision of the had applied to the Red Cross for help good some of sta- - When in Honolulu feed and drank the LEGAL BATTLE FOR ' Egg ui iiV 9iiM American Officers Mho are certainly in the way of clothing. He said that ion master's good vodka. He cer OFFICE IMMINENT stop at a fine lot of American true-blodde- d he would have the case investigated tainly was a very persistent old scout (Bv The Associated Press) men. In the whole camp is in and report to me as soon as possible. HONOLULU, June 6- - Following At fact and we all enjoyed ourselves. A mix- torney good condition as is the hos- Jones General Irwin's complaint just as and Alexander came on and ed passenger and freight train pulled against Kalauokalani a warrant was pital. we all went over the Colonel's quart- nto the station and with the kind as served on the County Clerk later this Afterur tour of the hospital, we ers for lunch, where we met Major sistance of our good friend the Nach- afternoon. Clerk Kalauokalani short CIHOPEAN PLAN ly Judge made complete circuit of the mess Miller and Chaplain Webb. We were alnik, we were able to hook into this afterwards appeared before bakery, laundry, bathrooms, with Attorney John Cat heart Running in every room; halls, asked to have dinner with the nial.so, rain which enabled us to get to Vla and was released upon his own recog water rooms kitchens, water-pumpin- g station, and and accepted with pleasure. Dinner divostok about two hours sooner than nizance until next Friday morning. singly or with baths; comfortable beds; also the barracks where the four hun- was to be at five-thirt- I excuso.1 we would have, had we waited for There is every indication that a great close to best restaurants and all car-line- s. legal fought dred cossacks are living. Afterwards myself and went back to the car aril lie regular train which we under battle will be for the Highest class service. disputed seats. Judge Heen today re- Centrally located In the we made a visit to the barracks of made arrangements to get the s stood was two hours late. theatre .ad shopping center. Commanding ceived his certificate of election af- Co. E. We found the plies shipped up to the hospital as We had a fine trip and had most ter Clerk Kalauokalani had found it cracker-jac- k CHILD, Proprietor one-th'Jt- F. Officer, Captain Larkin, a the wagons were to call at congenial company in a drawer of Deputy Mills' desk. J. (V- in Lieut. Jones t yrJ' is. ' per- Judge fellow and one who has the The wagons came promptly and we and Lieut. Alexander, both of whom Heen cabled his resignation as sonality to swing Just a proposition soon got rid of things. put judge to the U. S. attorney general the After are a mighty good specimen of the R. asking for prompt acceptance. 3 FOUR THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1919. THE mVUI NEWS ON ANONYMIC ACCUSATIONS LODGE MAUI, NO. 472, F. & A. M. The Maui News is in receipt of a letter from an anonymous writer OPEN FORUM ff Entered at the Post Office at Wailuku, Maul, Hawaii, as second-clas- s matter. in which serio'us charges are made igainst a definitely named person in Maui, and has asked that the letter be printed. As the person who One Solution of the Problem A Republican Paper Published in the Interest the People Staled meetings will be held at of w rote this letter is ashamed to even put his or her name upon the To the Editor: The Japanese Edu- Hvery Friday. Masonic Hall, Kahului, on the first Issued associations of Maul and iettcr to the editor, the Maui News does not feel that it can accede cational Saturday night of each month at 7:30 MAUI PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED, Oaliu have recently requested suggest- to the writer's request. The facts as set forth in the letter may be P. M. Proprietors and Publisher. ions from various teachers of the ac- Visiting brethren are cordially In- true or not the editor has no way of verifying them because the as to moans or methods of Subscription Ratss, $2.50 per Year in Advance Territory vited to attend. cuser has not revealed him or herself. Therefore the Maui News can- improving language schools. their J. II. Tratt, W. M. : not print the letter. The News is always glad publish in its These requests were undoubtedly will. J. COOPER EDITOR AND MANAGER Maui to W, A. CLARK, Secretary. ELIZABETH SEYMOUR-ROBINSO- ACTING EDITOR columns letters regarding matters of public interest or abuses which occasioned by the attempts in our should be brought to the of last legislature to pass laws regulat- attention the public. If desired the name LODGE NO. 3 TRIDAY JUNE 13, 1919 ing Japanese language schools. The ALOHA KNIGHT8 of the wrjter will be withheld, but names of letter writers should be following letter was sent by a Maui OF PYTHIAS. divulged to the editor. pedagogue to the Association in In newspapcrdom it is considered unethical to reveal the sources answer to this request, and I am send- THIS COUNTRY NO FIELD FOR BOLSHEVISM of news and honorable newspaper people stand by this principle. There- ing it to you for publication: fore anyone sending in a letter to the editor who does not wish their "It goes without saying that Ihe adoption of American methods in P.olslicviMii is vicious in its theory and criminal in its practices. Il name to appear on the communication is at liberty to request that the Regular meetings will be held at general as to discipline and teaching 'of has appeared in certain European countries which have suffered from name be publ'shed for like is the Knights Pythias Hall, WjL not the editor, Brutus, an honorable man. will improve your language schools, Fri?$? the domination of unintelligent autocrats, where vast numbers of the luku, on Ihe second and fourth The letter for publican can be signed Pro Bono Publico, or Constant but the main tiling is to Americanize of each month. nothing to about their To people are uneducated and have had little or say Reader or Steady Subscriber, or any one of a hundred bromidic signa- your pupils as much as possible. All visiting members are cordially political and economic fortunes. It is a pity that such peoples, mis- tures, but the originator thereof must, for the information of the editor, do this you must teach them that invited to attend. America (U. S. A.) is to them of guided by fanatical or wrong-minde- d leaders, have not been able to place the true name upon the letter the il. J. H. PRATT, C. C. or request accompanying importance and that Japan is seize the opportunity presented to them to lay the foundations of first A. MARTINSEN, K. It. & S. The Maui News is in the business of printing authentic news and second. This is a hard thing for a beneficent institutions and to proceed in orderly fashion. They will facts as correct as it can procure them. It is not in the business of native Japanese to do but is absolute- be compelled, for thtir own salvation, to throw oft their present lead-ei- s, stirring up trouble for people who have not the courage of their con- ly necessary under the circumstances. to make an "about face," and to start on new lines. I have no victions and who will not step forth and make their accusations in the "In American schools teachers treat. most courteously, giving her "Oven" Glass Dishes for fear of bolshcvism in this countn . I have no patience with that small Japan broad light of day. It is not a monger of idle, malicious gossip, and its strength and minority of men, many of them recently come among us.unacquainted all credit for national BAKING nrssion is not to narrow the world of Maui to the doings and petty progress, but also teach that America with our institutions and purposes, familiar only with institutions and Sanitary, Easy to Clean, Economical, squabbles of Maui, but to bring the cuter world to Maui, to the end that has the greatest and best democratic Durable conditions radically different from ours, who seek to overthrow our Maui folk may obtain a broader outlook and be on the inside of the government on earth; that in it peo- Government. 1 do not believe that those elements arc very strong or world of affairs looking out,rather than the small boy looking through ple of every race and condition are equal the law and have the ut- will get very far. The people of this country are committed to the (he knothole at the ballgame going on within. under rule of the majority and to the rule of law. There is no good cause most liberty possible; that it is a government of the people, for the peo- which can not get a hearing from our people. It is up to the man who peole. WORK THE RULE BOTH WAYS ple and by the advocates it to persuade the majority that he is right. If lie can, he "Teachers point to the lives of can secure what he seeks at the polls. If he can not, he must abide Franklin, Lincoln, Edison and oth- THE NEWEST METHOD Now a bunch of school commissioners who don't have to up . by the will of the majority or suffer the penalty. The majority will get ers to prove that under' our free in- dainty bake and every morning, and hike to work, willy nilly, have arbitrarily made a men born of low- spotless serve in the not tolerate any effort by a misguided minority to impose its will by stitutions the practical same dish fifteen minute addition schoo1 school Teach- liest rank frequently rise to the violence. aliens among us propose such a to the hours for the marm. Bread Pans $1.15 each If course, the quicker they highest. ers for the Islands for the new term, according to the ruling, will have Pie Plates, h $1.25 each are put out of the country the better. If naturalized citizens who "An outward sign of the intention Custards 25 each to start in the school day 15 minutes earlier.-Fro- m the staindpoint of took the oath to support the Government attempt it, the quicker they truly to Americanize your pupils Bakers $1.00 each the school are denaturalized the better. commissioners, it may be more desirable to start school would be always to raise the Amer- Casseroles $1.35 each Etc., Etc., Etc. carher in the morning. We don't question that. This is a warm ican flag above the Japanese when I have no patience with those who advocate the rule of any class. New shipment just opened. climate, and the early morning hours are best work in a opportunity presents itself." Democracy arose on the downfall of a class. Because our forefathers for such Brass Candlesticks at half price. temperature. respectfully, did not want class rule they deposed such rulers as the Stuarts, the Without a doubt the school teachers, who as a general Your iule are above the average in intelligence A MAUI TEACHER. Bourbons, and their adherents. Their descendents and those of our and open to conviction, will W. W. Dimond & Company agree that the theory is excellent, they being long on people coming from other free nations who have recently aided in de- theory, but here "The Houso of Housewares' comes that inevitable monkey wrench in 53-6- posing the German ruling class will not permit class rule to be set up the machinery to ball up pet King Street HONOLULU schemes why didn't the commissioners 1 here. There is no one class in society that has more sense than all cut the minutes off the other end of the day? Then ENTERED the others. Any one class would make a sad failure of governing this there would not be the protest rising from the length and breadth of Hawaii nei OF RECORD Nation or any othei. History teaches that lesson very plainly. I am anent the early starting of school. I We don't understand it is S in favor of improving our Government whenever the need for improve- why that people who employ are always so THE HOME OF THE willing to add on to the length of time their employees should serve and Deeds ment is demonstrated, but not of upsetting it. It is time for us to re- I nd starp are so reluctant to off JOSE F. PHILLIP & WF. et. als. to Stcinwoy fresh our own minds as to the real essence and meaning of our institu- cut any. They are always willing to take from the time of their employees for their own benefit, Manuel F. Phillip, int. in pes. land, tions and to bring them home to the uninitiated among us so that gov- but never willing to have their employees take any Pulehuiki, Maul, May 31, 1919. Ex- ernment of the Nation by all the people may endure. Every legitimate lime from the employer. It's a poor rule change. be that won't work both ways. Play fair with the teachers. them effort should made to counteract the schemes of the wild agitators Start JOSE F. nilLLIP & WF. et. als. to to work fifteen minutes earlier you 1-- who seek to develop bolshcvism in this great free country of ours. if want to, but knock it off the Maria Vares, 3 int. ia Gr. 1223 & oilier end of Aapueo-nui- , D. F. HOUSTON, Secretary of Agriculture. the day. R. P. 1223 Kula, Maui, May 31, 1919. Exchange. Many people spend so much time in earning a living that they have JOSE F. PHILLIP & WF. et. als. to ARE THEY RIDING TO THEIR DOOM? no time to live. Do not spoil the life in making the living. Take life Virginia Pinheiro, int. in R. Ps. as you find it but don't leave it there. 