Comparison of Technologies for Three Dimensional Television with Respect to Viewing Experience

Jämförelse av teknik för tredimensionell TV med avseende på bildupplevelse

Henrik Sten

Examensarbete inom Informations och kommunikationsteknik Högskoleingenjör Degree Project in Information and Communication Technology

Stockholm, Sweden 2011 Kurs 6B2090, 15hp


communication technology. communication Acreo development and Research and optics electronics, in Report

July 2011 July Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Henrik Sten

Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Henrik Sten

© Acreo AB Kista • Norrköping • Hudiksvall 2011-07-08

Report no: acr050844

Acreo AB Isafjordsgatan 22 Bredgatan 34 Håstaholmen 4 Electrum 236 Box 787 SE-824 42 Hudiksvall SE-164 40 Kista SE-601 17 Norrköping [email protected]

Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Henrik Sten

Supervisor: Kjell Brunnström

Examinator: Anders Sjögren

Location: Acreo AB

Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience


This KTH Bachelor of Science level thesis, which was performed during spring 2011 at Acreo, investigates an alternative method of user evaluations for display- and quality compared to those that are usually performed at Acreo. The investigated method involved engaging test participants for a comparably short time, but then instead be able to use higher number of participants. This method was applied to comparing two different stereoscopic 3D-TV technologies, one autostereoscopic and one with active shutter . The report describes the preparations done, environments used, the collection of data and how it was analyzed. Furthermore, the 3D-TV technologies that have been used in this test will also be covered, as well as the 3D material and how it was produced. In addition the possible ways of distributing 3D material in a data network perspective, will also be described.


Den här högskoleingenjöruppsatsen, vilken utfördes under våren 2011 på Acreo undersöker en alternativ metod för att utföra utvärderingar av bildskärm och videokvalitet som vanligtvis genomförs på Acreo. Metoden innefattar att engagera varje testperson i jämförelsevis kort tid men istället möjliggöra att använda ett större antal testpersoner. Den här metoden tillämpades vid jämförelse av två olika stereoskopiska 3D-TV teknologier, en autostereoskopisk och en med aktiva slutarglasögon. Den här rapporten beskriver förberedelserna som gjorts, miljön som använts, insamlande av data och hur det analyserats. Vidare, beskrivs 3D-TV-teknologierna som använts i det här testet liksom materialet som visats och hur det är producerat, tillsammans med ett i datanätverkperspektiv hur 3D- material kan distribueras. Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience


I would like to express my gratitude to the people at Acreo AB who opened up this door for me which made it possible to participate in this project. Explicitly thanks to Kjell Brunnström who had the role as manager, mentor and guide. Thanks to Börje Andrén and Kun Wang for helping during this project both with information and efforts during tests. Last but not least thanks to Wizzcom and Philips for providing with hardware, video material and knowledge to this project.

Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Table of contents

1 Introduction ...... 1 1.1 Problem description ...... 1 1.2 Purpose ...... 2 2 Short technology history...... 3 2.1 3D overview ...... 3 2.2.1 Color Multiplex ...... 4 2.2.2 Multiplexed ...... 5 2.2.3 Time Multiplex ...... 6 2.3 ...... 7 2.4 Distribution ...... 8 2.4.1 3D distribution ...... 9 2.4.2 3D over IP...... 10 2.4.3 QoS (Quality of Service) ...... 11 2.5 Problems with 3D-TV ...... 11 3 Experience tests ...... 12 3.1 Method ...... 12 3.1.1 Preparations ...... 12 3.1.2 Tests and collecting of data ...... 13 3.1.3 Data analysis ...... 15 3.2 Environment ...... 15 3.3 Validity and reliability ...... 16 4 Results ...... 17 5 Conclusion ...... 22 6 References ...... 24 7 Appendix I Project definition ...... 25 I Project definition II Instruction to test person III Test questions IV Data sheet Alioscopy V Data sheet Philips Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

1 Introduction

3D imaging in itself is something far from new.... But recently starting about 2010, new or improved 3D-TV technologies are seen much more often on the markets around the world. SID (Dec 2010), DailyMail (2009) predicted “2010 is shaping up to be the year of 3D”. Manufacturers of 3DTVs and film producers seem to do enormous investments in 3D products in the hope that the market will be profitable. As with most things there are pros and cons and 3D technologies are no exception. This investigation would neither judge 3DTVs in general, nor predict its future but it will present 25 peoples spontaneous thoughts and reactions of it.

The 3DTVs that are on the market today are based on the principle that human have two eyes and can get a 3D impression of its environment out of two slightly different 2D views of it. It is therefore often referred to as stereoscopic 3DTV, so the 3DTVs tries in different ways to present these two 2D views to the human observers. There are basically two types; 3DTVs that do not need eye-glasses and those that need eye-glasses to present 3D. Those that need eye-glasses are divided in passive and active eye-glasses. This investigation compares the visual performance of a 3DTV that does not need eye-glasses (autostereoscopic 3DTV) and a 3DTV that uses active shutter eye-glasses.

1.1 Problem description

As in any project, planning is essential for the outcome to be as good as possible. When it comes to performing experience tests in public environments where there are no possibilities to repeat the tests or very expensive to do so it is even more important and it is valuable to do similar tests in advance. This is to prevent possible upcoming faults to be revealed and to get an idea of the time estimation. By setting up one of those tests at Acreo experience would be gained on how similar tests could be structured and be performed. Even though the object tested and the surrounding environment would be different this would set the frames of on how it could be done.

By performing this test additional information would be gained about the visual experiences of the test subjects about the performance of these two 3D-technologies. Because they use different technique to present the 3D (glasses and without glasses) it is interesting to see how they would stand in a comparison to each other.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Tests like this have been performed at Acreo, but then the time for each test person was longer. Here the scenario is that many persons are doing the test during a short time each. This setup is more sensitive in the aspect of time.

1.2 Purpose

It has been on the agenda that Acreo together with cooperate partners would perform tests on different types of 3D displays. The test should be done by a relevant number of persons in a test panel during a specific time set. The duration of the tests would differ from project to project depending on the existing circumstances.

During the test data will be collected. Both regarding the technical abilities of the monitors but also what peoples experience when watching the different 3D-TVs. From this data it is possible to derive a few conclusions and statements on what was experienced.

The thesis work contained the following steps:

• Planning of the project • Perform the test and collect data • Analyze the test data • Write a report describing the test and the results

This was applied to:

• A pilot study of a novel subjective test method • Almost side-by-side comparison of two 3DTV´s visual quality in the same environment


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

2 Short technology history

In middle 20th century the first 3D movies started to appear in a larger scale (Wikipedia 1), after a few decades of research on the subject. Parts of the technology used by then are still used today though developed for better performance. Even if the technologies used today are different, they all aim to present a 3D view to the viewer with an intention to make it look as natural as possible. The first development within 3D was the invention of stereoscopic still pictures, it was clear that two pictures photographed from two horizontally shifted angels could create a sense of 3D when presented to the viewer.

