No 65 March 2012 LexisNexis (a division of Reed Elsevier (Greater China) Ltd) Publisher Adam Jordan IPBA JOURNAL Editor The Official Publication of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association Wilda Fong Editorial No 65 March 2012 CY Mak Design Zoe Yau IPBA News Advertising Sales 4 The President’s Message Jennifer Luk 5 The Secretary-General’s Message Tel: 852-2965-1432 Fax: 852-2976-0840 6 The IPBA 22nd Annual Meeting and Conference Email:
[email protected] 8 IPBA Event Calendar 9 IPBA Moderators’ Highlights from the Conference An imprint of LexisNexis Legal Update (a division of Reed Elsevier (Greater China) Ltd) 16 The Best Paper Prize Winner 3901, 39/F, Hopewell Centre, ‘What’s in a Name’… John Doe Arrives in India 183 Queen’s Road East, The winning article of the 2nd Annual Best Paper Prize Program examines the Hong Kong origins of the John Doe order, also known as a ‘rolling’ Anton Piller order, and Tel: 852-2965-1400 considers the various approaches used by different jurisdictions in using these Fax: 852-2976-0840 orders as a means of enforcing intellectual property rights. This article then analyzes the usage of John Doe orders and further initiatives taken by the Indian Courts Internet: 26 The Gambling Business in Vietnam: What can Foreign Email address: Investors Expect?
[email protected] Vietnam is poised to become a major destination for gambling business investors. However, under Vietnamese law, gambling is discouraged. This article examines the ISSN 1469-6495 pros and cons to opening the casino business in Vietnam and the uncertainty that exists in the country’s gambling regulations IPBA Journal is the official journal of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association.