1224 & 5164 Aapueo nui, Kula, Maui, May 31, 1919. Exchange. A liar is a dangerous person to be running around loose at any Through zeal JOSE F. THILLIP & WF. et. als. to it-t- knowledge is gotten, through lack of time, and when the liar happens to be a nation that has proved zeal knowledge Joana Boteilho, int, in pes. land, is lost; let a man who knows thio never to be trusted, there's but one thing to do, lick it until it double path of gain and loss thus Aaupeoik.; Kula, Maui, May 31, place himself that knowledge sees the light of truth or exterminate it altogether. Which it shall may grow. Buddha. 1919. Exchange. be depends now upon Germany itself. VIRIGINIA PINHEIRO & HSB. (M.) We have a large stock of The The simplest way to prevent the accumulation of dirt is to make to Maria Vares int. in 30 A of Gr. self deceived Germans and Austrians still do , Inside Pkiyer Pianos not seem able it easier 1224 Aapueo-nui- Kula, Maui, June to to be clean than to be dirty. at Drices easv grasp the fact that the Entente mean business, and stubbornly re- 2, 1919. flO. fair and terms. j We take old pianos In exchange. fuse to sign the peace terms as submitted NUAMAE (w.) to them. They assert that A eed is any plant in the wrong place. et. al to Kahinalua the terms mean starvation to them. Evidently the reports that have (k.) por. R. P. 7129 Kul. 5134 Wai-alu- Thayer Co., Ltd been previously circulated by them that their countries Molokal, Jan. 2, 1919, $1 & HONOLULU, HAWAII. were now starv- love. ing are untrue.for if this were a fact they be "The Japanese Educational Associ- would only too glad Otsuka Objects To ENOS VINCENT & WF. to Sam Ako, to sign terms in ation is the highest organization in order to get started on the every day work re- 0 A of Maui, and therefore, there are many of R. P. 5327 Kul. 83G6 habilitating their business life which only Opprobious Epithets Makaaka, Waihee, 3, permanent peace makes it members of this association to select Maui, June possible to do with 1919. $500. any degree of safety. Which only furnishes one from, who would be proper to make more proof that Hapsburg-Hohcnzollcr- n Papers in a suit for libel brought JOHN M. BRIGHT & WF. to Lahaina the combination and its arrangements for Mr. McCaughey's THE PERSONAL by N. K. Otsuka, editor of the Maui Agrctl. Co., pes. land, Puaa, Laha- cohorts has lied once again, and without a doubt their reception. And now to pick up such WRITING MACHINE assertions that Hecord, ina, Maui, Aug. 3, 1911. $210. the peace against S. Yasui, owner and a stupid fellow meaning N. K. Otsu- terms, as laid down by the Allies means economic YOUNG starvation, editor of the Maui Shinbun, have been ka) a man who resigned from the WA & WF. to Angus McPhee if. but another falsehood. Lot 34 sent by Eugente Murphy, attorney membership of this public organiza- Gr. 3887, Pulehuiki, Kula, CORONA Reports come that for Maui, 4, recruiting has begun in Germany, This may Otsuka, to Lorrin Andrews, at- tion thus showing his ignorance, be- June 1919. $2700. be lie torney at Honolulu to Ot- ALBERT PERKINS & another of the Germans in the hope of scaring out the Allies and be tried for cause his ideas were rejected by the WF. to Estate suka in the courts there. The suit of II. P. Baldwin Trs. of int. in make them come to German terms. How little the Germans know association; a fellow who tried to in- Typewriter of is for $10,000 damages, share in hui land, Mailepal, Kaana-pali- , their opponents, even after four and is based vestigate troubles in the Educational Universally adopted by men and years of bitter warfare. If the tales on an editorial Maui, May 28, 1919. of which appeared in the Association by means of his news- $150. women of affairs for changing recruiting be true, let them start in, and this time, please Shinbun shortly God, we after it was bought papers all of the time; a fellow who Exchange Deeds spare moments into productive hope the Allies will sail into them and by Yasuhi, which never stop until they've got the Otsuka has translat- approved the none-existenc- e of the MRS. ESTHER HOLSTEIN & HSB. ones. whole bunch licked to a frazzle and bowing ed for The Maui News: Japanese Language (meaning (T.) to T. Sakamoto, pes. and scraping with a Schools int. in MECHANICALLY PERFECT "yes sir" at every step. upholding the School Bills land, Lahaina, Maui, June 5, 1919. Are You Reading The Name Of The in the last COMPLETE SIMPLE It is a Legislature), lately defending Miwa Conveyance. shame to call the Germans yellow dogs, because it is an Maui Japanese Educational COMPACT a destroyer of the Japanese Language T. SAKAMOTO & WF. to Mrs. Esther insult to dogdom. Rather call them coyotes, those Association? Take it any place any time cowardly animals Schools; and furthermore a dirty fel- Holstein int. in por. Gr. 114G & pc. that only sally in boldly "We have already published, ac- when their prey is helpless low in in- land Waikapu, or weaponless. cording to the report of his conduct and acts as an Wailuku, Maui, June Men of America the secretary 5, are eternally waging a fight against four-foote- d dividual, and of whom we feel asham- 1919. Conveyance. the of the Maui Japanese Educational As- HAWAIIAN NEWS coyotes, and it is about ed to beastly fel- time that the men of America waged to a finish sociation, the resolution passed by talk and a hearted Mortgages their fight two-foote- low who pretends to be a human, ANGUS against the d slinking German coyotes. the committee. We have found some McFHEE & WF to Bank of LTD. makes us surely begin to when- 00.f dissatisfaction among the members vomit Maui, Ltd., Lot 34 Gr. 3887 Pulehu- ever we Agents for and the well thinking residents of hear the facts about him. iki, Kula, Maui, June 4, 1919. $1300. Territory If there were no good man as- Young Hotel Building AND AFTER Japanese community, so we want the in the SEKI HONDA & HSB. (K.) to Bald- THE FAIR! sociation, we help committee of the Japanese Education- could not it, but win National Bank of Kahului, int. HONOLULU as there are plenty of good men to be 4, This past week al Association to reflect well. There in Lot Blk. 1 Wells Park Tract, has been a gay one for Maui folk who have been appointed, why was is a rumor that Mr. McCaughey, the this immoral and Wailuku, Maui, June 2, 1919. $300. visiting Honolulu and the Territorial Fair. Next indecent man by public week they will all Public Instructor of the Territory of hated the Assignments Of Leases come home and start going to bed with like Dakatsu (a poisonous insect like A- - the chickens, for mark you Hawaii, is coming to Maui in the JOSE F PHILLIP ft als to Maria Va- there is a scorpion) and Maggots? We dare 2 n m a l--i . . going to be a three day celebration on this Island near future. If it is true, we approve res, int in Lease dated Aug 21, 1900 at the time say the name of the Association is of the anniversary of America's independence. of the committee's resolution to have in Book 211 Page 230, June 2, 1919. !' ftlAUitiUlMSTORt Maui people want to degraded and all the members of the celebrate in fitting fashion, a reception for him by the Maul Jap- $10. BOOKS, STATIONERY and in order to stand the wild life are now association insulted by such an ap- anese Educational Association, and MAIIAI KAIIOOPAKI to Lee Chu NEWS DEALERS starting to lay in good licks of .sleep against the dissipations pointment. We again say the appoint- of the we then would kindly request him for Tai, Grant 84C2, Waiakoa, Kula, two-year-o- Hawaiian Fourth. Let's all be feeling fit as a ld ment is a mistake, but could not be Views and Post Cards and show the visitors his advice in the reconstruction of Maui, April 15, 1915. 10 yrs Souvenir-Jewelr- y avoided. We warn not at $10 from Honolulu and the other islands that Maui, when she the Japanese Language Schools, but the committee for whole term. Kodaks starts in to to have this thing happen again." ' and Films celebrate, can do the job browner than any other we are very Borry that the commit- Agreements Ukuleles aggregation. She Fine Candies already has a good reputation for tee saw fit to appoint the wrong man ROYAL HAWAIIAN SALES CO, entertainment in Honolulu but this Scientists have discovered a Ltd, Koa Novelties in making arrangements for this Im- thrush with Mrs Carl F N Rose, to time has a serious rival for Fourth of July honors in Hilo. Maui no that dives and swims. What is need- sell for portant and sacred educational i $1701.50. WAILUKU, l a oi Don't forget it. ed is a swallow that will kick. Bal- Oldsmobile Automobile, MAUI timore American. i Maui, May 17, 1919. $G56.50. THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1919. FIVE

IN OFFICE TO STAY HE SAYS - jNoavs (By The Associated Press) Latest WEIMAR, June 12 "We are still Honolulu Wholesale Produce Market Quotations n office and will stick but it is our S3 By Wireless duty to save the Germans from the ISSUED BY THE TERRITORIAL MARKETING DIVISION po foe." . Noske declared before a RT Wholesale Only. Week ending, June 7, 1919. majority socialist meeting. Every Minute To Be Claim Ring Champs Senate Is Against Small Consumers Cannet Buy at thete Prices ECIDE SETTLE MIXUP IN COURT (By The Associated,. Press) Busy On Holiday Got Start On Coast League Of Nations HONOLULU, June 11 It is practi- - Island butter, lb 65 (Bananas, Chinese, lb None illy mlxup Eggs, select, doz 70 nananas, uooKing, Dncn 1.75 decided that the election Eggs, No. 1, doz None Figs. 100 1.00 ill go before the Supreme Court for Races, Ballgames, Polo And Dances Williard And Dempsey Unkown Un (Bv The Associated Tress) Eggs, Ducks, doz 60 Grapes Isabella, lb 12 WASHINGTON, June 12 Senator ecision on agreed statement of facts. Young Roosters, 11) 60 to .65 Alligator Pears, piece . . . .03 to .04 Have Been Planned To Keep The til Boosted By Ring Fans In San Knox presented resolution putting the Rabbits, live weight, lb 25 Limes, 100 50 to .60 Turkeys, lb 60 Pineapples, Crowds Busy On Senate on record against accepting cwt 2.50 Fourth Of July Francisco USSIANS SAY SUNK SUBMARINE Hens, lb 50 to .55 Papaias, cwt 2.50 to 2.75 the league of nations as set forth in (By The Associated Press) Ducks, Muse, lb 40 Strawberries bskt 12V4 to .15 Ducks, lb 35 The sports program for the double SAN FRANCISCO, June 12 (By the terms of the peace treaty which LONDON, June 11 The Russian Pekln. Haw. Oranges, 100 1.75 to 2.25 Duck, Hawaiian, doz. ...13.00 to 13.50 header holiday which Maul Is to hold Associated I'ress) In no city in the was reported on and amended by the soviet government announced that on Livestock this year, has now been completed by country are Jess Willard, the heavy Senate committee particularly that une 7th that they Bank a submarine Vegetables Cattle and sheep are not bourht at Beans, green, 02 Maul County & Racing As- weight champion boxer, and challeng section declaring the American policy hat attacked destroyers in the Gulf string lb lire weight. They are slaughters the Fair Beans, string wax, lb 04 sociation, and will be sports to er Jack Denipsey better known among that whenever European peace is f Koporia. and paid for on a dressed weight there Beans, Lima, In pod, lb 04 basis. suit the most critical. On Friday, the followers of the ring than in this again threatened the United Stales Beans, Maui red, cwt 6.00 ( Good Hogs up to 150 lb.... 27 to .284 practically would cooperate to remove such Beans, Calico, cwt 6.00 July 4th, at 10 a. m., the racing will city. Both men made their MERICAN FEDERATION Dressed Meats menace. Senator Sterling introduced Beans, pm. wh. cwt .... 6.75 to 7.00 start, seven races to be run on that start here that is their serious ring Beef, 18 in (lie ENDORSES STRIKE Beans Ig. wh. cwt 5.00 lb day. 2 careers, although both men had fought Senate resolution reserving . At o'clock in the afternoon (By The Associated Press) Beans Speckled, cwt 4.50 to 5.00 Veal, lb. . 18 a baseball game practically as unknowns before com- the right of congress to determine the Mutton, lb 26 there will be between ATLANTIC CITY, June 12 Amer-a- n Beets, doz. bnch's 30 ing here. For this reason an unusual justness of the obligations imposed Pork, lb 33 to .35 the Maui team and the Federation of Labor has endors-- i Carrots, doz. bnch's 40 of being taken upon the country under Section 10 Carrots, lb 01 Hides, Wet Salted baseball team from onolulu, which is amount interest is the proposed strike on Monday of coming especially for a series of here in the championship contest of the league of nations. Corn, sweet ino ears .... 