To create a 3D movie as an option to a regular 2D movie the whole line of production need to be changed. Both how the material is produced and how it is presented to the viewer. Even if there are methods to post-produce a 3D effect from a regular 2D source it is not very common today due to rather poor quality of the results. 2D to 3D converter application: Castle (2010)

2.1 3D overview

When using only one eye it is difficult to get an accurate grip of the distances to objects in the room. The brain can, by letting the eye receive monocular cues or reference points in the room, for example shadows, calculate coarse depth differences of objects in the room. But by opening up the other eye the distance perception gets more accurate. The vision of an object is strongest of depth cue of the visual system. From two pictures, slightly shifted horizontally in each eye the brain fuses them and creates a 3D image.

3D systems today works in the same way, two pictures taken from two angles are presented one to each eye, from them the brain arrange a 3D scenario. One of the differences between the technologies is how those two pictures are presented.

In the concept of 3D the word "" is occurring from time to time. The word in itself would refer to stereo, as in dual sources and scopy to see or observe something. Dual position vision would be pretty close to a good description of the word. Even though stereoscopy would mean to experience 3D the word is commonly used in connection with techniques to “fool” the brain that a picture would have a depth as for example in a broadcast. would describe the human awareness of the relative distances of objects from the observer, by means of only and based on retinal disparity. In next sections three major techniques are described in how to experience 3D from an originally 2D source. Two of them would require the need of different types of eye-glasses and binocular vision.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Figure 1. Anaglyph color filtered image

2.2.1 Color Multiplex

Color multiplexing, also known as anaglyph 3D imaging, is an earlier way to rendering 3D, which gives a rather poor color quality (Lovesi 2010).

The idea with the anaglyph technique is to separate the two images by different color; one and one . Two pictures of an object taken from two slightly different horizontal positions are presented together to give a 3D image. At this stage both eyes will see both pictures hence the brain will not have the ability to create a 3D view. To allow each eye to see only one of the colored images, a color filter is put in front of that eye. The filter will only let through light with wavelength near the color of the filter. The choice of colors used for the filters were red and cyan, which are the of each other, which means that if they are put together it will give no color, that is, black. Each eye will see only one of the pictures and the brain will create 3D scenario.

Developments of the technique were done and it was clear that to get a wider color range one more color needed to be added. The color was added. Of course as a limitation in humans to only have two eyes two colors needed to be put together. Blue and turned into cyan. The new glasses had the color red and cyan. The result would be a more color detailed and richer variation in the picture.

Figure 2. Anaglyph glasses Figure 3. Filtered picture seen without glasses


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Even if the technique is 150 years old it is still used today, improvements have been done though. Today implementation for HDTV and computers can be seen. There have been movies on the cinema, on DVDs and on Blu-rays in recent years where anaglyph glasses were used, but the technique is used today though in a very small scale. One reason for this could be that the glasses are of mechanical and optical low quality, gives a very low color rendering, but can be produced at a low cost, and this would probably be one factor to still make it available on the market. Another reason would be that this technique can be used on any TV without any other hardware needed except for the glasses. (Wikipedia 2) describes a way to create a set of anaglyph eye-glasses.

2.2.2 Polarization Multiplexed

The spatially multiplexed polarized eye-glass method is commonly used in 3D-theatres today. The technique works in a way that the two pictures are shown (ex projected in the cinema) at the same time, but with orthogonal polarization. When wearing special polarized filter eye-glasses that only let through light from the correctly polarized view the brain will receive two different images required to fuse them into a 3D view.

We know that light can be handled as waves (Begelow). When light is emitted from a source the angles of the waves are in every direction. In this case the wave movement is called to be unpolarized. If the wave movement instead is in only one angle the wave is called to be plane or linear polarized (See Figure 4). There are different ways to polarize light; linear and circular polarization. The circular polarization is not sensitive to tilting of the head of the viewer. This is a big advantage and current 3D cinemas and most 3DTV have this type of eye- glasses.

Depending on the projector that is used the two images are sent through the orthogonal polarization filter which means a light angle difference of 90 degrees of the two pictures. The viewer is now receiving the two images through his/her glasses that also is polarized in the same angles as they were sent. Most cinemas today use circular polarization to separate the two images. The principle is the same as for linear polarized light but here one eye receives light from either left or right circular polarized light from the projector. One benefit with this would be that the 3D-effekt will not be affected if the viewer is tilting the head.

Because of the light is sent in specific angles and also must be received in corresponding angles the 3D effect is dependent on that the viewer is not changing the head angle too much.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Figure 4. Light is polarized through a linear filter Figure 5. Polarization glasses

Benefits with the technique would be that the glasses are produced at a low cost but more expensive than the anaglyph glasses. This technology also gives a rather good color rendering.

2.2.3 Time Multiplex

Time multiplexing technology uses so called active shutter glasses to produce the 3D effect. The glasses are active in the way that they run on electricity and that they have an open/closed mode, which is a shuttering function.

The idea is that one of the eyes will receive one picture at a time, so called alternative frame sequencing. The glasses let through light to left eye while right is closed, then left closes and right is opened up and receives the other view. This is in most cases currently done 120 times per second, 60 updates per eye per second. For some people this update frequency is not enough, some people will experience flicker (Livolsi 2010), (Slamin 2004). As a comparison to another technology that suffered before with flicker problems, TCO have set their standard update frequency for Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) displays to 85Hz.

The glasses and the video source are synchronized to make the viewer see the intended picture at i.e. so that the left shutter-glass is open when the left picture is shown and in the same way for the right shutter-glass. The key component in shutter glasses is liquid crystals which have the ability to change state very fast. In shutter glasses added voltage would make the surface black.

The technology mentioned above is common in today´s home entertainment systems. The benefits of the technology are that it gives a good picture and color quality partially because the picture from source to eye is not modified in any a destructive way. This means that the pictures that the movie is constructed from have the same quality in 3D as if from an original for example blu-ray disc. On a for example auto-stereoscopic TV the views share the resolution of the TV which means every picture gets less amount of pixels to present on hence the detail richness gets lower.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Glasses and a TV with high frequency update are needed so this solution involves some costs as compared to a corresponding 2D TV. It is also realistic to think that a household would have the need of several glasses which may become costly because the glasses cost about 1000 SEK each (3Dstereo).

2.3 Autostereoscopy

Autostereoscopy is a technique to produce a sense of 3D without the need of eye-glasses. There are several techniques used in autostereoscopic 3DTVs to achieve this. In this project we used a TV with lenticuerlar lenses. This autostereoscopic TV uses, like most TV´s on the market today, a LCD panel as the imaging source. The LCD panel consists of pixels which contains three sub pixels, red, green and blue. The more pixels on the panel the higher resolution can be presented. In a full HD panel there are about 2 million pixels (1920 × 1080 pixels). In front of the LCD panel a glass lens is added. The lens is constructed from many connected semi circles, constructing a glass wall that is put in front of the LCD panel (see Figure 6). Every one of the semi circles will cover a set of pixels on the panel. Important is also that the lenses are leaning, which shares the resolution both horizontally and vertically for the different view and reduces the jump between the views.

The auto stereoscopic 3DTV used in this evaluation has 8 different views and hence, the 3D material is constructed from 8 different viewing angles (se Appendix IV). The horizontal distance between the views should be the same as views in two view 3D, that is about the same distance as the distance between the pupils, about 65 mm. This means that when watching the material the viewer will have the ability to the see the object from 8 different positions, by moving the head a few decimeters.

The 3D material consists of 8 pictures that are sent at the same time by the TV. Different pictures will be seen by the viewers depending on their position. The TV is constructed to let the pictures be sent over all the pixels at the same time. Because all the pictures are sharing the pixels in the panel the resolution of the sequence will decrease.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Figure 6. LCD panel with lenticuelar lenses Figure 7. Lenses spread the light into zones

The light that extends out in the room can in a way be described as zones (Figure 7). When a viewer’s eyes will be located in two different zones, he/she will see two different pictures and the brain will create a 3D image. Wherever the viewer is located in the room (within the approved viewing angles) he/she will see two of the eight pictures. If located between the 8th and the 1st the experience will less pleasant. A slight move to the left or right solves this. . In total 7 3D images can be experienced in the room.

Auto stereoscopic TVs are not common in home environments at the moment, except in small applications like mini games consoles e.g. Nintendo DS 3D (Nintendo 2010), but these use two views. The panels with 8 views are expensive and the production of 8 views non- animated material is complicated. Instead the products are more used for presentation in public environments with animated materials.

2.4 Distribution

There are many ways in how to distribute 3D material. Physical media such as Blu-ray is commonly used. Satellite and wired coaxial network have also since long proved to be a stable medium, but the bandwidth (which mean the amount of data that can be transferred per second) on those mediums are limited (e.g 22mbit/s for terrestrial broadcast) (Teracom 2011). The limitation lies in the multiplexer units used in the distribution. Therefore the video material needs to be modified to suit a specific distribution channel. That is done by coding and compressing the material in different ways. This will in most cases affect the quality of the picture and the sound quality negatively, but many times the result is good or at least acceptable.

On today´s 3D Blu-ray discs the material is coded with MVC (Multi view Video Coding) which is a development of the earlier H264/MPEG4 AVC for stereo and multi view 3D video. A key function in MVC is that it uses a specific scheme to find similarities in the different pictures (views) and from them do a compression. Normally compression works in the way that by


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience finding similarities in the media some data can removed. MVC enhanced this function for stereocopic material. Even if the data is compressed the bit rate is relative high and the quality thereby good. Due to limitations in the ground based TV broadcasting the compression rate need to be rather high, hence the quality gets lower. Today 3D material is sent over the existing infrastructure coded with H.264. Both views are sent separately in so called simulcast.

The optical fiber has expanded in Sweden for many years, which have opened up possibilities for almost unlimited data capacity (Novinson). Today internet is built up by many network components and due to limitations in them and their software the bandwidth is limited in the networks. Even though the bandwidth is high more factors will determine the quality of a stream, for example packet loss in the network. This market is under development and this could be an interesting distribution channel for future high definition multi view media where quality wants to be preserved.

2.4.1 3D broadcast distribution

The video broadcast standard in Europe is called DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting). DVB can be described as a standard of how data (movie for example) is handled that is going to be sent or broadcasted. There are variations of DVB depending on where it is implemented, terrestrial, cable, satellite or IP. At the moment the used standard in Europe for terrestrial digital broadcasting is called DVB-T and DVB-T2 for high definition video. For 3D-TV DVB-3D- TV has been developed. One big difference from the earlier DVBs is that the DVB 3D is frame sequential, which means that left and right picture are separated and sent sequential to the screen. DVB-3D-TV requirements can be found here: DVB-3D-TV.

The DVBs main function is Source coding and data modulation.

Source coding is the process where data is compressed (Wikipedia 3). When this is done, depending on the compression method used data will be lost; the higher compression rate the more data will be lost. Though there are ways to compress without losing any data but the compression rate get limited so for video it is not usable. In short the coding methods use an algorithm to calculate where data can be reduced. There several data coding technologies and DVB-T uses MPEG2 and DVB-T2 uses H264-MPEG4.

Modulation can be described in how data is structured in a way that makes it possible to transmit it over a network. The data is built on so called carriers that deliver the data. The modulation method used in CVB-T2 is OFDM which is used in many systems over the world. (Figure 8) Shows where in the distribution channel DVB works.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Figure 8. Distribution chain

DVB-IPTV has been developed to send TV over a packet switched network (Witte 2007). The technology can be modified so many operators use their own implementation in the system. Broadcasting of 3D content is at the moment sent over a few existing networks and the reason why it is not more common would be a combination of lack of standards, availability of content, the market being prepared and technical difficulties with distribution in some areas.

2.4.2 3D over IP

On internet the data is transferred over a protocol called IP (internet protocol). The data is transferred in so called packets. The packets can contain any data, for example TV broadcastings. The technology to send TV-signals over IP is called IPTV.

When it comes to the 3D content it is partially coded in the same way as regular video streams. H264 compression can be used for both. With this done it should be possible to transfer the data as any video stream (Wikipedia 4).

In Europe IPTV is used since middle 90th. The coding of the IPTV stream is similar to the one used in coding digital TV signals over satellite or cable network.

In IP networks different protocols are being used depending on what is being sent. In video streams it is important that every packet is received in the same order that they were sent, this to get a good flow in the movie. TCP for example have the function to ask for the packet again if it did not reach the destination. This could have unwanted effects in streaming implementation. For example if congestion occur and many packets are lost, the retransmission will make the situation even worse. The protocol RTP and UDP which does not have the resend function is commonly used for streaming of material. Hence those cannot ensure that the material is actually being received by the recipient.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

2.4.3 QoS (Quality of Service)

When it comes to 3D material the difference would be that it will contain more data than a regular broadcast due to more image data, side by side distribution will contain two pictures for every frame which is twice as much data. Due to compression in finding similarities and only keeping the difference of the pictures, a stream of 30% more data is realistic. Even the stream can vary in bit-rate depending on the content an average would be around 30%.

Today the common internet connections used in households (example ADSL 8mbit/s) are working hard to receive a standard definition (720x576 interlaced 25 fps) (Wikipedia 5) data stream, hence for HD the problem gets even bigger. High compression is the solution. To add 30% to up 100%more data which would be estimated required increase for 3D material if inter-view coding is utilized or not, would be even more critical. Solution would be to improve the technology to gain a higher bandwidth alternatively to increase the compression of the media which will decrease the video quality. Improvements in the broadband networks are being done all the time to increase the usability of the networks.