3.00 to 3.50 Steer No. 1 lb 12 he electrical workers including bulk Corn, sm. yel. ton Ste.tf No. 2, lb 10 4 staged Toledo The House committee reported Haw. None games. At o'clock the same day which is slated to be at f telephone operators in Steer, slip 08 favorably to return the telegraph and union the Corn, Haw. yel. lg. ton .68.00 to 70.00 hair there will be a polo game at the polo on Independence Day. uunlry. Peanuts, lg. lb None Kips, lb 12 field, and Friday night, there will be Willard's fight against "Gunboat" telephone systems to private control Peanuts, sm. lb None Goat white 20 to .30 a big dance held at the armory in Smith" in which Willard lost the de- immediately. Green peppers, bell, lb 07 Feed UAREZ RESIDENTS peppers, Wailuku. & cision, was the first real opportunity Senator Palmer asked Congress for Green chili, lb 04 Corn, sm. ton None of a half million appropriation. MOVE TO SAFER PLACE Pot. sweet, red cwt 1.50 to 1.60 Corn, lg. yel. ton 70.00 Racing will start at 1 o'clock on followers of the ring here had Pot. Is. Irish purple .2.23 to 2.50 The Senate passed (By The Associated Press) cwt.. Coin, cracked ton 80.00 Saturday afternoon, six races to be estimating the worth of Willard. It has the bill Pot. sweet wh. cwt 1.40 to 1.50 Bran, ton 52.50 JUAREZ, June 12 Gen. Angeles' run day. A ball game between is recalled that Willard did not make amending the railroad control and Pot. sweet, red cwt 1.50 to 1.75 Barley, ton 67.00 that orces began moving on today Chinese team and Maul team at much of a reputation for himself as asked for restoration of rates mak- Juarez Taro, cwt 2.50 to 2.75 Scratch food, ton 82.50 the 1 powers inter-stat- e at o'clock. Everyone in the city Taro, bnch 15 Oats, ton 65.00 4 o'clock and another dance in the a fighter but his great bulk was the ing commerce is moving to safer quarters. It is Tomatoes, lb 01 Wheat, ton 100.00 evening. wonder of the day. It frequently was peas, not believed Angeles will attempt Green lb None Middling, ton 65.00 The holiday will run over into Sun commented on at the time that if that Cucumbers, doz 25 Hay, wheat, ton 55.00 n until night. day, for the third of the ball game Willard ever gained the championship WILL HUNT DOWN BOMBERS attack Pumpkins, lb 02 Hay Alfalfa, ton 49.00 series will be played Sunday after it would be more through his enor (Bv The Associated Press) noon, a double header being staged mous size than for any particular WASHINGTON, June 12 Hunt is for that day. ability he had as a fighter. on for bomb throwers and enemies Willard engaged in several minor of law and order. bouts here after his meeting with Smith but he failed to convince the SHRINERS WILL MEET Linton Becomes sporting fraternity. He made a poor IN PORTLAND showing against Charlie Miller in a (Bv The Associated Press) INDIANAPOLIS, 12 A four round bout. Miller, who is a June Portland, Tennis Star Oregon motorman, had little to recommend has been selected for the 1920 meeting place of the him aside from his size and rugged-nes- s Shriners. Makes Good Promise Shown Early but he succeeded in making Will- TRANSPORT RAMMED In Season Maui Players Will ard practically run away from him during the twelve minutes of boxing. AND BEACHED Have To Look Up (By was called a draw by the ref- The Associated Press) This NEW YORK, June 12 The trans eree. port Graf Waldersee was rammed by Jack Linton, son of Mr. and Mrs Dempsey, on the other hand, made gave Redondo and beached on Long Island II. M. Linton of Wailuku, who a decided hit from the start and it AVAILABLE promise early in the season of be predicted was a fighter was that he CLAIM PROVISIONAL coming a bright and shining tennis consideration who must be taken into GOVERNMENT ESTABLISHED star has made good that promise. He sooner or later. Under the circum- is now considered the tennis champ (By The Associated Press) FOR stances it is not difficult to account SEOUL, June 12 Leaders of Korea ion of Honolulu Military Academy the for the strong Dempsey sentiment Independent, movement claim to have and is being looked upon as the like' which exists here among ring follow- secretly established and set up a pro ly winner of tennis tournament ' the ers, the majority of whom, as far as visional government with Yisuengman which is now in full swing on the determined, believe Dempsey IMMEDIATE DELIVERY can be as president. Honolulu Military Academy Courts will be returned the victor after his Two matches are yet to be played be- - meeting wltb the present champion FAILED SAYS ON- E- fore the semi-final- s are staged and Those who favor Willard continue to NIX SAYS THE OTHER will be finished this week this point to his great bulk rather than (By The Associated Press) to his fighting ability which latter CHICAGO, June 12 Despite the however, they say undoubtedly has statements by the commercial tele- SAGAMORE RUBBER All-Sta- Thinks rs improved through experience since he graph companies that the strike has fought here. failed President Konenkamp of the Stand Good Chance operators union has announced that assurances have been received that Eddie Rodrigues, manager and Lahaina Athletes New York broker operators will join BELTING tain of the Maui All-Star- one of the the strike. strongest baseball nines on the Valley Helped By Benefit ST. LOUIS, June 12 Order of rail Isle, went to Honolulu this week, to road telegraphers ordered their mem SIZES: look over the baseball material and At the benefit which was given sev bers to discontinue Saturday the hand incidentally watch the Chinese twirl-er- s Athl- ling or using of western union and eral weeks ago for the Lahaina Three Ply-I- H", 2", 212". play a few games. He opined etic Association at the armory in La- postal traffic. when interviewed that the Chinese haina, the sum of $82.40 was realized. Four 3", 4", 5", 6". bunch won't have a walkover with This will be utilized for the equipment RECORDS BROKEN AT FAIR Ply V2 the All-Star- s of Wailuku and Is con- of the association for the furthering (By The Associated Press) 12 Yesterday Ply-- 1 fident tat in the series to be pulled of athletics in Lahaina. HONOLULU, June Five 8", 0". off during the Fourth of July celebra- and last night broke all records for tion the All-Star- s stand as good a the fair admissions, in the evening Six Ply-1- PROFIT 2". chance of walking away with the POOR WILL on account of the Kamehameha eel FROM PLEASURE bacon- as the Mandarins. Manager ebration. the Honolulu ball Rodrigues informed WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY OF crazy ALLIES NOT READY fans that Maui was baseball OCCUPATION, April 29 (By Assoc! on comers. TILL SATURDAY and is ready to take all ated Press) American soldiers fond PRICES ON APPLICATION looking for (By The Associated Press) of wild game hunting are PARIS, June 12 The belief is in WAISTLINE TABU IN TEXAS ward to July 1 when the season for creasing that the Allies reply to the duck, snipe, plover, wild ewanB, German counter proposals will not be PASO, Tex., May 15 Walter swamp bog EL cranes and other and ready for delivery before late Satur has declared war on the was decided Williams game fowl begins. It day. The Germans must reply with He has been an athletic army waistline. recently by Third officers that In five days after they receive the army camps and, Occupa- instructor at the the soldiers of the Army of Allies word. not being chosen for service In tion should abide by the German re service In France, he has brought the gulations regarding wild game. The BRITISH FIGHTING war home to the business men of the open season for birds of the swamp city why are getting perfect 46 figures opportunity of the NEAR PETROGRAD will be the first (Bv Press) region of the equator. Each to try The Associated in the summer for the Americana STOCKHOLM. June 12 British Co.'s morning at seven o'clock his class re' kind of shooting. Kahului non-Bo- Railroad their hand at this troops are participating in l puts not ports for duty and Williams But tie American soldier will shevik operations against Petrograd them through an hour of fat reducing hn allowed to have the pleasure of exercises which end with a swim and eating game even after he has the CONGRESSMAN TAWNEY DEAD a shower. had victory in the field. To prevent food (By The Associated I'ress) MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT the soldiers from depleting the WINONA, June 12 Former Con ob Dealing Direct supply of the country all meat gressman Tawney is dead. hunting by any Mrs. Hetty Green hated a snob in tained as a result of army personnel will be turned over any form. She owned a farm in Ver MAY GET COMMUNISTIC Tel. Nos. poor people of the locality In mont, and at times spent a few weeks to the GOVERNMENT Warehouses, Kahului game was killed. 165 & 201 there. In one of her lots was a some which the (By The Associated Press) what vicious cow that had exhibited LONDON, June 12 That a Com postmaster-genera- l Sweden a determination to chase visitors. The of niunist government will be proclaim is country to study tne unit ven- in this ed in Austria witli promise of success One day a visiting Englishman ed States mall-servic- What a serv tured to cross the lot. The cow, true ice they must have In Swedea official information indicates and to form, Immediately gave chase. In Cleveland Plain Dealer. states that 40 percent of the army is an angry frame of mind, the visitor composed of Bolshevik communists say Two Logan County preachers have who expect to align with Hungarian presented himself to Mrs. Green, supreme test, nndereone the evident com niunist s. ing: "Madam, your cow has chased ly with success. One of them sold me across the lot." , Mrs. Green look- th other a second-han- Ford car, and ed him over but made no comment. both seem satisfied. Kansas ' City SULTAN'S HOME IS DESTROYED "Madam," he insisted, "do you know biar. J (Bv The Associated Press) who I am? I'm the Honorable Vivian CONSTANTINOPLE, June 12 Ger Westleigh, of London." Mrs. Green There's mlEhty little food ,a Palace Yildiz and Kiosk of the Sul many except food for reflWitlon, 1 pursed her lips and said: "Go tell that destroyed by fire, to the cow." Charleston, News and CouricJ. tan's home has been THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1919. Says China Is Due History Of Playing Cards and his wife displayed much bravery Wives And l. Farms Latest News Something About and It is said that one To Be Heard From day as was starting to Cards for playing games were used her husband inspect Legation, Soldiers DeSires in Egypt during the time of Joseph, the defenses of the Stephen Pichon g The Star-BuUoti- n prints inter- By Wireless Mrs. Pichon slipped two formidable-lookin- an writes Robert F. Salade in the Amer M. pistols Taking about GO service men view with Lorenzen, an Chinese ican rrinter. 'mere is evidence to into his hand. When, at PARIS, however, off random I put this quest ion: born American, who was returning to support this and also the fact tha France Among the chief he tried to fire them he figures "If the government gave you Tientsin after having served in playing cards were used in China long Wants Covenant of the Peace Conference, one discovered that they were unloaded! a on a job on a France for some time and stopped in before their introduction into Europe whom perhaps rests the greatest This incident caused the wit of the chance at reclamation Embassy, project with understanding Honolulu for a few days. In this in- me Chinese dictionary states that Separate From Treaty responsibilities, is Mr. Stephen Pich- evidently blessed with liter- the that Mr. on, Minister Foreign ary to you were to get a out of terview Lorenzen is said to have they were invented in China 1120 A of Affairs. Yet tendencies, nickname him farm the is evident Stephen land you help bring back, would you declared that in a very few years the u. msiory lens uss mat cards were (By The Associated Press) it that he does not fear the M.illarme." responsibilities sign up, my heroic friends?" world will be apprehensive of the being used by a few people in Europe WASHINGTON, June 10 Senator with which he is Further Diplomatic Experience charged: Taking 49V6 power of China. That China has pass- in about the middle of the fourteenth Knox presented a resolution stating he has always had a habit In 1901, Mr. richon went to Tunis, about of those same of looking things Resident-General- , men, random, I ed the experimental stage in the century, and that they were in gener that the senate could not concurr squarely in the face as and he fulfilled also at received the and following answer, or formation of a republic and that the al use in Europe in the beginning of with the league of nations provision of confronting the work of the the high and delicate duties intrusted thereabouts: moment to I? Well, depends. greatest national advances the world the fifteenth century. of the treaty as now drawn and asks with a determination which him greatly to the satisfaction of "Would that has, perhaps, Bey, in- One thing is a cinch I'm not going has ever known may be expected home historians claim that the that the covenant be separated from compensated him for the while developing French may go job playing from China within the next few years, Crusaders brought the practice of the treaty before it is submitted what he lack in the more subtle terests throughout the whole Protec- to back to a solitaire lie gives an explanation of the factors playing cards from the East where the senate. The resolution proposes qualities. torate in a most important manner. with a deck of filing-syste- cards la not which are working within China at the Crusaders had been in contact "The treaty shall be so drawn as He has always, too, it would seem, Although he seemed definitely to an office, and I'm going to load taken somebody . the present time causing unrest. with the Saracens who were known permit any nation to reserve for fu life seriously even when as a have abandoned politics, Mr. Stephen else's butter and canned staid, The first and most important of as card players and gamblers. The lure separate and full consideration crave little bov. clad in lnnir Pichon had never ceased to remain in peaches into somebody else's car aHr these, he says, is the general opposi- Crusaders were also great gamblers by its people the question of any trousers and in a jacket of distinctly touch with Mr. Clemenceau, and when $12 a week. I want an out-door- s job ter- Etonian - good tion felt throughout China at the and they had a strong liking for carc league of nations," but obligations of tendencies, he trotted duti- the latter became Prime Milnister in and farming sounds to me. fully to ritorial aggrandizement of which she In the sixteenth century playing cards Germany and under school through the quaint old 1906, he did not forget to recall 'his What I'd like is about 160 acres of has been the victim. The other cause the treaty will streets of Anay-le-Du- He was, it is old friend from Tunis to assume the nice alfalfa, some pure-bre- d stock, an were being used in every country of not be affected. ' antagon- said, a very good - is the breaking down of the Europe. ine resolution declared that th little boy; his eld portfolio of Foreign Affairs, automobile, and listen to me, man! ism which formerly existed between ers praised highly; years If secretary some- In the early days before the inven- I'nitod States policy "in order to nice him he rarely Thirteen have elapsed since and a wife! this Loren- made a any north and south China. Lieut. tion of printing, various kinds of ma- the obligations of ourselves and th noise, and did not care to then. Both Clemenceau and Stephen body of yours has idea that I'm play bunk-hous- e zen thinks for this reason that it terial were painted for the cards, and world that when freedom and peace with his livelier schoolmates. In Pichon again occupy their respective going to keep on living in a would be a wise move to change the the designs were painted in colors in Europe is again threatened by any fact, his father, who was positions of yore, at a moment when with a couple hundred other Nanking. The in capital from Teking to Papyrus was used for the cards in power or combination of powers the the tiny Cote d'Or city, was very the reconstruction of France and the guys and soap and towels furnished says, proud of j present capital, he is so far Egypt and China. When the first United States will regard the situa his quiet little son. remaking of the world are at stake. once a month he's crazy as the north, with only the desert behind it, missionaries entered China they found tion with grave concern as a menace A Self-Mad- e Man And considering the complete har clown prince. Not for mine! I've that it is in no way representative of some of the natives playing with to its own peace and freedom." In It would hardly appear at first mony of views uniting its two great made up my mind on this living China, and the only thing in its favor cards which were about half the size such event "is the United States to sight, that such a retiring almost political leaders, in spite of the viol- proposition and it includes a wife. is the fact that it has for centuries of the cards used in this country to consult the powers affected in view timid child would be well equipped ent opposition of a large part of the Does that answer your question em- - been the capital of the Manchu day. The Chinese called the cards of devising means for the removal of for the battle of life. Yet Mr. Steph- French Parliament, France ought, it any?" perors. shen', meaning a fan, for the reason the menace and it will if there is any en Pichon is in all the acceptations would seem, to feel assured that the "It does too well," I would say. that the cards when held in the hand necessity arising in future, carry out of the phrase, a "self-mad- e man." peace which will soon be signed, will "About the wife matter, now; do When his passed you find a girl The Return of the Colors resembled the shape of a fan. The the same in complete accord and co father away his be integrally that which her suffer you suppose could pack operation family had great difficulties to face. ings, her losses, and damages who would be willing to join such a (Two dis- Chinese contained thirty cards, with our chief her colored regiments that but convinced give you suggest?" tinguished themselves on the field of in three suits of nine each, and three ents for the defense of civilization.' that where there was her a right to expect. Christian partnership as honor have just returned to this coun- superior cards. a will there was a way, young Pichon Science Monitor, This answer was instant and filial. set try.) With the Anglo-Saxon- s in all parts GERMANY'S MANDATE to work to secure the material in- "I know it. Leave it to me. There REQUEST dependence sick of See dem bay'nets flash and flicker! of the world the pack contains fifty-tw- REFUSED which would relieve his are plenty of girls who are Hoy! dat hits me like licker! in four suits of thirteen each, i. (By The Associated Press) mother of all anxiety on his account. Jobless Heroes the city and who would like to get kettle-drum- s PARIS, June 11 Allies in their One day, own Hear 'em whale dem e., king, queen, jack, and ten cards at a lunch given by mutual (By Edmund Vance Cooke in the out with a fellow and make his Wlioe! dat cullud reg'ment answer to the German propos Fo-yo- conies! from ten to one, according to the num- counter friends at the famous restaurant t, Washington Herald.) chance in his own home on hi3 own Clash! Thud! Pans: Zing! als have refused Germany's request ber of pips. at the angle of the Rue de Tour-no- n piece of land." W'ilbur Hall, in the Babe, ma heart docs surely sing! for a mandate for Yes, they cheered our march The early Italians and Spaniards, former German col and the Rue de Vaugirard, in the Through April Sunset. onies under league the Victory Arch Honey Boy! dere's Henery Johnson instead of applying hearts, clubs, dia the of nations al shade of the Senate to which many That they built for a "welcome home" Watch yo' step, girls, he's a bear! lowing her to retain control of her years later both were to belong, Mr. And the mayor was there monds and spades to the cards (as in From Experience Pat's de kid killed fo'teen Bushes: former possessions. Concerning re Stephen Pichon From his civic chair," Zing, zingo, dat jazz air! the present time) had swords to re- made the acquaint appears to be quite noticea- parations the total sum Germany ance of And the Gov. from the State House There a Honey, honey, dis jazz stuff'll present the nobility, chalices for the Clemenceau. The later, at dome. ble difference of opinion in Morocco must pay is not yet fixed. y Shorely make ma feet go shuffe clergy, coins for the citizens, and The text tracted by the qualities he was quick And somebody sung and somebody as to the desirability or undersira-bilit- of the treaty is Clash! Thud! Bang! Zing! clubs, or staves, to represent the not changed but the to detect in the young man, engaged spoke of Spanish rule. Thus three Watch me pull buck-an'-win- Tan- dis peasantry. reply contains assurances for Ger- him as reporter in the Revolution (He talked so long that I wished he'd thousand people, at least, in Wickedest babes I evah saw: firmly convinced the many regarding method of the repar - choke!) gier are that Slashed dem Bushes an' ate 'em raw! It would require a long article in it- Francaise, of which he was then co- to complete their at ion process and explaining one thing needful Dey ate dem Bushes fer a picnic lunch self to go into the history of the art- the director with Sigismond Lacrolx. A And everyone a happiness is that the city should workable arrangement. cheered lot. An' foun' no white meat in de bunch. istic embellishment of playing cards couple of years later, having founded We were soused with coffee and ciga- pass, with as little delay as possible, La Justice. Clemenceau intrust pd rettes ; under Spanish sway. And yet, not since the time of their introduction e, Halleluiah! See dem knives! ROOT HAD TREATY Oh, yes, we thought we were quite fifty miles away, in the city of Lara-ch- into Europe. Among some Tittle Pichon" with the task of re Carve me a bit o' Kaiser's gizzard of the FOR SOMETIME some pets, are another three thousand who Say, I'm sorry for dem many designs porting the meetings of Senate. put Bushes were horsemen, eleph- (By The Associated Tress) the And then then they all forgot. recently petitioned Madrid to an wives ants, hawks, bells, flowers, birds and The young man continued to write Now a Yank is a Yank, and a Gob's a end to "their pitiful condition." "Po- Dere's Jim Europe, he's de wizard: WASHINGTON, June 11 Secretary thou- tumblers. em- ior that paper until 1880, and was Gob, litical errors," the Larache three See Jim Europe lead dat band! Not a few of these Elihu Root voluntarily appearing be it mournfully, "have while on he But neither is much when he needs a sand declared Oh, de wall of dem trombones! bellishments could be classed as fine fore the Senate Committee testified it that made the acquaint- job. brought Spanish zone to a state ance of the Kid, I'd eat right outa his hand art. The colorings in many instances that he had copies of the German Millerand, Aurelien School, of ruin both for the Spaniards and Click, clack, rattle de bones! and thou- were delightful. caty several weeks ago, which were Jules Roche. It was "Bud" and "Jack", natives." The Larache three Hear de squeal o' dat crazy flute, A Good Journalist And a slap on the back, sand, at any rate, speak from ex- Watch dat Gov'nah man salute! "The devil's picture books" were no given him by Henry Davison, New brought Mr. Pichon was an excellent An da "Come to the old canteen!". perience. Sc. Monitor. Ain't dat roaring jazz a daisy? doubt to the Ne wWorld dur- York banker of Morgan firm, Davison jour A bit of a lark, Ev'ry cullud heart is crazy! ing the time of Cortes' conquest of said he brought copy of treaty to Am nalist. He revealed both a diversity A ride in the park, Own Beer Buttons Mexico, in 1519. Herrera mentions erica but it was never read by any of ideas and a penetrating judgement, And a wasting of gasoline. Our Watch dat big buddy ovah dere, a No Beer, No Work; that when Cortes invaded Mexico man except ob- which were the precursors of that But cheer soon dies, and a smoke's Pat's a boy wid a Craw de Gare himself and Hoot who gone, No Work, King Montezuma took pleasure that sagacity which has always char soon Zing! Zing! dem flags do flutter, in ained a copy as chairman of the In And a speech isn't built to be lived No Pay; Babe, dis tastes as sweet as butter watching the Spanish soldiers playing ternational Red Cross. acterized his political career. He upon No Pay, No Food; Hear dem drummers boom an' thund- cards. treated with equal care and talent No Food, er: Cards were for a long period SENATE HAS COPY the most varied subjects, ranging from For more than a week or so. No Existences Boys dat plowed de Bushes under! in Mad Europe continued as a OF GERMAN TERMS sociology to literature, from history And "hero" and "savoir" sound right Let's All Get Clash! Thud! Bang! Zing! fashionable (By nice, And Watch game. of The Associated Press) to political economy, and 'em swing, girls, watch 'em Some the old games which 9 he has also But pretty much looks Starve To Death! swing! WASHINGTON, June A conv of it that they were played with cards were known the German treaty which is said to written a particularly fine essay on cut no ice, New York Evening Sun. See dat cunnel wid a proud, proud as Charles Pauvety, When your cash on hand runs low. walk! "London," "Noddy," "Macke," have been brought to the United the forerunner of by a Chicago newspaper Yes, a Yank is a Yank and a Gob's woman-suffrag- e states is Dem boys makes him look white as "Oubre," "Gleek," "Post and Pan," States man. socialism, one of the great French In the it was presented to the Senate by Sen- a Gob, said you can look at man and wife chalk! and "Bankrout," but today these are thinkers of the fifties. And "glory" good, a job a big tor liorah, and was ordered put into is but is and tell whether she votes his ticket Pern officers is mostly white. only "ghosts of the past." Congressional Nevertheless, journalism did not job! But black's fo' he Record and printed or he votes hers. Dallas News. de color love an' fight! There is a s a public satisfy him as a "life work". Politics Babe, I'd like to hug dat dandy record of cards being document, by a vote of 47 Must hug manufactured in New York in the to 24. soon exerted a great and irresistible Too bad that the man only recent- Are these "open covenants" above-Stre- some one dat you, Mandy? Lodge Yo' black face come kinda handy! year 1848, and even at that period it Senator on the grounds of attraction for him, and in 1883 he suc ly out of the trench must learn now board or overboard? Willi See dem bay'nets Senatorial immunity declined to give to retrench. Columbia Record. Journal. flash an'flieker, seems that the Americans did not persons ceeded in being elected as Municipal See dem ribbons on de flag! the name of the New York favor kings or queens, or even por- who had the treaty. Sec- Councilor of Paris, the almost inev- Never was no dough-boy- s slicker Assistant Tut old Kaiser in de bag! traits of kings and queens, for the etary of State Polk testified that the itable stepping-ston- e toward the more pictures on the were State Department had received copies nviable position of deputy, which he cards President of Thud! Bang! Clash! of the treaty from Paris which were Hearts, George Washington; Presi- in