2.5 Problems with 3D-TV

There are known problems with 3D-TV, both technical and physiological. When it comes to the physiological problems they seems to be individual specific, some people experience them stronger than others. Symptoms can be disorientation, eye strain, headache, nausea and illness. 2010 quoted that “Studies show that in up to 20 per cent of viewers it could even induce physical sickness”. Those studies also revealed that the closer you sit to the TV the stronger the effects gets. Samsung which is one of the biggest 3D-TV developers have themselves issued warnings regarding 3D-TV viewing on their website such as: “Children and teenagers may be more susceptible to health issues associated with viewing in 3D and should be closely supervised when viewing these images”. There is also a connection between the time duration of watching and the level of symptoms that arise according to (Khatdib 2010). The reason seems to be that eye has difficulties knowing where to put the focus when watching a 3D sequence, on the screen surface or on the object shown in the sequence.

From hardware perspective there are issues that may slow down the spread of 3D-TV. For home entertainment the TV with active shutter glasses are common, many people do not want to use the glasses that are needed. Uncomfortable and inconvenient are common reasons. Added to that is that the glasses come at a quite high cost and the masses with normally limited budget are not very keen on adding those extra thousands on the system. In addition you will have darker vision and things in the environments will be harder to see.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

There are compatibility issues with 3D. One 3D source requires its own glasses to communicate with it. It is likely this will change in the future opening up doors for alternative manufacturers’ hence cheaper alternatives.

To a very large extent international standards are lacking for 3DTV.

3 Experience tests

There are three major techniques used to present 3D sequences today. In this test we compare two of them. Today the TV´s intended usage areas are different so it is not eligible to state a conclusion which is better than the other. It would just be interesting to know peoples thoughts about these two as the technique looks today. The TV´s display its 3D content in different ways and it is known that their usage area is not the same at present. Price difference would be one reason for this. But by comparing the two 3D-TV´s it may be possible to see if a technique is welcomed by viewers even in an environment where it is presently not used.

3.1 Method

Being able to implement this work in later project the documentation is essential. All from preparations to results. The method is constructed from the tasks carried out during this project. This covers from the preparations done, the experience test and the collecting of data, analyzing the data and making of conclusions.

3.1.1 Preparations

To increase the probability that the outcome will be as satisfactory as possible the planning is important. It is important to state what is going to be done during the project. This should be thought of in the project’s initial phase.

• Product requirements (customer agrees?) • Time schedule (intermediate goals and milestones) • Project members • Sources of information • Task assignment to project members • Structure of the work and document


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

This can be described in a project definition document (se Appendix 1). This information can be changed during the project if needed. It is strongly recommended that this document is created to always be clear on what, when, how and why things are going to be done.

When doing a test like this where the time schedule for the actual execution of the test is very tight. There are many things that can go wrong so it is a very good idea to try to predict and solve as many as possible to prevent them from happening and possibly have a backup plan if that is the case. To foresee a problem it must be known or guessed what things or stage that can be a problem. So it is good to list everything that is going to be done and used.

• Illness (backup person, does he/she have the info needed?) • Hardware (backup hardware, is it working in the same way, tested?) • Software (options if failing, tested?) • Documents (final versions, accessible, printed) • Measuring (measure equipment?) • Bookings (premises) • Work items (everything that is going to be done)

Due to limited access to hardware i.e. autostereoscopic TV in our case, it was clear that this test needed to be done in one day. We would have everything up and running in the evening before ready to perform the test the morning after. When it is known that the hardware is ready and the timeslots are set it is time to set up a test panel.

3.1.2 Tests and collecting of data

A list of the activities that each test pilot had to perform was created in preparation, to estimate the time that should be required for each of them when the test was performed. In this test we wanted to document people’s experience when watching movie sequences on two different 3D-TVs. It was estimated that 1.5 minute’s evaluation repeated twice, would be sufficient time for the test pilots to obtain an opinion. The idea was to watch one TV for 1.5 minute and then rate the quality as well as the how demanding it was on five graded category scale. After that the test pilot switched to the other TV and watched 1.5 minute after which a new rating took place. The procedure was then repeated.

The 3D materials that were used in this test were considered for both technologies to be modern high quality material. Since the autostereoscopic screen was using eight views material, it was not possible to use exactly the same material on the stereoscopic TV, but the contents for the two TVs were selected to be a mixture so different aspects of the performances were highlighted. The content categories of sequences that were used for both monitors were: underwater life, airplanes, and animation movies.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Technically it would have been possible to extract two views of the eight views, but that would have been difficult, time consuming and it would not have been certain that the result would have been good enough to make a fair comparison.

Before the test was done the vision abilities of the test persons were checked. In this type of test this is often referred to as screening. The test persons were tested for; (Figure 1), 3D vision and visual acuity (Figure 2). No matter the outcomes of the vision tests the test persons were allowed to participate in the 3D test.

. Figure 9. Color identification Figure 10. Character identification

When the test person arrived he/she was asked to read an instruction document (Appendix 2) of how the test was going to be done and all the different steps involved. That document also contained a set of questions that were answered before the test. The purpose was to document the test people’s earlier experience with 3D-TV.

After the 3D experience test was done the test person was asked to answer a few finalizing questions (Appendix 2).

Below the tasks for each test person are shown together with an estimate of the time duration for the task:

Read instruction + answer introductive questions 5min Vision test (supervised) 10 min 3D experience test (supervised) 10 min Final questions to be answered 5min

Total time for testing that required assistance were set to 20 minutes.

With the estimated time above a schedule with booked test persons was made. In one day 25 people were booked to participate in the test. The test persons were a mixture of both people with experience and those who have never watched 3D-TV.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

3.1.3 Data analysis

Next step was to organize and analyze the data. The organizing can for example be done by creating a database that would contain all the data or by listing it directly in tables. From this information statistical analysis can be performed. This can then be presented in graphs or diagrams. One benefit with the database solution is that it is possible to get a specific set of data from the database by asking questions with conditions. With the tables solutions this work has to be done manually. Which solution to choose is depend of in which way the data will be handled or accessed and also what you really need to get out from the data.

In this project it is decided to present the data in table graphs and also plot the data to make it more lucid.

3.2 Environment

The room (Figure xx) in which our test took place was set up to simulate a standard living room. Choice of distance and light conditions was set with consideration of which the hardware operates at best. Furniture and surroundings were placed in a way that as little as possible would distract the viewer from focusing on the TV. Room specifications:

Width: 4.1m Height: 2.8m Depth: 6.1m Light condition during test: 3lux at TV position and at the viewing position Viewer to TV A: 2.7 m Viewer to TV B: 4 m TV A floor height: 50cm TV B floor height: 45cm


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Figure 11. Showroom

3.3 Validity and reliability

In making correct conclusions from a test with test persons it is important that the data collected is trustful. In general, the results or numbers would have a higher trustfulness the more test persons that take part in the test, if the questions are clear and unambiguous. In this test 21 people were participating which should give a rather wide variation of answers and minimize the risk of faulty tendency.