attained in 1885. At this period he See dem chicken-carver- s locked the State Department flash! dent of Diamonds, definitely abandoned journalism, nev- The right kind of Hear dat jazz, as strong as whisky John Adams; of vaults. clubs, Benjamin Borah began reading er again to up, Lord, my heart is debil-frisk- y : Franklin; of spades, Senator the take it and this mental Treaty before Watch dem s marehin' back Lafayette. The "queens" were Ve 'eace the Senate when altitude is extremely characteristic it was charged that the copy was un- Praise de Lord dat made 'em black! nus, Fortune, Ceres and Minerva. The of Mr. Pichon, who in the course of WALL authentic. PAPER Philadelphia Evening Ledger. knaves were respresented by pictures. his life never resumed any of his for- beautifies the home. or WILL DELIVER FRIDAY mer occupations resolutely inuian chiefs. REPLY thus We have the latest and most beauti- Actin' Up (By The Associated Press) Uirn,ing his back upon the past and PARIS, 9 peace ful designs of the season's offerings A magazine writer was gathering June The commis looking only toward the future. impressions Well In The Van sion has decided that the reply to the with Prices right. of the modern west, re- The Lure Of Diplomacy cently, and as he stood at a soda With all the world discussing fly- German counter proposals will not be fountain talking with the modern ingbusiness flying, pleasure flying, delivered before Friday. This gives Failing to be reelected in 1893, he Let us send you samples Better yet cowboy who was taking him about commercial air lines, trans-oceani- c the Germans five days to accept or immediately concentrated his atten- Come in at your first opportunity flights, and what not China evi- reject the treaty. the country in a motor car, four oth- is tion on a diplomatic career, with and look them over. er cowboys up dently determined to be "in with the Irish Delegates Walsh and Dunne rode on horseback, such success that he was soon ap- These were the kind of cowboys that oest of them." For the Chinese told President Wilson that guerilla a tenderfoot would expected: Minister of Communications has just warfare which usually precedes ma pointed Minister Plenipotentiary to have nuide a contract, they wore the clothes, and they carri- through a Pekine jor conflict is now going on in Ireland It should be remark- Lewers & Cooke, Ltd. sy"dicate. for the supply eu uiemseives with real cow hov of machines ed that Mr. Pichon unlike any of his LUMBER AND swagger; in short, this was the real v.wuhhu,,, iuc ursi mucuines GERMANY SENDING BUILDING MATERIALS to colleagues, ministers for foreign af- 169-17- 7 Wild West. But they disgust- be delivered will be the twin en- CONGRESSMEN So. King Street : : Honolulu rather gine biplane TREATY ed the cowboy chauffeur. "Look at converted to commercial (By fairs has actually visited widely dif- uses. It will 10 passengers The Associated Press) 'em," said he, "with four-qua- rt seat and ferent countries, with the result that their carry 1800 pounds PARIS, June 6 It is understood Texas hats. Nobody in this country of cargo. The con- he has acquired a very and use- tract, moreover, includes nd that Berlin Is sending photographic real wore 'em until the movies came." And exDerts ful knowledge he went on to explain pilots and the construction of the copies of the peace terms to the of racial characterist- that the entire necessary u liu esi performance was an imita- aerodromes, whilst the ma. United States congressmen. ics. In 1895, he was appointed Minist are to tion of the movies, which had set the c.mnes find their first uses in er to Brazil, but unfortunately he re- Tests by great government mechanical experts have proved younger generation wearing the cos- - !1P conVf''uce to the interior of THE SENATE IS ON mained there only two years, during chlnH of installa-"acti- JOB ANYWAY tumes shown on the screen and Marconi tireless (By The Associated up There is certainly no grading Press) which time he fully realized the great to the stuff they see in the !lonJ' WASHINGTON. June 7 ad- 111 the The influence which France could and pictures." Chr. Sc. Monitor eMerience of the peasant of ministration officials believe central China Chr. Sc. Monitor. that should acquire in South America, MAGNOLIA President Wilson's reply to the sen- then ate requests that the German treaty word in the making. on The Salina Journal is now com- be Anti-Fricti- accepted would be in- The year 1897 saw Mr. Pichon in plaining that the overseas mail ser- Revised Version compatible Metal vice is too with the public inter- Peking. Here again he was swift. Many Christmas Little Willie tried to fix ests. Paris dispatches say confront flip packages mailed five months ago European that the ed superior to other unities In are politics. American peace delegates affirm the with the delicate problem of deal frictlonol now being delivered to the addresses, All i he did was simply nix. heir decision not to authorize the ing with an altogether unknown psy- - resistance. when a dolay of a few more months Ain't he sixty-six- . cute? He's publication of the treaty until signed. hology which he was able to study would bring them in just in time for J. E. C. in the New Gen. Magnolia Metal York Evening March has announced that u under particularly harrowing constantly used at speeds of 5000 r, p. m. and up- - next Christinas. Kansas City Star. Sun. recruits for the army circum of occupa- stances, being ward. Melting point about 500 Fahrenheit. tion have been obtained, and that there during the Boxer We whipt in three years enlistments predominate revolt of 1900. His "Diary of the redskins order to Mr. Burleson can not be the gain this country, we whipt the red- accused of over periods for one year service Siege of Peking," trying to popularize any of in- written with all coats in order to gain our independ- the The mo army bill has been re- strumentalities which President Wil- - ported by the consiseness of a diplomatic docu ence therein, and we are not going some the house committee and iCatton, Neill & Co., ior inscrutable reason, has will carry t810.OUO.000 ment, contains some particularly in- Ltd. to allow the Reds to mar what we committed". to keening a rWruuo ..t his M- - Louis MuO.000,000 over teresting descriptions ' HONOLULU have gained. Kansas City Journal. Globe - Democrat the war department of the various estimate. episodes in this drama. Mr. Pichon THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1919. SEVEN

VILLA IS AFTER JUAREZ NOTICE Ship Upholds The Takes Nerve To Lie (Bv The Associated Press) MORGAN Latest News EL PASO, June 11 The Villa-Angel- DR. JAMtS ALBERT Shipping News eye, ear, nose and specialist Honor Of Maui In Denver Courts forces are reported to be in throat u has returned from service in the med- By Wireless the vicinity of Guadalupe from which ical corps of the navy and will re- Departures Maul has held up record once DENVER, Colo., June 12 (By As they have a clean sweep to Juarez. sume practice on Monday, May 26, at its Campbell Per steamer Claudlne, June 5, a.m.: more, through name- sociated Press) persons are his otliee in the new James this time it's Few building, cor. Fort and Hotel St. From Kaupo Mrs. Mary Ah Hee, sake the S. S. Maui, and Island res- good enough liars to face an entire-cour- t AUSTRIANS ASK GERMAN HELP VILLA IN GUADALUPE Mr. Marclel, S. H. Soon. idents are proud of the little ship room and perjure themselves. (By The Associated Tress) (By The Associated Press) PA 10 From Hana John Fassoth Sr., which bears its name. Through the When every eye in the court room is HIS, June Austrian peace EL PASO, June 10 Gen. Villa oc- John Foasoth, Jr., O. Okana, H. Bush, Matson Navigation Company word focused on one person, who is seated commissioners have asked Germany cupied Guadalupe 32 miles east of El K. MACHIDA store protest upon Miss Dush, Mrs. Sumlsohu, Ah Sook, was received early this week that the so that he can return the gaze, the to to the allies the rigor Paso lust night. Another force is re- ICE CREAM Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kapai and infant, Maul on her last voyage loaded 3700 witnesses will tell the truth. of the terms presented to Austria. ported, part of Gen. Angeles army, The Best in Town Miss Kapai, C. Pelper, Mr. Butterolph. soldiers in three hours, cutting in This fact is declared by Judge Ju- Irish Delegates Walsh and Dunne moving toward Juarez. And a Soda Fountain

y meet tomor- Us a From Kahului Mr. Pratt, Mrs. half the best previous record made lian II. Moore and Judge Henry Her-se- with President Wilson Give Trial Medeiros, H. W. row to urge President Wilson to MARKET STREET, : WAILUKU. English, Joe Mitchell by any ship, which was 6V6 hours. lo have been proved in a series VILLISTAS ACTIVE AGAIN N. present Ireland's cause to Council J. Kahookele, Miss S. Hee, Miss The information was sent to Mr. of experiments covering several the (By The Associated Press) Hee, Joe M. Noopui, of Four. Pieva, Estesn, N. Frank Baldwin at Tuunene by E. D. weeks in the Denver district court. JUAREZ, June 9 Military informa- S. Ahran, Chung Mr. Mrs. Fook, and Tenney president of the Matson Navi- As a result, the jury box has been tion says that Son Villistas reached M A F. W. Na-apo- f, AUSTRIA MAY DCDGE ISSUE ines, Driscoll, Maria gation Company, with the commend reconstructed so that the jurors sit Samalayucu 30 miles south of Juarez C. Wa-nag- (By The Associated Press) J. P. Fosters, Varcs, I. that "your island is maintaining its with their backs to the court room; following a concentration Sunday of Kogaija, A. Masuda, VIENNA, June lo Austria prepar- Miss Miss record through its namesake for doing the witness box is on a level with the 2000 Villistas, at Villa Ahumada un- K. ing answer to peace terms, it is Masuda, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Part- things, and I thought that you and platform on which the judge sits and tile der Generals Angeles and Lopez. ridge, Miss Partridge, Master Part- understood the reply will probably be the people of Maui would be pleased the witness is forced to sit where he ' : ; v ridge, Arthur Mcrhee, Louis Cambra, evasive. test: to receive this information." can see the entire court room as well EKIPS WITH CUSTOMS COIN Mr. and Mrs.. James Weight, Dan ..... A. iM...... A. , us the judge and jury. (By The Associated Press) Quill, Silva Genvea, G. Seritani, E. W. accord- WILL THEY FIGHT AGAIN? .. The experiments showed, EL PASO, June ! It is reported SEND US YOUR FILMS Schinger, Mrs. H. E. Starret and in- (By The Associated Press) Matson Freighter ing to the two judges, that placing 15EKXE, June 7 Berlin and Vienna that M. Murrieta, Mexican collector TO BE FINISHED fant, Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Mrs. Hardy of the witness in a chair beneath the papers state there is great activity in of customs removed the official funds Master Smith, von Tempsky, Mr. and Germany to gather- Glymont To Maui level of the judge and jury and in recruit men and to El Paso and sent his family across We do finishing Mrs. M. A. Tavares and four daugh- ing ammunition. The Germans are such a position that the witness can border. There is no anxiety the better kind ters, Mrs. Kuiwa and infant, W. A. recruiting in Austria. the The following cablegram lias been not see more than a portion of the among the troops. Believe Villistas Clerk, Mr. Farnsworth, Miss Gold-ston- e. received by local agents of the Mat-so- n court room audience has a psycholo- DENOUNCE PEACE TERM it Samalayuca are on a truck wreck HONOLULU PHOTO SUP- Navigation Company from the gical effect which encourages a dis- (: The Associated Press) ing expedition. From Lahaina H. S. Hagerey, PLY COMPANY office at Seattle, dated June 10: honest person in perjury. COPENHAGEN, June 7 Great Max Selinsky, Lee, J. M. and Alex crowds in the streets of Vienna gath- P. O. Box 769 : Honolulu "New schedule commenced today "There is not the slightest doubt Cherovisky, W. C. Kennedy, H. Braz- ered outside the quarters of the MEXICO PEEVED WITHDRAWS Everything Pothographic Glorietta sailed for Port Allen, Gly- in my mind that the moral effect of peace (By The Associated Press) ier, J. Andrecht, Miss Emma Andrecht Entente mission, the terms mont sails June 11 for Kahului. this arrangement is advantageous to were denounced and a union with MEXICO CITY, June 9 Mexico has Master Rebenstin, Miss Gonsalves, dele-gale- s Glyndon will probably sail July 10 justice," Judge Moore said, in com- Germany demanded. ordered the withdrawal of her Miss Pratt, S. Meyemoto, B. Saxo, A resolution was adopted calling from the Cem-merei- for Hilo, Wallingford will sail for menting on the new plan. "To place George Sip, K. Honda, T. B. Lyons, upon the Austrian delegates to re- congress as a protest of the Port Allen. Cannot advise date of the witness in the prominent posi- fuse to sign peace terms. speech made before Congress by Y. Ting, Mrs. A. H. Oana, Mrs. Mar-tense- the sailing of Wallingford at present time tion, with every eye i the court room peaker Gillette. Miss Martensen, Mr. Ray- Each steamer will call at Honolulu as focused on him, increases the atmos- SAYS TREATY MEANS mond, Mrs. John Little, Kwal You, soon as it can be arranged. Steamers phere of solemnity and importance STARVATION OBREGON TO BE IN RACE Mrs. Jo Taplin, Mr. and Mrs. John (By The Associated Press) will sail every 10 days. From re- that is connected with the occasion. (Bv The Associated Press) Carroll. VIENNA, June 7 President Seitz SAN 6 A manifes- sults it would seem the GlorTetta The witness cannot help realizing the on ANTONIO, June Ter steamer Mikahala from Maui that opening an extraordinary session to received here announces Gen. on next trip would sail for Port dignity of the law and weigh his in the Austrian national assembly de- and Molokai JuneS Mrs. S. B. Dun- her Obregon's candidacy for the presi- Allen, 40 days recent de- statements with care." clared the peace terms meant Austri- ft bar, Master Dunbar, Miss Dunbar, after her dency of Mexico at the next election. 5 As a result, Denver courts an death by starvation. mm parture and Glymont's sec- all the He promises a broader foreign policy Mrs. Theo. Meyer, Master Meyer, Mr. that the ond trip to Kahului would mean sail- will be arranged according to the and complete recognition of all and Mrs. J. F. Lindsay and infant, AMERICANS REFUSE TO foreign rights in Mexico and to up ing about 24 or 40 new plan. Henry Meyer, Ed. McCorriston, E. O. from Seattle July SHOW POSTERS hold the inviolability of Mexico days first sailing. Tollefson, Mrs. Rose Taopuiki, Will- after her (By The Associated Press) sovereignty. This means shippers can count 6 iam Kamakaua, Mr. and Mrs. Chang that tt n PARIS, June American officers on same ship visiting port Tung and 3 children. the their at Coblenz refused to display posters every 40 days, and can calculate on steamer Mauna Kea, 9 (Court SCntffi advertising the Rhennish republic Per June OF BOARD OF , the ships leaving the coast every by OFFICE THE W. Loiigher, R. P. H0i--, M. G. Pas-choal- sent French officers. ten days ports. a. ..b Nishinioto, Fukuhara, Nakata, for the different island The trial jury has been called for Honolulu, Hawaii, June 6, 1919. J. W. Kalua, Mrs. J. K. Aki and child, NO APPROVAL FOR June 18. SILESIA PLEBISCITE All bills against the Board of Health Mrs. Tuneo. Red Cross Workers Kiyono Sato Tanaguchi was grant- (By The Associated Press) of the Territory of Hawaii, incurred Per steamer S. S. Kilauea, June 9 PARIS, June 7 A majority of the during present period, be lis ed a divorce from her husband Yoichi the biennial Mr. and Mrs. G. Collins, Judge Burr, Paris newspapers are against council Club Tanaguchi on a charge of failure to ginning July 1st, 1917, and ending Mr. and Mrs. Waiken, L. Weight, Form Welfare of four's tentative plan for a plebiscite Miss provide. for Upper Silesia on the matter of a June 30th, 1919, must be made out on K. Burns, A. Rodrigues, J. Camo, J. Petition for the adoption of Norman union with Germany or Poland. the regular government forms and Profiting by experiences re- S8.50 A. Enos, Mr. L. J. their A and Mrs. Herbert, Cravalho less than a year old was decree repealing the prohibition presented at the office of the Terri- H. Bernard, W. F. Agonso, Law Pong, ceived through working for the Red and importation of foreign sugar has of on or before A neat, smart Shoe for men's granted this week to Joaquin Garcia been published. torial Board Health Mrs. Dan Song, Kani Lang, T. Kane-ko- , Cross, and desiring to continue the Spring and Summer wear. Ev- and his wife. The boy's name will Capt. Funck, Austrian tried and the 5th day of July, 1919, to insure Mr. Sil- the spirit of which the ery bit as good as it looks. and Mrs. Miyamoto, J. E. be changed to Norman Garcia. sentenced as a spy remained in Paris payment of same. va, F. H. Lacey, W. L. Crockett, Miss good work engendered, the women during the war. S. S. PAXSON, Upper leather of real calf- M. Groves, Miss Todd, Miss Von who have been doing Red Cross work, Board of President, Territorial skin; sole leather likewise Is Tempsky, Miss Bal, Mrs. Richardson, have concluded to continue the or- OVER FIVE HUNDRED LOST Health. IN THE CHURCHES (By The Associated Press) made to give long wear and Becky Ihikl, Mrs. A. Awana, T. Naka-yam- a, ganization which no longer needs (June 13, 20, 27, No. C839.) country large 4 ARCHANGEL, June 7 Casualties walking comfort. No. S87. M. Kobayashi, S. Mizuno, T. their services for the at of the Americans who were lost in to up work of communi- Makawao Union Church Takaoka, S. Nagatane, Katarino, J. M. take the the Russia were 20 officers, 530 men. Similar models at $10-$1- Puha, Rev. R. B. Dodge. ty. Sewing for the community will A. Craig Iiowdish, Minister. NOTICE be done by these women under the 10:00 Sunday School. WILL PROTECT OIL INTERESTS Examiner of Chauffeurs' will Arrivals name of the Maui Welfare League. It 11:00 Morning Service. i (Bv The Associated Press) The ' ZURICH. June 7 The Polish gov- be at the following places, for the Per steamer Claudine, June 75 p. has been found that there is great of Rent Service Licenses. Special Meeting To Call Pastor ernment has established military collection Manufacturers' m. Mrs. E. Blair, G. E. Kastengren, need for layettes and clothing for commissions in the Eeastern Galician A special meeting will be held in Paia G. C. Blair, Mrs. M. R. Colburn, Jr., young children among the poorer oil fields to safeguard the Polish al- Tuesday and Wednesday, 24th and Shoe Store the Wailuku Union church by the and two infants, M. S. Gouvera, Mast- classes, and it is this work which the lied interests. 25th day of June, 1919, at Kwong Sung 1051 Fort St. HONOLULU congregation on 22 er Hubbard, Alan E. Rodgers, William League will aim to do. There will be trustees and June Loy's Store, lower Paia. to consider candidates for the sel- REDS COMMIT Lahaina Bechert, G. E. Stewart, H. A. R. Aus- no class barrier, no color line drawn. the ection of a new pastor, to replace WHOLESALE MURDER Thursday and Friday, 26th and 27th tin, Fred Ellis, Mr. Crighton, Miss All will work for the common good (By The Associated Press) R. B. Dodge who resigned. day of June, 1919, at Lahaina Court Katherline Tana, Fred Ellis, Masters as was done in the Red Cross, and has VIENNA, June 7 Three thousand House. Cornwell, Geo. H. Groves, Masters K. all those women who attended the peasants, including women and chil- Wailuku dren were shot and hanged by the Kaine, S. Omato, Mr. Miyasanano, Red Cross meetings will be welcomed Defenseless Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Red Army as the result of a revolt in Its, 2nd, and 3rd day of July, 1919, Mrs. Yamamoto and daughter, Mr. to the League's meetings which will Youth is no barrier to real trouble. Hungary, according relia- ;j controversies creeping western to at Wailuku Police Station. and Mrs. K. Hatanabe, Joe Mitchell. be held once a month. Announce- Historical are ble advices received and the village N. SANO into the public schools, since in the of Kilnhof was burned. P. J. GOODNESS, ' CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Per steamer Claudine for Maui, ment will be made of the date of an increas- of larger cities there is such LONDON, June 7 Four thousand Examiner Chauffeurs. Monday, 9, 5 p. m. J. H. Hall, each meeting. ing of various races. June attendance armed peasants who revolted against (May 30, June fi, 13, 20.) Just received a new stock of Miss Alice Hendrickson, Miss Amy The class in history had been call- Hungarian govern- re- the communist J Mattresses, poultry netting, Off His Chest ed and the teacher was giving a guard Opiopio, Miss Hallie Kaalakea, Lee ment were subdued by the red paints and etc. view lesson. violent fighting at Kollei liof. An oils, furniture, Kap Sung, Master Kalana Kauo, Luke Fine advice that was to Secretary "Who discovered America?" she after i Stanton, when the latter was irate exchange telegraph says many peas- Coffins and General Hardware. Chan, K. Okano, T. Shlmamatsu, H. asked, directing her gaze upon little ants were slaughtered. against a meddling officer. Tommy Noyes. The lad grew death- 4 Phone Shimamatsu, Dick Richards, E. VIENNA, 7 Severe fighting ) "I believe I'll sit down and give ly white and showed much agitation. June Steamboat, Mr. and Mrs. B. Agas-siz- , was in progress near Budapest and A Market Street Wailuku J. that man a piece of my mind," said The teacher, in much surprise, re- I Mr. and Mrs. S. Naski, Mary Ann the Secretary. peated the question. Vienna between the Czecho Slovaks , and Hungarian communist The Duson, Miss Harriet Cockcit, Miss "Do so!" urged Lincoln. "Write "Oh, please, ma'am," he finally forces. him now while yo uhave it on your positions of the Czechs in Slovakia Katy Gregory, Mis3 M. Silva, A. blurted out, "ask me somethin' else." is reported as Hungarians mind. Make it sharp. Cut him all "Something else, Tommy? Why serious the D. Saiki, Mr. and Mm. Na-rad- stirred the Slovaks against the Czechs up!" should I do that?" Stanton, if anything, exceeded in- pointing out to them thaf the Slovaks "The guys in back here was talkin' were autonomy. structions. The letter he produced about it yesterday. Jimmy Flinn said refused Schooner Ida May arrived from Ho- was a stinging rebuke. it was discovered by an Irish saint, right! a good one!'' WARNS nolulu June 7 with a cargo of gaso "That's That's Gustaf said it was a sailor from CLEMENCEAU was Lincoln's admiring comment. Sweden, and Tony Guerra said it was HUNGARIANS THE KINDEST SHOE "Whom can I send it by?" said the Columbus, an' if you'd seen what hap- (By The Associated Press) X secretary, as though thinking aloud. pened you wouldn't ask a little fellow WASHINGTON, June 9 A Vienna TO TENDER FEET The S. S. West Maximus sailed "Send it?" said Lincoln. "Send it? like me what's got no gang." dispatch says that President C'lemen-cea- u June 6 at 5:30 p. m., for New York Why, don't send it at all. Tear it up. telegraphed warning to the Hun- You have freed your mind on the sub- garian government to cease their at- via with 2992 tons of sugar and One-Side- Ililo ject, and that is all that is necessary. d Talk tacks on the Czecho slovaks and in six tons of general merchandise. Tear it up. You never want to send Irate Intruder Look here! You've case of refusal the Allies will take ex- Or. Edison such letters. I never do." Philadel- been in this telephone booth for half treme measures. S. S. Hyades sailed June 7 at 6:30 phia Ledger. an hour and haven't said a word. Now p. m., for San Francisco with a cargo come out and give me a chance. SAYS WILL LET Cushion Shoe I talking to of 1100 tons of sugar and 750 tons of Cheap Enough Occupant of Booth am UP ON CZECHS I my wife, sir. molasses. Jones (as he treads on a tack) (By YOU CAN BE AT HOME wish you wouldn't be so careless in The Associated Press) MADE OF SOFT KID WITH throwing tacks about, Mary. "Mexico says She Doesn't Recognize LONDON, June lu Bela Kun IN A LARGE CITY CUSHION INSOLE S. S. Atlas is due at Kahului June Mrs. Jones (placidly) Henry, you Monroe Doctrine." There have been agrees to cease hostilities with the 21 with bulk gasoline, distillate and are getting meaner and meaner every times when Monroe himself wouldn't Czechoslovaks and suggests an ap- Columbia Hotel kerosene. day. I can buy a whole package of have recognized it. New York Even- pointment of a commission to settle a penny. ing Post. tacks for the Hungarian-Czec- differences. O Farrel and Taylor Sts. $.0 S. S. Richmond due at Kahului SAN FRANCISCO is At the time we felt it was wrong The undertaker who displayed a June 19 with a cargo of oil. for Mr. Wilson to go for triumphal "Sure, we'll finish the job," loan post- BOLSHEVIKS CAPTURE UFA tours through Europe and keep the er in his window had an eye to busi- (Bv The Associated Press) ness. Manchester Union. has Intensive Economy Peace Conference waiting, but we LONDON, June 11 Tim Bolsheviki realize now that, if he was going, it INTELLIGENT SERVICE A Japanese tenement roomer op- - to on Monday captured Ufa after three was better to go while the going was Perhaps Italy would be willing CENTRAL LOCATION i the Kawuiahao Church on King good. Philadelphia North American. give up Fiume in exchange for Bur- days' lighting, according to a Russian St. Honolulu, has established a bee- leson. New York Evening Post. wirelebs. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS Shoe on I HV-'A- hive a shelf in the one window of The man who has tried to crawl AIR OF REFINEMENT l his room. About the only way he between two of the strands of a HOMELIKE ATMOSPHERE could improve upon it as a measure LABOR CRISIS STILL ACUTE fence can understand Italy's KOR SALE One Thor Electric Wash-in- g of conservation would be to put the points. (By The Associated Press) Store feeling toward the fourteen Family hive on his dining table. Rock Arkansas Gazette. Machine and Wringer. PARIS, June M- - 'lhe labor crisis RATES $1.50 PER DAY UP size, in first class condition. $60 which was suspended for the Pente- Fort and Hotel Streets The American eagle was the first Japan's demand for an Asi tic cash. Call G. W. Wilbur, Phone 4-- costal holidays is acute again, due to Owned by Island People heavier-than-ai- r machine to fly across "Monroe Doctrine" is a bit offse by Waikapu. Catering to Island People HONOLULU. the Atlantic Greenville (S. C.) our knowledge of what she wuni'j it extremists thinking to turn the strike for. Venango Herald. into a political movement. EIGHT THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1919.