The questions that have been asked during the test have been formulated in a way to minimize the risk of misunderstanding of the meaning of the question. Faults can occur when using words that have several meanings or if there is a misunderstanding of the words due to for example language issues. It is also important to formulate the question so it gives answer on the correct thing. Before the test the test person is to be so called screened, this means that the test persons´ vision abilities are checked. Proper vision is a condition to get a fair outcome. If a test person will not fulfill the criteria his’ or hers data may be omitted from the statistics.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

4 Results

In this chapter all collected data is presented. The form used during the test is put as an appendix (Appendix 2, 3). In the conclusion section, statements are made based on the data below. Table A contains the data that was collected in the comparison part of the test. Here can be seen how many test persons that gave a certain grade on the monitors both rounds

Table 1. Answers in % from sequence view Första omgången Andra omgången

Hur var kvalitén på sekvensen? (I avseende 3D effektfullhet, skärpa, färger, kontrast) Skärm A % Skärm B % Skärm A % Skärm B % Usel Dålig 3 20,0 3 20,0 OK 3 20,0 8 53,3 2 13,3 7 46,7 Bra 8 53,3 4 26,7 9 60,0 4 26,7 Utmärkt 4 26,7 4 26,7 1 6,7

Hur ansträngande för ögonen var det att titta på sekvensen? Mycket 1 6,7 Ganska 3 20,0 4 26,7 1 6,7 Lite 3 20,0 5 33,3 9 60,0 8 53,3 Väldigt Lite 4 26,7 2 13,3 2 13,3 3 20,0 Opåverkad 5 33,3 4 26,7 3 20,0 3 20,0

Table 2. Number and percentage of answers in the pre and post questions

Har du tittat på 3D biofilm tidigare? Man Kvinna % Aldrig 2 9,5 Enstaka tillfällen 7 2 42,9 Ett antal tillfällen 6 1 33,3 Många gånger 3 14,3

Har du tittat på 3D-TV tidigare? Aldrig 8 2 47,6 Enstaka tillfällen 7 33,3 Ett antal tillfällen 1 4,8 Många gånger 3 14,3


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Har du varit försöksperson i liknande test? Ja 4 19,0 Nej 14 3 81,0

Tröttare i ögonen efter än före? Ja 5 2 33,3 Nej 13 1 66,7

Yr eller illamående efter försöket? Ja 1 4,8 Nej 17 3 95,2

3D bidrar till en förhöjd upplevelsekvalité? Mycket sämre 1 4,8 Lite sämre 1 4,8 Samma nivå på upplevelse som 2D-TV 1 4,8 Lite högre 7 1 38,1 Mycket högre 9 2 52,4

Vilken TV skulle du föredra? Stereoskopisk 11 1 57,1 Autostereoskopisk 6 2 38,1

Hur mycket mer skulle du betala för 3D? Inget mer 2 9,5 <10% 2 1 14,3 10-20% 3 14,3 20-30% 7 2 42,9 30-40% 2 9,5 >40% 2 9,5

3D 2D Vilka påstående passar bäst? 3DTV är en tillfällig händelse och är borta om något år 1 4,8 3DTV kommer starkt 12 3 71,4 Rädd att det behövs extragrejor för 3D, ex. digitalbox 9 1 47,6 Tror inte utbudet kommer vara så stort 4 1 23,8 Ser fram emot 3DTV, sport, shower, filmer 9 3 57,1 Gärna ha 3DTV, glasögonen stör mig inte 6 28,6 Gärna ha 3DTV, om jag slapp glasögonen 9 2 52,4


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Troligen blir min nästa TV en 3DTV 7 33,3

3D-TV contributes to a higher experince quality compared to 2D-TV? 6 Grade scale: 1. Much worse 5 2. Little worse 3. Same as 2D-TV 4 4. Little higher 5. Much higher


2 Given grade Given 1

0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Age

Figure 12. Test persons plotted according to age/grade of 3D experience


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Quality of the seqence, 3D effect, contrast, color? (Round 1)

60 50 40

% 30 Stereoscopic 20 10 0 Bad Not good Okej Good Excelent Grade Figure 13. Collected data from question 1 during sequence viewing

Quality of the seqence, 3D effect, contrast, color? (Round 2)

70 60 50 40 % Stereoscopic 30 20 10 0 Bad Not good Okej Good Excelent Grade Figure 14. Collected data from question 1 during sequence viewing


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

How strenous was it for the eyes to watch the sequenses? Round 1

35 30 25 20 Stereoscopic % Autostereoscopic 15 10 5 0 Alot Quite Little Very little Unaffected Grade Figure 15. Collected data from question 2 during sequence viewing

How strenous was it for the eyes to watch the sequenses? Round 2 70 60 50 40 Stereoscopic % 30 20 10 0 Alot Quite Little Very little Unaffected Grade Figure 16. Collected data from question 2 during sequence viewing


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

5 Conclusion

By carrying out this project knowledge has been obtained on how projects like this could be organized from start till end, also how to collect data and make conclusions from them and present it.

When it comes to the grades of the two TV´s it was not the aim of this project to state which technology that was better than the other. But to get a clue of people´s thoughts when watching an autostereoscopic monitor compared to the most common 3D-TV for home. There are also other characteristics of the 3D-TV that cannot be evaluated in a short test like this one, such as time dependent issues. By seeing the positive response of the autostereoscopic monitor it is clear that it can be used in a range of implementations. In the Conclusions statements are made based on the data collected.

Conclusions Monitor A (stereoscopic) One person thinks that the picture quality increases the 2nd time they are shown People have a tendency to stick to the grade of the experienced quality, a 2nd watch does not affect Everyone agrees on that Philips monitor with glasses gives a picture of high quality Average experienced picture quality on monitor A is good, almost excellent 60% think that they are unaffected or very little strenuous after watching the first time This number lowers to 33% after the 2nd time of watching the monitor, most feels little affected then

Monitor B (autostereoscopic) The experienced sequence quality is near identical the 2nd time as the 1st time 3 people of 15 thinks that the picture quality is poor Majority thinks that the picture quality is OK, and a few that it´s Good More than 1/2 of the panel think that it´s little or kind of strenuous for the eyes to watch

General Early 2011 half of the panel have never watched 3D-TV 1/3 felt more tired in the eyes after the test than before 1 person felt little ill or dizzy after the test 2/3 prefer the monitor without glasses and 83% of them says it´s because it has higher picture quality and 3D effect Most people that prefer the monitor without glasses gives the reason: higher picture quality. A minority gives the reason comfort Test panel are willing to pay 20% more for a 3D-TV than a 2D-TV 70% thinks that 3D-TV is on its way to become common Around 50% feels that 3D contribute with a much higher viewing experience There is a tendency that younger people are more positive to the 3D experience Figure 17. Conclusions made from all the data collected


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

When it comes to the time estimation it is clear that 15 minutes per test person were too short time, mainly because the tasked performed was not as systematic as expected. Discussions etc. takes time. To gain time some test persons performed only parts of the test. Some test persons did not show up and some were delayed. This was expected with this type of short tests and was once again a reminder to go through the different steps and create a realistic time schedule.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

6 References

Reports and books:

Information display (Nov/Dec 2010). SID Society for information Display, Vol 26, Nos 11&12, ,Page32.