... Resourceful Nurse Maui Bootblack Suffrage Setback PERSONAL Saves A Life Enjoyed The Fair Is Not Looked For MENTION i TJRAMA, Macedonia, April 10 (By There was ono youngster in Hono- Mrs. A. Baldwin Ho- Mall) (Associated Correspond- lulu Vho had tho time of his young Women Believe Legislatures Will Rati- II. arrived in Will Wed Tomorrow Press nolulu Thursday from Maui to visit Children Are Given Tho wedding of Miss Elsie Muriel ence) With a razor, a spool of cot- life all this week at the fair. Ho Is fy Amendment Thirty-Si- x States her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Harrison of Honolulu to Alfred Ralph ton thread, and a small portion of Ah Sung Wong, bootblack, bellboy P. and general prodigy Needed To Ratify And Thirty-Eig- ht Smith. Wadsworth of Wailuku will take place other and chloroform Miss Maria of the Grand Masquerade Dance tomorrow night at St. Andrews' Kouroyen, an American Red Cross hotel in Wvailuku. Wong whoso Am- Are Now Granting Votes To Women G. II. Buttolph of Williamson & 8 nurse performed a opera- erican name is Dan Conway, Buttolph arrived last Thursday in Ho- Cathedral In Honolulu, at o'clock. was Iho C. Na-hlk- family tion here ns the of which and taken to fair by W. Hammond nolulu from an Inspection visit to iMembers Of Gypsy Operetta Com- Members of tho from Wailuku result That there is not a doubt but what mercy of von Ilamm-Youn- g Co., Maul. will attend tho wedding. and' her other errands of she and register the United States will have equal pany Arc Complimented With A has come to bo known as "tho Amer- ed as a full fledged guest of tho women within Kawananakoa, who is now by1 suffrage for men and Princess Costume Dance AHTheir Own With Miss Taylor Goes To Coast ican nngcl" the homeless and Young hotel. Ho hold a reception In u few months is proved when one in New York, has postponed her visit the starving Greek refugees. tho lobby of the hotel with Col. Plenty Of Refreshments Miss Mabel Taylor sailed for makes a check of the number of to awail, lack of steamer accommo- coast on the Lurlino leaving Honolu- Born of Greek paronts, Miss Kour- Howard Hathaway of tho internal post- states now granting entire or partial dations being the cause of tho lu last Monday to spend her vacation. oyen is a graduate nurse of tho Mas- revenue office on tho reception com- He-for- e There was great suffrage to Its women citizens. ponement. excitement in She expects to return to Wailuku In sachusetts General Hospital In Bos- mittee. been Maul this week, and quite a of the amendment which has Senator Harold W. Rico surprised flutter the early part of September. ton. Because of her knowledge of The lad is precocious, kiufys per be- preparation, all duo to the passed by the Senate and House his family by arriving in Honolulu fact that Greek tho American Red Cross sent sonally all who have visited his town comes effective it will be necessary the very youngor social set were the ahead of time, landing in time to take Dr. and Mrs. J. II. Raymond will her to Macedonia, where , typhus, and has a keen sense of humor. His two-third- s or 36 of recipients or a masquerade ball In for of the states, in tho fair. Ho is staying at the return from Honolulu, June 1G, where small pox and cholera tread on each father is a tailor and he has a num- Wailuku. Very young buds them, to ratify the amendment in Young turned they have been for some weeks. other's heels and where the refugees ber of brothers and sisters. Ho re- hotel. gorgeous their legislatures. There are now 3S their curls into coiffures and bury their dead beneath the dirt turned Wednesday night filled with H. L. of the house Ilolstein, speaker resorted to all tho beauty helps shell-shattere- of the states whore women are voting. that Teachers Will Go To Coast floors of tliir d shacks the wonders ho had seen. There was of representatives was a visitor to they could beg Those are as follows: or borrow from their Six teachers will depart from Wai- so that tho bread cards of th3 dead but one fly in his ointment of joy and (terri- Maui t Ills week, being a guest or A. elders, had special gowns Complete suffrage: Alaska created for luku public school for the mainland member of their family shall not be that was tho fact that Neptune forc- F. Tavares. In company with Mr. the occasion and on tory), Arizona, California, Colorado, Tuesday night on the close of school if they can get taken up. ed him to give up a nice breakfast of Tavares ho left Thursday for Hono- tripped light ex- Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Montana, Ne- tho fantastic to an accommodations. They are Mrs. A Gree ksoldier, one of whose legs ham and eggs. lulu and the balance of tho fair cel- citingly vada, New York, Oregon, Utah, Wash- late hour. There were Mother Weisbaum, Mrs. Wilbur, Miss Crowell, had been crushed, was brought to the ebrations. tlubhards, Columbines, ington, Wyoming. Pierrots and Miss Myhand, Miss Olive Villicrs and box car on a railroad siding in which Pierrettes, Colonial Dames Gent-tleme- States allowing partial suffrage to Attorney Enos Vincent of Wailuku and Mrs. Soong. Several of the teachers Miss Kouroyen was living. Something Common Connecticut, and in all of Law Is women are: Arkansas, was one of the visitors at the fair fact kinds will not return for the fall semester. had to be done for him at once. Delwarc, Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Illi- this week. There wns cako and lemon- Miss Kouroyen spent no time In Upheld By nois, Kentucky, Michigan, Mass- ade and ice cream galore, and such a Burr 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Agasslz of Ho- Will Speak At Makawao talking. Borrowing a razor from achusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ne- time has never been seen in Maul be- nolulu, arrived on Maui Tuesday by Supt. Vaugh MacCaughey will speak Lieutenant Abner J. Cobb, of Denver, braska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, fore by the very youuger social set. A settlement of an estate in which the steamer Claudine. Mr. Agasslz in the Makawao Union Church Sun- Colo., an American Red Cross field Ohio, South The occasion was a compliment to the the question of tho legality of a com- New Mexico, Oklahoma, will day 11: a. m. worker who was shaving by candle- has tho liana wharf contract and mon l4w marriage was upheld in- Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin, young people who took part in the light In the box car, Miss Kouroyen for superintend the work on the new heritance purposes, Tennessee. Gypsy Operetta which was given a Will Honor Superintendent anaesthetized her patient with her took place In tho pier. circuit court Two Already In Line short time ago in Wailuku, and all A large reception will be held to- small supply of ether and chloroform, last week when the hus- v band of Of this number two have already Professor Vaughan MacCaughey, the members of that troupe together night at the Kahului community and performed an amputation using Ichi Mitsui deceased of La- g haina petitioned ratified the amendment Illinois clajm-in- superintendent of public instruction, with their friends declared they had house by tho principals of the MauU cotton thread to "tie off" the arteries the court for a share in tho deceased the honor of being the first and arrived in Lahaina Wednesday after the time of their young lives. schools in honor of Superintendent and veins. woman's estate, claim ing a right to Wisconsin following a close second. noon, and presided at the commence- of Public Instruction Vaughan Mac- Despite tho prophecy of a local doc- inherit on tho ground of being As fast as the legislatures meet it is ment of the Lahainaluna school on Entertains For Mother Caughey who is visiting Maul for an tor that the aged patient would not her common law husband. Tho question was expected the ratifications will come Thursday. Mrs. D. C. Lindsay gave a large inspection of tho schools. live through the night Miss Kouroyen raised as to wheth er a common law through. The Governors of Kansas, birthday party Wednesday night in Addresses will bo made by Mr. sometime later received a visit from marriage prevailed in this territory Judge Michigan, New Hampshire, Iowa, and honor of her mother, Mrs. Sherman, MacCaughey, Rev. Villiers and D. C. her patient. Ho had an American and Burr held common Minnesota have notified Mrs. Carrie at her home in Paia. About 40 Lindsay and a musical program will artificial limb made for him in tho that the law marriage did 1 hold and husband, Chapman Catt, head of the New York PERTINENT I guests gathered to extend felicitations be given. Tho reception is a public American Red Cross artificial leg fac- that tie of such a marriage was suffrage association that they will PARAGRAPHS on tho happy day. one, and the Maul Principals Club tory for Greek war mutiles in Athens. therefore entitled to immediately call special sessions of I who will be the hosts extends a inherit from tho wife's estate. Mitsui will be given estate, their respective legislatures for the Enjoy Mountain Trlp cordial invitation to the public to a share of tho purpose of ratifying the amendment. Miss Uraji Yamakawa, famous Jap- Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Ross, Mrs. Syd- participate in giving Mr. MacCaughey River No Obstacle To Girl It is interesting to note that Illinois ney anese actress, and Sojin Kamiyama, Crysler, Miss Alma Ross, Miss a warm welcome. New the first to ratify the suffrage Prescription Needed state Japanese actor, will leave for u tour Edith Lawrence and Worth Aiken WhoWantedToSewInClub "Say. of where Binks old man. do vou know , amendment was one those of the United States on the Shinyo made a jolly party to the crater of Japanese Honor Mr. Thomson of any cure for insoniiila?" the bitterest of fights was waged Maru which steams from here on Haleakala last Saturday. About 1300 Japanese laborers All last summer Virginia Turner, a Jinks "Counting one thousand is against the granting of suffrage to June 13, after a month's visit in these gathered Sunday night in the Puunene said to be a remedy." little Indiana girl, rowed across the Ulnlis women, the bill being defeated by two fig- to "Confound it. that's what islands. The noted theatrical Welcome A Son theater to tender their farewells Ohio River alone to take a lesson in everybody tells mo; but the baby's their legislature many times. B. ures who have stirred Japan by their Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Boyum, of J. Thomson of tho Puunene Mill. sowing from the county leader of the too young to count." Tit-Bit- dramatic genius, will study the mod are the proud parents of On Monday night a big reception boys' and girls' club work. Early in ern Occidental drama in America and a son, born to them last Monday af- was held in the Japanese hotel at tho spring she joined one of the sew- Those who arc demanding the Services Postmaster-Genera- Funeral Europe before returning to Japan. ternoon. Wailuku, at which time Mr. Thomson ing clubs organized by the United resignation of l was tendered a farewell and C. C. Burleson would ascertain by investi- S. Masuda, noted Japanese journ States