Slamin, B. (2004). High Definition TV – The Essential Guide for TV Professionals, Digital TV Group, UK, Page48.

Poynton, C. (2003). Digital Video and HDTV Algorithms and Interfaces, San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, Elsevier Science.

Wang K. Brunnström K. (2009). 3D-TV Technologies Pre Study Report, Report Nr acr032288,


3Dstereo (2011) ,Accessed 110708

Begelow K, ,Picture1, Accessed 110708

Castle A (2010) , Accessed 110708

DVB-3D-TV , Accessed 110708

GeekWithLaptop (2010) , Accessed 110708

Khatib D (2010) unwanted-side-effects , Accessed 110708

Livolsi B (2010) ,Disadvantages of Anaglyph 3D, Accessed 110708

Livolsi B (2010) , Shutter, Accessed 110708

Nintendo (2010) , Accessed 110708

Novinson E, ,10 GBase, Accessed 110708

Teracom (2011) ,Muxar, Accessed 110708

Wallén J (2008) , Accessed 110708

WhatsOnDalian (2010) , Accessed 110708


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Wikipedia 1 ,History, Accessed 110708

Wikipedia 2, Accessed 110708

Wikipedia 3 ,Section1, Accessed 110708

Wikipedia 4 , Accessed 110708

Wikipedia 5 ,Video, Accessed 110708

Witte A (2007) , Accessed 110708

Wrenn E (2009) dimension-TVs-computers-consoles.html , Accessed 110708

7 Appendix

I Project definition

II Instruction to test person

III Test questions

IV Datasheet: Alioscopy 3D HD 42

V Datasheet: Philips 46PFL9705H/12 46


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Upplevelsetest av 3D-monitor



Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience


1. Inledning

1.1 Syftet med detta dokument

1.2 Målgrupp

1.3 Personer i projektet

2. Projektbeskrivning

2.1 Syfte

2.2 Problembeskrivning

2.3 Intressenter

3. Avgränsningar

4. Tidplan


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

1. Inledning

Den här dokumentationen är en beskrivning av ett examensarbete som kommer att utföras på företaget Acreo AB hösten 2010 av Henrik Sten.

1.1 Syftet med detta dokument

Syftet med dokumentet är att beskriva hur projektet kommer fortlöpa och vad projektet kommer innefatta. Det skall också beskriva vilka som är inblandade i projektet och vem resultaten är menade för. Idén är att från början ha en klar bild av vad som skall göras och vad själva projektet går ut på. Under projektets gång ska man kunna vänta sig till projektdefinitionen för att se om något förbisetts.

1.2 Målgrupp

Projektdefinitionen är menad för projektets deltagare, examinator på skolan och handledare på Acreo eller andra som har intresse i hur projektet kommer att fortgå.

1.3 Personer i projektet

Personerna som på ett eller annat sätt är inblandade i uppgiften är:

Kun Wang, doktorand på mittuniversitetet och forskar på Acreo. Kun har jobbat i liknande projekt och har i och med det samlat på sig mycket kunskap. Kun har skrivit rapporter som jag kan ändvända som kunskapskälla.

Kjell Brunnström är anställd på Acreo och jobbar i projekt som detta. Han kommer vara min handledare och styra projektet och tillhandahålla med kunskap. Kjell kommer också ha den mesta av kontakten med uppdragsgivaren.

Anders Sjögren, programansvarig och utbildare på Datorteknikprogrammet på ICT KTH i Kista. Anders kommer granska mitt material och komma med förslag till förbättring under projektets gång. Han har också rollen som examinator.

Examensarbetare Henrik Sten ICT KTH

Handledare Kjell Brunnström Acreo

Examinator Anders Sjögren KTH

Support Kun Wang Mittuniversitetet/Acreo


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

2. Projektbeskrivning

Här följer en redogörelse för syftet med att genomföra projektet och vilket material som är tänkt eller förväntat att komma ut ur projektet. De företag som är inblandade ska listas och beskrivas och även dess roll. Man ska också förstå problemet som ger upphov till den här uppgiften.

2.1 Syfte

Det finns ett intresse i att få reda på hur en viss 3D-teknik upplevs i realistiska situationer. Utifrån ett visst antal tester av teknikerna förs statistik som kan används vid vidareutveckling av skärmar. Målet är få ut en sammanställd information om upplevelsekvalitén av en viss teknik samt ta fram ett arbetssätt för hur ett jämförelsetest kan genomföras.

2.2 Problembeskrivning

Acreo har intresse i att genomföra ett upplevelsetest av 3-dimentionell videopresentation. Det gäller två olika typer av 3D-skärmar. Dessa två skärmar använder olika tekniker för att producera 3D-video. Idén är att rigga dessa skärmar i en miljö som skall återspegla ett standard vardagsrum, då med hänsyn till mått, avstånd och ljusförhållanden. En testpanel bestående av ett visst antal personer sätts samman. Denna grupp av personer får representera de svenska tv-tittarna.

Testet kommer utföras så att ett antal videosekvenser presenteras för åskådaren, dessa sekvenser är producerade med hjälp av olika tekniker. Skillnaderna kan vara kamerautrustning som används vid inspelning eller/och hur videoformatet har kodats. Dessa sekvenser ska spelas upp på båda typerna av skärmar. Wizzcom kommer förse med material men Acreo har också tillgång ett antal från tidigare projekt.

Varje försöksperson skall gradera alla sekvenser på en 5-nivå skala. Personen ska också på en 3-nivå skala gradera ett antal påståenden som jämför de två olika skärmarna. All data sammanställs för att sedan kunna analyseras.

3D-tekniken är i dagsläget relativt oförstådd hos allmänheten, det här arbetet ska förhoppningsvis kunna beskriva 3D-teknikerna fram till idag på ett begripligt sätt. Arbetet ska alltså kunna bidra till att fler upplyses om ämnet.

Teknisk information om skärmarna och detaljerad information om testmiljön ska presenteras i projektrapporten som kommer att utvecklas under projektets gång.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

2.3 Intressenter

Företagen som är involverade i det här projektet är Wizzcom och Acreo AB. Wisscoms verksamhet innefattar bland annat utveckling av paneler och deras förväntningar är att få tillgång till de sammanställda data som tagits fram ur testerna. Hur resultaten ska sammanställas och formateras kommer att framgå i projektrapporten.

Bortsett från företagen inblandade i projektet så har också KTH intresse i arbetet. Allt som gjorts kommer sammanställas i en slutlig rapport. Det är tänkt att rapporten ska beskriva alla moment som utförts men även innehålla granskning och analys av ämnet. Detta med en vinkling i datorteknik och nätverkskommunikation. Rapporten kommer vara tillgänglig för alla som har intresse i ämnet eller för den som söker information om hur projekt som detta kan genomföras.

3. Avgränsningar

Projektet kommer att innefatta tester av två olika monitorer och det är de testerna och resultaten som är själva huvudvärdet i arbetet. Som komplement kommer jag belysa ämnet ytterligare då jag beskriver hur dessa två TVs/tekniker arbeta då 3D-bilerna framställs. Principen för 3D generellt kommer också förklaras och även de datortekniker som finns för ett framställa 3D.

4. Tidplan

Beskrivning Vecka Tidåtgång (t) Fördelning 400t


8% 14% 1. Projektdefinition 1, 2 55 2 30% 3 25% 2. Påläsning i ämnet 3 100 4 1% 5 3. Uppsättning miljön 4, 5 30 5% 7% 10% 6 4. Utförande av tester 6 40 7 8 5. Sammanställning 6-12 20

6. Uppföljningsmöte 12 5

7. Rapportskrivning 12-14 120

8. Presentation 15 30


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Instruktion till testperson

Till att börja med, tack för att du vill delta i det här upplevelsetestet. Ditt deltagande är värdefullt för oss. Resultaten kommer att presenteras i examensarbetes rapport och kanske på internationella konferenser eller i tidskrifter.

Försöket ser ut på följande sätt:

Först kommer du att få svara på några inledande frågor. Efter det gör vi några syntester för att dokumentera din synförmåga. Detta tar bara några minuter. Sedan förflyttar vi oss in i vår testmiljö här intill.

Testet går till så att du kommer få se 3D video presenterade på två olika typer av 3DTV-skärmar. Först på den ena TV:n. sedan på den andra, och sedan upprepas detta en gång. Efter varje TV-byte svarar du på frågor på en dator som står uppställd i rummet.

Du ombeds att bedöma kvaliteten av din 3D upplevelse. Upplevelsekvaliteten är helhetsbedömningen av din upplevelse av djup, färg, mönster, skärpa osv som du får när videoklippen betraktas på 3DTV apparaterna. Det finns 5 adjektiv att välja på:

• Utmärkt (Upplevelsekvaliteten är mycket bra och du har svårt att tänka att den kan bli bättre) • Bra • Varken eller (Ganska bra, men inte så dålig) • Dålig • Usel (Upplevelsekvaliteten är så dåligt att det inte går att titta på)

Det som står ovan inom parantes är bara en vägledning och kommer inte att visas under försöket.

Den ena TV:n är en så kallad stereoskopisk TV med tillhörande aktiva 3D-glasögon. 3D-glasögonens funktion är att visa varannan bild för vartdera ögat. På TV:n visas filmerna med en frekvens på 200 bilder per sekund alltså 100 bilder per sekund och öga. Detta är tillräckligt för att ge ett bra flyt i filmen. Via en IR-länk är glasögonen synkroniserade med videokällan.

Den andra TV:n är en autostereoskopisk skärm vars teknik bygger på att bilderna som visas passerar en speciell lins som sprider ljuset i ett antal zoner i rummet. 3D filmens alla vyer sprids ut i zonerna. Idéen är att ögonen skall befinna sig i olika zoner vilket gör att man kan uppfatta 3D. Under tiden du tittar på den här TV:n, prova att flytta dig en aning i sidled för att hitta optimal position. När du har hittat en bra position försök att behålla den under resten av visningen.

Observera att du inte ska göra någon bedömning av den konstnärliga kvaliteten eller vårt val av video innehåll.

Totalt tar försöket ca 15 minuter.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Avslutningsvis skulle vi vilja få svar på ytterligare några frågor på sida 4. Någon person kommer att vara i närheten under hela försöket.

Vi vill också informera dig om att experimentet är ofarligt och frivilligt och du kan när som helst avbryta testet utan att uppge någon anledning. Informationen som du lämnar kommer avidentifieras och behandlas konfidentiellt.


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Ifylles av försökspersonen innan försöken

Namn: ______Ålder:______Kön: O Man / O Kvinna

Känner du dig yr eller har ont i huvudet? O Ja / O Nej

Känns dina ögon känns fullt friska/fungerande? O Ja / O Nej

Känner du dig ovanligt trött just nu? O Ja / O Nej

Har du tittat på 3D biofilm tidigare? O aldrig/ O enstaka tillfällen, O ett antal tillfällen, O många gånger

Har du tittat på 3DTV tidigare? O aldrig/ O enstaka tillfällen, O ett antal tillfällen, O många gånger

Har du varit försöksperson i något liknande försök tidigare? O Ja / O Nej

Om ja i så vilken typ och hur länge sedan? svar: ______

Syntest: Ifylles av testledaren

Synskärpa: Höger ______Vänster ______

Glasögon/linser/terminalglasögon: ______

Färgseende: (antal rätt) ______

3D-seende: ______


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Avslutande frågor

1) Känner du dig tröttare i ögonen efter försöket än du gjorde innan försöken? O Ja O Nej

2) Känner du dig yr eller illamående efter försöken? O Ja O Nej

3) Tycker du att 3D TV bidrar till en totalt sett förhöjd upplevelsekvalitet jämfört med 2D TV? O Mycket sämre O Lite sämre O Samma nivå på upplevelse som 2D-TV O Lite högre O Mycket högre

4) Vilken av dessa 3D TV apparater som du testat skulle du föredra? O Den med glasögon O Den utan glasögon

5) Vilken är den viktigaste orsaken till att du gjorde detta val? Svar (texta):______

6) Hur mycket mer skulle du kunna tänka dig att betala för den 3D-TV som du föredrar än en 2D-TV? O Inget mer O <10% O 10-20% O 20-30% O 30-40% O >40%


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

7) I jämförelse mellan 3DTV och 2DTV, vilka påståenden passar bäst? (Du får fylla i flera) O Jag tror att 3DTV bara är en tillfällig händelse och kommer att var borta om något år. O Jag tror att 3DTV kommer starkt. O Jag är rädd för att det kommer att behövas massa nya extragrejor för att få 3DTV, som t ex ny digitalbox. O Jag tror inte det kommer att finnas så mycket filmer eller annat att se i 3D de närmaste åren. O Jag ser fram emot att se 3DTV, t ex sport, shower, filmer och reklam O Jag skulle gärna ha 3DTV och glasögonen stör mig inte. O Jag skulle gärna ha 3DTV om jag slapp glasögonen. O Jag tror att min nästa TV blir en 3DTV