Department of Agriculture and gation of Held For Kamaaina Campbell Mr. Thom- that in tho bright lexicon alist of Hawaii, has been apponited Will Go To Cuba who will succeed the Indiana State agricultural college. democracy there is no such word as president and editor of tho Hawaii Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Watson and little son was given a welcome. Soon her family moved across tho resign. Houston Post, the beautiful Ho- Laid to rest with Asahi Shlnbun, a Japanese daily pub daughter left Saturday night for Ohio River to spend the summer in service, the .funeral of E astern Star lished In the Rainy City, Hawaii. G. nolulu, from where they will take Leaves For Coast tents on the shore. Andrews at 2:30 o'clock Mr. Watson, Miss Mary RESULTS OF GENERAL ELECTION Mrs. Susan Urabe, well known merchant of Hilo, ship for the mainland. Couch, well known Lack of sewing conveniences in tho marked the pass- super- COUNTY OF MAUI, JUNE 3rd, 1919. yesterday afternoon was made general business manager who has been staying on Maui teacher at Makawao was a passenger tents and distance from the club, ing of kamaaina of Maui, Olowa-l- o on another of tho paper, which is one of the lead intending the erection of the the Lurline when she sailed from however, did not cause Virginia to regret to a host Santiago, on whoso going carried ing journals in tho islands. mill, has been called to Honolulu Monday. Miss Couch drop her club work. Each week, of friends. Mrs. Andrews, who has Cuba to erect a sugar mill for one of was called hurriedly to the coast on when the weather permitted, she s been a resident of Maui for over 30 T"he Gonealves Glee Club furnishes the large plantations there. account of the illness of her mother. made tho trip alone across the Ohio 52-- H years, was the widow of Judge An- music for any occasion. Phone if. m in a little boat. When the river was s drews of Ililo and the mother of L. Pala. Adv. . Coopers Off For 'A W Prominent Folk At Fair Mainland too rough she walked half a mile to O O E. Bailey of Maui and Mrs. Mae B. Among those who went to Honolulu Mr. and Mrs. Will. J. Cooper have the ferry and then crossed. wo 4 Zumwalt of Honolulu. were Dr. George Aiken, at last managed to get ship to tho In her report, which details all tho included 5 20 1. Lanal. Mrs. Andrews had been ill for a THOSE WHO TRAVEL Mr. Worth mainland. Mr. Cooper left on the pretty things she to make, Jo Locoy, and Mrs. learned Frank C 40 2. Honolua. number of months and died at the Aiken, Rev. R. B. Dodge, Judge Burr, transport Sheridan Sunday afternoon she writes: "Despite blistered arms 85 110 3. Lahaina. Paia hospital of complications brought HOTELS Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Penhallow, Mr. while Mrs. Cooper obtained passage and shoulders from the stiff row, 1 20 7 4. Olowalu. on by old age. The services were Grand Hotel W. H. C. Campbell, and Mrs. II. A. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. aboard tho Lurline sailing Monday. enjoyed every lesson and am looking 1S3 9G 5. Wailuku. held at the hosnital, members of the Hilo; Robert J. Brown, C. W. Ham Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Dan She will arrive in San Francisco a forward to joining the club next Frank 84 8 G. Waihee. 'Maul Chapter O. K. S., conducting mond, Charles Trent of Honolulu; G. Carey. day ahead of Mr. Cooper. year. I like the work better all the 33 155 7. Puunene. them. E. Kastlngrenn, Seattle. time." 23 1G S. Haiku. Wailuku Jack Hall, Honolulu. Give Birthday Dinner Announces Engagement 11 9. Ulupalakua. Lenine's first army surrendered it- Mr. and Mrs. John Duarto enter- Tho engagement was announced on JU self to the Ukrainians. It does seem week 19 38 10. Keokea. Arrivals tained with a dinner party last Wednesday night of Miss Olive Lind- Another Field Open as if every time anything happened of 15 32 11. Makawao. got 7, G. in honor of Henry Silva, brother say, daughter of D. C. Lindsay, to in Europe the Ukrainians the Juno Claudine Mrs. E. Blair, 53 114 12. Paia. worst of the deal. Tampa Tribune. Kastingrenn, C. W. Mrs. Duarte. Arthur Braue. Tho announcement was To Englishwomen E. J. Blair, Mrs. 7 17 13. Huelo. R. Colburn and 5 children, W. S. made on the occasion of a birthday Swimming Party 28 15 14. Keanae. Here and there one hears a .flatter- Gouveia, Master Hubbard Allen, E. Gives Children dinner party which was being given LONDON, April 10 British women The 4 18 15. Nahlku. ing word for Mr. Burleson. Rogers, Fred Ellis, Mr. Treighton, Mrs. Frank E. Sawyer, of Puunene, for Mrs. Sherman, Miss Lindsay's Springfield Republican, for example, have scored a new triumph by secur- GO G5 16. liana. Corn-we- gave a swimming party last Saturday grandmother and Miss Kinney. says usefulness." Miss K. Tana, C. Tana, Master ll ing admission to the Institution of he has "outlived his Winifred and Freddie 13 28 17. Klpahulu. Chicago Tribune. and Geo. W. Groves, Master K. afternoon for Naval Architects as members. The who leave with par- 29 30 18. Kaupo. Kauwe, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boyd, Thomson, their voto by tho on tho oc- WOMAN WATCHES taken Institute 13 10 19. Halawa. Joe Miyasano, Mr. Hagenrup ents this week for Honolulu. The Mitchell, FOR FOREST FIRES question was 491 to 220. 23 35 20. Pukoo." ALLIED REPLY IS READY Mrs. casion was In tho nature of a fare- Muyaslno, T. Muyaslno, Miss When tho result was announced, 19 1G 21. FOR well by tho children to their Puunene Kaunakakai. DELIVERY M. Nashiwa. DENVER, Colo., May 17 (By As Sir William Smith moved that women 1C party. 2 5 A. P. Fort Shatter. (By The Associated Press) 10 playmates, gathering for the June Ed. Nicholas, Jas. Lind sociated Press) The first woman to ho admitted as members on equal G - PARIS, June 12 The Allied reply 7 A. P. Schofleld Bar- say, J. W. Hall, Miss Alice Hondrick- - be employed in tho United States terms with men. Sir Alfred Yarrow, to the German counter proposals is Foresters Have Good Time son, Miss Hill, Miss Norgaard, Mr. forest servlco In Colorado Is Miss In seconding tho motion, mentioned complete with agreements on princi- There was a big time held by the 7G5 898 TOTALS. and Mrs. Gima, Mr. and Mrs. Hernda, Helen Dowe, an artist of the Denver the case of women joiners who were Jf ple reached on all points. The ques- local Order of Foresters last Satur- ' Miss J. Kim, Luke Can, K. Okano, P. Times staff, who began new dut- employed a short time agoin building tion as to Gormany's admission to day night at the Grand Hotel, when a her Shlmatso, II. Shimatso, Julia Jam, ies May 15. Miss Dowe is stationed a destroyer. He said they made a Hope Homestead eggs, on at the league of nations Is settled but is cabaret and dance was given for the sale Bessie Jam, Young Woon Kim. at the top of Devils Head mountain, "raagniflcicnt job of it," and the boat now not disclosed. benefit of the Fourth of July visitors. Pala Mercantile Co., Paia, are forty miles southeast of Denver, and was accepted by the Admiralty with- by weight. of 24 Greek fire in front of tho hotel sur- sold The standard reports forest fires in the surrounding out a demur. Ho mentioned another oz., to the dozen has been adopted, BURLESON SAYS That Breezy Western Way prised homo-goin- g movlo fans, and in- area of 7,000 square miles which in- boat which recently attained a speed and the boxes are filled so as to con- STRIKE UNJUSTIFIFIED They wore playing poker in a West side, the dance room was decorated ern town. One of tho players was a cludes Pikes peak. of 38.C knots. tain a minimum weight of 24 oz. (By The Associated PreBB) with colored lanterns, confetti flew, strangor, and was getting a nice trim- Miss Dowe will spend tho time be- "That," said' Sir Alfred, "is the best Smaller eggs are sold at the same WASHINGTON, Juno 11 Postmas ming. Finally, tho snw one of rattles rattled, pop popped and the sucker tween daylight and dark in a ten-foo- t speed yet obtained. The lines of that per ter Burloson said that the wlro opera the players give himself three aces music kept going all the time. Alto- - rate, pound, as the larger ones. square observatory 9,318 feet above ship were dotermined partly by a tors strike was unjustified. from tho bottom of the pack. gether it was voted a most enjoyable The present price Is 85 cents a dozen The sucker turned to tho man be- sea level and a powerful telescope young lady named Keary." of 24 oz., or 56 cents a pound. i occasion by thoso who attended. Mr. side him and said: "Did you see will be provided for searching for The motion was carried. McDonald, rincipal of Lahainaluna HOPE HOMESTEAD, Haiku. LABOR AGAINST PROHIBITION that?" fires. (By Tho Associated Press) "See what?" asked tho man. school invited all thoso who were pre ATLANTIC CITY. June 11 The "Why, that follow dealt himself sent on this occasion to attend the Egg yolks, which aro rich in fat NOTICE MEETING American Federation of labor passed a three aces from the bottom of tho commencement Lahainaluna school and which aro often left over from OF deck," said tho sucker. at LINCOLN ON WOMEN against war time prohibl Wednesday. cako making, may be used to enrich resolution, "Woll. what about it?" asked the which were held soups or may bo combined with milk Industrial Accident Board tlon and favored the exemption of man. "It was his deal, wasn't it?" I am not accustomed to use tho to make custards which resemble 2 boor from tho war time prohl Tit-Bit- Sunshine Club Entertains languago of eulogy; I havo nevor croam In composition and can be us- Tho monthly mooting of the In- ed as bltion and fodoral amendment. Tho Sunshine club of tho Maunaolu studied tho art of paying complimonts cream on desserts. dustrial Accidont Board for coun- It is said our national prohibi- the that Seminary joined with the primary to women; but I must say that if all Wai- tion will tend to restrict immigra- ty of Maui, will bo hold In tho THINK BRITISH SUB IS LOST tion. But is this an argument for or department of tho Makawao Union that has been said by orators and A Brilliant Thought luku District Court Room, Wailuku (Bv The Associated Proas) against prohibition? Nashville South- Sunday School Friday and had a pools since the creation of tho world A thrifty old lady of Hull, uext Tuesday, morning Juno 17th, 11 A sub ern Lumberman. n, Yo LONDON, Juno British splendid time at tho Somlnary praise of women were applied Whoso intollect scorned rather dull, at 10:30-o'clock- . All persons having marine which has been operating in grounds. Miss Edna J. Hill was iho women of Amorica, It would m When reading night, business with tho asked to Doosn't much of a metallurgist at Board are tho Baltic Sou has not been hoard of take chlof hostess on this occasion and en Jo thorn justice for their conduct durj presont. to cornor-ston- o To economlzo light, be U presumed hTne, discover that tho of since Juno 1th and Bolshevism Is just one big gold- - brick. tertalnod tho mothers as well as the ing this war. I will close by saying, Put luminous paint on her skull. W. A. McKAY, Chairman. J, lost with all hands. Anaconda Standard. children on this enjoyable afternoon God bless tho womou of America. Punch.