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Test Questions


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Alioscopy 3D HD 42"

Data Sheet


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Display specifications LCD Panel CMO 42" Source display Delta S42BN Optical component (720 lenses) Brightness - Contrast Same as source display features Resolution 1920 x 1080 only (native 16:9 resolution) Number of view points 8 2D Capacity Yes Digital input DVI only Display weight without stand 52 kg Display weight with stand 57 kg Packaging weight 63 kg Packaging dimensions Height: 75.5 cm - Length: 113.5 cm - Width: 24 cm Display diagonal 42 inch / 106 cm Panel size 93.5 cm x 53 cm Display dimension without stand Height: 61.1 cm - Width: 101.8 cm - Depth: 14.4 cm Display dimension with stand Height: 66.1 cm - Width: 101.8 cm - Depth: 20.7 cm Optimal viewing distance 4,00 m Minimum viewing distance 2,50 m Maximum viewing distance 9,00 m Viewing angle 100° Sweet spots width 52 cm (8 x 6.5 cm) Number of sweet spots 16 Number of spectators 1 to 40 Main original display specifications Image dimension ratio 16:09 Native resolution 1920 x 1080 Pixel Pitch 0.4845 mm x 0.4845 mm Contrast Ratio (typ.) 3000:01:00 Brightness (typ.) [cd/m2] 500cd/m2 Response Time (typ.) [ms] 6.5 (grey-to-grey) Colours [million] 16.77 Horizontal Frequency [kHz] 30 ~ 80 Vertical Frequency [Hz] 56 ~ 75 Video Input 1 x DVI, 1 x VGA, RS232 Audio 2x8W Audio In: RLx1, 3,5 blue jack x1, RCA Out (RL) Power Consumption (typ.) [W] 260 Power Requirements AC 100V - 240 V (50/60Hz) Operating Temperature [°C] 0 to 40 Wall mount VESA FPMPMI Recommended settings Video Mode USER Black Level 52 Contrast 66 Color 32 Hue 50 Sharpness 50 Backlight 74 Color Temperature LOW


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience 1 Effekt och mottagning


Produktspecifikationerna kan ändras utan föregående meddelande. Fler specifikationer för produkten finns på

Effekt • Nätström: AC 220–240 V +/-10 % • Omgivningstemperatur: 5°C till 35°C • Effektförbrukning i standbyläge: < 0,15 W • Energisparfunktioner: ljussensor, miljöläge, bildavstängning (för radio), timer för automatisk avstängning, menyn Miljöinställningar.


• Antenningång: 75 ohm koaxial (IEC75) • TV -system: DVB COFDM 2 K/8 K • Videouppspelning: NTSC, SECAM, PAL • DVB: DVB Terrestrial*, DVB-T MPEG4*, DVB-C MPEG4*, DVB-S MPEG4 HD, MHEG (* se gällande länder på TV:ns typplatta) • Mottagningsband: Hyperband, S-kanaler, UHF, VHF

1.1 Bild och ljud

Visning/bild • Diagonal storlek: - 32PFL9705: 81 cm/32 tum - 40PFL9705: 102 cm/40 tum - 46PFL9705: 116 cm/46 tum


Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

• Bildförbättring: - Perfect Pixel HD Engine - LED Pro - 32PFL9705: 200 Hz Clear LCD - 40, 46PFL9705: 400 Hz Clear LCD*

• Bildskärmstyp: LCD- skärm med Full HD, 2D- segmenterad LED- bakgrundsbelysning • Skärmupplösning: 1 920 x 1 080 pixlar • Färgbehandling: 2 250 biljoner färger 17 bitars RGB • Ljusstyrka: 500 cd/m2 • Dynamisk kontrast: 10 000 000:1 • Svarstid (normal): 0,5 (motsv. BEW) ms

* 400 Hz Clear LCD: visar 400 scener per sekund genom att kombinera avancerad 200 Hz-teknik med skannande bakgrundsbelysning vid 50 % arbetscykel.

Ljud • Uteffekt (RMS): 2 x 15 W • Dolby Digital Plus-, Dolby Pulse - Dolby- och dubbel- D-symbolen är registrerade varumärken som tillhör Dolby Laboratories. • Högtalartyper: 2 runda diskanthögtalare, 2 bashögtalare

1.2 Skärmupplösningar

Videoformat Upplösning – uppdateringsfrekvens • 480i – 60 Hz • 480p – 60 Hz • 576i – 50 Hz • 576p – 50 Hz • 720p – 50 Hz, 60 Hz • 1080i – 50 Hz, 60 Hz • 1080p – 24 Hz, 25 Hz, 30 Hz • 1080p – 50 Hz, 60 Hz



Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience

Upplösning – uppdateringsfrekvens • 640 x 480p – 60 Hz (VGA/HDMI) • 800 x 600p – 60 Hz (VGA/HDMI) • 1024 x 768p – 60 Hz (VGA/HDMI) • 1280 x 768p – 60 Hz (VGA/HDMI) • 1360 x 765p – 60 Hz (VGA/HDMI) • 1360 x 768p – 60 Hz (VGA/HDMI) • 1280 x 1024p – 60 Hz (HDMI) • 1920 x 1080i – 60 Hz (HDMI) • 1920 x 1080p – 60 Hz (HDMI)

1.3 Anslutningar

Baksidan av TV:n • EXT1 Scart: Audio L/R, CVBS-ingång, RGB • EXT2 Scart: Audio L/R, CVBS-ingång, RGB • EXT3: Y Pb Pr, Audio L/R • VGA (D-sub 15), Audio In (stereominiuttag 3,5 mm) • HDMI 1 – ARC -ingång (HDMI v1.4) • HDMI 2-ingång (HDMI v1.3) • HDMI 3-ingång (HDMI v1.3) • Audio In (DVI till HDMI)(stereominiuttag 3,5 mm)

• Audio Out L/R – synkroniserad visning (koaxial -cinch -S/PDIF) • Hörlurar (stereominiuttag 3,5 mm) • Nätverk – (RJ45) • 3D Out (endast på 40PFL9705 och 46PFL9705)

Sidan av TV:n • HDMI-ingång på sidan (HDMI v1.3) • 2x USB • Common interface-fack (CAM) • SD-kortfack (SD High Capacity)(när Video lagrar minne)

1.4 Mått och vikt

32PFL9705 Bredd 767 mm Höjd 490 mm Djup 66 mm med TV –stativ Höjd 526 mm Djup 220 mm

40PFL9705 Bredd 955 mm 6

Comparison of technologies for three dimensional television with respect to viewing experience Höjd 596 mm Djup 69mm med TV –stativ Höjd 632 mm Djup 240 mm

46PFL9705 Bredd 1 088 mm Höjd 671 mm Djup 69 mm med TV –stativ Höjd 707 mm Djup 260 mm